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A TtiE^I^ERIGAN TSRAEllTJE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/3910/TIS-1… ·...

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A TtiE^I^ERIGAN TSRAEllTJE. THE AMERICAN ISRAELlfE. questioned , we wrote another , and as brief ' Tjiomaa ^JefferBon , BenjaDiin Franklin , and uch , eon of ' 'Neri ah , and ! lhe bearer and= ox- Bummer^In^ft^ tWb'day^h e rLto ' fed ' ^ »¦ | ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ as the first " , producing our evidence ;. hence .T homas ' Paine ;„ s and , that we now, believe ponent of the national traditions^onipetent Walls ' an li*'forWfleat?ons; ' 'of 'Jeruaal +k Isaac M. Wise. Editor and Pr oprietor, we did not keep up any 'J-attack from week that bi got ry would as fast and radicall y as % the -Rabbis say . ' . 'that ' the W be revealed 25th day of JKuf (Nehem < vl 15) andnnth —¦ to week, " as the Blade exaggerates. We did overthro w equality, liberty, an d justice , by him as it was by Moses. ' . ' . / occasion of dedicating the Walls iheTn 1 orxrnrvw a tt r\ ¦ nrmRFR ori * ,m not denounce Col. Barnes in any " savage , as the pure humanitarianism of anti-Chris- 6. ,Th e mission of- Ezra' ,was no less im-; had been assembled in 'Jerusalem to w! mn u m « An , u., \j \ j xvbu * *r , iQ'o. tenn S ) ana never uac thom ' on ariy' occasion. tians and Jews have Built un/ Our bel ief is portant than that of Zerubabel , for he came the census taken. On the firs t day of it J We are so extremely careful not to learn the built upon those horrlhle " p1iges of history, appointed by tic king with full power aa saventh,month , the Jaw was publiclvVS i TEBJEU OF SUBSCRIPTION. "savage " art that during a political cam- written with the blood and tears of outraged chief justice of all the Hebrews west of, the- the first time, 'in a most solemn* mann ; Ti o Amoriv-ui im u«iuu , with German Supple- pai gn we read no more in partisan organs humanity. Not merely,, as a Jew, but as a Euph rates River , and judici ary ' auton omy There and then , it appears all Hie people to ' ' ^m^n ^^nw. ^tbmt ^ ^mm 9 '^ 0 than the 'eurren t news. We n<J ver said tha t man and philanthrop ist , we protest against for the nation' ; to introduced enforce, the titled that those were " the genuine laws S ' i^^^ffl^^™*™; < to^ Oo -Co). Barnes was - a statesman ^ , or that ho at : any . and eve . ryjnterferenCe of ( theology and Laws of Moses, to >a ' ch the s ame, to ap- Moses, , as many of them must have known t>i>r annum . z.oo tem pted to make , this la Christian State, fanaticism in human affairs ; wo protest point tbe ^ officers and-jud ges neces sary to t radit i onally and from , manuscri pts and Pwugo to mropo. por annum. - - l.so \y e simply said .I as our informante did , that against all meddling with personal rights in bhese purposes, and to inflict punishment publicl y and solemnly accepted them a* » ' lie was " in sympathyj with the ,Crusaders any shape and with religious freedom in 0 n the offenders to the extent of imprison- the laws of the na tion and the code of Moses BATES of advertis ements. when they. raged in this State, and that he any form. We hope the editor of the Blade ment , confiscation of property, banishment (Nehem. viii). The reading of the law was English OK GERMAN : signed ft petition to the Constitutional Coil- will this time understand us correctl y. We 0r death. In - all this, the . king ' s pashahs continued during th , d feast of Su ' ccotfi, so that >ne inch , one insertion . - " - - S l so vention , when that bod y; was in session , to make no war , we defend ourselves. What were commanded to give him the necessary, most likely the wjiqle ' of it was publicly readi l ' » " two SonihH ' . " . ' - ' ^ revise the Constitution of Ohio, praying xx to we claim is the privilege of being undisturb- support {Ezra vii. 12-26). ' . - ' and expounded. Then at the public meet ^ " " " . irec montn". ¦ - - ¦ w uo insert in that dpcument the-acknowledgment ed in our reli gious beliels ; we acknowledge 7. When Ezra arrived in Jerusalem . it ap- ing ' on the 24th day of Tis hri (ix. 1) a doca •• ¦• oM K«r, " ' - " - " - " - s o 00 *6f God and Christianity as the sovereign this as an inalienable right , hence dispute ^earsl that Yochanan ben Eliasliib (Ezra ' ment to this effect was presented and signed * &" w '&^lKdi iu>Hci - " - l So ruler and law of f this commonwealth which it to none ; but this must remain with the x. C; NehemiahAxi. 23), a scion of . the Da- in behalf of the nation by ei ghty-four of its •^3^™?"™^^™ '"' ^" * %'* Bienifietf-whether Col. Barnes and Hhe ed- individual and the congregation , and must vidian house fro m the family of Sheohanyah representatives. (Nehem. x), and a solema , ' itor of the Blade do or do not understand it , not be imposed in anywise upon . the polity (I. Chronicles iii., 22-24) was Governor of oath Was swom-by the whole people "to —th e disfranchisement of all so-called Jews; cal machinery ^ of this country. ' , , -;: i . ; \ Judoa, who was succeeded by Meshullnm , walk in the kw of the Lo>d, which wasgiven okxerai. agent. infi dels; " materialists , 1 . atbeists, .pantheists ) " Doeb Dr. Wise comprehend the issue he ben Berechyah (Nehemiah iii., $0; vi., 18), " b y the hand , of Moses, the ' servant of tho- Samuel J. ' Loeb. f ree-thinkers , and such other people who do thus proposes to revive?" the editor of the the great grandson ' of Zerubabel (J. Chroni- Lord , t6 o bserve and to do all the command- ^ not profess the God as construed by Chris- Blade asks, pathetically, to intimidate soft- cie8 iii., 19 , 20), s o that ' the Governors of m ents of God our Lord , an d his st atutes *""•"" ' tian priests or alleged-theologians. - This is brained cowards; and we reply emphatic- Palestine before Nehemiah,may have been and his ordinances." (Nehem. x. 30) > *" I.OOAI. a«ewts. what it means in its legitimate sequences ; all y, Yes. We do not revive an issue which the Davidians Zerubabel , his son Meshul- -? 0 n this occasion the forty four rulers aim * H. ELIASSOF, No. 38 Cass Street, C hi- wo hope the editor of the Bfotfe will hereaf- hundreds of thousands of'American citizens, lam , his kinsman Yochanan , an d then without their proxies, a. they were the flm represent- CBgo , 111. ter . understand it In this " country States besides the Free Religious Associ ation , Dr. again Meshullam, the great grandson of Zer- allves - liwh fam ily had a Sar or CAor , " prinw 'AB RAHAM HIESCH, 122 Raburg St., and a union of States have been organized Frothinghatfl and the Boston Index advocate ubabel in a period of 'ninety-one years or rul« " and » ¦»«<»» or '• proxy ' , ' (Nehem. H. ic. iT. ^^f V^^^W. '^'A-i upon the common l ove of man for liberty earnestly and radically. - It is a mistake to There- were in the same neriod onlv three iV' ^^ tob 7?^ a !toW!!, , J< ,, ¦ ctal * , , M.SHULHOI; , 315 Wells btreet, Milwau- r , ., ,. .. ¦ ,. .. , ,, ' .,- 4 » :. ¦, ,. ^, A iaen> were m «e same pertou oniy mree to be ahvaya present In the temple, - Nehem. xUl. 11 kee , Wis. and the dispensation of justice and the com- believe or to make others believe that , we hi gh priests, viz. : Joshua , his son Eliakim, while the Sarm were engaged al*o to ' executive busU REV. J. SHONINGER , 47 Melrose St., mon interests of the people. Any other Jews are the onl y liberal people in this his son Eliasfiib (Nehemiah xii., 1 10). ' The noss Ibia. xin. i7, althouhg belonging to the Great s y- ^SJ&tH&S * Ar > i .no «¦ a. t -d- -u fundamental principle is forei gn M our con- coumry who protest ' against all attempted governors and nobles had misruled the " ode - The appointment of Sc^nim appears to have LEON SOHAAP , 1402 Mam Street , Kich- at !tuHnn ft nH prm sHhiti nr iB- ovorv ntV, n^ol pnernanhment s flf hitrntrv Our nimn in * ' j j 1 j *i 1 Been one of the reforms of Eiru , lu order to have * Mid. Va. . Mitution and constitution s , every other el- encroachments , ot bigotry. Uur name is country, oppressed and enslaved the people popularlegislatnreto counterbalance thethirty priesU I. N. CHOYNSKI, San Francisco, Cal. Hm^ wasleft to thje people , whomustagree legion , only we are not organized , and must (Nehemiah v.); the priests had abused their and Levitss; and thei r remaining steadily m Jenm- M. ALLTRINO 172 Erato St., New Or- to disagree, * and especiall y in theology, of carry along a trail of sham liberals, whose power, corrupte d and neglected the temple 'em was a reform Introduced by Nehemiah. Ibid .y . k wV&y <b»»n »« m iK an* w™ (u^a, which history teach es that it has cost man liberalism is bankrupt when drawn upon in service (see Malachi) ; man y had married 17i sL - , tmmmn , -, ' ' * ^St LouL ' &eVenteenlh and Pme Slreete ' currents of human blood, and chiefl y be- times of political excitement. And yet it Genti,e ' women ; propf iets ^ imp0Bter8 - ; t«> »» continu ed.] ' " ' , cause people would not always . consent to ^fould have been an easy task to defeat Col. (Nehemiab vi., 7-14) ; the whole land was * . ' * * acknowledge the particular God as construed Barnes on this \ery issue if the right men in an evil condition because there was no Translations fro m the Taln^ad. THE pbehium ' by the State priesthood. That is what is the had appealed earnestly to the peop le of g^ed law , no education and no control , as The Amkricak Isbaewtb offers to its raatter- Thcrefore a11 theol ogical tests, Ohio ; but the liberals did not think jproper , wa9 tben the case in all Persian prov i nceB . vxi. -foub Afn oBiSMS by abba bkmakw. readers an excellent and valuable premium, Ph™8e" and allusion« »™' be carefull y -to press this issue just now. They think , j eruaa iem wa8 thinl y inhabited , and .he —- \ \ the latest master-work of M Oppenheim av0lded ,n our constitutions ; and because perhaps , Col. Barnes and all other theolog- -^j ^ ot the city were in ruinB. j (-B. Berachoth 5 6 and 6 a) ^^ ' ' we are Jews , f who have suffered most in- ical politicians will remember the lesson he 8. Ezra began his work in connection with (The iTeiiaam or ' " teachers/' from 25 to- the bak mitsvaii, - tensely from" " the misapprehensions of the has received , when in {his Hamilton County the rulers, by calling a ' general meeting of 200 a. cw ^ ere called Rabbi , which means- masterly lithographed on a plate 18 by 20 functionB and d^iesof the State, the undue alone his record cost him over a thousand an the peopl e to Jerusalem , threatening all " my master, " or also "my teacher, " or inches - a fine ornament for any parlor a ai,d diBaatr0U3 interfering of theological votes. Of course we understand the issjie , who failed to appear with excommunication Abba in some few cases , which signifies ¦ beautiful scene from Jewish life of the last con8tructi0ns in tho government of society^ which we advocate - and press in close alii- or confiscation of property, to which hepos- either " the father , " or "my father , " which century illustrated by an * artist of high rep- therefore we are m08t iealoua aQd most vig- auce with thousands of the most enlighten- sessed the power. The multitud e assembled gave rise to the Pope ' s title. The Amoraim * ^ atioiJ ' »> * ilant to uphold the Democratic Republic in ed citizens of, this country, and will not de- on the tenth day of tho ninth month {KMe v) ot " expounders," frotn '200 to 300 a. q., were- Any subscriber old or new to the Ameb 5te P ristine P uritwithout any theologica l sert our hnmanitarian colors because we- lo a m€eiing of three days. "Tne main object called Rab, " master ," or " teacher . 'for als> ican Israelite and Deborah or to ' the mterference- So much forexplanation/ edit a Jewish paper. was to keep pure the race, and tlierefor to Mak . "1("rd . " if they had any title. Many Amebicak Isbaeute only on sending " pay ' ' The Bhde tclIs UB twiCB that we Jews have ^ fc i8 a ml8take to belleve or to malte othorB separate from all forei gn women , which was had none. The head of the Sanhodrin was . ment in advance for one vear to this office been oppressed and persecuted , and that we believe that the Christian sects can domi- attempted once more in a later period by called Habbana , " our master, " or " our - arrearaee paid will be sent a copy of this no,venioy the political and civil ri ghts by the neer over this country. They embrace the Ezra and Nejiemiah , but was not carried out teacher , " which title began with Gamliel * lithoCTaphv free of charee * consent of Christian nations. This, to say minority of the voters when any established radicall y. The weather was bad , the people * e grandson of H illel - In the Talmud , "if ¦ Address office Amebic!* Israelite Cin- the lea8t ' iS VCry indelicate - It ie «nd«licate princi ple of ri g ht, and freedom is at issue. tired j and th e wqrk could not be done 1n a correctl y printed , the title tells whether the : . * ' . in our opinion to tell any man that his par- ' Wo, remember this , the liberal elemen t , f evy day 8i * Therefore ' people asked of Ezrji author of a passage was a T«na .or ^lwn-a. cinna 1 , . . en ts we ' re beggars , 'and that ours have dealt are the majority of the people of the United i l l « Therefore we know that Abba ^ggnjamip. ¦ ' . = ^ m ercifully with - them v It proves a lack, of States any time you want us to be. It is a - * n P n w "^ K3 "»^ " Let our rulers wa3 a JVifto . although* he is nodOationed An Ans wer to th« Toledo (Ohio) Blade. generosjly and noble sentiments to do so, al- mistake to look , upon the American Is- (representatives) rise up for all the congrega- in the MlWnaA,. and nothing bows these- -It is not our custom to reply to strictures , th ough it is a vulgar indiscretion of political raelite as a sectari an or sectional sheet tion (x. 14) to investi gate and adjust this ap horisms is known, of him; - (SeTflKter-aad- •because we think- everybody has a ri ght to and ecclesiastical orators, still it is no less when it has never moved one inch from the matter, " which was done accordingly. dcroth , Yuc haiin , Shatsheleth , " etc ' .) He ( ad- his opinions. During a political campaign vul gar on th at account. But there are two broadest basis of liberalism and, humani- 9. This appears to have been the occasion vanced the following sentences . which wa- it is certainl y foolish to enter upon a contro- mistakes in that very point For as often tarianism. Of course we £now the issue (457 b. c) when ' ISzra organized the translate) : , _ . ' , , versy, with a partisan organ , if one is not as you throw up to the Jew that your grand- and will always face the musi c. We stand ^ L_,_ nh ._ , 4 .