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a NEW YORK David Dayton - University of HawaiiK 3ft I 1 int Ji 11H IP hi 1 1 I I 1 s III...

Date post: 08-Jul-2020
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f 'fy- - Jj. j if i jr rj9?"' w JH --A' , F. jr k sr s ? wlFj B&iKZjfcr vw " w 'fun SptfJ m f ii MunnMiiMm ya???S!!8EEJ C SsB83s2b, ?-- 4b v v t"i- crfji .. yir -- ... K 3ft I 1 i nt Ji 1 1 H IP hi 1 1 I I 1 s III IIIIMMIIIIMII oun8onii'TiON Vol. XIV. No '2I2. IIOKOLTJLU, II. I., SATKl'DAY IOVIWIKCI. ,1AMUAKY iir.. 1SH0. 60 OtNTO Ptfl MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN is printed mill publlslieil al tho olUcc, tjijoon Btteet, Honolulu, 11. I., every nftornoiiti (Huuilayg oxecptod). 8ub:crinllsn, - SO con'.s per Month. Aclitrus nil OnmrJUiticatliina JUtr.v. Hur.tii.iiN. AilVutiloeKiruU, to cinttro uiiertlnii, tbuiild be liiiiiilfit in beloroout: o'clock WALTKIt lilt 1 ...tililoi and I'roprlolor llulletiu 3tai.ni I'l luting Ofaico. Newspaper, Holc nnil .loli Printing of sll kliul-- i done on tho most favorable terms. Uell Telephuno No. 2511 Mni'inl Telephone No. 2nd THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An inteioslliig Mill comprehensive publication, C'OlltulllB aj I'lllllllllfl of uadliig mutter oti local topics, nnil n complete resume of Honolulu nml Island Now. It is ttie best paper published In tho Kingdom to send to lilends kIiiOikI. tSni,'fli)tliiii: HI mi il ft 00 year Fuii'ten 5 00 " Commission Moronants. 1IACKFELD A& Jo., 11. Ueneral Commission Agonts. I1onolui.ii Q. W. MACFAHLAKE & Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Oucen street, Honolulu. II. I. 1043 UONSALV15S & CO., Wholesale Orocera & Wine Merchants Heaver Block, Honolulu. A OOMrANY, GBBBWBR (Limited) UltNKU.U. Mi:ilOANTII.B AND CoMMlbSION AtU.NIU i.iur ok ofvicuiib: 1. C. .lotiKu, Jr....l'reililout & MutiKjrer i. J. OAiirmi Treasurer & Seoretury imnunona: Uuu. U H. Uiiiuoi'. S. C. Ai.r.iw, II. WAThUlIUUSU. 33 ly T. WATKBHOUBiC, JOUN lmpoitur and Dealer in Qeneral UerclittudiBe, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 6. N. Castlo.-- J. B. Atllerton-- U. P. (Jatlo Ja OOOKE, C1A3TMC BUippliitf and Cuiiuuieaiun AlerelmuU. luiporttis mid Deulers in UunerdlMei.ihiimliae, No. 80 King t., Honolulu. 1 C'lau byrtcnele. Wia. (. Irwlu. IRWIN & OOMPAWY, WQ. tliigar t'aelora Mid untd, Honolulu. 1 w 1LDER 5l OO., Uealerd la l.unuier, ruiuw, Jlls, Nalla, SaP. aud llulldlug Materials ol every kind, cor. Kort ami Queen ia., Honolulu . Lowem, K. J. Uiwiey C. M. Ooolio. es. Oookb, LiawKua to Lowers & lJleKbon,) Importers and Dralers in Lumbor and all aiiuli ot Dullding Materials, l"ort street, Uounluln 1 Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 Fort St., Upstairs. Tlie undersigned begs to inform tbe public of theae Islands that lie is making HhlrtN ly Monsiircmont : V Directions forBelf-incanurcmc- will ' bo given on application. White Slilrts, Oversolits & Might Gowns A nt guarantee by making a uanipla Blilrt to every order. Island order jolldlud Bell Telephone 410 Wily A. Al. ItlFXIilH. H. G. CRABBE, DEALER IN Wand GRAIN Bl King Street, opposite Hie Old Station House. Muliitil No. -- 1. 87 tf A. If. BASEMANN, lljok-biudo- r, Paper-rule- r c& Blank-boo- k Manufacturer, No. Mernhftiit street. Up stairs. ocl.l.88-l- y ProfoBHiouals. JM. MONSAKIIAT, ul L:iw iz Notary l'tililic W) Mrrclinnt Street, Honolulu. tf JALFKH1D Mauoon, nt Law Notary I'ulillu 17!l i'i Miirolmntttrcut. Honolulu, lv .iir i. ' " David Dayton Will pi III till III 111'! lilWIT (Ollltli lif till' Kliimtoin .h iittmiicy, unu'nl t'i inlleri illg 111 llll IIS lllMH'llUH, llllllllg OT iil-- unit mi) other liUittiifw I'liini'tnl l lilm Olilrc !l Kins? rJiioet Upiinm Kui. r..su PlOMOIilR STM AM) 1A ItlJIlV. Y. HOHN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Ooolt huiI ii'tkei. 71 Hotel St. -- saj- Teleplione7l. HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Toliacconlata WHOLKSALIi AND HKTAIL, 109 t'o-- t Street, : William's Jllnrl:, 'UG Honolulu, U. I. IL U. I'.UKSOK. (1. W. RMI'flt. BENSON. SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 113 4 lttJFoit Stieet, - Honolulu Urpot for IJoerickc & yeeclilU's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Kiekaecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2) llmiiiructui'lnic JuiMillcm, JV. 03 FOUT S'X'lt JS IC'X Coustnntly on bnnrf i lnrgu assortmon of every description oi Jowclry, Wat lies Oolil nml Silvei Plated Ware, &c. JOS ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Wiitciiniaker Kukui Jovoliy a Specially King Slfcot, IBoiinlnlu, H. I. , WeMtlooi to the Hawaliiin Trnm. ivay Company's Olllre. tS7 P.iriirulitr uttontioii to nil Uinda ot irpiiirs. jan.1118!) BEAVER esjk SALOON Tho Bost Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffeo at 111 Hours The Flneot Ilr.aml of Alwny on llaiKl. II. .1. KOtTK, l'roiii'leliu-- . Husiace& Robertson, JL K.A. yMMN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at-X- teudul to. l'aiticular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods in transit to tho otbor Islauds. Also, Black and White Sand m quantities to suit at lowest prlcoa. Olllce, next dooi to .Ian. F. Morgan's auction room. 9S2 ly Mutual Telephone No. HI. J. N. S. WILLIAMS. Engineer & Contractor, Is prepared to design and contract for all classes ol Sugar Extraction Machi. uery, Irrigating Machinery, Evaporat- ing AiiparatUB, Vacuum Pans, Engines nt all kinds and lor all puiposcs, Water Wheels, Water Conduits, both pipes and Humes J, Stuam liollcrs ol vniions kinds,. Kuilro'id Mateiial and Kolling Htock, Ktc, Etc. 1I FFIIN1. 51 ACIIIX BUY, In all its branches a specialty. Plantations supplied with Chemical and Analytical Apparatus of the vciy best description to order. . jta'n Close attention paid to all ordeis nml satislaclion to tint puicluiBcr gun. rautceil. P. O. Dm il0. Foil stitet, Honolulu. sept.(l8!ily LADIES' NUItSK. HS. MONROE, ladies' nurue, has M removed to No. il, Kukui lime. Fell 1 1 S!) Til IJ .Vj--- --i Meyj)olitaniJil Meat Company SI KINO sTUUIJT, G. i. WALLBfl, - - Manayer Wholesale & ltetaH Iltttchors MIO NAVY CHWHlACTOliS. lTli ly itmcriiKit. City Market, Nliuauu Street. Beef, H! Veal, Lamb, Mutton, & Pork. ALSO Cambridfje Pork Sauuayus ! PiesT Kveiy Day. RBf'H is noted Maimgea nro tiiadf by tins eveiy bvat nriil all uideit. entrusted to bis care will bu ikliveru; with proniplnen nml dibpiitob, and cs me as low nb anywhere in tin-cit- tS'Try his Bologna Q.iusnges.-i&- s ott-- i WANTED AN lincictic, Trustworlliy Man in collcotor and to nmke binnelf generally uteful In tbo iitllcu. Atilii-a- , Bt'iting last jilnro and terms desiietl to "P. (). Uo.v 4lI " .prui Collector Wanted. 7'AN"l'KI) an Active, TritMnoilliy I M 'in hi Collcptor wjio will rcu dcran equivalent Inr snlniy lu'clvril. Aililrcs Post Olllfp Lock liox No. I'.r.l. (living lull particulars, niacin s nml salaiy rupiirul None olliei iui-il- . Furiiisliod Cottage To Lot. pAttLft A M:AT Cottage, el5v3 loc.iteil, containing 4 loom. rA;:rritf nicely lui nlshed, klteben,b'itli loom, stalilc, lii'iicuy, etc. Lot l'JOx.KIO, lawn, "dwelt! iree "nnil llners. Kent 10 per month, including1 water rate ami telepbone. inwAiiA.v iit'sixHss aokncy. Furnished House To Let. i a A''' Waikiki, a two story jkflj - Hcnii'c, conl.lluitig pi iS looms uicelv filrnislieil. witli kitchen, lnit'ii, bath and servant's inome, stable, it". , to let for n few montlii ut a reiEonable iatc. Or rooms xsill be let sinuly with uooil tabic board. Hawaiian liraixEss aohxcy. Valuable lroperty For Sal5 Nuiiaiiu AveniK', a newly fiiniislied U storv Hotie containiiii; 8 rcioniH. kltelieii, Imtlirooni, closets, I'airnnje lioiiso, t tabic, licntiy, etc. . Giounds cont.iiii 1! 'J 10 noes, well laid out in lawn, rliiiile nml fruit Hcch, llowvis, etc. Will be Fold low, with orwilhoni fuinituie, liorsca, cmriages, livestock, nml all tlie appointments iKcdctt in a liist-cl.ii- s nviilcnce, as the owner in- tends leaving these Islands. HAWAIIAN' MTSIXKSS AOKNCY. Island ViowH. A LARGE nsiortmciitnf Photographs nml .Stereoscopic Views of the mo'-- t uttiactiw sceneiy, liiiililings, etc , in tliesa Ulniuls, for sale at lc.isonable Hawaiian' nu.sixr.ps agrncy. Collier I'Oit ami Meichaiit sticet. 'itOS tt frof. ii. SAUVIjIjJT, PIAHO, VIOLIN & SINGING LESSONS. Hesidcnee No. 1115 Nuuanu Avenue. Mutii'il Telephone! Nib .'illll nov 'JiCHm ii. HIULLEIt & CO., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS llethel Street, "Dainnn'd Illcck," Corner sture. Suigicai & MiiMical IiHliumciits neiitlv n:puir?il at leasonablc ratm Sowing Machines and repaiiing of all hinds a specialty. All kinds of Sales At Scales ret viiieii. uousiiioiil sewing Machines lor sale. Clft5.11 fal VETERINARY. AH. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon, ami pharmacy at Hawaiian Hotel Stables, coiner Hotel ami ltichaid Btieuts. Seieutillo tieatluenl in all s of domestic animals. Outers lor plantation ami much stock promptly attend d to. Mutual Telephone IIIVl, P. O. IJox 320. inh-lS-S- PUHL1C NOTICE. rpHE umlfrsigned liming lieen ap-.- polnlril agent for II. JM. (Jneen Kapioluni, notice Is hcieby given Dial all tenants, by lease or otherwise, are oiilcrcd to niiikn all payments to me, mo olhei leceipt Iniliig valid. Olllre al the Pnlacii lliiugalow. Hours limn II a. m. lo I ). m. ll.O. ULUKOU, liill If Agent for H. M. the queen. This Space -- i'oi: is Reserved POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE, HOLLISTER & CO., 10! I'OIIT NTHKKT. H4XOMIMT. NKW GOODS JUST TO HAND A KIJLL ASKOHTMENT OF Colgate & Co's Celebrated I'ciIhiiics Toilet. Soaps, Photographic Goods of All Kinds. -- EEEB UH ACH- E- WAIt RANTED GENUINE IX QUANTITIES TO SUIT. Fine Chemicals, Patent Medicines Cigars, Cigarettes & Tobaccos. KI1 'Telephone. rJO -- foa IS be Tin: Mm :tT 1 HAWAISAN WINE 00 No. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fori Street. HAVE THE BEST QUALITY EACH AND EVERY KIND OK CALIFORNIA-- : WINES IMPORTED INTOTIIIri KINGDOM. Our "PEDRO SIMPLY SMT Whloli will tmlil AT 2170 Jtr mil JIMENEZ ? MUSLIME. LOWES V RATES by FRANK BROWN, Mrfiingt'i, "A.,,, e a u s3 jp Ra e PLAKIN0 MILL, Alakea, nciir uoon S( 'IVIctilicmc Xn. 5. WALKER & R3DWARD, t 'mat i'ii'lrn i." itullilovri. Ilnek, Stone ntid Wou'tcn Hiilldlnici "w limatiis Kiviii. tlublitiiK proinplH nt liinlcl to. 10 Uini -- lien liillTilo-plum- e N . !i. P. O. U , VS-i- . npir. G JKORISK LUCAS, ;J, mti actor tV&u,'"-!- and ltullclcr,2tSiSr3-- 'i Humdulu Steam Pl.uiliig Miilb, hspla uadi', Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Moulding, lirackcts, Window Krai'ies, Itllmls, Hashes, Doors, aud all kinds of Wood- work ilnish. Turning, Kcioll and Kami S.twilig. All kinds ol Kawinu. and Plan- ing. Morticing and Ttniititing. Oidi'ispiomptly allwniled lo Mid olk i;iiMaliteed. Orilels (nun the other Is-- I mils solii'iteil xiv-fW- Honolulu Iron Wonica. BsTJSsai!Sleani engliiLS, sugar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass ami lead cast-mgs- j iiinohinen of cvciy dccriptiou unide to ordei. Puiticiilarattention paicl to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at vhorl notice 1 I. O. Ilox :i.1l. -- fc$- Itell 'IVIe. 271. Hawaiian Business Ajpey Comer Foil i, J1cilIi.uH Stic ts, Honolulu, II I COMMISSION MERCHANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. AiToinitiMitM & (Eolli'ctni'tt M1K TIIK Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co. Manager of Advettisiufj Department rem 'nil'. 'TJupepa Kuokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive speal.il atten- tion and returns ptomplly made. Ileal Estato bought, sohl and Iiu-im- I. Taxes Paid and propoily safely insured Houses, Cottages, Etoonis anil Olticcs. kfticil and lculul, and icnls colleeicil. Tire and Lilo Insurance cUcrtcd m lii.M. class Insurance Companies. Conveyancing a Ipccialty Itccouls searched and coirtct Abti!icts ot Title furnishid. Legal Documents and Papers of cveiy description carefully diawu and lianil. soincly engrossed. Copying and Translating in ml languages in gcneial use in tins Kingdom. Custom House Business traiib'ir.ted witli ncciiiacy aud dispatch. Loans negotiated nt lux liable rates Gold, Silver and Certificates hough! and rolil. Advertisements and Subscriptions soli i itiit tor pithliidifis, Any Article purchnjid oi sold on luoi abh tcims Inlcr-lslan- d Orders will neclve atteutimi. To Let, Furnished and Unlurnlshcd Co- llages in desirable localiticsal leasonablc rem als. Several Valuablo Properties in nml around the city now for b.ile and Km-- i mi e.asy term". jtuJAll biibiuesi i ntriuitcd to our care will receive piouipt am! faithful alien-Ho- nt mo.leiiitci rhiugei Ei'li-lS- WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS (SL HENRY, fori Sired, next Lucas' Mill, sJbS&L t Carriage Builders," Ship's Blacksmilhiny, Drays, Carts & Wagon Building as specially. Every dcsciiption of work in the above lines performed in a fust-clas- s manner and executed at short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. t5f" Oideis from the other islands solicited. Will In plesBid to sen all our old customeis as well as new ones. Mutual Telephone No 57.1. apr-10-8- 0 W.W. Wright & Son ) 79 A.8I a Bell Tele., King SI No. 381. (The Rose PicmiM'S) All for wheel vehicles of cvciy ilu'i'iiption tilled with piomptucss, First eliifs mechanics I'liiph'vcil. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty lit. VII CAUS, IMIMIIISSCH, Plantation Wagons, Uule & Ox Carts, Made to order, altciicl or repaired. Carriago Paiutin, Trimming;, int., i.j c, i. ic, Kic. Our HORSESHOEING Department Is under tho nianngement of 11. C.iy. lot I, who will colli c l ami receipts nil bills due tint branch ot our huMiicts. 1.ji;iku;: nit.in.:iiii w. w. wrioiit a NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $85,000,000.00 "Fads are Stubborn Things," At i mtv iigc, nn cciy piciiiiitlii table, .iiul in cveiy year, (lio AC- TUAL RESULTS c.f Ti.nlfiio 1'olioin of llic New York Lifo Insiiraiico Co. Ii.ii' been LARd'EH tlmn tliuyo OF ANY OTHER COMPANY iiMiing "inul.ir prilieirs. BJff" Fur pjuticulai.s npply lo '. ). ltSllMiit-lIt- , Oi n'l Agent Il.iW'.iii.in Irlunih. iiSH tf FIRE, LIFE, an., MAltlJNK I.NSURANCK. Hart foul Fire luimauco Co. Atseta, 5fe.r),23H.OOO Comuicrcittl Inturanco Co. (Fire and Mailnc) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevad- a Assmauco Corporation (Fire and Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South Rrilish Firo aud Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Lifo Insurance Co. Assets, $05,000,000 C.O.-BEKGK- HONOLULU. Oeneral Agent, Uaw'n Islamh 1033 ly Prussian National Insurance Comu'v USTAIU.ISIIUD 1S45, Capital, 9,000,000 Reiclismarkt fiailK iindeisigncd, bnving bien np. X. poiuiuda'entot tbcaboveCompaiiy forthu Hawaiian islands, is preparedto accept risks, against Fire, on Uuildiugs, Furnituie, PiixlULO.Buiar Mills oto., on Hie most Favorable 'IVnus losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable, Honolulu. H. R1EMENSCHNKIDER, 1I.V ti7 ly at Wilder & Co 8. FILTER PRESSES ! PAVL'IIAU I'lANTATION, ) Hawaii, March 0, ISS3. f Itlsilon inn A l.ocmucitlvit Woilin Nnu Kruiielxeci. (!i.ti.i:.mi.n: Wi havo used twoo, your niter Presses 'J'hey me eoiiveiiient, easllv li.liiilled nml aio woikliigenliiely to I can loeoiiiiiieiiil no in piovemeiit on them. Vciy voiu, (Signed) A. MOORE, Man.igcr P.iniiliiiu Planiailon Hkeia, Sept. 23. lbW. Mil. John Dvi.h, Agent Itisdon l.on Works, Honolulu. Dr.AK hut Please ship iii one of j our HO Coinpaitnieut Filler Presses, lect sin lace, same as the cue nipplicrt us last tCKSOn, which I am plcasctl lo say has given us entire satisfaction. Y intra truly, Oro. R. F.WART, Manager Heelu Agilculliiial (o. 'I'liei Piie-- i are made extra hoaiv for high pics-uie- s, oceiipy a ibmr -- p.icc U feet by I feet, and' pie-c- ut n liltciiug suifiiee of 240 square teet. A limited niimbei in stock in Hono- lulu and tiiu sold at very low prices. IUsaon Iron & Loco. Works. .San Franci-co- . frit' For particulars enquire of ' .1011. DYKR, llonoliilit, Room Xn. il .Siieekels' llloik. 2M0if W. 0. Irwin &Co.. Ac eat. Anderson &Lundy, Donlisls. A'rlifieial Teelh from one to an entire bet inset led on gold, silver, alluiniiiiiui. and rubber basis. Crown mid llridgt Work a specialty. T porfnns wenriug rubber jdates which aie a constant souice ot iriitatimi to the month anil throat, wo would recommend our Pro- phylactic Metal Plate. All opetHUous net formed in aecorilnnci! with tlie Kteit Improveinenls in dental Teith Extiaetecl wilhoul iiiin by the liMt-ii- Nitrous Oxide (lar. nrOlllce at Old 'Pregloau Residence Hotel street. Feb'-Us- O . .Aliiv J& uLM - L Jtu i ii ,
Page 1: a NEW YORK David Dayton - University of HawaiiK 3ft I 1 int Ji 11H IP hi 1 1 I I 1 s III IIIIMMIIIIMII oun8onii'TiON Vol. XIV. No '2I2. IIOKOLTJLU, II. I., SATKl'DAY IOVIWIKCI. ,1AMUAKY


