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Memory & Cognition 1981, Vol. 9 (5), 496-514 A three-factor model of syllogistic reasoning: The study of isolable stages DONALD L. FISHER University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Computer models of the syllogistic reasoning process are constructed. The models are used to determine the influence of three factors-the misinterpretation of the premises, the limited capacity of working memory, and the operation of the deductive strategy-on subjects' behavior. Evidence from Experiments 1, 2, and 3 suggests that all three factors play important roles in the production of errors when "possibly true" and "necessarily false" are the two response categories. This conclusion does not agree with earlier analyses that had singled out one particular factor as crucial. Evidence from Experiment 4 suggests that the influence of the first two factors remains strong when "necessarily true" is used as an additional response category. However, the third factor appears to interact with task demands. Some concluding analyses suggest that the models offer alternative explanations for certain wellestablished results. From left to right, the Euler diagrams represent the equivalence relation (A and B are equivalent sets), the subset-superset relation (A is a proper subset of B; B is a proper superset of A), the overlap relation (at least one A is a B; at least one A is not a B; at least one B is not an A), and the disjoint relation (A and B are disjoint sets). Various terms are used throughout the paper that are best introduced at this point. A syllogism consists of a major premise (e.g., "All A are B") and a minor premise (e.g., "All Bare C"). The major premise describes a relation between the predicate ("A") and the middle subjects on syllogisms with concrete premises (e.g., "All horses are animals") will differ from their performance on abstract syllogisms (e.g., "All A are B") (Revlis, 1975a; Wilkins, 1928). And it has been argued that the performance of subjects on syllogisms with emotional premises (e.g., "All whites in Shortmeadow are welfare recipients") will differ from their performance on syllogisms with neutral premises (Revlin & Leirer, 1978). This list by no means exhausts the additional factors that have been identified as important. But the list does serve to indicate the rather limited scope of the new models proposed in this paper. The models to be con- structed are confined to the explanation of subjects' behavior when subjects are given syllogisms with neutral, abstract premises. It will be necessary throughout the paper to refer to several different types of set relations: equivalence, SUbset-superset, overlap, and disjoint. These set relations can be represented as Euler diagrams: One common finding has emerged from the many different studies of categorical syllogisms. The studies all report that subjects frequently derive conclusions to the syllogisms that are logically incorrect. Chapman and Chapman (1959), Erickson (1974), and Revlis (1975a, 1975b) argue that the problem lies with the interpreta- tion or encoding of the premises of the syllogism. Guyote and Sternberg (Note 1) and Sternberg and Turner (Note 2) conclude that the information process- ing demands of the task are an important determinant of the errors subjects make, Ceraso and Provitera (1971), Erickson (1978), and Johnson-Laird and Steedman (1978) argue that the deductive or problem solving strategy is itself an error-laden process. These three factors have been analyzed separately and in pairs, but never all in concert. One purpose of the present studies was to construct a model that could identify the relative contribution of each of the above three factors-premise interpretation, information processing capacity, and deductive strategy-to the production of incorrect responses. A number of factors in addition to those mentioned above have been found to influence subjects' perfor- mance. It has been argued that the figure of the syllo- gism can affect subjects' behavior (Dickstein, 1978a; Frase, 1968; Johnson-Laird & Steedman, 1978; Roberge, 1971). It has also been argued that the performance of These experiments were carried out as part of a research requirement of the PhD program in psychology at the University of Michigan. Portions of this paper were presented at the meet- ings of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, August 1979. Clyde Coombs, Marilyn Shatz, and Susan Duffy kindly reviewed various portions of the manuscript. Special thanks go to Keith Holyoak (who suffered through three drafts of the manuscript) and Robert Sternberg at Yale University. I am indebted to each of the above individuals for their helpful comments and criticisms. <D<D Copyright 1981 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 496 0090·S02X/8l/0S0496·19$02.l 5/0
Page 1: A three-factormodel of syllogisticreasoning: The studyof ... · A three-factormodel of syllogisticreasoning: The studyof isolable stages DONALD L. FISHER University ofMichigan, Ann

Memory& Cognition1981, Vol. 9 (5), 496-514

A three-factor model of syllogistic reasoning:The study of isolable stages

DONALD L. FISHERUniversity ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

Computer models of the syllogistic reasoning process are constructed. The models are usedto determine the influence of three factors-the misinterpretation of the premises, the limitedcapacity of working memory, and the operation of the deductive strategy-on subjects'behavior. Evidence from Experiments 1, 2, and 3 suggests that all three factors playimportant roles in the production of errors when "possibly true" and "necessarily false"are the two response categories. This conclusion does not agree with earlier analyses thathad singled out one particular factor as crucial. Evidence from Experiment 4 suggests that theinfluence of the first two factors remains strong when "necessarily true" is used as anadditional response category. However, the third factor appears to interact with task demands.Some concluding analyses suggest that the models offer alternative explanations for certainwellestablished results.

From left to right, the Euler diagrams represent theequivalence relation (A and B are equivalent sets), thesubset-superset relation (A is a proper subset of B; Bis a proper superset of A), the overlap relation (at leastone A is a B; at least one A is not a B; at least one Bis not an A), and the disjoint relation (A and B aredisjoint sets).

Various terms are used throughout the paper that arebest introduced at this point. A syllogism consists of amajor premise (e.g., "All A are B") and a minor premise(e.g., "All Bare C"). The major premise describes arelation between the predicate ("A") and the middle

subjects on syllogisms with concrete premises (e.g., "Allhorses are animals") will differ from their performanceon abstract syllogisms (e.g., "All A are B") (Revlis,1975a; Wilkins, 1928). And it has been argued that theperformance of subjects on syllogisms with emotionalpremises (e.g., "All whites in Shortmeadow are welfarerecipients") will differ from their performance onsyllogisms with neutral premises (Revlin & Leirer, 1978).This list by no means exhausts the additional factorsthat have been identified as important. But the list doesserve to indicate the rather limited scope of the newmodels proposed in this paper. The models to be con­structed are confined to the explanation of subjects'behavior when subjects are given syllogisms with neutral,abstract premises.

It will be necessary throughout the paper to refer toseveral different types of set relations: equivalence,SUbset-superset, overlap, and disjoint. These set relationscan be represented as Euler diagrams:

One common finding has emerged from the manydifferent studies of categorical syllogisms. The studiesall report that subjects frequently derive conclusions tothe syllogisms that are logically incorrect. Chapman andChapman (1959), Erickson (1974), and Revlis (1975a,1975b) argue that the problem lies with the interpreta­tion or encoding of the premises of the syllogism.Guyote and Sternberg (Note 1) and Sternberg andTurner (Note 2) conclude that the information process­ing demands of the task are an important determinantof the errors subjects make, Ceraso and Provitera (1971),Erickson (1978), and Johnson-Laird and Steedman(1978) argue that the deductive or problem solvingstrategy is itself an error-laden process. These threefactors have been analyzed separately and in pairs, butnever all in concert. One purpose of the present studieswas to construct a model that could identify the relativecontribution of each of the above three factors-premiseinterpretation, information processing capacity, anddeductive strategy-to the production of incorrectresponses.

A number of factors in addition to those mentionedabove have been found to influence subjects' perfor­mance. It has been argued that the figure of the syllo­gism can affect subjects' behavior (Dickstein, 1978a;Frase, 1968; Johnson-Laird & Steedman, 1978; Roberge,1971). It has also been argued that the performance of

These experiments were carried out as part of a researchrequirement of the PhD program in psychology at the Universityof Michigan. Portions of this paper were presented at the meet­ings of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, August 1979.Clyde Coombs, Marilyn Shatz, and Susan Duffy kindly reviewedvarious portions of the manuscript. Special thanks go to KeithHolyoak (who suffered through three drafts of the manuscript)and Robert Sternberg at Yale University. I am indebted to eachof the above individuals for their helpful comments and criticisms.


Copyright 1981 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 496 0090·S02X/8l/0S0496·19$02.l 5/0

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A subject's interpretation of the premises of a syllo­gism should determine in large measure which conclu­sions follow from the premises and which do not. Forexample, suppose a subject is given the following syllo­gism:

The Euler diagram representations of the first andsecond premises are listed opposite each premise. Notethat the ideal or logical subject would interpret thefirst premise as having either one of two distinct mean­ings: A and B are equivalent sets or A is a proper subsetof B. (The logical subject is defined as that subject whointerprets the premises as they are interpreted in logictextbooks. The question of whether other subjectsshould also be identified as logical is not of concernat the moment.) The ideal or logical subject wouldinterpret the second premise as having a similar set oftwo distinct meanings. If the logical subject were askedto indicate whether the conclusion "No C are A" werepossibly true, the answer would have to be "yes."

However, suppose a subject does not know that "All

A are B" can be interpreted as A is a subset of B ("sub­set" will be used in place of "proper subset" throughoutthe rest of the paper) or that "All Care B" can beinterpreted as C is a subset of B. Then this subject wouldconclude that "No C are A" cannot possibly follow fromthe premises.

A number of different explanations for the rnisinter­pretations subjects give to the premises have been putforward. The various explanations have one thing incommon. In particular, they each allow for the possiblemisinterpretation of "some" as "some but not all" inboth the premises "Some A are B" and "Some A arenot B." Otherwise, the explanations differ substantiallyfrom each other.

