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RENDlCONTI OELLA SOCIETA ITALlANA DI MINERALOGIA E PETROLOGIA, 1988, Vol. 43, pp. 40 A review of graphite-sulfide-oxide-silicate equilibria in metamorphic rocks B. RONALO FROST Mineralogisch Petrologisch Institut E.T.H. CH.80n, Ziirich, Switzerland* ABSTRACT. - Opaque phases are important monitors of fluid composition in metamorphic rocks. It has long recognized that graphitic rocks will be reduced during metamorphism due to graphite-fluid equilibria. in other rock types the T·/ o , path followed during metamorphism will be governed. by oxide-silicate equiHbria. In iron.formation, where magnetite is a product phase of the buffering reactions, prograde metamorphism will lead to relative reduction while in metaperidotites, where magnetite is a reactant, progressive metamorphism will lead to oxidation. In most other rock types the equilibria controlling oxigen fugacity is not known. It is distinctive that many amphiboJite. grade non.graphitic rock types, including metabasite, metapelite, and metabauxite, equilibrated. at oxygen fugacities of the ilmenite-hematite solvus, about three to four log units of /0, above that of the FMQ buffer. Many of these rocks contained Ti·free hematite at lowest metamorphic grades and, therefore, seem to have been reduced during metamorphism. Basalt that has not been subjected to surface oxidation, however, seems to undergo relative oxidation during low-grade metamorphism from oxygen fugacities near FMQ to those of the solvus. Because H 2 S is the dominant suJfur species in most metamorphic rocks the T·/ 0 path followed by a rocks during metamorphism the sulfur fugacity of the rock and, hence the stable sufide assemblage. Relatively reducing rocks, such as graphitic scrnsts and scrpentinites have low·sulfur assemblage dominated by pelites and amphibolites. * Permanent address: Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071 U.S.A. Introduction Although veolumetrically mmor in most rocks, opaque phases, most importantly, Fe· Ti oxides, and Fe sulfides, are petrologically significant because diey can be used to monitor the oxygen and sulfur fugacities of the attendant fluid phase. In addition some opaque assemblages may also used as a geothermometer or geobarometer (BUDDlNGTON and LINDSLEY, 1964; HUTCHEON, 1978, 1980). Although opaque minerals provide important information independent of the associated silicate assemblage, they are even more powerful when they are studied in conjunction with the coexisting silicates and carbonates. For example, in graphite.bearing rocks, the silicate and carbonate assemblages may be used along with the graphite-fluid equilibria to constain the composition of the c.O·H fluid that may have been present (OHMOTO and KERRICK, 1977; FROST, 1979a). In addition, the Fej(Fe + Mg) ratio of silicates from low- variance assemblages containing Fe·Ti oxides or Fe sulfides can be used as sensitive monitors of changes in oxygen or sulfur fugacity (FRoEsE, 1971, 1977; THOMPSON, 1972; FROST! 1982; NESBITT, 1986a, b). Depsite the usefulness of opaque phases in
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A review of graphite-sulfide-oxide-silicate equilibriain metamorphic rocks

B. RONALO FROSTMineralogisch Petrologisch Institut E.T.H. CH.80n, Ziirich, Switzerland*

ABSTRACT. - Opaque phases are important monitorsof fluid composition in metamorphic rocks. It has longrecognized that graphitic rocks will be reduced duringmetamorphism due to graphite-fluid equilibria. in otherrock types the T·/o, path followed duringmetamorphism will be governed. by oxide-silicateequiHbria. In iron.formation, where magnetite is aproduct phase of the buffering reactions, progrademetamorphism will lead to relative reduction while inmetaperidotites, where magnetite is a reactant,progressive metamorphism will lead to oxidation. In mostother rock types the equilibria controlling oxigen fugacityis not known. It is distinctive that many amphiboJite.grade non.graphitic rock types, including metabasite,metapelite, and metabauxite, equilibrated. at oxygenfugacities of the ilmenite-hematite solvus, about threeto four log units of /0, above that of the FMQ buffer.Many of these rocks contained Ti·free hematite at lowestmetamorphic grades and, therefore, seem to have beenreduced during metamorphism. Basalt that has not beensubjected to surface oxidation, however, seems toundergo relative oxidation during low-grademetamorphism from oxygen fugacities near FMQ tothose of the ~menite·hematite solvus. Because H2Sis the dominant suJfur species in most metamorphicrocks the T·/0 path followed by a rocks duringmetamorphism g~verns the sulfur fugacity of the rockand, hence the stable sufide assemblage. Relativelyreducing rocks, such as graphitic scrnsts and scrpentiniteshave low·sulfur assemblage dominated by graphi~-free

pelites and amphibolites.

* Permanent address: Department of Geology andGeophysics, University of Wyoming, Laramie,Wyoming 82071 U.S.A.


Although veolumetrically mmor in mostrocks, opaque phases, most importantly, Fe·Ti oxides, and Fe sulfides, are petrologicallysignificant because diey can be used tomonitor the oxygen and sulfur fugacitiesof the attendant fluid phase. In additionsome opaque assemblages may also usedas a geothermometer or geobarometer(BUDDlNGTON and LINDSLEY, 1964;HUTCHEON, 1978, 1980). Although opaqueminerals provide important informationindependent of the associated silicateassemblage, they are even more powerfulwhen they are studied in conjunction with thecoexisting silicates and carbonates. Forexample, in graphite.bearing rocks, the silicateand carbonate assemblages may be used alongwith the graphite-fluid equilibria to constainthe composition of the c.O·H fluid that mayhave been present (OHMOTO and KERRICK,1977; FROST, 1979a). In addition, theFej(Fe + Mg) ratio of silicates from low­variance assemblages containing Fe·Ti oxidesor Fe sulfides can be used as sensitivemonitors of changes in oxygen or sulfurfugacity (FRoEsE, 1971, 1977; THOMPSON,1972; FROST! 1982; NESBITT, 1986a, b).

