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A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc

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  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc



    2roject $eport 'n

    “A Study of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung

    Electronics Ltd”


  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc



    Sr!no! Contents "age no!

    1. Introduction

    3. Industry 2rofile

    4. Company 2rofile

    5. 2roduct 2rofile

    6. 'bjective of +tudy

    7. $esearc" (et"odolo!y

      1.2rimary data

      3. +econdary data


      5. +cope of t"e study

      6.-imitations of t"e study

    8. #"eoretical Back!round of t"e study

    9. :ata Analysis

    ;. &indin!s

    1< $ecommendations

    11 Conclusion


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    Before t"e liberaliation of t"e Indian economy, only a few companies like Kelvinator,

    Godrej, Alwyn, and Voltas were t"e major players in t"e consumer durables market,

    accountin! for no less t"an ;

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    Indian Consumer durables market used to be dominated by few domestic players like

    Godrej, Voltas, Allwyn and Kelvinator. But post liberaliation many forei!n companies

    "ave entered into Indian market det"ronin! t"e Indian players and dominatin! Indian

    market t"e major cate!ories bein! C#V, $%&$IG$A#'$, (IC$')AV% 'V%* and

    )A+I*G (ACI*%+.

    India bein! t"e second lar!est !rowin! economy wit" "u!e consumer class "as resulted in

    consumer durables as t"e fastest !rowin! industries in India. -G, +A(+*G t"e two

    Korean companies "ave been maintainin! t"e lead in t"e market wit" -G bein! leader in

    almost all t"e cate!ories.

     #"e rural market is !rowin! faster t"an t"e urban market, alt"ou!" t"e penetration level

    is muc" lower .#"e C#V se!ment is e/pected to t"e lar!est contributin! se!ment to t"e

    overall !rowt" of t"e industry. #"e risin! income levels double0income families and

    consumer awareness were t"e main !rowt" drivers of t"e industries.

      %'(EC#I)ES %F #*E "$%(EC#

    • #o find number of brands of consumer durable in :%$ABA:.

    • #o study brand preference of consumer for consumer durable !oods..

    • #o find most important parameter for selection of brand of Colour television,

    $efri!erators, )as"in! mac"ine, :V:, (icrowave oven.


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    • #o study profit mar!in of major brands in consumer durable.

    Sco+e of t,e study

    #"is project !ives us !reat e/posure to t"e consumer durable market because it includes

     product knowled!e and field survey job in w"ic" we visited t"e consumer durable stores

    in :%$ABA:.

    $esearc, Met,odology

    $esearc" met"odolo!y is considered as t"e nerve of t"e project. )it"out a proper well0

    or!anied researc" plan, it is impossible to complete t"e project and reac" to any

    conclusion. #"e project was based on t"e survey plan. #"e main objective of survey was

    to collect appropriate data, w"ic" work as a base for drawin! conclusion and !ettin!


    #"erefore, researc" met"odolo!y is t"e way to systematically solve t"e researc" problem.

    $esearc" met"odolo!y not only talks of t"e met"ods but also lo!ic be"ind t"e met"ods

    used in t"e conte/t of a researc" study and it e/plains w"y a particular met"od "as been

    used in t"e preference of t"e ot"er met"ods

    $esearc, design 


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    $esearc" desi!n is important primarily because of t"e increased comple/ity in t"e market

    as well as marketin! approac"es available to t"e researc"ers. In fact, it is t"e key to t"e

    evolution of successful marketin! strate!ies and pro!rammers. It is an important tool to

    study buyers be"avior, consumption pattern, brand loyalty, and focus market c"an!es. A

    researc" desi!n specifies t"e met"ods and procedures for conductin! a particular study.

    Accordin! to Kerlin!er, $esearc" :esi!n is a plan, conceptual structure, and strate!y of 

    investi!ation conceived as to obtain answers to researc" Duestions and to control


    $esearc" desi!n specifies met"ods and procedures for study. In t"is study t"e company

    was interested to know t"e demand of different consumer durable product, about

    competitors, and potential for +A(+*G procedures to be used for t"e study amon!

    retailersEdealer and. owever it was e/clusively personal interview.

