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THE WASHINGTON TBIES WEDNESDAY JUNE 5 1907 a- A F PLAN FOR IP Chamber of Commerce Members Arrange Excursion Music and Speeches to Be Features of Affair- At a meeting yesterday of the com- mittee on arrangements for the excur sion of the Chamber of Commerce the chairman Chapin Brown author ized to name twentyfive members to Act as a reception committee and to as- sist in details of the excursion He will announce the members of the commit tee tomorrow morning There wore present at yesterdays meeting Chapin Brown R N Harper R A Chester James F Oyster and D J Callahan Complete plans for the trip wore at the meeting The steamer will leave the Norfolk and Washington dock at 7S Monday evening June If Those who have not had dinner Sbefore leaving will have an opportunity to got the regular service or the boat and besides this a lunch tuunter has been provided at which re- freshments be had E H Droop has arranged for novel musical features for both the going and return trip To Arrive in Morning They will arrive at the exposition pier at next morning Breakfast may be had on the boat from oclock until time of disembarkation or can be had On the grounds Phlnncys Band by direction of Sidney Lloyd Wrlghtson will meet the members of the Chamber- at the boat and escort them to tha grounds the procession dispersing at Auditorium Until 11 oclock the guests will visit the various exhibition buildings At that time the reception by the Com- missioner officiate of the exposition company and members of Ute official committee on arrangements in thoArmy and Navy Exhibit building will be held The Chamber again assemble at the Auditorium at 2 oclock to attend the formal exercises of the day The program Inoludes speeches by President Tucker and Commissioner MacfArland Brig Gen John M Wilson will preside- t these exercises Myron M Parker chairman of the committee having found It inuMMMrible to attend An at- tractive musical program has also been arranged Will Visit Norfolk The chambers steamer wilt leave at oclock for a trip to Norfolk where H reception will be tendered the by Board of Trado and Aaeecifijion at their head- quarters The return trip will be com- menced about 73o oclock arriving in Washington about S of the morning of June 12 Staterooms of the chambers chartered steamer the Newport News have been almost entirely taken up already so great is the interest taken in the trip Secretary Gude is sending out notices to this effect and requesting member thinking of going to come at once to make reservations before all have been disposed of The mmittee will meet again at 4 oclock tomorrow to take any further action EMPTY PISTOL PITTSBURG June 5Robert Keller aged fourteen is at a police station In a hysterical condition on account of shooting his friend Jacob Kelmar aged twenty a storekeeper nt Butler and FIek streets The accident occurred at 1 oclock this morning while they were playing with what they thought was an unloaded revolver Kelmar is at Francis Hospital and may file examining the weapon they finally laid It aside and left the room for a few minutes In tho meantime K lmara father loaded every chamber and then retired for night When Kelmar and Keller returned the latter again picked up the gun thinking It was still unloaded pointed It at his friend and pulled the trigger The bul Ipt entered Kelmar ELYRIA Ohio June 5 Preparations are being made for the trial of Motorman Fuorndlner charged with manslaughter In connection with the Memorial Day trolley wrock which caused seven deaths A bill Juts been found by the grand jury Judge WasJiburn who was a passen- ger on the car will not sit in the case but will call in some other judge Fuemdiner Is now out on JSOOO bond He will probably be called In court and The indictment for manslaughter ls based on the allegation was running his car at an Ille- gal speed he ran into the MARK TWAIN AND REID TO GET OXFORD DEGREES LONDON June 5 Whitelaw Reid the Unltod States ambassador to Great Brit ain and Mark Twain are among those who will receive honorary degrees at Oxford University on June 25 INSANE MOTHERS WORRY DRIVES HER TO SUICIDE TRENTON June 5Under the delu sion she was of no help to her children and they would come to want though really in good circumstances Mrs Emily Jenkins of Bedminster Somor Mt odunty an Inmate of New Jersey Hospital for tho Insane for years committed suicide by hanging MERRY OUTING TO EXPOSITION AS mR 8 ti the tOda SHOOTS fRIEND St the lRYING MOTORMAN FOR MANSLAUGHTER true J I t r f ar- ranged N the t < mem- bers Busi- ness Men s r < 1 ne eseary r t liter a early his 1 x ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > MRS VANDERBILT COOL INYACHT COLLISION 250 DAMAGES GETS MRS ALFRED VANDERBILT Who Showed Her Coolness in Yacht Collision I I l- I Vi 4 Sticks to Her Boat and Refuses All Help NEWPORT Jun 5A naval board of inquiry has awarded 250 damages to Mrs Alfred G a a result of a collision between the steam launch of Rear Admiral John H Merrell com- mandant of the second naval district art the fleet thirtyfooter Caprice he accident occurred last week when Mrs Alfred G Vanderbilt was sailing the Caprice which she owns Despite Prominent Men Serve Meal to Factory Workers LYNX June