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A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl...

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A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY VoL 8, No. 44 Copyneht 1948 by Eastman Kodak Company, Roch ester, N. Y. Nov e mber 4. 1948 An Eyeful _Cor a Lind makes a fi n al adjustment on one of the Kodak Ci ne Ektar Le nses in Dept. 82 ai Hawk-Eye. Th is lena ia in th e first seri es of profe ssional - type high -aper ture 16mm. lenaes ev er ma de in the U.S. They incorporate newest designs. 1200 Get Dental Aid Weekly At Eastman Clinic in London Some 1200 patients are taken care of eac h week at the E as t- man Dental Clinic in London, five t imes the number handled during its early days. That 's the s tory brought back from London by Dr. Arthur J. May of the Univers tly of Roch- ester, who was nbrond lost s ummer. Clo• ely potternl'd after the East- m an Dcntol Dispensn ry in Roch- the Lond on institution was opened 18 years ago. Building and qulpment were the g ift of George E as tman . Simllnr phila nthropies clinics in Ro me, Stock- holm, Bru. !leis and Paris. "Our building was ba dly blitzed m the w ur- lu nd mine-but now the nccC!'sary permits have gone through aovernment bureaus to hove it put aright ugain," Alnn C. Dt: vcrell, director o! the clinic, t old Dr. May. "All through the war and the bombmg," he conti nued, " the clln tc "'as clol'>ed only 24 hours, und lh n only b cause it was physic,tll) imp ossib le to walk 10 the corrid ors." Much Work D one lists especially interes ted in chil- dren is bein g put on a solid basis, Dr. May observed. Students come !rom the Conti n ent and the British Dominions as well as from Eng- land itself . Eventually short re- fresher courses will be available for denti sts from all countries. Favors Fellowships "There will al ways be a connec- tion between our clinic and the Eas tman Dental Di spensa ry in Rochester, which I visi ted thi s spring," Deverell sai d. "I am hope- ful that some day a sys tem of ex- c han ge fellowships with Roches ter can be arranged." Deve rell also to ld Dr . May that he wo uld like to see an annu al m eeti ng of the di rectors of th e s1x Eastman Clinics. "By pooling our experiences and ou r t echniq ues, l earnin g from one a nother,'' he pointed out, "we could carry on m ore efTe ctive ly th e spirit wh 1 ch Mr. Eastman int ended t hese insti tult ons should have" Here's Score For Safety Bock in the 100 "' raung this \\ l' k, the fifth of th e 13-week Ac- l'ident Prc\'cntion Campaign, wns Kodak Park General. They had been credtled w1th 99 "' a week so. but lD\' · ugalton by the Safety Otflce at KP dt:oclo-ed the accident th t dropped them from a perfect mork had occurrL>d before the cnm- ptllltn got under way. Here are the ·t ndtn _ XP Ch•tlllcal Plant . . . • • • • • . • • ns XP !loU Coatl.D\1 •• •••••••••• It P FUm Eanal&lOJS .......... te •. JCP Pa ... r Dl.uton ........... . sa•. ICP rlA1ab1Dt .......... "' KP rtn. FUm * 5\Uldrl.. .... lOGS ICP YU'Cl D•pJ .. .. .. .. • 100% KP S.,.,lce l)eoptL ........... 110\o E*N s.bopa I::D'f * SJor• • • . ICP E*N T1eld Din. ........... tiS JIUO Coa.d.D.g ..... .. ..... ltP CU.e 180"" KP c-ual . . . . . . . . . . 1M'S ltP ft--..cb Dl.tao.D ...... ter l[ecl&k Olllc-e • ..... ....... 1110% Ca.men Wo.rla .. .. . .. .. .. """ Ha•k · C,.• ........ •• " "' Jifa.,.., OJ'cl---. DI•Woa ,..,. New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl{ind in Country A complete line of Kodak Cine Ektar Len ses-the first se ries of professional-type high-aperture 16mm. camera l enses ever manufactured in the United States -is announced by the Company. T he new lenses incorporate the newest types of optical glass and the latest developments in lens dPsign a nd ma nufacturing------------------------ -- ---- meth ods. The series has been pla n- ned with an eye to the highest quality, uniformity, utility, con- venience and beauty of line. The len ses have been d es igned in geo- metri ca l progression, each fo ca l le ngth be a ring a constant ratio to the next below it or above it in the series. Althou gh all ot the len ses are fas t-one opens to f/1.4, another to f / 1. 6-a ll of them, even at their widest a pertures, meet ex tremely hlgh sta ndards of definition a nd edge-to-edge sha rpness. They pro- vide un m at ched flatne ss or field. Excellent Result s As a result or the unique optical qualities of Kodak rare-e l ement gla ss which is used in their manu- fact ure, these new lenses produce excellent res ult s throughout all movie- making conditions. The se ries provides every lens n eeded for all movie-making situations. Here They Are _ picture s hows th e complete lin e of Cme Ektar Lenses. They re pre1o nt the tirat series of this type of 16mm. camera l enses manuf ac1u red in thi s coun- try. Each is precision built and tolerances a pproa ch 1/1 0.000 of an inch. Preci sion-built and inspect ed to tolerances approaching 1/10,000 of an inch, each len s is equipped with Kodak' s comprehensive sys te m or light control. All glass-air s ur- faces are Lumenized, lens rims and barrel corrugations are blackened, baffles are provided where needed, a nd the flan ges holdin g the len s elements are beveled. The res ult is th at lens Clare is confined to a bare minimum. The compl ete serie s includes 1 5mm. f/ 2.5, 25m m . f/ 1.9, 25mm. !/1.4, 40mm. f/1.6, 63mm. ! / 2.0, 102mm. f/2 .7, and 152mm. f /4. 0. These len ses will fit all recent Cine-Kodak 16mm. cameras with removable len ses, as well as most 16mm. cameras of other ma nufac- ture . Many 8mm. cameras w11l take four of the lenses--t he 25mm. !/ 1.4, the 25mm. f / 1.9, the 40mm . !/ 1.6, a nd the 63mm. f/2. 0. In m ost cases, lenses are fitted to cameras by means of adapters. No adap t er is n eeded to tit a ny or these len ses to the Cin e- K oda k Special 11 Camero. The new Kodak Cine Ekt ar Lens (Co ntinued on Paee 4) Recordak Auto1natic Feeder Demonstrated in Pittsburgh The res ult of 18 years of experimentation, an automatic feedin g machin e for Recordak Microfilmers was demons trated last week at the new offices of Recordak in Pitts burgh . Th e m achine, duplicating the..-- -------------- m otion or the human hand as it reeders are espec ia lly adopta ble in deals a deck of cards, is used to l arge me tropolitan ba nks where feed bank checks and office record so me 500.000 checks o re handled forms mto m1crofilmers. daily. The new m achines will m ake Recordak engine.?rs worked for it possible to cl ear every transit years seeking an automatic feeder item t he sa me day. for the R ecordak m achine, unlll one of them no ticed h ow a human hand functions when it deals cards. He noted that while the thumb dealt otT single cards, the fingers held back the balance or the deck . Adopting the same principle, an upper feed roll pulls a smgle check or reference card into the mt cro- fllnung m achine while two lower rollen;, !uncuoning as the fingers, hold back the rest of the stack. By thi me3n _, only one document is 11:-d at a ume for photosraphmg. The Automatic Feeder tms n m l<.'Tometer djusuncnt wh1ch allO\\S only one dtX:ument to p;3 through at one ttme. IC two documents start through, the ma- chine stOJl3 autom t1cally, thus pre\'ent ng loss of i mn es. Yet, the m1crometer adJUStment 1s so d i nt'd thnt wrinkled documents Ideas Parley Set Monday Representatives of Kodak will exchange ideas with members of so me 700 indus tries at the conven- tion or the Nation al Association or Suggestion Systems Nov. 8 and 9. Theme of the sessions In the Drake Hotel in Chicago Will be "Sugges tions, a Tool !or Human Relations ." Attendin g the convention from Kodak will be: Cumera Works, James Noble , gene ral s upe rm- tende nt of ma nufacturing; Fred Darlin g, s uperintendent of as- sembly manu!ncturmg; William Zimmer, s upervi sor o! su gges t1ons , a nd Jame s McVittie, assistant sup- e rvisor of the Suggestion Dept.; Navy Ordnance Division, Carl Lamb, su ggestion representative; Kodak Office, Harry Irwin, Sug- gestion Committee secr eta ry, and Janice Hanley, me mber ot the KO (Co nUnued on Paee 4) Pack of D ktol n1at Aid for th e adva n ced anwteur who proces: a hmllL-d number ol cnlargemenls or contac t prints at irre&ul.ar intervals is PlOVtded I in the new packet o! K odak Dektol Developer . This developer is bemg furmshcd m handy aluminum !oil wrappers conuumng chemiculs to mix HI ounce of workmg soluuon. Appruxunat •ly tlurty 5x7 pnnls or equ1valent m y be developed wnh the cilerruCDI.i prov1ded. This turnuhes r;utnctent cop c1ty for an evenlnc of pnnt mnkmg Ly the se comero fan and <"Uta to rrummum the mount of d • veloper th t may to be di5- cnrded ns r ult of develo-per e.xhnustlon. The chemic l.s re in two p:irnte env lopes pw uly m.arkt..>d ..A .. and "8." Wh n the nd prommently embossed letter he ds will pass through t he m Without stoppan 11. d oi tb envelopes r A u to mat i c Fee in g - mixed ccordmg to d1recuons, th Ernie Minun.mayer. Recordak As- resulUn&: r;oluUon l5 r dy tor we sembly a.t H -E. checks auJomatic Three Kodak Dektol Dmel r fHC!ing machiae which is ua.d on unlta rc furnished In ch rton Utillzin automat c feeders, n operntor may keep more Uum one mDehln busy 6lmp))• by ng the feeders filled che-cks.. The Rec:OTdak Micro61mers. , icllin :for 35 ccnls
Page 1: A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl ...mcnygenealogy.com/book/kodak/kodakery-v06-n44.pdf · A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY VoL 8, No. 44 Copyneht 1948 by Eastman Kodak


VoL 8, No. 44 Copyneht 1948 by Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N. Y. November 4. 1948

An Eyeful _Cora Lind makes a final adjustment on one of the Koda k Cine Ektar Lenses in Dept. 82 ai Hawk-Eye.

This le na ia in the firs t ser ies of professional-type high-aperture 16mm. lenaes ever made in the U.S. They incorporate newest designs.

1200 Get Dental Aid Weekly At Eastman Clinic in London

Some 1200 patients are taken care of each week a t t h e E ast ­man Dental Clinic in London, five t imes the number handled during its early days.

That's the story brought back from London by Dr. Arthur J . May of the Univers tly of Roch­ester, who was nbrond lost summer.

Clo• ely potternl'd after the Eas t­m an Dcntol Dispensnry in Roch­e~tcr, the London institution was opened 18 years ago. Building and qulpment were the gift of George

Eastman. Simllnr phila nthropies c~t.1blished clinics in Rome, Stock­holm, Bru. !leis and Paris.

"Our building was badly blitzed m the wur-lund mine-but now the nccC!'sary permits have gone through aovernment bureaus to hove it put aright ugain," Alnn C. Dt:vcrell, director o! the clinic, told Dr. May.

"All through the war and the bombmg," he continued, " the cllntc "'as clol'>ed only 24 hours, und lh n only b cause it was physic,tll) impossible to walk 10 the d~·brls-choked corridors."

Much Work Done

lists especially interes ted in chil­dren is being put on a solid basis, Dr. May observed. Students come !rom the Continent and the British Dominions as well as from Eng­land itself. Eventually short re­fresher courses will be available for dentists from all countries.

Favors F ellowships "There will a lways be a connec­

tion between our clinic and the Eastman Denta l Dispensary in Rochester, which I visi ted this spring," Deverell said. "I a m hope­ful that some day a sys tem of ex­change fellowships with Rochester can be arranged."

Deverell also told Dr. May that he would like to see an annual meeting of the directors of the s1x Eastman Clinics.

"By pooling our experiences a nd our techniques, learning from one a nother,'' he pointed out, "we could carry on more efTectively the spirit wh1ch Mr. Eastman intended these institultons should have"

Here's Score For Safety Bock in the 100"' raung this

\\ l' k, the fifth of the 13-week Ac­l'ident Prc\'cntion Campaign, wns Kodak Park General. They had been credtled w1th 99 "' a week so. but lD\' · ugalton by the Safety

Otflce at KP dt:oclo-ed the accident th t dropped them from a perfect mork had occurrL>d before the cnm­ptllltn got under way. Here are the ·t ndtn _

XP Ch•tlllcal Plant . . . • • • • • . • • n s XP !loU Coatl.D\1 •• ••••••••••• 1~ It P FUm Eanal&lOJS .......... • te•. JCP Pa ... r Dl.uton ........... . sa•. ICP J>a~ rlA1ab1Dt .......... " ' KP rtn. FUm * 5\Uldrl...... lOGS ICP YU'Cl D•pJ • .. • .. .. .. • 100% KP S.,.,lce l)eoptL ........... 110\o E*N s.bopa I::D'f * SJor• • • . n~ ICP E*N T1eld Din. ........... tiS JIUO !:a~a Coa.d.D.g..... .. ..... ltP CU.e ~...... • 180"" KP c-ual . . . . . . . . . . 1M'S ltP ft--..cb Dl.tao.D ...... ter l[ecl&k Olllc-e • ..... ....... 1110% Ca.men Wo.rla.. .. . .. • .. .. """ Ha•k· C,.• ........ -· •• " "' Jifa.,.., OJ'cl---. DI•Woa ,..,.

New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl{ind in Country

A complete line of Kodak Cine Ektar Lenses-the first series of professional-type high-aperture 16mm. camera lenses ever manufactured in the United States-is announced by the Company.

T he new lenses incorporate the newest types of optical glass and the latest developments in lens dPsign and manufacturing-----------------------------­methods. The series has been pla n­ned with a n eye to the highest quality, uniformity, utility, con­venience and beauty of line. The lenses have been d esigned in geo­metrical progression, each focal length bearing a constant ratio to the next below it or above it in the series.

Although all ot the lenses are fast-one opens to f/1.4, another to f / 1.6-a ll of them, eve n at their widest a pertures, meet extremely hlgh standards of definition a nd edge-to-edge sha rpness. They pro­vide unmatched flatness or field.

Excellent Results As a result or the unique optical

qualities of Kodak rare-element glass which is used in their manu­facture, these new lenses produce excellent results throughout all movie- making conditions. The series provides every lens needed for all movie-making situations.

Here They Are _ T~is picture shows the complete line of Ko~ak Cme Ektar Lenses. They repre1ont the tirat

series of this type of 16mm. camera lenses manufac1ured in this coun­try. Each is precision built and tolerances approach 1/10.000 of an inch.

Precision-built and inspected to tolerances approaching 1/10,000 of an inch, each lens is equipped with Kodak's comprehensive system or light control. All glass-air sur­faces are Lumenized, lens rims an d barrel corrugations are blackened, baffles are provided where needed, a nd the flanges holding the lens elements are beveled. The result is that lens Clare is confined to a bare minimum.

The complete series includes 15mm. f/ 2.5, 25m m . f/ 1.9, 25mm. !/1.4, 40mm. f/1.6, 63mm. ! / 2.0,

102mm. f/2 .7, and 152mm. f/4.0. These lenses will fit all recent

Cine-Kodak 16mm. cameras with removable lenses, as well as most 16mm. cameras of other manufac­ture. Many 8mm. cameras w11l take four of the lenses--the 25mm. !/ 1.4, the 25mm. f / 1.9, the 40mm. !/ 1.6, a nd the 63mm. f/2.0.

In most cases, lenses are fitted to cameras by means of adapters. No adapter is needed to tit a ny or these lenses to the Cine-Kodak Special 11 Camero.

The new Kodak Cine Ekta r Lens (Continued on Paee 4)

Recordak Auto1natic Feeder Demonstrated in Pittsburgh

The res ult of 18 years of experimentation, an automatic feeding machine for Recordak Microfilmers was demons trated las t week at the new offices of Recordak in Pittsburgh.

The machine, duplicating the..---------------­motion or the human hand as it reeders a r e especially adoptable in deals a deck of cards, is used to large me tropolitan ba nks where feed bank checks and office record some 500.000 checks ore handled forms mto m1crofilmers. daily. The new machines will make

Recordak engine.?rs worked for it possible to c lear every transit years seeking an automatic feeder item the same day. for the R ecordak machine, unlll one of them noticed how a human hand functions when it deals cards. He noted that while the thumb dealt otT single cards, the fingers held back the balance or the deck.

Adopting the same principle, an upper feed roll pulls a smgle check or reference card into the mtcro­fllnung machine while two lower rollen;, !uncuoning as the fingers, hold back the rest of the stack. By thi me3n_, only one document is 11:-d at a ume for photosraphmg.