„ Th , ... . 1. "Abba Benjamin said , all my fife time himself a party advocate, and especiall y m, fathers Reinstated him ' iii the inalienable or fall with the liberal phal anx of th is coun- , n nDJ3 ^ JN ° s eat have I taken pains about these two thing*- such a campaign as has just closed in Ohio, ri ghts of man , you abuse and ' insult your try, come- whatJnay, because such is our S ynode, " the supreme leg islative and judi- that . iny praying should . be £bne at my where the most fearful amount of lying and great gran °dlath ers and their ancestors up to conviction , and we have the moral courage ciary body of the _ Hebrews , consisting of couch, and that hiy ~ bed be placed between abusing on record has been done. Still the the dawn of the Middle Ages for their bar- to be there whera our-cpnviction.places us. one hundred and twen ty heads of families north and south." ' Tol e do Blade is too respectable an organ to barism and heartless injustice, in . having The Blade will now understand lis and also (Ezra x. 116), viz. : two of each of the forty- The compi lers of the Talmud then at- be treated with silen tcontempt , and its editor^ withheld- from any man the enj oyment of know where to find us. ' four families of Israelites, in which the peo- , tempt to prove that it '•could , " not be un d er is too well known a gentleman not to elicit a his inalienable rights. Men should at least = * ? * " < " p ie was divided and the country districted stood , literally, fflaf? , he, prayed before his jreply from us, now the campaign being over, nave discretion enough , if they have com- The Origin and Content* of tho Talmud, accordingl y (Nehemiah xi. 25; iii. 9, 12), and couch , because Rabbi Joshua ben Levi (in? and the second sober thought may follow the mon sense; npt to insult their deceased an. «o»p»u and Koran. ^ thirty Eevites and priests, the governor or the Yertuhalmi , Rabbi Abrumah) said, there tumultuous and ignited passions. cestors. - r the high- priest , and the Sopher or chief must be nothing between the wall and him The'.Hade of October 4th contained this ^ And ' again, was it the Jew to whom the We commenced Friday evening last to scribe i which now Ezra waB# Th is reform who prays, so that Iw faces the wall and editorial:— , eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have l^ture on the Origin and Contents of the took the power to a great extent out of the stands up close to it in order not to.be dis - The Democrats have opened fire upon restored the enjoyment of his rights, or was Talmud , beginning with * ¦ han(lfl of the priests and ' royal aristocracy, turbed , ' as said -(Isaiah - xxxviii.) : . "And chareed Shis name a applarslmo ° n n g man? , *t to man? " if was to man , history responds. ' »«ba . , , and placed it in' the hands of the people' s Hezekiah (pray ing) -turned his face to the- others , appendetLto a petition to Jhe Con- The Jew at no time was in a, condition as And report the syllabus thereof: representatives., This body existed up to wall." In regard to , having his bed stand- stitution al Convention , asking for a ' recojjn i- low as the peasant , the agriculturist and me- 1. When in the year 536 b. c, under the nearl y 300 B. 'C , secured the judiciary an- ing north to south , the compiler s of the- Uon of the Christian reli gion in the constitu- chanic, and they were in number nine- leadership of Zerubabel and Joshua, (the tonomy to the Hebrew people, organized Talmud refer to a supposed law of nature- and ' sens ekss OTslaug ht ' in tenth s of the^iuman family in Ch ristendom, former of the house of David , appointed the >mple . service and the synagogal wor- in regard to fecundity, of which modern Jewish paper of Democratic proclivities, Upon them the domineering nobility, priest- Governor of Judea , and (he latter a scion of ship; established the Canon of Sacred Scri p- science has no knowledge , although some publishea in Cincinnati , and edited by Dr. hood and soldiery looked down with much the last high priest before the Babylonian tures, and laid the foundation to post-bi bli- are prejudiced in favor of placing their beds Wise. It denounces Colonel Barnes in say- more haughtiness and contempt than they exile, ' appointed hi gh priest by Cyrus, the cal Judaism. north to south on account of the circulation made !^Christian Sa^aTu termTit " and ever did uPon the Jew^ whose weaIth and Medo-Persian king) the Hebrews returned 10. The beginning of the Canon of Sacred ' of the electric fluid in the earth ; but they calls upon all Jews to vote against hini. It scholarshi p always commanded some res- to Palestine, to establish a new common- Scriptures was made by Ezra. There was have no facts to advance besides their own keeps up this attack from week to week , pect; they were the serfs, the slaves , the wealth, to rebuil d the temp le and reintro- from Moses to Ezra a period of one thousand sensations , which may be the products of and has succeeded in convincing many of marching chattel , the baro n ' s dogs , cattle, duce the Levitical culte-tho bulk of the years. Much- had been done and written , imagination. deadl y enmS- fo tneSf mi thir fauS " " sheeP> mllch cow1j > whom hia loKdehip Hebrew people, priests included, did not many revolutions had passed over the He- Rushi explains the first part * qf Abba All this seems supremely ridiculous, and claimed with body and soul , parents and return to Palestine. Only 42, 360 men im- brew people; hence much which had been Benjami n ' s sentence, that he took pains to the more so when it is considered that this children , the fruits of their labor and . the mi grated with their families and ¦ servants written must have been lost, other manu- pray near his couch , so t h at he , rising in to " to^rartwe^hat same ^ sbHoTreli ^" u^n- J"s mctis P r ae - T% were redeemed , al- (Ezra.ii. 64), perhaps 2 * 11 j QOO persons in . all ,/ scripts disfi gure d or falsined. f t appera rs that the morning,; shoul d engage , in nb^w6rk, not toLrance C fr|ora w^ich^he^ewish^aoeVas ' thoug h not completely, by the humani- who togetlier with those Hebrews who had a number of manusbripts o£t h;e : :lAW»'Of^^^ auffered such terrible evils , and from which tarian revivals of the ei ghteenth and nine- never left their country, started the second Moaes existed, partly-burd enedwith amend- read the Sti' ema andi finisbed^hiB^rayer i to- it now is so generally delivered. It is wan t- teenth centuries, and with' them naturall y commonwealth of Israel . , ' " ment$, marginal notes and glbssaries ,^ dato d^eheve^ als0 the Jew, who Was never as low down 2. The Temple of Jerusalem was finished perhaps by transcribers, or in the Kingdom nel ,(Tesliubpth r&g-g&^l^m ^ L yck ci sel y^s the ' Jews 1 have been^ersecuted for as his unfortunate Christian neighbors. The in the month of Adar in the sixth year of of Israel , . or also b y idolatrous kings of: Jn- ' edition) lhink8;th!B/.pioua; ; ^b pa '' :;^s h^d ; to ages for not believing in the same: We do ancesto rs of the editor of the Blade, as well Darius Hystaspes , 516 (or 515) b. c., seventy dah (II. ' Kings xxii. 8 to xxiii.; 4; II. Chrpn^ haye his eating couch so near . ^ hisi .p lace not know whether Colonel Barnes' nam e as ours, have been ' reinstated in the enjoy- years ' after it had been destroyed by the i61es . xxxiy. ,16). ; Besides a number of poet- of prayer that right after he had^.prayed he was ^ appended to w ^ u a c t h . P^titipn-orpof , and t bf the inalienable rights of man, or Babylonians, and was- solemnly dedicated ical and historical manuscripts existed , now might sitdown to his meal "without ; being the Deity was asked for. 1 iSor doefit! matter they belonged to those barbarians who tram- before the Passover JFeast of the same year lost , which are mentioned in the Bible, as disturbed, by any business. We . give our so-far as ' the-present cii^e is concerned. Col: ' pled under foot hine- ,lehftis of all men in (Ezra vi. 15-:19), - ' "This important event re- the Books of MUhampth and Ja sliar, thei var- opinion below. ; - ' Barnes now stands before the people of Ohio Christendom* -He and other scribes%nd stored to Israel ' s religion a center of gravity, ious chronicles of Kings of Judah and Israel, ; 2. ; '!Abba Benjamin said ,. itiwo : , :gp ¦in 'to- S^ c^r^s1ate " n^n%em^wav^o1v- orators on th at pa 'rticiilar ' subject had better to which l the eyes of the! dispersed people and the writings of prophets specified in gather to pray, and one ; ot j. t hem^ finishes ing the religious ' belie f of the ^incumbents not begin reckoning with us about it, or they were directod for six centuri es (from 516 b. Scriptures , wh ich had to be revised, cor- his prayer 'before the other ,^a nd^ then goes but simply the ouestiotis of capability, in- might be convinced there is no balance in c. to 70i A. c.) for religious instruction and reeled and put in shape for public use. Ezra away and waits not for his . companion , his tegrity- and^deUty ^ Whether Jew or Gen^ their favor. We never boast of our ahces- worsh ip. c ould noV secure ah independent j .^ ou^d?tue case\nd ° t^ 3. Among the bri ginal immi grants from to r the ' He brew.peopte^ttpafa ^ i»ii0n is made toVnaug bt , ; as said;(Job;xviih 4): - the issue tnto one of religio^tefee^ as pro- . Martin Luther himself denounced the Babylonia, there were thre e Prophets (Zeb- of law and history, which are inseparable.; «He teareth his own: : 2yi^^; (:prayeii , -.> before posed { by the Israelite , is a groS perversion rising peasants of Germany like a pack of achim 62 b), viz.: Haggi i Zachariah (Ezra v. Therefore he, -m ost likely Supported by the his face, ah all ^ fox '; ' th>- s ake the iahd be for- of the true questions at stake. And that it mad dogs ' and raged against the poor Jew ; 1) and lsaiah (Nehemiah xii. 7), the author Men of the Great S ynode, comp iled from the saken ?' . (To be- forsaken , is ;-tak$p here as- raceS' whicn Witih areeTt and^o ^ operaUon or ^ om Constantine the Great to the era of of the prophecies added to . th e Book of mahuscripts before fritst-fieven books, yiz..: referring to the one left alohe in ' the ayna- Christian ' peoples, now enjoy in full the civil bloody revolutions in England , America, Isaiab frorn chaps. xL , lxvi. The Five Books of.;Mose s. as they are now gogae, and Mpheth ^ is. ihtorpre.ted prayer, as and political previleges, for ages denied and France, there was no pause in hunting 4. From time to time new immigrants before us (without reference^ to chronology it is in 1 . Sain. i. 15j) Besides he causes the themj is the most surprising feature of the down heretics, schismatics , and Jews; arid may have come to Palestine (I; Chronicles except in the fifth)/Joshua and Judges , or Shekinah to depart from,Isra el , as said ^ Does Dr. Wise comprehend the range of ten times more Christians-than Jews died iii. 21) ; but none are noticed specially be- the history of the ancient republic, land thei (Ibid.) : 'Ar id the rock is Booved. away out the issue he thus proposes to revive ? iDoes on the pyre and in subterranean prisons, all fore 'the daysjof Artaxerxes Ltingomanus four books of Samuel ai?d Kings , which were of. its place.' r aur ^ . ' roc k, ' ' refers , to the he reall y think it best to renew in this coun- to the glory and elevation of the Church ; when in the seventh year * of that king ' s ancientl y one, viz.: the history of the Kings , Hol y One, as said (Deut. xxiii . JS)' : ' .Of the- ^ d ' ^Uen ^ e 8 * w ^ W r n Je T ^ G f hTi8tian ' and yet in the year 1876 and the centeTanial : reign ( 458 b. 0.), Ezra with 1695 men, per- thareldarks or Vddition^of Ezra * wh ic^i lare rock that;begat thee ^ thou wert Unmindful. '" ' nticfl privileges ? * Does b^e deenrit just and' year of tne republic , a gentleman and editor " haps 8500 persons, with munificent g ifts for very few, are e asily distinguished in all those ' < E. Joseph b. Haninah add^;thereto , if right . and wise and judicio us ?. Have not is surprised to notice that we do . riot believe the temple, on the ' first day df the fifth books. he waits for his neighbor till he has; flnished the Israelites , had enough of that sort of war, th at Christians liberated the serf or the month ,- Ab| arrived-in Jerusalem * ' 11. It appears to have taken ihirteeri his prayer his reward will be the- blessings * ls6 proVbke7^ Jew , and that we dread every theological . 5. Ezra^8>;ficipn . of ; Aaron , from the years to compile ;thoM^ .. books , or perhaps ^ ^— interference with our, constitutional lifei as a1 high priest Sheriah , the predecessor of the only the Five Books of Moses. ForNehe- ;* Tli b N6w Te6taii>^^^ ^ There are some slight m istakes . in this ar, free people; that we belieye-a&ti.Christi aiifl , last in the tempie of Solbmdh; He wasdis- miah w ' as s ent' to Jerusalem as governor of ^*™"* u - . - which ie pbrregt . ^c cttUB?^ll^^»^| tiG)e ; which wo mus^correct. We did not meh who revolted ' against^ the churches, tinguished ; :as; rttto rnini ("lViD IBp, "An Judah Invthe tweptietn year of King jjj tax- SIS" and ^SS? '' wsSiiS w tlrt write more than one brief article on Colonel built up the free sentiments of hiimariita - expert scribe in, the Law of Mbses ; " ac- erxes Lungbmanu8 ; ,445i B. ' c.i (Nehemiah II. Low, " and the anctont Hebrews- , had no- animal. B arries, and when tho contents thereof were rian Europe, as did in America men like cording to' "the Rabbis , the disci p le of Bar- 1) in the first month (JVusan). In tHeTsame names, Jiocauso they opposed feWc to In an toniM. ¦ I •* ¦¦ . . . ¦
Page 1: A TtiE^I^ERIGAN TSRAEllTJE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/3910/TIS-1… · A TtiE^I^ERIGAN TSRAEllTJE. THE AMERICAN ISRAELlfE. questioned, we wrote another,

