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A PROPOSED METHOD FOR REVISING THE TARIFF ......A helpful booklet was prepared by the ICC detailing...

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  • This paper determines a revised tariff structure that may

    be a potentially viable alternative commercial pricing mechanism

    for the moving industry. The history and problems of the present

    system will be discussed in order to give a better understanding

    of the need for a tariff revision. National accounts are prob-

    ably the driving force for the development of a revised tariff.

    In order to get a feeling for the strength of this force, the

    formation and economic leverage of national accounts will be

    explored. Based on the past history of the old pricing system

    and the present desire for an alternative, a theoretical approach

    will be hypothesized. The criteria this theoretical approach

    must satisfy in order to be commercially viable are then ex-

    plained in detail. The theoretical approach is then employed

    to generate a specific example of a revised tariff. This new

    system will be tested against the criteria to determine its

    potential viability as a commercially acceptable pricing


    Historical Perspective

    At the turn of this century, moving industry pricing was

    done by personal negotiation. This system evolved into mis-

    representation of costs and the services performed for that

    cost. If misrepresentation was ineffective in securing a ship-

    ment, rival moving companies were never above a good brawl with

    the winner receiving the shipment.

  • 2

    The anarchist approach used by the moving industry hit its

    peak in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The need to bring

    order and consumer protection to the moving industry was one

    of the reasons the federal government passed Ex Parte MC-19

    in 19 35. Ex Parte MC-19 attempted to eliminate misrepresenta-

    tion in the moving industry by implementing a uniform tariff

    system that standardized costs.

    By the end of the thirties, the moving industry had high

    hopes because:

    The enactment of the Motor Carrier Act Part II, on August 9, 19 35, truly brought in a whole new era in the development of the moving and storage indus-try . . . . In short, the business was regulated, the tariff was standardized . . . .1

    Despite this optimistic outlook at the end of the thirties,

    by the fifties, the moving industry was again plagued by its

    old nemesis--poor cost estimation. However, a new problem

    began to manifest itself. The governmental regulations had

    become so complicated that customers rarely understood how the

    pricing system worked.

    Nine times the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) tried

    to fortify and strengthen Ex Parte MC-19 yet each time the

    regulations became more esoteric (causing the shipper even

    more confusion). By the 1970s, the solution of the ICC was to

    educate the shipper.

    A helpful booklet was prepared by the ICC detailing these rules and it is mandatory that the carrier hand out these booklets to the customer prior to the move being made.2

    But even this stop gap measure was a failure:

  • [Though] an effort has been made in the above summary [booklet] to present in reasonably clear language the terms of these documents. Still it seems almost impossible for the intelligent layman to understand.3

    By the end of the seventies it became generally accepted

    that Ex Parte MC-19 was not fulfilling its original aim of

    consumer protection.

    Protection for the public is one of the primary objectives sought in federal regulations of the moving industry . . . . More than 99% of your pre-sent and prospective patrons are unaware of the complexities and intricacies of tariffs. 4

    Because of the complexities of the tariff structure, Ex

    Parte MC-19 served only to confuse the customer.

    Now, not only did a potential shipper have to cope with

    the mysteries of the tariff structure, he also had to cope

    with the pitfalls of cost estimation. The problems of cost

    estimation arise from the internal conflict between sales and

    estimation faced by sales personnel. Cost estimation and selling

    a move, the two functions of sales personnel, are contradictory

    and conflicting. In all cases, a salesman should not be

    expected to make an accurate estimate because his livelihood

    is determined by a percentage of his sales. Therefore, his

    function is to sell, not to inform. Under the present tariff

    system it is economically advantageous to the salesman to under-

    estimate the cost of a move and force the customer to pay hidden

    charges after the transaction has been completed. James K.

    Knudson, defense transport administrator, condemns this practice

    when he states "It is reprehensible business practice for a

  • 5

    tariff to be used by the skilled to trap the unwary." A highly

    complex but unsophisticated pricing scheme and poor cost estima-

    tion are the two historical flaws of the present tariff system.

    Now, for the first time in the history of the moving industry,

    there exists a coalition with enough desire and economic power

    to demand a revision of the tariff structure to correct these


    Impetus for Change

    An average American moves 6.5 times in his or her lifetime.

    Because of the number of moves an American makes, the phrase

    "mobile society" has been coined. One of the major factors

    leading to our increased mobility is that corporations are

    continually relocating personnel.

