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A02 matthew adams_keynote_paperless

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Paperless Archaeology on the Matthew J. Adams W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in collaboration with Michael Ashley, Center for Digital Archaeology Adam B. Prins, Durham University

Paperless Archaeology on the

Paperless Archaeologyon the Matthew J. AdamsW.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Researchin collaboration withMichael Ashley, Center for Digital ArchaeologyAdam B. Prins, Durham University

Matthew J. Adams (MJA) - [email protected] Logo ok?The Jezreel Valley Regional Project (JVRP) is a long-term, multi-disciplinary survey and excavation project investigating the history of human activity in the Jezreel Valley from the Paleolithic through the Ottoman period. This project strives for a total history of the region using the tools and theoretical approaches of such disciplines as archaeology, anthropology, geography, history, ethnography, and the natural sciences, within an organizational framework provided by landscape archaeology.


Total ArchaeologyRegional scaleUnprecedented aspirations for total archaeologyField work, research, publication

The JVRP VisionA central repository for all data concerning the valley.Historical, Archaeological, Geological, Environmental dataA suite of tools for research and field work.Utilizing the latest technology and keeping up with it going forward.Publishing data and interpretations online.Sharing data with stakeholders: from IAA to local communityFully digital, adaptable, using off the shelf equipment, specialist-free and inexpensive.Fun to use and look cool.

Every resource necessary to understand a particular place were in one centralized location?What if every book, article, map, photo, artifact, context chemical signature, ancient reference, toponym, natural resource - everything - could be in one database set alongside all the imaginable tools of analysis. Add to all of that the interface and suite of tools to conduct new field work to augment that database with new material.

Sharing data with the appropriate shareholders in the formats they need: from governmental organizations such as the IAA to local stakeholders such as the local community.

Where possible we want to innovate new ideas rather than buy an ultra-specialized piece of equipment and hire a team of computer scientists to make it work.

The ChallengesMultiscaler: site > region100's of sites, scores of excavations, dozens of surveysEnormous bibliographyScattered historical sources in multiple languagesVariances in disciplinary methods and standardsTons of analog data, very little digitizedAnalog tools still used in fieldwork

Archaeologists typically work at one of two scales utilizing the very different methods for each.Site level - standard excavationRegional level - surface survey

Traditional Analog Tools of the Archaeologist

Notebooks, Sketches, Technical Drawings, PhotographsSpatial and contextual information from an archaeological siteDisconnect between the field work and analysisDigitization vs. born digital

-Digitization of this data over the last 30 years have primarily been aimed at adding the digital layer on top of this analog method. This results in double the effort.-As digital tools became more able to do cool things, analysis became better, but the labor to get to that analysis continued to increase. Cut out the middle-man. Cut out the analog recording.-I AM DRAWING BY HAND SO I CAN DIGITIZE?!

Paperless ArchaeologyReinvent archaeological method and recording so that all data is born digitalAllows on-the-fly data processing, interpretation, and publicationAnalysis can happen in the moment and inform the next moment of field work.

There is no longer a disconnect between the field work and analysis. Analysis can happen in the moment and inform the next moment of field work.

Paperless JVRP Field WorkDigital acquisition of spatial dataTotal Stations3D ModelsDigital recording-keepingContext Records, notes, etc.Digital mediaPhotographsAudio and VideoEverything must find its way into the database upon birth

Born Digital Spatial Data

UAVImageryVideoOther sensors

Model on Sketchfab3D Modeling at the Locus Level

Time lapse Excavation Sequence

Final situation of excavation square CV81 at Legio, the Roman Legionary Camp of the VI Roman Legion Legio VI Ferrata, Northern Israel.

Uses of the Digital 3D Models3D manipulable record of the excavationHigh-accuracy representationsVisualizations (hillshades, slope models etc.)Reconstructed photosModels for accurate 3D reconstructionDeriving traditional plan and sectionsPublic engagement with real archaeology

Born Digital Data Needs a Home


Codifi is designed to augment/replace paper based recording and rapidly accelerate data entry while providing a solid born-archival workflow for documents, images, video and geo-spatial information.

CodifiConfigurable for any organizationMultiple projects, sitesWindows, Mac, iOS

JVRPTel Megiddo East (2013)Legio (2013, 2015)

DashboardModular CodeActions and Places

JVRPSurvey SupportExcavation Process

SelectsClear pop-up for anticipated entity (sites, areas)

Legio 2015Hidden Areas reduced confusion and sped up fieldwork

The GridActive squares oriented to real coordinate spaceTouch interface

JVRPAreas B and C include orthophotos generated in field in near-real time (same day)

LociLoci in Area by locus #Heads up status

JVRPProvided cross check with GIS

Locus SheetTabbed interface follows workflowControlled vocabularies, auto-naming, calculations reduces errors

JVRPRelations to previous seasonsRequired no training to use (intuitive)

Soil ScienceAccommodates multiple sedimentology, such as MunsellReal time feedback and color coding

JVRPStreamlined terms met with JVRP wide concepts of sedimentology

MaterialsNew in 2015, touch interface for artifacts and samples 2 click mantra

JVRPExperimentation and User Experience testing results in 80-90% time savings and dramatic reduction in errors

