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A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

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Your 12-page health, fitness and lifestyle guide
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JANUARY 28, 2010 1 A N E W Y O U YOUR 12-PAGE HEALTH, FITNESS AND LIFESTYLE GUIDE QUIT NOW CUT THE COST FUTURE PLANS Top tips on how to give up smoking Exercise does not have to hit you in the pocket Tackling the growing trend of obesity in children TOP TIPS Follow our chart of the best exercises 20% OFF Roberto Cavelli,Vogue, Versace, DKNY, D&G, Giorgio Armani, Animal, Hannah Montana, Starwars,HSM and Miss 60 on the day. 10% off All frames from today until the end of the Open Day. Free Bifocal/varifocal contact lens taster. If you’re fed up of having to put on reading spectacles, why not give these a try. We’ll put them in and take them out. You just see how they work for you. (Valid prescription necessary.) Completely comfortable! Book in now for the Open Day. To celebrate the new practice we are holding an OPEN DAY on the 25TH of FEBRUARY 2010. 28 Pool Street, Caernarfon 01286 672717
Page 1: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

JANUARY 28, 2010 1





Top tips on how togive up smoking

Exercise does not haveto hit you in the pocket

Tackling the growing trendof obesity in children

TOP TIPSFollow our chart ofthe best exercises

20% OFFRoberto Cavelli,Vogue, Versace, DKNY, D&G, Giorgio Armani,Animal, Hannah Montana, Starwars,HSM and Miss 60 on the day.

10% offAll frames from today until the end of the Open Day.

FreeBifocal/varifocal contact lens taster. If you’re fed up of having to put on readingspectacles, why not give these a try. We’ll put them in and take them out. You just seehow they work for you. (Valid prescription necessary.) Completely comfortable!Book in now for the Open Day.

To celebrate the new practice we are holding an

OPEN DAYon the 25TH of FEBRUARY 2010.

28 Pool Street, Caernarfon01286 672717

Page 2: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald


Top tips to quitCONTRARY to what some people maythink, just stopping smoking is not aseasy as it sounds.

With a huge number of differentproducts on the market it can be aminefield for those looking to quit.

Here is a list of some of the things youcould try to try and kick the habit.● Avoid alcohol● Eat light meals little and often● Try sugar free mints or gum● Change your routine: Avoid shopswhere you would normally buycigarettes● Use your imagination and seeyourself as a contented non-smokerwho is fit and healthy. Remember yourpersonal reasons for quitting. Yourimagination is much more powerfulthan your will power.● Use quick and easy relaxationtechniques. Begin by taking a long,deep breath, pulling the air into yourtummy and hold for a few moments.Then exhale slowly and deeply,thinking “calm and relaxed”. As youbreathe out, just let your jaw relax andyour shoulders droop, and then pressyour tummy tight towards yourbackbone. As you practice doing thisany tension will flow out of your body.Practice this every day for a fewmoments to help you release anytension that you may have.● After a meal do not light-up. Get upfrom the table and go and have a drinkof water. Break old patterns andassociations by sitting in a differentplace from your usual one. Findsomething to do instead, read a book orgo for a walk.

Keep your hands busy. Keep a pen orpencil handy to fiddle with, or findsomething to do with your hands. Thisneed to do something with your handswill gradually go within a few days, ifit happens at all.● Satisfy your oral need. Drink lots ofwater or low calorie drinks to suit you.If you feel peckish in-between meals,then crunch on a carrot or some celery,or eat a banana or some other fruit orchew sugar free gum.

TIME TO PACK INWhat is the first thing

you do when youwake up in themorning?

Some might rush to get a morningdose of caffeine, some might switchthe alarm off and catch an extrafive minutes under the duvet, andsome will light up a cigarette.

It is estimated that around 9.5million people in the UK arecurrently smokers, and a quarter ofadults in Wales smoke. Around 17%of smokers admit to lighting up acigarette five minutes after wakingin the morning, and heaviersmokers are more likely to light upimmediately. However, according tostatistics around 66% of smokerssaid they wanted to give up, witharound 86% of them naming healthissues as the main reason forwanting to quit.

With free help and adviceavailable from Stop Smoking Wales(Dim Smygu Cymru) there's noexcuse not to quit.

