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A Piratical Legacy Chapter 20 - The Truth Will Make You Fret

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Chapter 20 The Truth Will Make You Fret Hello dear readers and welcome back to It's A Piratical Legacy! This is the twentieth chapter, and Generation Five is about to start university. Geez, at this rate it's going to be forty chapters before I finish! Well, hopefully not - I think another 10 chapters should do it, and you can hold me to that! I also apologize for the lack of vowels in the chapter title above - it wouldn't fit otherwise. Anyway, on with the chapter! If you're lost, send me a note or read my previous chapters. Oh, and heading over to http://purplebunny.tribalpages.com might help with the genealogy aspect as well.
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Chapter 20 – The Truth Will Make You Fret

Hello dear readers and welcome back to It's A Piratical Legacy! This is the twentieth chapter, and Generation Five is about to start university. Geez, at this rate it's going to be forty chapters before I finish! Well, hopefully not - I think another 10 chapters should do it, and you can hold me to that! I also apologize for the lack of vowels in the chapter title above - it wouldn't fit otherwise. Anyway, on with the chapter! If you're lost, send me a note or read my previous chapters. Oh, and heading over to http://purplebunny.tribalpages.com might help with the genealogy aspect as well.

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Umm... guys? I said I was sorry about the vowel thing. Really, don't you think you're overreacting? ... Oh. This is about me missing Talk Like A Pirate Day, isn't it.

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Fine! I promise never to miss it again! Arr! Avast! Egads! Savvy? Onward! .... Now can I get down from this thing? Guys?

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It was a beautiful fall day when the Buccaneer family gathered around the dining room table. "It feels empty not having Grace here," Gertie pouted. "Why'd she have to leave early for university anyway?" "She and Morgan wanted to sightsee a bit before classes begin," Marie explained. "Your brothers will be leaving tomorrow too." "I have to be an only child?" Gertie pouted. "But I like having everyone around. It's gonna be so lonesome around here! At least I'll still have Rose and Pierce to play with."

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"Nope," William was quick to point out. "Pierce is leaving when Nick and I do. We're renting a house on campus but the girls are staying in a dorm." "Wish I could have stayed in a dorm like the posh one they get," Roche mumbled as he ate his cereal." "Yeah, there's all kinds of new buildings going up," Nick added. "Our house is in a new development too." "A few other Islanders are going to be attending there, as well," Pao said as he sat down to join the meal. "All of your distant relatives. There's a big class, so Jack's chartered a plane to take everyone." "This is so totally unfair," Gertie grumbled. "The island's going to be so empty! Bleh."

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"I think both of us will be heading out soon too, Pearlie," Pao said later that afternoon. "We're both showing our age, that's for sure." "Wuf," Pearl said affectionately. She licked Pao's palm and flopped over for a tummy rub.

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When she stood up, it was to take that final journey. Pao had known Pearl would be gone soon, but he didn't expect it to happen this soon. "Goodbye, Pearl," Roche sobbed. "You were always a good dog." A 'wuf', sounding as if it was coming from down a long tunnel, sounded in response. It took the family a long time to get over the loss of Pearl. They decided to wait a while before bringing another pet into the family as they didn't feel anyone could replace Pearl in their hearts.

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A few weeks later, the time had come. Will (left) and Nick (right) packed up their clothes, and a few treasured possessions. "Nicholas, my brother?" "Yes, William, my brother?" "Ready to wreak havoc on our dear sister's aspirations of fame, fortune, and popularity?" "Indeed." "Paris, here we come!"

They piled into the car and drove off with squealing tires. "Hey! Don't forget Pierce!" More squealing tires, this time in reverse. "Took you guys long enough!" "There was a misdirected miscommunication, Pierce." "Whatever. Let's hit Paris!"

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Of course, their sisters and most of their cousins (close and distant) were already there. At LeSnooty Nouveau Dormitoires, we have: (L-R) Susanna d'Eath, an exchange student Morgan Buccaneer (Jack --> Mary --> Ivy --> Bart --> Morgan) Grace Buccaneer (Jack --> Mary --> Ivy --> Roche -- Grace) Morgan and Grace were very excited to be in dorm. Susanna opted to be cool.

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In a small 2-bedroom house on campus: Back: (L-R) William Buccaneer (Jack --> Mary --> Ivy --> Roche --> William) Nicholas Buccaneer (Jack --> Mary --> Ivy --> Roche --> Nicholas) Front: Pierce Buccaneer (Jack --> Mary --> Ivy --> Bart --> Pierce) Will and Nick decided to have pity on the people they would meet at university in Paris. Though they opted to keep similar hairstyles, Will dyed his faux hawk blond, while Nick continued au naturale. The two of them were voted among the best-looking sims on campus, but the man holding first place was clearly Pierce.

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In Building #2 of LeSnooty Nouveau Dormitoire, another group of Pirate Island natives took up residence. Four girls, all Toyonaga cousins, decided that their dorm should be declared 'Girls Only'. Of course, since there were only four rooms, that wasn't a problem. Standing (L-R): Justina Toyonaga (Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Scipio --> Justina) Rani Buccaneer (Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Benjamin --> Rani <-- Nala <-- Eddie <-- Mary <-- Jack)

Seated (L-R): Jersey Toyonaga (Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Cestus --> Jersey) Scipia Toyonaga (Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Scipio --> Scipia) Rani dated Pierce Buccaneer for most of their high school days and she was eager to resume their relationship at the earliest possible opportunity.* Jersey also dated a distant cousin, Peregrin Avidreader. * Sorry, De, you're not getting grandbabies... you're getting kittens.

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The boys of Toyonaga descent got a second 2-bedroom house in the same complex as Nick, Will, and Pierce, though they weren't next-door neighbors. Clockwise from 12 o'clock, we have: Hieland Toyonaga, in the cream jacket (Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Cestus --> Hieland) Holstein Toyonaga (Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Cestus --> Holstein) Green Boolprop (Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Hadrian --> Green) Rajah Buccaneer (Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Benjamin --> Rajah <-- Nala <-- Eddie <-- Mary <-- Jack) Sejanus Toyonaga (Jack --> Elisabeth --> Toni --> Scipio --> Sejanus) Green is alien son of Hadrian, and has been adopted by Hadrian's husband Ray, a simself. Rajah is more than a bit of a player. However, he eventually will settle on Moll Thayer, the daughter of another simself. Sejanus, meanwhile, is also dating another Pirate Island native: Ellen Avidreader.