Chapman and Chapman (1959) argue that misinter­pretation exists because a subject assumes that both apremise and its converse are true. For example, supposea subject assumes that the premise "All A are B" and itsconverse, "All B are A," are both true. Then the subjectis in effect interpreting the premise "All A are B" asthe compound statement "All A are B and all B are A."Note that the logical interpretation of "All A are B"and the Chapman and Chapman interpretation of "AllA are B" are not identical (see Table 1, logical andChapman and Chapman interpretations of "All A areB"). The logical and Chapman and Chapman interpreta­tions of "Some A are not B" also differ (under eitherinterpretation of "some"; i.e., the logical interpretationor the "some-but-not-all" interpretation). Finally, notethat the logical and Chapman and Chapman interpreta­tions of "Some A are B" differ when "some" is inter­preted as "some but not all."

The motivation for the Chapman and Chapman(1959) model is intuitively compelling. Consider apremise of the form "Some A are not B." Chapman andChapman argue that subjects will accept the converse ofthe premise because the converse is often true in the realworld. For example, the statements "Some plants arenot green" and "Some green things are not plants" areboth true statements about experience. Chapman andChapman offer a different explanation of why subjectsaccept the converse of a premise of the form "All Aare B." They suggest that subjects interpret "are" as"are equal to" rather than as "are included in." Theygive as an example the statements "All right angles are90 deg" and "All 90-deg angles are right angles."Chapman and Chapman conclude that conversion canexplain many of the subjects' errors.

Revlis (l975b) argues for a somewhat strongerversion of the conversion hypothesis. He suggests thateach subject encodes a premise as its converse only. Forexample, the premise "All A are B" is encoded as "AllBare A." The effect of the type of conversion suggestedby Revlis on the final interpretation of the premises ispresented in Table 1 (see Revlis model). Revlis concludesthat his model can explain much of the observedbehavior of subjects in the syllogism task.

Erickson (1978) suggests that subjects choose only

term ("B"), and the minor premise describes a relationbetween the subject ("C") and the middle term (again"B"). One or more conclusions (e.g., "All C are A")follow the syllogism. The conclusion relates the subjectand predicate to each other. Each syllogism can exist inanyone of four figures (the figure is determined by theorder of the predicate and middle term in the majorpremise and the order of the subject and middle term inthe minor premise).

Before proceeding with the discussion of individualexperiments, an overview of the paper is in order. Thesyllogistic reasoning process can be represented as aseries of stages, the output from one stage providing theinput to another stage. In general, the stages of complexcognitive processes cannot be studied in isolation fromeach other. However, this is not the case with syllogisticreasoning. In particular, it is possible to provide subjectswith the theoretical inputs to a single stage within agiven model and to have subjects produce or respond tothe theoretical outputs from that stage. Such anapproach characterizes both Experiments 1 and 3. Thatis, in Experiment 1 an early stage of the syllogisticreasoning process is examined in isolation, and in Experi­ment 3 a later stage is examined in isolation. The infor­mation gained from the study of the various isolablestages can then be used to analyze the relation betweenbehavior in the complete syllogistic reasoning task andbehavior on the tasks associated with the isolable stages.Experiments 2 and 4 focus on just this relation.

All Care B

All A are B

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Table IThree Different Models of Premise Interpretation

Logical Model

All A are B No A are B Some A are B Some A are not B

Chapman &Chapman Model

o ~v <ffiITDc@!)<G]J)

All A are B No A are B


Some A are B Some A are not B

Revlis Model

All A are B No A are B Some A are B Some A are not B

Note-Both open and shaded set relationsare legitimate interpretations of "Some A are B" and "Some A are not B" if "Some "isinterpreted logically. Only the shaded set relations are legitimate interpretations of "Some A are B" and "Some A are not B" if"Some" is interpreted as "Some but not all."

one of the several logical interpretations available fora particular premise (see also Erickson, 1974; Erickson,Wells, & Traub, Note 3). He determined the preferredinterpretation by asking subjects to draw a Venn dia­gram representation of each of the four premises.(Venn diagrams are circular-shaped representations of apremise; Euler diagrams can assume any shape.) Ericksonconstructed a model of the syllogistic reasoning processthat bases its predictions on the above empirically deter­mined preferences. The relatively good fit of the modelleads Erickson to conclude that misinterpretation couldexplain many of the incorrect responses. Erickson arguesthat subjects fail to give all logical interpretationsbecause they engage in a less-than-complete analysis ofeach of the premises. However, Erickson does not go onto suggest why subjects might act on a partial analysis of

the premises. Erickson concludes that misinterpretationis widespread.

Guyote and Sternberg (Note 1) suggest a still differ­ent model of premise interpretation. The number ofinterpretations or representations encoded for anyonepremise is assumed to be a function of four parameters:el, e2, e3, and ea, where el is the probability of encod­ing only one representation, e2 is the probability ofencoding exactly two representations, and so on. Further­more, it was assumed that subjects preferred to encodea premise as its more simple representations (e.g., anequivalence relation) than as its more complex represen­tations (e.g., a subset relation). Guyote and Sternberg'sfmdings do not confirm the general conclusions ofChapman and Chapman (1959), Erickson (1978), orRevlis (1975b). In particular, Guyote and Sternberg

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conclude that misinterpretation of the premises playsan insignificant role in syllogistic reasoning behavior.

Ceraso and Provitera (1971) do not offer a model ofpremise misinterpretation per se. However, they dooffer a test of the role of misinterpretation. Ceraso andProvitera gave subjects two sets of syllogisms. One setconsisted of the traditional statement of the premise(e.g., "All A are B"). A second set consisted of a dis­ambiguated or modified statement of the premise(e.g., "All A are B" was restated as "All A are B and allB are A"). It should be noted that Ceraso and Proviteraused concrete instantiations of the above abstractsyllogisms. For example, subjects saw "No red blockshave holes" instead of "No A are B." Ceraso andProvitera found that subjects made many fewer errorswhen the premises were modified as indicated. There­fore, they conclude that misinterpretation of thepremises significantly affects subjects' behavior.

There are two important sources of disagreement inthe above models. First, Guyote and Sternberg (Note 1)conclude that misinterpretation plays an insignificantrole, whereas the remaining four studies conclude thatmisinterpretation plays a significant role. Second, thestudies of Chapman and Chapman (1959), Erickson(1978), and Revlis (1975b) each offer a different accountof misinterpretation.

A resolution of sorts is possible. Suppose it isassumed that subjects interpret a premise in isolationjust as they do in the syllogism task. And supposesubjects are not informed of the meaning of any of thepremises. Then Guyote and Sternberg (Note 1) wouldpredict that subjects will interpret all premises correctly(with the possible exception of the misinterpretationof "some" as "some but not all"). Erickson (1978)would predict that one and only one interpretationwill be selected for each premise. And Chapman andChapman (1959) and Revlis (1975b) would make justthose predictions listed in Table 1 (and discussed in theabove review of their work). In short, a determinationof subjects' interpretation of the premises in isolationcould potentially rule out one or more of the variouscompeting models.

One might argue that the assumption needed to makethe above predictions is itself questionable. That is,one might want to argue that subjects will interpret thepremises in isolation differently from the way they do ina standard syllogism task. However, such an argumentwould seem to run counter to the spirit of at least threeof the models (Chapman & Chapman, 1959; Revlis,1975b; Guyote & Sternberg, Note 1) since the modelsassume that factors quite outside the task determinethe actual interpretation given the premises. Erickson(1978), on the other hand, would appear to have a solidobjection to the above assumption. If subjects areperforming an incomplete analysis of the premises, onemight well expect the analysis to be more completein Experiment 1 than in the standard syllogism task.Therefore, the number of subjects in agreement with


the Erickson model may be underestimated by themethod used in Experiment 1 (however, see Guyote andSternberg's analysis of Erickson's model).


MethodTwenty undergraduates at the University of Michigan partic­

ipated in the first experiment. Their participation satisfied anintroductory psychology course requirement.

Each subject received four premises: "All Doctors are Kuls,""No Doctors are Kuls," "Some Doctors are Kuls," and "SomeDoctors are not Kuls." Underneath each premise appeared eightconclusions: "All Doctors are Kuls," "No Doctors are Kuls,""Some Doctors are Kuls," "Some Doctors are not Kuls," "AllKuls are Doctors," "No Kuls are Doctors," "Some Kuls areDoctors," and "Some Kuls are not Doctors." Each subject wasasked to indicate whether a conclusion was possibly true ornecessarily false. (These two responses were all that were neededto differentiate among the likely interpretations of the fourpremises. The response "necessarily true" was not needed in thepresent context.) Subjects were allowed as much time as neededto finish the experiment.

Each subject received a unique ordering of premises andconclusions. The same ordering of conclusions was maintainedacross all four premises.

The paradigm reported above is similar in some respects tothe paradigm used by Sternberg and Turner (Note 2). However,their paradigm has several advantages over the one reported here.Unfortunately, their work did not come to this author's atten­tion until after the present experiment was completed.

