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A VLSI Based Approach - Wine Yard VLSI Based Approach Ms. Rashmi D S, ... Schematic of 8-bit Brent...

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2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT] Modeling of Adders using CMOS and GDI Logic for Multiplier Applications A VLSI Based Approach Ms. Rashmi D S, Ms. Sadiya Rukhsar R, Ms. Shilpa H R, Ms. Vidyashree C R. .UG Students, Dept. of E&CE, PESITM, Shivamogga. [email protected] Mr. Kunjan D. Shinde Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PESITM, Shivamogga. [email protected] Mr. Nithin H V Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, PESITM, Shivamogga. [email protected] AbstractAs the days go by, the innovation in the technology is growing faster and smaller chips with more complexity in the design and implementation. Design of adders is prime importance in any given embedded application; hence the design of reliable and efficient adder on a VLSI based embedded application matters. In this paper we primarily deal with the construction of high speed adder circuits. Design and modeling of various adders like Ripple Carry Adder, Kogge Stone Adder, and Brent Kung Adder is done by using CMOS and GDI logic and comparative analysis is coated. The simulated results verify the functionality of high speed adders and performance parameters like Power, Delay and power-delay product is analyzed. With the results obtained and analysis made, gives a clear picture that KSA is the more efficient in speed and power parameters. Keywords—Ripple Carry Adder (RCA), Kogge Stone Adder (KSA), Brunt Kung Adder (BKA), Cadence, Multiplier using adder, Gate count, number of transistors, Power, and Delay. I. INTRODUCTION In electronic, an adder is a digital circuit that performs addition of number. In many computers and other kind of processors, adders are used not only in the Arithmetic Logic unit(ALU), but also in other parts of the processors. In this paper a different set of adders like RCA,KSA,BKA are of the adders are tabulated.Designed using Cadence Design Suite 6.1.6 at GPDK 180nm technology using CMOS and GDI logic and the comparative analysis is given. Addition is the most fundamental operation in any digital system. A simple adder performs the addition of given two numbers and the result is sum of those two numbers. Multiplication operation greatly depends on adder operation as it is one of the key hardware block in most digital signal processing system. Its main block is Arithmetic unit. The number of multiplication operation is performed by a series or parallel addition concept. The rest of the sections in this paper are arranged as, Section 2 gives the literature survey of various adder designs, here the adders are designed and implemented on CADENCE toolset for VLSI back-end design, Section 3 gives the methodology to design various adders like RCA, KSA and BKA, Section 4 gives the simulation results and performance analysis of the various adders, followed by conclusion and references sections. II. LITERATURE SURVEY Design and modeling of adders for VLSI and embedded application is a critical task to perform, the following are the few references that we have gone through that has helped us in the design of adders, In [1] the authors have designed and simulated various adders like RCA, CSA, CLA and KSA for s precession of 8-bit and have coated a comparative statement. The simulations and analysis is made on Cadence Design Suite using 45nm technology. In [2] the authors have designed and tested 1-but full adders using Cadence Design Suite at GPDK 45nm technology with unvaried width and length parameter of MOSFET used. And a comparative analysis and simulation result is coated. In [3] the FPGA implementation of 8bit adders like RCA, CSA, CLA, and KSA is performed and its RTL is coated with its implementation details. In [4] the detail investigation of the performances of 8-bit KSA and BKA adder in terms of computational delay and design areasare studied. In [5] the survey and brief on the design of BKA is provided. In [6] the FPGA implementation, comparison, and performance analysis of parallel prefix adders is made. III. DESIGN OF ADDERS A. Ripple Carry Adder: The RCA block can be constructed by cascading full adder blocks in series. It is possible to create a logical circuit using multiple full adder to add N-bit numbers. Each full adder inputs a C in ,which is the C out of the previous adder. This kind of adder is RCA, since each carry bit “ripples” to the next full adder. For an n bit adder it requires n 1 bit full adder. Drawbacks of Ripple Carry Adder: The RCA is relatively slow since each full adder must wait for the carry bit to be calculated from the previous full adder. Equation of Ripple Carry Adder S i = A i XOR B i XOR C i-1 (1) C i+1 = (A i AND B i ) OR (B i AND C i ) OR (C i AND A i ) (2) 978-1-5090-1277-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

Modeling of Adders using CMOS and GDI Logic for Multiplier Applications

A VLSI Based Approach

Ms. Rashmi D S, Ms. Sadiya Rukhsar R, Ms. Shilpa H R,

Ms. Vidyashree C R. .UG Students,

Dept. of E&CE, PESITM, Shivamogga.

