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A Primer in Matlab

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Page 1: A Primer in Matlab

MATLAB PrimerThird EditionKermit SigmonDepartment of MathematicsUniversity of Florida

Department of Mathematics � University of Florida � Gainesville, FL [email protected] c 1989, 1992, 1993 by Kermit Sigmon

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On the Third EditionThe Third Edition of the MATLAB Primer is based on version 4.0/4.1 of MATLAB.While this edition re ects an extensive general revision of the Second Edition, most sig-ni�cant is the new information to help one begin to use the major new features of version4.0/4.1, the sparse matrix and enhanced graphics capabilities.The plain TEX source and corresponding PostScript �le of the latest printing of theMATLAB Primer are always available via anonymous ftp from:Address: math.ufl.edu Directory: pub/matlab Files: primer.tex, primer.psYou are advised to download anew each term the latest printing of the Primer since minorimprovements and corrections may have been made in the interim. If ftp is unavailableto you, the Primer can be obtained via listserv by sending an email message to [email protected] containing the single line send matlab/primer.tex.Also available at this ftp site are both English (primer35.tex, primer35.ps) andSpanish (primer35sp.tex, primer35sp.ps) versions of the Second Edition of the Primer,which was based on version 3.5 of MATLAB. The Spanish translation is by CelestinoMontes, University of Seville, Spain. A Spanish translation of the Third Edition is underdevelopment.Users of the Primer usually appreciate the convenience and durability of a bound copywith a cover, copy center style.(12-93)Copyright c 1989, 1992, 1993 by Kermit SigmonThe MATLAB Primer may be distributed as desired subject to the following con-ditions:1. It may not be altered in any way, except possibly adding an addendum givinginformation about the local computer installation or MATLAB toolboxes.2. It, or any part thereof, may not be used as part of a document distributed fora commercial purpose.In particular, it may be distributed via a local copy center or bookstore.Department of Mathematics � University of Florida � Gainesville, FL [email protected]

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IntroductionMATLAB is an interactive, matrix-based system for scienti�c and engineering numericcomputation and visualization. You can solve complex numerical problems in a fraction ofthe time required with a programming language such as Fortran or C. The name MATLABis derived from MATrix LABoratory.The purpose of this Primer is to help you begin to use MATLAB. It is not intendedto be a substitute for the User's Guide and Reference Guide for MATLAB. The Primercan best be used hands-on. You are encouraged to work at the computer as you read thePrimer and freely experiment with examples. This Primer, along with the on-line helpfacility, usually su�ce for students in a class requiring use of MATLAB.You should liberally use the on-line help facility for more detailed information. Whenusing MATLAB, the command help functionname will give information about a speci�cfunction. For example, the command help eig will give information about the eigenvaluefunction eig. By itself, the command help will display a list of topics for which on-linehelp is available; then help topic will list those speci�c functions under this topic for whichhelp is available. The list of functions in the last section of this Primer also gives most ofthis information. You can preview some of the features of MATLAB by �rst entering thecommand demo and then selecting from the options o�ered.The scope and power of MATLAB go far beyond these notes. Eventually you willwant to consult the MATLAB User's Guide and Reference Guide. Copies of the completedocumentation are often available for review at locations such as consulting desks, terminalrooms, computing labs, and the reserve desk of the library. Consult your instructor or yourlocal computing center to learn where this documentation is located at your institution.MATLAB is available for a number of environments: Sun/Apollo/VAXstation/HPworkstations, VAX, MicroVAX, Gould, PC and AT compatibles, 80386 and 80486 com-puters, Apple Macintosh, and several parallel machines. There is a relatively inexpensiveStudent Edition available from Prentice Hall publishers. The information in these notesapplies generally to all of these environments.MATLAB is licensed by The MathWorks, Inc., 24 Prime Park Way, Natick, MA 01760,(508)653-1415, Fax: (508)653-2997, Email: [email protected] c 1989, 1992, 1993 by Kermit Sigmonii

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Contents Page1. Accessing MATLAB : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12. Entering matrices : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13. Matrix operations, array operations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 24. Statements, expressions, variables; saving a session : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 35. Matrix building functions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 46. For, while, if | and relations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 47. Scalar functions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 78. Vector functions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 79. Matrix functions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 710. Command line editing and recall : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 811. Submatrices and colon notation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 812. M-�les: script �les, function �les : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 913. Text strings, error messages, input : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1214. Managing M-�les : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1315. Comparing e�ciency of algorithms: ops, tic, toc : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1416. Output format : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1417. Hard copy : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1518. Graphics : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15planar plots (15), hardcopy (17), 3-D line plots (18)mesh and surface plots (18), Handle Graphics (20)19. Sparse matrix computations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2020. Reference : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 22iii

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1. Accessing MATLAB.On most systems, after logging in one can enter MATLAB with the system commandmatlab and exit MATLAB with the MATLAB command quit or exit. However, yourlocal installation may permit MATLAB to be accessed from a menu or by clicking an icon.On systems permitting multiple processes, such as a Unix system or MS Windows,you will �nd it convenient, for reasons discussed in section 14, to keep both MATLABand your local editor active. If you are working on a platform which runs processes inmultiple windows, you will want to keep MATLAB active in one window and your localeditor active in another.You should consult your instructor or your local computer center for details of the localinstallation.2. Entering matrices.MATLAB works with essentially only one kind of object|a rectangular numericalmatrix with possibly complex entries; all variables represent matrices. In some situations,1-by-1 matrices are interpreted as scalars and matrices with only one row or one columnare interpreted as vectors.Matrices can be introduced into MATLAB in several di�erent ways:� Entered by an explicit list of elements,� Generated by built-in statements and functions,� Created in a disk�le with your local editor,� Loaded from external data �les or applications (see the User's Guide).For example, either of the statementsA = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]and A = [1 2 34 5 67 8 9 ]creates the obvious 3-by-3 matrix and assigns it to a variable A. Try it. The elementswithin a row of a matrix may be separated by commas as well as a blank. When listing anumber in exponential form (e.g. 2.34e-9), blank spaces must be avoided.MATLAB allows complex numbers in all its operations and functions. Two convenientways to enter complex matrices are:A = [1 2;3 4] + i*[5 6;7 8]A = [1+5i 2+6i;3+7i 4+8i]When listing complex numbers (e.g. 2+6i) in a matrix, blank spaces must be avoided.Either i or j may be used as the imaginary unit. If, however, you use i and j as vari-ables and overwrite their values, you may generate a new imaginary unit with, say,ii = sqrt(-1). 1

