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A Quickie Bachelor Challenge - Day 1

Date post: 30-Jun-2015
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Things go fairly smoothly and only one person gets struck by lightning.
A Quickie Bachelor Challenge It’s not what you think ... well, not quite.
Page 1: A Quickie Bachelor Challenge - Day 1

A Quickie Bachelor Challenge

It’s not what you think ... well, not quite.

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Meet Alistair Digitalis. He’s the lucky Bachelor for this Challenge. I called it a Quickie, because I played it right through in one day.

According to the Bachelor Challenge Rules*, Alistair is a lonely Romance sim who is looking for a lucky lady with whom to share his life.

*found on the Sims 2 BBS, posted by PA Vicky

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Before we get started, here is an aerial view of the lovely Bachelor Pad that I downloaded from the Exchange especially for the occasion. It suits all purposes for the most part, except the bathroom arrangements. I end up changing them early into the Challenge, as you will see.

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Day 1:

The ladies – all seven of them – pile out of the taxi and even though it’s raining, start getting to know one another. Alistair is being pointedly ignored and appears to be feeling a little left out.

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In a fit of pique, he throws a temper tantrum and gets into an argument with Annabelle ... over dessert, of all things!

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Everyone is on Freewill the first day and some of us know how to amuse ourselves, although Jennifer and I sound like a pair of doused cats. The only controllable sim, the Bachelor, is called upon to perform a few minor, but necessary functions, such as Open the Buffet and hire a Maid and a Gardener. Otherwise, everyone may wander and mix as they wish.

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Meh, everybody’s a critic ...

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Some schmooze with the Bachelor, while others admire the Bachelor’s Pad ...

Pinkie: “So, Alistair, what do you think of kissing on the first date?”

Foxy: “Di place minds me ah di red-light district, eenuh.”

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Spike: “Hey, I worked the red-light district, too! I think it’s the gaudy, pink wallpaper and the blousey-but-tasteless decor.”

Foxy: “True dat.”

Mary: “Who’s making breakfast tomorrow?”

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Rats. Alistair comes back to the table for dessert. My sim self doesn’t look too happy about it. I think she thought she had avoided him. I created this guy to be likable, but neither me nor she seems to be clicking with him. He’s too ... I can’t seem to put my finger on it.

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Alistair: “Has anyone ever told you that you have nice lips, baby?”

Hmm ... I might have just put my finger on it.

Annabelle: “Excuse me, you two? People trying to eat here?”

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Jennifer: “Ooo! I like your lips, too, Ali-baby!”

Ali-baby? I think I’ll go eat the rest of my dinner over on the couch. Or better yet, in one of the bathroom stalls. That way I won’t have far to go when I toss my cookies.

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Ahh ... Devine Justice strikes shortly afterward when Alistair tries to play the electric guitar in a rainstorm. Hahahahahahahahaha! I nearly fell out of my chair! Too bad I wasn’t in time to get a picture of the ‘lucky strike’. Hahahahahahahahahaha!

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Alistair: “It’s not that funny!”

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Yes, it is. Especially this next part when you don’t make it to the potty in time. Hahahahahahahaha!

This little incident seemed to bring the arrogant Alistair down a notch or two, and I began to like him a little better afterward. A little.

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Next morning, Mary finds the keg.

“Juice is good for breakfast, right? Very healthy!”


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And this is the point where I had to do an emergency remodel of the bathroom. Spike shooed everyone out and autonomously took a long, leisurely bubble bath.

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Since I’m not allowed to control the contestants, we reciprocate Spike’s lack of courtesy with a few rounds of vicious gossip to pass the time until she gets out of there.

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... and then everyone became incensed over the fact that I took away the shower stalls and put up individual glass stalls – very convenient, very classy. Hello? Everyone can get to the potties now. And the showers. All together with no shooing or foot-stomping in frustration.

Really. You can’t please everybody and sometimes you can’t please anybody!

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Noon rolls around and Pinkie is the first contestant to be cut with a score of 24/12. Then it’s Hot Tub time!

Note To Self And Others: Allow the Loser to peacefully leave before trying to order the rest into the hot tub, otherwise the Bachelor is left bubbling all by himself as her friends bid her a fond good riddance – I mean, goodbye.

Tune in tomorrow for Day 2: The Chats. Excited? I know I am ...
