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A World Of Fragile Things

Date post: 02-Apr-2015
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Another story ... another thought ... Bella being a vampire for centuries ... will she meet Edward? Will Fate join them? I didn't like the way Bella seemed insecure about herself all the time ... so ... ladies and gents ... i introduce to you ... Sexy self-confident Isabella :D
I am NOT Stephanie Meyer – even though it would have been the coolest thing ever, just to know what's going on in that thoughtful mind of hers … Ahhh!. Anyways, I do not own Twilight; therefore I do not own the characters in this story. This is Twilight with a twist, like always. I'll try and keep updating as soon as I could, just please Review and Comment, I beg of you … WARNING!!!! This Story Contains Words, Sexual and Violent Scenes. So it's NOT Suitable for Children or the Chaste … You Have Been WARNED!!! :D A World of Fragile Things
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I am NOT Stephanie Meyer – even though it would have been the coolest thing ever, just to know what's going on in that thoughtful mind of hers … Ahhh!. Anyways, I do not own Twilight; therefore I do not own the characters in this story. This is Twilight with a twist, like always. I'll try and keep updating as soon as I could, just please Review and Comment, I beg of you …WARNING!!!! This Story Contains Words, Sexual and Violent Scenes. So it's NOT Suitable for Children or the Chaste … You Have Been WARNED!!! :D

A World of Fragile Things

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Chapter one (Reminiscence)

My name is Isabella Swan – Bella for short. I've been walking the earth for six hundred years, give or take a few decades. It's the 21st century and everything is so different than they were hundreds of years ago. I got used to it, but it still confuses me at times. I lost track of time a couple of centuries ago. Nothing really held my interest anymore. I've tried every human experience possible – all but the ones that endangers my virtue. I've lived through both of the war worlds, every plague that spread across every country during my vampire years, and every revolution that altered the lives of many countries – if not continents. I've traveled everywhere, from Tokyo to America, and from the North Pole to the South Pole. I've started my second immortal life with so much eagerness and excitement to explore my new powers and new talents. I was told by many others that I had an exceptionally mystical beauty, I never quiet understood them but I think they mean that I'm beautiful even though I don't have striking features. I see the men gawking, and feel the women envying, but it never really made a difference to me. I couldn't care less about looks. The only thing that actually made me bear living all these years is my one craving, my only delight, the one thing that makes me who I am, the only thing that defines me as a vampire … blood.I've tried everything, and I mean every single thing. I fed on the blood of humans of all ages and races. The blood of humans became less and less appealing over the years due to the conversion of the environment – the unhealthy polluted air, the medicines, the diseases, the alcohol, the drug usage, and among other factors that helped turn the blood into an almost revolting taste at times. So, I've been depending on blood banks to quench my thirst, I have a source that leaks me bags of blood when I

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need them. The artificial blood turns my irises into a dark lavender color, and it fades to black when I don't feed for a while.I know some friends of mine who feed on animals, but I just don't know how they could tolerate it for so long without being tempted. I am sometimes necessitated to hunt animals, but only every once in a while, under some difficult – rather rare – situations when artificial blood is somewhat challenging to obtain.Carlisle, an old friend of mine, never really fed on humans his entire existence – or so he tells me – so I understand where he comes from when he tells me that feeding on animal's blood is something that would be very easy once you get used to it, but what surprises me is his restraint. His so – for the lack of a better word – immune to the blood of humans' that he actually chose to work as a surgeon as his camouflage career, a rather good surgeon as well. He truly fascinates me, but not so much that I would follow his lifestyle. Not that there's anything wrong with his choice of lifestyle, on the contrary, it only shows his everlasting compassion and mercy towards the humans, which makes me fond of him even more. But I'd rather not test my self-control around the humans when I'd drunk a very repellent blood – regardless to the amount – and face a room full of humans with one lying on a table waiting for me to operate on him. It sounds more to me like they're offering me a meal and giving me the proper utensils that would more likely look like a knife and a fork. I shuddered at the mental picture that passed through my mind without my permission.I might be a vampire, but I used to be a human once, and I'm not a heartless monster – it might not be beating, but it is there.All this thinking made me realize that it's been a while since I've contacted Carlisle. I really missed him. He always made me feel like he was my father, despite the fact that I was older than him. And by older I mean existing for more than twice the time he's been as a vampire. He's still older than me though, he was changed when he was about 30 years old, and I was only 17 when I was changed. So, in a sense … he is older.

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Memories were flashing in my head. About three hundred years ago, he was still a newborn then, but he was fairly controlled. I ran into him in London, he was in one of the huge forests, devouring an elk. I was frozen in place as I watched. He didn't notice my presence though; he was too engrossed in what he had in hand. I could tell that he was a newborn. For one, his eyes were crimson red, and then there were the disheveled pieces of dishrags that were barely covering his torso and legs, and the state of craziness he was in was the cherry on top of the cake.I started retreating, knowing that newborns were unstable and much stronger, and if I ever got into a fight with him, then it would be my loss.He froze as I took one step back, I must've caught his attention. Damn it.He whirled around, crouched before the carcass, and a bloodcurdling growl escaped his lips.Not only did I run into a newborn vampire, but I ran into a newborn vampire mid-hunt."I mean you no harm." I raised my hands and started stepping back again, slowly.I didn't realize that he froze, straightened up, and his eyes flowed with pain, awe and shame. It made me stop in my tracks and lower my hands. But then his emotions changed again, he was dazzled. Feeling smug was out of the question at the time. I tilted my head and tried to figure him out. Something was different about him, I didn't know what exactly, but I just knew it."My apologies, ma'am, I didn't mean to startle you." He lowered his gaze to his feet, and his voice was as soft and kind.Did he just apologize? Why did he apologize? I started questioning my reasoning about him being a newborn, maybe he was a messy hunter. But his eyes are a vibrant crimson color, why would he be hunting if he wasn't thirst? Why would he be ravening a disgusting elk rather than a human? I just passed a town not a mile away …"What stage are you?" I asked him. He couldn't be this calm if he was indeed a newborn, I might be mistaken though.

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He snapped his head up, and a look of confusion took over his face. "What do you mean?"He didn't know the stages? "How long have you been a vampire?" I rephrased my question. Maybe he didn't interact with vampires much.He grimaced and shifted uncomfortably. "Last week." He answered, resting his gaze on anything but me.My eyes nearly popped out of there sockets. How could he be a newborn, since last week I might add, and act like such a … gentleman? He must be unbelievably strong, or he might be too confused. That might be the reason, but then again he was calm and collected. He wasn't very pleased with me asking about his time of rebirth. Maybe he's not over the transformation stage yet. It's agonizingly painful, and will forever scar every vampire.I tried to recollect myself and act civil. "My name is Isabella Swan." I tried to be pleasant, but I didn't dare move. He might snap any moment.He looked back to me, stunned that I attempted having a conversation with him, but he soon straightened himself and smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Isabella. My name is Carlisle Cullen."And that's how we became friends. He later explained to me that he was forced into becoming a vampire; he explained why he hated vampires, why he thinks that now he became a monster. And I tried my best to explain to him that he might be right at some points, but that doesn't mean that he was a monster. The fact that he chose to hunt animals over humans proves that much, and just because he's a vampire doesn't mean that he has to be heartless. He was convinced, but not entirely. I decided that only time would show him that vampires are not monsters – not all of them at least.I talked him into coming with me to America. There I would introduce him to the Denali's, they are very close friends of mine, and they too feed on animals. By that last part being said, he agreed almost immediately. They were positioned in Seattle, and so we went there, introduced him to them, and they became close friends instantly. I spoke with Tanya, the leader, and she told me

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that she would take care of him. I thanked her, and headed on my way to Australia.

We never lost contact for the next century or so. He told me that he was now on his own, traveling here and there. He started practicing medicine, and became a doctor. He told me about his success over the years. Then he sent me a letter that just made my day. I still remember every single word of it until now.

Dear Isabella,My dear, how I've missed you. I hope you're doing well with your prolonged tour. I have some very exciting news to tell you. I've met my other half. I know it sounds silly, but I couldn't find better words to describe her. Her name is Esme. She was one of my patients. Well, she was on the verge of death, but something told me to change her. I was loathing myself the entire process of her transformation, but I was holding on to the fact that she would not depart earth. We talked after the transformation was done, and I explained to her the various lifestyles – as you phrase it – that she could choose from. It shouldn't have surprised me really, but I was when she chose to follow my own diet. I was on cloud nine. I introduced her to the Denali's and they welcomed her with open arms. Weeks passed and I couldn't keep my emotions at bay anymore, I just had to tell her, I confessed everything to her, and to my surprise – again – she felt the same way but was shy and didn't know if she should tell me or not. It's been months since then, and I proposed to her last week. I've been trying to reach you, I've wanted you to meet her, but you always seemed too busy so I didn't want to bother you. I'm sure that once you meet her, you will love her just as much as I do. She's been asking me to ask your permission if you could come to our wedding. She is very fond of you even before she's even met you. Our wedding will be on the 25th of March, I hope you could come.

Your friend,Carlisle

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I was in a business trip then. It was fairly important and I couldn't have made it to his wedding. The Volturi are very demanding vampires, and I couldn't cancel their meetings. Even though I despise them, I still had some arrangements to settle before I was free of their grip.I sent him a letter and told him that I won't be able to make it to their wedding, but wished them well, and promised them that I would make it up to them one day.That was two centuries ago.I'm very foolish to not have replied, but I didn't have a clue to where he was.

Just the other day, his name – his family's name – came up. I started asking questions immediately. It was Jessica who told me about him. She's a very annoying blonde vampire that I invited – against my will – to my parties that I have every month or so, so I would keep up with the events of what's going on, but she's very useful all the same."Where does he live now?" I asked her fervently."Oh, he lives in Washington, Forks. I have no idea why he would choose to go there, I totally hated it, it's deserted and very small, and it would be totally conspicuous-" she ranted on and on none stop, her voice reminding me of a very annoying high-school teenager that came on T.V in one of those unbelievably boring chick-flicks."You said he has a family, how so?" I interrupted her."He changed three and found two. Alice was already changed, so she just joined him and his wife Esme. She sees the future." She whispered into my ear like she was starting a rumor in high-school, her perfume would have made me gag if I were still human. It still made my stomach churn uncomfortably. "She saw her future with the Cullens, so she just went there and joined them." She giggled. "Then he came across Jasper, who became Alice's husband." She air-quoted the word husband for some unknown reason. "He's this wonderfully divine vampire, a soldier. He's extremely handsome, covered in battle scares, incredibly sexy that is …" She trailed off musing over him.

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"He changed three others?" I asked impatiently."Oh, right." She seemed to snap back into reality. "He changed a girl named Rosalie, a total bitch!" She sneered and fumed. I like this Rosalie already. "Her story is sad though." She added dismissively."What happened?" I was curious, plus I wanted to make Jessica as uncomfortable as possible.She grimaced, but spilled anyways. "It's said that she was rapped by her own fiancée. He was drunk with his friends, she was going home when she ran into them, what she didn't realize is that he was totally wasted, and then the worst happened." She said sympathetically.I felt bad for her. Poor girl, not only did she have to experience the pain of rape, but to be from on of her loved ones, her own fiancée. Disgusting!"That's when Carlisle found her. She was dying but he changed her in time. She's a total knock out, like a super model vampire – not more than you but still – but I swear to you I've never met anyone who could make you feel bad about yourself with only words better than her." She visibly shuddered."Who was next?" I urged."Emmett, her husband, was next. A giant bear dressed in a man's suit. He's … huge!" She might have been exaggerating but who knows, maybe she is telling the truth. "Then …" She trailed off with a sigh.I had to snap my fingers, more than once, to get her attention."W-what was that?" She slurred."You were about to tell me who came after Emmett?" I reminded her.She looked at me confusedly for a moment before realization dawned on her."Oh! Yeah, right. Umm … He found Edward in Chicago dying of the Spanish flu. So he changed him, he told me that he saw something in him that just made it difficult for him to let him go, probably the possibility that he would be the most amazingly beautiful known to man – mythical or not." She giggled.

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I've heard this name before. Edward Cullen. I've heard it so many times, but never really made the connection between him and Carlisle. It is said that he is the most attractive vampire in the world since the dawn of time, but – again – I couldn't care less about looks. He could be a total jerk for all I know."And the best part is-" Jessica's annoying voice brought me back from my reverie. "-He's such a gentleman! I mean seriously, I would be blushing from head to toe if I were human with the way he talks to me or any other girl. But I think he and I might have something." She winked at me. I tried to grin, but I think it came out as a menacing silent snarl.She laughed breathlessly and looked away. "Well, maybe I'm over exaggerating as always. I mean I'm head over heals for him, but why would he be interested in me, I'm nothing but another vampire to him." I heard her stammer over the words, I think she thought I was glaring at her."Sorry, I'm not used to uh … grinning." I smiled lightly, not bearing my teeth this time."That was you grinning?" She asked me disbelievingly."As I said, I'm not used to grinning." I never really find anything amusing anymore. Life is incredibly boring once you've tried everything."It's okay. You look really, really beautiful when you smile though." She was musing loudly, when she realized that she's said that out loud, her eyes bulged out, and her hands flew to her mouth."Did I say that out loud?" She asked quickly then covered her mouth again.I nodded."I'm sorry; I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable." She apologized hastily.I don't get why most vampires are scared of me. I'm not a violent person, only when I'm being threatened. Maybe she was afraid because of my gift. "It's alright Jessica. It doesn't bother me." And just to prove it, I smiled again.She visibly relaxed and lowered her hand from her mouth.

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I thanked her for her information and returned to my more vital guests.I greeted the Irish coven – Siobhan, Liam, and Maggie. I loved them all and considered them as my own family. Unfortunately, it's very difficult for me to join them as they hunt humans. The temptation is just too great for me to handle, even though it's been nearly 4 centuries since I last tasted real human blood."How are you little Bella?" Siobhan embraced me lightly, but I felt as if I was enveloped inside her arms; she was extremely tall and slightly wide, yet very elegant and gentle."I'm fine Siobhan, I've missed you all." I smiled towards Liam and bowed my head. He is very strong and strict, we never really talked much, if not ever. I barely remember his voice."Bella," I heard someone call from behind me, and I knew the voice all too well. "I had a feeling I would find you here."Jacob grinned as he moved through the crowd with ease, avoiding touching my guests' cold skin in the process."Jacob, how wonderful it is to see you." I walked the few feet that separated us and threw my arms around him. Jacob has been my best friend for nearly a decade. A little while, but I feel like I've known him my entire life.He laughed and held me closer. Jacob and I were sometimes more than just friends, but I never let it go out of hand. As much as I love him, I know that he is not the one for me. I mean, he is a shape-shifter after all, and in order for him to be solely mine, he has to imprint me. Imprinting means that once he lays his eyes on his imprint, his entire world would shift and revolve only around that person. It wasn't the case between us, but it was fun to act like it was for a while. He knows that there is no way we're going to be a couple, and he's fine with it."I've missed you." His arms were scorching hot around my waist and his hands were like hot iron being placed on the small of my back.I laughed lightly – he was the only one who could actually make me laugh – and leaned away to look at his face. He was grinning from ear to ear, my Jacoby smile.

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"I've missed you too. How have you been? What are you doing here in Alaska?" I asked."I'm better now that you're here." He's such a sap. "I was visiting some friends when I over heard that some extremely beautiful girl moved here recently and was throwing this gigantic party filled with people almost as beautiful as her. It was too obvious that it was you so I decided to drop by and see what the fuzz is about." He winked at me.I snickered and wrapped my arm around his waist while he draped his arm carelessly on my shoulder.I noticed that some of my guests were eyeing us skeptically – well, eying Jacob skeptically was more accurate. I decided to play a little.An evil thought crossed my mind. I looked up to Jacob and he grinned down at me as he read my expression. He knew exactly what was going on in my head.I repositioned my hand and laid it on his chest, just over his strong beating heart, and trailed the other up his shoulder to wrap it around his neck.His arms were back around my waist and his hands were pressing against my back to bring me closer to him. His hot breath fanned across my face, and got shallower with each inch he narrows between us.I could hear the murmurs getting louder around us. I could only imagine their expressions – confused, jealous, stunned …I tuned out their voices and focused only on Jacob, it was hard not to.Only an inch left between our lips, cold and hot breaths mingling with each other, creating electrifying sparks.I closed the excruciating space between us and felt smoldering heat cover my cold lips. Our lips moved in synch, and his heart seemed to be in tune with our movements. It was getting more and more passionate and I had to remind myself time and time again that there were spectators around us. Damn them.My hand knotted in his hair, and I held to his shoulder for support with the other. His hands seemed to be roaming on their own

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accord. They trailed from my waist, to my back, up my ribs, and then down to my waist again.The moment was getting too heated, and even though I loved being this close to Jacob, I had some rules that I cannot and will not break. One of them is what this kiss was unexpectedly leading to. I had to stop this before it got out of hand.I unknotted my fingers from around his dark locks of hair, and unclenched my other hand from his shoulder, trailed it down to his chest that barley held his thrashing heart inside, and pushed him away slightly. As I did so, I slowed down my lips and disconnected my tongue from his.He noticed that the kiss was coming to an end, and, as I knew he would, he complied like the gentleman he is. His breathing was erratic and whooshed against my cold skin, moving some strands of my hair. And, surprisingly, mine was just as lost.My eyes opened slowly to see that his eyes were black with lust. My breathing hitched, and I stepped away from his warmth. But as my body was no longer near him, this agonizing void took over, and the coldness that replaced the warmth was almost unbearable. I could see the pain in his eyes, but the lust was still evident there. I looked away and noticed that every single eye was on us. Our show must have been more realistic than I thought; they are all gaping at us like we are some sorts of aliens. Some threw disgusting glances towards Jacob, others were in shock. But none of them dared to criticize me, I was free to do whatever I wanted, and anyone who got in the way would suffer greatly.I smirked and looked back at Jacob who was now glaring at every vampire in the room. I walked to him and rested my hand against his chest again – this time to calm him down. I knew that Jacob hates the spotlight, especially if he was surrounded by vampires, and any wrong glance or move would send him over the edge and people might get hurt, including Jacob.I was close to nearly every vampire in my house right now, but if any of them even think of touching Jacob … let's just say that Jacob's rage would be the least of their problems.

