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A Tale Of Two Shepherds (Zechariah 10:1-11:17 April 29, 2018)...A Tale Of Two Shepherds (Zechariah...

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1 A Tale Of Two Shepherds (Zechariah 10:1-11:17 April 29, 2018) With many apologies to the great Charles Dickens – the opening lines of his classic work – A Tale Of Two Cities – can with a minor tweak serve to perfectly describe our passage this morning: He was the best of Shepherds, he was the worst of shepherds It was the choice of wisdom, it was the choice of foolishness It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair We had everything before us, we had nothing before us We were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way The best of Shepherds – the worst of shepherds. In a very real sense – the only truly important choice in life can be reduced to which shepherd we entrust our lives to.
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A Tale Of Two Shepherds (Zechariah 10:1-11:17 April 29, 2018)

With many apologies to the great Charles Dickens – the opening lines of his classic work – A Tale Of Two Cities – can with a minor tweak serve to perfectly describe our passage this morning:

He was the best of Shepherds, he was the worst of shepherds It was the choice of wisdom, it was the choice of foolishness It was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair We had everything before us, we had nothing before us We were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way

The best of Shepherds – the worst of shepherds. In a very real sense – the only truly important choice in life can be reduced to which shepherd we entrust our lives to.

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One Shepherd calls – come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. My path is one of sacrifice and suffering – but I will lay down my life for you – and I will never leave you or forsake you – and I will lead you to the green pasture of heaven. The other shepherd calls – come to Me all who are financially challenged and pleasure deficient and I will give you the desires of your heart. My path is one of hedonistic delight – but you must lay down your life for me – and I will leave you as soon as it gets tough – and I cannot lead you to the green pasture of heaven. As Christians it seems to us that the choice is a no-brainer. We scream – of course you have to choose the Good Shepherd! But too many – willingly and wilfully choose the false shepherd. Even Christians can flirt with the call of the false shepherds and follow them for a time. And the result is utter devastation. This incredibly tragic situation is what we find in our passage this morning. Zechariah laments that:

We foolishly keep rejecting the Saving Shepherd in favour of following worthless shepherds. We foolishly keep rejecting the Saving Shepherd in favour of following worthless shepherds. There is no way any of us deserve to have God as our Shepherd – yet God offers to be our Shepherd anyway.

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As stunning as this is – perhaps more stunning is that most in this world repeatedly choose to reject the Good Shepherd – the One who truly cares for us – the only One who can actually save us – and they follow selfish, cruel, merciless shepherds. I shake my head at the women who choose to stay with and follow men who abuse them and beat them. As bad as that is – and it is despicable – this is worse – trusting your eternal soul to a merciless shepherd. In the final chapters of Zechariah the focus is on The Coming Priest-King – Jesus. If you remember back to the start of this book – we saw a key verse – Zechariah 1:3:

Therefore say to them, Thus declares the LORD of hosts: Return to me, says the LORD of hosts, and I will return to you, says the LORD of hosts.

Zechariah shows us that the central way God returns – the way He draws near – is in a person – His Son – the Priest-King. So, how does this final section break up? These last six chapters are divided up into two oracles. And these two oracles present this:

The Humiliation Of The King 9-11 The Triumph Of The King 12-14

The focus in these concluding chapters is on Jesus in His role as the coming King – in particular in His kingly roles as:

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The true Warrior King and the true Shepherd King. In chapters 9-11 – Jesus comes as the King – Warrior and Shepherd – but what is stunning is that when He comes – He is humiliated and rejected.

We have already looked at:

The King Revealed 9 This morning we will look at:

The King Rejected 10-11 The question this passage screams from the page is this – how could this King – the Good Shepherd – ever be rejected? Who wouldn’t want an all good God who is willing to do anything for His sheep – even to die – who wouldn’t want to be part of His flock? Yet, chapters 10-11 are clear – most reject this King – because He is not the King – the Shepherd – the Messiah – that they want.

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Turn with me to Zechariah 10.