'fy- - Jj. j if i jr rj9?"' wJH --A' ,

F. jr k sr s ? wlFj B&iKZjfcr vw " w 'funSptfJ mf


ya???S!!8EEJ C SsB83s2b,


v vt"i- crfji ..yir-- ...

K 3ft I 1 i ntJi 11 H IP hi 1 1 I I 1 s IIIIIIIMMIIIIMII




is printed mill publlslieil al tho olUcc,

tjijoon Btteet, Honolulu, 11. I., every

nftornoiiti (Huuilayg oxecptod).

8ub:crinllsn, - SO con'.s per Month.

Aclitrus nil OnmrJUiticatliina JUtr.v.Hur.tii.iiN.

AilVutiloeKiruU, to cinttro uiiertlnii,tbuiild be liiiiiilfit in beloroout: o'clock

WALTKIt lilt 1 ...tililoi and I'roprlolor

llulletiu 3tai.ni I'l luting Ofaico.

Newspaper, Holc nnil .loli Printing of

sll kliul-- i done on tho most favorableterms.Uell Telephuno No. 2511

Mni'inl Telephone No. 2nd


Weekly Summary.

An inteioslliig Mill comprehensivepublication, C'OlltulllB aj I'lllllllllfl of

uadliig mutter oti local topics, nnil n

complete resume of Honolulu nml IslandNow. It is ttie best paper publishedIn tho Kingdom to send to lilendskIiiOikI.

tSni,'fli)tliiii:HI mi il ft 00 yearFuii'ten 5 00 "

Commission Moronants.

1IACKFELD A& Jo.,11.Ueneral Commission Agonts.




Oucen street, Honolulu. II. I.1043


Wholesale Orocera & Wine Merchants

Heaver Block, Honolulu.



i.iur ok ofvicuiib:1. C. .lotiKu, Jr....l'reililout & MutiKjrer

i. J. OAiirmi Treasurer & Seoretury

imnunona:Uuu. U H. Uiiiuoi'. S. C. Ai.r.iw,


T. WATKBHOUBiC,JOUN lmpoitur and Dealer in QeneralUerclittudiBe, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

6. N. Castlo.--J. B. Atllerton-- U. P. (JatloJa OOOKE,

C1A3TMC BUippliitf and CuiiuuieaiunAlerelmuU. luiporttis mid Deulers inUunerdlMei.ihiimliae, No. 80 King t.,Honolulu. 1

C'lau byrtcnele. Wia. (. Irwlu.IRWIN & OOMPAWY,WQ.tliigar t'aelora Mid

untd, Honolulu. 1

w 1LDER 5l OO.,Uealerd la l.unuier, ruiuw,

Jlls, Nalla, SaP. aud llulldlug Materialsol every kind, cor. Kort ami Queen ia.,Honolulu

. Lowem, K. J. Uiwiey C. M. Ooolio.

es. Oookb,LiawKua to Lowers & lJleKbon,)Importers and Dralers in Lumbor and allaiiuli ot Dullding Materials, l"ort street,Uounluln 1

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 Fort St., Upstairs.

Tlie undersigned begs to inform tbepublic of theae Islands that lie is making

HhlrtN ly Monsiircmont :V Directions forBelf-incanurcmc- will' bo given on application.

White Slilrts, Oversolits & Might Gowns

A nt guarantee by making a uaniplaBlilrt to every order.

Island order jolldlud Bell Telephone 410

Wily A. Al. ItlFXIilH.



Bl King Street, opposite Hie Old StationHouse.

Muliitil No. --1.87 tf


lljok-biudo- r, Paper-rule- r c& Blank-boo- k


No. Mernhftiit street. Up stairs.ocl.l.88-l- y


JM. MONSAKIIAT,ul L:iw iz Notary l'tililic

W) Mrrclinnt Street, Honolulu. tf

JALFKH1D Mauoon,nt Law Notary I'ulillu

17!l i'i Miirolmntttrcut. Honolulu, lv.iir i. ' "

David DaytonWill pi III till III 111'! lilWIT (Ollltli lif till'Kliimtoin .h iittmiicy, unu'nl t'i inlleriillg 111 llll IIS lllMH'llUH, llllllllg OT iil--unit mi) other liUittiifw I'liini'tnl l lilm

Olilrc !l Kins? rJiioet UpiinmKui. r..su



Y. HOHN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Ooolt huiI ii'tkei.

71 Hotel St. -- saj- Teleplione7l.


Druggists & ToliacconlataWHOLKSALIi AND HKTAIL,

109 t'o-- t Street, : William's Jllnrl:,'UG Honolulu, U. I.

IL U. I'.UKSOK. (1. W. RMI'flt.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists,113 4 lttJFoit Stieet, - Honolulu

Urpot for IJoerickc & yeeclilU's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,Kiekaecker's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, i2)

llmiiiructui'lnic JuiMillcm,JV. 03 FOUT S'X'lt JS IC'X

Coustnntly on bnnrf i lnrgu assortmonof every description oi Jowclry, Wat liesOolil nml Silvei Plated Ware, &c.

JOS ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Wiitciiniaker

Kukui Jovoliy a Specially

King Slfcot, IBoiinlnlu, H. I., WeMtlooi to the Hawaliiin Trnm.

ivay Company's Olllre.

tS7 P.iriirulitr uttontioii to nilUinda ot irpiiirs. jan.1118!)


Tho Bost Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffeo at 111 Hours

The Flneot Ilr.aml of

Alwny on llaiKl.II. .1. KOtTK, l'roiii'leliu--.

Husiace& Robertson,

JL K.A. yMMN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at-X-

teudul to. l'aiticular attentionpaid to tho

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho otbor Islauds.

Also, Black and White Sandm quantities to suit at lowest prlcoa.

Olllce, next dooi to .Ian. F. Morgan'sauction room.

9S2 ly Mutual Telephone No. HI.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS.Engineer & Contractor,

Is prepared to design and contract forall classes ol Sugar Extraction Machi.uery, Irrigating Machinery, Evaporat-ing AiiparatUB, Vacuum Pans, Enginesnt all kinds and lor all puiposcs, WaterWheels, Water Conduits, both pipesand Humes J, Stuam liollcrs ol vniionskinds,. Kuilro'id Mateiial and KollingHtock, Ktc, Etc.

1I FFIIN1. 51 ACIIIX BUY,In all its branches a specialty.

Plantations supplied with Chemical andAnalytical Apparatus of the vciy bestdescription to order. .

jta'n Close attention paid to all ordeisnml satislaclion to tint puicluiBcr gun.rautceil. P. O. Dm il0. Foil stitet,Honolulu. sept.(l8!ily

LADIES' NUItSK.HS. MONROE, ladies' nurue, hasM removed to No. il, Kukui lime.

Fell 1 1 S!)

Til I J.Vj--- --i


Meat CompanySI KINO sTUUIJT,

G. i. WALLBfl, - - Manayer

Wholesale & ltetaH Iltttchors




City Market,Nliuauu Street.

Beef, H! Veal,Lamb, Mutton, & Pork.


Cambridfje Pork Sauuayus !

PiesT Kveiy Day.

RBf'H is noted Maimgea nro tiiadf bytins eveiy bvat nriil all uideit.entrusted to bis care will bu ikliveru;with proniplnen nml dibpiitob, and cs

me as low nb anywhere in tin-cit-

tS'Try his Bologna Q.iusnges.-i&- sott-- i


AN lincictic, Trustworlliy Man incollcotor and to nmke binnelf

generally uteful In tbo iitllcu. Atilii-a- ,

Bt'iting last jilnro and terms desiietl to"P. (). Uo.v 4lI " .prui

Collector Wanted.7'AN"l'KI) an Active, TritMnoilliy

I M 'in hi Collcptor wjio will rcudcran equivalent Inr snlniy lu'clvril.Aililrcs Post Olllfp Lock liox No. I'.r.l.(living lull particulars, niacin s nmlsalaiy rupiirul None olliei iui-il- .

Furiiisliod Cottage To Lot.pAttLft A M:AT Cottage,

el5v3 loc.iteil, containing 4 loom.rA;:rritf nicely lui nlshed, klteben,b'itliloom, stalilc, lii'iicuy, etc. Lot l'JOx.KIO,

lawn, "dwelt! iree "nnil llners. Kent10 per month, including1 water rate ami

telepbone.inwAiiA.v iit'sixHss aokncy.

Furnished House To Let.

i a A''' Waikiki, a two storyjkflj - Hcnii'c, conl.lluitig pi

iS looms uicelv filrnislieil. witlikitchen, lnit'ii, bath and servant's inome,stable, it". , to let for n few montlii ut areiEonable iatc. Or rooms xsill be letsinuly with uooil tabic board.

Hawaiian liraixEss aohxcy.

Valuable lroperty For Sal5

Nuiiaiiu AveniK', anewly fiiniislied U storv

Hotie containiiii; 8 rcioniH.kltelieii, Imtlirooni, closets, I'airnnjelioiiso, t tabic, licntiy, etc. . Gioundscont.iiii 1! 'J 10 noes, well laid out inlawn, rliiiile nml fruit Hcch, llowvis,etc. Will be Fold low, with orwilhonifuinituie, liorsca, cmriages, livestock,nml all tlie appointments iKcdctt in aliist-cl.ii- s nviilcnce, as the owner in-

tends leaving these Islands.HAWAIIAN' MTSIXKSS AOKNCY.

Island ViowH.