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There are many descendants of Jack Thayer at university in Paris. These are the most closely related of that batch - the rest are half Curtin, so are living with other cousins in one of the other dorms. Standing (L-R): Don Thayer (Jack --> Mary --> Jack --> April --> Don) Ellen Avidreader (Jack --> Mary --> Jack --> Aspen --> Ellen) Peregrin Avidreader (Jack --> Mary --> Jack --> Aspen --> Peregrin) Top step (L-R): Andrew Thayer (Jack --> Mary --> Jack --> Andrew) Moll Thayer (Jack --> Mary --> Jack --> April --> Moll)

Adelaide Thayer (Jack --> Mary --> Jack --> April --> Adelaide) Moll, Don, and Adelaide are half-simself. Their father is Blite27. Moll is in a relationship with Rajah Buccaneer. Adelaide has more than a bit of a crush on Hieland. Peregrin and Ellen are also half-simselves. Their mother is Denise, aka avidreader2466. Peregrin is planning to marry Jersey Toyonaga, as mentioned earlier. Ellen wants to get engaged to Sejanus Toyonaga. Andrew is the oops adoption by Jack and Meadow.

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This group of Pirate Islanders is a little less connected to the 'royal family' of Buccaneers. What they are is a group of simself descendants. Back (L-R): Tom West (Marina/smoothiequeen87 & sim Shane West --> Tom) Luna Curious (Pascal Curious & Pollination Tech --> Luna) Orpheus Deity (simMe --> Demeter (plantspawn) & Pascal --> Orpheus) Front (L-R):

Sawyer West (Marina/smoothiequeen87 & sim Shane West --> Sawyer) Hera Deity (simMe & simHubby --> Hercules --> Hera <-- Elphaba <-- Gage Uglacy & Marina/smoothiequeen87) Tom is involved with Scipia Toyonaga. Orpheus is dating a townie, but he's a romance sim so it's likely not serious. Hera is dating One Curtin. Luna is dating Emily Curtin.

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This is the last house, the descendants of house Curtin. Standing, back (L-R): Borealis Curtin (Jack --> Celeste --> Blake --> Borealis) Gavin Biggs (Jack --> Celeste --> Irony --> Gavin <-- Wedge <-- Anne <-- Mary <-- Jack) Middle (L-R): One Curtin (Other-Alan/PolliTech --> Sadism --> One <-- Alder <-- Jack <-- Mary <-- Jack) Emily Curtin (Jack --> Celeste --> William --> Emily <-- Autumn <-- Jack <-- Mary <-- Jack)

James Curtin (Jack --> Celeste --> William --> James <-- Autumn <-- Jack <-- Mary <-- Jack) Two Curtin (Other-Alan/PolliTech --> Sadism --> Two <-- Alder <-- Jack <-- Mary <-- Jack) Front: Tycho Biggs (Jack --> Celeste --> Irony --> Tycho <-- Wedge <-- Anne <-- Mary <-- Jack) Unfortunately, we won't be seeing any of the university kids in this volume other than this brief glimpse, and possibly the odd date or two. This chapter is focusing on Roche's kids and Bart's kids.

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"Morgan, what did you put for your thesis statement?" Grace called from down the hall. She and Morgan were settled into their new digs and decided to get an early start on their class work so they'd have more time for fun later in the semester. In Grace's mind, this meant that Morgan would do most of the work and Grace would copy. In Morgan's mind, they would each do their own work and Morgan would do the favor of proofreading Grace's paper. "Just write down yours and I'll look it over," Morgan called back. "But bring it in here instead of yelling or our housemates will hate us before they even know us!" "Oh, fine," Grace grumbled. She hurriedly jotted something down and brought it over for Morgan to rewrite. "Grace," Morgan said in exasperation, "aren't you planning on doing any of your own work?" "I plan on getting a degree," Grace said primly. "How I get there is my own concern."

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Morgan shook her head, scribbled a few corrections on the sheet of looseleaf, and handed the paper back to Grace. Grace shoved it in her pocket and headed downstairs. "Maybe I can convince someone else to do it for me," she murmured as she snagged a tray of pancakes from the cafeteria counter. "Is it okay if I sit here?" the third girl living in their dorm asked as Grace finished her meal. "Knock yourself out," Grace said, gesturing grandly. "I'm Grace."

"Susanna," the girl responsed. "But you can call me Anna." "You look very familiar, Anna," Grace said. "Do I know you from somewhere? Have you ever lived on Pirate Island?" "Not that I can remember," Anna shrugged, digging into her pancakes. "But maybe when I was little. I was very little when I moved in with Grandfather." "Well, I'm sure it will come to me sometime," Grace said. "I should get back to my term paper. See you around, Anna."

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Their term papers completed, Grace and Morgan had a lot of free time to goof off. During one particularly intense session of Red Hands, they discussed their housemate, Anna. "I'm telling you, Morgan, she looks insanely familiar," Grace insisted. "I know that I've met her before, but where? She says she's never lived on Pirate Island!" "Have you looked in the mirror lately?" Morgan asked. "The two of you could be sisters, you look so much alike." "Really?" Grace shrugged. "I don't see it

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Grace was distracted from pursuing the subject further, though, when the phone rang later that night. It was Simba, the placeholder at Arravast House, wondering if Grace was ever going to get around to pledging in. "Eh, why not," Grace shrugged. "This dorm is nice but I'm not planning on living here indefinitely."

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Of course, acceptance was a mere formality. Grace was guaranteed a place at Arravast thanks to being one of Roche's children. While membership was open to anybody, only a select few qualified to live at the Greek residence. "I'll move in at the end of term," Grace said. "Have my brothers pledged in yet?" "I'm stopping by to see them in a week or two," Simba said. "I can't wait til you guys are moved in - I'm looking forward to returning to Pirate Island."

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While Anna also signed up to pledge the Greek house, Morgan wasn't as interested. It was only after researching Arravast's origin that she decided she might as well join. To get in the spirit of fun-loving Greek behaviour, she dumped a box of soap flakes into the fountain. "You go, Morgan!" Grace whooped as she walked by. "I didn't know you had it in ya!" "I know how to have fun," Morgan protested. "It's just that usually

my idea of fun is flipping through the encyclopedia. Why is that so weird?" "It's nerdy!" Grace said with some exasperation. "You know, Grace, you aren't very nice." "Neither are you, Morgan." "Good point."