[email protected]

Mr. Kunjan D. Shinde Assistant Professor,

Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

PESITM, Shivamogga. [email protected]

Mr. Nithin H V Assistant Professor,

Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

PESITM, Shivamogga. [email protected]

Abstract—As the days go by, the innovation in the technology is growing faster and smaller chips with more complexity in the design and implementation. Design of adders is prime importance in any given embedded application; hence the design of reliable and efficient adder on a VLSI based embedded application matters. In this paper we primarily deal with the construction of high speed adder circuits. Design and modeling of various adders like Ripple Carry Adder, Kogge Stone Adder, and Brent Kung Adder is done by using CMOS and GDI logic and comparative analysis is coated. The simulated results verify the functionality of high speed adders and performance parameters like Power, Delay and power-delay product is analyzed. With the results obtained and analysis made, gives a clear picture that KSA is the more efficient in speed and power parameters.

Keywords—Ripple Carry Adder (RCA), Kogge Stone Adder (KSA), Brunt Kung Adder (BKA), Cadence, Multiplier using adder, Gate count, number of transistors, Power, and Delay.

I. INTRODUCTION In electronic, an adder is a digital circuit that performs

addition of number. In many computers and other kind of processors, adders are used not only in the Arithmetic Logic unit(ALU), but also in other parts of the processors. In this paper a different set of adders like RCA,KSA,BKA are of the adders are tabulated.Designed using Cadence Design Suite 6.1.6 at GPDK 180nm technology using CMOS and GDI logic and the comparative analysis is given.

Addition is the most fundamental operation in any digital system. A simple adder performs the addition of given two numbers and the result is sum of those two numbers. Multiplication operation greatly depends on adder operation as it is one of the key hardware block in most digital signal processing system. Its main block is Arithmetic unit. The number of multiplication operation is performed by a series or parallel addition concept.

The rest of the sections in this paper are arranged as, Section 2 gives the literature survey of various adder designs, here the adders are designed and implemented on CADENCE toolset for VLSI back-end design, Section 3 gives the methodology to design various adders like RCA, KSA and

BKA, Section 4 gives the simulation results and performance analysis of the various adders, followed by conclusion and references sections.

II. LITERATURE SURVEY Design and modeling of adders for VLSI and embedded

application is a critical task to perform, the following are the few references that we have gone through that has helped us in the design of adders, In [1] the authors have designed and simulated various adders like RCA, CSA, CLA and KSA for s precession of 8-bit and have coated a comparative statement. The simulations and analysis is made on Cadence Design Suite using 45nm technology. In [2] the authors have designed and tested 1-but full adders using Cadence Design Suite at GPDK 45nm technology with unvaried width and length parameter of MOSFET used. And a comparative analysis and simulation result is coated. In [3] the FPGA implementation of 8bit adders like RCA, CSA, CLA, and KSA is performed and its RTL is coated with its implementation details. In [4] the detail investigation of the performances of 8-bit KSA and BKA adder in terms of computational delay and design areasare studied. In [5] the survey and brief on the design of BKA is provided. In [6] the FPGA implementation, comparison, and performance analysis of parallel prefix adders is made.


A. Ripple Carry Adder: The RCA block can be constructed by cascading full adder

blocks in series. It is possible to create a logical circuit using multiple full adder to add N-bit numbers. Each full adder inputs a Cin,which is the Cout of the previous adder. This kind of adder is RCA, since each carry bit “ripples” to the next full adder. For an n bit adder it requires n 1 bit full adder. Drawbacks of Ripple Carry Adder:

The RCA is relatively slow since each full adder must wait for the carry bit to be calculated from the previous full adder. Equation of Ripple Carry Adder Si= Ai XOR Bi XOR Ci-1 (1) Ci+1= (Ai AND Bi) OR (Bi AND Ci) OR (Ci AND Ai) (2)

978-1-5090-1277-0/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

Figure1: Block diagram and Schematic of 1-bit Full Adder.