Depsite the usefulness of opaque phases in

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understanding the pettologic evolution ofmetamorphic rocks, our knowledge of thebehavior of oxides and sulfides duringmetamorphism is meager at best. Amost dlirlyyears ago EUGSTER (1959) introduced theconcept of oxygen buffers to metamorphicpetrology and established that oxygen fugacityin metamorphic rocks is internally controlled.Since then, however,liule progress has beenmade in understanding the factors that controlthe composition and occurrence of opaquephases in metamorphic rocks. Only in rocksthat are chemically simple do we haveadequate knowledge of the factors that controlthe composition and occu~nceof the opaquephases. This paper will review the studies thathave bet:n made to date and will attempt topresent a coherent model for the oxygen andsulfur fugacity trajectories followed duringmetamorphism of some common proroliths.In the process it is hoped that it will identifynumerous problems which should beaddressed in future studies.

Phase equilibria

The way that the compositions of oxides,silicates, and suICides in a given assemblageare inter-related can be understood byconsidering the phase equiJibria as consistingof four separate processes: oxide-oxideequilibria, oxide-sili,cate or oxide-carbonateequilibria, graphite·£Juid equilibria, andsilicate·oxide-sulfide equiHbria.

Oxide-Oxide Equilibria

The factors that control the compositionof magnetite relative to other oxjdes can beunderstood by considering the systems Fe·A1­Cr-O and Fe-Ti-O. In u1tramafic rocks themajor diluting components in magnetite areAI ° and Cr20 y In general, spind is closest

2 ) • • cl bto Fe 0 in serpenunltes an ecomesprogre~si~ely diluted, first with Cr20) thenwith A40 as metamorphic grande increases(EVANS an~ FROST, 1975). This variation inspine! composition is well reflected in studiesof magnetic susceptibility. Serpentinites tendto be strongly magnetic (CARMICHAEL, 198~)

while mantle ~riodotites are paramagneuc(WASlLEWKI et al., 1979).

The oxide relations in most other crusta!rocks can be described in the system Fe-Ti­O. Under metamorphic conditions, the phasetie-lines for this system have two distinctconfigurations (RUMBLE, 1976). At lowtemperatures magnetite and rutile maycoexist, while at higher temperatures ilmeniteand hematite soHd solutions occur instead(Fig. O. The exact temperature at which thereaction that separates these assemblages:

Fe,O. + li02 .. feTiD, + Fe20) (1)magnetite rutile ilmenite hematiteoccurs is not well constrained. LINDSLEY andLrnOH (1974) maintain that at 1 kilobar it liesbelow 550°C. This is consistent with fieldevidence indicating that it occurs in uppergreenschist fades (BRAUN & RAITH, 1985;FEENSTRA, 1985).

FeO magnetite FeO1.5



magnetite Fe0l,S

Fig. 1. _ Chanognphic diagrams showing phase relations among the Fe-Ti oxides in me!a~rphic. rocks aherRUMBLE (I976). A. greenschisr and lower amphibol.ile facies. B. middle and upper amphibol.te facles.

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It is important to note that while lowestoxygen fugacity at which hematite may occurin Ti-poor rocks, such as iron-formations andmetaperidotites, is the hematite-magnetitebuffer (see EUGSTER, 1959), this is not so inTi-bearing systems. The solution of Ti intohematite expands its stability field down tooxygen fugacities of the hematite·i1menitesolvus. Although the assemblage ilmenite­he:matite without rutile or magnetite is notan oxygen buffer, at fixed temprature andpressure it is restricted to occur at a fixedoxygen fugacity. Unfortunately the locationof the solvus in T-fO2 space is not wellknow; SPENCER and LINDSLEY (l981) place it3 to 4 log units of f02 above FMQ (see Fig.2), but this estimate is not exact.

At temperatures above reaction (1) theoxide assemblage in most rocks is ilmenite andmagnetite (with or without hematite). Thisis, of course the two-oxide geothermometer(BUODINGTON and UND$LEY, 1964) but severalfactors make it of limited use in most

metamorphic rocks. First, in rockmetamorphosed at temperatures below500-600°C, the Ti-content ·of magnetite is solow that analytical error makes thegeothermometer impractical (cf. Fig. 2).Second, many mafic rocks equilibrated alongthe ilmenite-hematite solvus, outside the rangeof calibration of the geothermometer. Becausethe ilmenite isopleths might have strongcurvature near the solvus, application of thegeothermometer to hematite-bearingassemblages is subject to errors of largemagnitude (SPENCER & UNDSLEY, 1981).

Despite the problems, composition of thephases in the assemblage ilmenite-hematite+1- magnetite are temperature-dependentand can be used to indicate relative differencesin temperature between assemblages (cf,BRAUN & RAITH, 1985; FEENSTRA, 1985).Indeed, if the solvus can be determinedexperimentally, this assemblage will becomea valuable geothermometer.





400 600 600TOe

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Fig. 2. - Diagram showing the composition of coexisting iron·titanium oxides as a function of delta log /0 andT. Delta [og/o, is the deviation of the oxygen fugacity ftom that of the FMQ buffer at a standard Slate'of Ibar and the temperature of interest. lsapleths show the ulv&pinel content of the spine! (U) and the i1menite contentof the rhombic oxide (I). Stippded area is the approximate location of the ilmenite·hematite salvus. Dashed curvesare extensions of isapleths outside the range of experimental calibration. Isopleths are calculated from the solutionmodel of ANOE\l.SON and LrnosLEY (1985) using the formulation of SPENCER and UNDSLEY (981).

