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A2 LTR4 Lingua Inglesa II Teleaula 7 Tema 7 Impressao

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  • 16/05/14


    Lngua Inglesa II

    Profa. Ma. Glauce Soares Casimiro

    Tema 7: Talk about Today's Chores Present Perfect Tense Sujeito +Auxiliar have/ has + Verbo no particpio passado + Complemento They have lived in England since last year.

    Marcela has studied in England since last year.

    O auxiliar have, nas 3as pessoas do singular (he, she, it), transforma-se em has. Nas pessoas restantes (I, you, we, they), permanece have.

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    Para se fazer negaes no Presente Perfeito deve-se acrescentar o not aps o verbo auxiliar have/has:

    They have not (haven't) painted their house yet. Marcela has not (hasn't) organized the house.

    Para se fazer perguntas no Presente Perfeito deve-se colocar o verbo auxiliar have/has antes do sujeito:

    Have they called Susan? Has Marcela brought all the material?

    Quando usar o Presente Perfeito? 1. Aes que iniciaram no passado e

    continuam at o presente: Mary has worked at the hospital since 2010. I have exercised at the gym lately. They have organized the party for 3 months .

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    2. Aes que ocorreram em um tempo indefinido no passado: I have been to England. We have travelled to U.S.A. She has made a delicious apple pie.

    3. Aes que acabaram de acontecer (neste caso, o Presente Perfeito acompanhado do advrbio just):

    They have just left. Sarah has just prepared the dinner. I have just done the


    She has written five letters. She hasn't written five letters. Has he written five letters? I have been to Australia. I haven't been to Australia. Have you been to Australia?

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    Verbos Regulares: Os verbos regulares formam o passado s imp les e o pa r t i c p i o do passado acrescentando ed aos verbos. to accept accepted accepted to ask asked asked to agree agreed agreed to call called called

    Verbos Irregulares: Os verbos irregulares, por sua vez, possuem formas prprias para o passado e o particpio do passado. Por isso, no seguem nenhuma regra. Ex.: To awake awoke awoken To begin began begun To write wrote written

    Quanto ao uso, o Present Perfect Tense usado para indicar vrios aspectos do tempo verbal. porm, seu uso mais bsico determinado pelo seguinte: O Present Perfect usado para descrever uma ao que ocorreu em um tempo vago, indefinido no passado. O que um tempo indefinido no passado?

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    a) I have been to Caldas Novas. b) Marta has travelled to Rio de Janeiro. c) They have won five golden medals.


    Simple Past Tense: Expressa uma ao que aconteceu em um tempo definido no passado. Formas: Aff.: I went to school yesterday morning. Neg.: I didnt go to school yesterday morning. Int.: Did you go to school yesterday morning?

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    The Simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action. Affirmative: I spoke. Negative: I did not speak. Interrogative: Did I speak?

    For irregular verbs, use the past form. For regular verbs, just add ed.

    a) Action in the past taking place once, never or several times: He visited his parents every weekend.

    b) Actions in the past taking place one after the other: He came in, took off his coat and sat down.

    c) Action in the past taking place in the middle of another action: When I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.

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    O Presente Perfeito usado para expressar: a)Aes que comearam no passado e continuam at o presente. I have lived here since 2009. She has studied English for three years. We have gone shopping by ourselves since 2010.

    b) Aes que aconteceram num tempo indefinido no passado. (Se for mencionado ou sugerido o tempo exato em que a ao ocorreu, usa-se o passado simples.) I have studied English (tempo indefinido) I studied English yesterday. (tempo exato)

    c) Aes que aconteceram vrias vezes no passado.

    We have seen that film many times. He has listen to that music several times.

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    d) Aes que acabaram de acontecer. The plane has just landed. The students have just asked their teacher a

    question. e) Unfinished time. I have visited my friends this week and I have gone to the supermarket this month.

    Examples in Present Perfect:

    a) Paul has written his name in my book.

    b) I have visited Miami many times.

    c) She has lived here all her life.

    d) They havent read that story several times.

    O Present Perfect Continuous usado, basicamente, para enfatizar a continuidade de uma ao que comeou no passado e que se prolonga at o presente.

  • 16/05/14


    A forma afirmativa do Present Perfect Continuous feita com o Presente Simples do verbo to have (have / has) + Presente Perfeito do verbo to be + o gerndio do verbo principal: She has been working as a Mathematics teacher for 10 years.

    I've been playing tennis for one hour. Women have been fighting for their rights

    during the last decades. You have been talking on the phone since I

    got home. They have been

    studying for three hours.

    Carol has been going to school by bus since her father's car broke.

