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A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would...

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A Resolution to care. Day 1 Look Again This chapter is a lot about an international conference Priscilla went to and they showed worldly issues that woman need to be praying about and stepping up in Prayer for. Many of the issues she was aware of, but some she had no idea existed. One was the Lord’s Resistance Army that was brainwashing children to be soldiers in Uganda. I can’t imagine these poor children… this was all they knew.. and if they didn’t do it, they were probably killed. They had violently hurt woman with razor blades and they had plastic surgeons willing to go and help them; they just need resources to travel and medical costs. I can’t imagine being in that room witnessing that tragedy on the screen. At that moment every woman from all different countries had to have been on the exact same page; as in they need to help. Tears streaking down cheeks being traumatized from this visual assault. Whatever it is that makes your heart bleed… these things that we just “can’t do anything about.” What specific topics cause your heart to bleed the most? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ We cannot be humanly responsible for everything we see. God may just be asking for us to step up on a certain circumstance. We are all on one small part of the solution. It is always easier and more comfortable to pull back and disengage, to find something more pleasant to dwell on. Are there are causes that you have wanted to help with, but you felt you just couldn't do anything about it? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Page 1: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

A Resolution to care.

Day 1

Look Again

This chapter is a lot about an international conference Priscilla went to and they showed worldly issues that woman need to be praying about and stepping up in Prayer for. Many of the issues she was aware of, but some she had no idea existed.  One was the Lord’s Resistance Army that was brainwashing children to be soldiers in Uganda. I can’t imagine these poor children… this was all they knew.. and if they didn’t do it, they were probably killed. They had violently hurt woman with razor blades and they had plastic surgeons willing to go and help them; they just need resources to travel and medical costs.

I can’t imagine being in that room witnessing that tragedy on the screen. At that moment every woman from all different countries had to have been on the exact same page; as in they need to help. Tears streaking down cheeks being traumatized from this visual assault.

Whatever it is that makes your heart bleed… these things that we just “can’t do anything about.”

What specific topics cause your heart to bleed the most?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We cannot be humanly responsible for everything we see. God may just be asking for us to step up on a certain circumstance. We are all on one small part of the solution. It is always easier and more comfortable to pull back and disengage, to find something more pleasant to dwell on.

Are there are causes that you have wanted to help with, but you felt you just couldn't do anything about it?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 2: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,


Much like the biblical prophet Habakkuk, you and I can feel like turning to the heavens when we see things happening we don't want to see or know about, and ask, “Why do you force me to look.”

Why do You force me to look at injustice? Why do You tolerate wrongdoing?

Habakkuk 1:3

Seems like a God, who loves us so fiercely wouldn't mind give us a break from all this.Seems like with all we’re required to shoulder in our own lives, with our own schedule and all our demanding circumstances, He’d give us a pass to look away, to ignore, to disregard. Right?

Why do you think God want us to look at this injustice?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is your opinion on why God tolerates wrongdoing?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

After forcing Habakkuk to watch the suffering of his own beloved people, here’s what God said to him.

Look....! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days - you would not believe if you were told.

Habakkuk 1:5

In other words., Seeing is believing.

If God didn't show you, your heart would not be moved. If He simply told you what His plans were or how He was going to use you to solve them, you wouldn't be able to grasp the full depth and height of the problem or what the touch of His supernatural care, kindness, and wisdom could accomplish through you.

Page 3: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

A Resolution to care.

Day 2

How do you heal an unbroken Heart?

How do we react after we have been shown those rare glimpses. When we are shown the raw problems with this world and are invited in to help!? We cant be stirred that deeply and move on with life like usual. We need to go to God and pray for what He wants us to do when our hearts have been stirred.

When Priscilla did this; here is what God spoke to here.

“Break my heart for what breaks yours,Everything I am for your kingdom cause.As I walk from earth to eternity.”

What do you think this means?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

We need a heart that was broken, to ask God to break it. Now you think that sounds sad, why would we want a broken heart? She needed to be offended by the video of those hurt woman… and heartsick over the things that touch the heart of our Father. Asking God to shatter her heart was her way of saying all she wanted left was that which made her follow Him in the direction He wanted her to go.