The R~cordak Automatic Feeder tms n ml<.'Tometer djusuncnt wh1ch allO\\S only one dtX:ument to p;3 through at one ttme. IC two documents start through, the ma­chine stOJl3 autom t1cally, thus pre\'ent ng loss of imn es. Yet, the m1crometer adJUStment 1s so d i nt'd thnt wrinkled documents

Ideas Parley Set Monday

Representatives of Kodak will exchange ideas with members of some 700 industries at the conven­tion or the Nationa l Association o r Suggestion Systems Nov. 8 and 9.

Theme of the sessions In the Drake Hotel in Chicago Will be "Suggestions, a Tool !or Human Relations."

Attending the convention from Kodak will be: Cumera Works, James Noble, general supe rm­tendent of ma nufacturing; Fred Darling, superintendent of as­sembly manu!ncturmg ; William Zimmer, supervisor o! suggest1ons , a nd James McVittie, assistant sup­ervisor of the Suggestion Dept.; Navy Ordnance Division, Carl Lamb, suggestion representative; Kodak Office, Harry Irwin, Sug­gestion Committee secretary, and Janice Hanley, member ot the KO

(ConUnued on Paee 4)

Pack of D ktol n1at

Aid for the advanced anwteur who proces: a hmllL-d number ol cnlargemenls or contact prints at irre&ul.ar intervals is PlOVtded

I in the new packet o! Kodak Dektol Developer.

This developer is bemg furmshcd m handy heal-!;~aled aluminum !oil wrappers conuumng ~nough chemiculs to mix HI ounce of workmg soluuon. Appruxunat •ly tlurty 5x7 pnnls or equ1valent m y be developed wnh the cilerruCDI.i prov1ded.

This turnuhes r;utnctent cop c1ty for an evenlnc of pnnt mnkmg Ly the a~ocr se comero fan and <"Uta to rrummum the mount of d • veloper th t may lw~oe to be di5-cnrded ns r ult of develo-per e.xhnustlon.

The chemic l.s re turn11h~ in two p:irnte env lopes pw uly m.arkt..>d .. A .. and "8." Wh n the nd prommently embossed letter

he ds will pass through the m chan~ Without stoppan 11. d eont~ts oi tb envelopes r

A u to mat i c Fee in g - mixed ccordmg to d1recuons, th Ernie Minun.mayer. Recordak As- resulUn&: r;oluUon l5 r dy tor we sembly a.t H -E. checks auJomatic Three Kodak Dektol Dmel r fHC!ing machiae which is ua.d on unlta rc furnished In ch rton

Utillzin automat c feeders, n operntor may keep more Uum one mDehln busy 6lmp))• by k~ ng the feeders filled ~ith che-cks.. The Rec:OTdak Micro61mers. , icllin :for 35 ccnls

Page 2: A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl ...mcnygenealogy.com/book/kodak/kodakery-v06-n44.pdf · A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY VoL 8, No. 44 Copyneht 1948 by Eastman Kodak


~ ''r'~ ~~n '. adliner ' JlriJ I ian Piani ~ ·t, Fo ~ of· Tric t r

Mut lc and Magic - Tha t will .,. the c:omblnat!on of a nJe r tain · m n l ... n • d up Jo membna ol the Fore·

man'a Clut. • I the llov. I ••• ton. Jan Augu• t. le ft . wil l oH• r aome of hia p lanq l aYt.trUea and John Sc:arne will oxpoae dl_c:e, c:ard maolpulaJlon•.

l're~t>n.taliott of' (; ubf1-n I~ lag llon.or.~ fJitotograpl-tic Dealer

Wh••n M•Jtr l A wN IJurh w ua pre t•nh d w ith on officia l C uban lluv 111 1 um111' nHJIIallo ll uf h i ualvul In Huvuno :.!~ years ago thjs < kl t~lw& , II l u IJU6(h l !Jar ~ tnt rno• it ( 1111 tllfl, J,ltl '1 1111>111 IIIII VI IJ I u ff ltollotl ltll<l (lllllf ll lll d• , ,,.,. wltlr

t lu , "''l(ll , 11 11,, • I••' :at1 11 In olo)WIIIIIWII I I IIVbllll,

Wlrlil 1111Jny •lu 11ul ku•,w, l huu~h, It lh rl l11 Whl ltnduk C'uhra rlll 'l II l1 111j'luyo1, (lllrllhr l fl\ I IIIIJIIt'•

I l tlllllhll uf lit~ flug Will m ild ttl ltlm t.y l·IIMIDI( Cubrrnn'a rnu111111• r, 1~11M1111 l r,

It WPa 111 JU'''I tlti't J\w1•rbutl• I• It hl1 """'ll 111 l(u j, tu 1 I f•m fill< ! fl•tlll lu In lht IJ S, I•Ul

h t rrrmt up ugulnlt lmm lvra tion IJUIIlll H h lt•l lrm Nt•otrl" I plact• to l lu Ht It II Will' po•' I bit• to ~o wu" Cuh , nntl h t· lnnd t•d ln flavonu luu h<JI ou Ot· l 4.

l)t pll 1· "'" fud t hu t lw Will u Jll of1 umul pluoto •r nph1•r, Jn lt•r· • tr:d putt( ul&~ l y In dtNni t ry, he l•·uud lt hn• d g .. tn~: in tlw pu t Wot ltl Wm I 1 1 t 1 Jun. 1\Ion('()u, tltt 11 11 h 1 •• lruu ,, •h mun of pho­lu M•HJt.IJ, l••ltl him th.ll K•KJnk F.x­lfC•tl I), pi '1 1!1 I dlle·f, D :K De l· U rlu, 111cl lh1• I •l1• Puul f'uvour, whu Ju 1tlt•d KO' Sc•n•k•• Dept., \\1 1 , i11 till' t tty tnuklnll p r t•llm-111 1 y pi 111 fut t·tlln l( up n !Omm. , .. ,;cc luw pltmt

r avored Cand idat e

m<'\ht..d.s f..'mployed t>y d1ce experts ond carrutwrr•s tt, mulct unwtttine Vl(;llmt of their tund.t.

Warned G.I .'a

S c a r n '• rel(>nllf!U campaign ug.1ln t disht~nCiit gambling has a\· tra,.ttd na 11onv11de attention and ht:: h<&J~ g ven lblks befort: police or. II< ials In many ctttes. Recognized 111 r.n :~rllsuc manipulator of card , h t• it 1·xpccted tt, dig d eep mto his bae ,,( tnck.a. to keep h!Js KP

I audlt>n<·c IWI'Ortd-iU<:SSin~.

Onr• o! America's m olt fa mous p 1 <~ no record tni a rttsta, J a n A uttuat, CII'Com panied by a n in­•trumcnt<~ l &roup, will offer u pro-gram of !:~voritt· , mcludmg classl­ro l, POfJUlar (IOd boog•e-woogje, m hill own Jnlml loble style.

Pla ya for MiUioM

T he b r lllwnt key board s tylist com("l he re from the Ra leigh Room In New York C1ty a nd has been heard on h is own radio program vio o no tiona l hookup. August has been in m ov1es, a nd person­a l appearances have taken him to thc<~tera and night clubs a ll over the country. " Miai rlou," his p iano t heme, 11 fam ilia r to thousands o! IJsteners ond r on ks among the top aellers in the platter field.

Dinner In the ca!eteria w ill J.r unch th(• pr oceed ings ot 5 p.m wi th news and sports broadcasts 11la ted d ur1ns;t the d in ing pe n od. T he enter t.nlnment progrom s ta r ts p romptly at 6:45.

Bri ti h Expand Vi 'ual Education

With a goal to eq uip every school eventua lly wi th :1 m ovie projector und v l11uul a ppara tus , lhe British Mlnlatry of Educo llon hos jus t set up o ne w Educationa l Founda t ion for VIsua l A ld)J.

The founda tion is plonnmg to dl' Vt.'iop u c of fll ms a nd other vis­uu l uld "on u \'Cry Iorge scale," by prom otin.c prc poration, distn· b ut 10n, malntenuncc and use or vis­uul old. n~o u m t.'dium or education.

Or. J ohn A Harrison . director of lhe foundation, said the a gency ulao w ill fnc1lltnte Intercha nge 1n vh;uul otds With Commonwea lth t~nd !or t'lgn counlrieo;. AI the snme lime It "' Ill serve u" on lnformo­tlon C<'nh•r on v i~;unl educa tion in Cn'o t Bnt .1 ln.

Chief to Chief-KP Fire Chief Bill Olin, left. _explains .s ome of the features of the Park Fue Dept. s truck

to Henri.k W. Schmidt. center. deputy chief of the Fire Brigade in Copenhagen, D enmark. Schmidt, making his first visit to the United StaJes, is touring the country to observe fire protection methods in various cil:iu. A. L. Cobb, right. KP director of safety. acted as the Dane's host during his local stop and inspection of Koda k units .

J::.~ I Safety Men .._ ____ _J Attend Parley

(Answer on P age 4 )

Thisla a: a. Kodak Blotter Roll. b . K odak Kontak Printer. c:. Kodak Print Straighten er .

"My wlte has been nursing grouch all w eek."

T he 36th Na tiona l Sa fe ty Con­gress, held recently in lhe Hote l Stevens in Ch icago, a ttracted sev­e ra l Koda ke rs.

Allen Cobb, KP saiety dir ector, w as cha irma n of its chemica l ses­sion a nd as such introduced a pa nel d iscussion on fla mmab le liquids. He showed color slides used to t rain new mem bers of KP's P owder and Solution Dept .

They Went, Too

Othe rs from KP a ttending were Ea rl Wallace, Sa fety Dept. ; Gene Miller, Bldg. 23; F . J. Newberg, Pa per Sensitizing; Bob C ell , P a per Mi ll ; J ohn Hickey , Roll Coating; A . C. Kriske, Machine Shop, a nd K. R. Brooks, Stores Dept.

Elm er Andrews, K O pla nt eng i­neer; Ear le Ca rson, CW Sa fety Dept. head; Joe Bach, supervisor of NOD safety ; Bill Der mody, H-E

a safe ty director; Sid Cla rke, H -E plant engin eer , and Guy Isenber g, TEC safety director , a lso were a t the Congress.

"Ob, 1 d1dn 't know you'd been laid up."

,---- Photo Patter·------------------------.

'lftu4 ea,n Makt qooJ Seutic Shott Jt 'lftu4 eudelt !Jnte~UUt u, e~uuen SpoU

Road to Good Pictures ­The road l cllov into 1hi.a pidur e gt.._ 1.1 a good d Ml o f charm.

was trymg to show. Next, build your picture around

n "center or interest" such as the two figu res in our Illustration to­day . T hat center of interest , inci­dentall~·. should not be l ocated pre­c isely m the middle of the picture. T he center o! interest should be "off center" JUSt a trifle to give the most pleasing eiTect. Everyth ing else In the com pos1t1on should be arranged so that it lends the eye to the cen ter of intere:.t.

Don' t H alv e P icture

And. SP\; 1kmg of centers, don't let the horizon or any vertical line cut the PICture precisely in hall. By locntmg the honzon abo\'C or below the center of your picture. 1md by keeping ,·erticul lines elt cr to the left ur nght of cen ter, you'll produce attractl\'t' com~ttion .

Fmally, look !or m n and line \\hrch \\,llle.d the eye into your SIUlpshoL Curved lmes like th or the ru d In our tllt:str •• tlon are more pl!.' · me to thl' e~e than tnught hnes--tlut a Ything IS belt r thnn nt' .. le d in" lin .

By \\11tchm~ th potn nti malung ~rtam thnt you're <expos­In£ nd h:mdllng the t":~met:~ prop­e~ly, you should h:l\' little trouble with ttt!n c: snn psh :.s.

Page 3: A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl ...mcnygenealogy.com/book/kodak/kodakery-v06-n44.pdf · A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY VoL 8, No. 44 Copyneht 1948 by Eastman Kodak

November 4, 1948 KOOAKERY

2 .Otlt • •

$10,707 Paid to Additional Amounts

Period, at KP

Suggesters in 10th Reach $6965

Payment of $6965 in additional awards to K.P suggesters spot- impro\-ed method of ms~tm1: lighted the lOth period. Augmented by $3742.50 in onginal awards materials used m X-ray .en: tb.

Ill 1l1ile

It tt () J )Ill I( 11 ··~

for suggestions, the total was $10,707.50. I Austin presented an idea b) OC 388 reviewed by the Sugges- . . . . means o! which 1t IS poss1ble h'

tion Committee, 379 were adopted, tin, P aper Sens1hzmg: J acob Chris- locate raw stock wh1ch 1:> schl"<i· none o! the mdiv1dual awards ex- tensen, Roll Cooling. and A. Trues- uled to be coated, and Chri!itefl!>en ceedi.n~ $100. dale, also o! Roll Coating. evolved a method of operuuon m

Almost hlll! of the amount P avlock's suggestJon pertains to the cooti~ o! film wh1ch ~uc :-granted as add1honal awards went the paper coaling machine tn the the b~cidence . of wnste. The dis­to El izabeth Freeh a member of Roll Ftlm Dept., the use of his idea tnbuuon of atr m on~ of the ~~­the Roll Film Dept., and Gerald making it wmecessary to rewind uons of a film coaling ma.ch_ine wa~ Bentley of the Paper MiU, both som e of the material coo ted. the subject of True~dale s tde:a. of. whom had previously posted Reed 's Idea Among those who recetvc.-d sub-anginal $2000 winnings. Bentley I . . . . stantial additional awurds \\ere received $1500 and Elizabeth Freeh A dev1ce for stmph{ymg an over- the following: Robert G l\Iollory, SlOOO to supplement their total head cleanmg and maintenance JOb Paper Service, $:!00: Arlene D. <See KODAKERY, Oct. 28>. is being used at the suggestion of Hammond, Roll F1lm, $:!00; Fr-ed

Among those who realized Reed. The method of lubricatmg Alexander, Cme Proc . m ·. $:!00; checks for SlOO in initial adoption one o! tht:; parts of certain types of I George J . Erath, Film EmubJ~lO. of their ideas were Frank McCone fi lm coating machmes has been $200; Herbert Merkel nnd Arthur Machine Shop; Howard Glasser: ~~roved by the adoption of Mel- Preiss. F.D. i, $150; Elmer Kirch­Roll Coating, and Marjorie Vars, vm s sugge~t10n. Taccone recom- gessner, F.D. 5, 135; Alphonse R oll Film. McCone recommended a mended a d11Terent method of load- Boucquocrt, Reel Mf~, $130. and slight modification to one of the ing and unloading box parts by Arthur Maupin, Cme Proc, $125 parts of a film perforatmg machine. employmg a power fork lilt truck. Awards of 100 went to J umcs L.

One of the pieces of equipment Tierney set up a system tor Powers, Emulsion CoottnK: C.1rl used to feed raw materials to some identifying various molds and dies Walsh Elcctnc Shop; Harry Yost, of the film casting mach ines in the used m the m:mufacture of rub- P aper' Mtll: F . C. Frunc1s, Koda­Roll Coating Dept. was the sub- ber parts, thereby minimizmg the color F1lm Processmg; Jaml'S J ject of Glasser's suggestions. possibility of incurrmg materia l Collins Kodapnk, and George l\1

Novembe r Celebrants _ Th• • fotka will celebrate th•lr U th year with Kodalt during No• n\t>.r.

Also affecting the same equip- loss. Shaw's suggestion concerns an Carnes: 1\let.al Shop.

Seated. hom left. Irwin C. Wendt • .Adelaide C. Co and Johann M. Bloem. Standing. I. to r., Claren~ C. Curtta. Howard H. M1nc-k. Ch rl•a V. Crandell. Oacar Burnett. Fay P alm t..r and Norman Schenkel, Abseni when the picture waa taken wu Roman P . Kulawleckl.

ment was a suggestion submitted by Kenneth Barringer and J ohn Mitchell, both of Roll Coating, whose idea simpli fied installation of this fixture.

Marjorie's idea proposed a slight change to the adhesive plaster used in the manufacture of certain types of roll film.

Nine suggesters were recipients of $50 awards. They are Robert P avlock, F .D. 7: J . D. Reed, Cine­Kodak Processing; Frederick Mel­vin, Roll Coating; Carmine Tac­cone, E&M Stores; Phillip H . Tierney, Purchasing; Robert B. Shaw, X -ray Screen; Clarke Aus-

Navy Veteran J(eeps Faith

He's 62, a veteran of two wars, and still brimming with excite­ment about the sea.

Rellred from the U.S. Navy in 1946 after completing 33 years of scrv1cc, diminut1ve Daniel Altre, KP Caleteria, celebrated Navy Uay Oct. 27 by donning his uni-

Fit's in the Park

s Adopt Clipped Tr Testing Dept. Arrang

' tyl for Fall for ttle Part T

S . Wilson Davidson. R esearch Laboratories, was feted Oct. 15 by the Administration Staff in honor of his 25th anniversary wilh the Company. The get-together in the service dining room featured a short talk by Dr. C. E . K. Mees, .--------------­with Charlet Brelsford acting as toastmaster. Dr. C. J . Staud m ade the serv1ce pin a nd medal presen­tation and Raymond C. H alstead presented a gift on beha ll or the g r o u p. . . . Ed T ha ncy. E & M Stores, and Mrs. T haney were chairme n of the "Fun Night" and fish Cry Oct. 15 at Ridgemont Golf Club .... " It was all very exciting," commented J une Bundschuh, L ois Bauer and Rose Giralico upon re­turnjng after a week's stay in New York C1ty. J oming the lr10 for several days' fun in the metropolis were Shirley VersJr ing, He len CbrisJensen and Mar ie Greco. All are members of K odacolor Prmt Inspection, Bldg. 65.