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A few days later, Grace and Morgan decided to throw their first party of the term. It was more of a casual get-together than any kind of blowout, though. They just invited their brothers and Simba over to hang with them. "Who's she?" Nick asked, gesturing to where Anna was dancing with herself. "Oh, that's Anna," Grace said. "Doesn't she look familiar? Have you ever seen her before?" "Never," Nick shrugged. "But she does look an awful lot like you. Except for the hair. That hair is awesomesauce!" Something at the back of Grace's mind tugged at her, but she ignored it for the time being, intent on visiting with her brothers.

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Besides, any musings were cut short by the acrid smell of smoke, and the sight of five-foot-high flames bursting from the stove! "Oops!" the cafeteria guy shrugged sheepishly as the overhead sprinklers came on. "Must have gotten distracted." All in all, the party was pretty good, despite its dismal ending. Nobody was in the mood to continue after getting sprayed down by the sprinkers - the effect was particularly bad when you consider that everyone also had a layer of soot on them. As it was getting late anyway, the brothers packed up and went home, and the girls showered and went to bed.

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"Hello Grandfather! Yes. Yes. Mm-hmm. No, I don't think she's recognized me yet. I mean, she says she thinks she knows me from somewhere, but I don't think she's figured out where. Yes, I'll be careful. I promise not to bring home too many strange boys. Yes. No! I love you too. Bye!"

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Despite Anna's protestations to the contrary, she did indeed bring home several 'strange boys', as she put it, though Prof. Blazej didn't really count as a boy. Anna didn't pursue the relationship, though. She was just trying to up her grades. "Shows initiative," Grace said approvingly as she and Morgan tried not to eavesdrop from the cafeteria. "I really like Anna, Morgan. I'm glad she got assigned to this dorm with us. I just wish I could figure out why she looks so familiar!" "Again, I say, look in the mirror," Morgan said with exasperation, but Grace wasn't paying attention anymore. "Anyway, she shouldn't be dating the professor. Couldn't he get fired if he's not careful?" "Meh," Grace shrugged. "We should study instead of spying, Morgan. Finals are tomorrow, and then we have to pack. I doubt we'll even see Anna around much once you've moved in with Pierce and I'm at Arravast. Heck, I doubt we'll even see much of each other!"

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Rewinding a few weeks, we find ourselves at the small cottage that the boys rented from the campus housing co-op, "So, what should we do first now that we're settled in?" Will asked his twin excitedly. "Give ourselves a tour of the campus? Scout for babes--or guys in your case? Play video games? Call mom and dad?" So many decisions. "I can't decide. Let's see what Pierce is up to."

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Pierce got right into studying, which surprised his cousins. "What?" he said when they cornered him. "I've got plans for some rockin' parties later in the term, and I can't do that if I still have to study. Geez!" "Nah, I bet you're just wanting to get it out of the way so you can hang out with Rani," Nick teased. "Just do us all a favor and hang a sock on your doorknob when she's over, okay? None of us want to walk in on any unwelcome surprises." "Speak for yourself, bro," said Will. "Yeah, yeah," Pierce said dismissively. "Haven't you two got some havoc to be raising somewhere?"

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In the end, the brothers decided that what the really should do first is eat. "We're still growing," Will said, chopping some peppers for chilli. "We do need to keep up our strength," Nick agreed, as he fried a hamburger.

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A few days later, and all three Buccaneer Boys were ahead of their class work and eager for some hardcore videogaming. "This is so sweet," Pierce said enthusiastically. "I'm gonna waste you, Will!" "Right," Will smirked. "You're going down, Pierce!" "Loser has to clean up after tomorrow's party!" "You're on!"

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"Hey Simba, how about we head upstairs and give ourselves a tour of the bedrooms?" Grace asked several hours later at the aforementioned party. "Have I mentioned that I think you're kind of cute?" Simba gave her a look of pure surprise. "Geez, Grace, coming on a little strong, aren't you?"

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"A girl has needs," Grace said, blushing furiously. "And you're the best-looking guy I've met since arriving in Paris, Simba. You can't blame a girl for trying." "Next time, I suggest checking to make sure your target isn't already engaged," Simba said, shaking his head. He extricated himself as gracefully as he could, much to Grace's relief. "Tough luck, cuz," Morgan said sympathetically. "I could have told you that he was getting married, you know. Didn't you see he's wearing a ring?" "Well yeah, I can see that now," Grace said, blushing furiously. "That's it, Morg. This is the last time I'm playing with the bubble blower at a party." "Probably a good philosophy," Morgan said.

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"You two look so cute together," Nick said to Pierce and Rani as the three of them watched the university football game on TV. "Thanks," Rani said with a smile. "Hey, are you dating anyone, Nick?" "Nah, I haven't met that special someone yet," Nick said. "But that's what college is for, right? Finding your future spouse?" "Seems like it for sixty or so percent of the population that goes to college," Pierce said. "Rani and I just got lucky in that we found each

other before we even got here." "Yeah, but you are kind of related a bit," Nick said. "Doesn't that squick you out just a little?" "Not really," Rani shrugged. "My DNA has been so messed around with by my grandfather, I doubt I have any genetics in common with Pierce at all." "Good point," Nick conceded.

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After the party ended, the guys slouched into the kitchen to grab a small snack. "Can you believe first term is almost over?" Pierce mused as he munched his meat. "I mean, you and Will are moving out and Morg is moving in day after tomorrow! Crazy!" "You guys are coming to the big Arravast toga party, right? On moving day, I mean." "Wouldn't miss it," Pierce grinned. "You know I'm a card-carrying Greek, dude. Maybe we can finally convince Morgan to join, too." "She'd better," Will said. "It wouldn't seem right if we didn't all join, even though you guys aren't going to move in. We've always all done stuff together."

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Nobody was happier when second term started and the Buccaneers moved into Arravast House than Simba. He'd put his life on hold for a long time, waiting for them to grow up so he could move back home and marry his sweetheart. His graduation was such a momentous occasion, even Eddie and Tosha made the long trip for the ceremony and after-party.

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The Buccaneers even got to meet Simba's fiancée, Artemis, though Morgan seemed much more concerned with getting every note right on Simba's old piano. "Time to get off of that, Morgan," Simba called over his shoulder. "I'm taking it back with me." "Nuts. Do I hafta?"

"Dude, you have a really hot fiancée," Will said appreciatively, eyeing Artemis. "Even if she is blue." "Just keep your hands off her," Simba growled. "Ooh, I love it when you go tiger on me," Artemis giggled. "Okay, this has definitely crossed the line to weird," Will said, and walked over to the kitchen.