A LARGE nsiortmciitnf Photographsnml .Stereoscopic Views of the

mo'-- t uttiactiw sceneiy, liiiililings, etc ,in tliesa Ulniuls, for sale at lc.isonable

Hawaiian' nu.sixr.ps agrncy.Collier I'Oit ami Meichaiit sticet.

'itOS tt

frof. ii. SAUVIjIjJT,


Hesidcnee No. 1115 Nuuanu Avenue.Mutii'il Telephone! Nib .'illll nov 'JiCHm


llethel Street, "Dainnn'd Illcck,"Corner sture.

Suigicai & MiiMical IiHliumciits neiitlvn:puir?il at leasonablc ratm SowingMachines and repaiiing of all hinds aspecialty. All kinds of Sales At Scalesret viiieii. uousiiioiil sewing Machineslor sale. Clft5.11 fal


AH. ROWAT, Veterinary Surgeon,ami pharmacy at Hawaiian

Hotel Stables, coiner Hotel ami ltichaidBtieuts. Seieutillo tieatluenl in all s

of domestic animals. Outers lorplantation ami much stock promptlyattend d to. Mutual Telephone IIIVl,P. O. IJox 320. inh-lS-S-


rpHE umlfrsigned liming lieen ap-.-

polnlril agent for II. JM. (JneenKapioluni, notice Is hcieby given Dialall tenants, by lease or otherwise, areoiilcrcd to niiikn all payments to me, mo

olhei leceipt Iniliig valid. Olllre al thePnlacii lliiugalow. Hours limn II a. m.

lo I ). m. ll.O. ULUKOU,liill If Agent for H. M. the queen.

This Space-- i'oi:

is Reserved




Colgate & Co's Celebrated I'ciIhiiics Toilet. Soaps,

Photographic Goods of All Kinds.--EEEB U H ACH- E-


Fine Chemicals, Patent MedicinesCigars, Cigarettes & Tobaccos.

KI1 'Telephone. rJO -- foa




Mm :tT 1


No. 24 Merchant Street, Near Fori Street.







SMT Whloli will tmlil AT


Jtr mil




FRANK BROWN,Mrfiingt'i,


e a u s3 jpRa



Alakea, nciir uoon S('IVIctilicmc Xn. 5.


t 'mat i'ii'lrn i." itullilovri.

Ilnek, Stone ntid Wou'tcn Hiilldlnici "w

limatiis Kiviii. tlublitiiK proinplH ntliinlcl to. 10 Uini -- lien liillTilo-plum- e

N . !i. P. O. U , VS-i- . npir.

GJKORISK LUCAS, ;J,mti actor tV&u,'"-!-

and ltullclcr,2tSiSr3-- 'iHumdulu Steam Pl.uiliig Miilb, hspla

uadi', Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Moulding,

lirackcts, Window Krai'ies, Itllmls,Hashes, Doors, aud all kinds of Wood-work ilnish. Turning, Kcioll and KamiS.twilig. All kinds ol Kawinu. and Plan-ing. Morticing and Ttniititing.

Oidi'ispiomptly allwniled lo Mid olki;iiMaliteed. Orilels (nun the other Is-- I

mils solii'iteil

xiv-fW- Honolulu Iron Wonica.BsTJSsai!Sleani engliiLS, sugar mills, boilers, coolers; iron, brass ami lead cast-mgs- j

iiinohinen of cvciy dccriptiouunide to ordei. Puiticiilarattention paiclto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at vhorl notice 1

I. O. Ilox :i.1l. -- fc$- Itell 'IVIe. 271.

Hawaiian Business AjpeyComer Foil i, J1cilIi.uH Stic ts,

Honolulu, II I


GENERAL AGENTS.AiToinitiMitM & (Eolli'ctni'tt


Hawaiian Bell Telephone Co.

Manager of Advettisiufj Departmentrem 'nil'.


Collections will receive speal.il atten-tion and returns ptomplly made.

Ileal Estato bought, sohl and Iiu-im- I.

Taxes Paid and propoily safely insuredHouses, Cottages, Etoonis anil Olticcs.

kfticil and lculul, and icnls colleeicil.Tire and Lilo Insurance cUcrtcd m lii.M.

class Insurance Companies.Conveyancing a Ipccialty Itccouls

searched and coirtct Abti!icts ot Titlefurnishid.

Legal Documents and Papers of cveiydescription carefully diawu and lianil.soincly engrossed.

Copying and Translating in ml languagesin gcneial use in tins Kingdom.

Custom House Business traiib'ir.ted witlincciiiacy aud dispatch.

Loans negotiated nt lux liable ratesGold, Silver and Certificates hough! and

rolil.Advertisements and Subscriptions soli

i itiit tor pithliidifis,Any Article purchnjid oi sold on luoi

abh tcimsInlcr-lslan- d Orders will neclve

atteutimi.To Let, Furnished and Unlurnlshcd Co-

llages in desirable localiticsal leasonablcrem als.

Several Valuablo Properties in nmlaround the city now for b.ile and Km-- i

mi e.asy term".

jtuJAll biibiuesi i ntriuitcd to our carewill receive piouipt am! faithful alien-Ho-

nt mo.leiiitci rhiugei Ei'li-lS-

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS (SL HENRY,fori Sired, next Lucas' Mill,


Carriage Builders,"Ship's Blacksmilhiny, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Building as specially.

Every dcsciiption of work in theabove lines performed in a fust-clas- s

manner and executed at short notice.

ALL WORK GUARANTEED.t5f" Oideis from the other islands

solicited. Will In plesBid to sen allour old customeis as well as new ones.Mutual Telephone No 57.1.

apr-10-8- 0

W.W. Wright & Son)

79 A.8I a Bell Tele.,King SI No. 381.

(The Rose PicmiM'S)

All for wheel vehicles of cvciyilu'i'iiption tilled with piomptucss,

First eliifs mechanics I'liiph'vcil.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

lit.VII CAUS, IMIMIIISSCH,Plantation Wagons, Uule & Ox Carts,

Made to order, altciicl or repaired.

Carriago Paiutin, Trimming;,int., i.j c, i. ic, Kic.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIs under tho nianngement of 11. C.iy.lot I, who will colli c l ami receipts nilbills due tint branch ot our huMiicts.

1.ji;iku;:nit.in.:iiii w. w. wrioiit a


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $85,000,000.00

"Fads are Stubborn Things,"

At i mtv iigc, nn cciy piciiiiitliitable, .iiul in cveiy year, (lio AC-

TUAL RESULTS c.f Ti.nlfiio 1'olioinof llic New York Lifo Insiiraiico Co.

Ii.ii' been LARd'EH tlmn tliuyo OFANY OTHER COMPANY iiMiing"inul.ir prilieirs.

BJff" Fur pjuticulai.s npply lo

'. ). ltSllMiit-lIt- ,

Oi n'l Agent Il.iW'.iii.in Irlunih.iiSH tf


MAltlJNKI.NSURANCK.Hart foul Fire luimauco Co.

Atseta, 5fe.r),23H.OOO

Comuicrcittl Inturanco Co.

(Fire and Mailnc)Assets, $450,000

Anglo-Nevad- a Assmauco Corporation(Fire and Marine)

Capital, paid up, $2,000,000South Rrilish Firo aud Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000Now York Lifo Insurance Co.

Assets, $05,000,000



Oeneral Agent, Uaw'n Islamh

1033 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comu'v


Capital, 9,000,000 Reiclismarkt

fiailK iindeisigncd, bnving bien np.X. poiuiuda'entot tbcaboveCompaiiyforthu Hawaiian islands, is preparedtoaccept risks, against Fire, on Uuildiugs,Furnituie, PiixlULO.BuiarMills oto., on Hie most Favorable 'IVnus

losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable,Honolulu.

H. R1EMENSCHNKIDER,1I.V ti7 ly at Wilder & Co 8.



Hawaii, March 0, ISS3. fItlsilon inn A l.ocmucitlvit WoilinNnu Kruiielxeci.

(!i.ti.i:.mi.n: Wi havo used twoo,your niter Presses

'J'hey me eoiiveiiient, easllvli.liiilled nml aio woikliigenliiely to

I can loeoiiiiiieiiil no inpiovemeiit on them.

Vciy voiu,(Signed) A. MOORE,

Man.igcr P.iniiliiiu Planiailon

Hkeia, Sept. 23. lbW.Mil. John Dvi.h, Agent Itisdon l.on

Works, Honolulu.Dr.AK hut Please ship iii one of j our

HO Coinpaitnieut Filler Presses,lect sin lace, same as the cue nipplicrtus last tCKSOn, which I am plcasctl losay has given us entire satisfaction.

Y intra truly,Oro. R. F.WART,

Manager Heelu Agilculliiial (o.

'I'liei Piie-- i are made extra hoaivfor high pics-uie- s, oceiipy a ibmr

-- p.icc U feet by I feet, and' pie-c- ut nliltciiug suifiiee of 240 square teet.

A limited niimbei in stock in Hono-lulu and tiiu sold at very low prices.

IUsaon Iron & Loco. Works..San Franci-co- .

frit' For particulars enquire of '

.1011. DYKR, llonoliilit,Room Xn. il .Siieekels' llloik.

2M0if W. 0. Irwin &Co.. Ac eat.

Anderson &Lundy,Donlisls.

A'rlifieial Teelh from one to an entirebet inset led on gold, silver, alluiniiiiiui.and rubber basis. Crown mid llridgtWork a specialty. T porfnns wenriugrubber jdates which aie a constantsouice ot iriitatimi to the month anilthroat, wo would recommend our Pro-phylactic Metal Plate. All opetHUousnet formed in aecorilnnci! with tlie KteitImproveinenls in dental TeithExtiaetecl wilhoul iiiin by the liMt-ii-

Nitrous Oxide (lar.nrOlllce at Old 'Pregloau Residence

Hotel street. Feb'-Us- O

. .AliivJ& uLM -LJtu i ii


Page 2: a NEW YORK David Dayton - University of HawaiiK 3ft I 1 int Ji 11H IP hi 1 1 I I 1 s III IIIIMMIIIIMII oun8onii'TiON Vol. XIV. No '2I2. IIOKOLTJLU, II. I., SATKl'DAY IOVIWIKCI. ,1AMUAKY

piIP'' '







'" J""7flC!fflBEr TT mmmyi- - w V"- --' "$$:v pr--


-- fwwtjp' "Tj f?

gMbfi-Mwil&lo- u


1st District, 2nd Precinct

Honolulu.Roeiitrotion of Votm ! '

Xoliee is hereby given that a iiiect-in- y

will lie held in the 2nd rrocinct,1st District Honolulu, at the Public

School House on lleretauia lreet,between Fensacola and l'iikoi fctreetc,

on WEDNKSPAY. 22nd lust., midon K HI PAY, 21th inM ftoiu fi to1 :'M) p. M., for the iiuiptv-- e of

Registering Voter- - and correelinu:the Kegiter.

For the acconnnodation oi sotersmeeting!) will also he held fur the

fiiiue purpose on TUESDAY, JlUtnr-t- .. and TUVK.SPAY, Inl ui6t .

ultheotriec of Gardner K. Wilder,Km., on Merchant street, fiom 12::t0

to 1 p. M.

All oters when rrgihtcriii! ateM'fipeotfully rci'llcMcd to h:ie theirTax' ReeeiptH.

albert lucas,i;akdni:i k. yilpei:,

. ,j. alfred magoon.Inspector of Election 2nd I'm

einct. lVI id

2nd District, 2nd Precinct !

Honolulu.llegistration of Vote s !

The Hoard oi luspeetoii ! Kiev

lion "for the 2nd 1'ieciiuM, 2nd Dir-- 1

1 iet, Honolulu, will meet foi Reidn-terin- g

Voteis and eoneetin theRegister, r.t the l'ollinj; Place fur

.id Precinct (Hon. W. II. Riee'h

Darn, School Mrect), on FRIDAY,Jan. 17th, from 7 to 9 p. m., on SAT-URDA-

Jan. 18th, from I! to 0p. M. ; nt Engine Co. No. 1, on MON-

DAY and TUESDAY, Jan. 2tHh andlilht, fiom 7 to 0 cadi eveninj,'.

Meeting' ill he held at aboveplaces on tame days f the weeksand nt sime bouts until ftnlheinotice.

g0 Ynteia will pleatehting theirTax Receipts with thorn.

JONATHAN SHAW,1.11 tt (.'haii man.

Sib District, M Predict!HO.YOM'I.l'. OAIII .

R' glstration of Voters !

The Inspectors of Election for the2nd 1'iecinct of Dibtnct ,i, Honolulu,Oalni, will meet in slid Precinct attho Reformatory School for the jmr-po- ff

of Registering Voteis foi Nobles,

and Representative, and correctingHie Register, on SATURDAY, Jan.2.'ith, from ! to 7 p. m on WEDNES-DAY, Jan. 2'Jlh, ftom ! to 7 i y.,and on FRIDAY, Jan. :U.--I, from 2

to 8 p. m. Notice of r'uithci meet-

ings will he given at lhe abovemeclinge.

j"Tlease biiug y.uu Ta i.

)f"Tlii' 2nd I'nvinet ol the oihDistrict, comprises all that poitinnof the District makai of King stieeland wet of the load up KalilnValley. W. L. WII.UON,Chairman of Inspectors of Election

2nd 1'iecinet, 5th Di.-tiic-

Oiihn. US tf

5tli District, 1st Preciuct!1 lonolulu. Oiiltu.

Ecgutration of Voters !

Tho Inspector of Election lor ihcFiist l'iceinct of District Five will

meet in said 1'iecinet at the Reform-

atory School for Nobles and Itepie-M'litative-

and collecting the Regis-

ter, on MONDAY, Jan. 27lb, from

7 to 'J P. M., FRIDAY. Jan. ,'tlht.,

fioin 7 to ! p. M.

Notice of any further meetings will

Ive given at the abose meetings.The First Riecinct of the Fifth

District comprises all that portion of

wiid District lying East of the mainload tip Kalibi Valley and maul.it of

Kiiij street.All voteis when legidlering are

respectfully requested to bring theirTax icceipls.

F. WUNDENnEIJG,1 52 tf Chairman.

3rfl District, 1st Precinct!iioNoiiiui;.

Registration ef Voters.

v Notice is hereby given that a meet-

ing will he held in tho 1st Piecinct,JJid District, Honolulu, at the Hono-

lulu Rilles Armory, Reretania street,cm MONDAY, Jan. 13th, between thehour of 7 and 9 p. m on WEDNES-DAY', Jan. 15th, same hours, and onFRIDAY, Jan. 17th, and SATUR-

DAY AFTERNOON, fiom 4 In (i, for

the putpohc of Registering Voters andcorrecting tho Register. These meet-

ings will bo continued fiom week toweek at tho.same place on the samedays and bonis as above.

F.TURIMLL,j 17 tf Chairman.

2nd District.i

1st Precinct!I lonolulu.

toRegutintlon of Voters !

lhe Iue)irtoiii of Election ftu the2nd Ditdtict, 11 1'rce.inet, Honolulu,will meet at Kline, eoiner of Ntiuanuand I'atuu streete, tor the puipoce of ofRegister ill; YoUth and eoinetini,'tho Uegiftei, on SATURDAY, Jan.25tb, fiom 2 to U P.M.MONDAY.Jnn. 27th, from !l to 0 r. M.. WED-

NESDAY, Jan. 2()th, from 7 to !t

p. m.. and on FRIDAY. Jan. MM,

fioin 2 to t' P. M.

