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  • 7/27/2019 a04v15sup1



    he genus AstrocAryum

    Rev. peru. biol. 15(ppl. 1): 031- 048 (Novmbr 2008)Te palms in South America


    Rev. peru. biol. 15(pl. 1): 031- 048 (Novimbr 2008)Las palmeras en Amrica del Sur Facultad de Ciencias Biolgicas UNMSM

    The genusAstrocaryum(Arecaceae)

    Francis Kahn

    El gneroAstrocaryum (Arecaceae)

    IRD, UMR-DIAPC, Casilla 18-

    1209, Lima Peru. Email: [email protected]

    Trabajo presentado al Simposio

    Internacional LaspaLmeras en eLmarcode La investigacin para eLdesarroLLo en amrica deL sur,del07 al 09 de Noviembre 2007,Museo de Historia Natural, Uni-

    versidad Nacional Mayor de San

    Marcos, Lima, Per.


    The palm genusAstrocaryum with 40 species is common in tropical South America extending northwards reaching

    Central America and Trinidad. Twenty-six species grow in Brazil, 14 in Peru, 11 in Colombia, 9 in Guyana, 9 in

    Suriname, 8 in Bolivia, 8 in French Guiana, 6 in Venezuela, 4 in Ecuador, 2 in Costa Rica, 2 in Panama, and 1

    in Trinidad. The genus includes solitary or caespitose species in the following classes: (i) large palms with tall

    stem, (ii) palms with large leaves and medium-sized, or short, or subterranean stem, (iii) slender to medium-

    sized palms, (iv) acaulescent palms with very short leaves. Although most Astrocaryum species are used by

    humans, only a few may have promising economic potential and are signicantly important in the local and

    regional trade. In this article, I propose a new taxonomic classication based on characters of the fruit, owers

    and vegetative parts. The genus is divided in three subgenera: (i) Munbaca with two sections, Munbaca and

    Mumbacusu, each with 2 species; (ii)Astrocaryum with two sections, Euchambira (new section with 1 species)

    andAstrocaryum with three subsections Astrocaryum (9 species), Acaulia (5 species) and Perstaminata

    (new subsection with 1 species); (iii) Monogynanthus with four sections: Monogynanthus (with 3 species),Ayri

    (1 species), Guatinajo (new section with 1 species) and Huicungo (new section) that includes three subsections

    Huicungo (7 species); Sachacungo (new subsection with 5 species), and Murumuru (3 species). A synoptic

    review of the genus is presented herein, including descriptions and illustrations as well as data on distribution,

    habit, ecology and common names for each species. An identication key to all species is also supplied.

    Keywords:Astrocaryum, Arecaceae, taxonomy, distribution, ecology, uses, economic potential.


    El gneroAstrocaryum con 40 especies es comn en las regiones intertropicales de Amrica del Sur y se ex-

    tiende al norte hasta Amrica central y Trinidad. Son 26 las especies que crecen en Brasil, 14 se encuentran

    en Per, 11 en Colombia, 9 en Guyana, 9 en Suriname, 8 en Boliv ia, 8 en Guiana francesa, 6 en Venezuela, 4

    en Ecuador, 2 en Costa Rica y Panama, 1 en Trinidad. El gnero produce palmeras solitarias o cespitosas en

    las siguientes categorias: (i) palmeras grandes de tallo alto, (ii) palmeras de hojas largas y de tallo mediano

    o corto o subterrneo, (iii) palmeras delgadas a medianas, (iv) palmeras acaulescentes de hojas cortas. La

    mayora de las especies son utilizadas por los pobladores de las zonas rurales; sin embargo pocas son las que

    tienen importancia en los mercados locales y regionales. Se propone aqu una nueva clasicacin del gnero

    Astrocaryum en tres subgneros, basada en los caracteres del fruto, de las ores y de las partes vegetativas:

    (i) Munbaca con dos secciones, Munbaca y Mumbacusu, cada una con 2 especies; (ii) Astrocaryum con 2

    secciones, Euchambira (seccin nueva con 1 especie) yAstrocaryum con tres subsecciones Astrocaryum

    (9 especies), Acaulia (5 especies) y Perstaminata (subseccin nueva con 1 especie); (iii) Monogynanthuscon cuatro secciones: Monogynanthus (con 3 especies), Ayri (1 especie), Guatinajo (seccin nueva con 1

    especie), y Huicungo (seccin nueva) que incluye tres subsecciones Huicungo (7 especies), Sachacungo

    (subseccin nueva con 5 especies) y Murumuru (3 especies). Se presenta una tabla sinptica del gnero con

    las referencias de las descripciones e ilustraciones de cada una de las especies, datos sobre su distribucin

    geogrca, forma de vida y ecologa, y los nombres vernculos ms comunes. Una clave de identicacin de

    las especies es presentada.

    Palabras clave:Astrocaryum, Arecaceae, taxonoma, distribucin, ecologa, usos, potencial econmico.


    T plm Astrocaryum (Arecoideae: Cocoseae: Bactridi-nae, Ul d Drld, 1987; Drld t l., 2005) i com-moly od i mot tropicl coytm o Sot Amric d

    i Pcic d Atltic ort o Ctrl Amric. It compmy li orm, rom lr plm i t ort copy to mllclct plm idd i mi-rid rbby vttio. Frito vrl pci r dibl d br i xtrctd rom lvo otr pci. Morovr ll Astrocaryum pci r vilyrmd wit lo pi. For ll t ro, t plm cotcp t y o t trlit wo trvr Sot d Ctrl


    I 1980 it w lmot impoibl to idtiy motAstrocaryumpci. Exiti collctio did ot provid l iormtio.Svrl typ pcim wr dtroyd i t Brli rbrimdri World Wr II, d Brbo Rodri collctio d

    dipprd, probbly i domtic r (Glm, 1972). Tbc o typ w ot, i prt, by t xcllt dcrip-tio d illtrtio pblid by Mrti (1824, 1844),Drd (1881), d Brbo Rodri (1903). Brrt (1934)

    rvid t d dcribd vrl w pci bt didot provid y illtrtio. Wl Bor (1965) trtd tidio pci o Srim. Grvill (1989) dcribd ddicd t ditribtio o Frc Gi pci. Svrl

    tx, coidrd vriti i Hdro (1995) d Hdrot l. (1995), r mitid vlid pci i Govrt dDrld (2005).

    W v rviitd t typ locliti d collctd w m-tril. Oc dirtil crctr wr idtid, w cckdtir rlvc troot t r o ditribtio o t p-ci. Ti ldwork w t bi or t idtictio ky.

    W ddd to t kowld o t pci d pplmtdt dcriptio o my o tm, r-vlidti vrl or j-tiyi yoymy (K, 2001,b, 2003; K d Grvill,1998; K d Glcy, 2002). Eit w pci v bdcribd. T icld two rom Colombi, two rom Brzil

    d or rom Pr (Glo-Grc t l., 1988; K dMill, 1992; K d Frrir, 1995). T pci o t dryzo o Brzil r till ot compltly drtood d mt brtr tdid.

    Versin Online ISSN 1727-9933

    Publicado online: 29/11/2008

  • 7/27/2019 a04v15sup1




    Las palmeras en Amrica del SurRev. peru. biol. 15(pl. 1): 031- 048 (Novimbr 2008)





    A w irric clictio oAstrocaryum i prtd.T i dividd i tr br. Svrl w ctiod bctio r dcribd. A ky to pci i iv.

    General data

    Number of speciesand distribution area T As-trocaryum i compod o 40 pci ditribtd i 12 cotri(bl 1). It i wll rprtd i Brzil, Pr, Colombi d it Gi wit 26, 14, 11 d 10 pci, rpctivly. Eitpci r dmic to Brzil, 4 to Colombi, d 4 to Pr.Dtild ditribtio or c pci i iv dr ctiod bctio, d rcpitltd i bl 2.