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As soon as my hand touched his chest, he visibly relaxed. I smiled as he looked down to me. He took a deep breath and nodded, knowing that I was warning him not to lose his temper now."How long is this party going to last?" He asked under his breath, even though some – if not all – of the vampires could hear him clearly."As long as they feel like it, it will end when the last guest leaves the house." I spoke normally, not caring about any of the listeners.He groaned and mumbled incoherently. He hated this so much it was paining him."How about we leave?" I offered.He snapped his head in my direction. "What about the leeches?" He never considered me as one of the "leeches" as he phrases it. I was his best friend, so I didn't count."They'll survive. Besides, the party is extremely boring right now. I mean, the conversations are dying out, and some of them already left. It's been going on since seven o'clock. Now it's about three in the morning. I'm sure they'll be leaving soon." I told him. If anyone of them was offended, I couldn't care less.He thought for a moment before taking my hand and darting out the door like an eager puppy.I laughed quietly at his enthusiasm, but followed him regardless."Where are we going?" I asked him."I'm going to show what a real party looks like." He told me with a very serious tone.I shrugged and then took off running with him by my side.We reached a very large dark building. It would have been as quiet as a tomb to the human ears, but I could hear the bass and the yelling coming down from underneath my feet."Where are we exactly?" I asked Jacob confusedly."This is the best part of town that holds the underground parties for mythical creatures like us." He winked and smiled mischiviously."Where's Jacob and what did you do to him?" Jacob was never the kind of guy who mingled with other people. He has this weird

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charisma, but he hates the crowds – last time I checked I might add.He laughed out loud, took my hand, and led me inside the building and down its basement. He knocked three times, waited, and then knocked twice. I looked at him quizzically but he just grinned.I waited until the door opened revealing a large man – larger than Jacob – who was wearing black from head to toe with a thick chain dangling from his broad neck. I was intimidated by his menacing look for a moment, but then he smiled and I almost busted out laughing – almost. His toothy grin didn't really suit his size."Jake, it's great to see you man." His voice was hoarse but he sounded … pleased. He took a short glance at me, but then he actually noticed my presence and snapped his eyes back towards me. Of course, he was ogling."Hey Skinny, it's been a while." Jacob didn't seem to notice his apparent gawking but Jacob's voice seemed to pull … Skinny back to reality. They their fist together and laughed, but he kept steeling glances at me.He made a noise down his throat that could only be explained as a chuckle. "I know. Where have you been?" He made way for us to get in."I've been around, but I'm finally settling in Washington." He said casually.I snapped my eyes to Jacob. "You live in Washington?" I asked him urgently."Yeah, in La Push with my old man." He smiled kindly. He really loved his father, I remember the times when he told me stories about him, how he was the leader of the pack back in La Push, how everyone respected him, the great Billy Black.And then I remembered what he actually said. La Push is extremely near Forks. This is an amazing opportunity to go visit Carlisle and his new family. I've been dying to see him for quiet a while, and now the perfect chance just dropped out of the sky and right into my lap.I nodded and pretended not to care much.

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We kept walking, descending stairs, then walking some more, and as we walked I could hear the music getting louder and the bass getting much fiercer with each step. I could literally feel it vibrating through my feet and all the way up to my brain as we reached a door that must have held the "mystery" party behind it.When the door was opened, I was assaulted by the heat and the smell of sweat, alcohol, and hot blood. My throat was lit on fire as soon as I took one single breath. Jacob glanced at me and a look of worry took over his expression. My fists were clinched, my body was stiffened, my jaw was tight, my eyes were sealed shut, and I wasn't breathing."Bella, are you okay?" I felt him move until he was in front of me, his hand brushed my cheek.I shook my head, and opened my eyes to find him staring at me with such worry it made my stance relax a bit. But when he took in the torture in my eyes he gasped."What's wrong? What is it?" He asked frantically. I couldn't answer him. I don't think I would be able to control myself if I opened my mouth.So I ran.Chapter 2 (Old Habits Die Hard)

Relief washed over my entire body the second I was out that dark building. I was gasping for fresh air, and even though the air was nearly freezing, it didn't affect my blazing throat in the slightest.Jacob was by my side in a flash. "Bella, what happened?" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder to hold me upright. It was good that he was their, I was holding onto him as if my life was depending on it – it really was the lives of the innocent people inside that damn building that was at stake."Bella, answer me!" Jacob was getting impatient."I couldn't stand the smell Jacob." I blurted out through my gasps.I needed to hunt, the artificial blood would take too long, and I needed blood, now!Jacob stiffened by my side, and I looked up to see shock, pain, and guilt plastered all over his face.

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"I-I'm so sorry. How didn't I think of this? Oh God, Bella, I'm so sorry, I didn't think." His voice was dripping with guilt."It's okay. I just need to hunt now." I leaned away, and took a few deep breaths before relaxing completely. My throat was on fire, but I was getting used to it."I really forgot that there's a section for the humans. I completely forgot. I'm so sorry, Bella." He apologized again."Jake, really, it' nothing to worry about. I'm fine." I smiled reassuringly. "Why don't you join me?"He nodded and looked down to his feet.I hated it when he was sad. I walked to him and caressed his face with my hands so he would look at me. His tear-filled eyes were flowing with shame. I didn't know he was that upset. I wanted his pain to go away."I'm not mad. I'm not in pain anymore. Please, don't be sad." I pleaded with my eyes.He was stunned for a moment, and he gulped soundly. I smiled and realized that I dazzled him. I do that a lot when I want something.Just to show him that I was truly over it, I leaned up and brushed my lips lightly over his for just two seconds before leaning away. I tried to smile the most seductive smile I could manage.It seemed to work, because the lust returned to his eyes. I smiled and took his hand and started running towards the forest, but before we went deep into the forest he stopped and gestured for me he would take one minute. I nodded and told him to take his time. I heard a shimmering sound and then rustling in the bushes. When he returned he was in his wolf form. Seeing Jacob in his wolf form always fascinated me. It still amazes me until today. I grinned and took off running, and soon we were racing and competing.We didn't run for long. We ran across a herd of moose – not my personal favorite, but it'll do for now. I hunted down three large ones, and they were enough to quench my thirst. Jacob hunted only one, but it was very large. He was very fast, but I was faster.When we were full we ran back to town, when we reached the edges of the forest, Jacob went behind some bushes, shifted back

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into human form, and ran back to me. I smiled and started jogging back to my house, taking our time. I wasn't surprised when I walked in and found that the house was empty except for Tanya and her clan. I didn't realize I invited her."Oh Tanya, I've missed you." I ran to her and embraced her tightly, and she returned it with the same fervor."I've missed you too my sister." She mumbled happily.When we broke apart I hugged Katie, Carmen, Eleazar, and Garrett in the same manner."I'm sorry, I was out hunting." I apologized to them, if I knew they were coming I would have hunted near my house, or made it a little quicker.That reminded me. "Guys, this is Jacob." I looked back to Jacob who was still standing in the door way, I gestured for him to join us, and he walked uncertainly to my side."Oh, you're the famous shape-shifter." Tanya mused, but wrinkled her nose."I guess I am." Jacob replied curtly.I smiled and squeezed his hand. "Where is Irina?" I asked her mystified. Those sisters never depart from each other."She's soul searching." Tanya rolled her eyes dramatically. "I really don't see the point. He would come eventually, she should wait, but, no, she just runs off looking for him herself." She threw her arms in the air exasperatedly.I smiled and suppressed a snicker, Jacob didn't seem to care about their feelings, and just laughed.Tanya cocked her eyebrow at him, but ignored him nonetheless. She returned her attention to me. "So, how have you been? Why didn't you come to visit us?" She pouted childishly."I've been fine. I just moved here Tanya, besides I wanted to get settled in here before I started socializing." I explained.She nodded and grinned widely. "Carlisle is going to be thrilled that you're here!" She pointed out."No, please, leave it to me to tell him. I want it to be a surprise." I really hope Tanya could hold her tongue long enough for me to actually tell Carlisle that I was here.

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Her excitement was tuned down a little, but she nodded, respecting my request."Thank you." I smiled delightedly."It's no trouble." She smiled kindly."How long will you be staying here? I hope you like it here." Carmen asked hopefully.I smiled. "I really do. I'm not sure though, I was never the one to settle down in one place." I never really liked to stay too long in a town, I don't want people to notice me, and I don't want to get too attached to the place."I understand, but I'm glad that you like it here." Her smile just sent a surge of warmth through my body. Carmen is always understanding and accepting. I love her immensely for that."How come you hunted? Did you hunt humans?" Kate asked me, not a hint of disgust or fear in her voice, just mere curiosity."Oh, no, I hunted moose." I explained, and a flash of hope flashed through every pair of golden eyes. "It was an emergency." I explained further, erasing the hope in those eyes.I didn't want them to get the wrong impression. "I still don't know how you manage to survive solely on the blood of animals." I visibly shuddered.They laughed and shook there heads. We chatted for a little while, Jacob would comment every now and then, but other than that he was silent. They excused themselves after a couple of hours and I promised them that I would pay them a visit very soon.I shut the door behind them and turned around to find Jacob right in my face. He smiled a breathtaking Jacoby smile that made my frozen heart melt. He leaned in and I stepped back, I didn't know what he was up to. I felt my back being pressed against the wooden door, and he trapped me by placing both of his hands on either side of my face. His scent – unlike the other stinking shape-shifters, Jacob's scent was bearable, it had a woodsy scent – assaulted me, and his warmth was brushing against my skin. His warm brown eyes were blazing into mine, making me weak in thee knees. I wasn't sure what he was up to, but it was working.

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His lips were just inches from mine, and my bottom lip quivered with anticipation. I didn't know why I was reacting to this close proximity. I didn't feel that way towards Jacob, but my body seemed to have a mind of its own.He was now hovering over me, his lips grazing mine, and I almost lunged at him, but I held my ground."What are you doing?" I asked breathlessly."What do you think?" He replied in an even voice, kind and deep."I think you're crossing the line." My voice was weak.His hand moved and went down to my waist, and started to massage there.I gulped down the lump that was suddenly very there in my throat."Bella," He whispered.I couldn't take my eyes off of his, and I couldn't bring myself to respond in any way. I was too overwhelmed by him.His hands somehow managed to slip under my silk shirt and scorch my skin without my denial.My breathing was shallow. I couldn't concentrate on anything but the way his hands moved, the contrast between our temperature, fire and ice, literally. So I really didn't expect what he said next."Pay back is a bitch, isn’t it?" He smirked.Then he was across the room from me, leaving me breathless and hollow."What?" I whispered, frowning. I didn't understand what just happened."Now you know what it feels like to be dazzled." He grinned widely and crossed his arms across his chest, triumphant.Oh, this was all an act then? I can't explain the stab of pain that I felt in my silent chest, but suddenly it was crippling. I almost grimaced, but I kept my face smooth, not wanting him to know how hurt I really was.I straightened myself and pulled on a smile. "You got me." I said.His grin faltered, I feared that I might have slipped or something. "That's it?" Thankfully I didn't."What do you mean?" I frowned in confusion, isn't that what he wanted?

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"You're not gonna yell or lash at me for playing?" He seemed to be frustrated. He wanted me to react badly towards his … stunt.I laughed genuinely, his expression was very comical. "No, I won't. Why would I?"He grunted and huffed as he walked to the living room. "Stupid, I should have known. Freakin' self-controlled, beautiful, vampire …" He muttered as he sat in the couch.I kept laughing, trying to distract myself from the lingering pain."Stop laughing! It's embarrassing as it is." He pouted and switched on the T.V for something to watch.I tried to pull myself together. "Sorry." I cleared my throat. "No more laughing." I said, finalizing my outburst.I sat down next to him and wrapped both my arms around his muscular arm, and leaned my head against his shoulder. He relaxed and leaned his head until it rested on top of mine. A few minutes later I realized that he fell asleep. His snores were light but then they got a little loud. I tried to muffle my laughter and managed to move away without waking him up.I walked up the stairs and into my room, I started packing my stuff. Jacob told me that he was leaving tonight – it was nearly twelve in the afternoon right now, only a few hours before he would wake up and take off. I packed a few bags, got my credit cards, my car key, and all the necessary clothes like raincoats and such – I even packed a few swimsuits. My stuff was placed near the front door. It was about two in the afternoon, Jacob was still sleeping – now taking the entire length of the couch – and it was snowing outside. I stared out the window and watched as every glistening flake fell from the sky. I smiled as I remembered when I was human, when I ran around the house with my brother, Benjamin, and trying to catch some flakes without melting them. My father, Charlie, and my mother, Renee, would watch us from inside our house. How I've missed them, how I've missed every single thing in my human life, even food! I could still remember the taste of the eggs and bacon, the amazingly delightful bread that my mother used to bake. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and threw myself in my blurry memories.

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I didn't realize that the snoring has ceased, so it startled me a little when I felt warm arms wrapping around my waist."What are you thinking so deeply about?" He asked me as he placed his chin over my shoulder.I opened my eyes and was surprised that the sun was starting to set. I must have been totally engrossed in my memories that I lost track of time."I was remembering my childhood, my human memories." I smiled again."Are you okay?" He asked, his arms gripping me tighter. He was worried."Yeah, I'm fine." I twisted in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Are you hungry?" The memories stirred a deep urge to cook.His eye lit up, but then turned wary. "Can you cook? He asked skeptically.I suppressed laughter. "I could try. If I don't succeed, we could order. There's still time." I smiled."Do you even have food stocked?" He was still doubtful."For appearance's sake, I have to stock the kitchen every week wherever I am." I assured him.His eyes were vibrant and expectant all of the sudden. "Well, in that case, let's see what you can do." He grinned from ear to ear.One hour later."You are the best vampire ever!" Jacob's voice was muffled because of the amount of eggs and bacon that was stuffed in his mouth. He was gulping it down like he was late for a marathon."Well, I have my moments." I said smugly. This was the third round. The first time was very good, the second was extremely well, and this time it was absolutely perfect. The smell is revolting, but Jacob seems to be in heaven right now."I don't think I'm going to be able to leave this house. This is just too good." He shook his head as he stabbed the eggs with his forks and stuffed his mouth with it, even though he didn't swallow the previous chunks yet.I was holding in my laughter with all my might. "Well, there will be a lot from where that came from." I hinted.

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He looked up from his plate and gazed at me, uncomprehending. "What do you mean?" I struggled to understand what he was saying.I glanced at the bags that were lying neatly next to the door then back at him. He followed my gaze and his eyes landed on the bags. He was still lost. He frowned deeper and looked back at me."Are you moving again?" His voice held a hint of pain."Yup, that's the plan." I nodded and smiled broadly.He tried to smile but it didn't reach his eyes. "That's great Bells. Where are you headed this time? I hope it's not Italy or Paris." His eyes were filled with hope and a hidden plea was evident between his words."No, I'm not going that far this time." A giggle escaped my lips, but I controlled myself quickly.Jacob noticed that slip up. "What? Why are you laughing?" His voice was lighter now that he saw me laugh."Cause you'll never guess where I'm going." Another giggle escaped my sealed lips but I didn't control it this time."Oh, I bet I can." Jacob saw the opportunity of a challenge and was quickly focused. "Let's see, uh … China?" He guessed.I shook my head, my snickers getting a little out of hand."Sydney?" He took another guess."Nope,""Cairo?""No.""London?""No." I tried to mimic a British accent."Africa?" He was getting a little annoyed.I shook my head."Poland?""No."Four minutes later."Saudi Arabia?" His anger was evident in his voice."No." And my voice was drenched with boredom."Jordan?""No." I was getting fed up with this. "Jake! Before you say anything, I'll narrow it down for you." I offered.