ALFRED W. CARTER.C hainuau of Innpcclornof Elect iin

lit 1'iecinet, 2nd Di-tri-

101 Id

Notice to Electorshull UIK

1st District, i st Precinct I

A l.it of Voteis foi Nobles andISepU'ffontativef. ha- - hren posted at

the l'ollinj; place oi thi- - riecinct.the Government Ntnerv, on King

street. Voter- - can satisfy themselveshy inspecting said list that theiiname are propeily enleied. Foithe purpose of making any eoi lec-

tions and foi any additional namesto he added, meetings will he held at

lhe Government Nuiseiy, Kingstreet, Y, Jan. 2!Mh,

ft. in t mS p. m , THURSDAY, Jan.3lth, from I lo i p. M., FIJI DAY.

Jan. :tl-- t. from I to fc P. vi.

K. (i. SCHI'.MAN.fh.iimian of lri.-M- ". In -t l're-einc- t,

1st District. 1C1 Idii - L. '. - - J1

'1 1 1 IC

HtTs fJulIsfiMt'lrilved lo urither Sect nor Party,Vut cstittlishai for the irnrfit of all.

SATURDAY, JAN. 2.j, 1830.

Poor Diogenes, in -- parch of anhonest man. has fallen amongthieves.

Diogenes decline's at present to

give fuller information touching the

"ugly rumors" in regard to the8.J00 ictainer matter. They aiepublic property, which maybe in-

vestigated by the respectable Adver-

tiser, if -- o inclined.

Since 'machine politics" were in-

troduced, into this country, twoyears ago, we have heard a greatdeal about "majority rule." Andyet it is no uncommon thing at thepresent time to hear some of thosewho have talked majority rule atwaul meetings express their unwill-

ingness to accept gracefully the de-

cision of the majority at the polls,should tho majority be against them.As long as the majority is on theirside submission thereto is right and

proper: but if on the other side,then that is different.

A constant reader of the Adver-

tiser, who confines his reading tothat paper, is liable to imbibe thebelief that the only men the countrycan fuini-h- , capable of managiugits public aft'aiis, are those com

posing the present Cabinet. Ofcourse, it is needless to say t lint airysuch belief is absrud. Propermaterial for Ministerial positions is

not abundant, not o abundant asthe aspiiants for the places and pay ;

but it is not so scarce that anotherset could not be had as good, atleast, as the "set now in ofllcc. Although, in our opinion, certain gen-

tlemen now in the Administrationarc among the best procurable, we

believe others could be roplaced byother men.

Our morning contemporary hasuttered a caution in icgard to excitingthe native against the foreigner, towhich we take no exception, butwould add that neither shouldthe foreigner be eel against the na-lin- e,

No one can deny that fiomthe first day the foreigner settled on

these islands until now the nativehas been his friend. He found an

hospitable welcome on arrival, andhas been an honored Kucfct eversince. The foreigner has good rea-

son ever to think and speak well of

the hospitality and generosity of hia

host. I'he contemptuous sneers at tho

native race that are sometimes utter-

ed and even printed are not becom-

ing to their authors, If the sou ofthe soil makes mistakes iu Ids ef-

forts to master the white man's eco-

nomy of life, it would seem the partof the latter to ondeaor to correcthis errors, rather than denounce and

ridicule him to guide his steps in

the safe and right road rather thanshoot him liko a mt in a hole when

he 1ia llllMUU-U'll- .


Fair play is what nil honest andd men want at the coming call

election, and all such arc preparedaccept cheerfully the result of a

fair contest, whether it ho in accordwith their wUh or not. Hut unfor-

tunately all men are not fair-minde-

and those who are not are capabletrying any questionable method

to secure victory. No matter which

side such men atu allied to, they

arc an uudc?itab!e element to he

guarded against. Let us have fairplay, Kenllonien, and no taors, andmanfully submit to the conqueringside.

Disraeli once derisively chaiueilhis opponent, (Gladstone, with hav-

ing changed his opinions upon cer-

tain points. Gladstone quietly ie-pli-

that lie should be botry to havemaU; no progress in forty years. Iti a very small mind that does notliml occasion lo modify and perhapschange in iews with irici eased ex-

perience, retleetion, and knowledge;and it is small business to charge in

the present campaign that becausecertain men held views an

IniUTruite number of years ago they

must necessarily be .of the same

opinion in spite ot llifirpro-fe.wio- u

to the contrary.

According to well authenticatedreport cold water squirted ftom alio-- e is sometimes used at the StationHou-t- e foi the purpose ot quietingrefractory per-o- n- Unit may havetin1 misfortune to be locked up torthe night. Is theie any authorityof law lor this method ot punish-

ment? If a man commits a lucacliof the peace, or any other pettyoffence which justifies his being ar-

rested and locked up, have this

police the right to llood him withcold water while lie is in their charge,and then let him shiver for hours in

his wet clothes, until he has con-

tracted siekne-- s which may terminatelife? It is an outrage on erringhumanity. All persons subjectedto siicli treatment have a claim fordamages w Inch justice cannot ignore.

"Heteiodoxy is anything and ev-

erything which does not accord withour notions of orthodoxy." This de-lin-

the position of each and ('verybranch of the chinch. "If you don'taccept our interpretation of biblical

teaching you are wrong ami tuincd."Political parties are supposed to be

more liberal. Judging from Hono-

lulu experience the supposition is u

delusion, llete we (lnd a faction

represented by tlie morning paper,laboring strenuously and with greatpertinacity to convince the commu-

nity that the orthodox politicalfaith is the faith of that faction, and

all who do not believe are enemiesof the country, compassing its ruin.Tire majority of the community

seem to "catch on" very slowly.

Thev are heretics.


EruroK Hi i.i.t.rr.N : In the Adver-tiser of yesterday morniug, in thecorrespondence column, there ap-

peals a letter, headed "Parties inHawaii irei," which, as an exhibitionof either ciass ignorance or wilfulmisunderstanding, is one of themost barefaced elfusions that liasyet appeared in that paper. Iu thefirst place "Citizen" iu his premisesstates that the assertion of the Edi-tor- of

the Hri.txriN that "We have noreal parties" proves his (the ed-itor's) "gross igntrancc of Hawaiianpolitical history ;" and then in thoparagraph immediately next follow-ing admits the truth of the Rrr.r.r.-hn'- s

statement in almost the identi-cal terms used iu that paper.

The article in the IU'i.i.ktis setsforth that "political parties intht full sense of the term as under-stood 'in the United States, someKuiopean countries, and most lit -

tibh constitutional colonics, do not,at present, exist in this little King-dom." "Citizen," in the. secondparagraph of his communication,says, "It is true that regularly or-

ganised parties, liko those of theUnited States anil England, cannotllourish under personal govern-ment;" by which, presumably, hemeans government on the same linesas thosu of Hawaii nci. That state-ment can be translated into nothingless than a coincidence with thestatement iu the Hri.r.r.iis.

"Citizen" then endeavors to show-tha- t

for lhe past 00 years two dis-

tinct patties have exised in theHawaiian kingdom as exemplifiedby the Government and its opposi-tion, utterly ignoring the fact thatwhen the positions were reversedami the former opposition becamethe party In power, they were aclutvted by exactly the bame principlesas their predecessors in ollce were,and endeavored to cairy out a simi-

lar policy, though peihaps ou blighNly different lines.

Using the cant termas a handle to his bioom,

"Citien" makes a clean sweep otall the different factions which haveheld orllce sinco the reign of Kame-liameh- a

V., heaps them together,ami implied that they have alwaysopposed by his faction, which lie


arrogates to himself the right tothe "Liberal party. 'lhe term

"Liberal" as applied' to politics isgenerally understood to mean '."

In what way, I wouldask, has the Reform faction proveditself to favor profession more thanhas that faction at present yclept Is

Reactionary?That the principles of both these

factions are identical is proved bythe whining complaint of the Re-

formers, that the Nationals stoictheir platform ; while the National i

tacitly admit tho soft itupeaetimjnt!and if their fundamental principlesare the same, the parly must be oneand the same. Hccause the latterfaction lias on its ticket names ofmen wlio have been opposed to thepresent administration in bygoneyears, 1 maintain Hint is no reasonwht it should not favor anil enactlaw's for the progressive welfare ofthis kingdom as freely, in tin' future,as has been done, by iU opponents,in the past.

Hut all this is apart from thuquestion. 1 lime been led into a"factional" diatribe by "Citizen's"divergence from Hie point at issue.The question is "parlies," and theeditor of the lbi.i.n rs simply statesthat in Hawaii nci we have no realones "based upon a common belielin, and united for the common sup-

port of, fundamental principles, otstate polity. He docs not say wenever did have sin-- parties, butthat they do not now exist: andneither do they. A man may seekelection, as a legislator, either onthe Refoi in or National ticket, billso lonjr n.--, the professed principlesof thee two opposing elements suethe Mime, he belong-- , not to a dill'eient, cl paity. bet ineuly to an(idvei-- e faction of one and tti -- aiiieparty.

1 will not du-ce- into pcisonnli- -

tie- -, us "Citizen" iloes, as 1 (to notneed that to strengthen my argu-

ments, nor would it do so it I did ;

bill I will say it "Citizen" imagineshe has proved the "gross ignorance"of the editor of the lb r.i.K.rrx, inins letU'i-- to the Advertiser, lie iu

grossly mistaken. He has first en-

dorsed the opinion of the lk'LLi.rrsand then merged his statements intomatter entirely foreign to the pointiir question. A statement that ".themisguided (?) editor of the IR't.u:-us- "

and his friends will be unableto control cither one or other of thefactions at preseirt striving for elec-tion to tho Legislature of this conntiy does not go to prove that wehave real paities here ot present,any more than does "Citizen's"political retrospection to the time ofIvamphameha V., or his attempt tocast a slur upon the Hui.i.r.Tix bycalling it "vould-b- e respectable."

A Rf.aih.ii.Honolulu, Jan. 2ti.


KditohUui.iktin: There is quilpa latlle itoing on, for. the PoliceJudgeship of JCohala. A petition go-th- e

rounds amongst friends and re-

latives of the presenting. DeputyJudge, begs for his promotion tothat ofllcc, in thu event of the pre-

sent incumbent's removal. Thisseems to be a bit too forward. Themajority opinion that the presentincumbent ha tull'illcd his dutiesbeyond the most sanguine expecta-tions of the public. It is concededon all sides that ids decisions, in themain, have been satisfactory besidespurely honest and wholly impartial.We hope that those iu power will notentertain, for a moment, the icraov-u- l

of one who, after patient diligenceand careful, study, has made him-

self proficient in the performance ofhis duties ; or be misguided by thupetty intrigues of would-b- e olllce-lioltler- s.

So much disgust is felleverywhere over this selfish moveamongst others also of the Ooveiu-me- nt

party here, agairi3t one oftheir wn biethren, that there, hasbeen an ctfort lo implicate an Inde-pendent iu tho game, but the tricklm not succeeded. Kpn'rim.

M, THOMPSON,Coiiiiselii-- , elvei the law unit the uilliurilit? in writing. Mil '.vol i a u questionnf law ami Licit, Rulunlltcil in lilm, mutindicate the pror-c- c.oar'e Oflloe:Oortiut Kimr and Bethel itrtc't, Hornlulu. '! 1w


CoihI Cook.-wnae- sVTi'OUOUOH App.v st lidsofflr.1. Mi Bt

AY ANTEDSICK Coli-i'i- in ROftdA 1 calllVi turm bwl o.- -

unfiirultlied Addie-- s "W,"I Ids ntllce. I'll ti


or Yiiimu Woiamr to do) niiQuwirk und lake eaie ol tn

yoiini! tiilliliun. Oeraiiin preferred.Appl) "Ife!) Fori Si nit" 101 fit

- "f -- .

WANTEDus Hiniiit ("etk or

Nijjlil WatRliinaii ul a mill, tit aplate us Luna tin a ;oml plniitat Ion.Has expi'ilmiuo and eau fnrnlbli rinodrulerenro. Call or titldros ' M. K. I'.,"Hi'm.ktis Oillre. 4S7 tf

AN.E1GE.Munloi; den 7 Jnntiar AIii-ihI- 8

AM I'll r ll ml ot v.ur J'tdcr dm UutiuitMimes Flnei Jlnjt'smi iIih neiitneheuKuIdpis. VlLUKbMM 11. iin Loknlfilei Uoiiobilu Arlon cln Cnurert Blttlt,woviu (.ainintllehu Daiitucliu hleiduiitlilifliiudllt'lui elnculndiii wenlen. I inAulinu'e. DAS CO MIT I ;.



-- ".. Mil).gyfflctlXQt'f -

R S2 tB Hit R it


newissuing a new form of insurance which provides, in the event of death, for a ictiiru of all prcmiumn paid in

to the amount of the policy, or, should tho Insured sinvive a given number of yeam, the Company willreturn all the premiuma paid witli intere-- t ; or, instead of accepting the policy and profit's in cash the bual holdermay, WITHOUT MEDICAL EXAMINATION and WITIIOl T 1IKK PAYMKNTOI PRKAMt AIS, lake inlieu thereof the amount of policy and prollls in FULLY PAH) UP insurant e, paiticipating annually iu dividends'.

ISeiuL-mb- i r, this contract is issued by the oldest Life Insurance Company in the United States, and the Lar-

gest Financial Institution in the World, l'h aset exceeding One Hundred anil Twenty-Si- s Millions of

tST For full particulars call on or



HPifffeessft--- - .blKAW riiilb $

BBpM-- w . Just Received !

j. rr.

t3ULmSole Proprietors of

Ginger Ale, Hop Ala, ilreiaoiio.

t&r All eoninmnicHtlons

:W9 1in

Auction Sales by Jamss P. Morgan.

AU(DrF()NSALli:. Ill

Household JFurnitureOn TCKSDAV, .am 2S(li,

r to O'clock .1. n .

At Iheiuildfucoiif IT. UOItM.YX. Nof.) Kiit-Ulii- -- Ii. 1, I will tell i.t I'ulili.-Atii'tli-

Tho Eniirc Houseli'd Fiirnilureil! injti Nliiij

& Ml!.Hlnek Widiltll ( luitrs.

S irl.tr Itui'Kci-- .1 UlcgaM Mack. Wa'r.ut

Bedroom Set,Teuossee MarbletopWtie .t prhijr MalU-iMcs- ,

Kei'hiM I'llluWfc, Miuipi'lo N'ut,1 Gypsy Quuou Stove & Utwils,

Pin- - l!i.k".!iiSet. Cldlil's ',iiKie , I ie , p I',ie , i:i!

,TAK. V. MOHOAN,Mii-i- l Auetiiiaier.m.'m ) mt w i no. tx n


r"MIi: HawHllan Hitlc A.--t itiioti'i1 llit)j;e. Kirn? slrei t, ilo ul frmir

thlsibttii All un- - her-'i- tor.Iilililo'i to mi ibt'.ovor nl.Mc Ituit'uitiilll iiiilhei iiDib't- - l) niili-r- .