    Habit and Ecology Spci oAstrocaryum prodc oli-try or cpito plm i t ollowi cl (qtittivctori r iv i bl 2): (i) lr plm wit tll tm,(ii) plm wit lr lv d mdim-izd tm, or orttm, or btrr tm (coidrd clct), (iii)ldr to mdim-izd plm, (iv) mll, clct plm

    wit ort lv.

    Plm o t Astrocaryum r od i ll prt o tAmzo bi. Ty commoly orm d td i ripri orwmpy ort, wll i trr rm ort o wll-drid

    clyy oil, vil trrc or o dy oil; om pci rlo od i v loctd iid t bi or t it pripryi drir coditio. Mot o to ort pci lly tolrtop r vry wll (K d Grvill, 1992; Jrdim dStwrt, 1994). Svrl pci r limitd to t tr vlly ot Ad dr Amzoi ic; ty do ot row bov1000 m lvtio, xcptA. aranaecollctd rom 130 m i

    Amzoi lowld (Rio Mo, Acr, Brzil) to 1650 m i ttr cordillr o ctrl Pr. Otid t Amzo bi,Astrocaryum pci r od i tropicl Pcic or Atltic riort d v. T pci o bctioAcauliarow imi-rid crrdo-vttio i Brzil. Stdi o popltiodymic d diprl v b md i Astrocaryum jauari(Pidd, 1984), A. standleyanum (Smyt, 1989; Hoc d

    Adlr, 1997),A. sciophilum (Sit, 1989,b; Crl-Domiiqt l., 2003),A. paramaca(Fort, 1991),A. aculeatum (N-cimto t l., 1997),A. aculeatissimum (Gltti t l., 2006),dAstrocaryum pp. (A. murumuru, Citr, 1997; Citrd Hor, 1997; Bck d rbor, 2002). L prodctio

    w mrd i Astrocaryum paramacad A. sciophilum i

    t Kbo d Mp rio o Srim (St, 1983);Grvill (1977) dcribd t trppi ytm o dd lv byt l-pd crow o t two plm, d Gc (1986)

    Country Species

    Bolivia (8 species)

    Astrocaryum aculeatum,A. campestre,A. chonta,A. gratum,A. gynacanthum,A. huaimi,A. jauari, A. ulei.

    Brazil (26 species)

    Astrocaryum acaule, A. aculeatum, A. aculeatissimum(e), A. arenarium(e), A. campestre, A. chambira, A. echinatum(e), A. faranae,A. farinosum, A. ferrugineum, A. giganteum(e), A. gynacanthum, A. huaimi, A. jauari, A. javarense, A. kewense(e), A. minus, A.

    murumuru,A. paramaca,A.pygmaeum(e),A.rodriguesii,A. sociale(e),A. sciophilum,A. ulei,A. vulgare,A. weddellii(e).

    Colombia (11 species)

    Astrocaryumacaule,A. ciliatum(e),A. chambira,A. cuatrecasanum(e),A. ferrugineum,A. gynacanthum,A. malybo(e),A. macrocalyx,A.standleyanum,A. triandrum(e),A. urostachys.

    Costa Rica (2 species)

    Astrocaryum confertum,A. standleyanum.

    Ecuador (4 species)

    Astrocaryum chambira,A. jauari,A. standleyanum,A. urostachys.

    French Guiana (8 species)

    Astrocaryum gynacanthum,A. jauari,A. minus,A. murumuru,A. paramaca,A. rodriguesii,A. sciophilum,A. vulgare.

    Guyana (9 species)

    Astrocaryum aculeatum,A. farinosum,A. gynacanthum,A. jauari,A. murumuru,A. paramaca,A. rodriguesii,A. sciophilum,A.vulgare.

    Suriname (9 species)

    Astrocaryum aculeatum,A. farinosum,A. gynacanthum,A. jauari,A. murumuru,A. paramaca,A. rodriguesii,A. sciophilum,A.vulgare.

    Panama (2 species)

    Astrocaryum confertum,A. standleyanum.

    Peru (14 species)

    Astrocaryum carnosum(e),A. chambira,A. chonta,A. faranae,A. gratum,A. gynancanthum,A. huaimi,A.huicungo(e),A. jauari,A.javarense,A. macrocalyx,A. perangustatum(e),A. scopatum(e),A.urostachys.

    Trinidad (1 species)

    Astrocaryum aculeatum.

    Venezuela (6 species)

    Astrocaryum acaule,A. aculeatum,A. chambira,A. gynacanthum,A. jauari, A. murumuru.

    Table 1. Distribution ofAstrocaryum species by country, (e): endemic species.

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    he genus AstrocAryum

    Rev. peru. biol. 15(ppl. 1): 031- 048 (Novmbr 2008)Te palms in South America


    1. SubgenuSAstrocAryum

    1.1. SectionAstrocAryum

    1.1.1. SubSection AstrocAryumAstrocaryum acaule Mart. (1824:78, t. 24, 63 g. 5); Wallace (1853, t. 44); Dahlgren (1959, t. 1011); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 12);

    Henderson (1995, g. 6.54ab); Lorenzi et al. (1996:42); Kahn (1997:178); Stauffer (2000:169170); Miranda et al. (2001, gs. 35);Miranda and Rabelo (2006, gs. 13 ai).Distribution: north central region of the Amazon basin Brazil (Amazonas, Roraima), Colombia, Venezuela.Habit:solitary, large-leafed, acaulescent palms.Ecology: swampy forest, on sandy soils.

    Common names: tucum- (Brazil).Astrocaryum aculeatumG. Mey. (cons. name) Martius (1824:77, t. 65 g. 2); Wallace (1853, t. 2 g. 5, t. 41); Wessels Boer (1965, t. 11);Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 37); Moussa et al. (1994:67); Henderson (1995, g. 6.54cd); Lorenzi (1996:44); Kahn (1997:177); Kahnand Moussa (1999, gs. 13); Stauffer (2000:170); Miranda et al. (2001, gs. 6-9); Moraes (2004: g. 4); Miranda and Rabelo (2006, gs.14 al).Distribution: central region of the Amazon basin, from south to north Bolivia (Beni, Pando, Santa Cruz), Brazil (Acre, Amazonas,

    Par, Rondnia, Roraima), Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad, Venezuela.Habit: solitary, large palms.Ecology:terra rme forest, secondary vegetation.Common names: chonta, tucumo, panima (Bolivia); tucum, tucum-arara, tucum-piranga, tucum-piririca, tucum-uassu-rana,

    tucum-assu, tucum-bravo, tucum-da-serra, tucum-do-matto, tucum-purupuru (Brazil); akuyuro palm, cuyuru-palm, tucumou(Guyana); amana, toekoemau, warau (Suriname); cumare, yavaide (Venezuela).

    Astrocaryum confertum H. Wendl. ex Burret (1934:136); De Nevers et al. (1988, gs. 14).Distribution: Atlantic slope Costa Rica, Panama.Habit:solitary, large palms.

    Ecology:terra rme forest.Common names: coyolillo, coyolito, pejibaye-de-montana, zurubre (Costa Rica); pina-pina (Panama).

    Astrocaryum echinatum Barb. Rodr. (1898:51, t. 17; 1903, t. 70).Distribution: central Brazil (Gois, Matto Grosso).Habit: solitary, slender palms.Ecology:dry forest, savanna.Common names: tucum-do-campo, tucum-vermelho (Brazil).

    Astrocaryum giganteum Barb. Rodr. (1902:82, t. 10C; 1903, t. 65, 67B).Distribution: east region of the Amazon basin Brazil (Par).Habit: solitary, large-leafed, subacaulescent to short-stemmed palms.Ecology:riparian forest.Common names: tucum--da-vargem (Brazil).

