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A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive ...A Time Traveler’s Guide to the...

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The room is silent as you ready yourself. You’re plotting — without conscious thought — your battle strategy as you slowly position each piece of armor in its proper place. You steady yourself under the weight, as you rise to face your foe. You know ev- ery movement and every thought that they know, for you have faced this opponent throughout your life. Your opponent dwells deep within you. The side effect of this opponent has amassed many names including the shadow self, the false self, the ego, the adaptive self, or the pain body. This committee-self can be as deceptive as a skilled con artist . . . as cunning as a tiger stalking its prey, as convincing as a lawyer giving a closing argument, and as merciless as a cancer, for this foe has no investment in your potential for transfor- mation. Do not be deceived by its trickery and cun- ningness. And above all, never allow yourself to be convinced that The Committee is you. It is a great deceiver that misguides your ability to live autono- mously and in a state of empowerment, keeping you separated from the authentic essence of who you are meant to be. Although your committee members are well inten- tioned in their attempts to protect you from perceived harm, their influence does not allow you to live from a place of wholeness, presence, or completeness. On the other hand, awareness of the committee is a gift. It provides the ‘bread crumbs’ on the pathway toward understanding and enlightenment. It is a key capable of opening the door to self-love. Awareness of it allows us to develop understanding and com- passion toward self and others. Although this nemesis has existed since the be- ginning of human kind, it can be transformed in a way that will allow you to experience a state of well- being. The implementation of valued personal prin- When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate. — Carl Jung In essence, the voice of The Committee, as you will learn, is not ‘who you are’. Rather it is a pathway to discovery of your true self. A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive Legendary Living Almanac: Field Guide No. 1 Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler Module 1, pg 1 ©2014, Legendary Living Institute, LLC, all rights reserved. Permission required for distribu- tion or reproduction. A Time Traveler’s Guide to the Present® is a registered trademark.
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The room is silent as you ready yourself. You’re

plotting — without conscious thought — your battle

strategy as you slowly position each piece of armor

in its proper place. You steady yourself under the

weight, as you rise to face your foe. You know ev-

ery movement and every thought that they know,

for you have faced this opponent throughout your

life. Your opponent dwells deep within you. The

side effect of this opponent has amassed many

names including the shadow self, the false self, the

ego, the adaptive self, or the pain body.

This committee-self can be as deceptive as a

skilled con artist . . . as cunning as a tiger stalking

its prey, as convincing as a lawyer giving a closing

argument, and as merciless as a cancer, for this

foe has no investment in your potential for transfor-

mation. Do not be deceived by its trickery and cun-

ningness. And above all, never allow yourself to be

convinced that The Committee is you. It is a great

deceiver that misguides your ability to live autono-

mously and in a state of empowerment, keeping

you separated from the authentic essence of who

you are meant to be.

Although your committee members are well inten-

tioned in their attempts to protect you from perceived

harm, their influence does not allow you to live from

a place of wholeness, presence, or completeness.

On the other hand, awareness of the committee is a

gift. It provides the ‘bread crumbs’ on the pathway

toward understanding and enlightenment. It is a key

capable of opening the door to self-love. Awareness

of it allows us to develop understanding and com-

passion toward self and others.

Although this nemesis has existed since the be-

ginning of human kind, it can be transformed in a

way that will allow you to experience a state of well-

being. The implementation of valued personal prin-

When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate. — Carl Jung

In essence, the voice of The Committee, as

you will learn, is not ‘who you are’.

Rather it is a pathway to discovery of your

true self.

A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive Legendary Living Almanac: Field Guide No. 1

Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler

Module 1, pg 1©2014, Legendary Living Institute, LLC, all rights reserved. Permission required for distribu-tion or reproduction. A Time Traveler’s Guide to the Present® is a registered trademark.

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A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive

Insight Notes Thoughts Examples______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Module 1, pg 2

ciples, with new perspective, will allow you to tap you into a place

deep within, like the calm waters of a lake, and can inspire childlike

enthusiasm and innocence.

There are plenty of challenges in life that arise on a day-to-day

basis. These challenges are neither good nor bad, but when sub-

jectively interpreted as good or bad, the committee is in its active


It is within these day-to-day challenges where the committee

thrives. It will take the ‘challenge du jour’ and create a story in your

mind that will compel you to feel victorious or victimized, justifiably

angry, paralyzed, confused, superior, or critical and blaming, guar-

anteeing a false sense of happiness, worthiness, or dissatisfaction.

