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1 A SHORT REPORT ABOUT ONE PROJECT WITH TWO NAMES TIGRE SALVAJE AND EL ULTIMO REFUGIO In December of 2004, Tiger Salvaje S.A. Purchased the Derechos Posesorios, (Right of Possession), for a 5 hectare piece of land t the end of Punta Burica, Panama. We planned to use the land as a natural animal reserve, and a base from whichwe we could extend tree corridors to the small patches of forest that still remain along the Panama and Costa Rica border. We soon learned that the Ministerio De Economia y Finanzas, (M.E.F.), of the Panamanian Government, had designated this point for tourism Projects. 200 mts. Up from the high tide line remains the property of the Government and is under the jurisdiction of the M.E.F. The M.E.F. will sell title to the land, but only to M.E.F. approved tourism projects. We were told to change our plans to include tourism and apply to the Government for title. We were told that if we did not follow this process, our Derechos Prosesorios would be sold to the first tourism project the completed the surveys, studies, and plans and had them approved by the M.E.F. We were also told that by including tourism in the Tigre Salvaje Project, we would be eligible to purchase more of the 200 mts land owned by the government, but help in derechos posesorios by ranchers that did not live on the land. We have completed all the requirements and are waiting to hear from M.E.F. In order to meet these requirements we have changed our house plans into hotel plans are close to there completing a seven bedroom hotel with restaurant there is no road to this property , and because of the rocks and surf there is nowhere on this part of the coast to land a boat, or go swimming.




In December of 2004, Tiger Salvaje S.A. Purchased the Derechos Posesorios, (Right

of Possession), for a 5 hectare piece of land t the end of Punta Burica, Panama.

We planned to use the land as a natural animal reserve, and a base from whichwe we

could extend tree corridors to the small patches of forest that still remain along the

Panama and Costa Rica border.

We soon learned that the Ministerio De Economia y Finanzas, (M.E.F.), of the

Panamanian Government, had designated this point for tourism Projects.

200 mts. Up from the high tide line remains the property of the Government and is

under the jurisdiction of the M.E.F.

The M.E.F. will sell title to the land, but only to M.E.F. approved tourism projects.

We were told to change our plans to include tourism and apply to the Government for


We were told that if we did not follow this process, our Derechos Prosesorios would

be sold to the first tourism project the completed the surveys, studies, and plans and

had them approved by the M.E.F.

We were also told that by including tourism in the Tigre Salvaje Project, we would be

eligible to purchase more of the 200 mts land owned by the government, but help in

derechos posesorios by ranchers that did not live on the land.

We have completed all the requirements and are waiting to hear from M.E.F.

In order to meet these requirements we have changed our house plans into hotel

plans are close to there completing a seven bedroom hotel with restaurant there is no

road to this property , and because of the rocks and surf there is nowhere on this

part of the coast to land a boat, or go swimming.


To get to this property with building materials you must wait for low tide, and then

drive on the beach for 20 kl, then up a rough road to the town of Bella Vista. From

the town to the hotel is about 2.5 kl. All material was transported by horse and man

power. Over 2,500 sacks of cement, hundreds of pieces of rebar, tools, tile etc were

all transported in this manner.

We have also completed 2 of the planned ´´ Ranchos´´.

They are 2 stories, palm roofed house with refrig hot water showers, toilets, elect,

gas stores, and each can sleep 8-10 persons.

El Hotel. The Hotel.

Ranchos. A ‘‘Rancho’’


Ranchos. A ‘‘Rancho’’

Isla Punta Burica


In addition to the Tigre Salvaje Project, we have also applied for the concession for

Isla Punta Burica. The island is approximately 11 hectores; it has a small beach thet

sea turtles use for a nesting area.

This island project is named the ultimo Refugio. The beach and the island must be

protected as it is the last place on the peninsula a where the hunters and fishermen

have not killed all of the nesting turtles. They do go out to the island to dig up the


We were told that with out a tourism project we would not be granted a concession.