    Data Collection-

    #"is report was prepared after collectin! data from t"e retailersE dealers and past data was

    arran!ed from t"e various studies conducted in last few years and various ot"er records of 


    "rimary Data-

    #"ese data were collected by personal interview wit" retailersE dealer. &or t"is purpose

    Duestionnaires were prepared in suc" t"at all necessary data would be collected.

    Secondary Data-


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    Information re!ardin! t"e project, secondary data was also reDuired. #"ese data were

    collected from various past studies and ot"er sources of t"e company.

    SAM"LIN. ME#*%D

    $andom +amplin! met"od



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    1,ile 2isiting t,e s,o+s 3e 

    1. Calculated t"e display s"are of t"e +A(+*G product in s"op.

    3. Collected t"e data of actual mont"ly sale of t"e +A(+*G product in few s"op.

    4 &ound out t"e problems t"at t"e dealer were facin! w"ile sellin! t"e +A(+*G


    5. &ound out t"e customer response for +A(+*G products by askin! t"e owner of t"e


    6. C"ecked w"et"er demo calls were attended or not


    1. In term of purc"asin! power parity >222?, India is t"e 5t" lar!est economy in t"e world

    and overtake apan in t"e near future become t"e 4rd lar!est.

    3. Indian consumer durable market is e/pected to reac" H56< billion by on 3

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    4. India "as t"e youn!est population amon!st t"e major countries. #"ere were lot of 

     people in t"e different income cate!ories nearly t"e two t"ird population is below t"e

    a!e of 46 and nearly 6

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    LIMI#A#I%N %F S#&D0

    Alt"ou!" I tried my best in preparation of t"is project, but t"is study "as some limitation

    1.#"e period of t"e project was not sufficient to study all t"e factors in deep.

    3.Visitin! various places for t"e study consumed a lot of time.

    4.)e cannot say t"at w"at t"e consumer "ave revealed will be ri!"t for eac" and every

    situation because t"eir perception is influenced by many factors.

    5.(any consumer and dealersEretailers s"owed less interest in providin! information and

    "avent cooperated.

    6.+ome of confidential information vi. credit period, sc"emes, policies and sales fi!ure

    were not disclosed by t"e competitors.


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    #,eoretical 'ackground of t,e study

    Sco+e of market researc, in 2ie3 of modern global business!

    $esearc" met"ods provide you wit" t"e knowled!e and skills you need to solve

    t"e problems and meet t"e c"allen!es of a fast0paced decision0makin! environment.

    Business researc" courses are a reco!nition t"at students in business, not0for0profit, and

     public or!aniations J in all functional areas J need trainin! in t"e scientific met"od and

    its application to decision makin!. #wo factors stimulate an interest in more scientific

    decision makin! >1? t"e mana!ers increased need for more and better information and

    >3? t"e availability of improved tec"niDues and tools to meet t"is need.

    :urin! t"e last two decades, we "ave witnessed dramatic c"an!es in t"e business

    environment. %mer!in! from a "istorically economic role, t"e business or!aniation "as

    evolved in response to t"e social and political mandates of national public policy,

    e/plosive tec"nolo!y !rowt", and continuin! innovations in !lobal communications.

    #"ese c"an!es "ave created new knowled!e needs for t"e mana!er. 't"er knowled!e

    demands "ave arisen from problems wit" mer!ers, trade policies, protected markets,

    tec"nolo!y transfers, and macroeconomic savin!s J investment issues.

    #"e trend toward comple/ity "as increased t"e risks associated wit" business decisions,

    makin! it more important to "ave a sound information base. Increased comple/ity means

    t"ere are more variables to consider. #"e competition is more vi!orous, wit" many

     business downsiin! to make competitive !ains. )orkers, s"are"olders, customers, and

    t"e public are better informed and more sensitive to t"eir self0interest. Government

    continues to s"ow concern wit" all aspects of society. %ac" of t"ese factors demands t"at

    mana!ers "ave more and better information upon w"ic" to base decisions.


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    #o do well in suc" an environment, you will need to be eDuipped wit" an understandin!

    of scientific met"ods and a means of incorporatin! t"em into decision makin!. ou will

    need to know "ow to identify !ood researc" and "ow to conduct it. #"is book addresses

    t"ese needs.