ResultsThe results of the first experiment are displayed in

Table 2. The method used to determine each subject'sinterpretation of the premises is discussed in detailbelow. Only 18 subjects were eventually included inthe analysis. One subject did not complete the experi-

Table 2Subjects' Interpretations of a Premise in Experiment 1

as Possible Set Relations

Sub- All A No A Some A Some Aject areB are B areB are not B

1 (EQ,SB) (DJ) (EQ,SB,SP,OY) (SP,OY,DJ)2 (EQ,SB) (DJ) (EQ,SB,SP,OY) (SP,OY)3 (SB) (DJ) (OY) (OY)4 (SB) (DJ) (OY) (OY)5 (EQ,SB) (DJ) (EQ,SB,SP,OY) (OY,DJ)6 (EQ,SB) (DJ) (EQ,SB,SP,OY) (OY,DJ)7 (EQ,SB) (DJ) (SP,OY) (OY,DJ)8 (EQ) (DJ) (OY) (OY)9 (EQ,SB) (DJ) (SP,OY) (SP,OY)

10 (SB) (DJ) (OY) (OY)11 (EQ) (DJ) (OY) (OY)12 (EQ) (DJ) (OY) (SP,OY)13 (SB) (DJ) (OY) (OY)14 (SB) (DJ) (EQ,SB,SP,OY) (OY)15 (EQ) (DJ) (EQ,SB,SP,OY) (SP,OY,DJ)16 (SB) (DJ) (EQ,SB,SP,OY) (OY)17 (EQ) (DJ) (OY) (OY)18 (EQ,SB) (DJ) (OY) (OV)

Note-EQ =A and B are equivalent sets. SB =A is a subset ofB. SP =A is a superset of B. ov =A and B overlap. DJ =A andB are disjoint.

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ment. A second subject was excluded because the sub­ject did not indicate that the conclusion "All A are B"was possibly true when given the premise "All A are B";the subject did not indicate that the conclusion "NoA are B" was possibly true when given the premise"No A are B," and so on.

Only one subject was completely logical (Subject 1in Table 2). Only two subjects gave all logically possibleinterpretations to "Some A are not B." And only sevensubjects gave all logically possible interpretations to"Some A are B" and "All A are B." Overall, the subjectsinterpreted 60% of the 32 conclusions from the fourpremises in a strictly logical fashion.

The analyses of the Chapman and Chapman (1959),Erickson (1978), and Revlis (1975b) models reportedbelow include only 17 of the 18 subjects (the 1 com­pletely logical subject is excluded because the abovethree models focus on misinterpretations; the modelseach allow for the possibility of logical subjects). All18 subjects are included in the analysis of the Guyoteand Sternberg (Note 1) model.

Relatively few subjects gave interpretations of allfour premises that were consistent with a given model:Three subjects (Subjects 8, 11, and 17 in Table 2)agreed with Chapman and Chapman (1959), no subjectsagreed with Revlis (1975b), seven subjects (Subjects 3,4,8, 10, 11,13, and 17) agreed with Erickson (1978),and three subjects (Subjects 1, 2, and 9) agreed withGuyote and Sternberg (Note 1). (Recall that for allmodels the interpretation of "some" as "some but notall" was considered acceptable.)

The models perform somewhat better when oneconsiders the proportion of interpretations consistentwith a given model across all subjects and across thethree premises "All A are B," "Some A are B," and"Some A are not B" ("No A are B" is excluded becauseeach model makes the same predictions for this premise).

The Chapman and Chapman (1959) and Erickson (1978)models do best (64.7% and 58.8%, respectively). TheGuyote and Stemberg (Note 1) model fares somewhatless well (38.9%), and the Revlis (1975b) model doespoorest of all (11.8%).

The models perform still better when one considersthe proportion of interpretations consistent with a givenmodel across all subjects within a single premise forcertain selected premises. All models correctly predictthe interpretations of "No A are B." The Erickson(1978) model agrees with at least half of the interpreta­tions of the three remaining premises (64.7% for "AllA are B," 52.9% for "Some A are B," and 58.8% for"Some A are not B"). The Chapman and Chapman(1959) model agrees with at least half of the interpreta­tions for two of the remaining premises (88.2% for"Some A are B" and 76.4% for "Some A are not B").And the Guyote and Sternberg (Note 1) model agreeswith at least half of the interpretations for only one ofthe remaining premises (50.0% for "Some A are not B").

The categorization of a subject's interpretation of apremise as a particular set relation or group of setrelations was, in general, straightforward. The cate­gorization rules are summarized in Table 3. For example,the subject who represents "Some A are not B" as anoverlap set relation will respond "true" to the conclu­sions "Some A are B," "Some A are not B," "SomeB are A," and "Some B are not A." The subject whorepresents "Some A are not B" as a superset relation(i.e., as A is a superset of B) will respond "true" to theconclusions "Some A are B," "Some A are not B,""All B are A," and "Some B are A." The subject whorepresents "Some A are not B" as both an overlap andsuperset relation will respond "true" to the union ofthe above conclusions (see Table 3).

Of the 72 premises analyzed (4 premises for each of18 subjects), only 5 could not be interpreted using the

Table 3Rules Used to Determine the Interpretation of a Premise


Premise A E ° A' E' I' 0' Interpretation

All A are B T F T-F F T F T-F F (EQ)T F T-F F F F T-F T (SB)T F T-F F T F T-F T (EQ,SB)

No A are B F T F T-F F T F T-F (DJ)

Some A are B F F T T F F T T (OV)F F T T T F T T (SP,OV)T F T T T F T T (EQ,SB,SP,OV)

Some A arenot B F F T T F F T T (OV)F F T T T F T T (SP,OV)F T T T F T T T (OV,DJ)F T T T T T T T (SP,OV,DJ)

Note-A =all A are B; E =no A are B; I =some A are b; 0 =some A are not B; A' =all B are A; E' =no B are A; r =some B are A;0' =some B are not A. 'EQ =A and B are equivalent sets; SB =A is a subset of B; SP =A is a superset ofB; ov =A and B overlap;DJ = A and B are disjoint. The subject can mark "T_Fu conclusions as possibly true or necessarily false without affecting the interpre­tation of the premise. Only those rules needed to determine interpretations actually used by subjects in Experiment 1 arecategorized.

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above rules. In each of the five cases, it was not clearwhich one of two interpretations should hold. Themore logically complete interpretation was chosen ineach of the five cases.

DiscussionNo one model does an especially good job of explain­

ing the overall behavior of subjects. However, theChapman and Chapman (1959) model predicts almost allof the interpretations of two of the four premises("No A are B" and "Some A are B") and the majorityof the interpretations of a third premise ("Some A arenot B"). The fact that the Chapman and Chapmanmodel predicts so few of the interpretations of "All Aare B" does not imply that the entire model needsreformulating, since the explanation for the misinterpre­tation of "All A are B" is different from the explanationfor the misinterpretations of the other premises. Unfor­tunately, the present experiment does not suggest whatthe correct explanation for the misinterpretation of"All A are B" might be.

All of the various models of misinterpretation predictat least two possible interpretations for one or morepremises. The models do not indicate which interpre­tation a subject will actually choose. It is quite clearfrom Table 2 that subjects do differ greatly in theirchoice of interpretations. This implies that in order tostudy the precise effect of premise misinterpretation onsyllogistic reasoning behavior, it will be necessary toconstruct models of syllogistic reasoning that base theirpredictions on the interpretations specific to eachsubject. Such models are developed in the next section.Note that while the models do not assume that differ­ent subjects have the same interpretation of a givenpremise, the models do assume that a particular subjectwill have one and only one interpretation of any givenpremise (at least throughout the course of the experi­ment).


Four models of syllogistic reasoning are constructedin this section: the logical model, the premise model,the combination model, and the readout model. Eachmodel assumes that the processing of a syllogism is afive-stage process: encoding, selection, combination,readout, and response. These general stages are by nomeans unique to this paper (Erickson, 1974; Revlis,1975b; Sternberg & Turner, Note 2). There may be oneor more steps or operations in each of the five stages.The models predict a subject's responses to any givensyllogism.

As one might well expect, the logical model assumesthat all five stages are logical. (The distinction betweenlogical and alogical in this section is purely one ofconvenience. A stage is defined as logical if the inputand output of that stage are related in a fashion that,loosely speaking, can be said to agree with formal logic.


Otherwise, the stage is defined as alogical.) The logicalmodel is noted in the text as (P-Log, C-Log, R-Log)."P-Log"stands for a logical premise encoding operation,"C-Log" stands for a logical combination operation,and "R-Log" stands for a logical readout operation.Since all models assume logical selection and responsestages, there was no need for additional componentsassociated with these stages. The premise model is notedas (P-Alog, C-Log, R-Log). The first operation, theencoding of the premise (P-Alog), is alogical. The corn­bination model is noted as (P-Alog, C-Alog, Rsl.og),and the readout model is noted as (p·Alog, C·Alog,R-Alog). Each model incorporates successive alogicalcomponents. The reader will note that four of the eight(2 3

) models one might test with binary premise, com­bination, and readout components are not examined inthis paper. These four models prove to be of littleinterest (Fisher, Note 4).

In order to provide a test of the predictions of thevarious models, subjects in Experiment 1 were run in asecond experiment. They were asked to indicate whethereach of four conclusions to a particular syllogism waspossibly true or necessarily false. Note that syllogismstudies have typically included the responses "neces­sarily true" and "none of the above." However, subjectshave a bias against accepting the response "none of theabove" (Chapman & Chapman, 1959; Dickstein, 1975;Revlis, 1975b; but see also Dickstein, 1976). This biascan obscure the exact misinterpretation of the premisesthat originally governed subjects' behavior. Using "neces­sarily true" as a response category (Guyote & Sternberg,Note 1) can also obscure the role of premise interpreta­tion, since the determination that a conclusion is neces­sarily true may well depend on a prior determination ofwhich conclusions are possibly true.