Can you imagine praying that request? What would you say?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever considered that any disinterest you may feel in serving and caring and getting your hands dirty might really be because you never set your heart before Him and asked Him to break it, to make it more sensitive to the ailments of others? Most often we are asking Him to heal it, strengthen it, or restore it. Sometimes we need to have a broken heart like Jesus did.

Jesus paid close attention to everyones problems. He was moved with compassion.• When He saw the hungry, His heart was broken. (Matthew 15:32)• When He saw the sick, His heart was broken. (Matthew 14:14)• When He saw the emotionally devastated. His heart was broken  (Luke 7:13, John 6:35)• When He saw the lonely and spiritually lost, His heart was broken. (Matthew 9:36)

Page 4: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

What do you the above scriptures reveal about God’s character?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

When He wasn’t extending compassion; He was talking about showing compassion to others. Never turning a blind eye to anyones physical or especially spiritual needs.  Remember the woman by the well?! No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. We need to be resolved to do the same. We are His church, and His people are starving, sick, devastated and lost. If when we leave a woman’s event, we just read some encouraging books, sang some beautiful songs, but did not break our hearts for His people; we are living a watered down self absorbed walk. Although we benefit greatly from these things and they are important, we also need to seek for more. An outward focus.  His compassion manifested toward them through you.

That feeling we have after a woman’s even when we are all on fire for God and wanting to focus on His will; why do you think we let that fade instead of acting like Jesus?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Jesus did not just preach a gospel; He lived one. And now you are His hands and feet – hands that are for more than just writing checks, and feet for more than just walking to church. These things are needed, but need to dig deeper. When Jesus felt empathy towards others, it wasn’t a cliched emotion, it was a deep, gut-wrenching reaction that, according to many commentators would affect Him physically. He went. He served. He listened. He healed.

What tugs at your heart? What causes your stomach to feel uneasy?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Opportunities to server others come in all shapes and sizes, in all locations – none more valuable than another. When you see one that was meant for you, He will stir your heart, and draw you in all we need to do is obey with compassion.  When we do these things we are being changed into His image,  breaking your heart, and being broken.

We can all have that godly sympathy that leads to action. We MUST have it. The world around you in waiting to experience Christ through you. You are the solution the problem is waiting for. This is why your heart is hurting. This is why its so hard for you to look.  This is compassion.

So ask the Lord to break your heart to reveal a need in all its horrible actuality until He gives you the courage to respond

Page 5: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

A Resolution to care.

Day 3

My Heart

You may be a person who’s not normally moved or emotionally stirred, who just doesn't usually respond that way. And yet you can have the same thing Jesus had - a divine compassion for that which breaks the heart of God and tunes you into His purposes for you.

Do you tend to be easily stirred or do you have to really dig deep for these emotions?______________________________________________________________________________________________________


When your heart melt to the touch of searing realities that others are facing, you’re experiencing something your sanctification is design to achieve. You are being changed into Christ’s image. Breaking your heart and in being broken, being called to respond.

Have you experienced a time where your heart was just breaking for someone and you responded? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mercy Me

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10 NIV

Are you still waiting for God to clue you in on God’s plan for you? Or has God spoken clearly to you on your purpose?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 6: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

Maybe you feel like me in one area or another, you feel like you’re just meandering, weaving aimlessly through your life with a question mark on your head. You want to be in His will, but you aren't clear what that is. And so you wait.

What if the disclosure of His continued purpose for your life is at least partly dependent on your obedience to what He’s already set before you?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What could be something in your life you need to take care of first?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbling with your God.

Micah 6L8 NIV

Doesn’t get any clearer than that. He has showed you. Never again can you say that you don’t know what He “requires” of you, what His current will is for your life. Sure, there is much more to unfold, an array of details left to discover. But this much you do know.

1. Do Justice2. Love Mercy3. Walk Humbly with your God.

Are you making the deliberate and conscious resolution to respond to what you absolutely know God has asked you to commit to?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 7: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

A Resolution to care. Day 4

Justice is an action.