    As t"e comple/ity of t"e business environment "as increased, t"ere "as been a

    commensurate, increase in t"e number and power of t"e tools to conduct researc". #"ere

    is vastly more knowled!e in all fields of mana!ement. )e "ave be!un to build better 

    t"eories. #"e computer "as !iven us a Duantum leap in t"e ability to deal wit" problems.

     *ew tec"niDues of Duantitative analysis take advanta!e of t"is power. Communication

    and measurement tec"niDues "ave also been en"anced. #"ese trends reinforce eac" ot"er 

    and are "avin! a massive impact on business mana!ement.

     sources of collection of +rimary and secondary data for market researc,!

    ta sources may be classified as eit"er internal >or!aniational? or e/ternal sources of 


    Internal Sources

    Internal sources of or!aniational data are so varied t"at it is difficult to provide

    !eneraliations about t"eir use. Accountin! and mana!ement information systems create

    and store muc" of t"e internal data. $esearc" and development, plannin!, and marketin!

    functions also contribute. %/amples are departmental reports, production summaries,

    financial and accountin! reports, and marketin! and sales studies. #"e collection met"ods

    used are uniDue to t"e specific situation, and collection success depends on knowin! just


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    w"ere and "ow to look. +ometimes t"e information may e/ist in central files >i.e., at

    "eadDuarters?, in computer database, or in departmental c"ronolo!ical files.

      In ot"er or!aniations, a central library keeps all relevant information. +ystematic

    searc"es s"ould be made t"rou!" e/ploratory interviews wit" everyone w"o "andles t"e

    information. 'ften company librarians, (I+. 2$Ecommunications, or departmental

    secretaries can "elp in pinpointin! critical data sources. Internal data sources may be t"e

    only source of information for many studies.

    E4ternal Sources

    %/ternal sources are created outside t"e or!aniation and are more varied t"an internal

    sources. #"ere are also better defined met"ods for findin! t"em. #"is discussion is

    restricted to publis"ed sources, alt"ou!" ot"er sources of information may be


    2ublis"ed sources of data can be classified into five cate!ories. #"e newest and fastest

    !rowin! one is computeried database. #"ey are composed of interrelated data files. #"e

    files are sets of records !rouped to!et"er for stora!e on some medium. Access may be

    t"rou!" online searc" or C:0$'(. 'nline databases are often specialied and focus on

    information about a particular field.

    (ajor source of publis"ed information consists of diverse materials from special

    collections. )it"in t"is cate!ory t"ere are many reference books, eac" a compendium of 

    a ran!e of information. A second !roup includes university publications, of w"ic" t"ere

    are masters t"eses, doctoral dissertations, and researc" records. A t"ird !roup includes

    company publications suc" as financial reports, company policy statements, speec"es by

     prominent e/ecutives, sales literature, product specifications, and many ot"ers. #"ere are


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    miscellaneous information sources consistin! of t"e productions of various trade,

     professional and ot"er associations. #"ese or!aniations often publis" statistical

    compilation, researc" report, and proceedin! of meetin!.

      IND&S#$0 "$%FILE

    #"e Consumer :urables industry consists of durable !oods and appliances for domestic

    use suc" as televisions, refri!erators, air conditioners and was"in! mac"ines. Instruments

    suc" as cell p"ones and kitc"en appliances like microwave ovens were also included in

    t"is cate!ory. #"e sector "as been witnessin! si!nificant !rowt" in recent years, "elped

     by several drivers suc" as t"e emer!in! retail boom, real estate and "ousin! demand,

    !reater disposable income and an overall increase in t"e level of affluence of a si!nificant

    section of t"e population. #"e industry is represented by major international and local

     players suc" as B2-, Videocon, Voltas, Blue +tar, (I$C %lectronics, #itan, )"irlpool,


    #"e consumer durables industry can be broadly classified into two se!ments Consumer 

    %lectronics and Consumer Appliances. Consumer Appliances can be furt"er cate!oried

    into Brown Goods and )"ite Goods. #"e key product lines under eac" se!ment were as


    Industry Si5e6 .ro3t,6 #rends

    #"e consumer durables market in India was estimated to be around +H 6 billion in

    3C#V? formin! t"e bulk of t"e sales wit" 4< per 


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    cent s"are of volumes. C#V, refri!erators and Air0conditioners to!et"er constitute more

    t"an 7< per cent of t"e sales in terms of t"e number of units sold.