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Listing entries of a large matrix is best done in an ASCII �le with your local editor,where errors can be easily corrected (see sections 12 and 14). The �le should consist of arectangular array of just the numeric matrix entries. If this �le is named, say, data.ext(where .ext is any extension), the MATLAB command load data.ext will read this �leto the variable data in your MATLAB workspace. This may also be done with a script �le(see section 12).The built-in functions rand, magic, and hilb, for example, provide an easy way tocreate matrices with which to experiment. The command rand(n) will create an n � nmatrix with randomly generated entries distributed uniformly between 0 and 1, whilerand(m,n) will create an m�n one. magic(n) will create an integral n�n matrix whichis a magic square (rows, columns, and diagonals have common sum); hilb(n) will createthe n� n Hilbert matrix, the king of ill-conditioned matrices (m and n denote, of course,positive integers). Matrices can also be generated with a for-loop (see section 6 below).Individual matrix and vector entries can be referenced with indices inside parenthesesin the usual manner. For example, A(2; 3) denotes the entry in the second row, thirdcolumn of matrix A and x(3) denotes the third coordinate of vector x. Try it. A matrixor a vector will only accept positive integers as indices.3. Matrix operations, array operations.The following matrix operations are available in MATLAB:+ addition� subtraction� multiplicationb power0 conjugate transposen left division/ right divisionThese matrix operations apply, of course, to scalars (1-by-1 matrices) as well. If the sizesof the matrices are incompatible for the matrix operation, an error message will result,except in the case of scalar-matrix operations (for addition, subtraction, and division aswell as for multiplication) in which case each entry of the matrix is operated on by thescalar.The \matrix division" operations deserve special comment. If A is an invertible squarematrix and b is a compatible column, resp. row, vector, thenx = Anb is the solution of A � x = b and, resp.,x = b=A is the solution of x �A = b.In left division, if A is square, then it is factored using Gaussian elimination and thesefactors are used to solve A � x = b. If A is not square, it is factored using Householderorthogonalization with column pivoting and the factors are used to solve the under- orover- determined system in the least squares sense. Right division is de�ned in terms ofleft division by b=A = (A0nb0)0. 2

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Array operations.The matrix operations of addition and subtraction already operate entry-wise but theother matrix operations given above do not|they are matrix operations. It is impor-tant to observe that these other operations, �, b , n, and /, can be made to operateentry-wise by preceding them by a period. For example, either [1,2,3,4].*[1,2,3,4]or [1,2,3,4].b 2 will yield [1,4,9,16]. Try it. This is particularly useful when usingMatlab graphics.4. Statements, expressions, and variables; saving a session.MATLAB is an expression language; the expressions you type are interpreted andevaluated. MATLAB statements are usually of the formvariable = expression, or simplyexpressionExpressions are usually composed from operators, functions, and variable names. Eval-uation of the expression produces a matrix, which is then displayed on the screen andassigned to the variable for future use. If the variable name and = sign are omitted, avariable ans (for answer) is automatically created to which the result is assigned.A statement is normally terminated with the carriage return. However, a statement canbe continued to the next line with three or more periods followed by a carriage return. Onthe other hand, several statements can be placed on a single line if separated by commasor semicolons.If the last character of a statement is a semicolon, the printing is suppressed, but theassignment is carried out. This is essential in suppressing unwanted printing of intermediateresults.MATLAB is case-sensitive in the names of commands, functions, and variables. Forexample, solveUT is not the same as solveut.The command who (or whos) will list the variables currently in the workspace. Avariable can be cleared from the workspace with the command clear variablename. Thecommand clear alone will clear all nonpermanent variables.The permanent variable eps (epsilon) gives the machine unit roundo�|about 10�16 onmost machines. It is useful in specifying tolerences for convergence of iterative processes.A runaway display or computation can be stopped on most machines without leavingMATLAB with CTRL-C (CTRL-BREAK on a PC).Saving a session.When one logs out or exits MATLAB all variables are lost. However, invoking thecommand save before exiting causes all variables to be written to a non-human-readabledisk�le named matlab.mat. When one later reenters MATLAB, the command load willrestore the workspace to its former state. 3

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5. Matrix building functions.Convenient matrix building functions areeye identity matrixzeros matrix of zerosones matrix of onesdiag create or extract diagonalstriu upper triangular part of a matrixtril lower triangular part of a matrixrand randomly generated matrixhilb Hilbert matrixmagic magic squaretoeplitz see help toeplitzFor example, zeros(m,n) produces an m-by-n matrix of zeros and zeros(n) produces ann-by-n one. If A is a matrix, then zeros(size(A)) produces a matrix of zeros having thesame size as A.If x is a vector, diag(x) is the diagonal matrix with x down the diagonal; ifA is a squarematrix, then diag(A) is a vector consisting of the diagonal of A. What is diag(diag(A))?Try it.Matrices can be built from blocks. For example, if A is a 3-by-3 matrix, thenB = [A, zeros(3,2); zeros(2,3), eye(2)]will build a certain 5-by-5 matrix. Try it.6. For, while, if | and relations.In their basic forms, these MATLAB ow control statements operate like those in mostcomputer languages.For.For example, for a given n, the statementx = []; for i = 1:n, x=[x,ib 2], endor x = [];for i = 1:nx = [x,ib 2]endwill produce a certain n-vector and the statementx = []; for i = n:-1:1, x=[x,ib 2], endwill produce the same vector in reverse order. Try them. Note that a matrix may beempty (such as x = []). 4

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The statementsfor i = 1:mfor j = 1:nH(i, j) = 1/(i+j-1);endendHwill produce and print to the screen the m-by-n hilbert matrix. The semicolon on theinner statement is essential to suppress printing of unwanted intermediate results whilethe last H displays the �nal result.The for statement permits any matrix to be used instead of 1:n. The variable justconsecutively assumes the value of each column of the matrix. For example,s = 0;for c = As = s + sum(c);endcomputes the sum of all entries of the matrix A by adding its column sums (Of course,sum(sum(A)) does it more e�ciently; see section 8). In fact, since 1:n = [1,2,3,: : : ,n],this column-by-column assigment is what occurs with \if i = 1:n,: : : " (see section 11).While.The general form of a while loop iswhile relationstatementsendThe statements will be repeatedly executed as long as the relation remains true. For exam-ple, for a given number a, the following will compute and display the smallest nonnegativeinteger n such that 2n � a:n = 0;while 2b n < an = n + 1;endnIf. The general form of a simple if statement isif relationstatementsendThe statements will be executed only if the relation is true. Multiple branching is alsopossible, as is illustrated byif n < 0parity = 0; 5

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elseif rem(n,2) == 0parity = 2;elseparity = 1;endIn two-way branching the elseif portion would, of course, be omitted.Relations.The relational operators in MATLAB are< less than> greater than<= less than or equal>= greater than or equal== equal�= not equal.Note that \=" is used in an assignment statement while \==" is used in a relation.Relations may be connected or quanti�ed by the logical operators& andj or� not.When applied to scalars, a relation is actually the scalar 1 or 0 depending on whetherthe relation is true or false. Try entering 3 < 5, 3 > 5, 3 == 5, and 3 == 3. Whenapplied to matrices of the same size, a relation is a matrix of 0's and 1's giving the valueof the relation between corresponding entries. Try a = rand(5), b = triu(a), a == b.A relation between matrices is interpreted by while and if to be true if each entry ofthe relation matrix is nonzero. Hence, if you wish to execute statement when matrices Aand B are equal you could typeif A == Bstatementendbut if you wish to execute statement when A and B are not equal, you would typeif any(any(A �= B))statementendor, more simply,if A == B elsestatementendNote that the seemingly obviousif A �= B, statement, end 6