    There exist two types of corporate moves: internal and

    external. An internal corporate move is the relocation of an

    employee from one plant to another plant. An external corporate

    move is the locating of a new employee at his place of employ-

    ment. Internal corporate moves increased as firms grew from

    regional single plant firms to national multi-plant firms.

    This metamorphosis greatly increased the number of employees

    needed in different geographic areas. In order to optimally

    deploy a firm's work force over its various and sundry locations,

    the firm must continually relocate its personnel. External

    corporate moves allow a firm to dramatically increase its access

    to various technical labor markets which decreases the cost

    of this expertise to the firm. Corporate moves originated from

    a firm's desire to minimize labor costs.

  • 5

    Personnel expect the firm to pay for part, if not all,

    of the cost of the corporate move. Firms that perform a lot

    of relocating developed a special status with a van line. This

    status is known as a national account.

    Despite their special status, national accounts are treated

    like individual shippers under the present system. This is

    obsolete because national accounts and individuals have different

    needs. The individual wants an itemized list of costs for a

    single move because he wants to know what he is paying. The

    national account pays for a large number of moves and, therefore,

    itemization of each detail of each move is inconvenient and

    unnecessary. The national accounts desire to use a simpler

    method for determining the total payment due for a large number

    of moves. For this reason national accounts are the driving

    force behind a revised tariff structure.

    National accounts also want a simplified tariff structure

    to eradicate some of the problems they now face. Presently,

    national accounts must hire their own personnel to monitor

    moving costs. These personnel must be well versed in the intri-

    cacies and complexities of the tariff structure in order to

    check the work done by the van lines. Training personnel is

    an additional expense to the company. Another problem for

    national accounts is inaccurate cost estimation. The present

    system's lack of a concrete guaranteed price prohibits accurate

    price comparison. Therefore, a national account may purchase

    unnecessarily expensive services. A system that generates a

    fixed price would eliminate this problem. The system must also

  • 6

    possess ease of calculation and ease of comprehension to remove

    the need to train tariff specialists. The final qualification

    of the new system is that it must guarantee that the national •

    account receives the same quality of service per dollar as

    under the old system.

    National accounts possess the economic leverage necessary

    to make the van lines comply with their demand for a revised

    tariff structure. National accounts are 50 to 60% of most

    van lines business according to Randy Berry, Vice President of

    Marketing and Sales for Graebel Van Lines. Therefore, van

    lines rely on, and heavily court, the business generated by

    national accounts.

    Acceptance Criteria

    Van lines will not implement a simplified tariff structure

    unless the following criteria are satisfied:

    1. Approximates the Current Tariff System.

    2. Possesses Ease of Application.

    3. Prevents Adverse Selection.

    4. Assures an Equitable Form of Revenue Distribution.

    Not only is it psychologically advantageous for the model

    to approximate the current tariff, but one of the inherent

    barriers to the implementation of a modified tariff structure

    is that everything from paperwork to revenue expectation is

    based on the present system. No other method of operation

    has been used, attempted, or even contemplated since 1935.

    This strong bias towards the present system makes it imperative

  • 7

    that any simplified tariff closely approximates the present


    In order to prove that a simplified tariff system approxi-

    mates the present tariff system, two conditions must be satis-

    fied. The first is that the charges generated by the simplified

    tariff structure predict the charges incurred under the present

    tariff system. The second condition is that the model does not

    display a systematic bias toward larger or smaller weight ship-

    ments. There is not a systematic bias if the histogram of

    the raw differences (predicted value subtracted from the actual

    value) forms a bell curve with -̂ = 0 and if the histogram of

    standardized differences forms a bell curve of -\ = 0.

    By definition a simplified tariff must be easier to apply

    than the present system. This criteria will be satisfied if

    the time spent on rating is decreased.

    Without pricing flexibility, economic incentives are

    lost by the consumer and the carrier causing adverse selection.

    If there exists only one rate, then rural shippers are charged

    more, relative to the actual cost of the move than urban shippers,

    who are charged less relative to the actual cost. This system

    will encourage rural consumers to transfer their business else-

    where, while urban users will transfer a disproportionate amount

    of their business to the carrier. The carrier will be operating

    at a loss because of this extra urban business. This problem

    is a result of adverse selection according to the circumstances

    of the consumer. Pricing flexibility will prevent household

    carriers from facing adverse selection because it possesses

  • 8

    multiple equilibrium prices. Akerlof (1970) discusses the

    problem of adverse selection and its solution of multiple equi-

    librium prices due to pricing discrimination in great detail.

    "Akerlof" adverse selection may not be the only type to occur.