Over 15,000 people contacted StopSmoking Wales last year, and morethan half of those were successful inquitting using their 6-8 weekprogram. The service offers adviceand support to those trying to kickthe habit, with trained specialistshelping to determine when and whyyou are most likely to smoke. Theservice also offers free informationabout different kinds of treatmentsthat are available, such as NicotineReplacement Therapy. People usingthe service also receive follow upappointments to monitor theirprogress after four weeks andtwelve months and can attendrelapse prevention sessions if theyfeel that they are struggling.

Although most smokers would

like to quit, it's not always asstraight forward as going coldturkey. Withdrawal symptoms likeloss of concentration, headaches,coughs, and agitation can makequitting that little bit moredifficult. This is where NicotineReplacement Therapies can help.There are numerous productscurrently on the market, includinggum, inhalers, lozenges andpatches. The treatments are a wayof getting nicotine into yourbloodstream to reduce cravings andnegative side effects of giving upcigarettes.

Dr Tony Jewell, the Chief Medical

Officer for Wales said: "We aredetermined to do all we can toeducate people about the dangers ofsmoking. Research shows levels ofexposure to second-hand smoke havefallen significantly since the ban onsmoking in enclosed public placeswas introduced in 2007. This willbring benefits in terms of reducedrisk of heart attacks and respiratoryillnesses and, in the longer term, ofcancers such as lung cancers."

According to Cancer Research UKthere were over 39,000 new cases oflung cancer diagnosed in the UK in2006, and in 2007 over 34,000 peopledied from the illness.

It may be impossible to see thedamage being done to your body onthe inside, but other effects such asbad breath, stained yellow teeth andfingers, and premature facialwrinkles may be more obvious. Italso greatly affects your fitnesslevels.

Dr Jewell added: "The hard fact is– smoking kills. Every year inWales around six thousand peopledie from smoking related diseases,yet almost a quarter of adultscontinue to light up."● For more information seewww.stopsmokingwales.co.uk orcall 0800 085 2219


KICK THE HABIT: Two thirds of smokers say they want to stop with health issues being their main reason to do so.

How to try and avoid becominganother smoking statistic this year

At Lodwig Villa Dental Practice our aim is toprovide high quality care and treatment in arelaxed, comfortable and safe environment. Weare committed to continuing education andkeeping abreast of the changes in moderndentistry. Most of all we encourage preventativetechniques - helping you to understand how to

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We offer free consultation, professional whitening, implants, cosmetictreatments, crowns, braces and veneers.

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Page 3: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

JANUARY 28, 2010 3

Shaping up doesn’thave to break the bankGet active without counting the cost

Top tipsMove your bodyAS the famous proverb says, ‘He who hashealth has hope and he who has hope haseverything’, so try these simple steps to ahealthier life on a daily basis.● Try to find different ways to move yourbody every day. Walk up the stairs insteadof taking the lift or escalators, walk yourdog, take your kids out, do somehousework.

Anything that gets you moving is a fitnesstool and a stress buster.

It’s great if you’re up for going to the gymfor an hour or take part in a 45 minuteaerobics class, but you don’t have to do thatall the time, just move more.● Try to avoid foods that are processed,high in fat and have added sugar such asready meals, fried foods, cakes and sweets.

Dairy products such as cheese, milk andcream should also be eaten in moderation.Don’t forget that there are lots of low fatversions around and that won’t compromisethe taste – just watch out for the hiddensugars!● Everyone knows that smoking is harmfulto your health, so just stop!

Research has shown that exercise canstop cravings for up to four hours, so whynot take up exercising and give up smoking.● Some techniques recommended byexperts are to think positively.

Take action and get control by breakingdown long-term aims, goals or targets intosmaller, more manageable and realisticsteps and reward yourself when each ofthese is achieved.

Spend at least 30 minutes everyday doingsomething that makes you feel good, forexample, take a hot bath, try out a newexercise class, read a book or hire apersonal trainer together with a friend.Meditation is also recommended for stress,just take a few moments to clear your mindof all thoughts.● Research shows that a glass of wine orone drink a day can help to protect againstheart disease. However, more than that cancause other health problems such a liverand kidney disease and cancer, so take iteasy.

HANDS UP all those whopaid the joining fee andbought the latest fitnessgear, with the best

intentions of hitting the gym– but never quite made it?

Well there are solutions to thatproblem which won’t burn a hole inanyone’s pocket.

As part of its Shape Up on a Shoes-tring campaign, the Sports Councilfor Wales reveals its top tips on get-ting slim – even without the gym.

