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A Yukawa coupling parameterization for type I+II … · 2018. 10. 28. · Ibarra parameterization...

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arXiv:0803.2417v1 [hep-ph] 17 Mar 2008 arXiv:0803.2417 [hep-ph] A Yukawa coupling parameterization for type I +II seesaw formula and applications to lepton flavor violation and leptogenesis Evgeny Kh. Akhmedov a,band Werner Rodejohann aa Max–Planck–Institut f¨ ur Kernphysik, Postfach 103980, D–69029 Heidelberg, Germany b National Research Center Kurchatov Institute, 123182 Moscow, Russia Abstract In the type I + II seesaw formula the mass matrix of light neutrinos m ν receives contributions from the exchanges of both heavy Majorana neutrinos and SU (2) L - triplet Higgs bosons. We propose a new parameterization for the Dirac-type Yukawa coupling matrix of neutrinos in this case, which generalizes the well known Casas- Ibarra parameterization to type I + II seesaw and is useful when the triplet term in m ν is known. Neutrino masses and mixing, lepton flavor violation in decays like μ within mSUGRA models and leptogenesis can then be studied within this framework. We illustrate the usefulness of our new parameterization using a number of simple examples. * email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
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arXiv:0803.2417 [hep-ph]

A Yukawa coupling parameterization for type I+ II

seesaw formula and applications to lepton flavor

violation and leptogenesis

Evgeny Kh. Akhmedova,b∗ and Werner Rodejohanna†

aMax–Planck–Institut fur Kernphysik,

Postfach 103980, D–69029 Heidelberg, Germany

bNational Research Center Kurchatov Institute,

123182 Moscow, Russia


In the type I + II seesaw formula the mass matrix of light neutrinos mν receivescontributions from the exchanges of both heavy Majorana neutrinos and SU(2)L-triplet Higgs bosons. We propose a new parameterization for the Dirac-type Yukawacoupling matrix of neutrinos in this case, which generalizes the well known Casas-Ibarra parameterization to type I + II seesaw and is useful when the triplet termin mν is known. Neutrino masses and mixing, lepton flavor violation in decays likeµ → eγ within mSUGRA models and leptogenesis can then be studied within thisframework. We illustrate the usefulness of our new parameterization using a numberof simple examples.

∗email: [email protected]†email: [email protected]

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1 Introduction

The seesaw mechanism [1, 2] provides a very natural and attractive explanation of thesmallness of neutrino mass [3] as being due to exchanges of heavy particles. In the mostcommonly considered type I seesaw, these are heavy sterile (electroweak-singlet) Majorananeutrinos [1]; another well studied case is type II seesaw, where the small neutrino massis generated by the induced vacuum expectation value (VEV) of an SU(2)L-triplet Higgsboson [2]. In both cases, the light neutrinos are Majorana particles with the effective massmatrix mν , which in the basis where the mass matrix of the charged leptons is diagonaland real, is diagonalized according to

mν = U∗mdiagν U † , mdiag

ν = diag(m1, m2, m3) . (1)

Here U is the leptonic mixing matrix, which depends on three mixing angles, one Dirac-typeand two Majorana-type CP-violating phases. Although both sterile neutrinos and Higgstriplets can be freely added to the standard model, they are most natural in its partiallyunified or grand unified extensions, such as left-right symmetric models or SO(10) grandunified theories (GUTs), where both type I and type II contributions to the neutrino massare typically present. In that case the neutrino mass matrix is a sum of two terms:1

mν = mIIν +mI

ν = vL fL − v2uvR

YD f−1R Y T

D . (2)

Here the first term is the SU(2)L-triplet Higgs contribution with vL the VEV of the tripletand fL the triplet Yukawa coupling matrix. The triplet VEV vL ≃ µ v2u/M

2∆, where µ is

the trilinear Higgs coupling, vu is the VEV of the up-type Higgs doublet Hu, and M∆ is themass of the triplet. The second term in (2) is the conventional type I seesaw term, in whichvu YD is the Dirac mass matrix mD. Having in mind extensions of the standard model, wehave written the Majorana mass matrix of heavy neutrinos MR as vR fR, with fR beingthe relevant coupling matrix. In particular, in left-right symmetric gauge theories fR is theYukawa coupling matrix of an SU(2)R-triplet Higgs and vR is its VEV, which is relatedto the VEV of the SU(2)L-triplet via vL vR ∝ v2u. Regardless of the variant of the seesawmechanism and barring unnaturally small Yukawa couplings or strong cancellations, thetypical mass scale of the neutrino mass generation (M∆ or vR or both) exceeds 109 GeV,which is way beyond the reach of direct experimental tests. Hence, the seesaw mechanismof neutrino mass generation can only be probed indirectly.

One way of indirectly probing the seesaw is provided by cosmology, where the observedbaryon number of the universe can be generated through the baryogenesis via leptogenesismechanism [4, 5]. Leptogenesis can work successfully within both type I [6, 7] and type II[8] seesaw scenarios,2 as well as in the combined type I+ II seesaw [9] (for earlier works see

1Note that sometimes in the literature the mechanism leading to the entire Eq. (2) (rather than onlyto the triplet contributions to mν) is called type II seesaw.

2In the case of pure type II seesaw more than one Higgs triplet is necessary for leptogenesis to work.