    The linear model's constructs, by their nature, may gener-

    ate adverse selection problems because of a lack of internal

    robustness. Criteria Three is satisfied if the model prevents

    "Akerlof" adverse selection and does not possess adverse selec-

    tion due to a lack of internal robustness.

    An equitable form of revenue distribution means an agent

    is paid fairly for services performed. There are two reasons

    why this criterion is so important. The first reason is that

    if the revenue distribution is not equitable the agents of

    the van line (Hauling, Booking, Origin, etc.) may refuse to

    work under the new system. They may refuse to work because

    the new system could represent a loss of income to them. The

    second reason is related to quality of service. By definition

    an equitable form of revenue distribution has built in economic

    incentives and disincentives that assure that quality service

    is performed by the proper agent. If an equitable method of

    revenue distribution is not part of the simplified tariff the

    van line would be unable to maintain a minimum standard of

    quality. Criteria Four is satisfied if an equitable form of

    revenue distribution can be hypothesized. Using these four

    criteria as a working definition of acceptability of a simpli-

    fied tariff system, a process of testing the viability of a

    simplified tariff has been generated.

  • Generalized Linear Model

    Bearing in mind the criteria, impetus for change and

    the historical perspective, a simplified tariff structure will

    now be proposed. The basic idea of this simplified tariff (here-

    after referred to as the linear model) is to approximate the

    total cost of a move (C) by the linear equation A + B(w); where

    w is the weight of a shipment and A and B are constants

    (C A + B(w)). In order to derive the approximation of the

    total cost of a move, the most basic cost units must first

    be estimated.

    The most basic units of costs are the accessorial charges

    and the line haul charges. Although the line haul charge is

    already of the form a + b(w), .'. one of the accessorial charges

    are of this form. The linear model will attempt to derive a

    series of estimators (a, ...a ) and (b-, . . .b ) such that a . + b, (w)

    is the estimator of cost of accessorial charge i. By definition,

    the line haul charge will be equal to a ,, + b ,,(w), where 3 ^ n+1 n+1 '

    a , - 0 and b , = the line haul charge rate. Therefore, the

    estimated cost of a move is equal to jr (a, + b.(w)) and the i+1 l x

    estimated total cost of all accessorial charges is equal to

    i+1 ̂ ai + ^i ̂ ^ " T*ie; h'eur;istic explanation of the validity

    of the previous statement will now be examined.


    y. . = the accessorial charge i performed in county j

    r.. = rate of accessorial i performed in county j

    f- = number of accessorial i's that occurred

    y. . = estimator of y. .

  • 10

    The cost of each accessorial i performed in county j is a

    function of the rate (r..) multiplied by the number of occur-

    rences (f.); or y.- = r..*f.. The linear model derives v.. in

    x' ' 2 xj X] 1 J XJ

    terms of a linear approximation (a + b(w) + e ) . Therefore,

    y. . = a. . + b. •*(w) + e. where e- is the error term. Two assump-

    tions about the error term are made. The error term is distri-

    ct buted normally around 0 with a standard deviation of

  • 11

    and the results are located on Appendix A. For the comparison

    of the actual versus predicted costs, the sampling technique

    and the methodology will be located in this section. To accu-

    rately determine the expected frequency and the expected rates,

    an unbiased random sample of household goods shipments was

    conducted. The objective of the random sample was to generate

    a microcosm of the population such that the frequencies in

    the random sample occur in the same proportion as the frequen-

    cies in the population. Therefore, conclusions and generaliza-

    tions can't be drawn from the random sample and applied to

    the population. The sampling technique used is the simple

    random sample. This means that every shipment in the popula-

    tion has an equal chance of being picked.

    The population for the random sample used to calculate

    the linear model was based on a cohort from first quarter 1981

    to first quarter 1982. A year's cohort was used to eliminate

    any cyclic bias in the sample. When the random sample was

    conducted, the most current processed and accessible cohort

    available was first quarter 1982.

    To determine the shipments used in the comparison of

    the actual costs of the move versus the predicted costs of

    the move, the random sample was duplicated in the manner pre-

    viously described. The two differences were the population

    used and the size of the random sample. The random sample

    size was 150 shipments. The population used was from the begin-

    ning of the second quarter of 1982 through the end of the third

    quarter of 1982. This time frame was chosen for two reasons:

  • 12

    First, the rates used to determine the linear model were based

    on the tariff rates in effect during middle August of 1982.

    Secondly, none of the shipments used to determine the model

    were used in the comparison. By using uncontaminated data

    in the comparison, the actual predictive powers of the linear

    model will be determined.