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will not give what is intended since statement would execute only if each of the correspond-ing entries of A and B di�er. The functions any and all can be creatively used to reducematrix relations to vectors or scalars. Two any's are required above since any is a vectoroperator (see section 8).7. Scalar functions.Certain MATLAB functions operate essentially on scalars, but operate element-wisewhen applied to a matrix. The most common such functions aresin asin exp abs roundcos acos log (natural log) sqrt oortan atan rem (remainder) sign ceil8. Vector functions.Other MATLAB functions operate essentially on a vector (row or column), but acton an m-by-n matrix (m � 2) in a column-by-column fashion to produce a row vectorcontaining the results of their application to each column. Row-by-row action can beobtained by using the transpose; for example, mean(A')'. A few of these functions aremax sum median anymin prod mean allsort stdFor example, the maximum entry in a matrix A is given by max(max(A)) rather thanmax(A). Try it.9. Matrix functions.Much of MATLAB's power comes from its matrix functions. The most useful ones areeig eigenvalues and eigenvectorschol cholesky factorizationsvd singular value decompositioninv inverselu LU factorizationqr QR factorizationhess hessenberg formschur schur decompositionrref reduced row echelon formexpm matrix exponentialsqrtm matrix square rootpoly characteristic polynomialdet determinantsize sizenorm 1-norm, 2-norm, F-norm,1-normcond condition number in the 2-normrank rank 7

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MATLAB functions may have single or multiple output arguments. For example,y = eig(A), or simply eig(A)produces a column vector containing the eigenvalues of A while[U,D] = eig(A)produces a matrix U whose columns are the eigenvectors of A and a diagonal matrix Dwith the eigenvalues of A on its diagonal. Try it.10. Command line editing and recall.The command line in MATLAB can be easily edited. The cursor can be positionedwith the left/right arrows and the Backspace (or Delete) key used to delete the characterto the left of the cursor. Other editing features are also available. On a PC try the Home,End, and Delete keys; on a Unix system or a PC the Emacs commands Ctl-a, Ctl-e, Ctl-d,and Ctl-k work; on other systems see help cedit or type cedit.A convenient feature is use of the up/down arrows to scroll through the stack of previouscommands. One can, therefore, recall a previous command line, edit it, and execute therevised command line. For small routines, this is much more convenient that using anM-�le which requires moving between MATLAB and the editor (see sections 12 and 14).For example, opcounts (see section 15) for computing the inverse of matrices of varioussizes could be compared by repeatedly recalling, editing, and executinga = rand(8); flops(0), inv(a); flopsIf one wanted to compare plots of the functions y = sinmx and y = sinnx on the interval[0; 2�] for various m and n, one might do the same for the command line:m=2; n=3; x=0:.01:2*pi; y=sin(m*x); z=cos(n*x); plot(x,y,x,z)11. Submatrices and colon notation.Vectors and submatrices are often used in MATLAB to achieve fairly complex datamanipulation e�ects. \Colon notation" (which is used both to generate vectors and refer-ence submatrices) and subscripting by integral vectors are keys to e�cient manipulationof these objects. Creative use of these features to vectorize operations permits one tominimize the use of loops (which slows MATLAB) and to make code simple and readable.Special e�ort should be made to become familiar with them.The expression 1:5 (met earlier in for statements) is actually the row vector [1 2 34 5]. The numbers need not be integers nor the increment one. For example,0.2:0.2:1.2gives [0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2], and5:-1:1 gives [5 4 3 2 1].The following statements will, for example, generate a table of sines. Try it.x = [0.0:0.1:2.0]0;y = sin(x);[x y] 8

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Note that since sin operates entry-wise, it produces a vector y from the vector x.The colon notation can be used to access submatrices of a matrix. For example,A(1:4,3) is the column vector consisting of the �rst four entries of the third columnof A.A colon by itself denotes an entire row or column:A(:,3) is the third column of A, and A(1:4,:) is the �rst four rows.Arbitrary integral vectors can be used as subscripts:A(:,[2 4]) contains as columns, columns 2 and 4 of A.Such subscripting can be used on both sides of an assignment statement:A(:,[2 4 5]) = B(:,1:3) replaces columns 2,4,5 of A with the �rst three columnsof B. Note that the entire altered matrix A is printed and assigned. Try it.Columns 2 and 4 of A can be multiplied on the right by the 2-by-2 matrix [1 2;3 4]:A(:,[2,4]) = A(:,[2,4])*[1 2;3 4]Once again, the entire altered matrix is printed and assigned.If x is an n-vector, what is the e�ect of the statement x = x(n:-1:1)? Try it. Alsotry y = fliplr(x) and y = flipud(x').To appreciate the usefulness of these features, compare these MATLAB statementswith a Pascal, FORTRAN, or C routine to e�ect the same.12. M-�les.MATLAB can execute a sequence of statements stored in disk�les. Such �les are called\M-�les" because they must have the �le type of \.m" as the last part of their �lename.Much of your work with MATLAB will be in creating and re�ning M-�les. M-�les areusually created using your local editor.There are two types of M-�les: script �les and function �les.Script �les.A script �le consists of a sequence of normal MATLAB statements. If the �le has the�lename, say, rotate.m, then the MATLAB command rotate will cause the statementsin the �le to be executed. Variables in a script �le are global and will change the value ofvariables of the same name in the environment of the current MATLAB session.Script �les may be used to enter data into a large matrix; in such a �le, entry errorscan be easily corrected. If, for example, one enters in a disk�le data.mA = [1 2 3 45 6 7 8];then the MATLAB statement data will cause the assignment given in data.m to be carriedout. However, it is usually easier to use the MATLAB function load (see section 2).An M-�le can reference other M-�les, including referencing itself recursively.9

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Function �les.Function �les provide extensibility to MATLAB. You can create new functions speci�cto your problem which will then have the same status as other MATLAB functions. Vari-ables in a function �le are by default local. A variable can, however, be declared global(see help global).We �rst illustrate with a simple example of a function �le.function a = randint(m,n)%RANDINT Randomly generated integral matrix.% randint(m,n) returns an m-by-n such matrix with entries% between 0 and 9.a = floor(10*rand(m,n));A more general version of this function is the following:function a = randint(m,n,a,b)%RANDINT Randomly generated integral matrix.% randint(m,n) returns an m-by-n such matrix with entries% between 0 and 9.% rand(m,n,a,b) return entries between integers a and b.if nargin < 3, a = 0; b = 9; enda = floor((b-a+1)*rand(m,n)) + a;This should be placed in a disk�le with �lename randint.m (corresponding to the functionname). The �rst line declares the function name, input arguments, and output arguments;without this line the �le would be a script �le. Then a MATLAB statementz = randint(4,5), for example, will cause the numbers 4 and 5 to be passed to thevariables m and n in the function �le with the output result being passed out to thevariable z. Since variables in a function �le are local, their names are independent of thosein the current MATLAB environment.Note that use of nargin (\number of input arguments") permits one to set a defaultvalue of an omitted input variable|such as a and b in the example.A function may also have multiple output arguments. For example:function [mean, stdev] = stat(x)% STAT Mean and standard deviation% For a vector x, stat(x) returns the mean of x;% [mean, stdev] = stat(x) both the mean and standard deviation.% For a matrix x, stat(x) acts columnwise.[m n] = size(x);if m == 1m = n; % handle case of a row vectorendmean = sum(x)/m;stdev = sqrt(sum(x.b 2)/m - mean.b 2);Once this is placed in a disk�le stat.m, a MATLAB command [xm, xd] = stat(x), forexample, will assign the mean and standard deviation of the entries in the vector x to10