    In t"e refri!erators market, t"e frost0free cate!ory "as !rown by 9.4 per cent w"ile direct

    cool se!ment "as !rown by ; per cent. Companies like -G, )"irlpool and +amsun! "ave

    re!istered double0di!it !rowt" in t"e direct cool refri!erator market.

    In t"e case of was"in! mac"ines, t"e semi0automatic cate!ory wit" a "i!"er base and

    fully0automatic cate!ories "ave !rown by 5 per cent to 637,

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     production and is likely to be around 76 per cent in 3

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      C%M"AN0 "$%FILE

    SAMS&N. 7 Introduction

    %ur )ision

    +amsun! is !uided by a sin!ular vision to lead t"e di!ital conver!ence movement.

    )e believe t"at t"rou!" tec"nolo!y innovation today, we will find t"e solutions we need

    to address t"e c"allen!es of tomorrow. &rom tec"nolo!y comes opportunity for 

     businesses to !row, for citiens in emer!in! markets to prosper by tappin! into t"e di!ital

    economy, and for people to invent new possibilities.

    Its our aim to develop innovative tec"nolo!ies and efficient processes t"at create new

    markets, enric" peoples lives and continue to make +amsun! a trusted market leader 

    %ur Mission


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    %veryt"in! we do at +amsun! is !uided by our mission to be t"e best di!ital0


    +amsun! !rew into a !lobal corporation by facin! c"allen!es directly. In t"e years a"ead,

    our dedicated people will continue to embrace many c"allen!es and come up wit"

    creative ideas to develop products and services t"at lead in t"eir markets. #"eir in!enuity

    will continue to c"art +amsun!s course as a profitable, responsible !lobal corporation.


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    SAMS&N. *IS#%$0


    •  *amed oon0)oo -ee as a Vice C"airman L C%' of 

    +amsun! %lectronics• -aunc"ed '(*IA p"one

    • Completed establis"in! #V manufactory in $ussia Kalu!a

    • Became t"e official sponsor of 3

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    t"e .+.

    • Attained *o.1 worldwide market s"are position for -C: for 

    t"e si/t" year in a row

    899<   • :eveloped t"e world@s first real double0sided -C:• :eveloped t"e worlds@ first 6:*IeN?

    (une @< &oundation +tone laid for C#V &actory at *oida, ttar 2rades".

    May @< -aunc" in +out"


  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    ome Appliances -aunc"

    December @= +amsun! India %lectronics >+I%-? products launc"ed in India.

    August @= Certificate for commencement of business received by +amsun!

    .$%1IN. #% 'E #*E 'ES# 

    +amsun! India aims to be t"e MBest Company in India by t"e ear 3

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    eadDuartered in *ew :el"i, +amsun! India "as a network of 1; Branc" 'ffices located

    all over t"e country. #"e +amsun! manufacturin! comple/ "ousin! manufacturin!

    facilities for Colour #elevisions, Colour (onitors,

    $efri!erators and )as"in! (ac"ines is located at *oida, near :el"i. +amsun! M(ade in

    India products like Colour #elevisions, Colour (onitors and $efri!erators were bein!

    e/ported to (iddle %ast, CI+ and +AA$C countries from its *oida manufacturin!

    comple/. +amsun! India currently employs over 17

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


     Customi5ed +roducts for Indian Consumers

    +amsun! understands t"e local cultural sensibilities to customie its products

    accordin! to t"e Indian market. It "as set up a usability lab at t"e Indian Institute of 

    #ec"nolo!y in *ew :el"i to customie +amsun! products to meet t"e specific needs of 

    Indian consumers. #"is industry0institute partners"ip is "elpin! +amsun! to study and

    analye consumer response in aspects of product desi!n, includin! aest"etics, er!onomics

    and interface.