i Probably the most unique breakfast in America was eaten here when several hundred of Lynns most prominent reel dents waited upon several thousand em ployes from the citys shoe factory It Ie an annual event for Lynn generally called the May breakfast From 6 a m until 10 a m the great Vl p building one of the largest fur Tories In the world was open to all corners Breakfast cost S and hlle only the welltodo were allowed to servo rich and poor sat and ate to gether Practically every prominent and business man in was present today and those in charge took pains to see that they were scattered among the workers and that the flower of democratic spirit was unchecked The profits which usually average 5000 go to charity BOY UNDER THE KNIFE CALLED BY SCHOOL BELL PITTSBURG June C GoodneM theres the last bell I must go to school or mother will be sorry And cry With these words Earl Miller aged six tried to leave the operating table at the McKeosport Hospital the physicians were about to his left leg A few minutes before while on his way to school he had been run over by a street car His right log was fractured and the was crushed DAINTY FOOD Turns Palo Chock to Pink Our best physicians of the present day seek to cure patients by the use of food rather than drugs and this is the true method for all physicians agree that only from food can the body be rebuilt Many people fail to give their physi- cians credit for after living on poorly selected or badly cooked food for a long- time perhaps and when their ailments become chronic they expect the doctor with some magic potency to Instantly rebuild them This is not possible The only true method is to turn as quickly as can be to proper food A Cincinnati 0 young lady says I was variously treated for nerves etc but the treatment gave me no relief from my alls Finally my appetite failed com- pletely and I began to have sinking spoils similar to fainting I took all manner of tonics and stimulants but were of no effect I had been brought to quit drinking coffee andtak Postum Food Coffee in Its place and gradually began to get a little better Someone suggested that If I found Postum so beneficial I had better use GrapeNuts food as they were both the children of one brain I commenced on GrapeNuts food for breakfast having Postum with it I found the so dainty delicious and appetizing that I always looked forward to breakfast with pleasure Shortly after commencing this diet wretched In was great- ly relieved and now It has none en- tirely also the sinking spoils in fact pale cheeks have changed to pink I have gained back more than the twenty pounds I and am thoroughly well In every way Read Road to Wellvllle In pkgs Theres a Reason y Vanderbilt BREAKFAST I AT LYNN MASS morn s Lynn when I t I UNIQUE Mss cents office- holder ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ her danger Mn Vanderbilt studs to boat and refused MBtetanc from the German cruiser Bremen from which the admiral wax rcturninc and Cblttaa cruiser Zenteno board reported that the collision WIM solely du to tbe coxswain of Ute naval launch The Caprice i under shipyard where she was thoro examined by the officers conducting the Inquiry Meantime Mrs Vanderbilt with her niece Miac Pauline French who Is first mate of the Caprice is at the Sagamore Camp in the Adirondacks Baiting for the craft to be repaired When the thirtyfooter ha been mended Mrs will resume her yachtng trips in NarracaMett bay MILWAUKEE Wls June 53her burn M Decker Milwaukees boy mayor has turned down W A lira dys offer of 1600 a week and expenses to play the title role in The Man of the Hour He gives as his reason that his 54009 a yew Job as mayor looks pretty good to him after And there sroaln In rattening his decision SherWe took every possible angle of the situation into consideration and his friends vol- unteered much information and many suxseetidng on the subject first there was the and a strong one too of seized by that horrible nerveshattering feeling known as stage is now certain that barnstorming trips with the possi of being stranded In some village that boasts of six or seven a windmill anti a tone cow does nj i peal to him Not for Sherble he said today Ill stay right here Polities for mine her the The Fe- at the nAvy at the PREFERS POLITICS TO 1600 A WEEK poe H1It 1M rs expense New- port y Van- derbilt all t ¬ ¬ ¬ ELKS JUBilEE Decorations at Benning Are Placed Most Booths Stocked All That Is Wanted Now Is Weather Mans Favor Rppr ntAtlvtft or every commIttee having to do with the Elks Jubilee and barn danoe were at BenninG today making Itnal preparations for of the jubilee tomorrow afternoon All the decorations have been placed and many of the booths have beon stocked and all that the men and women who have been working so hard for the aft Jr want now good weathor having which they say their efforts wilt be crowned with success Not only are the booth managers pray- ing for clear skies tomorrow and Fri day but the men in charge of the track events are promising all sorts of good things to the weather man if he wfll that no rain comes to mar their program The cards for all tho events from the bicycle races down through the trotting race and automobile race programs to the mule races are all well filled although