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xm and xd, respectively. Single assignments can also be made with a function havingmultiple output arguments. For example, xm = stat(x) (no brackets needed around xm)will assign the mean of x to xm.The % symbol indicates that the rest of the line is a comment; MATLAB will ignorethe rest of the line. Moreover, the �rst few contiguous comment lines, which documentthe M-�le, are available to the on-line help facility and will be displayed if, for example,help stat is entered. Such documentation should always be included in a function �le.This function illustrates some of the MATLAB features that can be used to producee�cient code. Note, for example, that x.b 2 is the matrix of squares of the entries of x,that sum is a vector function (section 8), that sqrt is a scalar function (section 7), and thatthe division in sum(x)/m is a matrix-scalar operation. Thus all operations are vectorizedand loops avoided.If you can't vectorize some computations, you can make your for loops go faster bypreallocating any vectors or matrices in which output is stored. For example, by includingthe second statement below, which uses the function zeros, space for storing E in memoryis preallocated. Without this MATLAB must resize E one column larger in each iteration,slowing execution.M = magic(6);E = zeros(6,50);for j = 1:50E(:,j) = eig(Mb i);endSome more advanced features are illustrated by the following function. As noted earlier,some of the input arguments of a function|such as tol in this example, may be madeoptional through use of nargin (\number of input arguments"). The variable nargoutcan be similarly used. Note that the fact that a relation is a number (1 when true; 0 whenfalse) is used and that, when while or if evaluates a relation, \nonzero" means \true"and 0 means \false". Finally, the MATLAB function feval permits one to have as aninput variable a string naming another function. (Also see eval.)function [b, steps] = bisect(fun, x, tol)%BISECT Zero of a function of one variable via the bisection method.% bisect(fun,x) returns a zero of the function. fun is a string% containing the name of a real-valued MATLAB function of a% single real variable; ordinarily functions are defined in% M-files. x is a starting guess. The value returned is near% a point where fun changes sign. For example,% bisect('sin',3) is pi. Note the quotes around sin.%% An optional third input argument sets a tolerence for the% relative accuracy of the result. The default is eps.% An optional second output argument gives a matrix containing a% trace of the steps; the rows are of form [c f(c)].11

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% Initializationif nargin < 3, tol = eps; endtrace = (nargout == 2);if x �= 0, dx = x/20; else, dx = 1/20; enda = x - dx; fa = feval(fun,a);b = x + dx; fb = feval(fun,b);% Find change of sign.while (fa > 0) == (fb > 0)dx = 2.0*dx;a = x - dx; fa = feval(fun,a);if (fa > 0) �= (fb > 0), break, endb = x + dx; fb = feval(fun,b);endif trace, steps = [a fa; b fb]; end% Main loopwhile abs(b - a) > 2.0*tol*max(abs(b),1.0)c = a + 0.5*(b - a); fc = feval(fun,c);if trace, steps = [steps; [c fc]]; endif (fb > 0) == (fc > 0)b = c; fb = fc;elsea = c; fa = fc;endendSome of MATLAB's functions are built-in while others are distributed as M-�les. Theactual listing of any non-built-in M-�le|MATLAB's or your own|can be viewed withthe MATLAB command type functionname. Try entering type eig, type vander, andtype rank.13. Text strings, error messages, input.Text strings are entered into MATLAB surrounded by single quotes. For example,s = 'This is a test'assigns the given text string to the variable s.Text strings can be displayed with the function disp. For example:disp('this message is hereby displayed')Error messages are best displayed with the function errorerror('Sorry, the matrix must be symmetric')since when placed in an M-File, it aborts execution of the M-�le.12

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In an M-�le the user can be prompted to interactively enter input data with the functioninput. When, for example, the statementiter = input('Enter the number of iterations: ')is encountered, the prompt message is displayed and execution pauses while the user keysin the input data. Upon pressing the return key, the data is assigned to the variable iterand execution resumes.14. Managing M-�les.While using MATLAB one frequently wishes to create or edit an M-�le with the localeditor and then return to MATLAB. One wishes to keep MATLAB active while editing a�le since otherwise all variables would be lost upon exiting.This can be easily done using the !-feature. If, while in MATLAB, you precede it withan !, any system command|such as those for editing, printing, or copying a �le|can beexecuted without exiting MATLAB. If, for example, the system command ed accesses youreditor, the MATLAB command>> !ed rotate.mwill let you edit the �le named rotate.m using your local editor. Upon leaving the editor,you will be returned to MATLAB just where you left it.However, as noted in section 1, on systems permitting multiple processes, such as onerunning Unix or MS Windows, it may be preferable to keep both MATLAB and your localeditor active, keeping one process suspended while working in the other. If these processescan be run in multiple windows, you will want to keep MATLAB active in one windowand your editor active in another.You should consult your instructor or your local computing center for details of thelocal installation.Many debugging tools are available. See help dbtype or the list of functions in thelast section.When in MATLAB, the command pwd will return the name of the present workingdirectory and cd can be used to change the working directory. Either dir or ls will listthe contents of the working directory while the command what lists only the M-�les in thedirectory. The MATLAB commands delete and type can be used to delete a disk�le andprint an M-�le to the screen, respectively. While these commands may duplicate systemcommands, they avoid the use of an !. You may enjoy entering the command why a fewtimes.M-�les must be in a directory accessible to MATLAB. M-�les in the present work-ing directory are always accessible. On most mainframe or workstation network installa-tions, personal M-�les which are stored in a subdirectory of one's home directory namedmatlab will be accessible to MATLAB from any directory in which one is working. Thecurrent list of directories in MATLAB's search path is obtained by the command path.This command can also be used to add or delete directories from the search path. Seehelp path. 13

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15. Comparing e�ciency of algorithms: ops, tic and toc.Two measures of the e�ciency of an algorithm are the number of oating point oper-ations ( ops) performed and the elapsed time.The MATLAB function flops keeps a running total of the ops performed. Thecommand flops(0) (not flops = 0!) will reset ops to 0. Hence, entering flops(0)immediately before executing an algorithm and flops immediately after gives the opcount for the algorithm. For example, the number of ops required to solve a given linearsystem via Gaussian elimination can be obtained with:flops(0), x = Anb; flopsThe elapsed time (in seconds) can be obtained with the stopwatch timers tic and toc;tic starts the timer and toc returns the elapsed time. Hence, the commandstic, any statement, tocwill return the elapsed time for execution of the statement. The elapsed time for solvingthe linear system above can be obtained, for example, with:tic, x = Anb; tocYou may wish to compare this time|and op count|with that for solving the systemusing x = inv(A)*b;. Try it.It should be noted that, on timesharing machines, elapsed time may not be a reliablemeasure of the e�ciency of an algorithm since the rate of execution depends on how busythe computer is at the time.16. Output format.While all computations in MATLAB are performed in double precision, the format ofthe displayed output can be controlled by the following commands.format short �xed point with 4 decimal places (the default)format long �xed point with 14 decimal placesformat short e scienti�c notation with 4 decimal placesformat long e scienti�c notation with 15 decimal placesformat rat approximation by ratio of small integersformat hex hexadecimal formatformat bank �xed dollars and centsformat + +, -, blankOnce invoked, the chosen format remains in e�ect until changed.The command format compact will suppress most blank lines allowing more infor-mation to be placed on the screen or page. The command format loose returns to thenon-compact format. These commands are independent of the other format commands.14