Logical ModelThe logical model (P'Log, C-Log, R-Log) assumes

that the premises of the syllogisms are interpretedcorrectly. For example, suppose the subject is given asyllogism whose major premise is "Some B are not A"and whose minor premise is "No C are B." Then thelogical subject would interpret "Some B are not A"as one of three set relations between B and A: (1) Bis a superset of A, (2) B and A overlap, or (3) B and Aare disjoint (see Table 4, encoding stage). The logicalsubject would interpret "No Care B" as a disjoint setrelation between C and B. The selection stage followsthe encoding or premise interpretation stage. In thisstage, the subject must select or identify all pairs of setrelations to be analyzed. A pair of set relations consistsof a set relation between B and A from the first premiseand a set relation between C and B from the secondpremise. In this case, the subject must select three pairsof set relations for further analysis: (1) B is a supersetof A and C and B are disjoint, (2) B and A overlap andC and B are disjoint, and (3) B and A are disjoint and Cand B are disjoint (see Table 4, selection stage). An

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Table 4The Logical Model (P-Log, C-Log, R-Log)

Some B are not AEncoding ~=====> ~ ~ CD®


No C are A <= = ©®Rdo €!) CD[VAll C are A <= =

No C are A

Some C are A CD CDSome C are not A

No Care BEncoding= = = = =) CD CD


(= = ~y + CD CDCmb

<==~+ COeD

11 CJlen

11 ~

enII ()

M­Il fo'.



0 €y CmbAll C are A <,= = <= = CD<D + ©CDNo C are A

€])Some C are A CD[VSome C are not A


Note -Rdo = the readout stage; Cmb = the combination stage.

analysis of each pair will yield a series of derived orcombined set relations between C and A (see Table 4,combination stage). Finally, in the readout stage, thesubject must map each derived set relation between Cand A into one or more conclusions (see Table 4, read­out stage). For example, the derived set relation, C is asubset of A, gets mapped into the possibly true con­clusions "All C are A" and "Some C are A."

A distinction was referred to above that should begiven more pointed emphasis. The terms "derived setrelations" and "combined set relations" will alwaysrefer to one or more of the five set relations: C andA are equivalent sets, C is a subset of A, C is a supersetof A, C and A overlap, and C and A are disjoint. Theterm "conclusions" will always refer to one or more ofthe four conclusions: "All C are A," "No C are A,""Some C are A," and "Some C are not A." It should alsobe noted that a derived or combined set relation willfrequently be referred to simply as a combination.

A computer program that generated the response("possibly true" or "necessarily false") to each of thefour conclusions to the 64 different syllogisms waswritten. While it is easy enough to generate the responsesto the logical model by hand, this is not true of theother models tested. The FORTRAN code used for thevarious models is available upon request from the author.

Premise ModelThe premise model (P-Alog, C-Log,R-Log) allows for

the misinterpretation of the premises of a syllogism. Themodel bases its predictions for a subject on the subject'sinterpretation of the premises. Subjects with differentinterpretations will, in general, arrive at different conclu­sions. The steps of the premise model are outlined inTable 5. Suppose a subject interprets the premises inExperiment 1 as indicated in Table 5. This subject isassumed to give the same interpretation to the premiseswhen they appear in a syllogism in Experiment 2.Therefore, the subject is assumed to interpret the firstpremise, "Some B are not A," as an overlap set relation.Note that this qualifies as a misinterpretation (see thelogical interpretation of "Some B are not A," above).The subject interprets "No Care B" correctly. Theremaining steps of the premise model are the same asthe logical model and need not be worked through.

Combination ModelThe combination model (p·Alog, C-Alog, R-Log),

like the premise model, bases its predictions for a subjectin Experiment 2 on that subject's interpretation of thepremises in Experiment 1. However, unlike the premisemodel, the combination model assumes that the subjectwill not form all the derived or combined set relations

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Table 5The Premise Model (P-Alog, C-Log, R-Log)

Experiment 1: premise misinterpretation

All A are B

No A are B

Some A are B

Some A are not B

Experiment 2: predictions of premise model based on above misinterpretations

Some B are not A

No Care B

All C are A

Some C are A

Some C are A

Some C are not A

No C are A

Some C are not A

Encoding= = = = =)

Encoding= = = = =)

Readout( - - - -- - - -


Readout~ = = = CD<D

©CD II CIl(l)

II ~(1)

II nM­

Il ~.


between the subject and predicate of the syllogism.Specifically, it is assumed that the subject will form onlythose derived set relations that the subject gives evi­dence of understanding in Experiment 1. An exampleis presented in Table 6. Note that the subject neverinterprets a premise as a subset or superset relation inExperiment 1. Therefore, the subject may not derivethe subset or superset relations in the combinationstage, even though such relations are a logical conse­quence of the derivation. The examples in Tables 5 and6 show that the premise and combination models canlead to different predictions. The combination in

Table 5 (Experiment 2) of an overlap set relationbetween B and A and a disjoint set relation between Cand B leads to three derived set relations: (1) C is asubset of A, (2) C and A overlap, and (3) C and A aredisjoint. The first subset relation is not rejected in thepremise model. However, this derived set relation isrejected in the combination model. Thus, note that inTable 6 (Experiment 2) only two set relations arederived in the combination stage: (1) C and A overlapand (2) C and A are disjoint. In short, the combinationmodel predicts that the subject will indicate only threeconclusions are possibly true-"No C are A," "Some C

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Table 6The Combination Model (P-Alog, C-A1og, R-Log)

Experiment 1: premise misinterpretation

All A are B

No A are B

Some A are B

Some A are not B


Experiment 2: predictions of combination model based on above misinterpretations

Readout Comb.<= = = = CDr0<=;: = ~+©<D

Some B are not A

No Care B

Some C are A

Some C are not A

No C are A

Some C are not A

Encoding= = = = =)

Encoding= = = = =)

Readout(= = = = ©<D

©<DII Cfl

mII .....

mII ()

rtII ,...


are A," and "Some C are not A"-whereas the premisemodel predicts that all conclusions are possibly true.

Readout ModelThe readout model (P-Alog, C-Alog, R-Alog) incor­

porates the alogical components of the above twomodels and adds an additional alogical readout compo­nent. In the combination model, it was assumed thatevery derived set relation that could be constructed (asindicated by Experiment I) was translated into all ofthe associated logical conclusions. This assumption is notmade in the readout model. A derived set relation istranslated into a conclusion in the readout model(Experiment 2) only if a subject maps a conclusion intothe derived set relation in Experiment 1 (the mappingfrom conclusions into derived set relations can beinferred from the mapping of premises into set relations;e.g., see Table 7, Experiment 1). This can mean that

some derived set relations map into no conclusionswhereas other derived set relations map into fewer thanthe complete set of logical conclusions. An example ispresented in Table 7. The combination stage (Experi­ment 2) leads to three derived set relations: (1) C is asubset of A, (2) C and A overlap, and (3) C and A aredisjoint. Note that no conclusion in Experiment 1 mapsinto the derived set relation C is a subset of A. There­fore, this derived set relation is not mapped into aconclusion in Experiment 2. Further note that in Experi­ment 1 "Some C are not A" is the only conclusion thatmaps into the derived set relation C and A overlap.Therefore, the derived overlap set relation is mappedinto only one conclusion, "Some C are not A."

Finally, note that the conclusion "Some C are notA" appears in parentheses below the conlusion "No Care A." Given the conclusion "No C are A," somesubjects may decide that "Some C are not A" logically

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Table 7The Readout Model (P-Alog, C-Alog, R-Alog)

Experiment 1: premise and conclusion misinterpretation

All A are B 0No A are B <D<D

Some A are B @i3)Some A are not B Q®All C are A ®No C are A <D<D

Some C are A ~VSome C are not A 0JE)

Experiment 2: predictions of the readout model based on above misinterpretations

~ Comb.~ <=-- ~+©CD

Some B are not A

No Care B

No ConclusionReadout

<= = = =

Encoding= = = = =)

Encoding= = = = =) ©<D 1\ CIl

e1\ I-'

(1)II n

l"t1\ t-'"


No C are A

ReadoutSome C are not A (= = = =~

Readout(= = = = ©CD

(Some C are not A)

follows. Other subjects may decide that "Some Carenot A" does not follow. The premise interpretationdata from Experiment 1 can be and was used to deter­mine which decision a subject will make in Experiment 2.Similarly, given the conclusion "All C are A," somesubjects may decide that "Some C are A" logically

follows, whereas other subjects may decide that "SomeC are A" does not logically follow. Again, the evidencefrom Experiment 1 was used to decide which choice asubject would make in Experiment 2. This completesthe discussion of the various models that allow forpremise misinterpretation.

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MethodThe 20 subjects who participated in Experiment 2 also had

participated in Experiment 1. The second experiment followedimmediately after the first. Eachsubjectsaw64 syllogisms (fourdistinct figures for each of four majorand four minorpremises)."Kuls" was used as the predicate of the major premise, "Sats"was used as the subject of the minor premise, and "Doctors"served as the middle term. Eachsyllogism was followed by fourconclusions: "All Sats are Kuls," "No Sats are Kuls," "SomeSats are Kuls," and "Some Sats are not Kuls." Subjects wereasked to indicate whether a conclusion was possibly true ornecessarily false. Subjects were allowed as much time to finishthe experiment as they needed.