the entries wilt tOt close until tonight Nine Horses in First Race Nine horses have been entered for the ond sad Dr F C Hftdfleld chairman- of the committee they are alt good er former trained to minute Th program of the automo Hie been changed to include two special races Intended to furnish sued port One of SB JiveMite race for gasolene listed at Led under open to only Three members of lodge Neu meyer Jr A Loehl and Tom Mil- lar hvA already entered this race and he win the cut as a Another feature or the autonroMIe race program 1 twentyrtvemlle open to cars of Whora pow r and under Some of the driver who par- ticipated in the Decoration Day Wimtte race have been anxious to another try at Wallace C Hood who broke the record end it is believed Hood and some others will enter this event Kntrie for the automobile races are received by C Royce Hough at Vi Fourteenth street The offered as prize In the automobile race are now on exhibition at Berry Whit rooreK Active Womens Committees Two of the mot active of the women committees are those In charge of the country peetofflce and the Japanese pool tables The first named committee te composed of Fred Maltby Uis Mamie Dcvine chairman Minnie Duller Mrs Frank Bradley hues Mary Ciaeon Mrs Wi Buckley May me M r Mrs T Hulchl ttbeimer son MtM Marie Stuart Potter Mia Mabel Drr Mrs II Tatnm Mum Jennie Graham Thb committee on the Japanese pool table for chairman Mea Georgie Van Fleet und the other members are Mrs Caldwell Carrie Wat Mrs Wm Lee son Mrs J Abet Miss Ilortenee Mor- al rs Sol Morris rte Miss Helen McGllI Morris MIIHe Morris Lee Miss Anne K Gee alias BHaabetb Ger hold bold J B Murray The contest for prise to be awarded- to the ladle felling the greatest awn I There bn a rivalry between all are looking forward to the announce- ment of winners which will be made In about a week Compton Buried at Fort Bayard William J XTompton a native of Wash- ington who died recently at Fort Bay ard New Mexico was buried at that poet He was an employe of the United States Army Quartermasters at the time of his death READY TO OPEN the Is ftrt race six for the the has I I these a cars U I Bib vows a race then cu Mrs Mrs has Its TOIl Miss c her of the of tM and open- ing see trotting and sec says aid mope lOG each of- fered being k Miss Mrs ties Miss Belie Miss Miss jubilee tickets tonight has members auxiliary Depart- ment ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Prelate Gives Counsel to School Young woman you a great before you You must save this aofintry from Reparable injury by and making pure the home It was along this line that Cardinal Gibbon addressed the girl graduates of St Cecilias Academy yesterday at their commencement held at the Columbia Theater The cardinal warned them of the dan- ger of society in attempting to go on unharmed regardless of the condition of Its very source the family elects Moat womens mission upon earth ie to became motnftr as well ae daughters he said and when they taKe up their new life they become the rulers of the home Without- a home circle pure and sacred no na- tion can become great So young la- dles I say that this countrys future lies in your hands and the hands of those like you Make the home an of comfort and where your brothers and fathers and husbands can spend their evenings In comfort Box Is Decorated- In honor of their distinguished guest In charge the arrangements- had decorated the box on the righthand of the stage with varlcc4ored flow- er tied with gay ribbons and had vide The of the literally a of beautiful row pinks carnations and many other lending their color and sweet fragrance to general effect Ague NeilU greeted emi- nence for her fellowschoolgirl Th valedictory address made by Mi Veronica Lynch remarks were pungent with bright and beautiful thought One of n remarks so impressed the cardinal that he took occasion to speak about it dur ing addre Medals Are Awarded- In the box with Cardinal Gibbons were Dr Wilfam Fletcher pastor of Catholic Cathedral of Baltimore Dr E T Shanahan of the Catholic University and Father James OBrien of St Peters Church in this city The graduating medals and diplomas- to the eight young Indies were awarded by the cardinal a well as the medal for special scholarship and deportment which weaeced to Mary Agnes Madigan Those gradutlng were Carolyn Cecilia Dove Grave Dolores Lynch Veronica Casilda Lynch Agnes Madigan Genevieve France Matte Agnes Neil and Gorse Marguerite Pellen PRESIDENT GIVES PHOTOS TO THREE OHIO FARMERS AKRON Onto June Three who were honored by rails from President Roosevelt on lat Wednesday have received autographed photographs of the President dtrtaccfrwn the White House They were sent to Wallace Wachtr home the President stopped last and he wa directed to present others to the two 3r Thorna at whose I stopC as the President says in his letter One ot them save me a glass of milk and the other had four flue sons PROBATE COURT DECIDES WAS WOMAN CHICAGO June 5 Nicholl H f Ray Ian the former attach of the Russian consulate whose sex Lad been a matter of doubt has been officially to have been a woman The order wax en- tered by Judge Cutting In the probate court and ax a result Mrs Anna De who lived with De Raylan as his wife will not be permitted