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A New Rule of Thumb for 2 × 2 Tables with Low Expected Counts

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A New Rule of Thumb for 2 × 2 Tables with Low Expected Counts. Bruce Weaver Northern Health Research Conference June 4-5, 2010. Speaker Acceptance & Disclosure. I have no affiliations, sponsorships, honoraria, monetary support or conflict of interest from any commercial source. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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NHRC 2010 1 A New Rule of Thumb for 2×2 Tables with Low Expected Counts Bruce Weaver Northern Health Research Conference June 4-5, 2010
Page 1: A New Rule of Thumb for 2 × 2 Tables with Low Expected Counts

NHRC 2010


A New Rule of Thumb for 2×2 Tables with Low Expected Counts

Bruce WeaverNorthern Health Research Conference

June 4-5, 2010

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Speaker Acceptance & Disclosure

I have no affiliations, sponsorships, honoraria, monetary support or conflict of interest from any commercial source.

However…it is only fair to caution you that this talk has not undergone ethical review of any sort.

Therefore, you listen at your own peril.

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A Very Common Problem

Ian Campbell

“One of the commonest problems in statistics is the analysis of a 2×2 contingency table.”

(Statist. Med. 2007; 26:3661–3675)

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What’s a contingency table?

See the example on the next slide.

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Example: A 2×2 Contingency Table

What the heck is


Counts in the cells

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Normal Occlusion vs. Malocclusion

Class IOcclusion. Normal

occlusion. The upper teeth bite slightly ahead

of the lowers.

Class II Malocclusion. Upper teeth bite greatly ahead of the lower teeth—i.e.,


Class IIIMalocclusion. Upper front teeth bite behind the lower teeth—i.e.,


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What statistical test can I use to analyze the data in my contingency table?

It depends.

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The Most Commonly Used Test

The most common statistical test for contingency tables is Pearson’s chi-squared test of association.

Karl Pearson

22 ( )O E


Greek letter chi Observed count

Expected countSum

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A Shortcut for 2×2 Tables Only

22 ( )N ad bc


a b mc d nr s N

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But you can’t always use Pearson’s

It is well known (to those who know it well)* that Pearson’s chi-square is an approximate test

* Robert Rankin, author of The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse.


The sampling distribution of the test statistic (under a true null hypothesis) is approximated by a chi-square distribution with df = (r-1)(c-1)

The approximation becomes poor when the expected counts (assuming H0 is true) are too low

A typical chi-square distribution

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How low is too low for expected counts?

It depends.

Again, it depends! This guy is starting

to get on my nerves.

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A common rule of thumb for when it’s OK to analyze a 2×2 table with Pearson’s chi-squared test of association says:

1) All expected counts should be 5 or greater2) If any expected counts are < 5, another test should be


The most frequently recommended alternative test under point 2 above is Fisher’s exact test (aka the Fisher-Irwin test)

A Rule of Thumb for 2×2 Tables

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Some History

The standard rule of thumb for 2×2 tables dates back to Cochran (1952, 1954), or even earlier

But, the minimum expected count of 5 appears to have been an arbitrary choice (probably by Fisher)

Cochran (1952) suggested that it may need to be modified when new evidence became available. 

Computations by Ian Campbell (2007) have provided some new & relevant evidence.

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Model I: Model II: Model III:

The Role of Research Design

Three distinct research designs can give rise to 2×2 tables

Barnard (1947) classified them as follows: G.A. Barnard

Both row & column totals fixed in advance

Row totals fixed, column totals free to vary

Both row & column totals free to vary

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Campbell on Model I

Ian Campbell

“Here, there is no dispute that the Fisher–Irwin test …

should be used.”

(Statist. Med. 2007; 26:3661–3675, emphasis added)

“This last research design is rarely used and will not be

discussed in detail.”

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Review of Models II and III

Model II Sometimes called the 2×2 comparative trial Row totals fixed, column totals free to vary E.g., researcher fixes group sizes for Treatment & Control

groups, or for Males & Females

Model III Also called a cross-sectional study Both row & column totals are free to vary Only the total N is fixed

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So what did Campbell do?

Ian Campbell

“Computer-intensive techniques were used … to compare seven two-sided

tests of two-by-two tables in terms of their Type I errors.”

(Statist. Med. 2007; 26:3661–3675

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Let’s try that again…

Null hypothesis was always true – i.e., there was no association between the row & column variables

Therefore, statistically significant results were Type I errors

For values of N ranging from 4-80, Campbell computed the maximum probability of Type I error (with alpha set to .05)

He also examined all possible values of π

The proportion of subjects (in the population) having the binary characteristic(s) of interest—e.g., the

proportion of males, or the proportion of smokers, etc

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The statistical tests of interest

Campbell examined 7 different statistical tests

I will focus on only 2 of those tests today:

Pearson’s chi-square The ‘N-1’ chi-square

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Yoo-hoo! What’s the ‘N-1’ chi-square?

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The ‘N-1’ chi-square

22 ( )N ad bc


22 ( 1)( )N ad bc


Pearson’s chi-square (shortcut for 2×2 tables only)

The ‘N-1’ chi-square (for 2×2 tables only)

a b mc d nr s N

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Whence the ‘N-1’ chi-square?