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[10, 11, 12]), where the neutrino mass matrix is given by Eq. (2). Another possibility oftesting the seesaw is through lepton flavor violation (LFV) within supersymmetric theories,which has also been discussed in both type I [13] and type II [14, 15, 16] seesaw frameworks.Here LFV is induced by off-diagonal entries in the slepton mass matrices, which can begenerated radiatively. In many well motivated scenarios, the size of these entries dependson the seesaw parameters. Leptogenesis and LFV depend on combinations of the Yukawacoupling matrices that are different from those entering into the seesaw formula (2), andthis can be used – at least in principle – to reconstruct the seesaw parameters.

An important issue in these approaches is that the number of high energy parameters,i.e. of those contained in mII

ν , mD and MR, exceeds the number of low energy parameterscontained in mν , simply because the heavy degrees of freedom are integrated out at low en-ergies. An exception is the case of type II dominance, when mν coincides (or approximatelycoincides) with mII

ν . In the general case, however, and without a specific model at hand,one can only parameterize the unknown high energy quantities. Within the pure type Iseesaw, one such parameterization, which proved to be especially useful and convenient,was suggested by Casas and Ibarra [17]. This is the parameterization of the Dirac-typeYukawa coupling matrix YD in which it is written as

vu YD = i U∗

mdiagν R

MdiagR = i

√vR U∗

mdiagν R

fdiagR . (3)

Here R is a complex orthogonal matrix that contains the parameters which are integratedout when mν is obtained, and which therefore cannot be determined from low energyneutrino data without additional input. Many analyses of neutrino mixing, LFV and/orleptogenesis in the type I seesaw framework have been performed using this parameteriza-tion [18, 19]. However, to the best of our knowledge, no parameterization of this kind hasbeen suggested for the general case of type I+ II seesaw. The purpose of the present paperis to generalize the Casas-Ibarra parameterization to the case of the combined type I+ IIseesaw, when the mass matrix of light neutrinos is given by Eq. (2), and to demonstratethe usefulness of the proposed parameterization.

The paper is organized as follows. We summarize the main aspects of lepton flavorviolation, leptogenesis and neutrino mixing within type I+ II seesaw in Section 2. Section 3contains our central results. Here we introduce our parameterization of the Dirac-typeYukawa coupling matrix in the case of the combined type I+ II seesaw. We also givesimple examples on its usage, two of which are based on the approximate tri-bimaximalityof neutrino mixing. We conclude in Section 4.

2 Formalism

We will work in the basis in which the mass matrix of charged leptons is real and diagonal.The mass matrix of light neutrinos is then diagonalized according to Eq. (1), with U the


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leptonic mixing matrix, for which we will use the parameterization

U =

c12 c13 s12 c13 s13 e−iδ

−c23 s12 − s23 s13 c12 eiδ c23 c12 − s23 s13 s12 e

iδ s23 c13s23 s12 − c23 s13 c12 e

iδ −s23 c12 − c23 s13 s12 eiδ c23 c13

P . (4)

Here cij = cos θij , sij = sin θij , δ is the Dirac-type CP-violating phase, and the Majoranaphases α and β are contained in the matrix

P = diag(1, e−iα, e−iβ) . (5)

The analyses of neutrino experiments revealed the following best-fit values and 3σ rangesof the oscillation parameters [20]:

∆m2⊙ ≡ m2

2 −m21 =




· 10−5 eV2 ,

sin2 θ12 = 0.31+0.07−0.05 ,

∆m2A ≡

∣m23 −m2


∣ =(



· 10−3 eV2 , (6)

sin2 θ23 = 0.47+0.17−0.15 ,

|Ue3|2 = 0+0.040−0.000 .

Depending on the sign of m23 −m2

1, the neutrino masses are normally or inversely ordered:

normal: m3 > m2 > m1 with m2 =√

m21 +∆m2

⊙ ; m3 =√

m21 +∆m2

A ,

inverted: m2 > m1 > m3 with m2 =√

m23 +∆m2

⊙ +∆m2A ; m1 =

m23 +∆m2

A .

The overall scale of neutrino masses is not known, except for the upper limit of order 1 eVcoming from direct mass search experiments and cosmology.

The type I seesaw mechanism [1] corresponds to the situation when the light neutrinomasses are induced by their coupling with heavy Majorana neutrinos. Introducing theDirac mass matrix mD = vu YD with vu = v sin β being the VEV of Hu, and the Majoranamass matrix MR = vR fR for heavy neutrinos, one finds for vR ≫ vu the light neutrinomass matrix

mIν = − v2u

vRYD f−1

R Y TD . (7)

The masses of light neutrinos can also be generated through their coupling with an SU(2)L-triplet Higgs, which gives the triplet, or type II seesaw [2]:

mIIν = vL fL . (8)

In this case the neutrino mass matrix is directly given by the triplet Yukawa couplingmatrix fL, up to an overall scale which is just the triplet VEV vL. In left-right symmetricmodels and their GUT extensions both seesaw contributions to mν are naturally present,


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leading to the type I+ II seesaw expression of Eq. (2). Moreover, in these models there isa relation between the VEVs of the neutral components of the two triplets vL and vR:

vL vR = γ v2u , (9)

where γ depends on the parameters of the Higgs potential. Type I + II seesaw can, ofcourse, also be realized without extending the gauge group of the standard model.

