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a PRESENT GlEE A1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M...

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VOL L1V KO 8K tmiLii irlimim inniriiin mi PRESENT DOCTOR CIRIE WITH WATCH Handsome Token of Honolulus Estoefti Given Departing Medical Chief BANANAS STILL A PROBLEM Unexpected Slight Impression Made on Heaps by Days Heavy Teaming i r H5bui 4 I wandorer -- served 3 at various ale lioqueslcdito attend a meet- - ing of tho hoard of health jes- - torday nt one1 oclock to Tender advice on some land about to bo condemned Dr Donnld II Cur ric of tho public health and marine hospital serviee literally foil into the hands of his friends to be gien fitting testimonial of appreciation Jrom tho city of Honolulu and the Territory of Hnwaii previous to his depnrturo for tho Tho token a liundomoly en ¬ graved Swiss repenting watch heafly jeweled was presented by E Fnxon Bishop on bohnlf of tho merchants of Honolulu It is commonly supposed said Mr Bishop tlmt the merchants of Honolulu are so buny with their own that thoy have taken no interest in matters relating to tho board of health This is not true for thougli wo aro not vehement in expression we are realizing that industrial conditions aro depending mors and more on health conditions luid assuro you wo are behind tho board of health nnd its work and such work you have ronderod un- til further orders It will bo impossible to state Doctor Cur rie just how much wo appro nato your earnest efforts in be- half of tho health of this city Tho revorso insido panol of the watch is ongrnved with tho following legend Donald II Curno A token of appreciation and esteem from Hawaii Doctor leaves Bono lulu this afternoon on tho stenraer Ijiirlino to tnlio up his new post at Bun ImnciBco rVVrpPTT V l BURYING II DEAD The mosquito fighter roturjieil to thnif work yMlunluy morning to find tiip truntpottntmii problom ulmwt ai riita ivIjuii limy liml left t Hatur dy ufiurimon in jilln of I ho army of vneii mid mi ut work rmnuvlug 4 buMy uummttty vm uudti tt- - Vt- II km riM Ibltl iMHt Miy H tic 4l U4 lm sti4 tal - tr Am of walfe HJ fAcH UW HONOLULV HAWAII TERRITORY TUESDAY NOVEMliHU 21 1911 -SE- MI-WEHKLY SMITH WJOTE TO That Was His Undoing Fined Big for Opium Smuggling After Pleading Guilty i Nopnnn B Smitluiplondcd gnllty pa ono chnrgo of importing opiumycstor1 tordayIn tho federal court Ho was sehtoncod to fifteen days in jail nnd fined 1000 and exists After tbo cOsts wcrb announced it mndo tho 3400wbich was found in his possession in SanFraciscdtnt the time of arrost looVraIglity email They amountod to J 1708 which with the fino handed to him by Judgo demons put a holo in bis wad eomo 267027 deep Smith had sovon counts against him in the smuggling gamo and whon court convonod jesterday Morning ho pleaded guilty to tho first count much to tho surprise of everyone oxcopt his nttor noy District Attorney Brcckons and tho court It had boon oxpectod that hard fight would be mado on account of his rotainlng Frank Thompson lo defend him In view of his pleading guilty to tho one charge tho other counts against him woro dismissed and after his fif teen day jail sentence which com- menced ¬ yesterday heywill bo free to go his Tvuy and try tbo gamo over again if he so desires By tho plea of guilty yesterday Smith loses his citizenship evon though ho serves but fifteen days and tho fine and costs will leave but little ether money to his credit out of that found by federal ollicials when bo was arrest ¬ ed The greater part of tho costs aro marshals charges thoso from San Francisco amounting to 87738 includ- ing ¬ tho bringing of Smith hero and tho later co jing f Deputy Marshal Wer ¬ ner with documentary evidonco taken from Smith at tho time bf his arrest Interesting Character Smith is an interesting character in GQaraaiUsluisiory Jtaajtheanilcatndd byfodiralfflcialiiCTIIoTJhasbeeaa1 a i tc 41 great having in tne wnr been n sailor a mainland affairs I as Currie fC P in WU1UD employed latterly as quartermaster of the Columbian before he wont into the opium deal in Hawaii Ho left tho ship in Juno last In all his talks he haB never admitted any othor indiscretion in breaking undo Sam a laws and it seems his NORMAN B SMITB Who pays 2070 fino for selling 182 worth of dope record is clear on this count From his conersatio ho is polished man of the orld hut hl lettors which wcro gathered from arious sources tell n far different tory Found by Accident Tho first tip of the deals ho had been through hero camo tu the officials by accident and not until day after he hud sailed for San Francisco tho second time It scouts bomo GhiucsQ boys plnvlbg nrpiind a houso hud seen u wliltu man go in thero several times and hud hoard the Jinglo of monoy They tulkml tiU ot or among thorn nolviM ami with other youugsturs until it reached tbo cam of federal officials who buguu to for the muu uu bvvurii ho dcscrliitjoD flimlly locnting Jlin In Nomina Hiulth on tho glorra upeiwluig to Bmi PraucUiKi whoio ur iwtt iiml yiniumit proneeution aro Mull huovvii Women in Peal OMiru mi iay my me nul4ueiit To wowmi fliir in tho dwil ofi r Ajjim m1um r i1 out muit liud Ui witm Ut old th doftp or Mi It to J Urn ijlolilcl g 1 littulwJ Ihf tliUl uud ih i a a wilier w m tmmUwn wbil iu ITuboIuIu Th n r w -- h M - aLri rsiJuT IU ummHH4 Mtiotit Uvr tJflUjHNpMt4 J fa uut ju fkm W WiiAm f 1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M m UHf IMlMMf mm w turn vii Urn aim St ted Ui uu OUmMtm urilLajr - m4 Oil pMK ut llw HHl0l ttflLJim M Uti f lii M t 4ctMMNri M U MMf llff i jtl fvH I h - um Mtm mm mm m iu u ii Wl4 i a iAlMIM wmsiui Lay lffeIMIil MP Mltl MM WM4 MIA M MM l ttMM4 f WM a GlEE REPUBLIC NOW A PRACTICAL CERTAINTY EMPEROR TO ABDICATE j liiiiaLwiii I1 VLinrTTri 4 Ji tUy jj i iJStKmmWkmt HHBfliftlflHtfMBGMBrlJiHriflHMttistt4w httgiiriikiiH Iibbbbbmbji n ii r rf- - SSslPwflHHHHHHHHBMHilHHlBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH SHIPPIKO EOENfc CANTON BRITISH NOTICE 1 E TO 0 S Fortification of Jamaica an Ar- gument ¬ for Further Work on Defenses of Oahu Tho decision on tho paTt of tho Brit- - IbIi war office to strengthen vastly tho dofcns6s of Janinica is another argu- ment for tho further fortification of Oahu by the United States Howevor strong Jamaica becomes as a military base tho Bamo degree of strength wftl bo added to Oahu This is tho opinion of Major Archibald Campbell U S A adjutant general of tho Department of Hawaii Major Campbell in expressing this opinion TepoatB in substanwhttiXec j iVijLi raj raiPjr Arjx2jjjrjrjfi a coramaBaWgthewwtenrwoUvi4i525 tho Atuij j mado two orVhree ycawgq to the war department that twenty thousand soldiers should be pcrnjaricut ly stationed here for garrison and coaBt defense duty Tho adjutnat gonoral InclirieS to tho theory that tho sudden determination ui iuo jjriusu xio maKo Jamaica lying opposite tho Atlantic entrance to the rannina Canal a fortified base of Gi braltar strength and power only adds lo tbo force of General Murrays nrgu mont that Oahu lying to the westward of tho Paciffic entrance to tho cniial should become Amoricas Gibraltar There aro arguments to urge for Oa- hu ¬ stronger than for Jamaica however If Great Britain has reason to make Jamaica its powerful base in the At- lantic ¬ there aro additional reasons why the United States should make Oahu its most powerful military baso in tho Pacific Jamaica docs not bear the same geographical position to Grcit Britain nor to its possessions in North uud South America that Oahu does to the American mainland Oahu is the chief strategical outpost of the United States between that country and tho nations of tho Tar East dofonding a thousand miles of coast Iinoj Jamaica is isolated from Great Britain uud Canada and surrounded by tho possessions of na tionh other than British Major Qampboll see in Britain s Uu iiirn termination favor of at all uuumiiuu iiiuiukiiiuu necp of They constitution neutrality Panama Caiinlli behove In China 1UI1IIIULIUU anotiror liowcrful factor in ennTJIing tho United States maintain peace British be tho gainere by tho opening of the Panama Canal becuuso of their largo merchant Hue enlargement of and the safety of tins merchant mnrlao is Britanuius Continued on Page M CARNEGIE TRUST HEAR STE1LS BANKS CASH NiW YOItK November 21 Walter Cummins directing head of thu great Carnegie truit bni confessed guilt in cpnnoctlon with thu theft of 4140000 wjilch he olmrged with lint diverted fiom tbo Kliiutccnth Ward bfiiik to hli own use WILL STORM PAnLIAMENL lAmHX Nwvwnbor UJfliu nf frspltnn bavii nn iujUm tbut will mkc dwioiilrtliy liAy Mim wrliftwent FORPREIDgNTiAlPllMARy Mrmmtmm faiwm Mitt MwtMd wmtwAm fiwmwt pirn Jitw WWMN4 Urnimt M Wnf WMMr u nmin t- - tiuai miWjmnm yyifnoiPI MMfi WMM if I III i WHANGHO MVBE IN Advocates ofn Chinese Bepublie will dtilhU evening in ui monster bnolulrrBomafof red light nnr tprches nnd the enthusinsm of tho Tat Eoat All through tbo Chinese- quarter yes CM iIviucwiLMttSk Dk 3BM iXi yMc wtuc in jH2Hr r4 tcrday thero was the greatest in doings for tonight In fact thero are now two or possibly threij in town who hno expressions of opinion to air in regard this parade Mem bers of the Bow vWong Society aro not to fortify Jamaica a friend- - in n parade and will I 11 i - 1 I y iu u ai in out it arc tho of tho ir frfifl t fi uii u I und a free uu tllj UI ht DllUtl Vill UU I 3 to for tho will largest mu The 8 J bis Is bar iln u uni im w hi the to der nn emperor nnd n constitution Then thorO aro tho great mass of the local Chinese who are ranldly bccomiiii I and aro strong advocates ox a rcpuDiic xlio majority of thrso bowover believe that tho parade i should be postponed for tho special celebration of tho capturoof Poking or1 mo recognition or the Uliineso by tho Powers But then thoro aro tho cntlnisintH members of tho Tupg Jlun Will Ho ciety of whioh Dr Sun Ynt Sim is thu chcf who bellovo that now is a rouiI lime io express ineir cnimisiasiu uiki come out openly in favor of the Ito public Those aro tho mou who will march in purado this evening Women Enthusiast But then thorn are tho noinnti Timru are no more fervnut than Ilia womnn In local Chiuwo boHoU I Ihojf out Jeutt u liugu iiumbar f thelu tiro n right to u pla i Iu lint Yitcruy thuy vnttu tryinw to rnuke iirruniumcnU io liuvo uuin UwuuKyMi vtltli MfMrtMl IIMW WMM U iM mtW It mM mm Mm u Mint ttuautf kl Rcvclluhits Preparing to Concentrate Whole - Stm0i Against PeKin Foreigneif n f - Are Massacred fSrajSu Cublo lo The Adortisor nnd tho nawnll BMnpo TOKIOrNovomInf A summary of tho various reports rocoived from Chlrtcsofiburccindicates early abdication of tho Emperor through ths action Hourly tbo situation for tho Throno grows inoro dos porato and ikdPo3uptht now thoro exists practicaUy no nopo presenring tbo Manchu dynasty In power Tbo establishment of a Ohincso republic becomes dally xnoro and of a possibUlty until nt tills tlnio it nppoaxs almost a cortainty WELt BETTJSE TALK PEACE Yuan Shlh Kat has begun further overtures for poaco urging upon tho iMi tlm 111 i tttH SCENE HCNQHAI ORIENTAL REPUBLICANS WILL FLINT TIB COLORS GREAT NIGHT PARADE pamdgifaqntrnlnttpjtbertrohtBofi thoriontnlffeioTr3sr rolutIonriiy gairapfoings interest factious revolutionized Koptiulk ruvoluliunlslii duinaniliug oFtSWneSr propoicd the of march take in principal strdets of Chinatown of itboiijoBt onthinIriBtlo groups ssvsmi all of thorn red hot rdVohiildnlstH and supportbts of n rdpiiblie and will tnake tiie liveliest Bort of paradci A rocord Therq nilLbo tlireo nmrahnls of tho pnrndo Young Kwong Tat inanngor tho Kwong ChoHK Lung Company Wah Kwock editor of tho Idborty 4 OF SURGEON GEIl WAHIflNOTON Novombor Sur goon Cloncral Wyman chii f of the United Stated Health and ilurino Hospital Service died in this city yes- terday ¬ from tho cITpctB of a carbuncle Tho Bijildeu death of Surgeon Gen oral Walter Wyman camo as a shock to his man friends in UiIh city and whore his work in tho establishment of tho leprosy investigation station was of tho important nctH jof active lile Itpeontly Honolulu had been in touch vvltb him through tho Continued on Pago iBBBBBBBTjHfi ffil sSbBBBBBBBI BHEniunf- - jiSBBBBBBBBBfl kBPBliTv Br1 iaBBBBBBBBfl PBMi- - oBbiHHbIIIIIH fkVkwt jmSmmmwktmMkkkmi HBiiiHKttb W Imnmmmm BiiiiiiiiiSi 3fik iH huhq mm waltbu wymah of llif will be iliars Uk fur iiii rujui ut tur nu it tHlihU tU 18 A lurclllluht Mil ifUUlIuullub uldir wLIlL lui rutmuiiul mm Willi 1W lwd of ltwiu uM4riMi lit itmti fitmiUnt Iu m lUmmh lmn4 mi Hn vtimi smmmUmu with tU tiunHttu t ih msw hum rtm imtmiM m tmw mimui wtu mtnum em mttttmi lbww r UoUi wu ufu Amii ir tiitiK w4tf kvt Um dMMNitw IMi Mi Huiimiwoi mu nnt kim in rnim ihmumlvm Mm Ur tiou uM t ib iimih r Li dMtb ll tmUtt t M ttel n Jm4 r mmiM b til Pi Mill 20 tod7 lino to Ouo on of Cha 21 Walter Eight ijiuuiu yuinu Mi ihiir toMtfUl h lL lliuUl ii4Ul ft w m iW 11 mn4 fk i M WMl4 lk m4Mnil IpM MptilHi mw lit ihmuL ul mj Jm fm Ui utJtl hJ 4kiIii nM WmU Iv I vili tii tU4iiHivt itl AlAill BIH itt ikj iMtti iuMUkflil M MJ UlllU m A- - Mrri W ai M iAMi T u iw i itMitM it mAi WHQLBNO8BB4 MUl iQ lM tho for moro TO by the oho his one Mli revolutionary loaders tho necessity of united Ohinpso action now to romovo tbo necessity tho Powers claim crista for eomo form of intorventlon It in certain that tho rovolntionlst9 will ro fuso to liston to tho proposals bcllcv ing that their prospects fon ultimate victory aro now o bright that they would bo unwise not to press tholx ad ¬ vantage to tho limit Complications In Sight By Associated PrcBs PEKING Novombor 21 Official confirmation of tho massacro of a num ¬ ber of foreigners in Slnnfu has been received by tho nuthorllies Imperialists in Eotroat HANKOW Novombor 20 Tho im- perial ¬ outposts hnvo boon drhon in nt Nnnking The Imperialists contlnuo to bo worsted in battle with tho rebels Empress Elopes With Actor SAN FRANCISCO Novombor 20 It is reported lioro that tho mother of tho baby Ohincso emporor Pu yl hao oloped with an actor at Mukden tak ¬ ing a fortune in jowols Eand Marines at ChofvO BEKfjIN Germany Novombor 20 KoportH bavo reached hero that Ameri ¬ can and Jnnuneao war veairtln Manded rnarlnca at Chofea VeblMrmiostMaiihlng SK MANCfflCfj No vomb o 20 Klglit tudusotfd robol tfons are march mg from Canton to Nanking Flans Great Attack on Peking Spocial Cables to tho Sun Chung Kwock Bo SHANGHAI Novornbor 20 Plan for a concorted attack upon Poking havo boon perfected by Genoral Chion Kl Heo commandor-ln-chio- f of the revolutionary forces hore Ho has Bent out word to the revolutionary generals in tho provinces urging their coopera- tion ¬ nnd advising tho concentration of tho revolutionary forces by throo routes eontorlng at tho capital Monchnrinn Province Royoita i SHANGHAI Novombor 20 Tho Province of Kirlu In Manchuria de claredits lndopondonco on AVednesday last and has docided to throw in its lot with tho Chinese revolutionary provincos The provincial loadon in convention havo named Chion Cheu Hham as commandordn chiof of tho Kirln forces Cablnot Changes Already two changes havo boon pro ¬ claimed in tho recently naniod cabinfct of Premier Yuan Shlh Kai Yan Tu who had been nominated us vice min ister of education bus declined to net and Liu Ting Shim has boon named in nis piuco Iiinug He IIau nominated as vice minister of tho board of communica ¬ tions has been nominated aB a justico of tho supremo court a ponition for ¬ merly bold by him His place in tho cabinet bus been talcon by Liang Boo Yeo Veteran in Command HONOKONa November 20 Tho roviTrrTliontitB of Cnnton havo formally elected tho temporary ollicials of tbuir declared republic Lieu Yo is mimed as Provisional President and Wong Ischo Lung is named us commandor in cluof of the army Thu iutter Is a otorun in arms having boun tho u ernl in command of tho Chinese forces which disirutudk tho 1roneh nirht tu Klungchnu Ikon tho Island of Hal- - nan J ho troop have irreat coiifldunctf ui hm ability in a general NINE PERSONS INJURED IIIIBKMWJY California Novombor SI - Nino person were Injured hern yMturduy whwi a stwinor of tio Key routo smtubwl hMid on Into a plsr uiMJii wlillb a crilWil Of linonla wsru Utlnirwl SCHOOlTfEioTmR was TARneD ANP PBATHBRGO iii iwriii mm Mid budmi4im kMi UUlHmMUM Ut tldi li HiUfi wmowrqf gnu aipuiu0 -- kmrntmo nkin inttHkwi tfitUfklft lMM f lh liMJ M Vf tHt9Utk wBmwQfW 9WQ0 f t 1 i
Page 1: a PRESENT GlEE A1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M m UHf IMlMMf mm w turn vii Urnuu aim St ted Ui OUmMtm urilLajr-m4 Oil pMK ut llw

VOL L1V KO 8KtmiLii irlimim inniriiin mi




Handsome Token of Honolulus

Estoefti Given Departing

Medical Chief


Unexpected Slight Impression

Made on Heaps by DaysHeavy Teaming

i r


I wandorer -- served3 at various


lioqueslcdito attend a meet- -

ing of tho hoard of health jes- -

torday nt one1 oclock to Tenderadvice on some land about to bocondemned Dr Donnld II Curric of tho public health andmarine hospital serviee literallyfoil into the hands of hisfriends to be gien fittingtestimonial of appreciation Jromtho city of Honolulu and theTerritory of Hnwaii previous tohis depnrturo for tho

Tho token a liundomoly en ¬

graved Swiss repenting watchheafly jeweled was presentedby E Fnxon Bishop on bohnlfof tho merchants of Honolulu

It is commonly supposedsaid Mr Bishop tlmt themerchants of Honolulu are sobuny with their own thatthoy have taken no interest inmatters relating to tho board ofhealth This is not true forthougli wo aro not vehement inexpression we are realizingthat industrial conditions arodepending mors and more onhealth conditions luid assuroyou wo are behind tho board ofhealth nnd its work and suchwork you have ronderod un-til further orders It will boimpossible to state Doctor Currie just how much wo appronato your earnest efforts in be-half of tho health of this city

Tho revorso insido panol ofthe watch is ongrnved with thofollowing legend Donald IICurno A token of appreciationand esteem from Hawaii

Doctor leaves Bonolulu this afternoon on thostenraer Ijiirlino to tnlio up hisnew post at Bun ImnciBco

rVVrpPTT V l


The mosquito fighter roturjieil tothnif work yMlunluy morning to findtiip truntpottntmii problom ulmwt airiita ivIjuii limy liml left t Hatur

dy ufiurimon in jilln of I ho army ofvneii mid mi ut work rmnuvlug

4 buMy uummttty vm uudti tt- -

Vt- II km riM Ibltl iMHt MiyH tic 4l U4 lm

sti4 tal - tr Am of walfe





That Was His Undoing FinedBig for Opium Smuggling

After Pleading Guilty

i Nopnnn B Smitluiplondcd gnllty paono chnrgo of importing opiumycstor1tordayIn tho federal court Ho wassehtoncod to fifteen days in jail nndfined 1000 and exists

After tbo cOsts wcrb announced itmndo tho 3400wbich was found in hispossession in SanFraciscdtnt the timeof arrost looVraIglity email Theyamountod to J 1708 which with thefino handed to him by Judgo demonsput a holo in bis wad eomo 267027deep

Smith had sovon counts against himin the smuggling gamo and whon courtconvonod jesterday Morning ho pleadedguilty to tho first count much to thosurprise of everyone oxcopt his nttornoy District Attorney Brcckons andtho court It had boon oxpectod that

hard fight would be mado on accountof his rotainlng Frank Thompson lodefend him

In view of his pleading guilty to thoone charge tho other counts againsthim woro dismissed and after his fifteen day jail sentence which com-


yesterday heywill bo free to gohis Tvuy and try tbo gamo over againif he so desires

By tho plea of guilty yesterdaySmith loses his citizenship evon thoughho serves but fifteen days and tho fineand costs will leave but little ethermoney to his credit out of that foundby federal ollicials when bo was arrest ¬

ed The greater part of tho costs aromarshals charges thoso from SanFrancisco amounting to 87738 includ-ing


tho bringing of Smith hero and tholater co jing f Deputy Marshal Wer ¬

ner with documentary evidonco takenfrom Smith at tho time bf his arrest

Interesting CharacterSmith is an interesting character in

GQaraaiUsluisiory JtaajtheanilcatnddbyfodiralfflcialiiCTIIoTJhasbeeaa1

a i tc 41 great having in tne

wnr been n sailor







fC P


WU1UDemployed latterly as quartermaster ofthe Columbian before he wont into theopium deal in Hawaii Ho left thoship in Juno last

In all his talks he haB never admittedany othor indiscretion in breakingundo Sam a laws and it seems his

NORMAN B SMITBWho pays 2070 fino for selling 182

worth of dope

record is clear on this count From hisconersatio ho is polished man ofthe orld hut hl lettors which wcrogathered from arious sources tell nfar different tory

Found by AccidentTho first tip of the deals ho had been

through hero camo tu the officials byaccident and not until day after hehud sailed for San Francisco tho secondtime It scouts bomo GhiucsQ boysplnvlbg nrpiind a houso hud seen uwliltu man go in thero several timesand hud hoard the Jinglo of monoy

They tulkml tiU ot or among thornnolviM ami with other youugsturs untilit reached tbo cam of federal officialswho buguu to for the muu uubvvurii ho dcscrliitjoD flimlly locntingJlin In Nomina Hiulth on tho glorraupeiwluig to Bmi PraucUiKi whoio uriwtt iiml yiniumit proneeution aroMull huovvii

Women in PealOMiru mi iay my me nul4ueiit To wowmi fliir in tho dwil ofi

r Ajjim m1um r i1 out muit liud Ui witm Ut old th doftp or Mi It toJ Urn ijlolilcl g 1 littulwJ Ihf tliUl uud ih




wilier wm tmmUwn wbil iu ITuboIuIu Th

n r w -- h M - aLri rsiJuTIU ummHH4 Mtiotit Uvr tJflUjHNpMt4 J fa uut ju fkm W WiiAm f

1 1 i Vmi






m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlwi vim m mm iitiuw y iiiM 1M m UHf IMlMMfmm w turn vii

Urn aim St ted Uiuu OUmMtm urilLajr- m4 Oil pMK ut llw HHl0l ttflLJim M Uti f lii M

t 4ctMMNri M U MMf llff i jtl fvH I

h - um Mtm mm mm m iu u iiWl4i


iAlMIMwmsiui Lay

lffeIMIilMP Mltl


l ttMM4 f WM



j liiiiaLwiii I1 VLinrTTri

4 Ji tUy jj i iJStKmmWkmtHHBfliftlflHtfMBGMBrlJiHriflHMttistt4w httgiiriikiiH




1 E TO 0 S

Fortification of Jamaica an Ar-



for Further Work

on Defenses of Oahu

Tho decision on tho paTt of tho Brit- -

IbIi war office to strengthen vastly thodofcns6s of Janinica is another argu-ment for tho further fortification ofOahu by the United States Howevorstrong Jamaica becomes as a militarybase tho Bamo degree of strength wftlbo added to Oahu This is tho opinionof Major Archibald Campbell U S Aadjutant general of tho Department ofHawaii