    Astrocaryum huaimi Mart. (1844:86, t. 13 g. 3, t. 30A); Henderson (1995: g. 6.54jk); Lorenzi et al. (1996:49); Moraes (2004: g. 7).Distribution:west and central parts of the southern periphery of the Amazon basin Bolivia (La Paz, Santa Cruz), Brazil (Matto

    Grosso), Peru (Madre de Dios).

    Habit: caespitose, slender to medium-sized palms.Ecology: dry forest.Common names: chontilla, chonta, huaimi-tococa (Bolivia).

    Astrocaryum jauari Mart. (1824:76, t. 52, 65 g. 1); Wallace (1853, t. 42); Barbosa Rodrigues (1903, t. 1, 67C); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs.1314); Moussa et al. (1994:70); Henderson (1995, g. 6.56ab); Henderson et al. (1995: t. 53); Lorenzi et al. (1996:50); Kahn (1997:178);Borchsenius et al. (1998, t. 3D); Stauffer (2000:172); Miranda et al. (2001, gs.1619); Moraes (2004:255, g. 8); Pintaud et al. (2008, gs.1, 3F).Distribution: throughout the Amazon basin, found in a few places in the Guianas, collected once in Bolivia (Beni) Bolivia, Brazil,

    Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Venezuela.Habit: caespitose, large palms.Ecology:riparian forest.Common names: jauari (Brazil); alvarico, guara, yauari, yavari (Colombia); chambillira, huiririma (Ecuador); sawarai (Guyana);

    huiririma (Peru); liba-awarra, soela-awarra (Suriname), alvarico (Venezuela).Astrocaryum standleyanum L.H. Bailey (1933:88, gs. 6770); Henderson et al. (1995: t. 54); Borchsenius et al. (1998, t. 3 AB).

    Distribution: Pacic slope Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama.

    Habit: solitary, large palms.Ecology:terra rme forest.Common names: guinol, mocora (Ecuador); black palm, chonta, chunga (Panama).

    Table 2. Synopsis of the genusAstrocaryum. Literaturecited: the list includes most descriptions with illustrations of the species. distribution:North and south regions of the Amazon basin are dened by referring to the Amazon and Maraon rivers; from the Andes to Atlantic coast, the

    basin is approximately divided into three longitudinal parts that correspond to west, central and east regions, respectively. Habit: solitary orcaespitose (i) large palms (stem up to 35 m long, up to 40 cm in diameter); (ii) large-leafed (4 to 8 m long), stemmed (up to 15 m long,

    rarely more, up to 30 cm in diameter, usually 1525 cm), orshort-stemmed (up to 34 m long) orsubacaulescent (stem up to 1 m long, en-

    tirely covered with the sheaths of dead leaves), or acaulescent (the palm does not produce any stem above ground; leaf sheaths and parts

    of petioles and peduncles are in the soil); (iii) slender to medium-sized palms (stem up to 12 m long, up to 15 cm in diameter, leaves about

    2.53 m long); and (iv) small, short-leafed (up to 2 m long), acaulescent palms. A caespitose species can produce either multistemmed indi-

    vidual palms or single stemmed individual palms with new branching basally, or single stemmed individual palms without branching basally; the

    character caespitose will be veried by observing several individual palms in the population.commonnames (Martius, 1844; Barbosa Rodrigues,1903; Bailey, 1933; Burret, 1934; Dugand, 1940a; Wessels Boer, 1965; Glassman, 1972; Boom, 1988; De Nevers et al. 1988; Galeano-Garcset al. 1988; Kahn and Granville, 1991; Kahn and Milln, 1992; Henderson et al. 1995; Borchsenius et al. 1998; Moraes, 2004).


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    he genus AstrocAryum

    Rev. peru. biol. 15(ppl. 1): 031- 048 (Novmbr 2008)Te palms in South America


    2.2. SectionmumbAcusu(BarB. roDr.) F. KahnAstrocaryum paramaca Mart. (1844:88);Bailey (1949, g. 5758); Dahlgren (1959, t. 22); Wessels Boer (1965, g. 7); Kahn and Granville

    (1992, gs. 19, 33); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 2021); Henderson (1995, g. 6.56ef); Lorenzi et al. (1996:52); Granville (1997, gs85AE).Distribution: northeast region of the Amazon basin, Guianas Brazil (Amap, Par), French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname.Habit: solitary, large-leafed, acaulescent palms.

    Ecology:terra rme forest.Common names: murumuru--da-terra-rme (Brazil); counana (French Guiana); koenana, paramaka (Suriname).

    Astrocaryum rodriguesii Trail (1877:79); Barbosa Rodrigues (1903, t. 7576A); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 2325).Distribution: central and northeast regions of the Amazon basin, Guianas Brazil (Amazonas, Par), French Guiana, Suriname.Habit: solitary, medium-sized to large palms.Ecology: terra rme forest.Common names: mourou-mourou (French Guiana); murumuru-da-terra-rme (Brazil).

    3. SubgenuSmonogynAnthusBurret

    3.1. SectionmonogynAnthusAstrocaryum farinosumBarb. Rodr.(1875:21; 1903, t. 7778); Drude (1881, t. 81 g. 2); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 2627a); Kahn (1997:181;

    2001a, gs. 2, 6, 910); Miranda et al. (2001, gs. 1011).Distribution: north and northeast regions of the Amazon basin, Guianas Brazil (Amazonas, Par, Roraima), Guyana, Suriname.Habit: solitary, large-leafed, subacaulescent to short-stemmed palms.

    Ecology: terra rme forest.Common names: murumuru-iry (Brazil).

    Astrocaryum sciophilum (Miq.) Pulle (1906:73); Wessels Boer (1965, t. 1213); Kahn and Granville (1992, g. 9); Kahn and Milln (1992,gs. 27b30); Henderson (1995, g. 6.56g.h); Lorenzi et al. (1996:53); Granville (1997, gs. 86AD); Kahn (2001a, gs. 3, 810); Pintaudet al. (2008: g. 3C).Distribution: northeast region of the Amazon basin, Guianas Brazil (Amap, Par), French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname.Habit: solitary, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: terra rme forest.Common names: boegroemaka, pingomaka (Suriname); mourou-mourou (French Guiana).

    Astrocaryum socialeBarb. Rodr. (1888:48; 1903, t. 79A); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 3132); Moussa et al. (1994:71); Kahn (2001a, gs. 45,7, 910); Miranda et al. (2001, gs. 2427).

    Distribution: north central region of the Amazon basin Brazil (Amazonas, Par).Habit: solitary, large-leafed, acaulescent palms.Ecology: terra rme forest.Common names: murumuru-da-terra-rme, palha (Brazil).

    3.2. SectionAyriDruDeAstrocaryum aculeatissimum (Schott) Burret (1934:152); Dahlgren (1959, t. 12-13); Boudet Fernandes (1987, g. 1); Henderson et al. (1995:

    t. 51); Lorenzi et al. (1996:43).Distribution: Atlantic forest Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Esprito Santo, Minas Gerais, Bahia).Habit: caespitose, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: terra rme forest (mata atlntica).Common names: airi, brejava (Brazil).

    3.3. SectionguAtinAjoF. KahnAstrocaryum triandrumG. Galeano, R. Bernal and F. Kahn(1988:279, gs 13).

    Distribution: Magdalena River valley Colombia.Habit: solitary, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: terra rme forest, open areas.Common names: cabecenegro, guatinajo-hembra (Colombia).