Asher Lawrence. Bldg. 30, r e­cently completed a round trip to Yellowstone and California by jeep and tratler .... J erry and Rose Adam or Bldgs. 58 a nd 57, re­spectively, Witnessed the third ~arne of the World Series in Cleve­land .... Hole n Brogan of Kodak's Processing Station in Hollywood visited her friends in the X -ray Sheet Ftlm Dept. Oct. 12 .... Sporting new short haircuts for the fall season are Bette P erry and Deanie Darling1on. ... Steve and Luanne Gascon, children of Ralp h Gascon. Bldg 58, sang a duet on o chi ldren 's radio program recently and scored a big hit.

F1lm P .1cking, h 11 ll'tllrllt <I fnun a lr1p to Florld.a . . .. Pion re now undt•r w.1y for tht• l'h11 ltn p.1rly to b~ lwld Oet·. I 111 tht• Ill lin ballroom uf the p,,,, c1 llulcl b~ member, ,,r tht• Ta• t 111 Dt•pt .•. Ha.ttie P apke. \\ hu hu ldt ttw Hull Cu,lllfllo: l'rt>duct ton St•l \ lt'l' l)«'Jll , \\<.IS hvnun I nt n alt111wr nt th•• Nt•w Dutch !\till Prtl•l tu IH·t• 111111 • riu~l' to J ack Coodfellow vt tlu ~.1me dep.artmt•nt Muga~et Smith. Rldg, U:>, IM!I II'! I tu 'i•ll hl't niec~ near Tampn, Flu .. . . Jim Curtin. Bldg. 30, 111 n 1 tlllK l't•h 1\ll')(ny U Ctl ll'h uf tlh' f I t Jl\l'h Sdwol lnutb.ill It• m ... Tht• "Notecrat·ka•r ," pupulu Inc I h II • b rthup qU.IIICI, \\till thlld·pl tC hunur& 1n the Centr I Wt• t•·rn Nt•w Y,H k tltstrlt'l t·ornpctltlun hr.ld 1n Hornt>ll o, t. Ill Kudnk I' 1 k mt•mbt•r or the vtx-:tl t n t•mhlt· r~ Wayne Foor, Tt· tin Bob Gale. [lids: 0:>, und Cl y ton DeLong,

s . Wllaon D avlciaon, la{L recel• .. ~m II Blth:. 90 Dr. C. J . Staud, dlrec:to.r o f lha .K odal< R ... uch LaboraJorlu. lhe Eaatma.n CIUfoyd Sadle r. Uoll (.'u ttlll(l, I

Dan Altn

medal a J a IUDd\eon muldng DaYld- ll'COVlrtnJ( nt hhmt• nltt•r nn Ill' fil • aon·a Utb yeaz wUb lha Company. 111,0 , • Jun• F ol•y. Hid • R"'. h

. I Ct to t<.~kt• UJl dome Ill' dutta· 111 at Kodak wtth a surprt e purty hrr new tr<~llt·r hum•• .. .. Ann• Oct. 8. I ce cream and cakt• wt'n.: Peuce. Emplt•yment tllll , "' ltt·l served and a ahort mu lc.11 pro lwr son t atlont'd with tho• Army gram featured Roy P arker and hi~ I Air f'Mt • in UtluKt, J\11 • • • occord1on. Fred rccc1ved hi E.l l Catherin• Oulnn 1 u trk a t h r llUln medal from J ohn Folwell. dultl" In Roll C'oullng Protluo•uuu superintendent of the C'h~mlc.tl s~rvlca• .titer a htnC IIIII Plant, a nd h1 crvtce p1n from Gene Silllck. "· i tant superintend ent. Jim Schol... Chemlc1l PI ut pe~onnel .1dvl r, comp1tlt·i th :•rrana,:emt:nl Mildred John ­aon Schroed•r. Shtel F1lm P •d -mr,, who wu m rr1ed Ot·t 2, hem-

Arlene Kenyon. Women' Em- ..... t t fc rm with aU its decorations. eymoon"""' tn WP t~rn s o e • · . ployment, has returned from am~ J eanne Roeuer. Worn• n 1 f;mploy.

There are few countries that tor trip to Montana . . A lun~h- menl and Lola Wright, Cmc Stlt, t the dapper Fthpmo, a o~e-ti~e eon wa. held tn the :.erv1ce dtmng Ftlm' tourw th n.&tton 1 c 1,1t 1 chief steward, has not VISJted m room Cor S igrid Smith, Paper ' · the hne or duty. Bo. rn in Lmgayen I Plannmg, Bldg. 57, who 1 leavmg I Marty Byrnn. Bid . 211 . .ofld T•d Gul(, he stud1ed Spanish and Eng- to be marrtcd She was pr •nt~ Kelly. Jim Clark nd Harold h!ooh and \\ ns appomted a m ember \\ ith a weddln& (ltft • •.. .Albert Llndaay, all or Hid 10 tiN ·h~l or the P hlltpptne Constabulary in Sperry. Pnper 1\Iill Muintcnance, i~ 1h \\~~rid S..nt om tn Cl • • 1909 After servmg four years, he homew.1rd bound a lte r an ex- land .... Richard Parker. Sh tuok on exnminut1on for the post ten3 1ve tour or the US Al's latest or chief or pohce, passed, but bulletm came rrom Nt-\\ Orleans, turned do\\ n the job in heu of the L.a ... • The first annual p1cn1c of Navy which he jotned tn 1913. the Kmfe Grindmg Dept.'s mem-

During World War I, tn which bers and the1r famil1 was held he served aboard both transport Oct. 9 at the Hon oyc LDke cot· and cargo \'essels, Altre crossed ta e of Wa Uer E•aos. Cretl1t the the Atlantic at least once e\'ery arran~t.:m nts to Lloyd Ling . .. . month until the Arm.i!itice. He was Gladya S wana. Sh~t F1lm P ck· :~bo:lrd the U.S.S Amenca, carry- mg, pf'nt a '1: • k \ ucation m mg 1:!,000 !>aldJer' overseas, when New York C1ty A t •unoni I 11 was rc~mmed off Brest in 1918. dmner for Gua Danielson. Printing,

In World W r Il hts ship wns "'as gl\ n Ort 14 at hls c:hurch, bombed by Jap p!J:ines wtule en \\here he cumpl~ted 19 ye rs' route to New Ze land On both oc- r\'lce car t.a.k r. c:~ Ions Altre escaped without m­JUTY- .~t one time he was stalioned 11hoard the aircraft carrier Lang­ley which later went down in the South Paciftc f\ghtlng. Hts trr.,·els t- \'e t"' 1ce t ken h1m acr the equator.

PbTUh Eifinge r. Paper M1ll. hu returned to her desk ftcr '1: t n rh took her lo New York C ty r H yd P rk • .. • Prl,.nd of F red Hale. Cotton Nitrate, h ... IJKd 1 n lebrute h s 2~lh y r

Bn• ue _.

JJlootl (;{f i.s IJe,e_fil Jllan ..

Page 4: A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl ...mcnygenealogy.com/book/kodak/kodakery-v06-n44.pdf · A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY VoL 8, No. 44 Copyneht 1948 by Eastman Kodak

• pany Announ · rewLin

J(,n• n. Cine f~ktar

I K~ L.----AHB WI!R-----'

'ftu '''' u Ill.( >t·.,Jt ''" H11· 01"1.: It 11 :.r•• tflllll• t·<Jm(Jli'Lt•ly r.trudu­t•l •·tl lhroll ''II IJJIY (11PV i•1U lt•n t• •

Til• • t·"l" '" ' mw 1-:t-d dJr('(:lly in Thlt It It KQdJ,tc Blou er n oll ludll~ (IJJ ft.Jl 'U61JI" .... horl dlli-

l·illl · ~. ,,,.d ,,,.)t,w Z fN•t ttw c~lt·• which provld .. on e fltcl.n t meant I'll dryln'} .. ml mall• or matto-&ur- "' •• trl Jl •d ltJ :ll I 1.11 :, w:lrninv. of I itt: d prlnlt. It contltll of • fino tltl• (II (•tl ,,,, oi(' ( ur ~··· [()t'U whlra hloll r, 11 llnt~n · llnad blolfor ,;ft, 1 ''' llw nt·v. K•11J11 k CtnP and 11 barlrlno of corrugalod bottrd. LktiJr L NI I!J (tJt Ull w.•y dt,·.vn ftJr Th• roll rcwnl rar lt thll fondoncy j tt••WIIlllt·d d•r t·up ''' I '"Y uiJJI't I · of prltll l lo rurl and l h .. corrugal With ll "f/1.4 th•· '?111V11 ' rn .. v.,., c:m 4 hndrlnti a llow• for lrH d r cula f,,, u r• 1'1•• ,. ltll 12 lndu· o~nd 1111

: ton of .d / or ro ld drylnn. llw wlwl• • t t 1 •·•·n Will! 1111m•• ~mull P • ""J••t·t, w·h 111 ;; ll(Jw• r. v. tthout

l11•· u •· of " t ltn l'lJ)J atl,.dlmt·nl.

.'-in~l{t' ... tiou ~11)11

'J'o 1/tJJid Mt)t• l

In ( ,'hit·u~o () 1) . IJ

1 n•J•Y t>f tlw .. r tlu• a llt.ll'

l(ucluk tu till• 111 lntlull ut u

Ktxluk C'ltll' l':kttu Lt·n I' wll l

'" ' "''''''"''!" thJtJIJI'h ull K~Jduk tlt ·:tlt ·r .

~l.)oJ,' Coneert Jlills Mann s

L• "l"•hl M •11111' , , . ,, IJIVI•Jitur uf Ku•ludtn •ltl•, v. Ill c c,m<· to Hodw • 1• ' 1 1;; Bloil Ill triU II' I hi WI <·kt'nd

'J'Iw nult·d Jllllfll t .md dut·c:tur ul tlw ll ; \'td 1\l .mnl' Sdl!ltJI of Mu k , Nt w York Caty, Will Lt · tlw 1lU1 I 01 1 h.tllllt'J ut t.lw E;,~trrutn Tit• 1h • '11 " l'up" ( 'ti!IC'I·rt Sunduy 1 \ •·111111:, Ali. h1 rnujw wtu·k t,.. wIll ''I".Y Hill llru.wtuvfl '11 " P.IU•IIlln• 1·uut 11y ."

Mnnn.. wuli 111 f11•qw·nt d<'n)and fur I' UIIC'I 'II 111111 f,ldlu <IIIIH'•Il l llll' l h• n· t.IUllllij tlw tirt\l' h o• untl Lc·o ( ~tlUn\\ ky , IIUII d \'lullnl I, WPI (' J1tlll•lm Kod.,dtlumc·ut KP Thl• I Wll Jill I IIIII) lll'l' ollfll• lni~J I ll•d In

I ul111 phutog l .l)lhy Willi(• Ill l'hOul.

KODAKERY November 4, 1948

Win 'ShoW Money _Coming in third in the $10.000 N ewspaper N ational Snapsh~t Awards aponsored by Kodak were these four shots. Ama teurs who chcked them

oach received $100. P icture of the h a ppy youngst er over the fence, third prize in Class A , was ta k en by a H onolulu, T.H .. man. Robert E. Straub. The picture in upper right, third in Class B. was sn a pped a l juat tho proclte moment by the tecond woman to win a major prize, Evelyn J ordan of S a lem , Ore. Pu.at and bowl in lowor le ft . third in Class D. is the work of Bill P otter of Sherwood, Ore. Ca ptur ing thlrd pri•• In Cla11 C it tho t ce nic ahot in lower right. entered by W . G. C layton. Grand Island , Neb.

EJ( Holston Club to Install New Officers at Nov. 10 Meet

Members of the Holston Kodak Club are looking forward to their annual fall dinner dance Nov. 10 at Ridgemont Country Club. At this meeting 1949 officers will be installed.

Henry Winter Dies; Kodaker 43 Years

An active Koda ker for 43 years who had been retired since July 1946, Henry J . Winter died a t his

e1~ ~~~--------------------------------------------.

I KP Folks Visit Jewish Home, Children's Hospital

During the past year the club expanded to take in an affilia ted group in Kmgsport which is for­molly known as the "Upper East Tennes~ee Branch of the H olston Kodak Club of Rochester." Repre­sentatives have been invited.

home on Oct. 28 after a lengthy ill­ness.

Winter first was em ployed as a tool­maker at Pre mo \V orks in 1902, and became a Kod a k member in August 1903when EK b o u g h t out the ca m e ra manufac­turers.

Htgh spot of the evening will be the cn!ertamment program which w ill tcuture ta lent "direct from New York," according to F red H. Stll, r e t iring prestdent.

Nl'wly-elected officers are El­wood Dobbs, prestdent; Wilbur Connelly, treasurer, and AI Zor­now, secretary. Relirmg, besides Sill, are Francis B. Thorne, treas­urer, and A. R. SutlifT, secretary

Engagements KODAK PARK

Joan K~mp to Ceora~ P~ters. Ul rnrn P roc Jean Kub!U, Baryta. to James A usun. 35mm Proc . Vlol~t KrucbKk X - ray Sheet F tlm. t.o 1..4· \Cm~ Kt'll)

CAMERA WOilKS Cathtorlna Peu.un~nu. Dept 113. NOD

to Sam Acqualano Lucy Comella. o.tpt 17, NOD, to Boceo C wdlce F'l'anc- B.allbl r. O.:pt. 11. NOD. to ttchael Sca..,.on Mtldr~ Drake

D.opt. 11, NOD. to W lltiAm \'an\\'au­ml'r.


Honry Wlnlor In 1922 he was made a foreman in

Camera Works' Engineering Dept., and after holdmg several other positions at CW, he came to KO in 1938 to become supermtendent of the Repair F actory.

Arlene VonAesch to Frankh.n (Bud) O bler. P aper Sen•lce . . Mary L uck to J ames Cropp, P aper Sen•lce.

HAWK-EYE Irene Zykow, Dept. 45, to John Sera­

fin . . . . Dorothy Robinson. Dept. 31!. t.o Bernard StelhJer.

KODAK OFTlCE ~ G rant. Comptroller's Office , to

Bill Bennekey. . . Dorothy Scheible. Ftnlshlnf. to John - tntzel . . Ro~­m.arle M.asu~-cl. Credit. to Ceori!G R3rl· dolph. . . Lenore Wem,tem, 6th F loor. to Seymour Cluslon.

. . Births .. LUI.Ian Jaeo~n. O..pt. 55. to Andrrv. KODAK PARK

Molou~ n , KP Mr. and Mn. Fr~derlc-k K olb. d.au.Ch· • t.er • . Mr and !\ir. Cordon !lolJIIs. . . Marriages . . d.a~~&bt.er .•• !otr. and Mn< Hov..ard

JltODAit PAJUI: I Coollr.. eon ..• !olr and l\lr Robert Nomuo ~U. x.,.., Sheet Ftlm. to S~)der. ~n . Mr and l'do Ro~rt

Ho.-srd Stodu~ N C _ poo~ • I \\alter, eon J ean K "'& IU Tt: ,.,., to R obert C.AME.RA WORKS

-. - Mr and • t nr Barnl.'\ Humphrr\ . Ca.met'Ol\ B1d& 15 ••• Lolli Herman dauthltor Mr and M,... Ba:<~l Pr\'Z· T unc. co Juhn Baur, Bldc !:9 • • • bk. d.auchter Mr a nd Ml"5.. Dean

"I'd > that RCX'h~ter n~ mor~ A.IUt'S, twtns. eon and d.au~t.er. B.AWlt · E:YE

~nd like lh~ Cun\ l cent Mr. and Mra Jo'ln Z1 mbto d.audlter H pit l and th~ Jt"\\ 1-h Hom lot ltODA.X OFFICE the eod," h~ dtoelared l!fr. an.d wn. Robr.rt Bro ... -... cSauchcer

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i. ...,

November 4. 1948 KODAKERY

GefJrgie Gremlin 'GfJes tfJ WfJrk' Runaway Chair-~eoq~ie

IS takmg no chances! Just in case J ane Zanni. H -E Dept. 35. should hH the chair when she goes to sit down. he has it fixed so she'll surely gel the poin t.

Meat George Gremlin. the bane o1 an otfiee worker's ex­istence. A mischievous charac­ter, he derives fiendish gleo from a lop-heavy file case, a chair removed. and o t h e r potential. and real. ac:c:idents which occur in the office.

In realliy, a gremlin does not exis!. Even Webster's dic­tionary fails to recognise the little demon. But to pu! ac:rou a point. KODAKERY bares his nature in these pictures.

