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A New Theory of Creation

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A New Theory of Creation
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A New Theory of Creation

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Each culture and each religion has a story about the Creation explaining how the universe and human beings came to exist.In most of these stories the world is brought into being by the word, dream, breath, or pure thought of a Creator.One of these stories is narrated in the first chapter of the Bible (Genesis 1: 1-35). It states that the Creation of the Universe and Human beings was completed in 6 days.

The study of fossils coming from various strata of soil shows that it took millions of years between the appearance of the first microscopic bacteria and the appearance of the first mammals.This suggests that the Creation was not completed in 6 days as stated in the Bible. Many Christians hold the Bible very dearly and as a result refute the facts brought by the study of fossils.

This has created a big gap and confrontation between religion and science.

A Creator

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The chart shows that the findings of present-day Science matches the description of the Bible.

The Bible says “There was an evening and there was a morning.” Between the evening and the morning there is a period of time: the night. This indicates that there is a time period between the moment God gave the order and the time it is accomplished. It is not instantaneous. The one day period of the Bible could very well be said to be an era. It doesn’t have to be taken literally.

Likewise, the 6 Days of the Creation can be understood as corresponding to 6 eras of development.

6 Days = 6 Eras

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“Unification Thought” is the name of the extensive work and research done by Dr. Sang-Hun Lee under the direction of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

The New Theory of Creation exposed here is a part of the “Unification Thought” and was published in Japan in 1997, under the title “From Evolution Theory to a New Creation Theory”

A copy of this book can be seen on Slideshare at this address: www.slideshare.net/taupier/from-theory-of-evolution-to-a-new-theory-of-creation

In the next slides, when we speak of Unification Thought it refers to this published book.

Unification Thought

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According to Unification Thought:“One has to recognize that, in order for a species to undergo change in shape and function to such an extent that it becomes an altogether different species, some creative input must be applied to it” It means it requires an input of new information .”

“When a new species is created, God's power works to bring about an abrupt change. In such an occasion, God causes an abrupt change according to His plan (Logos). How is that carried out? In biological terms, this matter relates to the rearrangement of the genetic code, or to a change in the program of the genetic code.”“At any rate, a clarification of how God has rearranged genes and changed programs in organisms is a problem to be solved in the future, but the day will come when this question will be clarified through the results of scientific research.”The rearrangement of the genetic code was directly guided by the Creator. It didn’t happen at random.

Creation Through Guided Mutations

See our previous study on the Theory of Evolution:http://www.slideshare.net/taupier/the-theory-of-evolution-and-its-flaws

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Unification Thought also states: “Creation took place, not in a continuous way, but in stages. Creation took place in the following way: God's power worked, whereby a certain species was created. After a certain period of time, which could be called a growth or preparation period passed, God's power worked, whereby a new species was created. We call this process "creation by stages."

Creation By Stages

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Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Gen 1:26) “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Gen 1:27)

According to Unification Thought, the human being is an image-like substantial object of God, and all things are symbolic substantial objects of God. In other words, God’s nature is fully and totally expressed in human beings only.

Animals and all other things of the Creation don’t express all the characteristics of God’s nature. Plants and amoebas express very few characters of man; animals express more characters of human beings than plants and amoebas.

To put it another way, human beings have been created in the likeness of God, and the rest of creation has been created in the likeness of human beings. This is called "creation in likeness."

Man Created in the Image of His Cfreator, God

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Man is the End Goal of CreationThe Creator started the Creation by creating organic matter and the smallest bacteria. Throughout the process of Creation, the idea of the Creator was to create a viable nest and environment for Human Beings.In this sense, all creation and all creatures were created for the sake of man and exist to serve man. On the other hand, man was created to serve and care for all of Creation and return joy to the Creator.

Living beings are fit for their own existence, but at the same time they exist for the sake of higher beings; especially humans.