Each subject saw a different ordering of the 64 syllogisms.The ordering of conclusions in the first and second experimentsremained identical for anyone subject but varied betweensubjects.

The choice of nonsense words for subjectand predicate anda meaningful word for the middle term was made for tworeasons. On the one hand, the use of meaningful words for allthree terms might bias the subject in undesirable ways. Forexample, if "Lawyers" werethe subjectand "Cooks" the pred­icate, a factualbias to the conclusion "All Lawyers are Cooks"might well exist. Such biases, while important, were not thefocus of this study. On the other hand, the use of meaninglesswords for all three terms might lead subjects to use strategiesaltogether different from those used in a more natural setting.It was hoped that the present choice of words would providesomesort of reasonable middle ground.

ResultsThe responses of each subject were recorded as a

zero or a one. A one was entered if the subject indicatedthat a conclusion was possibly true; a zero was enteredotherwise. The recorded responses were then summedacross all 18 subjects within each of the 256 conclusions.The predictions of a model were also recorded as a zeroor a one and summed across all 18 subjects within eachof the 256 conclusions. The percentage of the varianceof the observed responses explained by the predictedresponses was chosen as a measure of fit. Other mea­sures of fit were examined by Fisher (Note 4) and werefound to be in good agreement with the explainedvariance.

The logical model fared rather poorly by comparisonwith other models. It explained only 30% of thevariance. The premise model explained 48% of thevariance, the combination model explained 51% of thevariance, and the readout model explained 49% of thevariance.

The proportion of responses that agreed with thepredictions of the premise model differed significantlyfrom the proportion of responses that agreed with thepredictions of the logical model [McNemar's test ofcorrelated proportions: x2 (1) =91.2, P < .001]. Theproportion of responses in agreement with the combina­tion model differed significantly from the proportionof responses in agreement with the premise model[XZ(I) = 22.04, p < .001]. The readout model did notperform significantly better than either the premisemodel or the combination model.

DiscussionThere are two major differences between the models

of misinterpretation developed in this paper and earliermodels of misinterpretation.

First, the current models can be used to determinethe influence of the complete range of possible misinter­pretations, whereas earlier models were tied to a specificset of misinterpretations. As a consequence, the presentmodels enjoy a measure of generality beyond that ofearlier models.

Second, the current models assume that premisemisinterpretation can have important effects through­out the syllogistic reasoning process, effects that extendbeyond the encoding stage and into the combinationand readout stages. This broad view of premise misinter­pretation seems to introduce a reasonable portion ofconsistency into a subject's behavior. It was thereforesomewhat surprising to find that the combination andreadout models fared only slightly better than thepremise model. However, inspection of the results fromExperiment 1 (Table 2) indicates that only three sub­jects would be expected to produce different responsesfor the premise and combination models (those threesubjects who gave no evidence of understanding all thepossible set relations). And for these three subjects, onewould expect differences on only 21 of 768 differentpredictions. Note that if a different pattern of misinter­pretations had been obtained, the disagreementsbetween the models could have been much more sub­stantial.

It should be emphasized that no parameters are beingfit in any of the above models. Thus, it is by no meansnecessarily the case that the three models of misinter­pretation will perform better than the logical model.Specifically, the ith subject's interpretation of thepremises (from Experiment 1) is used to predict hisof her response to the jth conclusion ("possibly true"or "necessarily false") of the kth syllogism in Experi­ment 2. Thus, the model can be written as Yijk =Xijk+E, where Yijk is the subject's actual response in Experi­ment 2 (coded as a one or a zero) and Xijk is thesubject's predicted response in Experiment 2 (also codedas a one or a zero). Note that, since the same subjectswere used in Experiments 1 and 2, the ith subject isthe same in both experiments.

The models that allow for premise misinterpretationclearly perform better than the logical model. Thecombination model performs best of all. However,because the increase in the performance of the combina­tion model is based on the results from only threesubjects and because the difference between the combi­nation and premise models was so slight, only thetheoretically more simple of the two models (i.e., thepremise model) was chosen for additional study andmodification. (Recall that the readout model did notperform significantly better than the premise modeland that the readout model was theoretically the mostcomplex of the three models.)

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The premise, combination, and readout modelsexplain more variance than the logical model. However,much of the variance is still left unexplained. Recentwork by Guyote and Sternberg (Note 1) and Sternbergand Turner (Note 2) suggests a systematic source forthe unexplained variance. Specifically, they argue thatthe limitations of working memory affect behavior atthe selection stage. For example, consider the syllogismwith major premise "Some A are B" and minor premise"Some C are B." Both the major and the minor premisecan be interpreted as one of four set relations (seeTable 1). Therefore, a total of 16 different set relationpairs must be selected for analysis. A subject may welllose track of those pairs of set relations that have andhave not been selected. As a consequence, fewer thanthe complete set of pairs may be selected.

Sternberg and Turner (Note 2) assume that four setrelation pairs at most are ever selected. One set relationpair is selected with some probability, say PI, two setrelation pairs are selected with some (not necessarily)different probability, say P2' and so on through fourpairs of set relations. Sternberg and Turner also assumethat certain set relation pairs are preferred over others.The most preferred single set relation pair consists ofa Type 1 set relation from the first and second premise.(A Type 1 set relation is an equivalence set relation,Type 2 set relations are overlap and disjoint set relations,and Type 3 set relations are subset and superset rela­tions.) In general, all pairings of Type 1 with Type 1 andType 2 are selected first. All pairings of Type 2 withType 2 representations are selected next. Finally, allother pairings are selected. This ordering is assumedto reflect the ease with which relations of each type arestored and manipulated in memory. The completedetails of the model can be found in Sternberg andTurner. They conclude that information processinglimitations have a significant effect on the behaviorof subjects.

The Sternberg and Turner (Note 2) model will bedesignated the limited-capacity model (P-Alog, L-Alog,C-Log, R-Log). Note that the limited-capacity com­ponent, "L-Alog," is placed between the premise andcombination components, since the limited-capacitycomponent refers to aspects of the selection stage.Also note that the limited-capacity model containsan alogical premise interpretation component as wellas an alogical selection component. Parameter estimatesof PI, P2' P3, and P4 were taken from Sternberg andTurner. (Additional analyses showed that the use ofparameter estimates based on the data from Experi­ment 2 made very little difference in the amount ofvariance explained by the limited-capacity model.)

The limited-capacity model proved to be a consider­able improvement over the premise model. It will berecalled that the premise model explained 48% of thevariance. The limited-capacity model explains 60%


of the variance. Note that a model (P-Log, L-Alog,C-Log, R-Log) with a limited-capacity component andno premise misinterpretation component explains only47% of the variance. This indicates that the influenceof the limited-capacity component is not somehowattenuated by the presence of the premise componentin the limited-capacity model.

It should be emphasized that none of the parametersfor the limited-capacity model were free to vary. Thus,the limited-capacity model could well have explainedless variance than the premise model. Recall that theprobabilities needed in the limited-capacity model weretaken from the Sternberg and Turner (Note 2) study.Formally, let ~ikm be the probability that the ithsubject in Expenment 2 will respond "possibly true"to the jth conclusion of the kth syllogism when theith subject's interpretations of the premises are used(Experiment 1) and when m set relation pairs areexamined. If Pm is the probability that m set relationpairs are analyzed, then one obtains: Yijk == PI XijkI +P2Xijk2 + P3Xijk3 +P4Xijk4 + f. As in the premisemodel, Yijk is the observed response in Experiment 2.

While the limited-capacity model explains fully 60%of the variance, this still leaves a great deal of thevariance unaccounted for. An examination of theevidence from the second experiment suggests the sortof component that may be needed in addition to thepremise and limited-capacity components. Consider thesyllogism whose first premise is "No B are A" and whosesecond premise is "No C are B." The premise modelpredicts that all 18 subjects in Experiment 2 should haveindicated that each of the four conclusions to the syllo­gism is possibly true. For this particular syllogism, thelimited-capacity model makes the very same predictions(the demonstration is left as an exercise for the reader).However, nine subjects indicated that "All C are A" wasnecessarily false, five subjects indicated that "No CareA" and "Some C are A" were both necessarily false, andfour subjects indicated that "Some C are not A" wasnecessarily false. Such failures of prediction persistthroughout all four figures of the example syllogism.Similar sorts of failures appear in other syllogisms.

In short, the subjects are making a class of mistakesthat cannot be explained by either of the models intro­duced so far. The source of the errors appears to be partof the actual combination or deductive stage. Thesubjects are not marking all possible conclusions. There­fore, the subjects may not be deriving all the possibleset relations between C and A when analyzing a pair ofset relations from the first and second premises. Cerasoand Provitera (1971), Erickson (1978), and Johnson­Laird and Steedman (1978) have focused on problemsof the combination or deductive stage. Their researchis reviewed in the next section. (Note that the problemswith the combination stage referred to by the aboveresearchers are altogether different from the problemsof the combination stage referred to in earlier discus­sions of the combination model.)