    Using the origin point, destination point and weight

    of the shipments from the second random sample, the linear

    model was applied to predict the total cost for each of the

    150 shipments. A two sample t-test was then employed to deter-

    mine if the linear model predicts the actual cost.

    The method used to check for bias was to subtract the

    actual cost from the predicted cost. This yields the net gain

    or loss to the carrier on each shipment. If the difference

    is positive then the carrier received extra income. If the

    difference is negative then the carrier lost income. In each

    case, the converse is true for the national account. The dif-

    ference will then be standardized by dividing the difference

    by the actual cost. This yields the percentage gained or lost

    by the carrier. Using a t-test on the raw and standardized

    difference determines if -*\ = 0 is a 95% confidence interval

    and if the histogram is bell shaped.

    There is no redundancy in testing both the raw difference

    and the standardized difference because each helps determine

    the accuracy of fit from a different perspective. The raw

    difference determines if the dollar difference is too large.

    The standardized difference determines if the percentage

  • 13

    difference is too large. For small shipments the raw difference

    may appear "normal" yet the percentage may be larger than desired,

    For large shipments the converse may be tgrue. By testing

    with both the raw and standardized differences the accuracy

    of the model can be safely measured for both gtypes of shipments.


    The mean of the actual cost was $2963.2 with a standard

    deviation of $2336.4. The mean of the predicted cost was $2785.1

    with a standard deviation of $1889.8. There were 249 degrees

    of freedom in the Two Sample t-test. The result is that the

    predicted cost models the actual cost. The T value was equal

    to .678 and the test was significant at .4982. The result of

    the pooled t-test yields the exact same numbers as the Two

    Sample t-test. If the three outliers are eliminated from the

    sample the results improve. The actual mean becomes $2482.1

    with a standard deviation of $1457.5. The predicted mean is

    $2542.5 with a standard deviation of $16 91.1. The T value

    was -.299 and the test was significant at .7655.

    Despite the good fit, the t-test suggests there seems

    to be a consistent bias in the approximation. The linear model

    might overestimate small weight shipments and might under-

    estimate large weight shipments.

    The distribution of the difference appears to be bell

    shaped (see Grade A). The histogram of the difference shows

    that the distribution limits are ±800 around 0, except for

    the three outliers. To determine if the distribution is a

  • GRAPH A:

    Histogram of the Raw Difference








    8 --





    •j.» -i 1 ] f 1 i 1 1 1 _ L -1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000


    'i Middle of Interval

    -800 -600 -400 -200

    0 200 400 600 800

    Number of Observations

    5 9 18 21 31 35 18 8 2

  • GRAPH B:

    Histogram of the Standardized Difference


    4o --

    35 -


    25 +



    10 -•

    5 --

    0 -.5 -.4 . .3 -.2 -.1 .2 .3 :t-:

    Middle of Interval

    -.4 -.3 -.2 -.1 0


    .2 • 3 .4

    Number of Observations

    0 2 10 38 46 39 10 2 0

  • 14

    t-distribution, a t-test with A, ± 0 was run on the distribution.

    The T value was -3.517. The test was significant at .0006

    and was not within a 95% confidence interval. Eliminating

    the three outliers once again improved the results. The T value

    was -1.756. The test was significant at .0816; therefore, the

    distribution is t-distribution within a 95% confidence interval.

    The histogram of the percentage appears to be bell shaped

    with the limits being ±.3 (see Graph B). To determine if the

    distribution is t-distributed with J4-• = 0 a t-test comparison is

    performed after eliminating the outliers. The T value is 1.200.

    The test is significant at .2323 which is within a 95% confidence

    interval. A t-interval shows that 95% confidence interval is

    located between -.0067 and .0071. The expected percentage

    error for any given shipment is less than 17%.

    The three outliers appear to be a major problem with the

    predictive model. The outliers all have a common attribute

    that no other shipment possesses. This attribute is that the

    customer was charged for a service not included in the linear

    model. The service was Transportation Section 9, which is a

    storage in transit charge not a "moving" charge. These shipments

    should be eliminated from the random sample because the linear

    model is not supposed to predict their costs.

    Discussion of the Acceptance Criteria

    The linear model predicts the actual cost of the move.

    A t value of -.299 for a t-test implies that the difference

    between the actual cost and predicted cost is due to random

  • 15

    fluctuations and not due to inaccuracies. A test of significance

    of .7655 implies that 75% of the time any other approximation

    would be more inaccurate than this model. This model is more

    than an accurate approximation; it is designed to be a predictive

    model. The model's accuracy against uncontaminated data adds

    credibility to the hypothesis that the linear model is actually

    a predictive model.