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He thought about it for a minute then nodded."It's within this continent." I pointed to the floor as if I meant America.He thought for a minute.He took his time.For the love of-"La Push?" He jumped all of the sudden with the hugest grin I've ever seen.I huffed and thanked whatever and whoever had the ultimate power that they helped Jacob guess right!"Yes!" I threw my arms in the air.His eyes were practically out off his skull as he hollered and jumped out of his seat to my side and picked me up from behind me, spinning me in circles.I squealed and kicked my feet. "Jake! Put me down!" I said as I laughed, hard.A few spins later, he placed me down on the floor, but whirled me around and crushed me to him in a very tight bear hug.It didn't affect me much, but I couldn't breathe, therefore I couldn't speak."Jake … can't … breathe." I spat out.He loosened his grip but never broke it. He nuzzled his face in my neck, and breathed out unevenly."Thank you." He whispered, and his voice was thick even though it was barely audible.I tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me."Jake?" I was getting worried.He didn't answer me."Jake look at me, please." I asked him kindly.He took in a shaky breath, and started to move away, never breaking the cage that surrounded my waist.He had his eyes closed, but it was evident that he was … crying. His eyelashes were glistening, but his mouth was forming a content smile. I didn't get it.A single tear started falling slowly down his cheek, and I – unthinkingly – raised my hand and wiped it away, like a reflex action. When he felt my cold hands touch his overheated skin, his

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eyes began to flutter open, revealing two bloodshot eyes swimming in emotional tears."Why are you crying?" I whispered, mystified and mesmerized at how it would feel to cry."You could say that I'm overjoyed." He chuckled and closed his eyes again.I lightly traced right underneath his eyes, and another tear made its way over my index finger. I marveled at it for a moment before bringing it to my nose to see if it had a different scent than his woodsy scent, and I was right. That tear had a different scent than him, it smelled like salt and … rain perhaps.I looked back to Jacob's face and I was stunned. His face was so smooth, and so clear. Not a single stress line or a wrinkle. He looked so peaceful, almost as if he was sleeping."Are you happy?" I asked out of nowhere.He opened his eyes before he answered me. "More than you know."The corners of my lips lifted slowly to form a smile, and then a full-blown grin.But then his expression changed. His face went blank for a minute as if he just realized something then his eyebrows started narrowing together."What?" I asked, not liking the crease that was forming between his brows."There's something we need to discuss." He said formally.I didn't like where this was going. "What is it?" I asked again."There's this … treaty that we have with vampires-" He started, but I interrupted him."The Quileute's treaty, I know." His brows shot up, shocked. "No vampire would cross the treat line, and no vampire would harm a human." He was about to say something, probably to correct me, but I held up a finger. "Bite a human and not kill them." He relaxed and nodded. "I know. I have some friends in Forks, perhaps you know of them?" I asked."I only know one family, the Cullens." He said shaking his head.I grinned like a loon. "That's them! Carlisle is a very close friend of mine." I said excitedly.

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"You know Doc?" He cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah, he's a pretty decent guy. It's the blonde twins I hate." Did he just say twins? I wasn't informed of any twins. He seemed to have noticed my confusion. "They're not actually twins, but they keep it up as if they are actually twins for the sake of the cover-up-story deal. They go to high school for crying out loud." He laughed.High school, that sounds like fun. "How is that?" I asked him, truly curious."They're all mostly within the ages of 17 and 19. Carlisle and his wife are in there thirties I think. So, Carlisle adopted five kids, two of them are twins, Rosalie and Jasper, and the rest are just random. So, he works at the hospital, and the rest go to Forks High school." He shrugged.I always knew he would do that – to want to blend in. he told me so himself."Well, that seems interesting." I smirked."I guess …" He trailed off uninterestedly."What time is it?" I suddenly too eager to go there right now; I wanted to try this high school charade.He checked his watch, and his eyes popped out."Shit!" He shouted and was out of my sight in less than a second."What?" I followed him to the living room, and watched him as he checked the clock. I glanced towards it and realized why he was so shocked.It was 5:30.The flight was at 6 pm.He started running around me trying to gather his stuff, he asked me if I booked any tickets in the first place, and I told him that I didn't need it."What do you mean you don't need it?" He asked exasperatedly."Hello!" I pointed down at myself."What?" He whined.I huffed closed my eyes and pictured myself standing behind him, when I opened my eyes, I was definitely standing behind him."I teleport, remember?" I shouted, making him jump out of his skin."What the hell Bella?" He yelled.

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I smiled. "I could teleport you. You don't have to take a plan. We'll be there in less than a second." I suggested.He considered it for a minute. "Will it hurt?" He made a face."No one complained as far as I could tell. They felt a little dizzy, but nothing serious." I shrugged."So you've tried it on other people before?" He seemed to relax a little.I giggled. "Yes I have.""Ok, uh … do I need to get ready or something? You're not going to teleport me into a lake are you?" He was getting paranoid again.I was considering it, but it sounded too cruel. "No I won't, I promise."Before he said anything, I pictured Jacob near his house – the ones in the pictures he showed me – and opened my eyes to see that he was gone along with his stuff.I smiled and gathered my stuff, made sure that everything was set, and got out to my car. I placed them in the trunk and got in. Again, I closed my eyes, pictured myself on the 101 highway and seventy, and when I opened them I was there. I was so close to my friend. I could feel something changing though. I could feel that something is going to change … very soon.I already made the necessary calls that will provide me a nice home, and it's waiting for me, already done and furnished – Joanna makes wonders when it comes to decorations and houses. The story would be that my parents are on a vacation, and couldn't come with me, so I'll be sadly staying here, all alone. My name will still be Isabella Swan, I will be 17 of age, and I'll try my best not to be tempted in high school.Yes, I am officially enrolled in Forks high school. I called J.J and he prepared all the legal papers needed, he even forged me an I.D, a birth certificate, and a car's license. This is something I haven't tried before, I never felt the need to act around humans, but since I don't have anything else to do, I think it's time to try it out.I parked my blue Mini Cooper in the driveway – I always loved small cars, big ones are overrated. I got my stuff out of the trunk

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and walked easily into my new humble house. I didn't want for the humans to think that I have a fortune when I buy a house that could pass for a hotel – I might be new at this entire human-performance, but I know exactly what the humans are. I do read minds after all.My gift is simple, yet very complicated. It's a shield of some sorts that protects me from mental and physical attacks – only when I want it to – and it also acts like a sponge, meaning that whenever my shield engulfs someone with a special gift, like teleporting or mind reading, it mainly copies and pastes it for further usage whenever I need it.So far, I could teleport. I could read the people's thoughts or see their memories, mainly access their brain – again, only when I want to, like a switch button. I could move objects and change its form or even make it disappear. I could control the elements, meaning I could ignite fire, solidify water, or melt ice, I could speed up the growth spurt of creatures, or disintegrate its D.N.A until it exists no longer, but I rarely use this particular gift, I never found a reason why I should. I could see into the future, but I never use this, ever, it just ruins the element of surprise and it becomes extremely boring. I could manipulate the minds too, I once wanted to try it on one of my friends who was extremely depressed for the loss of his mate, vengeance and sorrow where all he felt and thought about, so I just wanted him to forget about it and just move on already, and suddenly … he did, but unfortunately it didn't last, it only lasted for a few hours before he returned to his previous state of wreckage.I also have some form of torturing gifts, like emotional-fire which causes the subject to feel fire when really there's nothing there, or like literal-mind-numbing which traps the subject inside its body and paralyze it, but it could still feel, hear, and think clearly. I could also shut off a specific sense, like sight or hearing for as long as I want, and return it if I want to. I tend to use these torturing gifts when I'm in certain danger, but I never use it for fun.No one knows about my gifts, at least not all of them, and these are just a few of what I actually possess. Think how many gifts I

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could actually absorb for more than six hundred years. I could only say that they're not a few.I went into my house and, to be honest, I fell in love with it. Everything about this little house is amazing, just my style. I walked into the living room and was struck by the couch. That couch looked hideous. It was bright red with black arm sets and black and red checkered pillows.I quickly changed it into a nice black leather sofa with white pillows. I couldn't believe Joanna would choose this particular couch. But it doesn't matter; she knows that if I don't like it, I'll change it.The house from the outside is white and small with a blue door with a cute small carpet that says "Welcome", and the second floor has two blue windows. The front yard is a beautiful green lawn and the walkway is decorated with violets and jasmines, the smell of it is exquisite. The garage is small, but it would suffice my needs, and my car.The house from the inside is very cozy, but has a modern edge to it. The walls are painted light beige. The living room is to the left as you walk in, and it's extremely relaxing to the eye, now that the ugly sofa is replaced with a black one. The floor is made of wood, with the natural color of wood. It's covered with a thick golden-brown carpet. The coffee table is black and elegant. The black flat screen is probably taking half the wall. On the right lies the kitchen. This time it's strictly modern. The stove has a touch screen, so does the microwave, and the fridge. All of them are black. The counters are made of granite. And the cupboards are black with small white rounded handles. The walls are gray ceramic tiles. The sink is stainless and every single utensil is either made of dark wood or stainless, and hanging above the small island in the middle of the kitchen.I would have been confused to why Joanna took great care of the Kitchen, and stocking it, if it weren't for the two facts that: one, the human charade must be in full pretense, and two, I don't know if Jacob will come for a visit with the treaty in tact, so just in case he does, it's already prepared.

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I went up the stairs and saw three doors. I went into the first, and it looked like it's the master bedroom. It was the same color off beige, maybe a shade darker, with king-sized bed in the middle with black satin covers. The floor, also wood, was dark brown, and the carpet was an elegant butterscotch color. The dresser was black as well. There were two doors, one leading to the private bathroom, and the other leading to the closet. The bathroom walls were all the color off-white tiles except a couple of lines in the middle that were black. The bathtub was black. The sink was black, and the same with the toilet. The closet was probably as big as the bathroom, and it was stocked with clothes, shoes, ties, and there was a big mirror on one wall that made the closet look twice as bigger.I went out that room and went to the next door. That must be my room. The walls were all painted blue with white swirls, and the bed was medium sized with a dark navy blue cover. The carpet was violet, matching my eyes. The dresser and the desk were black. The desk held four technological items on it; a black I-Phone, a small I-Pod, a brand new I-Pad, and a digital camera.I smiled and walked over to these delicate objects. It hit me that these screens only work with heat-sensors. So, how would they work with my skin? Before I even started to frown, I noticed a note on the I-Phone.

It's custom-made for you Bella. Did you really think I would buy these things for you without considering you special condition? Hope you like the house. Call me when you're done inspecting.Joanna.

I smiled as I thought about it. She went through a lot to make this as perfect and as conspicuous as possible. I will reward her.I threw the paper in the air, and before it touched the ground, the paper vanished. I didn't want to leave any traces that would lead to our exposure.I imagined the luggage to be near me, and in a blink of an eye, they were. I started organizing my things and placed them in their new places.

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I went out my room when I was done, taking my I-Phone with me, and went to the last room. I opened it, but it was locked. I tried again, but it wouldn't budge.I focused on the doorknob, and when I heard the click that it was unlocked, I pushed the door to find an enormous amount of bags filled with blood. My mouth dropped. It was a fridge filled with blood of all types and sizes. Joanna is an angel.I took a bag, O-negative, went down stairs, closing and locking the door behind me, and pulled out my new phone and called Joanna.She picked up from the second ring."What do you think?" She asked excitedly."It's amazing Joanna, you're an angel, thank you." I said kindly, sipping fresh blood as I waited for her squeals to cease."I have to say though that the couch was not so good." I said as I lounged on my new couch."I'm so sorry. There was a mix up between your couch and another client's. I figured you would change it." Her voice was ashamed."It's alright, and I did change it. A black leathered couch took the old ones place." I informed her."That would definitely bring out the color of the carpet." She mused."I guess." I wasn't really into furnishing. "Why is the fridge that's filled with blood locked, and with no key?" I asked."Well, I thought it was best to make the door indestructible, and without access. Only you could open it with your mind. It has no key." She said matter-of-factly."That's a good idea. What do you mean by indestructible?""The humans can't open that door with their most powerful instruments and machines. It might be easy to you, but impossible for the humans."Joanna really is a genius."I cannot think of a way to thank you." I had a couple of thoughts on my mind, butt I didn't know if it would be enough. "Where are you?" I asked before she could say anything."I'm at my office, why?" She asked confused.

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I imagined a check with a number on it that could build an entire city. I think she could think of some ways to spend them."Don't spend them all in one place darling." I smiled as I heard her loud gasp.She didn't reply, so I thought she was still under shock. "I'll call you later. Thank you again." And I hung up.I was finished with the bag, and I was mostly full. I wanted to explore the town so I got my jacket and went outside, breathing in the fresh air.I'll keep walking until the sun comes up so I could go home, change, and prepare for my first day at school. This is going to be a long walk.

Chapter 3 (Who said looks don't matter?)

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I've been walking for over three hours when I heard my I-phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the wide screen. It was a message from Joanna.

I don't know how to thank you. I could build an entire new company, and there would still be extra money to build other companies five times as big as my own. I can't thank you enough. If you need anything, please, don't hesitate to ask. I'm not only designer, let's just leave it at that ;) Thank you, Bella.

I was surprised by her honesty. I didn't know that she was … more than a designer. I'm sure she'll come in handy at some point. I replied.

It's no problem at all. It's one of the good things of being around for a few centuries. I'm sure I will ask of your help when I need it. I appreciate the offer.

I returned my phone back to my pocket and started walking back to my house. Dawn would break a in a few hours. It would take me just that to go back to my house. I walked past 3 stores – only 3 stores since I've went outside my house. I saw a big store for hunting and camping supplies with a large sign saying "The Newton's". I found a few a few small fast food stores here and there, nothing big. This town is amazingly small, but beautiful all the same. The vibrant green is amazing. The forest contains various amounts of animals roaming it. The people's thoughts are quite, organized, and kind. Well, most of them at least. Some want to leave this place, others want to stay here forever, some want to change it and make it even better, but no one was plotting against something or someone like in some other big countries. The air here is pure and light. The streets were clean. Everything was so simple, and not complicated. There weren't even traffic, and I know so due to the lack of cars around. They don't seem to need them since everything is pretty close to everything else.I liked it here, even more than I liked Alaska.

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I could consider this home. It had its own charm. The weather is overcast most days of the week. It's almost perfect for vampires.I reached my house at about 4 am. I walked up the stairs and searched through my closet for the best outfit. First impression always matters.I picked out a pair of black jeans – almost too tight, but very comfortable. A grey blouse with a thin crimson belt just billow my chest. I shrugged on my black jacket. I wore a pair of black flats with a small crimson ribbon that matched my blouse. I left my hair down, flowing down my back in waves, and across my shoulder. And I was ready to go.I took my keys, my I-phone, my wallet, my school bag, my I-pod, my legal documents, and I was ready for school, but before I went out the door, I bit my lip and thought for a minute.Deciding that it would be wiser to be extra prepared just in case, I went up the stairs in a flash, got me a small bag of A-positive bag of blood, gulped it down, and made the bag disappear. I was ready now.I ran out the door, got into my car, started it, and I was off to school. I visited it yesterday – well, this morning actually – and knew exactly where it was. I was there in less than five minutes. I was in no hurry anyways. I parked my car near a pretty looking silver Volvo. Someone has good taste in cars. It looked expensive so it must be either the richest kid in Forks, or one of the Cullens.I didn't know what I was feeling; it was a foreign feeling to me. Maybe I was nervous? I wouldn't know, but I felt as if my insides were tying themselves into very complicated knots. I pushed that uncomfortable feeling away, and took a deep breath. I pulled out my pocket mirror and checked if there was anything wrong or out of place, my hair was a little disheveled from the wind, but it made me look a bit sexy, I looked like those models with their just-got-out-of-bed hair. I smiled triumphantly before I headed out for my first day at school.Once I was out, I was assaulted by the amount of gawks from the boys, and the death glares from the girls. It just made me more confident, but I was slightly amused. They didn't fear me at all.

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They were either stunned, or envious. Not a single trace of fear. Well, that made things slightly easier for me.I flashed the boys the sexiest crooked smile I could sum up, just to see their reactions. Some of them had their jaws hanging open, others were gulping, others shook their heads or rubbed their eyes more than once to see if they were imagining things, others had their hands over their hearts as if trying to keep it in place, even some of the girls were stunned.I cocked an eyebrow, completely amused by their reactions. They were all hormonal teenagers, but I didn't see their overreactions coming. I smiled and went inside the school.Yes, all this scenery was in the parking lot.More daggers were thrown through the eyes of the passing girls, and more gawking from the males, some nervous smiles here and there, and one walked right through a door because he wasn't paying attention. I suppressed a laugh and kept walking.I reached the front desk and found a very old lady with her glasses barely hanging over the edge of her nose, her hair was white and cropped short, her thin lips were painted a very appealing shade of red, her eyebrows were trimmed almost to non-existent and outlined with a brown pen.I cleared my throat as she didn't take any notice of me.She looked up from the paper she was holding with a bored look. When she did look at me, her eyes bulged out, and her glasses fell onto the desk with muted clatter."Hello," I said smoothly.She didn't move."I'm here to take my slip, and my schedule." I tried to snap her out of her trance.Still, she didn't move.I lifted a brow, getting slightly annoyed at her apparent unprofessional behavior.That seemed to wake her up."Oh, uh … sorry dear, you were saying?" She stuttered."I'm here for my schedule and my slip, please." My voice was edgy. I didn't like being delayed.