Figure 2: Block diagram of 8-bit Ripple Carry Adder

B. Kogge Stone Adder: KSA is a parallel prefix form carry look ahead adder. It

generates carry in O (log n) time and is widely considered as the fastest adder and is widely used in the industry for high performance arithmetic circuits.

In KSA, carries are computed fast by computing them in parallel at the cost of increased area. It has three processing stages for calculating the sum bits. Working of KSA:

i. Pre-processing: In this step the computation of generate and propagate signals corresponding too each pair of bits in A and B. These signals are given by the logic equations below: Pi = Ai xor Bi (3) Gi = Ai and Bi (4)

ii. Carry lookahead network: This block differentiates KSA from other adders and is the main force behind its high performance. This step involves computation of carries corresponding to each bit. It uses group propagate and generate as intermediate signals which are given by the logic equations below: Black Cell. The black cell takes two pairs of generate and propagate signals (Gi, Pi) and (Gj, Pj) as input and computes a pair of generate and propagate signals (G, P) as output G = Gi OR (Pi AND Pj) (5) P = Pi AND Pj (6) Grey Cell. The gray cell takes two pairs of generate and propagate signals (Gi, Pi) and (Gj, Pj) as inputs and Computes a generate signal G as output G = Gi OR (Pi AND Pj) (7)

iii. Post processing: This is the final step and is common to all adders of this family (carry look ahead). It involves computation of sum bits. Sum bits are computed by the logic given below: Si = pi xor Ci-1.

Figure 3: Computational stages of Parallel Prefix Adder.

Figure 4: Schematic of 8-bit KoggeStone Adder

C. Brent Kung Adder: Brent Kung Parallel Prefix Adder has a low fan-out from

each prefix cell but has a long critical path and is not capable of extremely high speed addition. In spite of that, this adder proposed as an optimized and regular design of a parallel adder that addresses the problems of connecting gates in a way to minimize chip area. Accordingly, it considered as one of the better tree adders for minimizing wiring tracks, fan out and gate count and used as a basis for many other networks.

Figure 5: Schematic of 8-bit Brent Kung Adder

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The following are the simulation results and performance

analysis of various adders with precession of 3 bit,4 bit,7bit and 8 bit. The design is done using CMOS and GDI logic using Cadence Design Suite 6.1.6 at GPDK 180nm technology. The part A shows schematic and simulation results of the same and part B shows comparative analysis with performance measure as power, Delay and Number of Transistor.