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Ceraso and Provitera (1971) were among the first tonote that subjects might not form all derived set relationsor combinations consistent with a single pair of setrelations from the first and second premise (it will berecalled that Ceraso and Provitera stated each premise insuch a fashion that it could be interpreted as one andonly one set relation). They found that subjects madevery few errors when only one derived set relation orcombination between the subject and predicate of thesyllogism could be formed (e.g., C and A are equivalentsets is the only set relation that can be derived when Aand B are equivalent sets and Band C are equivalentsets). However, subjects made many more errors whenmultiple derived set relations between the subject andpredicate of the syllogism could be formed (e.g., any setrelation between C and A can be derived when A is asubset of Band C is a subset of B).

Ceraso and Provitera (1971) argue that subjects willfrequently label a derived set relation as necessarily false(i.e., the set relation cannot be derived) that, logically,is possibly true (i.e., the set relation can be derived).Such subjects can be described as having incompletedeductive strategies. Ceraso and Provitera rule out thepossibility that subjects are using an alogical deductivestrategy. They mean by an alogical deductive strategya strategy that leads a subject to label as possibly truea derived set relation that, logically, is necessarilyfalse.

Erickson et al. (Note 3) had subjects draw the Venn­derived set relation that follows necessarily from a pairof Venn premises. Like Ceraso and Provitera (1971),Erickson et al. found that subjects did not alwaysform the correct set relation. However, unlike Cerasoand Provitera, Erickson et al. found that subjects some­times identified as necessarily true derived set relationsthat, logically, were necessarily false. Erickson (1978)used these results to predict performance in a conven­tional syllogism task. He concludes that variations in thedeductive strategies contribute significantly to theproduction of incorrect responses.

Johnson-Laird and Steedman (1978) construct whatthey define as an analogical theory of reasoning withquantifiers. They abandon the notion that the premisesare represented as Venn diagrams. Instead, they arguethat a class or set is represented as an arbitrary numberof exemplars. This eventually leads Johnson-Laird andSteedman to the prediction that subjects make errorson a syllogistic reasoning task because, among otherthings, they employ an incomplete deductive strategy.To test this general prediction, Johnson-Laird andSteedman gave subjects syllogisms with concretepremises (e.g., "All of the gourmets are storekeepers;all of the storekeepers are bowlers.") Space was providedfor subjects to write down those conclusions that fol­lowed necessarily from the premises. Johnson-Laird andSteedman conclude that the results support the notion

of an incomplete deductive strategy such as they pro·pose. They cite, for example, the fact that 80.4% of theresponses to syllogisms not affected by an incompletedeductive strategy were correct, whereas only 46.5%of the responses to syllogisms that could be affected byan incomplete deductive strategy were correct,

Taken as a group, the above studies indicate thatsubjects will on occasion form other than the correctset of combinations from a given pair of set relations.Some true combinations will be labeled as false ifsubjects are using an incomplete deductive strategy andsome false combinations will be labeled as true if sub­jects are using an alogical deductive strategy. The abovestudies also indicate that alogical and incomplete deduc­tive strategies may influence behavior in the standardsyllogism task. However, one cannot conclude from theabove studies that variation in the deductive strategieswill be a significant factor in a standard syllogism taskafter the effects of both misinterpretation and infor­mation handling capacity have been partialed out, sincenone of the above studies controlled for both of theseeffects.

In order to determine the relative influence ofalogical and incomplete deductive strategies, one mustconstruct a model that includes premise misinterpreta­tion and limited-capacity components as well as adeductive component. Accordingly, such a model wasconstructed and is noted in the paper as the deductivemodel (P-Alog, L-Alog, D-Alog, R-Log). The deductivecomponent, "D·Alog," is placed between the limited­capacity component (the selection stage) and the read­out component (the readout stage), since the deductivecomponent refers to aspects of the combination stage(recall that the combination stage follows the selectionstage and precedes the readout stage). The deductivemodel assumes that there is some probability (the sameprobability for all subjects) that a subject will indicate,for any given pair(s) of set relations from the first andsecond premise, that a specified subset of combinations(e.g., C is a subset of A, C and A are disjoint) is possiblytrue or necessarily false.

Information on the first two components of thedeductive model is currently available (Le., the inputsand outputs of the premise and selection stages havebeen determined or are assumed to be known). How­ever, the outputs of the deductive component have notyet been determined. In order to identify these outputs,the deductive component can be studied in isolation.This is done in the next experiment (Experiment 3).Specifically, subjects are given the theoretical inputs tothe deductive component and asked to respond tovarious outputs. The experiment is described in detailbelow. Once the outputs of the deductive componentare known, the component (isolable stage) can beintroduced as "D·Alog" into the full deductive model(P·Alog, L·Alog, D-Alog, Rd.og). One can then deter­mine whether the deductive model fits the data fromthe standard syllogism task (Experiment 2) better than

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either the limited-capacity model or the premise model.If an improved fit is observed, this will indicate thatbehavior on the isolated task or component (Experi­ment 3) may explain aspects of behavior on the morecomplex task (Experiment 2).


MethodTwenty-one undergraduates at the University of Michigan

participated in the experiment. Their participation satisfied anintroductory psychology course requirement.

Subjects were presented with 10 problems. Each problemconsisted of two disambiguated premises followed by five setrelations or combinations. Subjects were asked to indicatewhether each combination was logically possible or necessarilyfalse. An example problem and combinations are presentedin Table 8. Subjects were allowed as much time as they neededto finish the experiment.

It should be noted that the modified or disambiguatedpremise "No block with a green stripe has a red stripe; no blockwith a red stripe has a green stripe" is redundant. The ruststatement implies the second. However, some subjects may notbe aware of the implication. Therefore, in order to removeall possible ambiguity, the premise was stated redundantly.

Each premise describes one of the five possible set relationsthat can exist between the terms of the premise. The firstpremise in Table 8 can therefore be more simply stated as"Green subset Red." The second premise can be more simplystated as "Red overlap Yellow." The problems presented tosubjects can now be compactly listed (first premise followed bysecond premise): (1) "Green equivalence Red, Red subsetYellow," (2) "Green subset Red, Red subset Yellow," (3) "Greensubset Red, Red superset Yellow," (4) "Green subset Red,Red overlap Yellow," (5) "Green superset Red, Red subsetYellow," (6) "Green superset Red, Red disjoint Yellow,"(7) "Green overlap Red, Red superset Yellow," (8) "Greenoverlap Red, Red overlap Yellow," (9) "Green overlap Red,Red disjoint Yellow," and (10) "Green disjoint Red, Red dis­joint Yellow."

Subjects were given the above 10 problems in a randomorder. Each subject saw a unique ordering of the combinations.The ordering of the combinations remained the same for anyonesubject throughout the experiment.


ResultsSeveral summary descriptions of the data were

computed. Sixty-four percent of the responses werelogically correct. Twenty-seven percent of the responses(75% of the errors) were "misses" (i.e., responses markedas necessarily false that, logically, were possibly true).The remaining 9% of the responses (25% of the errors)were "false alarms" (i.e., responses marked as possiblytrue that, logically, were necessarily false). The correla­tion between the number of subjects one would expectto make a particular response if all subjects were logicalwith the number of subjects actually making the responsewas moderately large (r =.76). Finally, the abovecorrelation was computed for each subject. The correla­tions ranged from .88 to .00.

A more detailed tabulation of the results is presentedin Table 9. Subjects derived the correct set relations48% of the time when all five set relations were logicallypossible (see "SB-SP," "OV-OV," and "DJ-DJ" inTable 9), 67% of the time when four set relations werelogically possible ("SP-SB"), 62% of the time whenthree set relations were logically possible ("SB-OV,""SP-DJ," "OV-SP," and "OV-DJ"), and 76% of the timewhen only one set relation was logically possible ("EQ.SB" and "SB-SB"). (Note that there is no case in Table 9in which two and only two set relations were logicallypossible.)

The results from Experiment 3 were used to con­struct the deductive component of the deductive model.The deductive model so defined explained fully 74%of the variance in Experiment 2. The construction of thedeductive component proceeded as follows.

It will be recalled that only 10 of the possible 25pairs of set relations were selected for study. Informa­tion on five additional pairs of set relations can bedetermined indirectly from the above results. Notethat Dickstein (1975) finds that the order of the firstand second premise is not important in a standard

Table 8Practice Problem and Conclusions for Experiment 3

ProblemEvery block with a green stripe has a red stripeAt least one block has a red stripe without a green stripeAt least one block has a red stripe without a yellow stripeAt least one block has a yellow stripe without a red stripeAt least one block has both a red stripe and a yellow stripe

ConclusionsEvery block with a green stripe has a yellow stripeEvery block with a yellow stripe has a green stripeEvery block with a green stripe has a yellow stripeAt least one block has a yellow stripe without a green stripeEvery block with a yellow stripe has a green stripeAt least one block has a green stripe without a yellow stripeAt least one block has a green stripe without a yellow stripeAt least one block has a yellow stripe without a green stripeAt least one block has both a green stripe and a yellow stripeNo block with a green stripe has a yellow stripeNo block with a yellow stripe has a green stripe






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Table 9Logical and Observed Responses in Experiment 3

Correct Responses Observed Responses


EQ-SB 0 21 0 0 0 5 17 4 6 4SB-SB 0 21 0 0 0 5 16 3 10 7SB-SP 21 21 21 21 21 11 12 9 14 12SB-oV 0 21 0 21 21 1 9 4 14 10SP-SB 21 21 21 21 0 12 13 11 19 6SP-DJ 0 0 21 21 21 8 6 10 17 11OV-SP 0 0 21 21 21 5 6 8 18 11OV-OV 21 21 21 21 21 9 8 10 16 9OV-DJ 0 0 21 21 21 7 6 11 16 10DJ-DJ 21 21 21 21 21 14 13 11 16 18

