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a revolutionary breakthrough in acoustical design Sound... · coNsteLLatioN is a briLLiaNt soLutioN...

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a revolutionary breakthrough in acoustical design
Page 1: a revolutionary breakthrough in acoustical design Sound... · coNsteLLatioN is a briLLiaNt soLutioN that efficieNtLy aNd effectiVeLy proVides the acousticaL raNge Needed to support

a revolutionary breakthrough in acoustical design

Page 2: a revolutionary breakthrough in acoustical design Sound... · coNsteLLatioN is a briLLiaNt soLutioN that efficieNtLy aNd effectiVeLy proVides the acousticaL raNge Needed to support

Constellation is an extraordinary breakthrough in acous-

tical science providing an effective solution to the com-

plex challenge of attaining optimal, yet flexible acoustics

in building design. With Constellation, you have the abil-

ity to design state-of-the-art multi-purpose venues with-

out the constraints or expense of traditional materials and

room shape. The acoustical effectiveness, ease of control,

and invisibility of Constellation will enhance the success of

your venue.

Constellation is a complete solution of equipment and servic-

es provided exclusively by Meyer Sound. This groundbreak-

ing technology enables the acoustical properties of a room to

be altered to suit the nature of the event taking place.

Combining our patented algorithm, advanced digital process-

ing, and miniature transducer technology with decades of

research into the acoustical attributes of exceptional listen-

ing spaces, Constellation provides flexibility unattainable with

traditional mechanical methods of variable acoustics, such

as movable walls, drapes, orchestra shells, or secondary


Constellation is provided as an integrated, turnkey solution,

meaning that Meyer Sound’s Constellation team will work

with the entire design team to guarantee that the results meet

all of the agreed project goals.

Once Constellation is installed in the venue and tuned, a

simple press of a button will instantly change the room’s

acoustical properties.

enhance the success of your VeNue.

create VeNue acoustics that

Page 3: a revolutionary breakthrough in acoustical design Sound... · coNsteLLatioN is a briLLiaNt soLutioN that efficieNtLy aNd effectiVeLy proVides the acousticaL raNge Needed to support

create VeNue acoustics that

NoKia coNcert haLL – solaris centre | tallinn, estonia

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• Allowsvenuestobetrulymulti-purpose,providingnatural-sounding acoustics appropriate to a wide variety of performances

• A complete system that integrates rigorous design,calibration, and certification methodologies with a flexible hardware and software package

• Eachsystemcustom-createdbyqualifiedexperts

• Far less expensive and more flexible than architecturalsolutions

• Aestheticallyappealingandvirtuallyinvisible

• Eliminates extra labor and maintenance associated withorchestral shells and moveable panels

• Easy-to-use interface: one button press changes roomacoustics

• Asustainabletechnologythatachieveslongreverberationtimes with less volume and fewer building materials

• System implementation can be part of a retrofit or newconstruction

advantages of constellation

improve physical spaces

“ coNsteLLatioN is, to my ears, LiViNg proof

that sKiLLed eNgiNeeriNg aNd techNoLogy

caN iNdeed improVe the physicaL spaces

where we ListeN to music.”

John adamsPulitzErPrizE-winningcomPoSEr

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Laboral ciudad de la cultura – gijón, spain | architects Xerardo estévez and alberto garcía

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environmental control

“ coNsteLLatioN giVes me a LeVeL of eNViroN-

meNtaL coNtroL that i ’Ve NeVer had before.

it’s a creatiVe tooL that wiLL offer a Lot

of poteNtiaL for years to come.”todd herrbachSEniorAudioEnginEEr


For northland, A church distributed, the goal for its new

3,000-seat facility was to create a worship space that would

facilitate intelligibility for the sermons, power for the musical

instruments, and flexibility to accommodate a variety of

presentations. itwas also critical fornorthland tomaintain

the aural perception of a close-knit congregation in the larger

space by having a system that would encourage participation

of the attendees. The answer was the Meyer Sound

Constellation acoustic system; the first installed in a worship

facility and has since supported programs that include highly

successful performances by world renowned symphony


northland, a chUrch distribUtedlongwood,FloridA


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fernández de leónVicE-councilloroFtHEAgEncy



