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I THE OCCULT MAGAZINE: A MONTHLY :JOURNAL OF anb fr.lbilosopbical 1Research. !::· ' VOLUME I. I 8 8 5. .. , /1 -' I 1..·· L \.t ' /11()' /• / ' ' I I "A Chronicle of Strange, and Secret, and Forgotten Things." - ----- ; ::' - - ·. -------- - . . JI I
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    anb fr.lbilosopbical 1Research. !::· '

    VOLUME I. I 8 8 5.

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    "A Chronicle of Strange, and Secret, and Forgotten Things." -


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    Dsgchl.caL and .fJ>!u'/asa/Llzl.caL Illcscat:ch .

    11 A Chronicle of Strange, and_ Si:trct, and f.Or.i;olfen Tiiings. "-SHELLEY • .. VoL. I. No. r.) GLASGOW, FEBRUARY, 1885. (PRICE ONE PENNY.

    ------- - --- ------------- ··-----------·---------

    TABLE OF J•.,GE i

    Introductory,.... 1 ' • l'.-\GE:

    .-\ndent and tlieir 11c:i_ning, .... 4 I \Vho was Hypatia, and \vho are the i

    !'AGE Occult Psychological Phenomena, or

    Strange Facts in 1\'ature,.. ... 6 Important Announcement, .. Explanatory.. 2 The Book of the King of .-\nimon, ... 2

    Heretics?.... 5 · Gcnernl Items, •. _ .............. 7 ! To. Currespondcnts, 8

    --·----·- ··----------- ==============-------t!)mniot Uindt l1 nit.15.

    TO OUR READERS. SunscRIJ'TIO:\' R,\TEs.-Single Copies, post free, 1-;\-d.; for

    Twelve :'.\fonths, 1s. 6d .. Si'ECJAI,.N°OTICE.-To any one sending us F1\'E Subscribers'

    N;lmes for One Year, we will pest Tiie Ouult Afa.:;a::ine as a prcmhtm for that period.



    EXPLANATORY. 'VE hun1bly trust that such articles, as· are fro1n time to tin1e appearing in our pages, 1nay induce

    ·our readers to study the history and b.chie\·e1nents of those noble rnen \Vhose glorious nan1es - dis-figured so 1nuch by the prejudiced, conceited, and

    110\V and again been identified with the secret Fraternities. . 't. .

    \Ve need never trouble ourselves to go s6 'rar back into the past, as the time of the School_ of Alexandria even, in order to satisfy ourselves upon these points, for the very history of 1nodern tin1es itself supplies the proofs. But an1ongst the 1nyriad parchn1ents of the ancient and Chaldean Philosophers, \\'hich had been destroyed by orders of Diocletian and Cxsar, and used sacrilegiously to fire the baths of Alexandria, ALL are NOT LOST, but the n1ost valuable re1nain perfectly well-guarded and wisely hidden in obscurity fro111 the eyes of the worldly-minded, the inquisitive, an

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    1 Hi:. UL.LUL1 1YI/-\\J.n./_,Ll"IJ.:.,. -------·------------ ----·----- ----- ---- ----·-------- ----- ------- -- --

    Greeks, 0 IZing, have new forms of speech to pro-duce their argutnents, and their Philosophy is but a vehen1ence of words. \\'e use, on the contrary, not on1y 'vords, but the grand language of Facts.

    1'his Speech I 'vill con11nence by an J n\'ocation to God, the Ruler of the Universe, the Creator nnd the Fat11er, in who1n all things are contained, who is All in One and One in All. For the entirely of all things is Unity, and in Unity; one £tate is not lower than the other, the two are one. Bear this in mind, 0 King, during the complete enunciation of-tny Discourse, In vain wouldst thou distinguish between the 'Vhole and the Unity, by designating all things the I\fnltitu

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    THE OCCCLT :\lAG1\ZI:\E. --- - -- -- ---

    1nislc;i,deth. 'fhc Demons things 'ferrestrial: using our n1ents. 'fhis adaptation is lJcstiny.

    therefore all Bodies as their instru-nan1ed by Ilcnnes--

    'I'he Intelligible world is attached to God, the Sensible world to the lntelligible; the Sun regu-1.:.tes through these two worlds the J)i\·ine Proceed-ing, that is, the Creation. 1\round }Jin1, aud bound unto l:lin1self, are the Nine Spheres--the Sphere of the Fixed Stars, the Se\'en Planetary Spheres, and that which surrounds the Earth. 'l'he De1nons are attached to these Spheres, !\Ian is attached to the Den1ons, and thus all Beings are related to God, who is the Universal Father, The Creator is the Sun; the \Vorl

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    THE OCCLiLT ·)

    tin1e could l(Jlnpose a J)oclrine in daily words which would dLser\'C far 1nore praise. If it de-li\·cred usual words, \\'C should only ha\'e to follow the law-givers of the

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    ,, , ..,, J 6 THE OCCULT MAGAZINE. --c -:::-_-:-::--==---:-=--...:_=-=----------- - -=--=T- _-_______ _.:__:_.__--:-=-- - - --

    fron1 the bones" by oyster shells, anrl the ren1nants _of this noble Leing cast into the fire, by order of that notorious ruffian, Bishop Cyril, he \\'as so well acquainted with-this Cyril, the Cn11onised Saint I I and rounder of the 'frinity-a 1nurderer and a thief as well, for_ he \Vas pro\'ed guilty of having sold the gold and sihrer ornan1ents of his church.

