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A1 2011 1 /1 A1 Time-Frequency Analysis David Murray [email protected] www.robots.ox.ac.uk/dwm/Courses/2TF Hilary 2011
  • A1 2011 1 / 1

    A1 Time-Frequency Analysis

    David Murray

    [email protected]/∼dwm/Courses/2TF

    Hilary 2011

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    Course Contents

    1 From Signals to Complex Fourier Series

    2 From Complex Fourier Series to the Fourier Transform

    3 Convolution. The impulse response and transfer functions

    4 Sampling, Aliasing

    5 Energy and Power & Energy Spectra, and Correlation

    6 Random Processes and Random Signals

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    Random Processes and Random Signals

    Recall our description in Lecture 1 of random vs deterministicsignals.

    A deterministic signal is one that can be described by afunction, mapping, or some other recipe or algorithm — if youknow t , you can work out f (t).

    A random signal is determined by some underyling randomprocess.

    Although its statistical properties might be known (e.g. you mightknow its mean and variance) you cannot evaluate its value at time tYou might by able to say something about the likelihood of itstaking some value at time t , but not more.

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    Why are we particularly bothered with randomsignals?

    The random signals might be noise, but ...... being able to determine noise properties in the frequencydomain can be very useful in diminishing the effect of noise on the“proper” information-bearing signals.

    Second, the signals from a random process might be theinformation-bearing signals themselves.

    E.g., electromagnetic signals generated from solar activity.To the solar physicist they tell something about underlying nuclearprocesses in the sun.To the communications engineer they might just be noise.But to the engineer designing the satellite, understanding themmight improve comms quality, and reduce the risk of damage to thesatellite during a solar storm.

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    However ... we have a problem

    You may just have noticed that all our analysis has involved

    integration over all time —∫ ∞−∞

    f (t) · · · dt pops up everywhere

    This is fine for a deterministic signal ...

    ... but for a random signal it implies having to wait for all timecollecting the random signal before we can work out, say, itsauto-correlation.

    Fortunately there is a way around this difficulty.

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    Probability review (1)

    Consider a random variable x .

    Probability DISTRIBUTION function

    Px(ξ) = Prob[x ≤ ξ]

    Varies from 0 at −∞ to 1 at∞ and has anon-negative gradient.

    Probability DENSITY function (pdf)

    px(ξ)dξ = Prob[ξ < x ≤ ξ + dξ]

    orpx(ξ) =


    Px(ξ) .

    For all ξ, px(ξ) ≥ 0 and∫∞−∞ px(ξ)dξ = 1.

    Convenient to write p(x), rather thanpx(ξ).

    P ( ) 1




    ξ ξ+δξ



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    ♣ Example: Gaussian or Normal distributionA 1-d Gaussian or normal pdf with mean µ and variance σ2 is

    p(x) =1√2πσ

    exp(− (x − µ)



    )For µ = 0, σ = 1 ...

    −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 30












    −2 −1 0 1 20









    The probability distribution function is

    P(x) =∫ x−∞

    p(X )dX

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    Describing pdfs: moments and central moments

    No better description of the pdf than the pdf itself

    But useful to have rougher descriptors — of where the centre of gravityof the pdf lies, how spread out it is, etc

    The mean or first moment of a discrete random variable is

    µx = E [x ] =∑



    and of continuous random variable is

    µx = E [x ] =∫ ∞−∞


    The n-th moment is

    E [xn] =∫ ∞−∞


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    Moments and central moments

    Function spread is captured by central moments ...

    The n-th central moment is

    E [(x − µ)n] =∫ ∞−∞

    (x − µ)np(x)dx

    The 2nd central moment is the variance

    σ2 = var(x) = E [(x − µ)2] =∫ ∞−∞

    (x − µ)2p(x)dx

    The standard deviation is the root of the variance

    σ =√


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    The expectation value of any function

    The expection of any function f of x is

    E [f (x)] =∫ ∞−∞

    f (x)p(x)dx

    Another useful relationship

    E [(x − µx )2] = E [x2]− 2E [x ]µx + µ2x= E [x2]− µ2x

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    Random processes and ensembles

    The random variable x might be regarded as random in itself, orregarded as the mapping from the random output θ of anexperiment x ≡ x(θ).