Pound the pavementsMake the most of local paths and

tracks go for a run. Not only is it theleast expensive and one of the mosteffective ways to get fit, it is also oneof the best ways to combat the battleof the bulge. Running burns morecalories per minute than any otherform of cardiovascular exercise andthe natural dips and hills of runningoutdoors make it even harder than aworkout on the treadmill. Pull onthose trainers and take to the pave-ments two or three times a week forat least 20 minutes – for maximumfat-burning benefits. Log on towww.letswalkcymru.org.uk.

Calorie calculator – 590 calories perhour.

Make a splashPut local sports facilities to good

use and add a once a week swim toyour fitness routine. It will give thosemuscles that you never knew existeda good workout. A half hour, vig-orous swimming session can burnup to 395 calories. The cooling effectof the water disguises the intensityof the workout, allowing swimmerstime to exercise for longer andharder. And people with childrenaged 16 and under, or those aged over60, have no excuse as they can splashfor free. For more information, visitwww.sports-council-wales.org.uk

Calorie counter – 790 calories perhour.

Get on your bikeDusting off the two-wheeled friend

and heading out for a cycle ride is oneof the most efficient and fun ways to

keep the heart healthy. According tothe British Heart Foundation, cyc-ling for at least 20 minutes per weeksignificantly reduces the risk ofcoronary heart disease.

An hour’s riding can burn up to 450calories and adding a few hills to theroute can intensify the workout.

A bike ride is one of the easiestways to fit exercise into a dailyroutine. Double it up as a form oftransport and save money, while get-ting fit at the same time.

Calorie counter – 450 calories perhour

Jump to itSkipping is a great way to increase

cardiovascular fitness and get theheart pumping.

A 30 minute skip will not only shiftup to 320 calories but will improveagility and tone up the muscles inlegs, back, chest, shoulders andtummy.

Calorie counter – 640 calories perhour

Check out Shape Up on a Shoes-tring on Facebook for more handyhints and tips on exercising on abudget, nutritional advice and eventutorial videos showing you exactlyhow to shape up for free by makingthe most of your local park and livingroom.

Always consult a GP before un-dertaking any new form of exerciseand remember, best results will al-ways be achieved alongside a bal-anced diet.


SHAPE UP: Jogging, swimming, cycling and skipping are great ways to exercise while keeping an eye on the purse strings.

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Page 4: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

4 JANUARY 28, 2010


Everythingyou needis righton yourdoorstep

GWYNEDD Councilleisure centreshave something foreveryone for a

healthier lifestyle in 2010.Centres across the county are

open to all and can be aspringboard to a healthierlifestyle. Gwynedd Councilhave a team of sportsdevelopment officers who workin the community promotingand helping clubs, groups andindividuals.

From feeling the burn in thefitness room to a knock abouton the football or hockey pitch,or even just a leisurely swim,the leisure centres offer aconvenient and affordableoption to combat the new yearblues and can also offermeeting rooms for hire,disabled facilities and freeparking.

Special activities include:FREE SWIMMINGIf you are 16 or younger

Gwynedd swimming poolsoffer free aquaactivities throughoutthe school holidays.There is also yearround freeswimming for theover- 60s.

PLAY SCHEMESBe active and join

in the fun during theschool holidays withplay schemes foreight to 13 year-olds.Activities include

arts and craft, all sorts ofgames, sports, swimming,disco, quizzes and much, muchmore.

BIRTHDAY CARDIf you’re turning 16 you can

look forward to an extrabirthday present – a year’s freemembership at the leisurecentre. This enables teens touse the facilities at adiscounted price as well as fivetickets to use the fitness roomsfree of charge.

EXERCISE REFERRALA great way to kick start a

healthy lifestyle, thisprogramme is for people whohave a medical conditionwhich would benefit from anincrease in moderate exercise.If you think you would benefit,contact your GP or practisenurse about getting referred.

As part of the scheme youwill receive a personalconsultation with an exerciseprofessional and access to a 16week programme. You will begiven advice and support

during those weeks to help youachieve your aims…all for£1.00 per session!

LET’S WALK GWYNEDDWalking is recognised as one

of the best forms of exerciseand there are several walkingclubs and Nordic walkinggroups in Gwynedd to help youput your best foot forward.

For more informationcontact your local leisurecentre or Sharon Jones on(01341) 424410

MENDThis a fun and free

programme for children tobecome fitter, healthier, andhappier.

If you are worrying that yourchildren (between seven and 13years old) might be at anunhealthy weight call theprogramme on 0800 230 0263.