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Equi/ibria in the System Fe-5i-C-O-H


Fayalile (F): Fe1SiO. Iron m: FeGreenalite (Gce): FejSip,(OH). Minnesotaite (Mi): Fe6i.O\o(OH)zGrunerite (Gru): Fe1Sia°2Z(OH)z Quartz (Q): Si (jHematite (H): FeZO} Vapour (V): H,


2.2 M+3 0=3 F-+-0z 15. 6 Mi+ 10 M=24 F+6 H 20-+-5 023.2 Gru=7 F+9 Q+2 H2O 16. 2 Mi -+ 10 1-+5 02 = 8 F -+ 2 H2O4. 3 Geu -+ 3 ;} = 7 M -+ 24 Q -+ 3 H2O 17. 3 GrezMi+6 F+9 H2O5. 2 Geu -+ 6 = 16 F -+ 3 02 -+ 2 H2O lB. 4 Gre+O .. 2 Mi+2 M+6 H2O6. F=2 1+0+02 19. 6 Gce + 211 = 12 F + 12 H!'J0 + 0,7.2Gru:14I+16Q+2r:rO + 7Oz 20. 2 Gce -+ 2 1-+ °2 " 4 F -+ 4 20

8. 2 Geu -+ 18 I-+-9 °2 ", 16 -+ H2O 21. 4 Gre=2 Mi+6 1+6 H20+3 02

9.7 Mi=3 Gru+4 Q+4 H2O 22. M.) 1+2 °

10. 2 Mi -+- 02 = 2 M -+ 8 Q -+ 2 H2O 23. Gce -+ 2 Q .. Min -+ 1-12°11. 12 Mi+2 M=6 Gru+Oz+6 1-1

6° 24. 2 Gre+~ .. 2 M.4 0+4 H 2O

12. 2 Min .. 6 I-+-8 Q -+ 3 02 -+ 2 H 25. 6 H = 4 -+- 0213.4 Mi+2 1+02=2 Gru+2 Hi> 26.4 Gre+3 °2 -6 H+8 Q+8 raO14.9 Mi+4 F:5 Gru+4 H

2O 27.2 Gre-6 1+4 Q+4 H20+3 2







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"'+Ore a


Huu'---''E:::--------------:.:..-------------" "

(A)~>oIU) ~"

"'1 " ""

"1101.... M+a +v~-(i~------~~~-------(.)

(11) (8) ~..!.}!!.':!.__.(el---:--i

o (8)f--- F + V 13)

( ) ",\'" ..... GruB ......~~ (HI +~ ff MI Q

~/ +4ioX/;~ F Gru V

0\~X (17) + +

~"~t--'~·~·~:~~;I:::;;-;;:":'tV::+:..:=:-UI) UO) (~.~'==~t==::'~":;;;::====--I-~~-'[211 (13) HI

_J,...::::...---tl u-'271

Fig. 3. - Isobaric; delta log fo, . T diagram showing phas.e rda[ions in the sySlcm Fe·Si·O·H. EquilibriumsurfKC marked j:7y A is an uamplc of I reKtion where magnctilc is I product and whic;h, therefore prodocesrelllift reduction durinll: metamorphism. Equilibrium SurfllCC marked by B is In example of I rcanion whercmagnetitc is a rcac;1ant and whkh produces reiativc oxidation during rnctamorphism. Modified £ram FROST (198')and ENGI (1986).

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Si/ica/~-Oxitk andSi/ical~·Oxitk-Carbonale Equi/ibria

There are two general types of equilibriabetween Fe oxides and Fe-Mg silicates or Fe­Mg carbonates: (l) oxidation-reductIonequilibtia, in which Fe'- in the oxides isreduced to Fe]' in the silicates orcarbonates and (2) equilibria in which Fe}­in the oxides reacts to from Tschermak'smolecule in the silicates.

Oxiddtion·reduction equi/ibria

Oxidation-reduction equilibria areessentially variants of the FMQ buffer:,2 F,,o, +J SiO, = 3 F',SiO, + 0, (2)m spmet quartz m ohvme

A series of equilibria involving magnetite,native iron, and Fe-silicates have beengenerated for the system Fe-Si-O-H (FROST,1979b, 1985; ENGI, 1986) (see Table 1 andFigure 3). Important features of this diagramcan be sees by comparing reaction surfaces (A)and (B). Magnetite is a product of thereactions on surface (A), while it is a reactanton surface (B). As a result, during progrademetamorphism a rock with a bufferingassemblage on equilibrium surface (A) willundergo rdative reduction while one with anassemblage on equilibrium surface (B) will berdativdy oxidized. As will be discussed below,


it is probably equilibrium relations such asshown in Figure 3 that account for changesin relative oxygen fugacity duringmetamorphism. It should be noted, however,that, due to the fact that°1 is only a minuteproportion of the fluid phase, onlypetrographically insignificant amounts ofmagnetite can be prodUlX'd by these bufferingreactions (see FROST, 1982). In magnesium­bearing systems the isobarically univariantcurves in Figures .3 will become divariantsurfaces that slope to higher oxygen fugacityas the silicates become enriched in Mg. Apartfrom the stabilization of orthopyroxene at theexpense of oIivine + quartz, however, thetopology of isopotential MgFe_ -T-log fOlsections in the system Fe-Mg-Si-O-H does notdiffer greatly from rdations shown in Figure3 (see FROST, 1985). It is possibile to derivediagrams that show how the oxygen fugacityof buffering assemblage varies as a functionof the Fe/Mg ratio of the silicates (FRoESE,1977; NESBITT, 1986b). Unfortunately, ourknowledge of the thermodynamic propertiesof most phases, particularly the energetics ofthe Fe·Mg exchange, is still poor. As a result,such diagrams are subject to considerableerror.

Even if one cannot calculate the oxygenfugacity directly for a given bufferingassemblage, one can still monitor changes isoxygen fugacity by comparing the


chlorltegarnet r _"

}==~'=4===~~blotite blotite1-----..:l\,...l.lJ+magl+hem +magl+hem

to Ksper

F.,. 4. -~ JlfOtcctions £ran mlUC:O'lite,~, and an Fe-oxide. A. Pro;tttion from mllSOOVite, quartz.,nugnctite, and vapal" in me S)"tml KP-FeO-MgO-Alp,-SiOl-HP (modified afltt TIIOMPSON, 1972). B. phaserelations in amplUboIite-grsde pdiles. Fernleigh, Onlmo. DaIS show assemblage ecoumered by HOUSLOW andMOOIIE (1976).