    We will be particularly concerned with random processesx(t) ≡ x(t , θ), which are functions of time.

    BUT when we refer to x(t1) — or, more fully, x(t1, θ) — it isimportant to realize that this is NOT the unique value of therandom variable at some time.

    Instead it is just one of an ensemble of values that could beobtained in repeated trials

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    Random processes and ensemblesTo repeat: it is just one of an ensemble of values that could beobtained in repeated trials






    Thus x(t1) has an expected value of

    E [x(t1)] =∫

    xx(t1)p(x)dx =


    x(t1, θ)p(θ)dθ .

    This expected value is called an ensemble average.

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    Random processes and ensembles

    Just suppose that E [x(t)] wasthe same for any value of t .

    It might be re-written as justE [x ].

    A very reasonable question toask is whether this is thesame as the temporal average



    ∫ T/2−T/2

    x(t)dt .

    We will return to this shortly.






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    The ensemble autocorrelation and stationarity

    In general, the definition of theensemble autocorrelation ofa random process involvesboth the times t1 and t2 thatsamples are made.That is

    Rxx (t1, t2) = E [x(t1)x(t2)] .







    which meansTake the product of values x(t1) and x(t2) from one trial, thenaverage over all trials

    Rxx (τ) = E [x(t1)x(t2)] =∫ ∞−∞

    x(t1, θ)x(t2, θ)p(θ)dθ .

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    The ensemble autocorrelation and stationarity

    But ...IF the expectation value E [x(t)] is independent of time

    AND the ensemble value for autocorrelation depends only on thedifference τ between t2 and t1

    THEN the random process is said to be wide-sense stationary .

    Then the autocorrelation depends only on the τ = t2 − t1 ...For a wide-sense stationary process,the ensemble autocorrelation is

    Rxx (τ) = E [x(t)x(t + τ)] =∫ ∞−∞

    x(t , θ)x(t + τ, θ)p(θ)dθ .

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    The ensemble autocorrelation /ctd

    Notice anything?The ensemble autocorrelationhas units of powerSo the comparison we shouldmake is with definition ofautocorrelation for power signals

    is aPOWER

    E[x(t)x(t+ τ)]

    This makes sense!A random signal can have no deterministic mechanism formaking itself smaller as time progresses, and so must haveinfinite energy ...

    This means that our random processes cannot be guaranteed tohave Fourier Transforms

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    Ensembles and ErgodicityWe now have two definitions of the autocorrelation function of astationary random process.

    The ensemble definition The integral over time

    RExx (τ) = E [x(t)x(t + τ)] , RTxx = limT→∞


    ∫ T−T

    x(t)x(t + τ)dt

    Both are perfectly proper. One is a snapshot at one time of awhole ensemble of processes. The other looks at the behaviourof one process over all time.

    If the results are the same, the process is ergodic.

    An ergodic random processis a stationary random process whose

    ensemble autocorrelation = its temporal autocorrelation

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    Ergodicity exemplified

    A village has two pubs. Suppose you wished to know which wasthe more popular.

    The ensemble approach would be to go into both on the sameevening and count the number of people in each.

    The temporal approach would be follow one villager for manyevenings and log which (s)he chose to go to.

    If you reached the same result, you will have shown the drinkingpreferences of villagers is an ergodic process.

    Of course, humans rarely behave ergodically, but engineeringsystems do.

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    Power Spectral Density of a Random Process

    Because they are power signals, random processes don’tnecessarily have Fourier Transforms

    But the power spectral density still exists ...

    The power spectral density S(ω) of a stationary random processis defined exactly as in Lecture 5 for a power signal—

    Sxx (ω) = FT [Rxx ]

    We will be concerned exclusively with ergodic processes ...

    ... so that the above statement does not give rise to ambiguity.

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    Descriptors of a random process

    We are about at the point where we can discuss how to analyzethe response of systems to a random process as input.

    Howeverwe cannot give “exact” results for such processes in the timedomain.We will be able to make statements about the the autocorrelationand power spectral density, and in addition have access to otherstatistical descriptors, such as the mean, variance, and secondmoment.