MEND is a tried and testedprogramme tested and run byqualified trainers. It getschildren healthy and fit in just10 weeks, and helps them staythat way. Find out more at

their website,www.mendprogramme.org.

All Gwynedd leisurecentres offer directdebit and monthlyticket packages. Thesecan give customers theopportunity to use thecentres for as little as apound a day. Memberscan use all Gwyneddcentres. Contact yourlocal centres forLIFT: The exercise referral scheme is very popular..

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Page 5: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

JANUARY 28, 2010 5

further information, or visitwww.gwynedd.gov.uk/leisurecentres.LEISURE CENTRESCAERNARFON:ARFON LEISURE CENTRE,Ffordd Bethel, Caernarfon. Tel01286 676 451.Facilities include:

Swimming pools, sports hall,squash courts, climbing wall,health room and weights room,outdoor floodlit pitches,meeting rooms.PARC COED HELEN,Aberforeshore, Caernarfon.The recreation park ismanaged by the Arfon centreand includes football pitches, askate park, childrens playarea, golf course, bowlinggreen.ARFON TENNIS CENTRE,Ffordd Bethel, Caernarfon. Tel01286 676945.Facilities include:

Indoor and outdoor tenniscourts, half court practicewall, ball machine, fitnessroom, pool table andcafe. Daily lessons areavailable.PWLLHELI:DWYFOR LEISURECENTRE, HeolHamdden, Pwllheli.Tel 01758 613437.Facilities include:

Swimming pool andwater slide, climbingwall, fitness room,sports hall, squashcourts, tennis courts,outdoor pitches and a

meeting room. Fitness classesare also available.PORTHMADOG:GLASLYN LEISURE CENTRE,Stryd y Llan, Porthmadog.Tel 01766 512711.

Facilities include:Swimmingpool, health suite, sports hall,fitness suite, weights room,function room, tennis andsquash courts and an allweather pitch.

Swimming lessons for allages are available, plussnorkelling and water polo. Anew weights room to openwithin the next few months.BETHESDA:PLAS FFRANCON LEISURECENTRE, Ffordd NewyddCoetmor, Bethesda.Tel 01248 601515.

Facilities include:Fitness room, sports hall,

squash courts, all purposeroom, cafe, and an all weatheroutdoor sports pitch.

The centre has coaches forfootball, cricket, squash andgeneral fitness instructors,

with classes includingboxercise yoga and childrensactivities.PENYGROES:PLAS SILYN LEISURECENTRE, Ffordd y Sir,Penygroes.

Tel 01286 882047.Facilities include:Fitness room, sports hall,

squash courts, all purposeroom, and an all weatheroutdoor pitch.

Activities for adults includeaerobics, Chinese kickboxing,plus a selection of sessions forschoolchildren.BANGORBANGOR SWIMMING POOL,Ffordd y Garth, Bangor.

Tel 01248 372529.Facilities include:Swimming pool, water slides,

diving boards, all weather five-a-side football pitches, cafe andviewing gallery.

New for 2010 is Gwynedd’sfirst family gym, with cardiacand fitness equipment, regularfamily sessions will soon be


Tel: 01766 831593.facilities include:Swimming pool,

sports hall and fitnessroom.EXCITING: Children play indoor hockey to get active.

CHOICE: You can exercise in gym, main, a class or alternatives such as climbing walls.

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Page 6: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

6 JANUARY 28, 2010

Exercise: SquatTarget area: Legs - quads,hamstrings, gluts.How to perform: With a bar satcomfortably on the backs of yourshoulders slowly bend the kneesmoving the body downwards. Driveback to the starting position usingthe legs.Points to avoid: Keep the backstraight.Do it at home: Do the exercisewithout weight but with morerepetitions.

TOTAL BODYEight great exercises to

Exercise: LungeTarget area: Legs - quads,hamstrings, glutsHow to perform: With the barin the same position as thesquat step forwards with theright leg bending at the knee.Push back up and repeat on theleft leg.Points to avoid: Keep the backstraight and the knee over thefoot, not beyond.Do it at home: Again no weightbut lots of reps.

Exercise: Shoulder pressTarget area: Shoulders - deltoids,traps,How to perform: Take anoverhand grip of the bar and raiseto shoulder level. Press above thehead not quite locking the arms,return to shoulder level andrepeat.Points to avoid: Keep the backstraight and don’t use the legs topush.Do it at home: Use weighted cansor dumbbells

Exercise: Chest pressTarget area: Chest - pecsHow to perform:S it on seatwith upper chest just abovehorizontal handles. Grasphandles with wide overhandgrip. Press lever until arms areextended. Return weight untilchest muscles are slightlystretched. Repeat.Points to avoid: Ensure weightis taken to the chest on eachrep.Do it at home: The humblepress up.