Major Campbell in expressing thisopinion TepoatB in substanwhttiXec j

iVijLi raj raiPjr Arjx2jjjrjrjfi acoramaBaWgthewwtenrwoUvi4i525tho Atuij j mado two orVhree ycawgqto the war department that twentythousand soldiers should be pcrnjaricutly stationed here for garrison and coaBtdefense duty

Tho adjutnat gonoral InclirieS to thotheory that tho sudden determinationui iuo jjriusu xio maKo Jamaica lyingopposite tho Atlantic entrance to therannina Canal a fortified base of Gibraltar strength and power only addslo tbo force of General Murrays nrgumont that Oahu lying to the westwardof tho Paciffic entrance to tho cniialshould become Amoricas Gibraltar

There aro arguments to urge for Oa-


stronger than for Jamaica howeverIf Great Britain has reason to makeJamaica its powerful base in the At-lantic


there aro additional reasons whythe United States should make Oahuits most powerful military baso in thoPacific Jamaica docs not bear the samegeographical position to Grcit Britainnor to its possessions in North uudSouth America that Oahu does to theAmerican mainland Oahu is the chiefstrategical outpost of the United Statesbetween that country and tho nationsof tho Tar East dofonding a thousandmiles of coast Iinoj Jamaica is isolatedfrom Great Britain uud Canada andsurrounded by tho possessions of nationh other than British

Major Qampboll see in Britain s Uu


termination favor of at alluuumiiuu iiiuiukiiiuu necp of They constitutionneutrality Panama Caiinlli behove In China

1UI1IIIULIUUanotiror liowcrful factor in ennTJIing thoUnited States maintain peace

British be tho gainereby tho opening of the Panama Canalbecuuso of their largo merchantHue enlargement of and the safetyof tins merchant mnrlao is Britanuius

Continued on PageM



NiW YOItK November 21 WalterCummins directing head of thu

great Carnegie truit bni confessedguilt in cpnnoctlon with thu theft of4140000 wjilch he olmrged withlint diverted fiom tbo Kliiutccnth Wardbfiiik to hli own use


frspltnn bavii nn iujUm tbutwill mkc dwioiilrtliy liAyMim wrliftwent


Mrmmtmm faiwm MittMwtMd wmtwAm fiwmwt pirn

Jitw WWMN4 Urnimt MWnf WMMr u nmin t- -

tiuai miWjmnm

yyifnoiPI MMfi WMM

if I III i



Advocates ofn Chinese Bepublie willdtilhU evening in ui monster


red light nnr tprchesnnd the enthusinsm of

tho Tat EoatAll through tbo Chinese- quarter yes

CM iIviucwiLMttSk Dk 3BM iXiyMc wtuc in jH2Hr r4

tcrday thero was the greatestin doings for tonight In fact theroare now two or possibly threijin town who hno expressions of opinionto air in regard this parade Members of the Bow vWong Society aro not

to fortify Jamaica a friend- - in n parade and willI 11 i - 1 I

y iu u ai in out it arctho of thoir frfifl t fi uii u I und a free uutllj UI ht DllUtl Vill UU I 3

to fortho will largest




Is bar

ilnu uni





der nn emperor nnd n constitutionThen thorO aro tho great mass of the

local Chinese who are ranldly bccomiiiiI and aro strong advocates

ox a rcpuDiic xlio majority of thrsobowover believe that tho parade i

should be postponed for tho specialcelebration of tho capturoof Poking or1mo recognition or the Uliinesoby tho Powers

But then thoro aro tho cntlnisintHmembers of tho Tupg Jlun Will Hociety of whioh Dr Sun Ynt Sim is thuchcf who bellovo that now is a rouiIlime io express ineir cnimisiasiu uikicome out openly in favor of the Itopublic Those aro tho mou who willmarch in purado this evening

Women EnthusiastBut then thorn are tho noinnti Timru

are no more fervnut thanIlia womnn In local Chiuwo boHoU I

Ihojf out Jeutt u liugu iiumbar fthelu tiro n right to u pla i

Iu lint Yitcruy thuy vnttu tryinwto rnuke iirruniumcnU io liuvo uuin

UwuuKyMi vtltliMfMrtMl IIMW


mtW ItmM mm

Mm u Mintttuautf


Rcvclluhits Preparing to Concentrate Whole- Stm0i Against PeKin Foreigneifn f

- Are Massacred

fSrajSu Cublo lo The Adortisor nnd tho nawnll BMnpo

TOKIOrNovomInf A summary of tho various reports rocoivedfrom Chlrtcsofiburccindicates early abdication of tho Emperor through thsaction Hourly tbo situation for tho Throno grows inoro dosporato and ikdPo3uptht now thoro exists practicaUy no nopo presenringtbo Manchu dynasty In power

Tbo establishment of a Ohincso republic becomes dally xnoro andof a possibUlty until nt tills tlnio it nppoaxs almost a cortainty

WELt BETTJSE TALK PEACEYuan Shlh Kat has begun further overtures for poaco urging upon tho

iMi tlm 111 i tttH













propoicd the of march takein principal strdets of Chinatown

of itboiijoBt onthinIriBtlo groups

ssvsmiall of thorn red hot rdVohiildnlstH andsupportbts of n rdpiiblie and will tnaketiie liveliest Bort of paradci A rocord

Therq nilLbo tlireo nmrahnls of thopnrndo Young Kwong Tat inanngortho Kwong ChoHK Lung CompanyWah Kwock editor of tho Idborty




WAHIflNOTON Novombor Surgoon Cloncral Wyman chii f ofthe United Stated Health and ilurinoHospital Service died in this city yes-


from tho cITpctB of a carbuncle

Tho Bijildeu death of Surgeon Genoral Walter Wyman camo as a shockto his man friends in UiIh city andwhore his work in tho establishmentof tho leprosy investigation stationwas of tho important nctH jofactive lile Itpeontly Honolulu hadbeen in touch vvltb him through tho

Continued on Pago



PBMi- - oBbiHHbIIIIIHfkVkwt jmSmmmwktmMkkkmi

HBiiiHKttb W Imnmmmm

BiiiiiiiiiSi 3fik iHhuhq mm waltbu wymah

of llif will be iliars Uk fur iiii rujui ut tur nuit tHlihU tU 18 A lurclllluht Mil ifUUlIuullub uldir wLIlL lui rutmuiiul mm

Willi 1W lwd of ltwiu uM4riMi lit itmti fitmiUnt Ium lUmmh lmn4 mi Hn vtimi smmmUmu with tU tiunHttu t ihmsw hum rtm imtmiM m tmw mimui wtu

mtnum em mttttmi lbww r UoUi wu ufu Amii irtiitiK w4tf kvt Um dMMNitw IMi Mi Huiimiwoi mu nnt kim

in rnim ihmumlvm Mm Ur tiou uM t ib iimih r Li dMtb lltmUtt t M

ttel n Jm4 r mmiMb til



20 tod7

lino to







ijiuuiu yuinu Mi ihiirtoMtfUl h lL lliuUl ii4Ul ft

w m iW 11 mn4fk i M WMl4lk m4Mnil IpM MptilHi

mw lit ihmuL ulmj Jm fm Ui utJtl hJ 4kiIiinM WmU Iv I vili tii tU4iiHivt itl

AlAill BIH itt ikj iMtti iuMUkflil M MJ UlllU m A- -MrriW ai M iAMi T u iw i itMitM it mAi


MUl iQ







oho his



revolutionary loaders tho necessity ofunited Ohinpso action now to romovotbo necessity tho Powers claim cristafor eomo form of intorventlon It incertain that tho rovolntionlst9 will rofuso to liston to tho proposals bcllcving that their prospects fon ultimatevictory aro now o bright that theywould bo unwise not to press tholx ad¬

vantage to tho limitComplications In Sight

By Associated PrcBsPEKING Novombor 21 Official

confirmation of tho massacro of a num ¬

ber of foreigners in Slnnfu has beenreceived by tho nuthorllies

Imperialists in EotroatHANKOW Novombor 20 Tho im-


outposts hnvo boon drhon in ntNnnking

The Imperialists contlnuo to boworsted in battle with tho rebels

Empress Elopes With ActorSAN FRANCISCO Novombor 20

It is reported lioro that tho mother oftho baby Ohincso emporor Pu yl haooloped with an actor at Mukden tak ¬ing a fortune in jowols

Eand Marines at ChofvOBEKfjIN Germany Novombor 20

KoportH bavo reached hero that Ameri ¬

can and Jnnuneao war veairtlnManded rnarlnca at Chofea


SK MANCfflCfj No vomb o 20Klglit tudusotfd robol tfons are marchmg from Canton to Nanking

Flans Great Attack on PekingSpocial Cables to tho Sun Chung

Kwock BoSHANGHAI Novornbor 20 Plan

for a concorted attack upon Pokinghavo boon perfected by Genoral ChionKl Heo commandor-ln-chio- f of therevolutionary forces hore Ho has Bentout word to the revolutionary generalsin tho provinces urging their coopera-tion


nnd advising tho concentration oftho revolutionary forces by throoroutes eontorlng at tho capital

Monchnrinn Province Royoita i

SHANGHAI Novombor 20 ThoProvince of Kirlu In Manchuria declaredits lndopondonco on AVednesdaylast and has docided to throw in itslot with tho Chinese revolutionaryprovincos The provincial loadon inconvention havo named Chion CheuHham as commandordn chiof of thoKirln forces

Cablnot ChangesAlready two changes havo boon pro ¬

claimed in tho recently naniod cabinfctof Premier Yuan Shlh Kai Yan Tuwho had been nominated us vice minister of education bus declined to netand Liu Ting Shim has boon namedin nis piuco

Iiinug He IIau nominated as viceminister of tho board of communica ¬

tions has been nominated aB a justicoof tho supremo court a ponition for ¬

merly bold by him His place in thocabinet bus been talcon by Liang BooYeo

Veteran in CommandHONOKONa November 20 Tho

roviTrrTliontitB of Cnnton havo formallyelected tho temporary ollicials of tbuirdeclared republic Lieu Yo is mimedas Provisional President and WongIscho Lung is named us commandor incluof of the army Thu iutter Is a

otorun in arms having boun tho uernl in command of tho Chinese forceswhich disirutudk tho 1roneh nirht tuKlungchnu Ikon tho Island of Hal- -

nan J ho troop have irreat coiifldunctfui hm ability in a general


SI - Nino person were Injured hernyMturduy whwi a stwinor of tio Keyrouto smtubwl hMid on Into a plsruiMJii wlillb a crilWil Of linonla wsruUtlnirwl


iii iwriii mmMid

budmi4im kMi UUlHmMUM Ut

tldi li HiUfi

wmowrqf gnuaipuiu0 --kmrntmo

nkin inttHkwitfitUfklft lMMf lh liMJ


Vf tHt9Utk

wBmwQfW 9WQ0 f



Page 2: a PRESENT GlEE A1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M m UHf IMlMMf mm w turn vii Urnuu aim St ted Ui OUmMtm urilLajr-m4 Oil pMK ut llw

JmmmBiu mtium




Dr John S McGrcw Father of

Annexation Joins His

Old Comrades


His Remarkable Life and Work

in Peace and War Funeral

Services Today

Prom Saturdays AdvertiserMerciful death called for Dr John

S McGrow Father of Annexationabout nine oclock last orcnlng thovenorablo physician passing away nspeacefully as though going to sleep Hisdeath was not unexpected for ho hasbeen falling recently and never recov-

ered from tho shock of his fall nnd thobreaking of his thigh on October 0

lastTho funeral services will bo hold in

the Lunalllo street homo at thrcooclock this afternoon and will bo con-

cluded there tho intermont being priv-


Tho body will bo cremated andthe ashes buried in tho family plotIn Nuuanu cemetery

Tho direct descendants of DoctorMcGrow nro his daughter Mrs CharlesB Cooper and hor two childron of thiscity J Tarn McGrow a son who livesin PariB rranco where tho widow isnow visiting him and Reynold McGrcwa grandson who is under tho guardianship of Dr ChaTlcs B Coopor W MGraham a nephew is another nearrelative

Long TJsoful LifeDr John S McGrcw was born at

Lancaster Ohio December 23 1825 hisparents moving to Cincinnati duringhis Infancy where his father becamotho founder of tho Cincinnati EnquirerHo attended the public schools of thatcity until ho reached tho ago of fif-


whon ho went to Oxford collegofrom which ho crnduatcd Ho then attended tho Ohio Medical Collego inCincinnati graduating from that insti-tution


in 18 17 after four years ofstudy

Civil War VoteranAt tho outbreak of tho Civil War

Doctor McGrow was among tho first tovolunteer for active Borvlco and hishumane nature and medical skill stoodmany n wounded or sick soldier ingood stead during that ovcutful opochHo was firBt appointed ns surgeon totho Eighty Third Ohio Regiment fromwhich ho was detailod ns chief suTgeonof tho division until after tho lied Riv ¬

er expedition when ho was ordered toappear before tho New York examin ¬

ing board which promoted him to staffsurgeon of tho United States Volun-teers


Ho was under General McClollanscommand in West Virginia nnd alsoBerved under General Sherman in thosouth participating in mnny notablecampaigns with great credit for whichho was given tho rank of lieutenant- -

colonel By his quick wit upon onooccasion in answering tlio clitct ot nConfederate raiding party ho Baved aUnion major general from capture

Hero for Forty flvo YearsIn 1860 upon resigning his commis-


in tho army Doctor McGrow camewest intending to mako his homo inCalifornia but after a brief stay inSan Francisco decided to make n tourof tho world When ho reached Hono-lulu ho was so charmed with tho placethat ho novor continued his voj agobut remained hero It was not long un-

til ho becamo closely identified withtho lifo of tho city and ho soon builtup a largo practise nnd fortune Sohappily did his residence hero resultthat ho found littlo time to visit thooutsluo world tho first trip to tho Unit-ed


States being for tho Centennial oxposition in Philadelphia in 1870 andthe Becond twenty soven years laterwhen ho visited his old homo in Cin-

cinnatiUpon that occasion tho Cincinnati

Enoulrcr nubllsbed nn interview withhim and a copy of tho paper found itsway to Vicltsburg Mississippi anonlv thereafter tho doctor received a lettcr from a lidy in that city full ofgratitude to him for the great kindnessbo showed to tlio writers lamuy Kinuuoss which she vividly recalled fromher personal remembrance whon theywere prisoners of war in tho hands oftho Union army during tho siege ofVlcksburg It was Doctor Mftlrowhimself who saved tho family fromhunger and other miseries by his Individual ministration

Well Known Host

Deetor Mil rw oT3 home upon thoiltu of which ow ktudf the young Hotl was ON0 of the biMt known pointstp traveler mhuIhx to Honolulu nmhu inrlUwUrly enjoyable to tbe iwtNymvu itAUer wild wUuw tbweWtuw the ileW jwjpbMw tbe HekfeU imiu t lb trr of Iainitii MMi UukitU etiiwte tut Wuoo

WMt tew yMi egu lit laM4tllty uiuUMfctf Ml4 b mUHUMtml mJmwM hi

tMftMy m be 414 m M srtir



wm tmn 0tf sbu ks


SI1 by OfHft Mfffmh ft f teentll XH HI pNftlttt

dwrtag Ibf War nt tbe Hbllim frnw I

141 to IMA TM NMMfoa bewWw W 1fIM kHMl lbs year MM

to- - Dr R A K Weed Wkm DeeterMedrew mM iIir m4aWs In 1800 It uramrlet Um t the m paid him was

180000Among the noted trnvflera honored

at Deetor McO rows old liomMteadwere Lord and Imly IlraMey whoenme hero In their famous yacht Hun- -beam ami wcro roynlly entertainedAdmiral Ito of tho Japanese navy wasalso tendered a notable reception byDoctor and Mrs McGrow and manydistinguish men found them to bo un-

paralleled ns host and hostessrather of Annexation

Kor many years prior to tho Annex-ation


of tho Hawaiian Islands to thoUnited States Doctor McGrow was nstanch and fearless supporter of thatmovement and ovon during tho roign ofKing Knlaknua expressed himself fordbly upon tho subject Tho friendshipof tho King toward tho doctor was rotIn the least diminished it is said fortho King admired his courageous standand bollovcd him to bo thoroughly sincero in tho wclfnro of tho Hawaiianpeople

To furthor tho catiBo of annexationnineteen years ngo ho established thoHawaiian Star and secured tho servicesof Walter G Smith as editor Tho panor was a nowor durincr those excitimryears in Hawaiian politics

wncn nnnoxauon was linnily securedno ono was happier thnn Doctor Me- -Grew who joined In tho celebrationwith great enthusiasm In speaking ofthat occasion recently ho said that atone time during his campaign for an ¬

nexation his lifo was threatened butthat did not dctor him for ho believedthe United States should hnvo controlover tho TBlnnds nnil that tho peoplewould finally sco that he meant every ¬

thing for their best interestsEoarrangcs Trust Seed

Last July Doctor McGrow and hisfamily cntorcd into a new arrangementwith tho Trent Trust Compnny with rognrd to his largo estate tho deed oftrust being tnndo between tho tloctornnd his wife Paulino McGrow andtheir children Kathcrino McGrow Coop-er wifo of Dr Charles B Cooper nndJohn T McGrcw of Paris nnd tho TrontTrust Company

In n formor deed tho sum of 125000formed tho body of tho trust Thatsum having been variously investedlargely in real estate and thoro beingother property subsequently acquired itwas consiticroa ucBirunie 10 navo a re ¬

settlement of tho trnstUnder the rearrancomont of tho trust

deed filed in July tho doctor nnd hisfamily conveyed to tho Tront TrustCompany ns trustee various real estateon Alnkea Beretanla Richards Punch ¬

bowl Hotel nnd Young streets in thiscity real cstato in Ewa ns well nsshares of stock in tho Onhu Enilwnynnd Land Company and tho MeBrydoSugar Company and other porsonnl property

Provisions of DeodIt was provided that the Tront TruBt

Company should during tho llfctlmo ofDoctor McGrow pay to Mrs McGrowout of not incomo Blue he

200 nor month for hor separate usoUpon tho doctors death his wifo was tohavo tho uso of tho homestead at ImnaHIo nnd Hackflold streots frco ofnil charges duririg tho rost of her lifeIt was nlso providod that his wifoshould sho survivo him was to rocoivohalf tho not incomo of tho property in ¬

cluded in tho trust deed oxcopt thohouse or tho sum of 500 per monthshould half tho net incomo not reachthat amount Tho remaining half oftho net income or the incomo loft afterdeducting 500 por month was to bo di ¬

vided between Mrs Kathcrino McGtowCooper and John T McGrow Tho docu-ment


nlso provided that nfter tho deathof both DoeroT and Mrs McGrow thoTront Trust Compnny wns to hold alltho property in trust for Mrs Cooporand hor brother

Accident last WcokUp to October last Doctor McGrow

had boon in excellent health consider-ing


his ndvnnced age nnd frequentlyenmo downtown by himsolf to transactbusiness Although ho was becomingincreasingly fccblo ho still rodo on thoelectric cars and oftentimes both thoconductor and motormnn would assisthim in boarding and alighting from thocars

On October 9 tho doctor was ovorcomo by an attack of dizzinoss on tholanal of his homo and fell fracturinghis right hip Ho has beon lingeringsince thnt date Buffering irom tho ef ¬

fects of hi injury from which Mb hun ¬

dreds of friends nnd thousands of wellwishers feared ho would novcr recovera fear that has been shown wollfoundod



nThomns Hunt who might bo tho poor

brother ot Jack Johnson judged on

looks appeared before tho llcenso com ¬

missioners yesterday and told them

bow he had been tbrown ont of MeTiglos saloon becauso ho refused topay for drinka for n gang that wasIn thero One of tho colored beseechersfor freo drinks hit Hunt In the oyo andknocked him down and tho bartenderdid tho rest by throwing him out Intothe street The license commissionersdeputed Inspector Fennell to look intothe matter

Hunt told how ot teu oclock onThursday night be dropped Into Me- -

T1k1io Mloun for u braeor A gaugot mwi tUwu mkwl blut to buyfriw drluka He dwlinisd thflr riwiintMH1 UND Of thwb Hunt MllCd llllll II

eUjrd rlM Mubinr hitulwl off nndbll bita on Ibt t cwtild hardly bemJ4 UuK JluNtf eye was blsakwiwJbut trt IwieMUtr vfrlittly wn eer- -

nr i armmr i uur nw u ti ii um

U W vfffl mmwtt 1M 4Hi gj MMtog Ht4ii UmM lf Hflti fU

M t 4MMII I ikJ IMMtrUm luai mmIA lluiIT HUH lltM Mb Ht ML1M TT7 11 vmAA L JU

M Ik ii vljUUouf t rtij Ji mum whs i1m3mM lUt M urn lb l u i ki4 Mm Ub


Si NfV MURww tm Hi WW

iRnnniicrn utnniiMUdPIU WUIill


Organization Has Dropped IntoSteady- - and Effective


From Saturdays AdvertiserTho receipt nt tho headquarters of

tho nntimotqulto campaign yesterdayof a claim for 428 damages createdtho only discussion of nny conscqueneoat the meeting of tho cltirons com-


yesterday afternoon Theprospect of receiving moro pointed totho necessity of a claims department tohandle them nil nnd gather tho neces ¬

sary data in regard to each The propo-sitions of referring thcrn to the nttornoy general to a special representativeof tho committee and to tho board ofhealth woro discussed in turn tho lattermethod being finally adopted in vlowof nil claims being of necessity addressed ngainst that body Tho com- -

mitteo will probably arrango to havean ngent of its own handle tho mattersfrom tho committees end

Another letter was received from AV Poters of Botors Drue Companyprotesting against tho cutting of hisbananns nnd in a lengthy communica-tion


sotting forth tho attitude of thoAmerican peoplo in regard to tho con-


Thoy who have never stoodfor pirncy ho said This letter wasendorsed with tho usual noto by tholieutenant bf tho npana with the factthat tho plants of tho complainant hadboon cut down

Thcso represented practically thofull number of complaints received al-


iU is n fair estimate that thoworkors visited six hundred places dur-ing


tho day making tho porccntngo ofactual objection remarkably small

Moro CooperationOfficials in charge of tho campaign

bclievo now thai most of tho kick-ers


by which term they have comoto designate those who would havekicked anyway if not over ono thingthen another have bcon disposed ofAt least they say tho number offavorable reports from tho field ouinnmber tho reports of objectcions andresistnnco a great deal nnd tho nctivoassistance being rendered by the com-munity


stands out moro plainly thanit did

In tho morning tho committee re-ceived


notico that Mrs Thomas BLucas after having cut down hor ba-nana


plants hnd examined u bed oflilies and had found every plant theroto hold water full of wrigglers Shothen cut thcso down also and sentword to tho ovorsocr of tho diBecoveryof larvae in those plants

Thats what I call cooperationtho of tho cstato commented Doctor when ro


ceived tho roport Sho ought to bogiven a voto ot tnanus

Doctor Marshall commonccd yester- -

day on his examination of otherplants nnd several bottles of UMes withtho wrigglers that were taken ont ofthem havo joined tho collection atheadquarters Among those examinedworo the spider Illy which- - yielded aplentiful amount of wrigglers Apineapple lily was also examined nndwhilo a groat doal of water was takenfrom it thoro woro no wrigglers found

Entomologist Swczey brought in abottle of wrigglers which were handedhim labeled ns coming from tho leafsheath of a royal palm

Mosquito EoportsTho committeo received a letter from

tho planters association yesterday notifjing them that Mr Swczey its ento-mologist would bo ablo to dovoto aportion of his time- for a week or so toK

tho assistance of Mr Fullaway who ishandling tho mosquito survoy

Dr C A Peterson superintendent oftho insano asylum reported havingBecurcd specimens of tho Stogomyiacalopus and having identified themmicroscopically to his own satisfactionTho report was given to Mr Fullawaywho corroborated tho statement thattho Stogomyia was plentiful in thatdistrict and stated that ho had securedmany of its larvae but could not doter

Imino whothor thoy were calopus orBviuuunris unni inoy Drod out

Mr Fullnwnys and Mr Swezoyspurported statements in tho Star werediscussed and neither of tho entomo-logists confessed to them

Thousand to One BetIt 1b not always possible to avoid

reporters said Mr Fullaway Speak ¬

ing for myself I certainly hnvo noVerhad any intention or Baid anything tohinder tho work of tho committee Ihavo been misquoted and I boliovo MrSwczey has been misquoted as wasshown by tho corrections ho had tomako over his own signature I wascalled up tills morning from tho Staroflice Doctor Wilcox answered thephono and than called mo and I had totalk but when I requested that thoreporter ask questions and take downmy nnswers verbatim ho rang off Ihavent seen a copy of tho paper yetbut I am willing to hot ono hundreddollars to ten cents that I have beenmisquoted

I certainly dont want to be madetho catapaw to bo used by auy news ¬

paper in any fight of own hoafterwards added

Mr Swotoy also thought that thebanana fight was purely a news

plipur dlicuaslon ui he had not miany ilkiia of it outalde of a newspaperMoro Deluded People

