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A Teacher

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A Teacher's View on Education

Unfortunately today there is a lot of bad press about the state of education in the UK. The bad schools seem to hit the headlines, disgraced teachers are splashed over the front of the tabloids and exam result scandals seem to be commonplace. Sadly the nature of the media means that bad news is good news for them and so we only tend to hear the worst of it.

But there are rays of hope out there in the system because certainly not all schools are bad and there are many wonderful teachers out there working with the next generation. I met one recently and she kindly shared with me her thoughts on education. It is an inspiring read and will give those of us who care about education hope and for once, a bit of good news about one of the most important parts of our society. I have quoted her thoughts verbatim and they are published on this site with her permission.".I have had an enthusiasm and concern for children and young people for almost as long as I can remember. This, combined with a commitment to understanding how we can all live happier and more fulfilling lives, has led me to a range of different environments and information sources during the past decade. I have learnt how to use my talent in building relationships with children more effectively, and I have had time to develop my thoughts on education

From birth until the age of formal learning, children learn naturally and instinctively. They observe the real world around them; explore; experiment; persevere; and develop - all fired by their own motivation and at their own individual paces. Their achievements are spectacular. With only the support of others, they are the masters of their own learning, pursuing what theyneedand whatintereststhem.

Many adults also learn and develop in this way, though not always with the same self-discipline! I have seen first hand theneedfor different approaches to children (by parents and educators) and this motivates me to read /observe /research /discuss and learn effectively. My father has a keeninterestin particular aspects of history and chooses to pursue this interest by gathering information and increasing his own knowledge.

However, whilst we were successful academically (in the accepted sense) during our years of formal learning - it did not rival what we achieved beforehand or have achieved since. If learning can be such a joy, why was it not for all those years? I recall long periods of boredom and frustration; I recall lessons that gave us such a poor grasp of the subject in hand, that the grasp was soon lost.

Recently, I chose to attend a seminar on 'motivation in the classroom' at the British Education Show. The speaker was Ian Gilbert (who runs a company called Independent Thinking) and he put it succinctly, children (in fact all learners) need to know 'what is in it for me?' ' We need to know the "why" before the "how" is even relevant'. Children have proved that they learn actively before they ever set foot inside a classroom, and yet when they get there they are usually given passive roles. It is a little like setting a television on standby. Learning is not a receptive task; it is active, pro-active even. Yet, if they are able tosee or feel a needfor something; if they have apersonal interestin something; or if they just want the challenge; they have the "why" and are ready to learn actively. Children spend far more of their lives outside of school, out in the 'real world', and they deserve to see that what they do is realistic, relevant and necessary. The motivation is then intrinsic and the "how", the learning itself, actually means something and can be absorbing.


CONTROLResponsibility, independence and choice are essential for effective and enjoyable learning. Teachers do not need to give up all control in order to share some with the children. In fact, the respect they may then gain can make the arrangement even more effective.

FUNA relaxed and lively atmosphere is helpful; and not the risky hindrance many believe. Similarly, children, in fact, rarely waste time and play. Let's trust them more and pressure them less.

ESSENTIAL SKILLSWe live in a world which requires literacy, numeracy and, increasingly, computer skills. Therefore, we need to allow children to see the real need for these skills and support them in gaining these skills at their own, individual paces.

IMAGINATION & CREATIVITYIf teachers always expect particular outcomes and impose these on children, then they are limiting imagination and creativity greatly. Furthermore, they are weakening self-esteem and encouraging fear of failure. How much more driven might children be if they believe that "anything is possible"? How much more successful will their learning be if they see failure simply as an outcome, rather than as a problem, or a weakness?

INFLUENCEThe subtleties of teachers' (and all adults') language (including body language) are important. If we show children that we believe in them, and their abilities, then they are encouraged to believe in themselves. Being extra positive about what a child might achieve can change what we believed to be realistic for them. Let's not label them, and prevent them from change. Let's encourage them to appreciate where they are now and get excited about where they can go if they choose. We can support them all they ask. We are also models for the children. They observe us more closely than we tend to remember. For example, that they will notice if we treat our colleagues differently from the way we encourage them to treat each other. Or if we do not believe in ourselves the way we hope they will believe in themselves.

REAL WORLD SKILLSChildren need other vital skills, which, in my experience, are often neglected. We need to actively encourage, and give time for, work on social relationships, teamwork and co-operation, concentration skills, independence and self-esteem, empathy and understanding More than just a few minutes circle time once a week, or a group task with no real purpose and which the children are not able to follow through. For example, I encourage children to work together and help each other. Both parties benefit, no matter what their respective ages may be.

INDIVIDUAL LEARNERSEach of us is different, in terms of our learning styles, as well as our strengths and talents. A child who has a particular empathy for others should be celebrated and encouraged as much as a child who excels in Mathematics. Achievement on canvas and looking after the school vegetable patch deserve the same praise as a piece of writing. All these skills are important in 'the outside world'. Furthermore, allowing for different learning styles might mean that one child opts to present a topic he/she has researched through artwork or oral narration, while another might present it in writing. Being proficient in all methods is desirable, but opportunities for personal choice aid effectiveness, motivation and enjoyment.

SITTING STILL vs. MOVING AROUNDWhen I think about how much children and young people are required to sit still for their learning, I consider how it feels sitting in a cramped economy class aeroplane seat for hours. It feels unnatural and uncomfortable. We are even told that it is bad for us. As I have sat at the computer typing this statement, I have been free to get a drink, or go to the bathroom or simply to get up and move around when I have needed to. Nobody told me when I should do these things, I just knew when I needed to and was then able to return to the computer and continue working.

SILENCE!I often consider how tongue-tied children are required to be. How to 'get children to be quiet' is a big issue in schools. However, aren't we expecting too much? If we continually ask children to suppress their urges to speak, they are bound to (and do) 'fail' on a regular basis. Of course, there are times when it is appropriate to stay quiet, e.g. school assemblies, but if we also order them to eat their lunches in silence - a time when there is no obvious need - how can children be expected to appreciate the really important times? Let's be more realistic on this one. And, let's let them ask questions!

FINALLY,I have really enjoyed writing this statement. I can see the need for what I believe; and I have hope that it is possible. This is what all children should be experiencing in their learning. I have felt the exhaustion, frustration and despair of trying to push children to "learn to swim against the tide", trying to force them to learn in unnatural ways. I hope for something different."

These thoughts come from a lady called Victoria Berridge who is a Primary School Teacher but now works as an educational presenter forPositively MAD, a company dedicated to making a difference to the next generation.

What are your thoughts on education?Matt L. Writes Feature Article for Teacher Magazine

This week's feature article in Teacher Magazine, at the top of the page on their website, and emailed to their subscribers, was written by our own Middle School Head, Matt Levinson. Matt says that it grew out of the faculty's discussions in recent weeks about how Nueva handles the holiday season, part of a series of conversations about core values that the faculty began last summer at the retreat. Matt joins a surprisingly large number of Nueva faculty who have published, both articles and books: Kim Saxe, Fred Estes, Alison Fox Mazzola, Matt Berman, Tom Murray, David Louis, Wendy Feltham, Lisa Dettloff, Peggy McLean, Carolee Fucigna, Janice Toben, Emily Kolatch, Dan Bennett, Daniela Steinsapir, and Emily Strem.

Here is the article fromTeacher Magazine.

'Tis the Season for Teaching GloballyBy Matt Levinson

A few years ago, my 1st-grade son was asked at a school lunch table whether Santa Claus existed. He answered no. The question was innocent enough. My sons reply came from his own family experience. We do not celebrate ChristmasI am Jewish and my wife is Buddhist.