Of course, ac:c:idenb a nd re­sulting injuries received in the course of everyday work are primarily the fauU of our­selves. We'd like to blame George, but h e's only a figment of tho imagina tion.

B t ' xt d B tw Jane Kolb. KP Cafeteria. re • e WI an e een - gula that 11ep 1he hu taken. t hlnkl maybe a gremlin opened the dHk drawer. Her bruls1ng experience Is conveyed effechvely.

Insult to Injury - :C~.::~~e~~!·::c:c:,~:~ ~:f~~~:~':. CW Dept. 99. dropi the ca~e, whlcb Injure~ h•r l09 and cau .. a a atodt.iog faJaliJT. Ob.. C.orge. what naxJ7

S-t-r-e-t-c-h _ Wun the fall come~, Jane Hetaler, JCO Ia!-. S.rTice. may hava a 0 ttlng th01.1tht lh 1

tomeone. ~rbapi George, uwad off o~ o t the cbaJr ~ • A chair. HPKI&lly with caaten. Ia a poor exC\Ue for a ladder •

Page 6: A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl ...mcnygenealogy.com/book/kodak/kodakery-v06-n44.pdf · A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY VoL 8, No. 44 Copyneht 1948 by Eastman Kodak

• The Market Place


CLOTKIJ1C-M.an'a d.a:rk brawn over-1 coat. II1U a--40, ~: d.a:rk tr•Y c:.hedted 1 t.opco8t. m.e 3a-40. Ill); Jady'a brown fur

JM-krt ou J&-40, sa; man'a lbop coat. 1 11. Aho c:b1Jd'a reed rocker. ~. 212 ao.Jyn St

XO:OA ¥C'flY ...S. 111 ~ UtJ • ftnt-come, a,...._,ad bath. Deopartm.nt~ CLOTHlNC-;<;"""-:.M.vlc;--:-.• - wtn-.-,16:--:-coa--:-::t,--,atu::---:311:::-. con~ Ia ean ~ .Dl~ .,. •:PPUec~ W'tl1t u bla.oka whkll. whet~ 115. lad,Y • bl&c:k tlned ~ wtth f OW 1.41 1:. I f ... In priJIIJ.M 1M them Ia u· WOTda In J.M, u e pvl 1D !he in.ner tinlnl 1177 !.a=l<e=._;A_:,:..v e=:.'--=--::-=­e.t!l,..,. MID N41.-.4 SO uJ«)'DA XZll! / ' or~ 1111 SO yow p la.oJ ad.Uor. CLOTHJ1'fC-M.an'a o verc:oet. nz.e 40-AU U. ~ be , eul.,<M b7 ¥0t>A¥ CJIT betcne 10 a..111-, T .....Uy, of tb.e w M k u · Jady·1 wtnt.n ttnT coat. .u.e 40· ~ .. a-.. m»r~ PH6• E •uMaeu OJl ADo• usr;• Ml.IST a r; osm dr8.e. wool .,us' aUk . .u.e 1~14 . Cbar: t• AJ)J, iCODA.ICI:aY ,_TYH dwt rif'JI SO t efUM ada aDd Um11 I~ IIIU.Ilb« !111-M ' ' f!( W M4ll ~ ~Jq-, .. l<M t<JptH are 1 , OJl SAL.I:, , OJl Jl£JfT. WA.W~. ,:.· =;:;-~;---:-o.--:=-::--=:-:--:-::~ WA.'tt:O '1'0 BP t': LOfl' AJIO ,.OUif'D, S WAPS • .ICO'DA¥ E'RY JU~ADE'U C LOTHU.fC-W.CS IUita, ll1.z.e 1G-12; AJtl: U .ICIP:O TO lfi..ACZ ADS OJfLY '0'11 T'HEM.It;S..VI:S AXO HOOStHOLD 1 uc:h yellow, blue. creen. 15 eacb; -·0"1 I'Oit l'lliQ.O. Oil 'llnlt'MV Z:.. T O DO nus IS TO DElfY SP ACE' red llt~d coat. $5; lkl panta, 11. C en. 70 'tHE I'J:QPJ.f! ar .ICODAX 1'08 WHOM TKJS S P A.cl! l S JU:SDVEI>. 4481-W.'=-==---=--:--:--:----...,-~~

CL()'J"HJ,NC-Lady'a. brown IUede c:LOth ooat. EnlOW! fc\ulrrel trtm. alu lfl; brCIWn pfnatrf pbardlne IUlt. .tz.e AlJTOMOafLn FOJI SALC

null k. Je:M, "-d/"'' MdAin 17 Jay It I UVk1 l_tfiJ #r(Qdrl 40, ~r Mdao ~ fl.'l ,,,., &Ja w I uJrfc,_ JfHU, • .,_,.I Mdan, t uJJy 41f'4Ulp­

u la-n 4.._W, t.etw..., H p m ~uJrk, l tt~J, •u~r 4 door ..clan JtiOO

C;u ver IUJ Catllll ' \ 1 .. !, <I dli41t ..S.n, tully ~~quip­~ 17 o~•y•t Lll•v,,.._., l lf.M, 2- dllor wdan 7b D e · Witt ltd , W•l In Z2J r . Jfl. ' fu yll .. r , Ill», JIIJyal buel~ CfiUI)e

l !rlva&.t fh/11 I C lrar 1~1 M

"'""" y , JIH!t "'""*'1Jbl4, llrator JJO !,_1)"1111 I t , u rn 0'714 W IJ<.de • J 144 """~~~'' Olll• tt,upe 0 n ,...., J

'tJI.d .. 1 111)11, IIO'd.ioll, b lack fJ I t Clair ill , ah•r 4 11 m

llrt~ . l l/J4 0~ Kina• lfflhway, lJAkar 74.,

tJtd , IU7, 'I wJr,r, tnt GJO C'onlltry A va utd, 111411 4· dl.ttr tuptor d eluu, with

r•dl••· turatar an4 oth,.,. acc-rl JUilll•n.abla lan IHt ..,~rn at AUanUc o .. • wlltm, 021 wa .. l l.d w lJnt ••In, I flit :LJI t t..lla '•ont. llum HLer \'Ill#, llu11<11,.a untJI I 1> m . week · "-.r• a/lu II JJ '" 1JI4• rrt••hlla, l fiJII . 4 dour .. dan , ratllo, h al"!!r ~ Jill Cun luty AVOI., OICIII IIICI w fJld.,niJIIIta, Ill~. bu• lnne ~;oupa, 0 Jfla Wiitn!man / 'k or Cui 14111 W l •lyiOttuUt, JIIU, l<Jadt, II, ffiQWr rrt nlly IJY.,h•UI d1 t .. >dy na«<l rtl)alrll. IJOO. Mon o " )' l(tlii•U UI JIIJ7. 4 d<Hu , radio, bf'aiAtr 14 JJt ""'' lid • fhn 01411 W 111Ylii'1Ull1, Jti<IJ, ·~~le i dt1luxe dub

••111111, •• u · '''' • ll klutrd UJutdall 1•h•w•• llult om I, 144 ' l•lr rrll•ullr, lllill, • rtadt. radlu •nd ""•wr Uhu 4t&t II

l•uutla.1 ~~- <I duM acdan, S ""' · .. U I ••r ..uJ M ) '•mtlat 11141 clull (Qu~ "8," motor JUII ''" 1 heuled, 11100 C.lltrn. IISI · J , " ,., .•. lltudullak• r Cultuneud r. Ill 8 2 door • lulr -•an. rad lu, hwlh r ( ,, 11 :lUll I .. ludl hekHdiiJdl Mdan, Ill W lJt OI, fiOO l her IHJII w , 1 tat 0 p m l l udehallt 1 C haml)lllfl K~n,..U<x.l Jt,.,.

ron IA.t.


'OJl SA.I.I!

OE'OilOOM •urn: - l"'ve-pleca Early Ano~rl.<an mapl4. A IAO 2 radJoa; plAt· "'' tabta, ptna·pcmJ table; Kenmore ....... ,.n, rn..chlne Char a"~w.

OJ'.DIU>JU~AO--= aAiM ch<n:~llle, <!DUbie l>t<l ai1.A, AIAO h.ol air twtn bLower with tht rnv,eiMI, ~ woo<l coac:h model ma<le IJy lran.d, a ll woo<l; PrC"ml~r Du­llltx va1:uum c!A?an er; anoweult. WA 12. a pier;. thiiUe CQk/r. Char. aoos-w. ow•r•Hn~c --a..-.u. compGit.e, 110. C hu. 10»-R. fJ/CYCLZ-Soy'-, JIJ", fll Or will IJW&P l tJr W biCycle. Ccm 7478-R Ill(; YCU _: lJOy'a, llfll:=::'ijil-J,""t;-;4;;;;;--:U:-:-r~es:-::-, 7t25::o. ,,,. n 4YJ6- IIl UI<:VC.l.C ll'uiJii,_.,- AI~KJ atz.e I hock ey • tc•V •. t.utn flO 23 Bak,.rdalo Rd IIICYCUJ:I - Olrl 'a and boy'e, balloon ll11 • Gt'n 004fl.. W. JJiflU CAC£-With chrome nandard. •Ill 33 llawlln Nin JUJ. JJ()(IQ. CIJIMICI, M l oiG2 boou, bound aiJko, pO lur e:nUro ul, or will aell .. -parat. ly a t f .OO apU:ce. CuL 1838-M. IWWI. ING 1JA LL-Ltx.olw:- :S:11.n1or. 241 Wlyl IU. OAiter 1000 UOWLINO OAJ..C-t.etl-hand, with baa. Orn fl'.l22i W UUWLINO HAW. - Man '•· 3-fui.Jer, llrunaWllk , 17. 8 nu,rafr S t . Cen . T"IGIJ w lliiAC I!J.Y.'I' Wh ll# IOid7"11111re.:-odJA­'"''n<la 11)7 Grand AV(' UIC ~K AS'J' 8£'f - l"lv ·-p-Iece-:- por­C4 laln -wp Utbl . tao Cui 2113&-J . Ullt~AKII'All1' 8£'1'- l'orcolaln-top table. :1 Whr<l.ur cii&Jra Char. 131&-J . IUWOU~I-Or poultry ._h'":.;o;:uae~.:..:1"'2x,-,-14-:-:fc-l. :auu North A ve AM~ItA-Mcrcury II , f / 2 7 coo ted leiU,

luUuu t:aae, tluh 11u n. 111Ler, adapter r 1n1. I n a al1a<l . A tau 0£ expoaure "'"L' r v. Ill\ ca6<" Mon 2830-J . C' AMio'.HA Nbtlunal-<lralll'X, f/4./; len a, <'II I )'IIIJI <'II IW (; n . 11112li· W , f ' AMl'.IIA Voi&Uan<ler ·reuar,ft:U lr ne, Cum pur 1 opul ahutwr J lt'C, to I 400 .. ' . 8 or Ill uxpoaurc:.t on 1210 or ...., tllm. Char. liGO- n . I AMI!:IIA Zelu Huf r l konta 8 , 1210 111m ell , Tc ... r 11 8\ lln& l window 'If wtln<ler and coup od ranlt'fln<ler. l OIIIIIUr r1111d ahUtiC'r, ape!< da In l / 400 "" . v r .. a<ll' cue. Allo Wolhtnuk

nun an• h.:na 16" f / 6 Cl tMiepholn lor 4.x4 t ""'"'II, ta3 (; l .. n OO«<· H. CA U IIKAT~t - OodJ o Mo-i•aT:"de· lru• Ler c:omiJinallun, fl2. 117 N ater 1>1. CAll lll:t.A'I' Ut-:._ & u-lhwlnd, .uoUne. O lu1 llaiO..J . t.'AJI)I li.:OIIi1'1~U- N iiiOiial. Ill~ MeriiJl . , • Olt'n 1:111-J, a lwr 4..'10 pm. C.II INAWAJHt ::_ Olnnrr aet. 81-pleiO. Nor1tallt. AUure pallorn, compl~te

rvtce for I , l.ndudua :a p iAttC'ra, vrg.,. tablo <IIIli\, cream·auaar. aravy boat 6&11 Melvtlle til , a lle.r a p m or week· .. nda t.llltYIIAN l'lli!MUMK llardy 1&0 va:. I IOIU• a ' lor f l &IJl IJrltllln ftd , C rt-ete11. I l .O IIU tH£ J.,.. f7 . Alao blue 81101 < hrnlll llou bl" l>l-d•P• a<l Gt·n 4W -R l J.tll lflN(, AII · \HH>I 11bardlne IQUII I ual, I I& 10. PlJ, .all· WUOI bn1wn coat. air 14, ... 11 n winter maternHy th 1111. ••• • 10. t4 . blue Cl pe <lr-. elite 14, 13, allii•IDr pumpa, tin 4 \!o. 14; l•tad& dr y oltlurt11. we a •-. f.1 Cllar. 1111111 J t. 1..01111Nt liaby·a pram ault, acp.j: a te lllwd hi)O(l. bl u , al&e 1, II- t:h.ar. U/\11 ,_. l'LO'I IUNO - Ulat'k fabric - roatwiU1

f•nulll• mlnlt cul!Jir and buttoJU. al &o t , I p.l r.tnk muquiMtt• fonna l. 1

IUtttUUI b UO ll>lth jl',_.)' top and net alur l fulll•al . alu 14 IIIli IOGI J t l-01 111 NO Undeam&Jd d.._, JW\I or '"'I, al· Ill "Whll• talfeta , boy'a brown ho...S put l cuat. aile 14 14. medawn l•lue •• a'-r. lllh II. fl » t.au av.;uter, • II, fl ~ Ulll IOU \

18 C en. 74U-'+'-' .,.--;---:c-:--.----:--:--­C'LOTH!NC-Lady' • black velvet e-ve­nina wrap , white fur trim on c:ollar, a!u II ; li&ht cre..n oovC!rt coat ; udy'a brown rtc1.&11 boota, atu fl; ta.o breec:hH. llze 12; red corduroy j acket. atze 10. Mon. 0778-W. CLOTHlNC-;;:--:Le- d"""y-:'a-::b_r_o_wn--w'"'ln-:-te-r-c:oa-.t , IIU HI; llrl'l IT•Y coat-•nd-Jegglnp Mt. alz.c 7, both dry cleaned ; la<ly'a yel· low wattle aharkak.ln dreu; 2-ple<:C! navy blue drc:aa. both llu HI; two teen·aev- 1 dret~es, llze 14 ; :Z..plece aqua <lreu, aJao a print <lreu. Char. 0123-R . cUYnflNC-Storrn coaT:l2-:.p.:.l;:.:a71<1-:-w- oo-.l <lreues, o il alu 12; 2 wool aldru. atu 2111. llifl Pierpont SL. alter fl p.m. COAT -AN O·LECCJiiiGSSET"--~-,C'"'"I -,rl-:-'1 red, aJz.c 2, clcan~-<1 . Clt'n 4200-M. COAT ·ANO-LEGGINCS-Cirl~'a.::, ""a71ze---75, brown. Cu i. 11825-W. COAT -ANO-LEC:-;;:=c~r'"'N""C:;-S:;;--;;S.-:ET=--_--.C::-1:-r=-t•a