In the first two verses we have a summary statement of the problem. Have a look at Zechariah 10:1:

Ask rain from the LORD in the season of the spring rain, from the LORD who makes the storm clouds, and he will give them showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field.

The returnees were asking for rain? If you returned to a barren land in the midst of a drought – probably the number one thing you would pray to God for would be rain. In the days of Zechariah, life and death literally hung on whether the rains came. Although it is not literally life and death – for our country brothers it is close – rain means prosperity and ruin. When I visited Lisa, my daughter in Longreach, many times in the service they prayed for rain. The church had a day set aside to gather and pray for rain. They knew that only God – the true God can send rain. God made water, clouds, rain as well as vegetation. In the Old Testament – God closed the heavens and sent drought – and God opened the heavens and sent relief. The Jews needed this rain that is what they asked for. What is it that is so much on your heart that you repeatedly ask God for?

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Money, a husband, marital harmony, a child, a promotion, a girlfriend, healing, a job? We ask because we think we need this, it will make us happy, it will complete us. There are three things you need to know about these deep desires of your heart.

1. Only God the Creator of the heavens and the earth can actually give them to you.

2. Even if you got every desire of your heart – but did not have God – they would not satisfy. God made us in such a way that He alone satisfies the desires of our hearts.

3. God is not the good genie. He is the Good Shepherd. He only gives what is best for us. He will not give you something – even if you desperately long for it – unless it is best for you and for the kingdom. This means that many times the answer to our prayers is no. And we don’t like that.

Sheep are so fickle. We ask God a couple of times – we don’t get what we want – so we say – fine – I’ll show You – You are not the only shepherd out there. Verse 2:

For the household gods – the teraphim – they utter nonsense, and the diviners see lies; they tell false dreams and give empty consolation.

Since they got no satisfaction from God, they were turning to ask lumps of wood and stone to make it rain. Here is the analogy. A good parent does not give their child everything their little heart desires. I only want to eat chips and chocolate. I don’t want to go to school. I want to watch anything I want on TV. A good parent says – no! That is not good for you. Kids being kids – what do they do? They try the other parent. They try grandma. They try everyone. Sheep are no different. The Good Shepherd did not immediately give them what they wanted so they turned to other shepherds. Now 21st century westerners might think their choice of alternate shepherd is poor – a bit of wood or stone. But in the days of Zechariah – and in many parts of the world today – men are told – these idols represent powerful spirits and gods who will grant the desires of your heart.

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Judah should have known better – but the history of the Jews was one of turning to idols when God didn’t act like a genie and give them what they wanted. From the golden calf to the last days before the exile – idolatry was everywhere. Read Ezekiel – it is stunning – they even put idols in the Temple – the place where the true God dwelt – and prayed to them. Or read Isaiah – he was gobsmacked. He chastised the people. Your little idol can do nothing. It can’t speak. It can’t move. You have to pick it up and carry it around. You watched as men made it out of stone and wood – and this is what you want to trust your life to? Fools! It seems that the Jews of Zechariah’s day were repeating the mistakes of the generation that went to destruction. They needed rain – God didn’t make it rain on command, so they were turning to praying to an idol. They were asking diviners if they could foresee rain. Zechariah wants to scream – all they see is lies – they sell you false dreams and hope – all they can provide is empty consolation. What are you thinking? You are the people of the true and living God. The One who created all things and sustains all things. The One who delivered you from Egypt and fed you in the wilderness. The One who sends drought and rain. And you choose to turn to a lump of stone rather than pray to Him? Before we get too high and mighty, it is not just primitive people who throw a tantrum – tell God fine – if you won’t give me what I want – I will find some other shepherd. It is a rare week that I do not have someone in my office asking me why? Why hasn’t God given me a wife, why hasn’t God given me a job, why hasn’t God healed my marriage, why hasn’t God healed me? I’ll save you an appointment. I don’t know why! But I do know that the Good Shepherd knows why – and He must know that to grant those desires is not the best for you or the kingdom no matter what you think. I tell them this – and those who sit there – go one of three ways.