    3.4. SectionhuicungoF. Kahn

    3.4.1. SubSectionhuicungoAstrocaryum carnosum F. Kahn and B. Milln (1992:504, g. 41).

    Distribution: west region of the Amazon basin (known from upper Huallaga river, Tocache to Tingo Mara) Peru.Habit: caespitose, large-leafed, subacaulescent to short-stemmed palms.Ecology: seasonal swamp forest.Common names: huicungo (Peru).

    Astrocaryum ciliatumF. Kahn and B. Milln (1992:500, gs. 3739).Distribution: northwest region of the Amazon basin Colombia.Habit: solitary, large-leafed, acaulescent palms.Ecology: terra rme forest.Common names: coco-peludo, coco, cumare-de-guara (Colombia).

    Astrocaryum faranaeF. Kahn and E. Ferreira (1995:321, gs. 13); Lorenzi et al. (1996:47); Kahn (1997:181); Pintaud et al. (2008, g. 2B,C).Distribution: west region of the Amazon basin Brazil (Acre), Peru (Hunuco, San Martn, Ucayali).Habit: caespitose, large-leafed, subacaulescent to short-stemmed palms.Ecology:forest on alluvial terraces (Amazonian lowlands), forest on slope (sub-Andean valleys).Common names: murumuru (Brazil); huicungo (Peru).

    Table 2. Synopsis of the genusAstrocaryum. (...Continuation)


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    Las palmeras en Amrica del SurRev. peru. biol. 15(pl. 1): 031- 048 (Novimbr 2008)





    Astrocaryum ferrugineumF. Kahn and B. Milln (1992:497, gs. 3336); Moussa et al. (1994:68); Kahn (1997:180).Distribution: central region of the Amazon basin Brazil (Amazonas), Colombia.Habit: solitary, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: terra rme forest.Common names: murumuru-da-terra-rme (Brazil).

    Astrocaryum javarense Trail ex Drude (1881:372); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 4243; 1997:64).Distribution: west region of the Amazon basin, Jauari river valley and lower Ucayali river valley Brazil (Acre, Amazonas), Peru.

    Habit: solitary, large-leafed, subacaulescent to short-stemmed palms.Ecology: terra rme forest.Common names: murumuru (Brazil); huicungo (Peru).

    Astrocaryum huicungoDammer ex Burret (1934:146); Kahn and Milln (1992, g. 44); Henderson (1995, g. 6.56d).Distribution: lower Huallaga river valley (Moyobamba, Tarapoto, Yurimaguas) Peru.Habit: caespitose, large-leafed, subacaulescent to short-stemmed palms.Ecology:seasonal samp forest.Common names: huicungo (Peru).

    Astrocaryum scopatum F. Kahn and B. Milln (1992:503, g. 40; 1997:36); Kahn (1997:36); Pintaud et al. (2008, g. 3G).Distribution: west region of the Amazon basin (upper Maraon river and tributaries, Cenepa, Morona, Nieva, Santiago) Peru.Habit: caespitose, large-leafed, subacaulescent to short-stemmed palms.Ecology:forest on alluvial terraces.Common names: huicungo (Peru).

    3.4.2. SubSectionsAchAcungoF. Kahn

    Astrocaryum cuatrecasanum Dugand (1940a:18; 1940b, g. 12).Distribution: known from Caquet Department Colombia.Habit: solitary (?), large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology:savanna.Common names: chuchana (Colombia).

    Astrocaryum gratum F. Kahn and B. Milln (1992:520, g. 51).Distribution: southwest and central periphery of the Amazon basin Bolivia (Beni, La Paz, Santa Cruz), Peru (Madre de Dios).Habit: solitary, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: dry forest.Common names: chonta, chonta-negra, chonta-de-macallo (Bolivia); huicungo (Peru).

    Astrocaryum macrocalyxBurret (1934:150); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 4546).Distribution: northwest region of the Amazon basin Colombia, Peru.Habit: solitary, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: terra rme forest.Common names: chuchana (Colombia); huicungo (Peru).

    Astrocaryum perangustatum F. Kahn and B. Milln (1992:517, gs. 4950); Pintaud et al. (2008, g. 1).Distribution: Pozuzo, Palcazu, Pichis and Perene river valleys Peru.Habit: solitary, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: forest on slope.Common names: coquito del monte, huicungo (Peru).

    Astrocaryum urostachys Burret (1934:151); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 4748); Borchsenius et al. (1998, t. 3C); photo F. Kahn, front coverPalms 45 (2001).

    Distribution: northwest region of the Amazon basin Colombia, Ecuador, Peru.Habit: caespitose, large-leafed, subacaulescent to stemmed palms.Ecology: forest on alluvial terraces, seasonal swamp forest.Common names: chuchana (Colombia); chuchana, etsoje, huicungo, sir (Ecuador); huicungo (Peru).

    3.4.3. SubSectionmurumuruBarB. roDr.Astrocaryum chonta Mart. (1844:84, t. 4 gs. 12, t. 29C); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 5253).

    Distribution: southwest region of the Amazon basin and south periphery Bolivia (Santa Cruz), Peru (Loreto).

    Habit: solitary, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: forest on alluvial terraces periodically ooded.Common names: chonta, chipichiquia, chique-chique (Bolivia); huicungo (Peru).

    Astrocaryum murumuru Mart. (1824:70, t. 5859), Dahlgren (1959, t. 2021), Barbosa Rodrigues (1903, t. 32C, 81B); Granville (1997, gs. 86E-H); Kahn and Milln (1992, gs. 5455); Henderson (1995, g. 6.56c), Lorenzi et al. (1996:51); Kahn (1997:181; 2001b, gs. 23).

    Distribution: Guianas, northeast and central regions of the Amazon basin, to Acre southwestwards Brazil (Acre, Amap, Amazonas,Par, Rondnia, Roraima), French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname.

    Habit: caespitose, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: seasonal swamp forest; forest on alluvial terraces periodically ooded; coastal swamps under tidal inuence.Common names: mourou-mourou (French Guiana); murumuru (Brazil).

    Astrocaryumulei Burret (1934:147); Kahn and Milln (1992, g. 56); Lorenzi et al. (1996:54).Distribution: southern central regions of the Amazon basin Bolivia (Pando), Brazil (Acre, Amazonas, Rondnia).Habit: solitary, large-leafed, stemmed palms.Ecology: terra rme forest.Common names: chonta-loro (Bolivia), murumuru (Brazil).

    Table 2. Synopsis of the genusAstrocaryum. (...Continuation)

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    Las palmeras en Amrica del SurRev. peru. biol. 15(pl. 1): 031- 048 (Novimbr 2008)





    axonomic history of Astrocaryum Mrti (1844,1845) dividd t Astrocaryum i I Caudescentiad IIAcaulia. Udr Caudescentia prtd t pci ccord-i to t mbr o pitillt owr, itr o irtd tt b o t rcill, or vrl prpod i t proximlprt o t rcill.

    From t crctr o t rit, Drd (1881) dividd

    t i or ctio:Munbaca,Ayri, Tucuma(wit twobctio, CaudescentiadAcaulia), dMalybo. Ti lttrctio i icoitt joii totr Bactris humilisd two

    Astrocaryum pci (A. acauledA. caudescens=A. aculeatum)tt clrly blo to ctio Tucuma. Drd (1889, 1897; Brrt, 1934, ootot p.115) coidrd two br,

    Munbacad Tucuma(ti icldi t ctioAyri, TucumadMalybo). Brbo Rodri (1888, 1891, 1902, 1903) r-dcd t mbr o ctio to tr: (i) Leiocarpeaewit twobctio, Yauaryd Chambira; (ii)Astrocarpeaewit twobctio,MumbacadMumbacuu; d (iii)Acanthocarpeae

    wit two bctio,AyrydMurumuru.


    Astrocaryum G.Mey. (conserved name) Meyer


    yp pci:Astrocaryum aculeatum G.My.