Word quickly spread of my sons holiday transgression to the other students in his grade, eventually reaching us at home. We received a phone call from his teacher, who asked to speak with him about spreading the word that Santa Claus was made up. Other parents were upset that our son was allegedly spreading heresy. We did not know how to respond. Our son finally explained his innocent attempt to answer the simple question, "Does anybody at this lunch table not believe in Santa Claus?" But, that was after we lived through several days of angst that our son was ruining the winter holiday for his peers.

This story is far from unique in schools. From candy canes to Christmas trees, December brings great amounts of stress to school administrators as they try to navigate the treacherous waters of religious pluralism, multiculturalism, and political correctness. There are no easy answers for how to handle the winter holidays, from Christmas to Chanukah to Kwanzaa. Some schools choose to sweep the holidays under the rug and avoid any conversation having to do with religious tradition. Others mask the holiday season with the winter solstice, while still other schools go full tilt in adorning the front hallways and classrooms with Christmas trees and Menorahs.

Since President-elect Obama has weighed in on college footballs Bowl Championship Series by calling for a playoff system with a clear winner, I wonder if he might do the same to help resolve the conflict schools face in deciding which holiday tradition they should acknowledge and which to teach about. I am guessing the president-elect would take the opportunity to educate us by breaking down the proverbial walls in our schools and teach them all.

Thomas Friedman in his new book,Hot, Flat, and Crowded, cautions against this post-9/11 American fortress mentality. Instead, he advocates openness and demands that America break free from its "defensive crouch" to "tap the vast rivers of idealism, innovation, volunteerism, and philanthropy that still flow through our nation." Schools need to do the same. Instead of avoiding the holidays and hunkering down into a bunker mentality, in an effort to be sensitive to all, schools need to be bold and embrace the opportunity to deepen understanding of our families and communities.

The holiday or winter concert often calls up strong feelings in a school community. School music conductors labor over song choice and dread the day they release the song list to the community. Not surprisingly, consensus is impossible. Some parents fire off incendiary emails, lambasting the school for teaching about the birth of Jesus in songs like "Away in a Manger," a religious Christmas carol first published in a Lutheran Sunday school book in 1885. Yet this is the perfect chance to teach students about Lutheranism and the Protestant Reformation, the dramatic 16th-century revolution spearheaded by Martin Luther, who called into question Catholic dogma. Parents often hear the words to the song and cringe at the religiosity and point of view being "proselytized" to the young students who sing them. The solution? Ban the song and all like it. Buttress the wall and keep understanding and appreciation of culture, history, and tradition away from impressionable children. That approach sorely misses the point of education, especially in the 21st century, when now more than ever, it is critical to cultivate global understanding.

Holiday concerts create the chance for children to learn songs about Christmas, Chanukah, and Kwanzaa and to gain an appreciation for the different perspectives each of these holidays brings to music. Students could walk away with a greater understanding of cultural and religious diversity. In addition, the spontaneous conversation in the classroom can often spin into a discussion about religious holidays and celebrations in which children learn about and appreciate different families, histories, and backgrounds. Schools should encourage these conversations and create an atmosphere where all children feel comfortable having them.

Three years later, my son understands the holiday season. We have had many conversations to teach him about the range of beliefs that exist in communities at this time of year. He has a better sense of his own identity as a blend of Jewish and Buddhist and, in turn, can appreciate cultures other than his own. We are grateful that we had the teachable moment with him when he was in 1st grade. Thomas Friedman is dead-on in his assessment for the need to remain open to diverse belief systems in the post-9/11 world. Schools need to grab this same mantle, teach pluralism, sing songs from a wide range of traditions, and embrace a vision of global understanding.

My mom is a teacher and so was my grandma. Teaching may be the greatest profession because teachers dont only teach us concepts and lessons within the four-walled classroom. They also mold us into a better person. The best teachers teach both the right knowledge and right values. This hub is a tribute for all the hardworking teachers in the world.


Teacher's day is celebrated every year on the 5th September in India.

It is a dedication to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan who was the President of India.

He was basically a dedicated teacher and a believer in education.

The birthday of this great scholar is been observed as Teacher's day.

Since I was a teacher, I received SMS, e-mails and greeting cards from my students who are now teachers too.

They remember me on this auspicious day as their beloved teacher.

I feel happy to receive their greetings and good words every year on this particular day.

The teachers range from school to colleges.

In fact, the responsibility of school teachers is very important as compared to that of college teachers.

Teaching children is very difficult, because the teacher needs lot of patience and dedication.

Women teachers are good at it and there are a good number of them devote their life for teaching.

Someone said that teachers bring you the brighter side life.

True, we should agree, because the knowledge we receive guide us to progress in the proper path.

Education is the basic culture we need to lead a good life.

Teacher, Parent and Student are the three people involved.

The harmony of these three brings better education.

Teachers of today are of various kinds.

Most of them opt for teaching, when they fail to get other attractive opportunities in life.

No one thinks that teaching is equivalent to a profession like engineering, medicine, law or information technology.

Although, much is talked about teaching and teachers, they are kept in the low side of remuneration.

Those who come to teaching, become best teachers because of their love for this noble profession.

Teachers especially school teachers invariably lead a simple life.

May be they do not have much money to lead a luxury life.

However, they teach their student the best things of life.

We do find some teachers are harsh to their students.

During the past, students used to have lot of respect towards teachers.

In the present day, students do have respect for their teacher, but with a difference.

Students talk to the teachers freely and teachers too are more friendly with their wards.

More freedom is enjoyed by the students of advance countries like the US.

Students call their teacher by first name.

Thus, the association with teachers is greater.

However such relationships have not yet come to our country like India.

Moral values are taught to every student who tries to absorb and adopt.

Teachers learn many things from their students and vice versa.

Teachers make teaching more enjoyable by simple stories through joy and happiness.

Young children, grown ups and the college going teenagers are being managed by teachers.

The day these students pass from one class to an upper class, is the real achievement day for the teachers.

Students look for good teachers who can inspire and motivate.

Therefore, teachers have to learn more about education technology and update their knowledge regularly.

It helps not only the teacher but also the students.Each student is proud of his or her school or college.

When a student enters his earning age, most of them end up as the best engineers, doctors and businessmen who visit their school or college and meet the new students and teachers and tell them about their past school or college days.

Some of them even contribute money, books, scholarships etc., to their alma mater because of their love and affection to establish a link.

The human gratitude is being seen all over the world.

People prefer to uplift the schools in which they studied.

The teachers are happy to receive such encouraging contributions for their schools and colleges.

The standard of living of college teachers has gone up whereas that of school teachers is still on the brink.

In every Teacher's Day, some selected teachers are being honoured by the Government.

State Governments also honour selected teachers.

These honours are simple encouragements for this particular community.

Above all the greatest honour a teacher gets is a phone call of greetings from one of his unknown students on the Teacher's Day.

Long live Teacher's Day!



Years in teaching:

What motivates you to become a teacher?

What is teaching as a profession for you?

