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A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management

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  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management


    A Qualitative Study on Classroom

    Management and Classrooin Discipline

    Problems, Reasons, and Solutions: A

    Case of Information Technologies Class



      Engin KUR ÇUN , Gulçin


     SALTAN ,


      GÖK , î.mail



    The luirpcic of this stiuly w¡i.s to investigate classroom management and diseipline problems

    that Information Teehnology teachers have faeetl, and to reveal iinderljing reasons and possih-

    le solutions of these prohlenis hy considering the views of parents, teachers, and administrator.

    'Ihis study w as design ed as qualitative study. Subjecis of this snidy consisted of 14 school a dm i-

    nislrators, 14 teachers, ami 17 paren ts. Tliree difTereiu, bu t parallel, sem i-struc tured interv iew

    schedules were used for tiata collection. Data were analysed through the use of content analy-

    sis meth od . As a result of this an;ilysis, the problem s associated with classroom m an ag em en t

    were grouped under following themes; lack of motivation, breaking the rules and routines, lack

    of infrastructure, insufTieient time management, ineffective classroom environment, and lack of

    interaction in classroom s. O n t he other side, participa nts related these prob lems with following

    reasons; place and stnicture of the course in the curriculum, classroom environment, classroom

    size and lack of hardware, lack of rules, home environment and parents attitudes, lack of teac-

    hers '

      management skills and students attitudes, l-' inally, following solutions were suggested to

    overcome disciplines and classroom m anage me nt problems; imp rovem ent in teachers 'qualifica-

    tiou, regulation at place and structure ofthe course in tlie curriculum, organizing motivational

    activities, using software w hich con trols com puters usage in classroom/lab , reorg anizin g class-

    room /lab sit t ing plan, giving pun ishm ent, ignoring m isbehavior, understan iiing reasons beh ind

    problems, meeting with parents and providing coordination among different subject commu-

    nities (Ziimre) in schools.


    Infomiiitioti Technology Course, Classroom Management, Discipline Problems.



     Assist . Prof Dr. Aktleniz University, l- 'aciik) ' of K diication, De pa rtm ent of E duca tional Sci-

    ences, 07 058 , Aniaiy;i/Turkcv.

  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management



    Advance in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have

    been influencing almost all parts of our Hves. W it hou t doub t, it has

    become necessary to prepare new generation to be equipped with these

    I C T skills (Dursun & Çuhadar,


     In fact. Information Technology

    teachers, so called computer teachers, working at primary and second-

    ary schools have pivotal roles to fulfill this mission (Kabakçi


     odabaçi ,


      However, this is not an easy task; especially the prevalence of

    new technologies in schools has resulted in new classroom management

    and discipline problems. Students'wrong usage and damage of techno-

    logical tools in classrooms (Irving, 2003), ineffective time mana gement

    while using technology, using cell phone in classrooms, video and sound

    records which might influence the private life are some of the exam-

    ples emerging as a result of the entrance of new technologies into the

    schools. In this sense, a successful classroom management and organi-

    zation is fundamental for designing an effective teaching and learning

    environment and for preventing discipline problems and misbehaviors

    (Brophy, 1983; Emm er, Evertson, 6c W orsham, 2000; E vertson, E m -

    mer, Sanford, 6c Clements, 1983). Also, com municating w ith parents is

    essential for ehminating these problems (Yildinm 6cDönmez, 2008).

    The existing literature revealed frequent misbehaviors observed in

    Turkish classrooms. For example, Atici and Merry (2001) reported

    that Turkish students demonstrated misbehaviors such as talking out

    of turn, wandering aimlessly, irritating pupils, and misusing materials.

    Similarly, Türnüklü and Galton (2001) m entioned about Turkish stu-


      frequent misbehaviors as illicit talking, inappropriate movement

    and interrupting another pupil.

    According to study conducted with twenty primary school teachers

    from Turkey and Eng land


     Türnüklü and G alton (2001), it was found

    that most of the classroom management problems in both countries

    were similar. Their study indicated tha t the m ost prevalent dis rup -

  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management


    1 - : R 1 ) O C A N . K U R $ U N , T A N ,  S A L T A N , G Ö K , Y 1 I .D IZ


      Qualitati .e

      Study on Classroom •


    of day, different part of the lesson, the seating arrang em ent in the class-

    room , the type of learning activity and the subject matter (T urnükü ôc

    G alton, 2 00 1 , p.296) . O n the other side, while financial problems of

    parents could be main reason of these misbehaviors in Turkey, divorce

    was likely to be main cause of


     inappropriate behaviors in E nglan d

    (T ürknüklü ô cG alton, 2001) .