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She nodded briskly, and started going through some papers. "What's your name?""Isabella Swan." I replied.She wrote it down, excused herself for a moment, and I smiled politely. I waited for about five minutes until she returned. My anger was starting to creep in."Here's your schedule," She handed me a small paper that held my classes, the teachers, and their locations. "And this is the slip; make sure every teacher signs this." She smiled.I nodded without returning the smile and walked away from her. I really didn't like to be delayed like this, a complete waste of time.I checked my first class, and it was Chemistry with Mr. John in the second building. I checked the rest of them so I would memorize them, and placed the paper back into my bag. I walked to my first class, ignored the inconvenient stares, and tried to calm myself down.When I was finally there, I knocked on the door, and let myself in. the class has already started, but I wasn't that late."Sorry, I was delayed at the front desk." I tried to sound as persuasive as possible.The teacher, Mr. John, looked a little startled. Maybe I was acting a little too much. I'll try and dial it down next time."Uh …" He tried to clear his muddled head. "It's alright … Miss?" He asked as he walked and took my slip. "Miss Isabella Swan. Welcome to Chemistry class. Please take a seat as quick as you could so I could start my class." He smiled kindly and returned to his desk, signed the slip, and gave it back to me before gesturing for me to take a seat.I thanked him quietly and my eyes roamed the classroom for an empty seat. I found the last one at the end of the class next to a very big guy with dark hair and hazel eyes. He seemed pale, too pale …A vampire!I found one of the Cullens!That must be Emmett.I smiled and walked to my seat.

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He didn't take his eyes off of me the entire class. I didn't want to pick into his mind, I wanted to get the answers while he was willing to.The bell ring went off and I gathered my stuff while he watched me. I knew what he was waiting for, so I waited for him, and we both waited for the class until it had no one but us."What the hell are you?" He asked as soon as the door was shut behind the last student.I was startled with his irritated tone. I didn't know what I had done to upset him."My name is Isabella, Bella for short, and I'm just like you Emmett." I replied calmly.His eyes went wide for a minute but then he was back to being irritated. "How did you know my name?" He asked skeptically."Word travels. You might know Jessica Stanley?" I asked.He visibly shuddered. "Stupid blond, can't keep her stupid mouth shut." He muttered.I smiled knowingly. "I didn't mean to disturb you." I said and started walking away from him."Wait." He said quickly.I turned around with an innocent face, wondering what he could possibly want.I was absolutely shocked by the size of him. He stood up, and it only made him look three times as what I thought he would be."What's up with your eyes?" He frowned."What are you implying?" I frowned in return."Why are they … violet?" He clarified.They might not know about my diet. "I survive on artificial blood. It's not entirely human, there're some chemicals in it that changes the form of it. I try to avoid the pure ones so my eyes wouldn't change to a crimson color. It wouldn't really suit me." I smiled jokingly.He didn't reply but nodded his head. "So you don't hunt humans then?" He asked me cautiously."Never; I would never harm them. Otherwise, I wouldn't be enrolling in high school and try to interact with them." I said firmly.

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He nodded and seemed to relax a bit. "You've caused a bit of a mess, you know." He smiled and it made him look like a child."How do you mean?" Where, how, and when have I caused trouble? I just got here."Alice, my sister, she sees the future. The past few days were very blurry, and then she couldn't see the future at all. Starting from today, she couldn't see a single thing. It's like our future disappeared." He shrugged.I was surprised by the amount of information Emmett just told me, he must trust me to tell me this, and that is both comforting and unsettling. "I assure I did not do this on purpose. It's probably my shield though." I admitted."You're shield?" He asked.He gave me some information, so I think it's only fair to give him some information in return."Yes, it obscures mental and physical talents." I explained."Wow, that's cool." He really did look like a child despite his enormous size."I suppose it is." I smiled."You should meet the rest of my family." He smiled back. "I think they'll like you." He nodded knowingly.I was about to say something when the classroom's door slammed against the wall and a very small frame stood between me and Emmett.When I looked between me and Emmett, a very tiny girl was glaring my way. She had short black hair sticking out in ever possible direction. Her features were petite and delicate. She was obviously stylish. And she looked extremely furious."Stay away from my brother!" I couldn't look at her as danger; her small size and her wind-chime-like voice made her look so vulnerable."Alice, it's cool. She's okay." Emmett tried to comfort Alice – the future-teller.She pirouetted around like a small ballerina and face Emmett."What did you just say?" She asked him disbelievingly."She's okay." He repeated. "I don't think she'll hurt us or anyone else."

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"I can't see anything Emmett! There's something off about her." She pointed in my direction."I don't think Bella is going to be trouble." Emmett shrugged his shoulders easily."Bella?!" She said exasperatedly, but then turned to me. "Did you brainwash him or something?" She asked menacingly.I could have. "No, I didn't." I said solemnly.She seemed to believe me, but skepticism was written all over her face.I decided to let her in the loop. I didn't like it when people questioned my intentions, and I figured that Alice wouldn't relax until she was positively sure that I was no harm to her family. And there was only one way to do that. I really mean no harm, and the problem seems to be because she can't see the future because of my shield. So, I decided that my shield should not be a problem to her any longer.I engulfed Alice and Emmett into my shield, and I watched them as they stiffened. I allowed a part of my shield to linger in them and snapped it back."What just happened?" Alice asked breathlessly."I gave you a part of my shield. This way, you could see into the future with ease, and you will be mentally and physically protected from everyone. When the shield is divided between certain individuals, then these individuals are able to use their gifts freely between themselves, and the others who do not share the shield, will not be able to use his or her gift on them, but they would be able to use it on whoever they want." I explained.Their eyes were popping out of their sockets. Not only did I allow her to see into the future, but I also offered her the ultimate protection."That is so cool." Emmett whispered."Wait a minute!" Alice raised her finger to me. "Does that mean Edward can't read my mind?" She asked.Edward is a mind reader then? "No, he cannot."Her wide smile took me off guard, but her squeal on the other hand was down right shocking.

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She jumped up and down, and clapped her hand. Emmett was staring at her like she was crazy, I was still shocked, so I didn't react when she ran towards me and threw her arms around me."We're going to be best friends!" She shrieked as she pulled away.I didn't like looking into the future because of that. It just made everything boring.I stopped her before she said anything else. "I could easily take this away from you Alice, so please don't tell me what would happen in the future, ever." I warned her.She stopped her happy-dance, and nodded seriously. "I won't." She agreed with a wide smile.Emmett didn't make a sound ever since his last goofy comment. So, it made me jump a little when I heard him guffaw and bend-over with a series of laughter.I saw Alice snap her head towards the door and smile widely. That's when two beautiful blonds walked in, the twins, Jasper and Rosalie. There was no similarity in the features except for the common paleness, the golden-brown eyes, and the blond hair. They were both attractive, but they didn't look like each other at all.Rosalie looked beautiful, no doubt about that, but the only thing that ruined her almost perfect features was the scorn that was forever set on her face. Her long blonde hair waved to the middle of her back elegantly, her body was very graceful, and her face – apart from her permanent grimace – was symmetric and very close to perfection. She was definitely beautiful when she was still human.Jasper, on the other hand, was very calm. His features were relaxed, and he seemed to have relaxed even more when he spotted were Alice was. The thing caught my eye the most was the repetitive scars covering his hands, his forearms, his neck, and the straight line that cut across his eyebrow and down his eye. The scars were screaming "Warning" and "Danger". He must have lived a very rough life as a newborn, or maybe even after being a newborn. The scars were evidence enough that he had been in a lot of pain for a very long time. His body, however, is

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very well built; very muscular, but not as beefy as Emmett. His elegant movements were one of a gentleman, a soldier. He truly was a soldier in every sense of the word."What's going on here?" Jasper eyed me, half awed, half cautious. He walked towards Alice and embraced her as she clung to him.They must be mated.Rosalie did the same move with Emmett, but instead of being cautious, she just glared at me like I was about to steal him from her. I smiled, only earning a much more intense death glare from her.Maybe Jessica wasn't exaggerating after all."Bella is safe. She's a vampire like the rest of us, only she feeds on artificial blood, explaining the color of her eyes. She doesn't mean any harm. In fact, she just helped me big time." She smiled up to Jasper who just frowned in confusion."What do you mean?" He asked her.She thought for a moment, and then she was smiling widely again. "What am I feeling right now Jazz?" She asked him.He focused on her for a minute, but then he started frowning. He stepped away from her and kept looking at her like he was expecting something to happen, but there was no change. Alice was smiling angelically."How come I can't feel your emotions?" He asked Alice with a startled expression before he frowned deeper and turned to Emmett. "I don't know what you're feeling either!" He stated."Jazz, relax. It's Bella's shield." She placed her hand over his chest in a calming manner.But he looked anything but calm; he frowned again and turned to Rosalie. "Rose, could you please control your anger? You're not helping here!" He nearly shouted at her.She just glared at him, making him wince.Wow, she truly is a bitch."Jasper," Alice called for his attention once more. "Bella gave me and Emmett a part of her shield. It protects my mind and my body from any for of attack, and therefore your gift can't affect me. I could read your future, but you can't manipulate my feelings. Not unless you have a part of that shield." She explained.

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He frowned, yet again, but this time it was mere confusion. "Why would she offer you a part of her shield?" He asked, eyeing me."Her shield was … well, shielding me from seeing her future. And her future is involved with us from now on, so it shielded me from seeing any of our futures. So she connected me with her through the shield. Now I could see everyone clearly." She smiled excitedly.He nodded, finally understanding what was going on.I silently flexed my shield tell it covered him, and he stiffened instantly, and looked at me with alarm. I tried to comfort him with my eyes, but he didn't seem to relax. I pulled back my shield and left a part of it with Jasper.He blinked a few times before he started to visibly relax."Thank you." He breathed.Emmett and Rosalie seemed to not understand what happened. So, I explained myself."I'll give every one a part of my shield so they could use their gifts freely with me." I assured them.Rosalie seemed to be confused. "Did you give me a part of your shield?" She asked me with bitterness in her voice."No." I said simply."Why didn't you?" She tried to hide it, but the jealousy was evident in her eyes."You don't have a gift." I stated.She frowned. "How would you know?""I couldn't sense anything special about you." I said honestly.She fumed. "You gave Emmett a part of your shield, and he doesn't have a gift. How do you explain that?" She snapped back."I didn't want Alice to think that I was tricking her or manipulating her, so I shared it with the both of them." I was so calm, and that made her even angrier. "If you want, I could share it with you." I offered politely."No!" She almost yelled. "I mean, no, thank you." She sulked and leaned into Emmett. I don't know what her problem is, but I tend to find out soon.

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"You should meet Carlisle; he'll be extremely interested in your special gift. That is after your permission of course." Jasper offered with a smile.I smiled. "For your information, I already know Carlisle. He's a very old friend of mine, and I didn't tell him of my visit. I wanted it to be a surprise." They all seemed to be surprised except for Alice."How do you know him?" Emmett asked.I thought for a minute. Should I tell them? Or should I leave it for Carlisle to tell the story?"We will all know this exciting story when we all go back to the house, we're going to here it from Carlisle though, after school." Alice answered my unspoken question. She smiled at and winked. I gave her a warning glance but she just giggled. She was very lovely. A little annoying, but she's lovely all the same."Let's go we're going to be late for class." Rosalie said quickly and left in a huff. I watched her as she walked out the door, still unable to understand to why she would act so negatively towards me.Emmett looked apologetically at me. "Sorry." He mouthed."Emmett!" She shouted for him.He winked at me before rushing out the door.Alice and Jasper excused themselves and headed for their next class but not before Alice gave me a very meaningful glance. I didn't know what she was planning, but I didn't seem to be comfortable with whatever it is.I ignored that thought and took off to my next class which was English with Mr. Borty. I reached the glass, with drooling admirers on my tale, asked him to sign the slip, and he did surprisingly so without introduction or delay. I thanked him and sat at the last table. I think Mr. Borty and I will get along just well.The class passed in a blur. One more class until lunch started where I would meet the entire Cullens children – for the lack of a better word.I walked towards my next class which was Biology with Mr. Banner. He was a nice man, but very talkative. I waited four

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minutes for him to give me back my slip. He asked me about my previous schools, my last residence, why I moved to Forks, among other insignificant questions. I answered each question with a made-up lie, but I figured he won't really look into it, so there was no reason to why I shouldn't answer him.I took a seat near the window and waited. A sweet fragrance lingered around this specific table, so I figured it would belong to the last of the Cullens, Edward. I was truly curious about him. Everyone I know talk about him, wishing they could either be him or be with him, in some way or another.I was early, so I had to wait for a few minutes before the students started piling into the closed room. It surprised me that the thirst was almost bearable. It didn't burn like the last time Jacob took me to the secret underground party. The air wasn't stuffed, there weren't a lot of people, and I was prepared.I was still gazing out the window, when a very delicious mouthwatering scent crossed my nose – and it wasn't delicious in the vampire sense. I took a deep breath and smelled a mixture of scents creating the most amazing scent there is – lilac, sunshine, fresh air, rain, honey, … so many scents that I couldn’t even identify. But it was incredibly addictive.I turned my head towards that scent and I was absolutely stunned by the Greek God that stepped into the classroom.

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Chapter 4 (Talking is overrated)

He was undeniably beautiful. Everything about him just screamed grace and perfection. His disheveled bronze hair was sticking out in every possible direction. His irises were gold and warm. His nose was annoyingly straight. His lips were slightly full, his lower lip a little nit fuller than his upper. His jaw was angular and smooth. His body was designed for Gods. He was tall and muscular, not as much as his brothers; he was slim and boyish, but still muscular. He was wearing a blue shirt, and a few buttons were unfastened, showing off the smooth white skin of his throat flowing uninterruptedly over the marble contours of his chest. His sleeves were pushed up to his elbows, and his forearm slight hints of scars, like Jasper, but not as much. His legs were long, and the black jeans that he wore were fitting, but they weren't tight.All these details were only registered in less than a second. He didn't seem to have noticed me, but as his eyes swept the class for an open seat, and as I realized that the only empty seat was beside me, I diverted my eyes and looked back out the window. My face didn't show my obvious infatuation with his very appealing figure. Years and years of practice help me maintain a

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porker-face when most needed. I didn't want him to see me drooling over him like the rest of the hormonal teenager girls. I know how it is annoying, and I didn't want to be one of them.Looks don't matter! I reminded myself over and over again, trying to regain my senses.I kept facing the window, not really seeing anything but the raindrops as they trickled down the transparent window in thin streams. And as I started focusing on the window itself, I saw his reflection. He was still standing at the entryway, staring at someone or something. I couldn't tell because the reflection wasn't very clear, I barely saw his figure and some colors, but I couldn't see the details.He started moving, slowly, towards me. I could tell he was because his reflection seemed to be getting a little clearer as it grew in size. His eyes were gazing at … me? Or was he staring at the empty seat? I wouldn't know.I heard the chair scrape against the floor as he moved it to take a seat. I could feel more than one pair of eyes drilling holes into my skull. I didn't dare and look around me, fearing that if I do, I would stare at Edward again, and be forever lost in the molten gold."Well," Mr. Banner started. "Say hello to the student sitting next to you, for they will be your partners for the rest of this blissful year." He announced.I sighed, but didn't attempt to even turn to his direction.What was happening to me? Why was I acting like this? Why was I reacting to his presence like this? What does it mean? Why do I even care? I'm here to visit Carlisle, experience high school for once, and that's it. Why am I suddenly so interested in Edward? Who is he? How old is he? Why were there scares on his arms? Why am I asking myself all these questions when I know that I don't know the answer to any of them?What the hell is going on with me?I didn't pay attention to what Mr. Banner was saying in class, but when he called for our attention, I grudgingly returned my focused to Mr. Banner, but never as much as glanced towards him.

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He distributed boxes bearing some slides with very minute samples of onion root tip cells. I've read about these centuries ago, when I started running out of new experiences; I started reading scientific, medical, or psychological books, just to pass the time. I've read and researched on much complicated elements and creatures. So this was extremely easy for me."Get started." He ordered after explaining that we should separate these slides into the phases of mitosis they depicted and label them accordingly.I didn't need the microscope to see the slide. It was very obvious, but I had to act it out in order not to make the humans around me suspect anything.I reached for the box, and didn't notice that Edward was doing the same thing until our hands touched.Fierce and uncontrollable electricity shocked me where our skin was accidentally connected. I almost hissed from the power of it. I never felt anything like this. This wasn't painful, or maybe it was. But it was so … enjoyable, and so very pleasurable.Without my permission, my eyes snapped from our touching hands to his face.And the inevitable happened.He looked even more incredible in close proximity. His eyes suddenly captivated mine, held them as his prisoners, and only he had the ability to set them free, because I had no intention on breaking our gaze. His eyes were like pathways leading directly to the depth of his soul – if it even existed. I could see some emotions flickering around. Wonder stood out from the rest, but there was also confusion, a hint of anger, and surprise. I wanted to know what he was thinking, but I respected his privacy. Honestly, I was mostly scared of what he would be thinking. Maybe he thought I was an intruder. Maybe he saw me as a threat. I didn't have the guts to pluck through his mind.For the first time in six hundred years, I was afraid.I was very aware of the fact that my face was frozen. Not a single muscle implied any emotions on my face, and for that I was relieved.