.l.'ll.aOl'BII,I'rmideiit li II. A.

Ifotiohih', .I,iii 'II, 1S1.0 41)1 lw

cinina yaiisnc. Mitvkol

JOril' 0 eeil hi "ArniBtto:ig'.i Uloclt,"ICina Slteet Urldge. Ki.rntle

flush ilnlhT-lli- ml Clieuat-- , lariktmtcr,ltolo,init, rryliif, Liver, Hinnkeil anilt lier Saiiciiijfi.

.iAniiiMnLiri460 tf I'lOpilelof.

TO LETHOO.M Ci)ttne sit

near l.llih.i sli.-e- t

titnllnii of Tiainw.iys Co- - Cot- -

taue leeetiriv niiiiiteii ami impeii--ilnniiuliuiit. Hear ininleiate. Aw-l-

K, A..LOAlTVIMfillT.Or rod r Hinwir, linvernniuiit burvey

Otllee. I.v.t Us

Uoal EHluto For Sale.

rp'0 JImiriM und l.il uj1 Hnliellu bmif, Pahnni.

Ctuivenltnt lo stcittn unit tiiiinenrri. Very healthy lneiilltv Lot "iKltiK street, nenr IliiiiiunkuV Ltiiif Forimrtlriihni npply in

.1011 N K. IIOWI.KH.Oi CIini. T. (Iiiliek. 1110 :lm

1pl.JlMrjtf - .:tft.vyJ3JClv WhMWMmi- n-

H !I171!7U


oir vonKad-




address s.General



L E EVE O Uii -- and- Pi


RasDiimilf!. nnlla.0

leLEfHONH 297.ttinl orders should ho nddrofw

AHITI A D E,111 - S'flUA



This Spacevon





and(oinumt Killer Antl AUkcit

Honolulu, 11.

261 230i'e firminlu-i- t on all clns'PR

ot plurabiug tui.l vnkFirst cl.iai nrd

In all I lie almvu handlesnt my liuslne.,s at lciFonahle iuIih.

llll 'Sm


O broken niul tounilnil rewctp.

ttSr t V. 0. I'KACOOK.'inu ;;i


1'i),", 1

month old. I'rieu ifiJOenrh tor the llrtt Int. !)

for i'y 2 month M. Apply at imee.W. U.8KAL.

4.W lv l'.O. Ilux No. aw.


I?IFTV in: a i) iii KmHteuiri. Apply

KAIIUKUtill II Uu, llaV!iii.

J3.Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.



- d to


A Fair will he given by the CatholicLadled Benevolent Society ou



: '1,1 C'uiiIhir)7 td


Three (:() I)oluubu paid to the

the Inter-Islan- d SteamCo, on lhe

'Jlliil InM., at tlielr tilllen ou Queentieel. ,1. K.N'A,

Secretary I. I. S, N. Co.Honolulu, .Ian. L'i 1SJ11. I.v.t :it

NEW,7'1V usu canned minion when NewIt .inland Mullet, piononnecd tiy

lo bo vanity suptrlor, IidiiHinublt,v Wholes'ilo it'ijetitB ttru

.1. K. HHOHN A CO.,4f7 tw Merchiiat utieet.

I'limiiro at Walkikl, for niiiiiuliei ol horsud, ul u-a- .

ftnnnhlc rutef. Apply in151 lin Y. II.

Alofiici'Jiy Ilo'lc. 7s' o. 77 Mt.-t- .



M krrov-27-S-



V;orkiiop..Mut -R- esldonco--Mut

linsniiihliij;workiunubhl,) innttrial


3km? QADDLBlIori-e.wcl-


SHOWS. mimlhsold;









Catholic Fair!

Thursday, January 1890,




N'alfjaliou Tlll'ltSDAY,







ECkkr & axrmtlMi'OKTKUS

iHmnl, Eiiilisli Mm Dry Fancy Goeils,


(ilo?as, Biamoiiil Dye Black Hose Ribbed Plain.








Page 3: a NEW YORK David Dayton - University of HawaiiK 3ft I 1 int Ji 11H IP hi 1 1 I I 1 s III IIIIMMIIIIMII oun8onii'TiON Vol. XIV. No '2I2. IIOKOLTJLU, II. I., SATKl'DAY IOVIWIKCI. ,1AMUAKY


f '

,ngMty.Ty.fTWg?SVlJtfWft'g'i t:ix

HOnUti finTlefiti

SATl'HDAY, JAN. Lr., 185(0.


Am hi, I1 l UhuiiI. .Iiii'dOi'ii, l.'ij du.from Sim fistiicl'co

Slllll- llll Willi tllllll IlllWIlil,S r Wii l.i i le ftom Kll.uu'.i uiiil liana- -

M .Stmt Jts MaV.eo ftoui K'tpaaStiiir Kltimi from Hawaii ,md MnulHtml' Akamai finin H'aialu.l and Wftp

:u i noAm bktne .liihn Smith, (nun Newcastle,

N S WSlini' Moknlll from MnloknlsSchr I.uka (nun Kaiml."clir ICaiililua fioin lCiituii


lau :

Am lilil H N Cn-dl- Ilulilvtrd, forI iiincHen ni ' a in

Hit lik .1 C rilucr. Kin-- c , fur KinKraiH'l-c- n

Am teiu lVd K S:inlT. IIlllW, li.iI'm I Tuwii'vtid

Am tern (jmecn, Thoii:ifl fur PullTow

t'tuir K.iirla fur I.:ili at " p illStun Akamai for Lnhalna


Ml mi'. I A Cuminim for Koiilau nl !i a m.stun- - I'ele for Konu pints al 1'J inSlnii' K'il.uii'.'i lion loi Htimakii.t at S i in

Slmr Miikolli lor Molokai nt fl p inHeln ICawall'iin (or Kuol.iilScln K.mlki'.toiili for Kolnl.i

PASSENUEt.S.I'miu windward poll's, per -- luir Ki-

ll m, .'an 'J.' K It (Jiuiiilv nnil wife.Apiiiiu, W .) liindie. II M Laiijrfiud..Mi-i- M'tiloli.i, Thus Cummin;;-- , MissLvdla Cumin n, .Mis Mm! i Ciiininlns,Mi-- s Alii'i.' 'n miiiiii-- . .in I II ili'oU.

l'loin Ilnliial.ua, pei -- trnr 1 lau all. .lau. PC A (If l.i Nux.

Kor Smi riiilici-i'o- . per It.it K .1 CI'llUl'lT. .Inn L'.l I Pnclis.

J i urn i:ui l'lanel-c- o. pt'r liai r, i)Hijaiit, .fun 'J.-i- V I.oi'kini;tiiii, ii i

V Lee, 0 De I.ul.i ami 1 miiis, iMI--

Addle. l'(! Lulu, anil a itcoiao p.m-- S

M'ttOf.Kur San KianrKco, por liktuu N

Caslli'i .Inn '.'5 Mr Cioni', It IVti'rsoii,jik i: l fjjscnine, anil Mr V.il.inil.


'l'lie Klniiti btni(ilit 2,(502 liagi it; ir,101 hlicop, 1 Iioim'. COIiillsliidos, .TiUitt'orn, (i. bags potatoes, 4 wnln awa anil110 )kgl flllltllil-'-l-.

Tin- - tctn S IJowiip nnivei olfHawaii, last Tuesday, !l il.iy

tioin tliW poll.Tin' biiantliu' I.uillnc a still

gi'iieral c.irj;o at 1 Ho whentin- - Uinaii left.

Tin! Ceylon ami the Amelia com-ini'iu-

lei'elvcil snar this iiioiniiii'.The baik Jady I.iUiipoii will beginLiking in llal nest Moiulny.

Tins steamer l'ule ranie olt (lie MntliicKailway till- - moining.

Tlio sieainer .lamus Mnkee bioni'lit2,.'S1 bags hiig.ir till moinlng InniiKupaa.

Tim te:imor Waialeale anheil thistnoriiiii from Kauai with 1,410 bagssugar, ;I20 bags paddy, nml 17 beadcattle.

A steam plow for KaliuUii came offf loin the bark II Ilaekfelil the oilier il.iv.It will be sent t lie re by the C U HUlmpnext week.

The Ameiieaii tkree masted wliooueisKied K S.inder and Quern sailed to-d.- iy

in ballast for J'uget .Sound.rifThe baikenlliie Amelia and tlie baikAlilon lli'is.e ill leave next week withKiigar for Sail Krauuiseo.

The baik (Jeo N Wlleov loads sugartor San rianel-e- o after the J C l'Jlugei.

The Amerii'iiii baik O D llryaut, Cap-tain Jaeob'en, m rived this morning l.'ij,days from San Krnneifeo witli geneialiiieii'baiidise. She bioughl 4 hoiesniiilS mule-- ; for If Ilaekfelil : Co. !

horses and 2 mules for C O'Connor, andiii'ire for I'nul Isenberg, jr.The steamer Hawaii at lived this

morning from Ilamakiu with 4,40 bagsugar for tlio baik Aldeu Hesse.

Tim barkeiitlnc V II Dhnond went onthe Mm I ne Hallway this uiornlug.

The Cerimiii bark .1 O l'lliiger, Cnp-t.ii- n

11 Kiiim', sails I hi afternoon lorSan KianclM'o with 22,11!) bags sugarweighing 1,122 tons, 27 bags eottee, andITrt'liales wool. The shippers me: 11

lluekfeld &Uo, 18,1H2 bags sugar, ISbags I'olfee, and 178 bales wool: CHolle, 1,4S0 bags niigar; M .S Uiinb.iuinit Co, 2,OJ7 bags sugar. Domeslle value!M42,GU0.

The Ameiiemi barkuiitiue.IoliuSmitli,(.'.iplaili O Klistel, ni lived y, C:idajs mini Xeweastlu, N S V, with fillloim coal (or Messrs. Allen it Ilohlnsnti.' Tie Aint'ileau b.irkeutitie H N Castle,Captain Hubbard, sailed y for SailFrancisco with 12. IHU bags jugar (7(5:i

tons), valued at S7 1, 1100.1.1. The .s

weis: O llieer it Co, S.0.1.1btgn sugar; Theo 11 Davics it Co, 2,310b.igs sugar; P A Sehaefer ic Co, 1,S0()bugs sujjar; ("ast'o it Cooke, 271 bagssiuar; Hawaiian Ilnnaua Co, ".7.1 behsbanana". Domestic value 872,001.1.1.


AUSTIN' At Ililo, .Ian. 17, to the wileot II. C. Austin, A -- on.


The Royal Hawaiian lttuitl willplay this evening at Ktntua Sqtiutncoiiiiucnciii"; at 4:30 o'clock. Fol-

lowing is the programme;Mai eh Delllir , . . . . Kliug(heituie Hubcalil FlntowCoini't Tolka I.ove andTiiUh,VelekerSelection I'rluc" Miirnioto....FilleltoJtall.nl The i'lilui"! FauuiWalt. Mat iaijiie Valillciitul


CutlC(lial Services, !iil Stinilny ti-

ller ICpipliatiy :

Celebration of Ioly Coiiimiiiiioii,HflA-- in.Morning Prayer (plain) !:ftf),

a. ni.Celebration of IIolv Comninninii

(Choral), 10 a. in.l'reaelicr Uev. II. II. (iowen.Iftiwiiiian Kveiisong, .':"() p. m.livening 1'rayer nml .Sermon,

II p. in. wI'reaeliPrHov. V. . Haines.Suuiliiy School, 11 :l."i :i. in.

$ mWM

wi iwiwwwtHLOCAL a GEHEBAL

1'iiliK ! Willllell.

.1 is, I. M Olid IN' will n'11 fuiuituiilit till' llllllMJ of II (loilll.tll 1)11 Tillday.

TniMiiiiital uicctiri nf lln (li'iiii.inlleiicvidclil Snc'ict,, will li" liclilWi'diicdnv nci.

Tin: V it y ( Viimi il t i mm iiiupassed a iiiiniiti' nnil lift 1U

mcmorx nf tin' Into l.ilw.ml 'H'MllllWilli Wlls II llli'lllhi'l 'i Mill! InkIV oilli'l'i'h. IS, US'!.

Titr. niiiii iagii licU and dnvc luild-in- g

while slifiiiii, ini'i St. Aiidicw'.sCiitlicilral, wen- - tin1 IniiiiliwiPil; ofMr". I Imih lea anil .M'isj I.i.ic Cones,who tne ilest'tving uf liiu'li coiupli-iiicii- l

the! ('fur,

In tlie Police CoiiiI lliis iiioiniiiglliicc unlives wen hied for an iv.suill at Wainl.ic. One w,isilicliuigul,llic otlieis wctc lined m.ill uiiiiix.One old rill'eiiilei was n ptiiiiutiileilfor ilintikciini'ss.

W. (i. ItiWK. Cn. .ililinlllice licitllli'N have hi'i-i- i :ipp(iiileil m; i foiIhc'ix'lelirntnl ll.ildwin 1 iciitiinthes.The woikt, ate imtf iniiking u ! li of

'locmiiiilivc p.iitienl.i'ly uilaplil lojilaj) In lion jniipiipcs.


Mil. Dilliugli'iiii when in S.iu I'l'tn-eic- o

wan picsenteil Willi p.iM's furevety olllcei of IheO.ilui Itailw.iy amiLand Co, over llic I'iiiim of llic SailFi.incN'co ami North Pacific Pailload,

A l.lsi nl" ipialilieil Milci-fi- n .Volilcsnnil l!epii'eiilntie.s of llic Ift Dis-hi-

1st 11 fillet cult lie M'cn postednl tlie (invci iiiueiil Niir-e- i, Kingfrtrci t, and lor collecting an namespi'i.-oii-ii ui.iy notify llic inspei loih nltheir regular iiieeliugn, whieli aicaiheiti.seil in tiiis isviie.

A MV took a r.Hiiu in S.ui Fi o

.Ian. II anil t Ii.it ultermioii shothimself in the lie. ul. He died on thew.i to the lio-pit- after two doctui.shad done all lliey could for liiiu.Among 1 lis was found a letternddrehcil to "ltosi i'eiiy, llaiuakit.i-pok- o

Hospital, Island of Muni, Sand-wich Islands," llic lettei hung fnunWin. AV. Fos, Chicago. Oilier lelleinto the same name left no doubt ufllic identity of the unfortunatestiangei, who is ilusluihed u- - a linelooking man.


Tlie sale of land anil blocks by J.F. Morgan to-da- y noon resulted asfollows: Tlirce of tlie twelve lots inthe Month premises were bought byA. J. Caitwriglit No. 1 at i()0(f;No. ."), 82j(I0 ; No. (!, 8.")7.")l).

Hawaiian Agrieiilliirul Co.'s (I'.i-linl- a)

stock par value ? 100, sold ive

shares lo S. K. Hishop at 1(50,

live to CJ. II. Collins at $li7..10, fiveto V. M. Hatch at Sl.OO. Ten sliaiesOokala plantation wont to M.(iiffard at 810.1, eight Hecipioctty loS. 11. Dole at SI0i, nine Honomii toorder at 8140, five Olowalu to .1. V.Morgan at $120.