    The raw difference or the difference between the predictive

    values and the actual values form a t-distribution with \ = 0.

    The advantage of having \ = 0 is that neither the carrier nor

    the national account gain or lose revenue from the aggrate of

    shipments by using the linear model. Since the difference is

    a t-distribution with ±800 as its limits, the range of the

    gain or loss is limited and the probability of a large gain

    or loss on an individual shipment is minimized.

    The standardized values form a t-distribution with -H. = 0 .

    The standardized value limits are ±.3 with a 95% confidence

    interval of +.07. This demonstrates that the percentage gained

    or lost is reasonable with respect to small weight shipments.

    Under the old system the average amount of time spent

    on rating an individual shipment is 20 minutes for calculation

    of the line haul charge, and forty-five minutes for the calcu-

    lation of the accessorial charges. These approximations are

    supplied by Dow Tillman of Graebel Van Lines. Under the linear

    model the amount of time spent on an individual shipment is 20

    minutes for the calculation of the line haul charge and

  • 16

    approximately five minutes for determining the accessorial

    charges. (For a better estimate of the time spent estimating

    the accessorial charges see Appendix B.) The linear model has

    more than halved the rating time from 65 minutes to 25 minutes.

    Therefore, the linear model possesses ease of application.

    The linear model possesses pricing adaptability in diverse

    situations because criteria One (approximates the current tariff

    system) was met in a sample of many national accounts. There-

    fore, the model should be an accurate pricing model for any

    national account. However, four adverse selection problems must

    be discussed.

    If the linear model is estimated across many national

    accounts and used to price just a few national accounts, a

    major problem could arise. The frequencies could be inaccurate

    for one national account because consumer preference and the

    internal variance may be self-correcting in a large sample. If

    this self-correction exists, it would make the linear model

    an accurate predictor for a sample of many national accounts

    but an inaccurate predictor when applied to a few national

    accounts. The linear model was constructed with the assumption

    that the internal variance of the frequencies and consumer

    preference are independent of their association with a specific

    national account. There has yet to be discovered any evidence

    that the assumption is invalid. However, the linear model

    should never be used commercially for a national account until

    its validity is checked against a random sample of that specific

    national account's shipments.

  • 17

    The second problem, Akerlof adverse selection occurring

    with rural and urban consumers, can probably be prevented (by

    the model). Because of scheduling, there exists multiple prices

    according to the customer's location. If these multiple prices

    predict rural prices for the rural consumer and urban prices

    for the urban customer, then there exist no incentives for

    adverse selection. Since the linear model accurately predicts

    the costs of moving a large sample which is a mixture of rural

    prices and urban prices, the model might accurately approximate

    the different prices experienced by differing consumers. This

    should be explored more rigorously using aggregate testing with

    a much larger random sample.

    A form of adverse selection that the pricing flexibility

    cannot eliminate is adverse accessorial selection. The linear

    model charges the shipper the expected cost of an accessorial.

    Shippers with few accessorials will not select the linear model

    because they are being over-charged in comparison to the actual

    costs of the move, while shippers with many accessorials will

    transfer all of their business to the linear model price.

    Although a shipper may know how many accessorials he

    has, neither the national account nor the carrier have this

    information available to them. Since the national account

    decides which moves go to which van line, adverse accessorial

    selection is prevented because the use of the model is only

    legal at the national account level.

    The final problem is adverse selection due to weight.

    The linear model, being a line approximation, appears to have

  • 18

    an inherent flaw in its construction. The model underestimates

    the charges of large weight shipments and overestimates the

    charges of small weight shipments. The model was expected

    to yield opposite results because of increasing or constant

    returns to scale.

    There are three possibilities that could explain this

    problem. The first is that the actual cost versus weight could

    be an S curve function. The second is that the violation of

    assumption (the error terms are statistically independent)

    might yield this result. The last possibility (I feel) is

    the most likely. Many of the approximations were calculated

    assuming the p's and m* s (see Appendix A) were fixed for all

    weight classes. If either p or m were to minutely vary propor-

    tionately with the weight, then this bias should be expected.

    If the problem is caused by either the first or the third

    possibility then the model may be refined as desired, but would

    still remain a close approximation. If the problem is caused

    by the violation of the assumption that the error terms are

    statistically independent then the model is suspect. Further

    work exploring these possibilities should be conducted.