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17. Hardcopy.Hardcopy is most easily obtained with the diary command. The commanddiary �lenamecauses what appears subsequently on the screen (except graphics) to be written to thenamed disk�le (if the �lename is omitted it will be written to a default �le named diary)until one gives the command diary off; the command diary on will cause writing tothe �le to resume, etc. When �nished, you can edit the �le as desired and print it out onthe local system. The !-feature (see section 14) will permit you to edit and print the �lewithout leaving MATLAB.18. Graphics.MATLAB can produce planar plots of curves, 3-D plots of curves, 3-D mesh surfaceplots, and 3-D faceted surface plots. The primary commands for these facilities are plot,plot3, mesh, and surf, respectively. An introduction to each of these is given below.To preview some of these capabilities, enter the command demo and select some of thegraphics options.Planar plots.The plot command creates linear x-y plots; if x and y are vectors of the same length,the command plot(x,y) opens a graphics window and draws an x-y plot of the elementsof x versus the elements of y. You can, for example, draw the graph of the sine functionover the interval -4 to 4 with the following commands:x = -4:.01:4; y = sin(x); plot(x,y)Try it. The vector x is a partition of the domain with meshsize 0.01 while y is a vectorgiving the values of sine at the nodes of this partition (recall that sin operates entrywise).You will usually want to keep the current graphics window (\�gure") exposed|butmoved to the side|and the command window active.One can have several graphics �gures, one of which will at any time be the designated\current" �gure where graphs from subsequent plotting commands will be placed. If, forexample, �gure 1 is the current �gure, then the command figure(2) (or simply figure)will open a second �gure (if necessary) and make it the current �gure. The commandfigure(1) will then expose �gure 1 and make it again the current �gure. The commandgcf will return the number of the current �gure.As a second example, you can draw the graph of y = e�x2 over the interval -1.5 to 1.5as follows:x = -1.5:.01:1.5; y = exp(-x.b 2); plot(x,y)Note that one must precede b by a period to ensure that it operates entrywise (see section3). MATLAB supplies a function fplot to easily and e�ciently plot the graph of a function.For example, to plot the graph of the function above, one can �rst de�ne the function inan M-�le called, say, expnormal.m containing15

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function y = expnormal(x)y = exp(-x.b 2);Then the commandfplot('expnormal', [-1.5,1.5])will produce the graph. Try it.Plots of parametrically de�ned curves can also be made. Try, for example,t=0:.001:2*pi; x=cos(3*t); y=sin(2*t); plot(x,y)The graphs can be given titles, axes labeled, and text placed within the graph withthe following commands which take a string as an argument.title graph titlexlabel x-axis labelylabel y-axis labelgtext place text on the graph using the mousetext position text at speci�ed coordinatesFor example, the commandtitle('Best Least Squares Fit')gives a graph a title. The command gtext('The Spot') allows one to interactively placethe designated text on the current graph by placing the mouse pointer at the desiredposition and clicking the mouse. To place text in a graph at designated coordinates, onewould use the command text (see help text).The command grid will place grid lines on the current graph.By default, the axes are auto-scaled. This can be overridden by the command axis.Some features of axis are:axis([xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax]) set axis scaling to prescribed limitsaxis(axis) freezes scaling for subsequent graphsaxis auto returns to auto-scalingv = axis returns vector v showing current scalingaxis square same scale on both axesaxis equal same scale and tic marks on both axesaxis off turns o� axis scaling and tic marksaxis on turns on axis scaling and tic marksThe axis command should be given after the plot command.Two ways to make multiple plots on a single graph are illustrated byx=0:.01:2*pi;y1=sin(x);y2=sin(2*x);y3=sin(4*x);plot(x,y1,x,y2,x,y3)and by forming a matrix Y containing the functional values as columnsx=0:.01:2*pi; Y=[sin(x)', sin(2*x)', sin(4*x)']; plot(x,Y)Another way is with hold. The command hold on freezes the current graphics screen sothat subsequent plots are superimposed on it. The axes may, however, become rescaled.Entering hold off releases the \hold." 16

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One can override the default linetypes, pointtypes and colors. For example,x=0:.01:2*pi; y1=sin(x); y2=sin(2*x); y3=sin(4*x);plot(x,y1,'--',x,y2,':',x,y3,'+')renders a dashed line and dotted line for the �rst two graphs while for the third the symbol+ is placed at each node. The line- and mark-types areLinetypes: solid (-), dashed (--). dotted (:), dashdot (-.)Marktypes: point (.), plus (+), star (*), circle (o), x-mark (x)Colors can be speci�ed for the line- and mark-types.Colors: yellow (y), magenta (m), cyan (c), red (r)green (g), blue (b), white (w), black (k)For example, plot(x,y,'r--') plots a red dashed line.The command subplot can be used to partition the screen so that several small plotscan be placed in one �gure. See help subplot.Other specialized 2-D plotting functions you may wish to explore via help are:polar, bar, hist, quiver, compass, feather, rose, stairs, fillGraphics hardcopyA hardcopy of the current graphics �gure can be most easily obtained with the MAT-LAB command print. Entered by itself, it will send a high-resolution copy of the currentgraphics �gure to the default printer.The printopt M-�le is used to specify the default setting used by the print command.If desired, one can change the defaults by editing this �le (see help printopt).The command print �lename saves the current graphics �gure to the designated�lename in the default �le format. If �lename has no extension, then an appropriateextension such as .ps, .eps, or .jet is appended. If, for example, PostScript is thedefault �le format, thenprint lissajouswill create a PostScript �le lissajous.ps of the current graphics �gure which can subse-quently be printed using the system print command. If filename already exists, it will beoverwritten unless you use the -append option. The commandprint -append lissajouswill append the (hopefully di�erent) current graphics �gure to the existing �lelissajous.ps. In this way one can save several graphics �gures in a single �le.The default settings can, of course, be overwritten. For example,print -deps -f3 saddlewill save to an Encapsulated PostScript �le saddle.eps the graphics �gure 3 | even if itis not the current �gure. 17