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1. They take the path of faith.

God’s ways are higher than my ways. God must have a purpose. I chose to trust. I don’t understand, I don’t like it – but I trust.

2. They take the path of rejection. Fine then. Benny Hinn or some other Word Faith false shepherd says they can get God to heal me or make me wealthy and happy. So long.

We have wept as members of this church have turned from the true God – to follow Messianic Cults or false teachers like Rob Bell. Or more commonly – they say – I’m going into the world. If God didn’t make me happy then I’m going to try sex, drugs and rock and roll. I have yet to find one of them who would say that choice led to happiness or even satisfaction.

3. They take the path of compromise.

OK then. I’m going to have two shepherds or three shepherds or ten shepherds. They don’t actually say this – but it is how they live their lives. It is as if they partition their lives. God – you can be Shepherd over saving me and getting me to heaven – but as far as making me comfortable and happy in this life – I think it’s time for me to add a few helper shepherds. Financial gurus, worldly psychologists, unbiblical counsellors, Facebook groups, unproven medical advisors, Netflix. Some ask – does it really matter if I ask horoscopes to tell me what I want to hear or since God hasn’t met my needs what is the harm in putting my lucky numbers in Lotto every week? Well – it matters, you can’t serve two shepherds. There are no end of worldly wise shepherds out there willing to tickle your ears. And sooner rather than later you have to choose your shepherd. And what Zechariah wants you to know – unless you go all in on the Good Shepherd – any other path leads to disaster. Unmitigated disaster.

Verse 2:

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Therefore the people wander like sheep; they are afflicted for lack of a shepherd.

When you fail to truly follow the true shepherd, you will end up being led astray by these false shepherds and the result is affliction. There are myriads of false shepherds lining up to fill the vacuum when you say – no to the Good Shepherd. They promise the world but the result is always utter devastation. However, despite the siren call of the false shepherds, God is not going to let His people go easily. He says – I am your Shepherd – and I am the Good Shepherd. You don’t need to look elsewhere. That is the picture – a tale of two shepherds. False shepherds offering the world – tickling our ears – but leading to empty dreams, affliction and despair. And the Good Shepherd – ready to bless His people – longing to care for His flock. These two verses outline the choice we face. Really, this should be all we need. The sermon should end here. God shouldn't have to say any more. But He knows how fickle our hearts are and how powerful the call of the false shepherds are – so to remind us that He is the Good Shepherd and the only choice we should make, the Lord then gives:

An Awesome Promise 10:3-11:3 The Good Shepherd Longs To Deliver His People From The Worthless Shepherds

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Verse 3:

My anger is hot against the shepherds, and I will punish the leaders. For the LORD of hosts cares for his flock, the house of Judah.

These false gods and prophets steal the glory that is God’s and they afflict the people God loves – so God wants to come against them. God wants to deliver His people from these false shepherds. This term leaders is literally male goats. This term is used in Scripture of the false leaders who deceive the people of God. The interesting thing is how God plans to deliver His people. He plans to strengthen from within so they are equipped not only to withstand these false shepherds but to turn and attack them. The sheep will stand up to the false shepherds. Look at these promises. The Lord will make His people like His majestic steed in battle. He will send the cornerstone and tent peg and the battle bow – He will send the One who will hold the nation together and unite them. He will make His people mighty in battle. They will trample their foes. Verse 6:

I will strengthen the house of Judah, and I will save the house of Joseph. I will bring them back because I have compassion on them, and they shall be as though I had not rejected them, for I am the LORD their God and I will answer them.

Don’t just walk past this. Remember, the house of Joseph – the Northern Kingdom – gone for over two centuries by Zechariah’s day. The house of Judah – the Southern Kingdom – destroyed 70 years earlier and only a handful left. God says – I will restore your glory. I will bring these nations back – unite them – strengthen them. It will be as if I had never rejected you. You will be like a mighty warrior.

