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A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND...

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A project implemented by the HTSPE consortiu This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020
Page 2: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union

OBJECTIVES• The Programme is a new action for EU in the

field of Education, Training, Youth and Sport.

 • The Programme covers education at all levels, in

a lifelong learning perspective, in particular Higher education, Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning, School Education and Youth.

 • Erasmus Plus replace seven existing

programmes with one: it brings together the existing Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius and Grundtvig), Youth in Action, and five international cooperation programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and the programme for cooperation with industrialised countries)

Page 3: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union


Page 4: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union

This project is funded by the European Union


• To support young people gain more and better skills by studying & training abroad.

• To enhance teaching quality in the EU and beyond.

• To support Member States and partner countries in modernising their education and vocational training systems.

• To promote youth participation in society.

• To support teaching and research on European integration.

• To support European grass-roots sport.

Page 5: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union

This project is funded by the European Union

Overall budget• €16 billion (includes €1.8 billion for

international cooperation)

Overall mobility opportunities• 4 million people

Higher education• 2.2 million students

Staff mobility• 1 million teachers, trainers, youth

workers and other staff

Vocational education and training• 735 000 students

Volunteer and youth exchange• 540 000 young people

Master's degree loan guarantee• 330 000 students

International students• 135 000 students

Joint degree grants• 34 000 students

Strategic Partnerships• More than 20 000 linking together -

115 000 institutions

Knowledge Alliances• 200 set up by 2000 higher education

institutions and businesses

Sectoral Skills Alliances• 200 set up by 2000 education and

training providers and businesses


Page 6: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union


• STRAND: Education, training and youth:– Learning mobility of individuals– Cooperation for innovation and good practices– Support for policy reform– Jean Monnet Initiative

• STRAND: Sport

Page 7: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union

- Staff: teachers, trainers, school leaders and youth workers

- Students: HE students (including

joint/double degrees) and VET Students

- Masters Students: Erasmus Masters

via a new loan guarantee mechanism

- Youth mobility: volunteering and youth exchanges

- International dimension: HE mobility for EU and non-EU beneficiaries

Key action 1:

Learning mobility of individuals

1. International opening of Erasmus: more mobility of students and staff between EU – non EU in both directions (credit mobility through NA)

2. Joint Master courses of high quality offered by consortium of EU/non EU universities to attract the very best students worldwide (degree mobility centralised)

3. Student Loan guarantee to boost degree mobility within Europe

Key action 1:

What does it mean for HE?

ACTIVITIESLearning mobility of individuals

Page 8: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union

- Strategic partnerships between education institutions (or between youth organisations) and/or relevant actors

- ‘Knowledge Alliances’: Large-scale partnerships between higher education / training institutions and businesses

- ‘Sector Skills Alliances’

- IT support platforms, including e- Twinning

- International dimension: Capacity building in third countries, focus on Neighbourhood countries

Key action 2:Co-operation for innovation

and good practices

1. Erasmus Strategic Partnerships: more intense cooperation between institutions.

2. Knowlegde Alliances: structure partnerships between HEI and businesses

3. Specific support with neighbourhood countries: More cooperation between universities for capacity building and more student and staff mobility.

4. Rest of the world: More cooperation between universities in the EU and rest of the world for capacity building.

Key action 2:

What does it mean for HE?

ACTIVITIESCooperation for innovation and good practices

Page 9: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union

- Support to Open Method of Coordination (ET 2020, EU youth strategy) and EU 2020

- EU transparency tools: valorisation and implementation

- Policy dialogue with stakeholders,

- International dimension: Policy

dialogue with third countries and international organisations

Key action 3:Support for policy reform

Key action 3:

What does it mean for HE?

1. Support the OMC, Higher Education Modernisation Agenda, Bologna Process:.

2. Support development and implemenation of EU transparancy tools and EU wide networks

3. Support Policy Dialogue with third countries

ACTIVITIESSupport for policy reform

Page 10: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union

Multilateral projects

• Cooperation between HE and enterprises• Social dimension in higher education • Develop mobility strategies and remove barriers to mobility• Support to the modernisation of higher education agenda• Fostering excellence and innovation

Multilateral projects

• Cooperation between HE and enterprises• Social dimension in higher education • Develop mobility strategies and remove barriers to mobility• Support to the modernisation of higher education agenda• Fostering excellence and innovation

Academic NetworksAcademic Networks

Accompanying MeasuresAccompanying Measures

ACTIVITIESUpdated priorities

Page 11: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union


Initiative • The Jean Monnet activities aim is to promote teaching and

research on European integration world-wide among specialist academics, learners and citizens, notably through the creation of Jean Monnet Chairs and other academic activities, as well as by providing aid for other knowledge-building activities at higher education institutions; to support the activities of academic institutions or associations active in the field of European integration studies and support a Jean Monnet label for excellence.