Clmirmaii Dillliiuhum nunuuiied thath had lirfN iiolifle l by tlm JanaiiMeMvrtUnt AHoektlun hut u mutinglw4 bmu hold the liny jiruilwi and thath rBMluIlM liad Iwu uih4 wuiraathk in rgm tuiim cunt is lie orfrd lu lb Mmiutlittw nn aWudny nod

Uiuly wuU Hum Uii op ehauM itoi lb UitiM ibiuiue bwWwjiM w ulib nil iiiett f mr dm tbe UW Mlr leur timtuiv ureyi






ItWNflM ibu iK4lf 4mU Jmw nndIbineu uuMelauU Luva iiuiMluiulMkft m4 iiy eiui lie taQUm4 l M4rii Tbe hliip Ufm eiNiely fuae nwlmbi mtvIm l


eflBiffpF wi wi ib tumult

er mmf wiM MfwmI willelsf W t

mmm tint u4tm







CFrom Saturday AdvertiserTwo Imperial edicts straight from

tho Forbidden City in Poking reachedHonolulu yesterday through tho-- localChinese consulate Thoy deal with thoappointment of tho now cabinet under

i r



and Fronts tho following names oftho leadership of Shih Kait those appointed cabinet ministers

wun ino stop tuKon ror mo and vice ministerscation of tho Empire through a nation Liang Tung Yuen minister of for-al


convention of representatives all oign affairs and Ho Wei Toprovinces ister Piu minister of tho

The first edict is for the calling of interior and Wo vlce minstorra national convention for isottlo 1 Yen Hsiu minister nnd Chenmont of Chin Tau vice minister Tang Chinfollows


tlio present troubles and is as

An imperial edict has been issuedinstructing tho authorities in everyProvincn to send irqm tnreo to live rep- -

resontatives to attend a joint meetingJn Peking in order to discuss importantquestions nnd to decide upon whatshould bo dono by the government in

out its



tho crisis i agriculture industry nnd com- -

Chian Tong Shou morce and Hso Yen viceChikiang and Chian Chun Lun tho lot- - Chi oftcr of Kangsi Prov nnd communications and Yuince havo been appointed special rep- - Hau vice Ta Shouresontatives tho government for affairs and Yungtheir native provinces proclaim tno vice



Tho hopo of establishing direct ¬

communication between Honolulunnd San Francisco has not been givenup by tho local company andan effort will bo made in the nearfuturo to test static conditions at thoPali to detormino whether thnt highol will aid or not in establish¬

ing tho direct air lineManager Dalch of thof local

company which now has its main re-


and sending station aton tho north and west pointof Oahu states that the company hassecured from Govornor Frencthe privilege of making tests tho Pall andtficso will bo conducted for severalweckB and may bo months until the



WASHINGTONalleged opposition by a greatcombination tbe financing of a linoof Independent steamships for servicethrough the Canal will be

of nn Inquiry by tho aenato com ¬

on Interstate commerceIt U believed that tbe developments

tbe committee will show thatthoro la n concerted effort on the partof railroad companies tothe Mtsbllihwunt of llnei outaide their domination between tbeAtlantic stud Jatian eot


Ilrn bmt lime lu Imjf VtmmmMntWgb Hfmiy U rtfbi fcww

tml il w HbUI yw t4 M M mli4 i mU U m4wbm fiiM twIrMM mm flt II heiM 1m lfc w m m ofi

BeeiiM mUi h W- - MKu ti

WIlWilllMIIIIIMUWyvul tbe ei4jbtil H f M Vm Ha


of tho government for carrying reform

Twan Chi Kwci is appointed asacting viceroy ot ilupoh

second edict is as followsAn imperial edict issued at tho

instance of Premier Yuan Shlh Kai toYuan

aspacin- -

ofChan Chun

Tsongtho of finance

minister of education and YangTu vice Wang Szo Chungminister of and Tien Wen Laivfco minister Admiral Sah Jung Ping

of tho navy and Tan ShonkHung vice Shcn Cilia Bun

of and Liang CainChnu vice Chang Chian min- -

present ister ofChang Chian minister

Yang Szo acting postsprovincial trcasuror Liang

ministerof of colonial Hsun

to minister











certain hinderateamer









company is assured that tho location isgood or bad

An aorial set of wires will bostretched across tho gap but at somodistance above tho road and when Jn--

staucd win resemble tno aerialtho masts of a ship Thero will bosoveral strands of wire making quito awidth A temporary station will bo

in which tho instruments willbo placed mainly for receiving Thooperator will mako tho tests in thisnut

Wo do not know whether this testwill result favorably said ManagerBalch It maybo that tho elevationwill bo a gam in somo respects butthiB may bo lost if tho static conditionsthere provo to bo bad Wo hopo toestauusii direct and constant communication between tho Coast andHonolulu


PALO ALTO California Novembor18 Two children died hero yesterday4 mm 111 nnil 1a nnnlnt Jt It I -- II

November 18 An Vin Ponlc Tho theaters churchesrailroadto





at mitk






aro closed for fear of the spread oftho epidemic

It is stated that there is no dangerof its spreading to tbe Leland StanfordJunior University near here

FLEET READY TO SAILuivt uiiivnmnA it 1 it

The Iuclflc erulser fleet Is onembllngtoday and drflulte orders have beenlufiJ to null for Honolulu on Tuesday-FOUR PERSONS FROZEN


KMUQQl JIHtifb MnieblR NovewbM llnMt mwm am ttmUt imth br ymlMur 4ria o LUc

r4 wWeb atft tm ttm ef Ifewetry

mm iynwi m 70 14 avsAW QIHTUW7 h wfiMM4- wd iy tm tri iM mid


TtiHrrTrii1 ti OiAtyuivivjiiifA

Greatest Conflict of theWar Will Be Near

Old Capital

London Hears Hostilities

Have BegunTroopsDemonstrate

Special Cable to Tho Advertiser andtho Hawaii Shinpo

TOKIO November 17 Poking lanow quiet tho residents becoming paosivo as a rosult of tho prcmlorshlp ofYuan Shih Kai in whom thero is nobounded confidence

NANKING OENTEE OP INTERESTNanking Is now tho chlof point or

interest from both Imperial and revo-lutionary


standpoints Tho city hastakon on tho aspect of a groat militarycamp Business is completely suspend¬

ed and tho populace has either fled forsafoty or has hidden itself away Thstreots aro thronged with Boldlors wear¬

ing tho royal uniform and practicallyno ono olso is to bo found Tho royal-ists


aro nearly aU ManchusA general attack upon tho city will

bo mado within tho next fow daysrevolutionary forces being on tho wayfrom three different directions

Tho government appreciates tho seri¬

ousness of the Nanking situation andtho absolute necessity of preventing arebel victory Urgent orders have beensent to Goneral Ylnt Chang to movo totho assistanco of tho Nanking garrisonwith as much hasto as possible

Battlo May Bo in ProgressBy Associated Press

LONDON November 18 Hostilitiesaro reported to havo already commoncodnear Nanking where tho armios of thorevolutionists and tho Imperialists arogathering for a decisive battlo

At Tien Tsin tho British french andRussian tToops and marines havo madesbparato demonstrations and marchodin parade All Is quiet thoro

American Officers Lead EobolsNANKING Novembpr 17 General

Chang has moved out to check therebel advance Tho rebols are led bytwo west Pointers

Dont Think HoU Last LongPEKING November 17 Irom tho

tone of comment in tho Chinese pressit is evident that tho newspapers ex-pect the rulo ofGcn Yuan Shih Kai aspremier to bo brief

Eobels Seek Largo LoanSpecial Cables to tho Liberty NewsSAN FKANCISCO November 17

The Canton government had orderedtho Chung Wa Society and tho com ¬

mercial associations to raise a 2000000 loan repayablo within two years

Sixteen Bebel ProvincesSHANGHAI November 17 The

rebel government reports that tho revo-lutionists hold sixteen provinces

Tho Soochow Hangchow nnd Shang ¬

hai troops have joined forced in thoattack on Nanking

Now Bank to Help BebelsTho Chung Wa bank shortly to open

in Shanghai will issue shares of 5each which will be turned into the warfund

Tho Wuchang army is marching onPeking





Having inspected tho leeward coastof Oahu from Diamond Head to Walalua and that part botween Honoluluand Walalua by mil Major GeneralMurray commanding the western di-vision


of the army yesterday inspectedthe windward comt line via the PallKahuku and Halelwn making a lourby auto returning to lie city list oveiilng by way of Lellehua

The general 1ms now eeen both sidesof the island uloug the shore and hastrawled down the center ot it but huenot yet iuipeetod the Walmanalo seelion betwenn Kufeu Jfe4 and tbe footof the lall

The umientl Is en native ininertor endiy brtly tk to lie bills to tookitYU tarns r ine HMp mh tun mmtiM br tbe Treil and Muunmiu AubkW bj tMi f vtJave l I lie IumI

4 frltb tbr Uiii Alaitl u lu tbe emm wm m mm mmi jim iiImm br bfM fU44 w tU wti


Jljibaft ttm Ibte UT UaaiM AAAeaiaUatIT ill tS gg HC IT

eiatftfjatgaeatea aw

Page 3: a PRESENT GlEE A1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M m UHf IMlMMf mm w turn vii Urnuu aim St ted Ui OUmMtm urilLajr-m4 Oil pMK ut llw

jmvMaiHMMmummmnmmmMMmMmmmvmmmlmmmmmmmmMutllmm n -f ir niiirliiiiiniiilniiimiuuiiiniiiimii



Army of Teams and Men StartWork Hauling Refuse to



Fallaway Has Found the Yellow

Fever Mosquito in SeveralPlaces

From Sundays AdvortisorWith tho last of tlio bananas in Ho-


outside of commercial planta-tions


cut down last night and hun-dreds


of tons of dead plants tin cansand other debris piled up along Honolulus streets tho wholo town tarnsto tlits morning and for tho next tonhours will strain ovory one of its trans-portation


muscles in an effort to clearit nil up and get it out to sea

It marks tho first full Btcp taken intho campaign against the mosquito Itropresents also tho spirit in which thocommunity is backing up tho menwhich it appointed to ropresent it intho campaign

Ono of the big draying companies oftho city after donating tho services oftwo thirds of Ub great equipment yestoTday heard that there was still a bigshortage and sent an offer to tho com-


to supply twonty more doubleteam drays tho last of its facilitiesand the nccossarjy horses providingthat tho committoo pay tho drivers fortho day Tho offer was thankfully ac-


Will Be Busy TodayIn all over two hundred and fifty

wagons will bo in tho Btroets all daytoday carting away tho refuse and baaanas The Oceanic wharf tho presentdumping ground at tho foot of Fortstreet and the Esplanade sea wall willbo used as dumping points for tho draysand their loads will be thrown rightover into the waiting scows Tho tugIntrepid will do tho towing

Doctor Blue yesterday presented tothe committee at its noon session acomplcto typewritten plan for tho di-


of tho army of men and teamsthat go on the job at seven or eightoclock this morning Tho plan cover-ed


many pages and was tho result ofmuch bard thought and forethought andtho fact that it could bo preparedand bo pronounced by teaming expertsto bo almost perfect speaks well forDoctor Blues grasp of the situationAs great a credit goes to J J Bolsorwho gathered all the data necessary todraw up the plan and who also furnish-ed


much sound advico as to how thomaterial should be handled

Oalopns Is HereA report was rendered the committoo

yesterday by Entomologist Fallawaycovering his weeks work Ho reportedbreeding out an adult Stegomyia caloPub mosquito from larvae gathered ina rain barrel in upper Palama Healso stated that ho has a largo numberof larvae from the same Bource andhad no doubt but that they would

nninM tmn innrbreed out in tho buiqg waymeeting Teopie Blept

poned to glanco at ono of tho collectionjars and seeing a gaudy looking mos-quito


flitting about inside having butshortly emerged from tho pupastage ho took it out and found it tobe a plainly marked specimen of thosame species This specimen enmooriginally from a Chinese shack onBeretania avenuo

In his report to the committee Full- -

away reported as having found thoBteoomyia fasciata Doctor Blue

requesting that it be changed to Stego-myia


tho name to which thopnblic had been educated Fullawaycontended that fasciata was the namemost recently adopted by science andased by Theobald tho admitted autho-


on mosquitoes but tho medicallafucer called his attention that tho nameland been dropped long aco by zoolog- -

lists and that practically no such mosIqutto exinted

City Garbage SystemCharlie Costa with tho teams of tho

department has done much workin the past two days in hauling bananahoiks ana otner roiuso irom the treats

llto the wharves for shipping to senand the wagons mon and animals of

Itbo department provided by action ofitho supervisors at their Wednesdayavening meeting have holped the con-gestion


considerablyTogether with J J Besler Costa was

t work in tho mayor a office all yesterday morning cettlnir the now tennisIf if tnnlnw nnnAftlnnnl 7a ihmVIiud directing thoso on the job nt thatMmo

Mo lonn baulincr wua done bv thejlty teams yeaterdny thoy contentingIhomselvcs with bringing tho debrisKnit where it could bo handled morehully and a majority of the teams bo- -

log in Mnnoa where banana stalks vtrelirougut to tha end of the car linemere tuere wti a email mountain or

Mi it stuff by noonJjelier reported at cloven oclock yes

geraaylimn iovlynomaimluuiobllehid rapid


mm mm yw wawWJi yw fiN

ityiun Inniikmvut iHi silt It itiin iwi imm

- 11M SWWfMMtHruivlf r Mb- bifc Vsv Ipti

ii mtiWmi m upiPesF Msfff


Says Ho Was Permanently In-



on Ewa PlantationRailway System

fFrom Sunday AdvertiserFor Injuries alleged to havo boon re

ceived in a collision botweon a trainand an nutomobllo owned by tho EwaPlantation M J B Bilva claims 20

000 as damagesSUva filed his complaint yesterday

morning in tho circuit court oluco Ac-



to this on Novcmbor IS SUvawho was a carpenter omployed by thoEwa plantation was on a railroadautomobilo owned by tho plantationcompany when a train also owned byby tho defendant company Collldodwith tho automobile Silva was thrownoff and serious injuries Hostates that holms lost tho use of bothhis legs and that ho will novor bo abloto work again

He nssesses tho injuries received at20000

Manuol Silva Comes Up AgainManuel Silva will bo tip beforo Judgo

Cooper and n jury again on Mondayon a charge o having kept intoxicat-ing


liquor for salo without n liconsoSilva is said to have sold liquor at nchurch function some time ago Thojury failed to agroo at tho first trialThe judge dismissed them and sot thotrial for Monday next

As those twelve who Bat in tho firsttrial will bo disqualified a Bpccialvenire for eight talesmen has been is-


returnable on Monday morningJohn H Wilson Heard From

It would seem that thoro is nothingolso but objections and exceptionsabout the bill for an injunction toprevent the loan fund commissionersfrom nwjiTrtinrr tn tlift TnTflVniinrr En

manfor the

gineering Co Ltd tho contract for noI was stuffed putty istho section of tho belt the before

Yesterday Wilson hlB exceptions Hilo arising in thoto tho answers of the commissioners flr8t tcst cns0 ovor tho Kalwiki Third

Vl The homesteadercepted is evidentiary character that P1 in tho n0UBO on th nomand irrelevant immaterial and surplus-- stead night On thoage thero sticks tho putty in tho keyhole

JUOra COtO OUT Wltn Sn fir tinmiutnnrinr hn nnt ninniSi his invariable was to enterbill Wilson Is tooreply says

uncertain untrue and insufficient toenable him to answer

Ho has generous opponents thoughfor thoy allow him fivo nfter thohearing of tho exceptions has been com-pleted


in which to file his replicationto the answers interposed by the mem-bers


of theMoro Banana Business

Some moro banana diet was served upin thn tSheriff BuDort n

sympnthyof to

which to orplead to the of injunction

William E Bellina has thoJ 8 B Pratt et ol in his


Yesterday Fong Choy Lin wasgranted a from Wongbecause he foiled to provide HinayoSakaguiehl was the marital

of Kanekichi Saksguicbi ¬

lie was failed toprovide for lier Phillips

Hilbus Phillips be- -

no to provide for her

himself 115405

EvidenceBaron to



HILO November Kona isis a

mosquito ownwas brought

a good

ntten- -







Homestead Test Case Shows

Variety of

Count of Wild Trees

Mail Special AdvertiserHILO lovember How could a

through a door everynight throo months when key

with ThatIlceia road conundrum Judgo Parsons

filed connection with

lTaT homesteads testifies

every other hand

IOUne company

Li0 nh that habit





his house through tho windowunlocking tho

tho onresult which to a large extentdepend homestead policy thogovernment the future was heardbefore Judgo Parsons week thocase being Iand CommissionerJudd against Henderson When tho

was closed tho laymen who hadwatching it wero tho opinion

circuit court yesioraay uopuiy that imvTiinKt fcna fnlliaHose has granted Dr 1mw mnti fvni nTM

Blue the other defendants fivo their with settlersdays after tho determination Hills havo influencedsuit answer otherwise

fileddone same

towards Dr

The MMTon

divorce Yon

freed frombondscause cruel and

John alsolost- - his wife Ettacauso failed


and havo

Tho news this




doorTho first tcst cases



and tho may



extantjudgment Later however the of--

appear to nave discovored somevery exciting evidence based on a lumn

putty keyhole on basiswhich they asked for a reopening the

Counted Wild TreesJudgo Parsons ruled that tho settlers

must put their case on first to showthat they had really complied allthe conditions necessary for the issu ¬

ance a patent to them Hendersonand Frasor another settler rel-ative


to the fact the respondenthad resided on the homestead during the

j t 4iM 4 1 i tw int - 414 tDuring the Fullaway hap- - of 8jnBle onco moTO bocauso worked on the plantation but nad





weroTequired KKanfonbero






byJTbomas president






Clubbed Japanese

Caused by


pigswero responsible

plantationfollowing oc-


sevenJapanese populationmade



James been every on the homestead t wll called nilAccounts PlantinK clause was tho cuubo P0ico cors available thoApprovca intorestin tostimony Both scone tho trouble

The W Achi guardian Honderson and Frnser testified that all1 on Kauai attendancewero npproved yester- - on tho lot grow two gulches case Torritory vs Nnkamura

day morning Bobinson Achi wore forest tTees which found guilty ofcharged with andasked to the samo sum

on CommissionA Lo Gurney is take

tne Adam Lindsay

17join to

campaign of herto Hilo







to in ho




of thoof

the ofin


casebeen of


some their


of in ofof





Trnnit aniini

to go

of trees ofin

beon when Sheriff

took it but had been advised thatsuch would counted by the govern ¬

Thoy had counted ten trees inone gulch and 260 in another gulch andlj ahaiiaJ Akaatailta 1hA

trees1 All thenoction with the probate of the will the rew theso Mlcherne inte rnuitp recs Andrew testified relative







to tho the on

Official Census

Joo Swain the brother tho rangorwas the witness for tho govern ¬

ment He testified that had to-gether


with his brother thotrees on the They had

said counted fourteen gulchbut tho other hand they bad foundonly sevonty thrcfl trees tho othergulch whero the foundover Manger testifiedtho figures but thero was some

week Whjto tho difference tho length time whichtho Kona tho two Swains said had taken them

ment Club which appears to an ox- - tres- - tho wl0e tho







lotho in one


in ofof



via Nwpime wm mn

to by

Mob in Row

Blind for thodeath of Mnsa a police officerat Eekaha Kauai last Wed ¬

death a riot ¬

by tho attempt to arrest anumber of for in thoillicit sale of liquor

Sheriff Rico had to arrestthirty six Japanese at Waimen and


lvoKnua running blind pigswere sent over to make tho arrests and

had been nabbed when tho en ¬

tire rose in a riotand violent efforts to get the

away from the officers Someot the officers but the of-ficer


was caught and clubbed hishfiid was beaten and he died underthe terrible treatment of ¬

news of the riot was sent tohas crnel to ftor night The

tree of tothJ of Chester Doylo

accounts of C who was in nt thoSam Kanao in the

by Judge These all who was murder

Sovidenco or


had been tho land Henderson uugo iiaruys court was with


ot two01


residence oftho lot





recently formed Improve- - it













Kiee when tho Island toKolcnha The sheriff according to MrDoyle who returned yesterday fromKauai on the has 1 the situationwell in hand and deserves credit forthe admirablo manner in whichhandled the affair

The sheriff Intends to closo theblind pigs oporating in those two sec ¬

tions as well as throughout Kauai andwill also arrest vagrant Japaneso

uiiiugii island twin

sion jurythe blind pig situationfFUNERAL SEOVIGES


From Sundays AdvortUorFuneral services renmlni ofceedlngly wide awake and energetic dlff7o mTterTy Crd

over thowould In to tl hto Dr jibn fi MOrew


tho ofa


dry spell ald White When we Neill several Portuguese and Frank officiatinghavo a dry spell all tha water on tho ICaiwlki tostl- - i was vcrsimplowbieh harbor mosquito wriualers In rocnrl to tha rllm beimr furnlthul hv n xmli




Tho USMti

on his moro than or lleie around the couch thattwjee week or tht they not tho venerable appeared to

we hsndbll lf 1Bf WyHtM

Ymi VHpmr P fMv omW




ho crossed





Ki mi Um amuu Mi

mum iiMMMf



th tWiil

I t7 ijiTn Luuajijimi

Intervention of ThreatenedRepublic Be Organized

Foreigners Are

lEKl0 November 10 Premier Yuan Bhlh Kal in a statomont yosUrday asserted bcllof that tho of tho monarchy on a solidbasis of reform is tho only snlvntlon for China and for preventing interventionby tho powers an which fears would tho of thoEmpire

Tho Promfor doubts that any effort to establish n republic in Chinacvon if possible In time to prevent forelcn intervention

adds that oxort effort to placo the monarchy on such a firm basisof reform ns to avoid this

Foreigners RoportodReports havo boon received by the nnthorlllos horo that sovcral foreigners

lmvo been killed in the Province of Shensi supposedly by tho revolutionists







Accuses Former

of Feeling

Pulse of People

Novombor 19Much interest has bcon heroamong politicians by a statement issuedyostordny by E Stov

Honry Bepublican of Connecticutwho uBsorts that former ProsideatRoosevelt is feeling tho pulse of thepcoplo in anticipation of being calledto Whito Houso for a third time

Henryys statomentin answer to tho views exprossed

by Colonel Boosovelt regarding thotrust question which ho regards as oneof memoas the former president

thoadopted to become acquainted with I

feeling of tha people regardingcandidacy President

Uolonol Roosevelts views onquestion

iuw 10monopoly en- -


will dirigibleand formation tho



Novombcr- 1

n ji I lo Uoncral Bernardo Bores hasof the grand soon to oa a Federal indictment charg- -

standing settlorsfied

ing Infraction of tho Statesneutrality

Troops on GuardNovember IB The

border troops ordered en- -

forco the neutrality Are


CHICAGO Novombor 18 JndiroKoblsaat today quashed tho petitionsnew for writs of corpus thenumber tr

Wo nro to of a sensation among the uy no tuo family resl- - ton indicted on charge of- - uuueu nun iitnniiin oAta rnp v in t niAas


lfwv Henry Parker of KawalnlmoBoyle and Omrch

nil nurvlco thont thn



MVllTuirntnit rttiil na n ua nLi i - Vl flUJ- - m--- -- rr- - - i n iiiuuudui v wuro nor in u wpiican off bv




my of negative character Thoy rclined on couch covered with Bor IndlnR tho troopstatUi Clfpir f 8mo1 y not soeu Amorieon lowers and routed near flao CrlMohal

fit- ma ai- -




b a

ion plate onto o lioujiedod so had bo

for- - Toir y popent3 UXI V KUIUU 10 rOQBt IBB6Q


MMPtw u i i A ft

nesday his






up all


mmtkm m 4

w mi

iWl W


W W M4 w




imrgm tuiij



oct ho mean

canbo Ho


j Killed












iiuRKrniii iTnniiiii

AU1U uiivir was





- h 7


ill i uuuttkaLlk dnliiuuuil


l MU till ittk

aro followingothor in rapid succosslon in tho capitalsinco Yuan Kni assumed tho ¬

of premier has boon re ¬

stored in tho city nnd tho rocont panUhas abated

Would KM Yuan KalTOKIO Japan Novombor

havo ronchod this cityPoking rumors aro broadcast thattho Chlneso in that city aro conspiringto assnssinnto Promlor Yuan Kalrealizing that his acccptanco thopremiorship will strengthen thoManchu dynasty

Consuls ControlAMOY November 10 Tho

foreign consuls practically takenpossession of tho Imporlsl customhouses and tho postifllco and under

control tho business is proceedingand as usual

Battlo Is Begun

Special to Liborty KowsSHANGHAI Novombor 18 A

Hernld dispatch is to thtt offoctthat Wong Hlng has nppointod

of tho Wuchangarmy and that Li Yuen Hung retainstho govornor goneralship Tho battloof Nanking has hogun tho revolu ¬

tionary army numbering 50000 and thoManchus about 20000 VictoTy for thorevolutionists certain