built in the mid-20th century, laboral university is one of

Spain’sarchitectural jewels.Afteryearsofdeterioration, the

regional government launched a series of upgrades to expand

the usage of the buildings, including the university’s 1,400-

seat auditorium. The dry characteristic of the auditorium’s

acoustics was well suited for amplified events, but failed

to meet the reverberation criteria for the classical music

presentations. In order to create a truly multi-purpose venue

capable of showcasing operas, symphonies, jazz concerts,

movie screenings, lectures, and plays, Laboral University

installed a fully integrated Meyer Sound audio system which

incorporates Constellation, sound reinforcement, and cinema


laboral ciUdad de la cUltUragijón,SPAinArcHitEctSXErArdoEStéVEzAndAlbErtogArcíA

unique solution

“ what we haVe seeN aNd heard so far

teLLs us we haVe a uNiQue opportuNity

with coNsteLLatioN.”

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At tokyo disney resort’s 2,150-seat theater, Cirque du

Soleil®’s zEd™ thrills audiences with a soaring, acrobatics-

filled musical fantasy about a mythological-comical character

who reconciles earth and sky. Using Constellation, sound


a dynamic soundscape that entices the guests into a world of

imagination, giving the show a heightened emotional texture.

Working hand-in-glove with the primary and surround audio

systems, Constellation allows the sound designers to transport

the audience from one specific room to multiple environments

and make them feel part of an emotional roller-coaster.

Cirque du Soleil zed toKyodiSnEyrESort

create multiple environments

“ coNsteLLatioN aLLows us to traNsport the audieNce from

oNe specific room to muLtipLe eNViroNmeNts. it’s LiKe

aN audio zoom-iN aNd zoom-out. wheN you zoom iN, the

theater souNds dry aNd cLosed iN, but wheN you zoom

out it feeLs spacious aNd Lush. it becomes part of the

emotioNaL roLLer-coaster for the audieNce.”françois bergeron



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the 1,200-seat geiger center auditorium, located in the

westfield High School’smusic building, hosts a very wide

variety of events, from band and choir concerts to theatre

performances, the school’s one-act play competition, guest

speakers, class meetings, senior talent and fashion shows,

and an annual musical theatrical production. It is also the site

of regional events for state band competitions, an annual

performance of the nutcracker by an outside dance

company, and music events for nearby elementary and

middle schools. Constellation was installed to achieve the

rich, enveloping audio experience that the existing physical

room lacked. The auditorium now delivers an optimal listen-

ing experience for audiences and performers alike.

westfield high schoolHouSton,tEXASclrArcHitEctS

Jodie rhodesdirEctoroFbAndS


improve listener experience

“ this New eNViroNmeNt offers the ListeNer

a much better eXperieNce. we haVe doNe

demoNstratioNs for the audieNce oN what

the system is capabLe of, aNd it aLways

LeaVes us speechLess.”

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within the new 1,650-seat South Auditorium of grace

Community Church in suburban Indianapolis, a zero-

level platform, reconfigurable wrap-around seating, and

360-degree theatrical lighting allow for multiple visual and

inter-relational effects. delivering next-generation sound

for this space, Meyer Sound’s Constellation acoustic

system works hand-in-glove with a Meyer Sound primary

reinforcement system to afford both flexibility and intimacy

in creating harmonious audible experiences. Working with

the project’s acoustics and production technology leads,

ArchitectKevincallahan’s foundational designgoalwas to

work with spatial relationships, color, images, and sounds

as fluid palettes for creating sensory environments to help

enable full congregational participation in the common

worship experience.

grace commUnity chUrchindiAnAPoliS, indiAnAcAllAHAnStudioS

kevin callahanArcHitEct


active audience participation

“ isN’t worship supposed to be participatioN,

Not mereLy a performaNce? i beLieVe so,

aNd that’s why i desigNed the architecture

here as a giaNt, three-dimeNsioNaL hug.

coNsteLLatioN supports that effect by

aLLowiNg the coNgregatioN to seNse their

actiVe participatioN.”

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the 57-seat, 1,500-square-foot Pearson theatre, located

atmeyer Sound’s berkeley headquarters,was born out of

johnmeyer’s dream to create a space that could support

Meyer Sound’s ever-expanding education program, while

also providing an effective space for experimentation, movie

screenings, live music, demonstrations, and presentations

without compromising the suitability of the theatre for any


awards from both AiA and uSitt, the Pearson theatre

uses Constellation to adapt the venue easily to a wide

variety of uses, while providing the aesthetics of a high-end

performance venue.