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I don't know how long we've stayed like this, everything seemed to disappear from around us; it was only me and him. Time, place, and reason seemed so insignificant right now.I was crushed when he broke our gaze, but thankful all the same. I didn't want the students around us suspect that something was happening between us that didn't really exist.His long pale fingers picked up the box and started working. He pulled out a slide and snapped it in place under the microscope, but he didn't look at it as I predicted. He pushed the microscope in my direction instead.I eyed the microscope for a moment before looking up to his face to see what he was doing.My mask nearly slipped as I watched one corner of his mouth lift up to form the sexiest crooked smile I've ever seen."Ladies first," He offered politely. His voice was as smooth as velvet and as clear as crystal. I was being pulled under, slowly.Well, two can play. I thought to myself.I looked up from under my lashes, and smiled seductively at him. "Well, thank you." I said just as smoothly as him.I saw him gulp, and watched as his eyes widened a little. I smiled mentally, and praised myself for managing to dazzle Mr. Dazzling.I diverted my eyes from his face and grabbed the microscope closer to me so I could look at it with ease.I looked at it for a moment, and pulled away quickly."Anaphase," I said in a bored tone, and pushed it back to him.I noticed his fists unclenching with difficulty to hold the microscope so he would see if I was correct. I was a little offended that he would recheck after me, but I ignored it, because partners are supposed to do that.He nodded and recorded it on the paper that Mr. Banner had distributed around for us to write down the number of the slides with the name of the phases next to it. Even his handwriting was very neat.I picked out the next slide, and before I placed it, I took a quick glance at it. It was Prophase.I stole away the paper and wrote down the number of the slide next to it the phase without even looking through the microscope.

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Edward frowned but checked the slide anyways. His eyebrows shot up when he realized that I was correct. He looked my way with amusement written all over his face. I shrugged and passed the paper back to him.He stared at me for a few seconds, while I was staring fixedly at Mr. Banner's shoelace as it wiggled back and forth as he walked. I needed a distraction, and Mr. Banner's shoelace seemed to be the best target.When I noticed Edward move again, I returned my gaze to what he was doing. He picked another one and mimicked me. He glanced at the slide, placed it under the microscope, and then pushed it back to me while he wrote down the number of the slide and "Interphase" next to it.I bit down on my lip to keep me from smiling, or even laughing as I looked at the slide. And it was indeed Interphase. He was challenging me.There were still three slides left. I noticed the one facing me was Prometaphase. I couldn't see the other two because they were hidden behind the first. So I wrote down both slides' numbers and their phases beside them. I triumphantly handed him back the paper as I changed the one in the microscope with the Prometaphase.He frowned as he read what I wrote. When I pushed the microscope back to him, his jaw nearly dropped as he checked that I was correct.I took the paper again, getting into competition mode, and prepared for the kill. I used the gift that I rarely used, the one that ruins the element of surprise, but this time it wasn't going to ruin it. It was going to make him staggered.I looked into the very near future. I saw myself writing down the numbers and the names of the phases next to them. I switched off the precognition talent and started writing down exactly what I saw.It went on like this:Slide 1 – AnaphaseSlide 2 – ProphaseSlide 3 – Interphase

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Slide 4 – PrometaphaseSlide 5 - Telophase & CytokinesisSlide 6 – MetaphaseEdward was beyond shocked at this point. He was frowning and his face held nothing but confusion. He hastily picked the two remaining slides and checked him without placing them in the microscope. He shook his head, unable to understand how I knew what they were without being able to see them.A giggle escaped my pursed lips, I couldn't hold it in, it just slipped; his expression was just too funny.He looked back at me with wide eyes. I didn't understand his current expression. His eyes were still wide, but they were slightly … unfocused. His eyelids were drooping slightly. And when I frowned in concern, he straightened up, cleared his throat, and looked away.I didn't know what just happened, but whatever it is, I think he looked embarrassed. Why? I wouldn't know.Mr. Banner walked by us and stopped in his tracks when he saw that we were done. He didn't expect us to finish so quickly. Some students were still arguing wither the first slide is Anaphase or Metaphase.He picked up the paper to check if our work was done. His eyebrows were rising up slowly as he checked every answer. Of course they were all correct."Miss. Swan, you should have given Mr. Cullen a chance to answer." He smiled at me, but he was still serious.I smiled politely back. "I assure you, it was a … group effort." I fished out the suitable words. "In fact," I added, smiling wider. "Edward tends to be a little competitive."Mr. Banner eyed Edward, and Edward was staring at me with a hint of smile playing on the corners of his lips."Well, in that case, excellent job to the both of you." He placed our paper back onto our table and went to another table that was having a trouble with the microscope.I was watching the kids explain to Mr. Banner that they were trying to place the slide when a very important looking piece of

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the microscope fell off. I smiled as Mr. Banner covered his eyes in defeat, knowing that the microscope is definitely ruined.I didn't realize that Edward was still staring at me until I turned my head to face him. He was concentrating, deep in thought, as if he wanted to figure out what I am. I just smiled and looked away. I didn't want him to think too much about what I am, or what I'm capable of. I stared out the window, even though I still feel his gaze on me."Can't you at least tell me the story behind your eyes?" He whispered, but his voice was filled with frustration.It reminded me of Alice's irritated condition when we first met. She couldn't see into the future because of my shield, and now Edward can't read my mind because of my shield.He was irritated he couldn't know what I was thinking.I was beyond thankful that he couldn't read what I was thinking. He'd think that I'm some crazed person for obsessing over someone I barely know.I smoothed out my face, froze it on the poker face, and turned to him."What about them?" I asked in a monotonous voice.He seemed to be a little taken aback by my lifeless expression and voice. "Um … why are they violet?" He asked, his tone returning to normal."Artificial blood, the chemicals affect it and doesn't turn my eyes crimson. It's safe, available with unending quantities, fulfilling, and I don't have to end a life to acquire it." I explained, again. "I hunt animals when I'm in a vast need of blood, but that is very rare." I shrugged and stared out the window again when I received no response other than his surprised countenance.Our conversation couldn't have been louder than a whisper. For a human, our voices would be drowned by the sound of the rain hitting the window with loud taps."How old are you?" His voice caught me off guard this time, it sounded miserable. I whirled to face him, to see what could possibly sadden him like this, or if I was imagining it altogether.I wasn't, his face was hard, but his eyes were oozing dejection as he stared at me awaiting my answer. I couldn't a fathom why.

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"I'm 17." I whispered, knowing that this is not what he meant.He frowned and pleaded me with his eyes to not miss around.I sighed and gave in. "I was born around 1390 and 1400. I can't remember. I never really cared. Besides, my parents died when I was about six years old. My father and my mother, Charlie and Renee, were good people. It is said that they were mauled by a bear, but I know better. My brother, Jonathan, and I moved in with my uncle. Saying that he was evil would be an understatement. He killed my brother by accident, while he was drunk, as always, he accidentally pushed him against a wall, crashing his skull. He died instantly, and a part of me died with him. He was just ten years old." I shuddered, unaware that I was actually telling him my life story. "Anyways, I ran away from him. I kept running through the woods, not knowing where I was headed to. I was tired, hungry, and worn out. I couldn't lift myself up any longer and collapsed. I don't know how long I stayed there, but some time later, I heard some ruffling. I didn't have the strength to even look up, but I did feel the piercing pain, and … you know the rest." I shuddered again as the dull memory crept into my mind, I tried to push it away, but not before I felt the fire for a portion of a second once again.Edward seemed to be at a loss of words, and right then I realized what I just said. I couldn't believe I told him everything. How didn't I stop myself? Why didn't I stop myself? I didn't tell Jacob this story until I've known for certain that he was a good person, which was after a few years. I've known Edward for only thirty minutes then how could I have told him this without restraining myself?Anger flared and coursed through my veins. I frowned, bit back a growl, and looked away, but not before I caught his startled expression. He must have not understood my anger. I will not explain myself to him, I will not speak to him, and I will not interact with him until I meet Carlisle. His perfection is overshadowing my sane judgment."Isabella, I'm terribly sorry for what has happened to your family, and yourself." His voice was incredibly kind that it made my decision waver for a second, but quickly I re-gathered my

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scattered thoughts and held my ground. "I can't imagine how that must've been to you."No, you cannot. I replied mentally, but didn't make a sound."Isabella?" He called for my attention. My heart could have fluttered to life in the way my name just rolls off his tongue.I was not budging."Have I said something wrong?" He kept trying, but I will not speak.Damn it! Can't you just shut up! I yelled in my head."I apologize if I upset you." He said quietly, making my heart melt and ache. I didn't mean to make him upset, but I will not slip again.God, kill me now! I begged.He didn't try to talk to me again through the remainder of class, I kept gazing out the window, and, thankfully, Mr. Banner didn't ask for any practical projects until the class ended.I gathered my stuff quickly and was out the door while the bell was still ringing. I walked to my locker, entered my code, dumped my stuff, and headed towards the cafeteria, not really sure what I was supposed to do."Don't cut through the line or the students will be pissed." I heard Alice murmur from behind me as she walked to the end of a very long line.I walked behind her and mimicked her every move.She picked up a tray.I picked up a tray.She placed an apple on the tray.I placed an apple on the tray.She placed a canned soda on the tray.I placed a canned soda on the tray.She placed a plastic plate with green salad in it.I placed a plastic plate with green salad in it.She pulled out some cash.I pulled out some cash.She paid for her stuff.I paid for my stuff.She went to the table where Jasper, Emmett, and Rosalie sat.

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…I hesitated.Alice looked back to where I was, wondering why I stopped. "Aren't you coming?""I don't know if I should." I said quietly.She walked back to me, took my hand, and dragged me towards the table."Look who's here to join us." Alice called for the attention of the three golden eyed vampires.Emmett grinned widely. "Hey, Bells." He greeted me.Rosalie, who was glaring at me, was now glaring at Emmett. "You're nicknaming her nickname now?" She snapped at him.He just smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist, sufficiently calming her down a little.Jasper smiled at me and reached for Alice to sit by him. Alice pulled me a long with her until I was in front of an empty seat, and dropped my hand to join Jasper. I gingerly sat down and put my tray on the table.I waited for a few minutes before my curiosity got the best of me.Alice broke the silence. "I told Edward about what you did today!" She told me excitedly. "He was very upset at first, because he couldn't read my mind and all, but after I explained to him why you did it, he understood and appreciated your help. You should have seen his face when I sneaked behind him and yelled at the top of my lungs." She laughed a tinkling laugh at the memory. "He looked even paler than usual." She giggled.Emmett joined her. "I would have wanted to see that. No one ever surprises Eddie, ever!" He laughed again."I thought Edward was going to join you." I said in a bored tone as I picked at my salad, not lifting my eyes from it."Oh, he was, but he decided otherwise today." Alice answered brightly.That got my attention."Why is that?" I looked up at Alice with one brow lifted up.Alice looked at me like I was missing something obvious. When I showed no signs of comprehension, she sighed and started to explain. "I saw you're conversation, Bella. You were obviously

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upset after what you've told him, so he decided to leave you be in order not to upset you any further. I honestly think that it's unnecessary; you're not upset with him. I tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldn't listen. He's out in his car." She shrugged.I didn't believe what I just heard. I didn't know that he took it on himself like this. I thought he was upset because I was so rude with him. This is unacceptable. He will not remain banned outside and away from his family for my benefit – especially if it's not in my benefit in the first place."Excuse me." I quickly blurted out, stood up, and turned around to the parking lot, leaving my tray, and the four golden eyed vampires staring at me as I left.I pushed the doors of the cafeteria, walked down the hall, pushed the front doors, and walked across the parking lot.I walked in the direction of my car, knowing that his car would be still parked next to mine. A silver Volvo came into view, and I heard a faint flow of music. I didn't recognize the song, but I stopped and listened.

StartI'm gonna start with thisJust a single thought followed by wordsI hope I don't miss, miss anythingWrite you a letter, but it's better that you hear me, I suppose I could sing,Write a song to share the meaning …Of the love for you I'm feelingPeople saying what they will ...I don't care.

I'm hearing voices all around ...I'm hearing voices calling out ...What would they say?What would it change?I'm hearing voices all around ...I'm hearing voices making sounds ...What would they take?What would they say to me if I was … I was listening?

Catch my 22,

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I'd gladly give it to somebody 'Cause I only want to be with youI lost and used your loveI start to drown and you go and pull me upDon't you listen to what they say.

I'm hearing voices all around ...I'm hearing voices calling out ...What would they say? What would it change?I'm hearing voices all aroundI'm hearing voices making sounds ...What would they take?What would they say if I was listening?

Come here, there's something I should tell youDarling, don't fear'Cause I'm going, going away

Voices all aroundI'm hearing voicesWhat will they say?What will they say?I'm hearing voicesHearing voices.Voices all around ...I'm hearing voices all around …

I was a little confused. The song was beautiful, the music was very smooth and calm, the lyrics, on the other hand, I didn't understand. Maybe Edward was listening to it because it was a good song, or maybe it meant something to him. Maybe he was in love with someone that he shouldn't fall in love with. Maybe he was in love with a human! This happens a lot with vampires. They fall in love with humans, change them, and then live happily ever after – literally. Or, they fall in love with humans, stay out of their way, watch them from afar as they grow old, happily as humans with children and grandchildren, watch them die, and they either die along or wait for the world to end.Maybe I was over-thinking this. Maybe he was just listening to the song as I thought before.

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It's not your business anyways! I told myself.I cleared my head and kept walking towards the car. When I reached it, I looked through the window seat, and was mesmerized by what I saw.Edward was leaning his seat back, and his eyes were closed, he looked so relaxed, listening to a beautiful sonata that I didn't recognize. I contemplated leaving him in peace, and returning to the cafeteria, but I didn't want him to be away from his family. I should, at least, give him the choice.I lightly tapped on his window, making him jump. Oh, I forgot he couldn't read my mind."Sorry." I mouthed.His eyes were wide, and his mouth was hanging open. I had to move my index finger in a circular motion so he would roll down the window.When he did regain his composure, he pushed the button and the window rolled down automatically."Sorry, I didn't hear you coming." He smiled politely."I should have warned you somehow that I was approaching. It's impolite to sneak up on people." I pointed out with a playful smile.He laughed and nodded. "I suppose you're right, apology accepted." He grinned and bowed his head.I was engraving his laughter to my memory whilst I spoke. "You shouldn't stay out here by yourself. You might get bored. You could join your family, they're in the cafeteria." I pointed towards where they were, his laughter still echoing in my ears.He winced suddenly and regretted ever saying … wait, what did I say that would make him wince in the first place?"I'm not sure if I should." He repeated my exact same words when I was back at the cafeteria.He was hesitant to join his own family? Why …?Oh … me."Why shouldn't you?" I played dumb.He frowned. "Aren't you sitting with my family?" He asked confusedly.

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I felt a twinge of pain as he asked me that question. It sounded like I was stealing his family away from him. I didn't want that."I was, but I see no reason why you shouldn't join your family." I emphasized each word for him to understand that I was not here to steal away his family who accepted me with open arms – well, all but Rosalie.He looked at me bashfully. "I thought you were upset, so I thought I should … give you some space." He looked away, ashamed.I was infuriated. Not with him, but with myself. How could I have let this go so far? I was hurting him with my apparent rudeness, I was scared him off because I selfishly sat with his family, I was taking my anger out on him, and therefore leading to this current missed-up situation."Edward," I called for his attention gently, and he turned his head to look at me, his eyes, again, were wide and surprised. "I don't want to stand in between you and your family. If you think that I'm upset with you then please don't. I am not upset with you. I'm upset with myself actually. I normally don't … open up to people. I barely speak with my friends about personal matters. So, when I gushed on about my past human life, I was a bit angry with myself. I shouldn't have been so … unguarded. I should have taken it, at least, step by step. I'm not really the trusting kind of person. That's why I was a bit angry, and I apologize if I took my anger out on you. I didn't mean to, and it was very inappropriate for me to do so." I apologized sincerely, begging that he would understand that I really didn't mean to lash out on him.He seemed to be a little speechless, but understanding was evident in his eyes. I was surprised by how it was to understand his feelings and read his thoughts through his eyes. He was practically an open book.He nodded and smiled. Relief washed over me and I smiled in return, I let out a breath I didn't know that I was holding. I didn't even know why I was holding it. Perhaps out of anticipation? Humane reactions are starting to bubble up to the surface. First nervousness, then feeling like a hormonal teenage girl, and now anticipation.