rt'd chen ille, alz.c: 6. Allo mon '• aul tl ara(lah-blue pin atrfpe; bro wn woo aul with IJruii iJ dark brown c:h eck, both IILe 38 Clen. 11264-W, coA'r- Boy. •ray tweed topc:oat. w1th ma~ln1 c:ap , 1.lze 0. 18. 144 Ht'rmltage Rd . COAT- Box-atyle, aqua, winter , at:r;e 13. C hm. 7083-R:;... -,--.,-----,,----.,.-,.:­COAT--Clrl'l, winter, fo rC'JitjfTeen , kl t ­tcn 'a car Oeece, al.ul 14. A llo b lue wool 1u1t, alze 12. 75 Con.rreu Ave. C OAT--Cirl'a brown wool winter, box .!lJ>e, al:r.e 12 or 14. C len . 7Ji l..J. COAT--Clrl 'a r~<l winter, slu 12. 307 Rawlln.aon Rd .. C len. 4.244 -M. C OAT- Blac:k pony tur, alze 12. Mon . 72li8-M, oJter 6 P~·:;:m.:.:·:,...,---""L""-,----;-::--­COAT- Block- P eman lam b. llze 12. ex­cellen t condiUon . Mon. 3813. COAT - Blue. tur-trimm.:.;_t':cd;..:, .:.w'-:-Jn""t.e:-r-. -alu-:--12. f l 2 Mon . 2273-M . COA T--Cirl';,-aquo. -w_,l,_.n..,.tt'-r-.-w......,.lth~-p-.loTd lin ed hood1 1lro 12- lJ. 9 Adrian S t ., C len . 11169-J . COAT --C lrl's-.- r-o--..- _-:ta·-u- p- e- 7k7l t"'t.e- n-:-·,- ea- r fleece, alze 12, I WI.nl bac:k. A llo 3 auJta. Gle n . 208t.-M. C OAT --Cirl''"=, -. 'kl~~~~n7'a:-ea:-:-r:-;ll.-:eec~-=-e.--::a71ze~ 14. Mon . 4024-R . CO-A,.-:=-C;;-:ra:::y:..,--:tur,----=tr-lm:---m-ed...,.-,-w-;1-n.,..~-r. 1170 16. Chor. 1756-J. COAT--Cray, n eedlepoint mot.erloJ . ln­l.c.'lllned, untrimmed, Voaue Cou rtJer <lealcn Al..o W.llored drt'SI, red Bo W.ny ll•nncl, both alr.e 14. C lcn. Ol7 1-W . COATS C ray Peralan, lltt.ed back , alze 12. 170: black Otlt'd c loth with mink col­tar, alw 12. 12:1. Clt'n. 3M2-M . COAT--Cray, tuxedo tronl. with Per­alan trim a n<l hal to match, me 16·18. Al•o 0 Ko ll naky fun. Char. 0044- M. COAT-Grt'C'n plold with h ood a tt.ocht'd, atxe JO. full -b•ck a tyle, 112. A1lo lady'a brown box coal , alze 16, velvt' t collor, 15 Char. 04711-W. COAT - Creen tuxedo. 1"1>' m rat tur, u Un quilted Unlna. mat.cblnl bead ­bond, aultable tor IA<Iy II l t . tall. Clen . OINI7-fl . COAT- Hudaon aea.t. me 14. A lao other c lo thlnc 1117 Crand Ave. C OA 1'-l.ady'a blac:k wlnlt'r, lynx fur trtmml'<l Allo Tay lor-Tot ; baby ac:alea; blue baby bunUna. Clen . 3900-R. COAT- L.ady 'a brown Cheatiirne~ 14 Allo man'• lweed ault and topcoat. me .0. C n 39GO·J . COAT - - Lady'• "'ITII.>''----c,..lo..,.th.,.-, - trlmm,....,---ed-: w llb 1ra IIQUirrcl, alite 10 Cen. 7&40- R . COAT- La y'a 111ht blu e th U.htfOX collar. Illite 12-ti. Allo ll Bat.ea twtn ~preada with ahlp and airplane moUJa Ct'n 4W ·R . COAT - La ely 'a "Man1"'o-:n:-e""'.';;-' -• .-11:-e-:-14"""."""HJII 1!1118-J . COA T = La<ly'a. ahCC"pakln, al&e 31.. Allo I aull&, aJu 10. I 1 1r1'1 wtnter coata. "'" 10, man'a o~ercoam and ault. alze 38~ . hand vacuum c:leaner; I electric u ·oru Cui .:r1 · M COAT::.Lady'a .oldiU blue V. 1th brown liQUirnl collar and cutra. we 12 Allo black and aqua dreu. l.i.1e 9; lady'e "'ard.ro~ t:"AM Cha.r itTt-M l'OA T - Lady 'a wtn;,-;t'i\Uln_e_""leo- )-pa.rd­tur- Uned, alu 10. ,. len~. Clen .atl·R

Nonmber 4. 1948

F Oil SA.I.I! , _F_o_B_s_ALE _ ___________ _

CRJB..-Comple'le. 112.. Cen. C)&U-R. FUR COAT- Dyed coney. 5lu 18. Also CRIB-Larae maple. Allo bathlnettr. hand-knitted Jaekel. 95 Coventry S t. baby awtna; 5-d.rawu maple c:best.. FUR COAT--Cray Penlan paw, s1z.e c len. CHw.j. R. J 4. c u1. 5J04.-.J. CRIB-Maple. Allo maple J unJ.or bed. FUR~;;;o..:;C;::O;:;::A;..;;T;;--~M::;-o:::u:-:t.on:=-. -:b:::roa:-:--:d.-:c71o"'thc;:--::trtm.::-;-=­C J.en. 5146-M. slz.c: 14-16. Also c:roc:het.ed a!&ban. C len. DAVENPORT -Allo platform roc:k~; 27;;';-;65;;;-;·J;_;·==;--- ;:;-:--:-:---:,--..,....,..::---;-- -.,.-­.H.ammond rn1lklhake ml.xer. Ma.ln FUR COAT - Raccoon, M tural c:olor . 2144- .M llu 14. Oar. 2577...7 . DAVENPORT - A1lo Duncan Phyfe table (aeata fl); 4 dinlna room c:hain: llfl.lll chest of drawe.n . C len. 1055-J. attn Cl p.m OAVENPORT- A llo ma~lntc chaJr of wine velour, $50; blut' .,elour c:halr, $20. or all 3 p ieces for $60. Cui. 5014-M. OA VENPORT-Mapl~ studio. $40. C lt'n . 1144-W. OAVENPORT-Allo Tappan gaa r anl(e, !our-burner , tabletop. 173 Delmar Rd O A VENPORT - Thrt'C'-cusb!on . lnclu<l­lnl c:uatom-made allpc:ove.ra. 228 A venue C . t'Vt'nlnp . D A VENPORT-120. A1lo wuhlng ma­c:bint', 125; baby c:Jarrla1e. $5; Westing­house r adio, IJ ~; baby c:arrtage, $25, Engllah coach; ! o ldlni hlgbc:halr , $10. 102 Marla St. OEFROsTER;;.:-.F;-AN;-;-;-:_-:R;-u-,bc.be,..-r-b.-ta;-:;<1,-e-. -:A-::Iso-.. 2 fue l p umj)l, 1 fo r 1934 Ford . 1 !or 1940 C h evrolet . 82 N orthlleld Rd., C len . 4.973-W, alter 6 p m. DESK- Roll-top, jun ior atze. oak fl.nhh wtth adJustable awtvel c:bair, $10. 1231 Long Pon d Rd. OESK-ChUd ,;.:.•:::.· :..n-:e-t'da..,.-- p- a...,ln,-_,t.--:;350:=-:T;;-r-o_u_p S t. , before 4 p .m . DINETTE SET -s·-.. -v-e n- p--:1-ec- es- .-.ln- c-=-lu-dl.,.,.-n-JI 4 chal.rs, table, buffe t. china c:Joset . 121 Troup S t .. Moln 7970. DOONC R OO M SUl;;;TE=-_-;-Mah::;-:-;::-o-:g-:-an...,y-, 9-pleee. Clen . 4586-J . DININC ROOM S UlTE-Mahogany , $65. Allo Ster llni c:om b lna Uon oil b u rner an<l g;as, complt'te w ith drum. $7~. 843 Seward S l ., a!wr G p .m. OININC R OOM S UITE - Nine-p iece walnut. 373 Me rc:hant.s Rd. D J N J N C R OOM SU I T E - Wa lnut. HA.m lton 4706. O JNINC ROOM S UlTES-Two. suJtablt' tor c:ot lllge or hom e. A lso odds and en da, complete !or $35. 304 A venue D. Saturday• before 5 p .m . OININC R OOM S UlTE - W a lnut , 9-plece, $1 00. 63 Chandle r S t ., C en. 1566-M . OININC R OOM S UITE - Wnl.nut, 9-plece. Char. 2218-R . OJNlNC ROOM.-'-::S""U~JT=E=-----:-:W::-a-:ln-u.,...t,~O­plec:e. modern, $3S. movln.r out o ! town. Cui. 4196-R . OININC R OOM S UlTE-Walnut, con ­sist ing of round W.ble, 6 chairs and bullet. Cui. 2729-R . ofter 6 p .m . UJNlNC ROOM SUlTE - N in e-piece, $50. Call ! rom 4 unUJ 7 p.m. o t 80 ~~ S o. t ttzhu.rh St. DININ C ROOM TABLE - Heywood ­WokeJleld b lond solid brn:h w1th 2 extra le a ves. 170 LeCr an Rd., Chor . 247~...7 .