First derived by E.S. Pearson (1947) Egon Sharpe Pearson, son of Karl

Derived again by Kendall & Stuart (1967)

Richardson (1994) asserted that it is “the appropriate chi-square statistic to use in analysing all 2×2 contingency tables” (p. 116, emphasis added)

Campbell summarizes the theoretical argument for preferring the N-1 chi-square on his website: www.iancampbell.co.uk/twobytwo/n-1_theory.htm

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Campbell’s Procedure

Campbell computed the maximum Type I error probability for: N ranging from 4 to 80 Over all values of π For minimum expected count = 0, 1, 3, and 5

He did all of that using both: Pearson’s chi-squared test of association The N-1 chi-squared test

Compared the actual Type I error rate to the nominal alpha

All of the above done for Models II and III separately

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An Ideal Test

For an ideal test, the actual proportion of Type I errors is equal to the nominal alpha level

E.g., if you set alpha at .05, Type I errors occur 5% of the time (when the null hypothesis is true)

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A Conservative Test

A test is if the actual Type I error rate is lower than the nominal alpha

Conservative tests have low power – they don’t reject H0 as often as they should (i.e., too many Type II errors)

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A Liberal Test

A test is if the actual Type I error rate is higher than the nominal alpha

Liberal tests reject H0 too easily, or too frequently (i.e., too many Type I errors)

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Cochran’s Criterion for Acceptable Test Performance

With discrete data (like counts) and small sample sizes, the actual Type I error rate is generally not exactly equal to the nominal alpha

Cochran (1942) suggested allowing a 20% error in the actual Type I error rate—e.g., for nominal alpha = .05, an actual Type I error rate between .04 and .06 is acceptable

Cochran’s criterion is admittedly arbitrary, but other authors have generally followed it (or a similar criterion) – and Campbell (2007) uses it.

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Figure 2A: Pearson chi-square (Model II) with minimum E = 0, 1, 3, and 5

Minimum value of E

Maximum over all values of π

.05 ± 20% (from Cochran)

For Model II, Pearson’s chi-squared test meets Cochran’s criterion only if

the minimum E ≥ 5 (the blue line).

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Figure 2B: N-1 chi-square (Model II)with minimum E = 0, 1, 3, and 5

For Model II, the N-1 chi-squared test meets Cochran’s criterion quite well

for expected counts as low as 1.

Minimum value of E

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Figure 4A: Pearson chi-square (Model III) with minimum E = 0, 1, 3, and 5

For Model III, Pearson’s chi-squared test meets Cochran’s

criterion fairly well for E as low as 3.

Minimum value of E

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Figure 4B: N-1 chi-square (Model III) with minimum E = 0, 1, 3, and 5

Minimum value of E

For Model III, the N-1 chi-squared test meets Cochran’s criterion very

well for expected counts as low as 1.

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Campbell’s New Rule of Thumb for 2×2 Tables

For Model I – row & column totals both fixed

Use the two-sided Fisher Exact Test (as computed by SPSS)

Aka the Fisher-Irwin Test “by Irwin’s rule”

For Models II and III – comparative trials & cross-sectional

If all E ≥ 1, use the ‘N − 1’ chi-squared test Otherwise, use the Fisher–Irwin Test by Irwin’s rule

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Increased Power

Campbell’s new rule of thumb “extends the use of the chi-squared test to smaller samples … with a resultant increase in the power to detect real differences.” (Campbell, 2007, p. 3674, emphasis added)

Tim “the Stats-Man” Taylor & Al

And as everyone knows, the more power, the better!

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Campbell’s Online Calculator


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Computing the N-1 chi-square with SPSS

I have written 2 SPSS syntax files to compute the N-1 chi-square

Ian Campbell provides a link to them beside his online calculator

A link to my two SPSS syntax files

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Severe Malocclusion

Yeah, I have a question. Did you

have to include that picture?


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Barnard GA. Significance tests for 2×2 tables. Biometrika 1947; 34:123–138.

Campbell I. Chi-squared and Fisher–Irwin tests of two-by-two tables with small sample recommendations. Statist. Med. 2007; 26:3661–3675. [See also: http://www.iancampbell.co.uk/twobytwo/twobytwo.htm]

Cochran WG. The χ2 test of goodness of fit. Annals of Mathematical Statistics 1952; 25:315–345.

Cochran WG. Some methods for strengthening the common χ2 tests. Biometrics 1954; 10:417–451.

Kempthorne O. In dispraise of the exact test: reactions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1979;3:199–213.

Kendall MG, Stuart A. The advanced theory of statistics, Vol. 2, 2nd Ed. London: Griffin, 1967.

Pearson ES. The choice of statistical tests illustrated on the interpretation of data classed in a 2×2 table. Biometrika 1947; 34:139–167.

Rankin R. The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse. Gollancz (August 1, 2003).

Richardson JTE. The analysis of 2x1 and 2x2 contingency tables: A historical review. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 1994; 3:107-133.