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"Thank you." I whispered with a grateful smile."No, thank you, for explaining to me what you are really thinking, I thought I had done or said something out of line. I've been thinking about it ever since." He chuckled.It was my turn to wince. I really did cause him a lot of disturbance today. I've caused enough trouble for each of them. It's time for me to go meet Carlisle and be on my way. It won't work here. I'm not used to interacting with humans, and I don't act well around vampires either. I feel out of place. I'm better off alone, they're better off without me.Edward must have noticed my uncontrolled scowl, he frowned for a second before his expression cleared and was replaced with remorse."I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel guilty. That was not my intention at all. I was just saying …" For someone who can't read my mind, he was doing very well so far.I shook my head. "No, please, don't apologize. This is my fault, I shouldn't have come here." I smiled.My smile faded as I took in his horrified expression.What now? I whined internally.He motioned for me to step aside, and I was afraid that he would drive off. I did as he motioned me to do, and he opened the door to stand in front of me. His addictive scent hitting me full force. "Don't say that." His eyes blazed into mine. "Your appearance jolted my family awake. They were dying out. Boredom was taking over us. Then you came, and everything changed." I was wide eyed, my jaw was hanging open, and I was absolutely speechless. I couldn't speak even if I wanted to, his eyes were hypnotizing, and he was close enough that his sweet – seriously was mouthwatering – breath was touching my face lightly. "Even if Carlisle and Esme still don't know the main facts yet, you've changed my siblings. It's been a long time since I've last seen Alice squeal over something that really matters, not just some discount on a Gucci dress." I couldn't control the giggle that escaped me. I covered my mouth with my hand, and peeked up to see if he was mad for the inconvenient interruption. I mean, he

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was being serious and I was giggling. My laughter is justified but still …Well, he wasn't mad. Not a hint of anger was apparent on his face. But he was … dazed. Yeah, he was definitely dazed. I couldn't understand why, but he seemed to have lost his train of thoughts. I distracted him.Isn't there anything I could do right? I asked myself frustrated."I'm sorry." I apologized, yet again. It seemed to be the only thing I could do at the moment.His copper brows started pulling together. "Why are you apologizing?""Because I interrupted you, that wasn't polite." I looked down to my feet.I feel more and more like a teenager with each breath I take.I was embarrassed.I didn't know what he was doing until I saw his hand moving towards my face, brush under my chin, and tilted my head so I would look back up. The same electrifying jolt passed through me, and I suddenly felt very warm despite my cold skin and the cold weather. I wonder if he feels it too.I stared into his eyes, again, lost in the two golden orbs. I waited for him to speak, but he didn't. He took a step forward, closing in the distance between us. I didn't know what to do but to stand still. He took another step, closing whatever distance there was between us."Stop apologizing about inconsequential things. I don't care. In fact, I'd rather hear you laugh than talk and gush on about everything and anything." He whispered, yet his voice was as clear as it could ever be.Suddenly I realized how this is completely out of line, not only from his part, but from my part as well. We shouldn't be doing this. I don't know who he is, and he certainly doesn't know who I am. We shouldn't be doing this.But I couldn't bring myself to care.His touch, his scent, his voice, his eyes, and just him in general … these were everything to me right now. I didn't care about anything else, not school, not the fact that we were still in the

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parking lot and lunchtime must be over by now, not his siblings, not Carlisle or Esme … nothing mattered to me but him.I couldn't move though. I was frozen in place. I couldn't move if I wanted to. I just feared that if I did, he would disappear. I was afraid that I would wake up from this unending dream that seemed to go on for centuries, leading to this day, leading to this moment, and if I move, everything would crumble and I would wake up to find myself back in the dark forest."I don't know what to … say or do. I don't …" I was shaking my head, unable to form coherent thoughts.He shushed me softly, moved his hand that was holding my chin to my cheek and caressed it softly, making me weak in the knees. I didn't understand how he was affecting me so much. I didn't know why I was allowing him to touch me like this. I didn't know why I wasn't jerking away from his touch. I didn't know why I was feeling like I was in heaven right now. I didn't know anything.I tried to find a single thought that would help me understand what was happening right now, but my mind seemed to be useless. It was clouded by the electricity that was coursing through every nerve in my body, and his painstakingly dazing scent. I was thoroughly dazzled.This is absolutely ridiculous! My sane side tried to wake me up from my blissful coma.Oh, just give in to him already. My less noble side snapped back.I was truly torn between breaking away from him, or giving in. the consequences of giving into him are too great for me or him or the both of us to handle afterwards. Breaking away from him seemed to be the best, safest decision. I have to do it, even if it's going to break me. We have to wait. This was going way too fast.Yes!!! My sane side was screaming in my head in approval.My less noble side, however, was silent.It was decided."Edward, stop." It killed me a little inside to say this, but I had to.He froze. His expression was confused and hurt. I seemed to be doing that to him a lot."Why?" He asked me quietly, still holding my face. His eyes were very intense.

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"Because this is … improper, and I'm sure you understand what I mean." My voice was even, my face was hard, and my insides were in shreds.His eyes were wide with incredulity, but then his face hardened, his nostrils flared, and his wide eyes turned menacing. He was glaring at me."Would you stop doing that?" He spoke – nearly growled – through his gritted teeth.I gulped. "Stop doing what?" My face held nothing but horror, I'm sure."Stop changing your mind every second! Seriously, you're outdoing Alice with her constant wardrobe changing! And she does that more times than I could count in a day. I can't keep up with you, honestly. What is it that you want?" He was losing his temper. I didn't blame him."I don't want anything." I replied calmly."What does that even mean?! This is driving me mad! You have to tell me what you're thinking. You've blocked my siblings' minds already – all except of Rosalie's. I would do anything to have her thoughts muted. But the rest were bearable, and very important. I understand why you had to do it, but that doesn't mean you should leave me out of the equation!" He was yelling.I couldn't do that. I couldn't offer him my shield. If I did, he would read my mind, and he would know everything that's going in my mind. I couldn't be connected to him in this way. It's selfish, I know, but I just couldn't. I'll just retreat my shield back from Emmett, Alice, and Jasper. Then I'll just leave, and Alice would see clearly. I couldn't stay here. I had to leave."I cannot do what you ask me to do. I-""Why can't you? You've done it to Alice, Jasper, and Emmett! I don't think it would be difficult for you to offer me a little piece of your shield." He scoffed. This spiteful part of him was bringing out my anger that I suppressed with all my might."I didn't say that I couldn't do it because it was undoable, I meant I couldn't offer you my shield because then neither Alice would see your future, nor Jasper would be able to perform his gift on

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you. I'm taking them back. They will be in no need of it." I was losing my poise. This went extremely out of hand.My words seemed to furl his anger. "Why would you take it back? Alice is not going to be able to see your future!" He wasn't getting what I was implying."I will not be around for Alice to see my future, Edward!" I was fighting a losing battle with my bubbling anger. "I do not belong here. This isn't my place. This," I pointed towards school. "Is not who I am. I was never a teenager, so I don't see the point in acting it out now. It doesn't make sense, and, to be honest, it's tiring. You and your family belong to this picture-perfect lifestyle. I don't belong to a family or even a coven. I'm self-sufficient, I trust myself and myself alone, I don't like mingling with people, I don't like being taken care off. I can take care of myself. This life contains me. It bounds me to be everything I'm not, which is free. I'm not obligated to do anything I don't want to do, I don't have to follow orders, I live freely, and no one could tell me otherwise." I was fuming, and my shield was starting to heat up. I had to calm myself down or bad things would happen."You're not free! You're just scared, absolutely terrified of being close to people. You told me so yourself just a few minutes ago. You just like the little shell you've built for yourself! You hide in it when you're alone. Being alone is not blissful. It's a curse! I, of all people, would know that! Just imagine living with three happy couples, and just to make it even better, you are able to read their minds. You could almost feel their pity as they see all alone. You could feel their restraint because they don't want to hurt your feelings by showing their true emotions or just being themselves around you. You could see the love, the happiness, and the devotion they have for one another. You would feel sickened by yourself when you envy them or wish they wouldn't have been so in love just because you can't take it anymore." His voice was dripping with venom, but it wasn't directed to me, it was directed to him. "Just because you've lived for nearly six hundred years, doesn't mean that you would know everything. You don't know a thing about being lonely." His voice was low, but it seemed to have a much greater effect on me than when he was yelling.

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"So, you might have been tortured a little when you watched the people around you cuddle and look at each other like they're some smitten youthful couples. At least they care for you. At least they love you enough to be cautious around you. At least you trust them. At least you love them. At least they love you unconditionally. At least they don't get closer to you because they're greedy and wanting to control you. At least they don't have an ulterior motive to why they are being very nice to you. At least they would protect you and not sell you out the moment they feel danger. At least you could get close to them without feeling threatened. At least you could tell them your secrets without expecting them to use it against you. At least you could see the honesty and the undeniable truth in their words and their actions and in their minds. At least you could call them your family. At least they didn't stab you in the back. At least they love you for who you are and not of what you possess." I would be in tears if I were a human now. I sometimes wish I could shed one tear; just one tear would be enough. "You don't know how lucky you are." I used the same low tone that he used when he finished his outburst. I hoped it would dawn on him just how truly lucky he is."You wanna bet." He dared.I didn't answer him. I was tired. There was no way I could convince him otherwise, just the same with me. We were both unquestionably stubborn.I didn't have it in me to walk back in. I didn't care what he would think, but I watched him all the same.I pictured my bag in my hand, and it was there in a flash.Edward's eyes were as wide as they could ever be. He took a few steps back and stared at the bag in my hand that wasn't there just a moment ago.Great, now he thinks you're a freak. What a great way to end things between you and him Bella! I thought to myself.I walked passed him and into my car. I started the car, put it in reverse, swerved it from between Edward's car and the other worn-out sedan that was parked on the other side of my car, and the car screeched as I headed out. I noticed the rest of the

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Cullens step out of the school's main door. I screeched to a stop and decided that now would be better than later.I stretched my shield; it took a few seconds to reach Alice, Jasper, and Emmett. I sucked back their shields into my own. I saw them as the held their heads in their hands as I retreated back my shield. It will dizzy them for a few moments but they will be fine. I stomped on the gas pedal and headed back home.Home! I scoffed at the use of it. It came to me so easily and so naturally.This is not home. I don't have one.I kept repeating that in my head until I reached the house.

Chapter 5 (Change of plans)

I parked my car carelessly in the drive way, I was getting back to it anyways. I rushed to the front door, unlocked it, and went it. As I closed the door behind me, a feeling of dismay washed over me. I didn't know why it hit me so hard, but it crippling. I leaned against the door and slid down so I could sit. I wrapped my arms around my folded legs and placed my head between my knees. I felt a ripping sensation reverberate through my chest and a heartbreaking sound echoed through the house. I didn't realize that it was me who was dry sobbing. I never cried before. The last time I cried was when my brother died, the last tear that flowed down my cheek was when I realized that I was about to die in that dreary forest alone.

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I might as well be there right now. The scenery is just so fitting. I'm crying, my heart is crushed into a million pieces, I'm alone, and I have no one to turn to.I was completely and utterly alone.My sobbing increased and my arms tightened around my legs, trying desperately to hold my chest – which was starting to fall apart – together. I didn't know how long I've been sitting like this, sobbing. But it eased a little. It was still cutting through me like a thousands knives against human flesh, but I was too tired to sob, so I settled for whimpering.I heard a light tab on the door behind me. I froze and stayed silent, hoping that whoever was outside would think that I'm not home and go away.This isn't your home!!! I screamed in my head."Bella, it's me." I heard the voice that I've been longing to here for almost a century and a half now behind the door."Carlisle, is that you?" I asked weakly. Maybe my mind was playing tricks.I heard him sigh in relief. "Yes, it's me, I'm here. Please open the door." His voice, as kind and as tender as ever, pleaded with me."Are you alone?" I asked him cautiously.He was quiet for a moment. "Yes, I am. No one's here with me." He assured me, and I knew he was telling the truth. Carlisle never lies.I stood up, wincing as I felt the pain stir inside my chest but pushed it aside, and opened the door for the man I wanted to see the most – well, second most.I opened the door wider to reveal the blond-haired-golden-eyed vampire that I admired."Surprise …" I was meaning to sound enthusiastic, but it just came out hoarse and dull.He smiled politely, disregarding my weak state. "What a pleasure it is to see again, Bella. I sure hoped the … situation was a little different. Regardless, I'm so happy to see you again." He smiled sadly.I nodded, stepped aside, and gestured for him to enter.

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"Did you bring Esme with you?" I asked, already knowing that he didn't bring anyone, but still I wanted to make sure."She wanted to come." He started as he took a seat on the couch. "I had to talk to her for a full ten minutes, trying to convince her that it's best not to meet with you just yet. Alice told me that you were pretty shaken up. I knew you wouldn't want Esme seeing you now in your current state." He smiled knowingly. He has always been so understanding and compassionate with everyone. Edward – I shuddered visibly as I felt a jolt of pain from merely thinking his name – is definitely lucky."You know me better than I know myself." I tried to smile but I think it came out as a grimace.His face fell as he took in my face, I'm sure he saw nothing but misery there."Bella, I want to apologize to you." He shook his head, and I frowned in confusion. "I can't tell you how sorry I am for what happened earlier today with Edward." I stiffened and the pain in my chest increased tenfold.He must have noticed my distaste for this subject. "Please, you have to understand, Edward is feeling terrible right now. He doesn't know what got into him. He …" Carlisle trailed off, hesitant.If anything, I hated being left in the shadows. "What?" I managed to whisper."He's … gone." He said slowly, watching me closely as I took what he just said in.What does he mean by gone? Where did he go? Did he really leave and will not return until I leave? Well, he won't have to stay away for long. I'm leaving once Carlisle decides to go home."Oh, well …" I didn't know what to say, so I'll settle for reassuring him that his son would be home very soon. "Don't worry, he'll return home soon, as soon as I leave actually." I told him.He shook his head. "Don't you see Bella? This is exactly why Edward left in the first place." When he didn't see a flicker of comprehension on my face, he continued. "He left so you would stay. He doesn't want you to leave, even if that meant that he had

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to leave in turn." He was serious, he wasn't joking, and that just confused me even more."Why would he want me to stay?" I voiced the question that swirled in my mind.Carlisle pursed his lips. "I'm not going to answer that. I think Edward should tell you himself."I didn't understand anything. Why would he want me to stay? It's not like he liked me, why would he leave his family behind so I could stay? It just didn't make any sense. I had to speak with him, even though I dreaded having to see him again."How do you feel about this Bella?" Carlisle brought me back from my reverie."How do you mean?" My voice was a little distant, I was still mulling over why he would just depart like this."I mean, do you like it here? Apart from the … unfortunate incident that took place today, what's your general conception of all of this?" He explained.I thought for a moment about his question. When I first came here, I was slightly unaccustomed to this life, but it interested me. I even liked this better than Alaska, or any other place I've been to. I loved the fact that it was simple and quite. The people here were very civilized and kind as far as I could tell. It helped me remember what it's like to be … human."I like it here. I really do. I just … I don't know if this is the right place for me. I don't fit here. I've been solo since ever. It's very … flustering to me." I admitted sadly."I've known you for centuries Bella, I haven't been accompanying you the entire time, but I know you enough to say that you're persistent when you want to be. I also know that you always run away when you feel the slightest bit uneasy." He said confidently.Another thing about Carlisle is that he could see right through you no matter how many walls you've built to shield yourself.I bowed my head, embarrassed."Am I right?" He pressed. He was really going to make me say it out loud."Yes, you're right." I whispered. "You're very blunt, you know." I accused him angrily with a pout.

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He laughed gently, making me smile a little. His face changed in less than a second from cheerful to serious. "I need to ask you something Bella." He said somberly.My almost smile faded. "What is it Carlisle? Is something the matter?" A frown started forming on my face. I would do anything and everything in my hand to help him; I owe him that much.He adjusted his posture and became very rigid. I was beginning to get worried, he looked very serious. Whatever he was going to ask me was crucial, to whom? I wasn't entirely sure."I've discussed this with my family, especially Esme. They all have agreed, even Rosalie. She admires your sacrifice – when you decided to share your shield with Alice for her benefit and when you withdrew it for Edward's sake – and, though she doesn't show it, she likes you. She thinks you are very strong, considerate, and incisive." I was not very convinced with what he said about Rosalie, but, as I said before, Carlisle never lies. "With everything considered, I would like to ask you to join my family, if you'd do us the honor." He smiled, but his eyes were piercing through mine with such intensity, it made me want to cry."What?" Maybe I was imaging things, again. He couldn't have asked me to join his family. It's impossible."I know it's rather abrupt, but I've wanted to ask you to join us ever since I've met Esme. She's direly wanted to meet you ever since I first mentioned your name. She already thinks of you as her daughter – excluding her motherly instincts. Alice already considers you her sister; she's very certain that you two would be best friends. Emmett wanted to rip Edward's head off for hurting you – his words not mine." He smiled humorously. "And Rosalie … well, you know how Rosalie is." He smiled sheepishly. "All in all, I want you to join our family. You've been a great friend, if not the greatest, ever since I've met you in the woods. And, to be frank, I consider you as my daughter despite the vampire-age difference." He chuckled. "So, please, Bella. You've changed my family irrevocably. Please, join us." He offered with a very kind smile."What about Edward? What's his point of view in this matter?" He was all I could think about. I couldn't risk agreeing without knowing what he thinks.