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3-D line plots.Completely analogous to plot in two dimensions, the command plot3 produces curvesin three dimensional space. If x, y, and z are three vectors of the same size, then thecommand plot3(x,y,z) will produce a perspective plot of the piecewise linear curve in3-space passing through the points whose coordinates are the respective elements of x, y,and z. These vectors are usually de�ned parametrically. For example,t=.01:.01:20*pi; x=cos(t); y=sin(t); z=t.b 3; plot3(x,y,z)will produce a helix which is compressed near the x-y plane (a \slinky"). Try it.Just as for planar plots, a title and axis labels (including zlabel) can be added. Thefeatures of axis command described there also hold for 3-D plots; setting the axis scalingto prescribed limits will, of course, now require a 6-vector.3-D mesh and surface plots.Three dimensional wire mesh surface plots are drawn with the command mesh. Thecommand mesh(z) creates a three-dimensional perspective plot of the elements of thematrix z. The mesh surface is de�ned by the z-coordinates of points above a rectangulargrid in the x-y plane. Try mesh(eye(10)).Similarly, three dimensional faceted surface plots are drawn with the command surf.Try surf(eye(10)).To draw the graph of a function z = f(x; y) over a rectangle, one �rst de�nes vectorsxx and yy which give partitions of the sides of the rectangle. With the function meshgridone then creates a matrix x, each row of which equals xx and whose column length is thelength of yy, and similarly a matrix y, each column of which equals yy, as follows:[x,y] = meshgrid(xx,yy);One then computes a matrix z, obtained by evaluating f entrywise over the matrices xand y, to which mesh or surf can be applied.You can, for example, draw the graph of z = e�x2�y2 over the square [�2; 2]� [�2; 2]as follows (try it):xx = -2:.2:2;yy = xx;[x,y] = meshgrid(xx,yy);z = exp(-x.b 2 - y.b 2);mesh(z)One could, of course, replace the �rst three lines of the preceding with[x,y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2, -2:.2:2);Try this plot with surf instead of mesh.As noted above, the features of the axis command described in the section on planarplots also hold for 3-D plots as do the commands for titles, axes labelling and the commandhold.The color shading of surfaces is set by the shading command. There are three settingsfor shading: faceted (default), interpolated, and flat. These are set by the commands18

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shading faceted, shading interp, or shading flatNote that on surfaces produced by surf, the settings interpolated and flat removethe superimposed mesh lines. Experiment with various shadings on the surface producedabove. The command shading (as well as colormap and view below) should be enteredafter the surf command.The color pro�le of a surface is controlled by the colormap command. Available pre-de�ned colormaps include:hsv (default), hot, cool, jet, pink, copper, flag, gray, boneThe command colormap(cool) will, for example, set a certain color pro�le for the current�gure. Experiment with various colormaps on the surface produced above.The command view can be used to specify in spherical or cartesian coordinates theviewpoint from which the 3-D object is to be viewed. See help view.The MATLAB function peaks generates an interesting surface on which to experimentwith shading, colormap, and view.Plots of parametrically de�ned surfaces can also be made. The MATLAB functionssphere and cylinder will generate such plots of the named surfaces. (See type sphereand type cylinder.) The following is an example of a similar function which generates aplot of a torus.function [x,y,z] = torus(r,n,a)%TORUS Generate a torus% torus(r,n,a) generates a plot of a torus with central% radius a and lateral radius r. n controls the number% of facets on the surface. These input variables are optional% with defaults r = 0.5, n = 30, a = 1.%% [x,y,z] = torus(r,n,a) generates three (n+1)-by-(n+1)% matrices so that surf(x,y,z) will produce the torus.%% See also SPHERE, CYLINDERif nargin < 3, a = 1; endif nargin < 2, n = 30; endif nargin < 1, r = 0.5; endtheta = pi*(0:2:2*n)/n;phi = 2*pi*(0:2:n)'/n;xx = (a + r*cos(phi))*cos(theta);yy = (a + r*cos(phi))*sin(theta);zz = r*sin(phi)*ones(size(theta));if nargout == 0surf(xx,yy,zz)ar = (a + r)/sqrt(2);axis([-ar,ar,-ar,ar,-ar,ar])else 19

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x = xx; y = yy; z = zz;endOther 3-D plotting functions you may wish to explore via help are:meshz, surfc, surfl, contour, pcolorHandle Graphics.Beyond those described above, MATLAB's graphics system provides low level functionswhich permit one to control virtually all aspects of the graphics environment to producesophisticated plots. Enter the command set(1) and gca,set(ans) to see some of theproperties of �gure 1 which one can control. This system is called Handle Graphics, forwhich one is referred to the MATLAB User's Guide.19. Sparse Matrix Computations.In performing matrix computations, MATLAB normally assumes that a matrix isdense; that is, any entry in a matrix may be nonzero. If, however, a matrix containssu�ciently many zero entries, computation time could be reduced by avoiding arithmeticoperations on zero entries and less memory could be required by storing only the nonzeroentries of the matrix. This increase in e�ciency in time and storage can make feasiblethe solution of signi�cantly larger problems than would otherwise be possible. MATLABprovides the capability to take advantage of the sparsity of matrices.Matlab has two storage modes, full and sparse, with full the default. The functionsfull and sparse convert between the two modes. For a matrix A, full or sparse, nnz(A)returns the number of nonzero elements in A.A sparse matrix is stored as a linear array of its nonzero elements along with their rowand column indices. If a full tridiagonal matrix F is created via, say,F = floor(10*rand(6)); F = triu(tril(F,1),-1);then the statement S = sparse(F) will convert F to sparse mode. Try it. Note that theoutput lists the nonzero entries in column major order along with their row and columnindices. The statement F = full(S) restores S to full storage mode. One can check thestorage mode of a matrix A with the command issparse(A).A sparse matrix is, of course, usually generated directly rather than by applying thefunction sparse to a full matrix. A sparse banded matrix can be easily created via thefunction spdiags by specifying diagonals. For example, a familiar sparse tridiagonal matrixis created bym = 6; n = 6; e = ones(n,1); d = -2*e;T = spdiags([e,d,e],[-1,0,1],m,n)Try it. The integral vector [-1,0,1] speci�es in which diagonals the columns of [e,d,e] shouldbe placed (use full(T) to view). Experiment with other values ofm and n and, say, [-3,0,2]instead of [-1,0,1]. See help spdiags for further features of spdiags.20

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The sparse analogs of eye, zeros, ones, and randn for full matrices are, respectively,speye, sparse, spones, sprandnThe latter two take a matrix argument and replace only the nonzero entries with onesand normally distributed random numbers, respectively. randn also permits the sparsitystructure to be randomized. The command sparse(m,n) creates a sparse zero matrix.The versatile function sparse permits creation of a sparse matrix via listing its nonzeroentries. Try, for example,i = [1 2 3 4 4 4]; j = [1 2 3 1 2 3]; s = [5 6 7 8 9 10];S = sparse(i,j,s,4,3), full(S)In general, if the vector s lists the nonzero entries of S and the integral vectors i and j listtheir corresponding row and column indices, thensparse(i,j,s,m,n)will create the desired sparse m� n matrix S. As another example tryn = 6; e = floor(10*rand(n-1,1)); E = sparse(2:n,1:n-1,e,n,n)The arithmetic operations and most MATLAB functions can be applied independentof storage mode. The storage mode of the result? Operations on full matrices always givefull results. Selected other results are (S=sparse, F=full):Sparse: S+S, S*S, S.*S, S.*F, Sb n, S.b n, SnSFull: S+F, S*F, SnF, FnSSparse: inv(S), chol(S), lu(S), diag(S), max(S), sum(S)For sparse S, eig(S) is full if S is symmetric but unde�ned if S is unsymmetric; svdrequires a full argument. A matrix built from blocks, such as [A,B;C,D], is sparse if anyconstituent block is sparse.You may wish to compare, for the two storage modes, the e�ciency of solving a tridi-agonal system of equations for, say, n = 20; 50; 500; 1000 by entering, recalling and editingthe following two command lines:n=20;e=ones(n,1);d=-2*e; T=spdiags([e,d,e],[-1,0,1],n,n); A=full(T);b=ones(n,1);s=sparse(b);tic,Tns;sparsetime=toc, tic,Anb;fulltime=toc21