Pearson theatre, meyer soUndbErKElEy,cAliForniAmArcywongdonnlogAnArcHitEctS

marcy wongArcHitEct


“ coNsteLLatioN is a briLLiaNt soLutioN that

efficieNtLy aNd effectiVeLy proVides the

acousticaL raNge Needed to support the

muLtitude aNd diVersity of uses johN meyer

had iN miNd for the pearsoN theatre.”

create a multi-use venue

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sharon risendorph photography

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zellerbach Hall at the university of california, berkeley is

housed in an AiA Honors Award-winning building, and is

home to Cal Performances, which brings to the hall a wide

range of performances, including orchestral, chamber

music, jazz, theatrical, dance, spoken word, operatic, and

ethnic performances. The university also uses Zellerbach

for graduations and other university events. This program

diversity imposes immense demands on the 2,014-seat

hall’s acoustics, and made it a perfect candidate for the

Constellation System. Constellation enables an audience to

experience a music concert with the warmth and resonance

of a concert hall, while a play can exhibit increased intelligibility

and ensemble musicians can hear each other better.

zellerbach hallbErKElEy,cAliForniAArcHitEctSVErnondEmArSAnddonAldHArdiSon

maestro kent naganoFormErmuSicdirEctor


“ performiNg at zeLLerbach haLL with the coNsteLLatioN system,

oNe caN deepLy appreciate how far techNoLogy aNd scieNce

haVe deVeLoped. the haLL’s acoustics come to Life iN respoNse

aNd oNe caN teLL that the audieNce aNd musiciaNs are haViNg a

New aNd eXtraordiNary eXperieNce.”

extraordinary live experience

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red Sea, the flexibility of constellation is essential for the





interacting with complex datasets and mathematical models

including brain imaging, dynamic seismic and atmospheric

processes, geological and man-made structures, multi-

dimensional cell and molecular structures, oceanographic

displays and even archaeological sites. cornEA features

dynamic computer graphics stereoscopically projected from

24 4K projectors onto the walls, floor, and ceiling, along

with adaptable acoustics from constellation. KAuSt also

includes an interactive multi-purpose room (mPr) where

the voice lift feature in Constellation improves intelligibility

for in-house and advanced networked conferencing,

without mic’ing the presenter, and the room acoustics can

be changed simultaneously with simulations in cornEA.

8K stereoscopic 3d projections with a wide variety of


king abdUllah University of science and technology (kaUst)jEddAH,SAudiArAbiA

flexible audio tool

zachary seldess AudioSyStEmScoordinAtorAnddEVEloPEr


“ as users desceNd iNto a caVerNous space withiN a VirtuaL

archeoLogicaL eXcaVatioN, coNsteLLatioN aLLows us to simuLate

the ambieNt acoustic properties of the caVe, proVidiNg subtLe,

powerfuL, NoN-VisuaL cues to maKe the Lab a oNe-of-a-KiNd

VirtuaL reaLity eNViroNmeNt for scieNtific research.”

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couples with the hall’s unusually flexible interior construction


unStudio, mumutH’s architecture highlights segmented

flooring, each of which can be raised or lowered individually,

allowing a variety of seating arrangement and stage size to be

configured using computer control. With presets programmed

to meet the acoustical requirements for jazz, chamber,

vocal, and symphonic, and choral music, the Constellation


combinations of room configurations and programming.

The Constellation system is also equipped with a voice lift

feature for speech, eliminating a fixed stage position and truly

supporting total room reconfiguration.

mUmUth mUsik Und mUsiktheatergrAz,AuStriAunStudioArcHitEctS

support event diversity

thorsten rohdeProAcouSticSEnginEEring

“ with most other systems, you haVe to

desigNate fiXed-stage microphoNes, so

the stage caNNot be moVed. but with

coNsteLLatioN, you caN use the eNtire

room as your stage.”

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“ the biggest compLaiNt from orchestraL

pLayers, particuLarLy iN Large haLLs,

is Not beiNg abLe to hear each other

oNstage. i didN’t waNt them to haVe to

reLy oN wedges; i waNted them to hear

each other. the coNsteLLatioN techNoLogy

reaLLy accompLished that, with Very

miNimaL impact oN the miX.”

The first touring application of Constellation acoustic system

was heard in Starwars: inconcert. the successful arena

tour offers a rare opportunity for fans of george lucas’s

space opera to relive their favorite movie moments through


40 singers performing johnwilliams’s unforgettable score.