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To everyone's surprise, Anna had also been approved by the university to move out of dorm and into Arravast. "That's just weird," Grace said. "Not that I'm not happy to have you here, Anna, though I'm still trying to figure out where I know you from. It's just that usually only family is allowed to move in. There have been a few exceptions, though." "I'll be glad to hear all about it once my term paper is finished," Anna said, and bent to her keyboard with a faint smile.

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In the living room, Simba was making his final farewell to the house where he'd lived in what felt like suspended animation for so long. But at last he could delay no longer, the cab pulled up, and he took off. The Buccaneers and Anna hardly even noticed.

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"Yeah, it's time for you to leave now too," Grace said to the cow mascot. He hadn't left after the party when the rest of the guests did, and now it was getting late. "The party's over! Moo! Go home!" "Moo you too," the cow said rudely, and flounced off, its udder bouncing. "Stupid mascots," Grace complained. "I'm so glad they're almost extinct back home."

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"At last," Grace said, once she, her brothers, and Anna had the house to themselves. "Now, let's redecorate this place! These rooms are way too bland."

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A frenzied period of time later, everyone was settled in. Nick opted not to change the decor in his room much. It was decorated in cats and dogs, and he was an animal lover, so he was happy with it the way it was. He did move Fuzzbutt, Arravast's womrat mascot, into his room, but that was the only change he made. Grace probably made the most extensive changes to her room. When she was done, it definitely screamed 'decadent'. Not to mention 'expensive'. "And I managed to do it all with daddy's money, not mine," she crowed gleefully. "All is right with the world."

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Anna's room gave off more of a 'red light district' vibe. "Anna's Romance?" Nick asked Will in an undertone. "Looks like it," Will replied in kind. "No dating within the house," Nick reminded his twin. "Ew!" Will exclained. "Geez, Nick, haven't you noticed how much Anna looks like Grace? It would just be ... wrong."

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And Will, the future sports star, set up his room in a way that more than reflected his unique personality.

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"Now that we're all moved in, what do you want to do?" Nick asked his sister as they chowed down on pizza. Nobody in the house really liked cooking.

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The main reason they didn't like cooking was because it often necessitated a visit from the local fire department. They might have eight cooking points, but it didn't show. "I think we should corner Anna so I can finally figure out where I know her from," Grace said.

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"Sounds like a plan," Nick shrugged. "Especially since we have no money for a toga party this term since we had to pay off the fire crew so they wouldn't report us to the university. I think they all work for Uncle Jack..."

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"Meh, let's throw a party and Morgan and I can corner her together," Grace said. "Hosting Morgan and Pierce is cheap. They don't actually expect to be entertained or fed." So they did. "All right, Anna," Morgan said once she and Nick had cornered the girl at the pool table. "Now's the time to spill it. How does Grace know you?" "Isn't it obvious?" Anna said, sounding exasperated. "I've been waiting for her to figure it out since last term. Didn't she ever tell you about her dream friend?"

"Wait -- that was you?" Morgan asked, her jaw dropping. "Dream friend?" Nick asked, staring from one to the other with a complete lack of comprehension. "Why didn't you just tell her?" Morgan demanded, ignoring Nick's comment. "Well, one thing's for sure. Get yourself into the kitchen and talk to Grace, mmkay?" "Fine. Right after I make this shot." Anna lined up the cue and sent all the balls caroming into the pockets. "I win." Nick stared as Anna left the table. "How'd she do that?"

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"How come I didn't realize it sooner?" Grace asked Anna later that evening, after the party was over. "I used to live for your visits!" "Yeah, but it's been a while since I did visit," Anna shrugged. She fixed herself a drink and sat down at the bar with Will. "I don't blame you for forgetting, but still... you did swear we'd always be best friends, Grace." "Well, we are, aren't we?" Grace grinned, setting down her empty glass. "Why didn't you tell me?" "Wanted to see if you'd guess," Anna said. "I guess it took a bit longer than I was expecting."

"Are you as lost as I am?" Will asked his twin. "Completely," Nick said. He picked up a pillow and whacked his sister over the head with it. "Come on, Grace, out with it." "Yeah," Will chimed in. "Or we'll start--" "--finishing each other's--" "--sentences again!" the brothers chimed in unison. "Ack!" Grace said, dodging the pillow and sneezing from the feathers flying through the air. "Fine! But only if you promise to stop talking like that!"

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The tale was only about half told when they heard a coughing noise coming from the hallway. "What the heck is that?" Anna asked, shuddering. "It sounds like it's coming from ... that bear!" "Oh, that's just Grandpa Jack," Nick said, bending to pick up the stuffed animal. "Arr! 'Tis about time ye remembered t' pay yer respects, ye lot o' scurvy dogs!" the bear howled.

"Who are you calling scurvy?" Will demanded. "I eat oranges regular!" "This is just way too creepy," Anna said, backing away. "Arr! Avast! Ye be me own blood too, missie, so don't be so quick to judge, savvy?" Captain Jack crowed. "What?" Anna gasped. "What?!?" the other three echoed.

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A few days later, Nick was still pondering over Jack's words as he stopped by to visit some of his cousins. He'd looked up the family directory and hadn't found anyone named Susanna or Anna, so he wanted to ask some of the more distant branches of the family if they'd heard of her. "Nope, I have no idea who you're talking about," a half-alien named Green said. "I'm an only child, so she's not my sister. And she's not my cousin either - definitely not a Toyonaga." "Weird," Nick said. "You're cute when you ponder," Green said. "Hmm?" Nick looked up and realized that Green was eyeing him speculatively. He blushed.

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Let's just say that Nick's inquiries were the start of a beautiful relationship, though he quite forgot why he'd stopped by to visit in the first place.

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"Grace, I met the most amazing guy last night," Nick gushed the next afternoon. "I've invited him over so you can all meet him. I think he's a Toyonaga, so he's distant family, but it's like four generations removed so it's okay." "Well, I can't wait to meet him," Grace said. "And hey, if he turns out to be a creep we can always feed him to the cow plant." "Grace!" "What?"

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Green arrived right on time and soon had won over the full approval of Arravast's resident Buccaneers. "Grace, lassie, this scurvy seadog is green!" "He's half-alien, Grandpa Jack." "In me own day, there weren't no such thing as half-aliens, til Other-Alan went and got hisself probed," the bear muttered. "That what happened to you, mate?"