The committee undermines your ability to approach any situation

or challenge with clarity and focus. It throws you into pre-disposed

ways of feeling, thinking, and behaving that leave you at the mercy

of outcomes to external circumstances that dictate your state of


The Committee

Filled with repetitive thoughts of judgment, criticism, in-

cessant complaining, self-doubt, self-depreciation, arro-

gance, superiority or inferiority, The Committee’s purpose,

albeit misguided, is to protect you from perceived danger,

potential loss, rejection, pain, shame, or destruction.


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Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler

Module 1, pg 3

The Committee takes your mind hostage through a variety of self-

defeating patterns that enhance the belief that you are unworthy

or incapable. The voices of the committee are accepted for most

people as a normal state of being. In actuality, this deception legiti-

mizes and perpetuates the adaptive self’s ability to exist. The false

self is broken down into a wide variety of negative influences within

one’s self, and many of these influences are well camouflaged.

When The Time Traveler launches into the past, it remembers

painful or dangerous experiences, then catapults into the future

and generates futile, dramatic, or status quo outcomes that rarely

come to fruition. The more active your committee’s chatter be-

comes, the greater the escalation of emotional and physiological

responses that are associated with fear, pain, loss, rejection, and


The thoughts feed the biochemical responses and the biochemi-

cal responses feed the thoughts. This looping effect perpetu-

ates unhappiness and undesirable reactions and behaviors. The

manifestation of this dynamic has been referred to as self-fulfilling


The Time Traveler

Fear of pain, rejection, and shame are at the root of the

adaptive self’s influences, nonconsciously catapulting

you into the past and the future with the merciless nega-

tive self talk generated by The Committee. This noncon-

scious catapulting is what we refer to as the Time Traveler.


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A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive

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Module 1, pg 4

Will the Real You Please Stand Up

As you learn to catch the committee’s chatter and work with pres-

ent, conscious thought, the biochemical reactions begin to recali-

brate, their potency diminishes. As you take charge of your think-

ing, interrupting the biofeedback loop, you are far more capable of

making effective responses to any situation at hand. This process

enables you to take appropriate action, rather than react out of fear

of pain, fear of rejection or loss, or fear of shame.

Consider This: When you are being driven by the core set of your

adaptive self’s beliefs, the thinking is doing you as opposed to you

doing the thinking. A steady stream of nonconscious thoughts that

often run rampant serve little to no purpose in supporting your qual-

ity of life, much less your development or growth. Dr. Bruce Lipton,

a cellular biologist and author, states that most of us are operating

approximately 90% of the time in this nonconscious state (Lipton,

2008). As you are able to observe this elusive phenomenon, you

can then change the direction of your thoughts with volition, choos-

ing to create a different story and response to the specific situa-

tions that initiate the committee’s rant.

We often guide students through an exercise in which they

imagine a color or image that represents their predominant

committee members. One student associated each of her

committee members with a specific color. Red symbol-

ized fear and green symbolized shame. Another student

identified each committee member with gremlin-like char-

acters of assorted shapes and sizes. Creating this type of

visual for the committee can help us more clearly recognize

the addictive thoughts and patterns and identify what loop is

being activated at any given moment.

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Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler

Module 1, pg 5

Fear of danger, pain, loss, rejection, or shame are at the root of the

adaptive self’s influences, nonconsciously catapulting us into the

past and the future with the merciless, repetitive, and often rumina-

tive negative self talk generated by the committee.

So why do you react in repeated patterns doing the same things

over and over again? In part, it is because you are unaware of

nonconscious patterns of thinking that have developed in order to

protect yourself.

Those of you who are old enough may remember the 1960’s TV

show Lost In Space. Consider the following video clip.

The robot in the series is a great metaphor for how The Committee

serves to warn us of impending danger based on pre-programmed

information. Although sometimes “Danger Will Robinson” is of im-

minent importance, most of the time, clear and present facts and

intuition serve to save the day.

The Committee’s Connection to Brain Development

These learned patterns are rooted in childhood, related to

brain development, and in actuality, are a kind of road map

— bread crumbs if you will, pointing toward potential self-

awareness and healing — keys to waking up.