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Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratio of the silicates. One wayto do trus chemognprncalJy is by projectingfrom Fe-oxide. This technique was used byFROST (1982) to compare the oxygen fugacityat which iron-formations have crystallized. Asimilar diagnm is shown schemaricalJy inFigure 4 for peliric schists in upperamphibolite facies (THOMPSON, 1972).ln sucha diagram the two-phase tie-lines are isobarsof oxygen fugacity. Thus a decrease inFe/(Fe + Mg) !'aria of silicates from a bufferingassemblage will reflect an increase in oxygenfugacity. At some value of Fe/(Fe + Mg)hematite will become the stable oxide in placeof magnetite. This is shown in Figures 4 Aand B the heavy line. The way diagram canbe used to compare the oxygen fugacity ofcrystallization in the amphibolite-grademetapelites is shown in Figure 4 B (see alsoHUTCHEON, 1979).

Enlarging the system to include caroon addstwo more phases: siderite-magnesite solidsolution and graphite. In addition, one mustalso consider the presence of reduced caroonspecies, mainly methane in the fluid phase.Although experimental results are conflkting(cf. FRENCH, 1971; WEJDNER, 1972), theoccurrence of fayalite + siderite in nature(FLoRAN and PAPIKE, 1978) leads FROST(l979b) to argue that graphite is incompatiblewith the assemblage magnetite + quartz. Thisbeing so, then silicate-carbonate-magnetiteequilibria for quartz-saturated rocks can beconsidered to have formed in the presence ofa COl-HlO binary fluid (FROST, 1979b).Such simplification cannot be made forquartz·free assemblages containing magnetiteand a Fe-bearing carbonate, indeed somecarbonate-bearing assemblage in serpentinitesmay have considerable amounts of methane(see FROST, 1985). One importantgeneralization that can be made for allassemblages with magnetite and a Fe-bearingcarbonate, is that those assemblages whichcrystallized at higher Xeo. will also be moreoxidized (FROST, 1985).

Equilibria involving Tschermak'r substitution

Equilibria between Fe oxides and Fe" inthe silicates may be important in reactions

involving Fe-oxides and silicates containingsignificant Tschermak's component. Becausesuch equilibria can operate without anychange in the oxidation state of iron, they mayhave a mapr control on the abundance of Fe­oxides in metamorphic rocks. For example itis observed that hematite in contactmetamorphosed slates and red sandstonesdecreases markedly in abundance when biotiteappears (BFST and WElSS, 1964; RIKUN,1983). Detailed studies by RIKUN (1983)shows that this decrease is not due to a changein the oxidation state of iron but rather isrelated to incorporation of Fe" into biotite.Similar equilibria are probably important inmafic rocks as well. ]Oll.V (1980) documentsthat hematite disappears from metabasaltsduring the transition from greenschist toamphibolite facies. This is probably due toFe" substitution into hornblende, for it iswell known that amphiboles in mafic rocksbecome more tschermakitic with increasingmetamorphic grande (LAIRD, 1981).

Graphite-Fluid Equi/ibria

The equilibria between graphite and a C­O-H fluid phase is imp:mant because it is oneof the major processes of reduction inpetrology (FRENCH, 1966; 0H1\10T0 andKERRICK, 1977; FROST, 1979a; HOLLOWAY,1984). This is a manifestation of the fact thatthe graphite-saturation surface in the systemC-O has relatively more reducing slope withincreasing temperature than do the oxide­silicate or oxide-oxide buffers. The saturationsurface in the CoO system gives the maximumoxygen fugacity at which graphite may occur.The presence of diluting species in the fluid,such as H,p and CHI' will cause the surfaceto fall to lower fa. n pelitic rocks, wherethe silicate relat~ons are governed bydehydration equilibria, the fluid compositionis likely to follow a path on the graphite­saturation surface that is marked by the locusof points where XIIp' is at a maximum, i.e.XlIp- (OHMOTO and I<F.RRtCK, 1977). Thisforms a curve that lies one half to one log unitbelow the graphite-saturation curve in thepure C-O system. Any graphite-bearing rockundergoing metamorphism with concurrent

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dehydration will follow a buffering pathmarked by xHfJm.. rather by the graphite·saturation surface in the pure CoO system.This will lead to a marked reduction of oxygenfugacity. With inc~asing temperature sucha process will also cause the fluid phase (whichinitially is very rich in H

20) to become

progressivdy enriched in CO2

and CH~

(OHMOTO and Kerrick, 1977; FROST, 1979a).

T'eFig. S. - The posilion of lhc sulfidc·sulfate fence (i.e.lhc locus of poinu where lhc fugacities of H~ and SOarc equal) u a funclion of T, delta log 1o. andpressure.

Si/iCtlte·Oxitk-Sulfitk Equi/ibria

Phase rdations involving sulfides, silicatesand oxides are complicated by the fact thatthe fugacity of sulfur is a function of oxygenfugacity. In metamorphic environments 52 isonly a minor sulfur species. 1be dominantspecies are H25 and 502, which are relatedby the following equilibrium:

3 H25+3 °2",,2 H20+2 502 (28)We can define the locus of points at which

the fugacities of H25 and 502 are equal asthe sulfate-sulfide fence. At oxygen fugacitiesabove this fence 502 will be the dominantspecies, while at lower oxygen fugacities,HIS will dominate. The sulfate-suHidefence, like the graphite·saturation surface hasa more reducing slope with increasing

-6o -2 -4log f


Rg. 6. ~ Diagram showing lhc effect of changes inXHp on the fugacity of the sulfur species. Solid line:XHp - 1.0; dol:tcd line: XHp '"' 0.2.


temperature than do the oxide-oxicle or oxide·silicate buffers (Fig. 5), From thestoichiometry of equilibrium (28) it is evidentthat the location of the sulfate·sulfide fenceis dependent on the composition of theattendant £Iuid. This effect, however is notlarge, for example, at 500°C andXJ-lP:O 0.8, the sulfate-sulfide will lie 0.4 logunits lower in 10 than it would if the fluidwere pure H20 (Fig. 6). From Figures 5 and6 it is evident that HIS will be the dominantsulfur species in all metamorphic rocks, apartfrom those metamorphosed at hightempertures and under relatively oxidizingconditions or in the presence of a carbonicfluids phase. Thus, although, it is entirelyvalid co write reactions in terms of 52 whenbalancing equilibria, when one is consideringa process, the reactions must be written withH 5 as the sulfur species.