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20. Reference.There are many MATLAB features which cannot be included in these introductorynotes. Listed below are some of the MATLAB functions and operators available, groupedby subject area1. Use the on-line help facility or consult the Reference Guide for moredetailed information on the functions.There are many functions beyond these. There exist, in particular, several \toolboxes"of functions for speci�c areas2. Included among such are signal processing, control systems,robust-control, system identi�cation, optimization, splines, chemometrics, �-analysis andsynthesis, state-space identi�cation, neural networks, image processing, symbolic math(Maple kernel), and statistics. These can be explored via the command help.Managing Commands and Functionshelp help facilitywhat list M-�les on disktype list named M-�lelookfor keywork search through the help entrieswhich locate functions and �lesdemo run demonstrationspath control MATLAB's search pathcedit set parameters for command line editing and recallversion display MATLAB version you are runningwhatsnew display toolbox README �lesinfo info about MATLAB and The MathWorkswhy receive ippant answerManaging Variables and the Workspacewho list current variableswhos list current variables, long formsave save workspace variables to diskload retrieve variables from diskclear clear variables and functions from memorypack consolidate workspace memorysize size of matrixlength length of vectordisp display matrix or text1 Source: MATLAB Reference Guide, version 4.12 The toolboxes, which are optional, may not be installed on your system.22

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Working with Files and the Operating Systemcd change current working directorypwd show current working directorydir, ls directory listingdelete delete �legetenv get environment variable! execute operating system commandunix execute operating system command; return resultdiary save text of MATLAB sessionControlling the Command Windowclc clear command windowhome send cursor home|to top of screenformat set output formatecho echo commands inside script commandsmore control paged output in command windowStarting and Quitting from MATLABquit terminate MATLABstartup M-�le executed when MATLAB is startedmatlabrc master startup M-�leMatrix Operators Array Operators+ addition + addition� subtraction � subtraction� multiplication .� multiplicationb power .b power/ right division ./ right divisionn left division .n left division' conjugate transpose.' transposekron Kronecker tensor productRelational and Logical Operators< less than & and<= less than or equal j or> greater than � not>= greater than or equal xor exclusive or== equal�= not equal 23

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Special Characters= assignment statement[ ] used to form vectors and matrices; enclose multiple function output variables( ) arithmetic expression precedence; enclose function input variables. decimal point.. parent directory... continue statement to next line, separate subscripts, function arguments, statements; end rows, suppress printing% comments: subscripting, vector generation! execute operating system commandSpecial Variables and Constraintsans answer when expression not assignedeps oating point precisionrealmax largest oating point numberreammin smallest positive oating point numberpi �i, j imaginary unitinf in�nityNaN Not-a-Number ops oating point operation countnargin number of function input argumentsnargout number of function output argumentscomputer computer typeTime and Datedate current dateclock wall clocketime elapsed time functiontic, toc stopwatch timer functionscputime elapsed CPU time24

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Special Matriceszeros matrix of zerosones matrix of oneseye identitydiag diagonaltoeplitz Toeplitzmagic magic squarecompan companionlinspace linearly spaced vectorslogspace logarithmically spaced vectorsmeshgrid array for 3-D plotsrand uniformly distributed random numbersrandn normally distributed randon numbershilb Hilbertinvhilb inverse Hilbert (exact)vander Vandermondepascal Pascalhadamard Hadamardhankel Hankelrosser symmetric eigenvalue test matrixwilkinson Wilkinson's eigenvalue test matrixgallery two small test matricesMatrix Manipulationdiag create or extract diagonalsrot90 rotate matrix 90 degrees iplr ip matrix left-to-right ipud ip matrix up-to-downreshape change sizetril lower triangular parttriu upper triangular part.' transpose: convert matrix to single column; A(:)25

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Logical Functionsexist check if variables or functions existany true if any element of vector is trueall true if all elements of vector are true�nd �nd indices of non-zero elementsisnan true for NaNsisinf true for in�nite elements�nite true for �nite elementsisieee true for IEEE oating point arithmeticisempty true for empty matrixissparse true for sparse matrixisstr true for text stringstrcmp compare string variablesControl Flowif conditionally execute statementselse used with ifelseif used with ifend terminate if, for, whilefor repeat statements for a speci�c number of timeswhile repeat statments while condition is truebreak terminate execution of for or while loopsreturn return to invoking functionerror display message and abort functionProgramminginput prompt for user inputkeyboard invoke keyboard as if it were a script �lemenu generate menu of choices for user inputpause wait for user responsefunction de�ne functioneval execute string with MATLAB expressionfeval evaluate function speci�ed by stringglobal de�ne global variablesnargchk validate number of input arguments26

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Text and Stringsstring about character strings in MATLABabs convert string to numeric valuesblanks a string of blankseval evaluate string with MATLAB expressionnum2str convert number to stringint2str convert integer to stringstr2num convert string to numberisstr true for string variablesstrcmp compare string variablesupper convert string to uppercaselower convert string to lowercasehex2num convert hex string to oating point numberhex2dec convert hex string to decimal integerdec2hex convert decimal integer to hex stringDebuggingdbstop set breakpointdbclear remove breakpointdbcont remove executiondbdown change local workspace contextdbstack list who called whomdbstatus list all breakpointsdbstep execute one or more linesdbtype list M-�le with line numbersdbup change local workspace contextdbdown opposite of dbupdbquit quit debug modeSound Processing Functionssaxis sound axis scalingsound convert vector to soundauread Read Sun audio �leauwrite Write Sun audio �lelin2mu linear to mu-law conversionmu2lin mu-law to linear conversion27

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Elementary Math Functionsabs absolute value or complex magnitudeangle phase anglesqrt square rootreal real partimag imaginary partconj complex conjugategcd greatest common divisorlcm least common multipleround round to nearest integer�x round toward zero oor round toward �1ceil round toward1sign signum functionrem remainderexp exponential base elog natural logarithmlog10 log base 10Trigonometric Functionssin, asin, sinh, asinh sine, arcsine, hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic arcsinecos, acos, cosh, acosh cosine, arccosine, hyperbolic cosine, hyperbolic arccosinetan, atan, tanh, atanh tangent, arctangent, hyperbolic tangent, hyperbolic arctangentcot, acot, coth, acoth cotangent, arccotangent, hyperbolic cotan., hyperbolic arccotan.sec, asec, sech, asech secant, arcsecant, hyperbolic secant, hyperbolic arcsecantcsc, acsc, csch, acsch cosecant, arccosecant, hyperbolic cosecant, hyperbolic arccosecantSpecial Functionsbessel bessel functionbeta beta functiongamma gamma functionrat rational approximationrats rational outputerf error functionerf inv inverse error functionellipke complete elliptic integralellipj Jacobian elliptic integralexpint exponential integrallog2 dissect oating point numberspow2 scale oating point numbers28