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The Cutting Room Floor

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Etymology of rule of thumb

However, there is no solid evidence to support that claim http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/rule-of-thumb.html http://www.canlaw.com/rights/thumbrul.htm http://womenshistory.about.com/od/mythsofwomenshistory/a/rule_of_thumb.htm http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2550/does-rule-of-thumb-refer-to-an-old-law-


Some have claimed that the expression rule of thumb derives an old legal ruling in England that allowed men to beat their wives with a stick, provided it was no thicker than their thumb

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An Important Topic

Dr. Oscar Kempthorne

"The importance of the topic cannot be stressed too heavily."

(J Stat Planning and Inf 1979;3:199–213, emphasis added)

"2×2 contingency tables are the most elemental structures leading to

ideas of association.... The comparison of two binomial parameters

runs through all sciences."

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Oscar Kempthorne (1919-2000)

Farm boy from Cornwall who became a Cambridge-trained statistician

In 1941, he joined Rothamsted Experiment Station, where he met Ronald Fisher and Frank Yates

Strongly influenced by Fisher—e.g., areas of interest were experimental design, genetic statistics, and statistical inference

Kempthorne & Fisher

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J.O. Irwin (1898-1982)

“J. O. Irwin was a soft spoken kind soul who took a tremendous interest in his students and their achievements.... He was a lovable absent-minded kind of professor who smoked more matches than he did tobacco in his ever-present pipe while he was deeply involved in thinking about other important matters.”

Major Greenwood

“His old boss Pearson and his new boss R. A. Fisher were bitter enemies but Irwin's conciliatory nature allowed him to remain on good terms with both men.”

From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Oscar_Irwin

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A variation on that rule of thumb says that:

1) All expected counts should be 10 or greater.  2) If any expected counts are less than 10, but greater than

or equal to 5, Yates' Correction for continuity should be applied.  (However, the use of Yates' correction is controversial, and is not recommended by all authors).

3) If any expected counts are less than 5, then some other test should be used.

Again, the most frequently recommended alternative test under point 3 has been Fisher’s exact test.

A Variation on the Rule

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Figure 1: Maximum Type I error probability for comparative trials (Model II)

Maximum over all values of π

Far too liberal if we impose no restrictions on minimum value of E

Arguably too conservative for

smaller values of N

Cochran’s range: ± 20% of .05

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Figure 3: Maximum Type I error probability for cross-sectional studies (Model III)

Too liberal if we impose no restrictions on minimum value of E

Again, the FET is too conservative

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Pearson’s chi-square

O = observed count E = expected count (assuming a true null hypothesis) Σ = Greek letter sigma & means to sum across all cells

22 ( )O E


General formula for

contingency tables of any size

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I don’t remember what expected counts are—can you explain that?

Of course. See the next slide.

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Example: A 5×2 Table

E = row total × column total / grand total

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How low is too low for expected counts?

It depends.

If I had a dollar for every time I heard a statistician say that, I’d be rich.

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It depends on the table dimensions

For contingency tables larger than 2×2, the chi-square approximation is pretty good if:

Many people do not know this, and mistakenly assume that all expected counts must be 5 or more for tables of any size

“…no more than 20% of the expected counts are less than 5 and all individual expected counts are 1 or greater."

(Yates, Moore & McCabe, 1999, p. 734)

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Example 1: A 5×2 Contingency Table

Each person is classified on 2 different categorical variables Each person appears in only one cell of the table

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Expected Counts for the 5×2 Table

Two of 10 cells (20%) have E < 5; but all E >= 1

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MAJORLa-la-la-la-la …

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Fisher’s Exact Test

Fisher’s formula for working out the exact probability of an observed set of counts (and of more extreme sets under H0):

( )!( )!( )!( )!

! ! ! ! !

! ! ! !

! ! ! ! !

a b c d a c b dp

N a b c d

m n r s

N a b c d

a b mc d nr s N

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Kendall & Stuart’s Derivation of the ‘N-1’ Chi-square

For Model I, if a is known, b, c, and d can be worked out using the fixed row & column totals

Kendall & Stuart demonstrated that under a true null hypothesis, a is asymptotically normal with:

( )( )Mean

a b a c



( )( )( )( )Variance

( 1)

a b c d a c b d


i.e., row total × column total divided

by grand total

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( )( )

( )( )( )( )( 1)

a b a ca

Nza b c d a c b d


22 2


( 1)( )

( )( )( )( )df

N ad bcz

a b c d a c b d

N-1 chi-square

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J.T.E. Richardson on the N-1 chi-square

“It will become clear later that [the N-1 chi-square] rather than [Pearson’s chi-square] is in fact the appropriate chi-square statistic to use in analysing all 2×2 contingency tables regardless of the underlying model.” (Richardson, 1994, p. 116, emphasis added)

J.T.E. Richardson

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What is the Purpose of Research?

“The purpose of most research is to discover

relations—relations between or among

variables or between treatment interventions

and outcomes.”

Dr. David Streiner (Can J Psychiatry 2002;47:262–266)

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What is the Role of Statistical Tests?

They test the null hypothesis that in the population from which you

have sampled, there is no association between the variables.

So when you reject the null hypothesis, you infer that there is an association between the variables (in the population).

Yours truly