D IN!:M'E SET- Maple tnble, 4 ch a irs. china cablnt't. bulle t . 217 Glenbrook Rd . O OU.. CA RRIAG E-Gray, fo lding, $8. C ui. 3496-W. DRAP ES-Three pairs, lloor lenlllh. w.n bockground , b lue ond b urlrWI<I)' 11ow el'3, $75. Rill. 2021. alter 5 :30 p.m. O RESS-Brldesm old, size 14, n ile green c..-.fTetn . C hor. 0326-R. DRESS-For llower Jrtrl, p ink tofft"ta, a lze 5 , lon e . BAker 4:071. ORESS-Evenlna. trray, size 18. Cen. 5985- M. DRESS - Tout-c:olor t'd 114tln. size: 12. C c n . 0159-M . ORESSES-Cir l 'a. A lso &k.irU, me 14. Char . 0973-R. after 0 p.m. DRUMS-One ba.sa, one snare. Also 2 tom- toma; 4 cymbol.s; hlih hat ; and acc:eaaorles, will sell complet e or In part. Spen cerport 3-4335. ELECTRIClHO N;-_..:Ge-,;=::n:::e.::,.ra-,1;-;;El;;-t'- c:"'tr-.-lc-. -:$8:::-.

~~~:~;.;·,.:-:~c=-1 XER=-=.=-:_-::W:7.":1 th.,-,j'""u71Ct"_ r_a-=t.,..to- ch-=-­mt'nt. Hlll. 2843-R. ELEcrRIC T RAIN'-----;:C.-:o-m_p_ l:-t'..,-te--w1-:-:-:-th translormer and trac k loyo ut mounted on 4 'x6' p lywood, $30. BAkt"r 1584, otter 6 p.m. ELECTRIC TRAIN- Uont'l with en,t.ne , 4 ca n a n <l trac k, $15. Abo lceskotes wtth ahoe1. $2; Nonnan IU ran1e. $20. Mon. 3801-W . Ei:Ec'nuc TRA1N>7=_--:uc-:-:on-c-.. :;-t.- wt--:;,th,...-7tr- a-c:7k:s­and new tran&fonner ; fo lding baby c:ar ­rl~i boy'1 new aprlne overcoat. lize 8; AJilX furnace trrates. llZC' 24". 85 BonHtCC'I t . I!:NCYCLOP£01A BRITANNICA-Com­P~~te 24 volumes with book case a nd \\ orld Atlu. Gen. 73$4 -M. ENLARCER-Mmm. to 2•.·x:s •0• , t'O.UI and baleboard; covt'r f/4~ tezu; vtew camera 3'•"ldl 1.)"· A llo automatic hoi wal.c.'r h oter. Ta!rport ZS3-M between 6-& p.m. ENLARC ER-Oe.J ur, IUS. .A.Iao Lelc:a Camera :S..l lt'n. and 9 c:m Leln por­trait IIU\t fo r ume. SZSO; Proxae lt"nses tor RoWe/lex Camera. e West Han­ford Land.tn• Rd I!:VENINC WRA":P-:--=Bla:-c-:-k-~-·e-=-lv_e_t._wt_th_ ama!J ennlne collar, a.ue a. as. Clen Dn-R. a.ttcr fl &nJ' e\~. FACE BRJCX- UIOO-:.,-:..D_;ew=.=W-.-Abo--:1 double hun,a wtndo'A'1o, claD liu !:II'"X:W; doubk buna wtndow , alaa 11u JO"xJJ'". 1'n, ~ Ride• Rd. rma EXTINCUlSHII:R==----:On~e-p..,..ln-t c:brome-plated Pyrene. TO Wlnfit'ld Rd

n:R.EPLACI! REA TER~aa. 15 Aao lll&~bt'd cor~ 1\xturN for c11n.uut room and llvt.na room.. Ul. CUl. ..._ YT FOR.WAL-~It ltnplea marquJ.&ile W1tb IOld aequJD trtm. &lu a. C len. J:U4. ext - bc.tor. I P-;..;m.=---...,---­l"'JUUlAJ. - See foam 1"«0. IDe 14 ClinL ntO-M rox ~.=:::=::.-lr:--llll-,-~-er--,,.. __ --112!- .... l'lo- --CJ~ Park. Nit. 4

Fto"R COAT-B lack Persian pony skirt and skunk ja~;k «! t , size 12. Also gray wool slac:ks; Ct'C'n g;abardine suit. size 12. CIA!Jl. 2859-J . FUR C OAT-Hudson seal dyed musk­rat. stu 14-16. Char. 1372-W. FUR COAT - Sable-blended n orthern back muskrat, size J4, with hat, $7S. Clen. 4093-J. FUR JACKET- Monkey fur, size 12. 248 Steko Av~.

FURNlTURE-Assorted. lnc:ludln g sin­Jle bed and baby c:rtb. Also c:Ushes. 91 Lapham SL FURNlTURE- Olnlni room suJte. 9 plec:es; ptano and bench. Clt'n. 5613-W. FURNITURE-People leavlntc town. 024 P lymouth Ave .. upstalrs to lelt. FUR SCARF'-Six-skln squirre l. Hill. 2069, evenings. CARACE DOORS-Crawford 4-secUon overhead, 8 ' wide x 7' high. Char. 2926-W. CAS COlL-16-18 Inch c:old air furnac:t' p ipe. Also box springs. 120 Seward, C en. 0575-J . G ASOLINE HEATER-So uthwind, with d efroster wut. Cui. 3732-W. CAS HEATER- Radiant, !or firep lac:e, $1S. 42 Con rad Or., Char. 1029-M. CAS RANCE-Andes Ivory W.ble-top. A lso 2 forma ls; wool suit; skirts; pea coa t. sl.zcs 9 and 12. Cha r . 0269. C AS RANCE-Four-burner Whi te Star. A IAO boy's coats, size 15-17; dark brown flnJertJp; Navy pea jacket ; two plaid sport c:oat.s. Char. 2609-J . C AS RANCE - F our - burner. G len. 3330-M. CAS RANG E-Glenwood. CuJ. 0482-R . CAS RANCE-Quallty white enamel. Cui. 1340-J . C UN - 351 Winches ter auto- loading, nlc:ke l s teel barre l. several r ounds o! amm unition , $9S. JS P a r kwood Rd. C UNS-Oouble-barrel Batavia lead er, homme r lc ss. $27.50; double-barrel r anee hammer, $10. 0. S. Swift. corner LaDue an<l Redman Rds .. Brockport. HARVARD CLASSICS-51 volumes. $25. Also 2 paJn 34x54 wmdow sash; 2 3-l.x54 storm sash, one 34x54 screen. 77 Wyn ­dale Rd., alter 5 p.m. HAT - Lady 's, Dobbs, novy blue, med iu m h ead size. 53 C lbbs S t . Rm. 415. •

HEAT ER-Gas, side-arm, for hot water tan k, larae size. A lso 6.00x16 Mohawk tire a nd tube. C en . 4910-R. HEATINC UNIT Noree. oil. hot air, complete w1th humldlfter , !or s -room h ou se. Chor. 1951- M. HJC HC HAlR- Lehmnn s.~!cty tcuard, $5. Also coaL leen-oge, powder blue. size I S. $15; ename l s mk, 6"' front apron , lefthon<l 24" <lrolnboar<l with 26" smk b os ln, 16" wide, new ct)rome mix tau c:et.s, $15. C u i. 4532-M. H OUSEHOLD A RTICLES - Full-size m etal be <l and coU sp r ings; child's crib and springs; pair gloss cabmet doors 43" long, 16~4" w ide; piece marblelzed linoleum, 60" wld t' X U S" Jon& ; Wooden medlc tne cabinet set In woll o pening 19 12N wide, 23N high, ou lsl<le Lrame 25" wl<le, 27" lon g. Clen. 5952. H OUSEHOLD ART ICLES-Table, Em­p ire round ; plott.er o.nd pitcher, moss rost'; i(las.s top collee table; milk glass powder d.lsh; C .E. conso le radlo. Clen . 1595- W.

H OUSEH OLD FURNITURE - Living room suite; bed room suJte; k ltc:he.n set. Also a uto radlo. Clen. 6704- R , alter 6 p .m . HOU;;S::-;EH;;;;-;::::0:;-L-;:D~C:::O:-:O:::D=S---::M-:ah-:-o-g_an_y_D::o--un-­c:an Phyfe dlnlne room suite; porcelain ­top kitchen set ; 9 sht"rbet.s and eoblels; occnslonal cha ir; mirror; 9 x 12 brood­loom rue. Mon. 0806-W, after S p.m. HOUS EHOLD- FURNJTURE - Nor1e Washt'r; 9xl2 maroon ru.r w1th pa<l · walnu t bedroom suite; living room suite ; gns ran1e. Abo skJ s uit , navy­red, rt"verslble jacket, sl.ul 14, $15; brown jodhpurs, size 14, $5. 111 Brooks A ve. I CE~.:.....,B;-;O;:;vX:-;F;;;:il=ty:-;;:lb:-.• ~c::-:o:-r-;:k-;-1;;-ln-e-d:;-,--:::Sc:-lS"". Also pl.ng -pong table, $25. Clt'n. 1674-J . IRIS H 1\tA.IL-ChUd's 4-wbeel. rumd ­opero tt'd cart. $15. Cui. 0807-M lRJS':!...I'IAIL COASTER-Char. 0123-R. I RON-Steam-0-Mauc, Irons w1th o r v. lthout steam. BAker 7987. ffiONER - C eneraJ Electrl_c:_fta::--t- p.,..la-J.c.o- . tab le modt"l, $1~. Ul P arsel.la Ave., C ui. 70:U..J . J OOH:::P:::U::RS-S::-=--::-I.z.e--:1-:CI-. -Als-:--o --:&b- oes--. - alu-6 1 ~; d.-.,sses, skirts, llZC' I 0 . 045 CUI­ford Ave .. l't'.llr up. JODHPURS - Creen whlpc:ord. Also bro'll. n sued~ lt'11ther Jl!lc:kt'l. 5l1e 14. Cui oll!H-J . KJTCHEN:::-:-'-':SJNK==-_-:N-:-ew--c:brom:----e- fa_u_ce_ts_ an<l dnln for wood c:ablnet. $30. eo Con~ A VC' .• &Nr fJ p.m. KITCHEN TABL!: - White pon:e.laln and 4 c:h.a1n.. C len. 3811&...1 • LAWN SWlNC-CbJ..ld'a. A11o alrpla.oe. <*n 4135-J . UVINC ROOM SUl'TE-Dav~nport and 2 c:.halra; da\·enport opens mto double bed. MO. Clen. ~W. attu I p.m.

UVINC ROOM SUITE-SoUd ~· !'OM-blue tape5try. 3--piece. BAlter bet~~o-ecn J.-7 p.m. LOT - St. Paul Bh"d. aec-Uoa. IG-tt. fTon~ OD Baroa Rd. by ~ ft. deep. around corner tram Seneca SebooL l}IDO. Cbar. 01:1'7...7 .

Page 7: A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl ...mcnygenealogy.com/book/kodak/kodakery-v06-n44.pdf · A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY VoL 8, No. 44 Copyneht 1948 by Eastman Kodak

Nonmber 4. 1948


(Continued from PaJ!e 6)

LOOM- For WN\~ rup. scarfs.. neck· ties. Cui. 1157-M LOT -45xll2..'-on-=-=~,-,--em-o-n""'t-=Rd.,...,..-=P-O-=­Box 1278. Rochester. L OT---40xl50. tn Bnl'bton, $500. Mon. 6i88-W . LOT-Mx125. Westfield Rd . Mon. 2837-J. LOT-Oak Rldie Drtve~ Irondequoit.. I~ acres covered With taU trees lnclud­lnl ravm e, r estricted tract. CUJ. 5001-l\1 evenings. LOT-On Buckman Rd.. 50x3~. five mlnutes lo KP. scboob, Dewey-Rldgc shopp~ center. reasonable for qwc k sale. Char . 0193-W. after 6 p.m. or Sundays. LOT5-T\vo, 30 fl .. near new Aqwnas foot b:llJ s tadium. Glen. ..&232-,=.~=:1·'--­MARI.b-mAs-Oeaean. $75. A lso 2 w a ter tanks. o n e 15-e:ll.. on e 30 gal Gen. 4452-llt. MOTORCYCLE-Hnrley-Oavutson. 280 Bedford St .. Cul. 2897-W~. ,..-,..--.,..-­MOTORCYCLE-1937, H F lathe:td, good u res. motor in e xcellent sha pe, j ust nght for turkey runs. $275. Cui. 4196-R. OIL B URNER- Conversion po t type w1th controls, $35. Also Jackpot hot \\ale r h eater. laree size. 60 Con~tress Av e .. alter 6 p .m . OlL HEATER- Two-burner. $15. Mon. 8997-J, between 6-8 p.m. OIL HEATER - Duo Therm. Gen. 5347-M. OlL HEATER - 50,000 B .T .U., Noree . baked enamel fuush, complete with automa tic d raft re~lator, p1pc humid ­Ifier. o il guuge. HAmltn 2514. OVERCOAT - Brown. s ize 39;c·..,40~sh~o-r-t, $25. Also b lu e su it , size 38 short, $25. 69 Alexander St., even~s.

OVERCOAT-Oxford gray, s ize 44 long, $15. Mon. 0950-M. OVERCOAT- Boy's S .B .. size 36, tan cam el's halT. Mon. 2022-J. OVER COAT-Brown herrlnRbone. s1:te ~0 . SIS. C har. 0791-J . OVERCOAT - Man's blue, slze 35· 37. Char. :l53i · M . PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT - En­w rgcr. condense r lens. easel board. con­tac t prl.ntc r . e t c .. s llghUy used. Alean C lark. Main 279 1, Ext. 72. PIANO-Gen. 0637-J, after 5 p .m . PLA YPEN- Aiso Taylor Tot: baby car­rlaee: gas logs fo r fire plllce. 77 Wyndale Rd.. alter 5 p .m . POOL TABLE-Recreation room slzc. sbndard slze equipm ent of bolls, c ues , rack s. e t.c .. $-10. 112 Conrad D r. or Char. 3128-M. P OR C H STEP5-Three 12" t reads, 8" high. 48" long, $6. 99 Somershl.re O r ., Char . 2615-J . PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM--30 w a t t. A lso Winchester .22 repeater ritle with 300 rounds of ammuni tion. $20. 71 Ma llin& Dr. PUP P I ES-'="="""p'=-o_m_e_r_a_n.l...,...un- . -p-e-di""g_re_e_d,_.to- -y-s , AKC regtstered, I male, 2 females. 303 South Dr .. Grand V1ew He1ahts. RADIO-Eleven - tube Gruno w console . Also lady's boots: skl b oots : Ice skates: boy's let skates: man's Ice skates: englneenng drawlnl set. mBke of!er. Char. 2618-J . RADIO-Genernl Electric. n eeds sll&ht n ·pal r , your o w n pnce. Cui. 1473-W. RADIO - P h lk o. t.:lble m odel. Mon. 549-1-M. n!ter 5:30 p.m. RADIO-RCA VIctor console , 3-ba.nd, m ag1c eye. plue Cor Victrola and tele· vlsron. Gen . 01$3-W. RADIO - Wes t ln&h ouse comblnnUon. con~olc. G en . Z635-W. RADI05-F ioor ond tllble models. Main 1273-M. RADIO -P HONOGRAPH - Combination F .M. 111Lcros t.atlc. 4-wave band. 10 tube. p w h -b utlon tuning, walnut cab­Ine t , $1 50. May be sct:n a t 110 Olean S t . RADIA.NT HEATER - Slnl!le A lr -0 -F iame. p ot cype, o il bu.rnlng. Also 9 · p1ece dinlnl room sulle. 4366 Buifalo Rd .. Sp encerpor t 3-1214. RADIA TOR-EI:..;.:.ec..::...trt..:c:.:.:s::.t_ea_m_.~8""1:-::Th=-u-rs--ton Rd .. Apt. 43.. _________ _

RADIATOR- Ho t water. 40ft. r adia tion . Wine pr~. r atch e t contro l: on e 1t:t hy drau lic snu bbc1'11. two-way; :10-&:lllo n oak barrel : 5mall dog basket. Glen.

KOIMKERY FOR SALE I FOR S.AL.E W AXTED ----------------------ROWBOAT-Outboard. I.& ft. 5410 Can- ~ WASHING :MACHINE-Easy. S:SS. Also CHILD CARE-tn my bome \lo l\1~ YOU ke y Ave~ G len. 1619. oftiCllll U S . Boy Scou t b\1&1e, at \lo'Ol'k, 5 mmutc:s from KP C lf'n ~ SEWING MACHThrE-Vtndex a ChAr. Empt.n Bl\'d. or CuJ 1~-W. e\~ CHILD CAR£.-W\11 c-.sre IN d ular;t\ 0772-R. afte.r 5 p .m. I w.~HINC MACHI.NE-Eas;y Spmdrtu. by day In til3' borne Parents 10 bn"' SE:WL"JC MACHIN!: _ White rotary. Also Wh ite ~•die- type ~wma ~- them and call f;.>r them Ho,_ lt~ n..:t portable. wtth saddle lea ther ease. :t..U dun e. C har. 1BSS-:M. __ I b ) the tate. and f'eC.b lc-l"t'd nuru- in a ttilchments. 685 Melville St.,. :liter 61 WASHING :MACHINE-~ Queen. e h arce l Ui Palm -St . Glen !7..& 1·,..;::\1;;;;___, p .m.. or weekends. ~- G len. !600-R. CHu~A CABJ.N"&T - o.llt anal( 1\iQd SHOES-One pair blllclt suede Selby \\'ATER- REATER--Bueket· A·o.y 3D- rond.luo.o. reasonable C IC'n ,1)-\\ . Arch Preserver shoes: dress oxfords. pJ tank. $8. Also dres, stz.e 44. J7. ..ttl~r :1 '30 p.m sue 7A. Also llldy'a wb.lte chenille robe. ChAr. ~-\\' . ;D::-A;;:\:;;,-;;ENPO:;:-;;~Rs;;l';:._-_,So:--::l-a""'·bed.-,-IOO<lcooth· s.lze 16·18. Chill'. Oll!3· R . WATER HEATER-comple te . with ..tde-- u.m, reuonable. G len ~-M S HOES - Men 's. ~vera! pairs. siu arm CuJ -1%48-J D.E.SK Kne('hole. coo<1 NondiU IOI, A. Chnr . 2427-W . WATER HEATER-Coleman automatic ~1-W. SJl\'K - Double-well, complete with 011. n e \'er \bed. ~uu m dell\t.r) crate . ia...E\..-,-RJC T LN= li\ c.x>d t"'OldlU"'\. d ouble dram and tnp. chrome rnlx:lnJr 40!! Bray ton Rd .• att u 6 p .m . ____ 1 rNson:lble. M~~R.

taueet with spray attachmenl. l!lS G len- WATER HE:ATE.R-Slde-arm oiL 31>- E.L.£CTRIC TR.AlN- Reuonnble wood Ave .• Glen. l!096, or Spence.rport pi tank. CUJ. 3165-M. 1 ~-

~~~- w1th fi.xt~ IU\d cabine t . '1\"EEDlNG COWN - CandleUaht ~lln HREPLAcESRLEN- 01 n M l i}.R 75 Concress Ave. w 1th Cha n tiUy lace trtm. lon& tram . sue I H.EL.P&R- f\u·- ho\be;-"Wk. S.turda.\