    µ = E [x ] =∫θ


    σ2 = E [(x − µ)2] = E [x2]− (E [x ])2

    E [x2] =∫θ


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    ♣ Application to a white noise process(1)

    White noise describes a randomprocess whose mean is zero andwhose autocorrelation is adelta-function.

    0 100 200 300 400 500−1




    1Zero−Mean Random Noise

    time (milliseconds)

    Can we explain both?White noise has the property it is equally likely to take positive ornegative values from instant to instant.

    ⇒ the mean is obviously µ = 0

    What about the auto-correlation? ...

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    Application to a white noise process (2)

    When you shift the signal by even an infinitesimal amount to find

    Rxx (∆τ) = limT→∞


    ∫ T−T

    x(t)x(t + ∆τ)dt

    the individual products x(t)x(t + ∆τ) being integrated areequally likely to be positive and negative, large and small.Summing these by integration must give zero.

    When there is no shift, Rxx (0) = limT→∞


    ∫ T−T|x(t)|2dt must be

    finite for a non-zero signal.

    Thus Rxx (τ) = Aδ(τ)

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    Application to a white noise process (3)

    Rxx (τ) = Aδ(τ) but what is A?

    The earlier expression actually indicates Rxx (0) = E [x2].

    But for a process with µ = 0,

    σ2 = E [x2]− µ2 = E [x2] .

    So A = σ2.

    For zero-mean white noise with variance σ2,

    Rxx (τ) = σ2δ(τ)⇔ Sxx (ω) = σ2

    The power spectral density, which is the Fourier transform of theautocorrelation function, is uniform and has the value of thesignal’s variance.

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    Response of system to random signals

    The final part of this story is to work out how systems affect thedescriptors.That is, given the mean and variance of the input, what are themean and variance of the output?

    Below, input x(t) and output y(t)are random. The system howeveris deterministic!

    *h(t)x(t) y(t)

    X( ω Y() )ω ω )H(

    Given a temporal input x(t), the output y(t) is

    y(t) = x(t) ∗ h(t) =∫ ∞−∞

    x(τ)h(t − τ)dτ

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    Response of system to random signals: MEAN (1)The expectation value (mean) of the output y is

    E [y ] = E[∫ ∞−∞

    x(τ, θ)h(t − τ)dτ]


    ∫ ∞θ=−∞

    ∫ ∞τ=−∞

    x(τ, θ)h(t − τ)dτ p(θ)dθ


    ∫ ∞τ=−∞

    [∫ ∞θ=−∞

    x(τ, θ)p(θ)dθ]

    h(t − τ)dτ


    ∫ ∞τ=−∞

    E [x(τ)]h(t − τ)dτ

    But for a stationary function E [x(τ)] is independent of τ — it is theconstant E [x ]. Taking this outside the integral, and then substitutingp = t − τ , we find that

    E [y ] = E [x ]∫ ∞−∞

    h(t − τ)dτ

    = −E [x ]∫ −∞∞

    h(p) dp = E [x ]∫ ∞−∞

    h(p) dp .

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    Response of system to random signals: MEAN (2)Reminder

    E [y ] = E [x ]∫ ∞−∞

    h(p) dp .

    But we know that FT [h] = H(ω). That is,∫ ∞−∞

    h(p)e−iωpdp = H(ω) ⇒∫ ∞−∞

    h(p)e−i0pdp = H(0) .

    ⇒∫ ∞−∞

    h(p)dp = H(0) .

    For a stationary random input x(t) the mean of the outputis

    µy = E [y ] = E [x ] H(0) .

    This means the output is also stationary.

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    Response of system to random signals: variance

    A different approach needed to find variance of the output

    First remember that for an ergodic signal, Rxx (0) = E [x2].

    As σ2y = E [y2]− (E [y ])2, use the mean and autocorrelation tofind the variance of the output

    σ2y = E [y2]− (E [y ])2 = Ryy (0)− µ2y

    We know µy = H(0)µx ...but we don’t know Ryy (0).

    But remember the Wiener-KhinchinTheorem for power signals?


    Search me

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    Response of system to random signals: variance /ctd

    The Fourier Transform of the Auto-Correlation is the PSD

    FT [Rxx (τ)] = Sxx (ω)

    Now, if the random process x(t) is stationary and ergodic, thisstatement must still hold good for x(t) and for the output y(t) too.