     #"rou!" its researc" done on consumer preferences in India, +amsun! "as concluded

    t"at Indian consumers want more sound oriented products. #"us, t"e +amsun! televisions

    for India "ave a "i!"er sound capacity t"an t"eir forei!n counterparts.

      &or t"e semi0automatic se!ment of +amsun! was"in! mac"ines, +amsun! "as

    introduced for t"e first time in India a feature called +uper :ry. It is present in t"ree of 

    +amsun!s semi automatic models and dries t"e clot"es better t"an t"e rest.

     +amsun! was"in! mac"ines "ave an additional menu t"at takes care of t"e local

    Indian wardrobes. #"ey also "ave a Mmemory re0start t"at takes care of t"e freDuent

     power failures in India.


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    "$%D&C# "$%FILE

    76< +eries &ull : -C : #V

    :eveloped usin! our uniDue Crystal :esi!n wit" a "int of 

    rose0red color accentuatin! a traditional piano0black 

     beel frame, t"e 76< +eries -C: #V features Auto (otion

    2lus 13

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    V$# &ront -oadin! )as"er 

    :esi!ned wit" Vibration $eduction #ec"nolo!y#( >V$#?,

    our was"er dramatically reduces barrel vibrationQeven

    at t"e "i!"est speed. It also reduces ener!y and water 

    consumption to t"e worlds lowest levels. &urt"er, weve

    en"anced was"in! performance and eco0friendly performance

    wit" a diamond0s"aped embossin! drum.

    70in01 +team 'ven

    +imple, yet stylis", our 70in01 steam oven combines all of 

    t"e features of a conventional oven wit" advanced steam

    cookin! tec"nolo!y to stimulate "ealt"ier eatin!.

    +amsun!s versatile steam cookin! solution adds a

    steam function to t"e conventional oven, !rill and microwave,

    as well as dry "eat and fermentin!.


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    aptic #ouc" +creen 2"ones >+C 0)53

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    Data Analysis and Inter+retation

    #able *o.1 *umber of companys product sold by dealers.

    Sr! No! "$%D&C# N%! %F $ES"%NDEN#S

    1 C0#V 97

    3 C0#V L$%&$IG%$A#'$ 78

    4 C0#V L$%&$IG%$A#'$ L

    )A+I*G (ACI*% 67

    5 AB'V% A-- ;3

    #'#A- 4

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    Accordin! to survey, 97 dealers were sold only C0#V, 78 dealers were sold C0#V and

    $%&$IG%$A#'$, 67 dealers were sold C0#V and $%&$IG%$A#'$, )A+I*G

    (ACI*% and ;3 dealers were sold all product.

    #able no. 3 s"ows no. of companys product sold from dealers s"op.

    Sr! N%! N%! %F C%M"ANIES


    N%! %F $ES"%NDEN#S

    1 &IV% 44

    3 &'$ 35

    4 #$%% ;

    5 #)' 45

    #'#A- 1

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc



    Accordin! to survey, 44 dealers were sold 6 brands, 45 dealers were sold only 3 brands

    from t"eir s"ops.

    #able *o.4 +"ows (ajor brand of C0#V sold by dealers.

    Sr! N%!'$AND

    N%! %F$ES"%NDEN#S "E$CEN#A.E

    1 -G 4; 4;

    3 VI:%'C'* 34 34

    4 +A(+*G 19 19

    5 +A*+I 11 11

    6 '*I:A ; ;

    #'#A- 1

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


      +ource0 +urvey

      Grap" *o. 0 4


    Accordin! to dealers, in :%$ABA: -G is leadin! in

    C0#V wit" 4;=, after t"at VI:%'C'* is 3 nd wit" 34= and t"en +A(+*G is on 4rd

    wit" 19=.

    #able *o.5 (ost important parameter for more sale of C0#V

    Sr! N%! $EAS%NS F%$  

    M%$E SALES

    N%! %F



    1 2rice 39 39

    3 Fuality 4< 4<

    4 +ervice 18 18

    5 Advertisement 16 16

    6 +c"emes 1< 1<

    #'#A- 1

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


      +ource0 +urvey

      Grap" *o.5


    Accordin! to dealers, 2rice is most important parameter for more sale of C0#V

    and t"en Fuality, +ervices, Advertisement and +c"emes.