Within the sulfide or sulfate field the sulfurfugacity of the fluid is controlled by thefollowing equilibria:

1/2 S, + 0, • SO, (29)2 H~O ... 52= H25 ... 02 (30)

The way In which the fugacity of the suIfurspecies is related to 10

1and the mole

fraction of H20 is shown In Figure 6. ThisFigure shows dearly that IS

Iis strongly

dependent on oxygen fugacily and that it









<5g 4<i

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" B.R. fROST

reaches a maximum on the sulCate-sulfidefence. Furtermore. sulIur fugacity is alsodependent on XIII'_ All other factors beingequal, sulfur fugacity will be higher in a rockthat has equilibrated with a COfrich fluidthan in one with a H20-rich fluid.

In rocks containing pyrite or pyrrhotite anda source or sink for oxygen, generallymagnetite or graphite, a ~ries of equilibiracan be written relating the composition of theFe-Mg silicates to sulfur fugacity (sec: NESBrIT,1986a). By projecting from Fe-sulfide, oneobtains a chemography that is similar inappearance to the Fe-oxide projection (Figure4) except in this projection tie-lines are isobarsof sulfur fugacity rather than oxygen fugacity.At sufficiently high sulfur fugacities (asmonitored by XFe of the silicates) one islikely to encouter pyrite rather than pyrrhotite(s~ Figure 7). In addition, in highly reducedrocks containing graphite, the followingreaction can also be shown on thechemography:2FeTiO)+ S2""2FeS +2Ti02 +02 (3I)ilmenite in pyrrhotite rutiJe

Such diagrams are useful in pdites wherethe fluid is either buffered to compositionsnear XH10--' or can be assumed to benearly pure H 20 (Fig. 7). However, ifsamples with variable X HzO are plotted onsuch a diagram the results may be confusing.For example BUTU:R (1969) found that inhigh-grande iron-formations containing theoxygen-dependent assemblage quartz­orthopyroxene-magnetite, the pyrite­pyrrhotite transition was not restricted to lieat a fixed X

FOp.. Rather pyrite or pyrrhotite

occurred with orthopyroxene that had XFvalues that overlapped over a wide range. Aclose look at the assemblage involved indicatesthat the pyrite-bearing assemblages that occurwith orthopyroxene that is apparently tooiron-rich problably came from rocks thatequilibrated at a higher XC01 thanpyrrhotite-bearing rocks with equivalentX 0,.,. .

Effect of prograde metamorphismon various protoliths

During prograde metamorphism of mostrocks, the path followed by the fluid

):::=~2:!:=i====~~biotit erut lilm I

+ po +pyto Kspar

Fig. 7. - Chcmographic proje<:tion from mU5covitc,quartz, graphitc and Fe-sulfidc showing how Fe/Mg ratioof the silicates reflcct 5ulfur fugacity.

composition is essentially determined by thebulk composition of the protolith. The bulkcomposition will determine the mineralassemblages present at any given JXlint on thepoT path of a rock, and these assemblages willdictate the path followed by the fluids.Although the behavior of the fluids duringprograde metamorphism has not beendetermined for all rock types, a roughsummary of some protoliths is given below.

MeliJperidoti~ and lronjonnation

These protoliths can be discussed togetherbecause the behavior of both can be closelyapproximated by the Fe-Mg-Si-C-O-H system(see Fig. }). Because most iron-formations aresaturated with respect to magnetite andquartz, they will lie on surfaces (appropriatelydisplaced because of magnesium substitution)that are equivalent to curve (A) in Figure .3.

Progressive metamorphism of these rockswill lead to relative reduction (see FROST,1979b). These is strong evidence (see HA-N,1978) that the lowest grade iron-formationscontain the assemblage greenalite-hematite·quartz (with or without siderite). Bufferingby oxide-silicate.quanz equilibria will driveoxygen fugacity to the hematite-magnetitebuffer (Fig. 3, 8). At this JXlint hematite canbe converted to magnetite by the oxygen­conserving reaction:

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400 600roc

/.pp,p.I",.'. If.l.c,oty

01 ...........,pt>o••" Iron-lot....non




Fig. 8. - Approximacl: T-/o Iraj«cory followroduring nlClalTKltpbism of iron.rormation. De:nsity ofstippling refkcts f~ucncy cl occurrence.


log units higher than that in native-metalserpentinites (see ECKSTRAND, 1975). Becausecarbonate tends to be eliminated from theseprotoliths during prograde metamorphism, theT-fo

ltrends for carbonate-bearing iron­

formations and metaperidoties will approachthe trends for the carbonate-free assemblages(see Figure 9).

The changes in sulfur fugacity duringprogtade metamorphism of iron-formationsand metaperidotites are not wellcharacterized. Because the T-/o1., pathfollowed by iron-formations duringmetamorphism is roughly parallel to the trendof the sulfide-suHate fence, one would assumethaJ they would undergo only minor changesin relative sulfur fugacity. As a result, onewould expect that the stability of pyrite asop~ to pyrrhotite in metamorphosed iron­formation will be more a function of the bulkcomposition of the rock than metamorphicgrande. These infererx:es are substantiated bythe fact that pyrite, which is the major sulfidein low-grade iron-formation (K1£iN and FINK,

1976) survives to upper amphibolite facies inNorthern Michigan GAMES, 1955). and intogranulite faries in the Grenville Province(BUTLER, 1969). As noted. abOve, there d~sseem to be a relation between sulfide

0>.Q 0..

3 Fep.magnetite


+ Fe,Si20,(OH). =0­

greenalite+ H20

3 Fe20 Jhematite+ 2 Si02quartzAt temperature above this intersection the

fluid in a hypothetical Mg-free rock will bebuffered by the solid curve in Figure 8 until,in the highest grade rocks, the FMQ buffersurface is reached. The presence of Mg innatural system will cause the buffering surfaceto the displaced to higher 10. In addition,sufficient Mg will stabilize orthopyroxene atthe expense of favalite + quartz. Most iron­formations contain silicates that are onlymoderately magnesian and, therefore, lie atoxygen fugacities that deviate only slightlyfrom the solid line in Figure 8. Some iron­formations, however, contain silicates that arerelatively strongly magnesian, for example theorthopyroxene with Xw, '"' 0.23 reIXlrted byBUTLER (1969). To account for thiscompositional variation the 10

1trajectory on

Fig. 8 is shown in a stippled pattern with thedensity of the pattern representing theapproximate frequency of occurrence.