11 - 1! . ml!>.t ~ dn -elean .-.1 ~ I<O p-· • ·I · only 68 ~d\ ay att 5 m SKIRTS-Chubby, Size 10 \~ . wool. $% l.z.ed oran,-e b1oaom bea~ o-.. ' --- · r P and $2.50. Also fCT'IIY wool j umper. $3: 33.10, ext. 305 bdore :1 p.m. HO~For we ll-lralned pelun- doc station waeon eont . $3. l~ W1lder Terr. WWDlNG RING--Set w 1th 7 dlamonds.


~~~· a fte r :1 P "' S IO OUTFIT-Sl.x-foot skis and poles: Terms cash. G len. GOCI).W, e n n.lnp. HOOK·R~Q._t'RAM£- GI'Mn·U·R size 8 shoes: huntlnf shoes, leather tops. wtCKER SE:T- Four-p lece.Char. 1143-M: llOUS.E--Sin&le. S-l room 1.n 10th or me 8. Char. 0256-\\ . \VINOOW5-Twe lve30"'X..&6"':\Yith coP: 19th Wards. C ten ~\\ SNOWSUIT-Girl's. 3 p iece. red. eus- per screens to m a tch . Also 3 d oors.. 1 HO USE-To bt.l)'. 3- room . 100>.1:10 t\ tom mBde, me 5. leopard collar. Char. o utside, 1 ln:n de: 1 ro:tl-bununa space IOl. atorm a nd nHa ry ae\\ ers, North 3108..J . heater wt th l! barreb cool. ! GO Landlna &«tion p rden:!d 01 n . OM?-W . SNOWS UIT - Girl's pink. St. Mary's Rd. N . or Cut. 5095. LADY- Middle-Qae<l. to C'a.re tor ch.ll­wool. siz.e 2-3. Also rubbe1'11. stz.e 7 b. WOODWORKING MACHINERY _ tr d nm w hUe moth~r work&. Could live In Cui. 0380-J. tiiUn& tnble saw. d e luxe mode l s tand : G l.-n . ~W. atter 8 p .m SNOWSUIT - Glrl'1 tan !1~-Uned 12'" UIUn11 band saw : 6"' tolnter and PllONOCRJ\PH R£CORD ' u~: C~n j acket, blue pbardlne punts, stz.e H . plan e r : 12'" J ucobs ehuek drtllpreu: 1113:1-J . Gen. 6962-M alter 6 p .m . 10x31 wood-turnlnl la the: SAbre saw. PLAY YARD-Ch lld'a. Char :S.Wtl· \\ SNOWSUlT- Pmk, size I. Also vacuum 232 Ave . E a!t~r 5 :30 P m . MAGAZINE- LOAO-t' or Smm C'a.mera . cleaner: drafting se t: electric Iron. 2l!7 WOOL BLAr:~KE:T-Unlverul electric, l!:lut Rocll~ler 303-J Foreham Rd. $25. Abo man s wool topeoet. ~troy plaid. · -S NOWSUITs-Two. na vy blue. a U-wool, sl:te 38, $8: lady's fi tted brown wool coat. MOTORBO.AT- 16' oulboord. pr..f,, , .. bly Wltl\ hoo ds, s ize s. toe boy or elrl. 3 size 38, $8; lar11e dark fox Cur pleee, $!0. Thompso~. Clen . 393&-W. after ~ p "' Hoelt:ter S t . IIJon . 6737-M. RECORD CABINET - A~o adju.tuble SPARK PLUGS-Sl.x Champion, No. WRIST WATC H- Man'» Swi«S lnterna· drcu fo1m; Q•pewrtlc r tab le. re~UUD · HIO, will fi t Ford from 1937 up, $2. A lso tiona !. 6 W est Hanford I..nndln l Rd . able G en . 4MS-R. fo lding trunk rack for re ar o! ca r , $1 . WRIST WATCH- Ma.n'l. BAker-016~ R.l::FRIGt::RATOR- Apartment· aln. 21111 97 Flor ida St. 1 ~·mouth Ave S. Apl. l

' A.P. R'nll:.'\'T - "l"l\rft • I'OQm Ia r ap.ar\llwnt 1\til.ab!e a t-out ,. 1 t. l~b\. untunu.bed. h ' t.r, ' lh· eluded. ~,,up~-coo ~~ N\l.r-Clt.) $L a.ft\or I ~..1\l By m1ddl~ ~\IPU'. t roon: a nd bath. ~ lth p~ 0\u. a.nf'r 5 ~ ·C I \\ IU ~~ ~ __, m"othh- Co.r 4 n'<>rn. MAin ~w. attt<r s 31) p.m. ~:S \tV.C~li\C \..'0\lf\~, W 1~'-IN r

r ti4L or - hal >Ul\111' 3 b4!dnxwl ~ OUI\1 cuurt " 1U\ cbii.S k'n 41)1 • o. rl•t. 4 ''' 5 l"l>OU\ll., \lntu~~ mtddl~ c-11\PI~ l'<t 1'\)UJIJ n ta.r bua hn urnnt. 11.\mltn a.tt t 0 f'-m. Or h .alt douNto b) n-h . .-l-1 ~00. roupt _Oc-n 3401, ar!!r e p m • liT or 5 n)Qnl$. l\lmlli.h~ ,,,. un ~ n W\ed. b N\IPI \\ l th 1\\ 1>-m.>l\th•Oitt t>u~ Glel\ ~-1\ • u ur. ur $-roorn. u.n.turn~fod. b m • d!C' .... fl! \ \\Uitli\C l'UUJ.\1•. \\ lth ··~· 1.n th~ N tmn of •·lt;y "' \abl• rent llAmllon l after G om f'urnlahc-<t ur n<•t\, <1~ tOOl\\$. l\lr adul~ Mon t16110- R 'l'~ or tour 1"0(\ma.. u ntum lah k\.r )<lltl\l \\ vrlllna NUJ>I• . rC' L"UI l:U~M . T h.l"N or mun- 1'\>WlU. u.rp.nt.. ntl r-. e-n~ CIC"n _.03.1 -R llher ll p m UnlumllthC'(!. 3-l ra<>1ua, '1\ willt\J IW'QI)).: rt'f<'l"\'n~ ll.Ailer S.OI Untu m l'<lled a!'<l.rtm•nt or 1111. • · rotuna.. t''( -0 I . \\1 f c and ~ tnOJ \ 1.1\a-o.ld baby, nol..-n"O• Olt'n U!T· 1. Un l\lrnhhf'<.l. 3 4 NX.\llU, S:IU. h\"al d . v ?:_OUn" \'\IUPil' \\ llh II lllOO tl\ vld ~"''• ~ \\' ti: 0 0 ,K 1Ut \ ' tS164 33-6 ..., '

\.ln lumbhe.l. 3 "~""ll. b\ VO IUi tt l\l.l · n r and Wife. "'' re-m· <:W t.:o­DAKD tY e:5G 33t U ra n tG n \'d;:d.- 3 or ,. u n lurnlah.d rooma. mu.t mo\ o Nll\ , 1. G l n 1100.

SPOTLIGHTS - Also photo tanks; HOUSES FOR SALE: RIDE-Avondale a nd C uh•er ltl.l. to a ni.! opaque p ic ture proj ector: artist 's air- from KP, 8 to 5. Cui. 5165-W FOR 1\t:.NT b rush. 9-1 Depew St .. Gen. 5398-R. BOSTON~-88 Seneca P arkway, lm· iuoE-Brooka A\e . to NOO. 7 50 • m ----------------SPRING-Do uble eou . complete. Also mt.'<llate occupancy o f both 5 room to ~ :10 p.m G en . M95· R att.·r e P m Af'ART IIJENT - • tudh•, 1 l1.>UO\ and en;,mel gas runee. 1177 Lake Ave. apar tmen ts. $15,000. Glen. 003'7-W. RID&-Com .-r Parulla and Cu l\cr Hd k ll<'henett.-, • uHable r,., un• 65 Ed· STATION WAGON-Chlld 's. Also trt· BUNGALOW- Attrac tive modem. 1!3..& to KP IUld retu rn. 8 to 5 Cui . 3581· \\ m ond, St . " II" ' 5 ..Wt•llti u c ycle. Glen . 5098-J . Nantucket Rd .• Greece. lmmedtatc oc- RID f'Tom Clinton &nd Meln ''' Kl' HOOl\1 A llro~cth <', trunl1 n ii·•IY 1\lr· STORJI.I SHED _ Four feet x 5, with cupaney . Glen. 6128-W 11nd re turn. Mon. throuah P'rl. 8 ' '' 5 n l...t\C'<l, C'On\t' n lc-nt tl> I\ I' and 11 y, window, suJtablc for house or trailer. C ABIN-Or will rent. beau Ulully lo- Mon . 1~7-R. ac nt lf'nu•n pr.,t"n"d 01< n S I04 p ortable. $20. Char. ~-M. cated hill-lop cabin within eommutlnl RlOI!:- f'Tom Mou.l Rd-;- Hilton. to KP UOOM •·root, In priVate homco. 0 • STOVE _ Andes combination 011_185. dlStanee o f Roch ester. All new lnalde. and return, 8 to 11. Donald Uarni'J, KP of phon ... mtd dl aal'<l a enUeman 11,... Gen. 7499. J . One laree s tudJo room, ale('plna. Uvlne. ExL 7lN4 or l hllo n 85-F - 13 h •n ed . bt'IWt.!t<n Lak<> a nd [)ewey but

eooklnl and h eatlnlf fac ilities. elec- RlDE-M N , lin..._ rcu rt'l\1'< • r\'QUll ed Olll'n 4W -W STOVE-Bucket-A-Day, 30-jiinllon tank trle lty, <l2 acres or IJind, tlnett view c a 'tfh ton S t. or lmmcd lol<' 1)(-t\\ " " " CJ ani.! 7 ""c-nloa>o ' a nd s ide -ann gas hea te r . G len. 2741-M. this s ide of Bristo l. Char. 0193- W. eve- ~IFlnl~ to - E!J5 8b 10 5 P m d.lll~ ROOM _ fum Wled\ lenll<!mlltl br a ll­S TOVE-Combination Caloric table-top nines lllte r 6 p .m . or S unda y. en .

10• ~:xt. • croro :1 P m ' ""' 1t d N i red , IU Voodalc:t ti l O len

gas and coa l, $100. Glen . 595-1-W alter 6 . HOUSE-Kodll V bt.n 93 Ayer S l .. 6 · RIDE-~'or on e or two from C ulvu Ud ltliiii.J • • S TOVE: - Combination fto• and oil room Colomal. built 19-12. nt tllch ed 1 ~Pu~~ to KP. 8-&. ul. IIMI· R uoo•t "" •-~ tl 1 RID&- F 2 1 It t w b " •• • •lnl .. hed b~rnom. a nd < mplv burner. G len . 4093-J or WI! Iamson 7662. garaee. open replace. e xcelle n t inter- n.r I r · rom '' t h·r to s ltllna ruom. "lth kltch cm ~o~~ lv llea STOVE-Gray-white en a me l combina- lor: qutsJde newly p aln ted. Cully lruul- ~ a nd return . 8' 5 Web 1" 1 a:JO· W 4!1 WlniNtuth Nt tion. Oven Te .... . •ft tor, $25 . • 10n . I OOO· R . ated , n eur sc hool, ahopplna center. R IDE-From 00 Pu lask i S t to ~ 1 - - -•-"" " Gl 6439 J e tOOA1 - ~ u rnlahetl tnt.n t., phone a nd STOVE-Norman combin atio n. cool and H OeUn.SE-1:.; Flo \ver C ity P urk, Kodak rReiiDumE-. • :5. VICetorlu !Puna. K P l':xt <lll7 laundry prlvllol oe. Ol .. n Ul..& \II gas. Ivory and g reen , $50. Glen. 3517-W. .u • rom en l ra Or to ~P a ni.! ,,~ section , 6 rooms. oil h eat . a utomau e tum. u . Arch Tucker. Ex\. U8J. KP. ROOM - l'umWl.O. In .IIJ'Ivale h ume STOVE-M.aglc Chef, IllS. tab le m ode l. h eater. double eoroe e. fe n ced yard. 3rd RlD&-~'rom com~r ru ne• P k and n c>ar buaUne 01 n OCIQ. fl. • Glen . 2763-W. Boor fln1shed , can be oeeupled lmmed- Cl to Bid '" 8 • 1 7 C l ROOM - ll'umiih ed -. wlth'Jrt~ •.:--;-~-v• · STOVE - Sterllnll' c ombination. Also late ly . I37 Flower City Pork between ay • · ""· to " · I ay A ve • ••"' "'

1 5 30 d

7 1 G len . 1362-J . tor) . f<'ntlr nun pre I.., r h u I )OJ,

~~rs~~~.J~to Sli.Xophone: 28"' bleyc e . : a n p.m. on y . RJDE-f'ro m CUilord a nd llud.oun A YI'· art .. r P II\

STOVE - Tappan. ans . $15. Also bird ~~~.U~~~te~Z~ ~'iu~.oar:~~e~- nues to KP and return. 1 ·0 . £P I 3D'7 R OOM La rae ~dr\)C)tn t'OOI<Ina PI h •f cage on s tand. Mon. 7643-M, a!ter G p.m. HOUSE-Sl.x-roo~·. outomaUe h eat . UJe RIDE-F'rom Clinton Avr s . bel \\octt'n

1•1n. O""'' t Av• bWI lin• t.·w KO· .. _ HJ&hlnnd and &lmwood, to K O and n• O AK RV lU:oCJ 3.11

STOVE-Two-burntr oll ; and day bed, both. 2-car a oraee. S ummerville Blvd. turn . hou n 1 · 5. Uob Gra tta n, Mon R OO both for $9. Cui. 1882-1\1. Glen . 2005-R 11tter 0 p .m . ""L" R M l~r•"· alel'plnl. n e-w ly t\.l r • """"' n.lahed Cui IWl·J . af1n cl u m STOVE UNIT- For oll conver-sion. SIO. HOUSE--192 McCall Rd .. Greece . otT RJDE-t'rom Dewey A\oO, un d UlJih•h

~~~Iga~~~;:~~~ ~:a;~u~~-~~d. ~~':~YGf'e~~· ~~~~ 11}~· :u!~~a~: ~-~.KP and re turn, I to 5 p m Char ::>~.~~rc-J:-:f.!• r:,"~~:'t'(ll~dultll Mon . 3469-J. betwee n 6:30-9 p.m. HOUSE=36 Sylvon Rd .. ?rooms. tarae RIDE-From G en e.eo to cw and r" ltOOM L.arae trou t, " t UI 1 11.tl w\

- •- Uvln& room with flreplllce. 1un porch, 1 h • • w !lro IIO<Jr, r " ton ti le 01.-n 11 11 SUlT- Mon's dark blue pin-s triped . '""'e modem kJtchen. a ttAched earaae. n ewly urn. oun ..-... C KODAKERY 40. A bo ma n's tan gaba rdine topcoa t. d<'Cora ted. Immediate poue.lon . G e n . 11:236-:SS.t . ROO 1 Lara... ~~VIth u... ot IUh h- n s 1:te 38 or 40. Glen. 2211-J . 6071.!\'1 . RlDE-Fro m G ra tton St. to H -"-.- 1 am' wi th 2 o the r 00)'1, ault•Uie fur l 1 01 n . SUIT S - And dreues, al~e 16. Char . to 5 p .m. HArrulton 11011. Ill elna le or 11 'l'llh I 103 J<nl<hl 2782-J . ~~~sf;;&'! b~~~a[~:'~~i.h: b"::J~ RID - f'rom Laure lton an d Cu lver ttdJ '-:-kt-r Av• • Cl n 0710 W. TABLE: LAMP5-Polr or white a labas- t ul Uvlne room . d lnlna room. automatic to KP a nd re turn. 8 to & C ui 1011 1· 11 HOOM Wllh •n<'lo...d Pf•n h. ami­ter : I Brazilian onyx tllble lllmp; pair hea t. 2-ear a uro1e 80 Culver P k w y RID&-t ' ro m Ontario Mll~:edun C.-n t.r ~rlvate l>.t th . for llrl at:l llarvattt I t • end tnbles. A lso drum tables . a ll maho&- HOUSL-II 6 Woodbine Ave .. l etb Ward, Roa d . n c-ar Plank Roed . to K O and 11•·

1" 11 l lln a ny , Orlcntnl p rayer r ue. pic tures and 7 roonu, m odem kitchen , a ae h u t , tum. hou n 8· 5J.. Mun . throuah l'tl ROOM!i Twu .Z..11 t u rnlah•d el ptnc . llnens. Cui. :1323-R. d ouble a aroec. tmm~:dill tu po u lon . Mary Moran . Kv £xt em ~-nntlnuuu• hul wa t r . K l' lie(' lion, r • · TABLE-lnlald S herato n mahognny , s-t• Char. 0651-M. Sunda.ya or even lnaa. RiDE - lt"TOJn Sponc-u Rd . \x;lwHn l()natll .. 121 lla.ln l'k ro und. with leaves a nd pad.s. A lso an- HOUSE-Yea r -roun d , &II Pt. Pleaunl Wtut Una ton Rd an d ' helford. tu C W Uq ue brlc -u-brac. Char. 1077-M. on the bay. all clly lmprove m en iJJ, 4 an d rt't urn. h o un 1 SS-4 ·.ll. CW KO· WA.Jn"ED TO tU:.HT TlR~ :SOxlC'U. S . Royal, $13. Cleo. bc<lrooma up IUld ba th, aun parlor, llv- DAKI!:RY CI%M-3.!U ~13-W. InC room, dlnlna room, kitchen do wn, tuo£ •"rom SOdu --orw111uu GA IIAOJt. Jn or amunc:l LlnCkn It ~ be· T[RE:S - 2. 6.00 x IG. F'treston e. w1th nlee cem ent b~ment. n ew o il fUrnace, to 12 trick, w lll m«l ,.,he re <"Un l•t't'n Ouudman a nd ( ' Un tt.n Av11 tubes. nlee fo r tralJer, $:1 pr. Cb.ar. 0«0. Save-U-Ttme wall'r he oll'r. r~nUy 11 -E KODAJU~RY Olllce l.ln de rl a t . afl4r 1 om and w II· T IRES-Three. 4 7Sx19.'1'ood eondiUon . ah!n a ted. row boat , aeml· peed boat and IU D From v U:mlty - t Av •nd $3 euch . Mon . 1768-.J . m o tor 1° with II A.a.kinl 18,000. Cui Winton Rd to KP and r e turn. OAitAO In "lf:lnll uf l 'u.t A~• and TOBOCCAN5-0ne 6 ft. without pad. 4 l !HI·R. Mon 2Jea.W A n thtooy I 0.-n 't ..J Or On e 8 ft . w1th Pod . Cl• ft . 0165-R. S E'Ml -BUNGALOW - Five rooma and RIO!!.- P'rom Wll ltamwn tu KP ancl t a .. ,, .. 0 • 11 - -~ b th t • 1 <>- d " ... - In e, Vl•lnl'J Cllntun .. te ---------- a • ne w umoce, .. tone eoa . ucn IX tum, 8-5 J oan Bren nan KJ' Ea t 12M N th " TRA.ILER - Campln&. all alum!num. w asher. oll ln• talled , alnlle aaraae. u r a ncl A" n ul A • lt r<h"'•l• J

RAINCOAT- Woman 's olive green , stte ale.<ps two , $250. 46 M.aueth S t extra lot.. aa rde n , fruit trMS, berries RIO£- To SyraeuM Saturdar a m....l Nuv Ill A~ nu. A ' 12. $10 A lso woman ' s sable dye d co ney, TRIC YCLE-Boy 'a, chain- driven, !or Inquire 100 Parkdale Ter, Mr. MUJ\Ile lJ A Voll:ee. Glen 41S4. att.r 1:<~~~ p m


n eed5 minor repal1'11, m e 14. S25: man's child up to 6-7 yn. Char. 2985-M . n•r. .,. _ -- 1-ll '1:n;Or a" " l'"'n, I a. .. , oxJord g ray s uit, s lze 38. Mon 1768-J . ... .....,. ..- n v •- v

RANGE-Gray Sterling c:omb lnaUon. 66 T R UNK-O len ~71-J . W ANTED JI0· 1auce ChAr -M F urlon1 Sl. T YPEWRlTE:.R- L . C . Smlifl aecretarlliJ ROOM AND UOAR O t'Cir llrl . I iH:FR1G£RATOR-l~l GE:. 6 eu . ft.. s tandard. $60. 71 S l Clls lmlr S t . ARMC HAlR- Upbot.t.crl'd Ge n . 31H18-W. a te home. n ,..r K f' Olen 11126 $100. Gt n . 6361-M. TYPEWRJT£R - Re m.ln&tOn-:-MO. 1102 AS H -srrr~Rot.a.ry type. Mr ltay - I~ 1!: W I NG- MAC Ill N I!! Fir REFR IGERATO R-Coolerotor, I OO lb .. GHd e S t den, 1.J:J Glide S t lrndle C.n I'YIO· W top -leer w 1th cube tray, $25. C har. TYPEWRITER - Re mln&tOn portable . AU'I'Ol40Biu:.- ltm or l iQII. will con- S EWINO llll.AC:IUNI - l'urtabl %332-M. $65 Char . 0668-R alter 6 p.m.. •Jder any mak.-. bu t m ual ~ we ll p re- c:oncll llo n G~n 2'10t·M RE:FRlGERATOR-CE. 5~!. eu . tt~ por- TYPEWRJTER5-Two l tand.ard. I port· a rved. G le n . 01134-J I I'NOWS UITl'L For bo:r- ••" :t ccla.ln bn lsll. 32'79 l...ake Ave~ Char. allle . 451 Maplewood Drive. AUTOMOBLL..E-Model .. A .. f'o~u.t <.'t\ar :utll ·~ - -1~7 -M USED LUMBER - A llo ecrap lumber. be In &ood condJUon. Mdan or coach SNOWI UlT - C l r l'a, I · P ifl REFRIGERATOR-General Electric. 6 Brockport 400- R. SS Prln« ton SL BAller 0144 c:u ft. BAker 586ll VACUUM C'l.EJ\NER - Electrolux. BED-S tnale or junior Jtu. eomplet.e. SOCCEJl I HO P a ir r•1u lllt RIDING BOOTS-Man's. &Jze 10. Also HAmlin 70U t lJ.U IW-J I or 11, Olen U:C· W after I P r ld.lnl p an t... alu 34. HAmllton 8313. VA.NlTY DRESSER- Walnut three-miT- B ENCH GRINDER - One-haU b p . TABU: &AW - And 1<~1'""'· aftt>r G p m ror_ &ton 20%4- W HAm.Uton 2445 IU'T · M. after e p m--~-RID ING BOOTS-En&llah. man's aiu VIOLIN- Also eue. Cul 01'73-lt.. alter SiCY~lrl'• !4"' _ CUl. 5131-14 T O Y TRANSFOJUrtm - l iJO· Ial 8 Mon IHl· " . 6 p m BOY .,_ • d II to........, d 11)-el) C)'Cia an.d.