In general, the matrices mν , fL and fR are complex symmetric, whereas YD is a generalcomplex matrix (of dimension 3 × 3 for three generations of light and heavy neutrinos).In left-right symmetric models and their extensions, in addition to the gauge symmetry, adiscrete left-right symmetry is often assumed, which can be realized either as C-conjugationor as a parity symmetry. This leads to additional constraints on the entries of the seesawrelation (2). Namely, in the case of C-conjugation symmetry, one has fL = fR, YD = Y T

D ,while for parity symmetry fL = f ∗

R, YD = Y †D. In both cases the seesaw exhibits a curious

duality property [21] (see also [22, 23]). In our study, however, we will not assume anyadditional constraints on the entries of Eq. (2). As the neutrino mass matrix given by thisformula contains two terms, it leads to a number of interesting possibilities for explainingthe features of neutrino mixing [24].

Let us now briefly summarize the LFV formulae relevant to our discussion. In super-symmetric scenarios LFV is triggered by off-diagonal entries in the slepton mass matrixm2

L. The branching ratios for radiative decays of the charged leptons ℓi = e, µ, τ are

BR(ℓi → ℓjγ) = BR(ℓi → ℓj νν)α3

G2F m8







tan2 β , (10)

where mS is a typical mass scale of SUSY particles. The values of the branching ratiosBR(ℓi → ℓj νν) are BR(µ → e νν) ≃ 1, BR(τ → µ νν) ≃ 0.174 and BR(τ → e νν) ≃ 0.178[25]. Current limits on the branching ratios for ℓi → ℓjγ are BR(µ → eγ) ≤ 1.2 ·10−11 [26],BR(τ → eγ) ≤ 1.1 · 10−7 [27] and BR(τ → µγ) ≤ 6.8 · 10−8 [28]. One expects to improvethese bounds by two to three orders of magnitude for BR(µ → eγ) [29] and by one to twoorders of magnitude for the other branching ratios [30].

To satisfy the requirement that the LFV branching ratios BR(ℓi → ℓjγ) be below theirexperimental upper bounds, one typically assumes that m2

L and all other slepton massand trilinear coupling matrices are diagonal at the scale MX . Such a situation occursfor instance in mSUGRA scenarios. Off-diagonal terms get induced at low energy scalesradiatively, which explains their smallness. In this case a very good approximation forthe typical SUSY mass appearing in Eq. (10) is m8

S = 0.5m20m

21/2 (m

20 + 0.6m2

1/2)2 [19],

where m0 is the universal scalar mass and m1/2 is the universal gaugino mass at MX . In asupersymmetric seesaw framework the radiative entries giving rise to LFV depend on thesame parameters as the neutrino masses. If there is only the type I seesaw term in mν , thewell-known result is [13]




ij= −(3m2

0 + A20)

8 π2




ij, where Lij = δij ln



. (11)


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In case when only the triplet term mIIν contributes to mν , one finds [14]




ij= −3

(3m20 + A2


8 π2


fL f†L





. (12)

Here and in Eq. (11) A0 is the universal trilinear coupling. When both terms in the massmatrix Eq. (2) are present, their contributions to (m2

L)ij sum up:

(m2L)ij = (m2

L)Iij + (m2


= − (3m20 + A2


8 π2




Y †D




Mk+ 3


fL f†L







As the LFV branching ratios depend on the absolute value squared of this quantity, therewill be a interference term between the contributions from the triplet term and from thetype I seesaw term if both of them have off-diagonal entries. We will now compare thestructures of two expressions:

mν = vL fL − v2uvR YD f−1

R Y TD versus (m2

L)ij ∝(

fL f†L





ij, (14)

where we have omitted logarithmic corrections to (m2L)ij . There are several possibilities,

depending on the relative magnitudes of the two contributions to (m2L)ij and mν :

(i) in the neutrino mass matrix the type I seesaw term mIν dominates, and in the off-

diagonal entries of the RG-induced slepton mass matrix (m2L)

Iij dominates. This

situation is the one best studied in the literature ([17, 18, 19], for a recent review see[31]). We have nothing new to add in this case;

(ii) in the neutrino mass matrix the triplet term mIIν dominates, and in the off-diagonal

entries of the RG-induced slepton mass matrix (m2L)

IIij dominates. This situation has

also been studied [15, 16], though less often than (i);

(iii) in the neutrino mass matrix the triplet term mIIν dominates, while in the off-diagonal

entries of the RG-induced slepton mass matrix (m2L)

Iij dominates. This situation,

to our knowledge, has not been studied yet. However, there are hardly any usefulstatements to be made, as there is no link between neutrino masses and LFV, evenif fL and fR are related by fL = fR or fL = f ∗


(iv) in the neutrino mass matrix the conventional seesaw term mIν dominates, whereas in

the off-diagonal entries of the RG-induced slepton mass matrix (m2L)

IIij dominates.

Again, this situation remains to be investigated. However, as in case (iii), there ishardly any link between neutrino masses and LFV, even if fL and fR are related;

(v) both terms are of comparable magnitude both in mν and in the off-diagonal entriesof the slepton mass matrix. This case will be of prime interest to us.