to hare in the estate whirl is valued at about The witnesses were persons who vis- ited Phoenix Aria body was exhumed GIRLS BE MOTHERS ADVISES CARDINAL Grad- uates those of side placed large American on both stage was his the was Mare farm- ers DE RAY LAN declared too have mis- sion sanc- tifying exercises this wives said asy- lum peace a flag mats va- rieties the Miss his was whoa say- ings Miss Ma- loney S farms ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ On draught at bars and bottled for home use There Is No Better Lager in This or Any Other Country Than Heurichs LagerA- nd the foam is just as pure as the beer itself Purest materials filtered water filtered air and hygienic brewing aging and bottling all combine to distinguish Heurichs matchless Maerzen and Senate Beers are purity cleanli x ness excellence guarantees bottling LAO ER BEER guarantees brewery bottling BOTTLED AT THE BREWERY GUARANTEED UNDER THC DRUGS ACT JUNE JOT 1906 ScarAt NUMBER 280 To insure that our beers will reach THE HOMES of our patrons with PURITY and CLEANLINESS unimpaired we have great expense- a modern bottling plant at the brewery where hermetically sealed pipes conduct our beers direct from original casks into steamsterilized bottles No danger of germs or uncleanness when you drink Heurichs Lager Beer Its good for for your stomach There is nonemore palatable xj iS Case of two dozen 150 Rebate of 50c for empty bottles Delivered unlettered wagons if desired Postal or phone W CHR HEURICH BREWING CO itas distinguishedfor J label label brewery WASH I NGTONDC I FOOD ND installedat yougood in 37 I I r ThIS Tbis F 25th 26th D and Water Sts NW r = + Our Serges combine style with becomingness HATS the chiftfest reason why we should bulkl yours to measure Many stylish suits make you look ridiculous Either than refined Our 20 to order value is the best serge suit offering in Washington la addition to superior workmanship we use the finest of all best German importation Write for samples and Style Book Green I F St N W Open Saturday Evenings SPECIAL We are offer- ing our beautiful Black Thibtt and rnflnlshcd Wor- steds that vfi make into suits at Sib and 52 wnieti is 13 Reduction AU Rights Reserved Underwood 1 Typewriter Underwood On Top A series of Civil Service Examinations in Washington the latter part of ApriL The results- as far as the Underwood is concerned are most satis fying The demand by operators for Underwood Type- writers was very flattering and the popularity of our machine with stenographers and typewriters was again demonstrated Below is given a record of the sched- ule of machines used in the examination which may well be graced by the title Underwood on Top April 22d 23d 244 25th 26ih Underwood Remington 2 Monarch L Smith Oliver Smith Premier Densmore 5 Hammond 8 Wellington Fox 1 Underwood Typewriter Co 1206 F Street N Washington D C t r I T sergethe stilt a 1002 i a 1 Standard I- i 8 i aD I 3 Total- S 1S 24 20 21 103 S i1 ii 14 13 57 2 6 4 5 z 19 8 C 1 3 3 1 8 Z e T 4 3 3 9 i 7 5 5 4 24 0 i 1 4 1 1 t 1 3 2 5 7i- t 42 4644 229- e G i W I gss8e5eee s d Farr v A 7 I i a earn r tIi- tB O A Ia wash old Olt e A 0 R 89 w fd 4 21 a- m i 3 n p i- f8 48 4 w- A e fa a s e lee a a4 s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = Wonder What Alerts Will Sap Today Store closes dally at 6 p m Saturday 3 p m- At the Sign ot the Moon Snap for Men 10 for Suits to Order Take your pick of a big line of Royal Blue and fine Gray Serge and about 20 new styles- in Homespuns and fancy suit ings Every suit built in the Mertzway and guaranteed to fit HERTZ and MERTZ Co 906 F STREET Eagle Mikado Lead Pencils Everywhere 5ftc a doRa and worth it Our special prier DOZ ft P Andrews Paper Co 627629 La Ave NW i Just purchased a large stock of elegant Machines less than factory prices a means- a saving to you If you buy now High Arm Singer 500 New Some S700 Domestic 5CO Wheeler Wilson S800 White S7OO American 9600 Other makes from 3 up Other bargains in new drophead machines Open evenings until 9 BOBEBTSOHS1310 7th St IT w I I I 1 else 350 I I I I I I I I l I r u C b f w T well a ¬ > Guaranteed threeburn- er VicktesB O Oil cooker J A Eberlys Sons 718 Seventh Street N W Established Over Half Century Marvel Vollamp DynamoMotor- This Js- nwrvel but rnir prir 8 are 5 marvelous It hits brass trr n4 phosphor bronae brushes Must b n to aivrectaied YOUNGS 717 9th St NW i Telephone naln 7098 Today and Tomorrow End I BANKRUPT SALE t CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS 30c on the Dollar Bros i 9th and E Sts 1 1 i We sell the best and most 11 s c I e constructed re- t r i g tors made Prigs J range from SIO Up BARBER ROSS Electric Light does not produce disagreeable heat and conse quently does not make rooms where it is used stuffy and un comfortable Potomac Electric Power Co 213 14th Street Nw 5 Rjuc f K iC ok J t beu1It8- IK armature eight HctItH commuta f be VYYYYVVVYYYYYYYYYVY YYYV- I i I t N Refrig- erators era 11th G Sts Blue flame mete it s steel shaft Laminated Tpe Tie as er W erwows 1 i ¬ > ¬ ¬ +
Page 1: A MRS IP withTHE WASHINGTON TBIES WEDNESDAY JUNE 5 1907 a- F A PLAN FOR IP Chamber of Commerce Members Arrange Excursion Music and Speeches to Be Features of Affair-At a meeting yesterday