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Page 7: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

JANUARY 28, 2010 7

AL BODYget an all over workout

Exercise: Biceps CurlTarget area: Arms - biceps,forearmsHow to perform: Hold barwith shoulder width underhand grip, then raise untilforearms are vertical. Returnto bottom and repeat.Points to avoid: Control themovement and do not ‘swing’the bar up.Do it at home: Use weightedcans or dumbbells.

Exercise: Triceps dipsTarget area: Arms - tricepsHow to perform: Grip themachine handles. Lower bodyso upper arms are parallel tofloor. Lower and raise thebody using the arms. Repeat.Points to avoid: Keep a fullrange of movement.Do it at home: Stand up offa chair. Place palms on theseat and feet away, push yourbody up

Exercise: Sit upTarget area: Stomach - absHow to perform: Lie on thefloor or a gym ball with feeton the floor. Raise the torsoup keeping the hips on thefloor. Lower down and repeat.Points to avoid: Keep theneck in a comfortable positionand do no place hands behindthe head.Do it at home: A really easyexercise to do at home

Exercise: Back hyperextensionTarget area: Lower backHow to perform: Lying facedown on the floor or a gymball raise the upper torsokeeping the hips on the floor.feel a squeeze in the lowerback.Points to avoid: Do not overextend the movement.Do it at home: Another easyexercise with no equipmentneeded

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Page 8: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

8 JANUARY 28, 2010

Top tipsWHEN it comes to helping childrenlose a few pound the message is simple- have a healthy balanced diet withplenty of activity.

The gut-busting burgers and sugarfilled sweets and drinks are to bereplaced by low fat alternatives andfruit and vegetables.

Also to be cut down are the longhours sat in front of the television orgames console. Instead and hour ofexercise can be introduced to get outand get active.● Sugar Swaps: It’s time to swap thosesugary snacks and drinks for oneslower in sugar.● Meal times: It is very import for kidshaving regular, proper meals as part ofa routine● Me-Sized Meals: Ensure kids get justthe right amount for their age – not toolittle and not too much.● Snack Check: Keep a careful eye onhow many snacks kids are having.● Five a Day: Give your kids fiveportions of fruit and vegetables a day –for kids, one portion is roughly ahandful.● Cut Back Fat: Get up to speed onwhich foods are high in saturated fatsand cut down on them.● 60 Active Minutes: Make sure kidsare getting least 60 minutes of activitya day – but it doesn’t have to be sport.● Up and About: Try and get kids tospend less time sitting down doingnothing and up and about being activeso their bodies burn off enough fat.

WATCH THE WAISTIT’S a New Year and many

people will have alreadyadded the words ‘loseweight’ to the top of their

list of resolutions.However, it might not be your own

dress size that you need to beconcerned about.

With high-calorie snacks such aschocolate, sweets and fast-foodreadily available to youngsters it’snot surprising that more and moreare becoming overweight.

Children with overweight parentsare usually at a greater risk ofbeing obese or overweight, and alack of exercise and sharedunhealthy eating habits are usuallythe main cause. It can sometimesbe hard for parents to identify thattheir child is overweight, withmany assuming that it is just‘puppy fat’ that will disappear asthe child grows older.

In Wales 36% of children areoverweight and of those 20% areobese, this can lead to more serioushealth problems in later life, suchas type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It can also causeemotional distress to the child asmany are often victims of bullyingbecause of their weight.

However, help is at hand forchildren and their parents in theirbattle against obesity. In January2009 a Welsh Assembly Governmentfunded programme was launchedin Wales with the aim of makingthe country a healthier and happierplace. The programme, calledMEND (Mind, Exercise,Nutrition...Do It!), originallylaunched in four areas of Wales,and now there are programmesavailable in numerous locations

across the country, includingColwyn Bay, Rhyl and Caernarfon.The programme is aimed atchildren across Wales between theages of 7-13.

In an attempt to get secondaryschool pupils active for at least 60minutes a day, five times a week,5x60 was launched. Theprogramme, run by the SportsCouncil for Wales, is active in 99%of secondary schools in Wales, andover 24,000 individual sportingactivities were held during theschool year of 2007/8.