A TtiE^I^ERIGAN TSRAEllTJE.THE AMERICAN ISRAELlfE. questioned, we wrote another, and as brief 'Tjiomaa ^JefferBon , BenjaDiin Franklin, and uch, eon of ''Neriah, and!lhe bearer and= ox- Bummer^In^ft tWb'day^h e rLto'fed '

^»¦ | ¦ - ¦¦¦¦¦ as the first", producing our evidence ;. hence .Thomas' Paine ;„sand,that we now, believe ponent of the national traditions^onipetent Walls'anli*'forWfleat?ons;''of 'Jeruaal +kIsaac M. Wise. Editor and Proprietor, we did not keep up any 'J-attack from week that bigotry would as fast and radically as% the -Rabbis say .'.'that' the W be revealed 25th day of JKuf (Nehem < vl 15) andnnth—¦ to week," as the Blade exaggerates. We did overthrow equality, liberty, and justice, by him as it was by Moses. ' . ' . / occasion of dedicating the Walls iheTn 1

orxrnrvw a tt r \ ¦ nrmRFR ori * ,m not denounce Col. Barnes in any " savage '», as the pure humanitarianism of anti-Chris- 6. ,The mission of- Ezra',was no less im-; had been assembled in 'Jerusalem to w!mnum«An , u., \j \j xvbu* *r, iQ'o. tennS) ana never uac thom'on ariy'occasion. tians and Jews have Built un/ Our belief is portant than that of Zerubabel, for he came the census taken. On the first day of i tJ We are so extremely careful not to learn the built upon those horrlhle"p1iges of history, appointed by ticking with full power aa saventh,month , the Jaw was publiclvVS iTEBJEU OF SUBSCRIPTION. "savage " art that during a political cam- written with the blood and tears of outraged chief justice of all the Hebrews west of, the- the first time,'in a most solemn* mann ;Tio Amoriv-ui im u«iuu , with German Supple- paign we read no more in partisan organs humanity. Not merely,, as a Jew, but as a Euphrates River, and judiciary' autonomy There and then, it appears all Hie people to ' '

^m^n ^nw. tbmt ^ ^mm 9' 0 than the 'eurren t news. We n<J ver said that man and philanthropist, we protest against for the nation' ; to introduced enforce, the titled that those were" the genuine laws S 'i^^ ff l^^™*™; <to

Oo -Co). Barnes was-a statesman^, or that ho at: any .and eve.ryjnterferenCe of ( theology and Laws of Moses, to >a'ch the same, to ap- Moses,,as many of them must have knownt>i>r annum . z.oo tempted to make , this la Christian State, fanaticism in human affairs ; wo protest point tbe ^officers and-jud ges necessary to tradit ionally and from , manuscripts • andPwugo to mropo. por annum. - - l.so \ye simply said.Ias our informante did , that against all meddling with personal rights in bhese purposes, and to inflict punishment publicly and solemnly accepted them a*» • ' lie was" in sympathyj with the ,Crusaders any shape and with religious freedom in 0n the offenders to the extent of imprison- the laws of the nation and the code of MosesBATES of advertisements. when they.raged in this State, and that he any form. We hope the editor of the Blade ment, confiscation of property, banishment (Nehem. viii). The reading of the law wasEnglish OK GERMAN : signed ft petition to the Constitutional Coil- will this time understand us correctly. We 0r death. In - all this, the .king's pashahs continued during th,d feast of Su'ccotfi, so that

>ne inch , one insertion. - " - - S l so vention , when that body; was in session, to make no war, we defend ourselves. What were commanded to give him the necessary, most likely the wjiqle'of it was publicly readi l'

» " two SonihH ' . " . ' - '

revise the Constitution of

Ohio, prayingxxto we claim is the privilege of being undisturb- support {Ezra vii. 12-26). ' . - ' and expounded. Then at the public meet ^• " " ".irec montn". ¦ - - ¦ w uo insert in that dpcument the-acknowledgment ed in our religious beliels; we acknowledge 7. When Ezra arrived in Jerusalem.it ap- ing ' on the 24th day of Tishri (ix. 1) a doca•• ¦• oM K«r, "' - " - " - " - so 00 *6f God and Christianity as the sovereign this as an inalienable right , hence dispute ^earsl that Yochanan ben Eliasliib (Ezra 'ment to this effect was presented and signed


&"w'&^lKdiiu>Hci - " - l So ruler and law of f this commonwealth which it to none ; but this must remain with the x. C; NehemiahAxi. 23), a scion of .the Da- in behalf of the nation by eighty-four of its•^3^™?"™^^™'"'^"*%'* Bienifietf-whether Col. Barnes and Hhe ed- individual and the congregation, and must vidian house from the family of Sheohanyah representatives. (Nehem. x), and a solema, ' itor of the Blade do or do not understand it, not be imposed in anywise upon .the polity (I. Chronicles iii., 22-24) was Governor of oath Was swom-by the whole people "to—th e disfranchisement of all so-called Jews; cal machinery^ of this country. ', ,-;: i . ; \ Judoa, who was succeeded by Meshullnm , walk in the kw of the Lo>d, which wasgivenokxerai. agent. infidels; "materialists,1. atbeists, .pantheists) " Doeb Dr. Wise comprehend the issue he ben Berechyah (Nehemiah iii., $0; vi., 18)," by the hand , of Moses, • the ' servant of tho-