I ask the architec and the environmental impact team to give me a plan that would

meet the M.E.F. mandates, but heep the number of tourists to a mininum.

Their plan calls for 6 small, (2 person) Ranchos. A restaurant with seating for aprox.

12 person and a block building for scientific research and a student dormitory.

The trees on the island were cut to make a light for marine navigation more visible.

The island now has a tower and we need to reforest the area with native fruiting


We would like to use the island to teach confiscated monkeys, who have lived their

lives in cages how to survive in the forest.

After the monkeys have learned how to survive on their own, we would move them

to the Tigre Salvaje project on the mainland system of tree corridors.

The students would be an important part of this reintroduction process, and some

one would always be on the island to stop the turtle egg poachers.

Due to the packs of hunting dogs that dig up and eat turtle eggs, and the men who

kill turtles and sell the eggs and meat, there are almost no turtles left to nest on

Punta Burica.

Tigre Salvaje S.A. has paid for professors, Engineers, and other environmentalists to

comes to Punta Burica, and we have gone with them and talked to every child in

every school from Bella Vista to Limones.

We have explained why it is so very important that they get involve and start taking

care of their environment, before the trees, animals turtles and other marine life is

gone forever.


In October of 2006 we started a turtle incubation project, and before the end of the

year we had released over 250 baby turtles. They all safely made their way to the


Every time we would release a group of turtles, we would notify the town (a 45 min.

walk from Tigre Salvaje) and 25 to 30 adults and children would come to watch and

help the turtles find their way to the sea. The influence this experience could have on

a young mind is hard to calculate.


The Leatherback turtle nest early in the year. From February to July. Last year there

was one seen near the island, the first in many years. If it did lay eggs on The Island,

there is little hope that any escaped the egg collectors.

The Olive Ridley and the Green turtle nest from July through December.

This June, before the turtle nesting season starts. I have promised to help the

children build an incubator near the school of Bella Vista.

We will also have a class on how to move and care for the eggs. The children (and

adults) will keep records of where, when, how many, temp of sand, how many days

to hatch, etc.

Last year we could only watch the small beach near our property. I’ m sure that this

seasons release numbers will be much higher than last seasons.

With the children help we will save many more eggs.

Tigre Salvaje is one of the 3 eco. Projects on the southern most tip of Punta Burica.

All three are dedicated to reforestation and the reintroduction of native animals to

ensure the success of their eco. Tourism projects.

If the M.E.F. will sell Tigre Salvaje the land we have applied for, these three groups

will have a coastal nature reserve aprox 3.5 kl. Long.

The M.E.F. could extend this reserve further along the coast where the land is being

used for pasture.


When Tigre Salvaje S.A. purchased the rights to 780 mts of coast line, it was being

used to support 2 large pig-stys, they were situated on and around natural springs.

The trees had been cut from the land that could be used for pasture, and was being

rented to the closest rancher for $ 1.00 per. Month.

Tigre Salvaje has cleaned out the springs and drained the swamps created by this

type of pig farming.

We have reforested the areas that were cut for pasture, using native fruit trees.

This area now forms an important part of the costal tree corridor that we hope to


35 years ago, before the first cattle ranchers started clearing the land, this point of

land must have been a magical place with every thing from jaguars to macaws, but

these and many other animals have not been seen here for years.

One generation, that’s all it took to destroy what the earth had used millions of years

to create.

There are still 3 types of monkey living in the small patches of forest. The mantled

howler monkey. The white faced capuchin and the red- backed squirrel monkey. If

you donot know the plight of the red backed squirrel monkey….then you should!

Studies of this monkey say that there may be as few as 2.000 left in the world. Most

of these remaining monkeys live in this area and over the border in Costa Rica.




A study of the Red Backed Squirrel Monkey that was done here near the town of

Bella Vista, in the Fall of 2005, said that we had troups of up to 35 monkeys, but

these troups only had 2 or 3 females due to the hunters who shoot the mothers and

sell the babies for prices rancging from 6 to 25 dollars.