2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

A. Schematic and Simulation results.

Figure 6: Schematic and Waveform of 3-bitRCA CMOS

Figure 7: Schematic and Waveform of 3-bit RCA GDI

Figure 8: Schematic and Waveform of 3-bit KSA CMOS

Figure 9: Schematic and Waveform of 3-bit KSA GDI

Figure 10: Schematic and Waveform of 3-bit BKA CMOS

Figure 11: Schematic and Waveform of 3-bit BKA GDI

Figure 12: Schematic and Waveform of 4-bit RCA CMOS

Figure 13: Schematic and Waveform of 4-bit RCA GDI

Figure 14: Schematic and Waveform of 4-bit KSA CMOS

Figure 15: Schematic and Waveform of 4-bit KSA GDI

Figure 16: Schematic and Waveform of 4-bit BKA CMOS

Figure 17: Schematic and Waveform of 4-bit BKA GDI

2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

Figure 18: Schematic and Waveform of 7-bit RCA CMOS

Figure 19: Schematic and Waveform of 7-bit RCA GDI

Figure 20: Schematic and Waveform of 7-bit KSA CMOS

Figure 21: Schematic and Waveform of 7-bit KSA GDI

Figure 22: Schematic and Waveform of 7-bit BKA CMOS

Figure 23: Schematic and Waveform of 7-bit BKA GDI

Figure 24: Schematic and Waveform of 8-bit RCA CMOS

Figure 25: Schematic and Waveform of 8-bit RCA GDI

Figure 26: Schematic and Waveform of 8-bit KSA CMOS

Figure 27: Schematic and Waveform of 8-bit KSA GDI

Figure 28: Schematic and Waveform of 8-bit BKA CMOS

Figure 29: Schematic and Waveform of 8-bit BKA GDI

2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

B. Comparative analysis The comparative analysis of the various adders with

performance measure as Number of transistor, Power and Delay is coated here. Form the comparative analysis it is clear that the CMOS design gives a less power consumption compared to GDI design style, and the GDI design gives less delay and consumes less number of transistor compared to CMOS design style. For a given multiplier application the

design of multiplier employing adder can use adders coated here, at the initial stages the GDI based adder can be used to optimize area and delay, where as the CMOS design based adder can be used at the final stage to balance on the power state. The highlighted part of the design coats the parameter which is best in the given design style, based on this the designer can select adder as per the requirement.

Table 1: comparative analysis of 3-bit adders using CMOS and GDI logic

Parameter RCA CMOS





Worst case Delay

S0 11.35e-9 283.7e-12 11.23e-9 11.23e-9 11.31e-9 6.277e-9

S1 21.38e-9 283.9e-12 21.46e-9 11.35e-9 11.32e-9 11.33e-9 S2 41.38e-9 285.5e-12 41.46e-9 21.37e-9 31.46e-9 21.34e-9 Cout 151.3e-9 21.06e-9 61.51e-9 31.42e-9 71.48e-9 71.24e-9

Number of Transistors 144T 42T 156T 60T 106T 38T Power 20.35e-6 55.97e-6 35.42e-6 198.4e-6 5.387e-6 181.1e-6

Table 2: comparative analysis of 4-bit adders designed using CMOS and GDI logic

Parameters RCA CMOS





Worst case Delay

S0 202.9e-12 203.4e-12 510.4e-12 510.2e-12 21.34e-9 21.23e-9

S1 202.9e-12 236.5e-12 530.2e-12 510.5e-12 21.34e-9 21.23e-9 S2 483.4e-12 236.5e-12 530.2e-12 510.7e-12 21.34e-9 23.98e-9 S3 700.1e-12 283.2e-12 570.4e-12 544.6e-12 21.34e-9 24.64e-9 Cout 81.32e-9 21.6e-9 41.51e-9 41.97e-9 51.35e-9 27.87e-9

Number of transistors 192T 56T 208T 80T 158T 58T Power 12.97e-6 6.008e-6 23.25e-6 192.5e-6 17.09e-6 135.3e-6

Table 3: comparative analysis of 7-bit adders designed using CMOS and GDI logic

Parameters RCA CMOS





Worst case Delay

S0 393.3e-12 202.5e-12 557.4e-12 44.37e-9 519.4e-12 23.74e-9

S1 393.3e-12 206.7e-12 557.4e-12 44.38e-9 519.4e-12 23.74e-9 S2 592.5e-12 207.7e-12 557.4e-12 44.38e-9 519.4e-12 24.17e-9 S3 778.7e-12 236.1e-12 564.7e-12 44.39e-9 519.4e-12 24.33e-9 S4 964.5e-12 283.2e-12 648.8e-12 44.56e-9 566.5e-12 24.34e-9 S5 1.15e-9 283.2e-12 654.0e-12 44.56e-9 680.7e-12 24.54e-9 S6 1.336e-9 547.0e-12 670.3e-12 45.76e-9 696.3e-12 24.56e-9

Cout 101.4e-9 21.6e-9 21.57e-9 53.61e-9 41.39e-9 101.6e-9 Number of transistors 336T 98T 420T 164T 286T 106T Power 15.4e-6 4.0447e-6 91.87e-6 293.1e-6 33.7e-6 360.0e-6