These beliefs and repetitive thoughts and patterns re-

sulted from the only resources that were accessible at the

original time of challenge, pain, adversity, or even misun-

derstanding — thus they became our default setting.

We will learn more about brain development and the De-

fault Mode Network in future modules.

(Allen & Hammer, 1967)

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A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive

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Module 1, pg 6

The Committee in Action: An Example

Brad Stevenson shares this example: I remember as a kid often

feeling invisible and like a disappointment to my parents. My per-

ception was that they had little interest in my thoughts, feelings,

and opinions. Personal experiences associated with having se-

vere dyslexia and it’s effect on my ability to communicate often ex-

acerbated this belief. I felt misunderstood and unimportant which

manifested in an unconscious belief of feeling insignificant.

Because of this formulated belief, my committee members often

demanded that I be seen and have merit throughout much of my

adult life. It sounds reasonable, but without the awareness of what

drove my need to be seen and valued, my adaptive self or com-

mittee allowed me to superimpose my parents onto people in my

adolescent and adult life. Therefore, I often felt as though I was

unimportant and that others would rarely understand me or care

what my opinions and feelings were.

When I stand in line at the bank, or wait in line at the coffee shop,

and the teller or cashier are not moving fast enough to my liking, or

they dare to take an extra minute to talk with a customer in front of

me, my pre-disposition is to feel annoyed and impatient.

These feelings promote judgmental and critical thoughts — this is

the thinking doing me — coupled with biochemical releases in my

body that reinforce my state of unhappiness.

Without recognizing my committee in action, before I know it, I

have shared my displeasure with other patrons waiting in line. This

repeated pattern is driven by the early childhood beliefs that I was

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Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler

Module 1, pg 7

invisible, but in reality, has no validity in current situations.

When I am able to be the observer of the annoyance and irritabil-

ity, I can quickly recognize that the committee is acting from that

place of being ignored with an understanding that the teller or the

cashier aren’t doing anything to me personally.

I am then able to redirect my thoughts — this is me being con-

scious and present and me doing the thinking — to a place of ac-

ceptance . . . depersonalizing the experience, feeling the irritability

release and drain right out of myself. I am then restored to my

authentic self and am able to choose my interactions with others

from a state of presence.

The bank and coffee shop examples are pretty simple, however,

one might imagine the same dynamics and consequences at play

in personal and professional relationships. Sustainable transfor-

mation occurs in our innermost being and is evidenced by shifts

in our most important relationships. Awareness is a gift of epic

proportion, but awareness is not change — change is change.

Sustainable Transformation — The First Step

So, you want to change, grow, and develop? Great! The very first

thing that needs to be accomplished whenever you are motivated

to change is to become aware of what it actually is that needs to

change. Then you can get out of your own way.

In the final analysis, it is only you that is in the way of your desires

of a life abundant with joy and connection. The alternative is to go

through life interpreting every person and situation as a personal

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Module 1, pg 8

affront or danger to your sense of value, as Brad did in the example


If your committee has been living rent free in your head, it is now

time to put them on notice. Modules 1-8 are designed to promote

self-understanding, increased awareness, and to develop the abili-

ties of the objective observer. These modules provide information

important to the topic of sustainable personal transformation.

Next, in the TRANSform® Modules, 9-14, the application portion

of the program, armed with greater understanding of your com-

mittee and how it has altered your experience, you will have the

opportunity to strengthen and practice what you have learned as

you transform your life and relationships.

This is an effective and powerful process, especially when you

are motivated to change the repetitive and frustrating patterns that

have manifested in your personal and professional life in an unde-

sirable manner.

Stress and the Fight, Flight, Freeze Connection

The more you get to the core of this dynamic, the better you are

able to negotiate and separate from the associated feelings of in-

adequacy, deprivation, and fear. This process loosens the grip of

roles such as victim, over or under achiever, and other committee-

driven false identities responsible for unwanted repetitive patterns

in personal and professional relationships.

Please note that daily life stressors exacerbate the effects of the

Committee and Time Traveler and make it more difficult to be pres-

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Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler

Module 1, pg 9

ent in order to choose alternative responses after becoming aware

of and disrupting habitual reactions and behaviors.