What are the things that you learn as a teacher?What are the things that you want your students to remember of you? A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. HENRY ADAMS

May be it was grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you are young and searching, helped you see the world as a more profound place, gave you sound advice to help you to make your way through it.May be like me, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded, and the world seemed colder. Wouldnt you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you, receive wisdom of your busy life today the way you once did when you are younger?The last class of my teacher which I attended was about Ulanga Raja (still in the text of Madhyamik syllabus). I was never a first bencher nor did I like it also. Anyway that doesnt matter since he used to love everyone not like other teachers who used to care for the students those who tops in the class. No grades were given, but there were interaction season to discuss problems for we had to appear for the exams at the end of the terminal. No books were required, yet many topics were covered, including love, work, community, family and last but not the least the text of our syllabus.At this point, I should say though the last day of my school I hugged my dear teacher and promised to keep in touch, but I didnt keep in touch. In fact, I lost contacts with most of my friends I knew in school, including my friends with whom I had my first puff and the first girl I ever woke up in the morning.Well, I thought about him now and then, the things he had thought about being human and relating to others, but it was always in the distance, as if from another life. I often thought to meet him but I couldnt make it. But he used to tell us Accept what you are able to do and what you are able to do, Accept the past as the past, without denying it or discarding it, Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others, Dont assume that its too late to get involved.He used to know me since he was my fathers colleagues elder brother, and had also seen me when I was little. The day he entered our class he just asked Who is the son of P.G? We all laughed as if P.G is the hospital and who might have been his son? Then suddenly it clicked that he might have been asking about me since my fathers name was also P.G, and that was the first time we came to know each other as a student and a teacher. That time he told us I hope that one day you will think me as your friend which I can realise truly.His passion for books is real and contagious. He had written many a books among which Khela Gharer Raja awarded him with the Presidents award in the 1962. He never married in his life and was the founder of the bachelors club Mukta Brihanga. He had written many an articles in magazines, news dailies, and books. This year also six of his books will be released in this book fair. He loved to travel, photography, watching television. Even in 80s he had worked in the TV serials Harsha Vardhan Govardhan, Paliye Khelte Khelte, and many more. But all this he used to do without taking any money. For him god has given him the talent to write not to sell it. The school is there for his livelihood so why ask more. Even in this year he got the Abhigyan Purashkar from the Bangla Academy.Once he told me when my result in the pre-test was poor, So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they are busy doing things they think they are important. This is because they are chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to create something that gives you purpose and meaning.And when he is not with us anymore I can clearly remember those days and desperately wants to go back to those days which I know is next to impossible. Why are we embarrassed by silence? What comforts do we find in all the noise?I look back sometimes at the person I was before I rediscovered my old teacher. I want to talk to that person. I want to tell him what to look our for, what mistakes to avoid. I want to tell him to be more open, to ignore the lure advertised values, to pay attention when you loved ones are speaking, as if it were the last time you might hear them.I know I cannot do this. None of us can undo what weve done, or relieve a life already recovered. But if my old teacher taught me anything at all, it was this: there is no such thing as too late in life.

This article is written as a tribute to Late Nirmalendu Goutam, Presidents award writer and teacher of Nava Nalanda High School (Calcutta, India)Inspirational quotes for teachers

If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. -Ignacio Estrada"What nobler employment, or more valuable to the state,than that of the man who instructs the rising generation."- Marcus Tullius Cicero"Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. " -Bill Gates"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework. " -Lily Tomlin"We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own."- Ben Sweetland"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awakenjoy in creative expression and knowledge."- Albert Einstein"Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well."- Aristotle"By learning you will teach;by teaching you will understand."- Latin Proverb"Nine-tenths of education is encouragement."- Anatole France"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who tugs and pushes and leads you to the next plateau, sometimes poking you with a sharp stick called "truth". -Dan Rather"Teachers should be the highest paid employees on earth" -Tbelle

Funny quotes for teachers

"Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions." -Author Unknown"The greatest sign of success for a teacher... is to be able to say, "The children are now working as if I did not exist." -Maria MontessoriWe spend the first twelve months of our children's lives teaching them to walk and talk and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up. -Phyllis DillerTeachers are those who help us in resolving problems which, without them, we wouldn't have -Author Unknown"If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure. " -Bill Gates"I'm an unemployed teacher right now and I'm looking for a place to teach. " -Bobby Knight"Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years. " -Gracie Allen"But I was going to be a teacher my entire life, so I wasn't counting on money to much. " -Clay Aiken"There are three good reasons to be a teacher - June, July, and August." -Author Unknown"I may forget my first crush in second grade but never my favorite teacher." -Fehl DungoThank you quotes for teachers

"I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well."- Alexander of Macedon"I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom." -Author Unknown"It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference." -Tom Brokaw"He who opens a school door, closes a prison." -Victor Hugo"I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks." -William Shakespeare"There's one thing I've always wanted to do before I quit: Retire."Groucho Marx"The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off." -Abe Lemons"I'm retired - goodbye tension, hello pension!" -Author Unknown"Old teachers never die; they just grade away." Author Unknown"The challenge of retirement is how to spend time without spending money." Author Unknown"Life begins at retirement." -Author Unknown"Age is only a number, a cipher for the records. A man can't retire his experience. He must use it." -Bernard Baruch"Retirement: That's when you return from work one day and say, "Hi, Honey, I'm home - forever." -Gene PerretFebruary 2008

This issue brief was made possible with the generous support of MetLife Foundation.

What Keeps Good Teachers in the Classroom?

Understanding and Reducing Teacher Turnover

Teachers are crucial to the success of our students. Yet many of them are leaving their schools and

the profession every year, particularly in poorer, lower-performing schools. Several studies have

attempted to identify why teachers leave and how to stem their turnover, but few have identified

the quality of teachers who are departing. As in any profession, not all attrition is bad, but whether

bad or good, it has financial ramifications. This brief explores the costs associated with teachers

leaving the profession and their schools, the characteristics of those likely to leave, and what can

be done to prevent unnecessary and costly turnover.

The costs

Each fall students return to school prepared for the start of another academic year, only to find that

far too many of their teachers have not returned to the classroom with them. An estimated 157,000

men and women leave the field of teaching every year. More than 232,000 others change schools,

in great part because they are in pursuit of better working conditions often found in wealthier,

higher-performing schools. Together, these movers and leavers make up an estimated 12 percent

of the total teacher workforce. And these figures do not include the teachers who retire



The exit of teachers from the profession and the movement of teachers away from low-performing

schools are costly phenomena. Students lose the value of being taught by an experienced teacher,

and schools and districts must recruit and train their replacements.

The costs of teacher attrition, or turnover, can vary widely by district and may include signing

bonuses, subject matter stipends, and other recruiting costs specific to hard-to-staff schools. The

National Commission on Teaching and Americas Future (NCTAF) recently analyzed the different

costs associated with teacher attritionboth for the school and for the districts central office. It

estimates that individual urban schools spend $70,000 a year on costs associated with teacher

transferswhether they leave the district or not. Nonurban schools spend $33,000 each. In

addition to these school-level costs, an urban district central office is estimated to spend another

$8,750 for every teacher that leaves the district entirely while nonurban districts spend $6,250. By

combining these school- and district-level costs, NCTAF places the cumulative costs for all

schools and districts across the countryto hire, recruit, and train the replacement teachersat a

staggering $7.34 billion (Barnes, Crowe and Schaefer 2007). Another study found that, in addition

to the expenses incurred as a result of the recruitment and hiring processes, even more costs are

associated with lost productivity and human capital (Milanowski and Odden 2007).


Using national data from the National Center for Education Statistics that was analyzed by Dr. Richard Ingersoll, 231, 621

teachers are estimated to be movers and 156,552 are estimated to be leavers (excluding retirees).