Samuel J.'Loeb. free-thinkers, and such other people who do thus proposes to revive?" the editor of the the great grandson'of Zerubabel (J. Chroni- Lord, t6 observe and to do all the command-

not profess the God as construed by Chris- Blade asks, pathetically, to intimidate soft- cie8 iii., 19, 20), so that 'the Governors of ments of God our Lord , and his statutes*""•"" ' tian priests or alleged-theologians.- This is brained cowards; and we reply emphatic- Palestine before Nehemiah,may have been and his ordinances." (Nehem. x. 30)>

*"I.OOAI. a«ewts. what it means in its legitimate sequences ; ally, Yes. We do not revive an issue which the Davidians Zerubabel, his son Meshul- -? 0n this occasion the forty four rulers aim *H. ELIASSOF, No. 38 Cass Street, Chi- wo hope the editor of the Bfotfe will hereaf- hundreds of thousands of'American citizens, lam, his kinsman Yochanan, and then without their proxies, a. they were the flm represent-

CBgo, 111. ter .understand it In this " country States besides the Free Religious Association , Dr. again Meshullam, the great grandson of Zer- allves- liwh fam ily had a Sar or CAor, "prinw'ABRAHAM HIESCH, 122 Raburg St., and a union of States have been organized Frothinghatfl and the Boston Index advocate ubabel in a period of 'ninety-one years or rul«"and » ¦»«<»» or '• proxy ',' (Nehem. H. ic. iT.^^fV^^^W.' 'A-i upon the common love of man for liberty earnestly and radically.- It is a mistake to There- were in the same neriod onlv three iV'^^


7?^a !toW!!,

,J< ,,¦ctal*,t»,

M.SHULHOI;, 315 Wells btreet, Milwau- r , ., ,. .. ¦ ,. .. , ,, ' . , - 4 » :. ¦, ,. ^, A iaen> were m «e same pertou oniy mree to be ahvaya present In the temple,- Nehem. xUl. 11kee, Wis. and the dispensation of justice and the com- believe or to make others believe that , we high priests, viz. : Joshua, his son Eliakim, while the Sarm were engaged al*o to 'executive busU

REV. J. SHONINGER, 47 Melrose St., mon interests of the people. Any other Jews are the only liberal people in this his son Eliasfiib (Nehemiah xii.,1 10).' The noss Ibia. xin. i7, althouhg belonging to the Great sy-^SJ&tH&S * Ar > i .no «¦

• a. t -d- -u fundamental principle is foreign M our con- coumry who protest 'against all attempted governors and nobles had misruled the "ode- The appointment of Sc nim appears to haveLEON SOHAAP , 1402 Mam Street , Kich- at !tuHnn ft nH prm sHhiti nr iB- ovorv ntV, n^ol pnernanhment s flf hitrntrv Our nimn in

* ' j j 1 j *i 1 Been one of the reforms of Eiru , lu order to have *Mid. Va. . Mitution and constitution s , every other el- encroachments ,ot bigotry. Uur name is country, oppressed and enslaved the people popularlegislatnreto counterbalance thethirty priesUI. N. CHOYNSKI, San Francisco, Cal. Hm^ wasleft to thje people, whomustagree legion, only we are not organized, and must (Nehemiah v.); the priests had abused their and Levitss; and thei r remaining steadily m Jenm-M. ALLTRINO 172 Erato St., New Or- to disagree,*and especially in theology, of carry along a trail of sham liberals, whose power, corrupted and neglected the temple 'em was a reform Introduced by Nehemiah. Ibid.y.

kwV&y <b»»n»«m iK an* w™ (u^a, which history teaches that it has cost man liberalism is bankrupt when drawn upon in service (see Malachi) ; many had married 17i sL - , tmmmn, -, ' ' *

^St LouL ' &eVenteenlh and Pme Slreete' currents of human blood, and chiefly be- times of political excitement. And yet it Genti,e 'women; propfiets imp0Bter8 - ; t«> »» continued.]'" ' , cause people would not always.consent to ^fould have been an easy task to defeat Col. (Nehemiab vi., 7-14) ; the whole land was * . ' * *

— acknowledge the particular God as construed Barnes on this \ery issue if the right men in an evil condition because there was no Translations from the Taln^ad.THE pbehium ' by the State priesthood. That is what is the had appealed earnestly to the people of g^ed law, no education and no control, as

The Amkricak Isbaewtb offers to its raatter- Thcrefore a11 theological tests, Ohio ; but the liberals did not thinkjproper , wa9 tben the case in all Persian provinceB . vxi.-foub AfnoBiSMS by abba bkmakw.

readers an excellent and valuable premium, Ph™8e" and allusion« »™' be carefully-to press this issue just now. They think, jeruaaiem wa8 thinly inhabited, and .he —- \ \

the latest master-work of M Oppenheim av0lded ,n our constitutions ; and because perhaps, Col. Barnes and all other theolog- - j ot the city were in ruinB. j (-B. Berachoth 5 6 and 6 a)

^^ ' ' we are Jews,f who have suffered most in- ical politicians will remember the lesson he 8. Ezra began his work in connection with (The iTeiiaam or '" teachers/' from 25 to-

the bak mitsvaii, - tensely from"" the misapprehensions of the has received, when in {his Hamilton County the rulers, by calling a' general meeting of 200 a. c„ were called Rabbi , which means-masterly lithographed on a plate 18by 20 functionB and d^iesof the State, the undue alone his record cost him over a thousand an the people to Jerusalem, threatening all "my master," or also "my teacher," orinches - a fine ornament for any parlor a ai,d diBaatr0U3 interfering of theological votes. Of course we understand the issjie, who failed to appear with excommunication Abba in some few cases, which signifies ¦

beautiful scene from Jewish life of the last con8tructi0ns in tho government of society^ which we advocate- and press in close alii- or confiscation of property, to which hepos- either " the father," or "my father," whichcentury illustrated by an*artist of high rep- therefore we are m08t iealoua aQd most vig- auce with thousands of the most enlighten- sessed the power. The multitud e assembled gave rise to the Pope's title. The Amoraim*^atioiJ '

»> * ilant to uphold the Democratic Republic in ed citizens of, this country, and will not de- on the tenth day of tho ninth month {KMe v) ot " expounders," frotn '200 to 300 a. q., were-Any subscriber old or new to the Ameb 5te Pristine Purity» without any theological sert our hnmanitarian colors because we-lo a m€eiing of three days."Tne main object called Rab, " master," or " teacher.'for als>

ican Israelite and Deborah or to' the mterference- So much forexplanation/ edit a Jewish paper. was to keep pure the race, and tlierefor to Mak. "1("rd." if they had any title. Many

Amebicak Isbaeute only on sending "pay ''The Bhde tclIs UB twiCB that we Jews have ^fc i8 a ml8take to belleve or to malte othorB separate from all foreign women, which was had none. The head of the Sanhodrin was .

ment in advance for one vear to this office been oppressed and persecuted , and that we believe that the Christian sects can domi- attempted once more in a later period by called Habbana , "our master," or "our- arrearaee paid will be sent a copy of this no,venioy the political and civil rights by the neer over this country. They embrace the Ezra and Nej iemiah, but was not carried out teacher," which title began with Gamliel *

lithoCTaphv free of charee * consent of Christian nations. This, to say minority of the voters when any established radically. The weather was bad, the people *e grandson of Hillel- In the Talmud, "if¦

Address office Amebic!* Israelite Cin- the lea8t' iS VCry indelicate- It ie «nd«licate principle of right, and freedom is at issue. tired j and th e wqrk could not be done 1n a correctl y printed , the title tells whether the: . „ * ' . in our opinion to tell any man that his par-' Wo, remember this, the liberal element, fevy day8i* Therefore 'people asked of Ezrji author of a passage was a T«na.or ^lwn-a.cinna 1, . . en ts we're beggars,'and that ours have dealt are the majority of the people of the United i l l « Therefore we know that Abba ^ggnjamip.¦ ' . = mercifully with -themv It proves a lack, of States any time you want us to be. It is a -*nPn w " K3 "» " Let our rulers wa3 a JVifto . although* he is nodOationedAn Answer to th« Toledo (Ohio) Blade. generosj ly and noble sentiments to do so, al- mistake to look , upon the American Is- (representatives) rise up for all the congrega- in the MlWnaA,. and nothing bows these--It is not our custom to reply to strictures, th ough it is a vulgar indiscretion of political raelite as a sectarian or sectional sheet tion (x. 14) to investigate and adjust this aphorisms is known, of him; - (SeTflKter-aad-

•because we think- everybody has a right to and ecclesiastical orators, still it is no less when it has never moved one inch from the matter," which was done accordingly. dcroth, Yuchaiin, Shatsheleth," etc'.) He( ad-his opinions. During a political campaign vulgar on that account. But there are two broadest basis of liberalism and, humani- 9. This appears to have been the occasion vanced the following sentences . which wa-it is certainly foolish to enter upon a contro- mistakes in that very point For as often tarianism. Of course we £now the issue (457 b. c) when' ISzra organized the translate) : ,_ . ' ,

, versy, with a partisan organ, if one is not as you throw up to the Jew that your grand- and will always face the music. We stand ^

L_,_ nh ._ ,4 .„ „ Th , ... . 1. "Abba Benjamin said, all my fife timehimself a party advocate, and especially m, fathers Reinstated him' iii the inalienable or fall with the liberal phalanx of this coun- , n nDJ3 ^

JN ° s eat have I taken pains about these two thing*-

such a campaign as has just closed in Ohio, rights of man, you abuse and 'insult your try, come- whatJnay, because such is our Synode," the supreme legislative and judi- that . iny praying should . be £bne at mywhere the most fearful amount of lying and great gran°dlathers and their ancestors up to conviction, and we have the moral courage ciary body of the _ Hebrews, consisting of couch, and that hiy~bed be placed betweenabusing on record has been done. Still the the dawn of the Middle Ages for their bar- to be there whera our-cpnviction.places us. one hundred and twenty heads of families north and south." 'Toledo Blade is too respectable an organ to barism and heartless injustice, in. having The Blade will now understand lis and also (Ezra x. 116), viz. : two of each of the forty- The compilers of the Talmud then at-be treated with silen tcontempt, and its editor^ withheld- from any man the enjoyment of know where to find us. • ' four families of Israelites, in which the peo-, tempt to prove that it '•could ,"not be underis too well known a gentleman not to elicit a his inalienable rights. Men should at least —= * ? * " <" pie was divided and the country districted stood, literally, fflaf? ,he, prayed before hisjreply from us, now the campaign being over, nave discretion enough, if they have com- The Origin and Content* of tho Talmud, accordingly (Nehemiah xi. 25; iii. 9, 12), and couch, because Rabbi Joshua „ben Levi (in?and the second sober thought may follow the mon sense; npt to insult their deceased an. «o»p»u and Koran. ^ thirty Eevites and priests, the governor or the Yertuhalmi, Rabbi Abrumah) said, theretumultuous and ignited passions. cestors. - r the high- priest, and the Sopher or chief must be nothing between the wall and him

The'.Hade of October 4th contained this ^ And ' again, was it the Jew to whom the We commenced Friday evening last to scribei which now Ezra waB# This reform who prays, so that Iw faces the wall and

editorial:— , eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have l^ture on the Origin and Contents

of the took the power to a great extent out of the stands up close to it in order not to.be dis-

The Democrats have opened fire upon restored the enjoyment of his rights, or was Talmud, beginning with *¦ han(lfl of the priests and' royal aristocracy, turbed,' as said -(Isaiah - xxxviii.) : ."Andchareed Shis name


ng man? ,*t to man? "if was to man, history responds. ' »«ba. , , and placed it in' the hands of the people's Hezekiah (praying) -turned his face to the-

others, appendetLto a petition to Jhe Con- The Jew at no time was in a, condition as And report the syllabus thereof: representatives., This body existed up to wall." In regard to , having his bed stand-stitution al Convention , asking for a'recojjn i- low as the peasant, the agriculturist and me- 1. When in the year 536 b. c, under the nearly 300 B.'C, secured the judiciary an- ing north to south, the compilers of the-Uon of the Christian religion in the constitu- chanic, and they were in number nine- leadership of Zerubabel and Joshua, (the tonomy to the Hebrew people, organized Talmud refer to a supposed law of nature-and 'sensekss OTslaught 'in tenths of the^iuman family in Christendom, former of the house of David, appointed the >mple .service and the synagogal wor- in regard to fecundity, of which modernJewish paper of Democratic proclivities, Upon them the domineering nobility, priest- Governor of Judea, and (he latter a scion of ship; established the Canon of Sacred Scrip- science has no knowledge, although somepublishea in Cincinnati , and edited by Dr. hood and soldiery looked down with much the last high priest before the Babylonian tures, and laid the foundation to post-bibli- are prejudiced in favor of placing their bedsWise. It denounces Colonel Barnes in say- more haughtiness and contempt than they exile,' appointed high priest by Cyrus, the cal Judaism. north to south on account of the circulationmade ! Christian Sa^aTu termTit" and ever did uPon the Jew^ whose weaIth and Medo-Persian king) the Hebrews returned 10. The beginning of the Canon of Sacred 'of the electric fluid in the earth ; but theycalls upon all Jews to vote against hini. It scholarship always commanded some res- to Palestine, to establish a new common- Scriptures was made by Ezra. There was have no facts to advance besides their ownkeeps up this attack from week to week, pect; they were the serfs, the slaves, the wealth, to rebuild the temple and reintro- from Moses to Ezra a period of one thousand sensations, which may be the products ofand has succeeded in convincing many of marching chattel, the baron's dogs, cattle, duce the Levitical culte-tho bulk of the years. Much- had been done and written, imagination.deadly enmS- fo tneSf mi thir fauS " " sheeP> mllch cow1j> whom hia loKdehip Hebrew people, priests included, did not many revolutions had passed over the He- Rushi explains the first part *qf Abba

All this seems supremely ridiculous, and claimed with body and soul, parents and return to Palestine. Only 42,360 men im- brew people; hence much which had been Benjamin's sentence, that he took pains tothe more so when it is considered that this children, the fruits of their labor and. the migrated with their families and ¦ servants written must have been lost, other manu- pray near his couch, so that he, rising in

to "to^rartwe^hat same sbHoTreli "u^n- J"s mctis P r™ae- T% were redeemed, al- (Ezra.ii. 64), perhaps 2*11 jQOO persons in. all,/ scripts disfigured or falsined. f t apperars that the morning,; shoul d engage, in nb^w6rk, nottoLrance

Cfr|ora w^ich^he^ewish^aoeVas

' though not completely, by the humani- who togetlier with those Hebrews who had a number of manusbripts o£t h;e::lAW»'Of^^^auffered such terrible evils, and from which tarian revivals of the eighteenth and nine- never left their country, started the second Moaes existed, partly-burdenedwith amend- read the Sti'ema andi finisbed^hiB^rayeri to-it now is so generally delivered. It is want- teenth centuries, and with' them naturall y commonwealth of Israel. , ' " ment$, marginal notes and glbssaries,dato d^eheve^

als0 the

Jew, who Was never as low down 2. The Temple of Jerusalem was finished perhaps by transcribers, or in the Kingdom nel , (Tesliubpth r&g-g&^l^m Lyckcisely^s the' Jews

1 have been^ersecuted for as his unfortunate Christian neighbors. The in the month of Adar in the sixth year of of Israel, .or also by idolatrous kings of: Jn-' edition) lhink8;th!B/.pioua;; bpa'':; sh^d; to

ages for not believing in the same: We do ancestors of the editor of the Blade, as well Darius Hystaspes, 516 (or 515) b. c., seventy dah (II.' Kings xxii. 8 to xxiii.; 4; II. Chrpn^ haye his eating couch so near . hisi.p lacenot know whether Colonel Barnes' name as ours, have been 'reinstated in the enjoy- years' after it had been destroyed by the i61es.xxxiy.,16).; Besides a number of poet- of prayer that right after he had^.prayed hewas

^appended to

w^uacth .P^titipn-orpof, and t bf the inalienable rights of man, or Babylonians, and was- solemnly dedicated ical and historical manuscripts existed, now might sitdown to his meal "without ; being

the Deity was asked for.1

iSor doefit! matter they belonged to those barbarians who tram- before the Passover JFeast of the same year lost, which are mentioned in the Bible, as disturbed, by any business. We. • give ourso-far as'the-present cii e is concerned. Col: 'pled under foot hine-,lehftis of all men in (Ezra vi. 15-:19),-' "This important event re- the Books of MUhamp th and Ja sliar, thei var- opinion below. ; - 'Barnes now stands before the people of Ohio Christendom* -He and other scribes%nd stored to Israel's religion a center of gravity, ious chronicles of Kings of Judah and Israel, ; 2. ;'!Abba Benjamin said,.itiwo:,:gp ¦in 'to-

S c r^s1ate"n^n%em^wav^o1v- orators on that pa'rticiilar'subject had better to whichl the eyes of the! dispersed people and the writings of prophets specified in gather to pray, and one; otj .them finishesing the religious' belief of the incumbents not begin reckoning with us about it, or they were directod for six centuries (from 516 b. Scriptures , which had to be revised, cor- his prayer 'before the other, and^ then goesbut simply the ouestiotis of capability, in- might be convinced there is no balance in c. to 70i A. c.) for religious instruction and reeled and put in shape for public use. Ezra away and waits not for his .companion, histegrity-and^deUty

^ Whether Jew or Gen^ their favor. We never boast of our ahces- worship. could noV secure ah independent j .

ou^d?tue case\nd°t^ 3. Among the briginal immigrants from tor the' Hebrew.peopte^ttpafa

^i»ii0n is made toVnaugbt,; as said;(Job;xviih 4):

- the issue tnto one of religio tefee as pro- . Martin Luther himself denounced the Babylonia, there were three Prophets (Zeb- of law and history, which are inseparable.; «He teareth his own::2yi^^;(:prayeii,-.> beforeposed {by the Israelite, is a groS perversion rising peasants of Germany like a pack of achim 62 b), viz.: Haggii Zachariah (Ezra v. Therefore he, -m ost likely Supported by the his face, ahall ^ f ox';'th>- sake the iahd be for-of the true questions at stake. And that it mad dogs 'and raged against the poor Jew ; 1) and lsaiah (Nehemiah xii. 7), the author Men of the Great Synode, compiled from the saken?' . (To be- forsaken , is ;-tak$p here as-raceS'whicn Witih areeTt and^ooperaUon or ^

om Constantine the Great to the era of of the prophecies added to . the Book of mahuscripts before fritst-fieven books, yiz..: referring to the one left alohe in'the ayna-Christian'peoples, now enjoy in full the civil bloody revolutions in England, America, Isaiab frorn chaps. xL, lxvi. The Five Books of.;Moses. as they are now gogae, and Mpheth is.ihtorpre.ted prayer, asand political previleges, for ages denied and France, there was no pause in hunting 4. From time to time new immigrants before us (without reference^ to chronology it is in 1. Sain. i. 15j) Besides he causes thethemj is the most surprising feature of the down heretics, schismatics, and Jews; arid may have come to Palestine (I; Chronicles except in the fifth)/Joshua and Judges, or Shekinah to depart from,Israel, as said^Does Dr. Wise comprehend the range of ten times more Christians-than Jews died iii. 21) ; but none are noticed specially be- the history of the ancient republic, land thei (Ibid.) : 'Arid the rock is Booved. away out •the issue he thus proposes to revive ? iDoes on the pyre and in subterranean prisons, all fore 'the daysjof Artaxerxes Ltingomanus four books of Samuel ai?d Kings, which were of. its place.' raur^ .' rock,'' refers , to thehe really think it best to renew in this coun- to the glory and elevation of the Church ; when in the seventh year * of that king's anciently one, viz.: the history of the Kings, Holy One, assaid (Deut. xxiii. JS)': '.Of the-

d'^Uen e8* w


n Je

T GfhTi8tian' and yet in the year 1876 and the centeTanial: reign (458 b. 0.), Ezra with 1695 men, per- thareldarksorVddition^of Ezra* whic^i lare rock that;begat thee^ thou wert Unmindful.'"

' nticfl privileges ? * Does b^e deenrit just and' year of tne republic, a gentleman and editor "haps 8500 persons, with munificent gifts for very few, are easily distinguished in all those '< E. Joseph b. Haninah add^;thereto, ifright. and wise and judicious?. Have not is surprised to notice that we do. riot believe the temple, on the' first day df the fifth books. he waits for his neighbor till he has;flnishedthe Israelites, had enough of that sort of war, that Christians liberated the serf or the month, - Ab| arrived-in Jerusalem* ' 11. It appears to have taken ihirteeri his prayer his reward will be the- blessings*ls6 proVbke7^ Jew, and that we dread every theological . 5. Ezra^8>;ficipn.of ; Aaron, from the years • to compile ;thoM^ ..books, or perhaps^^—

• interference with our, constitutional lifei as a1 high priest Sheriah , the predecessor of the only the Five Books of Moses. ForNehe- ;*Tlib N6w Te6taii>^^^^There are some slight mistakes.in this ar, free people; that we belieye-a&ti.Christiaiifl, last in the tempie of Solbmdh; He wasdis- miah w'as sent' to Jerusalem as governor of ^*™"*u -.-which ie pbrregt . ccttUB?^ll^^»^|tiG)e;which wo mus^correct.

We did not meh who revolted' against^ the churches, tinguished ;:as;rttto rnini ("lViD IBp, "An Judah Invthe tweptietn year of King jjjtax- SIS" and ^SS? ''wsSiiS w tlrtwrite more than one brief article on Colonel built up the free sentiments of hiimariita- expert scribe in, the Law of Mbses ;" ac- erxes Lungbmanu8;,445i B.'c.i (Nehemiah II. Low," and the anctont Hebrews- ,had no- animal.Barries, and when tho contents thereof were rian Europe, as did in America men like cording to'"the Rabbis, the disciple of Bar- 1) in the first month (JVusan). In tHeTsame names, Jiocauso they opposed feWc to In an toniM. ¦

I • • * ¦ ¦ .. . ¦

Page 2: A TtiE^I^ERIGAN TSRAEllTJE.collections.americanjewisharchives.org/wise/attachment/3910/TIS-1… · A TtiE^I^ERIGAN TSRAEllTJE. THE AMERICAN ISRAELlfE. questioned, we wrote another,

' ' ¦' j" ' , •' ' " ' ¦;' r- •: . • - ">• ' ' ' ,.' '. ,•¦ *" . v t .. "i '. '3 < ¦ ': ¦¦¦ ' " ' . . ''' *H ^" - ' r\

' \plimi u'nc«li;:' ?:-lTO|a%:(xiviii.- /'J8y:'- ,^d.hi; by them (perhaps by, levers position during the last 'years oi the eightr IV changed its.quartfir,, !/the fire .subsi-that tiiou -wouWstlbut heaven to my Com- port). • Those torn- garments of the rabbiB eyes 6i:Jews, and to save that stubborn race ,eentb.. century. Men of fortune and public ded wit^Vit^mmittirig urther-damage^^^^ ,-i,^',»ilJi!;rt^^iiu i;ii^ci , n ' i.!,,a;: fiiii ' n«/«ft f,A^V'tVi«!U /»'i.r » ;;:i.;n> »v^.;Ki;(^~ o^ from the doom of unbelievers. - 'A'meeting- spiri t arose among them, and' the Goldsmid, v^hen'D'r;:De 'JTAlk':ina(i|e'his.'W'iU.-,'fbr 'h6t.t .n*ndm??kk^


come ronvthwr (the ^«.hn^.rubbing at bou9e ;o£. ai83enters in \ Bury Street openell: family shone pre;eminei^ly: for their wealth all 4is*how)cdge could save hi.n from: thev; peacej'and; thy;, prosperity as,ttie..Waves pf ,t herii:(perbaps : an ;irpny,on:the:poyerty;of its .portal s to thei Jewa, and ; efforts^ were and munificent generosity. \

, j ; ": fate/of ordinary mortality, he appointed as,theiBpa^ lAnd:;thy;s^edi;would be ' as the 'scholarB'''for'> .want' ''bf ' 'Bupport)i- l-:.That..'.c6n- made itb attract them within its precincts. A' ' .: The want, of an asylum for the poor of his; executors Air. Aaron VGbld8mid;V: Mr.iaridifandj tne' fispring ' of thy body like cussiori of ankles'is;also caused' by them committee : :dissenting:mih|stere :was^pr the German qema^nlty.was

^beglnuing . to George Gpldsrnid.aiid Mr. De Syiudns: He .¦'..' *£

¦¦»! --'i^li« -'iii ii ' -ii-i*Ai';: ¦ ¦'.• -' ••¦ ¦¦¦ >- ¦• . : r-i-W-^'- 'iat^it i;* ixMitiL:~Y&&£K*z'. pointed to,<prepnre.a series of ; lectures, and :be ielt; and in 1705, Messrs. Benjamin and bequeathed to the Great SynngogUe a small "\;:' .the:!ssuefpf>th^ ^^^toflfrtiM^^^^ ]<§&£ of .-, f tf a if a,an^a^aunual sum^ -.. (Ifcmujtbe^ ;ing:litt|e;bellB |;pnf,their,;.ankles; to attract atj . have.felt an especial -calling for such. a mis- ^list rof . 'Biib^rlp on'Bj .t o^which v'they.liberf of JE4yi2s.:to:whoever ;fulflUed the functions :- '

; timesith^y had - s ^ ally- themselves contributed. ' ..:In the year of Chief Rabbi. -To Aaron Gbldsmid j De ::Tillages perhaps centrally located and equi- to know of their presence lfet himrtake flnb ^-h^hiquent - accents. ;


Key; John I7fl7>- the sum collecte^amdunted^ t(^£20,00p Falk y in token of hi? friendship, left a sealed¦• ¦¦'¦¦

¦;.¦.^-iT>f"- vi i - .^A'- > ' - a - '- -'- j '' - ''¦¦¦> ' ¦« ¦'¦V; -•¦¦• ¦'¦ i. ¦¦¦" '¦•¦' j- ¦ >'» -i.-^ "la- v a V "

¦ ^' ; Lowo,a Scotch mmister,:aud;one ;Ot.the;sec- which'iwas investedmthree ppr cent; stock, packet or box. w t h strict injunctions that''^l ^'I' ^^'^^W- m. ashes and;cast;:it;arpund , his couch on the retaries of the Missionary Society, drew up The scheme remained in abeyance puntil It should be carefully preserved; buf nottliaijOne synagogue could.be used by. the floor, and in the morning he will see the, a syllabus of subjects for lectures, which 1806, when a meeting of the Jewish sub- opened. Prosperity to the Goldsmid familyinhabitants of. various places. . They were imprints of chicken feet. Whoever wishes were successively delivered by various En- scribers was summoned.. We advisedly say would attend obedience to; De-Talk's be-

sarrbunded.by dangers -when 'the Hebrews to see them let him take the secundine of a ^ish and

^Ll6 "'611

- f&rd^!

'P* 2i ¥ V?£LB™M

b3 for .a «,u»jderable bests ; while fatal consequences would M- '"" 'L ". ¦_ „ . , ' ,; ¦ '?-. ,. , ¦¦ . , • ¦¦ ; . ui i ' i v u • ¦ iv. ¦¦ - ¦¦ « i-i .' the account rendered by one of these preach- part of this £20,000 had been liberally given low their disregard. Sometime after the .in their own country lived under a; domi:; black cat which is the young of¦ a .black 6rs,! i the hall in Bury Street though, large by Christians^-by large-hearted men, whose Kabbalist's death, Aaron Goldsmid, unsblerieeririg and often malicious class of heathens, cat, and the first-born of a first-born , ;burn ;eribugho- to.'cohtain eight hundred , to nine object ,was : purely philanthropic, and who to overcome his curiosity,-broke the seal ofThese dangers may have»been -called W\6 it and dissolve it in water,:-andtdrop' bf-it huhdred persons; was scantily attended, and had no'desire'to meddle in internal Jewish mysterious packet. On the same day mv«-- ¦;• mil t ' i -4 - ' 'j uu into his ova and ho 'wilt see' them i f the not fifty Jews' were ever fpuud there at duo affairs. At;..that meeting it was: resolved to^ was found dead. Near him was tlielatal ,Maznkm: Therefore we understand Abba '."»" " <>?*> ana., no ^" *™m^", time.. It is represontfd that seme; of the establish an hospital , for the reception, arid paper, which was covered with hieroglyph-Benjamin to haive warned eyerybody not A»^«n)'f .put *lien . pu(i .-. jn:.a^ support of the aged poor, and for the educa-: ics and cabalistic figures,

to go from the- synagogue and leave a riiah and seal it with an iron ,seal, less tiheyJ .steal- ally present at these lectures! but'that they tion , and industrious employment of . the \Ve :need hot multiply instances of De"tii^b'irnvo hnraiiAB fear wnnld. ^lainlr of it J sealcarefully Us mouth that it injure seeihed incredu lous , on religious : subjects; youth of both sexes. A'portion of , the funds Falk's alleged, supernatural, powers. We•di sturbrhim ln his - deyotion tot have; drawn many:Jews:who,(fa r^frbm: stituti6h ,vcam^^

^ riprie must desert his neighbor ih^place of Baw'; ana ^: u"1 '-:"!1-; W^ ^? ^"P?3. their homes arid-lost among thousands, were ;establish.ah hospital for theJewisli sick^ :- ' seeriisf hard ly;wbrthV:while4o summbri ;the-¦danger* :; Therefbre B Tam ¦ thmks,\thi8;re-- prayed ¦ior:him<;and he waSihealed. v. t. less expOsed;to ;pbseryatibiuK'But itliese;ef- : r With tlie l funds on liand; which had'cbh: assistance of . the wbrldbiBpirita/merely to^' :-«»u-^^^-' '«:-Ai^^}^ii''-4i^^''':P-Tiiifi^' ^(Wexbrifessvhotstb know what "to-make fort^id riritvapp^ar to produce any

effect1 Biderably^iicrensed, and wbicli formed a .to-: conjure; awV :v le»ontyj>; ^nrag,pray^

tal i ^pitai;0f . £30,000,000:61001:, an^iin'come :s6trie-con^i.pots-;and^silver 4ishea . ToneX(in TeshubpthyHag^oniin, :;JSo. i-i ;; ,;

^ ^i-^^^^^^^jK, : -- - >"?-'.¦¦ -•¦ they were: not converted. :.We;have: spoken ;of £900 a year ; was secured ; ;vA:spacious makeiveandle burn for weeks is; a Very pur^.: adds' thaVtbeShekihanibeing present^ ; u^^^n/?™n. ^v-V''-: ^;:V^^ " •¦¦' ¦•/

¦::. atvlength on the-subjectbf/Jevvish v tonver-: arid :cbriyeniehtA building especially i:bbn- poselesa prodigy, 'unless applicable to the ;¦ at lea^t^b*woShWJ:tbge^h^ y v;4^



Benj amin^said, a.man s prayer sionsy-aud We need riot revert^ theqiies- 8tructed ,w as;:bperfed:;bh ;thb;28th bf;;Jurieii objectsibf dbmestii! economy. We, will not; - ---x&<fT&*&l3£i^ is no Whereias acceptable . :(t6:God) as in^the -tion j we^wilL bnly iobaerve ^hatcbnveraibn 1807 Ife;- was:,called;4her-Neyeh~Tzetlekr-^ ;:u'ndertake^to:? y-:w-Keilier ;-there---iB*m 'Sre-in ' - .- -¦r^^°"i^^^J^^^^^^--- 'i,^i^ svnairbeae^said i'a Chrori^ vii -iocbin^are societies; have seldom ,::iheverrgained oyer Abode of : Righteouspess^-and:it; provided ;heav6riibr;earth than we dream of.iri our::,heyis;ithfe:;eau^¦'¦¦'• Ibaiebs^^We think; ; hbweveriithiSl refeirs'tb i10.?* ^^^y1 ; f J/:v;,+V^? Women , ten bbys and eight girls. : ,The new Falk's miracles partook oi the rifttiire of the •

' the-distuibed •devbtion^'bl rtho v

adoration and the prayer-' (in the temple of these oiTorta:wefe relinquished yOrie-of ;the' institution-prbved a success; V/Jt Was most . 'fe^ts^ pertb'rme'd--:bV'Kobert'Hou^in;'Profear' ¦¦• ;i^iB'v'3;-"i'' -^ '"'' ' r 'i - '. ;.:K '"'? 'y^*";; Solomon) ; ;the ,place;;bf adoratibiVv is also disseriting^rairiisters.Dr.^Hrinter^whbyap- favorably described in tlie press of the day.:; 8br Anderson and DtvLyh n j or whether, as¦ '' H^YiW '¦ ^¦* ;^


^ Y;l w^-::':f v^v^e-?v :'f7 'the-:Prbner niiice of ' braver ''- ' '"* - v - " ¦' ¦ peaved to; be; more sefisible :tlian:5the rest, and-it has been.since steadily extending its is most probable of all, they were ordinary::¦! 3; ¦ AbbaBen]amin'said(if . permission^ declared theundertoking .to be fruitless, and scope; a -0 giyehtb theeyefose°inbcreato^ boys, after ;a ;cbur6eVof proper ihstructiori;; loye of the marvelbiisand bf the supernat-bn accou^f 0j ;

th^ 3/^



adds thereto : The Hbly One is present not encourage - us as yet ib expect ; the con- were taught a trade in' the house, and atthe; ural - bbtainiifg ih the mind of the vulgar;

v eyeningata distance from the villages; . The ;; - °?, fj^^1" tno;; nf ° S#; Dr- Hunter also alleged , and the first part of learnt reading; writing, rieediewQrk, cooking benefactor, > and "consulted- him- r<&* everyterm-AT jriitiTi signiiying^ vt.b.ei .- . .':;->f^ ,^