Sungsang and Hyungsang are Korean words.Sungsang purpose = internal purposeHyungsang purpose = external purpose

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The limbs of mammals are similar because they were all made in the image of man’s limbs

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The theory of recapitulation states that the similarity of animal embryos proves that we are all descendants of a common ancestor: the fish. However, animal embryos are similar because they are in the image and likeness of human embryos, not because they all came from a fish as the common ancestor.

Animal Embryos Created in the Image of Human Embryos

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In this way, the examples cited as evidence for evolution (similarity of limbs and similarity of embryos) are instead what

proves creation in likeness, centered on the human being.

The human being looks like an ape, not because humans evolved from the ape, but rather because the ape was created in the

likeness of human beings.

The Ape was Created in the Image of Man

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Unification Thought explains that joy comes from a relationship between a subject and object. An individual alone cannot experience joy. To study more about this point go to this link:www.dplife.info/divineprinciple/6-2/

The Purpose of Creation is Joy

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“The words "love" and "ideal" are without meaning when one is alone. Love demands someone to love and someone to be loved by. Hope or any ideal needs to be shared with

someone. Love and ideals have meaning only when a reciprocal and complementary relationship of give and take has been established. You may try to be happy by yourself,

try to be joyful, try to be loving. But you can never attain these things when you are alone. This is a universal truth.

It even applies to Almighty God. As long as God remains alone, even He cannot fulfill these goals by Himself. Even Almighty God Himself needs someone to be in the

position of an object to Him, someone to love and to be loved by.

The fulfillment of these goals can only be realized when a subject finds an object, and they unite in a reciprocal relationship of give and take, stimulating and complementing

each other.”Excerpt from “Day of Hope Banquet”, Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech in New York,

September 17, 1974.

The Purpose of Creation is Joy

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“No matter how great, how absolute, and how all-knowing and all-powerful God may be, He cannot be happy alone.The words “happiness” and “it is good” make no sense when you are alone. You can say that it is good, or that you are happy only when you are in a relationship with a partner. Is there anyone who says he is happy when he is alone? No matter how all-knowing and almighty God may be, He is not happy when He is alone. Let us say a good singer sings a song all by himself. Will he be happy?He needs someone to listen to his song. He will only be joyful when that give andtake exists. Likewise, God also needs an object partner in order to experience joy.”Excerpt from Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s speech, November 13, 1972

God created Man to be His object partner: to receive God’s love and return love to God. God alone cannot feel joy, but when Man returns love to God and cooperate with Him, God can feel joy.

The Purpose of Creation is Joy

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An individual alone cannot experience joy.

Joy only comes from a relationship with something or someone.

God Man

The Purpose of Creation is Joy

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Even before the Creation, a blueprint was designed in God’s mind.Man was conceived in God’s own image, as the living being that embodies all of His attributes.

Taking the human image as a model, and by taking out of it various attributes , God conceived the image of each animal. By taking out more attributes and transforming them, He conceived the images of plants.

Even among animals, He first conceived the image of higher animals, which are closer to humans, and by abstracting and transforming them, He gradually conceived the image of lower animals. Among plants, He also conceived the image of higher plants first, and then gradually the image of lower plants.At the extreme end of the process of abstracting and transforming the images of animals and plants, God conceived the image of a cell. The cell was conceived as the smallest unit of all living beings.

Before Creation

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GODIn God’s Mind

Before the CreationIn His mind, God first created a Man and a Woman in His image and then animals, plants, minerals and lastly atoms.

John 1:1-3; Psalms 33:6-9 speaks of the Logos or Word of God. To say that things were created through the Logos of God, means that things where created according to the Word or Blueprint that God had in mind before the creation began.

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Once everything was readyin His mind, God started the process of Creation through the Big Bang and thenguided the development of the universe, the development of life on earth and finally the creation of Man.

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The Creation is the work of a loving Creator.

It requires a lot of faith to believe that the Creation is just the result of random evolution.

A Loving Creator

I welcome your comments and questions. It’s still a work in progress. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] Thank you.

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Thank you for your attention!
