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A New Problem Solving Method

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My favourite method of problem solving - a combination of notemaking and problem solving tools, with an emphasis on reflective thinking.
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A New Problem Solving Method Thomas Teepe February 19, 2011
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A New Problem Solving Method Thomas Teepe

February 19, 2011

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What is my aim?

I present my favourite hands-on method of problem solving(… and of thinking in general)

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What are the basic ideas?

It's a combination of 2 things:1.notemaking

- using several clever tricks2.tools

for problem solving… with an emphasis on reflective thinking!

This combination works for me much better than each of its 2 components on their own.

'Reflective ' sounded academic and boring.I thought again ;-) - reflection is central for solving tough problems.

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Second:Problem Solving Tools

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Why Notemaking?● support concentration● master complex thoughts

● break down a problem into smaller parts

● collect ideas first and examine them afterwards

● combine verbal and visual thinking● see ideas from a distance● document thoughts

● can be adapted in many ways

Some famous notemakers:

Leonardo da Vinci

Isaac Newton

Charles Darwin

Ludwig van Beethoven

Thomas Edison

Pablo Picasso

Carl Friedrich Gauss

Oscar Wilde

Alfred Hitchcock

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Basics of the notemaking process 1

We use a two-column layout1.left column for the main material2.right column for

- reflection, - comments, - questions- etc.

For me, the 'reflection column' is simple & effective support to guide my thoughts

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Basics ofthe notemaking process 2

I use several elements in combination● keywords● hierarchical arrangement of ideas● combining words and images● colours (sometimes)● tables● diagrams

Some basic ideas come from mind mapping

I find tables very powerful - yet somewhat underrated and underused in mind mapping

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Some remarks on writing materials

Goal:● get lots of content on one page● … and stay legible

This works well for me:● mechanical pencil 0,3 mm HB● a bound notebook

blank pages, size A5● small handwriting

Surprisingly relevant.

Imho, superior to 0,5 mm

even tiny

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Here is astep-by-step example.

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start withthe separationline


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arrange ideasin hierarchies

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add diagrams

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add tables

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add to do itemsadd checkmarks later

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add reflections

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Second:Problem Solving Tools

First wasNotemaking

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What is a problem solving tool?● everything that may help

to solve a problem

Examples● brainstorm● ask yourself questions● ask a colleague● search the internet● sleep over it● reflect:

● improve your ideas● understand how you think

naive but useful defintion

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How to organize problem solving tools?● Step 1:

Split the problem solving process into stages

● Step 2:For each stage, collect a number of useful tools

● Plus:Reflection tools that help at each stage

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Stages of problem solving- a simple model:

● understand the problem● define reasonable goals● develop plans for the goals● choose a plan● carry out the plan● reflect reflection is useful

1) in each of the other stages2) for a final look back

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Here comesa small collection of toolsfor each stage

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Understand the problem● start with a top-down analysis● ask questions● collect information about the

problem● internet search● literature● interview people

● draw a diagram

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Define reasonable goals● What is the right thing to do?● What would XY do?● state goals clearly● describe SMART goals

● S - specific● M - measurable● A - attainable● R - relevant● T - time bound

XY is a person I take as a role model in the given problem situation.

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Develop plans for these goals● start with the goal

and develop a plan backwards● develop a plan top-down:

start with a general plan and make it more specific

● ask repeatedly 'How can this be achieved?'

● exploit solutions from similar or analogue problems

● brainstorm for unusual ideas

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Choose a plan● check the plans for obstacles,

gaps...● compare plans pairwise● list the pros and cons● trust your gut feeling

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Reflection● So what?

What now?● collect shortcomings and criticism● collect obstacles and barriers● collect conflicts● examine results

In my experience, these simple questions are surprisingly powerful.

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I often use only two simple sets of tools1.one for the main column:

PrAnGoPlExCo stands forProblem DescriptionAnalysisGoalsPlansExecute planControl

2.one for the reflection column:QOCS stands forQuestionsObstaclesConflictsSo what?!

I write these acronyms on top of the columns – each time a useful reminder of good problem solving practices.

Constantly adapting these tools to my personal needs is paramount.

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How to combine notemaking and problem solving tools?

Here is an example.

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Start with- separation line- tool acronym PrAnGoPlExCo- tool acronym QOCS

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add headline

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start with tool 'Pr' = Problem Description

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use reflection tools

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use further toolsfrom PrAnGoPlExCo

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AdvantagesFor me, the method is...● effective:

notemaking + tools guide my thinking through problems

● efficient:no needless fuss - simple, quick, cheap and easily available

● flexible:can be adapted to all sorts of problems, domains, uses...

For a computerized version, I use the fabulous notebook software OneNote.

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Sources● Tony and Barry Buzan:

The Mind Map Book● David N. Perkins:

Outsmarting IQ● John Bransford / Barry Stein:

The IDEAL Problem Solver