    The tariff structure (cash inflow) is determined by the

    same standardized system and can be applied across all van

    lines. However, the forms of revenue distribution (cash out-

    flow) vary from van line to van line. One alogorithmic revenue

    distribution method cannot be hypostulated. Therefore, the

    discussion will be in the form of a generalization that needs


  • 19

    Revenue distribution is comprised of two parts: distribu-

    tion of the line haul charge and distribution of the accessorial

    charges. Since the line haul charge portion of the tariff

    structure was not approximated, the method of distributing this

    should not be changed. The purpose of accessorial revenue

    distribution is to compensate agents for the accessorial services

    they render. The hypostulated revenue distribution method

    will attempt to adjust for the linear .approximation.

    The accessorial revenue distribution model will be derived

    in a similar manner to the linear model (see Appendix A). The

    f• *r.• not only represents the expected cost to the shipper,

    but f. *r.. also is the expected revenue of the carrier. The

    f• *r. . should be rearranged into a series of estimators of

    the total revenue. Since there exist five agents that receive

    accessorial revenue distribution (Hauling Agent, Origin Service

    Agent, Destination Service Agent, Packing Agent, and Unpacking

    Agent), the new estimators will be HR, OR, DR, PR, UR, respec-

    tively. Where R stands for revenue and IR =._.y,. such that

    y. . is also revenue distribution compensation for accessorial i.

    The agent who receives revenue distribution compensation is

    responsible to see that the services (f.*r. •) are performed

    for all i.

    This system works as long as two different agents do

    not perform one accessorial service. An example of this overlap

    is packing. A packing agent (when he is not the hauler) will

    leave a little bit for the hauling agent to pack. If the pack-

    ing agent receives all of the packing revenue, the hauler is

  • 20

    not being fairly compensated for services rendered.

    The accessorial revenue distribution model is easily modi-

    fied to correct for this compensation flaw. A van line should

    set an arbitrary percentage q of a service that the agent must

    perform. If the packing agent must perform q percentage of the

    packing, then the packing agent receives q times the packing

    revenue and the hauler receives the rest. An illustrative


    If q = .97 and 1-q = .03, then

    the hauler receives .03[a + b(cwt)], and

    the packer receives .97[a + b(cwt)] where

    a + b(cwt) = the estimator PR

    Any other accessorial that displays overlap should be handled

    in a similar fashion.

    The problem with the accessorial revenue distribution

    model is that the agent receives payment unconditionally.

    Therefore, there exist incentives to circumvent the service

    rather than to perform it. Since many accessorials (stair

    carry, piano, waiting time, etc.) cannot be circumvented, the

    problem only occurs in those accessorials that can be circum-

    vented. The accessorials that can be circumvented must be

    determined individually by case study for each different van

    line. For those accessorials that can be circumvented, a system

    must be determined that makes it economically unviable to the

    agent to avoid rendering service.

    The system proposed next has three attributes: economic

    disincentives, economic incentives, and policing policy.

  • 21

    Penalties should be levied against agents who are derelict

    in their performance of a service. The penalties should be

    of a magnitude large enough to make it economically disadvanta-

    geous to flirt with the system.

    A van line is too centralized and removed to check that

    all services are performed. Instead, the van line will rely

    on agents to cross-check one another. If a penalty is levied,

    a percentage should go to the agent who reported the discrep-

    ancy. The agents will not protect fellow agents because it

    is in the agent's best economic interest to ferret out and

    report discrepancies. With agents cross-checking each other,

    the probability of cheating going undetected for any length

    of time is miniscule.

    Some agents, who do not cheat the system, should be re-

    warded for their perseverance. The remaining amount of money

    from penalties collected should be redistributed among them.

    This method of revenue distribution, although lacking direct

    application, demonstrates that the linear model is condusive

    to an acceptable revenue distribution program.


    This paper established the need for a revised tariff,

    derived a generalized linear model to satisfy the need, and

    ran data through the generalized model to determine a specific

    model. This specific model was compared against a set of four

    criteria to determine if it was a viable alternative commercial

    pricing mechanism. The model approximates the current tariff

  • 22

    (criterion One), possesses ease of application (criterion Two),

    and assures an equitable form of revenue distribution (criterion

    Four). However, the model may or may not prevent adverse selec-

    tion (criterion Three). Two questions were left unresolved:

    does the model prevent Akerlof adverse selection? and, can the

    systematic bias be accounted for? Preliminary results presented

    in this paper offer a tentative confirmation of these two ques-

    tions. However, to establish the validity of the preliminary

    affirmative findings, aggragate testing should be conducted

    on a large sample and tests should be run to determine the

    causes of the systematic bias. If the follow-up studies support

    the preliminary findings, then the linear model is, without a

    doubt, a commercially viable pricing mechanism. If the results

    are negative, then the linear model needs some revisions before

    it will be an acceptable alternative. No matter what the find-

    ings of the follow up studies, the linear model will be either

    a viable alternative pricing scheme or the theoretical break-

    through that evolves into a new model which will become the

    revised tariff.