"You'd know all about it if you ever bothered to visit my Commodore Bear when I was a kid," Green said. "Face it, Grandpa Jack, your family's getting too big for even you to keep track of." "Aye, 'tis sad it is. Arrr! But 'tis kind of creepy that all me progeny be hooking up with each other, y'ken?" "That's because you're an old guy, Captain." "Who ye be callin' old, ye lubber?"

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Grace was leading her class and beginning to despair of ever finding a rich husband among all the guys on campus. Half of them were related to her, and she wasn't up for dating a distant cousin if she could help it, so she turned to the matchmaker. "I heard about this family," the gypsy muttered. "Always short-changing. What'll it be this time? Pebbles? Dog bones? Old socks?" "Please," Grace said imperiously. "I'll take the $5000 special. Nothing but the best for me." "You sure you don't want that one behind me?" the gypsy asked. "Half price for distant cousins." "Gavin's here to visit my roommate," Grace said. "I'm not into sloppy seconds. Now deliver that prime date! Please."

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A few seconds later, there was a thud as Grace's date plummeted to the earth. "I can't date him!" Grace protested. "That's a professor! It's kind of against the university code!" "You want your best match, you got your best match," the matchmaker said, shining her crystal ball. "No refunds or exchanges. Bye!" "Well, I suppose there's no harm in finishing up the date," Grace said, turning to her companion. "I'm Grace Buccaneer." "Lee Kimbrell."

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It's too bad he's a professor, Grace thought to herself as she ushered Lee into the house. He's cute. And I bet he's got lots of money. As it turned out, the date ended up going really well. Grace and Lee had a lot in common and could talk about just about anything. "Hey, want to dance?" Grace asked, noticing that her brother and Green had turned on the radio. Before long, she and Lee were swaying in each others' arms. They didn't even notice Nick and Green making out on the other side of the room.

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"Grace, I had a really good time," Lee said as the date drew to a close. He kissed her softly on the lips. "I'd like to see you again, if that's okay with you. You're definitely worth more than a million bucks."

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Grace's response to this idea was rather... "How embarrassing," Nick said, cringing. He was joined in his embarrassment by his boyfriend and the cheerleader who'd stopped by to visit. "Lalala I'm in the den watching TV and completely ignoring the wanton displays of public affection!" Will called. "I'll call you," Lee said, finally pulling out of Grace's embrace. "You'd better," Grace grinned.

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Lee couldn't resist going in for one last embrace. "I really hope I don't lose my job over this but I'm going to keep seeing you as long as you want to see me," he added as he finally took his leave. "I like money too," Grace said. "But I think I like you better." "Ditto!" "You guys are so embarrassing," Nick complained after the door had shut behind both Lee and Green. "PDAs and then nerdism. Geez!"

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A few nights later, the household was awoken by the sound of their burglar alarm going off.

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Fortunately, the police department was quick to respond. Grace, Nick, and Will were surprised to see that the responder was none other than Demi Love, of their own local law enforcement. "Must be some sort of officer exchange program," Nick shrugged.

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Demi rushed to confront the burglar. "Hands where I can see 'em!"

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"You'll never take me alive!" the criminal cried in a thick French accent. Demi tackled her.

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Unfortunately, the law was not victorious. "Man, I'm never going to live this down if Ramin or Dorian find out about it," Demi sulked as she got back into her cruiser. "Maybe I should just give up and start buying them Starbucks so I can finally get promoted..."

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Just down the road, Pierce and Morgan were settling in as roommates. Morgan spent most of her time studying, and Pierce spent most of his time (when he wasn't with Rani) either working on his best-selling novel or painting his latest masterpiece. Neither of them remembered to keep in touch with their parents, so they were very surprised when Bart showed up on their doorstep late one evening. "Dad!" Pierce said, catching sight of his father. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm in town for a teaching conference," Bart shrugged. "Thought I'd pop by for a visit." He looked around at the small house. "Nice place. Not as nice as Arravast, but a lot less crowded." "That's what we thought," Pierce said. "How long can you stay?" "Just a few hours," Bart said, regret in his voice. "I'm stuck in the conference all day tomorrow and then I fly back to the island tomorrow night. But I couldn't visit Paris without visiting you two." "I'd better call Morgan then, huh?"

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At the sight of her father, Morgan launched herself across the room. "Daddy!" she squealed. The two of them had always been close. A few moments of confusing babble ensued before Morgan was satisfied that her father really was there and she wasn't hallucinating. "Sit down and I'll heat up some leftover spaghetti for you, if Pierce hasn't eaten it all," Morgan continued. As she puttered around the kitchen, a thought occurred to her. "Daddy... have you ever known of a family member named Susanna?" "Wh-where did you hear that name?" Bart asked, his face turning pale under his beard.

"It's just that there's a Susanna living in Arravast right now," Morgan said. "And Grandpa Jack said she's a relative of some sort, but I haven't been able to find her in the family tree anywhere!" "Impossible," Bart breathed. "It has to be a coincidence. Susanna's dead..." "You mean there really is a Susanna?" Morgan asked, eyes wide. "I thought Grandpa Jack was wrong!" "There was a Susanna," Bart said slowly. "But..."

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The next day, Grace, Anna, Nick, and Will stopped by to hang out with their favorite cousins. As soon as they arrived, Morgan grabbed Grace. "I need to talk to you upstairs. Alone." The girls walked upstairs in silence. "What's up?" Grace asked once Morgan had shut the bedroom door. "It's about Anna," Morgan said, taking a deep breath. "I've found out how she's related." "Oh?" "Grace, you are not going to believe this," Morgan said. "I didn't believe it

myself. But my dad was in town last night and he was the one who told me. Did your parents ever tell you that they had another kid?" "Wh-what?" "You're the younger of a pair of twins," Morgan said. "Everyone always thought your older sister, Susanna, died when she was a toddler. Everyone was asleep with the Grim Reaper came. All they ever found was her grave." "That's... bizarre," Grace said. "Do you think that Anna is my--" "Your sister? I do," Morgan said. "More than that, I think you're identical twins."

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It was too much for Grace to take in, so she called downstairs for Nick and Will to join them, leaving Pierce to break the news to Anna. "You're serious," Will said once Morgan had laid out her theory for them. "Anna's our older sister?" "Just look at her!" Morgan insisted. "She's Grace's doppelganger! Well, except for the hair." "She has hair like our dad," Nick said. "I heard our dad talking to yours about it once, Morg. He said it meant he was marked by Death." "Anna once told me she lived in Death's realm," Grace said slowly. "Guys, I think I need to go and talk to Anna now." "Nick, my brother, I think we should probably take off for a bit," Will said. "I agree, Will, my brother," Nick said. "Come on, Morgan. Let's grab Pierce and go pick up a pizza."