    They have been studying hard. My parents' ve been travelling around

    Europe for four months. He has been playing

    guitar for two hours.

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    01) Complete a frase a seguir com o Present Perfect:

    Paul ____________ in Germany since 1998. a) Lived. b) Has lived. c) Will live. d) Lives. e) Live.

    02) Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao uso do Present Perfect: a) The Mr. Patrick is our professor since March. b) Mr. Patrick have been our professor since March. c) Mr. Patrick is our professor since March. d) Mr. Patrick has been our professor since March. e) Mr. Patrick was our professor since March.

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    03) Complete o dilogo a seguir com o Present Perfect:

    A: Would you like some more juice? B: No, thanks. I ____________ a lot. a)Have already drunk. b)Have already drink. c)Has already drunk. d)Already drunk. e)Have already drinking.

    04) Coloque o dilogo a seguir na ordem correta, enumerando-o: a)__JESSICA: Yes, I've been to lots of places. b)__JESSICA: No, I haven't been to Greece. c)__MATHEUS: Really? Have you ever been to Italy? d)__JESSICA: Yes, I've been to Italy twice. e)__MATHEUS: What about Greece? f)1_MATHEUS: Have you travelled a lot, Jessica?

    05) Leia o contexto das frases a seguir e use um dos verbos em destaque no Present Perfect para complet-las. ARRIVE BREAK FALL GO UP GROW IMPROVE a) Mariana can't walk and her leg is in plaster. She_________________ __________

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    b) Last month the train ticket was 80 cents. Now it is 90. The train ticket___________________________

    c) Paulo's English wasn't very good. Now it is better. His English_______________________

    d) Joanna didn't have long hair before. Now she has long hair. She __ ______

    06) Considere a pergunta do texto: How long have you known each other? e assinale a nica opo possvel para respond-la: a)We've known each other since we were children. b)We've known each other at the movie. c)Because we've lived very close each other. d)We haven't known each other in So Paulo. a)We knew each other at the movie.

    07) Complete the sentences with a verb in Present Perfect Tense: Invite forget see take buy read

    a)Gabriel _______ this magazine. b)I ___some new shoes. Do you want to see them? c)I cant find my sweater. Somebody __________it. d) Im looking for Bruno. _______________him?

  • 16/05/14



    O Present Perfect usado tambm para indicar uma ao no passado que vem se repetindo at o presente. Este aspecto , frequentemente enfatizado por advrbios como: always, often, frequently, ever, lately, recently. I have had a lot of trouble recently. She has always stayed tt Castro s Hotel.

    O Present Perfect expressa, tambm, uma ao que comeou no passado que ainda continua no presente. Nesse caso, o Present Perfect geralmente traduzido em Portugus pelo Presente Simples. I have studied English since 1988.

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    Ao expressar uma ao que comeou no passado e continua at o presente usa-se o Present Perfect. Usamos EVER com o Present Perfect para fazer perguntas. EVER significa: j, alguma vez em sua vida. Have you ever been to Caldas Novas?

    How long? usado com o Present Perfect. How long significa a quanto tempo? How long have you studied English? How long has he lived in Goiania?

    The Simple Past X The Present Perfect Tenses O passado simples descreve uma ao que ocorreu em um tempo determinado no passado. I went to Caldas Novas last week. x I have been to Caldas Novas.

  • 16/05/14


    I went to Caldas Novas last week. I went to Caldas Novas last month. I went to Caldas Novas last year. I went to Caldas Novas last Saturday. I went to Caldas Novas in 2001. I went to Caldas Novas three months ago.

    Nas frases com os advrbios: last week, last month, last year, last Saturday, in 2001 e ago so usados com o passado simples para expressar quando a ao ocorreu. Ou seja, em um tempo determinado. J no caso do Present Perfect, no usamos tais advrbios porque esse tempo verbal, nesse caso, expressa uma ao que ocorreu em um Tempo indeterminado.

    Os advrbios already e Yet so usados com o Present Perfect e no especificam quando a ao ocorreu. Already significa: j; indica que a ao ocorreu antes do tempo esperado. Already colocado entre o verbo principal e o sujeito. Already usado na forma afirmativa. I have already finished the exercises.

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    Already pode tambm ser usado na forma interrogativa quando o falante expressa surpresa. Have you already finished the exercises? I havent explained them yet! Usamos already em perguntas quando esperamos respostas afirmativas Yet significa: ainda, at agora, at este momento. Yet usado nas formas negativas e interrogativas.

    Na forma negativa, yet significa ainda no, at agora no.

    I havent finished the exercises yet.

    Na forma interrogativa, yet significa j. