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a* ¦¦ -'- triFNAN'.KIAH H^LD1 Um€¦ · a* triFNAN'.KIAH H^LD1 i PRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 1900....

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a* triFNAN'.KIAH H^LD1 i PRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 1900. Intered at the Post Office, at Wood¬ stock, Va., ag seeond-iiass matter. a. D. BawiUi Pres. H. Coffman, Cash'r The Shenandoah Cou ity Bank Organized, 1871. Re-Organized ! - - [>cposlts and Collections solicited, satisfaction guaranteed. Discount Rate Six Per Cent. Sh ma OV( C 1 lin: I ai Bil I i; 'J blc il I tlu Shenandoah Valley Loan ot Trust Co. -.WOODSTOCK, VA.»- ? - Money loaned at ti per oenl on real estate ir etui coHatenU security. Bavlngi posits received in sums ol si.io or over, ami loteraal allowed un mubo. If" For paitleutafaaddress th*- Company at it- home oihie. ..r call on .1. ar. Bberiy, StniN».urar: ii W. WiudU-. Bdlnburg; ¥. S. Penoybacker, Mt Ja. w- »n: or s. u. Hoover, New Harket. I i I I. TKiPLErrPriMi. R.M.Lanv/.". Pre* Merchants and Farmers' Hank, WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA. DIRECT0R5: W. C. I,antz. J. H. Hepner, G. W. Mlnnkk J ll Ruby ami Sj. P. Koontz. TATBBBBfl * Bausekman, Attys, -|api il., k ( ca Ai inte* Hefted ani lio*t ari-ommo.latu ns a- mteed. Hour? Wt l>. P. MAGRrDER.CA«H'R. 1 tal Ar Fi ol .ll! I.. Ill OM ( GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. Monday next > county court, rall to - .. aile in town. > the talk nf the town, w li.Botkffer. - for court, the la*' of the fat. W. I . Barron. gel saBftan'i 1. -ut Mon¬ day. Wm. - :.ra<l, one of the DDO0I I itizciis of Warren county aal bi \-r leedi ..: I. i sea v - ioe and Mrs. <. VT. K returned from Harrisonburg I a , al J. A. "v I - Ju.-. NV. tfaum'a car of ik tl by J.l>. Boj . a Son. .fr the marrias V | A church in Eilinl \ v Ul. . t I, NV. Va., April 10th. r. fi - the de'.egate fruin url day. r. - Bowman. 'l __ Bat* b - > '.are al Mr- a . - art St. ii got i at Loci Mr. l. VI i fine pigeon loft at thc ' Ml W T. William! oi tlit» . I "V\n. lie baa the r and several other va riel known colored man. | * | \n -.. died the first of thia week. il a .- i brother ol a>avid Bird ol thia . r;an i bi ¦ j. le £ rs. 1 ol honef drip sj ,. .. B ion.. h u rei aian wo° ntly purchaaed h mill n**;ir B . burg, ectrlc plaut run by n aer fr in which he will light the u»»u ol pg. I or to W. H. Rodeffer. Clause the liver, purify the blooil. ly by using DeWitt'i Lin:. E takone little aiwayi.. . L. K. Irwin. A full atock of aprj rn band foi J. D, :. I Bon. Elwood f Mm'l P. Lobbs, of Mt. Jaekaoo, died on laal Friday, aged 'J reata 1!** a ia auddi ly taken lick on WedntMlav, and remained un- concious lill hii death. He was buried la6t Sunday afternoon. The ba.-.; iJc whip on the market at J A. Dysart &' Dr. Heat will beat the Geary Hotel. Woodcock, Mdi,-lay April ''*h, pre- pared to scientitica.v in- . ? .a.e-. Work guaranteed. Kisml nation fiee. Try one of tb se large lotvchea kt Ni B vkery couit day. H. Clark, Cbbu a., kaya De- Wllt'l Wttcll Basel ~alve cured him o. :1,at had allheted him lor tWBOt] -. It ia also a ifesdy cure for-kn, ates, Beware of dangerouac coon¬ il ifeitf. L. Bs li vs in. lurni«-h tuat what \..u wain fr.-iu our meat counter. W.H. Rodefltr. '1 he bBBBB] spill K *< ik is piling up m. our tai niera ow Inf lo Hie loaf ContlBli of unfavorable weather lor ou woik. Our Lrag aavrdeiiera are aUi getting uuea.-y about their early \r±,< - tahlea. .-aioiugaud tmail clo-. j. i>. bot ..I -bink DeW ill's Little Kai v }. BTS the be.-t BSSBftBl the world,' Mya W B.LaaBe. Happy Creek, fa. They re¬ al! obstiuctiom* of tu liver ano bowels, actquicklv aud uever grips. L. it- Irwin. V e learn that grip ia very prevalent in Harrisonburg- anil teveral bnndreo m are autferiiiK with the mud dreaded dieeaee. lt hat alao mnde BB appearance in thia county and a number <.f ik opie have iu """Tiie baltitDO.e Conference of tim M. B. Uaw th, South, met in WaSBBBgtsa sn. last WbbbbSbBbbBs .Kev. J. C. .Iocbb oj ollhe church in thia place iain attendant<. H'- reiuri to this charge it coUidei.tiy exi-ecled, notwithstanding the fact that ollie! .charge* ate anxious lor hia aervlaea. .In-tin Blore a aplcndid line of gae ah ... Mich aa Kangaroo aud Vlei Kid, noihiug ahoudy alKii.t tm*ni. " » C. Barron. J D OiiyerB eion have on hand the moat asttsSatsga&g^te. SStSMBBLTa,'' coi wa \v fro P-l J Mr on. ta t. ri eai flo aa fi:. I I B, a .k ivi pll illl t I f in w ->¦ A - t ¦W*t*a ?s. * -sTHgoiia. Call aud see .Ir. W N I -thill has moved into tbs nil property o ir. Il L. sterns, aged ia, a brake- in on the C. at O. road, loal his life t Simd iy IBoruiag by striking tho Mhead brid-.* at Waynesboro. )nion BStS at Locke'-. Indwelling house of Charles afcWll- -Bs, near | Brook, was llama1 1 Fn<- . il by fire, the origin of isch is not known. leal whi e coal oil ar ti eta. af K. ?. a ut;n. j The usual report about the peach >< in being fi../,mi ia io circulation, it beat to wall a little before taking all BB) reports for faCtS, Wc have seei: endid crops af peaches after bio-** 'in >b.a cording io Uieas ul of reporta, all in court day ami see thc edel I.ember Tree Saddk -. at .'. A. Drear! a i o i Kuli dinner April coon day. vege- ftc . thicken?, Dali, roast me its, .. \ 1 lor 25e il mon leo Restaurant, thur B i a Co. [lu^b i a -. i rom! teni f rmer ol «''.?''' . the fun. ral a neighbor sud waa much concerned d predicted that bia would be Hu xl death. Ile ord.-red a tombstone ugh i;; the heat health, he brooded er the inaner and in one week die 1. Dorn meal,rice, hominy, drud beef, logna W. ll. Rodi Ri r. rho Southern Railway Co. has jut nplets-d tbe remodeling oj the track des at Riverton and la now erecti ¦ter tank at th" same place. Thc tank il be 2 i ;:. md will be supp ie il in the Front Royal Water Com pa n's "or > ile elu.ap, on,- *, cotid-li ind ¦Connie Binder one Superior Dill', e mow i. Appli to J. L. Campbell. Mr. J..-, j ii Fra7el ia testing the mer- of a nea hui v< iv heap Ice-house al town. Ile <-ut a ole ali ut ten feet each way in old straw rick, and in thin 1 e refully ; icked 18 or more 1 adi of e rivei ice, around thia he packed So far it baa been keej n,r 3«» to Nev '.kery c ri : lu - -v n -I and < li;.ie (.',,i \\. 1'. sonville, Ind , -av.- .!» Witt's Wadi S 'the. the most delilah in and . most stubborn tb certain and ood reaulta.' Cures ld -ki:, - ~. I>on'r buy an illation. I. II Ira "Ut day. '.u: chea '^ I V. d ry cheap, 'liv our*. VV. ll. Roil tier. aud Ree my -p' in;; line .,[ -lu e- up-to-d ii.-. 1. ii. Locke. umber of tb.- residents from - ithei u section <»f o-ir county -t wei k for iii.- far west, princij r North I ikola, where tb- y ase iheh tut'. ea. M »t of tb.-ni ^ ige in f iruling. We ri gpel tc e them le ive tb.* ld com ?tate- e wish tb.un every -u -- it at the nie time we emit -ec \\bv the\ u ibis most f ivored country i:. the faraway aud frozenn Ithwesl I gg Iles, switzer chceae.Alphabci lacaroni, just received, W. li. RodetTer. Yi - it i- a f let, you get a -mt ol othes for nothing of Juo VV. Saum.il i.u bu\ a buggy at rcgulai pi .1. I. Tr ;b notary, Washlug- igton, Pa, found K pa 11 ure an excel lem rene »-.. ol h 'rouble, and have di - ived greal lcm lit from its u*c.' Ii esta what you eat and can not fail tc re 1.. li. Irwin. Brm-: i .¦¦-' with you Monday to sam «h home iu. herring are large and he ip w. C. Barron 8| ng ; .ins -M,r'l W snd 17th ;»fr. -I.ment- red as usual K. 8. Bob man. Mr. Patrick Ri ly an aged citizen o: * with a \ eua accl- on Saturday night, at ihe lenee cf hi* daugbti r, Mrs. L. R. Irwin lr. Reilly had retired,and being unable Bleep, wan red around, and Uh iirroundinga being new, fell doun tb. tairway, fracturing several riba am il painful nits about hi lead. Thursday miming Mr. Bellly wa nottgh to be taken to his home ol ionh Main Btreet, and la Iniprovin, . owly. Bring In your trade and take ad saulage ol our bargains. By, ll. Rodefler. A large aasortBient of glasawan imps just received, and cheaper tba ,,-r. P. Ba Bowman. "No f miilv can afford to be within Minute Cough ( ure. lt will atop cure a cold quli ker than an . i her medicine." wrin I W. William g Km,. Pa. lt cure- croup, broi throat and iBOg troubl* prevent- «<-. gumption. Pit .- -; . L. R. Irwin. for i.inn stafoni fo i. ii.imI. an i.'Uii". Twii ear loads of t tod "Brown and U .lek ' ". j.h. bo) i J.