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In the next section we will propose a Yukawa coupling parameterization to deal withcase (v), which in principle can also be applied to cases (iii) and (iv).

Before we turn to the Yukawa coupling parameterization, let us summarize the relevantleptogenesis formulae. We will assume, as it has been done in most studies, that the heavyMajorana neutrinos are lighter than the Higgs triplets. In that case it is sufficient toconsider only the decay of heavy neutrinos into lepton and Higgs doublets (and similarlyfor the SUSY partners), while the decays of the triplets into two lepton doublets canbe neglected. The CP-violating decay asymmetries of heavy neutrinos Ni contain twocontributions. The first one is the same as in the case of pure type I seesaw [7, 5]:

(εαi )N =1


(Y †D YD)ii

j 6=i


(Y †D)iα (YD)αj






f(M2j /M

2i )



(Y †D YD)ii

j 6=i


(Y †D)iα (YD)αj





] 1

1−M2j /M




f(x) =√x[ 2

1− x− ln

(1 + x



. (16)

We have indicated here that flavor effects [32] might play a role, i.e., εαi describes thedecay of the heavy neutrino of mass Mi into leptons of flavor α = e, µ, τ . We will focushere on the case when the lowest-mass heavy neutrino is much lighter than the othertwo, i.e. M1 ≪ M2,3; the lepton asymmetry is then dominated by the decay of this lightestneutrino. In this case f(M2

j /M21 ) ≃ −3M1/Mj, and in addition the second term in Eq. (15)

is strongly suppressed, therefore we will neglect it in what follows.

The second type of asymmetry is encountered when a Higgs triplet is exchanged in theloop diagrams [9]:

(εαi )∆ =3

Mi vLv2u


(Y †D YD)ii



f ∗L YD


αi(Y T

D )iα



2i ) , (17)


g(x) = x ln


1 + x



. (18)

In the limit M∆ ≫ M1,2,3, which we will assume, one has g(x) ≃ 1− 12x

= 1− 12(Mi/M∆)

2.The total asymmetries (εi)N and (εi)∆ are obtained by summing (εαi )N and (εαi )∆ over theflavor index α.

The baryon asymmetry of the universe (ηB = nB/nγ = 6.1 · 10−10) is finally found as

ηB ≃ −0.96 · 10−2∑


εα1 κα , (19)

where the washout factors κα are obtained by solving the relevant Boltzmann equations.The approximate expression we use is [33]

κα ≃ 2

Kα zB(Kα)


1− exp[

−Kα zB(Kα)/2




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where Kα =∑

Kαi with Kα

i = |(YD)αi|2Ki/(Y†D YD)ii and

zB(Kα) = 2 + 4 (Kα)0.13 exp (−2.5/Kα) . (20)

The parameter Ki in the expression for Kαi is defined as Ki = Γi/H(T )|T=Mi

, with the

tree-level decay width of the ith heavy neutrino Γi = (Y †D YD)ii Mi/(8 π) and the Hubble

parameter H(T ) = 1.66√g∗ T 2/MPl. The out-of-equilibrium decay condition for Ni is

essentially Ki < 1.

3 Dirac-type Yukawa coupling parameterization for

type I+ II seesaw and its applications

When the triplet term mIIν is present in the seesaw relation, the procedure that led to the

Casas-Ibarra parameterization (3) of the matrix YD cannot be directly applied. However,as we shall show, a simple transformation of Eq. (2) makes it possible to generalize theparameterization (3) to the case of type I+ II seesaw.

First, we move the type II contribution to the left hand side of Eq. (2), which gives

mν − vL fL = − v2uvR

YD f−1R Y T

D . (21)

It is convenient to introduce the notation

Xν ≡ mν − vL fL , diagonalized as Xν = V ∗ν Xdiag

ν V †ν (22)

with a unitary matrix Vν . Multiplying both sides of Eq. (21) by X−1/2ν , we find

1 = − v2uvR


X−1/2ν YD f


) (

f−1/2R Y T

D X−1/2ν


. (23)

Next, we note that although a square root of a symmetric matrix is not always automat-ically symmetric, it can always be chosen to be symmetric. We will make such a choicefor the matrices X

−1/2ν and f

−1/2R , i.e. we assume them to be symmetric.3 One can then

rewrite Eq. (23) as

1 = RRT with R = ±ivu√vR


X−1/2ν YD f



. (24)

Eq. (24) means that the type I+ II seesaw relation requires R to be an (in general complex)orthogonal matrix, but otherwise does not constrain it. Thus, for the Dirac-type Yukawacoupling YD we have

vu YD = ±i√vR X1/2

ν R f1/2R , (25)

3This can, e.g., be achieved by diagonalizing Xν and fR by complex orthogonal transformations andthen taking square roots.


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where R is an arbitrary complex orthogonal matrix. It can be parameterized as

R = R12 R13R23 , (26)

where Rij is the matrix of rotation by a complex angle ωij = ρij + i σij in the ij-plane.The parameterization of the Yukawa coupling matrix YD in Eq. (25) is the most generalone satisfying the combined type I + II seesaw formula.