    A tici (2007) attributed the reasons of misbehaviors to family related is-

    sues and s tudent related issues. A mong these, family related reasons have

    been observed to be one of the most prevalent reasons of inappropri-

    ate behaviors (A tici, 2007; Weishew

      & ,

     Peng, 1993) . O n the other side,

    Çaglar (2008) divides the factors related to misbehaviors into two dif-

    ferent, but related categories; internal and external factors. He Rirther

    explains that although teachers could have direct influence on internal

    factors (student, teacher, environment), they do not have direct impact

    on external factors. H e divides external factors into two groups, one is re-

    lated to students'  lose environment (family, school and friends) and the

    other one is related to remote environment (educational management,

    country governance and development in the W orld) (Çaglar, 2008 ).

    Studies on nfo rm ation Technology Teachers

    The review of the literature indicated that studies addressing to the

    depa rtment of C om puter Education and Instructional T echnology

    (C E IT ) are scarce because it


      a newly established d epartment. Existing

    studies on this area mainly covered the following subjects; professional

    requirement of Information T echnology T eachers, their status and w ork

    conditions (K iyici Sc K abakçi,


     perceptions about the dep artm ent

    of C E I T (Du rdu ôcYildn-im, 2005) , and their problems and difficulties

    they encountered in their professional life (Dursun

      & .

     Çuhadar, 2009) .

    Results of these studies indicated that problems that IT teachers have

    faced can be categorized under four them es; namely problems related

  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management



    A study conducted hy Dursun and Çuhadar (2009) investigating the

    pre-service com puter teachers' views on the teaching profession indi-

    cated tha t the m ain reason of classroom managem ent problem was that

    the efforts of students in IT classes were not graded and students did

    not obtain any grade from IT courses at the end of the semester. An-

    other study which was conducted with 70 IT teachers showed that 43 %

    of the problems were mainly due to student-related issues and crowded

    classroom (Deryakulu, 2005). Still ano ther cause of the problem assert-

    ed by Çagiltay, Çakiroglu, Çagiltay, and Çakiroglu (2001) is the limited

    num ber of available technological tools in classroom and computer labs.

      urren t Status of Info rm atio n Technology ourse in Turke y

    According to 2378 numbered issue and Ministry of National Educa-

    tion gu ide dated with 15 M arch


     it was stated tha t teaehers who

    will teach computer [Information Technology] course will be selected

    from candidates who hold major or minor in Computer Education

    field , if needed number does not meet, IT teachers will be selected

    from teachers who are already work ing in the M inis try of Nationa l

    Education w ith a higher education diploma. Initial Co m pute r Ed -

    ucation and Instructional Technology department was founded in

    Middle East Technical University in 1993 (Durdu 8cYildinm,2005).

    Up to this date, infrastructures necessary for computer education and

    training for computer teachers were established, and those trained

    hy Ministry of National Education were selected from various fields

    to become computer teachers. One of these trainings was realized in

    1985 for 225 teachers. They were taken to training about com puter lit-

    eracy and B AS IC program ming language (Akkoyunlu ôc ímer, 1998 ).

    ö n the othe r side, it was 1998 when com puter lesson were firstly in -

    cluded into national curriculum as a 1 or 2 hours per week for 4* to

    8'' ' graders. Later, the nature of the course was changed and it was

  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management


    K . R D O Ô A N , K U R Ç U N , T A N , S A L T A N , G Ö K , Y I L D I Z /

      /I Qualitative S tudy on Classroom •


    by considering the views of parents, school administrators and teachers.

    In scope of this general aim, following specific research questions were


    1. What are the classroom management problems that Information

    Technology Teachers faced?

    2.  What are the discipline problems that Information Technology

    Teachers faced?

    3 .  W h a t are the underlying reasons of these classroom managem ent

    and discipline probleins?


      W h a t are the possible solutions suggested by teachers, adm inistra-

    tors and parents for these classroom management and discipline



    The design of the study was made use of qualitative research method,

    lilis method provides the researchers to work small groups, but thus

    to gain in-depth information, understanding and wider insight on the

    selected subjects Pa tton, 1990; Yildinm 6c Çimjek, 20 08).


    Subject of this qualitative study consisted of 17 family mem bers 13

    Mothers ,


     Fathers, and


    Elder B rother) whose children or sibling took

    an Information Technology course, 14 Information Technology Teach-

    ers 6 Females, 8 M ales) and 14 school principals and vice principals 6

    Females, 8 Males). While selecting the sample, convenience samphng

    method was


    This sampling method help the researchers aecess the

    subjects easily and facilitates the research process Yildinm 6c Çimjek,

  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management



    Table 1.