In metaperidotites the lowest oxygenfugacity will occur with the assemblageantigorite-olivine-brucite-magnetite (FROST,1985). This assemblage lies four to five logunits of oxygen fugacity below FMQ andcommonly occurs with highly-reduced iron­nickel alloys. At temperatures above thestability of this assemblage, metaperidotiteswill be olivine-satUI'ated and will lie ondisplaced equivalents of curve (B) in Fig. 3.Prograde metamorphism will lead to relativeoxidation along this curve. Because the spinelphase in the higest grande rocks is dominatedby Cr and AI rather than Fe", oxygenfugacities in these rocks will be one to fourlog units above FMQ (see FROST, 1985)(Fig. 9).

In both iron formations andmetaperidotites, carbonate-bearingassemblages will be more oxidized thancarbonate-free rocks. This difference will bemost pronounced in metaperidotites becauseof the extremaly low oxygen fugaciry of thecarbonate-free assemblage (Fig. 8, 9). Thus,talc-magnesite rocks may have hematite,indicating an oxygen fugacity more than ten

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Fig. 9. - Approximate T-/o path followed duringmetamorphic of serpeminite. 'A~a in light stipplinl:indicates carbonate.bearing rocks, dark Slipplin~

indical« ClIrbonate·frtt assemblage. Modified a(\l-rFIIOST (985).

mineralogy and silicate composition, butwhereas the stability of the sulfides is afunction of XC02 as well as 10


controls are as yet DOt weD delineated.Unlike iron-formations, metaperidotites,

which strong oxidation during metamorphism,are likely to show major changes in sul£urfugacity. Although a detailed study of thisproblem is yet to be conducted, data from theMalenco serpentinite (TROMMSOORFF andEVANS, 1972; PERErrt, pers. comm.) indicatesthat the low-suIfur assemblages, indicated bythe occurrence of native metals, tend to berestricted to the lowest metamorphic grades(antigorite·olivine~brucite). Because of theextreme change in fo, between carbonate­bearing and carbonate-free metaperidotites,especially at relatively Iow metamorphicgrades, sulfide mineralogy in these rocks ismore sensitive to the oxygen fugacitymaintained by the silicate-oxide +1­carbonate ~mblagepresent that to changesin metamorphic grade. For example, low­sulfur assemblages are found in carbonate-freeserpentinites, while high-suIfur assemblagesare characteristic of carbonate-bearingmetaperidotites of equivalent metamorphicgrade (ECKSTRAND. 1975).

200 400Toe





Little work has been done on the oxygenor suIfur fugacities of metabasites. To a largeextent this is a consequence of the fact thatit is difficult ot characterize quanritativdy anyintensive parameter in these low-variancerocks. However, on t~ basic of petroIogicstudies and from studies of magneticsusceptibility a rough picture of the behaviorof oxides during metamorphism of mafic rockscan he constrllC"le-d I Fi~ 10l.

In weakly metamorphised basalts it iscommon to recognize both oxidized. red­weathering. and reduced, green-weathering,horizons (cf. SURDAM, 1968), however itimpossible to make such distinctions in rocksthat have been metamorphosed to gradesabove greenschist facies. Mafic rocks inamphibolite facies commoly have therelatively oxidized assemblage ilmenite­hematite (+1- magnetite) (BANNO andKANEIIIRA, 1961; KANEHlRA et al.. 1964;BRAUN and RAITII, 1985; PERETIl andKOPPEL, 1986; LAIRD, pers. communication).This leads to the conclusion that the rocks thatwere originally hematite-rich were reduced tothe hematite·ilmenite solvus during progrademetamorphism. Many metabasites, however,were not oxidized prior to metamorphism andbegan their metamorphic histories with iron­oxide assemblages indicative of oxygenfugacities near FMQ (see HAGGERTY, 1976).Many of these originally reduced rocks seemto end up with the hematite-ilmeniteassemblage (cf. PERETIt and KOPPLE, 1986).The exact process by which this oxidationtakes place is not known, but it is probablyrelated to reactions that consume magnetite.As noted above, if any of the ferric iron fromthe magnetite is reduced to Fe2' duringprograde metamorphism, the reactionsinvolved wiII have a tendency to increase theoxygen fugacity of the attendant fluid.

There is ample evidence indicating that theincorporation of ferric iron in amphiboIes andchlorite has important effects on the reactionsgoverning the prograde metamorphism ofmafic rocks. Hematite s~ms to disappear ordecrease in abundance with the appearanceof hornblende (cf. BANNO and KANEIIIRA,1961; KANEIIIRA et al., 1964; JOLLY, 1980).

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"........~.._ ~ ..M

Ma..........._._-- _ _--_..__._ .F




T·Fig. 10. - Approximate T.jo path followed duringprograde metamorphism of maric rocks.

Graphite-Free Rocks with Fe-Ti Oxides

Information to date indicates that in theabsence of graphite, the fluid composition ofmany rocks will be driven to oxygen fugacitiesof the hematite-ilmenite solvus. In additionto the metabasites noted above, thisassemblage has been found in quartzites(RUMBLE, 1976), metamorphised bauxites(FEENSTRA, 1985), metamorphosed sandstones(RIKLIN, 1983), and graphite-free peliticschists (CHIDESTER, et al., 1960; HOUNSLOW& MOORE, 1967). It is not known exactly whatequilibria control oxygen fugacity in mostprotoliths, but it is clear that at the lowestgrades many rocks contain hematite. Duringmetamorphism these must have been reducedto the ilmenite·hcmatite solvus as the hematite


l;Ireeuchlal I amphlballle ' l;Ir.nulile

that are considerably more magnesian thanthose equivalent rocks in greenschist fades.Along with silica and magnesium, reactionssuch (33) will enrich the silicates in all otherelements that are incompatible with sulfides.As a result, the high-grade described byBACHINSKI (1976) contain cordierite and lookmore closely realted to a pelitic protolith thana mafic one (see MACRAE, 1974; NESBITI1986b).