These dollar amounts, large as they are, do not include any calculation of the price that students

pay when qualified teachers leave, or of the negative effect on academic achievement. Teacher

quality is crucial to student academic achievement (Ferguson and Ladd 1996; Haycock 1998;

Rivkin, Hanushek, and Kain 2002; Rice 2003)especially for students who need good teachers

the most. There is general consensus that the single most important factor in improving any

students performance is the quality of the teacher, but researchers have found that the impact of a

higher-quality teacher is particularly significant for low-performing, minority students (Clotfelter,

Ladd and Vigdor 2007). A study of Chicago public high schools finds that a higher-quality teacher

had the greatest impact, measured by the increase in students test scores, among African

American ninth-grade students (Aaronson, Barrow and Sander 2007). Another study, also focused

on high schools, finds that having a highly qualified teacher may even compensate for racial and

socioeconomic disadvantages (Clotfelter, Ladd and Vigdor 2007). These findings make it clear

that recruiting and developing high-quality teachersand then retaining them in every community

and at every grade levelis critical to providing an equitable education to children across the


Why do teachers leave?

Because many of todays teachers were hired in the 1960s and 1970s and are now approaching

retirement, it has been incorrectly assumed that retirement is the primary reason for the current

teacher turnover (NCTAF 2003). But teacher turnover in individual schools includes both teachers

who transfer from one school to another within a district (movers) and those who leave the district

or the profession entirely (leavers). Retirement accounts for about a third of the public school

teachers who are leavers (31.4 percent), but when examined in the context of total turnover that

public schools experience, retirees are responsible for only 16 percent of the attrition.


Working conditions play a much larger role than retirement in explaining why teachers transfer to

different schools and districts or leave the profession entirely. In an analysis of teacher turnover,

teachers reported retirement as a reason for leaving less often than job dissatisfaction or the pursuit

of another job (Ingersoll 2003). Among public school teachers who transferred from one school to

another, moving to get a better teaching assignment was cited as a deciding factor 38.1 percent of

the time. Similarly, dissatisfaction with workplace conditions (32.7 percent) and dissatisfaction

with the support received from administrators at their previous school (37.2 percent) were equally

cited as other important reasons in their decision to move (NCESa 2007).

A recent MetLife Survey of the American Teacher also finds a clear correlation between quality

school relationships and an increased rate of retention among teachers. Teachers stating that they

were likely to leave the profession were also more likely to express dissatisfaction with their

relationships with parents, the principal, and their students (MetLife 2005). Another study, by the

Center for Teaching Quality, looked specifically at high schools and finds a similar correlation

between better-quality working conditions and decreased teacher turnover. Student achievement

also improves with better working conditions (Center for Teaching Quality 2007).


Using data from the Teacher Follow-up Survey 200405 (NCES), the Alliance for Excellent Education finds that of the 269,600

public school leavers, 31.4 percent (or 84,654) are retirees. Out of the total movers and leavers in the public sector, retirees make

up 16 percent of the turnover [(retirees)/(movers + leavers)].

2 Which teachers leave?

As in any profession, not all turnover is bad, especially if it facilitates the exit of lower-quality

teachers. Common wisdom has held that higher-quality teachers leave at greater rates, but recent

research has called that into question.

Generally speaking, teachers in any phase of their careers who have high academic credentials

(such as being a graduate from a highly selective college or having high undergraduate grade point

averages) are most likely to leave the teaching profession for reasons other than retirement. Those

with strong education credentials (such as certification and an undergraduate degree in education),

on the other hand, are more likely to move between schools, but most likely to stay in the

profession (DeAngelis and Presley 2007; Goldhaber, Gross and Player 2007; NCESb 2007).

New teachers with strong academic qualifications are more likely to move to districts with what

are typically considered more attractive schools or to leave the profession altogether (DeAngelis

and Presley 2007). The selectivity of a teachers undergraduate institution (as measured by

average SAT scores) has also been found to be associated with the likelihood of exiting the

profession. For women, in particular, the chance of this outcome increases by 29 percent as SAT

scores increase by one hundred points (Goldhaber, Gross and Player 2007). Teachers with higher

academic qualifications are especially likely to leave a school whose students are not performing

well academically. For example, teachers who scored higher on the General Knowledge portion of

the certification exam were more likely to leave a school where students did not perform as well

on the standardized English Language Arts test. In contrast, teachers who scored in the lowest

quartile actually showed increased retention. These findings explain why it may be difficult for

low-performing schools to attract and retain better-qualified teachers (Boyd et al. 2005).

On the other hand, those who have invested in credentials specific to teaching are most likely to

stay. For example, women who obtained their National Board certification are 90 percent less

likely to leave the school system and 18 percent less inclined to transfer within the district

(Goldhaber, Gross and Player 2007). Among teachers who had majored in education and who did

leave, the most-cited reason for leaving was family-related (32.1 percent), rather than related to

work conditions or preferences. In contrast, science, math, and engineering majors who left

teaching are most likely to leave for a job outside of education (44.5 percent) (NCESa 2007).

Unsurprisingly, these findings show that those who have invested in their careers as educators are

bound to stay in the field longer. But are the teachers who are staying the best at improving

student achievement? Some researchers have found weak correlations between student

performance and any one particular credentialacademic or educational (Aaronson, Barrow and

Sander 2007; Goldhaber, Gross and Player 2007). On the other hand, a plethora of research

supports that some of these factorsperhaps in combinationdo contribute positively to

producing an effective teacher (Rice 2003; Clotfelter, Ladd and Vigdor 2007). Hence, credentials

alone do not clarify whether the best teachers are leaving the profession or moving away from

disadvantaged schools.

3Are schools losing their best teachers?

For this reason, researchers have undertaken the task of measuring the quality of the teachers

leaving the classroom by developing other variables to answer this crucial question, such as

examining the degree of change in student performance a particular teacher can create after a year

a student spends in his or her classroom.

The good news is that these studies find that the lowest-quality teachers, as measured by this

standard, tend to have higher rates of turnover and the more effective teachers tend to stay. One

study finds that teachers ranked at the bottom in terms of effectiveness turn over more than any

other group. For example, a teacher ranked in the bottom 10 percent of a quality distribution is 13

percent less likely to remain in teaching in the same district the following year than teachers who

rank higher (Aaronson, Barrow and Sander 2007).

Another study finds that, on average, teachers who have been shown to increase their students

academic performance stay in the teaching profession longer and are not necessarily more apt to

leave lower-performing, poorer schools. Although challenging environments generally increase

the likelihood of teacher attrition, those teachers who are deemed more effective are also more

likely to stay in these lower-performing schools (Goldhaber, Gross and Player 2007).

The bad news is that these findings do not hold true for the most-challenging schools. Although

effective teachers generally tend to stay in challenging schools, as teachers become more effective,

they are more likely to move away from the most-challenging schools to schools with relatively

lower concentrations of poverty and higher performance levels (Goldhaber, Gross and Player

2007). Teachers who work in poor schools, as determined by the proportion of students receiving

free and reduced-price lunch, are significantly more likely to leave their school or profession than

those who work in wealthier ones. Those teachers who work in high poverty schools have an

annual turnover rate of 20 percent, while those in low poverty schools have a rate of 12.9 percent

(NCTAF 2003). Moreover, a MetLife survey finds that teachers at-risk of leaving the profession

are also more likely to be teaching in urban, low-income schools with high concentrations of

minority students (MetLife 2005). Low funding levels in high-poverty districts generally do not

allow schools to offer competitive wages and often contribute to ineffective, bureaucratic

recruitment and hiring procedures; challenging work conditions; and inadequate teacher supports

(Levin and Quinn 2003).