Older children taking part are alsooffered the opportunity to gaincoaching qualifications, meaningthey can take a leading role indelivering sporting activities attheir school. Not only has theprogramme managed to increasechildren’s participation in sport andraise their self-esteem andconfidence levels, it has also beenshown to improve behaviour.

Local leisure centres have beenoffering a range of new and excitingactivities aimed at getting thecounty’s children fit. These include

Dance Mat classes for children andadults as a fun way of exercising,and 5x60 teams offer the classesafter school and during lunchbreaks. Despite these activitiesbeing offered, poor turnouts duringschool term time means that theskills of qualified staff are not beingused to their full potential.

Other exciting activities likecheerleading and circuit trainingare also running at leisure centres,and with this wide range ofservices available it shouldn’t betoo hard to keep your kids active.


PROBLEM: 36% of children in Wales are overweight and of those 20% are classed as being obese.

Trying to tackle the worryingtrend of obesity in children

CUT DOWN: High fat diets need to bereplaced by some more healthy options.

(*See website fordirections –cyfarwyddiadau ar ywefan)

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Page 9: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

10 JANUARY 28, 2010

Christmas cake,Christmas pudding,chocolate...the list goeson.

During the festive period we aresurrounded by delicious yetfattening foods, and it's easy to seehow most of us can over indulge,expanding our waistlines by a goodfew inches!

If you've added 'lose weight' to thetop of your list of goals for 2010then this year your resolutiondoesn't need to be that difficult tostick to.

Although they might seemtempting, crash diets and detoxcan often do more harm than good.Completely depriving yourself ofthe foods you love will leave youcraving them, and make sticking toa diet even more difficult in thelong-term.

Maintaining a healthy, balanceddiet while still allowing yourselfthe occasional treat is a mucheasier way to lose weight.Although crash diets may promiseinstant results, these are usuallyshort lived.

In a bid to lose weight after thefestive period you might think thatskipping meals is a good idea.However, skipping meals meansyour body doesn't receive thenutrients it needs, and evidenceshows that adults and childrenwho eat breakfast regularly areless likely to be overweight.

By the time you wake up in themorning, your body hasn't hadfood for hours and eating a healthybreakfast provides you with theenergy you need to face the dayahead. Porridge is a cheap andhealthy option for breakfast, itreleases energy slowly and can besweetened with fruit instead ofsugar. Your body needs to be re-fuelled regularly throughout the

day and skipping meals won't doanything for your metabolism.

Sticking to a well balanced andhealthy diet is a much betteroption for controlling your weightand remaining healthy.

A good diet should include plentyof starchy carbohydrates such aspasta, rice, bread and potatoes, andmain meals should be based

around these foods.Most people will know that a

healthy diet should include plentyof fruit and vegetables, and fruitcan be used as a substitute forunhealthier snacks such aschocolate and biscuits.

Fruit is great for helping to fightinfection, keep your heart healthyand is good for your skin.

Sian Caldwell, a dietician for theBetsi Cadwaladr University HealthBoard advises: "Snack wisely! Tryto choose snacks that are low sugar- quite often we can be misled bychoosing low fat snacks or drinks -but they can sometimes be full ofsugar which is not great for thewaist line. Snacks that will fuelyour body include fruit, vegetable


By CERIS HARRISONGreat DVDs to be wonfind out how on P12

Gwasanaeth Maethu I Deulu O 3 O BlantGwynedd

Foster Carers For A Family Of 3 ChildrenGOFALWYR MAETH

• A ydych yn chwilio am her?• Cyfle i gyfrannu’n adeiladol i ddatblygiad plant?

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Mae Cyngor Gwynedd yn chwilio am ofalwyr maeth arbennig ar gyfer:TEULU O 3 O BLANT

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• Bydd yr ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus yn cael blaenoriaeth ar gyfer eu asesu.• Cynigir hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth rheolaidd.

Am drafodaeth anffurfiolcysylltwch â’r Tim Maethu ar 01286 682660neu e-bostiwch ar [email protected]

FOSTER CARERS• Are you looking for a challenge?

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• Financial recognition for your efforts?Gwynedd Council is looking for exceptional foster carers for:

A FAMILY OF 3 CHILDREN• This placement will attract a generous fostering allowance.• A support package e.g. respite care and help in the home.

• The successful applicants will be assessed as a matter of priority.• Training and regular support is provided.