In addition many metabasites are distinctlypoor in magnetite, as indicated by thair lowmagnetic susceptibility (POWELL, 1970;WU.LlAMS et aL, 1986). This suggests thatreactions between Fe·oxides and Fe" in thesilicates, rather than oxidation-reductionequilibria, may be the most important oxide­silicate equilibria in mafic rocks. There areseveral indications that the FeJ • bound insilicates is released as magnetite during thetransition from amphibolite to granulite Cacies.For exaple POWELL (1970) found maficgranulites to be distinctly more magnetic thanamphibolite-grade equivalents. Furthermore,mass-balance calculations indicate thatmagnetite should be a product phase (Russ,1984) of hornblende-breakdown reactions. Ifmagnetite is a product of hornblendebreakdown, then buffering by the breakdownassemblage should lead to reduction (forexample, see curve A in Fig. 3). Indeed, suchreduction is indicated for mafic granulites.They generally contain oxide assemblages thatequilibrated at oxygen fugacities one to twounits above the FMQ buffer (cf. BOHLEN &ESSENE, 1977; etc.), well below those of thehematite-ilmenite solvus (Figure to).

Judging from the relatively high oxygenfugacity of basic schists, one would concludethat sulfur fugacity in these rocks would alsobe relatively high. This is consistent with thefindings of BANNO and KANEHIRA (1961) andKANEHIRA et aL, (1964) who record pyrite­chalcopyrite + f-bornite as a commonassemblage in blueschists and amphibolites ofthe Sanbagawa belt. This assemblage is alsocommon in ore deposits hosted in mafic rocks.Since metamorphism can be considered as adevolatilization process, one would expect oredeposits to become desulfurized duringmetamorphism, Although this seems tohappen, the sulfur produced seems to beconsumed locally. This can be modelled byequilibria such as:

FeS] + Fe]SiO~ '" FeS + SiO] (33)pyrite in silicates pyrrhotite quartz

In the relatively suI fur-rich rocks studiedby BACHINSKl (1976) this reactions such as thisseem to occur in lower amphibolite conditions.This is indicated by the fact that rocks inhornblende hornfels fades contain silicates

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was progressively enriched in titanium. Thisis particularlY well demostrated by themetabauxites studies by FEENSTRA (1985).These rocks have Ti-poor hematite +rutile at the lowest grades but containmagnetite + i1meoite in upper amphibolitefacies.

Pyrite, however, may nOt disappear at suchlow grades in all graphitic schisrs. In somesui fur-rich schists from easter Maine it persiststo upper sillimanite grades (GUlooTT1, 1970)and in high-pressure rocks from Japan itis stable in epidote-amphibolite fades(KAf'\EHlRA and BANNO, 1964).

Metasomatic Graphite

Graphite veins are common and widespread


- - - ---

/"trej.ctary ot g,eohltlc meteoellt..

, .pp,o.lm.te lr"'I.ctary af" gr.ahlte-trn mete p.1I1..

~~ '.-/~~~ '- H

~-~~....._----_.---------~-~--_ M






'".Q 0<I

Metasomatic movement of reduced carbon,suJfur, and oxigen

While the stability of oxides, sulfides, orgraphite in most rocks is determined by thechemical characteristics of the protolith, thereare many instances recorded in which carbonand sl1]fur, and to a lesser extent, oxygen havemoved during metamorphism. Someoccurrences are related to veins, where theeffects of fluid movement is clear, but othersoccur in diffuse zones and could be confusedwith isochemical metamorphism. Indeed, itis in just such instances that sulfide-silicate­oxide equilibria allow one to recognizewhether metasornatic process have occurred.

400 600Toe

Fig. 11. - Approximate T-/o paths followed duringmetamorphism of pelitic rocks. Cross·hatches arearepresent path followed by graphitk pelites, ruled areais for graphite.free rocks. Most graphite·free rocksprobably equilibrated in the upper portion of the fieldshown.

Pelitic Schists

The major factor which determines the pathfollowed by oxygen fugacity duringmetamorphism of pe1itic schists is whether thepromlilh contained abundant organic matter.Those which were originally poor in organicmatter evolve to become graphite-freemetapelires. In amphibolite fades such rocksgenerally contain the assemblage ilmenite­hematite ( +1- magnetite) (CHlNNER, 1960;HOUNSLOW & MaoRE, 1967; HUTCHEON,

1979). Originally most of these rocks wereprobably hematitic. like hematite-bearingmafic rocks and metabauxites noted above,they were probably reduced to their presentassemblage during metamorphism, althoughthe exact equilibria that were responsible havenot yet benen identified. In general pyritesurvives to higher metamorphic grades ingraphite-free schists than in graphite-bearingones (sce HUTCI-IEON, 1979). This simplyreflects the fact that graphitie schists are morereducing, and hence have a lower sulfurfugacity than non-graphitie schists of the samemetamorphic grade.

As would be expected, progrademetamorphism of graphitic schists isaccompanied by marked reduction (Fig. 11).This.is indicated by the faCt that such rocksare distinctly lacking in magnetite and containilmenite and rutile as the sole oxides (seeMOllR and NEWTON, 1984). Progrademetamorphism also leads to progressivedesulfurization. Low-grade slates commonlycontain pyrite but in graphitic rocks pyrrhotiteappears.in the lowest amphibolitcs facies. Forexample, in the southern Appalachianspyrrhotite appears in graphitic schists atgrades slightly below those of the biotiteisograd (CARPENTER, 1974) and pyritedisappears by the time the staurolite isogradis reached (NESBlTT and ESSENE, 1983).