MaterialsProgrammable to specific materials of site or research objectives

JVRPOrdered by most found

MaterialsEasy to read label creator forges exactly what to write on the physical tagAuto numbering by locus

JVRPExperimentations with QR codes and label printers show major potential

MediaField media recording on iPadDocumentPhotosAudioVideoAuto geo-locationDrag/Drop dSLR and other media on PC/Mac

JVRPField recorders created daily videos, working shots, opening and closing photosFull Archival Workflow in lab for ca. 10,000 items

Workflow and ArchivingAdd any mediaAuto geo-locationDrag/Drop dSLR and other media on PC/Mac

JVRPOrthophotos, drawings, reports, archival photos added and archived

3D Web Viewer3D HTML-5 viewer via SketchFabWorks on all platforms (PC/Mac, iOS)

JVRP3D models per locus to assist in drawing, interpretation, visitor experienceWeb based GIS for survey

Field ReportUp to the moment reportingLocus statusChecklistEasy export to diaries

JVRPField recorders copies field reports to daily diaries and could finish entry on 20 min bus ride to kibbutz

Web IntegrationGoogle Docs for Diaries

JVRPEach supervisor kept digital diary, shared with core team via GDocsAggregate of all information in Codifi saves time and provided cross check

What happens after fieldwork?

ReportsDynamic Outputs asReportsChartsDatasetsXMLAuto geo-locationDrag/Drop dSLR and other media on PC/Mac

JVRPField recorders created daily diaries, working shots, opening and closing shotsFull Archival Workflow in lab for ca. 10,000 items

Codifi Core PrinciplesCodifi allows everyone to work the way you want. Do archaeology the way you think it should be done.Codifi bends to accommodate human processing while maintaining archival data standards.

Israel finkelsteinArchaeological excavation data do not fit neatly into the framework of any standard Database Management System (DBMS)

This is why CIDOC is a good thing. It makes it possible to model any behavior, even archaeology


Doerr, Theodoridou - CRMdig: A generic digital provenance model for scientific observation"CIDOCConceptual model of real world processedPowerful but challenging to implementCodifiRooted in CIDOC modelEssential super-class structure emphasizes archival practice Compatible and extensibleAward winning, peer reviewed model** Best Paper, 10th Vast International Symposium On Virtual Reality, Archeology And Cultural Heritage, published in 2011, Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH)

Codifi follows ISO StandardsAllows up to work on multiple scalesCodifi Data Model is essentially CIDOC CRM Derived

Codifi Entities

Codifi ConceptsPeople, Media and Things, encountered in Places through Events.Flexible, but structuredBased on archival data standards that are internationally guided but locally implemented

and the web?

The openness of the Internet poses challenges to traditional concepts of publishing, and we are slow to adopt and adapt to this new medium as we try to figure out how to maintain quality control and at the same time embrace and benefit from the potential of global reach and impact.As with the personal decisions we will make for our own projects - the people, tools, approaches, so should we have choices when it comes to how we share on the Internet.

Barriers to Web PublishingCostWeb publishing generally requires high levels of technical skill in order to do wellCentralized tools and platforms often homogenize individual projects and research objectives in order to create a consistent, often branded experienceWeb publishing is often a huge amount of effortperceived low value of digital publishing in contrast to traditional, paper publishing in peer-reviewed journalsRequirements for differential access to data - governmental/agency reporting, protection of sensitive information (site locations, for example), embargo for scholastic advancement, personal/private contentFiduciary responsibility for long term preservation and access to content

NeedsCollaborative Environment - more than a websiteShould integrate harmoniously with fieldworkShould be beautiful, enjoyable, personalized experience for each projectShould make it possible to connect content from any project or source

Codifi Connects Culture

Introducing Codifi Connect, the secure web platform that adapts to you. With Codifi connect, you create curated collections of results of your archaeological and cultural heritage projects and can publish them on your own, secure hosted platform to share in your terms.Finally, theres a platform designed for and by cultural heritage professionals that empowers us to share our rich data, media and stories by understanding the complexities of real world permissions and negotiaitons.

Welcome to Codifi ConnectIntroducing Codifi Connect, the secure web platform that adapts to you. With Codifi connect, you create curated collections of results of your archaeological and cultural heritage projects and can publish them on your own, secure hosted platform to share in your terms.Finally, theres a platform designed for and by cultural heritage professionals that empowers us to share our rich data, media and stories by understanding the complexities of real world permissions and negotiations.


Aim is to collect photographs taken by service personnel, postcards, lantern slides and stereoviews, will be uploaded to a dedicated website where anyone interested in seeing what their ancestors saw or who is interested in how the ancient monuments, cities, towns and villages looked during the First World War can get that information.

CollectorDonors provide postcards, photos, objects for scanning in RoadshowsTeam digitizes, uses Codifi to add all key data and prepare for publishing onlineTwo sides to every story - online, both sides of cards are presented (Codifi can handle any amount of media)

ConnectUnique websiteCurated experienceDirect upload from CodifiManaged through differential access with fine grain controlsMulti-lingual

Codifi Connect is in private betaSafe online place for digital cultural heritageSecure data centers, archival servicesFull control over how you share your data, media, resultsAvailable in 2016

Codifi JVRP

Centralizes the entire archaeological process of field work, finds processing, analysis, interpretation, publication, data curation.