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And yes, I would join them … if Edward agrees."I don't know dear, I haven't talked to him about this subject, but you could ask him. He's staying with the Denali's for now." The hope was manifest in his eyes.I thought for a minute. I had to talk to him eventually, and, to my absolute dismay, I had to talk to him soon. I didn't want him to stay away from his family for long. I know the Denali's are very welcoming, but they're not his family. I don't think he could be very comfortable with them on his own."Alright," I agreed, I knew I had to do it, but I wasn't looking forward to it. "I'll talk to him." My voice wasn't hiding my distress and misery.Carlisle grinned widely and his face just lit up. "So, you are willing to join us?" The utter joy that laced his words was all it took for me to say the next word."Yes." I said confidently. "It would be an honor to join your family, Carlisle." I smiled genuinely. The happiness bubbling in my chest was giving me hope that everything will work out … somehow.He laughed full-heartedly. "You have no idea how much Esme will be like when she hears this." That snapped me back to reality."Carlisle, I'd rather you don't tell her just yet." I said seriously.His smile faltered. "Why? Are you having doubts?" The frown fully took place on Carlisle's face."No, not at all, but I don't want her to get hurt or feel disappointed if … Edward doesn't agree to this." I winced as I said his name.Carlisle shook his head in denial. "I'm certain that he would Bella. I know-""Please, Carlisle? Just do me this one favor." I interrupted him with a plea. I really didn't want to put Esme through a rough time because of me, and I didn't want her to feel any sort of feel upset with her son over me – even though I'm sure Edward will be her first priority.He sighed disappointedly, and nodded. I'm sure he wants to report Esme some good news, I know that she must be feeling very aggrieved over her son, and that he wants to comfort her

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with something that might put a smile on her face, but I'd rather not risk it."Just tell her that I will think about it." I tried to help him out, being hopeful is better than nothing at all.He smiled, and nodded again. He stood up to leave, knowing that I had to prepare for meeting Edward. My heart clenched at the thought.We said our goodbyes, and promised him that, if things don't work out, I'd still visit him more often. I waited for him to get into his Mercedes and waved goodbye as he drove off.I went back inside, shut the door, and tried not to think about what was going to happen. I focused solely on what I should tell him, not the outcome of our dreaded conversation.I sat on the couch and began to think of the most likely scenarios.Scenario (1)I'd call the Tanya, tell her that I would visit because I needed to talk to Edward, and therefore give Edward the heads up that I would be coming. He might leave and go somewhere else in order to avoid me. I'd have to talk to Carlisle then, and tell him that it just won't work out. Scenario (2)I talk to Tanya, she'd tell him that I'm coming, but he won't run away. He would stay, and wait for me until I come, which won't take long, considering my ability to teleport. We would talk about what is going on, and what would happen. The result to this conversation remains unknown.Scenario (3)I don't talk to Tanya. I just go without risking him knowing that I'd be there. I'm sure he won't deny me a single conversation, but he could think of me as a stalker and so he wouldn't want to talk to me. I think I could tell him that I wanted to visit the Denali's before I left again, and that I knew he was here and figured it would be a good chance to apologize for what had happened and tell him that he could go back to his family if he wanted to. Then tell him that Carlisle has invited me to join his family but I told him that it was up to him.

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Scenario number (1) had two outcomes, resulting to scenario number (2). So, both scenarios are very risky. But then again, both scenarios were the right thing to do. I would, at least, give him the opportunity to decide wither he wants to talk to me or not, and give him enough time to sum up his thoughts if he ever wanted to talk to me in the first place.Scenario number (3) is not a very smart move. I don't want to startle him. I want him to have some time to think. It's more likely that he'd run away than stay and talk with me. So, I guess Scenario number (3) is crossed out.I had decided.I picked up the phone and dialed Tanya's number. I was about to hang up and call her later after seven rings before someone finally picked up."The Denali's residence, how may I help you?" I froze.Did he really have to be the one to pick up the damn phone?! Why is he picking up the phone anyways?? I mean, it's not even his house. It's not polite to answer the phone of someone else's without asking them first, unless Tanya told him to pick the phone up while she was away. I kept thinking of possible reasons that I totally forgot that I was on the phone."Hello?" His voice brought me back to earth."Yeah, Edward, it's me." My heart twisted as I said his name.What the hell was that about?! It's not like he knows your name!!! I scolded myself."Isabella?" His voice was laced with disbelief and relief.My heart was doing a happy dance in my chest. He knew who I was. "Yeah," I said softly. "I was just calling to tell Tanya that I was coming over for a visit." I told him, I waited to see his reaction. Would he wait for me? Would he run away?"Y-you're coming here?" He stuttered.Oh boy …"I don't have to." I said quickly, I wasn't going to chase him off, again. "I could come some other time-""NO!" He yelled in the phone. Shit! He's angry. Of course, he wouldn't want me to go. What was I thinking? "I mean, you could come if you want." Just as I expected, I knew he w-

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Wait, what?"What?" My voice was conveying my shock.He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. You could come if you want to. I could leave if it's going to make un-""NO!" I yelled – mimicking his reaction. "I mean, you don't have to, if you don't want to. Actually I'm visiting so I would talk to you, if you don't mind." I said quietly.He was silent for a moment. "What do you want to talk about exactly?" His voice was so … hopeless."I can't tell you on the phone. I could meet you at Tanya's house, or we could just meet up somewhere, if you want." I kept giving him the choice.He was quiet again. "Alright, I know a place where we could talk in private." He said and my insides twisted and untwisted.It's not like that! I kept reminding myself.But the fact that I would be with him for an unknown amount of time in a private place, away from humans, and vampires who have extra-sensitive hearing, was enthralling."Where is it?" I asked."You should take the one-oh-one north then turn right on the one-ten." I was trying to imagine what he was describing, and now I could see the road stretching on, but there's nothing there until the end of the pavement. "You should keep going until the pavement ends, you'll find a trail, and I'll be waiting there." His voice was gentle.I goofy grin started forming on my lips. "Alright," My voice sounded my happy mood. I nearly forgot the time. "When do you want to meet?" I asked."Now," He answered almost instantly, making me smile wider. "If that's okay with you." He added."It's fine by me, but what about you? You're in Alaska, remember?" He had to travel on plane, unless he was planning on running.He was quiet for a moment. "I … forgot." He said in a bewildered tone.I couldn't hold in the laugh that slipped through my lips. "We could make it tomorrow." It seemed to be too long, I could have

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gone now, and I could have teleported him, but I had to give him his time."Fine." He grumbled softly, my smile couldn't get wider. "I'll see you tomorrow morning then." His voice was soft again."I'm looking forward to it." I said honestly."I'll call you when I reach Alaska. I'm fast, so I won't take long." He said confidently.He was going to run back to Forks just to meet me."Not as fast as me." I teased.He laughed, my heart swilled at the beautiful music that filled my ears once again."I'll guess we'll have to test that theory later." He said, his voice hopeful.I could have dropped the phone and jumped up and down right there and then, but I bottled it in for later."I guess we will." I replied smoothly."I should go, if I want to make it to Forks early." I checked the clock and it signaled 03:34 am. I smirked as an idea crossed my mind."I dare you that you won't be able to make it here by six, no, seven!" I made it easier for him. Let's see how fast he is."You're on!" He said excitedly. Males always had this unexplained urge to win every bet they could ever put their hand on. I never understood why. "Could I have you're cell phone's number?" He asked.I didn't understand why he wanted it, but I didn't need to be asked twice. I gave him my number, and before I asked, he told me the reason. "I'll call you at six when I reach Forks." He said confidently, and hung up before I had the chance to reply.He was running back to Forks for me.I squealed and started jumping up and down like a crazy person who just won the lottery for a solid 10 minutes.When I was calm again, I ran up the stairs to change my clothes. I rummaged through the wardrobe to look for the best thing to wear. I looked out the window quickly, and it was a clear night – well, morning. No signs of clouds, and I was going to keep it that way.

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I picked out a simple, but clingy, blouse. It was dark blue, sleeveless, and V-neck. I chose to wear a skirt this time. It was black and barely above my knees. I wore black flats. I left my hair down, fixed it a bit and I was done. I never wear makeup; it's way too obvious to the vampire eyes. I rechecked myself in the mirror, my hair was good, my outfit looked nice, my eyes were bright lavender, and I was ready. My reflection smiled and I was off to my car.I checked the clock and it was still 04:30 am. I still had an hour. I grabbed a small black purse, dumped my phone, and my wallet in it. I grabbed my keys, my jacket just in case, shut the lights off, and I was out the door. My car was still parked in a slapdash fashion, I got in, threw my jacket and my purse on the passenger seat, and I was on the highway in just a few minutes.Thoughts ran around in my head almost as fast as my current speed – I was at least going a 100 mph. I started imaging how we'd meet, how we'd start our conversation, what would happen after the conversation.Then my mind started to wander off – way, way off. I started remembering how his skin, when it touched mine, sent sparks of electricity right through my flesh and straight to my bones. I wondered what he felt. I wondered how it would be to touch his face. I wondered how his lips would feel against mine …Stop right there!!! I screamed in my head. I didn't even know how or why I was thinking this. It's absolutely impossible.Why is it impossible? I was taken aback by that question.I didn't know why, I just … knew. He's so different from me. We're two entirely different people. I'm from a total different era. He wouldn't want to be with me anyways.Why wouldn't he? I asked myself. You're beautiful, you intelligent, you're a vampire, you're very special, you're not evil … A list of my good qualities started forming in my head.But was it enough for him?My arguing side didn't have an answer to that.Thought so.Then other questions popped in my head.

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What if he wants to meet so soon just to get this over with? What if he was fed up with me and wanted to get rid of me? What if he wasn't eager to see me, but eager to be left in peace?My heart sank, my foot eased on the gas pedal, and I was suddenly not as eager to reach our agreed location as I was just a second ago.Why and when did I let myself hope? Why was it hurting me so much? It's not like I haven't considered this before.When I turned right to the one-ten, I felt as if I was going head on to my doom. I didn't want to go. I wanted to go the opposite direction. I wanted to run away.NO! My stubborn side yelled, and I whimpered. You will not be a coward. You will not run away. These two sentences echoed over and over again in my head, and I felt my feet press slightly on the gas pedal, making the car go to at least a 120 mph.If I was to meet my doom then let's get it over with.And then the road ended, constricting to a thin foot trail with a small wooden marker. I parked on the narrow shoulder, took my cell phone, I turned off the headlights since dawn was going to break in a few minutes, and stepped out; too anxious to wait in the car.I started pacing back and forth in front of the car, waiting.I leaned against the car's hood, and checked the cell's clock. 05:28 am. I sighed and waited.I started pacing again, this time going around the car in circles.The sky started to brighten a bit. I checked the clock, again. 05:54 am. I partially smiled. It's almost six, and he still didn't call, guess he's not as fast as he thought he was.As soon as I thought the last sentence, I heard shuffling in some bushed about a hundred yards away. I waited as the footsteps increased in volume and slowed in speed. Wow, he was fast – extremely fast I might add.I nearly lost my mind as I took him in when he appeared from behind the trees ahead of me. He was wearing the same blue shirt and the same black jeans from this morning. His hair was wildly sticking out everywhere from the wind. His shirt was clinging to his chest, and, like this morning, some buttons were

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left undone on purpose, taunting me with his perfection. He was too perfect.His lips were parted, and his eyes were raking my body slowly, from my face all the way down to my legs. Then they trailed my figure back up until they met my own. The most breathtaking crooked smile formed on his flawless face. If I could blush, I would be luminous red by now."Hello, Isabella." His voice was low, and smooth. Even hiss voice made me weak in the knees."Hello, Edward. Please, call me Bella. Isabella sounds too formal for my liking." I said softly, and smiled kindly.He's smile widened. "Bella it is." His voice just caressed my name."So, where are we going?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me, even though I wanted to delay the conversation for as long as I could."Just a place I'd like to go to when I want to be alone." He smiled gently.I was stunned. He was taking me to the one place he likes to go to when he wants isolation from the world. Why?"Let's go then." I smiled excitedly and started heading for the trail.I was just about to step into the dirt road when I felt his fingers curl around my arm gently to stop me. The electricity that passed through us in biology class was feeble. The electricity that passed through us in the parking lot was faint. However, this time was like gasoline and torch, and then inferno. I froze in my tracks, my eyes trailed from his hand holding my arm to his neck, his parted lips, and finally his eyes. They were radiant, blazing into mine. My breathing hitched as I was lost in his eyes, I couldn't breathe right.His eyes broke away from my eyes, and trailed down to my parted lips, but then he took in a sudden breath, gulped, and released my arm. A tingling feeling was spreading across my arm from where he touched me. I placed my hand over it hoping that the tingling would stop so I could focus."You," His voice came out hoarse, so he cleared his throat. "You're going the wrong way." It was still hoarse, but clearer.

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"I thought we were going to take the trail." I barely whispered. I didn't trust my voice not to break."I said that there was a trail, not that we're taking it." He smiled as he reminded.I nodded and smiled weakly. I was, up till now, dazed from his touch and his intense gaze."It's this way." He gestured towards the west before giving me a wicked grin and taking off running full speed towards where he pointed.I grinned widely. This was it. We were racing to see who's faster.I started running after him, he was a good 200 yards ahead of me, so I closed my eyes, imagined myself behind him, and I was surprisingly right on his tale.I was close enough that I tapped his shoulder with my index finger. He snapped his head in my direction. I was by his side with a wide grin on my face, the wind blew my hair and my skirt behind me, I picked up my pace, and then I was ahead of him. I wasn't even running in top speed yet. I was using about … 60% of my speed so far.Edward's face was hilarious – a mixture of shock, disbelief, and determination. I laughed out loud and pushed myself a little more.I was gaining on him, and I heard his growl as he pushed his self even harder. He was fast, I would give him that. But I was faster.I pushed myself even more, and the forest was flying passed me so fast, yet I was seeing every single leaf on the trees, and every single twig beneath my feet. Running has been always my favorite habit. I love running. And I love it even more when I'm competing with someone, especially someone as fast as Edward. Jacob tried to out run me time and time again, but he never succeeded. I let him win sometimes, but just for his ego.I wasn't sparing Edward in the least.He was trying with all his might to match my pace, but I was too quick for him. I laughed out one last time before I pushed my self to the max.I jumped over fallen trunks, ducked under low branches, weaved through trees, and my feet were barely touching the ground as I

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ran even faster than I expected. I looked behind me to see Edward staring at me with such intensity that made me want to stop and throw myself at him.Focus Bella!!! I tried to snap myself out of it and focused on the task on hand.I spotted a bright area up ahead, and I noticed that Edward was deliberately slowing down. I slowed down in turn until he was running by my side. I didn't look up too him, and kept staring ahead. The bright zone ahead seemed to … sparkle?I picked up my pace again until I swiftly broke through the last darkened area to the most incredible place I've ever set my eyes upon.The sun was shinning from the east with a faint glow, but enough to make my skin break into tiny rainbows over the meadows floor.It was round. A perfectly symmetrical circle. The green carpet was decorated with flowers of various colors – violet, soft white, and yellow. There was a faint sound of a stream nearby. The aroma was incredibly relaxing – fresh air, warm sun, wood, soil, and perfumes of a variant amount of flowers, clean water, and dew. The sun shown brighter, warming my skin. I closed my eyes and smiled, relishing the amazing peace that relaxed my nerves. The wind was light when it shifted, blowing the scent that clouded my mind towards me.I snapped my eyes open and twirled nimbly to face Edward.Oh my dear God …Michelangelo’s David would crawl into a hole if he saw the God that stood before my eyes right now.My eyes were not used to this kind of beauty. In all my six hundred years, I have never seen anything on anyone as beautiful as him. This was beauty in its form.I didn't know how to put his perfection in words. The word perfect didn't suffice how perfect he actually was.His hair was glowing and swaying with the movement of the light breeze. His skin was not only glittering, but it seemed to illuminate as well. There were a couple of extra buttons that were now undone, showing the seamless contours of his muscular chest. I watched as the fabric fluttered against his chest and

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abdomen when a gust of wind blissfully traveled from across the meadow and in his direction.His eyes seemed to be mirroring my own – awe, admiration, shock, and amazement. I was unable to look away. The meadow was unsightly in comparison with him. I was just beyond dazzled at this point. I don't know how such a creature like Edward could walk this earth. He should join the rest of thee Gods in the heavens up high, away from the unappealing humans and immortal vampires. I swear he's a descendant from the goddess Aphrodite.He started walking towards me, and I couldn't move. My face didn't let on of what was going on inside me, thank God. I was motionless, expressionless, and speechless. I was as still as a statue.He was only a few feet away from me when he stopped, his scent assaulting me like a ton of bricks. I wanted to groan out loud and tell him to close in the distance between us. It took everything not to lunge at him right there and then.He parted his lips to say something, but nothing came out. I was literally dying. I wanted to know what he was thinking, but I couldn't do it. I shouldn't invade his privacy.For the love of God, say something! I wasn't sure if that thought was directed at me or at him.He opened his mouth again, but he uttered nothing.I bit my lip to stop myself from saying something either very stupid or very inappropriate.He gulped, and his eyes got noticeably darker. I wasn't sure why for."I …" He started, but then stopped.Please, say something. For God's sake, please. I begged repeatedly in my head.He ran his hand through his hair, and I swear my knees shook for a second. I was using every power in me to lock my muscles in place; the strain I was using was wavering with every move he makes.He averted his eyes from mine, and I nearly cried out loud. "I'm sorry for what happened yesterday morning." He said while

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looking down at the floor. I didn't need to look into his eyes to know that he was truly sorry. "I never meant to yell at you like I did." He visibly shuddered, making me wince. This was difficult for him to say out loud."You don't have to-" I started softly."No," he interrupted me, returning his eyes to mine, and I instantly felt relaxed. "I need to say this." His eyes were, again, blistering into mine, willing me to shut my mouth. I nodded for him to continue. "I never behave like this with anyone, ever." He shook his head in confusion. "I don't know why I acted like this around you – you of all people. I just … I don't know why I keep … losing my temper around you." He paused for a moment before snorting. "Well, I do know, I just don't know how it's possible." He started laughing cynically. "It's impossible." He shook his head again.I froze.He seemed to have noticed when I went rigid, because her frowned worriedly.My mind went into overdrive. He just said the same exact words that I thought over and over again for the past 24 hours, but his words could hold an entirely different meaning than what it holds to me."What do you mean exactly?" I asked cautiously.He looked away again, breaking my heart. "I can't tell you that." He grimaced, and turned around so he had his back to me.His shoulders were hunched, his back was rigid, his fists were clenched, and his head bowed slightly as he spoke. "I feat that if I ever tell you … you'd undoubtedly run away from me." His voice was grave, and he was completely convinced that what he was saying was the absolute truth."Why would you say that?" I asked, stepping closer to him.He shook his head, but didn't say anything."Try me." I said confidently, and stepped even closer.He didn't move. "I … can't." His voice sounded so miserable it sent a stab of pain through my heart."Please," I begged, and I was right behind him.