.y?£50/a^8o.'t^?uM ;i .that trie his propbsitioh is correct^-,";Thii't Jews had and^otlier domestic arts, arid were kept in emergency during his' lifeV- while they^ biess-. -- ma^itiis certeihiy true that man could not Sbe^iuah is present wherever Jten 1 worship? ri^^^ ed: his memory after death ior .the liberal

^l°" -- i- '?* "i * I ways^e

abie to : .:-^v^ .yj * divirib

¦ worahib^ fbrm a met withhatred, contemp.ti and persecutions :liospitable roof of* the Neveh :Tzedek ,::in m« De" Symons, he surviving bxecutori :. - gee all the .thousand;, dangers^threatening ^

mP'efl whiclrt6vBren-d ,their .'d6^^ V , ^ , ; ^ : v :-: ." him at everv s'tep bn the ;they : remained^there until sumriibtaedHto: : J ' s- - --i Jy ^J- ' *- - ' ¦: h^-- * :'' :£+X- ,>•'¦'¦ fcrmo iif ^irlfinlB ,fibi^iinri'i niiisni^ vand' is alsopresent where three

sit together as a deserve reproduction: ;;;" Whenever the sal- ioiii the greater number. Ainong the found-: - Morol l»octrliie« of the R«l»b£»f ,rr,?,,"*,V : :v ^rm

^; latent diseases m thelo^:: Abai adds;.to,the; above, ^They ;;are;m"' imnierousvthan 'we are - arid surround us as n^es

a. court o^mstice .as ^ w le^ to tne successiurexecutiouof an idea; to ;: ¦¦'¦¦ .- - :: ' ' :. - :. -yy - : - r ;,.the" earth does the pit in' the virieyard;!, niightyj - Exodus xxii. 8). ..The Shekiriah is contribuied ;my mitfe toward the attempt, the origin of which he iwas not himself a .; '.- ¦'¦' : - ; . ¦ -.- • :.¦:¦¦¦' *» ¦¦ :w-^- ' - ' i i;; - - - -L -'- - ::A^.^T-'^i«^ :^-*i;« -^rfu^rt ilw present where 'two'' sit- and together study in but underiai Cbmplete corivictibri of its^ total stranger.; ¦<': ¦ :; ¦: ' ¦:;''¦".':¦; .;'' ' ;- ; ; ¦¦ ¦

¦;;; :.;; ; :: ; -: ; • ^ ciupter vi; : , ; : - ./ , - ; V;., Perhaps hevrefe^;;cOriditibh then bf^the Hebrews in Palestine^ has been iusually attributed to those Jewish ^.is^

^ iiurrounded by "domineering- and-"often whp iear God .will converse wu^ doctors /who -bave mastered, the secrets of far"?d WW, as_ w^ 1 - ns^diiposi^onsM ^,

^ahcipus beatbens. ^K.^na. counte^hese ,£j -;^ £ -- j ^ : -. --j

^l .

6veht bt my life." Oh , that the "over-zeal- aturgos via by rib means new in Jewish his^




Km° ^


h^H?" :• . dangers by reference to Psalms, xci. 7, and ^^: TeT

^ltn WP: ^^^

, tho^;^^^^^ ^ tor >,--; ,; ;-;.* - . ; :¦¦.- .; - :v be guided by the;Custonis of ,h s^ couritry-, :, ;:: addsi :"Every;oriolof us ,has^^ mtu^^n^^¦¦- - ¦- ¦¦:(Jfo«iJtm) at his left-hand and a: myriad at intends to do^ God has/commanded and Icerity. of Dr^ Hunter I ' and that the pious bid those miraculous gifts, made his. appear- ^!

WriS W%™ 5SS SS V ¦

^>isx:iih^ ilie is

prevented^^W ^ii^ . ^tend e^arte

d ^ ^S'of ffiJS^^&^fflb 'a?®' R* ffi^&tSSt moreover^; :;;¦

;v time:tb^v: down harmlessly by the protection of Proyi- ir^ rianie ; this holder of mi extraordinary fac- ^^xK in *iirHn^'?st. e u£t^


£- '^¦•; dence, . In this .rational sense, we believe^ present wherever one sits arid m tdales in;

of the ,numerous heathens ^ho ; walk jn the ultyj which was said to haive proved highly ^ ™V>y ^^il^i^i^wifh w^^n SlaU ' :¦- ''' : .the Patestiiiean HagaM^^eats

the term the Law- as said: ;'At every^ place/where I 8treet8,of?Lo don,>nd:Wholkripw notitlieii- valuable, to hiin^was riownin; eyervday,

^^^^^^iioo^lh^ \¦¦¦¦ ¦¦'¦¦£?< - .;. :..'U y ' .,r- ;-- 'w-:-^-v r -- ; r ¦ ¦ni;w=iiu'' '-,^'i-T.-o^-v*A '' »i» --:™k«ft>;-n«j ; '-T right hand from thej r left A' certain for- life as Dr. or Kabbi.de J a'k. He came frpm ° :*- ™ ,,"J5- "¦-¦¦" ^""-SftV ¦:"¦?* V» -Si ^.„^'.iiir lil del^mhe^leBtirieari ^ Blessed , li^e manj hatwalketh

^not m the

^KSi nifj Sr&^le mer bretliren to follbw:his example, like the at^he/expense ; of the ' Congregation^De ?ou^8^tl .??n^^

l^^w^,: ^ ^

:-^^m^mm^^M^^^e r:m Taimud add,::th ShekiriabVbeing : present fox which: hadjlost:its tail,;; ':Freyv heCamefa; JDVlk vhiinseU ^as -withbu^m tfeuSms bf w3

?are?S^d StS-ffip^P%p^^^^*fe| ^ u . nri iAiif ai^ in ¦ thri V n i, * wV,W ' o V Christian clergyman, and to inspire fa th in reached thts country. - ,; WheUier he'owned VW ?^tomB

91 t" *.;?/ L--!?.J}:! .-¦ y-W ^ l ^ ^ ^^ :


^ ^ V W** his siricerity-he adop d such^eme views amorig>h iB bthbr^edrets: the-grand ohb of ^^^^ : ;^^e:taberna^leV^was;the;day when-the;Mi2- said^^^^ the ttonsmutatibri bflm etals,-or whether he TM^. way^ he oiightcto goto a .place the m^.¦-' - nkmperished^as said 1 (Psalms xbi^ 10) : '- .'-No'' beeri seitunderstbbd) ? ' Because) two might ¦; and his bwoi fetlbw-laborers wereconstrained followed privately some lucrative Occupation . habitants p.t wnicn are -ng^woiis men, wno . .

• -evil BhairbefalBthee/hor shau a^y;plagub write^downctheir researches ;iri ' a.bbbk^bf tb;admittb?thbeffected little^ good iri^heir like :a;: mmon;.mortal^we.raro ;;unttb^

ffilffiSbiffil BWltth^^^' : theOf^ He addressed a letfer to the Jews oflwhich iri jjbssbss

: the world (breather the ;superstitibri bt his firet cares was to remit to tl^¦begat^them). ^Jbhanan learfls 'this'fact'from^ this^bf two, why,;is -itlsaid-also -of -three ^lbmbnVBemiett,;,:a^Pole,:;wrbte;^ ^a Ration ^rurth-the^ount qf theexpe ^K'ed&M^

¦ :thee,';:;wbich:v^immediately precedes;:the' haye supposed ; to' /decide .cas«sv in: lawv is sbirie years after:thev beginning, of the" pres-: bccasibnally- be Ifburid ; himself :in' absolute ¦' ot---^.1-v^1

1|?'V- -;?1f .0 8h^^%a^; abbvep i/ worldly^ business of friendly- intercourse ent;^ehtiiry: .-: that rank aaiZ wealth' com- need;;' whien :he?did hot disda in-to seek ad- tar lly^by;; nuns «.l f^]ust^ ^^Baw : .;ue .'•¦ ¦ th^e against afa«&:'':; where the Shekinah-is ::hotpres^^ vancesv;onl Ws ; atevirom ^;pawhbrbk^r.in ^^^§ J^^ ^{ :-

eaid by King Solomon, /If GodfaVoi^th the iis the^: him to dwejl in^the country unless , he mixwa^of a man/ also - h is enemies-Will make (He nce the

ShekinahJs^present " in every ¦> Nbtwithstahding the^imp/bved v tbrie of he' summbried thiem^back to his own closet ;i w«tb .them^

and be^uided by


^acev -withlhimi' ^this Kword'-'also ' inust: court where justice is administered.) Kiiow^ .feeling, toward^the ; Jews which; wto, begin^ but ;he:al™ honprably acquitteu^is debt

^^^^ ^ .'^Sm m!'¦ ' —*¦¦' -*¦¦•'; •' '¦¦¦¦ -' ¦'¦ --:i.u' ' ¦*. ' '>1 ¦: ¦ ' ¦¦ <y . .:; t - \ui"'k( *k^> ^fc«* v «-^ +<.^ w,«uV:^bvi » ning to prevail among tbe educated part of One day, /shortly; after having depos ted l ,ic*^ei

?'ian" ^es7ri?;laiu?r;r"7"K"I^^,nf.,",#P???^.1? 8°me^i°B

io^ ;:expressed, ny-the. ing this of three, why, are^

en menAionedJ the

^oputatibn, the Jneral position S tliat some gold and;silver vessels -with th*Tpawii- ffi n V1?^^ ^il?-^

9^Verse; it;;pwrits; to the ITazzikim of the Because, where ten worship; the Shekinah cbmuiunity was^by no:meari8 more -secure; b^ker,:house toi make peace.withihe iaybred man; is there before : them, and^ where:.three ad-' jh6re;horiorable,;or'vniorts brilliant <tharivit question ,;: arid:Jaying down; the duplicate '* laSf',° JTW

,a " f f: n^n^nflmBnt to 'ancUhese(Mamkirhrb akin 'tb flies; gnats- minister justice thW Shekinah comes to. .h^:been

:durmg:the^reced^ Withvttte sum

advanced andj exact .interes^ y£^^ \ M\ l^m .aM fleaS;,;:A^n;p,^story is recoMedr^^ heatheirasked fiabbi. the place of Worship is always holyi.which somewhat hardly: upon, them.: Again , in ; session!- -The -incredulity with, which this ^v^? -*

W1 9b v ^^- l fr^i!^Jochanah ben Saccai these ithings which the court room is during court sessions only.) July 1798, the ;Lord:jyiayor summoned the statement/was j ceceived^ changed inUV absp- ^^\Kj^J"tn th« ' KhXlfinh Kfi-liS-yo^db,p^

>itchcraft :Ydu take a: ; ^- J^vaW^S $^%®&£^m S^p^Shld^Spli ^^

heifer, kill it, burn it to ashesr:and powder ^min^

separa ejy, they , advance^that he Secretaries of - Stete^ma. orderedv hira 'to without'displacirig'any' 6i the artiShat P amln^ ^h^ commandment, .say: .thus: ;it (dissolve it in water) ; if then one of' you Wished he could always pray at hpme, be- prociire:a returb of all aliens within- three had surrounded it. :, .. '¦ :¦.' , Weave to

^ wise on vand toKtbeir disciples,

is unclean ly contact; with a corpse,: you cause there; was ganger in the sybagogues, weeks^ and^;all Jews > not

^conforming were B^bblDe Falk lived jn. Wellclose Square, f h^uf hTr

aa$ ShTr^nd alsb to marrv^...nh^o^ea.