ANGELES November 10thirty members of tho eighth vonlrojurymen called in tho MeNnmarawero excused yesterday without secur ¬

ing a singro juror Tho ninthveniro will bo called on Monday morn ¬

ing beforo Judgo Bordwell in thosuperior court



SALT LAKE CITY Utah November10 Caryl Davis Hnskins ono of thoforemost electrical engineers nt thn

trust aro to tho offoct that world diod in this city yesterday fromuuiuun iruoi is lnaacquaio xiuskicb con

prevent but can only bo eetod with iho General Eloctricforced to punish it and that this law Pany in groat oloctrlcal worksshould be Toponlcd nd ono formulated wag the invontor ofwhich control combinations of torpedo and wns second incapital prevent tho of command of tho torpedo stationtrusts ueiuu xiosion nnroor uurinrr tho

TexasTnilrro Tfnrv boon

deal with arre8ed


hitour mosaulto harors packers

rflmivatntt- -

OAwwuot bad Hender- - and set






havo boonlaws

habeas mndoereatnastart

tract music


MnnnAA lenuiiiQii encioteii eatkut wtmvrrebel






Shih posi-tion Order












LOS Thoof







Spanish Amorican warKnown as an author



10 The Univorsity of Syrncuso yester- -day the football game withCarlislo Indians a score of twelveio oiovon xno came wns touoht nutSAN ANTONIO desperatoly to tho last whistle



Dayo of Suffering ThoyBecoming Bomo

Honolulu Pooplo iMany dark days from kidney illsBackache headache nervous tlrodUrinary trouble make you gloomyBonns Kldnoy Pill bring reliefHavo cured many klduoy sufferersHeros ono caseMm Anna Bossard 71 Syeamoro StJaul I suffered tor- -w

rrom Kidney troublo and although I doctored I was

nAH Venezuela Novombor 18 ilno iTlMWruuiniua

flLEXL tfiZiZMCX flcnuruiiit uuuulllioamVmannVra ThHItI







Powers BeforeCould













IrtietM1 uuimUAtT

rAii wmSJ


ailmi wiymnuiy

jue ey j wjr brought to my utteutlonwero i Wii eonllned to my bed Jltoro woroIbuis hi my iiuik iiipu and nhouldereMiyl I was so IiuIjiIvsn llmt J could notwru over jl mm acute tUlUKAM

iiiiihh y HiiwiJiir uiiu j wu vwrythin Ditty kiibIIi em hwniialii uhuniioyd me tiw we ot the flmt b

at Deans llaehueliu KidiiDy gavem mile sua NUr J had llnlM thewiilU ut I hi itiMud r uuUml hami ehiNtft fur ti MUr 1 wrjiHWftJ UUftu NJI rmitiy nuil htmbut mt W u w uu trm m M

tT rsrr LnTTrr- - uu uu mvtwfmmf vi prrff nTiMVi wi p - -

U ttw towJ M mwI w wm




commander-in-chie- f









xffitl M M4fm m


Wh k Ht

jhtnsmtmt Us



Ho was




TU WlsTuau kuJ Uikiujjf fttwl my mmyt I

Mjm4 Umiif



Imm 0 4HfjttNiee

Klin IUkml U44fMis

ei Wm filfi


ifnitfiiWftifflr--n- 1

Page 4: a PRESENT GlEE A1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M m UHf IMlMMf mm w turn vii Urnuu aim St ted Ui OUmMtm urilLajr-m4 Oil pMK ut llw

HAWAIIAN GAZETTEmjaHjwiiiMijiiii l Vl


JJwIttHl lit ttat Pottfflce 6f HftnoHtlu II T Second ClawItthMVctkly lti Tnemlny ami Friday

Subscription Ratesrt Month


4 I




i i


I MP JloWih WIr 88

00IVrVmreMK M00

Payable Invariably in Advancet CHARLES 3 CHANE Manager



One in the WMt ewnmonsense nttcraaese Oh the yellow peril whlthfcakTbeaii tlilUhod In lli papers of llio Paalfic Otmst wag tbat by Sir William

White ml at Prinse Hupert recently Sir William It tho fBimmsnaval de

signer ami the man responsible for the ereation of the Dreadnought type ofbattleship As a mnn of large affairs whoo vary oetnpattdn fclvcs him somo

realisation of tho cost of war anil makes hljn acquainted with tho naval situa ¬

tion the world over Sir William speaks wftk rfn umlctstujjdlnEaOfsondltlonsnot familiar to the public tW

lie laughed at tho Idea that any nalion on the Pacific GoasFhns anythingto fear fiom tho Japnnoao pcoploj and ho dispotoa one might say authorita-



of tho foolish talk about tho sbaporls of the Pacific Coast being atthe morcy of tho Japanese Tho panic which existed fora fim6ntho Unltod

States olil which spread to British Columbia rbgardlhg lirp Mlcslgns which

Japan might havo wns mado tho most of by nowspapors which desired to pub

lish sensational stories Tho result of the war with Russia toogavo a certainappoarnnco of credibility to thoso auggostlons But a littlo reflection would

ecrvo to disposo of such scaresIn tho taso of tho Itusso Tapancso war 8ir William makes cloar that

tho Japanese had mado extensivo preparations to fight Russia in gjapancso

wators They had plannod coaling stations thoy hadbuilt repair yards and

they had largo supplies on hand Then inside their own walors they waltod and

fought a fleet that had travelled 20000 miles to meet them Japan has notyet finished paying for hor victory Bho knows that war costs monoy even

fought under tho most advantageous clrcumstnnccs Japans interests all liein tho East Tho Japanese peoplo will bo quite content to becomo tho English

of tho Orient without wanting to Tisk their fleets and their financial creditby fighting nny ono thousands of miles away from home

In addition to this it is pointed out by Sir William that tho fighting

strength of modern battleships 1b limited by their steaming capacity and thatdespite their great strength and offcnBivo power they nro linblo to bo put outof commission very easily if operations aro undertaken far from repair yardsModorn naval warfare ho said was very cognizant of and dependent upon

coaling stattons and repair yards and tho difficulties of conducting naval oper-



4000 to fiOOO miles away from a naval baBo nro too great to make Japa-



aggression a real foar on tho Pacific CoastAll of which Is reasonably reassuring nrid may onablo us to fool safe evon

if tho Mikados govornmont is building up a jpqwerful military empire on tho

tithcr side of the Pacific-


Tho recent edict issued by Yuan Shih Kai promiorof China indicates bntlie has grasped tho salient featuro of tho situation in so far as he realizes thatcomplcto poaco can only bo brought about by thp cqnBent of all thoso affected

His call for tho meeting in a national convention at the capital of the Empireof representatives from all of tho provinces shows that ho is deponding moreupon tho arts of negotiation and diplomacy than upon force of arms It wouldapparently ho a matter of congratulation for all of the powers which havo no

elfish purpose in stirring up strife and especially for tho Chinese themselves

if peace could bo restored under such auspices thnt tho people wpuld havo thojfull substance of freedom under a constitutional government with tho bored- -

tary Emperor at tho headUnder tho plan of Yuan Shih Kai so for as can bo understood tho now

government would be a republic in all oxcept name wjth plenty of opportunitieslot men of Intelligence and- nmhltion to promote thoir countrys intercuts andachieve position and fame- Ono of tho undcterntinate factors iu a Chlntsoronublid w6u1d ho the constant tcmnttiun of some man of stronc personalityand ambition toraiso himself above his countrymen a hcredijnxy ru to

grasp ntthc glory of an oriental throne and cstablisha dynasty such ashnshappened In China moro than once Such efforts wouid tend to keep tho coun-


in a turmoil divide it in its strength and invito foreign interventionAlready Germany Jiranco Grcnt Britain Tnpan and Russia hold great

slices of territory of tho onco powerful Empire and nearly all of them areanxious to add to their holding or make moro sccuro and independent those

they already hold under nominal leases Tho United States alono of all thogreat powors interested in tho Orient and especially China does not own afoot of Chincso soil outsido its legation compounds nor docs it seek anyThe strength of China and its weakness lies within itself based upon itsintelligence and the merging of its village life into a cohesive nationalpatriotism

h DOCTOR MGREWTKe shoclc which must come to tho peoplo of Honolulu with tho news this

morning of tho death of Doctor McQrew will bo lossenod by tho fact thattho nowa has been by no means unexpected Doctor- McGrow had lived longpast tho allotted years and it had not bocn expected that ho would long survive

the accident of a fow wcckB ago Honolulu had been prepared for tho sadnews Vhich came last night

To the younger generation in Hawaii on4 to tho newcomers Doctor Me

Grew was comparatively unknown having retired from activo participation inpublic affairs whon his ideal the annexation of tho Islands to tho United

Statos was aecopiplishcd but for many years prior t6 that time Honolulu

knew no moro active citizen ar n moro public spirited jrinn than he nelabored as vigorously for his adopted land- as ho had formerly for tho landof his birth and ho lived to see tbe result ofhls labors t

John Nott another knmnaina to answor deaths call yesterday was also

one o Honolulus well known men and usoful citizensHonolulu Iobos two good jiion


4 -- - r

A DEBT Or HONEST APPRECIATIONTho clean up campaign n cariicd out yeitorday was altogether1 great

jsucccsu nnd over ono thousand loads of bnnnna stalka unil other refuse wascarted ia the waiting scows t6 bo carried out to sco d of whoro the

sbarkscan sport for oricp n a floating tropin totfiU Jt ls just passible thata Httlo moro organization in proparatioiofJIiis workjutght JiaveJiclpcd somebutjn snch emergencies It is a case of doing thoibestno can Tho-- only realcriticism might bo mudo in connection with tho ripiritriin wliicU soirjq of tbo

drlvors and workmen entered Into tbo job of cleaulug tho city but there wero

s9 many other meu who worked bard aud conscientiously thnt wo can ufford

to be charitable to those from whom we did not expect very much and at tbosame time give full credit to tbono who rcnllv acquitted themselves in s munnor which proves that they hud the same public npirit although working forwages whloh Influenced the uiiipitiiU uud inilividuals who donated their wagonsaud teams To tliito citizens tbo city owes a debt of honest apprcclaliun


Tim nttws tw KoAtlle In The Ailverllfer this morning antuntes tho

blitiuuii M imfay Ih lUwitii tu tbe mattvr of sllitmto It Is a thwnetiponMrbUh muth t ulimniy Immh miitinn but II l wht we hmr a our iiolghepriijg city oo I lie mlnlwtl MiVrittg iu will a tltn A ftt doubly

Bxtt4l aiMi litiUtmUMf MMgiaiukls w tt awaittiK wh jo ty theImM 4nsfeW minim as ths HaaitMlos ar aww jwltlng u withIfars Umi Um wlw iUm fle4 Im mlttHB Vfmt i rvsih tmi

mt iaUtfays a ni Uu4II4 l Imlf jsmiuly a lM0g jla4i t

ifutk mu uk ar4w iu mt thiU jiftA r4t mi J44wialalrwfl i Um ih4 mi kNw wwisiwItoHS Wl Uw ia wXtefkMii mimiln44NM ktsM mt fH Mtb m imam a Mat Jtasi i tiaartsaa il l IMif Mtwdaf

sil INst U i 44t la Hit 1niA f ta FaaisV alisva waaartisr4MI laaa hwvi tt MaaUuj wliM 4wf a AmimllM tmt

0 mv HKi sfipss swijsptH-


mMm ImMM AUjyM mml HMsMsti AttluM tto 4im hk MtmM ailmmM Iau mut t mtmM IBM life sw tUt MtM

mm pylJ

WITT W MtUHA KtAT AftmUWIVMrlMN tU lM Net ml UwoMI r lltftsll V lf iil trlftlijr tl

IriftintM M tMf spf Sr fc tlf nmnil fm Bii trlfr4 hi tti tiitntlHvff rit I f - gBt Tin draft mti itrn iU mHif at lUltH

t Ahii ito tpfMHirf vmf in 1m rtttMg iIm tmtm hi M m Um

kiIiiUu4 tin in ltr iillltlA Imm h Mtl IHWMr tfcwi H eHvr IhMIm tii n tnxilut miHIitj tMk tin cvUMMbMMit f tRtMtrji Krtf tHfnlfitUnt In mninUml tir bud lHlfptlW tafgHjr ll lh letro f ettlMMlo ton utiifMrm Wcm IMtrr fwfffrt In lb MafHlkl er ntms IB bnUt to

exhibit thrlr skill Iwforo an nlmlrltp ptpalto Kvery tcclmMt had 114

crweli fmpBy wilh i ftney uniform to Rite exhibltlim drills turn wit on

fcnllilays ml bor vIUibk etlebrtl AttMUlenwas dUeetd almost entirely

lott4 prHlelfr7 Ih Inquiry drill prltslimlly bMaute few military organisations atnonj the cIllMMf wsre 6rnlsl In ellles and rrly where they wero

brought tnt ennKer with eaast ilsfenKn Rven in the loro eitlM the eOait

defWMt were inl urr Krnorstlly letntcl at cAtie dlstaneo from tho armoriesBueli a condition dnet not exlit In Honolulu The defenses of this Island

are iMatad onvenlrnt to the armory arn close to tho city transportation Hues

Tho training of tho mililii to handle the guns would makd tho citizen soldiers

an oJilroWely Ustful branch of the local forces Citizens trained to thouso ofthe big guns would glvo the regular army a certainty of a splendid auxiliaryforce

Ori6 thing in favor of tho training f the citizen soldlora of Hawaii In tho

tiso of ttta big gunais tho fact that tho national guardsmen aro always resi-

dent soldlow nnd although onlistmonts would oxplre the IrnlncdMncn would

bo hero in reserve In case they wero cvor wnnicu ai migi not up possiDio

to bring coast- - artillerymen from tho mainland whilo it would BeJfwhoHy im ¬

possible to roplaco thorn hcrounless some courso of preliminary training had

been givenAllnwallan militia trained to big gun work would provo of much grcator

vnluo than a skeletonized rcgimont of infantry drilled citizens


Tbo sanitary inspectors and thoir workers havo - made their preliminaryround of tbo city nnd despito the first clamor against thoir activities havodono sufficient good work to cbango tho majority of objectors into supportersOnly thoso whoso bump of aggressiveness has outgrown that of reasonableness stand today as opposers of tho bannnacutting order

The mosquito survey of the city has demonstrated tho fact that thcro aro

tome fow varieties of lilies that offor harboring spots for daylight mosquito

larvae These naturally in tho courso of tho campaign to rid tho city as

nearly as posslblo of mosquitoes mirat bo sacrificed It is to bo hoped thatthe discovery will not bo madovthat there aro poor suffering people dependentupon lilies for thoir 0811 broad nor that of those who havo so accustomedthemselves to eating tho leaves of Japanese taro thnt that plant has to bosaved by tbo injunction route

Moro attention is now to bo given to tho question of house gutters- - In thegreat majority of instances householders pay no attention Whatever to thosqmos prolific mosqultd breedlng places mainly for tho reason thatn tho ma-



of instances peoplo bavo no ladders up which to climb to see what thoirhouse gutters contain

Tho Banitary campaign now on is paving tho way naturally for that greatcampaign that is to como tho elimination of tho wet farming within the citylimits which will include tho commercial bojiana patches so distressingly ap ¬

parent now to many householders Tbo campaign has been well launchedmay it keep up until Honolulu is tho city it shduldbor a city in actuality andno longer a part city part farm part pjjg taWh

1TiS D6KAiptmRiE

El Faxon Bishop speaking yesterday for tho business men of Honoluluvoiced ns well tho general sentiments of tho community as a wholo when hespoke of tbo Tcgret felt at fhadoparture today of JnBonald H Uurrie u bP H and M H S Doctor Curric has dono a grcaC deal for Hawaii that thogeneral public appreciates he has dono a grcatdcal moro that tho generalpuulic nan BUgiit itnuwicugu ui tJwjiUjUU jius uyvu cuiiyu ujuii iu usDinb wterritorial health auihoriticsr at times Wljon Hawaii faced gravo dangers thogravity of which cannot bo minimized solely because through Doctor Curr6and other sanitarians tho threatening epidemics Were Btnmpcd out in their boginning Tncso wcrb tho spctaculurf occasions Of Dbctbr Currlos publicservice I I

month nftcr month howcvoilihejcarried out his main work at thefenbValleproftimrm Svithoui having fdeusea upowhinjtholholighof juhliettvtnni IfinrAf httlil as much for nAwalias when attractinc the General at- -

tention tof the community and leadinVWn ilo fights against cholera and ypllow fever In tho laboratory ho cartiod ahead tho work instituted by thoInto Doctor BrinckefhoftV seeking fortbo means of ameliorating the greatcurse of tho Hawaiian pcoplonnd groping through repeated experiments Insearch of nn ultimate cure That he dded appreciably to tho knowledge ofmankind in this particular was proven when tho American Medicnl Associa-



in convcntioat Los Angeles in June voted n medal to the servico inrecognition of the Work of tho Hawaiian investigators and In appreciation oftheir advances L

Doctor CuTrio deserves and has earned a unanimous vote of thanks fromHawaii May success go with him wherover ho may be


Official Statement in Re Mosquito Work--j

The Advertiser a few days ago received a communication from Georgo FDavies Tclating to the present sanitary and antimosqdlto campaign in whicha series of thirteen questions was asked These questions covered tbe full rongo

of tho mosquito sjtuation in such a way that the publication of authoritativeanswers to tbe same would clarify thq Situation and mako plain to many whathas heretofore been taken on faith if at all

The Advertiser has submitted tho questions to a number of authorities andhas obtained authoritative answers- - Tbese answers havo been collated for pub-


by pr liuport Blue after baVingvbeengon6 wver carefully in com

mitteeTho answers are tHerofpro Official

Iu addition we publish some comments on the mpsquitp situation by DES Goodhue of Kona who ihas made mi special study of tho mOsquito in Hawaiiand who hak contributed a number of papers on the PUbjeetto loading medical

Journals of tho mainland -t vFor convenience to the reader wo hayp taken Mr- - Daviea questions from

his letter and appended them with tho answer to each1 following it MrDavics wrote v -

IHonolulu November Id 1011

Editor Adv9rtlseVi7 Owing to ihoapparcntly divergent views andopinions that have been expressed by our modlcal and other scientificauthorities in connection with- the prcsonl antimosquito campaign theordinary citizen finds it difficult tnjltnow wbnt to liollovc An appealwas made by Doctor Currio at tbo closo of his address on Wednesdayafternoon to tbo chamber of commerce to the community to back upthe board of health

Thcro is no doubt thut wholq heurtcd and enthusiastic support oftko present movement- Ulaeking in tboses who moy bo classod as our

loading citizens The reason of this is not that they are chronickickers nor hat they are not public spirited nor that they have no

use fur tliu board of health nor nuy other of the hundred and ooocharges thut huvo been laid tu their door but solely because whereexperts disagree it Is iinpoulhl tut thote who claim n expert knowledge to know what to think

One thing the sommuiilty is jfiuUlcully uuunliuous over nnd thatIf the grave error In Judgment HUla fn publishing broadcast to all theworld thit there had burn ypllow fevar In tb tovfo

Hut blt that B It may thera sre a number of IU an which 4cffulls lnfarauttlan waald bo of lbs grwtwt asstance ia hslplug tofsrw jwbUs aplakii at this Umt Thrmijcb yur stilump X waald tbrtm pfmi to bmt wUim ajaaloM tehn4 upaa stJaitlflaail HrUla4 fsai ta aaMghli tu w ibtajilawiiig fwlMat

J VHCtw Sh Aml tot-- UUc IM h wsgMwgsrt miniHAtfwrftfw a LiisU liinif ILliA lliML fiAsWUflTtilsfei w79Wr wrw MMf jsIMsMI Hsftsi

w WfilPi w frofsWtMtaflaJ mpiu yUMIsiiJ k IWr slgstatwoi w4 prMA kMMi kM sIsTftsslHtMsf IM mAtjkjtiA M tlAm luMMIf4sUstf fastA AmA tstl

i l 11 f

IteaiAfeA aMla laaw aaa Atsiste HsjMHvtiMi JsW

tfetWw H l i nr rt cwt ftftow ivr kM

wrt Jtntxlr K mijr Irt ti4 mm all hrt

Qontto tp ne My of U wswwl nmmln t WmiI wf HttHk or V

HMaMMi rtf r MUf trtHwwrtsHH wheifctf f4fJ twrttwW ormi tW lKf U S ti A thJvM Uirtae pfi tt the lima oradult tiMyl Mhf H tbk lty ami Iff heiUe bk sen la Urganumbers I

AnWar Vn lWlhf pelmen of Slemjia eljpa have been en bDoctera Ottrrle HoMy and Pratt and their finding haye been eonflrmed inthe Inst faw lay by Uufnuiologlit Pnllaway ltfllvmeldglMt Howard and VaaDine In ofjlflal bullettM hve reported the ptevalehCe of Slegomyla ealopusIn Honolulu

The yellow fever tnoiqulto exliti all over tbe world Castcllanl andOhslmdrs

In North Ron a I have found both the Stcgomyla scutellaris nod ealopusadult specimens tho former In abundance and tbo latter limited to a fow

spcoimens which howover were typical 1 suggested at that tlmo lh a paperIn tho Medical- Jtccord that perhaps tho scutellaris could bo held nccouatablo forour dengue and Influenza epidemics

It bns been shown that tho culex carries tbo virus of dengue and It maybo called tho typical carrier but It has been shown also that tho Stcgomylascut docs tho samo thing Several of tho varieties do-- not eonfino themselveslo ono lino of business thoy try to got somo nenr relations job away from himIt looked to mo as if tbo acknowledged possibility of yellow fevor transmissionby tho scutellaris ougiit to settle tho Matter so far as getting rid of him horis concerned Indeed radical antimosquito action neOds m other basis thantho fnct that tbo ealopus has been found in Hawaii Mr Swezoy and othersngrco that this is a fact

Let tho local poets lament a Banana Bartholomew it is better to dothat thnh to huvo ctuso to mourn tbo Iobs of our nearest and dearest whichwo might well havo cause to do if yellow fever once came among us to spread

Tbo fact that its existence may bo denied will not keep us from dyingof it If wo got it E 87 Goodhue MD

Question 3 Hnvo those authorities hero who have in tho past been em¬

phasizing our danger from infection from yellow feVcrbcon under tho impres ¬

sion that tho Stegomyin scutellaris was identical with tho yellow fovor mosquito tAnswer No nil well informed1 medical mon know that yollow fovor is

spread by tlio Stcgomyla ealopus It is possible thnt otlior members of thesnmo genus carry tho discpse pagq 115 Tropical Medicino and Hygieneby C W Daniels director of tbo London School of Tropical Medicine

Question 4 Is it known whether any experiments regarding the trans-mission


of yollow fever bavo over been made with the scutellaris and if sowhat was tho rcsultt

Answor There aro no published records of any attempts having ever boonmado to transmit ypllow fever by means of tho scutellaris Tho species wasprobably not knpwn or classified prior to IDOL-

When it Avas discovered that fho virus of yollow foverwas transmitted by a mosquito that mosquito happened to bo the-- Stccomyiaealopus and it undoubtedly has figured most lnrgoly in tho propagation oryellow fover in all important epidemics But as Wegg of Jamaica says in-


havo not demonstrated thnt tho Stcgomyla scutellaris doos notcarry tho virus and transmit it and indood thoy havo not given tho mattera great deal of attention

mm ut

Although in his experiments with yelldw fover Wegg foUpd tho scutellarispresent with the calopUB ho did not demonstrated that the former was fc carrierof yellow feTorbut ho boyoved that such n thing was possiblo if not probable

In the NowOrieans epidemie of 1905 the campaiga was directed againsttho Stcgomyia without regard to species or variety and Doctor Ricotof Haytihnd Doctor Braneh of St VinOcntyBritiih West Ipdlos particularly have calledattention to tho need of considering tho scutellaris as a possibles menaco

During the epidemic in British Honduras a physician whose name I donot at this momedt remember called attention to tho fact that tho Scutellariawas present then with the dalopusi

If is peculiarly a human propensity to find only what you are lookingfor and tbo fact that the ealopus has been considered tho only carrier by-- so moearly investigators has perhaps blinded us to tho possible contributions oftho moro common scutollaris As it stands then- - wo dont know whether vel- -

lowfever is carried byQtcgorayia scutellaris but an Doctor Blue said the otherJ l - niAW i4 n A V C -

Thoro isno physical or scientific reason EiS Goodhue MD

Question 5 Was this campaign started against the yellow fever mosquitoonly or against all kinds of mosquitoes I

Answcri rYcs all kindsTho resolution naming the Citizens Sanitary Committee said MAnd fur-


bo it resolved that W F Dillingham J R Gait A F Judd Major Ken¬nedy USA Lv Tenney Peck Dr Tucker Smith USN and F E Thompsonbo constituted a committee tohnvb charge of this cooperation with full powersto select their officers fill vacancies in the committee or add to the committeeand with instructions to proceed at onco to prepare such plans and organiza¬

tion as they may find best to guard against and handle nny possible furtheroccurrence of the disease and to rid Honolulu permanently of mosquitoes