As was pointed out above, when the underlying theory possesses a discrete left-rightsymmetry, type I+ II seesaw exhibits a duality property [21]. In that case the seesawrelation (2) is invariant with respect to the duality transformation fR → fR ≡ mν/vL−fL.It is interesting to note that in terms of fR and its dual fR Eq. (25) can be rewritten as

vu YD = ±i√vLvR f

1/2R R f

1/2R . (27)

For practical applications, it proves to be convenient to use a slightly modified versionof Eq. (25). First, we note that for discussions of both LFV and leptogenesis one has to goto the basis where the mass matrix of heavy Majorana neutrinos MR is diagonal and real.As MR = fR vR, this also diagonalizes the matrix fR. The corresponding transformation is

V TR fR VR = fdiag

R , (28)

with a unitary matrix VR. Note that fdiagR = diag(M1, M2, M3)/vR. The transformation

(28) amounts to replacing the Yukawa coupling matrix YD in the seesaw relation accordingto YD → YD VR, i.e. it fixes its right-handed basis. In what follows we will be assumingthat the matrix MR has been diagonalized and consider YD in this basis, except in example3 below, where this diagonalization will be carried out explicitly. Next, it is convenient toexpress Xν through its eigenvalues. To this end, using Eq. (22) we rewrite Xν on the lefthand side of Eq. (21) as

Xν = V ∗ν Xdiag

ν V †ν =


V ∗ν (Xdiag

ν )1/2][

V ∗ν (Xdiag

ν )1/2]T

. (29)

Multiplying then Eq. (21) by [V ∗ν (Xdiag

ν )1/2]−1 on the left and by {[V ∗ν (Xdiag

ν )1/2]T }−1 onthe right and following the same steps as above, one readily finds

vu YD = ±i√vR V ∗


Xdiagν R

fdiagR . (30)

This parameterization is the main point of the present paper and we will be using it inthe subsequent discussion. Note that the matrix R here is in general not the same as thematrix R in Eq. (25). This is of no concern to us, as both are arbitrary complex symmetricmatrices.

In the remainder of this section we will give simple examples demonstrating the use-fulness of the parameterization (30). In the first two examples we consider tri-bimaximalneutrino mixing [34], which describes very well the current status of global fits to the low


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energy neutrino data. The neutrino mass matrix giving rise to tri-bimaximal mixing canbe written as

mν =m1


4 −2 −2· 1 1· · 1

+m2 e



1 1 1· 1 1· · 1

+m3 e



0 0 0· 1 −1· · 1

. (31)

If neutrinos enjoy the normal mass hierarchy, one can neglect m1, so that the first term inEq. (31) vanishes, and in addition one has m2 =

∆m2⊙ and m3 =

∆m2A. An appealing

possibility in this case is that the two remaining individual matrices in Eq. (31) correspondto mI

ν and mIIν , respectively [24]. The moderate ratio of the two terms in mν is therefore



⊙ ≃ 8.4. We will investigate this possibility and apply our parameterizationof YD to this case in the following two examples. The third example will be based on aperturbation of bimaximal leptonic mixing [35] in the type I + II seesaw framework.

3.1 First example

Suppose first that the triplet term mIIν is the term proportional to m3 in Eq. (31), i.e.

fL =

0 0 0· 1 −1· · 1

e2iβ and vL =√

∆m2A/2 . (32)

The second, flavor democratic term proportional to m2, is then provided by the conven-tional type I seesaw. Due to the seesaw relation (21) it determines Xν :

Xν = − v2uvR

YD f−1R Y T

D =m2 e



1 1 1· 1 1· · 1


Consequently, one can write Xdiagν = diag(0, 0, m2) and

Vν =

1/√2 1/

√6 1/


−1/√2 1/

√6 1/


0 −2/√6 1/


diag(1, 1, e−iα) . (33)

The scales involved are vL ≃ 0.025 eV, vR = 3 v2u/√

∆m2⊙ ≃ 1.0 · 1016 GeV (assuming

vu = 174 GeV, which is an excellent approximation as long as tanβ >∼ 5), and γ ≃ 8.4.Note that we have rather arbitrarily decomposed the second and third terms in Eq. (31)into the VEVs and Yukawa couplings or their combinations.

We have now all ingredients to express YD through Eq. (30), and the result is

YD = −ieiα√m2√3 vu

√M1 sinω13

√M2 cosω13 sinω23 −

√M3 cosω13 cosω23

√M1 sinω13

√M2 cosω13 sinω23 −

√M3 cosω13 cosω23

√M1 sinω13

√M2 cosω13 sinω23 −

√M3 cosω13 cosω23

. (34)


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Interestingly, the complex angle ω12 drops out of this expression.