How terrible it will be for those    who plan to harm others!

How terrible for those who make evil plans    before they even get out of bed!

As soon as daylight comes,    they carry them out.

    That’s because they have the power to do it.

If they want fields or houses,    they take them.

They cheat men out of    their homes and property.

(Micah 2:1-2 NirV)

What do you learn from this scripture?


A woman resolved to justice doesn't take advantage of people, even if she has the means and opportunity to do so. She determines instead to act rightly - to pursue a just solution - to deliberately consider the best way people or circumstances could be served in a particular situation even if at her own expense. Not a pushover or easily fooled, but not always trying to get the upper hand on someone.

Do you fight for justice or just for yourself?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Your primary interest should be seeing justice done, seeking solutions that are fair, reasonable, objective, and - most importantly - expressive of the love of Jesus.

Define Mercy in your own words?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The original word Mercy used in Micah can easily be translated “kindness” to “love mercy” means to have a hearty interest in doing things that bless and impact others lives. It means considering their needs above your own, not because they necessarily deserve it but simple because you love doing it for them.

Page 8: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

God has chosen not to give us what we deserve. He has withheld rightful judgement and punishment,, choosing instead graciously to shower us with affection, tenderness, and forgiveness.

Do you do gracious things for others even when their actions and past choices don't necessarily warrant it ?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Can you name a person you could have given grace, but because of their past you choose to treat them differently?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nowhere is mercy more clearly seen in your life than in the out of the way places where life doesn't take you unless you’re deliberately going there, places you have to be looking to find. This was a descriptive of a well known Proverb 31 woman. “Her hands reach out to the poor, and she extends her hands to the needy (v 20) Jesus later said it was indicative of any person whose relationship with Him is pure and genuine. The way we relate to the helpless bears a direct correlation to our commitment towards Christ Himself.

Are you always keeping records to determine what people deserve from you?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are you willing to give to those who do not ask? Who aren't even noticeable, or who could never pay you back?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

This is what a woman who extends mercy looks like. Its what you can look like too!

Page 9: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

A Resolution to care.Day 5

Justice and Mercy = Humility

What is your definition of Humility?





Put justice and mercy together and you get humility. A woman walking humbly with her God. Putting the needs of others first. Correctly assessing her own value. Not seeing herself too highly, of course, but not too lowly either. Just pursuing the will of God by daily, faithfully trusting what He’s said and commanded of her is worth her doing her very best.

Do you do your very best in everything to do for God? Or do you just do it to obey but wonder why you are waisting your time on this?___________________________________________




So with this much strength of character and fullness of life to experience, why have we so often chosen to discount or ignore these written instructions from God while still searching frantically for “His will for my life.” Could it be that it messes with our sheltered, self-absorbed, “American-dream” lifestyles?

Is it that we are concerned that taking this resolution to heart might lead to an uncomfortable change we aren't willing to make?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you obeyed God’s will that caused discomfort in your life even if just for a short time? Be specific


Page 10: A Resolution to care - Extraordinary Jeni · PDF fileA Resolution to care. ... No one would talk to..but Jesus has compassion for all. ... created in Christ Jesus to do good works,

This is at the heart of the gospel we claim to believe. IT is what “the Lord requires” of us. How, then, can we say that we want to be in God’s will if we conveniently ignore this very clear part of it.

If we really believe the gospel that Christ came to preach, then we will live like it - even if it means dealing with the discomforts His commands may cause.

Have you disobeyed a command because it was uncomfortable or your felt unworthy?


After reading this resolution is there something in your life that God has been pressing you to do that you now may be willing to do?


Is there someone who is waiting for you? He is asking you to show kindness towards people and seek justice. It could be anyone. Sure it might require a significant investment of time, energy, and resources to do it - gifts and extras you don't feel like you can give. But if God births the compassion to help. He will also multiply in you the means to handle it.

Do you believe if God asked you to do it that he will equip you?


This is your opportunity to know His will.

That’s a woman walking justly, mercifully, humbly with her God.

My Heart

I will pursue justice, love mercy, and extend compassion towards others.