- (Jon. When you come to town court da; 1 .n't forgel to c il ai the Haroeaa Ste .1. a. D sari a I - sud exam ii i Leather Tree Bad Water eraeki rn 8 aitd 10c per lb. ki In spite "f -barp advanei - ol all da og theta «»I«J prl I "ur order was lan tn advances i ian I . B. Bowoia A. il. bilpsBBB. Beardsley, Bini r oath, aav« Its --die.nl fro p. | Ma foi twt ntj iv< yeal i and dieting eave bul little reit* ,.i\ he used Kodol Dyspepsia I h ill rahal be lil wants and he lfB.1 like a new rn daaBWta what JOB eal. L. Ra Irwin. Some pei pie inak. it a j "int uiver ie without a HgSB buming in I louse. A J.if of information w<»r |i.iiowiiig ls thal * -mall, even li^ht iii . obtained tresa a snub ia.idle all Bstghl if line powdered P led a om.ii Um ""-I'l M* M* p . it of thc w ii k i- na« b Ha i | Iioyon want a rn w suit Thea buy yoe* tvaggy ." .. >V. Salim aid lm will actually gi | .,,u tbe suit ol clothes and will not n ont to tbe NsfBy <'r sBBsh I lei. her. Oysters by ike mea>uie.if von h..\- Ket are have ibbbi $ gillon stae i.. mid only io il.<»>e wlio Wi < *»aterS lo inke home at Ihe Dcluion Ke-taurant, H _ alaSi ¦¦ ii avai. a.an sasssj BO lt lill leo PERSONAL. - Daisy e fl uroy and BClss Rose llii.kins are at the Mi-ses Ranker's. Mrs. J. X. Davta returned lo her home in this place Batar .y, Hrs. A. A. J. Bnshoiig i> very ill at her home on Church St. Mr. F. s. Bowman ls in Baltimore thia wi k. alisa (arne Pence ii* Visiting her uncle Mr. M. B. Wonder at "Maplehuret." Mr*, at her home on North Main St. lilas Mary Ehck returned lo her bonn in tbi- place Monday. Mi-H Marv Bmoot has been visiting friends in Iob n thia week. \ Jno. II. Giabill is in Rlcbm ind . k. Miss Lizzie Funkhoueer, of Con icvii le ii viaitlng Mrs. c. 1. Clem, in thia place. aflat M Ball ia y lal ting her sister. Hrs. .1. C. .1 mes of tins p| Mian e Rodefler ls viaitlng her W »hington< Nr. M, M. Wunder baa returned to tala home it Moore's Store. Dr. and Mis. Ford have return. <l from a visit n frlcndi In Luray. Mrs, P.J. Lamb and Miss Maaalc Bbachcy, i Harrisonburg, spent Monday wit 11 Mr-, b. ll. Irwin. Dr. A, P. Belew, of Rdinburf, waaea'led t" WnshinKton Tueadav t<» attend ins nephew, Mr. Ha ry Heatb ltii|i|lcber*er who i> \er\ .irk. The many friend* of Mrs. \\ \\ Locke, who n III t«.r ne it ly a month, trill be glad tu hear thal nae li resTOi erina, Mrs. Kate Johnson, of thia place, ipent dayl laal week .uni this a- tbe (pical ol Mrs. 8. P. Lonas.ai Mt. Jackson. MissG ra Hilbert, of Br .ilw v Waa visiting Mr. .las. Snyder's family thia I t, .Tn >. C. Ott, Local Editor of tbe Hi bald, i- quite ill with jjiip at bia ti >me "ii louth Main St. Mr. Claude Miley left last Saturday I r nrg, a here he expects t'> ei in buaii uta Mrs. E. S. ti Bl wn and children 1. fl Monday for Wmcheal r where her hus- Mr. A. C. Btickley and Mi-- ol st! . were \iaiting C I. ll. E. ira Hy tins wi .. Rev X Cl for Waahii gi »n, t i attend the B I il city thia Mrs. Jno. Baum who baa been visiting h.r mother, Mrs. J returned to her home in Harrisonburg Issi Satur¬ day. !:. lb .- t: | Mit Jobi, I. left Monday for Washington, tl.ev will attend the meetings of th. el nferei Mri M. L. VV iltou return She wai Mi-- Laura, who I t ia n >w lm] Mr. an 1 Mra W K *'. g an I ter, Mr. V and Mr. Ju Rielly f Har- by thc f Ml '¦'. :'.. T. :" ¦.. wli w f his if mi prov. I tl Mall* . .ry -i i. ro. Baki I beam 10c, T. G Locke. Mr-. Elizabeth " Pi'er, widow ol Mr. Levi Pif< i ol Harrisville, died Tuesday, April the third, sged seventy-five fears. Mr.T. O. Locke has placed a nea ; hone i'. iii- -t re ami i- now prepared lo acc. mmodate hil anet - by de¬ livering order- promptly. Will have plenty ol fre-h herring ¦ -bad <. url d iy. I'ricea low. Boyer, 1 delmonico Restaurant. Mr-. Jno lb Burke died ai ber borne l.-ar Harrisville, <m Thursday n March twenty-ninth. Funeral service a were bi ll at Uarrlaville Sat u rd ,y. Sandwichea ol all kind-, plea aleo t miuce i lea court day the old time Ice ci earn A. e. Di Imonico Reatanrant. Another aupply ol lies boca just received. <'all and aee them. T. <;. Locke. "Passion week''will be observed In ii Lutheran church in Woodstock. Services beginning Sunday morniug ind continuing each i vening during the .\eck. Communion Easter morning , rdiall] lui Its I to attend these B. Say Jake.you needj -nit ol clothes, and you say you want a buggy, then go 9SU ms ville ami tfef the cloth. uothlng, ol duo. W. Baum. We think it would pay the dealer etter to buy good reliable gooda m- »l< ad ol the cheap auction gooda sa quoted to you from week to week. Ws handle only first lasa gooda and pricei are right. F. B. Bowman. Only strictly freshjarge orstera serv- d. April court day. Largs plate- and my new way you desire at Delmonico Restaurant you a i kl be pleased,oppostte he jail. 2nd floor Stickle) it Boyer Block. Mrs. Hiram Biedicr died at her home lear Manrertown.on Friday Man h 27th. .-.he wai seventy-one years ol age, Funeral services were conducted by Re?, tt. A. Shaver and Kev. Jno. Hy¬ man al Valley pike Church. On Wedneeda?, March 2Mb. Mrs. David Hammond, daughter ol Mr-. r died. Mr-. Hammond a ii thirty-live year.- ol agc and leaves a husband and five children. He? (nie ral nervier! were conducted al Sand Ridge church by Rev. Pele \v. w. Mathew, Merton. Wis., -av-. nsidei Om- Minute Cough (ure a ,i . wonderful medicine, quick and .fe.' lt la the only harmless remedy ii.u gives immediate results. It coughs, cold.-, croup, bronchitis, grippe, a hooping rough, pneumonia and ali Itroal and lui Ita earls uss reventa consumption. Children al way a ke it and mother- nidoi-e it. I.. R I: win. .In-t received another barrel of blend- el ...lb T. G. Locke. Kev. P. D. Stcphf i.-oii, I Yiplin of .shenandoah (amp, Confederate Vct- <»f Woo iMock, will lecture on -«..i!i nlay afternoon, at 2 o'clock, April 7b. at'he Hall in Mt. dack.-on, on the Interesting subject. 'Ihe Men of tho Hanks." I lie lector**, will he given llli- d i ibo ausplora of the l^aoghtcra ol IIm «'.iniedtiacy of Mt. .l.-u BSOB and vii indy. it will bc inien-eiy interesting and sh ililli be heard hv ev ry per-on lu that leCtlOSa, I)r. Stej.b h-.ei wa- a Iliclnln I el BBB of ihe batteries of the celebrated SiBgtOfl Ailillcry of New Orleans ail*I fervid through the war lu the ru aimv. He has a va-t ainoiinl of information in regard to (lie war and tb- patt ptayed fry thc prtysi dicr. He is an mipie- -ive and ehxpieut speaker ami noone should miss hearing tbi- leCtBIB who eau possibly ( ll! ¦ | hv tf Ba Hi lb i to m. Ml il Kr Ti sri ¦ i an Sh di m in< alu f P . i. Ch DB v. .In ntl .ni H. li c Di Y- Bl be pu -. ell I St 111 lb o 11 ¦.' di in 'ii .I STHARN-SNYDnR. )u Wedoesdsy moming al Bfteei natal past bbvsb o'clock ¦ prettj ddmg was solemnized in the pres terian church lo this place. Thc con cling partie- were MU- lillsall] I yder, daughter of Mr. .Innis Suvder 1 Rev. J. William Mcarn. Pa-tor o . r. lb Church, Broadway, Va. 1'he brid ii DBIty entered the churcl ihe itraiaa*of MeodelssohB*! weddlBi reh, which was well rendered bi i»f bro i I way, M. P. 1). Stepbeli-oii performed tlc J iii a BMJSl impi e sSiys in inner e Ushers \e|e Mes-rs. .loseph ClOWCI .uk Graball, William Bender am ni Magruder. rhechurch wa- taatefally decoratei h palm- and other potted plants, am iciutifu! arch of evergreen. Hist bible is an attractive young ladj - many friends in Woodstock wa- attired in a handsome suit o k blue cloth with hit and gloves S (ch. Mr. and Mi-. Sfea-ii b ft o 1 tb. ming train fr Washington, mid ; iw< of rice. Tbe best wishes of man] .nd- follow them. Christian Endeavor Ralley. legiliing on Friday, April 18th, at ! ai., ihe Valley C. E. UlltOO of tie neb of Christ will be held in th ristian church ofthis place. leveral prominent speakers will lu sent.Dr. W. ( Hall, of the Uni -itv. of Va., will deliver a special ad isa on Friday, Afternoon, and sevi ra er addie.-e.- dining the Kailey. vbout 4<> delegates are ex] oaf them lb rs. J. D. Hamaker, D Hbo.Ie-. VV. L. Dudley atul others. lev. W. J. Cocks ls president of tin ion. The people f our town have : dial invitation to attend all the- Tor the HSBALD. Un to Strasburg. ak ii low Teacher: rb.- County League and Teacln rs lt viii convene st Strasburg tin i week in April.tbe 26th and 27tli ai will be there, of course, will yoi I ' I., t Ul Bil m .!».. a faithful effort t< present If we want tbe -upi. rt of th bile in .mr work .ve mila! -how our rei Interested enough in school wot! make - and mtier Inconveni Ces, '1 hi- need.- only to bc ineiit'niie be app.lieut to all. I)r. Bouthal tte Superintendent, will be presen «i. certain. Will not our interest l . cause of education be manifested ti ence to bar tb"- addie-- to ! I by ihe venei il Doctor err -iioii'd ai-o be a full turi "iii i..!,,.». of ib>* aubjecti to I ic .-- 1 i " . ilv' pul I : ill for "cr-l I; -. " I ¦' tl o g M 0 ir "experience'1 in reg ird to th Ri member Strasburg, th hi rs. April 261 li. J. L. h. PUGH'S RUN NEWS. .¦in win. ii ta been ill I metime, wc sre glad to - ty, ii ii oving. M -.. . BtTa Boehm and Katie WriK .. recovering from attack .pp. Misses Lucile and Bessie Hottel 1 and they now a their home The farmer! are still trying to ; ; _' ; K ".owing ie dampness1 f thc weather, they ba en nnabh to do io. Ga m ide in iplte ie weather. 1 be hem ol this \i Inlty are busy e gg market; prod icing ;*'» lo I r dav. Sh wiii»; 'hey ;i linking of the Easter greeting. lodi.Mii tilt' taTHs I*. A itartling incident, ol which J ohn Oliver of Philadelphia, wai I abject, ls narrated by him bs folios 1 wai in s mo-t dreadful condition. kin was almost yellow, eyes siiuki onsrui coated, pain continually in bi ,n d -i lea, no spoetlte.gradua ng weaker day bv d ty a Thi . li id given me up. Fortunata .friend advised trying 'Electric 1 era;' and to my great loy and surpi be tir.-t bottle made a decided impro neut. I continued their nae f»»r tb reeks, and am BOWB Well man. I kn bev SBVed my life, and robbed riavi of another \ictim." Noone .-ho ail lo try them. Only 60 ct*.., gnarr eel at I>. Schmitt's Drug St re. OaaBVsBB^Fo - - f*Amm Bears ihe yf JjB|BJS> KOLI, ol' HONOR Fairmont -.hool, for the fifth mo i'mling March 26th. The fol a named pupil-have bi en present ev day and deportment -.ati-factory. Boy-.Ora Bowers, Harry Vu Hugh Funkhouser, Eli Hottel Rraest fainter. Girls.Ida Funkhouser, E.-telie Bena Painter. For perfect . Gertrude Cl and Eatelle Painter. V"l.KMi.N lb»J PEL, Tcaellr s ii:it Throbing lit jhIimIm Would quickly leaie too, if y u Dr. King's Life Pills. Thousand sufl'efi- have proved their matti mei it for .""i.-k and Nervous Us dBC i hey make pure blood and -Ii - and build up your health. K lo take. Try them. (July 14 CC Money hack it not cured S< hmitt Druggists Cattle for Sale* Twenty head of ye.ulihgs nu 1 fcar olds lor sato by the aaeVrrsti JHO. II. 1Iih>vi k. Woodstock, V Horse for Sale* I have a good work BOfBS whit Will Sell Bi B reasonable price. Pal Ol addie-- B bi M. llarisiMithick, .ladwyu V Circuit Court- In the .i n,t . ..ni r thia week bl case ol Kideiiour v-. KsSBBBf, Veldi. tb p aiutlff for ff JO. < ia., .aaa 1 ¦ . I,a*.t winter thieves broke into Ihe monicc ke-.tiuranl and a.'<-ii:. ! themas After the theft Mr Artlnii Boyer the prc t.ir made ¦MTS aSCsaW .it** asSSSBj s uuld not lorsrtt the fsvaat and we the lookout La another oj>T*.irtunity v came Tueaday n.^ht of this week, it .t a vmi) low ine.ntf left loaatora. carilla a ladder thev entered stealing qu lot of t hone edible*. OBITUARY. kWM. 8. BOWMAN. Rev. Wm. H. Bowman, a native of tin- e< 'inty ami for many years a promi¬ nent Linnet m clergyman, died at Mt. I'lea-ant, near Charlotte, JJ. C.. on Mon¬ day, Mardi 2bth. He was burled on Wednesday at Charleston, 3. C. hr. Bow nnn ^ns the Isst of the family. For many yean he and his brothers, Nimrod and Hiram of this county and Abraham, nf Bpenevr, W, Va,, together with bil sister, Mrs. Martin Wi-m tn, were in the habit of meeting at the old hame in Powell'* Kort. Oue by un.-, they passed away Hiram first, then Mrs. Wi-nian, followed later by Abraham an J last year by Nimrod and now Wm. S. ha- gong to meet the others in re-union, beyond the trial* and cares of life. I >r. How mau has a number of relatives and many friends, in 'this cornily, who were pained to hear of his death. MISS KATK RKILLY. MlaB Kate Reilly died at her father's residence, In this place, after ibvbibI days illnc-- with pneumonia, on last Friday evening, aged 4a years. Of her it may he truly said, she was a noble woman. Of a very retiring man¬ ner and disposition, she endeared her¬ self io all who kn*w her. After the death of her mother, she be¬ came the special guardian and protec¬ tor of her aged father- Her sole object in life -e. ni.- I to be to love and care for him. No infant errr received more loving attention from an atllectionate mother than did Mr. Reilly, from his daughter Kate. Aa the inllnuities ol age rend.Ted him B IIB helpless, her affec¬ tions seemed to cling to him with ever inerca-ing strength. She considered the e ire of her father her mission In life and mo-t faithliilly did she discharge tin -elf imposed dutV. To her brothers ami sisters she was alwayi affectionate. They all mo-t tenderly toyed her; tor they could not do otherwise. Her body was taken to Winchester on Saturday evening. The funeral was bom ihe sacred Heart Catholic church. on Sunday, at I p. as, The interment was mad.: in ( athollc Cemetery, Kev W. A. McKeefry officiating. ELWOOD L. LOMAS. After two daya illness <>f spinal affec¬ tion bl wood L. Lonas, thc lJ year old -on of our town-man S. 1\ Lonas, BBSS' ed to his rest on Friday night, March 30th, 1900. He wa-a bright Intelligent and manly little boy. and his sudden death wasa -hick to the entire com¬ munity; for everybo ly knew blas. Hts remaini were buried from the Lutheran church .ni Sunday afternoon, April l-t. A very large congregation of sorrowing relatives and fnen di attended the ser¬ ried Tbe bereaved parents have the sympathy of thc entire town and sur¬ rounding neighborhood. e. l. k. resolutions of Respect- The fallowing resolutions were unani- i.i Daly adopted b> thc Lutheran Sun¬ day Behool at Mt. Jack-on, on Sunday morning, April I-- I I '.. lu ai much ai Cod in His wisdom has seen Itt to ri move from among bs ..ur member-, we bow lObSslS- ilvely to Bli anerrlag will. 2 That In the death of Elwood Lonas our Sunday School hai lost one of tb most regular attendants, ai well a-, one of it- brightest membeie. ;:. abai ne aa s -.hool sterebyexpress ir deep Sorrow OVei hi* death and ex¬ tend to the bereaved parents, sincere and heartfelt sympathy in thia time ol their -ore trial. 4. 'lb it we coflsmend the lorrowlng ones to tbe love aud confoil ol thc all Bise God who ^doeth all things well." 5, That i <opy of thees resolutions be -ent to the parents of the <!. CCBSed and recorded in the minute* of the Bundey School and published la tba county p.ip. rs. k. i.. Folk, committee. Statk or Ohio. (Tty or Toledo, \ . Lucas county. / Frank J. (heney makes oath that he ls senior partner of the tlrm of F.J. Che ney St COs, doing business in the City Of Toledo, County and Stat* afore¬ said, and that said linn will pay thc sum of ONI 1HNDKED DOLLARS for each and every BBSS of Catarrh that cannot bs cured by the use of Hall's I ataukh Cure. .FRANK J. CHENEY. Bworn to before me and subscrilied in hiv presence, this otb day of December, A. D. 1886. /^*==?%N A. W. GLEASON, Ns^pV Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure Ll taken Internal¬ ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous atirfacea of the system. Send for testimonials, free. r. J. ( HENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggist. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. The Delmonico restaurant will have pb nty of oystBfl April court iay for all of its patrons. Do not fall to come in and enjoy a good meal as this is the I a-t . oert day for oysters thia season. Ind Moor Stickle}' & Boyer Block, over Bargelt*a Jewelry store. HAVE You my old gold or nilvcr rli.it: you wish lo exchange for other sjoodl or soil for ra**))? bllOMtsJI cheerfully given Highest Prices Paid. Can show yon a nh** line ol WatcliOfl erl jewelry nt lowest on os Special attention given t.» r«-puii iti*_r wiitcliOM and jew¬ elry. W. R. McCLANAHAN, Jkwki.kk, Cot n vc, VV<. m..a;, Ya, Feb :>-tf. HOPSES AND CATTLE re more subject to Disease just nov ian at any time during the year an I i i all the more important tba' you sba! ave good and reliable medicine Wagner's Reliable Horse and Cattii 'owners" ve lbs only positive cuni nil REMEDY for Horse or Colt's Dis imper. Long Fever, Pneun* iidney Obstructions, Back or Loll roubles, Conga*, w*orma, Loss of Ap- etite, ste, They will Increase thc mill ipply and keep Horses and Catto I wa ya In rm oodillon. Pink r.vi. la ml In bc spreading, i au value ycur horses watch then lonely and ii-e OH! I.F.IIAltl.K llOBSI ( attle PoBTDBRB (Wagner's) the] ill prevent ami cure Pink Ive. aid hy Ed. Maukuokk it 16c per hoi SAD ACCIDENT, A most dittreeaintf accident OCCamd edar Creek, in Frederick county, Wcda* I I tenex.ri Mr. Abraham Kimi wm- toani rad Ly his wife <»n returnin.; h<<tne from sit toa sick neighl ¦'. -arne. nae about Ave o,clock sh. foul ! har hun ind Ivinjf in the wasivhouse. with hu hea. own otT. with the ram-t" lutch 1 in his han ! arv! the fofl la» | t?ar him. lt :- Buppoaa-d thal itf theran, whvtt it expl. Mr Kern wai about a; fears old and wa NJ of the moat »ucce»»ful farmers and st itaera in Frederick county 1 don m 17 years old, survive him. ATTENTION. Senamloah Camp Confederate Ver« ans will hold their regular meeting 01 atnrday, April 7th, at two o'clock, p I-. Delegates to the re-union at LottiS ille will he elected at this meeting. X. af. Rhodes. Commander . W. Miley. Adj't. Look Ht Your Mirror Do you sea sparkling: eyes, a healthy, tinted skin, a tweet expression and a grace- ful form} The»e attractions are the result ol good health. If they are absent, there le nearly always some disorder of the ,:s- tlnctly feminine organs present. Health) menstrual organs mean health and beauty everywhere* WiiJD of Gaarclui makea wosbcb beautiful and It strike* at the roi t of 1 ll I trouble. There ia no menstrual dis¬ order, ache or pain which it cure. It is for the I ' busy wife aa the change of life. At every tr crisis in a wei-..au's life it b health, strength and nappie -s. It cost* 91.00 of medicine d< For advice ia caaea requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms, The Ladies' Advisory-1 Apartment,' The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga. Tenn. MKS, BOZENA TFWT*5, of OenaTtlle Te sa*, aaye:."I wa* tr toled et Inter kile with terrible pains in my I beck, bttt hara beea entirely reiisvad Ly Wuk asf CsrJul." "KNOCK-OUTS. We gain no .loubil'ul vcr.li in price competition,, on wal telling. We will not be uwl'rsold. By cutting usual prices deej WC leave no grounds tor don fbi (leci«iou<s. A clean knockout is ahv: assured. Wc J.» n<»t n 0 1 tc make :. pronounced effort to avoid bei Utl'lerS.lid. We gel the credit for eli knock-out* becBuae <»r' gup facilities iu boyiug. Most ie elers make then- entire gam selling. We ra . e half profits in baying sn I take it the Belling end.. v«»n: END. BARSBLT, Tr\e Jeweler, WOODSTOCK. VIRGIN!. ; t Garden Seeds are now required hy ever; thrifty family. Last year' crop was a failure with you it was a failure witli the seeds men also, consequently price are higher. I will liowcve take care that they are n higher than necessary. I kno% when to buy and where V buy so aa to get best prices I give my customers the ad vantage of this wise buying for example Earliest We Valentine Bunch Heans at 13 pt. Aa to quality all wh have been my customers wil teatify to greater satisfactio from the seeds I sold tba from those obtained else where. $4 years selling seeds shoui give knowledge of som value, that knowledge I youra If you buy your seed: from B. SCHHIIT, Druggist Woodstock. Va Di imonil Dyee. Perfictlin Dj et. Pul mm PaBsleleSS Dyes all in full stock 10c, 3 far 2$ . ***.?..>?«» a »« -'- - s : Um We spring so many surprises on the trade that our competitors keep won¬ dering what we're going to do next. The up-to-date Si opp. Court Home is the acknowledged cheapest store in woods tock. Best White Oil ilcts. per gallon 1 or 10 gallon lots KIO test. Mest syrup molasses 28 cts. per gallon. Itest Oat Meal at 8 cents package. Steel cut wheaten 12^ cetus package, others ask loc. Gelatine 5c per package. 1 lb. package soda tor 4c. 2 packages Arin & Hammer soda 5c. 3 cakes laundry soap for 5c. Best loose roasted blended coffee 15c pei* lb. Prunes 3c per lb. Oranges lc each. Rice 5c per lb. Lemons 3 for 5. Loose lump starch 5c per lb. Sulphur 5c lb. \ lb. can baking powder 6c, guaranteed 3 Ih can baked beam tor I'm* Canned Corn 7c per can Canned String Beans Tc p<*r can. 3 can**-- White Bonne Toma I oe8 for 25c- Pie Peaches 9c per can. Pure ground pepper 15c per lb. regular price 20c 800 matches for 5c Dairy salt 3c package. uvVe cannot be undersold snd defy competition." Do Uwanta Bargain? We ha ve hundreds ol them, lt's i tithing now fr j tm to Bell 1"j or 35 per cent lower than others, HO"W IS THIS: 2 pa. lc. I envelopes for 5c, 1 quire AP?," f'-'hi"" £A V"1 Jj e, .l"-r 1 ' ¦ yuiil. black cain B'hlte ti^ur* <1 il ..<. writing paper for 2c, 1 card book and yarri, fmev eaatS yard are - -jirina 2c, tablets lc each, writing bargain*. I still hive a '.«. t «? f bleael r tablets for ftc, regular price me. colton I am se Iii gat 5c pt r \ ird. Come er snd enve sesfor 8e, ":,rl>' jr u lon« >lt ^",'h ,ow steel hair pitia lc paper, ladlee collars Prlcfa 0ur it fte per yard ls lch, rn n's celluloid collara at ftc tbe beat quality and fat! c lor 1 still ,, brooches lOceacb, beautiful bi "!"' " gooda thai wi Il¬ ea 1 Oe! < ill in and see our item mg below coat, as we do not want to .tock ot belt buckles they are up-to date, carry it oyer. Our prices will turprise nricea from lue lo $1.00. . 0ur v:llue> w»-- ***** *-ou- 11Kes 1 talk. We are offering the best value in shoes aud slippers you ever saw. We ha ve received our spring line, they are beauties ami risrht up-to- late, Our heavy shoes for men at ll 00 aie wonders. Ii you waot to *ave money deal with T. Glenn Locke. \| ireh *-2-tr. I ir See onr line ol Carpets au 1 Samples More purchasing. ita cb ll) bl- lyi nv nu The Season ls on and our Stock of X Hardware^ is complete. The goode bought before t!»c advance are goii g readily. It' you want to save money come quickly. POULTRY NE1TING, PLOW SHOVELS, BULLTONGUES, HOES, RAKES, SPADES, FORK**, BARN DOOK ROLLERS ANDTRACK, Grindstones, Striking Hammers, Briar Scythea, Grain Fcythes. Snathe, rVagon Skein?, 5th wh els, Bar Iron. All kinds of nails, spikes and brads, axes and band-es, window ami an DOOR SCREENS. GATE AND STRAP II INGES, COLLAR PADS, LEATHER OIL, IWINTS .\ND <>IIX in >ur These s ods were Imusht < heep, ami aie lieing sold cheap. l>M!i't i iii io i -roving, i will nay ton. W.H.RODEFFER All kinds ol trade take*, inexchangeftr goods. Vs S) VETERINARY SURfJEON. Dr. E. .T. Will. Veterinary targeon. will be ;tt Shenandoah House, it every court. All diseasei ><i iBcnseBtieated ani¬ mals treated, by the latest spproved tnetli'Mla. tf. Wool 1 Wool ! Urila*.wool Brant**!, for whick I willi*}' t:ie in-_*tu i . isl) p.;. «-, Call toflsee me before ... P. QRAHIMCi. roar. .> towt. Waxatatsjeka v». Wool! Wool! I rn la int, wia 1 wanted this i a ii h 1 a ill j 13 ihi 1 caah ptiee. See nt* before you aell will I be '.n sVi 1 dal k, sft< 1 April 1.1 b . J. 1). I .KMlll.l., aWlS-toi ^ ll uk, Va, 9 I ONLY S5.0C BSNDUaSS.OOaaak-uar aciee ot k < J faith and wi sall I send Tiu any tra BrBsfaal by trarUrht. C. O. IV, sul>jart examination. 1»«*ss aiaaals Kal »sarrrata*B*.a>B*Men-ll'y>n Bnd lt the eqnnl of any Ar proof c>>i»Mnatl<'ll look In": and st*>el safe made ami ssas j sa* thia* Us arte* eaarfsa b stasrs Sss Us aaats ates ssa- rra«a pay jour fra?ljcht a«-en( ass s-aeaHai factor, pris* ss (Vet-ra t eaaevee, lesa CteSKI flaaS saith ot*-Jer; otberalse tatara tt et our .xbrnna and wa WtU return your ta.SMS, lesvifc. aiaaSaaats. toa* salas far fas-aaa-s. SatSt SflsVIK esBBBaaaSstsfsaafs* .11..», saa is*. an.flst t«a a-., sat.ss*, tsaa re*. a**SS. W,tnei*^,iM.W.a^7larB^4saA4aesl.»sVasSBSc»l sasisVa ass* aafss sW tasfe Saslassa, fasSsry, )««slrT ar aaa! .Biaa. Ss«aiW.,SaS HlMU»sssMs>. Saoetw .fla. IS. rral»*tB-Bcas^taaaBUBscieelBa-fa*aatealla> r*r 1 eaa san.*. *. sssta. WBlTtrr«BrBBBBAl- C **T AlrtMaTB aa4 ejwrial literal 0. 0. B. e«Vr.«; .CARS, ROiaUOH. t% 00. Ohioan One Minute Cougti ^ue, etiree TIMS k .hmt Uri*, tami*, lat* he Southern Railway Preparing for Summer Resort Travel. Thc Paaeenejei Pt part antin! of the i.nithern Railway leis s^ut out eircnlan i> Hotels snd to persons ai. ate will¬ an <> entertain -mumer hoarder*. Ictlnn on or near the Som h. rn Railway, equealinjr full int«>rmaib»n aa to lon. nnaaber accomaraotlated, terms ,,f loanl, etc.. for j;uid;in.c in compiling nfot .nation t"i 'Sum uer lb me> Fol- er. naeson. ISOO, Blanks eau be Iud 01 Station Agent. r I y SildsBBSllaaf Mr. BY. A Turk, Geu'l tsjewt, Southern Kai I way, Waatt- llftOOa 1>. C. CLASTIC GOODS AT HALF PRICE. If you an t aa to maa.' ta your beam aa and oaoaa BUSTK MMIDM fas the HU tr ash i taa or itaitoea tats*, Waal, bwoubi oa i u tu- ¦ aub uiaa, eaamaacr, ARDAH* AL SIOMM. Ofl Ti sea, sute your fc«4a>t. a. vslflu aaS a***, .'tate nun.ber >f tm-he* er<>nnd body or limb at earn letter sh. »m la w rut and sard to ue with nar * sim ul raitt. Ws saill maka ". the tr ¦*>,,s to ord«-r frosa tba aary Sass* frsaS rsbfcsa- alartJs atatrrtal, guarantee a asrf*et St and alf y<>u d<> i.< t find lt perf etly a satisfevtory and ayjusl io *ro«^Js _ other* erst downie the ptVe f-r ¦ n-turn at oar t'li* »18* aud ae alli rt-f mid your money. OUR SPECIAL PRICE jg ,2* y|>stK ssdrfc ataa**a-a, A taTt. St-fasV isis* beeta*. C ul, SCSoi thar. Basse, Vial, St. MM Sase ssasHlaa. tu«, SI.Wi tsss Uasrisf. Cutt, BA. HO: kass *a*. H U ai, St**, san rr sAssasaff AU E. St. tatt fassss W«tlae, l to E. SJ.ta, aaalat, 1 tat, St. Mi BBesaakasI Wit. Ul, ela,*©, t oTT«B tUSTK aiuoaa,ott.Taiafousa. *B#*taiu.srsdnssat*--¦..¦it Si|>B*>n#r. msde of soft Hst* thread, interworea srfaB protected rubber thrtsad. * Us*** artes, SS.00, ia toeta*. SS.Ui lt Issaas, at. te. Write for Simrr cauOoa-ee. SEAS*. ROEBUCK k CO..(!.».).CMICBBBalssta A'. MILAN A btu, i ute Rheu rVi a-ofuia te &U»
Page 1: a* ¦¦ -'- triFNAN'.KIAH H^LD1 Um€¦ · a* triFNAN'.KIAH H^LD1 i PRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 1900. Intered at the Post Office, at Wood¬ stock, Va., ag seeond-iiass matter. a. D. BawiUi