Let us now discuss LFV in the considered example. Eq. (32) yields

fL f†L = 2

0 0 0

0 1 −1

0 −1 1

, (35)

from which it follows that only the decay τ → µγ is influenced by the triplet term. Thedecays µ → eγ and τ → eγ depend only on YD Y †

D, which has a democratic structure withall terms equal to each other. Consequently, µ → eγ and τ → eγ decays are governed bythe same quantity:




21+ 3


fL f†L







31+ 3


fL f†L






9 v4u


M1 | sinω13|2 + | cosω13|2 (M2 | sinω23|2 +M3 | cosω23|2))2


This equality implies that BR(τ → eγ) = 0.178BR(µ → eγ). With the current limit of1.2 · 10−11 on BR(µ → eγ), and an expected improvement of two orders of magnitude onthe limit of BR(τ → eγ) ≤ 1.1 · 10−7, it follows that in this scenario τ → eγ will not beobserved in a foreseeable future. The branching ratio of the decay τ → µγ depends on




32+ 3


fL f†L






21− 6 . (37)

We have omitted here the logarithmic dependence on the masses of the triplet and ofthe heavy Majorana neutrinos. In the plots to be shown in the following we use the fullexpressions, however. As follows from Eqs. (36) and (37), the matrix YD Y †

D + 3 fL f†L

depends in general on two complex angles, ω23 and ω13. If degenerate heavy Majoranamasses are assumed, M1 = M2 = M3, then the real part of ω23 drops out of this matrix.

Turning to leptogenesis, the first thing to note is that all (εαi )∆ vanish, which is aconsequence of the fact that the matrix f ∗

L YD vanishes identically. The decay asymmetryis therefore the same as for pure type I seesaw. The individual flavored asymmetries (εα1 )Nare all identical and equal to one third of the total asymmetry. For hierarchical heavyneutrinos we find

(εe1)N = (εµ1)N = (ετ1)N =1

3εN1 ≃ 1




sin 2ρ13 sinh 2σ13

| sinω13|2

≃ 6 · 10−9



109 GeV


sin 2ρ13 sinh 2σ13

| sinω13|2.


Hence, only the complex angle ω13 plays a role here. Terms containing ω23 appear in thedecay asymmetry multiplied by f(M2

2/M21 )M2−f(M2

3 /M21 )M3, which vanishes in the limit

of hierarchical heavy neutrinos. If ω13 is zero, then N1 decouples (see Eq. (34)), and N2


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will be responsible for leptogenesis. The low energy (Majorana) phases α and β do notcontribute to either ε1 or to ε2, i.e. play no role in leptogenesis.

Choosing MX = 2 · 1016 GeV, M∆ = 5 · 1015 GeV and the masses of heavy Majorananeutrinos M1 = 1010 GeV, M2 = 1012 GeV, and M3 = 1015 GeV, we show in Fig. 1 thebaryon asymmetry against the imaginary part of ω13. All free parameters were varied,the baryon asymmetry was required to be positive and the branching ratios of µ → eγ(which in the considered example coincides with BR(τ → eγ)/0.178) and of τ → µγ wererequired to lie below their current upper limits. The supersymmetric parameters we haveused correspond to the SPS benchmark point 2 of Ref. [36] and are tanβ = 10, m0 = 1450GeV, m1/2 = 300 GeV and A0 = 0. The apparent symmetry of Fig. 1 around the valueIm(ω13) = σ13 = 0 can be explained by the dependence of the decay asymmetry (38) onω13. For all other parameters fixed, changing the sign of σ13 would also change the signof the decay asymmetry. To regain the correct sign of the baryon asymmetry one wouldthen also have to flip the sign of sin 2ρ13 (recall that ρ13 is varied as a free parameter inthis scatter plot), leading to the apparent symmetry of the figure.

The branching ratio BR(τ → µγ) is basically independent of the parameters of YD,because the constant term in Eq. (37) turns out to be much larger than the YD-dependentone. The ratio BR(µ → eγ)/BR(τ → µγ) is of order 10−4, implying that τ → µγ isobservable as long as BR(µ → eγ) is close to its current limit. Fixing in addition ρ23 = 1.7,σ23 = −0.3 and σ13 = −0.7, we show in Fig. 2 the branching ratio of µ → eγ againstthe remaining free parameter ρ13 = Re(ω13). For this particular point BR(τ → µγ) ≃5.05 · 10−8, which is very close to its current upper limit. Fig. 3 shows a scatter plot forthe branching ratio of µ → eγ against the real part of ω23 when the baryon asymmetry iswithin its allowed range. The symmetry around the value Re(ω23) = ρ23 = π of this plotcan be understood by noting that the term proportional to M3 | cosω23|2 is the leading onein Eq. (36). This term depends on ρ23 through cos 2ρ23.

3.2 Second example

Let us now consider the situation in which the triplet term is flavor democratic, i.e.,

fL =

1 1 1· 1 1· · 1

e2iα and vL =√

∆m2⊙/3 .

The remaining term in Eq. (31) is then

Xν = − v2uvR

YD f−1R Y T

D =m3 e



0 0 0· 1 −1· · 1



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The involved scales are vL ≃ 0.003 eV, vR = 2 v2u/√

∆m2A ≃ 1.2 · 1015 GeV, and γ ≃ 0.12.

