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Social Recruiting Defined Social recruiting is when companies and recruiters use social platforms to source and recruit candidates for employment.

There are many benefits to social recruiting. To start, social recruiting enables organizations to hire the best talent. This can be done by connecting, educating, and inspiring people through social networks. While some businesses have dabbled in the social arena, the majority are hesitant to fully pursue social recruiting.

By effectively developing social strategies and reporting on social recruiting efforts, recruiters can help hire quality employees (and save their company money!).

1. Hiring Insights, 2015

Considering 74%

of all Internet users

have at least one

active social media

account, it is clear that

social recruiting is the

best way to reach the

largest audience for

the lowest cost.1

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iCIMS | A Recruiter’s Social Recruiting Survival Guide

Table of ContentsThe Power of Social Recruiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Define Your Audience & Reach the Right People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Build a Strong (Social) Employer Brand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Utilize Today’s Top Recruiting Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Encourage Employee Referrals & Make Social Distribution Easy . . . . . . . .8

Track, Measure, then Improve Your Social Recruiting Efforts. . . . . . . . . . . .9

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iCIMS | A Recruiter’s Social Recruiting Survival Guide

The Power of Social Recruiting

In 2016, Facebook had over 1.70 billion users, LinkedIn 450 million, Twitter 320 million, Instagram 400 million and Google+ 300 million users.2

iCIMS Social Distribution® automates the process of sharing your company’s job openings.

Social recruiting is more than sourcing candidates and advertising career opportunities via Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Social recruiting is about being present, authentic, and active. The social landscape is a space that lends itself to conversation. Therefore, feedback and continual sharing of information is important for your organization and job seekers alike.

Social networking sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook stand strong as some of the most powerful tools available to recruiters today. It is important for businesses to understand how social media can be used to reach candidates quicker and at a lower cost than other traditional recruiting methods.

2. Brandwatch, 2016

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iCIMS | A Recruiter’s Social Recruiting Survival Guide

Define Your Audience & Reach the Right People

of companies reported that social professional networks were their top source of quality hires.3

Getting started:

• Determine who your ideal target is then get to know them and which social networks they frequent.

• Focus on your message. What do you want this audience to know about your employment brand? Explain it simply.

• Create a posting schedule and make note of the content that receives the most views, likes, and comments.

• Build your social brand presence.

» Create an engaging branded Facebook jobs

page or share news on LinkedIn where job

seekers can search for jobs or refer friends.

• Focus on a few sites or platforms your ideal candidates visit often.

» Do not try to master them all and avoid corpo-

rate jargon that could turn viewers away. Once

you’ve mastered one or two, test drive others.

• Share informative articles from credible, well respected sources. There are plenty of free ones out there.

3. LinkedIn, 2016


With today’s job seekers researching potential employers and following their favorite brands, recruiters should highlight their employers

as desirable places to work. Remember to maintain an active yet professional presence on social media. Sharing job openings, company

news, and other job-seeking tips can go a long way. You never know which followers today will be candidates tomorrow.

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iCIMS | A Recruiter’s Social Recruiting Survival Guide

Build a Strong (Social) Employer Brand

of organizations report social media presence being their most effective branding tool, with ...

saying specifically that professional networks like LinkedIn were best.4

A company’s employment brand influences the perception and beliefs held by current employees and potential job candidates, including:


• Figure out what makes your company unique. Every company has something original to it!

• Keep your story consistent across social channels (and your career site) to establish a recognizable brand.

» Think of Apple, Google, or Coca-Cola. What do they have in

common? A unified brand story. 

• Have your recruitment materials reflect your company’s mission statement and story. Be authentic and you’ll find people who share similar values. 

Company culture

General attitude towards company

Beliefs about the pay and benefits

4. LinkedIn, 2016

47% 61%

By building a strong social employment brand you’ll attract the top talent that you want to work for your company. On the flip-side,

your social employment brand also serves as a way for candidates who might not be a good fit to screen themselves out. 

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iCIMS | A Recruiter’s Social Recruiting Survival Guide

Utilize Today’s Top Recruiting Tools

Social recruitment technology can rev up social media efforts and easily connect you with more candidates.

• Serve up an application experience that’s quick and easy. Let candidates apply using their social profiles.

• Leave no social job seeker behind. Access social recruiting tools that are mobile-friendly.

• Craft compelling posts. Engage those who aren’t ready to apply today, but might be later, by giving them the ability to receive information about job opportunities tailored to their interests.

Today’s candidates are looking for jobs on social media. Are you connecting with them?

iCIMS Recruit makes social media recruiting a sourcing powerhouse by easily cultivating a social media presence and connecting with more job seekers.

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iCIMS | A Recruiter’s Social Recruiting Survival Guide

Encourage Employee Referrals & Make Social Distribution EasySet-and-forget-it job publishing takes the hassle out of your employees manually posting jobs to different social media sites. With intelligent publishing, you can schedule and automate employee-wide job postings to their various social sites.

iCIMS Social Distribution makes it possible to automatically post job openings to participating employees’ social profiles at a frequency of their choosing and without any effort after initial set up.

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iCIMS | A Recruiter’s Social Recruiting Survival Guide

Track, Measure, then Improve Your Social Recruiting Efforts

The potential for data to transform your social recruiting can be huge; however, a survey from Software Advice reports that only 37% of small companies and 27% of medium-sized companies are currently using data analytics to recruit.5

Social data and statics are available and these numbers can shape the type of branding or messaging you showcase. Ensure you’re company is using only the most effective efforts, when and wherever possible use your social experiences and data to measure the impact of your social recruitment strategies.

As a result, you’ll likely increase your recruiting efficiency and effectiveness, filling jobs faster, for less expense.

5. Software Advice, 2015

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iCIMS | A Recruiter’s Social Recruiting Survival Guide

iCIMS | A Recruiter’s Social Recruiting Survival Guide

© 2017 iCIMS Inc. All Rights Reserved.

To learn more about iCIMS go to www.icims.com today!

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How iCIMS CAN HELPiCIMS is the leading provider of talent acquisition solutions that help businesses win the war for top talent. iCIMS empowers companies to manage their entire hiring process within the industry’s most robust Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Built on the foundation of a best-to-market talent acquisition software suite, iCIMS’ PaaS framework, UNIFi, allows employers to expand the capabilities of their core talent acquisition technology by integrating with the largest partner ecosystem in talent acquisition to help them attract, find, screen, and manage candidates. Offering scalable, easy-to-use solutions that are backed by award-winning customer service, iCIMS supports more than 3,500 contracted customers and is one of the largest and fastest-growing talent acquisition solution providers.