The board of health regulations under which authority the present cam-


is beipgicpnducted says in the preambleBo it resolved by-tho Boaxd of Health of tho Territory of Hawaii thnt

tho following rules- and regulations be and the same Uro hereby made andadopted for tho promotion of tho public health and especially for the preven-tion


and suppression pt dispascatwhich triay be- - caused or transmitted by moa- -

quitooa i7 f -

Question Cl Is ItnbwtObc carried on against the yellow fever mosquitoonly or against all kidBof mosquitoes

Answer The anower under J5 also answers this question- - fi

Question 7 Has any medical or entomological authority at prcsedt in thlstcity found any of tholaryao of the ealopus- in tbdbranehes of trcosor shrubs t

Answer This- question can nut hecategorlcajly answered The Siogprnyialarvae havo been found in such places but tho species Tjive not yetoen Jotermined and1 dronOwunw investigation byrtho doctors and entomologists

Quostion8HrIf bo have such iarvao Deeu discovered in jgrcater numbersin tho banana than in any- other plants

Answer TheScgomyIa larvaohaye bijen found in bananas but the propgrtion In which they occurred in tbese In relation to other plants ias not yetbeen ascertained tho entomologists are working sow

Question 9 Is it the opinion- - of any medical or entomological expert herothat other kinds of mosquitoes tbautbo ealopus breed moro readily iri plantsjand cf pccialy n bananas- - other placost

Answer This question- - can not be answered categorically All mosquitoes1including tho Stcgomyla will breed more rca4lly in artificial containers --thanin other ploccs but when these aroremorcd they resort to bananas and otherwntcr bolding plants

Question 10 If not why aro we tackling plants instead of devoting oarmoney and attention first of all to those places where tbo mosquitoes broodmost freely ji 4

AniwurWoaret attacking those places which breed moiqultoes most freely

Question 11 PomorinosqultOM of day sort brcc3 in bftnsnas or Insy palms eoeoauuts itct

Auwer This question J iinswsred by answer under P

rQumtlon IE If not wby not cut down tbe palms which aro only orna

menial Ufap tltkJIbjf tte bsnsna which Is si JmportBpt source of loud- -WJW 10 a ma ITumtuoU vf our popuiAtionf

AnweWr bBiwplttta cwcr la luji quwtlon a ot b given aalli tbsjwuliary sariay w fUWW caavd4

titirN UU4tta vgM4 m a wimlmM MmmU U ytw awraba is tW kstffi f 1m nmUir wmut sf IWs ssly ar sre v at

w is wmm mrw U mmum V nn i Mmimfflw wKty


0 fj

k mm titomkt iqm mtruttmpww in

tmm ji i


Page 5: a PRESENT GlEE A1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M m UHf IMlMMf mm w turn vii Urnuu aim St ted Ui OUmMtm urilLajr-m4 Oil pMK ut llw



Occat CIcaflng of City Streets

by Largo Forco ol Men

and Toamsi


About One Third of Debris Now

Removed City Takes Its

Turn Today

Prom Mondays AdvertiserHonolulu b annual Floral Parade had

nothing on tlio procession of bananawhich wended their toladen drays way

tho two dumping grounds at the watorfront yesterday When tho teams firstbegan to arrive thoy caino so muchfaster than they could bo unloaded thatthtiro was a solid lino of them from




Taken all





erpoctedtho Wholo

t nt Mr

U wt twit Hwsrdl fr ttMM 41a

1M wwk Tms wtf the kfc0m1 wMf whltfe fully iiftfttetrw tuej and

llM wkWh eAkml siHMMnl Mil sswibef

Over M Uie lists where theranJd tntiult trH run there wasether nd daring he whole dnythis crowd unleaded two trains of earsleaded irllh stalks the imuslnder of tho time sitting around andwhteklng regular laborers unloadtho stores of team wbtsb were bring-ing


up along tho wallMaybo Ho XAina tlc

Thero was alongside thistho luna of the men

would not let them load any bnnnunsalthough tho wharf becoming

mora congested the timoAt dor thore had been

orders issued for any towing of scowssea but this romedied later in

tho day nnd during tho aftornoon thointrepid took out ono scow but it wasnot fully unloaded

There was but ono reason forwhen tho tug returned being

that the board who werounload stuff sick in thochoppy wero unable workThe gcnorfllly accepted reasonwas not tho of

Amorican schooner Robert Scarlcsoft port which tho mado hnsto

as as scow hadbeen laid alongside tho duck

- BananasNearly all tho stuff piled along tho

sea nail Wnikiki Tort streot bananas and it going to bo largo

Oceanic wharf nearly street rub untanglo the immensefrom tho Intrepid b wharf around of groon stuff and load it for

Fort street could notwharf and dumpmgin irout of on upI bo used for a dumping ground

Alnkoa street y rosorved for tho Belle of IrolandMore than ono thousand loads of ban dischnrgo coal nt nnd had been

and somo other dobris woro takon congestion would have been rolicvfrom various parts of tho city 0j considerablyday to tho dumping ground 115 teams I At Oceanic wharf there was a lot ofand 200 men woro busy two autorao 8tufr brought down which could bavobilo trucks n traction ongino and icen itft wuor0 waB found niucnrapid transit tram being servico dur-- bettor and been disposed of by a burn¬

ing tho day and evening J Bel-- Jng Bqnad branches trocs and otherser estimated that about one third tho dry brush to this wharf in condobris bad bcon hauled water sidorablo quantities Besides beingr2 fit bo towod soa took up muchToday thirty five county teams spaco tho drays and tll0 whorf

rapid transit train wilt continuo tho wh5ch c01lla ha0 bcen UBed bcttorwork clearing away nnd then at advantagemeeting of tho board of supervisors I

TJlcro romaininK bcBia0 the Toadsmorrow evening t bo whatl0f tll0 city scorcg o oadll ot dry aafurther work will be done by the coun- - jnflanimnbi0 tuff which can bo bettorty in cauiHaign far as snpplying bUrncd tnnn cartca a ana tho cttyextra teams concerned fnthors will tako method of

How It nt it- -

Thero worp soveral lnughabio inci Viewing the Wortdent during the day one in tho early chalrman mltor Diningham of tho

whoa Hawaiian drivermorning feJU com UtC0 WM of tho firstrushed his single horse onto Oceanic mbcrB taWn a look nround tbo citywharf with load of four ba- -a parts and down fhc dockB arrivinB theroMd Bhortly aftor tcn oclock anddidnt bring a full load ho explalnod tho day jAn Thompson and Trthorthat what he had thero was the left- - mcmberg 0f the committee wero aroundovor of his first load Ho had looked sc0 how everything progressingseveral times Bomothirig with kick whcn tho day9 work wag completed

his team stood Amnwl nmli0 ntuflnilwharf tho from the witli tie amount 6f rubbish whicb hadhorso and ho had hard work trying totrot in on







Durintr tho first hours Of tho mom- - nmn lf tlm mnA flimnrtmnt wiltfng thoro was somo about labor- - j aKaii take up the Work which theyera load tho teams and considerable started Friday and Saturday and alltimq was lost this account and then day today and tomorrow thero will bo

nthnr InntnnrAd driversin eamodown with u third oV half of whatshould bavo bcon a proper for theirteams that not much was accom-plished


might have beenall in however was a





tel tMHMf tbm





tow tbo




dis- -



removedBeginning tho

five teams iobthe Intention of the city fathers

clean Punntioudone in

two days all the teams work-ing What remains be dono after

good cleanup that Honolulu bad yes- - will be taken up at the regulartorday those in charge doservo meeting of tho board tomorrow omuch but there much moro ing

be done although a fair beginning 6tUl Much to Do

on tho mammoth task was made Blue that nine- -Out at Thomas 8quaro early in tho tonths of tho bananas in city aro

day ten drays had been told report now down after few days ofand when thoy arrived there was ono work the regular forco of tho

thom up Did tho drivers help garbage department of tho city canthemselves the largo amount of rub- - handlo tho other cuttings and cleaningsbish lying waiting for themf Not which tho squads bring tho variousyour They calmly sat down undor streets- -tho trees tho squaro and waited for j In a trip around the city during thotOmcono come along and load day yesterday members of tho board ofwagons thus losing about bonr when supervisors viBitcd all tho districts inthey have been nt work which was gtag n OI1d in

out thorn Jt appeared that tho TeBidonces1 i ii j wero much imnroved bv the manv ba- -

tw Lnnnritinn --WoWi wi I nbas which lad been from frontwas distinct district ont Wni-


Punahou streetEwa to Kamohomeha schools andka downtown to School street andHastings street mauka Mnkiki Bepvtion

Asked last evening what be thoughthad been accomplished during tbe dayMr who was in charge Of alltransportation said Jo districtwhich was laid ont 1 estimate that onet third of has been moved andthat We have brought over one thou-sand


loads waterfront Wo had115 teams working Two automobilotrucks jwbUb promisod failed to

up soverai teams wnicn we

good days workthe Wharves

Admiral Gait who hadgetting debrit to sea

Uk Clwrm

hf Cltlf Cjsfll

frt WitiWM7ftl

lfrtimmurm f


fTtlr MMtW en





a scow dockin charge

on itnil

en oclock no

to was

giventhis it

totho becamosea and to

whichgbcn appearanco

Intrepidto insido


isis a fine

to King to amountand on scows

Alakoo wharfas it

to itanas

yester- -

n itin

last J ofcoming

to un- -

to to iton on


to- -


is thisStarted posing



t0on a

in It and as on ll mharness partly

bcenthis mornipg county



bo soas


thirty on thoIt ie

to up and Mnkiki firstand thoy think it can be thonext with ¬


and encredit is

toDoctor believes

to and ano extra

to loadto

on tolife

atto their

anshould work nil

District t ofc- -

cut inait to








of the homes Note 12ben Lows bananos aro still waving proudly in thobreere

City Engineer Gere Supervisors Mur-ray


McClellan Kruger and Arnoldwere all lookinginto tbo cleanup yes ¬

terday when work was finishodshortly after Jour oclock last eveningthey were of the opinion that tho cityhad n mighty big job on hand to finishup thoVwork- commenced

Two Great HelpsTwo great helps in the work-yescr-da-

Were tho traction engine of theHonolulu Construction and D ravinsCompany which made fonr trips haijn twenty ions tp a trip nnd tbo

did not como to work On iarB0 traln ot jfcmojnlu BP TransitiI think wo accomplished a nna j Company whieh mado two

Atcharge of

tho out did not








trips but hauled several times thisamount

The train was much larger than thatused - curing tne week and in con- -

accomplish all that was expected of sequence did much more work Thohim Kv ntlinr Tn mTinnt nt ihn i nmtnlt tmctloh ondnO plekCd UP tho dobristeo only ono scow being loaded during along King Btreet from Punahou streettbo day and towod out tbero being no fmon on hand to load moro and the Andrew Carnegie was elected lordstuff was piled up on Oceanic dock reetpr of tbo University of Abordocn

DfXCollis Bnswes




Qiwkijipii srrtFBvnn cnoup ague

The Fttt liwnwJy litvewn fercovam qqws

ASTHMA KnoiClllTSTill BUI fdlMt IU ffvnMH fOVVII PMVlllflW



no un


Board of Health Makes Eighty- -

TwcuCondemnations of

Low Lying Lots


The City Will Also Receive ThreeNotices Regarding Its

Low Streets

From Mondays AdvertiserEighty two soparnte resolutions were

passed by tho board of hoilth Saturdayafternoon during a meeting on whoolsf 11 1 U1A 1 - 4ln HHnnin lriiicu a cumpiutu iuur v iuu uyiv

of Knkaukoand Kowalo word mndo and Krfinnni 0for of condemning low ly-- 20 Wnklneatiaau Kamanl

This rcpresontcd eighty twoi A Almeida Jr Knmanlj

street oppositeuuiv lit Uliuu iu vy iuu unutm U frUIVV

over by tho government lined ana soiafor osponscs This number does not tolltho wnolo story for a second chapterwill be added today when1 tho boardmeets at half past ono to comploto itswork

Tho makal sido of Queen Btrcot fora distanco of several blocks and allthe property makni of tho MngoonBlock and nround Coral streot has notyet bcen inspected by tho board itsSaturday tour being extended to flvooclock in vain endeavor to got throughwiHi tho entiro job

Tho board has accompanied by Sec ¬

retary E A Mott Smith of tho Torrltory and Doctor Bupcrt Bluo whoBides filling tbe post of director of thonnfimnanntln Anmnnlfrn Iq nnntatnnt toDoctor and to tho fnhioof health

Nearly All Condemned

The was up ngalnst soveraldifficult problems and was compolledto adopt rather sweouing policies toget around them By far tho greaterpart of all property la tho district In-


was condemned and after thostreets nave bcon raised to tho gradoset for them a second tour will be nec ¬

essary to pass on thoso lots which havobeen loft in hollows in consoquonce

In somo place where the propertiedwere near the levol of tho street butwhoro tho rograding of tho bitterwould loave thom a foot or moro belowtho resolution ordering thom raisod waspassed

Many 6f tho lots appearing in tho listof what might bo called condemnationsfor want of a better term swell it outof proportion for only portions of tbbproperty wero bolow grado but it wasnocessary to rofor to the wholo proper-ty


in order to havo this portion filledOno or two resolutions were passed cov-ering


soveral residence lots whore thoground was at grade but where thofo

--wns a bad hole undcrtho house- -

that theso may bo rescindedlater and a notlco served undor tbonuis inco act to havo this holo filled intho results being tho samo in cithorease

Community genesisUnder the scheme whicuc has Deon

worked up by tlio board Of health itfor Including intervening

land liBt Magoonuuuuiuu puij iu a guuurm cumrpcb iu gtrCCtfill the entire district Thoso who takoadvantage of this community scheme1winch 1ms been formulated at tlio wishand with the aid of many of tho bold I

era win Have u guoa ucai oi money iorthp cost bos boon minimized Tho coolmanacoment civen lo this first nnnlication of the powers under tho VoYOjvngfund show clearly inthis point

Tlio best part of tue district wasfound to border on Iianawaiwhere tho proporty holders havo aljeady raised thoir lots to tho legal

gradesTho of health did not stop ar

private iois am conuemneu two strcotsand a lane Waimanu and Kamanistreets and tho lano Ewa of tho Lewers

Cookn ntnblea Tim first nnmnil Inprimeval marsli and the second is s6low that it moro of a pond in wotwentner tnan a roau dospito tbo tactthat it has boen well surfaced The

the lawto be used against city property- -

m tms wayi Xlondemnatlon XJstsTho following blocks of land wero

condemned the after personalinspection The blocknumber refers toits designation in tho tho atiornoy general and on maps

78 Corner of Hustaco andSouth streets ordered to bo filled toKing and Hustoce streets gradesHought by hui of Cblneso from Hono-lulu


Stockyards Company dlsln- -

Lcorporatiug A building pormit for asiuuo structuro is being up bybpnrd of health pending filling of land

Block Stables etc belonging toCecil Brown fronting on King

Block 80 Adjoining property belonging tu W Aehuck to bo filledto King and- - Hustaco graded

Block Containing about thlrtyisix houses on lots fronting on bothsides of liuitaco streot belonging toMelllo K Hustaco

Block ii --JJuituco and Cooke streettables etc t CookeProperty of Knleliiua JCnnou Cecil

Drown agent containing ono of formerclioleru pondsAdjoining properly pf Humuiiku I

Into O Hinffhflgentj fpntaloliig ponds

Jlfoik TO prbpertyof Ohsun KJm sndClinng tilisu frtrntlritf oh Cltyun tret

liluk 7fl lleloHtflnu to Pang 10tkluifil disiulng Into Hsiuiuku fiosdi

Iu4k 7J Pur iiousM sni vsesntJoin deflglng u lidor IHgli fuuluifwiUailwi MmUiw

ihmk itritny er ng m rMm hum ammng

7inM8it Tiftr rm uwiphHfjfl wUftMltif

smmifmmsTr T

Ttwmmi m mm m w mOHlf --fujiA ail

4EV flf r

f V W Srml Mm nWtnixes m rtifrn r4 r

lilMk Mr ftfcl Mm V Y tr Ml II rtMto MreelHlath M- - Alet Yewirt uut lKieW tevait4 lt mskal elds

Hiee MttetHloek m Vt Wtltery tent ef mm- -

ua WST V

strit Wantllhiek 490 Frell Walfiitnu adjoin

ine abovew ftihinnu strwl- - Not vet ottened or- -

ilcrei to be tilled to grade City property

Ward Bslnto strip fronting Etta sidoof Word avenue from Walmnnu streetto King street

lllock F Oodfrey Ward and Kawalnhno streets

niock ieAilce Molcalf Kawalahaostreet adjoining abuvo

Block f3S Fon ompty lot mukalKwa corner Ward and Kawalahaostreets

Block 07 Col C J McCarthy Queenstreet

Block GS Alalia Quoin and Kamanl streets

Block 00 V O Tclxolra StarWorks Queen nnd Ward

Block CO W Woltors Kamanl andQueen stteots

mock -- o ljwa ninuka oorncr Queenparts W Wcodun

tho purpose Block

G0 M-- -










Kamani street Low and orderedfilled to emtio of Kawalahao and Ouconstreets I Who

Block C3 - Church makni Waiklkt I

corner Knwniahao and KnmaniBlock 54 A Martins Knwaiahao

streetBlock 20 Mrs J Santos 847 Ka ¬

walahao streotBlock 40 A M Braca 648 Kawal- -

faliao streotBlock John Mcndonca Kawala

hao Btreetdllock 44 Maria Porosa 858 Kawal

ahao streetBlock SO Maria Gloria do Costa

empty lot 851 Kawalahao streotBlock 43 MrB S P Olivolra 828

Kawalahao streotBlock 31 T Peterson 827 Kawal--

Prntt advisor board streotBlock 32 O Souso 823821-S19--

817 Kawalahao streetBlock 33 M Rawlins 811 Kawal¬

ahao streetBlock 84 Mj Bosa 807 Knwaiahao

Block 35 MrB Toman 805 Kawal-ahao


streetBlock 42 Iionry Kano 82 Kawal ¬

ahao streetBlock 41 Sam Onoba 820 Kawal ¬

ahao streetBlock 40 Mary do Sllvn 810 Ka-


Property la good orderwith but few low spots

iwock 3a w woitcrs empty lot




with westorn

Schuman emntv lot n - ttLanawei street Jj- t- J

Block Tschudl ompty

Block Lana- - havo occurredlandslides ot thnm oi groat

Block Iianawai no llvos arostreet Empty lot lost

Block number Tho electric plant bcon putahao stroot on Leo Tomas proporty

Block 10- - O Wcedon Cookostreet

Block 62 William Henry Cookop street i

n Block63 S I Shaw Cooke BtreetBJock 15 Hustaco t Kawat

almo Ilusttcc South streetsBlocks and 0 Formerly Kawat

nhno Girls School lot byTnnnnso school l

Block 4 Jphn Bowler Kawaiahaostreet

Block 2 Block of cottages belonging J H Mngoon behind Mngoon

will bo possiblo ail Btreetnoldcrs whoso lalls in toj Block 1 Block Queen


the were by

by board




bold tbo



4 Mru





9 Manuel Santos next to AB Tohanson Mill

Block 7 Walkiki addition to ¬

goonBlock 13 M Pavao Qncen streetBlock IS J Moniz small tenement

LQuoen streetBlock 11 Jr Hamsoni mauKa- -

Egra corner of Cooke and Quoon streotsBlock 16 Yee Soong groeory store

empty lot Queen streot lot is upto proper grade

Block 17 F Fuehren to bo filledundor house

Block 18 J do 8 Carvalho threobouses Queen street

Block 19 V Costa Maeeta threehouses small filling

powers of extended Quoon street








andlanawai streets


Block K Makaike

whichtbe illo

WalpnbuIfetuday YmmolpJejwHwu klllnj fell


FOR iiB3SSm nmmtmmmtmmimtmm



R - JbsssHK

wxr Tnra fangtho Abdication of tho

Hmporor of China



HeaVy Damage Westernof Washington and Great




Washington Novcmborninny yoars havo such

florco wcathor conditions prevailed inthis Stato as causing hoavydamage throughout this sectionlaying traffic of kinds

A stoady downpour hasmelted deop snows on CascadoMountains Tcsult thatWashington is flooded trainsorvico completely demoralized andstrniKTA tn nv nmlnr lrTimntanifta

Block 87 Gus o nni i

ill M Extensive- - landslides110 Kanalapuni 808 In tho mountains raany

wni some ox89 Too Bocha tent but so far reportod

asITouso 737 Kawal- - citys haa



5now occupied










120 On

123 829




Commission and althoughwater sunnly from outside bcen interrupted thoro is onough water thoreservoirs to last wool



Masonic oxcorclscs marked tho fun-



John Nott yesterday aftornoontho services being conducted under thoauspices Oceanic Lodgo by DoctorFalrwcathor worshipful master Hun-



friends tho decoased at-


and bier was withthoir tributes among which was

beautiful wreath presented by thoFiro Department a tokon

respect for oup who hudtho organization tho voiunteor

firo department oldor HonoluluWhen hoarsb passed tho central

firo station at the corner Fort andBcrctania tho men tho companies stationed there iinouJi v njfv iTiBlock COjJoao Garcia empty i1A i

Queen atreot tlom ceremoniously ninnucd and readyBlock Santos Queen street t iii i iU -- -Block C G Sllva four houses barod bcadSi 8autod tno MnmiM tno

Block D CroWley two ipmfr ffbooses Queen street Turaton and EnirlnAer WilliamMock au W J Irfwno amant JeMOtt tho fe do5Mtmont John

andQneen streets j M Vetleimn

ZSLXtt- - Juiu Aseh 8r John Neil and ToS

Block Koala

Chung vacant lotLanawai street

J Lano- -nS sft Aitl fn tin nnrlnw rintisin






Block 128 J and J Ka- - tho yetmako makal side near Cooke for tbe relieftwo to bo filled i pains and for lame back nnd

bruises The relief pulnTho men which it affords is alouy worth many

ir that times cost For sale or dealertbe mako Smith Uii fortheir city a port call

rite Je to by the two fee below ifff I liulitt nviiuhuil Jn sinituf nis I nisi imt jlsxnt It

vtpfU o the new ditch earrywnfer from Wwlsholo f

runje wm lost lastwhen

was bym4 flutt wl JfiJ

iMMWt i4 UaJ tiutU4ug Is

ni iiw Ytm tt tU JU kt ImH





now nroand do

allof rata

the thothe



37out of the


ror a



of oftho doverod


ofnutch to dp

with ofof


avonue ofuplot J- -

21 Fv ut22

24 W rnof




timitb Interment In Kunanucemetary


Chamberlains Pain Balm one of

Komano mo remarkable preparationsLanawai produced of rboumatie

ponds sprainsqulok from

business of Manila aro pre- -

paring monster petition asking its nilCanadian Pacific stesmors Benson Co agents

regular of llnwuii



firjt lie sltnod hundred utlrelluis to

thJoouu to











shmm vtmmtrr s rf tj iiiwn iviwif ttiv blow on tho buid bad net l

rMdy done o

JJid othrr iiihh won wllliju tew setfrom blm triien j ho owhliMt bttpitoiedImt fluOuirf Uimw uimlila lp 4a riIiIhu whufwur k rm si h my Nkto Wuinholti wLre U MwrtsJ ruiiwwwl Htp WB It h uuiy Jh wmm iUtiitll wmv toJ W Uy mirmwai i Mug kiwitbl laltt iltfrtUmm mi ww mm Up w



EM IF IDEWu Ting Fang Beliefs

That Republic IsPossible


Evidences of Patriotism

in Many Provinces


Special Cnblo to Tho Advortbor nndtho Hawaii Shlnpo

TOKIO Novcmbor 19 loadero oftho now Ohlnoso Bopnblic aro ntlU Inslstent that tho Emptro can bo turneSinto a ropubllc with benefit to tho pesplo and tho country at largo GeneralU In command of tho revolutionaryforcos refuses all offers for jieacowhich do not includo tho abdication oftlio Emperor

YC3torday Wu Ting rang minister oftho provisional Republic and ono of thostrongest and most inflnontlal men con¬

nected with its government added tohia former advico that tho regent to--eign tho rocommondation that too 33m- -poror now abdlcato and mako way fortno now lorm or govommont

On Evo of Groat Battto

ing upon tho city of Nankins and It laoxpectea that a desperate ana bloodyuaiuo wui do xougnt in tnnt vicinitytomorrow

WiU Havo to Pignt It OutBy Associated Press

PEKINO November 20 Demandsfrom all sections of tho Btnpiro arocrowding in upon Premier Tunn ShihKal for tho abdication of tho boy Kmpcror Pu yi It Is bolioved horo lacourt circles now that the onlr nlntion for tho Manchu dynasty is to fight

Tho Promlor has asked the eonrt todepart from tho Forbidden City tosafer quarters beyond the Groat WallThere is a strong roluctanco on thopart of tho Itcgont and the court toleave tho city

TJnexpoctod PatriotismIt is roportod that ono excellent sign

is tho unexpected patriotism boine dis¬played lately Instead of tho suicidalrlvnlrios among tho various Provinceswhero tho Manchus aro dominant