Using equipment supply from Solotech, a Constellation

system creates an electronic orchestra shell for the musicians

to effectively hear each other, much like they would in a

concert hall.

star wars: in concert

a true ensemble feel

fred vogler


StArwArS: inconcErt

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but many schools suffer from limited resources and

space, leading to compromises in student practice and

performance venues. These challenges make Constellation

an appealing technology for educational applications, as a

single performance hall can now handle anything from band

competitions and class meetings to theatrical productions

and graduation ceremonies, each enjoying the acoustical

qualities best suited for the event type, at the press of a button.

This flexibility extends both the breadth and depth of a

school’s potential to inspire students in performing arts and

musical creativity.

Constellation’s subtle enhancement has impressed the

trained ears of school musicians and faculties. It has been

confirmed to be an economically feasible technology as well

as a practical tool as the foundation for schools that include

the university of california San diego, Sage Hill School

in newport coast, Spring High School and temple High

School in Texas, Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo,

Colorado College in Colorado Springs, in addition to the

King Abdulla university of Science and technology where

constellation supports scientific research in a futuristic 3d

virtual reality environment.

constellation in education

“ iN our 40-year-oLd space, coNsteLLatioN has created, for the first

time, aN outstaNdiNg acousticaL settiNg for preseNtatioNs raNgiNg

from performaNces by smaLL chiLdreN, choirs, aNd jazz baNds, to

Large iNstrumeNtaL/VocaL groups, commuNity aNd professioNaL

groups, aNd theatricaL performaNces. we Now haVe aN educatioNaL

aNd performiNg eNViroNmeNt that beNefits eVeryoNe.”James Pfeiffer dirEctoroFFinEArtS

tEmPlE indEPEndEntScHooldiStrict

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tempLe high schooL – temple, texas

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respoNsibLe maNufacturiNg


We employ a responsible manufacturing process from start

to finish, which includes recycling all scrap materials, filtering

and recirculating all water used in the cone-making process,

and cleaning all vapors from the air using a state-of-the-art


product compoNeNts


All our product components are manufactured to comply


we are not adding to the toxic elements in our environment.

acoustic system with greeN adVaNtages

Constellation provides the acoustical characteristics suitable

for symphonic music without requiring a large cubic volume

and hard heavy surfaces. This reduces the carbon footprint

of a building project by reducing the amount of construction

materials,aswellastheenergyconsumptionof theHVAc

and lighting systems.

just-iN-time maNufacturiNg


by making our products in berkeley, we ensure that we

are not shipping products multiple times. We only build a

product once its been ordered, meaning that we don’t have

inventory surpluses.

sustaiNabLe busiNess practices


Its not just about the environment—we make sustainable

business decisions about all aspects of our business,

including hiring locally, keeping our manufacturing close to

home, and investing in the future by contributing to worthy

arts and educational institutions.

a steady course


a solid start, and you can count on us to continue doing

our part.


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Privately-owned and operated since its founding by john

and Helenmeyer in 1979,meyer Sound has been at the

forefront of professional audio for more than three decades.

Meyer Sound manufactures and supports professional

sound systems designed for optimal performance and

ease of use. renowned for their pristine sound, reliability,

efficiency, and long life, our systems are the choice of top

sound designers and consultants worldwide, and are

supported by comprehensive technical service, support

and educational programs.

In addition to holding 40 U.S. and international patents,

Meyer Sound has been widely recognized by numerous


In order to maintain the highest quality controls, all Meyer

Sound products are designed and manufactured at its


Meyer Sound is a leading worldwide supplier of systems

for theaters, arenas, stadiums, theme parks, cinemas,

convention centers, houses of worship, and touring concert

sound rental operations.

meyer soUndbErKElEy,cAliForniA

a tradition of innovation

John meyercoFoundErAndcEo


“ at meyer souNd, we haVe a traditioN

of coNstaNt iNNoVatioN with a siNgLe

objectiVe: eNhaNce the audieNce


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T: +1 510.486.1166

E: [email protected]

For more information, please contact:

2832 San Pablo Ave.

Berkeley, CA 94702

Tel: +1 510.486.1166


Copyright © 2010 Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.

All alphanumeric product designations are trademarks of Meyer Sound. Constellation, Meyer Sound, and the Meyer Sound wave logo are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, as well as in other countries. All third-party trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Patents pending. 18.908.064.01 B