The lower turnover rates of effective teachers among challenging schools is encouraging. But

students being served by the most-disadvantaged schools should not be neglected; neither should

the teachers who have the desire and knowledge to contribute to students academic achievement,

but lack the tools necessary to do so. Instead, systems should be designed to ensure that the best

teachers are teaching the students with the highest challenges and that teachers receive the training

and support they need to help students succeed.

4 Success is key to retaining teachers

Certainly, a teachers decision to stay or leave a particular school is contingent on a variety of

factorsranging from teachers personal characteristics to their satisfaction with the schools

environment. However, in all cases, the key seems to lie in the level of success teachers

encounter in raising their students academic performances.

For this reason, giving teachers the supports necessary to succeed is critical. Policy changes and

systemwide improvement efforts should focus on making such success possible. New teachers, in

particular, are at risk of leaving the profession within their first year of teaching if they are

unprepared and unsupported to teach in challenging situations. It is estimated that within the span

of five yearsthe average time it takes for teachers to maximize their students learninghalf of

all new teachers will have exited the profession (Ingersoll 2003). Beginning teachers are routinely

assigned the most difficult classrooms, full of low-performing students at risk of falling behind or

of dropping out. A study of new teachers in Massachusetts finds that one in five received no

operational curriculum at allmeaning teachers were on their own to decide what to teach and

how to teach itand over half encountered a curriculum that specified topics or skills to be taught

but that provided no materials or guidance on how to address them (Kauffman et al. 2002).

Without experience and often lacking complete curricula, these teachers are usually the least

prepared to turn at-risk students around.

Comprehensive induction: Giving teachers the opportunity for success

How can the nation ensure that its new teachers, especially those in struggling schools, stay in the

classroom long enough to make a difference for their students?

Percent Turnover of Beginning Teachers After One Year,

by Amount of Induction Received (2000)









0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

No Induction

Basic Induction

Basic Induction +



Induc tion

Comprehensive induction has the potential to cut new teacher turnover rates in half. (Smith, T.

and R. Ingersoll. 2004. What are the effects of induction and mentoring on beginning teacher

turnover? American Educational Research Journa l 41(3): 681-714).

Leavers Movers

Comprehensive induction, a program that includes varying degrees of training, support, and

assessment during a teachers first years on the job, proves most effective. Comprehensive

induction combines high-quality mentoring with release time for both new teachers and mentor

teachers to allow them time to usefully engage with one another; targeted and ongoing quality

professional development;

common planning time with other

teachers in the school; and

networking with teachers outside

the school during at least the new

teachers first two years in the

profession. The induction process

culminates with an evaluation to

identify a teachers strengths and

weaknesses, target future

professional development, and

determine if the individual should

move forward in the profession

(Alliance for Excellent Education

2004). The National Educational

Association and the American

5Federation of Teachers support induction programs and the use of standards-based reviews as an

essential element of an effective induction program (American Federation of Teachers 2001;

National Education Agency 2003).

Novice High School Teachers' Plans to Continue

Teaching and Levels of Induction (2005)















Intend to Continue Teaching Plan to Remain in School

New teachers receiving intensive induction are significantly more likely to remain in teaching.

(Kapadia, K., V. Coca, J.Q. Easton. 2007. Keeping new teachers: A first look at the influences of

induction in Chicago Public Schools . Chicago, IL: CCSR.)

Weak Intens ive

In 2000, less than 1 percent of beginning teachers received comprehensive induction, but those

who did saw just over a 50 percent reduced likelihood of turnover (Smith and Ingersoll 2004)



Similarly, other studies find that districts that invest in induction experience less yearly teacher

turnover and increased teacher retention in the long run (Shockley, Guglielmino and Watlington

2006). These findings are

particularly important, as they

affect new high school teachers,

who typically receive less

intensive induction than

elementary school teachers

(Ingersoll 2007; Kapadia, Coca

and Easton 2007). New high

school teachers who do receive

intensive levels of induction are

significantly more likely than

those who receive weak levels of

induction to say they intend to

continue teaching and plan to

remain in their current schools

(Kapadia, Coca and Easton 2007).

A case for induction

In addition to increasing teacher retention, induction programs teach effective instructional

practices that improve student learning (Serpell and Bozeman 2000). The combination of

professional development and exposure to their mentors and other teachers experiences can

shorten the time it takes for new teachers to perform at the same level as an experienced teacher,

which is, on average, from three to seven years without induction. The New Teacher Center, a

national resource center on teacher induction, finds that the productivity of new teachers in

comprehensive induction programs rivaled that of their third- and fourth-year peers (Villar and

Strong 2007). Thus, an inducted first-year teacher is likely to produce the same levels of student

achievement as a noninducted fourth-year teacher. Although comprehensive induction programs

are not inexpensive, they have short- and longer-term payoffs. Since these first-year and fourthyear teachers are essentially doing the same job, the gap between first- and fourth-year salaries

represents savings from the programs in addition to the savings related to reducing turnover.


Comprehensive induction is defined here as having four components: (1) Basic induction (mentor and supportive

communication with principal or other administration) and collaboration (common planning time and regular

scheduled interaction with other teachers); (2) participation in an external network of teachers; (3) having reduced

number of preparations; and (4) being assigned a teachers aide. (Smith and Ingersoll 2004).

6 In the 200405 MetLife Survey of the American Teacher, new teachers reported being greatly

stressed by administrative duties, classroom management, and testing responsibilities, as well as

by a lack of relationships with their students parents (MetLife 2005). Comprehensive induction

programs are designed to address the roots of teacher dissatisfaction by providing teachers with

the supports and tools they need for successby guiding their work, further developing their skills

to handle the full range of their responsibilities, and evaluating their performance during the first

few years of teaching.

Induction also improves the satisfaction and skills of veteran teachers. Experienced teachers

serving as mentors or evaluators improve their own teaching practices by observing and coaching

beginners. Often teacher coaches find that mentoring provides them new opportunities for career

growth and better pay. The collaborative aspect of a good induction program helps foster a

community of educators committed to raising the performance of their school and district. The

benefits of induction to all teachers, new and seasoned alike, should not be underestimated.

Financially, comprehensive induction has shown to more than pay for itself (Fletcher and Villar

2005). The New Teacher Center estimates a $1.66 rate of return on every dollar invested in an

induction program (Villar and Strong 2007). Yet across the nation, states routinely spend millions

of dollars each year to replace teachers who leave the classroom instead of investing in induction

programs. Federal law, under the No Child Left Behind Act, allots Title II funding toward

improving teacher quality that can be used toward designing and implementing a successful

induction program. Unfortunately, induction is not required or prioritized for these funds, and little

is known about what percentage is spent on induction programs.

Tapping teachers potential

Completely eliminating turnover is not ideal, of course, as ineffective teachers do need to leave the

profession. However, too many effective, new, and academically strong teachers who have the

potential to positively influence the nations students leave or move away from disadvantaged

classrooms every year because supports are not available to them. High-quality, comprehensive

induction, although not a panacea on its own, can give the latter group the tools necessary to

succeed in challenging classrooms and help new teachers become effective in a shorter amount of

time. Simultaneously, it further develops the skills of veteran teachers. And when combined with

improved working conditions, comprehensive induction provides an environment of success for

teachersan environment that is crucial to equalizing the quality of education for all students.

When teachers are not supported, the lossto taxpayers, educators, schools, communities, and

studentsis immense.