Government (! per cent bonds,18S0 issue, 8.1,000 at I0S, .old toMr. Muhlendorf. People's Ice Co.,live shares wcic bought bv A. .1.

Cartwright, and ten by K. (3. White,botli at 81. F. M. Hatch took fiveshares Oahu Kailway at 10.1. A lotof land on Jletetaiiia street sold forSI,."00.


Tlie Dowager Kmpicss Augustaof Germany died Jan. 7. She was78 years old Sept. '0 last. Herdeath was caused by iutluonxa. Theimpci ial lady win beloved for herchaiity. Her funeral drew out pub-lic sonow almost as marked as thatshown at the death of her late hus-

band, the venerable William J.Tlio recent burning ot the splen-

did Tiourse al Iliussels has excitedfears of a Socialist upiisiug inNorthern ICurope. The miners inFrance and Iiulgiuni are constantlyon lire with bad brandy distilledfrom potatoes, which Germany sendsinto thoir districts by thousands ofbarrels every season.

Strauss has composed a new waltz.Mrs. Soiithwbrth, who nhot and

killed Stephen L. l'eltits in NewYoik, Nov. '22, died in prison Jan. 7.


There is a man living quietly itrLondon who is one of the most suc-cessful writers of verso set to musicthat is in Kngland y, yet he isnot widely known by name. It isFredeiick K. Wcatheily, andjie isthu author of "Nancy Lee." a .songthat has been sung in every quarterof the gjohc, and has brought to theauthor an amount of fame and mon-

ey that makes him practically inde-pendent. The song was mitten atOxford in an hour. Weatherly hadmade an appointment with a pupilwhom he was coaching for the annu-al commencement. The pupil fail-

ed (o keep his appointment, andwhile waiting for him the piece camesuddenly lo Ins mind, and it waswritten then and there. One of thestrange things about the song wasthat it was ni the heyday of its popu-larity about tlie time of the 1'rincessAlice disaster. It was being sung ondeck just beforo tlie vessel wentdown. That fact was printed in allthe Knglish newspapers, nnd the songsuffered n temporary check in itspopulaiity, but thousands of copiesare now sold, not only in Great Ilrit-ai- n,

but throughout Australia, Can-

ada, and in fact wherever the F.ti-lis- h

language is spoken. Mr. Weath-erly is tlio author of scores ot othersoiigs that are not so well known. Hehas been writing songs over since hewas an iindcrgiaduatc, twenty -- live,

yeais Tillies.

O? . v. " . - i



! iileii'sll'ilf Hems li din Hie ItrcDiil-A- i

iM at of the Mtcntiirr Alice

The Uncord ol Jan. I I edilot hilly '

says that, on llic doings of electionday, Hawaii will either have taken aohide in advance or li.nc slid back ,

into the of the past. Itdeploies llic idleness nf people mi j

till' (ioM'IIIIIICIll Mile.The lici'onl Of llic same dale as

ahtno has the following items:During tlie high Miif of l.isi week,

seernlof our native ttiuu ijfive uuexhibition of their -- kill, in ridingthe wild suif hot so. They -- tirtcdfrom llic point off ahumi'iiuc-tu'e- l

and made a landing on the sandsnear Itichai'dsou's stoic. They didfairly well; but the present gencia-tioihav- e

not the skill and dai'uig oftlie old tinieis. F.vch it is tare tosec a llrst class surfboard.

Some of our sugar mills hawcommenced grinding, but the emicsaie very backward lliis y.u in r'cic-nin-

owing to the amountol lain thai lias fallen since Octoberlast, und there docs nut seem lo beiiny let up as ct.

That llagitafi in the Court houseyaul seems lo be leding I lie weightol years, as its baik is bent, mid ilis imitating the leaning tower ofI'is.'i, Whose biisiue-- s is it lo at-

tend lo ii?A party consisting of Howaid,

Misses Abne and Mary Ilitclioik,and Mrs. Hendry of Honolulu, stall-ed for a few weeks' inn up in tliecolli uplands of lliakala on MiiiiuaIvca. We wish them pleasaiiteiweather for their stay up there, thanthat in which lliey started off in.

We wcic shown the oilier day a

dish ol line led raspberries, whichwere glow n at lloiiganvillr. ANo acouple ot large, mellow greeningapples, fnun llic sunn place, the lla-v-

of which was equal lo Ihal ol thebest California fi ml.

We hear that the pl.iiilation stoicat Naaleliu, lvau, was entered a few-day- s

ago and (!() stolen lioni lirelilis. A Japanese is under aires!, onsuspicion.

Tlie trial for the commitment ofMills, Illaboii and Watson, chmgedwitli the murder of the JapaneseGoto atlfouokaa, last October, washeld befoie His Hon. Judge L, nunlast week ; 1). 11. Hitchcock appear-ing for tlie crown, and Judge Da-

vidson for tlie prisoners. All llnccwere committed for trial, at 'thenext Mav term of the Circuit Courtto be held in Ililo.

Opposition candidates for llepre-scntative- s,

Hawaii: Kau KillThompson, J. Kapaliu and J. a;

Kohala J. Iv. lCahookano;Koua D. II. Naliinu and J. 1'.

Hamakua J. K. Kauua- -

niano; Ililo J. .Nawalii, .1. isauerand J. Matloou.

A Jap at Waiak'ea was killed yes-

terday by falling between the lj.id-c- d

cars, as lliey were moving. Acoroner's, inquest was held lo-da-

ami the ordiet was "that the saidJap came to his death by his owncarelessness.'" Tlie body was ter-

ribly mangled. Dis. Frances Wet-nloi- e

and Williams were in attend-ance.

Two Chinamen, working at cut-

ting wood at Oiiomea last week,were killed by the falling ol thetrees al which they were at work.Almost every bone in their bodieswas broken. A coi oner's inquestwas held on 1 lie dead bodies, and itsverdict was "accidental death."

From the Volcano, we hear thai anew lake lias been formed lo thenorth of Dana lake, although thereis not any veiy marked activ-ity in the crater just now. We hear,too, that there has been just a de-

luge ol rain in the dish ict of Kau,lilling the gulches with rushing lor-renl- s.

Hamakua, loo, is suffering fromtoo much tain, just as the planta-tions waul In grind. It lias rainedso much here the past few days, lhaleven the lain has been muddy.

The Record of the ' 1st inst. givesthe follow ing list of Iteforrn candi-dates for Uepieseutathes on tlie Is-

land of Hawaii:South Hilo, 1. Uyerofl ; feudal

Ililo, George Kailieuui ; North Ililo,Albert Horner: Hamakua, W. II.liickard: Kohala, J. W. Moanauli ;

Kona, J. W. II. Waipunalci ; Kau,O. K. Apiki.

The llccoid argues against a claimofSpiockels lo a ship of land onFront street. It further calls atten-tion lo tlio "extremely bad state ofWainniieiiuc street." The I'ecordalso advocates a town hall for Ililo.The items below are all of dale Jan.21st.

The biig Lurlinc, Capt. Matson,nnhed in port 10 days lromS.ruDiego, Cal. 1'ass.cnger.s by her wcicour fellow townsman Will. Scott andhis wile, and two ladies ftom SailFrancisco. We welcome back ourFriend Scott, after his vi-- it to theCoast.

The steam launch Alice, which leftSan Francisco tho same time theLuilinedid, arrived on Jan. 1Mb,111 days from port. A remarkably(prick passage for so small a ciaft,she being only 17 feet in leiigtq.Her captain says that she is a splen-did sea boat, ami under sail alonemade 1M) miles iir one day's run.Slio will make quite an addition toour Ililo licet, and is we hear to beregistered under the Hawaiian Hag.

The Flection Koaid held theirllrst meeting in the Court House yes-terday, and did quite a heay busi-

ness 'in registeiing voters. Theyhold another meeting on Saturdaynet, nt llm same place, from ! to12 a. m., and finm 1 to ;l or 1 p. m.Lei every one be sine thai his name

w rtffci .MMrMa (KM

is on the icuislfi us (iin1 o'r lamurn tho day.

A large number of Japanese werelanded by the Kinaii nil along theCoast. This Dishict is hung welllilkd up with Hie people of that na-I'- u

rulity. We arc mining llio,c whobelieve tha' the Japanese will even-tually make goml citietis. Theyseem In lake more readily In theways of Fiinipc.iu connhie- - lliinilnllic Chineic. Whelliei 1'iey will re-

main in lie couiiliy remains to beseen.

It noise iicikcs a good lime, our j

Chinee f i lends in tnwu nit- huii.gthe "goodcdl" kind of a time, on '

their knnilii day. Most of theirbusiness places arc closed, ami allCliinailoin is diessed up and tryinglo enjoy the New Year.


Isl'iuti lie ;r.uii ol' 1 sin nil- - I lie "l Is.tilcf'r.ii' I'.li-rlln- ul' Vuliti's

Hi ruiiMKNi oi rinJi ini'iiin, I

llnvni.t i.i , Jan. 2.1th, ls'.io.

Tn His Km i.i.i.i mi L. A. Tuiiis- -

m, .Minister ot the Interior..SV: Your communication of the

2."k1 Jauuan, on behalf of the Cab-

inet addressed lo lire Justices of theSupreme Courtis received.

The lli- -t question upon which ouropinion is akcd is,

Whether Section 21 of I lie Act otl.S'vS, "To amend and consolidatethe elec'ion laws of the Kingdom,"requites that in order to otc for aNoble, an olhci wise qualified electorof Nobles must hac resided in oneand only one of the "Flection I

described in Section l.'l ofthe Ad, or does the cuiiteM Jirohi-bi- l

siicii s'euc and dies it menu thathe must have resided for three monthswithin the district for llic election ofNobles, i. c. the island of Oahu.

Subilmsiou lirt of Sect 'on 21

contains the proviso that he (thevoter for Nobles) shall have icsidedin tlie coutitiy not less than tlneeyeais, and in the district in whichhe olfcrs lo ote not less than threemouths immediately preceding theelection at wliich he olfoi's to vote.

The fust section of the Act s

"Dishict" to mean an "Flec-tion District" aa prescribed in thisAct unless the context prohibit suchsense. The election dish ids aredefined in Section H ; they aie 2 innumber and one Ueprcsentative isallowed for each dishict, and can bevoted for by only the olcrs of llicparticular district.

Kut tlie Nobles, 21 in number, arenot apportioned to be voted torsingly by the voters ol the respec-tive election districts, but nine No-

bles arc to lie voted for by eachvoter (who is qualified) on the islandof O.ihu, and six by each voter ontho island of Hawaii, and so onthroughout the group. For the pur-poses, therefore, of wiling for No-

bles, the island of Oahu is the"District," as is.also the island ofHawaii, etc.

if all llic voters qualified to votefor Nobles can vote for the numberof Nobles prescribed for the islandon which the voter lives, it canmake no difference in which "Flec-tion District" within the island orgroup of islands ho may reside, andany change from one to another otthese districts irrto which the islandis divi led cannot affect his right tovole for Nobles, provided he hasresided on tlie particular island orgroup of islands whore he olfcrs tovole for tin ce mouths immediatelypreceding the election.

We are, tlieretoie, ol tho opinionthat the sense requires that the word"district" mentioned in the firstsubdivision of Section 21 icspeclingqualifications of voters for Noblesmeans the island or group ol islandsfioin which tlie Nobles are to beelected and not the "Fled ion dis-

tricts" mentioned in Section l.i oftlie Act.

Kefoie answering the second queslion we dosiie mote time lo consideril.

licspectfiilly submitted,A. F. Ji'dd.L. McCtr.iA.ICll ll'l) F. KlCKI.lt ION--


Sankokk K. Don:.Justices of the Supreme Com I.


The Supremo Court sat in bancoyeslerdav, hearing tlie followiii!cases :

M ahoe el al. v. Kniilii el al.Fqtiity appeal. Argued and sub-

mitted. Kinney for plaintiffs; Achifor defendants, appellants.

X. Kniidsen vs. Hoard of Filuca- -

t inn. Argued and submitted . Hait- -

well for plaintiff; lVterson for dc- -

feuilanl.In the matter of Philip Milton, of

Iloiiplulu, deceased, testate, peti-tion for probate of will, the hearingat chambers set for Friday was con-

tinued lo Wednesday, SDtlt inst., onaccount of the illness of one of thecontesting witnesses.

This morning the demurrer ol de-

fendant, in the assumpsit ftisc of C.I. .McCarthy vs. D. Manaku, wasbeard and decision reserved. G. K.Wilder for plaintiff; J, A. Magooufor defendant.

M. K. Kou was granted a divorceagainst his wife, Kalcka, tor tidul-tei- y.

Cecil Hrowu for petitioner.Tim Court adjourned at I0:.10 forthe day.

rpHF. F.lite Ice dentil Parlors supliliUll tlie leu ('renin mid Wrddlim

Crkc foi the Duwbett-Uiinlm- wed- -

(ling. nva it

flHE Klllo leu Cretin I'ailuis blip-J-

plied the Ice Ciciint and U'ulilini;Cake lorllie Hu.niii'r.Teiry wuldliij.'.

Mli It

IA Nl A If V :'.., I mmrV J t

Stanley has iieVepled an iiiiiUlmuto attend ajranquel in his honor bvAmericans in Loudon. MinisterLincoln will prc-id- e and" piesetit toStanley an Amciioari Hag and a mas-

sive slhor shield inwrought withAfrican scenes.

An extiaet ftom J. Wilkin I'oolh'sdiary shortly befoie his death Ispublished ill the Slate., lie i s heslid, k boldly and w.iII.m) Ihioiigh athuii-aii- d ol Lincoln's friends. Hilode ily miles that night, with thebroken bone in Iik leg teaiing theflesh at every jump. Tim act heMivs was only wront; 11 God deemedif s0. lo hoped the last night to

the bloodhounds once more.sa ing he had too groat a soul to dielike a criminal.


CIIIK nriniirl dim in; of tin (ii'itimiiL Ui'iii'volrut Society will be huh!

on WBIUNKHDAY, .limn uy 'J!l, lfcUO, atIII. olll-- e of II. ,V Wldi'in inn K-- ij ,

Mci i limit stint at :! o'cbiik i m..1 hCKAltPT,

UiiU Sicntiiry

NOTIOK.I!S. OSllOKN'i: is no iiniiu.'d lom1 jiiif institution) in F mv Work

at "i'lie Ariiui'ion," Itoom ii ( In.-- I.

stjiun Moti'liiis, W'ediii's Ims midFndllVS I'livnte lesson h per in I

ill ii'iii m lil. Slumping i' "I ordeislUltlhiud lo. t i'l If

alilfin LocomoiiYBs

If n d I iisniil h'ui't, b-- apimliita'eiilk tru tin- - lla'iati m Ulnuils

For tho Celobtated

Baldwin - Locomoti 1

I'liilil llie ' oiUs of

Biirnlrdui, Parry, VHliiiiis fi Co.,

l'lllllKl.-llllllll- . I'fllll..Aie now pii'pm'd to ijive uiliiiii.tea andreceive oiders foi tlie-- e eiliilnei, of anys,e mi I stjle

Th" i:,i mwNl.ni oMO-iiv- i 'VllllKS 'IIInow uiminliic.luriii!; a slle ol L.ieiiiiie.tne p.iillcuhiil) inlaiiti' I

For Plantation Purposes,

A number nf wlili !i hive ic ei.lly beenat lliesf Island., and w'e will

lime plcisiirt! in firriiiliiuir pt mtalioaagents an I iiciii.iqi a wi'h pailiiu'mof slllll

Th" siipeiiorlly of llus I.oeenoverall ol lier inut.es li no' only KTTrTvMi

kelii bill H neknowli'ilgi'.l tluojijli.iutthe 1'nitul M'lleii.