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When everyone came back, Grace and Susanna were sitting on the couch, chatting easily. "Well?" Morgan said, plunking herself down between them. "What's the consensus?" Anna stood up and started pacing the room. "It makes sense," she said finally. "It explains so much." "I... remember," Grace said slowly. "As soon as I sat down to talk to Anna, I remembered that I used to have a playmate... a long time ago. It's almost a dream. And... I remember Death coming for my sister. Why didn't I remember this before?"

"Memory is strange," Morgan said, standing up again. "Anna, do you remember anything before you went to live with your 'Grandfather'?" "A little," Anna said. "Grace and I were talking about that. I remember a smiling face with white and black braids around it. And a big black dog." "Pearl!" Nick said, walking into the room and sitting down in the spot Anna had vacated. "You really remember her? She was a good dog." "She liked to lick my face," Anna said with a ghost of a smile.

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"So it's all figured out," Pierce said a few days later to Rani. "It seems my cousins have discovered their long-lost sister." "That's really cool," Rani agreed. "I wouldn't mind a long-lost sibling. Rajah's a bit of a twit."

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The term ended, time passed, and Grace and Anna tentatively explored their memories. They began spending a lot of time together, and soon had a closeness that rivalled the one shared by Nick and Will. "I always knew I had some connection to you," Anna said one brisk winter day. "Otherwise I wouldn't have been drawn to your dreams and you wouldn't have been able to step into my world. But I had no idea that you were my sister." "It's pretty cool," Grace said. She fell silent for a moment and chewed her pizza thoughtfully. "Anna... would you like to meet my -- our -- parents?"

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"Would I?!?" Anna's voice was shrill with surprise. "Do you think that's a good idea? I mean, they think I died. They came to terms with that years ago... or maybe they didn't, considering you say they never mentioned me. Maybe it would just reopen a lot of old wounds." "But you're alive!" Grace said. "How can anything bad come of that?" "Well... let me think about it," Anna said slowly.

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A few weeks later, Grace sat down at her computer. Dear Mom and Dad, How are you doing? Nick, Will and I are doing fine. Pierce and Morgan send their love too. Anyway, the boys and I were thinking we really miss you. If you have the time, would you like to come and visit us? We have some people we want to introduce you to. Nick and I are both in pretty serious relationships... "Are you sure you don't want me to tell them about you ahead of time?" Grace said. "Yeah," Anna said. "Just get them here and we'll figure out... something." Grace shrugged and clicked 'send'.

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Roche, Marie, and Pao made arrangements to come and visit in a few weeks. When Anna heard their plans, she moved into super-romance mode. Less than half an hour after Grace told her of their parents' itinerary, she invited Gavin Biggs over. "Hey Anna, what's up?" Gavin asked. In response, Susanna tackled him. "Mmphmmm!"

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"I dunno what's come over you," Gavin gasped once they were inside, "but I like it!" "I'm just a woman with needs," Anna said.

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Anna wasn't the only one with needs. Before long, Grace and Prof. Lee showed up, obviously intent on continuing a date begun elsewhere. "Ack! Why must people insist on being affectionate in front of other people?" Anna asked with a grimace. "C'mon, Gav, let's play some pool and hopefully they'll go away."

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"Let's go into my room, Lee," Grace said when she finally became aware of the dark looks Anna was shooting in her direction. "I think Anna wants some privacy." "Very nice," Lee said appreciatively when he saw how nicely furnished Grace's room was. "You have expensive tastes, Grace." "Thank you," Grace said. "I'm glad you approve." "About that..." Lee began, then trailed off. "Yes?"

"I-- geez, this is hard to say. I've never said it to anyone else before and meant it. I ... love you, Grace." "You do?" "I do, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Grace," Lee went on, his voice getting stronger. "I love you too," Grace said hesitantly. "But what about your job?" "Finances and stuff are pretty important," Lee said. "But I think I'd be a fool to walk away from a relationship like this."

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"Some things are worth more than money."

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"We're going to have to hide our relationship until you graduate," Lee said a few hours later. "I mean, your brothers can know, but it can't go further than that." "My brothers and my sister," Grace said. "Sister?" "Anna," Grace said. "It's a long story -- I'll tell you later." "About that," Lee said. "I think we should probably not see each

other very often until you're ready to move back home, Grace. That way I can keep working until then." "That makes sense," Grace said slowly. "I don't like it, but it'll help us financially in the long run, and that's important too. I'll wait for you, Lee." "And I'll try to sneak over as often as I can," Lee smiled. He reached for his clothes. "I'd better head back home now, but I'll call you later."

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After a protracted goodbye kiss, Lee left and Grace got dressed. I wonder how Anna's date with Gavin went?

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As it turned out, Anna's date with Gavin went extremely well.

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"So today's the big day," Nick said on a bright morning over pancakes. "Mom, dad, and grandpa will be here after lunch. Are you nervous, Anna?" Anna poked her pancake with her fork. "What do you think?" "Ah, they're not so bad," Nick shrugged. "Who, mom and dad?" Will asked, walking into the kitchen to join them. "A bit lovey dovey though."

"That's a good thing," Grace said. "In fact it can be--" "--downright nauseating," the twins continued, then burst into laughter. "Are they always this annoying?" Anna asked. "Usually they're worse," Grace said.

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"I like what you've done with the place," Roche said approvingly when Nick ushered him, Marie, and Pao into the den. "When I lived here this was all one big open space." "I remember that," Marie said. "It's much nicer now." "Interesting decor," Pao said. "You're right, this place is much nicer than the house that stood here when your grandmother attended university." "You knew Grandma Ivy in university?" Nick asked. "Everyone knew Ivy in university," Pao said, chuckling fondly. "Some better than others. She was a Romance sim, after all." "Changing the subject!" Nick said hurriedly. "Anyway, Lee and Green should be here soon..."

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"Grace and Will are in class too," Nick continued. "Wait," Roche said, seeing a figure stride into the doorway. "Who's--"

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He jumped up from his chair. "No! It's impossible!" he cried.

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Marie took one look at Anna and burst into tears. "Is this some kind of sick joke?" she shrieked. Grabbing her coat and purse, she fled.

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Pao was the only one who reacted well. "You look like Grace, but you're not her, are you?" "Nope." "Susanna?" "Bingo."