Making time for self-care and reducing stress is not only an ‘nice

idea’ . . . but key to creating lasting transformation and something

we will work on throughout this program. We will learn the direct

impact stress has on our relationship to the Committee.

Stress and the Fight, Flight, Freeze Connection

Clearing out the chatter of the Committee takes conscious

effort. When you live within belief systems embedded in

pain, loss, woundedness, or fear of shame, blame, or criti-

cism, there are pre-dispositions to feeling victimized and

unworthy of love, or the need to control. Life can be expe-

rienced as unfair or as a chronic struggle.

Deeply rooted belief systems are related to the way that

the brain develops from the time we are conceived and are

impacted by exchanges, interactions, and misunderstand-

ings, sometimes negative, from early life.

Stress exacerbates the activity of the Committee and Time


In future modules, we will consider the important role of

self-care, one of the antidotes to the insidious affects of

stress which is a major barrier to change, growth, and co-

creating the life we desire.

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A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive

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Module 1, pg 10

For Deeper Consideration

We can witness globally, or on a macro level, the committee’s abil-

ity to methodically work in opposition to core principles inherent to

prosperity and well-being. Susceptibility to fear, shame, blame,

and lack of awareness are key components that cause so many

to suffer.

Groups, societies, nations, and leaders either in the clutches of

their own committees and time travelers — or who recognize how

to strategically manipulate and control the committees of others —

leave a wake of destruction in their path on a societal, communal,

and global level.

The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are

not elemental happenings of a physical or biological

order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree

we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are

nothing other than psychic epidemics.

At any moment several millions of human beings

may be smitten with a new madness, and then we

shall have another world war or devastating revolu-

tion. Instead of being at the mercy of wild beasts,

earthquakes, landslides, and inundations, modern

man is battered by the elemental forces of his own


— Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) (Jung, 1970)

On an individual, or micro level, in a state of unawareness, we find

ourselves giving our power away to any person, group, or organi-

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Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler

Module 1, pg 11

zation that we unwittingly believe has ‘the answer’ or is ‘the one’,

and thus become susceptible to the tyranny of our greatest fears

and insecurities.

When we are disconnected from our authentic self, unengaged

with our own growth and development, we are blind and unaware

of how we contribute to the co-creation of repetitive loops and pat-

terns that do not serve us — or others.

We find ourselves perpetually searching for answers from this

teacher or that, this organization, guru, leader, or friend, and un-

able to discern real wisdom and truth that might actually help us


Or, we simply give up.

We numb our pain with substances, addictive relationships, work,

high-risk activities, excessive time with television, entertainment,

or gaming, and in some cases a ‘form of spirituality’, as we are

thrashed around by the chaos and pain of our own repetitive

thoughts and patterns.

The susceptibility of repeating historical and present-day judg-

ment, ‘otherness’ or separateness — even genocide is directly

proportional to the degree a people are asleep to the committee’s


However, with awareness, the manifestation of destruction at the

macro level has the potential to be a blueprint — as it is in our own

personal lives — in order to lead us to the awareness and desire to

create the recalibration and change that would then lead to suste-

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A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive

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Module 1, pg 12

nance of human development and the planet.

It appears we learn by contrast, and if we adopt a problem-solving

approach as opposed to fighting against, defending, shaming/

blaming, or giving up — the only categories of action available to

the Committee and Time Traveler — then we can begin to grasp

the key elements of true transformation in any given circumstance

or situation.

Remaining on a ‘horizontal’ plane, fighting against, or moving from

one extreme to another has not served us in many instances, nei-

ther personally, nor as a society.

Becoming fully aware and present to how we contribute to these

paradigms, and to our individual experience, finally allows us to

move in a vertical fashion, to find creative solutions and supporting

activities that are much more effective in terms of change and the

use of our life force, passions, and unique giftings.

When we are aware, we realize there is a natural process by which

we can eliminate the power of negative forces to make room for the

creation of wholeness — individually . . . and ultimately — globally.

More and more, people are recognizing their desire and need to

work on self-awareness — to choose and embrace principles with

which to live with greater intention — in effect, becoming an active

participant in the creation of a life of meaning and value.

In this journey, principles shift from being weapons of judgment,

shame, and blame, and instead serve as powerful keys or bread-

crumbs toward wholeness, integration, healing, and awareness.