Win. J. I It WIN &l!o.,Ai;eiilu for Il'iwaiiiu

ltii d.121 w.lv

California : Landsi'cit ajli;

"IlK iiuileisjrucil wl-n- s to infill iiithe liilblie tint lie ha- - opened a

l'.i.nii'li raliforui.t Land Olllcc. at No.f' Meicliaiit sheet. Honolulu.

To pei'-ou- - wl-hl- to ine-- t inf'holee Tiuiber, Agilciiltiue, Fiull inCi.ilug Lauds hi the Hue Mate of Cali-fornia, or in lleshahle lliilldlug Lots Inthe beautiful ('Itj mid Subiubs of Oak-lau- d,

with lis unrivaled climate andoiKiiliuiliie.. I am piepaied lo oftereii'iy indueeiueiit in the way ofbir-gain- -.

The Lands which I lieu offer haie allbeen ino-- t eaiefiilly by arbruoiihly lell.ible surveyor, ernplocilspi'ilall, 'lor that puriio'sti, and I 'amtliercfoi'e enabled lo she sail-fiict-

giiaiantee that cM'iy pieee olteied wlilstiluly coiie-pon- d with theghen'by me.

The Titles to these Lauds sue perfect,belnn hi the main slate s,.kmi1 kind- -.

The pievious pei-on- al Inspectiontheit'of at grout expense, te

-- eeuilly to pmeh.isei's and - anIiidueeinenl'olfered by no other dealerin state school land- - in California.

Tin pi ice ranges f i oui 3.1. "i0 peracieupward iiccoiillng lo ipiallly and loca-tion, and theie Is no doubt, by takinginto account the laphl mow lh and pro-gi- e

ion of ib.it hlate. that these laudsottered at these low llgllics must withina lew yeais loiiimmul a much higherpilee ainl K) seeiue to every Investor aprollt not easily eipialul in anv otherline of speculation.

Thi- - oppoiiuniiy will be open for alimited time only, mid 1 tbeiefoie ex-

tend mi imitation to all whoul-ht- o

secure good mid cheap homes In thatin.ignllli.ciit Slate and Country, and al-- o

ro Iho-i- ! who de-Ir- e to hue-- i a lilileiiioney to so great advantage and piolli.to call upon me soon and obtain fullpaitlculiir-- .

Inloi'inatlon will be chceifullv inlven.iQ" Ollice loom with .1. A. Magoou,

alloini, No. I'J .Meicliaiit stieel.IMI If A. MOUOFF.UHAXUE of KESinKNCK.

in-- . oi,ivi:uI Lis iiinovprl Iroin Foil stieel 10 ltd

I olio L'liie, 1'atmna.Okkici: Hocus: il .. m. lo l'J m mid li

i. m. to li c. M.

Mutual 000ViaTELEPIIONESeuS"Bell 475lit; tf


XO liuuulrl out Mr. V. II.HAN' n the "Honolulu CarriageMiiniil.iL'tury," ut Y2i for t i.treet, lampiepart'd to'conlinue llm nlmve bilsinesHunder thu old iininu ot Honolulu Car.ringo Mmmliicioiy, mid being an oldevpurlriiici'il carriage builder I nilicltthe piitiomti'u ot my old f i lends and thunubile in neiioi nl, nnil with my thoroughkiiowk'duc ol llie biifiiuess uud with ex.pcricmeil woikincii nnd using only thubent material I guarantee generallurliim. I'ltiihC call und hie me beloiegoing ulnowlieio.

(rilgniil)! (11DKOS WKhT.II lulu, on. 'Jri, im'.i, .v.q tf

ftrtJJM- - m - 9MCCWitMMM4SKCl

flews of the British

The Fipiitnble sliows liguies equal to those ofsheets of some very riMpcctalile-.si.ji- l Statin. (Thel.oiulou.

The Fqiiilable Life Assurance Society is a colossal in.Uitiilioii. It W

unique in its position ami marvelous in its iceord. It occupier the highestplace among kindled institutions. The Irish Insurance Hanking andFinancial Join mil.

f I is no ipc disguising the fact that tlie Equitable holds a remaik'abh:position among the Insurance olllccs of Hie Woild." It ilno-- i a larger busi-ness, holds a larger surplus and give i a heller coutiact any othercompany. Leamington Spa Courier. .

-- o-


babncinsin World

liberals.LfiM- -

IT.'i.MO'l.OOri Of)


With the pitiful stem of stale insiiiance in Gcrimin compare whitis (lone by soiiieoffhi gicat private Assurance Compaiiie.s, by the gic.iloUof them all, for instance, the Fquilable Life AssuianceSocielyof tho CulledShite-- . Dublin Lyceum,

Tlie large-- d of American Lite Olllccs and llierefou the largest hiWorld is the Fquilable Life Society Hie ". fFalrplay ofLondon.

ollice done mo- -t proijioting.safc andIiisiuauce is the I'.quil'ililc Life Vssiir.uiee Society of V.Society.

'New business in IHs'.i '.Income loi ISs'.i.surplus




LifeThe that

ALEX. J. CARTWR8GHTfGeneial Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Kqiutable Life AssUiance Society

of the S. Jan-1-y- il

Pecilic Hardware Co., L'd,

Hardware, Agricultural Implements, House Furuistiiug Goods,


Glassware &. Cutlery, Just at Hand;Fence Wiie, (.alvani.cd

(Jii'ilil Fence Staplesd.ih. d l'encc Wne, lll.ick Steel

lU.ick Staph , Sjiccial

NEW GOODS ; -- kjhIn all lines by late ,u

Ktihhoi' (iiii'di'ii llomj, Viro





has thethe

oi i:nv srcr.moir ijcai.itn.l'ACirif HAIimVAHK CO., '(I.V),

Dii.i.ini.ii m, .1. Si'P.Ncmi, 1", L. Wivm;,1'ie-iilci- it. Manager ife Secretary. Tie.mui

II. I'

j.i ii


Shipping & Commission Merchants;





s& GOODSrival-- . Agent

llouud JIh', Sd'iinr

(lOOKE,- -

loirs' L.S't, it.

Ci'.crr. Iliiuivv, Auditor.

Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,


(iaipenteih', l!l.iel.iiiitlih', Machinisls' IMuiiibei.i1 Tor.U,

HOUSE FUItNLSIIINO GOODS!Kitchen I'lctrHiIri, 1'iiinU, Oils, V.iririhhes, Limp Oixids und

4MI01itl Ioi-llJ- I 1H4'.

Blake's Sloaui Pumps, Weston's Centrlfugdls,

Wilcox & miibs, & Hemiugtuu SewiuM Machines,

Dr. Jdyoo & Sous Family Medicines..bin-:il)- 0

V.. K. 1Ii:miuv, President ,vItKI lilmw.s, hecictarj .'iTie.isun

I of

. . .



of S.



. 0.

jjeW !




I HS IX- -

i "


iJ 1

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,dit.i i'ri:r.)

(ppo. Spii'vkclH' ltuuk, : S(r'(, Honolulu.IMI'ORTFHS and PKALFHS IN- --

Hardware, -:- - Crockery,Cbiindelicr., KleclolierH, Lamps v Lamp Ki.(uici,l'.iuits. Oils t Vainihlicd, Lard Oil, ('yliirdr Oil,I'owiler, Sliot A Cijis, .Machine-loailci- l CartridgCH, Clianilieilain'ri Patent

HOUSE -:- - FURNISHING -:- - aOODS,.Silver Phrled Ware, Table Si l'ocl.ct CiiU'cry,l'hiwn, l'l.rnleis' Steel floes, and oilier Agricultural Implement-- , .



llait'H l'atcnt "I)uple" Die Stock for l'ipe S. Holt Oitllinif, '

Manila it Sis.il Hope, Hiibbcr Hum,Win) Hound Hirhher Hosu, Spineler-grip- ;

Spiinkleih it Sprinkler Stands,

AGKNTMFOHUnion Metallic (l.ntiidge Co.,

llailiimn'ri Slcel Wiie Fence Si Slcel Wiiolal,,".New rroccKs" Hope,

Win. (!, Fislici'n Wrought Steel ltangCh, Neil', Caiiingo I'liinln, '

(laic Citv Stoim FilleiB,'New PiociW Twin Diills,

uoN-ill- l Sll Uiiil'rt I'.ilent "Duplex" Die Sloel'i-- .

Page 4: a NEW YORK David Dayton - University of HawaiiK 3ft I 1 int Ji 11H IP hi 1 1 I I 1 s III IIIIMMIIIIMII oun8onii'TiON Vol. XIV. No '2I2. IIOKOLTJLU, II. I., SATKl'DAY IOVIWIKCI. ,1AMUAKY

HP"Hsfv - -






a '.Jj-

- y--s



Ghas. Hustace, King Street,

HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"KilR Alaska Kea Tioul, Kits Mn Leu 1, Kiln Snlnion Hollies, Kits Tfuigueiuud Rounds, Cas-o- s ieiiiin Sausage, Hum Sausage, Salmon in 1 nml 2 lb.line, Hums, 11. icon, t'odlisli, This Soti-c- Miiekeul, limit d Muckoiel in To-mato Sauce, Top O'C in Hiniid lluttet, Honed Chhkcn and Tnikey, Twin

Brotheis' Yeast Cake.-.- ,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!(Vi aline Flakp, Cieimea. Breakfast Gem, White Oat", Highland Rolled O.iu.Diicd Apt loots, Dried Peaelie.-- , Piuiies. Talile Fitiits, Dates, Kigv, liidge'iFood, Gelatine, Saldino. Wheat Oat. Bian, Potatoes, Ottioti-- , and a

General Assortment of (imiuick at l' polar piiees

4FLr,np your oiilerf, or i ui(; np No 1 lit


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,KAST COHNEK KOKT AND ICING STHKKTH.

New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern Mates snd Europe,FtcsU California Produce by every Steamer. All onlcia faltlifiilly attended to.uud Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Mutat order? poll-rijle-

Satisfaction gintrautcetl. Post Otflcc Box H5. Telei.lioiie No. U2 fuov-4-8-

Telephone 240.' -- imovB--

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, U. L,


S&- - ON IC 10 -- VS8

By each steamer of the O. S. 3. Co. from California

Fresli Gala. Roll Batter, Frozen Oysters & Fresli Gala. Fruits,

A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned & Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line oftjieruian l'utcn & rotted 3Ients A. ltottlvil I'lOMorvod Fruits,Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams & Bacon,

New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Ou Flakes &, Oieaui Wheat Klakee,Sicily Lemons ifc Cala. Kivcisnle Oranges,

Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Klc, Etc.

up-1- 0 ftSatiHiJaction. Griiaviinteetl. 87


Calirornia Hay, Oats, Bran,Oil Cako Meal, Linseed Meal,

Hurley, Kolled Barley,Ground Barley,

"Wheat and Corn Flour.FLOUJ! JO-AIt- n, Golden Gate & Snlliins"TOi FLOUR

Telephones, No. 175.

CRYSTAL -:- - SODA -:- - WORKS,JOHN GllACE, : : Proprietor.



Kmntnmn-- P. O. Box 207



Cor. & Queen

under the of MISS

ar, ..V WT liinr Slreel.

U ' HilOL ""

ih. fee


10Ale, Cream & Plain Soda.

- ClIA-MJ-'A-O-- I 0101:1c.0" ALL AERATED IT UK jpTjT

.11 icijnc; . 1

Mutual 330 -- n 0 ssr ell 298j"Island oideis piomptly attended to. .

-- OI-

Black Spanish Lace Flouncing, from 1 yard uivaid.Black ('handily Lace Flouncing, fiom 2 jaid tipwaid.Koiu, Cie.tm it White Oriental I'louminf.', fiom ."lOetH yaid ui.iiv.iiilKxtia Heavy (new style) Oiientnl Floiinemj,', liom .2'i yaid ujnv.ud.

Dress Olets in Pink, Blue, Red, & Black.Full of all shades of Caslinn te, Moiroe, Satin A Gin

Giain Bdihon. Vehel Hugs in all sie jusl ieociod.Best variety in Cainbiie, SvNs A Nainsook Einluoideiie- - at

13. J. Ac CO.0tT Dressmaking Depart niont


JOHN"I3linoil Ulol.," rs"H.



Edinburgh Stg.





Ginger Snrsapnrilla, Lemon,


Tolephone Telephone




sm&geSWmmJDkilrTWZZ K'l xLMi UJ.in6m"TW(

flh?iBrtfSltW''CJ BfiaiJJ' hV-

U3 wssswsssmsm

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,


Sheet Iron Work.

r J v


i T' rDAILY lUlLLRTINf: HONOLULU, I!. I., .JANUARY :.'3. 1W10.

hiiMrwtgttfc ji vwwm f rra rrn iiin a t - n rim

W. G. PISOHER'SFamous Grand Active A, Golden



Cooking-:-Bang- es


Broiler and Hot Water Attaclimcnts !

Co isumiiig onc-lld- LES3 Fl'EL tlinnany other stove hi existence,

either wood or coal

No Brick Work About ltJust a Clean Cut Stove!

Who-- e Hilling qualities are inisiir.jiassed.

Reversible Grates !

This (iintc is of a tiianQulnr form.Iiavim; thice sutfac(s which ate levcrsi-hie- ,

o tlint a scpttntu top -- urfnee enn lietisid ou alternate day; ot If the one siir.fnee in coiiisc of use shows any venrthen tlic other can he tinned up. and soou tlic otliei, inakini; it qu.il in duiahilliy to three distinct Urate.

OI1 sai.). iiy Tin

Hawaiian Hardware Co.,Foit Street, Honolulu,

110 tf Opposite Sprei keK Hank

Union, Fire & Murine

Insurance Co., L'd,Of ,i'H Zealand.

Copital - $10,000,000

File risks taken on Dvvcllini;-- , Store0,Storehouses and Conteiils. Alfo, binjiruud Rice Mill?, Machinery, Die, lac

IVIstriiio Tii.iir:xijfOn Hull?, Cargoes and Freight--- . Lo,paii t heie

J. S. WALKER,Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

in.fi 90


The Lessees of LotsslTt'Vri IN Till.

Kapioiani ParkAle heiehy noliticd that the Ainei.iiinn

is piepucd to

Grant a Renewal of their Lease, tot30 Years from dato,

I'non piccntfttlo'i of projier ti'le i

mil the pa.viiKi.t ol a n.imimil iciital.

tWApplieations to lie inaile to W. M(ilFFAKD, btcietary.

A.H. CLEOHORN'.l'lesidenl Kiipiohmi 1'aiU Asmi'h.

HoiKihilu, Dec i.7, 1 11 1 tit

J74 KiU;5 st. tH 7-- KInfi st

Importers of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMovul with Caie.