"This is... wonderful," Pao said slowly. "We thought you were dead, child!" "Adopted by Death, actually," Susanna said, smiling tremulously. "Hence the hair. Marked by Death and all." "I'm so glad you've come back to us, child," Pao said, drawing Anna in for an embrace. "You look so much like your sister! We're going to have to have a long sit-down later, but for now I think your father is dying to talk to you."

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"Come here," Roche said, scrubbing at his eyes. He wrapped Anna in a huge bear hug. "Can you ever forgive me?" "I'll just go and find Marie," Pao said. "I think the two of you need to spend some time catching up. Marie will come around, too. Don't worry about that, Susanna." "Call me Anna," Susanna said, smiling through happy tears. She turned to Roche. "What did you mean, forgive you?" "I travelled to Death's realm," Roche said once Pao had left. "I promised him my firstborn in exchange for lifting a curse. I didn't want to, but he said that was the price! And now we've lost so many years. I'm sorry, Susanna." "I'm sorry we've lost the years, but you had to do it," Anna said. "I forgive you... Father."

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By the time Grace returned from class, Roche and Anna were chatting happily with each other. "Where's mom?" she asked. "It was a bit much for her to take in at once," Roche said. He glared at his younger daughter. "Why didn't you warn us, Grace?" "Um, I do have to say that was my fault," Anna said hesitantly. "I was nervous about meeting you, Father." Roche thought about that for a moment. "I guess I can see where you're coming from," he said. "I'd be nervous too. When I go back to the hotel tonight I'll smooth things over with your mother."

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They chatted for a while longer, until their sentences began to be punctuated by larger and larger yawns and silences. "I suppose I should be going," Roche said. "But your mother and I will be in town for a few more days. We'll stop by again tomorrow once Marie has had time to compose herself." "That sounds great," Anna said. Roche embraced both of his girls and left.

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The next afternoon, Will was out for a walk and ran into Marie. "What are you doing here, Mom?" he asked in surprise. "I would have thought you'd be visiting with Anna as much as you can!" "It's all a bit much for me to take in at once," Marie said. "I was taking a bit of a breather. What do you think of Anna, Will?" "I really like her," Will said. "Actually, she reminds me a lot of you and Grandma Ivy, in some ways." "I'm glad to hear that she's getting along with you," Marie said with a sad smile. "I wish she'd had a chance to grow up with you." "Dad had to do the right thing for the family," Will said, shrugging. "It doesn't sound like he had much of a choice."

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"No, he didn't," Marie said. "It took me a long time to realize that, but he did do the right thing." "Anyway, we have Anna now," Will said. "There is that," Marie said. She suddenly turned to her son and gave him a hug. "Come on, Will. Let's head back to your place."

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"Well, that went much better than I thought it would, honestly," Anna said a few days later once they'd bid their parents and grandfather farewell. "Once they got over the initial shock, they seemed pretty happy," Nick agreed, taking a sip of his drink. "I wonder if they realized that they never did get a chance to meet Lee or Green?" Will mused. "Somehow, I don't think they minded," Grace smiled. "Welcome to the family, Anna."

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Pierce decided to take a break from his usual mass production of masterpiece paintings and spend some time working on a portrait of Rani. "Very nice," Morgan said approvingly. "I'm glad you've found someone who makes you so happy. I kind of wish I could find someone special, actually." "Aww," Pierce put down his brush and palette for a minute to give his sister a quick hug. "Just be patient, Morgan. The right person will come along." "You think?" "Of course. Everyone does eventually."

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Morgan sighed and grabbed the stack of bill payments from the counter. "Whatever you say, bro," she called as she headed out the front door. "Good morning!" an attractive black-haired girl called, waving as she walked past Morgan. "Hi," Morgan said absently, stuffing the envelopes in the mailbox. She looked up and smiled. "I'm Kelly," the girl added, stopping and sticking out her hand. Morgan automatically reached out and shook it.

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A few days later, Kelly stopped by again, and she and Morgan chatted again. A few days after that, it repeated, until Kelly was walking past every day and Morgan was waiting for her eagerly on the front step. "This is getting ridiculous," Morgan said after several weeks of this had passed. "Look, Kelly, why don't you come in? It's a bit cold out there."

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"Thought you'd never ask," Kelly grinned.

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"So this is the infamous Kelly I've been hearing about for the past six weeks," Pierce said when Morgan introduced them. He looked at his sister. "Morgan, I think it's time to institute the 'sock' rule..."

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"Morgan's got a girlfriend? Thanks for tellin' me, Grandpa Jack! I can't wait to tell mom and dad!" Rose giggled. "I'm gonna tease Morgan so bad when I see her! Can you tell her that I miss her an' Pierce?" "Arr! Do ye think I'm naught more than a messenger, lassie?" "No, you're good for cuddling too!" Rose grinned. "Ack! Ye scurvy younglin'! I are serious bear! I mean Captain! Arrr!" Rose's response was to cuddle the bear. Then she sat on him for a bit. And then she put him away.

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"Aren't you excited to be a teenager, Gertie?" Rose asked the next day. It was a snow day, and the girls didn't have to go to school. "Once we're teens, then we can go to college! And then we can hang out with Morgan and Pierce and Grace and Will an' Nick again!" "And Anna," Gertie said. "Harder, Rose! I wanna fly!" "Oh yeah," Rose said, shoving the swing mightily. "I forgot you have a new sister. When do they come to visit?" "For my birthday," Gertie said. "The day after yours."

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"I'm super duper excited!" Rose giggled. "I've never heard of someone getting a new sister that's older than them, and I looked all the way through Morgan's Junior Encyclopedia to make sure." "You're a nerd, Rose," Gertie said, hopping off of the swing. "Am not!" Rose cried, scooping up a handful of snow and flinging it at Gertie. "Are too!" "Not!"

"Are!" "Are!" "Not!" "Haha! I made you say I'm not a nerd!" Rose crowed. "No fair!" Gertie said. She pouted, then scooped up a handful of snow and flung it at her cousin. A glorious snowball fight ensued until Bart called them in.

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"Cookies!" Rose crowed with delight. She and Gertie plunked themselves down at the table and dug in. "Whoa, slow down kid," Bart said as Rose gobbled her cookie down. "You only get one - it's dinner time soon and then your birthday cake." "Too late!" Rose giggled. She got up and stuck her plate in the dishwasher. "Daddy, you make good cookies." "But why are they Santa cookies?" Gertie asked. "Christmas was ages ago!" "That's easy," Bart said. "I only have one cookie cutter."