Chamber of CommerceMembers Arrange


Music and Speeches toBe Features of


At a meeting yesterday of the com-

mittee on arrangements for the excursion of the Chamber of Commerce thechairman Chapin Brown authorized to name twentyfive members toAct as a reception committee and to as-sist in details of the excursion He willannounce the members of the committee tomorrow morning There worepresent at yesterdays meeting ChapinBrown R N Harper R A ChesterJames F Oyster and D J CallahanComplete plans for the trip wore

at the meetingThe steamer will leave the Norfolk

and Washington dock at 7S Mondayevening June If Those who have nothad dinner Sbefore leaving will have anopportunity to got the regular serviceor the boat and besides this a lunchtuunter has been provided at which re-freshments be had E H Droophas arranged for novel musical featuresfor both the going and return trip

To Arrive in MorningThey will arrive at the exposition pier

at next morning Breakfast may behad on the boat from oclock untiltime of disembarkation or can be hadOn the grounds Phlnncys Band bydirection of Sidney Lloyd Wrlghtsonwill meet the members of the Chamber-at the boat and escort them to thagrounds the procession dispersing at

AuditoriumUntil 11 oclock the guests will visit

the various exhibition buildings Atthat time the reception by the Com-missioner officiate of the expositioncompany and members of Ute officialcommittee on arrangements in thoArmyand Navy Exhibit building will be held

The Chamber again assemble atthe Auditorium at 2 oclock to attendthe formal exercises of the day Theprogram Inoludes speeches by PresidentTucker and Commissioner MacfArlandBrig Gen John M Wilson will preside-

t these exercises Myron M Parkerchairman of the committee havingfound It inuMMMrible to attend An at-tractive musical program has also beenarranged

Will Visit NorfolkThe chambers steamer wilt leave atoclock for a trip to Norfolk where

H reception will be tendered theby Board of Trado and

Aaeecifijion at their head-quarters The return trip will be com-menced about 73o oclock arriving inWashington about S of the morning ofJune 12

Staterooms of the chambers charteredsteamer the Newport News have beenalmost entirely taken up already sogreat is the interest taken in the tripSecretary Gude is sending out notices

to this effect and requestingmember thinking of going to come atonce to make reservationsbefore all have been disposed of The

mmittee will meet again at 4 oclocktomorrow to take any further action


PITTSBURG June 5Robert Kelleraged fourteen is at a police station Ina hysterical condition on account ofshooting his friend Jacob Kelmar agedtwenty a storekeeper nt Butler and FIekstreets The accident occurred at 1oclock this morning while they wereplaying with what they thought was anunloaded revolver Kelmar is atFrancis Hospital and may file

examining the weapon theyfinally laid It aside and left the roomfor a few minutes In tho meantimeK lmara father loaded every chamberand then retired for night

When Kelmar and Keller returned thelatter again picked up the gun thinkingIt was still unloaded pointed It at hisfriend and pulled the trigger The bulIpt entered Kelmar

ELYRIA Ohio June 5 Preparationsare being made for the trial ofMotorman Fuorndlner charged withmanslaughter In connection with theMemorial Day trolley wrock whichcaused seven deaths A bill Jutsbeen found by the grand jury

Judge WasJiburn who was a passen-ger on the car will not sit in the casebut will call in some other judge

Fuemdiner Is now out on JSOOO bondHe will probably be called In court and

The indictment formanslaughter ls based on the allegationwas running his car at an Ille-gal speed he ran into the


LONDON June 5 Whitelaw Reid theUnltod States ambassador to Great Britain and Mark Twain are among thosewho will receive honorary degrees atOxford University on June 25


TRENTON June 5Under the delusion she was of no help to her childrenand they would come to want thoughreally in good circumstances MrsEmily Jenkins of Bedminster SomorMt odunty an Inmate of New JerseyHospital for tho Insane for yearscommitted suicide by hanging
