Thoro aro now ovidonccs of remarkable unanimity in an effort to establishunion among nil classes to prevent forelgn compilations which would bo sureto invito foreign intervention


ator Fowler reached hpro yoslorday af-ternoon


after a flight of eightoon mileson his journey to tlio Atlantic Coast




qAN ANTONIO TexSs November20 Troops of United StsteS cavalryaro patrolling the bordor to preservathe neutrality laws and possibly beadoft tho expected Moxican revolutionagainst Madcro

Geueral Bornardo Bores who was ar¬

rested on a charge of violating thenoutrslity laws maintains his inno¬

cenceFedorsJs Solza Arms

IABEDO Toxns Nowmber 20 Thofederal authorities horo havo seized aquantity of arms and ammunition al-leged


to bavo beon collected by revo-lutionists


for tho purpose of invadingMexico


PHILADELPHIA Connio Mackmanagor of tho Philadelphia Athlottesnnnouncos hobas decided to appointDaniol Murjy right fielder captainof tbo team in succession to Harry Da ¬

vis who has joined tbe Clovuland elubas managor Murphy is tho oldestmombor of tbo regular team in pointof service



Armed wlili a weeks jtiovUlousmime vuu wild plstily of detensluutloam miwii lit iiellv uilliurs left Jiouoluluywtnnluy Mlyiuuau liwded by Chiefiloylli iiIjpI w bring Iwwe theImtiiH In tin fum u lbs eusped eonviol lUr ldrlH U it likwwuulli

Thii ihmm 4MkltM a CWof Msllwfllsi itiii i H ntor Hf PjiWtulUtmiiUM l bit k Is kMlM lit St

BMjHim i M4Um mm mmst






Page 6: a PRESENT GlEE A1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M m UHf IMlMMf mm w turn vii Urnuu aim St ted Ui OUmMtm urilLajr-m4 Oil pMK ut llw





IK11 I lilt u - - - i

Now for Somo Constructive Coopetatlon

Revolutionary Spirit in Palama

Early Politics on Kauai

Mosquitoes and Entomology

John Oolcord Adventurer

Now that most of tho bananas nro down Honolulans may take a careful

look at tholr fair city and sco just how fair it is Certainly wo havo a town

tobo proud of Thero is more nutural beauty to tho square inch hero than in

any of tho famous cities tho poets hnvo sung of through tho gonorntions but

much of this bcouty is rather in spito of us In many wo havo labored

diligently to despoil and in few htvo wo dono anything to improve

Of course of lato wo havo got rid of tho bananas which is ono improvement

carried out deliberately but iot much clso havo wo dono in tho way of con

structive improvement from tho purely point of viowl



beautifulT Fn Rutrppst Tiuht when comes the belittle entomology my

excrciso a little not Btick tbo tho thing and lasting work and with support will continue to doinsects andto grow with tho IcaBt attention Those who nave lost tueir uunana ucugw

beforo tboy plant something olso Bhould look around tho city and sco what

will be best or call somo authority and ask his advico

On somo of tho streets of Makilcl tho residents cooperated in a gen

eral tree planting scheme lining tho nvonues with pink shower golden showor

AlAnn nw1 enMi aoMi nvnmin nrlnntinrr Ufi OWI1 BDCCial floWCrinC trCO Al

though this was dono only a fow years ago alroady tho results aro delightful

furnishing models for others to follow I bopo to llvo to sco tho day when

Kalakaua avenuo from King street to Kapiolani Park is lined on each side

with royal palms I oxpect to seo others of our streets lined with other boau

tlful trees ono street vying with tho othors in effort to produco beautifulrosults

Wo niado a fair start on this but only a start Now a good timo

cnlargo tho work rnako it general Honolulu with a little work

mixod with intolligcnco can bo a city without a rival

J j J Jt JlIn order that tbo Grator Star may not bb nccusod of inconsistency dosire

to call attontion now boforo it happens again to tbo f4ct that tho society

editress of that grator publication announces that Tho Truth Is Serious

In order that tho socioty columns may bo in line with tho editorial columns

this should Tcad Tho Truth Is a Joko Tho Star will oxcuso my buttingin know

p Jt J JDont depond on newspaper roports as tho fooling of tho groat

majority of tho countloss Chinamen on tho shortcomings of tbo Manchu dynastyCablegrams aro costly and not always reliable Bight hero in Honolulu on thisquestion you may loam more than a wholo corps of high pricod special

spondents can tell you Tho facts aro as patent as tho candidacy of Mcuanaloss tho inferences as irresistlblo as tho habeas corpus eloquence of Goorgo

A DavisEvery Chinaman in has a myriad of relatives cousins fathers

wives brothers children in China His stationery bruBh and pnd bill is byno means inconsiderable Ho writes and receives many letters and is keptthoroughly posted on affairs in tho Empiro to which his bones aro finally to bo

expressed for interment Prom theso authontio accounts at first hand ho has

reached a conclusion and is a red hat revolutionist Ho knows that conditions

aro worse than bad and his relatives and friends would prefer even county

government to Manchu rule Governmental supervision of pol shops and fed ¬

eral edicts concerning dopo may be obnoxious but thoy nover reach tho stagewhore disobedionco is punished by severance of quoues with tho neck for a

starting pointNo ono may doubt that tho Honolulu Chinaman is a revolutionist Even

though you not boliovo thiB simply bocauso ho havo at handwhat tho lawyers call strong corroborative ovidonce gathers in oxcited

groups about the nowspapor oftloos and is joyful or gloomy hopeful or de

pressed as tho news shows succossos or checks for tho rebols At tho fish

market a dollar is much productive on tho day when somo imperialist is

licked commits suicide than when repulsos aro noted or compromise withitho Manchu outfit ovont suggested When you aro about to mako a kick to

jrour laundryman for forgetting to return all of your expensive shirts consult

4ho papers first choose tho propor day Tho missing artlclo will como backor a substitute furnished and of courso you are not intorested as tho source

of the supplyTho best evidonco of all can be obtained from the roof garden of tho

Young Hotel Look Palama and seek for recent changes in tho architec-


landscape You will at onco bo convincod that thoro is a change butwill perhaps for awhile bo unable to say just what it is Then it will grad ¬

ually dawn upon you that thero has boon almost a miraculous increase in tho

number of flag poles You will see thorn evorywhoro reaching up towards tho

sky loudly proclaiming their anxiety to flaunt emblems and insignia of power

and supremacy Thoy tower about shops club houses laundries dopo

joints tenements theaters newspaper offices business blocks and resldoncesno hovel is too lowly for them no edifice proud flags thomsolvos

proudly floated when thoro is victory to boast of dont nlways barmonlzo withother and perhaps lack uniformity in detail In material matters how-



tboy aro absolutely allko since thoy all look like Chlnoso and unllko

ManchuAnd when tho Republic is finally established wo may all bopo to havo in

Honolulu n celebration which will mako a Chinese Now Year resomblqu Carnegie

Universal Peace Congress

J J J JArchivist Lydcckor vihilo delving musty tomos groveling in tho

oldtlmo inside history of tho Islands as he finds it in tho lime yellowed manu ¬

scripts has found a good story on tho Garden Island In tho old days politicswas not qulto so boiling ns at present and tho rank fllo did not turn out

always vote send representatives to tho legislature and thoy had tholrreasons for declining to scud any of their number to Honolulu mako and

unmake Iuwb Ono reason was that one man they over fathered a law

which put u on dogs and that settled him Tho next man sent over stayedlu Honolulu and twok up a permanent residence hero and that made them sore

The third man vhu bad ur known any better headgear than a lauhola hatarriving in IIimioIuIu iiuwiidiutttly bought a plug which wnt a crime

but N added njwlt t Injury by Mpptxtrlnu Huiong his toiutituiuits wearing litis

uill murk ui plUry ud that udl lilt polltlaal earer Tho Kauuladu

ttflw m HMtuy 4iMwrUiiiK MjierinuMi tok llttln liitwwt in pnucs until iud

itB4 bMWM a Territory awjwall Ibsts bfwUiw stwyS J M

At flirt WiMiiHl f tU titlhwi witwvulu mnmnIIUw at wMh lowlMtUmiAttfiU wwr m u il MtrtMy Umw tm JUwWm mJwUIi piMop mm f IU MMMt Miafitl k4rtvr mjmk tlHtt ltd Me wwa fMmtuU4mi It urMrtMi U4tm w4v UlU 4dt jwmU U Umi fjt t4 U

mm vttliM m iwi t4 Um mmmaitfim m Myawud t ktww

Mt mi til Up ni4 U Wi biMi t 4vm t nmmA in Ut lbmttm ipm m mmim u mUi whi Unit mt Mm ft M4

uii stt isW

m HmM Mtttst Hi br t mm m i ttmiiiiiwiilijni M iWimiw w ImMi m WiiNi mmmm t 1 W

mm k I kfmm I ttf mm mwM m htw mituttMt t4ftei mU m mUd MUr 4 Mm mii M mm u iwtw

mmmmi m tk m4 t mm IM muM U m M


UafJfcMtMMMjMJijSkMJJMMMJkJMiSttjMjfcaMMM iniyjLBti HgntiHnrk fiiltm ibenl 1 rt4y of Mp Hg ImH nit SUMalt

in Htrni r

HfiWixor lfc If tkMI ft Mi kiNS1tt M Mt Wh tk lent ImMMplaat mssi U lam algal AM U t thai WM fate wttfc lb kanakaoHr nrr ilcad the btUMM ItfttitMlVM

V 1h liltnrv of tU Urtdl TMfH OB fUf mll at UlMl lit lileMtint no branch of Mlrnr ran clntm aaclatlte Mftttarjr ef Me braoeli efIraialnR and Rrt away with It

Itanasa champion Ud their Hands M two ilatttala eriflel la

wttiettiU Heth mot a wd end m t anting by a llltla potie JusticeOne MUfflolegtit who oJmwploned the sIslwMent that Mosquitoes did not breedIn tranaoH plants 66k n trip to campaign headquarter to Had tbo doctors pour-



oat Jsrtful ef wrlggleN from banana eups which had been sent In fromthe Arid The otbor one saddled with tho reflection Hint ho trai unnblo to And

a Stcgomyia colopui tbo yellow fever mosquito was present nt ft mcoflng ofthe commit too whan a beautiful feAtbored specimen of a mate Btcgomyia caropusbad tho actual Indecency to hatch himself out In one of tbo collection jara nottwo feet away from him

Tbo campaign Instead of ending with tho last banana plant barely gotn fair start Those who hnvo concentrated themselves on the first tiro weoksof It should rcmembor that tbero aro eleven moro weeks of It to como ThoseI believe after an impartinl consideration of tho pros and cons of this lastlittle scrap nvtv that tho smoko has blown away should bo nblo to sco thattho statements of five or six specialists a certain branch of science aro byno means discredited by tbo statements of two or thro specialists in anotherbranch of science particularly when It does not cmbrnco tbo Bpcclflc object ofresearch which tboy happen o talk nbout

It must bo romombercd also that it was not entomologists who dlscovorcd

that n certain mosquito enrriod yellow fovcr but the federal scrvico doctorswho hava been so much nbuscd and that their subsnqucnt exhaustive study ofthis insect makes nn antimosquito campaign ono of sanitarians and hardly amntter of applied entomology

I honestly bellow o that the entomologists should leovo tho mosquito campnign to tho trained sanitarians who havo perform 03 wonders in Honoluluoven during tho past two weeks with what Doctors Blue Currio and Ramusall federal officers hnvo declared tho most perfect sanitarian fighting machineever created by citizen spirit and citizen nid But I havo too great an admira-tion


for specializing scientists and tho work tboy accomplish to lot the factthat mosquito righting has been drawn from the scopo of applied entomology

mbi hero that it to replacing bananas in any way in oyes Entomologists hnvo dono great

wo judgment and into ground easiest for Hawaii proper sotbo life



havo isto upon and



wholly to




may says so youHo





too Tho


In and

nudto to



in hut


v amh tif




in their own and exclusive work tbo study uf hiBtory oftho application of entomology to agriculture

m 5 O

Sovcral weeks after Tho Advertiser ceased tho publication of tho journnlof John H Colcord tho original of which is now in tho Hawaiian archivesa mass of documents and reminiscences concerning this old sea dog of thoearliest part of the last century havo turned up I havo seen lotters addrcssodto this paper from all parts of the United Stntcs inquiring about tho sourcesof tho articles and tho journal itself historical sociotjes havo written for copiesand individual collectors of American historical documents have been heard fromIn othor words Tho Advortisor has suddenly found that tho document which itselected from a buildingful to present to its readers in its featuro columnshas suddenly demanded national nttontion and been found worthy of consideration by our historians

Mrs Eva Emory Dyo tho authoress who brought tho original journal tonawaii has written tho Hawaiian Histqrical Association that she has gatheredmuch moro valuable information regarding Colcord and his sister Charlottewho is frequently mentioned in tho journal and sho says it will shortly appoarin book form

A cousin of Charlottes an old gentleman of eighty seven years is com ¬

ing to llvo with mo and spend his last days as my guest she says He isa cousin of my fathors and well remembers Charlotte as a beautiful girl com-



to bid his mother goodbye beforo sailing to Hawaii This old gohtlaman

is much interested in the work I am doing and writos often of that adventurerJohn Colcord I

I have before mo now a notico of tho doath of Joseph H Colcord a sonof John H Colcord sent to Honolulu by Mrs Dye He died in Lynn Massa ¬

chusetts April 17 1010 having been a well known druggist of that place Othordirect descendants and relatives of this ono of Honolulus pioneer tradesmen andmerchants residing from India to Maine havo also asked for copies of ThAdvortisor containing tho serial record of thoir hardy ancestor

r - N

Small TalksV J

JACK DOYIiE The latest dish in the Elks cafeterrler is Curried bana ¬

nas a la Rupert B

W THOMPSON This slipping ono over each othor as they call it seemsto bo qulto a pastime with the board of supervisors

CHESTER DOYXS I did not seo any yellow fovnr mosquitoes on Kauaibut 1 did sco tho Mediterranean fly and Georgo A Davis at Lihuo

PAUL ISENBERO The Mediterranean fruit fly has spread a lot in KauaiIt is astonishing the strldos that it has made since its introduction to Honolulu

ANDERSON GRACE After passing Cheyenno Well well I cantunderstand how a dry placo like that could produco such a wet man as MistabBreckons

W M GEFFABD No sir none of my inspectors has been endorsed bytho Central Republican Committee so far as I know There is no politics aboutmy appointments

OEORGE E CARTER They say cleanliness is next to godliness but ittakes a great many godly peoplo a long time to get next and so we have tobo patient with thorn

SUPERVISOR LOW That bridgo at Kahaluu will cost the city abouteight thousand dollars to fix up if it is dono quickly bo that no ono is injuredby its falling under them

SECRETARY WOOD Tho tourists aro coming all right and tho yellow

fever scaro does not seem to affect them much Moro people on the mainlandaro learning about Hawaii ovory day

J J BELSER We oxpect to movo ono thousand loads of bananas andother rofuse on Sunday Thero ate about ton thousand tons to be moved withintho next week nt the least calculation

LICENSE COMMISSIONER ORAIO It does not seoin to bo any goodwhen tho inspector docs catch owners of blind pigs They always soera to gotfree Tbo only thing Is to keep on after them

L M RADBR An association football team composod of the nil starHawaiian players in tho Islands ought to make a big hit on the mainland andshould bo ablo to beat many of tho teams that figuro in first class Pacific Coastsoccer

M E MENZES Kalmukl I believe that If tho board of health wouldforco tho board of supervisors to grodo streets and not leavo IioIcb in tho middloof tho roads it would provent also tho brooding of niOBquItoea wbero the waterstands for days when it rains

IL CLINTON MEDOALP As secretary to the Governor I do not haveto bo pollto to tho reporters I can make them wait and I can write funnythings in tho form of notices about them I am almost as big a man as theGovernor If people only knew it

SUPERINTENDENT OP EDUCATION POPE I dont want to get Intoa controversy about the salaries school teachers get There is a schedule drawn

up and the oonimiMloneri abide by that The people making all the fuss know

that I have nothing to do with tho matter8UPEUJN7 SNDBNT OP PUULIO WOBHS CAMPBELL We aro do

lermliiwl to Mk all thoie people who art In arrears with their water andluwur rtM Miy up Netta are galou out pud if the arrears are not paidtitan lttfsl Mtlou will bo takw There arc plenty of people un tho Jlit who

wu wJ sffurd to pyMAYOR VHRtWrtif baiiann rtlrii put tma Hnh Id the stumps ef

my Uhsmb ilnlks m H pJmn l Mlled thirteen f beui b theUbm vt buti Tt J kt kUtom m4 wf wWt 1ebUi dittki ftIhU ike IIvm4 pls f tr and hi uri4 bae J guM J hut tmy ttU Aply ill rigbj

WAJWB 0 MlTH ViM tl J hw I W kw illw U- -

Ultf iMT UoH I M l j48Mi INti MIT Weit weti iti Ims It Mr jiwlnl MftJItN W U-- tiUtte timif

mm4km if rnHimir mmtt ttm H 1 mm Lri it tin4iM lUftw bev 4 t ttw M4 Iltr tmi MfMe1 l k toeW

4mtmm md ikm m mm w rwr ft vkM mm mm mti m Mef

itrtiretUe J Mtl Wf VeU mm h MlllLkf m AVMIMMiff MMMWyikM iei imMi Ifmmn m m

t mstitMnm


t tHi Hy tl MMe mVi ythUrAny Ibat my eiip all9 ner fotlctjlietlw awuwn Im jMst ywr at PteeWefit of Yene meta h itn llektl againIn battle Hut 1 feel certain that raefa a little natter that doe not worryMm any be bevamo used t that when he tint started la to run for PresidentIn that itreMUoas eeuntry by the Orinoco In fact It la only within the memoryof a primary school student that a President of Vonewieta has not bad to winbis spurs and his job on that countrys roeal battlefields Aa for Clprlnno Castrothe Little Dictator his strong point in running for President lti hit utterdisregard for tho value of human life even his own I first becamo acquaintedwith him when I was commissioned as special peace correspondent to Venezuelant tbo time when half of the European countries woro trying to get a whackat him and tho United States had figuratively ipoaking been kicked out ofCastros little bailiwick becauso It refused to pay hlra International blackmailfor tbo privllcgo of being taxed to death in its southern Industries

For a man who hid nehioved tho nggrcHlvo distinction which Cip hadho was tho most guilolcss brnto that over anhmittcd with reluctance to nn inter-view


Of courso I woll understood that my life wns not worth a brokou loadpencil if I wroto tho truth about him and so I took good caro to always submitn Spanish tratslatlon of my copy for tho United States nowspapors to himI will just leavo you to imagine what kind of a translation that was Howovor ho never tumbled and ho soon bocamo so chummy that ho onco offeredto executo his thcnministcr of publicity and confer tho job on Yours TrulyNothing doing for I declined with thanks and saved my head As a matterof fact it wns ns much as n minister of publicitys llfo was worth to pormita nowspapor to publish any real news In those days

I used to wandor into tho palnco in tho afternoon always after tho hourfor public executions when Cip felt chcorful and nsked him for tho doingsof tho day and government secrefs

Well Cip old man Id romnrk in a casual tone what aro you doingtoday to mako tho gringo governments sit up and take notlcef

Very little today piy goodfriend ho would usually answer in a mourn-ful


voice Then cheering up n littlo But that parvenu Franco will have tooat isawdust for awhile in this country I had tho Buprcmo court this afternoonplaco a fino upon its Compagnlo Gonoralo Gypsum of half a million francs ontho ground that it had violatod a clauso in its agroomont

Thats rather interesting What wns tho clausot I askedI dont remember just now ho replied with a twinkle but I havo

ordered a confiscation of tho companys property lf tho fino is not paid bytomorrow I understand that tho French ambassador has become inBano Any ¬

way I intend to appoint a lunacy commission to try him if I can catch himoutsido of tho legation

Say you ought to hnvo soon tho story I wroto nbout that transaction alsoits translation Of courso Franco threatened all kinds of things but the Mtmroo doctrino saved Cip and tho United States in its state department folt likokicking itself

To tell tho honest truth I rathor likod Cip Ho wns such an interestingcuss if you knew how to tako him But the timo camo when somo meddlesomeperson undertook to translate for him ono of my real stories Luckily I had afriond or two at court subsidized and I mado my get-a-wa- y in good stylodressed in my pajamas and a plug hat That is ono reason why I always takoan interest in any news nbout my old friond getting licked Now if Venezuelawill only keep up tho good work and keep on licking him to tho end of thochapter thero will bo still a chanco for international peaco in spito of Italyand tho Manchus


I wish I could throw some sidelight upon tho Stogomyia calopus con-


for tho benefit of our esteemed twinkling contemporary whoso brightparagraphs anent this bloodthirsty insect has caused us so much amusemontbut really I fool that I am in lino with those entomologists who havo dividodtholr attention botweon tho sugar cano pests and tho fruit fly and to mo nilmosquitoes that bite aro just simply blame nuisances In my boyhood Ithrived in a land of mosquitoes and oysters and while I gobbled tho latter thoformer gobblod much of me But X did not mako any distinction botweon thovarious kinds Thoy all bit with a voraciousness which appals mo now whenI think of it Why wo kids used to Bit on a fenco with our bare legs exposedas bait and seo which could paint his logs rod first Wod let tho mosqultooasettlo on our shins and when they were full of blood squash as many of themat ono slap as possible thereby imparting to tho said legs a reddish hue formedfrom our own blood But sometimes tho boys would bo in snch a hurry toget ahead of the othor follow that ho would squash too soon and fail to securethe sanguinary hue desirable to win tho prize

I would hate to try and estimate the numbor of mosquitoes I havo massacredin this fashion and whether they woro calopuscs scutellarises or anophclosesis boyond me sufficient unto the day were tho mosquitoes thereof That therewero lots of them I can testify to although I dont think tho mosquitoes inthese dogenorote days are as savage as those in tho last century Why whenwe boys used to go snipe shooting over in tho salt moadows ono of us withtho gun ono to carry the game another to carry the powder flask and the lastto carry tho bottle of shot tho mosquitoes woro somotimes so thick that wooccasionally caught a handful of them out of the air to use as wadding fortho shot At other times wo were unable to distinguish whon a flock of snipoflow up becaUBo tho skeeters were so large But the worst was when wo didntdare open our mouths to talk to each other for fear of getting a mouthful ofam I tell you what they dont havo so many mosquitoes theso days as whon

I was a happy-go-luck- y kido e o e

WHY BABIES SOMETIMES CRTWhy is it that babies cryt I havo asked as somo infant with healthy

lungs has emitted more or less noiso liko a steam caliopo The general answeris that ho has a pain Well it strikes mo that babies shouldnt havo painsAlso thoir norves should bo bo well adjusted that no indication of norvousnessshould prevail Fine say my friends when I mentions these things bnt howto prevent it Of course not having tho privilego of writing M D aftermy name what I say doesnt cut any ice nevertheless having had consider ¬

able experience with babies for thero is no record of raco suicide among myScotch ancestors I rise to remark that my observations have boon that oftena baby cries out of sympathy with its mothor I dont intend to go into thodetails of it all but it is a fact that a nervous mother has moro troublo withher baby than ono who worries not Consequently my conclusion is that awoman should take particular care to train her baby to be good beforo it isborn by being good horself that is by controlling herself in such a way thatonly tho sweetest sido of hor should dominate hor lifo and all womon havo asweet and lovable sido to them and thus savo herself a lot of troublo later onUowovor I havo known somo kids that just hollered for tbo fun of it or so

it seemed

Say Are You Going to VoteAro you ono of those ineu who havo fault to find

With tho way that your city is runWho havo often tho governing powers maligned

For tho things theyve onritted or done tAro there wrongs you would right are thoro laws youd amend

Or Improvements that you would promote tThen say havo you registered yet my friend f

And soy ere you going to vote f

Is there graft in your ward f Would you ferroj It out fMere talking will nothing avail

Vou viunt enter the Iliti you must storm the redoubtNot idy condition bewsll

Jf a week youd avoid all your treugh yea iiiyt lendFrom the abojhi you wu Mp guide be boat

U 1 ft Um bMM He Wfttttfftf tfWfcf wWm U ry y rtMk vjM mt 4i Ml will mtm tm

w f 4m hum Htfmtoii ihmJnfW MM tmm jmi lfifi tk metmm mimWi


m nfimnt m mt iwm ijw pf m i

7aW Wi

Page 7: a PRESENT GlEE A1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M m UHf IMlMMf mm w turn vii Urnuu aim St ted Ui OUmMtm urilLajr-m4 Oil pMK ut llw




Wo make fertilizer for every productad put on the market only what baa

been proven of real value Lot usknow the purpose for which you wanttoll help and wo will lupply you