    But the reader n1ay ask, \Vhy ,,·as Hypatia murdered? and the answer is not far to seek.

    of the_ Church, in order to con1plete their 1nco1nprehens1ble schc1ne of "pions patch-wo:k," by borrowing the teachings of Ancient Philosophy, seduced many adherents to their new religion, as the Platonic 1ight Legan to shine rather inconveniently through their religious" 1\Iysteries" by the teachings of I-Iypatia--for she had studied under Plutarch, the leader of the Athenian school, and learned all the Theurgy. 'Vhilst she lived and 111 their 111idst no dit.·ine 11 11irac1es" could take place, for she divulged the uatural canses by which such pheno1nena were produced. This \Vas q11ile sufiicicnt to in1pcril hers:Jf and her followers, l.1cnce her n1artyrdon1 by that 1nhnn1an 1nonster, Cynl, the nephe\v of another n1onster, 'I'heophilus, Bishop of Alexandria. But one tear of syn1pathy and gratitude dropped upon the grave of a n1artyr to truth, is infinitely n1ore precionS than a thousand diaden1s placed on the head of a hypocr.itical and self.sanctified despot .• or a thousand mitres grasped in the hand of a religious bigot.

    ;\ny person at all '"ho is a little in advance of the con1n1unity around him is sure to be pointed out as a dangerous heretic. Dut in.reality who are those heretics? 'l'hey are the noble and exalted souls who

  • THE OCCULT MAGAZINE. 7 ---====

    sici3.n, to ,,·horn.I revealed the whole 1nystery. 1-Je maintained that the ingredients, \vhich fonned the vapour;- nu1st of necessity violently affect.the itnagination, and tnight be very injurious according to circun1stances; he also believed tbat the preparation which was prescribed contributed n1uch to excite the in1agination, and told 111e to 1nake the trial for n1yself with a very small quantity, and. without any preparation whatever. I did so one day after dinner, when the physician had been dining with n1e : but scarcely had I cast the

    . quantun1 of ingredients into the chafiing-dish when a figure presented itself. I was, however, seized with such a horror that I 'vas obliged to leave the roo1n. I \Vas very ill dnring three hours, and thought I saw the figure always before 1ne. 'fowards evening, after inhaling the fu1nes of vinegar, and drinking it \Yith water, I "'as better again: but for three weeks afterwards I felt a debility, and the strangest part of the 111alter is, that when I ren1cn1ber the circun1stances, and look for son1e tiiue upon ,any dark object, the ashy pale figure still presents itself very vividly to n1y sight. Arter this I no longer dared to n1ake any experi1nents with it.

    "The san1e stranger gave 1ne also another powder, and asserted that if it· were Lnnnt in a churchyard during the night, a n1ultitude of the dead would be seen hovering over the graves; but as this powder consisted of nrrcQtic ingredients, which were still 111ore potent, never ventured to n1ake the atten1pt.

    " Be the tnatter, however, as it 111ay, it is still singular, and deserves the investigation of naturalists. I have already procured the opinion of several learned 1nen and friends, and n1ade no secret to them of the ingredients, but do not find it ad\'isab]e ' ]' to 1nake the111 pub tc."

    In addition to the above we shall quote herein


    n. short extract a!__ thi_s

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    THE L.\'rr: DR. RA'.'\P()LJ'H.-Jn reply to Se\eral enquiries, Paschal DL'verlcy lZan:, PHII.A-LETllES (Thos. \'aughan}, viz., LU)IEN DE LL";>.11::\'E, JIJAGIA AD.\)IIC.-\, etc.; SECRETS RE.\"EALED by COS)fOJ>OLITA;, TllF.. TRJCMPH, and A:\Cn:;-.;T \VAR of the E.:-.:1G11TS; BISHOP Sv:-.:ESius on the STONE; the Cou:-.:·r DE GAHALJS, or Upon the_SE-

    -cRET--S"CJE:\'CE-ftffe-works- ·or -Er:n;n x-s-··LE\"'T-{Ei1/:It.rli ·"'

    • The cost of each \'olume will be such as lo be within the reach of the many-not of the in no case will the price of any of \Vorks 3s. 6d. per Volume.

    E:i.ch \Vork will contain e.xplanalor;;/\rvles by the eminent Occnltist, :,\f. TllEON. It is therefore to be hoped that our --r-ReaJers will cordially Subscribe, in order to render onr efforts sdf·supporting, and thus justify our intentions.

    JIIc:anwhile should l)e sent to-The EDITOR of the Orcult Afagazitu, cjo H. NISH.ET &

    Co., 38 Stockwell Gla.!'gow. DY ORDER of the


    To A!\D KEOl'BYTES oi: THE I-I.B.L. Jo.Iagnificent \\' E:'>lBLE:O.t of this ancient;

    noble, and venerated OccULT FR,\TERi\ITY1 \\·ell_ . f9r FRAMI:'.\'G. - 2s. 6d., post free.· Address:.,..._Editor of Occult Jl1agazi1u,_at)\"IS.BET & Co.'s, 38 Stockwell Stree,t1

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    1lfANTED.-Copy of .GilOST-LAKD •. 1'.fust te irl \IV.· Good Cond.\tion.--Adllress, slating price, lo EDl"fOR

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