Note- The term on the left side of the set-relation pair [e.g., EQ in EQ-SB) refers to the set relation present in the first premise of themodified syllogism, and the term on the right side refers to the set relation present in the second premise. If Sets A and B appear inthe first premise and Sets Band C appear in the second premise, then SB in the first premise means A is a subset ofBand SP in thefirst premise means A is a superset of B, whereas SB in the second premise means B is a subset of C and SP in the second premisemeans B is a superset of C. "Correct Responses" =number of subjects (of 21) that would have responded "true" if they had beenlogical; "Observed Responses" =number of subjects (of 21) that were observed to respond "true. "

syllogism task. Similarly, one might expect that theorder in which a pair of modified premises appears is notimportant (e.g., one might expect subjects to behavesimilarly on the modified premise pairs "B and Caredisjoint sets: A and B are equivalent sets" and "A andB are equivalent sets; B and C are disjoint sets"). A testof this assumption was possible using the above data.The correlation between the number of "possibly true"responses to the derived set relations of the only twomodified premise pairs in reverse order was very high(r= .96). It was assumed that subjects performed logicallyon the remaining 10 pairs of set relations. Such anassumption is conservative if one expects the deductivestrategy on modified syllogisms to explain behavior onstandard syllogisms.

Given the above assumptions and the results ofExperiment 3, one can predict the proportion of sub­jects in Experiment 2 that would indicate a particularset of combinations is possibly true or necessarily falsefor each subset of the 2S set relation pairs. These pro­portions were then used as the required probabilities inthe deductive component.

DiscussionNot only do the deductive strategies appear to be

similar in the modified syllogism task and the standardsyllogism task, but, in addition, the use of alogical andincomplete deductive strategies appears to account formany of the incorrect responses that are not predictedby either premise misinterpretation or limits on informa­tion handling capacity. Both conclusions follow fromthe fact that the deductive model explains 74% of thevariance and the limited-capacity model explains 60% ofthe variance. In short, when one controls for the effectsof misinterpretation and limited information handlingcapabilities, the influence of alogical and incompletedeductive strategies remains strong.

The finding that subjects do not always derive all thelogically possible set relations in a modified syllogismtask such as Experiment 3 requires some discussion.One possible explanation of this finding is quite similarin form to the explanation of the limited-capacitycomponent. Specifically, subjects may be more likelyto derive one set relation than two set relations, morelikely to derive two set relations than three set relations,and so on. The demands of the task and the limitedmotivation of subjects to do well are just two of themany possible reasons one might expect "progressivelyincomplete" deductive strategies. Such an explanationpredicts that subjects are most likely to be correctwhen only one set relation can be derived from themodified syllogism and least likely to be correct when allfive set relations can be derived from the modifiedsyllogism (note that this is not the prediction one wouldmake if chance were the sole determinant of behavior).The results are in good (but not perfect) agreement withthe predictions. Recall that for one, three, four, andfive logically possible derived set relations, the subjectswere correct, respectively, 76%, 62%,67%, and 48% ofthe time. Note that the third percentage (i.e., the casefor four logically possible, derived set relations) is basedon the data from only one modified syllogism.

The above explanation of subjects' performance issimilar to an explanation put forward by Ceraso andProvitera (1971). They, too, suggest that subjects maybe using a progressively incomplete deductive strategy.However, because of the particular design that theyemployed, Ceraso and Provitera could not distinguishbetween the progressively incomplete explanation ofdeductive strategies and several alternative explanations.In the present case, Experiment 3 gives firm support tothe notion of a progressively incomplete deductivestrategy.

When more than one set relation can be derived

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The above models incorporate factors that appear tobe important determinants of subjects' behavior in a"possibly true" syllogism task (i.e., a task that includes

where n is the number of subjects in Experiment 3 andXijkmr is the probability that the ith subject in Experi­ment 2 would respond "possibly true" to the jth conclu­sion of the kth syllogism when the ith subject's interpre­tation of the premises are used (from Experiment 1),when m set relation pairs are formed, and when thederived set relations of the rth subject in Experiment 3are employed. As usual, Yijk represents the observedresponse of the ith subject in Experiment 2 to the jthconclusion of the kth syllogism.

ResultsThree subjects were not included in the analysis

because they gave exactly the same pattern of responsesto each of the 32 syllogisms. Discussion with thesesubjects indicated a misunderstanding of the task.

Overall, subjects in the first part of the experimentinterpreted 29% of the 20 derived set relations from thefour premises in a strictly logical fashion. In order tocompare the results of this experiment with the results

MethodTwenty-two undergraduates at the University of Michigan

participated in the fourth experiment. Their participationsatisfied an introductorypsychology course requirement.

In the first part of the experiment, each subject received fourpremises: "All Sats are Kuls," "No Sats are Kuls," "SomeSats are Kuls," and "Some Sats are not Kuls."Underneath eachpremise appeared five combinations or derived set relations:"All Sats are Kuls and all Kuls are Sats," "All Satsare Kuls andat least one Kul is not a Sat," "All Kuls are Sats and at leastone Sat is not a Kul," "At least one Sat is a Kul,at least one Satis not a Kul, and at least one Kul is not a Sat," and "No Satsare Kuls and No Kulsare Sats." Subjects were asked to indicatewhether the combination was necessarily true, possibly true orfalse, or necessarily false. Eachsubject received a differentorder­ing of the premises and combinations.

In the second part of the experiment, each subject received32 syllogisms. Each syllogism was followed by four conclusions(see Experiment 2). Subjects were asked to indicate whethereach conclusion was necessarily true, possibly true or false, ornecessarily false. Every succeeding pair of subjects saw the fullcomplement of 64 syllogisms. The 32 syllogisms for one memberof a pairwere selected randomly from the 64 possible syllogisms.The syllogisms were then presented randomly to each subject.The order of the conclusions was different for every subject.Subjects in both this part of the experiment and in the afore­mentioned part were allowed as much time as they needed tofinish the experiment.

two responses, "possibly true" and "necessarily false").The response "necessarily true" was not included forreasons mentioned earlier in the paper. However, thefailure to include this response means that the resultscannot be generalized to tasks that include "necessarilytrue" as one alternative response. Specifically, there isno way on a priori grounds to determine whether theabove factors would exhibit the same relative influencein a "necessarily true" syllogism task as they do in a taskthat includes only the responses "possibly true" and"necessarily false." Thus, any comparisons of the resultsof this study with other studies is somewhat suspectsince other studies have included the response "neces­sarily true." Accordingly, a fourth experiment was runthat did include "necessarily true" as a response (as wellas "possibly true or possibly false," and "necessarilyfalse").

It should be noted that the four models developed inthis paper can be extended in a straightforward mannerto a "necessarily true" syllogism task. In particular, thereadout stage of each model must now determinewhether a particular conclusion is necessarily true,possibly true or false, or necessarily false, given a list ofderived set relations.

nL [PI (Xijktr) +P2(Xijk2r) +

r= 1Yijk = (lIn]

from a modified syllogism, the subject can choose whichset relation to respond to first. The findings fromExperiment 3 suggest that, in those cases in which anoverlap set relation is a logically possible conclusion,it will be the first conclusion considered. (Note that theoverlap set relation is a logically possible conclusion for8 of the 10 modified syllogisms.) Seventy-nine percentof the responses to the overlap set relation were correct.This compares with only 64% correct responses overall.Subjects are not simply being indiscriminate in theirchoice of the overlap set relation. When the overlap setrelation does not follow logically from the modifiedsyllogism, it is derived only 38% of the time (an errorrate almost identical to the overall error rate).

The fact that subjects choose the overlap set relationso much of the time suggests either that subjects find iteasier to derive the overlap set relation or that subjectsfind the overlap set relation in some sense more "believ­able" than other set relations they may have derived (inwhich case, they indicate that only the overlap setrelation is logically possible, even though they may havederived other set relations). The distinction betweenthese two explanations is important to an understandingof how subjects actually generate answers to the modi­fied syllogisms. Future, more detailed studies of modi­fied syllogism behavior will presumably want to separatethese two explanations. Fortunately, the distinctiondoes not affect the use of the modified syllogismsin an attempt to predict behavior on standard syllogisms.

Finally, it should be emphasized that the increase inthe performance of the deductive model is not inevitable.Specifically, the parameters of the deductive modelused to predict performance in the standard syllogismtask (Experiment 2) were taken directly from altogetherdifferent studies (i.e., from Experiment 3 and fromSternberg & Turner, Note 2). The exact model can bewritten as

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from Experiment 1, it is necessary to ignore the dis­tinction between a "necessarily true" response and a"possibly true" or "possibly false" response. If thisdistinction is ignored, then one finds that 41% of theinterpretations were correct (still substantially below the60% figure in Experiment 1). An examination of theindividual premises indicates that subjects' performancein Experiment 4 was better than subjects' performancein Experiment 1 on only one of the premises: "AllC are A." Finally, it should be noted that the Chapmanand Chapman (1959) model agrees with a greater per­centage of subjects' interpretations of the premisesthan do the four other premise misinterpretation models.