    Demographic information of administrators and teachers

    Administrator  (n=14)

    Demographic Information




    Experience in the profession

    First vear





    Computer Education Teacher

    Technology and Design Teacher

    Applied Science (Science E d...etc)

    Social Studies (History, Literature...etc)

      la s s Teacher

    Math Teachers



     of adm inistrator


    Assistant Prineipal

    Not indicated

















    Teacher n=14)







     in the projession

    First year



    Grad tation


    Com puter Teacher

    Computer System


    Teehnology and Design


    Com puter Tech. 8c

    Programming Teacher

    Vocational Schools



     i oad

     in a week

    1-10 hours

    11-20 hours

    21-30 hours
















    Data ollection Instruments

    Three different, but parallel, semi-structured interview schedules; for

    family members, teachers and administrator, were developed for the

  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management





      ualitative Study on

     Classroom •   887

    Da ta Co ilection an d nalysis

    Data were obtained from the subjects in the spring semester of

    2008/2009 academic year. Qualitative data analysis process was organ-

    ized in five steps which were parallel to the method proposed by Schloss

    and Smith (1999) and updated by Erdogan and Ok (2007).These steps

    were called as (1) transcription, (2) reliability analysis, (3) coding, (4)

    establishing themes and categories and (5) writing up and interpreting

    the results. Collected data were firstly transformed into written format

    and then subjected to content analysis for examining tbe common codes

    and thus categories. Later, three randomly selected transcripts were

    coded independen tly by three coders in order to examine the consisten-

    cy among the codes emerged and to find inter-rater reliability. Then, all

    transcripts were other three researchers and then these emerged codes

    were controlled by another researcher. Categories and themes were later

    established based on the codes and their similar characteristics. Finally,

    the emerged codes and established categories and themes were inter-

    preted along with the quo tation taken from the transcripts.


    In light of the data obtained from the participants, the possible problems

    of IT teachers associated with classroom management were (1) lack of

    motivation, (2) rule and routines breaking, (3) lack of infrastructure,

    (4) ineffective time management, (5) classroom environment, and (6)

    lack of classrotim interac tion.The discipline problems and misbehaviors

    that teachers encountered in IT classes were mainly related to off-task

    bebavior, (i.e. hstening music, using M SN ), noisy talking, walking aim -

    lessly, and inappropriate use of classroom materials.


     possible reasons

    behind classroom management problems and students discipline prob-

    lems were (1) tbe nature and status of the course in the curriculum, (2)

  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management






     (6) giving punishment, (7) ignoring, (8) investigating the reasons of

    the p roblem, (9) establishing rules, (10) con tacting with paren t and (11)

    cooperating with other groups of teachers in the school.


    As indicated by the teachers, studen ts' lack of motivation, and breaking

    rules and routines can be mainly due to the nature of the course (i.e.

    one class hour in a week) in the curriculum. This is almost consistent

    with the previous findings (Altun

    Atej ,

      2008; Deryakulu Sc Olkun,

    2006; Seferoglu, 200 7). Students' motivation can be increased throug h

    the use of various instructional methods and techniques (i.e. project

    based learning design, Öz dener Özcob an, 2004) H igh number of

    the students in classroom and relatively low num ber of the techn ologi-

    cal equipm ents also created problems in terms of effective management

    and effective usage of the materials (Altun, 2007; Çagiltay et al., 2001).

    The teachers indicated that since classrooms were too big, students ' dis -

    ruptive talking and wandering within the classroom could not be eas-

    ily controlled. However, Ersoy (2005) believed that spaces should be

    available between the computers in order to control the students. Thus,

    the classes should be large enough for recruiting the available materials

    and should be equipped with the technological tools (i.e. com puter) by

    considering the number of the students taking a course in that class.

    Lack of available software programs w hich con trol studen ts'usage of in-

    ternet and the programs in the computer emerged as another reason to

    studen ts' out-o f task behavior. Purchasing and using software program

    in the com puter labs can be a solution to eliminate this prob lem.

    Lack of rules which organizes the daily activities and class routine s, and

    breaking the established rules were observed to be the reason of the

    emergence of the classroom management and discipline prob lems. Rule

  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management


    E H I ) O G A N , K I J R Ç U N , T A N ,   SA L T A N , G Ö K , Y I I , n i Z


      Qualitativ StuJy o n

      Classroo m •


    Ç akiroglu, 2004 ) , teachers should be taken to in-service training in

    terms of classroom management, conflict resolution and stress manage-

    ment. Furtherm ore, teachers should be equipped with self-organization

    and time -mana gem ent skills Bingimlas, 2009 ) .

    In short, research on classroom management in the available literature

    revealed similar results. Discipline problems and possible reasons were

    indicated in many of the studies. H owever, solutions to these emerged

    problems were not frequently spelled out. This research study, in this

    sense, served beneficial solutions to deal with the classroom manage-

    ment and discipline problem s of I C teachers in specific and oth er teach-

    ers teaching various topics in general.  his study


     very significant since

    it provides different viewpoints in the context of problem-reason-solu-

    tion associated with classroom management.

  • 8/19/2019 A Qualitative Study on Classroom Management



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