    #able *o. 6 s"ows t"e major brands of $%&$IG%$A#'$ sold by dealers.

    Sr! N%


    N%! %F

    $ES"%NDEN#S "E$CEN#A.E1 -G 33 33

    3 VI:%'C'* 14 14

    4 +A(+*G ; ;

    5 G':$% 13 13

    6 )I$-2''- 1; 1;

    7 K%-VI*A#'$ 17 17


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    8 K%*+#A$ ; ;

    #'#A- 1

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    Grap" *o. 0 7


    Accordin! to dealers, most important parameter for more sale of $efri!erator

    is Fuality and t"en 2rice, +ervices, Advertisement and +c"emes.

    #able no.8 s"ows (ajor brands of )as"in! (ac"ine sold by dealers.

    Sr! N%!


    N%! %F

    $ES"%NDEN#S "E$CEN#A.E

    1 -G 19 193 VI:%'C'* 11 11

    4 +A(+*G 16 16

    5 I&B 8 8

    6 )I$-2''- 31 31

    7 G':$% ; ;

    8 K%-VI*A#'$ 1< 1<


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    9 K%*+#A$ ; ;

    #'#A- 1

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    Grap" *o.9


    Accordin! to dealers, t"e most important factor w"ic" affects t"e sales of was"in!

    mac"ine is FA-I#, and t"en prices and services is considered by t"e customers.

    #able *o.; s"ows (ajor brands of :V: sold by dealers.

    Sr! N%!


    N%! %F

    $ES"%NDEN#S "E$CEN#A.E

    1 -G 11 11

    3 VI:%'C'* 14 144 +A(+*G 1< 1<

    5 '*I:A 16 16

    6 2I-I2+ 33 33

    7 +A*+I 13 13

    8 +'* 9 9

    9 I*#%R ; ;


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    #'#A- 1

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    Grap" *o. 1<


    Accordin! to dealers, Fuality is major factor in respect of more sale of :V:, and t"en

    +ervices and prices were to be considered.

    #able *o.11s"ows (ajor Brand of (IC$')AV% 'V%* sold by dealers.

    Sr! N%!


    N%! %F

    $ES"%NDEN#S "E$CEN#A.E

    1 -G 19 19

    3 VI:%'C'* 14 144 +A(+*G 16 16

    5 K%*+#A$ 31 31

    6 G':$% ; ;

    7 2I-I2+ 9 9

    8 BAA ; ;

    9 +'* 8 8


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    #'#A- 1

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    Grap" *o. 13


    #"e most important factor of more sales of microwave oven is FA-I# of t"e product.

    Fuality is mostly affected on sales of microwave oven.

    #able *'.14 s"ows i!" 2rofit mar!in brands

    Sr! No!


    N%! %F

    $ES"%NDEN#S "E$CEN#A.E

    1 -G 31 31

    3 +A(A*G 19 194 )I$-2''- 17 17

    5 VI:%'C'* 14 14

    6 +'* 11 11

    7 G':$% ; ;

    8 2I-I2+ 8 8

    9 K%*+#A$ 6 6


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    #'#A- 1

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    6 I(2$'V% FA-I# 1<

    7 $%G-A$ +C%(%+ ;

    #'#A- 1

  • 8/20/2019 A Study Of Consumer Durable Market For Samsung Electronics.doc


    3. )e know t"at durin! t"e survey in consumer durable industry in :%$ABA: and

    rural area of :%$ABA: -G is leadin! in Colour television, )as"in! (ac"ine,


    4. +tudy s"ows t"at Duality is most important parameter for more sale of colour television

    and t"en price is considered by consumers.

    5. +tudy s"ows t"at Duality of t"e product is most important parameter for $efri!erator 

    t"en price is considered by consumers.

    6. )"ile visitin! t"e s"op we came to know t"at Duality is most important parameter 

    w"ic" is affect on more sales of )as"in! (ac"ine.