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Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler

Module 1, pg 13

Desire Toward Personal Growth and Development · This just isn’t working any more. · There’s Got to Be More to Life. · I don’t want to hurt my children. · I love my significant other, why can’t we get along? · I want to live with passion and purpose. · I want to make the most of my life and to make a difference.

The Nature of Transformation


The Nature of Personal Growth and Transformation:

So, is change really possible?

The buck stops here, so to speak. The greatest gift we can give

to anyone, including ourselves, is to be mindful and present to our

own journey toward awareness and transformation.

Throughout this course, we will be considering the elements that

are essential with regard to personal growth and transformation.

We will address the following questions:

1. Why do I want to change?

When the answer to this question is really important to us, remem-

bering it on a regular basis can provide a lot of impetus to continue

our efforts, especially when life is challenging or stressful.

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A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive

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Module 1, pg 14

Is Transformation Possible? · The Biologoy of Belief · The energetic nature of elements. · The Biofeedback Loop · Molecules of Emotion · Epigenetics


(Arntz, et. al., 2004)

(Emoto, 2005)

(HeartMath.org, 2014)

Anita MoorjanAuthor

3 What Are My Core Beliefs About My Own Potential to Grow? · What affects my beliefs? · Societal, Cultural, & World Views · Medical and Psychiatric Paradigms · Spiritual and Religious Suppositions

Photo Top Left: B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)(LeRoy & Fleming, 1939)

2. Is transformation genuinely possible?

Do I believe that I am doomed to repeat unwanted behavior or

repetitive patterns that I see in myself or my family? Or, on the

other hand, am I aware of the nature and physiology of change

— including epigenetics, brain plasticity, the energetic nature of

emotions and importance of environment, the mind-body connec-

tion, importance of self-care including adequate sleep, exercise,

nutrition, down time, and joy? Do I believe that it is possible to

change habits of thinking and behavior? Am I aware of

current research and information

that might change my beliefs and

current understanding and there-

fore my abil-

ity to grow?

3. What are my core beliefs and expectations about life, myself, and others?

What early family experiences have shaped my be-

liefs about life, myself, and others? What external in-

fluences have an impact on what I believe: familial,

societal, cultural, popular media, or world view para-

digms. What medical or psychiatric models influence

my opinions? What influences might I have from

learning institutions or religions that may not be com-

pletely accurate?

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Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler

Module 1, pg 15

What Needs to be Transformed?4


n & H


r, 196


5 How Do I Move Forward? · Knowledge and Information · Mindful Practice · Tools · Exercises · Habit Forming · Application · Environment · Development · Emotional Awareness | Maturity · Conflict Resolution Skils · Communication Skills

When our beliefs and expectations are in alignment with our desires and commitment to action, growth is inevitable. Even in situations where the only thing that can shift is our attitude, the result can lead to profound transformation that permeates and edifies all areas of our life.


CDC Exercise — Get to the Root of the Committee’s Chatter, Drama, & Chaos (CDC) Name: __________________________________ Date: ________________ Automatic Reaction Record

The Faulty Core Belief that fuels this reaction is:!

Describe Event!

Describe Moods Or Emotions

Rank Each by %

The Chatter of the Committee Where Did Your Thoughts Begin?

What Belief Do They Support?

My initial thoughts were:








What would it mean to me if these thoughts were true?



And what would that mean?





Evidence That Supports

The Faulty Core Belief or Thought

Evidence That Does NOT Support

The Faulty Core Belief or Thought

Alternative (New) Balanced

Thought Or Belief

Re-Rank (%)

Moods Or Emotions


tz, et

. al.,



4. What is it specifically that I need to transform in order to meet my goals and desires?

If we don’t understand what it is that needs to change, then

change is rather hit or, more likely, miss. Am I taking an hon-

est inventory of myself? Am I fully aware of what it is that per-

petuates unwanted behaviors and patterns? What is it that

I can realistically change about a situation or about myself?

5. Finally, HOW do I grow and transform?

Do I have effective tools and methods of creating healthy

habits? Am I choosing to ‘spend my time’ in a manner that

reflects my goals and desire to grow? Am I paying attention

to my health, and making space for joy, relaxation, and self-

care? Am I working on creating and supporting a healthy

network of family, friends, mentors? How am I learning com-

munication and conflict resolution skills? What about per-

sonal and spiritual development? Am I committed to being

present, genuine, and authentic?