The logical model explains 37% of the variance fromthe syllogism task in the second part of Experiment 4.The premise model explains 52% of the variance. Andthe limited-capacity and deductive models both explain70% of the variance.

DiscussionThe results from the analyses using the logical,

premise, and limited-capacity models in a "necessarilytrue" syllogism task essentially parallel the results fromthe earlier "possible true" syllogism task (i.e., theincreases in the variance explained from model to modelare quite similar in the two tasks). However, the deduc­tive model shows no advantage over the limited-capacitymodel in the "necessarily true" syllogism task (i.e.,Experiment 4), whereas it does show a decided advantagein the "possibly true" syllogism task (i.e., Experiment 2).

It should be noted at the outset that the above resultsare not consistent with a model that assumes that sub­jects are using logical deductive strategies. If subjectswere using logical deductive strategies, then the limited­capacity model should have outperformed the deductivemodel, since (1) the limited-capacity model assumeslogical deductive strategies, (2) the deductive modelassumes alogical and incomplete deductive strategies,(3) the models differ on only the deductive component,and (4) the models make different predictions. Itremains to show what models are consistent with theabove results (i.e., the finding that the deductive modelinteracts with the task demands).

There are many different reasons why the predictivepower of the deductive model might vary from task totask. Consider the possibility that factors in Experi­ment 4 mask the influence of the deductive component.Specifically, consider the possibility that subjects inboth Experiments 2 and 4 have alogical and incompletedeductive strategies but that subjects in Experiment 4are less likely than subjects in Experiment 2 to respond"necessarily false." Note that it is the "necessarilyfalse" responses that are of most interest, since it is apreponderance of these responses that distinguishes thedeductive model from other models (i.e., the existenceof incomplete deductive strategies leads to the failureto derive certain set relations that are logically possible;this in turn can lead the subject to indicate that a

conclusion is never possible, or necessarily false, when infact the conclusion is logically possible).

The fact that there exist different response cate­gories in Experiments 2 and 4 suggests that a change inthe number of "necessarily false" responses can poten­tially be traced to the use of the different categories ofresponse. In particular, the change might be explainedas follows. Note that, in general, subjects may be uncom­fortable when their reasoning requires them to label aconclusion as necessarily false. The bias against accept­ing a nonpropositional conclusion (i.e., the tendency tolabel conclusions as necessarily true that are not so)in some syllogism tasks supports the above notion(e.g., see Chapman & Chapman, 1959). Since there areonly two response categories in Experiment 2, subjectsmay divide their responses between "possibly true" and"necessarily false" in those situations in which theyhave initially found that a conclusion is necessarily false(presumably, the more sure subjects are that a conclu­sion must necessarily be false, the less likely they are todivide their response). Since there are three responsecategories in Experiment 4, the subject may again dividehis or her responses among the different categories.However, note that this implies that there will be a 33%decrease in the number of "necessarily false" responsesin Experiment 4. Thus, the number of response cate­gories could influence the number of "necessarily false"responses.

If the above explanation were true, then there shouldbe a shift away from "necessarily false" responses inExperiment 4. A subset of the syllogisms offers a rela­tively pure test of the shift. In particular, consider thefour figures of the syllogism with a universal, negativequantifier in the first and second premises (e.g., "NoA are B" and "No Bare C"). A response of "neces­sarily false" to one or more of the conclusions is con­sistent with an incomplete deductive strategy but isleft unexplained by either premise misinterpretation orlimited-capacity components. Thus, the four figures ofthe aforementioned syllogism provide a good test of theproposed shift, since behavior on these syllogisms isinfluenced by variations in the deductive strategy alone.

It will be recalled that many of the conclusions tothe above four syllogisms in Experiment 2 were marked"necessarily false" (approximately 28%). However, notethat relatively few conclusions are marked "necessarilyfalse" in Experiment 4 (approximately 10%). Thus,there is a shift away from the "necessarily false"responses in the predicted direction.

The above explanation is not the only possibleexplanation for the failure to find an advantage of thedeductive model over the limited-capacity model inExperiment 4. For example, subjects might use entirelydifferent deductive strategies in a "necessarily true"syllogism task than they do in a "possibly true" syl­logism task (although what these strategies might be isnot altogether clear). The above would imply that behav­ior on the isolable stage (i.e., the deductive stage when

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studied in isolation) does not mimic behavior on thesame stage embedded in a more complex task. Thevarious explanations need to be more rigorously testedin future studies.

In short, the premise misinterpretation and limited­capacity components have similar effects in the "neces­sarily true" and "possibly true" syllogism tasks. How­ever, the influence of the deductive component mayinteract with the nature of the task. It was argued thatthe existence of alogical and complete deductive strate­gies is consistent with the findings in Experiment 4 ifone assumes a shift in the response probabilities awayfrom "necessarily false." Evidence was introduced thatpointed to such a shift.


While the above models appear to have achievedsome measure of predictive success, there are importantlimitations to the models that should be emphasized.First, note that the premise, limited-capacity, and deduc­tive components may not explain the same relative pro­portions of variance in tasks less demanding than theones reported in this paper. Specifically, the tasksreported in this paper require subjects to be explicitabout aspects of the syllogistic reasoning process thatmight in other situations be ignored. For example,consider a task in which subjects indicate which, if any,conclusions were necessarily true. Subjects in this taskcould adopt the relatively straightforward (and incor­rect) strategy suggested by Woodworth and Sells (1935),whereas subjects in the above experiments could notadopt such a simple strategy.

Second, the models reported in this paper assumethat subjects are not affected by the substantive contentof the premises. However, as mentioned in the introduc­tion, this assumption receives little, if any, support.Therefore, the models would have to be modified werethe premises given something other than a neutral sub­stantive content.

Finally, the models proposed in this paper may notaccount (as is) for all the various effects that have beenfound in syllogism tasks using premises with a contentsimilar to that employed in the above experiments(l.e., a neutral substantive content). However, it shouldbe noted that the models have been able to account forat least some portion of each of the effects that havebeen examined to date. For example, it will be recalledthat several investigators have found that the figure ofthe syllogism has a large influence on subjects' behavior(Dickstein, 1978a; Frase, 1968; Johnson-Laird &Steedman, 1978; Roberge, 1971). Fisher (Note 4) hasshown that misinterpretation can explain some (but notall) of the observed figural effects.

A second, and perhaps more instructive, examplefollows from recent work by Dickstein (l978b).Dickstein argues that there are various types of error­laden processes that control behavior on a select subset


of 32 syllogisms. The subset of syllogisms is dividedinto three groups. Based on the nature of the errorprocesses specific to a group, Dickstein is able to predictthe relative difficulty of the syllogisms in the group(the difficulty was measured as percentage correct).Dickstein's predictions were confirmed, and thus theexplanations of the errors receive some support.

It was possible to perform much the same analysisin this study. The results of the analysis agree with thefindings of Dickstein (l978b); that is, the relative dif­ficulty among the three groups of syllogisms remainedthe same. In the present case, it was possible to performan additional analysis. Specifically, it was possible todetermine the variance explained in the three groupsusing the logical and deductive models. Not surprisingly,the variance explained by the logical model decreasedmarkedly from the easiest to the most difficult group(this simply reflects the decrease in the percentage cor­rect). However, the variance explained by the deductivemodel for each of the three groups remained almostidentical and very high from group to group. In otherwords, the relative difficulty among the three groups ofsyllogisms singled out by Dickstein appears to beexplained by the factors that are incorporated in thedeductive model, since, after controlling for thesefactors, the difficulty of the three groups is roughlyidentical. (Note that Dickstein's explanations of errorsoverlap with the explanations of errors proposed inthis paper; thus the fact that the deductive modelaccounts for the errors is not necessarily at odds withDickstein's model.)

In short, the models proposed in this paper have alimited generality. However, if the models are appliedto a relatively restricted domain of syllogism tasks(i.e., tasks with neutral premises), then the models canbe shown to achieve a moderate measure of success. Themodels explain a fair portion of the variance. In addi­tion, the models can account (with varying degrees ofsuccess) for certain of the effects reported in otherstudies.


The present study focused on those factors thatinfluence subjects' behavior in a syllogistic reasoningtask. At least three factors appear to play an importantrole: the interpretation of the premises, the limitedcapacity of short-term memory, and the deductivestrategy. The study indicates that much can be learnedabout a complex task such as syllogistic reasoning fromthe analysis of individual factors or components inisolation. The study suggests ways in which one canestimate the relative importance of a proposed factor.And the study suggests that various current explana­tions of errors are the consequence of complex inter­actions among the components of the syllogistic reason­ing process. This last finding strongly suggests thatfuture studies of syllogistic reasoning should not confine

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themselves to the study of simple effects unless theeffects are incorporated as components of a morecomplex model.


1. Guyote, M. J., & Sternberg, R. J. A transitive-chain theoryof syllogistic reasoning (ONR Tech. Rep. 5). New Haven, Conn:Department of Psychology, Yale University, April 1978.

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3. Erickson, J. R., Wells, G. L., & Traub, B. H. Tests of amodel of formal syllogistic reasoning. Paper presented at theannual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, November1974.

4. Fisher, D. L. Syllogistic reasoning: Computer models andindividual differences. Unpublished manuscript, 1979. (Availablefrom D. L. Fisher, K208 Lloyd Hall, 580 Union Drive, Universityof Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 481(9).


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(Received for publication December 22, 1980;revision accepted April 10, 1981.)