    AvoiraGik (1792:53). Nm rjctd i vor oAstro-

    caryum. Lctotyp: A. vulgarisGik (=Astrocaryum p.), Cook (1940:299).

    ToxophoenixH.W. Scott (i Scribr, 1822:12). yp:T. aculeatissima H.W. Scott (=Astrocaryum aculeatissimum(Scott) Brrt).

    Astrocaryum mexicanum dA. alatum r xcldd. Ttwo pci r trtd i t Hexopetion (Pitd t l.,2008). Ty dir rom ll t otr pci oAstrocaryumi vi (i) mltiold ltrl mt i dlt plm, (ii)tmit owr covri t wol rcill, witot trilprt, (iii) rcill woolly-wit btw t owr, (iv) tim

    mc ortr t ovry, d (v) privclr clrid tcotio (dicotio iAstrocaryum).

    Figure 1. SubgenusAstrocaryum a) Fruit and habit ofAstrocaryum acaule; b) fruit ofA.vulgare (left) andA. aculeatum (right); c) fruit of

    A. malybo; d) fruit ofA. chambira.





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    Brrt (1934) rcoizd two br rom t m-br o pitillt owr t t b o t rcill: bPleiogynanthuswit two or mor pitillt owr pr rcill,d b Monogynanthuswit oly o pitillt owrpr rcill.Monogynanthusi dividd i two ctio, c otm dd rom t rit (picrp plitti or ot): (i)Mun-bacawit two bctio, EumunbacadMumbacuu, tdd by crctr o t pitillt owr d rit, d (ii)

    Ayriwit two bctio, Symphyodon d Hexodon, ddby t tmiod itr coctd d ormi tmiodilri or rdcd to ix r tt.Sbctio Symphyodon icldtwo ri, Plicatad Eplicata, ccordi to wtr t pi

    po or lck promit codry rv.

    I t mbr o pitillt owr pr rcill ily idtit br, it i lo tr tt vrl pci o ctio Ayri,

    wic r ppod to v o mor t o pitillt owrpr rcill, my b od wit vrl pitillt owr. Txcptio to t rl r rtr rqt w t pci rowi op r, ptr or rivrid.

    T clictio propod by Brbo Rodri (1903) idi tr rop rom t crctritic o t rit p-pr to b t mot fcit ytm (Fi. 13). Ti ld tocoidr to tr rop t t bric rk: bAs-

    trocaryumwit two ctio, o o tm wit tr bctio;bMunbacawit two ctio; bMonogynanthuswitor ctio, o o tm wittr bctio. Brrtdiviio o ctio Ayri i two bctio, Symphyodon d

    Hexodon i bdod; ti lttr bi trtd dr yoymyo t Hexopetion (Pitd t l.,2008).

    Astrocaryumaculeatum G.My., t typ pci o t Astrocaryum, w miitrprtd. Drd (1881) d Brrt(1934) trtd t pci incertae sedis. Wl Bor (1965)pplid t m A. aculeatum G.My. to A. tucumaMrt.ptti ti lttr ito yoymy. K d Mill (1992) dHdro (1995) ollowd ti poitio. Brl rdicovrdt typ pcim (E. Rodschied s.n.) t GOE. It corrpodto t pciA. gynancanthum Mrt. dcribd ltr. BrboRodri (1903) w rit i cliyi t pci dcribdby Myr i ctio Astrocarpeae bctio Mumbaca. Tcorrct m orA. gynacanthum Mrt. old bA. aculeatumG.My. to comply wit t rl o priority. Howvr, Brl

    (2008) propo to corv t m A. aculeatum or A.tucuma poitio I ollow r ( omcltrl otdr bAstrocaryum d bMunbacai Brlpropol i rjctd). Astrocaryum aculeatum (y. A. tucuma)i t typ o b Astrocaryum, ctioAstrocaryum dbctioAstrocaryum.

    Description of the genus Solitry or cpito, cl-ct or tmmd, piy, plotic, moocio plm. Stemort to vry lr, ldr to robt, 340 cm i dimtr, rct,covrd wit l b, or bcomi br d copicolytid wit l cr, rmd or rmd wit lly blckt pi i row or rop, poiti i vrl dirctio. Lea

    rom l t 1 m to 8 m lo, pit, rdplict; t,ptiol d rci covrd wit d idmt,rmd witlr d mll pi; ptiol vry ort to lo, dxillycld r t b, ditlly ttd or ld, bxillyrodd; rci lly mc lor t t ptiol, dxillyld, bxilly rodd; lt mro, rlrly rrdi o pl or ropd d oritd i vrl dirctio, il-old or codrily plict, lir ct, dxil c drk rd iy, bxil c lly wit bdt wit idmt,rrly pilo, mri lly rmd wit ort pi or britl.Inforescencebrci to o ordr, itrolir, rct, rci orpdlo, protoyo; pdcl lly lotd, circlr

    to ovl i cro ctio, dly covrd i idmt, otvily rmd wit pi; propyll ort, bicrit, bro,rmd or rmd wit mll pi or britl, idd i t lb; pdclr brct mc xcdi t propyll, pidl-

    Figure 2. Subgenus Munbaca a) habit ofAstrocaryum gynacanthum;

    b) fruit ofA. rodriguesii, with epicarp splitting at maturity.



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    pd, ot rotrt, plitti loitdilly lo t bxilc, pritt or rodi, lly dly tomto, vilyrmd wit pi or rmd; rci ortr t t pdclbri pirlly rrd rcill, c ttd by rrow

    trilr brct; rcill c. 10 to mro, proximl prtlbro, to or piy, bri 15 trid, ditl prt ctki-lik, bri dly pckd tmit owr prtilly kito pit. Staminate fowerymmtricl, trimro, rom brlyto widly op t ti; sepals3 ort, trilr, omtimblly cot; petals3, mc xcdi t pl, vlvt,bot-pd, trit or rlxd, blly cot; stamens312, tr mll, ovl-lir, vrtil, ltror; pitillodprt, mit, trid, or bt. Pistillate fowermc lrrt t tmit o; calyxblobo, r-, v-, ck- orcp-pd, or tblr, trct, tridticlt or llowlyto dply tridtt, wit limb trit or crvd iwrd,

    or pltd orizotlly, rmd or rmd wit mll pi,lbro, lbrt or tomto, limb mri omtim britlyor piy; corollaortr or lor t t clyx, or bql,lobo, cp-, r-, pitcr-, or v-pd, or tblr, rlr

    or cotrctd, trct, tridticlt or llowly to dplytridtt, wit limb trit or crvd iwrd or otwrd, orpltd orizotlly, omtim crit vrticlly, tomto,bri britl or pi, t ttd, xo, yllowi

    to browi, blck, limb mri omtim britly or piy;staminodescot ito ri, ti dt i t coroll or rd mmbro, tir, omtim dply lciit, or rdcdto 6 mll tt, or bt;pistiltomto, to, omtimrmd wit witi to browi pil, tricrpllt, triov-lt, stylescot, trit or rcrvd, tomto, rrly piy,lly ort, omtim lo d trid, stigmaslr, y,ppillt, omtim tly to-pd. Fruit1(2) dd

    wit picl timtic rmi, blobo, obovoid, llipoid,top-pd, pr-pd, ort to lo bkd; epicarp brow,yllowi or or-rd, ot plitti w rip, or plittid prdi to xpo t docrp, tomto, tlo or

    lbro, rmd or rmd wit ttd, brow or blck,p to 1,5 cm lo pi; mesocarp 210 mm tick, y ordry d trcy, bro; endocarp tick, toy, wit ttdblck br ormi tr-lik pttr rod t rmiti

    Figure 3. Subgenus Monogynanthus a) Habit and unripe fruit ofA. ciliatum; b) habit ofA. farinosum; c) habit ofA. perangustatum; d) fruit

    ofA. perangustatum.





