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A2 Advanced Production Q1

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A2 Advanced Production Evaluation Emily Arnold http:// emilyarnoldmediacourse work.blogspot.com /
Page 2: A2 Advanced Production Q1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?My media product uses many different forms and conventions of real local newspapers that are currently on sale today for many different reasons. For example the first thing you are drawn to when looking at this local newspaper is the picture. It reflects the typical forms and conventions of current newspapers due to the picture having people in it, which I’ve noted that all front page pictures on newspapers have. The layout is also simple and easy for everyone to understand, whatever age which is crucial especially as the newspapers slogan is ‘something for everything’. My newspaper also includes a main headline with the critical elements such as the newspapers website, date, price, logo, slogan and name of the paper which are elements not only typical local newspapers include but also on a national scale. Adverts are also a typical form and convention of newspapers, by researching many different newspapers I found every single one had one therefore I had to use this research and include it on mine in order to make it more realistic. I decided to do an advert for a local Indian and out it across the bottom of my page where many adverts on newspapers are kept.

In order to keep with the professional look I decided to use the font ‘Arial’ in bold for all my headlines, it’s a simple font most newspapers adopt in order to look simplistic. It also attracts the audiences attention because it stands out. Another way in which I’ve used forms and conventions of real local newspapers is the smaller stories, after doing my research I discovered most local newspapers, especially the news, like to have smaller stories which a picture and smaller headline along the side in order to show the audience what else the paper has to offer and by doing this is also means that layout is kept simple and attention isn’t deferred away from the main story. I like to think I’ve used many different attributes from the local newspaper ‘the news’ this is because it’s a professional well respected newspaper and after looking at papers such as the peters field post I’ve realise it has the same layout and elements as most local newspapers across the nation which is why I decided to base my layout on this paper and I feel like my paper reflects this and is exactly what the audience would want from a newspaper front cover.

Page 3: A2 Advanced Production Q1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

My media product uses many different forms and conventions of real local newspapers that are currently on sale today for many different reasons. This part of my media product (newspaper article page) also uses many different media conventions for local newspapers. For example compared to the news article on the right, they both use ‘L’ shape stories, which is having an image and placing the text around it in an ‘L’ shape in order to make it look more aesthetically pleasing for the audience and it also eliminates having big blocks of text. Both papers also use ‘times new roman’ font in size 10. The text is both simple and easy to read. The pictures on both pages also both include people, they also have no ‘dead space’ and the whole picture is being used to the best of its ability by cropped out parts of the picture that are unnecessary, for example I cropped out the bottom of my image in order to get rid of the staging at the bottom because it wasn’t needed and took the focus of the main part of the image which is the band, this is all what the audience expects.

Page 4: A2 Advanced Production Q1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?Another way in which I’ve used typical media conventions of real media products in through my poster which I created for my local paper. I looked at various examples and came to the conclusion that most of the posters included a picture that took up the whole page which a headline and also the newspapers name, logo and slogan. I decided to put the newspaper ‘local eye’ and slogan ‘something for everyone’ at the top of the poster because it conforms to typical local newspaper posters and also by using the same header as I’ve used on newspaper as well as my website it gives it more of a professional feel and means the audience can easily recognize it. I’ve decided to use a photograph that I took and I felt like it fitted with the date of my newspaper therefore a Christmas theme would be appropriate, which also conforms with real media products. I’ve used the front ‘Arial’ again in bold and in order to make it stand out I decided to put a small red outline around the text which as well as fitting in with my newspapers colour scheme it also ensured it fitted in with the Christmas theme.

Page 5: A2 Advanced Production Q1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?


Another way in which my media product uses forms and conventions of real media products is through the website in which I created, in order to make sure it looked like a typical website I looked at various websites including the news and peters field post and found out they had the same typical layout which consists of advert banners at the top of the website and on the sides, which is why I decided to add in a competition as the top banner and made it more relevant by putting ‘click here’ which also makes it more interactive. I then decided to add a advert on the right. I then decided to add a tab because all websites have a way of navigation. Another way in which I used the form and conventions of real media products is the way in which I decided to layout my stories, I decided in order to make it look realistic and professional I needed to have a small picture and ensure all the pictures were the same size in order to make it look tidy, and then have the stories headline to grab the audiences attention and then a sentence summing up the story. I also added hyperlinks which enabled it to seem like it was a real working site as well as sticking with the font ‘Ariel’ to make it easy and simply to read.