Table 4: comparative analysis of 8-bit adders designed using CMOS and GDI logic

Parameters RCA CMOS





Worst case Delay

S0 438.8e-12 438.5e-12 557.3e-12 434.0e-12 519.5e-12 772.6e-12

S1 438.8e-12 438.5e-12 557.5e-12 434.0e-12 519.5e-12 772.6e-12 S2 639.2e-12 638.8e-12 557.5e-12 434.0e-12 519.5e-12 772.6e-12 S3 825.4e-12 825.1e-12 583.9e-12 500.0e-12 519.5e-12 772.6e-12 S4 1.011e-9 1.011e-9 648.7e-12 500.0e-12 582.5e-12 28.86e-9 S5 1.197e-9 1.197e-9 653.8e-12 500.0e-12 699.1e-12 29.16e-9 S6 1.383e-9 1.383e-9 670.6e-12 500.0e-12 714.9e-12 29.18e-9

S7 1.569e-9 1.568e-9 691.6e-12 501.8e-12 823.6e-12 29.29e-9 Cout 21.21e-9 21.45e-9 21.57e-9 40.69e-9 41.2e-9 41.48e-9

Number of Transistor 384T 112T 486T 190T 352T 132T

Power 92.23e-6 18.58e-6 106.1e-6 335.3e-6 41.02e-6 360 e-6

2016 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT]

V. CONCLUSION Adders are core and essential block in many modules

which involves computation and adders play a vital role in the design of multipliers using adder based logic, hence the design and implementation of the adders is a prime concern, In this paper we have designed, modeled the different adders like RCA, KSA, BKA using different design style and coated comparative results obtained. From the results it is clear that the adders designed using GDI design style give less delay and consumes less number of gate count, CMOS design style give less power consumption, as these the performance parameters are prime concerned while designing a module. Hence the choice has to be made and as per the desire of the designer and the prime concern of performance measure needed at that point in time.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The Authors would like to thank the management and the

Principal, the Dept. of E&CE, PESITM Shivamogga for providing all the resources and support to carry out the work.

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Performance Analysis of Various 8-bit Adders for Embedded Applications”, Proceedings of the ELSEVIER in International Conference onEmerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications (ERCICA-14)” at Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. 01st and 02nd August 2014, ISBN 9789351072621, pp. 823 to 831.

[2] Mr. Kunjan D. Shinde, Mrs. Jayashree C. N. “Design of Fast and Efficient 1-bit Full Adder and its Performance Analysis”,Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on “Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies (ICCICCT-2014) ” at Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu, India. 10th and 11th July 2014, IEEE Digital Xplore ISBN 978-1-4799-4191-9, pp. 1275 to 1279.

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AUTHORS Ms. Rashmi D S is pursuing Bachelor Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering at PESITM, Shivamogga. underVTU, Belagavi. Her area of interest in VLSI design, Power Electronics and Network Security.

Ms.SadiyaRukhsar Ris pursuing Bachelor Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering at PESITM, Shivamogga. underVTU, Belagavi. Her area of interest in VLSI, Logic design,Robotics and Computer communication network. Ms.Shilpa H Ris pursuing Bachelor Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering at PESITM, Shivamogga. underVTU, Belagavi. Her area of interest in VLSI design, CMOS designs and Computer communication network. Ms.Vidyashree C Ris pursuing Bachelor Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering at PESITM, Shivamogga. underVTU, Belagavi. Her area of interest in VLSI design, Analog Electronic circuits and network analysis. Mr. Kunjan D. Shinde is with PESITM Shivamogga, working as Assistant Professor in Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, He received Masters Degree in Digital Electronics from SDMCET Dharwad in 2014, and received Bachelor Degree in Electronics & Communications Engineering

from SDMCET Dharwad in 2012. His research interests include VLSI (Digital and Analog design), Error Control Coding, Embedded Systems, Communication Networks, Robotics and Digital system design.

Mr. Nithin H V received the B.E. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from JNNCE, Shivamoggain the year 2008 and M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from BIET, Davanagere, Karnataka in 2013. He is a life member of

IETE and ISTE and is working as Assistant Professor inDept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering at PESITM, Shivamogga. He is in teaching from last 8 years. His subjects of interest include Embedded Systems and Network Analysis.