For an informal discussion pleasecontact the Fostering Team on 01286 682660

or e-mail [email protected]


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Get in shape for the New Year


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Page 10: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

JANUARY 28, 2010 11

sticks, a glass of milk or a yoghurt,a handful of nuts or seeds, someplain popcorn, a slice of toast withmashed banana or even some goodquality peanut butter, a slice ofmalt loaf, a scone, teacake orcrumpet, or some crackers with alittle grated cheese. And choosefresh foods as much as possible -automatically this will cut down

your intake of salt, additives, fatsand sugars."

Some protein such as meat, eggsand fish are essential and youshould aim to eat oily fish liketuna, salmon or mackerel twice aweek.

Reducing the amount ofsaturated fat in your diet willreduce cholesterol therefore

reducing the risk of heart disease.Foods such as cakes, biscuits,

cheese, butter and pastry shouldbe eaten in small portions or lessoften.

You may think that you need tocut sugar out of your diet but somefoods like fruit contain naturalsugars which you don't need toavoid.

Instead, you should aim togradually reduce your sugarintake by avoiding products whichhave added sugar such as fizzydrinks, and when it comes tochoosing products like squash youshould favour the 'no added sugar'options.

Even making small changes likereducing the amount of sugar youhave in your tea or coffee, andswitching to a lower fat milk canmake a difference.

Keeping well hydrated is alsovery important as the body isaround 70% fluid, and you shouldaim to drink a lot of the rightfluids.

You need to drink at least acouple of litres of water a day, andalthough tea and coffee are okay,they can leave you dehydrated.

The healthiest way to lose weightin the long term is to combine ahealthy diet with regular exerciseas this helps burn off excesscalories.

There are sports and activitiesavailable to suit a range of agesand skill levels and exercisingdoesn't have to be a chore.

You don't necessarily need tospend money joining a gym, ascheap exercise classes areavailable at most leisure centres.Alternatively why not go for a jogin the park or take the dog for anextra long walk?

Get your friends and familyinvolved and make them your'fitness buddy'.

Having someone else to cheeryou on and keep you motivated canmake all the difference and soonyou'll both be noticing the benefits.

Leading a healthy lifestyle thisyear will leave you feeling great onthe inside – and looking great onthe outside – so why not makethese small changes to yourroutine today!

How a change in diet needn’t mean cuttingout all the things you enjoy - just moderate

MODERATION: Snacking on fruit and milk is advised, but look to cut down on your intake of pastry and cakes.

Quit smoking today -great tips to stop P2


3 Market Square, Pwllheli,01758 612503

Tuesday 5pm - 9pm Wed to Fri 3pm - 9pmSat 10.30am - 5pm

Vibraxis - Vibroplate training, 10mins = 1hr Gym.

Get in shape for the New Year


Indulge yourself with a luxury holistictreatment either a HOT STONES


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Call Lindsay on01758 612503

to book an appointment.LOOK OUT FOR MONTHLY SPECIAL



YDYCH CHI YN OFALWR MAETHU PREIFAT?Beth yw Maethu Preifat?Mae maethu Preifat yn gytundeb preifat lle mae rhiant yn gofyn i oedolyn arall ofalu am eu plentyn am 28 diwrnod neu fwy yng nghartref y gofalwr ei hun.Nid yw’r oedolyn yn perthyn i’r plentyn, fel ewythr / modryb neu daid neu nain ac nid oes ganddynt chwaith unrhyw gyfrifoldeb rhiant.Mae’n berthnasol i blant dan 16 oed, neu berson ifanc o dan 18 sydd wedi eu gofrestru’n anabl.Oes angen i mi ddweud wrth y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol fy mod yn maethu y plentyn yn breifat?Oes, mae’r gyfraith yn dweud fod yn rhaid i’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol lleol gael gwybod er mwyn sicrhau fod y plentyn yn derbyn gofal da.Mae rheolau a rheoliadau arbening yngly^ n â sut mae plant yn derbyn gofal, hyd yn oed os ydyw’n drefniant maethu preifat. Mae’r rheolau hyn hefyd yn cynnwys pwyall ofalu am blentyn.Mae gan gofalwyr maeth preifat ddyletswydd i hysbysu’r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol o unrhyw drefniant tebygol cyn iddo ddigwydd, neu cyn gynted ag y bo moddar ôl i’r plentyn ddod i’w gofal.Mae angen i rieni hefyd hysbysu’r Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol o’r trefniadau.AM FWY O WYBODAETH CYSYLLTWCH Â:Tîm Maethu & MabwysiaduSwyddfeydd Penrallt, CAERNARFONGwynedd, LL55 [email protected]