Here we have taken v2u/vR = m3/2 =√

∆m2A/2. The matrix Xν is diagonalized by

Vν =

1 0 0

0 1/√2 −1/


0 1/√2 1/


diag(1, 1, e−iβ) . (39)

with Xdiagν = diag(0, 0, m3). From Eq. (30) we then obtain

YD = −i eiβ√m3√2 vu

0 0 0√M1 sinω13

√M2 cosω13 sinω23 −

√M3 cosω13 cosω23

−√M1 sinω13 −

√M2 cosω13 sinω23

√M3 cosω13 cosω23


(40)Note that, as in the previous example, YD does not depend on ω12. The matrix YDY

†D has

zero first row and first column, therefore µ → eγ and τ → eγ decays are governed by thetriplet contribution, and depend on the the same quantity, namely (fL f

†L)21 = (fL f

†L)31 = 3

(note that fL f†L = 3 fL e

−2iα, i.e. is flavor democratic and has no dependence on any ofthe free parameters). Consequently, the decay τ → eγ will not be observed in a nearfuture. The fact that µ → eγ and τ → eγ decays depend on the same quantity in both ourexamples is a consequence of the µ–τ symmetry of the involved mass matrices. Finally,




32+ 3


fL f†L




2 v2u

∣18 v2u −m3 (M1 | sinω13|2 + | cosω13|2(M2 | sinω23|2 +M3 | cosω23|2))∣

∣ .(41)

Because the 12- and 13-entries of fL f†L are independent of any free parameters, it is not

possible to suppress them, and in general the branching ratios of LFV decays are too largeunless the SUSY masses are around or above 10 TeV.

Let us now turn to leptogenesis. As in the previous example, all (εαi )∆ vanish becausethe matrix f ∗

L YD vanishes identically. The decay asymmetry (εe1)N is also zero, whereas(εµ1)N and (ετ1)N are identical, and equal to 1

2(ε1)N . In the limit of the hierarchical heavy

neutrino masses we find

(ǫµ1 )N = (ετ1)N =1

2(ε1)N =





sin 2ρ13 sinh 2σ13

| sinω13|2

≃ 5 · 10−8



109 GeV


sin 2ρ13 sinh 2σ13

| sinω13|2.


The dependence of these asymmetries on the complex angle ω13 is identical to that in thefirst example considered above. Note that here the decay asymmetry is proportional tothe mass of the heaviest of light neutrinos m3, whereas it was proportional to m2 in thefirst example.


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3.3 Third example

Our final example is based on the following observation [37, 24]: if the triplet term corre-sponds to bimaximal mixing [35] (Ue3 = 0 and θ12 = θ23 = π/4), then a small contributionfrom the conventional type I seesaw term may shift θ12 sufficiently away from the maximalmixing value to make it agree with data. Non-zero θ13 and non-maximal mixing in the 2-3sector are also generated. It was assumed in [37, 24] that mD is hierarchical, symmetricand coincides with the up-type quark mass matrix. The triplet term vL fL alone wouldgenerate bimaximal neutrino mixing and a normal mass ordering with a non-vanishingsmallest neutrino mass. A discrete left-right symmetry is also assumed, such that fL = fR.It is easy to see that in this case the type I seesaw term contributes to mν mainly a 33 entryvL η, which is suppressed with respect to the leading (order vL) term of mII

ν [11]. The otherelements of mI

ν are much smaller than vL η, and we will neglect them. It should be notedthat many other Dirac mass matrices can also give the desired form mI

ν ∝ diag(0, 0, 1),and our parameterization allows to study them all.

The triplet contribution is

fL = fR =

ǫ B ǫ B ǫ· 1

2(ǫ+ eiφ) 1

2(ǫ− eiφ)

· · 12(ǫ+ eiφ)

and vL =



For simplicity we assume the order one parameter B and ǫ ≪ 1 to be real. The productvL ǫ is of the order of


The type I contribution we require is

Xν = − v2uvR

YD f−1R Y T

D ≡ vL

0 0 0· 0 0· · η


The involved scales are vL = 0.025 eV and vR = 2 v2u/√

∆m2A ≃ 1.2 · 1015 GeV. As a

consequence of non-zero η, the zeroth-order values Ue3 = 0 and θ12 = θ23 = π/4 aremodified to |Ue3| ≃ B ǫ η/

√2, tan2 θ23 ≃ 1 − 2 η and tan 2θ12 ≃ 4

√2B ǫ/η, where for

simplicity also η is assumed to be real. The value sin2 θ12 = 13is achieved for B ǫ = η/2.

The ratio of the neutrino mass squared differences ∆m2⊙/∆m2

A is approximately 34η (4 ǫ+η).

A choice of parameters which leads to neutrino properties that agree with the data, andwhich we will use in what follows, is B = 1.1, η = 0.1194 and ǫ = 0.0542. The low energyphase φ is the Dirac-type CP violation phase which can influence neutrino oscillations.

Since Xν is diagonal, we have Vν = 1, whereas the matrix diagonalizing fR viaV TR fR VR = fdiag

R is

VR =











PR ,


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with PR = diag(i, 1, e−iφ/2). The eigenvalues of fR are ǫ (1−√2B), ǫ (1 +

√2B) and eiφ.

Since we started in a basis in which fR = fL is not diagonal, we have to use a modifiedparameterization for YD, which is obtained from Eq. (30) by multiplying it on the right byVR. The Dirac-type Yukawa coupling matrix is then found to be

YD = i(√vR/vu) V


Xdiagν R

fdiagR VR = i(

√vR vL/vu) diag(0, 0,


fdiagR VR


0 0 00 0 0

(YD)31 (YD)32 (YD)33


(43)where the non-zero entries are

(YD)31 =

√vL η

2 vu


M1 sinω13 + cosω13 (√

M3 cosω23 −√

M2 sinω23))


(YD)32 = −i

√vL η

2 vu


M1 sinω13 − cosω13 (√

M3 cosω23 −√

M2 sinω23))


(YD)33 = i

√vL η√2 vu

e−i φ/2 cosω13 (√

M3 cosω23 +√

M2 sinω23) .

