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A Walk in My Shoes

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A Walk in My Shoes Alex Pemberton
Page 2: A Walk in My Shoes

A Walk in My Shoes


Alex Pemberton

Publication Pemberton Publication

Huntsville, Arkansas May 10, 2013

Page 3: A Walk in My Shoes

Table of Contents

Dedication page x

Introduction to Part 1 1

Golf 2

Maze Runner 3

Baseball 4

Buzzer Beater 5

Practice makes perfect 6

Introduction to Part 2 7 Justice 8 Groups 9 Rules, Rules, Rules 10 Responsibilities 11

Speak Up! 12 Introduction to Part 3 13

Canoeing 14

Skiing 15

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Page 4: A Walk in My Shoes

Busy Body 16

Beach fun! 17

Freak Show 18

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I would like to acknowledge the people who inspired me to write my works. My main inspiration would be my parents. They have taken me places and let me done things that have inspired me to write most of my works. They have made all this

possible. I would also like to thank Mrs. Sullivan for giving us the time to write all of these writings.


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Part One

This collection of essays represents sports. All of these writings have something

to do with being athletic. I am very athletic also. I play a lot of sports. I enjoy being outside and being active. My favorite sports are golf and basketball. I also like running .

These writings are all put together with something in common, sports.


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Dear Jaden,

I like to play golf. I have played for a long time so I am pretty good. Since you haven’t played golf, I will try to teach you. First off, you

have to get some clubs and golf balls. After that you have all you need to play golf. Now you are ready to go to the golf course. Once your there, you

can go to hole number one. When you’re at hole number one, you have to get a club and golf ball from your golf bag. You have to put the golf ball on

the ground. When you want to start, you have to bring the club back, then bring it back down towards the ball and hit it. Hopefully, you will hit it the

first time, but if you don’t, it’s ok. You just have to keep practicing until you get the hang of it. After you practice a lot, then you will become a pretty

good golfer. It has taken me a lot of practicing and a lot of hard work to become as good as I am now. After a lot of hard work and dedication you

will become good also.


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Maze Runner

We were running through the maze, trying to keep away from the zombies.

They were really scary! Some of them were missing eyes, some were missing arms

and legs, and others were even missing the whole bottom half of their bodies. As we

were running, I heard someone say that it was like in the book Maze Runner. Another

kid said that it was like Percy Jackson out of The Lightning Thief. We all agreed

with them, but as soon as we heard the chainsaw start, those thoughts vanished as we

all picked up speed, trying to get away from the chainsaw and whatever was using it.

We saw the end of the maze so we started running even faster. Finally, we reached the

end and returned safely to our home away from home.


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I couldn’t have asked for a better day. Here I was cheering on my cousin. What better way could you spend an afternoon? He was playing baseball. His team was playing the dragons. The dragons were in 1st place and my cousin’s team was second. If my cousins team won, they would be in 1st. When he came up to bat, we cheered really loud. He played really good that day. At the end of the game, he was up to bat and the bases were loaded. If he hit a home run, his team would win the game. Here comes the pitch. Home run!!!!! Everyone was cheering for him. He won the game and helped the team to become first place. He was super excited! After the game, we went and celebrated with ice cream. It was an awesome day.


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Buzzer Beater

Once upon a time, I was playing basketball at my house with a bunch of

my friends. My team was about to win, but someone missed the shot and it was

going out of bounds. I ran as hard as I could and dove for the basketball. I saved it

from going out of bounds. Someone on my team got it when I saved it, and then

scored. I felt like I was a hero! Everyone was giving me high fives and chest bumps.

My friends on the other team were mad because they lost but they will get over it.

Even though it was just for fun, I still won the game for my team by diving and

saving the ball.


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Practice Makes Perfect

When I was little, I started playing golf. This helped me in the

long run because now that I’m older, I know how to play. I have had

some experience, so I know what to do, I know the rules, and the way to

hit. I am pretty good, and that is from all the hard work and dedication

when I was younger. I have played golf frequently, which also helps me

be a better player. Over the years, I have become one of the best

players at my school. Whenever I try out for the high school golf

team, I think I will make it. All this has happened because of all the

practice I had whenever I was a kid.


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Part 2

This collection of essays represents something different than in part

one. These essays are about rules and doing the right thing. I always follow the

rules. There are some things that aren’t rules, but you should do anyway. For

instance, you need to be responsible. You also need to be nice to other people. These writings are all part of following the rules and doing right.


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If an action isn’t very bad, the people might give criminals the benefit of

the doubt. If the action is really bad, then people will start acting out of fear.

Seeking justice is giving people a chance to do the right thing. Desiring to punish is

just acting without thinking, and not wanting to deal with it again. I think people act out of fear for our own safety today. If we are wanting to become a good nation,

we need to be nice and not act out of fear.


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Groups accept some people into their group that are there friends, or it is someone that they like. Groups will reject people who they don’t like. For instance if everyone in the group played a sport, and a person in band wanted to be in the same

group, a lot of kids today would say no. Some groups will accept anyone into their group. Most of the people today have gone to being stereotypical and mean. We need to change that because the kids today will be who represent our country in the futu re.