1110 wat ~)I

- "'ASKING • • .. CH ..... ,... - • ,.,.. with - octww o "'an yean, .,.._, • r •- I •· - • "'"ft'er-.r t RIDING BOOTS-Man'a b ro-.-n le:tthe r . " auo '"'L n.D'\.o by widow. alone. 103 KJmba.rk R.d . JUU • _., - - ,......._ . ,.... ~---~ 9•,B A L.o nd.lnl oaniJJ. Char. 1~1 pump, 1 lb. eapactty 4e Ra!nee P k 1101-M TRJCYCl.E-One l&r•!.~-~-hal RlFL.I'.: _ ~ u-w;;:; Remln(!On auto- WASHING MACH~Ap&nmeo.t ttn. B RICK-:rACi:o SrDINC~Ifd ttr or r bo)r'e buo,cle C ui ~· I'Wit.le apecl.al lollht.. a nd r~tl pad. sao complete wtth -.Tinier. sz,. 100 A~ 'a roll ot Homart or Gm1lllr bridl · TVo IS BEo.-A btO eft~ an4 21en 65&4~om- :l .lO_P_~_!_P.m.. tln• St f• eed. buff co!M, wtt.b QJfi.D.k.le o f Ad 101 u.t.le co.AS ~Uoo G ina • RUG-G ullo.tan. Oriental d esl&D v.1th \\ ASKJ.NG MACHI.N&-Apex. ISS. lO Jlllc.n l7 .. J TYI'lNG-T o be ~ a1 ,_,=;;...;.;. lhJek pad plum and b lue predom.nal · COIU.r 51 • Apt Jltt. B UNK BEDS-M.eple p ref...-nd G len o.-n 114:..._ __________ _ m& 11' r a 21' r S%SC Abo baby a WASID..NC MACHL"JE-Ealy Sptndricr.l i'oio-M TYPft'RITO-cut. -'~.I pram p r ita and h ood m.owwwt.. aau v. tutc ~namf:l. recenUy ovubauled. ISS CELLO _ Jduat be In Cuud COBdJUOtt 1 coprn b lue . -..-ater -~U~t.. wool Char UI03-R Moo I7U · R ev «n•ft•• U'I'>'TFO RJC-Glrl - I ~r'l ltned, • Char 1137-Y - u,.. h6t .we U.tr tad It ....,..

• -- -- . WASHTNG MACHJNE- Euy. Deed~ re- CliAIRS-Thr .. or 4 card toobht told· 4lM-III Jllli;G-D&amOOd lady a 14 cant cold. patn. $:0 Alao hoi water \an.k W1th coal b:tl 171 Plymoulh Ave So A p l 1 I~ ..,, bcauutul M!t\ina Glf:D G950- W I h a ln. 15 Char Slll -W - · Ul'ft.rOilM- ILed cro. . .. uu.er ROASTING OVEN-W~\De e ll'<· WASHING- MACHINE-I:aty rt.able CJfiLD'S A UTO-Iimall. C~64»-__!_ 1 ~-.U.. lt .. ..._. .,. a~....,.-.-trle. complete. URd OLDce, 1'0. lll:m. electrte Whlrl4r7 Alao f>OC'1,abf: -*·I CK1LD CAR.E-WW cant t.r..r dWd6Gl WQMAlf- To do ,....._, -.. &SU-R tr1e record pll17er C:lcn . "1041-M. whiM s-.r-~ wotll. - 8\.dUI A •• •• C'- 4171

Page 8: A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY New l{odak Cine Ektars First ofl ...mcnygenealogy.com/book/kodak/kodakery-v06-n44.pdf · A NEWSPAP KODAK COMPANY VoL 8, No. 44 Copyneht 1948 by Eastman Kodak

8 KODAKERY No~ember 4. 1948

3rd Club Turkey Shoot Set Gun r---~ports Roundup-----------------------,

Kegler Kinzel Get Hot e e e

Nimrods Compete In Blind Draw

Nov. 14 "Turkeys unlimited" will be the

password at the Beatty Road r ange o! the KPAA Gun Club on Sun­day, Nov. 14, when members, friends a nd guests partlctpate in the club's annual turkey shoot.

Cage B ill Dztcat Go 011, ale THIS Al'lD THAT-The red hot Ektrns stretched thetr sketn to

13 s traight wms last week m the H-E \\'ebber Bowling League. takang three !rom the Bolos. . . . T he accompanying photograph of Fred Fogarty, Andy Andrews, Tony Adams, Bill Sweeney and 1\ltke Sheehan

I Both skeet and trap events are

listed, beginnmg at 9 a .m. and con­tinuing throughout the day. As in former years, expert marksm an­ship w1ll have no bearing on the

Nimrods Eye Turkeys _This_ KPAA Gun Cl_ub trio anxiously awaJts the club's th1rd annual turkey

shoot Nov. 14 a.l the BeaUy Road range. From left. above: Adam Brod­man. Bill Holla nd a nd Clarence Auten. All prizes. including turkeys and chickens, will be awarded on blind drawings of target hiis.


W L T ran !ers 10 5 Purcha!lnl( A emblers 15 6 Recordak Ektru 13 8 Red Hots H en dcya 12 O:Shcllcrs Mt'tals 11 10 Bolos Planning II 10' Beov<"rs Eatlmat lnll 11 10 Production Worner-Sw'y II 10 Memos

H -E SATURDAY SHIFT Bench W'crs 12 61Dept . 59 Tool Room 12 Ol~oks Royals 10 8IApprentlees Raiders 10 8 Dept. 17 Dept. 10 10 8 Blnnchards Memo 0 9jScrcw Mach. S toc k X 9 9 El Reno

H -E MEN' S RIDCE Scientific 17 ~ !Wood Shop WI& Wnlll 10 5 Elec. Shop Tool Room 15 OIPushovers G rinders 15 0 Rlneers Turrt'ts 13 8 Bross Butchers Cruo·.t-l•n 11 10 PN!mlc:-OIIora 11 10 Ed&cdohobes R ecordak 10 11 En&lneerlnlf


W Ll W L W L 11 10 Bulldozers 16 5 Jr Estlmntors II 10 10 II Alley Sallies 16 5 Std Quiz Kids 10 11 10 II Poyrollcrs 13 8 Lucky Strakes 9 12 9 12 Rccordok 13 8 Medical 7 14 8 13 Rolltng Pins 12 !l Production 5 16 7 I ~ 0 Rtd&e Nals II IOIOid Tippers 4 17 7 14 CW FRI DAY CIRLS 6 15 Vl&llonts 17 4 Bantams

Shutters 16 5 Ektras

9 9 Mcdallst.a 13 8 Reflexes Targets 12 9 'Tourlsts

: 1~ Recordnks 12 9 Magaz.Jnes 8 10 K odnscopes II 10 Brownies 7 II CW NO. I 6 12 Vollendas 14 7jRccomnrs 6 12 Duos 12 9 Juniors

Seniors 12 9jTripods R e tinas 12 9 Kodaflcctors

9 12 CW OFFICE 8 13 Enloreers 8 4 C ines 6 13 Recomnrs 8 4 Bantams 8 13 Brownies 6 6 Re tinas ~ I ~ K odascopcs 6 6 Recordnks

5 16 Targets 13 5 Shutters R ecordnks 12 6 Ektrn~

10 11 10 11 9 12 8 13 7 14 714

9 12 9 12 8 13 8 13

6 6 5 7 5 7 -1 8


•----------------• Bontnrns II 7 Kodoslldes Enlargers 9 9 Mneozlncs

8 10 7 II 7 ll 5 13

CW NAT IONAL Recordok 13 81AirfJ"DPhS Cine-Machine 13 8 Proj. Prtnt . Duplex 12 DjMomtenance Ac 'ory Mneh. ll 10 Velox

CW FRIDAY WEBBER Vltavo 14 71Azo Portraits 13 8 Aero Ve lox 13 8 Trnnslltcs Kodolurcs 12 9 Illustrators


10 11 10 11 9 12 6 15

8 13 8 13 0 13 8 13

CashJers 16 21Employment 7 11 Sn!c t y Cine 13 5jlndus. En&T. 6 12 Film Pock 8 10 Ca!eterln 4 14

KPAA MONDAY B -1 16 5 Ftlm. Dev. Bid& 0

Indus . Engr. Cine MalnL Kodalold

15 61Die ShecUng 14 7 Bid&. 42 !l 12 Res Lab

KORC AMERICAN Kodakery 13 8 RcceJvlng Roch Br 13 8 Traffic 111atntcnon cc 12 9.Manuals Sh1ppma 12 9 Fln lshm&

Downs Crayons . erz.es Hia-h 674

9 12 9 12 7 14 5 18

ll 10 9 12 7 14 7 14

Rolling ,1 67-1 senes in the KPAA Thursday "A" League Oct. 28, Ray Du\.\ns crayoned the best three­.:ame total th:~t has been posted in a K<>duk bowling league this sea­:.on. Hl' po.,tt.>d game:, of 207. 22 1 and 246. Last week's leaders:

MEN' S Lt:ACUES Klgh l ndJVIdual C &mM

Ra) Do"'n K.PAA Thur A .• 2~11 Bill Archibald H-E Wcbb~:r. . . • . 236 Jac-k H_> n , CW Nnuonal 236 .Mlke t a Lion<". KPAA Thur A 2:3-1 Ra\ Nl b1t, KPAA Thur A . !3-1 11lc~ Dtlou .. H -E Web~r :!33

Btll {IU,r. C W No 1 ..... !32 Harold Conh.n. KPAA Thur. A ...... %31 BJII Dtt-t\1 . KP !\Jon B-1 . .. .. %31 Anthon~ Dt 1~ 1mo KP Thur B-IG %30

Hlgb lndJYidual s.rt .. KPAA Thur A .... 674

Jac-k H•n C'W N.auon.al .... liSa IODt) DtU, KO National ........... 11!2 Jlllr Faltone KPAA Thur. A ...... 610

F'rank \\'t'~r. H-E W~b~r ......... 108 Joe Don~ Ua H • E RICl~ .. • .. .. • .. • • Ia: Howard D•""ll KPAA 'nlur A ..... 800

woMJ:N ·~ LEAC tn:S \ 'lrcinla D- r KPAA 11-T,iUD ... -tlatt1 • KPAA 11-T m .... JOS s, h"la Unc-oln CW Ft1 Clrls ...... !CH Lots K~h, KPAA 15-T~am ...... 2111) ~trlla . J tdu, cw rn .. .. .. . .. 201 RuUI Findta•·. KPA..o\ lJ-T am ..... 171 Audn'v Kaufman.. KPAA 1:!-Te&m .. 1TI

&rl"' ~. H·E Rtdlft' ........ I~ '-lrila De~ H ·E Rl~e ......... 111

outcome, all of the wmners to be determined by a drawing of speci­fied num bers wh1ch must cor­respond w1th hits made m the a U­day shooting. H1ts only w11l be tallied and the beginner will be shootmg on a par with the expert.

Guns Ava ilable

A supply of chickens also w ill be offered as pr1zes, and lucky con­testants may easily go home with two or more birds for the family table. Guns wi ll be ava 1la ble at the range !or the use of those who come unarmed, 1t was announced. Coffee and hots will be served to keep appetites in check.

The executive committee of the club has completed de tails for t he a fiai r a nd expects a heavy turnout of turkey-consc1ous mmrods from early mornmg until la te afternoon .

22 Hoopsters Greet Coach

A squad of 22 cagers, including seven holdovers (rom last season, answered coach J ack Brightma n's initia l call !or practice a t KP.

T o ny Adam.a. Bill Swoeney. Mike S h Hhan , Andy Andrews IU>d Fred F 011arly givo with b ig grlna for the pho tograph er durin g a lime-out aJ Army-Cornell

football game.

might have been ta ken a t most any s tadium or ball park m the country. These tourists ta ke in every top-notch sports cla mbake that IS cooked up, and some or the lesser ones. This particular photo shows the KO basketball brain trus t a nd their advisers--Sweeney and Sheehnn-<~t Schoellkop! Crescent during the Army-Cornell classic. . . . Jimmy J ohnston, Kodak Park 's perennia l of the hnks, became the first golfer to best 70 on Genesee's old course this season by fir ing a one-under­par 69. Jim put togethe r rounds of 36-33 over the par 36-34 layout. J immy's brothers, Alex, J ack and Lindsay, are a lso well known !or their golfing exploits on loca l courses .... Bob Kinzel personally led his Finishing Dept. keglers out of the woods l:~st Wednesday nigh t when he tossed a 213 game. It not only helped the KO quint end n prolonged losin g s trea k, but f:~ttened Bob's average some 13 pins.

• • • e

Doris Redder , a member or the Cashiers' quint in the KPAA Girls' 6-Team League, sparked act ively in tha t ci rcu1t last week by mowing down the pins {or a 173 count. ... Another sparkling performance was turned m by Winme Spencer ot the Print Inspect ion outfit who leveled the wood for a 200 score.

are priced at $1.50 and $1.90 each, tnx included .

e • • •

Plans a re under way for tho or­ganization of a KPAA Girls' De­p artmental Basketball League this winter. The circuit wiU be ma de up of ai least four teams and girls interested in taking par t are re­ques ted to call tbo KPAA Office, ExJ. 2193.

Brightman hopes to build his squad around a crew of experi­enced veterans made up of H arry Horn, J ack Ellison , AI McEntee, Edward Kintz, K odak Park keg- • • • Ra lph Taccone, Stan Lojek, P ete ler, is listed among the winners J oe Donzella, substi tutmg on the Mosley a nd Jack Solan. this week in tho Old Topper Bowl- Wood Shop qumt, sparked the

Amon g the new hope fuls trying ing Contest. H-E R1dge League club to two w1ns out for places on the teatn are • • I over the 01lers With n 602 thre ·-Ronme <Red> Overmyer, Charles Tickets Cor the Dec. 3 basketball ply total. J oe put together games Nesbitt, Reuben Michelson , George doubleheader featuring the Syra- of 224: 21 3- 165. · · · T he B~ll­Snelgrove, Cha rlie Bonsignore, cuse Nats and the Waterloo Iowa dozers .md Alley Snlhes are dead­Ha rry Trezise, J1m McMillen, Ali Hawks may be obtained fr~m de~ locke~ tor first place. m the H -E <Fntzl Czerkas, Mort Griswold, partment ticket cha1rmen or the Girls Ridge League With u record Pe te Day, Herb Englehardt, Jim KPAA Office m Bldg. 28 a t KP of 16 w ms and 5 losses. Both clubs Sheppler. Art Stee le, J ack R ob- beginning Nov 15 The bargam won two gumcs last week · · inson and Harry Ma rcus. bill, s lated !or · the · KP gym Dec., F rank Weber paced the H-E Wt.~b-

The Kodak lnterpla nt League 3 Wi ll a lso see the Kodak P a rk ber League ke'(lers l,lst \\ cck Wi th champions plan to enter the fast Major Dus tles play the RG&E quint. a 609 sen es on games,,or 1? 1-223-Champion Indus tria l League this All sections of the gym's sealing 195 · · · The Bench W •umt. r • and season. area will be reserved and tickets Tool Room clubs arc neck and neck ------------------------------- for first pluc•' m the H-E Satur­

dLiy Sh1ft LeL~gue w1th 12 wms and s ix lo~es.

KP Drillhl r A '"ait Whi tl

A record Held of 20 qumts, p.tred down t() full strencth fur <"nm­paign thut w11l ca1 ry tht:m 1nto n('Xl Apnl, is pol l'<.l fur the 11llirt of achnty m the KPAA Deport­mental Bn ketball League M<Jnday C\ cning, Nu\·. 8.

Open•n.: gumt.'S 11n thl• scht':Ciule Pll Roll Co:~ung KJ!tnSt Tt.'1ittng, Uldg. 23 oppo llt: ntdg. 12, l ndUti­tnal EnJ;1ne.·nng ag 111 t Ernul wn Cuatin~. :ond Po\\ er \1: tth 'of 'l4'rlu .

Bid~. 30- We: t otnd En 'lnet'nna copped pt·nrwnt.s m tht•lr 1 pccttve diVISu,ns last ye<~r, "1th G~rg Fl nCI • Bldg. 30 lh•e aulng 011 to wm the plnyofi Wtl on P sk will manage the ddendlng ch mps.

Mnktng up the Americ n d1-VLS1on llrt• It! nu repr nUn RoU Cootmg, Cnte rf , Emuu on Coot­ng, F D. 5, Color Control, Dld

65, Wood Ccllulos , Bid . 3 , Old . 58 and Bid . H In the N l orwl w h el ore T tin& P~ L'T, Bld .!JI,

f 1 f f f Leo O'HaUorllD. wbo won the lin1 annual Kodak Bid . 1:!, Industrl 1 Engi rln ar Y n ran - Sin9IH Handicap last year, algns up for the Emulsion R rch, Y.muhlon I k~

second tourney dated for Dee. 4-5. Bunny Ellswor1b of the KPAA ng, F:tlm E.mul ian, ynthcttc Office supplied the entty c:ud. and Harold Jorolemon. MCTetary of h ml$trY nd En n In the KPAA Monday B-8 Lea9Ue of whkb Leo is a member. waic:hed I Among OM! vlhlnl loOt !Til who tbe proceedin9So Men will agaill bowl for SlOO first prue a nd other . lll ofl'idote loop tU AI c:u.h award.L Tbere is a women's di,.isiou this Muon. and em Dec.


Tuumon, I rry Horn, Cordon 12 femillille pill topplen wdl shoot for $50 top award and other prues.. S n!cldl. H lk Br u r, Harry There will be lint-pte~ tzophies ill both men's and women's d.i.UJons. Trez.lse, Art White nd J kc R