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He hesitated as he turned around. Once he had his face to me, I could see the amount of pain that he was enduring on his face, he avoided my eyes again. What could possibly torture him this much?My, already aching, heart was shattered as he lifted his eye to meet mine. I could see a dozen emotions swirling in his golden orbs – agony, hurt, indecision, anger, longing, and so much more.My face crumbled with grief as I stared into his depthless eyes. My hands had a mind of its own as I saw it lift up to touch his face. I gently pressed my palm to his cheek, and the electricity returned, stronger than the one back at the trail, and much, much deeper. I marveled as his breath caught, closed his eyes, and leaned into my touch. My thump stroked under his eyes and across his cheek bone. I heard him sigh, and felt his sweet breath on my face. My mind was already clouded, and his breath seemed to make it more stupefied if it were even possible.His eyelids lifted to unveil his very potent emotions, and they were slightly different now. Longing, love, admiration, and absolute lust where pouring out of his eyes in torrents. The intensity of his eyes made me gasp, and it allowed me to clear my mind for just a second, but enough for me to snap back to reality. One minute I was standing within inches from his face, the next I was across the meadow in the shadows, gasping for air.I leaned against a tree for support and lifted my eyes to look at him. He was frozen in place, staring ahead – were I was just standing, and his face held nothing but horror and shock. He lifted his hand to touch his cheek, where I was caressing it just a second ago, and frowned.He must have heard my shallow gasps because he snapped his head in my direction, and our eyes, once again, locked. I winced as I realized what I just did. He was just starting to show me his true feelings and I did the one thing he feared. I ran.His face slowly turned into a grimace as he, also, realized what just happened, but his face was quickly replaced by a worried mask.

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"Bella?" He called for me, his voice betraying the hurt he was feeling as it broke. I wanted to run into his arms, just hold him in my arms and never depart from his embrace again. But … I was afraid."Just give me a minute, please." I whispered, knowing he would here me.He nodded and waited for me until I calmed down.What the hell was that? Why the hell did you run away?! My sanity screamed in my head.I was scared. I replied to myself feebly.He was right there!!! You ran away like the coward you are! My sanity, as it returned to me, was absolutely right. I had him in my arms, and what do I do? I run away.God, I'm just an idiot.I straightened myself as my breathing returned to normal."I'm so very sorry, Edward." I winced again. I can't believe I just did that.He smiled, but it didn't touch his eyes."You just … caught me off guard." I didn't know if that was even convincing."It's okay, Bella." He smiled genuinely this time, making me relax a bit. I walked towards him, but he took a step back, stopping me in my tracks.Oh God, no, please, no …"You wanted to talk?" He asked me, his voice was distant, and his eyes were glazed over.No …"Yes, I did. I do." I didn't dare take another step. "Uh … well, I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to stay at the Denali's if you don't want to. You could go back home." He frowned in confusion. "Carlisle asked me if I would join his family." I said slowly, and I'm not sure if I actually saw it or if I was imagining it, but I think I saw a flicker of hope cross his eyes before they glazed back over. "I came here to ask what you think of that." I was holding my breath, waiting for his answer.

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He didn't show any emotions whatsoever, he just shrugged. "It's up to you." He dug his hands in his pockets and stared back at me uninterestedly.Despair washed over me as I took in his utter indifference. "I see." My voice came out dead. His brows furrowed slightly. "You should go back to Esme, she's worried about you. Tell Alice that I'm sorry I had to pull my shield back, but I had to do it so you would be able to read her mind. Plus, I don't think she'd be in any need of it. She won't see blank anymore." I tried to smile, but the anguish was crippling. "I'm sorry to have caused you and your family any troubles; I assure you it wasn't my intention." I apologized, and I turned to leave."Bella!" I whirled around to see Edward right in front of me, again, the torture was written all over his face. "Stop, don't … don't go, please don't." He begged.What the hell?! Wasn't he apathetic just a second ago? I thought it didn't matter to him wither I stayed or left."Why?!" This hot and cold treatment was driving me crazy.He hesitated before answering. "Because, I know Carlisle wants you to join the family. I know Esme would be very upset if she knew that you left, and didn't accept Carlisle's invitation. Plus, Alice considers you her best friend already. Even if I can't read her mind, I still know what she thinks."Carlisle? Esme? Alice? … That is not what I was looking for."I'm sure they'll survive." I spat and started walking again.He caught my arm and whirled me around to face him. I tried to glare at him the deadliest glare I could sum up. If he wants me to stay then he should say it.I was surprised to see anger radiating from his eyes, trying to overpower mine."Will you stop running away?!" He snapped back.I snatched my arm away from his hand. "Why do you care?!" I yelled at him as I took a few steps back from him. I needed some space so I could think clearly."I-" He cut himself off. He can't even come up with a good enough excuse so I could stay.

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"That's what I thought." I retorted, and, again, I turned to walk away."Damn it, Bella. I don't want you to leave!" He rejoined.I spun around. "Why the hell not?" Why can't he just let me go?He didn't respond, he closed the very small gap between us, trapped my face with one hand while the other wrapped around my waist, molding me to him, and crushed his lips to mine.As if it was a reflex reaction, my arms flew around his neck, and my hand ran through his hair, pressing him closer to me.My insides were doing back flips, my mind was useless at this point, my breathing was lost even though I didn't need to breathe, our lips moved in synch, as if they were dancing.His hand that held my face slid down to my waist – leaving a scorching trail on its wake – and around my back. His tongue traced my bottom lip, begging for access, and I granted almost instantly. I moaned as his tongue slid in between my lips to caress mine. He tasted … I can't think of a good enough word. It was beyond amazing. I was absolutely intoxicated by him. I couldn't think clearly, I was feeling high, and I wanted more.His hands slid back to my waist, but trailed down my hips, going further south to my thighs, and my calves and curled his fingers – rather slowly – around them, lifting me up to wrap my legs around his waist. I knotted my ankles and pushed myself against him harder, making him groan in my mouth. His hands resumed back up my thighs, but they didn't go to my hips, instead, he supported my wait by lifting me up from my bottoms. I moaned out loud when he squeezed his hands hard.The kiss deepened – if possible – and our tongues were battling gently. My hand was tightening around his bronze locks, and the other was holding onto his shoulder for dear life.Every single coherent thought was out the window. There was nothing in this world that could break me away from Edward. I couldn't believe that somehow we became in this very complicated, yet very staggering situation. I would have winced or grimaced a few minutes ago if I so much as dared to imagine our current fanatical embrace.

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I felt something hard press against my back, a tree, Edward must have moved us, but I didn't care. All I cared about was his lips against mine, his hands roaming my body carelessly and sensually, all I cared about was him.I tightened my legs and pushed against him, needing more, wanting to feel more of him. His muffled growl sent pleasurable shivers down my spine. As if he wanted to get even with me, he pushed me grinded against me harder, and a muted cry of pleasure erupted from my lips.We couldn't be any closer. We're holding each other tight and close enough to crush a granite rock. But somehow I needed to be closer to him. This just wasn't enough. I needed more. I wanted to give him more.A thought flashed through my foggy mind.My shield.I could give him my shield.Without needing to think about it twice, I held Edward's face between my hands and stared at his eyes as I enveloped him in my shield. He gasped and froze. I wanted to give him everything. I wanted him to have everything I have. He groaned, and his eyes rolled to the back off his head before they closed as I transferred half of every gift I've ever coveted, half my shield, and half my-everything to him. I wanted to share my shield with him, and only him.He slowly slid me down his body until I could feel the earth beneath my feet, and his hand rested – more like supported his weight – against the tree, the other was wrapped around my waist, and he buried his face in my neck as I continued shifting half my shield to him."Oh my God …" He moaned, making me shiver with utter contentment. He could feel the power seeping into his mind, and his body. "Bella." He whispered, half stunned, and half dazed.I heard something breaking beside me, I turned my head a little to see Edward's fingers digging into the wood until the wood snapped underneath his strength."Ah," He let out a small whimper as the transformation was complete. He was gasping for air, and shaking from physical and

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mental exertion. He pressed me harder against the tree, and I almost my control, I tried to focus, but it was very hard to.How in the world did this creature chose me? She's unbelievably incredible. Her strength, her knowledge, her heart, her mind, her soul … and just her. All of her. I can't get enough of her. I gasped out loud as I heard his thoughts.He looked up from the crooked of my neck to look at me concernedly. Always so considerate.I can hear you, Edward. I told him mentally.His eye widened in shock, his breath caught, and his grip tightened around me even more.I could really hear you. He mused.I smiled and nodded.He smiled back. You have no idea how much I've wanted to hear your thoughts. He caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.You have no idea how long I've wanted to find you. I thought back. He inclined his head so it touched my forehead lightly. I've lost hope centuries ago. I mimicked his hand's touch and stroked his cheek, down his jaw, his neck, across his collarbone, dragging my fingertips down his chest until I reached the first fastened button, and then went back up in reverse order.His eyes closed, and his breathing quickened.This feels like heaven. I could hear the sigh in his thoughts, and I smiled triumphantly.He frowned before opening his eyes that held nothing but confusion and amazement in them.You're feeling smug … it's coming off of you in waves. He smiled brightly. This is Jasper's gift. He mused.I nodded. You will be having lots of gifts from now on. I shifted half my shield to you. I twiddled with a lock of his messy hair.Why? He asked curiously.I smiled kindly. I wanted you to have half of me. I guess the closest thing to that is my shield, so I wanted to share it with you. I explained.A very immense sensation crashed against me and leaked through my pores, across my flesh, and right to the core of my being. It made me feel happy, peaceful, and relieved.

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"I love you." He spoke gently.My heart swilled with joy, and I swear it would have thudded to life if it could. And since I couldn't speak because of the butterflies flooding my throat, I just showed him.I summed up all the love that I was feeling now, mixed with joy of course, and pushed it towards him. I watched him as he closed his eyes and smiled.I love you. I thought to him, and he opened his eyes and met mine. More than you know, I love you. So much. My eyes were stinging me as the nonexistent tears that would never be shed gathered in the form of venom around my eyes.Edward noticed my eyes glistening and his own eyes glistened slightly as they softened. He brought his hand to my face and pretended to wipe away an imaginary tear as it slid down my cheek. He leaned down and kissed my forehead lightly, then my temple, then my cheek, and finally he rested his lips against the corner of my mouth.We stayed like this for an immeasurable time, and I didn't complain. It was intimate and incredibly sweet. We sent each other waves of love and joy, and just treasured our time together.Then a very unpleasant question crossed my mind.What if we spend many life times together, and then he would want to leave me?Edward stiffened as he read my mind. I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I was letting him read every thought that passes through my mind.He leaned away and stared into my eyes as if to scold me through them."I will never leave you, not unless you tell me to." A flash of pain marred his eyes for a second as he said the last part."I don't want you to leave, not now, and not ever." I said miserably. There was no way to be sure when I would become boring to him. Eternity is a very, very, very … very long time.He frowned and trapped my face with his hands almost roughly. "I will never leave you. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm not going to leave you, ever. You have to believe me Bella." His voice was sincere, his eyes were oozing

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honesty, his feelings were real, and his thoughts were open and genuine. He was definitely telling me the truth. "I'm yours … always yours.""I believe you." I thought and said the words in a whisper.He didn't say anything; he just leaned in and placed his lips gently on mine.This was a different kiss. The craziness was all but gone, but the passion, the love, the longing, the emotions in general were very potent. I tried to hold back a moan as his emotions crashed on me heavy waves; it was so pleasurable knowing that he loves me, and that he wants only me.As our breath became uneven, our tongues fighting a beautiful battle, and our thoughts and emotions swirling around our little bubble, I realized that being with him was all I wanted. That I fought against him since for so long because I feared he might not return my feelings. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and he felt it too.He pulled away, and I pouted. He smiled gently. "Is that why you were running away? You've been having feelings for me?" His voice was tender but it didn't hide the happiness behind it."It was too soon." I admitted. "I didn't understand what was happening. I thought I was going crazy." I laughed. Ironic enough, I wasn't the only one who was crazy.He laughed with me. "No you're not the only one who's crazy. I've wanted to tell you how I feel since I first laid my eyes on you. You are so beautiful Bella, almost too beautiful that it actually hurts. And now that I have you, I'm not planning on sparing one second without you." He whispered huskily before leaning back and kissing me with more passion than ever before.It took us a solid 30 minutes to part our lips. I was in no hurry, but he was."Alice is worried about you, and Esme would be thrilled to know that you'd be joining our family. I'm sure Carlisle will too." He explained as I whined and pouted like a child."But can't we kiss for a little while longer?" I begged, throwing him the most adorable puppy dog eyes I could sum up.

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He gulped, and his eyes went noticeably darker, but he shook his head instantly to clear it. I tilted my head, wondering what he would be thinking, but he blocked me."Why are you blocking me?" I frowned and felt a little agitated. What could he be possibly thinking that he wouldn't want me to know?"I'll tell you later, we should go now." He smiled kindly.I frowned deeper. "I want to know." I am not budging until I know. I added in my head.He sighed. "I promise you that I will tell you later, but if you insist, I could show you a glimpse." He smiled wickedly before his lips were, once again, covering my own.This was a different kiss from the others as well. This was … lustful. There was no trace of innocent love in that kiss. This was downright wild passion. His lips were consuming me. His hands were roaming my body carelessly. His scent was maddening. His body was pressed hard against mine we barely counted as two bodies. His thoughts were driving me insane as he allowed me access to his imaginings of him and me in a ferocious act of love – him kissing my lips, then my neck, and then down my bare chest, to my-He blocked me again, and his lips were gone.I opened my eyes to see were he went, and he was standing a few feet away from me with a smirk on his face."You asked for it." He laughed as my dazed expression turned into a menacing glare.I groaned and huffed. I detached my fingers that were dug into the tree – I didn't realize I did that until now – and pushed myself off of the tree, that was now inclined from all the pushing. I dusted off my clothes and ruffled my hair.Edward ran his hand through his hair when I was done tidying myself, and cleared his throat."We should get going." He said gruffly.I eyed him skeptically, but all I saw was a smile on his face. I tried reading his mind but he was blocking me still.He was still thinking of …

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"Let's get this over with." I blurted out before I closed my eyes and teleported us back to the car.I opened my eyes and found that his was a little out of focus. He wasn't used to this yet."Sorry, I just thought it was faster than running." I shrugged.He was gapping at me, but his face gradually regained composure. He didn't smile or nod. He just grinned evilly and closed his eyes. The next thing I know we were in front of a large white house – the house was bigger than the presidential white house.I was gapping at the house when I saw Carlisle walk out the front door."Oh Bella, it's good to see you again." He said with a huge smile on his face, but he wasn't surprised. It was like he was expecting us to arrive hours ago.Strange …Well, I guess this is going to be a very long day.

I will update if I get enough reviews … tell me ideas, what could happen in the future, and so on. Please comment!!! And YES Lemons are coming up … just so you'd be prepared. I'll give a heads up before each lemony scene and tell you how many pages you should skip if you wanna skip it …