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God will whistle – and they will be gathered from where they were scattered among the nations from Egypt, Assyria – and He will bring them to Gilead and Lebanon – areas known for their fertility, abundance and wealth. God promises to take these poor, persecuted exiles and give them a home, an identity, and make them mighty. It will be like a new Exodus and God will bring His people to a land of promise. Look at verse 12:

“I will make them strong in the LORD, and they shall walk in his name,” declares the LORD.

God will strengthen His people to obey Him and follow Him and withstand the call of the false shepherds. But as well as strengthening the people of God against these false shepherds – God Himself will come against them with the full fury of His holy wrath. In chapter 11:1-3 – God chooses Lebanon – a land renowned for its fertility, its trees and its idolatry and God says – I am going to destroy Lebanon – and its glory – the trees – and its shepherds will wail. The point is – this is not the side you want to choose. Notice verse 3. These shepherds are likened to lions. Lions are the natural enemy of the sheep. These shepherds will end up attacking the flock – so God destroys them. Who wouldn’t want God as our Shepherd – the One who saves and protects? What a choice? When you hear the word – shepherd – what thoughts, images and feelings come to mind? I think of protection – the shepherd fends off the wolves. I think of provision – he leads us to food and water. I think of discipline – his rod encourages us back on track when we wander away. I think of companionship – the shepherd is there with us night and day. The word shepherd just brings this image of safety and love and sacrifice.

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God – is pictured regularly in Scripture as the true Shepherd. The Lord is my shepherd – Psalm 23. And even more – He is the Good Shepherd of John 10. He will willingly lay down His life for His undeserving sheep. So why O why would anyone ever choose any other shepherd? Because we are sinners who think we know what is best. So, history says – despite the obviousness of the choice – we keep choosing to follow the wrong shepherd. This brings us to:

An Appalling Picture 11:4-17 The People Of God Reject The Good Shepherd And Embrace The Worthless Shepherds This appalling picture is provided by having Zechariah dress up twice! He plays two roles. First as the Good Shepherd – and then as a Worthless Shepherd. This is an acted parable that is timeless. It is what happened in the exile. What is happening in Zechariah’s day. It is what happened when Jesus came. And it describes the choice before each of us today. Zechariah 11:4:

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Thus said the LORD my God: “Become shepherd of the flock doomed to slaughter.”

Zechariah is to dress up like a shepherd who is in charge of the flock doomed to slaughter. Why are they doomed to slaughter? Not because God made this choice – but because it is their rejection of God that leads to them being vulnerable and open to destruction. Verse 5:

Those who buy them slaughter them and go unpunished, and those who sell them say, ‘Blessed be the LORD, I have become rich,’ and their own shepherds have no pity on them.

Since the fall – God shepherds His sheep by using under-shepherds. In the Old Testament – prophets, priests and kings – and in the New Testament – Elders. I am sure many of you have heard this saying.

We get the leaders we deserve If you are not happy with the leaders you have – don’t complain – you got what you deserved. You voted them in – you let them in – you are the problem. This quote is generally spoken about regarding political leaders – you don’t like Malcolm Turnbull – too bad you just got what you deserve. Many would argue the same principle applies to leaders in churches.

There is a lot of merit in this. Spiritual leaders are to reflect the principles and leading of the Good Shepherd.

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Zechariah says – instead of following godly under-shepherds – you rejected the Lord and chose to follow corrupt leaders. Leaders who exploited you – who bought you and sold you. Leaders who failed to protect you. Instead of laying down their lives for them – these corrupt shepherds deserted the flock and had no pity on them. Read what happened in the days right before the exile – that is exactly what happened. These men promised the world and led the flock to utter devastation. Let me say that this has great relevance for us today. There are worldly shepherds who promise the world – but are only in it for themselves. I was stunned – but should not have been – about the Royal Commission into financial services. All of these financial advisors – giving clients horrendous advice simply because it gave them the greatest commissions. Terrible. Or all of the dating services that exist primarily to make money not help people. But it is not just in the world we need to exercise care. God has entrusted this flock to under-shepherds. Men who are to reflect the characteristics of the great Shepherd. Men who are to be examples to the flock and not lord it over the flock. Men who are to feed the flock and protect the flock. In the church, if a man is put up for the office of Elder and he does not meet the character requirements – if he is not leading you in the ways of the Good Shepherd – do not affirm him. But, I warn you – look for character not ear-tickling. True Elders won’t tickle your ears. They will challenge you – discipline you – encourage you. They will say no to you at times. And if you don’t like that – there are plenty of false shepherds out there who offer the world – healing, wealth, prosperity. But they will run at the first sign of trouble. If you follow men without godly qualities – you will reap what you sow. It will destroy the flock.