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After dinner, as promised, it was time for Rose to blow out her birthday candles. "Make a wish, honey!" De called encouragingly. "I wish... to be a doctor when I grow up!"

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Rose definitely grew up well in a cute, if slightly old-fashioned, outfit. She promptly went upstairs and streaked her hair with blond to show that she could be cool, too.

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The next morning was the morning of Gertie's birthday. She got up early to play before school, since everything would be way too busy when she got home in the afternoon. "And the giant rocket heads straight for Pirate Island! But Alan an' Shannon are there to stop it! They fly it to the moon where it explodes without hurting anybody. It's a good thing Pirate Island has its own superheroes to save the day!"

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No, Gertie, the podium is not a toy.

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"Hello? Oh, hi Rose! Yep, they're at the airport now! It stinks that your brother and sister couldn't come for my birthday but I guess it's kind of expensive. I get to have my brothers and sisters here because I'm the heiress, so every one of my birthdays is a big deal."

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"Are you ready, kiddo?" Roche asked once Gertie had hung up the phone. "Your siblings should be here any minute!" "I'm so excited, Daddy!" Gertie crowed. "What's Anna like? Is she nice? Is she pretty?" "She looks just like Grace except her hair is coloured like mine," Roche said as he held his hands out for Red Hands. "Cool!" Gertie exclaimed. "I wish I was an identical twin! Then I could have vacations from being the heiress." "Don't you want to be heiress?" Roche asked. "I do," Gertie said. "But it would be nice if the job came with a vacation package."

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"You came! You really came!" Gertie cried gleefully when her siblings strode through the door. "I can't believe you're really here! Come see the new TV we got!" And she took off into the living room at a run. "That's Gertie, huh?" Anna asked Grace in an undertone. "Yup, our little sister," Grace said. "She's a good kid, and the heiress, so the pressure is off of us." "Oh, good," Anna said. "I'm definitely never having kids." "You're disqualified anyway," Grace said. "You didn't live in the

house, and the legacy succession rules say that people who move out, except for college, can't move back in." "That's a relief," Anna said. "If anything happens to Gertie, you or Will can be backup." "Yeah, Nick's dating a relative," Grace said. "That definitely disqualifies him." "Who makes these rules, anyway?" "Dunno," said Grace. "I've never really thought about it. Maybe we could ask Morgan when we get back."

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"That's a great new TV," Nick said. "Excited to finally be a teenager, Gertie?" "Super duper excited!" Gertie giggled. "I'm gonna be at university before you know it, Nick. Do you have lots of friends there?" "Yeah, I think we're all pretty popular," Nick said. "But don't worry about making friends, kiddo. All you have to do is be yourself and it'll happen naturally." "That's good," Gertie said. She sniffed the air. "I can smell cake and candles! C'mon, Nick! Time for me to grow up!"

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While Gertie was off talking to her big brother, the rest of the party guests had arrived. "Are you all here just for me?" "We're here to watch you blow out the candles!" Will cried. "C'mon, junior! Get to it!"

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"Wow!" Gertie said, experimentally running her hands down her new form. "That wasn't what I was expecting. Okay everyone, tell me the truth - how do I look?" "You're beautiful, dear," Marie said proudly. "Have some cake."

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Gertie and Rose had their cake, then headed outside where they could chat without any of the grownups overhearing. "Well?" Gertie asked, twirling. "What's the verdict?" "Can you help me with this snowman?" Rose asked. "Rose!" "You look very nice," Rose said, grinning. "You're going to be the most popular girl in high school." "Good," Gertie said with satisfaction. She patted the snow into place.

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"Actually," Rose said. "You're already popular, Gertie. I don't even know why you're worried." "I just want lots of friends," Gertie said. "It's important for an heiress to have a lot of friends in this world, you know? Especially on Pirate Island. We have so many duties and responsibilities, and I want to get that one out of the way while I'm young. Anyone who doesn't like me can spend some quality time with the cow plant." "Wow, I never knew you could be so bloodthirsty," Rose said, sounding vaguely impressed. "I've been spending some time with Grace," Gertie explained. "That girl is cutthroat."

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Roche stepped out onto the porch. "Rose! Your parents are leaving!" Pao followed him, bearing Grandpa Jack with him. "What is it?" Roche asked, glaring at the bear. "Listen, mate, she's not gonna die," the bear said. "What?" "'Tis all I can tell ye, savvy? She's not going to die, mate. She'll be fine." "Whatever you say," Roche said. He turned his back on the bear and ushered Rose and Gertie into the house.

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Once the guests had left, Gertie took over the upstairs bathroom. After monopolizing it for a few hours and trying out a bunch of different hair styles, she decided on one she liked - a pretty updo with flowers.

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Then she hopped onto the family computer to check her email. She had only one message. Gertie, I highly recommend you read this blog. thepirateswife.blogspot.com -- A Friend

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Curious, Gertie clicked on the link. And read. And read. And read some more.

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When she got to a page dated a few years earlier, she stopped in disbelief. She read it again. "No," she breathed. "It's not true. It's not!" "She is not Roche's daughter. She can't be the heir and I don't know how to tell anyone!" "Mother, how could you?" she wept.

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She ran into her room, hastily stuffed a bag with a few things, and disappeared into the night.

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When Roche walked into Gertie's room the next morning, it was like a familiar nightmare being thrust on him once again. "Gertie? Gertie!" A piece of paper lying on her pillow caught his eye.

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"What's wrong?" Marie asked, her face filled with worry as she walked into the bedroom. "What's wrong?!?" Roche shouted. He waved the letter in his wife's face. "This is what's wrong! How could you do this, Marie?" "Do what?" Marie asked, genuinely clueless. "You knew Gertie wasn't mine and yet you let her be named heiress anyway?" Roche cried. "And then you wrote about it on the internet? She found out, Marie! She found out and she's run away!" "She's gone?" Marie asked, her lips white. She scanned the paper. "Oh, Roche! What are we going to do?"

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"I know what you're going to do," Roche snarled. "I've been patient, Marie. I've looked the other way when you've played me for the fool. Well, no more! This is it! I want you out of the house, Marie. We're through."

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"I--" Marie began. "No excuses," Roche said. "You've cheated on me, you've lied to me, and you've driven my daughter away from me. I'm done, Marie." "I ... understand," Marie said sadly. "Give me a day, and I'll be gone."

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"Good," Roche said. "Just be gone by the time I get back." "Back? Where are you going?" Roche turned, his face set. "I've already experienced losing one daughter. I'm not going to go through that again. I'm going to go and find her." To Be Continued...