When we moved here, 2 years ago, there were men who were openly hunting the

monkeys and using Public Transportation to take the babies to Puerto Armuelles and

selling then in the streets.

By taking pictures of dead, bloody monkeys and getting the photos put in a National

News paper, and by explaining to the people of the town how few of these monkeys

are left, we have put a stop to this part of the illegal animal trade, at least on this

part of the point.

We have turned in Iguana Hunters and men who poison the creeks with Agro Toxins

so that they can easly collect the Fresh water shrimp to sell.

The men who poison creeks, and the men who buy and sell the poisoned shrimp

must be stopped and punished.

With the help from ANAM (Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente), we have started an

environmental group in Bella Vista. We now have 35 members with photo

identification cards issued by ANAM, and many more who want to join.

We hope that this group will be able to stop the men who would destroy Punta

Buricas wild life for a few dollars profit.

Camarones envenenados. Poisoned creeks.


Aves comiendo camarones envenenados. Bird esting from poisoned creeks.

A road is being built, that will some day reach all the way out to Bella Vista. But for

now, you must wait for low tide and drive on the beach. This can make the

transporting of medical emergencies difficult.

My wife and I have helped start a Red Cross volunteer training program, and our

truck, boat and motor and the keys are kept in town for use in emergencies. We have

given many free rides to the hospital.


We are not asking for money, we are asking for your approval and support.

We have been in contact with 3 of the major ecological NGO’s they have requested,

and received, copies of the environmental impact and project study reports. One has

proposed a scientific research center.

Most residence of this point approve of the two projects.

A few are opposed to the Island project, especially those who make a profit, in one

way or another, by passing to and from Costa Rica without permission or inspection.

The transportation of drugs by land, and especially by sea, pays very well.

Only a few of the local fishermen get involved with drug smuggling, but some find

the easy money hard to resist. Another was arrested yesterday, Feb., 7 the 2007, in

the town Balsa, 4 km from here. He had 240 kilos of cocaine behind his house.


Today is Feb., 8 the 2007 and as I write this paper, I am watching a Costa Rican

Coast Guard ship and another smaller boat search the island for more drugs and


The island Burica is also the best place to go and break open the illegitimate conch

taken by fishermen who find it easier to conceal, transport, and sell only the meat.

I have gone to the island with workers from the Tigre Salvaje project and cleaned the

broken pieces of shell from the beach, only to have fishermen come later the same

day to clean more conch, and litter the beach with more sharp pieces of broken shell.

Ecotourism and a research center would stop these unlawful activities, and also the

illegal collection of turtle eggs and lobster.

But, before Tigre Salvaje, El Ultimo Refugio, or any NOG’s project can progress, we

need the approval from the Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF).

Hombres de Tigre Salvaje, limpian las conchas en Isla Punta Burica. Men fron Tigre

Salvaje cleam up conch shells on Isla Punta Burica.

The unemployment rate is high here, in Bella Vista almost 50%, in Limones about



We try to help when we can. Sometimes we get thank-you notes. At the end of this

report you will find a few of them.

We are asking the Panamanian Government to declare the southern coast of Punta

Burica. The Burica Island, and the waters surrounding them as a Biological Reserve.

We would like to stop the killing of turtles and other endangered Animals, and the

collecting of turtle eggs for sale in the market of Puerto Armuelles.

We hope that if Panama will pass laws protecting the Panamanian side of the Point,

perhaps Costa Rica will do the same.

Now we need your help. Please contact MEF and give your support to these projects.

If you need more information, or you would like to visit, you can my wife, Vielka,

Saturdays or Sundays. Her cell number is 660 – 36695.

My cell number is 662 – 04747, but we have no reception here at the end of the


My E mail is [email protected], but there are times when I don’t get to the

internet for 2 or 3 weeks.

For the adventurous, there are public transports that run from Puerto Armuelles to

Bella Vista when the tide is down.

Come and see us, we are the last house on Punta Burica.


Localización. Localization