^eS ; ^SMK^SSM ;SP^. pronounce him clean (Numbers xix). The- ship in the synagogue, and there they must ,meMur£, l0 induce all fbretgn Jews except he exercised great benevolence-toward the drink- with.scholars ; tp . trade with scholars,rabbi replied, has never an. unclean spirit: protect- ea;ch other;. and because .danger those wlio had become free denizens; to at- deserving. He is described as a. man of and- t0 W ¥ im .tnem^y,every meaifs orseized upon this man? he. said no; has he lurks there, it is so much more eYerybody 's tend in the vestry-room forth e purposes/of universal knowledge, of singular manners, Stm°ft»St x? 221 ' I^it^mSr thenever seen one seized by an evil spirit? he duty to go thdre and assist in the protection regmtration. AtUte same tune a meetingpf and of .wpriderful talent, which-seemed to

^^vi' idt enioinea Ssl and sa dTu?rer Bwu . «K«!iu uj

?".ei;u .jwfii i lb ..;. ^^

. .

. j . .. ¦ the Honorary Officta s of . the v Ashkenaz command the supernatural agencies of apir- ?,?P ir iVY t 10-^2 i L *¦ ua.? it»^ *=>said . yes. What was done in that case? of the others. Rabbin b. B, Adda, how- Congregations was held «tth e Anti-Gallican itual life. #. ' - "SuiTer thyself to become dnsty by the dust

The. heathen said, they brought plants to ever, held the opinion of R. Isaac, that to Ooffee-hbuse; nnder the presidency of: Mr.: Instances are given of his extraordinary °-!,.1the^ J?6^: fy ev the .feet of .the learned^,

make smoke under that man then they worship in the congregation of ten or more Abraham Goldsmid; at Which it was re- faculties, by respectable witnesses of his and ,.( \lrIDk tueir words wnn tmrs=t ^. e.,

sprinkled water upon him and the evil is the Israelite's duty ; the holiness is in the solved to register all members, seatholders^^ in Bt|??,%1 men' are commanded to loveV.. '¦' . wbwm- .upun. mm, anu me e.yn j > . • . ,. . , past seatholders,- and their servants, so as to the stones they related; Dr. De Falk was a 1V " TAn ,men .BTe commanaea . 10 . wvp

spirit left.t then the rabbi said, do thy congregation and not in the building. R. ^void incurring the perialties of the law. frequent guest at Aaron Goldsmid's teble. every . Israelite, just as one loves himself;ears not hear what thy mouth speaks? This Ashai thinks it is rieither in the congrega- We areglad, however, tb be able to record One day, it is said, the Baal Shem was invi- i0T. if, 1S f lV «urr - n0TV -; ¦ yr \ l -1*1is an evil spirit (seizing upon the man who tion nor in the building, it is in the pure an example of liberality and good feeling ted to call on one

^of Mr. Goldsmid's visit- "gjb°tnSr

VJ?& aneakTn his (» i his»A»i.„;' ¦'¦¦' ¦¦¦ + i'' -.v. \ -j TYintivP - thprfifora ha nlaces aftpr his • own displayed toward the Jews, a few brief years ors, a gentleman , dwelling in the Chapter ougiu inereiore .10 speaK in niB ^.. e., macomes in contact with a corpse) as said motrve , Jherefore he places alter h;s own

aft^.tnis occurrence.- Mn Abraham Sold- house in St. Paul's Churchyard, to hold neighbor's) -prafse, and . to. care for . his(Zach. xii: 2): 'And also the prophets and the words. And whence dol know that even 8mid and Mr. Gabriel I Brandon, as Presi- some Conversation with him in a friendly money, lust as he carea fpr his own moneyunclean spirit will I remove from the land ;' brie nieditating ih the Law the Shekinah is dents of their respective Synagogues, in manner on philosophical subjects : and as-he-wishes-Joi^is

^own^pnor; and

we sprihklb upon him the water bf purifi: with him ?" lete. The reason why tab Duke's Pla<je and ;6evis .Marks, applied in. fi"W hen will you come?" asked the gen- htsT^areSe^d^haU^„»«^.' j i-^i

¦' t. "a^ j l r„i„„i m ntfflr .hP(l bo nuif»h iitinortj itiPB to 1801 to Mr. Mamwaring. Chairman of the tleman. ¦'¦ • nas no snare in vne worm tnat is tp,come,cation and C leaves; the , man. After the Tmaaim attached so mucn importance to Oomtai88ion 0f Magistrltes for the preser- De Ealk took from his pocket a small Y' ty? f0/ e. stranger who came andheathen had left the disciples, objected : synagogues and congregational worship, so vation of the peace in the County of Mid- piece of wax candle, and handing it to his ente;ed

cr %¦ J^-' Wo) under tho wingsrabbi, thou bast outwitted that, man with a much more thaii to the prayer in the quiet dlesex, • praying that Jewish prisoners in new acquaintance,, replied: "Light this, ot the Briecnmah is [ordained by] two [dis-straw 'what answer doesit thbu' mve lis ? He closet, will be discussed at another occasion ; Bridewell might be dispensed from work on sir, when .you get'.home, and I shall be with "nc>J '?°f'JiiS comniandments. 1 irat— be-,S^n - •"^??^' -: :-3 h«a we Trill but briefl y sav that corigreea Sab^ath8 and festivafs. Whereupon Mr; you as soon as it goes out.'? cause he (the stranger) is included m thesaid to them, as you live the corpse makes here we will , but briefly,say that congrega- Mainwari de8ired to b& inform^d of the Next mowing, the gentleman in question definition . of neighbor (whom we are corn-riot unclean, and the watei; makes not tional worship was one of the means of Is- date of such festivals and the hour begin- lighted the pieee of candle. He watched it manded to- loye); and again—because he isclean, but this is an ordiiiance of the rael's preservation after the fall of Jerusa- nirig according: to:tbe. Jewish ritual. These closely, expecting it to: be consumed soon, a8Hange'vani e


8irW^Kiriff bf TCiAt.*^ The HolvOnfi Bavfl ITiflvn lem and its tempi*.) " particulars having been duly furnished; Mr. arid then to see De Falk. In vain. The x> ™A, /ne 'P°F ° n^1°le88eMM «¦ -, i^f^°%t « ^? — ' r y ' "a

! - * . kainwaring wrote the following courteous taper, like, the sepulchral lamps of old, enjoifled us the loveof the stranger [inj heordained laws, I hare given ordinances, and S> , qommuniiatibri to Mr. de Castro, Secretary burned all day. and all night, without the samev [words], that He has enjoined/uMhenbm aii shall transgress them." Here is a-; f ThU Bentenoe oi R. A«hai must notbe oyeriooked. tc, the Portuguese coinmuriity: " least diminution in its flame. He removed [?ve • of J* '-° n n^ejjojr lt is said: .Anddouble- denial of the existed ?«^

the7'u fa

-,*" m\n *ud: ¦**; motiye la the «< Sia.wl have received the list of the the magic candle into a closet; when he in- ^gu. v ^f]'; $*

ihy G

^^^"iV °. ; " ! " °i™"^°w

o»» °i" i deed. But Qod.punlghea not theman for had mottrei ^i„^i, ^„„^Si,4 u. « t^ j soected it several

times dailv for thn snurn VK: 5) (so that, the word' LOVE is used in.the onejaysm the quotatioa made by the wbloh ^

pno deedj. Thla te Taimudbal Sfe^*SS\*S


n,0;-t8r 5rier ofthreb Seeks 0™

e^evSe t lastPDr both ,insUce»> The Holy Orie'blessed berabbi; ^Mach m tumah refers to no standpoint. - gogS aSblg^^Seftrevil spirits - and the second lays in the die- , ' : , " fo?^ SjS ^SSSnlSciples' objection. Passages like these are [From Sketches oi Anglo-Jevriak Hl»tory.] and inform them that X will, as soon aa pos- -seeing De F^lk, as the taper, shortly before VR' Whosoever hates.an _Iflraelite in his

very numerous' in the tiagadah especially Conrersiontet Att«mptik-Pnvii«sa or sible, obtain the indulgences requested for hui adv^> *** 8tl11 burning as brightly as- heart transgresses a negative command-S SS^J ^¦?^2^3tSrf >ri-oa.r»4.'il.e Jew-'Ho.pM.l- , such Jews, as may be so unfortunate as to evf' . . , . .; ...: '' T !?/ lt- 18

^d: vTh^

n?t ^

of Palestine; -ye^

also , the contrary thereof A Baal Shem.:. become prisoners in the gaols under the J " "P11 ¦¦Tv. 1 t"8 were over, ^y brother m thme heart. Lev. xix, 17.)was maintained by some rabbis, as appears ' ¦ • direction of the magistrates of this^county the master of the house hastened to look- Yet he can notbe flogged forItransgressingjalso to be the case in the passage which we The increasins interest felt on behalf of lam, etc.,: " W. Mainwabino.!' ' at t>e,ca5,dLe in vtLe cIoS6t- , had disap- this negative comttiandmen tjvbecause it'ife .

tt^Wdiif«; - xne lncreasmg interest ieii on penaii pi ' « , ' , . , . . , ,„„„ ^ . peared. When he returned, he asked De not connected with ,any positive act. But^S^!- v Sle -i?W8 raan,fe.sted ltself among certain *gten

kmdJ>ct <f tbis gentleman deserves |-alk wheth„r the.agent thathad removed- now the law is bfakiollcitbus about (t. c,"Rabba said, the throng at the sermon is Christians, by an increasing care for the wel- mention as estebhshmgan official precedent the caridle Wo«ld bring back llie «andle- takes cognizance of) hatred. i» the hbabtcaused' by them (the Mazzikin mixing ambng fere of Jewish souls. Accprding^

to these tor su& exe^ptwns. . e same. pnyilege Bticfe. «0h ye9/J ^ . pW>, '% is .(i e,, secret hatred) ;, so that he whe smitest\iT j * ¦ " v*»?. «**«^"*i"»*»'8 «' » s persons of pecu bar minds, salvation could haa since been frequently, though not in va- now i„ vdur kitchpn HpW " whl/h ¦i.tiiftii* his fellow or he who abuses -him Fwiththe audience, or perhaps it is an irony on 'Sniy be achievedby belief in[ their own creed; riably,. accorded to Jews In English prisons; SroVed tobe tbe fact ' ' wordl]' &"" Pty benches). Those,weak knees are. beyond which nothing-could be expected where fortunately;the . number or Jewish ¦*¦ 0nce a fire was ragina iri DuWs Place '»), can not be "said to have transgressedT^is one oi i.o^swh. hap^ ^^^elniro^by tho prlmiUve fhrlst^B, mWward theehd of last centu^ : y . ¦

a^sKc^or^la^^igw-.to drive ou^theevu spirits of aeophltc*, sinn.n, vert the Jews on a large, scale; Mo .regulor We hare already said ' th>it the German wrote only four . Hebrew Otters on the pil- and yet keep silencb, as is said of the wick- ¦»ick people, and haunted places. ; . society for that purpose had yet been, formed, J ews were beginning to acquire wealth and lars of the door, when the wind immediate- ed: Arid Absolom spake unto [his brotherl