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That is what happened before the exile and it was happening again in Zechariah’s day. What we saw in Zechariah 9 and 10 is this:

We get the leader we don’t deserve. We do not deserve to have God as our King, our Shepherd. But He offers Himself. What this dress up by Zechariah in chapter 11 does is ask:

… the question is whether we follow Him Here is Zechariah dressed up as the Good Shepherd. But did they follow the Lord? No! What we find is that the people had rejected God in favour of these false shepherds – now they will reap what they sew. Verse 6:

For I will no longer have pity on the inhabitants of this land, declares the LORD. Behold, I will cause each of them to fall into the hand of his neighbor, and each into the hand of his king, and they shall crush the land, and I will deliver none from their hand.

This is the opposite of Zechariah 1:3. There God said:

Return to me … and I will return to you.

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Here God says:

Reject me … and I will reject you. Verse 7:

So I became the shepherd of the flock doomed to be slaughtered by the sheep traders.

I need to point out that there is a translation issue here. Depending on whether you read two words joined together or two separate words changes the translation. It can be sheep traders – or – the afflicted of the flock. The ESV is one of the few modern translations that goes with sheep traders. In the context – especially chapter 10 verse 2 – most commentators say this should be the afflicted of the flock and I agree. So in verse 7 and verse 11 – I am going go with most translations and read – afflicted of the flock. So let me read verse 7 again:

I became the shepherd of the flock doomed to be slaughtered, the afflicted of the flock.

Because they rejected God – the people had put themselves in line as marked for slaughter and affliction. And because they rejected God – He did not stop the slaughter. Verse 7:

And I took two staffs, one I named Favour, the other I named Union. In his dress up as a shepherd – Zechariah had two staffs – one named “Favour,” signifying God’s intent to protect and bless the people. And one named “Union,” signifying God’s intent to unite the tribes of Judah and Israel into one people. Verses 7-8:

And I tended the sheep. In one month I destroyed the three shepherds. A number of commentators say this verse is among the hardest and most enigmatic passages in the Bible.

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But basically, God is saying He removes false shepherds. It might be referring to the last three kings of Judah, some of the leaders in the time of the exile, or in Jesus’ day or in the end times. I think it most likely refers primarily to the last three kings of Judah – but is phrased so that it becomes a general statement that God is in the business of dealing with false shepherds. But verse 8 – they hated God for this:

But I became impatient with them, and they also detested me. They detested God for destroying their false shepherds. Wow! Here are leaders selling the Jews out to save themselves and for profit. God removes them and they hate God for that. We love our false shepherds. They tickle our ears and ask nothing too hard of us. If God removed the idols and false shepherds from your life – would you rejoice – or would you detest God? That question cuts a little too close to home. The Jews detested God. So the Lord said fine – then I won’t be your shepherd. Verse 9:

So I said, “I will not be your shepherd. What is to die, let it die. What is to be destroyed, let it be destroyed. And let those who are left devour the flesh of one another.”

God withdrew His favour and protection. The flock was at the mercy of the nations, the false leaders and each other. And the result was the devastation of the exile. Verse 10:

And I took my staff Favour, and I broke it, annulling the covenant that I had made with all the peoples.

Zechariah took the staff – Favour – and snapped it over his knee before the people. This action would have got their attention. This is not talking about the covenant with Abraham that is unbreakable.