I t








mem-bers Busi-ness Men s



1 ne eseary





























MRS ALFRED VANDERBILTWho Showed Her Coolness in Yacht Collision




Vi 4

Sticks to Her Boatand Refuses All


NEWPORT Jun 5A naval board ofinquiry has awarded 250 damages toMrs Alfred G a a resultof a collision between the steam launchof Rear Admiral John H Merrell com-mandant of the second naval districtart the fleet thirtyfooter Caprice

he accident occurred last week whenMrs Alfred G Vanderbilt was sailingthe Caprice which she owns Despite

Prominent Men ServeMeal to Factory


LYNX June i Probably themost unique breakfast in America waseaten here when severalhundred of Lynns most prominent reeldents waited upon several thousand employes from the citys shoe factory ItIe an annual event for Lynn generallycalled the May breakfast

From 6 a m until 10 a m the greatVl p building one of the largest furTories In the world was open to allcorners Breakfast cost S and

hlle only the welltodo were allowedto servo rich and poor sat and ate together

Practically every prominentand business man in was

present today and those in charge tookpains to see that they were scatteredamong the workers and that the flowerof democratic spirit was unchecked Theprofits which usually average 5000 goto charity


PITTSBURG June C GoodneMtheres the last bell I must go toschool or mother will be sorry Andcry With these words Earl Milleraged six tried to leave the operatingtable at the McKeosport Hospitalthe physicians were about tohis left leg A few minutes beforewhile on his way to school he had beenrun over by a street car His right logwas fractured and the wascrushed

DAINTY FOODTurns Palo Chock to Pink

Our best physicians of the present dayseek to cure patients by the use of foodrather than drugs and this is the truemethod for all physicians agree thatonly from food can the body be rebuilt

Many people fail to give their physi-cians credit for after living on poorlyselected or badly cooked food for a long-time perhaps and when their ailmentsbecome chronic they expect the doctorwith some magic potency to Instantlyrebuild them

This is not possible The only truemethod is to turn as quickly as can beto proper food A Cincinnati 0 younglady says I was variously treated for

nerves etc but thetreatment gave me no relief from myalls

Finally my appetite failed com-pletely and I began to have sinkingspoils similar to fainting I took allmanner of tonics and stimulants but

were of no effect I had beenbrought to quit drinking coffee andtak

Postum Food Coffee in Its placeand gradually began to get a littlebetter

Someone suggested that If I foundPostum so beneficial I had better useGrapeNuts food as they were both thechildren of one brain I commenced onGrapeNuts food for breakfast havingPostum with it I found the sodainty delicious and appetizing that Ialways looked forward to breakfastwith pleasure

Shortly after commencing this dietwretched In was great-

ly relieved and now It has none en-tirely also the sinking spoils in fact

pale cheeks have changed to pink Ihave gained back more than the twentypounds I and am thoroughly wellIn every way Read Road toWellvllle In pkgs Theres a Reason





morn s

















her danger Mn Vanderbilt studs toboat and refused MBtetanc from theGerman cruiser Bremen from whichthe admiral wax rcturninc andCblttaa cruiser Zenteno

board reported that the collisionWIM solely du to tbe coxswain of Utenaval launch The Caprice i under

shipyard where she was thoroexamined by the officers conducting

the InquiryMeantime Mrs Vanderbilt with her

niece Miac Pauline French who Is firstmate of the Caprice is at the SagamoreCamp in the Adirondacks Baiting forthe craft to be repaired When thethirtyfooter ha been mended Mrs

will resume her yachtng tripsin NarracaMett bay

MILWAUKEE Wls June 53herburn M Decker Milwaukees boymayor has turned down W A liradys offer of 1600 a week and expensesto play the title role in The Man ofthe Hour He gives as his reason thathis 54009 a yew Job as mayor lookspretty good to him after And there

sroalnIn rattening his decision SherWe took

every possible angle of the situationinto consideration and his friends vol-unteered much information and manysuxseetidng on the subject first therewas the and a strong onetoo of seized by that horriblenerveshattering feeling known asstage is now certainthat barnstorming trips with the possi

of being stranded In some villagethat boasts of six or seven awindmill anti a tone cow does nj ipeal to him

Not for Sherble he said today Illstay right here Polities for mine





at the nAvy at the


TO 1600 A WEEK



1M rs expense New-porty








Decorations at Benning ArePlaced Most Booths


All That Is Wanted Now IsWeather Mans


Rppr ntAtlvtft or every commItteehaving to do with the Elks Jubilee andbarn danoe were at BenninG todaymaking Itnal preparations for

of the jubilee tomorrow afternoonAll the decorations have been placedand many of the booths have beonstocked and all that the men andwomen who have been working so hardfor the aft Jr want now good weathorhaving which they say their efforts wiltbe crowned with success