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Rules, Rules, Rules

The purpose of rules is to keep everything in order. It is to make

sure there is not much chaos. My life would be chaotic without rules.

Everything would be chaotic. I would always be on the lookout for criminals.

There would be no protection. There wouldn’t be law enforcers, there

wouldn’t be anyone to stop the criminal activity. Everyone would be scared

all the time.


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Some responsibilities the school has for their students is that they trust the students not to bring any weapons to school so that no one commits a crime at school. Schools also tell students to get to class on time, so that the kids won’t miss any of the class period. Some responsibilities that parents have for their children are to have respect for your parents. If the kids have respect for their parents, the kids won’t get out of control and get mad. Parents also tell their kids to be nice to everyone, so that the kids won’t be mean or get in fights. Schools and parents sometimes have the same rules, and responsibilities. 11

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Speak Up!

One individual voice can affect a situation. It can affect a big situation if the

voice was loud enough. Whenever you speak up, you will have to have many good

reasons why you want something different. For example, one person on a jury

could disagree with the rest, but provide really good evidence and convince

everyone else that he is right. If you strongly disagree, and you’re the only one

that does, don’t be afraid to speak your mind. You have to be confident when you

do it. Anyone can speak up and affect a situation.


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Part 3

This collection of essays represents traveling. My family and I like to travel. We have traveled to many different places, all over the U.S in fact. We also like going on adventures. You can go anywhere for an adventure. It’s always fun to go to new places. You can meet new people, learn new things, and even eat new foods. All these writings will have something to do with traveling, and going new places. 13

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Canoeing One day, my family and I went canoeing with our church. It was a blast! The water was really cold so we tried not to fall out of the canoe. Once we stopped by a little opening in the patch of trees, and a guy from our church got some firewood and started a fire. It really warmed us up. We all ate our snacks, and swam a little before we started again. Finally, after we got back in the canoes, it warmed up. The sunlight felt good when it warmed us up. After our fun time we headed back to take the canoes back. I hope we get to go back again!


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One day, my family and I packed up to go on a trip. We were going to Colorado to ski. On the way there, we were stopped by a huge buffalo standing in the middle of the road. It was right in the middle, so the traffic was backed up on both sides. Everybody was mad and trying to get it to move, but they couldn’t. Even the police and fire department showed up and couldn’t move the giant buffalo. After a long wait, a man came up with a saddle. No one thought he could move it, but he saddled the buffalo and rode away. After that big ordeal, we were back on the road to Colorado. Finally, we arrived at the ski resort. After we got to our room and unpacked, we got our skis, and our equipment. That night we didn’t do much skiing, but we still did a little. We stayed for the rest of the week. Once when we were skiing, I was skiing so fast, that when I fell, I rolled most of the way down. We had a fun time at the ski resort, and I hope we go back next year.


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Speech There is many different ways of talking. Many different people talk differently in the United States. I have traveled many different places. One time, my family and I went all the way to Washington. My aunt and uncle live in Mansfield, Washington. While we were up there, we went to Seattle. One of my dad’s old friends live close to Seattle, so we stayed with him and his family. His family was really nice. The people up in Washington talk a little differently than people in Arkansas. Most people in Arkansas have more of a southern accent. People in Washington don’t speak southern at all. They have their own way of talking up in Washington. People talk differently all around the U.S. Pretty much every state has a different way of talking. Sometimes it is hard to figure out what people say, but that is just their way of talking. 16

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The trip of a lifetime One day, my family and I went on a vacation. We were going to the beach. The beach

we were going to is in Destin, Florida. On our way there, we encountered some

strange things. When we stopped for gas, we saw a clown car drive up, and 15 clowns

get out of the little clown car. Another time, when we stopped to get something to

eat, the Miami Heat basketball team was working there. They were taking orders,

cooking, and even cleaning! The next day, whenever we got to the beach, we saw a

monkey on the sidewalk. My mom and I both wanted to keep it, so we kept it in the

hotel room. The beach was so much fun! We spent our vacation hanging out at the

beach. We named our new monkey Bud. We had a fun time, but we had to go back.

So after all our fun at the beach, we headed back home.


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Freak Show I didn’t know exactly where the train was going. After paying my fare, I simply stood on the platform waiting for it to whisk me away to somewhere, anywhere but here. And that’s when it happened, my powers started to kick in. I have never been able to stop

them before. They are uncontrollable. I tried to stop it, but I couldn’t. I tried running away, but then realized that would attract even more attention. I heard police sirens in the distance, and thought OH NO! I sprinted away from the train station. I was about to

turn into the freak that I’m so familiar with, but then the powers stopped. I barely caught the train before it left the station. Everyone knew it was me, but they were too afraid to do anything. I think I arrived somewhere in New York. I went a whole two

months without my powers coming back, so I thought they had gone. But one dreary night, I felt the power, and I started turning into the freak I thought I left behind.