Address us

Pacific Guano and FortillzorCoHonolulu H T

GBI1 PACHLiYThe Famous Tourist Route of the

WorldIn Connection With the CanaJian-Aus--orali- an

Steamship Line Ticketsare Issued





FROM VANCOUVERTickets to All Points in Japan China

India and Around the Worldfor Tickets and general information

Apply to


Vsthts Canadian Australian S S LineCanadian Pacific Railway

Castle Cooke Co LtdHonolulu T E


Sugar Factors

Kwa Plantation CoWalalua Agricultural Co LtdApokaa Sugar Co LtdFulton Iron Works of St LnulaBlako Steam PumpsWestons CentrifugalsBabcock Wilcox BoilersGreens Fuel EconomizeMarsL Steam PumpsMatson Navigation CoPlanters Line Shipping CoEohala Sugar Co


Incorporated Under the Laws of theTerritory of Hawaii


OFFICERSC R Cooke PresidentE D Tcnnoy Vice President

a Damon uasuerG G Fuller Assistant CasheirE McOorriston Assistant Cashier

DIRECTORS C H Cooke E DTenney A Lewis Jr E F BishopF W Macfarlano J A McCandlessC H Athorton Geo R Cotter F BDamon F C Atherton E A CookuOOMMEB0IAL AND SAVINGS DE-


eeeTCtaryStrict attention Riven to all branches


Castle Cooke Co Ltd

Life and Fir

General Insurance Agents representingvew England Mutual Life Insurance

Company of Bostonv

Atn Fire Insurance Co--ATTENTION

We have just accepted the Agencyfor the

andho Protoctor Underwriters of the

Phoenix of HartfordThem v rti also anion the or

Honor In Hn JVanflseo



WASHINGTON November J7 Danper of a formidable revolution inMexico has resulted In orders from thewar department JiolOInjf the Americantropin near the border

AIlbTIN Tmbs November J7 hoTexas rftiign have been ordered to thonoruir to prosurvo neuirauty


HiliAWtM luuiyJvniH Xeviw- -

18 Jlftmlm liltJ ui tli Mimi t tU IrksitHb llwltwl rmu

dy Mui l H Itfitt IM foUuwPi ttH

m Me tm mm MitA f tmmmwf9fW imUpBUW

rA7tniK NmMM IM 1 NH






nsmkDWMmm3lrtfeu5t mmf u il fm w tuff

fl 1



KEEP OWINGNumber ol Pupils Incroascr by

2121 During tho PastTon Months

From Saturdays AdvertiserTho latest report from tho d6part--

uicnt of public Intsruction shows thatthere has boon an increnso of 2121pupila in tho public schools as corn

ered with tho figures at Decemberlast year Superintendent Fopo statedyesterday that tho enrollment has nowreached 22366 Tho number of pupilsat December last was 20215

There are now 1G7 schools in thoTerritory with 588 teachers principalsand supervisors 22366 pupils accord-ing to tho October report and tho costfor tho month wal 4322233 Oahu hasthlTty Bix schools To manago these a

teaching and supervising staff of 228is noccssaTy Tho attendance was 8888 and tho coBt of maintonanco was1835399 Kauai hns seventeen schools

housing 290b pupils with a teachingstaff of Bovonty and tho cost is 492213 Maui has lorty rour schools 110

of a teaching staff 3058 pupils andtho cost is 768508 Hawaii has thogreatest number of schools sixty 180

teachers 0920 pupils and the cost ofmaintenance is 1226113 Of tho num-

ber of regularly appointed teacherssupervisors and principals employedthere aro seventeen supervisor princi-pals


and sevon special toachersIn all for October it cost 43222

33 to conduct tho schools Tho legis-lature made nn appropriation of 45000 a month for maintenance Thisamount is never absorbed oach monthsaid Mr Pope because it is alwaysnecessary to keep at least 1000 onhand in caso of emergencies The surplus from October foT instanco is notcarried over to November Any moneythat is not used ono month roverts totho troasury

Schools In KonaInspector Gibson wno returned yes-

terday morning in tho Mauna Loa fromKona reported to Mr Pope that thoaverage attendance in tho Kona schoolswas good being 3421 pupils to oachteachor There aro thirty throe teachersand 1140 pupils

Ono cause for tho low number of pu-pils


per toacher Mr Popo explained isthat several of tho schools aro smallnot having more than fourteen pupilsper school Several schools havo twoteachers and about fifty five pupils butin such cases tho mixed grades havorendered it necessary to Increase- thoteaching staff Mixed grades makoranch harder work for teachers

Thero aro thirteen schools in Konaand Mr Gibson speaking about his tripsaid that everything is going alongwell All the schools havo been wellcared for and tho pupils aro comfort-able

In the teaching department too thoschools of Jxona aro better off thanthoso in any other district that MrGibson knows of None of tlio schoolsis overcrowded room having been madefor all tho pupils who applied for enroll-ment Tnere wero some aJtaatioiis madeto tho buildings and premises worerented but the arrangements are goodand no discomfoTt is being felt anywhere Tho only trouble iliat Mr Gibson eneountered was tko epidemic ofdengue



Briiish Government ito Fortify

Island as Rival to

Canal Zone

KINGSTON Jamaica November 18Owing to the decision at tho United

States to fortify the Paaama CanalJouo it lias been determined to make

of Jamaica a gigantic fortification andpractically impregnable

The latest plans of the British gov ¬

ernment were mado public yesterdayin this regard and thoy show that withthe exteusion of tho fortifications whichnow exist hero they will rival Gibraltar In point of Impregnability

It was stated last ovenlng by thoseconversant with the plans m formulated that once these proposed fprtlflcations urd completed Jamaica trill bethe strongest fortified post it tho

n possessionThe act that the decision to fortify

JuumWtt on account of he fortificationby tht United Utts of the Canal oneMi feuded much eotnineiit lit Militaryquarter

-- 0 UUpiiJJWUflflHl mipssiw

Ut4iHm ttot BjjUl Whlwr ja niwayima Mmm muMu tgbnWMy vh Ibis Ma ft illiyiiw mgn imm itw imu am IWPP WTW wm MHmTimmdtU

fiN N Mftiura u

ft rawmiis

tmm mtmn mm




Loft Place of Business Yesterdayand Died Shortly After at

His Home



tiiroui auturduys AdvortiimrjJohn JJott tho veteran plumber and

hatdwuio mernuaut who camo to thoIslands lrom JNew Vork about fortyyonre ago prominent in mercantilo andoiiicial mo in Honolulu over bIuco diedyesterday atternoon at lour oclock atuis rosiucnce on iiinau street alter aslight illuess lasting nbout a month Hisillness was not seriouB enough to keelhim lrom his busincsstfor vostordnv

L morning he wont down to his shop onLuurcuuiu siroei as usual remaininghowever for only an hour when ho wascompelled to return to his home Attho timo of hiB death ho was surroundedby his family

John Nott was born in Bristol Eng-land


nnd was sovonty nine years ofage or nearly soven at tho timo Vic-toria


was crowned Queen of England acircumstance which ho rememberedwell for his fntlior who was mado aPrcoman of tho City of Bristol marchedIn tlin nrnnnaalnn nth ninuAof a Sunday school stood in front of

Vl A a1iv1mI n H 1 1 Atviuuviu uuu wuicuuu mo processiongo by Ho witnessed tho coronationcelebration of King Edward VII andKing George V in Honolulu and sohad tho honor of having attended thecelebrations of three British coron-ations


Mr Nott cclebrntod tho thirty fifthanniversary of his wedding in Honoluluon 1890 and again in 1905 ho celebratedtho fiftieth anniversary Mrs Nott dy ¬

ing in 1900For many years during Mr Nott a

early residence in Honolulu ho wasprominent in tho affairs of tho Volun-teer


Fire Department tho days of thorcd shirtcd and hclmoted brigade whichdid yeomen service at fires nnd forsomo time was chief an honor which Inthose days was moro sought than someof the cabinet positions

During all his residenco here MrNott was engaged in the hardwaro andtinning business but in recent yearsdisposed of his hardware interests andlately when the Elks took full controlof the building in which they now havotheir home Mr Nott removed his tin-smith shop from King to Merchantstreets In spite of his nearly eightyyears Mr Nott was an unusually activeman nnd worked nt his trade almost upto tnp time of his death Ho was atone timo a member ol tho advisoryemmcil under tho Itcpublic of Hawaii

Ho was n member of tho OceanicTrodgo of Masons formerly Lodge lieTrocrcs and undor tlio nusnices of tlmloflgo the funeral will bo held on Sunday afternoon nt two oclock from theMasonic temple Mr Nott left surviving him a brother 5mdvn sister tho lat-ter


a resident of Now York nnd several dmighf ers including Mrs Conkllngthe eldest who lives in New York MrsProd Harrison Mrs J Hnclund Mtsitngeman AIts u Urown nil or Hono ¬

lulu and n son who is on tho mainland


ICona hns shown a great improvementrecently said Inspector T II Gibsonwho returned from thnt district yester ¬

day by tho Mauna Loa Ho looks for ¬

ward to greater prosperity in tho nearfuture Tho chief causes of this onliwlsm aro the coITeo raising and thetobacco giowing two industries thaturu nmking great progress

Mr iibsou was enabled to samnlename of the cigars that ore being turneduui oy iuo ivonii Tooacco company andthey proved excellent Tho tobacco industry is gfving muck employment toHawaiian and when tun cigar makinglias been started properly larger sum- -

ben tit Huwailan glrhj and women willbo employed

Previously thero were no outside avemius of eniployiuent People had theirnine cu ii oo pmniuiioim ana tuoso whoch i in um una room on meio uau to gouisiiw mo oumct ror won Tbeu tiiewiT iilinitfltluim storied and gavuruiiiu uxirit iiiiiuynmni ami now Wlinthe Iiicrtmliij cutlea and tobsceo rUlug nore work will tio found from limoto liuie

Mr JlUgn h 0 optimUtle shouti no iuior or ono in noun Uoireot nulliiu ho uttlil li iuerMltitf till b

fiiiio livnty iUh pluto in LcW ysodfur tko Bruwlnir ut solfw fM mtry mm i mmlf In Dip hand of the4pHI I1M1 m tUO IIJOHUBH 0IU FlJuvHHuii or iwiy tlMo by jhmvmowho Mril to iwtfp vm MM lWMry ruMiinm fm iruuiiMu it

JtorTiunBMitfl 11 Uo Um At MM Unmiit win iUiT tyuutf utt the Uuiii - r txi t -- - r atw ymme m ufmmtiisrww vmVf xFHpm mm tmfiff riitmai iBunl

H fcjM ttM MUm LitaS

lk allr J mMMtmalitii I


B Ml jMMfUtt mf u

Ml Lull

IV illlOtlA kiMiMikMMj



Promotion Commlttco to SproadNews of Its Startling


From Sundays AdvortlscrThe Volcano of Kilauea is to become

one of the main attractions of Hawaiiin tho advertising campaign of tho pro ¬

motion committee this decision beingarrived nt yostcrdny nftcrnoon aftortaking into consideration statements ofn great number of tourists who havovUltcd tho Islands Noarly all whohavo visited tho promotion rooms havoexpressed tho opinion thnt tho Volcanonlono was worth n trip of ton thousandmiles whilo many others havo Btatcdthat they did not believe tho Islandssufficiently advertised tho most activovolcano in captivity

This docison camo closely upon thoBystander nrticlo injast Sundays Ad ¬

vertiser ndvocating a wider campaignof advertising of tho Volcano ns a tour1st asset und asking tho cooperation ofall Honolulu to direct tourists from horoto tho Big Island to see tho livingcrater

In order to glvo pictorial prominoncoto tho crater tho commlttco favors thoreproduction of one of Hitchcock svvolcano paintings to be mado in largoCards for mailing and nlso to disposeof to doalers hero at cost in ordor thattourists will hnvo opportunity to gotthe very best crater roprcsontatlonSmaller cards will also bo made andthese will bo sont out by thousands

Helping All CninesoAt tho request of tho AU Chinoso

baseball team tho committee will getinto communication with athletic or-ganizations


and colleges in IndianaIllinois Ohio and otlior middlo woststates and try to arrange for a trip oftho nino noxt spring

Plnns for tho extension of tho pro-motion


work in southern Florida worodiscussed but no decision will boreached until Mrs Ucadloc tho com-mittees


reprcsentntlvo in southernuauiormn is lioarrt from as sno may bosent to Florida if arrangements can bemade with other western coast commit-tees


to aid in the project Whatevertourist business results for Hawaii willaid California so tho committee be-lieves


The decision to send Mrs Headlee elsowhoro was recently arrived atbecause of tho activity of many agen ¬

cies in Los Angeles who aro busy work¬

ing up Hawnlinn tourist business MrsHcadlcD was tho pioncor in this work insouthern Cnllforna and her lectureshavo borne fruit

Fromotlonlsts AbroadSecretary Wood called attention to

tho splendid work being dono all ovorU1U UllllCU OIUIVB 11V IIUV U W YVHU- -man of tho Methodist church who hasbeen givine illustrated lectures on Ha- -waii no has lectured in MinneapolisDuluth iBhpcming Megaumce manycities in Canada Portland Maine Cambridge Maiden und opringfloJu Massa ¬

chusetts Providence Philadelphia Mc- -

Jvecspon tliroucn Kansas lor tnrcewcelrs El Paso Victoria and Vancouvct Seattle Portland Oregon andLos Angeles Whilo en Touto ho had tohave 5000 additional Hawaiian postersto fill out bis own supply from Honolulu In a letter to tho committee hospoke in hich terms of tho work MrsHtmdloo is doing In southern Californiaand spoke of her as a live wiro forJiawati

Tho committee dovoted considerabletimo to a discussion of the financingof tho floral pnrado in Fobruary and itwas decided to leave this importantmatter in tlio Hands or v li noogsto select tho memhors of the financecommittee Bovoral thousand dollarsaro to be raised


DffllCED BY WEBERLIN Germany November 17

A violent earthquake shock lias renttho walls of Hohcnzollern castle tJonstance cathedral also suffered

Tho quake was particularly violent inSwitzerland where cars were derailedat Geneva Panics occurcd in severalcities



1CAN8AB CITY Missouri November37 Murtln Ksani imor of the ManilaTimes today opoke before the TransMlsalssippl congress ogoinst tho UnitedKtutet lvlng up the Philippines Hodeclarnl that to do so would bo on actof barburUm

eighth Venire is calledjm AK0J5WJB Novoinlw 18 Tho

fighlli voniro Iihs lieoti drown In tholuporlor oourt In n 0ort to All tholuryln with twelve wen to try JomHii AifMdimfM on a cnorve m imiroerTw ifMr irmt wro Mrd ywlsriloy io tm WW

nwisiATTnoops to periaww vatmmwm umum n

n ijily itt Umt ivJ i Hi will

mmm pum JWjte Tm mIHHWP

m mmW M HH4WM tbjr M





Judao Whliinoy Docs Not Bollove

In Lonfl Delays Looal Ex-



Good Enough

From Saturdays AdvertiserHarry T Mills motion to havo tho

testimony of Colonol Gorgns tho hoadof tho sanitary work in Panama takenon commission was denied yestordnymorning by Judgo Whitney

Mills stated thnt Colonel Gorgas wastho loading expert on mosquitoes andhis ovidenco was wanted by Mills beforo the hoarlng of tho injunction tookplace Mills eonductod his own coboand Doputy Attornoy Genoral Suttonlooked nftor tho Torrltorlnl intorest

Judgo Whitney stntod it would croatotoo long a dolny If tho request of Millswero granted Tho hearing of tho ar-gument on tho injunction will takoplaco on Tuesday noxt

Husband Has to FayAnnio Florcs Kum Sing is seeking a

dlvorco from Kum Sing YesterdayKum Sing was ordered to pay 50 at ¬

torneys fees to S F Chllllngworth and13 into court on account of his wifos

costsAccounts Approved

Tho fourth annual nccounts of J FSouzn guardian of Mario do Jesus otnl minors woro yestordny approvedTho guardian charged himself with

100400 but did not ask- - to bo allowodanything

Transcript FoesStenographer McMahon has not yet

received any ices in tno enso ot Lieiniolin ol nl acainst E H F WOlters nnojoctmont suit A motion was filed di ¬

recting MeMnhon to procood with thomanuscript As is usual according totho ruling of tho supremo conrt a cashdoposit was roquestcd This wna notdono and o delay hns been occasionedin snnnlvintr tho transcript It 4b expected that an extonslon of time willbo allowed tho appollants but McMahonhas not rccoivod monoy lor notmng infact ho has not received any monoy atnil in connection with tno mattor


From Saturdays Advertiser


Kwong Chung Lung appeared beforotho licenso commissioners yesterday afternoon to explain why the proporrecord of intoxicants sold by him hadnot bcon made according to rulo 14Attornoy A L Castlo appeared for himand made a loiig explanation admittingthat the bookkeeper bad boon careless

Tho commissioners decided to suspendKwong fi licenso for two months Thismeans that ho will writo his expectediiuuutiy uusincss to prom anu loss

Attornoy Castlo explained that hohud had u long talk with tho managerot tho firm and he had como to tho con-clusion


that tho man had no guiltykuowlcdgo of tho affair Unquestion ¬

ably tho failure to mako tho ontries hadbcon duo to rank carelessness Thebookkeeper admitted that ho had failedto mako tho entries dud ho bad boonremoved from his position nud anotherman obtained Tho regulation makinglicensees enter every sale effected was ahardship ho said

Inspector Fonnoll explained that hohad inspected stages going over thoPali road nnd had found thorn containing as many as four cases of liquorirom nwoug 8 uouse nut tnoro liaa notalwuys boon ontries in his books Therocould not bo the oxcuso that tho mandid net understand how to mako thoentries for over and over again ho haduccn Bnown now to mnko them

Nover a Dirtier PlacoMr Craic stated that ho had always

opposed tho granting of licenses to menwho could not speak English I noversaw a dirtier or a filthier placo Noone who docs not know any moro aboutconducting a business than that mansnouiu navo a license was liis scatliinn comment

inspector Fcunell calculated that thebooks showed thnt tho firm wob sellingabout fifty canon of Chincso liquor eachmonth whereas It was receiving 350cases on an average each month andthere was not a great deal on bandTlio Persia brought 155 casos of Chineso liquor last Saturday Fully threehundred coses of Chincso liquor goesto too otlior sldo or the island eachmonth

Mr Craig had a fow eutting remarksto mako with regard to tho action oftho jurymen in tholr findings in a couplo of recent cases It doesnt domuch good to catch owners of blindpigs ho said Thoy always seemto get froe Go In like McDuflle docsBreak in tho door and thon

And then tho county uttornoy doesnot help you broke In Mr Boronson

The only thlnir Is to keep on afterthem concluded Craig

Mfttton DeferredAttorney Douthltt on behalf of tho

WoLiiur children appeared before llmfommioneri and asked whotUtr J

OWoll would bo satisfactory to thocominloloner guardian of the Wagner children Mr Douthltt oxplnluedthnt ultuougti Mr Otfoll would bouuordlmi of llio olilldrtm who Imq anlnlrl In th Mint uuUwn ho wouldnot bo jHBUHjjtng ho uJiHt In nuy

Tbf tvwmlulMim did ml IMnk thai

Ml 0fijjww In tha ftMrnuHmd- -

KlW mmnm inwiyUm immmI ifir am4iuu

Tm mmm at tfc jim4mIn iuwm uwWitoU

Etji pjfm mmKM inuJufay i


Tun u und

imttrntf worts u4Uig

m MMM mmmi0mi wfMMwr ii m

amuiutt ntf

9 W H




BcIIqvos Move on to Oust Stack- -

able but Denies That Ho

Has Boon Approached

From Saturdays AdvertiserI dont know Anything about tho

matter and I am still practising lawwas tho ntuTcr of a L C AtkinsonInst evening to a question ns to hiscnndldncy for tho position of collectorof customs to succeod the incumbentL R Stuekablo which hns bcon Tumor- -

od around town for several daysIt appears from prcsont indications

thnt thero is to bo a triangular fighton for collector of this port LloydConkllng territorial treasurer Stack- -

abla and Atkinson boing in tho Tun-

ning for tho job and bohind it all aschemo of tho merchants to oust theincumbent of the collectors chair

Collector Stackablo has mado manyenemies among the members of thobusiness community in sovoral waysand ho has alionatod tho support ofsomo of tho stoamshlp ngouts on account or tno summary manner In whichho lias dealt with tno opium questionat tho port

By his orders men havo been takenfrom vcbsoIs which woro lying in Ha ¬

waiian ports nnd tho vessels obligedto sail shorthanded on more than onooccasion nnd whon tho coses havo comoup in court or boforo tho grand jury offederal court tho mou havo boon dis ¬

charged ns thoro was not ovidoncoenough against thorn to hold them asboing identified with tho smuggling ofopium

C P Morse agent of American-Hawaiia- n

line nt ono timo a few monthsago when mon woro being taken fromone of tho vessels of that companytold tho collector man to man thatho should bo suro of tho ovidoncongainst these mon boforo thoy werotaken off a vessol and tho ship mado togo to sea short handed This statomontwas brought out on tho wltnoss Btandin tho federal court within a fow weeks

Wlhon Atkinson was asked last ovening as to his stand in tho mattor oftho colloctorship ho professed ontirolgnoranco of tho wholo mattor sayingthat ho hnd hoard nothing of it exceptwhat ho had Toad in tho newspapers

It looks to me as if somo movewnsbn foot among tho importers ofHonolulu to mako n chango in tho col-


of tho portt said he but per-sonally


tho matter lias never been men ¬

tioned to mo and I am still practisinglaw ho concluded smilingly

From a superficial observation itI would nppear that Atkinson liko Bar- -

kib is wining um nu ruiuBua quuuiuiuly to mako wiy statement on tho af¬

fair and professes tho densest ignornnco of tho movo to make him tho suc-


of Collector Stackablo-



WAILUKU Maul Novombor 10Tho homesteaders who recently took upbeach lot ljomestcads near Kihei arobusy putting up fencing and shacks ontheir little plots of arid land besidesgnthoring tho Kiawo beans and soilingit at 15 por ton

Agonts for Honolulu wood doalorsaro around offering to buy kiawo woodfrom them at 150 por cord but noono is willing to sell at that figureThoy say thoy would rather let thotroes die of old ago than sell at 150

Lpor cord As enough treos to mako acord of wood will produce a dollarsworth of kiawo beans a year duringthe season tho homesteaders will losenothing by holding on to their kiawotroes until u more tempting offer ismade

Since so much talk hns como from thogovernment land dopnrtment that thoKihel homestendors intend to strip tholand of tho wood and then abandon tbaarld sand plots sovoral land hungrypooplo havo como over nnd aro squatting on tho atrip of land loft out lyingbctwoon high wutor mark and tho lowerodgo of tho lots ready to seize tho firstclaim that might bo abandoned Soif ono sot of homesteaders reallyabandon tho lots another set of squat ¬

ters aro at hand to got tho land whichwill sovo tho lnnd doportmont thoworry of not knowing what to do withabandoned homestead lots Thesehoiiiestoud lots aro vulued principallyfor tho kiawo growlh on tlmm esti ¬

mated Ut from Ollu hundred rnr1 Insix hundred cords at tho most on each101

Now Steamer LineIt Is reported tlio Ulupalakua Ranch

mmiaSOIIient Intend to imrelnn IIJoimnoso nuiiiriun Asohl Mam No 8unu nuvo mt run to Honolulu trlWBofcly eorryiiitf beef means fromMukoua to tha Honolulu nmrket

J horo a rumor that tlio iul Telojilioim Goiujiany it iiIuhhIuu lo wlahlliho w MAlnf ltou to ICohulul for

Htwl MbJ und io dUtenllMuo theMfWt UUw Bj NiM awj Hi wlluku

Union Dtiw qollMtiBjiiUmiur IWwwdnn It rtUa th

Wttlk m im imum uhhbh ol thoUI UU rNM io HliitluiiiHr AS KT Ukwnmiiwf if iiuMVII L lii ftntn lUuiu rMUHIMt til Mmti dn At

I ummit ami mhut t4l taHmu 1


r WC 1MM1Ik 4L

JsatHMtf riuhl milmi u lu d lllu IClXtwJ3f JtS ItSffHXlAtXM


Page 8: a PRESENT GlEE A1 1 i Vm i j that look vltg tMIt m mvmmU tmu Mii VmMlw i vim m mm iitiuw y ii iM 1M m UHf IMlMMf mm w turn vii Urnuu aim St ted Ui OUmMtm urilLajr-m4 Oil pMK ut llw



it mt

mmmmmmmmmmmviRBBIiBf IRR wVW W333PSJfflWfTP

PaleKrAM nmdown easily tired ncrvotis And do not Know whatto take Then go ffircct toyow doctor Ask his opinion

Aycrs Sarsaparilla It con-


no alcohol no stimulationand is a blood purifier a nervetonic a strong alterative an aidto cUgestion Ask your doctorabout Ayers non alcoholic Sar-



as a strong tonic for

the weak

Ayers Sarsaparilla

ftmrelbfDrlCArrCt lmMjitUABUSINESS OABDB

SONOITJLTJ ffiON WORKS CO Matfttnerjr of every oescription mad toorder



Pursuant to a resolution mnfle by theBeard of Directors of Tho First Amer ¬

ican Savings Trust Company of Ha ¬

waii Limited notice is hereby givento all persons having money on depositin said Bank tbat from and after thofirst day of January 1012 all interestaccruing to 1 paid ipon deposits nowin said Dank and upon all depositsthereafter made will bo at fho follow-ing


rates For the terra of six monthsat tho rato of two and ono fcalf perecat per annnm for tno term of nlnomonths at tho rato of thrco per centper annnm and for tho terra of twelvomantis tnJ upwards at tho rato ofSam act cent per annum