    7. Accordin! to +urvey, 2"ilips is most popular brand for :V:.

    8. )e came to know t"at w"ile visitin! t"e s"op, Kenstar is most preferable brand for 

    (icrowave oven because of t"eir Duality.

    9. )"ile visitin! t"e s"op we know t"at -G is !ives "i!" profit mar!in as compare to

    ot"er competitors.

    ;. )"ile visitin! t"e s"op dealers su!!ested t"at after sales service is most important

    factor w"ic" contributes towards t"e sales of Consumer durables.


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    13. (a/imum rural area is covered by t"e VI:%'C'* because of t"eir low price


    14. )e came to know w"ile visitin! t"e s"ops t"at t"ere was bi! problem of after sales


    15. (any dealers were facin! t"e problem of after sale service because t"ere is no follow

    up calls from +A(+*G.s

    16. :emo calls also not done properly.

    17. -G and Videocon is t"e main competitor of +A(+*G.

    18. Advertisin! of +A(+*G C#V is more effective as compare to t"e competitors.

    19. +ales promotion sc"eme were sufficient.


    • Company s"ould improve t"e after sales service of products as it is t"e main

    factor for t"e sales of consumer products.

    • If t"e +A(+*G -td. reduces t"eir product price like -G and VI:%'C'* t"en

    +A(+*G will take over t"e -G in all cate!ories.


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    • Company s"ould distribute free key c"ain, calendar, t0s"irts for makin! brand

     popular amon! people.

    • Company s"ould introduce low price and low power consumption $efri!erator for 

    acDuirin! t"e middle income !roup.

    • :ealer desire more advertisement to be done t"rou!" local newspaper and cable

    #V ads. #o make consumers aware about t"e product.

    • 2rompt of service in time.

    • Advertisements of t"e companys products s"ould focus on Duality rat"er t"en


    • Company s"ould tar!et upper middle class or premium class customers.

    • Company s"ould introduce low cost products to satisfy t"e needs of low or middle


    • :emo calls as well as follow up elp Company to maintain customer relations"ip

    and "ence t"e company s"ould focus on t"ese aspects.

    • +A(+*G ltd. s"ould concentrate on after sales service.

    •  +A(+*G ltd. s"ould try to trap t"e rural market.


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    •  +A(+*G ltd. %stablis" t"e service center as per taluka place.



    • )it" respect to t"e above study and t"e findin!s t"ereby, t"e company "as

    definitely entrenc"ed into t"e urban market.

    • )it" few more concerted efforts, t"e said or!aniation needs to enter t"e rural

    market in order to completely establis" itself all over.


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      A! uestionnaire

      +tudy of Consumer :urable (arket for +A(+*G %lectronics -td. )it"+pecial reference #o :%$ABA:.

     *ame of s"op


     Contact no.

    1? )"ic" is consumer durable product you sold from your s"opS  TC0#V T$efri!erator T)as"in! (ac"ine

      T:V: T(icrowave

    3? ow many no. of companys product you sold from your s"opS  T'*%UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 



    4? )"ic" is major brand of Colour0#elevision you sold from your s"opS  T+A(+*G T-G T Videocon T 'nida  T +ansui

    5? )"at is t"e important parameter for more sales of Colour0#elevision brandST2rice T Fuality T +ervices T AdvertisementT +c"emes

    6? )"ic" is major brand of $efri!erator you sold from your s"opST Godrej T )"irlpool T Kenstar T -G  T +A(+*G T Videocon T Kelvinator  

    7? )"at is t"e important parameter for more sales of $efri!erator brandS  T 2rice T Fuality T +ervices T Advertisement  T+c"emes


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    8? )"ic" is major brand of )as"in! (ac"ine you sold from your s"opS  T I&B T )"irlpool T Kenstar T -G  T +A(+*G T Videocon T Kelvinator T Godrej

    9? )"at is t"e important parameter for more sales of )as"in! (ac"ine brandST 2rice T Fuality T +ervices T AdvertisementT +c"emes

    ;? )"ic" is major brand of :V: you sold from your s"opST+A(+*G T -G T Videocon T 'nida

      T +ansui T 2"ilips T Inte/ T+'*


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