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    por, t loctd i t ditl prt; endosperm omoo.Eophyllbid, lly britly.

    Subgenera, Sections and Subsections

    1. SubgenusAstrocaryum

    Sb PleiogynanthusBrrt (1934:119).Sctio I Leio-carpaeBrb. Rodr. Brbo Rodri (1888:47, 1891:102,1902:80, 1903:62).

    yp:Astrocaryum aculeatum G.My.

    Nomcltrl ot: I Brl propol to corvAstrocaryum aculeatum wit corvd typ i rjctd, tm PleiogynanthusBrrt mt b pplid to ti b.

    Astrocaryum tucumaMrt. i t vlid m d t typo b PleiogynanthusBrrt, ctio Pleiogynanthusdbctio Pleiogynanthus.

    Epicrp moot (rrly wit idmt, cl-likpi, or britl w rip), ot plitti w rip; pitil-lt owr 25 pr rcill.

    1.1. SectionAstrocaryum

    Sctio TucumaDrd (1881:367).SctioMalyboDrd (1881:368, xclddA. humile).

    T rit crctriz ti ctio. T picrp i yl-lowi, or or rd d t prit i cp-pd, mor orl widd, to wl-pd. T tmiodil ri i dt,i or low i t coroll. T ptiol i yo plt i rmd

    wit blck to rddi pi. T pi r mor or l tly

    rrd i rop d oritd i vrl dirctio, xcpt orAstrocaryum malybo (bctioPerstaminata), wo pi rrrd i o pl.

    1.1.1. SubsectionAstrocaryum

    Sbctio Caudescentia Drd (1881:368). SbctioChambiraBrb. Rodr. Brbo Rodri (1902:80,1903:62). Sbctio YauaryBrb.Rodr.,pro parte BrboRodri (1902:80, 1903:62).

    Ti bctio bri totr olitry or cpito, mdi-m-izd to lr, or bclct, or clct plm, ll

    o tm wit lr lv (48 m lo), d two ldr pciwit lv 23,5 m lo d tm p to 3-4 m i it dp to 15 cm i dimtr. T pi r lly ropd doritd i vrl dirctio. T tm i vily rmd witlo pi t t itrod. T bctio icld i p-ci. Fiv r od i t Amzo bi (Astrocaryum acaule,

    A. giganteum,A. jauari,A. vulgared A. aculeatum, t typo t ); t lttr tr rc t Gi; Astrocaryumaculeatum i lo rportd rom riidd (Wl Bor, 1965).wo pci r od i t ortwtr prt o Sot Amricd i Ctrl Amric (Astrocaryum standleyanum o tPcic lop dA. conertum o t Atltic lop). Ad t

    two ldr pci row i t otr drir pripry o tAmzo bi (Astrocaryum echinatum i Brzil dA. huaimii Bolivi, Brzil d Pr).

    1.1.2. SubsectionAcaulia Drude (1881:368).

    yp:Astrocaryum campestreMrt.

    Sbctio YauaryBrb.Rodr.,pro parte Brbo Rodri- (1902:80, 1903:62).

    Ti bctio icld v pci (Astrocaryum arenarium,

    A. campestre,A. kewense,A. pygmaeum, dA. weddellii) ttrow i t dry rio o Brzil t t otr pripry ot Amzo bi.A. campestrei lo od i Bolivi. Tv pci r mll clct plm wit vry ort lv(lly l t 1,5 m lo). Drd (1881) providd ky oridtiyiAstrocaryum campestre,A. pygmaeum d A. weddel-lii. Brbo Rodri (1903) litd t dirtil crctroAstrocaryum weddelliidA. arenarium, rpctivly. Brrt(1934), owvr, coidrdAstrocaryum arenarium poiblyoym oA. weddellii. Ti rop o mll clct plmi till poorly kow d d dditiol tdy.

    1.1.3. Subsection PerstaminataF. Kahn, subsect. nov.

    Pinnis in eadem directione abeuntibus, regulariter

    dispositis, parte distali rami oriferi staminatis ori-

    bus omnino obtecti.

    yp: Astrocaryum malybo H.Krt.

    Ti bctio i mootypic. Astrocaryum malybo dirrom ll t otr pci o ctioAstrocaryum i vi tpi rlrly dipod i o pl d i vi t ditlpitillt owr cotio wit t tmit portio o trcill. Astrocaryum malybo i Colombi pci, od iMdl, Cc d Si vlly; it rc t Itm o

    Pm.T m Perstaminatarr to t ditl prt o t rcill,

    wic i tirly covrd wit tmit owr.

    1.2. Section Euchambira F. Kahn, sect. nov.

    Epicarpio in fructu juveni albido-furfuraceo, nigro-

    setuloso; demum glabrato, inermi. Perianthio

    fructifero obconico. Annulo staminodiali altissimo,

    corollam altitudinae fere aequans.

    yp: Astrocaryum chambiraBrrt.

    Ti ctio i mootypic. Astrocaryum chambira dirrom t otr pci o b Astrocaryum i vit bit rit, wit picrp lbrt w rip, llymoot, omtim prly pilo, ri to yllowi

    w rip, d ditictiv miv obcoicl prit, d ivi yllowi pi o t ptiol o jvil plt.DNAlyi (AFLP) clrly prt Astrocaryum chambiraromt otr Amzoi pci i bAstrocaryum (Kd Scod, 1999).

    2. Subgenus Munbaca Drude(1889:83, 1897:57)

    yp: Astrocaryum gynacanthum Mrt.

    Sctio Munbaca Drd (1881:366); Sctio Astrocar-peaeBrb. Rodr. Brbo Rodri (1888:47, 1891:102,1902:80, 1903:62).

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    Nomcltrl ot: I Brl (2008) propol to corvAstrocaryum aculeatum wit corvd typ i rjctd, tm o b MunbacaDrd d ctio Munbaca iAstrocaryum. Astrocaryum aculeatum G. My. (typ pcimE. Rodschied s.n., y. Astrocaryum gynacanthum) i t ttyp o Astrocaryum, bAstrocaryum d ctio

    Astrocaryum. Ad t mMunbacaDrd will b pplid to

    ctioMumbacusu (Brb. Rodr.) F. K.Epicrp plit d op t mtrity lik owr, owi

    t yllowi, or or rd mocrp wit t docrp tt ctr. Ti pomo vr occr i t otr twobr. T rit i prolod ito lotd rotrm,p to 2 cm lo. T pitillt owr r rmd wit dblck pi d ty r crowdd o t rci tt m tob itl blck rlt.

    2.1. Section Munbaca

    MumbacaBrb. Rodr. (1902:80; 1903:62). 1. Leiocarpae

    Drd (1897:57, ot LeiocarpeaeBrb. Rodr. 1888). SbctioEumunbacaBrrt (1934:139).

    Ti ctio i ditiid tro t ollowi cr-ctr: pitillt owr il, clyx cp-pd. It icldtwo pci: Astrocaryum gynacanthum, t typ o b

    Munbacad ctio Munbaca, d Astrocaryum minus. Trt pci, ldr cpito plm, occr i ll prt o t

    Amzo bi bt l rqtly i t ortwtr rio.T cod pci, ldr il tmmd plm, w col-lctd oly twic: t rt tim i Brzil, Jty rivr vlly,i t wtr prt o t bi (ril, 1877); t cod tim,mor rctly, i Frc Gi, o Grd Mtory ill r

    Cy (K d Grvill, 1998). T rit oAstrocaryumminusi till kow. Morpoloicl crctr (K dGrvill, 1998) wll DNA ly (K d Scod,1999; Pitd, i prp.) clrly ow tt ti pci i clolyrltd toA. gynacanthum.