Not only are the booth managers pray-ing for clear skies tomorrow and Friday but the men in charge of the trackevents are promising all sorts of goodthings to the weather man if he wfll

that no rain comes to mar theirprogram The cards for all tho eventsfrom the bicycle races down throughthe trotting race and automobile raceprograms to the mule races are all wellfilled although the entries wilt tOtclose until tonight

Nine Horses in First RaceNine horses have been entered for the

ond sad Dr F C Hftdfleld chairman-of the committee they are altgood erformer trained tominute Th program of the automoHie been changed to includetwo special races Intended to furnishsued port One of SB JiveMiterace for gasolene listed atLed under open to only Threemembers of lodge Neumeyer Jr A Loehl and Tom Mil-lar hvA already entered this race and

he win the cutas a

Another feature or the autonroMIerace program 1 twentyrtvemlleopen to cars of Whora pow r andunder Some of the driver who par-ticipated in the Decoration Day Wimtterace have been anxious to anothertry at Wallace C Hood who broke therecord end it is believed Hoodand some others will enter this eventKntrie for the automobile races are

received by C Royce Hough atVi Fourteenth street The offered

as prize In the automobile race arenow on exhibition at Berry WhitrooreK

Active Womens CommitteesTwo of the mot active of the women

committees are those In charge of thecountry peetofflce and the Japanese pooltables The first named committee tecomposed of

Fred Maltby Uis Mamie Dcvinechairman Minnie Duller

Mrs Frank Bradley hues Mary CiaeonMrs Wi Buckley May me M rMrs T Hulchl ttbeimer

son MtM Marie StuartPotter Mia Mabel DrrMrs II Tatnm Mum Jennie Graham

Thb committee on the Japanese pooltable for chairman Mea GeorgieVan Fleet und the other members areMrs Caldwell Carrie WatMrs Wm Lee sonMrs J Abet Miss Ilortenee Mor-al rs Sol Morris rteMiss Helen McGllI Morris

MIIHe Morris LeeMiss Anne K Gee alias BHaabetb Ger

hold boldJ B Murray

The contest for prise to be awarded-to the ladle felling the greatest awn

I There bn a rivalry betweenall

are looking forward to the announce-ment of winners which will be madeIn about a week

Compton Buried at Fort BayardWilliam J XTompton a native of Wash-

ington who died recently at Fort Bayard New Mexico was buried at thatpoet He was an employe of the UnitedStates Army Quartermasters

at the time of his death




ftrt race six for the



Ithese a

cars UIBib


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Miss BelieMiss Miss

jubilee tickets tonighthas

members auxiliary














Prelate Gives Counsel toSchool

Young woman you a greatbefore you You must save this

aofintry from Reparable injury byand making pure the home

It was along this line that CardinalGibbon addressed the girl graduates ofSt Cecilias Academy yesterday at theircommencement held at theColumbia Theater

The cardinal warned them of the dan-ger of society in attempting to go onunharmed regardless of the conditionof Its very source the family elects

Moat womens mission uponearth ie to became motnftras well ae daughters he said andwhen they taKe up their new life theybecome the rulers of the home Without-a home circle pure and sacred no na-tion can become great So young la-

dles I say that this countrys futurelies in your hands and the hands ofthose like you Make the home an

of comfort and where yourbrothers and fathers and husbands canspend their evenings In comfort

Box Is Decorated-In honor of their distinguished guest

In charge the arrangements-had decorated the box on the righthand

of the stage with varlcc4ored flow-

er tied with gay ribbons and had

vide The of theliterally a of beautiful rowpinks carnations and many other

lending their color and sweetfragrance to general effect

Ague NeilU greeted emi-nence for her fellowschoolgirl

Th valedictory address made byMi Veronica Lynchremarks were pungent with bright

and beautiful thought One of nremarks so impressed the cardinal thathe took occasion to speak about it during addre

Medals Are Awarded-In the box with Cardinal Gibbons

were Dr Wilfam Fletcher pastor ofCatholic Cathedral of Baltimore

Dr E T Shanahan of the CatholicUniversity and Father James OBrienof St Peters Church in this city

The graduating medals and diplomas-to the eight young Indies were awardedby the cardinal a well as the medalfor special scholarship and deportmentwhich weaeced to MaryAgnes Madigan Those gradutlng were

Carolyn Cecilia Dove Grave DoloresLynch Veronica Casilda LynchAgnes Madigan Genevieve France

Matte Agnes Neil and GorseMarguerite Pellen


AKRON Onto June Threewho were honored by rails from

President Roosevelt on lat Wednesdayhave received autographed photographsof the President dtrtaccfrwn the WhiteHouse

They were sent to Wallace Wachtrhome the President stopped

last and he wa directed to presentothers to the two 3r Thorna atwhose I stopC as the Presidentsays in his letter One ot them saveme a glass of milk and the other hadfour flue sons