    FT [Ryy (τ)] = Syy (ω)

    Then (the proof is in the notes)

    The PSD of output and input are related by

    Syy (ω) = |H(ω)|2 Sxx (ω) = H(ω)H∗(ω) Sxx (ω).

    This is true for all power signals signals, not just random ones.

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    Response of system to random signals: variance /ctd

    SoRyy (τ) =


    ∫ ∞−∞

    Syy (ω) eiωτ dω


    Ryy (0) =1

    ∫ ∞−∞

    Syy (ω) dω


    ∫ ∞−∞|H(ω)|2Sxx (ω) dω .

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    Response of system to random signals: variance /ctd

    Recipe, given input mean µx and autocorrelation Rxx :

    Use µx and autoc Rxx(0) to find variance σ2x if needed

    Take FT of autoc to find the PSD Sxx of input

    Multiply by |H(ω)|2 to find the PSD Syy of output

    Take the IFT at τ = 0 to find Ryy (0) = (1/2π)∫∞−∞ Syy dω

    Find output mean as µy = H(0)µx

    Find output variance as σ2y = Ryy (0)− µ2y

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    ♣ Example 1

    [Q] White noise with zero mean and variance σ2 isinput to the circuit in the Figure. (i) Sketch theinput’s autocorrelation and power spectral density,(ii) derive the mean and variance of the output, and(iii) sketch the output’s autocorrelation and powerspectral density.


    Cx(t) y(t)

    [A] (i) The input x(t) is zero mean white noise, with a variance of σ2.

    ⇒Rxx(τ) = σ2δ(τ) and Sxx(ω) = FT[σ2δ(τ)

    ]= σ2 .

    Sketch later[A] (ii) The transfer function of the RC circuit in the Figure is

    H(ω) =(1/jωC)

    R + (1/jωC)=

    11 + jωRC


    ⇒E [y ] = E [x ]H(0) = 0× 1 = 0 .

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    ♣ Example 1 /ctd ...3. Power spectral density of the output is

    Syy (ω) = Sxx |H(ω)|2 =σ2

    1 + ω2(RC)2


    1 use mean and variance to findautocorrelation at zero Rxx (0)= σ2δ(τ)

    2 take its FT to get the PSD Sxx ofinput = σ2

    3 multiply by |H(ω)|2 to find thePSD Syy of output

    4 take the IFT at τ = 0 to findRyy (0).

    5 find mean of outputµy = H(0)µx

    6 find variance σ2y = Ryy (0)− µ2y


    E [y2] = Ryy (0) =1

    ∫ ∞−∞

    Syy (ω)dω =1

    2πσ2∫ ∞−∞

    11 + ω2(RC)2

    (substitute ωRC = tan θ) =1



    ∫ π/2−π/2

    sec2 θsec2 θ

    = σ2/2RC .

    6. The variance of y is therefore σ2y = E [y2]− (E [y ])2 = σ



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    ♣ Example /ctd ...[A](iii) To find the autocorrelation of the output we need the IFT of the PSD

    Ryy = FT −1 [Syy (ω)] = FT −1[


    1 + ω2(RC)2

    ]From HLT

    e−a|t| ⇔ 2aa2 + ω2

    so that12

    e−|t| ⇔ 11 + ω2


    The parameter scaling property with α = 1/RC It gives

    f (t/RC)⇔ |RC|F (ωRC) ⇒ 12|RC| e

    −|t/RC| ⇔ 11 + ω2(RC)2


    Finally, given that RC > 0

    Ryy (τ) =σ2

    2RCe−|τ |/RC ⇔ σ


    1 + ω2(RC)2= Syy (ω) .

    Note that Ryy (0) = σ2/2RC, which is a nice check.

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    ♣ Example: Can we understand the sketches?



    τ( )


    S xx ω( )

    ωτ τω

    S ω( )yyR τ( )




    Autocorrelation and PSD of input x(t) Autocorrelation and PSD of output y(t)

    What about the power spectral density?

    The circuit was a low pass filter with 1st order roll-off.

    The filter will greatly diminish higher frequencies ......but not cut them off completely.