PRIDAY, APRIL 6th, 1900.

Intered at the Post Office, at Wood¬stock, Va., ag seeond-iiass matter.

a. D. BawiUi Pres. H. Coffman, Cash'r

The Shenandoah Cou ity Bank

Organized, 1871. Re-Organized ! - -

[>cposlts and Collections solicited,

satisfaction guaranteed. Discount RateSix Per Cent.





lin:I aiBil


'Jblcil Itlu

Shenandoah Valley Loan ot Trust Co.-.WOODSTOCK, VA.»-

? -

Money loaned at ti per oenl on real estateir etui coHatenU security. Bavlngiposits received in sums ol si.io or over,ami loteraal allowed un mubo.If" For paitleutafaaddress th*- Companyat it- home oihie. ..r call on .1. ar. Bberiy,StniN».urar: ii W. WiudU-. Bdlnburg; ¥. S.Penoybacker, Mt Ja. w- »n: or s. u.Hoover, New Harket. I i

I I. TKiPLErrPriMi. R.M.Lanv/.". u« Pre*

Merchants and Farmers' Hank,WOODSTOCK, VIRGINIA.

DIRECT0R5:W. C. I,antz. J. H. Hepner, G. W. Mlnnkk

J ll Ruby ami Sj. P. Koontz.TATBBBBfl * Bausekman, Attys,



Ai inte* Hefted ani lio*t ari-ommo.latu ns

a- mteed. Hour? Wtl>. P. MAGRrDER.CA«H'R.








Monday next > county court, rall to- .. aile in town.

> the talk nf the town,w li.Botkffer.

- for court, the la*' of thefat. W. I . Barron.

gel saBftan'i 1. -ut Mon¬

day.Wm. - :.ra<l, one of the DDO0I

I itizciis of Warren countyaal bi

\-r leedi ..: I. i sea

v - ioe and Mrs. <. VT.K returned from HarrisonburgI

a , al J. A."v

I - Ju.-. NV. tfaum'a car of

ik tl byJ.l>. Boj . a Son.

.fr the marriasV | A

church in Eilinl\

v Ul. . t

I, NV. Va., April 10th. r. fi- the de'.egate fruin

url day.r. - Bowman.

'l __Bat* b -

> '.are al Mr-

a .- art St.

ii got i at LociMr. l. VI i fine pigeon loft

at thc ' Ml W T. William! oi

tlit» . I "V\n. lie baa ther and several other va

rielknown colored man.

|*| \n -.. diedthe first of thia week.

il a .- i brother ol a>avid Bird ol thia

. r;an i bi¦

j. le £ rs.

1 ol honef dripsj ,.

.. B ion..

h u rei aian wo°

ntly purchaaed h mill n**;ir B .

burg, ectrlc plaut run

by n aer fr in which he will

light the u»»u ol pg.I or

to W. H. Rodeffer.Clause the liver, purify the blooil.

ly by using DeWitt'iLin:. E takone little

aiwayi.. . L. K. Irwin.

A full atock of aprj rn band foiJ. D, :. I Bon.

Elwood f Mm'l P. Lobbs,of Mt. Jaekaoo, died on laal Friday,aged 'J reata 1!** a ia auddi ly takenlick on WedntMlav, and remained un-

concious lill hii death. He was buriedla6t Sunday afternoon.The ba.-.; iJc whip on the market at J

A. Dysart &'

Dr. Heat will beat the Geary Hotel.Woodcock, Mdi,-lay April ''*h, pre-pared to scientitica.v in- .

? .a.e-. Work guaranteed. Kismlnationfiee.

Try one of tb se large lotvchea kt Ni B

vkery couit day.H. Clark, Cbbu a., kaya De-

Wllt'l Wttcll Basel ~alve cured him o.

:1,at had allheted him lor tWBOt]-. It ia also a ifesdy cure for-kn,ates, Beware of dangerouac coon¬

il ifeitf. L. Bs li vs in.lurni«-h tuat what \..u wain

fr.-iu our meat counter.W.H. Rodefltr.

'1 he bBBBB] spill K *< ik is piling up m.

our tai niera ow Inf lo Hie loaf ContlBliof unfavorable weather lor ou

woik. Our Lrag aavrdeiiera are aUi

getting uuea.-y about their early \r±,< -

tahlea..-aioiugaud tmail clo-.

j. i>. bot

..I -bink DeW ill's Little Kai v }.

BTS the be.-t BSSBftBl the world,' Mya WB.LaaBe. Happy Creek, fa. They re¬

al! obstiuctiom* of tu liver ano

bowels, actquicklv aud uever grips. L.

it- Irwin.

V e learn that grip ia very prevalentin Harrisonburg- anil teveral bnndreo

m are autferiiiK with the muddreaded dieeaee. lt hat alao mnde BB

appearance in thia county and a number<.f ik opie have iu

"""Tiie baltitDO.e Conference of tim M.

B. Uaw th, South, met in WaSBBBgtsasn. last WbbbbSbBbbBs .Kev. J. C. .Iocbb

oj ollhe church in thia place iainattendant<. H'- reiuri to this charge it

coUidei.tiy exi-ecled, notwithstandingthe fact that ollie! .charge* ate anxious

lor hia aervlaea..In-tin Blore a aplcndid line of gae

ah ... Mich aa Kangaroo aud Vlei Kid,noihiug ahoudy alKii.t tm*ni.

" » C. Barron.J D OiiyerB eion have on hand the moatasttsSatsga&g^te.SStSMBBLTa,''






tat. ri









A- t

¦W*t*a?s. * -sTHgoiia. Call aud see

.Ir. W N I -thill has moved into tbsnil property o

ir. Il L. sterns, aged ia, a brake-in on the C. at O. road, loal his lifet Simd iy IBoruiag by striking thoMhead brid-.* at Waynesboro.)nion BStS at Locke'-.

Indwelling house of Charles afcWll--Bs, near | Brook, was llama11 Fn<- . il by fire, the origin ofisch is not known.leal whi e coal oil ar ti eta. af K. ?.a ut;n. jThe usual report about the peach>< in being fi../,mi ia io circulation, itbeat to wall a little before taking allBB) reports for faCtS, Wc have seei:endid crops af peaches after bio-** 'in

>b.a cording io Uieasul of reporta,all in court day ami see thc edelI.ember Tree Saddk -. at

.'. A. Drear! a i o i

Kuli dinner April coon day. vege-ftc . thicken?, Dali, roast me its,.. \ 1 lor 25e I» ilmon leo Restaurant,thur B i a Co.

[lu^b i a -. i rom! teni f rmer ol«''.?''' . the fun. rala neighbor sud waa much concernedd predicted that bia would be Huxl death. Ile ord.-red a tombstoneugh i;; the heat health, he brooded

er the inaner and in one week die 1.Dorn meal,rice, hominy, drud beef,logna

W. ll. Rodi Ri r.

rho Southern Railway Co. has jutnplets-d tbe remodeling oj the trackdes at Riverton and la now erecti¦ter tank at th" same place. Thc tankil be 2 i ;:. md will be supp ie ilin the Front Royal Water Compan's

"or > ile elu.ap, on,- *, cotid-li ind¦Connie Binder one Superior Dill',e mow i. Appli to

J. L. Campbell.Mr. J..-, j ii Fra7el ia testing the mer-of a nea hui v< iv heap Ice-house al

town. Ile <-ut a

ole ali ut ten feet each way inold straw rick, and in thin 1 e

refully ; icked 18 or more 1 adi ofe rivei ice, around thia he packed

So far it baa been keej n,r

3«» to Nev '.kery c ri: lu - -v n

-I and < li;.ie (.',,i \\. 1'.

sonville, Ind , -av.- .!» Witt's Wadil» S 'the. the most delilahin and b» . most stubborntb certain and ood reaulta.' Cures

ld -ki:, - ~. I>on'r buy an

illation. I. II Ira"Ut day. '.u: chea '^ I V. d

ry cheap, 'liv our*.

VV. ll. Roil tier.aud Ree my -p' in;; line .,[ -lu e-

up-to-d ii.-. 1. ii. Locke.umber of tb.- residents from

- ithei u section <»f o-ir county-t wei k for iii.- far west, princijr North I ikola, where tb- yase iheh tut'. ea. M »t of tb.-ni

^ ige in f iruling. We ri gpel tce them le ive tb.* ld com ?tate-e wish tb.un every -u -- it at thenie time we emit -ec \\bv the\

u ibis most f ivored countryi:. the faraway aud frozenn Ithwesl

I gg Iles, switzer chceae.Alphabcilacaroni, just received,

W. li. RodetTer.Yi - it i- a f let, you get a -mt olothes for nothing of Juo VV. Saum.ili.u bu\ a buggy at rcgulai pi.1. I. Tr ;b notary, Washlug-igton, Pa, found K

pa 11 ure an excellem rene

»-.. ol h 'rouble, and have di -

ived greal lcm lit from its u*c.' Iiesta what you eat and can not fail tcre 1.. li. Irwin.

Brm-: i .¦¦-' with you Monday to sam«h home iu. herring are large andheip w. C. Barron8| ng ; .ins -M,r'l W snd 17th

;»fr. -I.ment- red as usualK. 8. Bob man.

Mr. Patrick Ri ly an aged citizen o:

* with a \ eua accl-on Saturday night, at ihe

lenee cf hi* daugbti r, Mrs. L. R. Irwinlr. Reilly had retired,and being unable

Bleep, wan red around, and Uhiirroundinga being new, fell doun tb.

tairway, fracturing several riba am

il painful nits about hi

lead. Thursday miming Mr. Bellly wanottgh to be taken to his home ol

ionh Main Btreet, and la Iniprovin,. owly.Bring In your trade and take ad

saulage ol our bargains.By, ll. Rodefler.

A large aasortBient of glasawanimps just received, and cheaper tba,,-r. P. Ba Bowman.

"No f miilv can afford to be withinMinute Cough ( ure. lt will atop

cure a cold quli ker than an. i her medicine." wrin I W. William

g Km,. Pa. lt cure- croup, broithroat and iBOg troubl*

prevent- «<-. gumption. Pit .- -;

. L. R. Irwin.for i.inn stafoni fo

i. ii.imI. an i.'Uii". Twii ear loads of ttod"Brown and U

.lek' ".

j.h. bo) i J.- (Jon.