    2.2. Section Mumbacusu(Barb. Rodr.) F. Kahn,

    stat. nov.

    yp:Astrocaryum paramacaMrt.

    SbctioMumbacuu Brb. Rodr. Brbo Rodri

    (1902:80, 1903:62), Brrt (1934:141). 2. AcanthocarpaeDrd (1897:57, otAcanthocarpeaeBrb. Rodr. 1888).

    T ctio i ditiid tro t ollowi crctr:pitillt owr pdiclld, clyx v-pd, dply tridtt.It icld two pci:Astrocaryum paramaca, clctplm wit lr lv, dA. rodriguesii, tll, il tmmdplm. Bot pci row i trr rm ort i t Gi.

    Astrocaryum rodriguesiii lo od i t ctrl rio o tAmzo bi wr it i mdim-izd plm.

    3. Subgenus MonogynanthusBurret (1934:139,

    excluding Sect. Munbaca Drude)

    yp:Astrocaryum sciophilum (Miq.) Pll

    Sctio Ayri Drd (1881:366, pro parte). Sctio Acan-

    thocarpeaeBrb. Rodr. Brbo Rodri (1888:47,1891:102, 1902:81, 1903:62). Sbctio Symphyodon Brrt(1934:143).

    Epicrp covrd i idmt, to to piy; lly witoly o pitillt owr irtd t t b o t rcill (23owr pr rcill c b occiolly od i plm rowii op r).

    3.1. Section Monogynanthus

    Sri PlicataBrrt (1934:143).

    Ti ctio i crctrizd by vi rmrkbl to-pd tim. T bl (tril) prt o t rcill i pilo.L mt r plict loitdilly (i.. codry rvr promit); t pi o t ptiol r rlrly rrdi orizotl or obliq prlll row. T iorcc dirctcc r rct. T ctio icld tr rriopci tt orm d td i t drtory o trr rm

    ort. Astrocaryum sociale, clct pci wit lrlv, i commo i t ctrl rio o t Amzo bi(Brzil, Amzo d wt o Pr). Astrocaryum arinosum, bclct plm,i od i ortr Brzil (Rorim, orto Amzo d ortwt o Pr), i Gy d i t ctrlrio o Srim.Astrocaryum sciophilum, t typ o b-Monogynanthus, prodc rmd tm wit t odd lv pritt i t ppr prt dr t crow; tiplmoccr iSrim, Gy, Frc Gi d i tibori rio o Brzil, i Pr d Amp.

    3.2.SectionAyriDrude (1881:366,pro parte; re-

    duced toA. ayriMart.=A. aculeatissimum (Schott)


    Ti ctio i mootypic. Brrt (1934) trtdAstrocaryumaculeatissimum i t ri Eplicata(bctio Symphyodon).T middl pi r plict, owvr.Astrocaryum aculeatis-simum dir rom t otr pci o bMonogynanthusi t ollowi crctr: t o dd lv ot prittdr t crow, tm vily rmd wit d pi lli

    wit t , irctcc pdlo, ptl o t tmitowr rxd, pitil wit lo tyl. T dirc rimportt o to jtiy it trtmt i ctio prt.

    Astrocaryum aculeatissimum row i t Brzili Atltic


    3.3. Section Guatinajo F. Kahn, sect. nov.

    Pinnis in nervis secundariis haud plicatis; parte

    proximali sterili rami oriferi setosa; oribus masculis

    tristaminibus; staminodiis nullis.

    yp:Astrocaryum triandrum G. Glo, R. Brl d F.K

    Ti mootypic ctio i crctrizd by t mbr otm bi rdcd to tr, d t bc o tmiod.T bl prt o t rcill i covrd wit yllowi britl.L mt r ot plict loitdilly. Astrocaryum tri-andrum i kow rom t middl Mdl rivr vlly iColombi.

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    6b. Epicrp yllowi, or or rd; coroll cp-pd to t i rit; tmio-dil ri i or low i t coroll; tm 612; limb o t pitilltcoroll ot trd iwrd, ot irdli t tyl; rit lly p to 5 cmlo (6,5 cm iA. aculeatum), p to 4,5 cm brod; ptiol rmd witblck to rddi pi i yo plt 7

    7a. Lt o t lv mor t 2,5 m; tll or ort-tmmd, bclctor clct plm 8

    7b. Lt o t lv p to 2 m; mll, clct plm 17

    8a. Pi rrd i o pl; ditl pitillt owr cotio wit ttmit prt o t rcill Astrocaryum malybo

    8b. Pi poiti i vrl dirctio; ditl pitillt owr ot cotiowit t tmit prt o t rcill 9

    9a.Irctcc pdlo, t pdcl rcrvdAstrocaryum standleyanum

    9b. Irctcc rct 10

    10a. Epicrp wit mll cl-lik pi Astrocaryum confertum

    10b. Epicrp moot, witot cl-lik pi 11

    11a. Lt o t lv p to 3 m; ldr to mdim-izd plm, tm pto 15 cm i dimtr 12

    11b. Lt o t lv mor t 4 m; plm wit tm mor t 15 cmi dimtr, or bclct, or clct plm 13

    12a. Pi mrkdly crvd dowwrd; pdclr brct crvd dowwrd,drk rty tomto; pitillt owr p to 3 t t b o t rcill;rit ovl, 4,2 cm lo, 3,5 cm brod; olitry plm

    Astrocaryum echinatum

    12b. Pi trit, or litly crvd; pdclr brct pidl-lik, ot drkrty-tomto; pitillt owr p to 5 t t b o t rcill; ritobovto-blobo, 3,53,9 cm lo; cpito plm

    Astrocaryum huaimi

    13a. Aclct or bclct (to ort-tmmd) plm; ptiol rty-rdtomto; rci p to 30 cm lo, bri p to 70 rcill p to 20cm lo 14

    13b. Plm wit lr tm; ptiol ot rty-rd tomto; rci llylor t 40 cm, bri mor t 90 rcill lly lor t25 cm 15

    14a. Aclct plm; lv p to 5 m lo; irctcc rct; rit obvoidlitly ymmtricl Astrocaryum acaule

    14b. Sbclct or wit ort tm p to 4 m i it, 22 cm i dim-tr; lv p to 7 m lo; irctcc rct to rci orizotlly;rit obovoid, ymmtricl Astrocaryum giganteum

    15a. Stm 912; tmiodil ri 2/34/5 lo t coroll; cpito,ripri plm Astrocaryum jauari

    15b. Stm 6; tmiodil ri p to 1/2 lo t coroll; olitry orcpito, ot ripri plm 16

    16a. Solitry plm; pitillt owr wit clyx v-pd,coroll clrlyortr t t clyx; rip rit ri to browi, 4,56,5 cm lo,3,54,5 cm brod Astrocaryum aculeatum

    16b. Cpito plm; pitillt owr wit clyx r-pd, coroll lo t clyx; rip rit or to rddi, p to 4 cm lo d 3 cm brod

    Astrocaryum vulgare

    17a. Pdclr brct woolly, rty-rd or drk -colord; rci ltmor t 10 cm 18

    17b. Pdclr brct ot woolly; rci lt p to 10 cm 19

    18a. Pdclr brct obt, drk -colord; lv crip-lik; pi locmit; l rci rty-rd tomto, to d piy; pdcl ot iorcc wit rty-rd prickly britl; pitillt owr 34 prrcill; rit obovoid, 3,54 cm lo, 2,53 cm brod

    Astrocaryum weddellii

    18b. Pdclr brct ct, mcrot, crvd dowwrd, rty-rd; lvot crip-lik; pi obliqly cmit; l rci witi tomto,piy, ot to; pdcl o t iorcc lbro to litly tom-to wit pr pi; pitillt owr 13 pr rcill; rit lobo,