The Alliance for Excellent Education is grateful to MetLife Foundation for its generous financial support for

the development of this brief. The findings and conclusions presented are those of the Alliance and do not

necessarily represent the views of the funder.


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National Commission on Teaching and Americas Future.

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Kapadia, K., V. Coca and J. Q. Easton. 2007. Keeping new teachers: A first look at the influences of induction in the

Chicago Public Schools. Chicago, IL: Consortium on Chicago School Research, University of Chicago.

Kauffman, D., S. M. Johnson, S. M. Kardos, E. Liu, and H. G. Peske. 2002. Lost at sea: New teachers experiences

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National Education Association. 2003. Meeting the challenges of recruitment and retention: A guidebook on

promising strategies to recruit and retain qualified and diverse teachers. Washington, DC: Author.

Rice, J. K. 2003. Understanding the effectiveness of teacher attributes. Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute.

Rivkin, S. G., E. A. Hanushek, and J. F. Kain. 2005. Teachers, schools and academic achievement. Econometrica 73

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Serpell, Z. and L. Bozeman. 2000. Beginning teacher induction: A report on beginning teacher effectiveness and

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Shockley, R., P. Guglielmino, and E. Watlington. 2006. The costs of teacher attrition. Paper presented the

International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Smith, T. and R. Ingersoll. 2004. What are the effects of induction and mentoring on beginning teacher turnover?

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a comprehensive mentoring program for beginning teachers. Santa Cruz, CA: The New Teacher Center.

Types Of Teachers

Teachers serve as the guiding force in a students life. They are responsible for molding a students personality and shaping his/her mental orientation. Teachers deeply impact our lives and direct the course of our future. One cannot deny the influence of teachers in ones life. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to say that, till a certain age, out life revolves around our teachers. They are our constant companions, until we grow old enough to come out of their shadow and move ahead on our own.

Right from the time we embark on our education trip, we come across different types of teachers. Some are friendly, some are strict, and some are the ones we idolize. We also dislike a few, who fail to impress us positively. Students begin to like teachers, according to their own individual preferences. They even classify their teachers into different categories, such as Friendly Teachers, Lenient Teachers, Perfectionist Teachers, Strict Teachers and Funny Teachers. All these classifications for teachers are based on some typical personality traits of the teachers. For ex - some teachers constantly criticize the students, some act like friends, some are fun to be with and so on. Let us explore them in detail.

Friendly TeacherA friendly teacher, as the very term suggests, acts like a friend for his/her students. A teacher-friend, in fact, combines both the guidance of a teacher and the understanding of a friend. We all, at some point of time, aspire for an understanding teacher. Such a teacher acts like our friend, philosopher and guide.

Funny TeacherA funny teacher is like a God-sent to the students. Such a teacher always wants to see his/her students smile ands make learning a pleasurable experience. They are not clumsy, as most people think them to be. Rather, they are witty and bring in humor in the most subtle form.

Ideal TeacherAn ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them.

Lenient TeacherA lenient teacher is easygoing and takes things as they come. He/she is not overly finicky about things, such as doing homework on time or not sitting quietly in the class, etc. Such teachers very well realize that being strict with a child can only make him/her withdrawn. However, this does not mean that one can do anything in the class of a pampering teacher.

Strict TeacherA strict teacher is very tough on students. He/she always insists on adhering to the deadlines. Such a teacher dislikes any mistakes or carelessness on the part of the students. Students have to be extra cautious under such a teacher. He/she is like a disciplinarian, always keeping students on their toes.

Education is one of the greatest services provided by teachers. It is vital for anything. The role played by teachers becomes a very important component and in fact it can be said that they are in way our nation builders. Teachers work in close co-ordination with students to help them in building up their future. They mould the students to bring out their skills or improvise them, teaching good habits/attitudes and helping them to become good citizens of the nation.

There are many students who feel shy or have some personality problems. It becomes quite important for teachers to attend to these students personally and encourage them to overcome this shyness or personality disorders.

A good teacher in fact becomes a role model for students. Students tend to follow their teacher in almost every way like manners, style etc. Students tend to get affected by the teachers affection as well as love for them. So the teacher should have the professional competence as well as good moral background in order to impart these values to students.

Teachers form religious leaders, world super powers, and everyone else in between. Due to the success of teachings we have increased the knowledge base of our doctors to create safer and more efficient ways to operate while under pressure by exposing new strategies and equipment to better prepare them for whatever they come across. Everything starts with teachers and the mentality they possess to drive students to new levels. Teachers make the lifeboat because they are the first to interrupt the field of unknown and transform thoughts into reality by learning and passing it on to the body.

The Qualitative Report Volume 13 Number 1 March 2008 1-11

Teachers Who Left the Teaching Profession: A Qualitative


Liza Gonzalez and Michelle Stallone Brown

Texas A&M University, Kingsville, Texas

John R. Slate

Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas

In this study, the researchers investigated public school teacher attrition

in the State of Texas. The study examined the problem by focusing on the

predominant reasons teachers give for leaving the profession after

working only one year as a teacher. Eight persons who had left the

teaching profession after one year teaching were contacted and

interviewed concerning their reasons for leaving. The three most

influential factors found were lack of administrative support, difficulties

with student discipline, and low salary levels. Study findings and

implications for policy are discussed. Key Words: Teacher Attrition,

Teacher Retention, and Teacher Shortage

A recent study examining the need for newly hired teachers in the United States

reported that over 150,000 teachers are employed to meet the demands of growing school

districts, retiring teachers, and replacing those individuals who have left the profession

(National Center for Education Statistics: NCES, 2003). Additional researchers have

reported that public school enrollment rose 21% between 1985 and 2002. The highest

growth percent occurred in the elementary grade levels, showing an increase from 27

million to 33.8 million. Projections for the 2012 public school enrollment are forecasted

to be slightly higher than that of 2002 with a 2% increase occurring every year (NCES).

With these increasing numbers, it is imperative that researchers address the attrition rate

of teachers who are leaving the profession, particularly within the first year of teaching.

Darling-Hammond (1998) stated that teacher attrition is at 30% within the first

three to five years of entering the profession. According to the numbers and predictions

for enrollment, the nation will soon be in dire need of educators to teach the increasing

number of students in public schools. Due to the national increase of student enrollment

and the increase of teachers exiting the teaching profession, due to retirement and career

changes, the dilemma at hand becomes one that affects the nation.

The State of Texas is facing a severe teacher shortage (Fuller, 2002). The State

Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) created a mentoring program called Texas

Beginning Educator Support System (TxBESS) in hopes of encouraging teachers to

remain in the classroom beyond the first year. According to Fuller, one out of every five

beginning teachers leave the profession after the first year. Although the TxBESS

program is no longer legislatively funded, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) provided

money to SBEC so that they can continue to streamline the TXBESS materials and Liza Estella Gonzalez, Michelle Stallone Brown, & John R. Slate 2

provide training around the state. Currently they are providing training of trainers

sessions around the state so that attendees can return to their programs and train mentors,

administrators, beginning teachers, and the community. These sessions are being attended

by ISD representatives, ACP programs, universities, charter schools, and regional service

centers. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES, 2003) estimated that the

nation will need between 1.7 and 2.7 million new teachers for the 2008-09 school year.

New teachers will be replacing retired teachers, teachers leaving the profession, as well

as meeting the increased enrollment demands (Hussar, 2000).