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Matrix Decompositions and Factorizationsinv inverselu factors from Gaussian eliminationrref reduced row echelon formchol Cholesky factorizationqr orthogonal-triangular decompositionnnls nonnegative least squareslscov least squares in presence of know covariancenull null spaceorth orthogonalizationeig eigenvalues and eigenvectorshess Hessenberg formschur Schur decompositioncdf2rdf complex diagonal form to real block diagonal formrsf2csf real block diagonal form to complex diagonal formbalance diagonal scaling for eigenvalue accuracyqz generalized eigenvaluespolyeig polynomial eigenvalue solversvd singular value decompositionpinv pseudoinverseMatrix Conditioningcond condition number in 2-normrcond LINPACK reciprocal condition number estimatorcondest Hager/Higham condition number estimatornorm 1-norm,2-norm,F-norm,1-normnormest 2-norm estimatorrank rankElementary Matrix Functionsexpm matrix exponentialexpm1 M-�le implementation of expmexpm2 matrix exponential via Taylor seriesexpm3 matrix exponential via eigenvalues and eigenvectorslogm matrix logarithmsqrtm matrix square rootfunm evaluate general matrix functionpoly characteristic polynomialdet determinanttrace trace 29

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Polynomialspoly construct polynomial with speci�ed rootsroots polynomial roots|companion matrix methodroots1 polynomial roots|Laguerre's methodpolyval evaluate polynomialpolyvalm evaluate polynomial with matrix argumentconv multiply polynomialsdeconv divide polynomialsresidue partial-fraction expansion (residues)poly�t �t polynomial to datapolyder di�erentiate polynomialColumn-wise Data Analysismax largest componentmin smallest componentmean average or mean valuemedian median valuestd standard deviationsort sort in ascending ordersum sum of elementsprod product of elementscumsum cumulative sum of elementscumprod cumulative product of elementshist histogramSignal Processingabs complex magnitudeangle phase angleconv convolution and polynomial multiplicationdeconv deconvolution and polynomial divisioncorrcoef correlation coe�cientscov covariance matrix�lter one-dimensional digital �lter�lter2 two-dimensional digital �ltercplxpair sort numbers into complex pairsunwrap remove phase angle jumps across 360� boundariesnextpow2 next higher power of 2�t radix-2 fast Fourier transform�t2 two-dimensional FFTi�t inverse fast Fourier transformi�t2 inverse 2-D FFT�tshift zero-th lag to center of spectrum30

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Finite Differences and Data Interpolationdi� approximate derivativesgradient approximate gradientdel2 �ve point discrete Laplaciansubspace angle between two subspacesspline cubic spline interpolationinterp1 1-D data interpolationinterp2 2-D data interpolationinterpft 1-D data interpolation via FFT methodgriddata data griddingNumerical Integrationquad adaptive 2-panel Simpson's Rulequad8 adaptive 8-panel Newton-Cotes Ruletrapz trapezoidal methodDifferential Equation Solutionode23 2nd/3rd order Runge-Kutta methodode23p solve via ode23, displaying plotode45 4th/5th order Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg methodNonlinear Equations and Optimizationfmin minimize function of one variablefmins minimize function of several variablesfsolve solution to a system of nonlinear equations(�nd zeros of a function of several variables)fzero �nd zero of function of one variablefplot plot graph of a function31

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Two Dimensional Graphsplot linear plotloglog log-log scale plotsemilogx semilog scale plotsemilogy semilog scale plot�ll draw �lled 2-D polygonspolar polar coordinate plotbar bar graphstairs stairstep ploterrorbar error bar plothist histogram plotrose angle histogram plotcompass compass plotfeather feather plotfplot plot functionGraph Annotationtitle graph titlexlabel x-axis labelylabel y-axis labelzlabel z-axis label for 3-D plotsgrid grid linestext text annotationgtext mouse placement of textginput graphical input from mouseFigure Window/Axis Creation and Control�gure create �gure (graph window)gcf get handle to current �gureclf clear current �gureclose close �gurehold hold current graphishold return hold statussubplot create axes in tiled positionsaxes create axes in arbitrary positionsgca get handle to to current axesaxis control axis scaling and appearancecaxis control pseudocolor axis scaling32

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Graph Hardcopy and Storageprint print graph or save graph to �leprintopt con�gure local printer defaultsorient set paper orientationThree Dimensional Graphsmesh 3-D mesh surfacemeshc combination mesh/contour plotmeshz 3-D mesh with zero planesurf 3-D shaded surfacesurfc combination surface/contour plotsurf l 3-D shaded surface with lightingplot3 plot lines and points in 3-D space�ll3 draw �lled 3-D polygons in 3-D spacecontour contour plotcontour3 3-D contour plotclabel contour plot elevation labelscontourc contour plot computation (used by contour)pcolor pseudocolor (checkerboard) plotquiver quiver plotimage display imagewaterfall waterfall plotslice volumetric visualization plot3-D Graph Appearanceview 3-D graph viewpoint speci�cationviewmtx view transformation matriceshidden mesh hidden line removal modeshading color shading modeaxis axis scaling and apearancecaxis pseudocolor axis scalingspecular specular re ectancedi�use di�use re ectancesurfnorm surface normalscolormap color lookup table (see below)brighten brighten or darken color mapspinmap spin color maprgbplot plot colormaphsv2rgb hsv to rgb color map conversionrgb2hsv rgb to hsv color map conversion33

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Color Mapshsv hue-saturation-value (default)jet variant of hsvgray linear gray-scalehot black-red-yellow-whitecool shades of cyan and magentabone gray-scale with tinge of bluecopper linear copper tonepink pastel shades of pink ag alternating red, white, blue, and black3-D Objectssphere generate spherecylinder generate cylinderpeaks generate demo surfaceMovies and Animationmoviein initialize movie frame memorygetframe get movie framemovie play recorded movie framesHandle Graphics Objects�gure create �gure windowaxes create axesline create linetext create textpatch create patchsurface create surfaceimage create imageuicontrol create user interface controluimenu create user interface menuHandle Graphics Operationsset set object propertiesget get object propertiesreset reset object propertiesdelete delete objectdrawnow ush pending graphics events34

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Sparse Matrix Functionsspdiags sparse matrix formed from diagonalsspeye sparse identity matrixsprandn sparse random matrixspones replace nonzero entries with onessprandsym sparse symmetric random matrixspfun apply function to nonzero entriessparse create sparse matrix; convert full matrix to sparsefull convert sparse matrix to full matrix�nd �nd indices of nonzero entriesspconvert convert from sparse matrix external formatissparse true if matrix is sparsennz number of nonzero entriesnonzeros nonzero entriesnzmax amount of storage allocated for nonzero entriesspalloc allocate memory for nonzero entriesspy visualize sparsity structuregplot plot graph, as in \graph theory"colmmd column minimum degreecolperm order columns based on nonzero countdmperm Dulmage-Mendelsohn decompositionrandperm random permutation vectorsymmmd symmetric minimum degreesymrcm reverse Cuthill-McKee orderingcondest estimate 1-norm conditionnormest estimate 2-normsprank structural rankspaugment form least squares augmented systemspparms set parameters for sparse matrix routinessymbfact symbolic factorization analysissparsefun sparse auxillary functions and parameters35