When you come to town court da;1 .n't forgel to c il ai the Haroeaa Ste

.1. a. D sari a I - sud examiii Leather Tree Bad

Water eraeki rn 8 aitd 10c per lb.ki

In spite "f -barp advanei - ol all da

og theta«»I«J prl I "ur order was lan

tn advances i ian I . B. Bowoia

A. il. bilpsBBB. Beardsley, Binir oath, aav« Its --die.nl fro

p. | Ma foi twt ntj iv< yeali and dieting eave bul little reit*,.i\ he used Kodol Dyspepsia I h

ill rahal be lilwants and he lfB.1 like a new rn

daaBWta what JOB eal. L. Ra Irwin.

Some pei pie inak. it a j "int uiver

ie without a HgSB buming in I

louse. A J.if of information w<»r

|i.iiowiiig ls thal * -mall, even li^ht iii

. obtained tresa a snubia.idle all Bstghl if line powderedP led a om.ii Um ""-I'l M* M*p . it of thc w ii k i- na« b

Ha i | Iioyon want a rn w suit

Thea buy yoe* tvaggy ."

.. >V. Salim aid lm will actually gi| .,,u tbe suit ol clothes and will not n

ont to tbe NsfBy <'r sBBsh Ilei. her.

Oysters by ike mea>uie.if von h..\-Ket are have ibbbi $ gillon staei.. mid only io il.<»>e wlio Wi

< *»aterS lo inke home at Ihe DcluionKe-taurant, H _

alaSi ¦¦ ii avai. a.an sasssj


PERSONAL.- Daisy e fl uroy and BClss

Rose llii.kins are at the Mi-ses Ranker's.Mrs. J. X. Davta returned lo her home

in this place Batar .y,Hrs. A. A. J. Bnshoiig i> very ill at

her home on Church St.

Mr. F. s. Bowman ls in Baltimorethia wi k.

alisa (arne Pence ii* Visiting her uncleMr. M. B. Wonder at "Maplehuret."

Mr*,at her home on North Main St.

lilas Mary Ehck returned lo her bonnin tbi- place Monday.

Mi-H Marv Bmoot has been visitingfriends in Iob n thia week.

\ Jno. II. Giabill is in Rlcbm ind. k.

Miss Lizzie Funkhoueer, of Conicvii leii viaitlng Mrs. c. 1. Clem, in thia place.

aflat M Ball ia ylalting her sister.Hrs. .1. C. .1 mes of tins p|Mian e Rodefler ls viaitlng her

W »hington<Nr. M, M. Wunder baa returned to talahome

it Moore's Store.Dr. and Mis. Ford have return. <l from a

visit n frlcndi In Luray.Mrs, P.J. Lamband Miss Maaalc Bbachcy,

i Harrisonburg, spent Monday wit 11 Mr-, b.ll. Irwin.Dr. A, P. Belew, of Rdinburf, waaea'led t"

WnshinKton Tueadav t<» attend ins nephew,Mr. Ha ry Heatb ltii|i|lcber*er who i> \er\.irk.The many friend* of Mrs. \\ \\ Locke, who

n III t«.r ne it ly a month, trill be gladtu hear thal nae li resTOi erina,Mrs. Kate Johnson, of thia place, ipent

dayl laal week .uni this a- tbe (pical olMrs. 8. P. Lonas.ai Mt. Jackson.

MissG ra Hilbert, of Br .ilw v Waa

visiting Mr. .las. Snyder's family thiaI

t, .Tn >. C. Ott, Local Editor of tbeHi bald, i- quite ill with jjiip at biati >me "ii louth Main St.Mr. Claude Miley left lastSaturday I r

nrg, a here he expects t'> ei

in buaii uta

Mrs. E. S. ti Bl wn and children 1. flMonday for Wmcheal r where her hus-

Mr. A. C. Btickley and Mi--ol st! . were \iaiting C I. ll. E.

iraHy tins wi ..

Rev X Clfor Waahii gi »n, t i attend the B I

il city thia

Mrs. Jno. Baum who baa been visitingh.r mother, Mrs. J returnedto her home in Harrisonburg Issi Satur¬day.

!:. lb .- t: | Mit Jobi, I.left Monday for Washington,tl.ev will attend the meetings of th.

el nfereiMri M. L. VV iltou return

She waiMi-- Laura, who

I t ia n >w lm]Mr. an 1 Mra W K *'. g an I

ter, Mr. Vand Mr. Ju Rielly f Har-

by thc

f Ml '¦'. :'.. T.:" ¦.. wli w

f hisif mi prov. I tl

Mall*. .ry -i i. ro.

Baki I beam 10c,T. G Locke.

Mr-. Elizabeth " Pi'er, widow ol Mr.Levi Pif< i ol Harrisville, died Tuesday,April the third, sged seventy-five fears.Mr.T. O. Locke has placed a nea

; hone i'. iii- -t re ami i- now preparedlo acc. mmodate hil anet - by de¬livering order- promptly.

Will have plenty ol fre-h herring ¦-bad <. url d iy. I'ricea low.

Boyer,1 delmonico Restaurant.

Mr-. Jno lb Burke died ai ber bornel.-ar Harrisville, <m Thursday n

March twenty-ninth. Funeral service a

were bi ll at Uarrlaville Saturd ,y.Sandwichea ol all kind-, plea aleot miuce i lea court day the old time

Ice ci earn A. e.

Di Imonico Reatanrant.Another aupply ol lies boca just

received. <'all and aee them.T. <;. Locke.

"Passion week''will be observed Inii Lutheran church in Woodstock.

Services beginning Sunday morniugind continuing each i vening during the.\eck. Communion Easter morning, rdiall] lui Its I to attend these


Say Jake.you needj -nit ol clothes,and you say you want a buggy, then go

9SUmsville ami tfef the cloth.uothlng, ol duo. W. Baum.We think it would pay the dealer

etter to buy good reliable gooda m-

»l< ad ol the cheap auction gooda sa

quoted to you from week to week. Wshandle only first lasa gooda and priceiare right. F. B. Bowman.

Only strictly freshjarge orstera serv-d. April court day. Largs plate- andmy new way you desire at DelmonicoRestaurant you a i kl be pleased,opposttehe jail. 2nd floor Stickle) it BoyerBlock.Mrs. Hiram Biedicr died at her home

lear Manrertown.on Friday Man h 27th..-.he wai seventy-one years ol age,Funeral services were conducted byRe?, tt. A. Shaver and Kev. Jno. Hy¬man al Valley pike Church.On Wedneeda?, March 2Mb. Mrs.

David Hammond, daughter ol Mr-.r died. Mr-. Hammond a ii

thirty-live year.- ol agc and leaves a

husband and five children. He? (nie ral

nervier! were conducted al Sand Ridgechurch by Rev. Pele

\v. w. Mathew, Merton. Wis., -av-.

nsidei Om- Minute Cough (ure a

,i . wonderful medicine, quick and.fe.' lt la the only harmless remedyii.u gives immediate results. Itcoughs, cold.-, croup, bronchitis, grippe,a hooping rough, pneumonia and ali

Itroal and lui Ita earls ussreventa consumption. Children alwayake it and mother- nidoi-e it. I.. R

I: win..In-t received another barrel of blend-

el ...lb T. G. Locke.

Kev. P. D. Stcphf i.-oii, I Yiplin of.shenandoah (amp, Confederate Vct-

<»f Woo iMock, will lecture on

-«..i!i nlay afternoon, at 2 o'clock, April7b. at'he Hall in Mt. dack.-on, on the

Interesting subject. 'Ihe Men of tho

Hanks." I lie lector**, will he given llli-

d i ibo ausplora of the l^aoghtcra ol IIm«'.iniedtiacy of Mt. .l.-u BSOB and vii indy.it will bc inien-eiy interesting and

sh ililli be heard hv ev ry per-on lu that

leCtlOSa, I)r. Stej.b h-.ei wa- a Iliclnln I

el BBB of ihe batteries of the celebrated

SiBgtOfl Ailillcry of New Orleansail*I fervid through the war lu the

ru aimv. He has a va-t ainoiinl

of information in regard to (lie war

and tb- patt ptayed fry thc prtysidicr. He is an mipie- -ive and ehxpieutspeaker ami noone should miss hearingtbi- leCtBIB who eau possibly


¦ |hvtfBaHi





sri¦ i



P. i.Ch















STHARN-SNYDnR.)u Wedoesdsy moming al Bfteeinatal past bbvsb o'clock ¦ prettjddmg was solemnized in the presterian church lo this place. Thc con

cling partie- were MU- lillsall] Iyder, daughter of Mr. .Innis Suvder1 Rev. J. William Mcarn. Pa-tor o

. r. lb Church, Broadway, Va.1'he brid ii DBIty entered the churclihe itraiaa*of MeodelssohB*! weddlBireh, which was well rendered bi

i»f bro i Iway,M. P. 1). Stepbeli-oii performed tlc

J iii a BMJSl impi e sSiys in inner

e Ushers \e|e Mes-rs. .loseph ClOWCI.uk Graball, William Bender am

ni Magruder.rhechurch wa- taatefally decorateih palm- and other potted plants, amiciutifu! arch of evergreen.Hist bible is an attractive young ladj

- many friends in Woodstockwa- attired in a handsome suit o

k blue cloth with hit and gloves S(ch. Mr. and Mi-. Sfea-ii b ft o 1 tb.ming train fr Washington, mid ;

iw< of rice. Tbe best wishes of man].nd- follow them.

Christian Endeavor Ralley.legiliing on Friday, April 18th, at !ai., ihe Valley C. E. UlltOO of tie

neb of Christ will be held in thristian church ofthis place.leveral prominent speakers will lusent.Dr. W. ( Hall, of the Uni-itv. of Va., will deliver a special adisa on Friday, Afternoon, and sevi ra

er addie.-e.- dining the Kailey.vbout 4<> delegates are ex]oaf them lb rs. J. D. Hamaker, DHbo.Ie-. VV. L. Dudley atul others.lev. W. J. Cocks ls president of tinion. The people f our town have :

dial invitation to attend all the-

Tor the HSBALD.Un to Strasburg.

ak ii low Teacher:rb.- County League and Teacln rs lt

viii convene st Strasburg tini week in April.tbe 26th and 27tliai will be there, of course, will yoi

I ' I., t Ul Bil m .!».. a faithful effort t<

present If we want tbe -upi. rt of thbile in .mr work .ve mila! -how our

rei Interested enough in school wot!make - and mtier InconveniCes, '1 hi- need.- only to bc ineiit'niiebe app.lieut to all. I)r. Bouthaltte Superintendent, will be presen«i. certain. Will not our interest l

. cause of education be manifested ti

ence to bar tb"- addie-- to !