L T PECKSecretary and Cashier

Sated Honolulu H T Sept 0 10119673


The tmdcTslgned hang been aptsainfed administrator of tho Estato

Maihui deceased do Galombor HCreditors of tho

tkl YAtuuii iirg

aly nthouUcted and with properwaders xt any if tho claimis Eocurcd by mortgage upon real estate to him at office in Kailua

JSoph SAa iCoanty and Territoryt Hawaii within six from

date or they will be- - fbTevcr barrediSated at Kalua Hawaii October


Adminiirtrator of tho Estate353a Nov 7 14 21 28 Dec


TO 0 S

Continued from page One

financial bulwark Major Campbell seesnothing unfriendly in this announcedfortification plan but he bcliovos thatthe United States should andably will by force Of this example continue to enlarge tho military base onOahu it becomes tho most power-ful and best defended military andUrategienl base the Americanflair

The major as well as militarymeu realizes thnt Oahu if only partially protected would he nil as factorin slopping hostile action agaiust thoPaeilie const He with others realizesthat Oabu have at tho mostonly notico of the npnrtrach of hostile fleet and its ttttendant transportsone part of the coastnow diversion civo tho attackies an opportunity to landelsewhere foothold for lnndoperations With heavynle lo oomt all vulnerable pointswould be no point thnt withaafrty tio attacked

Jt ia genrnlly bflloved that thepresent visit of Major Geacral Murray

it his routine dutiestea commanding genernl to visit thodepartments his eoinmnnd hasfar reaching and that asretralt his visit congrrss will beBaited to make additional appro-priation for the further fortificationof Oibu It known that the fortlfirutlona nln ady or in proems ofrABstrurlion are far from carrying outtl plan yet to becircled by Waisuan bay mayret forllfleatlon to rival FortJ auncbariiulm WJiidwvrd Oahu may ihi

scriea of rnloult swtloriul alonu theand Walmanalo alme

Ja der lvit Jtygr will uuAoaltklly swwt in 1t of lhiwt Mfum HilHMUi is twilUMfy vvlatrabU mUoh of ikt


rt 4HHI siMMf lit UMVtljrV WW

wmmmm th u m0 mmm h Ati m



MARINE REPORTAltfroaAfiU Bxelianjt

Hrf J11 rimi taov is ion

T K K 8 Nlifan Mara cmrente frnm gah FrahelMo 8 ji m will

tummst mointna At id oeloektMonday Novi robcr JO 1011

Han rtanpMtrAffyad NovemberJtark 1 P fttliet hwtee October 94

Seattle Arrival November 10 8 8Ilnnqlntaii from liyo November UO

Port Stanley Htflilantl Islands November llirk Nairn nu put In in distant badly damaged part oargrfwill bo riltiargid mlvage claimedextent damage unknown



Friday Nor 17St Mauna Loan from Kona and Kau

ports mSaturday No 18

P M S S Korea from Yokohamain

Str Jlatina Kca from ITilo and wayports a m

Str Kinuu froro Kanai mSunday November 10

8 S Lurllnc from Kahnlul ntStr Mlkahala from and Molo- -

kai mStr W G Hall from Kauai portsinStr Likcliko from Ilnwnii m

Nocau from Kauai portsday p m

iir u liciio of Ireland from PortNowcastle p m

Am scur Koucrt Beanos from PortTownscnd p m


8tT Claudine for Hawaiiporta p


M S a Lurlino for Kahulul pm

P M 8 8 Korea for San Tranclsoop m


ArrivodPer str Mauna Loa from Kona and

Kau ports Nov 17 Katt A CFroitas wife and two children GoorgoSawaba From Kona Fnthor Stephen2 E and wifo R Korolla MrsT L Btonc W B Sclirador J A Maguirc A Slioppard R Gurroy Ttl and wife iOss n Hilbpsifrs Costa and two children C HiToung Rev Murota From McGregors-- Mts J W Korslviicr Bon Gucrroro

Mra Nashua From Lakaina Mrs J5 TowDsond L Milaknna and wifePronk Nuncs und wife Lcm Kco ChongMr Laysan and forty thrco on deck

Per P M S H Korea from ManilaHongkong Shanghai and Japan ports

iNov 18 For Honolulu Mrs EmilyCollier Miss R Collier Miss L Col

Mra E C Esdell Miss S HurstN B Niblock It Crombio Mrs Crora- -

bio A P Greop Through J E Car- -

tcr C V Clawson Miss A Dramnghtf Kaae hereby gives Oomte G Groon

notice to all said mr a llftltzelman E A TIoITmanvftwT 4 HAn lnttvia vt rjBiuauf w jiitovui mv v - j j- iiousion Mrss J uyup

ejtlst even¬








wouldabout six hours


a wouldforce

aa force avoila


while part

under apurpose a


entire iot OaIiu


bcMrt wblrtt

ta tkuit




6 ¬


8 a





Str Satur








Mrs M AUUbcll Mrs A A MoqroMiss N Mborc Miss R Mulholland

iMra A Paul and two children L FPye Mrs Wbng Tong Gat M EjWright Mrs M E Wright MasterYoung Bban Tze A C B Cassoa MrstA C B Casson a K Cohon MissDaucy A G Fletcher Dr W MfRoqds Miss F C Klemm S McCulloQh G W Prince 8 itudonett U A

WilHon W A WilsonPor str Kinau from Kauai jiorts

Nov 18 Rov T T8hiura J Noblo1AU Lull D Rodor E E Mahliim CA Doyle R BuTgess E 11 Weea MrsVecd N Akana C S Holloway D

Conway J It Robertson Mrs Rob- -

kertson I MolekulcI Per str Mauna Kca from llilo andway ports Nov 18 Misses Knouso

2 H Raueh J L Byron P CJones Generdl C B Wilson Miss HM Wilson Geo R Lyon nud wito U

G Nygren R G Henderson A SPrescott W II Chamberlin and wifoL D Gregg and wife H H Brown JrL A Sawalish Mjor Willis Kov uooMejer J P Hewitt 3r H W MistI J Hurd Sam Johnson J F Yeaman Mrs II S Canario and child F

Kabral and wife Mrs K Mundiolalllcv Miyikawa Rov K Kago Rorrnknshinia Rev C Abe J Boras KKatamurn M Osaki B Brown BonOlinnjj Mian W Lane E Langcr MissA Magulre J F Woods and wife 1

Bustard Ho Kashiwi Mrs E P Gilsun S Spencer A F Kvuirt 1 H

Cramer It B Fxweett and wife MrsDo lloehubTure Ur L M Caso Rev

and that against Ki cv T Kotani O Borndt S

as things are Oknno Dr J II lluymona N ImaftiBlX- - Murikawa M Mayeda S Wright


is of










HKov J Tanaka Geo Lindsay and wifeDeparted

Por atr Claudine for llilo via wayports Nov 17 Geo Dvics MrsChalmers Thos King W D Lowell1 A Worthen John 8 Vores J AAheong Mrs J Hall O I Nixon ADowse Rev Mr Tmijl M A NicollMini A Chalmers G II Charles

Per P M fl H Korea for Han Franelseo Nov 18 Miss A Itooaoy MIw0 Jaklm MHs A Knoua Miss IIKnnus H M Phillips and wifo MrGreen W O Sargent Mrs Iago-Mor-r-

F W Macfarlano Waltor Maefarluue W P Old and wifo Miss PU Uiokv J liundo J JI We in m u u andwife W N nelllngvr JI 8 Callahanwjfii ami daughter J A McCanJUvM1 L Clark


That bathing auujh may appear to beof up consaquDnre but ypu may bserUiu lbt it iHdlMtM some driiKwsjit of U jwluuiMirjr wlm rlils


iailsv Cu JMil Mi li Me T l tw W MIHd It UytwbiwhMipf uvtr

ata- - tea aUauuni SaUUa ut

JrmZffiiilErmuL 7E iJpEtL Ifmukf w irJfitt n3rIT lAfiitftKf HAI A CPU

WKmB 19 mWMty HOW t LMMiMUtlHH if AH

9MWH4W mmi M 4ftsita tnwit mt tm

tW iilll tW




Tfie nitrVilerpflflHtont hni nirtnVed aeontraet for tho eoMttfuetlon of twoiloatlng orattta to tlio WellmaB 6oavepMorgan Compnliy of Cleveland Ohiotbt t67Mt eranoa are frir ItM Itton of alforia whlah mv h fKlnton and Poarl Harbor and will be dufftj- - m the-- north for another rovolutinnaryate having a lfiO tens mowiMent

tadh A crane was authorised for IoArl U WB lw nvcrslty yesterday bf0 commonomnoni or tuonif revolt wiuorllaTbor of tbnshaving a capacUy nencral Franelseo Mmlero n PrnI

in naval appropriation net of Juno dent and the day waa gen24 1010 which was to colt 2S0OQ0 throughout tho countryHowever the of 14 Inch Cavalry to tho Frontguns oh tho of tho Navy rcndcrcM EL PABO Texas 21it imperative to tno capacity word has boon received hero that twoof this crnlic on account of the incrqased wclglit of tho turrets At tholast rcirular session tho capacity of thocranq was raised to ISO tons and thoauthorised expenditure increased to331000 Civil Engineer JTollyday chief

of tho bureau of yards and docks wajsof tho opinion that if both cranescould bo advertised for at one timothoy could probably be secured for

030000 Tho contract Just awarocaprovides tor tno uoston crano nv oi000 and tho Pearl Harbor crano at330000



Remarkable ponditions In tho sugarmarket for tho past few weeks are

commented upon by Willctt and Grayin their Sugar Trade Journal for No

vcmber 2 Under tho heading ofBaws they say in partThe present week marks tho usual

annual return from prices recently paidbo cause of scarcity of homo grownsugars to tho usual difference bolowEuropoan parity when homegrownsugars becamo obtainable a

Last weeks quotation for Centri-fugals


at 5735c per pound which was085c por pound above tho Europoanparity is now reduced to GSOc perpound on a salo of 3000 tons Javasugar in port or say 34c per poundbelow the European parity and 34

per pound is tho advantage inf dutjjgiven to Cuba by her roclprppity treatyTho year J010 was somewhat phonomonal in respect to values iff thoUnited States below Europe causcduby

the largo crop of Cuba that year Earlyin tho season Cuba Centrifugals sold

at cf one time May 23 89c per ponmbolow European parity while towardthe close of tho year the markets fortime were at parity but the yearlyaverage of Centrifugals for 1010 Waa526c por pound below Europe

It will be interesting to follow thisparity through a year like tho presentwhen a decided scarcity of supplicaoxists for European consumption onposed by an apparent nearly sutliclentsupply of duty tavorea BUgnr iiyx tuoUnited States consumption if not intorfored with by a competition for Cubasugars from Europe wulcn latter is apossibility

European markctB still maintain acomparatively high level for the eeasouof crop making Bcot sugnr fluctuatedfor tho week within very moderate limits for tho spcculativo murkots

European crop news of the week isunimportant and no now estimatesmade The notaulo feature was tnocalling together of tho Brussols con-


on October 20 to discuss theapplication of Russia for an incrcaso ofits export limit Tho convention re ¬

ceived tho application favorably butadjourned to December 8 to givo thodelegates opportunity to qbtain Specificinstructions from their governmentsTlioro is a difference of opinion as totho final outcome on account of tho con-


interests involved The UnitedStates is interested to tho extent ofkuowine tho effect of compliance ornon compliance with Russias demandupon tno uuuan situation

Tho only business of importance heroduring tho week was tho two salesmado at reduced prices tho first ofJfiOO tons Philippine sugar nearly duout and a quarter cents per pound88 tent basis and 3000 tons Jnvas Inport at oJOc per pound 00 degroostest uotn iiougnt by tno Federal roancry wmcii is now closed temporarily

The salo of the Philippines was com-paratively


low by reason of only nlimited dmnand for low grade ougar to1k worked in with Centri ¬

fugalsNow crop Cuba Centrifugals of earli-

est dtlivorliH January nro offered at1

thruo ami a half rents c f 480cand February March ut three mid

cpnls e i t 480cDuring the week bids of 340c c

f or 330c f o b wiro ofuspd probably from Kuropean buyers

Our rollurrx thus fur nbow no InterIkt iu future aiipuli4

delivertmlo rQuor undermm met havmhtim hihMiik bt higherihim innii ma iomi nmrkHi airanjwl

UIIH14JuVsa ItMVt Imi lifttniujl ftt

Utab f Sila iwuiid Im4J Wwt

lu uttV lw Mt IttMTat WtMht IS Mel

flillljJi fair arrival aie tHI iphaul ai of warerlsln vein far tit

UaW faAi H U1M NII4iUmajilt Utm gHU

Mf MaWf ffMM lMta tl l MtMV m mtf MaWI MMttB

mmtttm mum m m mum

VSAttftlgMfrTS m SSTSmg t pm

mm m

rMMal iJtftJ W mu mm utw0 Emu hm





rlTV OF MBX1CO Norewbcr 81War fdore liar bean Iwued for themoblllMdon of SflOOO troops along tho

tnitl State border for tho prevenThe anv

eaielty of

tho celebratedcrally

introductionships November






troops of tho Fourth Cavalry bavo beenordered nt onco to proceed to the Mexican-

-border i patrol duty and to provent tho violation of the neutralitylaws i

To Enforco NeutralityWASHINGTON November 20 Oen

oral Duncan in command of the U Stroops on tho Mexican border has beenordorcd to enforco tho neutrality lawsvigorously

Royes Under BondSAN ANTONIO Toxas November

20 General Bernardo Royes today donicd that ho had violated tho neutralityInwB Tind was released upon bond of

10000Revolutionist Beady

BROWNSVILLE Toxas November20 Tho revolutionists nro agitatingrevolt and tho situation is serious



SEATTLE Washington November21 Conditions hero following thofloods from heavy rain und melting ofsnow in tho mountains nro serious Awater famine is threatening duo to thobreaking of tho aqueduct

The public schools are closed whilotho hospitals apartment houses and ho-


aro practically without a watersupply and without heat or electric

Tho electric street lamps are out andtho BtrcctB of tho city arc dark thoelectric tight plants having been shutdown to Bavo tbo supply of water andfuol- - -

Train Service BtoppedTACOMA Washington November

on thtf Pugct Sound ElectricCompanys intcruban trains betweenthis city and was suspendedtoday on account of floods Tho trans-continental


train servico ia demoralized


Continued from page OneNews and C K Ai of thoCity Mill Company Also in parndowill be a great number of pertinentsigns and transparencies beside oxtralife size pictures or Wong lung uenoral Li Dr Sun YtA Son and Wu TingFang

Ono of tho picturesque features 01tho parade will bo tbo forest of revolu-tionary


flags that will wavo at thoslightest excuse

Adopt Revolutionary FlagRadical action was taken at a meet-

ing of tho United Chinese Society lastnight when it was resolved to adopttho new Republican flag of China astho oflicinl fing of the society Therewill bo a celebration nt noon todaywhen the new flag is hoisted to the topof the fiagBtaff on the society buildingon King street at which a great quan-tity of firecrackers will shot off inhonor of tho event Last night noticesworo sent to all nicmbors of tbo actiontaken and of tho celebration

Tho flag will fly over us toinorrow said ono of tbo leaders In thesoeiety and will lly forever



Continued from page Onewas so little yet to do that it inlylir

Vteu uo tiono ami over wun


Entomologist Fullawuy prcsoutcxa1Nffnnd Martini riMiort in tkn elfrenfntfStegoniyiu caloiius had becncvxjfiijici-p-from lurvao found in a water ImrrorlriPnuoa Valley Doctor Marshall busgathered several jars of wrigglers fromvarlouM catebbusiiiH to storm sewerabout the city mid has secured specimens of the namo urloty from eachUo biilievi that moro cnlopus can bofound In these catch basins than In anyother lieidlng place

Fred 1 1 Wnllroii head of the pmml I ten on uiipralsunient turned In a re ¬

port ytMtenlay morning on the value ofthe nftien lmiiunu plunlHtioiis all ofIJ111111 in Kalihl Tim total amii et as

llV vsIuk of the flflooii mum fJBO thorgMi jiliinliitiun nuiilnlnlng mo midipiuriff Hrrtu lining vnuiwi at ton

iitlmr llrr Kovauabtir irllvrf uftj4 of II11 ovmrs m ru Jiiiwuivelliawo mgara umUr itentrasl trill U at jural u tlinm wsklwg Jslwi whlrli16 r iwumt uhiIit Ntiw Ytirk quo- - UJitjWB out e ImlHjf fr gmrit












ev- -


tiil tutl MMtituiti miHrail pjailatoa TUr flgurtw wr UiHafil an iv44 fiitm iM mm titm Uf iirirliwnit 4 uu tli uuMlatv ut HmmMfWVWMSatM UMHritai iiat HlU immim lal ItuauMi MMtK lMM Hi Aweaur atk iHMaet

Hit lxla I a ml gteWM tla4 itui ifalMial aw aw Wi tm

13 lt teslbt aitM lfa1 iuitmiittmt tm aaaJrMWM J wn

It tuf gtt r M turnMil Hrtll l itiita ty AaT

afttMy feajMHaalllf

immwmwMf VIMOL WstLMslab m 4aiaJaW

4nf t W M py I

Jl4 I44U


i f tWjWBST






WA8IIIN0TON All Ifw oidiplomatic roiatfena between Persia i5SSAntnl ItlHwtn Imvrt linnn tlivnriul nml lin HIVu






UnUitnimn BnrIluaticn Is aasottod to bo serious and runtnton Go

clash eft arms hardly to bo averted Jkih docr do

o m- -

Knri jtuniau UHil mTOUUI UUI atr UO

iiuofliinc mat an controversies uotweon ynnrthe two countries bo submitted to Tho ffiiiSffRftiSfiauKuu uiuuiiui J SCIB4



n biu--

Russia Makes Demanda riitai iio nussian ucmands on Persia nro KJ0

tlutt It npologisqinnd pay a heavy in- - wlinkSdcmnityfn with tho scizuro 77of property of tho doposod Shahs Walma 8crr Milbrothprs Ulsnllanooni

I HiSS 8th 1 - 1HVV uwuf hub usu vvUIIUgu llftfr XilCCiriO UQwith at once it is stated that Russia J AU Oo Pfdthrcntonn In anUn tint P U It T fc Ij Oo COM

Guilan and o B OoT

Troops to tho Front g g gBAKU Trans CnUcaRla Novomber Bonoinia Brewine

21 A trooo steamer left this port yos- - nw iS co Ltdivruiij iur 1crsian noruor transport- - Hr CoIng a full regiment of Russian Infantrv Tinjon Olok Rntwith their Oold equipment trhiVbPCo


Tho long scries of potty offonsoB re-ported by tho police was broken yesterday by the murdor of a wom






Cal Beet


at Walalua tho namo of whom has McBryde Sacnot yot reached tho contral hoadauar- - lo sntors Oahn Susar Oo

aurar wipeicio wub oiopuonea onenu eugar iiinOomil Buuruy uner Cnmo UOputy Pioneer Mill Co

Sheriff Cox of Waialua and last w1InnigUt tho murdoror also Japaneseliad not bcon located The mcagor ro- - J







tho that tho man was matunty-- treaalaborer Waialauahad off work tho day and dur Betwcc Boards

tho morning went tho 1000 Olaa 0475 30ITOwhero former mistress and 3025 1500 1001 100

other Working Session SalesHo found them both eating lunch 10 Hutchinson 1025 Hon M

walked directly them and then 20375without peaking word struck at tho Dividend

mentioned with what weapon November-- 20 1911 Haw Cowaa not found gpCOial rojrularjucBcconu woman away scream- - Suifar

while tho murderor continued hisfiendish work Help quickly rospondodbut arrived on the too latehastily organized posso finding thowomnn dpaI and no sign of her slayer




Despondent over loss of healthhis inability to work Smithresiding on Aloha Xaao committedsuicido yesterday morning in an out-house at tho rear of his home choosingtho revolver routo tno end of hisearthly troubles

There was no else at homo attho timo the deed was committed aadtho report of tho gun was apparootlynot heard for the body was not discov ¬

ered until the roturn of tho daughterfrom school in the afternoon MrsSriiith and tho elder s6h wero at work

unfortunate left noto inho house Baying that tho causo for tho

deed bo in another placeevidently Hinting at a second


unilncd tho ase and whose lotfoil to break tho wifo

lie is survived by grown sonsecond son fourteenilnughter the widow had

resident of for twonrifiSfuVo years



Continued from page One- -

TJicro was opium which he didget rid of Breckons believing thut hoHad 120 tins of the stuff be dinposed of bis last trip tho


UlrdMgv bvtlilijihl luitmrrew far IJuuitliilti thuiuHm labim artt mxM w Jttttrill nunaiu gwl wtrgtar Itfialtllftli wr H

U fit riikM WMItUlWl1 ik ftsJittit JW ll IH

wrsl aits bi kaataa Ut

Vai aautiitaiatl ilkat Baaii tilf ppaaBar HrBaaaaKvaai JlpBW f

4Wiil Mvri4tM it vm Wstfgr

ill UJ fif ulaWMaffy ttt Ummi JboIUmi mmto

SLHfm mm

ty AlAf aT VZaaiaajiiap n

INMW 99 itm


tftfttittM KraHf



BlpjiBIBillilWiSJBaiWMP---sjf-t 1



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Paid np


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Oo n cIIIlo R It Of Iuua

of 1901Hilo R R Oo Ref

Extn Onn OaTfonolcas Hoc tio p cHon R T L Oo 6 pnanai ur ua oaKohala Ditch Oo 6san Co oe

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1000 XJO






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23725 on 100 paid tBedoemabUeffect who a at 1 t

on the plantation1laid for Sal

ing to ono 6s 4p Ewafields a an 50 Ewa Hilo Os

woman woro5 B

up toa

first is Agpot known it 3 1 4ran Quotationsing

acono a

andfind F



The man a

would foundnoto

to itto











Dog Analysis Beets 10s- - 0d par550 00 Dcg Centrifugals 0025

her bo delivered to other buyers an4thor prosecuting officers haVo ho absoluto proof any but tho fifty fourtins

From letters found in his possessiontwo white mon in California are im-plicated


and this matter is being inestigated through tho ofSco of At-


General Wickcrshara Letterswhich ho wrote to tho girl Lilly Koohero in of his movementson tho Coast- and when ho expectedbo hack horo He warned hor not totell anyone when ho was coming back

Dope from Mexico

the of Attorneythat tho dopo Smith had came

from Mexico wero it cost him 12 portin and ho received not per tinfor tho stuff in

That there must have beon consider-ably more than tho fifty four men ¬

tioned is shown from tho in whichSmith spont money whilo inhaving dental work done which costhim 200 and clothes to a con ¬

siderable amount besides his regularliving oxpenscs and the money ho spenton tho girl

There are one two threadsin the deal implicating others in tboeity and on tho Coast which when

which however was not searched lor gathered in by fcdoral will1 Ttnl C3U ItV rt 1 4 41 4 t 3u uujiuiy csuuriu u xi kubd wno ex jiizikg csca it is prgimsi u

tho sad sowsa

of twelve or aSmith

a Honolulu

whichon With ox


ms lKaal litpaw Jf

f nIffUlts

























is opinionBrockons







An alarmist report in circulation yes-terday that yeilow iovcr bad appearedamonc tho immigrants aboard the British steamer Willesdon was contradict-ed


by Dr Victor Clarke head thoimmigration bureau Ho states thatreport was received hero that shortly

leaving Portugal an ¬

grant died of typhoid and a laterreport from Arenas Matedthat six children ImJ died of too same

Among thirteen hundred peoploi ins nanny a nign neam rato


rlliA nfflittflla In tAftlrceptlou of tho fifty four tips sold by the for tho Wlllesdan to arrive here untilChinese lie loft the rest with nlout tho end tho month



Tbt flmtt Unit




Us WirafWm mtfKtm









after adult immifover

sent Punas








aftmi Under Die roiinimJAtion ofvhv lipartl li nnvy dftiitiSBHtfclil lio ftsiv style ef fur ths

Mlfr mty 0jImI6u diffur as to titaVflUH Uf III UrillMIJja JllliuytUVfftl AtkUuiriUiNI MVS ftuily trtWitt 11 HuigiHU It tt as wiiwrwi4f wt4knat ralilar Itmu ut MfsBHlll

Im II HHaW C4MMHMH4 Vl hWkvfWml fit Hit Is lrtelit llitsat atattttt MNNi lktuiwtrartel la aw it ef Mxtuilr UU

f Tim

SWm SfalWil IU Ml4a titl MlJar tit

fW tintattf iitii iiw -- f

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1240 XXX




















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