Matting and Carpets Laid,


Fine Upholstering & Beddin

A Speciality.



VJO'l'iei: 'Iven to all pei-.- L

sou- - that on the :t0th day Deiem-Im- t,

1SM1I, a nieeliiujof thethe Hawaiian l'aeilie Tahle Co vvtc

held at ilieoilleoof IM). Hall .V Son,Limited. Honolulu, and ai Mild meetingit via- - voted by ald slockholdei- - toaccept a chniler of ineoipoiatiiui giaiit-e- il

to them iiiuler lite eoipoiate nameand sivle of 'HtiMaiian l'acllle C'tilileto." Noveinliei 15, ISii, and that iheeorpni'.ttlnii iniilei -- aid chatter Iheie-itpo- u

oiganied theiti-elve- s and elei ledthe tollowliigotlleeis:I. .Slieituaii Il.utholoiiiew'of Honolulu

PiesldeniHon. Edgir Ciovv linker, M. P., ot

Victoria. It. C Yice-l'ie.,lile- nt

E. O. While of Honolulu SccicimjFlunk A. Dudley ot 'iagaia Fiilli. X.


Win. W. Hall of Hoiiolulii Anditoi-Notiee is fiii'ther given Hint pitf-uait-t

to tlietciitisof s.ild chaitei, "So toek-liohl- er

shall iiutlvhluallv ho liable forthe debts of the Cotpoi.itlon beyond theamount which shall be clue upon Hidthe shine oi Mine held or owned bvhimself." : (.), WHITE,111 I in !?eeietaiy.


i:yvi5rr.' i

General Election of 1890 1

Foil NOlSLHrf im vn-1-) or OMir.



oi Ko v, Ovtif.W vim 1 .1. E. P.l'SH.W vim 2 W. II. (M'.MMIN'OS.

waiim.'i .u m vi:qfe.ver. I T R. LIH'AS.

Wvitn '. R. W. WILCOX.

Isltsiul ol" ?ITji,iii.





Lvii.viw J. NA.ARETA.Haw I'. KAIAI.Makvvv.vo-- W. 15. KALA.MouiKu A. '. ICAPAEIIAOLE

111 ti

nninintTfri mI I II ll IM I I i I hl'l' !

in inu mi1J1IJJ.U

Mcbles for Hawaii.

.sAMl'KL PARKER, ,. vears.I. KALIIAaI'j, i

R. R. IIIXI), ) .

E. A. Rl'ECIIARirr, )' vear:!-

J. .UARSDKX, i 0W. II. 1TR is. vcars-



Cooked Rolled Oats!i'Oit itKi: viir.-,1'- .

1 1 on I III In I !i :'.iH)ii) i


C5S?.S.imp'ea lieeal all Lending Oro.cetics.

MITCdKLL&JETKK.SOiV,IhOI S F. AgeniH. t llit


A J IXEColi (mile)' liupihe ai III i --

I.IJtes IIS OlllVe.I.V1

NOTICE., US. OMIOJINE is now piepuied In

111 give instruction1 in F.incv Workat "The Alliiii'lon," Room 0." ClassLessens. Momtas, Wciliu-ila.v- s andFridavs Piivale by 'specialarrangement. Slumping ami ordetspromptly attended to. '160 if

NOTICK to SI 1 1 1MK1JS.

the moic rittisfactnry nccomnin.dntlon of our pattons we beg to

sugi'est to tliim t lint in rases vvheioilrny a aie lcqitircd for shipping goodsto out going stcnmcis and coasteis, orin ai y eiiso' where tequinil, it 1 o'clocksharp ot the day, they will And that bytinging up Mutual Telephone No. 'JU ,

between 1 3 ; 1 i) and 12 l"i in the noonhour that Mr. Hewitt will be thereinpeison to leeelve all orileii, nml ourIiliniNwIII thtnbv eteitly laulltaicbusiness to the bitter Mitislnuiun ol alllotiieinnl a '




Just tlio Tiling for the Holidays

-- AT Tiir.--

Paciilc Ilardwaro Co.

Onlm Railway & Laud In'ti,D


... , "" 'r , - '.

rm rrr&xzLVSx J SO

It W.I' I.Alt TltAINS!Leave Honolulu Xn. 1 !i a. m.:

Moanalti'i ('.'.Til tulles) J i : 1 J : Pmiloa(li'J.l uillea; tiiil: Halawa (H.l I miles)M::!0i Atcit (,!i:i" mlle) tl:3il; ICulniiau(Id.OJ tulle.) iiiil'i: Waiati (Ki.'.ilt tulles)till. I; ntilve at Matiaita (11. 7i! tulles)11 .is.

Leave Honolulu Xo. :; 1 p. in. ;

Moatiiibii '.':l'.': Pmiloa J.L'.' : HaluvvaJuliii Aba '..!(;; KahiiianL1 ::'.!i : Wnlnii

ariive at Maiiana S .Leave .Manaiia Xo. J 11 u. inr;

Waiau (u.KI mile-- ) 1 :.".; halauao(1.71 tulle.) ll:ii!i: Alea ('J.:;(i miles)llil'J: Haliwa i:i.ij-.- ) litis: Pitutoa(...:.:!) 1 1 :.'. : Mo iiinlu i (U miles) 1 ::i(i :

aulve at Honolulu II i.Leave Mmiana-X- o. I Ip.m : Waiau

1:10: Kjlutiuo Itftli; Alea 1.1'.': IlahiwaI is: Piiuloi I '.",: Moanaltia

at Honolulu I :s.si'Mi.iv tij vis:

Leave Honolulu O'.IOii. in., 1j!.".i)aiul.'. p "in.: Moinalua 0:Il' a. in., tL:Uand :i:lL' p. m ; Pmiloa (::i a. in.,iL'i.'hlaiul in.; Ilalawa 10 a. in..1 mid :t:l!0 p. in.; Alea KhlMi n. in.. I'Mauil:i::i(! p. in.: Kalaitno 10:0!) a. m ,lioiunid :i ::'.'. i p. in.; Waiau 111:1:1 ti. m.,l:i:t and :i:l.t p. in.; anive at Mjiiuim10:l.s a. m , 1:18 anil.": IS p. in.

Leave Mamma 11 a. ip., I :l) and I aT.p. m.: Waiau 11 :0." a. tu., 1 MS ami 1:10p. m.; Kalauao llilVt n. in., 1 :.V2 and1:11p.m.: Alea 11 :1l' u. hi., 1 :." and1:17 p. m : Halawa II :18 a. in , 0.1anil I :..! p. in.; Piiuloa 11 s'J.'ia. in., L':0Snml I ::'.(( p. in., Moanalua ll:;'.i! a.m.,J:l!):ind It'll p.m.: an he at Honolulu11:IS a. in.. L' Ml and I:.'.!! p. lit.

N. It. Train-- . s(lp at Kallhl eitherway only on signal or to leave pa.eugei..'

It Ti:s or I'AItl'.:

' ' '1. 1 Z. c "

Honolulu to L n c c s n"a h r 3 5(t t a w - 7 ft

i rMoanalua '$ .'J'. 3 ,1.1ft .10 is .:toPnuloa ' .10 .itf .7.1 ..10(Maefailane'.) '

Ilalawa ..In .tl.l 1.00 .CIAiea .1,0 .10 l.bl .70

(Mc(iievv')Kalauao ,ii.l .1.1 l ..:. .7.1

(Mis. Kapu's)Waiau (;.l .15 l.'.M .7.1

(AkPsMIII)Miinaii.i .75, ..10 1.21 100

(Coiitthoii-e- ) i

X. 15. P.issei)"ei s not pill chasing tic-kets befoie boaiiUiig the tialu at sta-tiot- is

whete tieket- - aie sold, will beebaiged 10 cents adilition.il to thelegitl.ir fine for ttaiti late-.- .

" 'J he abnv e time tables and intesof fates lo lake elicit on Thin. day.Iaiiii.it v i'. lV.lo.

W. L ASHLEY.Ill' If Siipeiiiiteiiilcnt.


Hardware, ShippingAND

Commission Merchants.IiP.AI.l Ks IV

General Merchandise !

PHiitntion A?ent3,Life, Firo & Mali no

Insurance Agonts..T m :t I llON'Ol.lLF, II. I 18H0

CASTLE &C0fmLite, Fire & Marine

insurance Agents !

Ai.r.vii ionHow England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,

or rutins,

ntna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.UNION

Insurance Company,ritv a .liiiiinc.

fir sv rawritro, i u.n.uiNiv.latiliiO


RetituiLil en the Australia and Ins resinned puielice at his foiiner olllce. asHoiil iiich' 40(111

('iiam;k or ijesidionck.ir. ui.ivr.it

Huh ifinovid fiom Foil ulieet to Ro.hello Line, Palnmii.

Ol-K- P. llOL'IIS: !) A. M. to l!.1 M. Illlll 0r. it. to 0 e. m.

Mutual 47541(1 tf

A Cure for Influenza !

Dll. LOZIER'S HAWAIIAN CHERRY COR.DIAL, one of the best remedies

ever prcpnred foi couehs, anthniu, lunganil chest trouble, and a grcit relieflo whooplnir cough and thioat all'ection.Ask tot Dr. Lozler's Hawaiian Cherry Cor-ili-

$o!d atHOl.LISTER A CO.,

Anil HK.VSOX, hMI'I'll ,t CO.m:im


UAVIXC1 bought out Mr. W. II.in the "Ilouohihi Uarriagu

JlinuIactory,"at V2i Knit street, lamprctinied'to continue the above businessunder the old name of Honolulu Car.i luge M aim facility, and being an oldexpeiienccd cairiago builder I tolleitthe iiiitionagu of my old Irietids and thepublic, in geneiiil, and with my thoroughknowleilKo of the business mid with ev.i.eiieiifed workmen and using only thehfbt umterlal 1 guiiraiileo general satis,taction. Pltiifu call and Bee mu lieloiegoing elfovvheie.

(Signed): (HDF.ON WJ'.ST.Ilnnoliilu, Oct. 28, 1.SD, IJfll If

Oceanic HlGamship Comp'y.

From Sun Francisco,

I a a ve Due ntS. F. Honolulu

Alnineilii .lint II .Jan ISMniipo'-- Feb 8 Feb inZeal. India.. Mnr H Mar ir.Al.iinedn Apr d . Apr 12Maiiposa Mnv :i .May 10Zealaitdia May ::i June 7Alatnedii June 28. ..July ft

Maiiposa .Inly '2(! Aug 0

Zealandia. Aug t:i Aug III)

Alaiiiedn Kept Sept 27MaiipoM. . Oct 18 Oct i!ii

ealaiidia. . .X.iv ...Nov 22Aliimedii. . . . Dec 1:1. ..Dec 20

For San Francisco.

Leave Due nlSyiliH'V Ilonolitlu

Xealnnilia . .1,11, oo. Feb SAliiiue.la Feb P.I ..Mm sMaiiposa Mai P.I. A piZealanili.i . .A pi lu Mnv .

Alanieila .. M.i.v ll May.laiiiof.;i June II June- - 2SZealanili.i J uly !) July 20Alameda. . .Aug (1 .Aug 2:iMniipoi-.- t . . Sept :i . Hept 20Zealandia... Oct L. .Oct ISAlanieila Oct 21) Xov If.Alaiiposa .Nov 2(i. Dec J.'IZealandia... ..Dee 21. . Jan 10

Intermediate S. S. Australia.

Leave S. F. Leave Ilonolitlu.Fiidav Jau ::i Fiiday Feb IIFiidav Feb 2S Fiidav . ..Mar MFiiday. Mar 28 Fiiday AprFiidav Apr Fiidav ..MayFiidav .May Ft iday . JuneFiidav. June Fi iday JulyFiiday Jnlv Fiidav . AugFi iday .Aug If. Fiiday . Aug 2!)Fiiday Sci.t 12 Fiiday ' Sept 2(1

Friday .Oct 10 Fiiday Oct 21Fiiday. Xov 7 Fiiday .. . Xov 21Fiidav. .Dee. 5 Fi iday ..Dec 18

Anstraliai Mail Service,

FOU SAN B It YN;iNCO,The new and Tine AI ctccl stcamthlp

"Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

ho duo at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

February 8, 1 890.And will leave for tlio above port withmails and passengers on or about thatdate.

For freight or passage, having SU.PKitiou Accommodations, applyto

WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Agent.

For Sydney and Auckland

The new and One AI steel BtCMcshlp

"Alameda,"Of Ike Oceanic Steamship Company, will

he due ut Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

January 18, 1890.And will have prompt dhpatch withmalls and nasaengcrs for theaLove ports.

For lreight or passage, havlnir BUFKHIOK ACCOMMODATIONS, applvto37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Afrenta

LOVEJOY & CO.,15 iiuaiiii Nl., Honolulu.

Offer for sale at uniwiilly low price?, afull assoitinent and best In anils of

AlcsfcWines, Beors, SpiritsAc.

fianiaving been appointed by Messrs.1 ai'huiiiu iv, Jacob! of San Fiauclscotheir Mila Agents for Hawaiian Islands,we are to offer their justlyi Vleluated Wines lo our fiiends and thepublic ut vim low rale- -. 4:11 lm

'lie Tlioroiilikl Stallionu

"MARIN."Will stand at scivice at

Hkcoud S:S2Ki Sacramento, Sept. IC.1887.

Pkdiouee: Marin was sired byQuinn's Patchon, he by Oco. M. Pat.chen, Jr.; Marin's duui bv Emigrant, heby Billy McCracken; Billy MeCrackenby McCraoken'a Ulnck Uawk, 707, (thesire of Lady Dooley, and of the dam olOverman, 3:tlM). McCracken'a BlaokHawk, 707, by Vermont Black Hawk, 0;Snd dam by Marshall's Black Hawk, heby Huston's Black Hawk. The dam ofQuinn's Patchen by Stockbridgo Chief,ho by Vermont Black Uawk, (5.

It T. Carroll ot San Francltco, thoformer owner of Marin, vouches, thatout of thirty-si- mares served by Ibishorse dutiitg his hut season in Cali-fornia, thiity.tlvo proved with foal.

I'AIIli It. ISKNIiP.ltU.jiy-a- hu;

"" w'wi Jtn'i


Per "Eskdale"123 days fiom Liverpool. "

DRY GOODS!Large, Varied & Selected Slock.

FANCY GOODS,DiushIiir Catti,

.Mlrrm-'- ,

e. Iter are, Kte

GROCERIES,A full lino

iiiitf Glassware !

A largo assortment.



Jnriliijx Lamps

Bags, " L, Brlaps,



Other Varioties.


Latest Noveltic3.


Knglish,American and





Kock,Liverpool and

HIggln's Duiry.

Oil ! Oil !

Boiled A Raw Liusecd, Castor.

Paints & Zinc I

Flower Pots,

Fern Stands & Wire Baskets,



Frypans, Kto., Etc


Coriugatcd & Plain.


In all varieties.

Fence Wire !Annealed,

Galvanized Barbed, ?Patent Steel Barbed '



California Groceries?

Of all varieties, always in stock.Also,

Hay, Feed & Flour

Theo.H.Davies&Co..4'iltf HONOLULU.