CHICAGO June 5 Nicholl H f RayIan the former attach of the Russianconsulate whose sex Lad been a matterof doubt has been officially tohave been a woman The order wax en-

tered by Judge Cutting In the probatecourt and ax a result Mrs Anna De

who lived with De Raylan ashis wife will not be permitted to

hare in the estate whirl is valued atabout

The witnesses were persons who vis-ited Phoenix Aria body wasexhumed





those of


placed large American on bothstage was









have mis-sion



thiswives said

asy-lum peace

a flag



Miss his
















On draught at bars and bottled for home use

There Is No Better Lager in This or AnyOther Country Than Heurichs LagerA-

nd the foam is just as pure as the beer itselfPurest materials filtered water filtered air and hygienic brewing

aging and bottling all combine to distinguish Heurichs matchlessMaerzen and Senate Beers are purity cleanli

x ness excellence


bottling LAO ER BEERguarantees





To insure that our beers will reach THE HOMES of our patrons withPURITY and CLEANLINESS unimpaired we have great expense-a modern bottling plant at the brewery where hermetically sealed pipes conductour beers direct from original casks into steamsterilized bottles

No danger of germs or uncleanness when you drink Heurichs Lager Beer Itsgood for for your stomach There is nonemore palatable

xj iS Case of two dozen 150 Rebate of 50c for empty bottles Delivered unletteredwagons if desired Postal or phone W




label label









ThIS Tbis


25th 26th D andWater Sts N W




Our Serges combine stylewith becomingness

HATS the chiftfest reason why weshould bulkl yours to measureMany stylish suits make you

look ridiculous Either than refined Our20 to order value is the best serge suit

offering in Washington la addition tosuperior workmanship we use the finest ofall best German importation

Write for samples andStyle Book



Open Saturday Evenings

SPECIALWe are offer-ing our beautifulBlack Thibtt andrnflnlshcd Wor-steds that vfimake into suits atSib and 52 wnietiis 13 Reduction

AU Rights Reserved

Underwood 1

TypewriterUnderwood On Top

A series of Civil Service Examinationsin Washington the latter part of ApriL The results-as far as the Underwood is concerned are most satisfying The demand by operators for Underwood Type-writers was very flattering and the popularity of ourmachine with stenographers and typewriters was againdemonstrated Below is given a record of the sched-ule of machines used in the examination which maywell be graced by the title Underwood on Top

April 22d 23d 244 25th 26ihUnderwoodRemington

2 MonarchL SmithOliverSmith PremierDensmore

5 Hammond8 Wellington


1 Underwood Typewriter Co1206 F Street N

Washington D C


r I






1 Standard I-





S 1S 24 20 21 103S i1 ii 14 13 572 6 4 5 z 19 8

C 1 3 3 1 8 Ze T4 3 3 9 i7 5 5 4 24 0i 1 41 1

t 1

3 25 7i-t 42 4644 229-

e G

iW I

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i a earn





A Ia

wash oldOlt



89wfd 4

21 a-m





48 4 w-




a s e lee a a4 s






Wonder What Alerts WillSap Today

Store closes dally at 6 p mSaturday 3 p m-

At the Sign ot the Moon



10 for Suits to OrderTake your pick of a big line

of Royal Blue and fine GraySerge and about 20 new styles-in Homespuns and fancy suitings Every suit built in theMertzway and guaranteed tofit


Eagle MikadoLead Pencils

Everywhere5ftc a doRa and

worth it Ourspecial prier


ft P Andrews Paper Co

627629La Ave NW

i Just purchased alarge stock ofelegantMachines lessthan factorypricesa means-

a saving toyou If you buynow

High Arm Singer 500New Some S700Domestic 5COWheeler Wilson S800White S7OOAmerican 9600

Other makes from 3 upOther bargains in new drophead

machinesOpen evenings until 9

BOBEBTSOHS1310 7th St IT w













l I



b f






Guaranteed threeburn-er VicktesB OOil cooker J

A Eberlys Sons718 Seventh Street N W

Established Over Half Century

Marvel Vollamp DynamoMotor-This Js-

nwrvel butrnir prir 8 are 5marvelousIt hits brass

trr n4 phosphor bronae brushesMust b n to aivrectaied

YOUNGS 717 9th St NW iTelephone naln 7098

Today and Tomorrow EndI BANKRUPT SALE t


Brosi 9th and E Sts 1


iWe sell the

best and most11 s c I e

constructed re-t r i g torsmade Prigs

J range fromSIO Up


Electric Light does not producedisagreeable heat and consequently does not make roomswhere it is used stuffy and uncomfortable

Potomac Electric Power Co

213 14th Street Nw




Jt beu1It8-IK

armature eight HctItH commuta

f be


I i






11th G Sts

Blue flame

meteit s

steel shaftLaminatedTpe

Tie as erW