    3,5 cm lo, 3,3 cm brod Astrocaryum arenarium

    19a. Apicl pi trd-lik; middl pi lo cmit; pdclr brctwit pr or d pi 20

    19b. Apicl pi ot trd-lik; middl pi obliqly lo cmit;pdclr brct brow-tomto wit d pi

    Astrocaryum kewense

    20a. Lt o t lv p to 1 m; pdclr brct covrd wit vlvt, ot

    piy; rcill c. 10, c wit 12 pitillt owr Astrocaryumpygmaeum

    20b. Lt o t lv p to 2 m; pdclr brct tomto wit prto d pi; rcill mor t 20, c wit 24 pitillt ow-r Astrocaryum campestre

    21a. Bl prt o t rcill pilo 22

    21b. Bl prt o t rcill lbro 26

    22a. Stm 3; tmiod bt; middl pi ot plict; rit rmd witp to 15 mm lo pi; olitry plm


    22b. Stm 6; tmiod ormi ri; middl pi plict; rit rmdwit ort or lo pi; olitry or cpito plm 23

    23a.Cpito, tmmd plm; tm vily rmd t t itrod, pilli wit t ; t o t dd lv ot pritt o ttm; pi o t ptiol ot rrd i prlll row; irctccpdlo; ptl o t tmit owr rxd


    23b. Solitry, clct, bclct or tmmd plm; tm ot piy;t o t dd lv pritt o t tm or oly i t ppr prtdr t crow; pi o t ptiol rlrly rrd i orizotl orobliq prlll row; irctcc rct; ptl o t tmit owrot rxd 24

    24a.Aclct plm; pi o ltrl d bxil id o t ptiol r-rd i mor or l orizotl prlll row, to o t bxil idr lor; iorcc l t 0,6 m lo; pitillt owr 813 mmlo, clyx llowly tridtt; picrp wit ort pi, l t 5 mmlo Astrocaryum sociale

    24b. Sbclct or tmmd plm; pi o bot ltrl id o t ptiolclrly rrd i obliq prlll row; iorcc mor t 0,6 mlo; pitillt owr 1220 mm lo; clyx dplytridtt; picrpwit ort or lo pi 25

    25a. Stm p to 12 m i, t o t dd lv pritt oly i tppr prt; iorcc bot 1 m lo; picrp wit 512 mm lopi; tmit owr witot pprt brct

    Astrocaryum sciophilum

    25b Sbclct plm, or wit ort tm tirly covrd wit t ot dd lv; iorcc p to 2 m lo; picrp wit ort pi,p to 5 mm lo; tmit owr wit ct 23 mm lo brct

    Astrocaryum farinosum

    26a. Clyx o t pitillt owr rmd wit t, xo, yllowi, browi

    or blck pil or pi 27

    26b. Clyx o t pitillt owr lbro or lbrt 34

    27a. Clyx o t pitillt owr wit t limb pltd orizotlly 28

    27b. Clyx o t pitillt owr wit t limb ot pltd orizotlly 29

    28a. Cpito plm; clyx o t pitillt owr wit pi pritt; rittop-pd to obovt, ot rmrkbly lo tpri blly; mocrpvry y w rip, p to 8 mm tick

    Astrocaryum carnosum

    28b. Solitry plm; clyx o t pitillt owr ot piy or wit pi llii rit; rit top-pd wit rmrkbly lo tpri, ot litly

    crvd b; mocrp ot vry y w rip, p to 3 mm tickAstrocaryum perangustatum

    29a. Abxil id o t l pilo, wit brow to rty-rd irAstrocaryum ferrugineum

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    he genus AstrocAryum

    Rev. peru. biol. 15(ppl. 1): 031- 048 (Novmbr 2008)Te palms in South America


    29b.Abxil id o t l ot pilo 30

    30a. Middl pi wit 12 prlll rib o c id o t midrib r tmri; coroll o t pitillt owr rmd wit blck pil orm-i d ri t t mri, priti i rit; clct, olitryplm Astrocaryum ciliatum

    30b. Middl pi witot prlll promit rib; coroll o t pitilltowr witot ri o blck pil t t mri; bclct toort-tmmd, olitry or cpito plm 31

    31a. Solitry plm Astrocaryum javarense

    31b. Cpito plm 32

    32a. Pitillt owr ot vry crowdd o t rci, blobo, clyx ck-pd Astrocaryum scopatum

    32b. Pitillt owr crowdd o t rci, mc lor t brod, clyxcp-pd or tblr 33

    33a. Epicrp to; clyx o t pitillt owr rdly ortr t t corollor ql Astrocaryum huicungo

    33b. Epicrp rmd wit pi, p to 15 mm lo; clyx o t pitillt owrtly ortr t t coroll, rrly bql

    Astrocaryum faranae

    34a. Clyx o t pitillt owr covri t coroll tirly, vry cotrctdt t oric, r- to v-pd, lbro or lbrt


    34b. Clyx o t pitillt owr ot covri t coroll tirly (clyx ortrt t coroll or rdly bql), cp-pd to tblr, lbro


    35a. Clyx o t pitillt owr wit t limb pltd orizotlly 36

    35b. Clyx o t pitillt owr wit t limb tritAstrocaryum gratum

    36a. Frit top-pd wit lo tpri, litly crvd b; l mttiy bt Astrocaryum perangustatum

    36b. Frit top-pd to b-lobo, ot rmrkbly lo tpri blly;

    l mt witi bt 37

    37a. Epicrp rmd wit pi p to 15 mm loAstrocaryum cuatrecasanum

    37b. Epicrp to or rmd wit pi p to 7 mm lo 38

    38a. Solitry plm; clyx o t pitillt owr lbro, lly ortr t14 mm; rit wit 34 mm lo britl

    Astrocaryum macrocalyx

    38b. Cpito plm; clyx o t pitillt owr lbrt (om britl rlwy prt), lly lor t 15 mm; rit wit 56 mm lobritl or rmd wit pi Astrocaryum urostachys

    39a. Cpito plm; irctcc ot pdlo; rit p to 9 cm lo,4,5 cm brod; mocrp vry y w rip, 610 mm tick; corollo t pitillt owr v-pd, or tblr ot llowly cotrctdt t middl or t t ditl tird (lik 8), lr o to compt proximl prt o t tim Astrocaryummurumuru

    39b. Solitry plm; irctcc lly rct or rci; rit p to 6,5 cmlo, 3,5 cm brod; mocrp mor or l y w rip, l t4 mm tick; coroll o t pitillt owr ck- or pitcr-pd, orrlrly tblr, ot or rdly covri t b o t tim


    40a. L rci p to 4 m lo; plm bclct or wit tm p to4 m lo; clyx o t pitillt owr bo-colord, lly 1/41/3 lo t coroll; coroll ck-pd; rit obovt to top-pd,ot ymmtricl, 45 cm lo, wit pdicl p to 3 cm lo

    Astrocaryum ulei

    40b. L rci p to 7 m lo; plm wit tm p to 15 m lo; clyx o t

    pitillt owr twy to brow, lly 1/34/5 lo t coroll;coroll pitcr-pd to tblr; rit obovt, 46,5 cm lo, ilor wit 0,52 cm lo pdicl Astrocaryum chonta


    I m pcilly idbtd to Scott Zo wo lpdm to olv problm o omcltr d rvid t Elivrio, d to Hrik Bllv, Rodrio Brl, J-Jcqd Grvill d J-Critop Pitd or tir lcommt d tio o t mcript. I tk BttyMill, Ir Pl d Adrd Mird, Aoo Rblo d

    Hrri Lorzi or providi mtril o vrl pci.

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