  • Appendix A

    The mathematical derivation of the linear model,

    (a.. + b..(w) approximating Y..) will be explained in detail.

    An accessorial charge is equal to the number of service units

    performed, multiplied by the cost per unit. Therefore,

    Y. . o r. .*f. iD ID i

    Where: r. . = rate for accessorial i performed in county j

    f. = number of service units perfo rmed.

    The expected value of Y.. = Y.. implying that

    $.. = E (r±j*f±).

    The r. .'s are fixed by ICC regulations, therefore,

    Y. . = r. .*E(f•) . ID ID i

    Three different methods of determining E(f.) were employed.

    The first was to assume f. occurred randomly with regard to

    weight. The second was to assume f. varies linearly with weight.

    The third was to assume that for a given weight class, (1000-

    2500 lbs.) f- occurs randomly, but that the E(f-) of the

    weight classes vary linearly with weight.

    In the first method, the assumption states that the f.

    occurs randomly; therefore, E(f.) can be expressed as a prob-

    ability times the expected realization or number of occurrences.

    B(f±) = P i* m i

    where; p. = probability of accessorial i occurring

    and: m. = expected number of occurrences when accessor-

    ial i is realized. „

  • 24

    The calculation of p. and m. are derived as follows:

    p. = s./n where s- is the number of shipments that acces-

    sorial i occurred in and n is the total number of shipments.

    m. = Q./s. where Q. = —• q.„ such that q-„ = the number 1 1 l l k£s. ^iK ^iK

    of occurrences in shipment K.

    Therefore, by substitution: E(f.) = Q-/n

    In the second method, a linear regression was used to

    estimate the expected frequency. Using Minitab II to run the

    linear regressions on the actual f. frequencies yielded the

    predictive model. This model was verified by inspecting the

    2 • 2

    R value, T ratio coefficient and F values.

    The third method employs a combination of the two ap-

    proaches just discussed. Because the accessorial occurs randomly

    within a small given weight class (i.e., 1000-1250 lbs.), the

    frequency of the accessorial within the weight class was deter-

    mined by method one. The assumption made was that the expected

    value of the weight class varies linearly with weight, even

    though the frequency distribution of the accessorial does not.

    The same type of linear regression model used by method two

    was run on the expected frequencies for each weight class.

    The linear regression was validated in the same manner as before.

    In calculating the f-'s, two implicit assumptions were

    made. The first was that the f^'s were statistically independent,

    The second was that the f.'s were uniform for all counties.

    A.3: Cov(f±*f .) = 0 for all i#j . ; A.4: E(f ) = E(fh) for all

    g and h.

  • 25

    Because there exists so many counties in the U. S., to

    simplify the tariff even further, every county j will be given

    a designation v. v will aggregate counties with similar charac-

    teristics together. Since there exists no method to determine

    which counties had similar characteristics, a surrogate measure

    was used. EAch county j is given a designation A thru L for

    packing by the ICC. Presumably the ICC gives counties with

    similar costs of productions the same designation; therefore,

    the designations used by the ICC are the ones used by the linear


    Now every r.. will be replaced by r. . r. is the weighted

    « ^

    r. =z_ V- r. . where V • is the proportion of shipments in

    average of the r.. _. ' s for all counties j with designation v.

    y \

    county j. Substituting: y.. = r. *f. which implies ̂ .. = r. J J ^ J1~J I V 1 „ r J11 IV

    Q./n . The m u l t i p l i c a t i o n of r . by [Q. /n]Aexpress ion a, + X v IV J 1 ^ XV

    b. (w) where a.. + b. (w) is the linear appropriation. IV IV IV ctr tr

    The Y.. will be divided into four groups: origin service,

    destination service, packing, and unpacking. Because the calcu-

    lations for the four groups are identical, only origin service

    (0.) will be demonstrated. The rest of the calculations can

    be determined in a parallel manner. Define o. . = y. . if n *xi


    only if y is an origin service accessorial. Since y.. = a.. •* xj i j

    + b..(w) + e. o.. = a. + b. (w) + e, by the previous condition.