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This is a covenant with the peoples – the surrounding nations. This term peoples is used throughout this book to speak of the nations around Jerusalem. And that is what happened – God’s protection was lifted and Babylon came in and destroyed the flock. They trusted false shepherds – God withdrew His favour – the nations attacked, they turned on each other – and it was carnage. Verse 11:

So it was annulled on that day, and the afflicted of the flock, who were watching me, knew that it was the word of the Lord.

They rejected God – God rejected them and they brought the destruction on themselves. The returnees watched Zechariah break that staff and they realized he spoke the truth. They brought this on themselves. I trust you realise that in one sense, this is similar to the purpose of church discipline. If you sin and refuse to repent – the church is to hand you over to Satan – send you into the world – where the world will turn on you and seek to devour you. The hope is you realise – I brought this on myself – I do need the Good Shepherd – the world does not have my interests at heart – and you repent and turn to the Lord. Unfortunately, while these Jews realised this was from God – there seems to be no repentance. They rejected God as their Shepherd. Verse 12:

Then I said to them, “If it seems good to you, give me my wages; but if not, keep them.” And they weighed out as my wages thirty pieces of silver.

They rejected God as their Shepherd, so God said fine – then give me my redundancy – pay me what you think my services have been worth. Thirty pieces of silver was the amount the Bible prescribed for a slave who was killed. It is the most contemptuous salary they could have offered. Verse 13:

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Then the Lord said to me, “Throw it to the potter”—the lordly price at which I was priced by them. So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the Lord, to the potter.

God rejected this contemptuous offer. Zechariah threw it into the Temple – to show that the root cause of this rejection by the people was the spiritual leaders. The shepherds in there led the people astray. Verse 14:

Then I broke my second staff Union, annulling the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

More staff breaking. In Chapter 10, God had outlined His plan to unite Judah and Israel. Now that plan was scrapped. God offered to be the Shepherd of the nation and they rejected Him. This acted out parable looks at the events that led to the exile. It describes the path the Jews in Zechariah’s day were heading down. But crucially, these verses also look forward prophetically. Five hundred years later God came to His people with an offer to once again be their Shepherd. The offer to be their Shepherd came in the person of God’s own Son, the King who came offering righteousness and salvation. And incredibly, He too was rejected. The price of His service was also priced at thirty pieces of silver, paid to Judas for betraying Him. Judas also ended up throwing this lordly priced silver into the Temple – again showing the root cause of the trouble – the false shepherds of the land – the spiritual leaders. And it was used to buy a potter’s field. On one level, the rejection of Jesus is hard to comprehend. He came with love, healing and grace. He offered salvation and righteousness. He performed miracles of power.

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But as we have seen – He was not the kind of King they wanted. They wanted a King to make them mighty not holy. They wanted a King to bless them today not in eternity. And when they rejected Jesus – He rejected them. The covenant of favour was again removed from the city. “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem,” Jesus cried, “the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not! See, your house is left to you desolate” (Matt. 23:37–38). Jesus went on to prophesy the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple – not one stone would be left on top of another. The fall was brutal, bloody and devastating. And despite this warning – the people embraced false leaders – crucify this One – we have no King but Caesar. And to highlight that when you reject the true God you end up following false shepherds – Zechariah is told to dress up again – not as the Good Shepherd – but as a Worthless Shepherd. What clothing and accompaniments depict that this is a worthless shepherd? I am not sure. A shepherd with bling bought from selling the sheep. A necklace of sheep hoofs. Maybe a wolf mask. But I suspect he at least he had an eye patch and sling to show his impotence to protect the sheep. Look at verses 15-17:

Then the LORD said to me, “Take once more the equipment of a foolish shepherd. For behold, I am raising up in the land a shepherd who does not care for those being destroyed, or seek the young or heal the maimed or nourish the healthy, but devours the flesh of the fat ones, tearing off even their hoofs. “Woe to my worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! Let his arm be wholly withered, his right eye utterly blinded!”

Depending on your translation this speaks of foolish shepherds or worthless shepherds. I think worthless – impotent – scoundrel shepherds is the implication.