Much attention has been brought to the issue of our nations teacher shortage, but

what must be addressed and examined is the retention issue. The National Education

Association (NEA) reported that 20% of newly hired teachers leave the classroom within

the first three years of teaching. In urban areas, the numbers are closer to 50% (NEA,

2003a). The National Commission on Teaching and Americas Future (NCTAF) reported

that in the 1990s the nation increased its supply of teachers and continues to meet the

demands that each year brings (NCTAF, 2003). The NCTAF went on to address the areas

that are the exception such as mathematics, special education, science, and bilingual

education. Between the years of 1984 and 1999, there were 220,000 new graduates

annually. The problem is that the number of teachers leaving the classroom was

increasing faster than they could be replaced (NCTAF).

Instead of asking from where the next batch of teachers will come for the

upcoming school year, it is time to examine how many left the profession last year and

why (NCTAF, 2003). The NEA reported that teachers feel overwhelmed by the scope of

the job, while others feel that the expectations are unclear. Some teachers report feeling

unsupported and isolated (NEA, 2003a). Other reports from the NEA stated that teachers

are still underpaid in comparison to professions that require the same amount of

education, and teachers are not respected or valued based on the contribution they make

to society (NEA, 2002). It is time to take a serious look at retention and attrition and the

reasons behind this phenomenon rather than continue to concentrate on the shortage


The NEA believes that all retention issues should be addressed and should start

with the recognition of the complexity of the teaching job. It has been acknowledged that

teachers should be provided with mentors, professional development training sessions,

reduced class sizes, and adequate planning time (NEA, 2002). The NEA is working with

other organizations and policymakers to develop mentor programs, induction programs,

and peer assistance programs, in an effort to keep teachers in the classroom beyond the

first year and preferably beyond the fifth (NEA, 2003b).

A review of the literature at the national and state levels indicates the teacher

shortages in other states have been caused by personal, monetary, teacher preparation,

organizational, and emotional/social factors. Richard Ingersoll, in a report for the

National Commission on Teaching and Americas Future (NCTAF), called teaching a

revolving door profession (Ingersoll as cited in NEA, 2003b, 1). The NEA stated that

according to the NCTAF, schools are losing about the same number of teachers each year

as they hire. Turnover of teachers in high-poverty schools is higher than in any other area

(NEA, 2003b). Adding to the shortage of teachers is the requirement of highly

qualified teachers by the end of the 2005-2006 school year. The Elementary and

Secondary Education Act (ESEA), better known as No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 3 The Qualitative Report March 2008

added the challenge of highly qualified to ensure that all teachers are certified in the

subject area they are teaching (NEA, 2003b).

In a report to the Senate Education Committee, Ingersoll stated that questions

about teacher shortages inevitably lead to questions about teacher attrition, mainly

because the high attrition rate is seen as a bigger influence on shortages than an

insufficient supply of new teachers (Herbert & Ramsey, 2004). Though the decision to

enter or stay in the classroom is a personal decision, Herbert and Ramsey identified

salaries and incentives, working condition, professional development, and assignments to

be contributing factors to the high attrition rate (Herbert & Ramsey). According to

Branch (2000), Texas is facing a teacher shortage of about 45,000 teachers with only

14,000 new recruits to choose from. Additionally, Texas teachers are earning currently

about $3,000 below the national average of $41,000. John Cole, president of the Texas

Federation of Teachers has said that the state needs to do a better job in the area of

teacher salaries (Branch).

With the ongoing teacher shortage and consistently high rates of attrition, the

current study sought to determine the primary reasons certified teachers in Texas leave

the profession. The researchers conducted interviews with certified Texas teachers who

had left the teaching profession after one year. Researchers examined the predominant

motivations for leaving the profession.

Methods and Procedures

According to Creswell (2003), qualitative procedures depend on text, have

distinctive steps in collecting and analyzing data, and draw on varied tactics of

questioning (p. 179). Qualitative research stresses a model of investigation that provides

an in-depth understanding of intricate issues and focuses on an understanding of the

narratives and observations obtained. Naturalistic inquiry provided the best means for

exploring the role of the first year teacher and the reasons behind leaving the profession.

Erlandson, Harris, Skipper, and Allen (1993), identified four sources for gathering data:

interviews, observations, documents, and artifacts. Interviews are not the typical one-onone question and answer sessions; rather they are more of a dialog or interaction (p. 85).

Dexter (as cited in Erlandson et al.) described interviews as conversation with a

purpose (p. 85).

Qualitative Inquiry Technique

The researchers believed in the importance of teacher voices; therefore, the

interview process was selected as the data collection method to gather insight concerning

the factors that contribute to teachers leaving the profession. As its purpose, the study

sought to develop central themes about the factors that hinder teachers from remaining in

the profession. The general interview guide approach was utilized to provide meaningful

information on concepts central to the purpose of the research. The semi-structured

nature of the interviews allows the researchers to explore, probe, and ask questions that

will elucidate and illuminate that particular subject (Patton, 2003, p. 343). The

interviews required that participants reflect on the phenomena that took place in the past.

Interviews provide attitudes and opinions as well as deeper insight into the reasons Liza Estella Gonzalez, Michelle Stallone Brown, & John R. Slate 4

behind why teachers are leaving the profession. Therefore, the qualitative inquiry

technique of semi-structured interviews with former teachers fit well with the purpose of

the study.

Participant Recruitment Procedures

Prior to contacting potential participants, Internal Review Board approval was

sought through Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Once IRB approval was granted, the

researchers attempted to locate appropriate participants by placing ads in several Texas

newspapers, asking teachers who were certified and left the profession after one year to

please call and set up an interview. Many calls came in, but most of the potential

participants did not fit the criteria or did not want to participate in case they one day

decided to return to the profession. Regional Service Centers were contacted as well as

school district Human Resource Directors to enlist help in finding possible candidates for

this portion of the study. Once an adequate sample member was located,

recommendations for others were requested.

All of the participants were located through snowball sampling, but all were

selected based on criterion sampling. According to Patton (2003), snowball sampling is

when researchers identify cases of interest from sampling people who know people who

know people who know what cases are information rich, that is, good examples for study,

good interview participants (p. 243). Criterion sampling is based on selecting a group to

study because they meet the necessary criterion, in this case, certified teachers in the state

of Texas who left the profession after one year in the classroom (Patton).

Once a possible candidate was established, and initial communication was

completed by the individual volunteering the former teacher, these researchers were

provided with contact information, and then researcher contact was established with the

possible participant to discuss more fully the scope of the study and willingness to

participate. The initial communications occurred via telephone contact. After all

preliminaries were secured, an interview time and meeting place were secured.

Ultimately, eight Texas certified schoolteachers who were no longer teaching

were selected to participate in this study. Participants originated from various regions

located throughout the state. Of the eight participants, six were female and two were

male. Six of the participants were Hispanic and two were White, and their ages ranged

from 25 to 56 years. The criteria for participation included being certified to teach, but

leaving the profession after only one year of teaching.

Data Collection

For the purpose of the current investigation, former teacher interview narratives,

as well as detailed field notes, constituted the data for the study. Face-to-face interviews

were conducted in a natural setting convenient to the interviewee. This process allowed

an opportunity to observe the surroundings and gather information on personal interests.