Note that in all three examples we have considered so far, YD does not depend on ω12. Thisis related to the fact that in all these examples the matrix Xdiag

ν has only one (namely,third) non-vanishing diagonal entry.

The result for LFV in the present example is that the branching ratios of the decaysℓi → ℓjγ depend only on fL f

†L, namely, (fL f

†L)12 = (fL f

†L)13 = 2 ǫ2B and (fL f

†L)23 =

−12[1−ǫ2 (1+2B2)]. As in the previous two examples, τ → eγ is too rare to be observable.

The ratio BR(µ → eγ)/BR(τ → µγ) is approximately (2 ǫ2B/12)2/0.174 ≃ 10−3.

Turning to leptogenesis, only (ετ1)N and (ετ1)∆ are non-zero. The corresponding expres-sions are rather lengthy and we do not give them here. Figs. 4 and 5 show scatter plots of thebaryon asymmetry against the imaginary parts of ω13 and ω23 for fixed values of the LFVbranching ratios. For definiteness, we have chosen again the SUSY parameters tan β = 10,m0 = 1450 GeV, m1/2 = 300 GeV and A0 = 0, which gives BR(µ → eγ) = 3.0 · 10−12,BR(τ → eγ) = 5.4 · 10−13 and BR(τ → µγ) = 3.1 · 10−9.

4 Summary and conclusions

We have considered lepton flavor violation and leptogenesis in the case of type I + II seesaw,when the exchanges of both heavy Majorana neutrinos and SU(2)L-triplet Higgs bosonscontribute to the mass matrix of light neutrinos. We have proposed a parameterization ofthe Dirac-type neutrino Yukawa coupling matrix YD in this framework, which generalizesthe Casas-Ibarra parameterization suggested for type I seesaw. Our parameterization au-tomatically takes into account the type I + II seesaw formula and, like the Casas-Ibarra


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one, involves an arbitrary complex orthogonal matrix R. This matrix depends in generalon six real parameters and can be parameterized in terms of three complex angles. Wehave given simple examples illustrating the usefulness of the proposed parameterization.In particular, we have considered LFV decays ℓi → ℓjγ and leptogenesis in the case whenthe type I and type II contributions to both the light neutrino mass matrix mν and theslepton mass matrix m2

L governing the LFV decays are of the same order. We consideredtwo examples leading to the tri-bimaximal leptonic mixing and an example based on arelatively small but phenomenologically viable deviation from bimaximal mixing. In allthe examples we have studied we found that the matrix YD depends only on two out ofthe three complex angles parameterizing the matrix R, which is related to the fact thatthe matrix Xν ≡ mν − fL vL had only one non-zero eigenvalue.

In each of the three examples that we considered, we have found that the decays µ → eγand τ → eγ are governed by the same quantity, and the corresponding branching ratios arerelated by BR(τ → eγ) ≃ 0.178BR(µ → eγ), which is a consequence of the approximateµ-τ symmetry of the involved mass matrices.

In the first two examples based on tri-bimaximal leptonic mixing we found that lep-togenesis is essentially governed by one of the three complex angles parameterizing thematrix R. This can be traced back to the facts that the masses of heavy Majorana neutri-nos were assumed to be hierarchical and that the loops with the triplet exchange gave nocontribution to lepton asymmetry in these examples.

To conclude, we proposed a new parameterization of the Dirac-type neutrino Yukawacoupling matrix YD which is the most general one satisfying the combined type I + IIseesaw formula. It expresses the matrix YD through both low energy and high energyparameters and can be useful for studies of lepton flavor violation and leptogenesis in thetype I + II seesaw framework.


We thank S. Antusch, S. Davidson. M. Frigerio, E. Nardi and Y. Nir for useful discussions.This work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the Transre-gio 27 “Neutrinos and beyond – weakly interacting particles in physics, astrophysics andcosmology” (W.R.).


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-2 -1 0 1 2

Im ω13



1e-09η B

Figure 1: Scatter plot for the baryon asymmetry ηB against the imaginary part of ω13

for the first example of Section 3.1. The observed value of ηB corresponds to the regionbetween the horizontal lines.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Re ω13










(µ --->


· 1


Figure 2: The branching ratio of µ → eγ decay against the real part of ω13 for a particularpoint in the parameter space of the first example of Section 3.1 (see the text for details).


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0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Re ω23










---> e

γ) ·



Figure 3: First example from Section 3.1: scatter plot for the branching ratio of µ → eγdecay against the real part of ω23 when the baryon asymmetry ηB is within its experimentalrange.

-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Im ω13






η B

Figure 4: Scatter plot for the baryon asymmetry ηB against the imaginary part of ω13

for the third example of Section 3.3. The observed value of ηB corresponds to the regionbetween the horizontal lines.


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-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

Im ω23






η B

Figure 5: Scatter plot for the baryon asymmetry ηB against the imaginary part of ω23

for the third example of Section 3.3. The observed value of ηB corresponds to the regionbetween the horizontal lines.