I by ihe venei il Doctorerr -iioii'd ai-o be a full turi "iii

i..!,,.». of ib>* aubjecti to Iic .-- 1 i "

. ilv' pul I: ill for "cr-l

I; -." I ¦' tl o g M

0 ir "experience'1 in reg ird to th

Ri member Strasburg, thhi rs. April 261

li.J. L. h.

PUGH'S RUN NEWS..¦in win. ii ta been ill I

metime, wc sre glad to - ty, ii ii

oving.M -.. . BtTa Boehm and Katie WriK.. recovering from attack

.pp.Misses Lucile and Bessie Hottel

1 and they now a

their homeThe farmer! are still trying to ;

; _' ; K ".owingie dampness1 f thc weather, they baen nnabh to do io.

Ga m ide in iplteie weather.

1 be hem ol this \i Inlty are busye gg market; prod icing ;*'» lo

I r dav. Sh wiii»; 'hey ;i

linking of the Easter greeting.

lodi.Mii tilt' taTHs I*.

A itartling incident, ol which John Oliver of Philadelphia, wai I

abject, ls narrated by him bs folios1 wai in s mo-t dreadful condition.kin was almost yellow, eyes siiuki

onsrui coated, pain continually in bi,n d -i lea, no spoetlte.graduang weaker day bv d ty a Thi

. li id given me up. Fortunata.friend advised trying 'Electric 1

era;' and to my great loy and surpibe tir.-t bottle made a decided improneut. I continued their nae f»»r tb

reeks, and am BOWB Well man. I knbev SBVed my life, and robbedriavi of another \ictim." Noone .-hoail lo try them. Only 60 ct*.., gnarreel at I>. Schmitt's Drug St re.

OaaBVsBB^Fo - - f*AmmBears ihe yf JjB|BJS>


Fairmont -.hool, for the fifth mo

i'mling March 26th. The fol a

named pupil-have bi en present ev

day and deportment -.ati-factory.Boy-.Ora Bowers, Harry Vu

Hugh Funkhouser, Eli HottelRraest fainter.Girls.Ida Funkhouser, E.-telie

Bena Painter.For perfect . Gertrude Cl

and Eatelle Painter.V"l.KMi.N lb»J PEL, Tcaellr

s ii:it Throbing lit jhIimImWould quickly leaie too, if y u

Dr. King's Life Pills. Thousandsufl'efi- have proved their mattimei it for .""i.-k and Nervous Us dBCi hey make pure blood and -Ii

- and build up your health. Klo take. Try them. (July 14 CC

Money hack it not curedS< hmitt Druggists

Cattle for Sale*Twenty head of ye.ulihgs nu 1

fcar olds lor sato by the aaeVrrstiJHO. II. 1Iih>vi k.

Woodstock, V

Horse for Sale*I have a good work BOfBS whit

Will Sell Bi B reasonable price. PalOl addie-- B bi M. llarisiMithick,

.ladwyu V

Circuit Court-In the .i n,t . ..ni r thia week bl

case ol Kideiiour v-. KsSBBBf, Veldi.

tb p aiutlff for ffJO.< ia., .aaa 1¦.

I,a*.t winter thieves broke into Ihemonicc ke-.tiuranl and a.'<-ii:. ! themasAfter the theft Mr Artlnii Boyer the prct.ir made ¦MTS aSCsaW .it** asSSSBj

s uuld not lorsrtt the fsvaat and we

the lookout La another oj>T*.irtunity v

came Tueaday n.^ht of this week, it.t a vmi) low ine.ntf left loaatora.

carilla a ladder thev entered stealing qulot of t hone edible*.



Rev. Wm. H. Bowman, a native oftin- e< 'inty ami for many years a promi¬nent Linnet m clergyman, died at Mt.I'lea-ant, near Charlotte, JJ. C.. on Mon¬day, Mardi 2bth. He was burled on

Wednesday at Charleston, 3. C.hr. Bow nnn ^ns the Isst of the

family. For many yean he and his

brothers, Nimrod and Hiram of thiscounty and Abraham, nf Bpenevr, W,Va,, together with bil sister, Mrs. MartinWi-m tn, were in the habit of meetingat the old hame in Powell'* Kort. Oue

by un.-, they passed away Hiram first,then Mrs. Wi-nian, followed later byAbraham an J last year by Nimrod andnow Wm. S. ha- gong to meet the othersin re-union, beyond the trial* and cares

of life.I >r. How mau has a number of relatives

and many friends, in 'this cornily, whowere pained to hear of his death.


MlaB Kate Reilly died at her father'sresidence, In this place, after ibvbibIdays illnc-- with pneumonia, on lastFriday evening, aged 4a years.Of her it may he truly said, she was a

noble woman. Of a very retiring man¬

ner and disposition, she endeared her¬self io all who kn*w her.

After the death of her mother, she be¬came the special guardian and protec¬tor of her aged father- Her sole objectin life -e. ni.- I to be to love and care forhim. No infant errr received more

loving attention from an atllectionatemother than did Mr. Reilly, from hisdaughter Kate. Aa the inllnuities ol agerend.Ted him B IIB helpless, her affec¬tions seemed to cling to him with ever

inerca-ing strength. She considered thee ire of her father her mission In lifeand mo-t faithliilly did she dischargetin -elf imposed dutV.To her brothers ami sisters she was

alwayi affectionate. They all mo-t

tenderly toyed her; tor they could not

do otherwise.Her body was taken to Winchester on

Saturday evening. The funeral was

bom ihe sacred Heart Catholic church.on Sunday, at I p. as, The intermentwas mad.: in ( athollc Cemetery, KevW. A. McKeefry officiating.

ELWOOD L. LOMAS.After two daya illness <>f spinal affec¬

tion bl wood L. Lonas, thc lJ year old-on of our town-man S. 1\ Lonas, BBSS'ed to his rest on Friday night, March30th, 1900. He wa-a bright Intelligentand manly little boy. and his suddendeath wasa -hick to the entire com¬

munity; for everybo ly knew blas. Htsremaini were buried from the Lutheranchurch .ni Sunday afternoon, April l-t.A very large congregation of sorrowingrelatives and fnen di attended the ser¬

ried Tbe bereaved parents have the

sympathy of thc entire town and sur¬

rounding neighborhood. e. l. k.

resolutions of Respect-The fallowing resolutions were unani-

i.i Daly adopted b> thc Lutheran Sun¬

day Behool at Mt. Jack-on, on Sundaymorning, April I-- I I

'.. lu ai much ai Cod in His wisdomhas seen Itt to ri move from among bs

..ur member-, we bow lObSslS-ilvely to Bli anerrlag will.

2 That In the death of Elwood Lonasour Sunday School hai lost one of tbmost regular attendants, ai well a-, oneof it- brightest membeie.

;:. abai ne aa s -.hool sterebyexpressir deep Sorrow OVei hi* death and ex¬

tend to the bereaved parents, sincereand heartfelt sympathy in thia time oltheir -ore trial.

4. 'lb it we coflsmend the lorrowlngones to tbe love aud confoil ol thc allBise God who ^doeth all things well."

5, That i <opy of thees resolutions be-ent to the parents of the <!. CCBSed andrecorded in the minute* of the BundeySchool and published la tba countyp.ip. rs. k. i.. Folk, committee.

Statk or Ohio. (Tty or Toledo, \ .Lucas county. /

Frank J. (heney makes oath that he

ls senior partner of the tlrm of F.J.Cheney St COs, doing business in the

City Of Toledo, County and Stat* afore¬

said, and that said linn will pay thc sumofONI 1HNDKED DOLLARS for

each and every BBSS of Catarrh thatcannot bs cured by the use of Hall'sI ataukh Cure.

.FRANK J. CHENEY.Bworn to before me and subscrilied in

hiv presence, this otb day of December,A. D. 1886./^*==?%N A. W. GLEASON,

Ns^pV Notary PublicHall's Catarrh Cure Ll taken Internal¬

ly, and acts directly on the blood andmucous atirfacea of the system. Sendfor testimonials, free.

r. J. ( HENEY A CO., Toledo, O.Bold by Druggist. 75c.Hall's Family Pills are the best.

The Delmonico restaurant will havepb nty of oystBfl April court iay for allof its patrons. Do not fall to come inand enjoy a good meal as this is the I a-t

. oert day for oysters thia season. IndMoor Stickle}' & Boyer Block, over

Bargelt*a Jewelry store.

HAVEYou my old gold or nilvcrrli.it: you wish lo exchange forother sjoodl or soil for ra**))?bllOMtsJI cheerfully given

Highest Prices Paid.Can show yon a nh** line olWatcliOfl erl jewelry nt loweston os Special attention givent.» r«-puii iti*_r wiitcliOM and jew¬elry.W. R. McCLANAHAN,

Jkwki.kk,Cot n vc, VV<. m..a;, Ya,

Feb :>-tf.

HOPSES AND CATTLEre more subject to Disease just nov

ian at any time during the year an I ii all the more important tba' you sba!ave good and reliable medicineWagner's Reliable Horse and Cattii'owners" ve lbs only positive cuninil REMEDY for Horse or Colt's Disimper. Long Fever, Pneun*iidney Obstructions, Back or Lollroubles, Conga*, w*orma, Loss of Ap-etite, ste, They will Increase thc millipply and keep Horses and CattoIwaya In rm oodillon.Pink r.vi. la ml In bc spreading, iau value ycur horses watch thenlonely and ii-e OH! I.F.IIAltl.K llOBSI

( attle PoBTDBRB (Wagner's) the]ill prevent ami cure Pink Ive.aid hy Ed. Maukuokk it 16c per hoi


A most dittreeaintf accident OCCamdedar Creek, in Frederick county, Wcda* I Itenex.ri Mr. Abraham Kimi wm- toanirad Ly his wife <»n returnin.; h<<tne fromsit toa sick neighl ¦'. -arne.nae about Ave o,clock sh. foul ! har hunind Ivinjf in the wasivhouse. with hu hea.own otT. with the ram-t" lutch1 in his han ! arv! the fofl la» |t?ar him. lt :- Buppoaa-d thalitf theran, whvtt it expl.Mr Kern wai about a; fears old and wa

NJ of the moat »ucce»»ful farmers and stitaera in Frederick county 1 donm 17 years old, survive him.

ATTENTION.Senamloah Camp Confederate Ver«ans will hold their regular meeting 01

atnrday, April 7th, at two o'clock, pI-. Delegates to the re-union at LottiSille will he elected at this meeting.

