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A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist...

Date post: 26-Feb-2016
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Luis Carlos de Noronha Cabral da Camara made an unusual distribution of his money after his death: 70 people listed in a Lisbon phone directory were contacted out of the blue after his death to be told he had made them his beneficiaries. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Page 1: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.
Page 2: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

Luis Carlos de Noronha Cabral da Camara made an unusual distribution of his

money after his death: 70 people listed in a

Lisbon phone directory were contacted out of

the blue after his death to be told he had made them his beneficiaries.

Page 3: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

A pair of penniless down and outs

inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

Page 4: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

Sergey Sudev was left a 950 million euros fortune by an uncle he had not seen for 10 years.

Page 5: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

Nina Wang, who died of cancer in 2007 at age 69, signed over her vast fortune to a previously unknown

feng shui master Tony Chan as a

promise for eternal life.

Page 6: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

In 1992, Cara Wood was 17 and working at Drin's

Colonial Restaurant in her hometown of Chagrin

Falls, about 15 miles east of Cleveland. Wood

became so important to Cruxton that he rewrote his will, making her the

main beneficiary. Cruxton, 82, died of heart failure in November 1992 and left her half a million dollars

Page 7: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

Eva Paole, a retired Argentine maid, has

inherited the whopping sum of

$40 million after a nine-year legal


Page 8: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

Josh wasn't close to his grandfather and in fact, he had met him just a handful of times

in his 17 years. Although he hadn't seen his grandson in

years before his death in 2007, Josh was named the heir to

what remained of his grandfather's estate, including a 36-acre island and more than 80 acres of farmland. But there was something unexpected in

the will… a detailed list of antique jewellery and loose

gems contained “in the thermos.”

Page 9: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

New York hotelier and real estate

billionaire Leona Helmsley (called the Queen of Mean) has left $12m (£5.97m)

to her pet dog, Trouble

Page 10: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

The man who left part of his

inheritance to the woman who would give birth to the most children 10

years after his death

Page 11: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

The homeless who fled police while

bringing him news of a $6-million


Page 12: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

Ephesians 1:13-14

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your

salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God's possession — to the praise of his glory. NIV

Page 13: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

I. An ___________ In-heritance

A. From our FamiliesA. Genetic Characteristics – physical traitsB. Property – possessions, land, wealthC. Other Immaterial Possessions – problems,

diseases, addictions. B. Definitions: Something Obtained, received, a

reward, an estate. It literally means, “To come into a possession as a divine right. To receive a possession from the deceased.”


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II. A __________ In-heritanceA. More _______________ Pain

Genesis 3:16 He said to the woman, "I will increase your pain and your labor when you give birth to children. Yet, you will

long for your husband, and he will rule you.“

B. ______________ Earth Genesis 3:17-18 Then he said to the man, "You listened to your

wife and ate fruit from the tree, although I commanded you, 'You must never eat its fruit.' The ground is cursed because

of you. Through hard work you will eat food that comes from it every day of your life. 18 The ground will grow

thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat wild plants.



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C. _______

Genesis 3:19By the sweat of your brow, you will produce food to eat until you return to the ground, because you were taken from it. You are dust, and you will return to dust."

Romans 5:12-13 Sin came into the world through one person, and death came through sin. So death spread to everyone, because everyone sinned.

Romans 6:23The payment for sin is death, but the gift that God freely gives is everlasting life found in Christ Jesus our Lord.

“Death spreads to all men who sin or Those who sin must pay the payment of death.”


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Page 17: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

D. We ___________ inherit sin from Adam1. ____________________________ = a tendency

or inclination to do evil from birth. You are born a sinner and a sinful nature.

2. The term, “________________” is not in the original bible.

3. ___________are of the Kingdom of God, not filthy sinners – Matthew 18:3

4. We inherit DEATH, not ________ – Romans 5:125. We are ______________ for our own sin –

Ezekiel 18:20; Deut. 24:16





Page 18: A pair of penniless down and outs inherited a share of a 4 billion GBP fortune after a bizarre twist in family fortunes.

Ezekiel 18:20 The person who sins will die. A son will not be punished for his father's sins, and a father will not be punished for his son's sins.

The righteousness of the righteous person will be his own, and the wickedness of the wicked

person will be his own.

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6. Our _______________ is to obey God’s law

Romans 2:14-16 Even Gentiles, who do not have God's written law, show that they know his law when they instinctively obey it, even without having heard it. 15 They demonstrate that God's law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.


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III. An ___________ in-heritance

A. How do we get it?A. ACCEPTING GOD’S WORDB. RECEIVING CHRIST – Acts 2:38; 1 Peter 3:21C. OVERCOMING –Revelation 21:7D. SERVING CHRIST – Colossians 3:23-24

Colossians 3:23-24Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. NIV


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B. What do we inherit?1. A New Heaven and a New Earth –

Revelation 21:1-7. 2. An Eternal In-Heritance: Key word


1 Peter 1:4 To an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away,

reserved in heaven for you. NKJV

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C. When do we get it?... When we OVERCOME!

Revelation 21:6-7 And he also said, "It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega—the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life. 7 All who are victorious will inherit all these blessings, and I will be their God, and

they will be my children.

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D. Who does NOT get it?

Those who are: Sexually impure, lustful, have idols, practice witchcraft, hostile, argumentative, out

bursting anger, self-fish ambition, causing division and arguments, those who are envious, those who get drunk, those who participate in wild parties, cowardly “Christians”, those who

don’t believe, those who are corrupt, murderers, immoral, and liars (Galatians 5:19-21 & Revelation 21:8)… those who DO NOT SERVE


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