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A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive

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Module 1, pg 16

Module One Mission | Assignment

Your assignment for Module ONE is to pay close attention to yourself, in particular, to repetitive thoughts and reactions. The practice of becoming mindful will allow you to be increasingly aware of both the physiological and emotional states operating at any given time. Check in throughout each day and just notice any ‘activation’ of your committee. It can be helpful to set a timer on your smart phone or other device that will alert you to pay atten-tion. In circumstances where your ‘buttons’ get pushed, take note of what happens in your thoughts and also sensations in your body.

In the next module we will dig much deeper into the practice and tools in order to develop mindfulness, but for now, becoming an adept observer of your thoughts and physiology are important.

It may be helpful to ask yourself:

Am I doing the thinking right now...or are thoughts doing me? — For example, through a ‘nonconscious’ random series of chatter with no volition or focus.

Are my thoughts being directed by my emotions? If so, simply notice what emotions are active.

To what past experience is my Time Traveler going?

Where is my Time Traveler projecting my fears?

Do the level of emotion and reaction match the reality of the present situation?

Throughout this course, we will emphasize implementing the things we learn.

One of the most important skills toward this end is creating time in our calendars for new habits

we want to create. With this in mind, please take a moment now to schedule a regular time(s) to reflect on this assign-ment and to document the situations where you noticed your committee and time traveler in action.

When you see the calendar icon (above) throughout the program, it will be a reminder to insert alerts in your cal-endar or smart device.

Module One | Key Terms

The Committee

The Time Traveler

Important Note

If you find yourself taking on the challeng-es in this course and continue to experi-ence self-condemnation, increased pain, shame, an inability to negotiate feelings of victimization; or find yourself using this information to control, shame, or blame others, it is highly recommended that you seek support from a trained mental health professional with relevant experience. For more information, contact Legendary Living Institute, www.legendaryliving.life. Additionally, seeking out a like-minded group of people for support and shared insight can be an effective and meaning-ful way to move forward.




Page 17: A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive ...A Time Traveler’s Guide to the Present® is a registered trademark. A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the

Insight Notes Thoughts Examples______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Module 1 — The Committee and The Time Traveler

Module 1, pg 17

Module One Mission | Assignment, continued

Examples of the Committee and Time Traveler In Action:

1. My significant other or friend interrupted me when I was talking and I felt the emotion of anger and my time traveler reminded me of being insignificant. I became completely quiet and refused to talk any more.

2. A customer complained to my supervisor about a mistake that I made. I became defensive and noticed fear and had thoughts that I might be fired. I felt as though I was not good enough.

3. A friend of mine told me that he/she was dating an old flame...I felt pain and anger colliding in my gut. Then I was overcome by feelings of insecurity and self-loathing. I want-ed to eat and drink alcohol.

4. I felt overwhelmed by the responsibilities at home or work and noticed feelings of sadness and shame and had thoughts of incompetence. I wanted to hide and run away and not even be there. I escaped by __________________.

5. I noticed repetitive thoughts throughout the day that had nothing to do with what I was actually doing. I was easily distracted and felt anxious for no apparent reason.

Did you notice a ‘victim mentality’? Did you witness yourself moving from victim to perpetrator — hurt feelings to defend-ing and punishing others? Did you notice a drive or need to control others or situations? Please write down examples and insights.

Note: If you are participating in A Time Traveler’s Guide to the Present course, please purchase a 3-ring binder and minimum of 15 dividers before the next meeting. You will be given important information and tools throughout the course. Please bring the binder to each class. If you are taking the course online, print and place the modules and exercises into your binder.

Page 18: A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive ...A Time Traveler’s Guide to the Present® is a registered trademark. A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the

A Time Travelers Guide to the Present®: Free the Captive

Insight Notes Thoughts Examples______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Module 1, pg 18

Insight Notes Thoughts Examples______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Allen, I., Hammer, R. (Writers), Richardson, D. (Direc-tor). (1967). Deadliest of the species [Television Series Episode]. In I. Allen (Producer), Lost In Space. Los Angeles, CA: Columbia Broadcasting System (original airing), 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (2005).

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