X. af. Rhodes. Commander. W. Miley. Adj't.

Look Ht Your MirrorDo you sea sparkling: eyes, a healthy,

tinted skin, a tweet expression and a grace-ful form} The»e attractions are the resultol good health. If they are absent, therele nearly always some disorder of the ,:s-

tlnctly feminine organs present. Health)menstrual organs mean health and beautyeverywhere*

WiiJD of Gaarcluimakea wosbcb beautiful andIt strike* at the roi t of 1 ll Itrouble. There ia no menstrual dis¬order, ache or pain which itcure. It is for the I '

busy wife aathe change of life. At every tr

crisis in a wei-..au's life it bhealth, strength and nappie -s. Itcost* 91.00 of medicine d<For advice iacaaearequiringspecial

directions, address, giving symptoms,The Ladies' Advisory-1 Apartment,'

The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn.MKS, BOZENA TFWT*5, of OenaTtlle

Tesa*, aaye:."I wa* tr toled etInter kile with terrible pains in my Ibeck, bttt hara beea entirely reiisvad Ly Wukasf CsrJul."

"KNOCK-OUTS.We gain no .loubil'ul vcr.li

in price competition,, on waltelling.We will not be uwl'rsold.By cutting usual prices deej

WC leave no grounds tor donfbi (leci«iou<s.A clean knockout is ahv:

assured.Wc J.» n<»t n 0 1 tc make :.

pronounced effort to avoid beiUtl'lerS.lid.We gel the credit for eli

knock-out* becBuae <»r' gupfacilities iu boyiug. Most ieelers make then- entire gamselling. We ra . e halfprofits in baying sn I take itthe Belling end.. v«»n: END.

BARSBLT,Tr\e Jeweler,





are now required hy ever;thrifty family. Last year'crop was a failure with youit was a failure witli the seedsmen also, consequently priceare higher. I will liowcvetake care that they are n

higher than necessary. I kno%when to buy and where V

buy so aa to get best pricesI give my customers the advantage of this wise buyingfor example Earliest WeValentine Bunch Heans at 13

pt. Aa to quality all whhave been my customers wilteatify to greater satisfactiofrom the seeds I sold tbafrom those obtained elsewhere.$4 years selling seeds shouigive knowledge of som

value, that knowledge Iyoura If you buy your seed:from

B. SCHHIIT,Druggist

Woodstock. Va

Di imonil Dyee.Perfictlin Dj et.Pul mm PaBsleleSS Dyesall in full stock10c, 3 far 2$ .

***.?..>?«»a »«

-'- -s

: UmWe spring so many surprises on the

trade that our competitors keep won¬

dering what we're going to do next.

The up-to-date Siopp. Court Home

is the acknowledged cheapest store inwoods tock.

Best White Oil ilcts. per gallon 1 or 10gallon lots KIO test. Mest syrup molasses28 cts. per gallon. Itest Oat Meal at 8cents package. Steel cut wheaten 12^cetus package, others ask loc. Gelatine5c per package. 1 lb. package soda tor4c. 2 packages Arin & Hammer soda5c. 3 cakes laundry soap for 5c. Bestloose roasted blended coffee 15c pei* lb.Prunes 3c per lb. Oranges lc each.Rice 5c per lb. Lemons 3 for 5. Looselump starch 5c per lb. Sulphur 5c lb. \ lb.can baking powder 6c, guaranteed 3 Ih can baked beam tor I'm*

Canned Corn 7c per can Canned String Beans Tc p<*r can. 3 can**--

White Bonne Toma Ioe8 for 25c- Pie Peaches 9c per can. Pure groundpepper 15c per lb. regular price 20c 800 matches for 5c Dairy salt 3c

package. uvVe cannot be undersold snd defy competition."

Do Uwanta Bargain?We have hundreds ol them, lt's i tithing now fr j tm to Bell 1"j or 35

per cent lower than others,

HO"W IS THIS:2 pa. lc. I envelopes for 5c, 1 quire AP?," f'-'hi"" £A V"1 Jj e, .l"-r

1'¦ yuiil. black cain B'hlte ti^ur* <1 il ..<.

writing paper for 2c, 1 card book and yarri, fmev eaatS yard are

- -jirina 2c, tablets lc each, writing bargain*. I still hive a '.«. t «? f bleael

r tablets for ftc, regular price me. colton I am se Iii gat 5c pt r \ ird. Come

er snd enve sesfor 8e, ":,rl>' jr u lon« >lt ^",'h ,ow

steel hair pitia lc paper, ladlee collars Prlcfa 0ur it fte per yard ls

lch, rn n's celluloid collara at ftc tbe beat quality and fat! c lor 1 still

,, brooches lOceacb, beautiful bi "!"' " gooda thai wi Il¬

ea 1 Oe! < ill in and see our item mg below coat, as we do not want to

.tock ot belt buckles they are up-to date, carry it oyer. Our prices will turprisenricea from lue lo $1.00. . 0ur v:llue> w»-- ***** *-ou- 11Kes

1 talk.

We are offering the best value in shoes aud slippers you ever saw.

We have received our spring line, they are beauties ami risrht up-to-late, Our heavy shoes for men at ll 00 aie wonders. Ii you waot to

*ave money deal with

T. Glenn Locke.\| ireh *-2-tr.

I ir See onr line ol Carpets au 1 Samples More purchasing.






The Season ls on and our Stock of

XHardware^is complete. The goode bought before t!»c advance are goii g

readily. It' you want to save money come quickly.POULTRY NE1TING,



Grindstones, Striking Hammers, Briar Scythea, Grain Fcythes.Snathe, rVagon Skein?, 5th wh els, Bar Iron. All kinds of

nails, spikes and brads, axes and band-es, window ami



in>ur These s ods were Imusht < heep, ami aie lieing sold cheap.

l>M!i't i iii io i -roving, i will nay ton.

W.H.RODEFFERAll kinds ol trade take*, inexchangeftr goods.



Dr. E. .T. Will. Veterinary targeon.will be ;tt Shenandoah House, it every

court. All diseasei ><i iBcnseBtieated ani¬

mals treated, by the latest spprovedtnetli'Mla. tf.

Wool 1 Wool !

Urila*.wool Brant**!, for whick I willi*}'t:ie in-_*tu i . isl) p.;. «-, Call toflsee me before

... P. QRAHIMCi.roar. .> towt. Waxatatsjeka v».

Wool! Wool!

I rn la int, wia 1 wanted thisi a ii h 1 a ill j 13 ihi 1

caah ptiee. See nt* beforeyou aell willI be '.n sVi 1 dal k, sft< 1 April 1.1 b .

J. 1). I .KMlll.l.,

aWlS-toi ^ ll uk, Va,



ONLY S5.0CBSNDUaSS.OOaaak-uaraciee ot k <J faith and wi

sall I send Tiu any tra BrBsfaalby trarUrht. C. O. IV, sul>jart t«examination. 1»«*ss aiaaalsKal »sarrrata*B*.a>B*Men-ll'y>nBnd lt the eqnnl of any Arproof c>>i»Mnatl<'ll look In":and st*>el safe made ami ssas

j sa* thia* Us arte* eaarfsa b

stasrs SssUs aaats ates ssa- rra«a

pay jour fra?ljcht a«-en( ass

s-aeaHai factor, pris* ss

(Vet-ra t eaaevee, lesa CteSKIflaaS saith ot*-Jer; otberalse tatara tt et our .xbrnna

andwaWtU return your ta.SMS, lesvifc. aiaaSaaats.

toa* salas far fas-aaa-s. SatSt SflsVIK esBBBaaaSstsfsaafs*.11..», saa is*. an.flst t«a a-., sat.ss*, tsaa re*.

a**SS. W,tnei*^,iM.W.a^7larB^4saA4aesl.»sVasSBSc»lsasisVa ass* aafss sW tasfe Saslassa, fasSsry, )««slrT ar aaa!

.Biaa. Ss«aiW.,SaS HlMU»sssMs>. Saoetw.fla. IS. rral»*tB-Bcas^taaaBUBscieelBa-fa*aatealla>r*r 1eaa san.*. *. sssta. WBlTtrr«BrBBBBAl-C **TAlrtMaTB aa4 ejwrial literal 0. 0. B. e«Vr.«;

.CARS, ROiaUOH. t% 00. Ohioan

One Minute Cougti ^ue, etireeTIMS k .hmt Uri*, tami*, lat*

he Southern Railway Preparing for

Summer Resort Travel.

Thc Paaeenejei Ptpartantin! of the

i.nithern Railway leis s^ut out eircnlani> Hotels snd to persons ai. ate will¬

an <> entertain -mumer hoarder*.

Ictlnn on or near the Som h. rn Railway,equealinjr full int«>rmaib»n aa to !¦

lon. nnaaber accomaraotlated, terms ,,f

loanl, etc.. for j;uid;in.c in compilingnfot .nation t"i 'Sum uer lb me> Fol-er. naeson. ISOO,Blanks eau be Iud 01 Station Agent.

r I y SildsBBSllaaf Mr. BY. A Turk, Geu'ltsjewt, Southern Kai Iway, Waatt-

llftOOa 1>. C.


If you .» an t aa to maa.' ta

your beam aa and oaoaaBUSTK MMIDM fas theHUtrash i taa or itaitoea tats*,Waal, bwoubi oa i u tu-

¦ aub uiaa, eaamaacr,ARDAH* AL SIOMM. OflTi sea, sute your fc«4a>t.

a. vslflu aaS a***, .'tate nun.ber>f tm-he* er<>nnd body or

limb at earn letter sh. »m law rut and sard to ue with nar* simul raitt. Ws saill maka". the tr ¦*>,,s to ord«-r frosa tba

aary Sass* frsaS rsbfcsa- alartJsatatrrtal, guarantee a asrf*et St and

alf y<>u d<> i.< t find lt perf etlya satisfevtory and ayjusl io *ro«^Js

_ other* erst downie the ptVe f-r¦ n-turn at oar t'li* »18* aud ae alli

rt-fmid your money.OUR SPECIAL PRICE jg ,2*y|>stK ssdrfc ataa**a-a, A taTt. St-fasVisis* beeta*. C ul, SCSoi thar.

Basse, Vial, St. MM Sase ssasHlaa.tu«, SI.Wi tsss Uasrisf. Cutt,BA. HO: kass *a*. H U ai, St**,san rr sAssasaff AU E. St. tatt fassssW«tlae, l to E. SJ.ta, aaalat, 1 tat,

St. Mi BBesaakasI Wit. Ul, ela,*©, t oTT«B tUSTKaiuoaa,ott.Taiafousa. *B#*taiu.srsdnssat*--¦..¦itSi|>B*>n#r. msde of soft Hst* thread, interworea srfaB

protected rubber thrtsad. * Us*** artes, SS.00, ia toeta*.

SS.Ui lt Issaas, at. te. Write for Simrr cauOoa-ee.

SEAS*. ROEBUCK k CO..(!.».).CMICBBBalssta

A'. MILAN A btu, i ute RheurVi a-ofuia te &U»