• In the light of its specific efforts to promote excellence in education and research on EU integration, the Jean Monnet Initiative will continue as a separate activity within the Programme and will share its delivery mechanisms.

Page 12: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union


InitiativeSupported activities

• Teaching and research on European integration world-wide among specialist academics, learners and citizens, notably through the creation of Jean Monnet Chairs and other academic activities, as well as by providing aid for other knowledge-building activities at higher education institutions;

• Activities of academic institutions or associations active in the field of European integration studies and support a Jean Monnet label for excellence.

• Support the following European academic institutions pursuing an aim of European interest;– the European University Institute of Florence;– the College of Europe – Policy debate and exchanges between the academic world and

policy-makers on Union policy priorities

Page 13: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union


• The EU cooperation in the field of Sport will be treated as a separate activity within the Programme. The Programme will focus on: strengthening good governance and the knowledge base for sport in the EU; promoting health-enhancing physical activity; exploiting the potential of sport to foster social inclusion, promoting dual careers through education and training of athletes; and tackling transnational threats such as doping match fixing, violence, racism and intolerance.

 Supported activities• transnational collaborative projects;• non-commercial European sporting events of major importance;• strengthening of the evidence base for policy making in the field of

sport; • capacity building in sport; • dialogue with relevant European stakeholders.

Page 14: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union


The Programme is open to the participation of the following countries• the Member States;• the acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates

benefiting from a pre-accession strategy, in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those countries in Union programmes established in the respective Framework Agreements, Association Council Decisions or similar agreements.

Required in country structures• For full participation in the programme: establishment of a National

Agencies at state level• Restricted participation (no need for National Agency): IT Platforms,

eTwinning, higher education and youth mobility to/from EU

Page 15: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union

PARTICIPATIONTARGET GROUPS•For all STRANDS: any public and private body active in the areas of education, training, youth and grassroots sport •For Sport STRAND: public bodies or civil society organisations active in the area of grassroots sport.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE•Centralised direct management by the Commission •Centralised indirect management with the delegation of implementation tasks to:

– national executive agencies – national public-sector bodies/bodies with public-service mission

•Joint management with international organisations •Applications are done through calls of proposals.•The funding will be reflected in the multiannual indicative programming, in line with the identified needs and priorities of the countries concerned.•The Commission may launch joint calls with third countries or their organisations and agencies to jointly fund projects. Projects may be evaluated and selected through joint evaluation and selection procedures to be agreed upon by the funding agencies involved

Page 16: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union


Where to find information at EU-level• Commission Communication – ‘Erasmus for All’:

http://ec.europa.eu/education/erasmus-for-all/doc/com_en.pdf• Europe 2020: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/index_en.htm• Horizon 2020:

http://ec.europa.eu/research/horizon2020/index_en.cfm?pg=home&video=none• Agenda for the Modernisation of Europe’s higher education institutions:

http://ec.europa.eu/education/higher-education/agenda_en.htm• Leuven Communiqué:


• Bucharest Communiqué: http://www.ehea.info/Uploads/%281%29/Bucharest%20Communique%202012.pdf

• Mobility strategy for the EHEA: http://www.ehea.info/Uploads/(1)/Mobility_Strategy_DRAFT%20FOR%20ADOPTION.pdf

• Bologna Process Implementation report (2012): http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/education/eurydice/documents/thematic_reports/138E

Page 17: A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium This project is funded by the European Union SMART AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH ERASMUS PLUS 2014-2020.

A project implemented by the HTSPE consortium

This project is funded by the European Union


Where to find information at EU-level

• www.ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/index_en.htm• http://www.nuffic.nl/international-organizations/international-education-monitor/nuffic-blog/europe-2


• http://www.innovationeu.org/news/innovation-eu-vol2-1/0189-the-role-of-education-in-the-new-europe-2020.html

• http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2009:119:0002:0010:en:PDF• http://www.learningteacher.eu/news/2009/05/strategic-framework-european-cooperation-education-

and-training-et-2020• http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2010:308:0046:0051:EN:PDF