ARE YOU A PRIVATE FOSTER CARER?What is Private Fostering?Private Fostering is a private agreement where a parent asks another adult to care for their child for 28 days or more in the carer’s own home.The adult is not a relative of the child, such as an uncle/aunt or a grandparent and has no parental responsibility.It applies to children under the age of 16 or under 18 if the child is registered disabled.Do I need to tell Social Services that I am a privately fostering a child?Yes, the law says that your local social services must be told so that they can make sure that child is well cared for.There are special rules and regulations about how children are looked after, even if it is a private fostering arrangement. These rules also cover who can care for a child.Private foster carers have a duty notify social services about the proposed arrangement before it takes place, or if this is not possible, as soon as possible after thechild has come into their care.Parents also have to notify Social Services of the arrangements.FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT:Gwynedd Foster & Adoption TeamPenrallt Offices, CAERNARFONGwynedd, LL55 1BNPhone: 01286 [email protected]

Page 11: A New You, Caernarfon & Denbigh Herald

12 JANUARY 28, 2010

Top tipsTips for holidaysIF you have been successful in your newhealthy regime then holiday illness could setyou back.

Here are some tips on avoiding somecommon problems but do seek medicaladvice if you become concerned aboutsudden changes in your health.● Probiotics: Those friendly bacteria canhelp prevent or stop travellers’ diarrhoeaand other digestive upsets.● Pycnogenol: A super antioxidant whichmay reduce the risk of DVT while flying andfor those prone to ankle swelling.● Rescue remedy: A flower essence usedby people of any age to reduce fear offlying.● Tea tree oil: Has antibiotic properties andcan be used in many ways from sanitisingsurfaces to treatment of minor bites.● Arnica: Cream, lotion or homoeopathicremedy. This herb can be used to improverecovery from bruising and injury.● Aloe vera gel: Can be of tremendoushelp to soothe sunburnt skin.

It may help itching from bites or pricklyheat rashes.● Immune system defence: Olive leaf orgoldenseal are available as herbal foodsupplements.

These can assist the immune system fromviral or parasitic infections.● Respiratory protection: Use a nasalinhaler to reduce infection risks from airconditioning systems in aircraft.● Natural based sun creams: Beware of sunblocks or tanning products with syntheticpreservatives or sun filters, which may makeskin more sensitive to the harmful oxidationeffects of the sun’s UV rays.● Insect bites: Those who are most proneshould consider taking vitamin B1 prior totheir holiday and during their trips.

Neem oil skin sprays can be very effectiveagainst the most voracious mosquitoes.

Get in toshapewith theGreenGoddessDVDs up for grabs

SEVENTY-year-old fitnessguru and model, the GreenGoddess Diana Moran, has re-cently released a revolutionaryfitness DVD that is designed forthose who aren’t marathonrunners or fitness freaks, butare later on in life; haven’t ex-ercised in a while or are justunable to do the type of ex-ercises they used to.

Easy Fit with Diana Moran, hasbeen produced by Stannah Stairliftsand aims to help those who havebeen largely neglected by the fitnessindustry, mainly those over 50, stayactive for longer.

The program involves a range ofsimple exercises specially designedfor the less active participant. Theyinclude a mixture of warm-up andstretch, muscular strength and car-dio movements, which can all bepracticed from the comfort of theliving room, even sitting down.

Diana Moran, who celebrated her70th birthday in June 2009, says:“This is a fitness program with adifference. For the first time, our

newly developed EasiFit exerciseswill ensure that working out isn’texclusive to the super fit, but ac-cessible to everyone. Easy Fit withDiana Moran will ensure thatwhatever your age or level of fitness –you can Ease Into Fitness simply andsuccessfully. ”

The fitness program follows thesuccess of a similar video producedby Stannah nine years ago whenthey realised an ongoing gap in thefitness market. The new DVD ad-dresses a similar gap, with the hopeof keeping the less active fitter forlonger.● The DVD will be available now.Orders can be made via the Stannahwebsite www.stannah-stairlifts.co.uk/fitnessdvd but wehave five copies to be won just fill inthe blank: To enter tell us: DianaMoran is also known as the Greenwhat?● Send in your answer to: DianaMoran DVD, c/o Linda Roberts, 14Eastgate Street, Caernarfon,Gwynedd, LL55 1AG by the closingdate Thursday, January 28.

FIT: Diana Moran has brought out a new DVD forthose people who may not have exercised for a while.