Anonymity was ensured and an explanation of what the results would be used for ensued

(Erlandson et al., 1993). Interview times ranged from 45 minutes to approximately two

hours. Some of the interviews took place in the participants homes, while others took

place at work, and still others preferred to meet at a restaurant. Follow-up questioning 5 The Qualitative Report March 2008

and necessary clarifications were completed via phone conversations, and on one

particular occasion, a second face-to-face interview was established. During the

participant contact, field notes were taken to describe the participants surroundings in


This data collection method allowed for wording and the sequence of the

questions to happen naturally through the interview process, while maintaining relevance

to the predetermined topic. Patton (2003) claimed that the interview guide approach

allows for the interviews to remain fairly conversational and situational (p. 349), while

allowing the interviewer to explore, probe, and ask questions that will illuminate the topic

at-hand. The goal of the researchers was to explore the problem of teacher attrition in a

way that would probe spontaneously, with the problems uncovered in a naturallyoccurring conversation to maintain the integrity of the data. The meetings with the

participants remained open and conversational.

The lead researcher conducted the interviews with all eight participants. Once the

interview began, the researcher began with non-threatening questions, broad enough to

not be threatening, yet easy enough to answer that the participant began to feel

comfortable. The conversations usually focused on their general experiences in the

teaching field. Often, specific incidents or stories were shared. This approach helped to

establish rapport. Once the relationship was established, questions centered on one main

issue; the main reasons behind leaving the teaching profession and several sub-issues;

what were the personal reasons, organizational reasons, and monetary reasons that

influenced the decision. As respondents dialogued on experiences in the classroom, they

were allowed opportunities to elaborate on their responses. Closure to the interview is as

important as the start. The interviewer recapped or summarized the information obtained

to make sure that the important parts were captured. This member-checking allowed the

interviewee a chance to clarify or refine certain aspects of the interview (Erlandson et al.,


Analysis of Data

Once the interviews had been conducted, the interview response data as well as

field notes and observations were assessed immediately by accurately transcribing and

storing the data in a word processing document to be analyzed qualitatively for

conceptual and recurring common themes, with the ultimate hope of developing

grounded theory (Patton, 2003). The researchers examined the transcribed interview

narratives and field notes, looking for indications of categories. With each category,

researchers coded them on the document, and after several read-throughs, the codes

developed into a name that described the event or issue. Each code was then transferred

into a separate document in which consistent categories could be again compared. For

example, as former teachers mentioned instances in which they were disappointed by the

administration in their former position, the instance would be labeled administration,

and the content would be transferred to the administration document. This process was

completed several times, as the codes had to be re-organized and re-named after further

comparisons with other events. Once the categories became more firm, then the core

themes became the central focus of the researchers. The core themes were those on which Liza Estella Gonzalez, Michelle Stallone Brown, & John R. Slate 6

most of the conversations were focused. The results section of this manuscript was

developed based on the categories of central focus.

Patton (2003) claimed that validity, in qualitative studies, relies on the credibility

of the instrument, also known as the researcher. The instrument must be skilled,

competent, and rigorous (p. 14). Validity and reliability were ensured and enhanced

through the application of several techniques including careful review of interview

questions and probes; single interviewer for all eight participants; peer examination; audit

trails that recorded and described in a separate Word document how the study was

conducted, how data were collected, and how concepts and categories were derived; and

member-checking, in which individual responses were reviewed and checked with each

participant. Open lines of communication with the respondents allowed these researchers

to follow-up on clarifications through phone calls, electronic mail, and face-to-face

conversations. Experts in the field of education assisted in reviewing the questions.

Additionally, interview narratives were constantly compared for consistencies as well as

differences, and constant comparisons of interview data, observations, and field notes

were implemented to verify responses and to ensure congruence.


Administrative Issues Influencing Teacher Attrition

Seven respondents agreed that administration was one of the biggest influential

factors in not returning to the profession. Participants cited disrespect from administration

as one of the biggest problems. Administrators, according to the respondents, tend to put

teachers down instead of motivating them and encouraging them to try harder with the

students. Corrupt administrations or administrators with reduced moral ethics were a

large problem. One interviewee stated that her classroom was used as a dumping

ground for students who needed a schedule change or were considered problem

students (Respondent # 1). Another interviewee affirmed that the administration was

corrupt when it came to grading. This interviewee was told to erase all zero grades in the

grade book and average the grades without the zeros. In his opinion, This makes the

actual teaching and learning irrelevant (Respondent # 4). Several of the selected

participants mentioned that administrators tend to put a lot of pressure on the teachers and

criticize them in front of the rest of the staff. One respondent mentioned that in a meeting,

with a parent, her administrator stated that the child in question was misbehaving because

she was a bad teacher (Respondent # 6). This was said with the parent and other

professionals present. Specific examples of disrespect mentioned were having the

teachers sign in at conferences in the morning and again after lunch. Professional

courtesy is gone. Another teacher was reassigned without warning, after the Christmas

break, to teach 4


grade science instead of the 5


grade like she was hired to teach. A

retired teacher who was rehired to prepare the 5th grade students for the upcoming

Science TAKS test replaced her. I now have less respect for the public school system; I

am aware of their dirty little secrets and want nothing to do with it (Respondent # 8). 7 The Qualitative Report March 2008

Student Discipline Issues Influencing Teacher Attrition

All eight respondents agreed that student discipline was another influential factor

for leaving the profession. Students come with so many problems and issues that it is

overwhelming to the teachers. Discipline is a weak area for most new teachers and

handling situations that arise in the classroom become trial and error.

Behavior problems were beginning to develop and I just knew that it was

because I was drowning in work and could not catch up. I was so behind, I

never felt fully prepared in the classroom. I decided to leave the profession

before I caused permanent damage in the way of students becoming

behavior problems or worse yet, not learning. I would not be able to live

with myself if students did not learn because I was not a good teacher.

(Respondent #5)

Common complaints from the interviewees were that students are rude, lazy, use

drugs, and have no discipline or self-control. One of the participants mentioned that the

year she taught, one of her students committed suicide and several others suffered the

loss of a parent or loved one. Also, many of her students (9


graders) became pregnant.

These issues made teaching nearly impossible. She was always worrying about her

students and found herself losing sleep at night over the stress and worry. All in all, this

participant felt that high school students have too many issues and prefers working in

higher education (Respondent #1). A middle school teacher who also contributed to this

study pointed out that students with a bad attitude but good grades got away with

murder (Respondent #3). They were never disciplined or corrected on their behavior

because their good grades helped the desegregated data, especially if their race was one

of the minority groups. When students are too active it make the job of instructor a lot

more difficult stated one of the participants. Administration does not want to deal with

any behavior problems, so they remain the educators problem and when parents are

called in for a conference, again, it is blamed on the teacher, so it continues to be the

teachers problem. Complaints were ignored by administration. These are the complaints

recorded from several of the participants.

Teacher Salaries Influencing Teacher Attrition

Of all of the participants interviewed, seven of them believed that the teaching

salary was low compared to the amount of hours put in. One of the interviewees

commented that her salary was so low and the amount of hours she put in was so high

that she figures she made about .36 cents an hour (Respondent # 7). Another stated that

the teaching profession is so stressful; the salary should really be much higher

(Respondent # 5).

As a teacher you need to plan when you are going to be absent, this is not

something that other professions need to worry about. You also work too

many hours after school, weekends, holidays, etc. the day never ends like Liza Estella Gonzalez, Michelle Stallone Brown, & John R. Slate 8

at other jobs. When the day is over you go home and the work stays, with

teaching, the work must get done (Respondent #2).

An additional complaint was that the extra duties required were not paid or

compensated for, such as bus duty, lunch duty, after school duty, etc. Most elementary

campuses have cheerleaders and drill teams, and these organizations require sponsors, yet

the teachers are forced to sponsor these events without any compensation or pay. The last

complaint regarding salary dealt with the school administration wanting their staff to

return to school for high