    The psd at zero frequency remains at σ2.

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    ♣ Example: Can we understand the sketches? (2)



    τ( )


    S xx ω( )

    ωτ τω

    S ω( )yyR τ( )




    The auto-correlation needs a little more thought.The autocorrelation of white noise was a delta-function becausethe next instant’s value was equally likely to be positive or negative,large or small ...... in other words there was no restriction on the rate of change ofthe signal.

    But the low pass filter prevents such rapid change — so the nextinstant’s value is more likely to be similar to this instant’s.

    However, the correlation will fade away with time.

    This is exactly what you see. The decay in the autocorrelation hasa decay constant of 1/RC.

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    ♣ Example 2[Q] Each pulse in a continuous binary pulse train has a fixed durationT , but takes the value 0 or 1 with equal probability (P = 1/2),independently of the previous pulse.




    i. If xi is the random variable representing the height of pulse i ,calculate E [xi ], E [x2i ], and E [xixj ] for i=j .

    ii. Find and sketch the auto-correlation function Rxx (τ) of the pulsetrain.

    iii. Hence find and sketch the power spectral density Sxx (ω) of thepulse train.

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    ♣ Example 2

    [A](i)The pulse heights xi are 0 and 1, each with a probability of Pi = 1/2.

    E [xi ] =∑


    xiPi = 0×12

    + 1× 12


    E [x2i ] =∑


    x2i Pi = 02 × 1

    2+ 12 × 1



    Each pulse value xi is independent of any otherHence

    E [xixj ] = E [xi ]× E [xj ] =12× 1



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    ♣ Example 2

    [A](i) To find the ensemble average, take the product x(t)x(t + τ) andaverage over many random trials or experiments





    repeated trials


    RExx =∫

    x(t , θ)x(t + τ, θ)p(θ)dθ

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    ♣ Example 2





    repeated trials

    RExx =∫

    x(t , θ)x(t + τ, θ)p(θ)dθ

    = (0× 0) p(x(t) = 0, x(t + τ) = 0)+(0× 1) p(x(t) = 0, x(t + τ) = 1)

    +(1× 0) p(x(t) = 1, x(t + τ) = 0)+(1× 1) p(x(t) = 1, x(t + τ) = 1)

    = p(x(t) = 1, x(t + τ) = 1)

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    ♣ Example 2


    RExx = p(x(t) = 1, x(t + τ) = 1)= The probability that x(t) = 1 AND x(t + τ) = 1

    When τ > T there is always an independent transition during intervalτ so that the joint probability bcomes a product

    RExx = p(x(t) = 1, x(t + τ) = 1)= p(x(t) = 1)× p(x(t + τ) = 1)


    × 12


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    ♣ Example 2

    When 0 ≤ τ ≤ T ,

    RExx = p(x(t) = 1, x(t + τ) = 1)= p(x(t) = 1, no ↓ transition during following τ)= p(x(t) = 1)× p(no ↓ transition during following τ)= p(x(t) = 1)× (1− p(↓ transition during following τ))


    (1− 1

    2p(ANY transition during following τ)



    (1− 1


    ( τT


    The last step multiplies the frequency of transition 1/T by the timeinterval τ to get the probability of transition.

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    ♣ Example 2


    RExx ={

    1/4 for t > T12

    (1− 12


    ))0 ≤ τ ≤ T

    Finally we use the even symmetry property to complete the function

    Rxx (τ) =14


    ΛT (τ)

    where ΛT (τ) is a triangle of unit height, half-width T .Rxx



    −T T


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    ♣ Example 2Reminder: Rxx (τ) =



    ΛT (τ)

    (Lec 2++) FT [ΛT (τ)] = Tsin2(ωT/2)


    (Lec 3) FT [1] = 2πδ(ω)so that the power spectral density becomes

    Sxx (ω) = FT [Rxx ] =T4







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    Course Content Reminder

    1 From Signals to Complex Fourier Series

    2 From Complex Fourier Series to the Fourier Transform

    3 Convolution. The impulse response and transfer functions

    4 Sampling, Aliasing

    5 Energy and Power & Energy Spectra, and Correlation

    6 Random Processes and Random Signals