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When you reject the true Shepherd – this is the guy you end up with – an uncaring and impotent shepherd. This shepherd they trusted their life too does not care for the flock – will desert the flock and will actually attack the flock. And even if he had wanted to protect them – he can’t – he is maimed and blind. This one is the opposite of Jesus. John 10:11–14:

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd.

Jesus would never desert the flock. He is the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. He had the opportunity to flee from the cross. He had the opportunity to come down from the cross. He loved His flock unto death. But these false shepherds care nothing for the flock. They are like the mute, motionless lumps of wood that people pray to – they cannot save you, enrich you, heal you or protect you. When I read Zechariah 10 and 11 here is the image that keeps coming to mind. I picture a sheep. Let’s pick a very random name for him – Craig. Craig the sheep. Craig is in a green lush pasture. There is a brook, beautiful places to live and frolic. There are other sheep. There is a Shepherd there with him – a Good Shepherd – to feed, protect and care for him. Yet there is Craig the sheep – over on the edge of the paddock – with his head jammed through the wire fence – and his neck is straining to reach something. This paddock he is straining into is barren – except for one scrawny tuft of grass.

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That tuft is just past the reach of Craig the sheep. But he is fixated on it. That is what he needs. That will satisfy. Nothing else will do. There in that barren paddock is a worthless shepherd egging Craig the sheep on. Get that tuft and you will be so happy. Keep going. You will finally get it. And don’t listen to that other guy. He doesn’t want you to have the tuft that satisfies. And the Good Shepherd is calling – Craig come to me and find the joy and satisfaction and peace you seek. The question is – what does Craig the sheep do? In Romans 1:25 it says we are drawn to desire to exchange the truth of God for a lie – to seek to be satisfied in the creation rather than the Creator. It is a lie that any other shepherd satisfies. They sound good – but their path leads to emptiness, despair and destruction. This was the choice before Judah. It is the choice before us. The Good Shepherd who would care for them with His life – who can feed them and protect them. Or the false shepherds who will desert the flock – who cannot feed them and are impotent to protect them. They chose the worthless shepherds. What about us? If you are not a Christian – God has a message for you. Everything you are looking for is found in Him. And things you may not even be looking for are found in Him? His is the path that leads to life. All other shepherds will leave you empty. And Christians – you know who the Good Shepherd is – but because he is not the good genie – one who gives you what you think you need – we can flirt with other shepherds or even turn to other shepherds. Don’t. In Him is life. In Him is peace.

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In Him is joy. All other ground is sinking sand.

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A Tale Of Two Shepherds (Zechariah 10:1-11:17 April 29, 2018)

Main Point: We foolishly keep rejecting the Saving Shepherd in favour of following worthless shepherds. Please pick a few relevant questions from each section and ensure the majority of the time is focussed on application. General Questions: 1. What comes to mind when you hear the word – shepherd? 2. What makes Jesus the Good Shepherd? (John 10) 3. In Zechariah 10-11 – what are the characteristics and qualities of worthless


4. So, why do so many flirt with and follow worthless shepherds rather than the Good Shepherd?

5. What is the difference between seeing God as a Good Shepherd or a Good Genie?

Why is that crucial?

6. What would happen if you actually got all the desires of your heart?

7. What are the consequences of following worthless shepherds?

8. In what ways does God strengthen us to stand against worthless shepherds?

9. How does this passage point forward to the events at the coming of Christ?

10. What qualities should an Elder have? What marks an Elder as godly or worthless? Application Questions: 1. Are there things in your life you think God should have done for you? How do you

respond if the answer is no or not now? Why is it so hard? 2. Are there worldly, worthless shepherds you are tempted to follow or idols that draw

your heart? What is their attraction? 3. How do you fight this pull and commit instead to the Good Shepherd?

4. What happens if you try and serve two shepherds?

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5. Are there similarities in your heart with the parable of Craig the sheep? What can you tell yourself to make you long for the Good Shepherd?