    Total origin service charge is equal to the summation of the JX>

    individual origin service charges: 0. = -A-, o. .. Therefore,

    0. =

  • 26

    origin cost is a linear approximating ie, E(0.) - A + B (w)

    because A and B are constants and E(E) = 0. v v

    Since the y. .'s are grouped along two dimensions (the ith

    dimension, or origin service, destination service, packing,

    and unpacking,* and the jth dimension A thru L), a 4 x 12 matric

    of costs is generated (see Table 1, Appendix B).

    *Unpacking is scheduled 1-5 not A-L. Because unpacking is scheduled 1-5 by the ICC, this old schedule was maintained. Any attempt to rearrange it to fit the A-L designation unnec-cessarily increased the variance of the linear model. The unpacking and packing designations are adjacent, therefore there is not an increase in time or effort.

  • Appendix B

    Table I

    Destination Schedule Origin Service Service Packing Unpacking

    Fee Cwt Fee Cwt Fee Cwt Fee Cwt

    A 40.80 + .17934 (w) 25.93 + .15117(w) 138.30 + 7.4938(w)

    B 40.90 + .31071(w) 25.93 + .17530(w) 145.30 + 7.7311(w)

    C 41.51 + .33880(w) 26.05 + .19715(w) 148.79 + 7.9986(w)

    D 42.15 + .47566(w) 26.25 + .22856(w) 152.78 + 8.2299(w)

    E 42.10 + .48589(w) 26.21 + .30901(w) 158.05 + 8.5638(w)

    F 42.06 + .49125(w) 26.12 + .34985(w) 163.92 + 8.8759(w)

    G 44.62 + ,53755(w) 26.75 + .33046(w) 168.86 + 9.1725(w)

    ^ H 46.94 + .58655(w) 27.78 + .35728(w) 176.10 + 9.5896(w)

    I 47.30 + .51714(w) 28.20 + .38934(w) 181.76 + 9.9634(w)

    J 49.40 + .65693(w) 29.88 + -41750(w) 190.86 +10.4391(w)

    K 49.05 + .69010(w) 28.43 + .44204(w) 198.85 +10.4312(w)

    L 50.68 + .76540(w) 29.17 + .50542(w) 207.34 +11.4332(w)






    24.33 + 1.2458(w)

    26.86 + 1.4837(w)

    28.25 + 1.5585(w)

    31.22 + 1.7347(w)

    34.92 + 1.9485(w)

  • Appendix B

    Table II

    County Type Charge

    Origin Service 1 2

    Destination Service 3 4

    Packing Service 5 6

    Unpacking Service 7 8

    Line Haul Charge 9

    Sub Total 10

    Total Cost 11

    Step One: Enter ICC packing destination for the origin county in blanks 1 and 5.

    Step Two: Enter the ICC packing designation for the destina-tion county in blank 3.

    Step Three: Enter the ICC unpacking designation for the destina-tion county in blank 7.

    Step Four: If either packing or unpacking service is not performed, enter zero in the charge column blanks 6 and/or $

    Step Five: Determine the appropriate charge from Table I, enter it in blanks 2, 4, 6, 8. (Example: Destina-tion 0 County type "D", the charge for destination service is 26.25 + .22856(cwt)). This number would be entered in blank 4.

    Step Six: Enter the line haul charge rate in blank 9.

    Step Seven: Add the charges together. (Add blanks 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 Enter in line 10.

    Step Eight: In line 10 substitute the cwt of the shipment for w. Do the necessary algebra to simplify to a single number. Enter this number in blank 11. This is the total charge of the shipment.


  • Footnotes

    John Hess, The Mobile Society: A History of the Moving Industry (New York, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1973), p. 63.

    2Ibid., p. 14 9


    4Ibid., p. lit

    5Ibid., p. 119


  • Bibliography

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    Allied Van Lines Regulation Manual. . . . * .

    Bekin Van Lines Flat Rate Tariff? REgulation Manual? Tariff 412.

    Bunsendahl? Jr«p Sidney P. "Evaluation of Household Good Carrier" s Servic©18 by the Department of Defenser 1980«,

    Coxr John R» "Moving Cost Estimating % The Ongoing Controversy."

    Csoiego, M. Stro^ Approximations in Probability and Statistics. New Yorks Academic Pressg 1981.


    Graebel Van Lines Bill of Ladings? Regulation Manual; Tariff 400? Tariff 104.

    Bess, John„ The Mobile Societys A History of the Moving Industry7, New Yorks McGraw-Hill^"iffTjI

    Household Goods Transportation Act 198®