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and many theories have been put forth fortheir formation (see summary in FROST,1979a). Recent work (DUKE and RUMBLE,1986) has presented strong evidence thatmany veins have formed through the mixingof CO2-rich fluids from metamorphosedcarbonated with CH4-bearing fluids frommetapelites. Such mixing will precipitategraphite, even if neither of the primary fluidswere graphite-saturated. Precipitation ofdisseminated graphite from fluids is difficultto detect, since it is likely to be recognizedas having been metasomatically introducedonly in rocks whose protoliths are not likelyto have contained graphite. The most obviousrock type for this is serpentite. Diagramspresented by FROST (1985) indicate thatgraphite can form in serpentite only if carbonwas introduced as CH4. In CO2 bearingfluids, carbon would be consumed ascarbonate. Such an origin for graphite inserpentinite is consistent with the graphiticserpentinites described by CHIDESTER et al.(1978), where graphite is enriched in theserpentinite bear the contact with peliticschist.

Sul/ur Metasomatism

Zones of sulfur metasomatism aroundmetamorphosed sulfide bodies have been welldescribed (see NESBITT, 1986b). For examplethe alteration halo around DucktownTennessee massive sulfide body shows adistinct gradient in both oxygen and sulfurfugacity which is reflected both by the opaquemineral assemblages and by the compositionof the attendant silicates (NESBITT and Kelly,1980). In such occurrences it is evident thatsulfur diffusion was driven by chemicalpotential gradients, with sulfur moving fromthe areas of high sulfur fugacity in the orebody into the country rock.

Another type of suIfur movement ispostulated by FROST (1985) to explain themobilization of Ni-sulfides seen duringmetamorphism of ultramafic rocks (seeBARRETI' et al., 1977). In such a processsulfides are postulated to have dissolved inserpentinites, where they are relativelyunstable because of the reducing conditions,

and to have been reprecipitated in bordering,more oxidized, rocks. At first glance thisprocess seems to argue for transport againsta chemical potential because fs; is surelymuch lower in the serpentinites, where nativemetals are often present, than in the ore zones.This apparent contradiction is resolved whenore considers that the dominant sulfur in thefluid is H2S, not S2. Because of thestoichiometry of the equilibrium relatingflit> to fS1and fl-lp (eguilibrium (29)), underhighly reaucing conditions the fugacity ofH 2S in the fluid may be very high eventhough sulfur fugacity is low (see ROSSETItand ZUCHETIt, this volume). Thus, theobserved depletion of sulfur in olivine-bearingserpentinites and its accompanyingenrichment in the carbonate-bearingmetaperidotite or wall rocks (see ECKSTRAND,1975) is a consequence of the extremegradient in oxygen fugacity between the twoenvironments (FROST, 1985).

Oxygen (or Hydrogen) Metasomatism

Because both 02 and H 2 make up onlyvanishingly small proportions of the fluids inmost metamorphic rocks it has argued thatmost graphite-free rocks have a nearly infinitebuffering capacity for oxygen fugacity(FROST, 1982; 1985). This means thatFe2 ·/(Fe2• + Fel') ratio of non-graphiticrocks should not change substantially duringmetamorphism, even if the relative oxygenfugacity changes by many orders ofmagnitude. To a certain extent this is an over­simplification. There are certainly instancesin which net changes in the oxidationstate of iron in a rock can occur duringmetamorphism, even without the participationof graphite. However, those rocks which doshow changes in ferrous/ferric ratio must beenassociated with a source or sink for oxygenother than a simple O-H fluid. One processwhich is an exception to this statement'- isserpentinization which is generallyaccompanied by the formation of magnetiteand enrichment of the silicates in magnesium,(see references tabulated by FROST. 1985).Because serpentinization takes place at oxygenfugacities 4 to 8 log units below FMQ. H2

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}8 8.R. FROST

may make up ~tween 0.1 and 1.0% of thefluid phase (FROST, 1985). In this situationthere is probably sufficient H

2in the fluid

to account for the oxidation seen in theproduction of magnetite simply through thedissociation of H10. Rocks other thanser~ntinites have bem. metamorphosed atrelatively higher oxygen fugacities where thisprocess is an inefficient means of oxidation.In such rocks, therefore, some process otherthan the dissociation of H 0 must beresponsible for any observed c~anges in theferrous/ferric ratio.


The ro/cJ trajectories presented hate (Fig.8·11) are admittedly crude. They have beenconstructed by applying liberal amounts ofconjecture to a minimum amount of data.None the less, the author feels that they areof value to ~trology if only because they willencourage futu~ workers to test theirveracity. Certainly once the T-f~ trends forthe major rock types and the equilibria thatcontrol them have been determined they willprove invaluable to petrology. Not only willthey help one understand the factors thatcontrol the stability of opaque phases inmetamorphic rocks, they will also from animportant basis for determining the factorsthat cause mobilization of ore minerals duringmetamorphism. In addition, if Fig. 10correctly describes the T·f0 path followedduring metamorphism of matic rocks, it hasimportant implications to experimentalpetrology. Most experimental works onamphibole stability are conducted in thepresence of an externally controlled oxygenfugacity (GILBERT, 1966; LIOU et al., 1974;SPEAR, 1981). Clearly the ferric iron contentof an amphiboles and, hence the stoichiometryof the reaction that governs its stability, isstrongly to be dependent on oxygen fugacity.Therefore, experiments done on amphibolestability at a controlled oxygen fugacity thatdiffers markedly from that fourxl in naturewill have limited applicability to the naturalamphibole·forming reactions.

Another important conclusion regards the

use of 52 or H2S as the su1fur species whenwriting chemical equilibria. Although it isperfectly valid to u~ 5j,as the suifur whencalrulating mineral equili cia, because it is notthe dominant suliur species it is not valid touse it when modelling the processes thatcontroll sulfur mobility in metamocphic rocks.Only by using H 2S as the sulfur species canadequately determine the role that variationsin .fOl and fHp have on the stability ofsulftdes.

Acknowldgemnm. - Thc research upon which thispaper is based was conducted whilc r was on sabbatkalat the lnstitut fur Minendogie und Petrographic, ETH.I would like to thank all of the members of the institutcfor the hospitality they showed me during my stay.Funding for this sabbatical was covered by NSF gran!(EAR-MlnD8). This paper is also the sub)c<:t of thelectures I presented in a short course at the ETH andal the Italian Society of Mineralogy and Petrology shortcourse on fluids in pclrogcncsis in Siena, June, 1986.I want 10 thank Ihe Socicty foe thc gcnerous hospitalitymown me during my $lay in Siena.


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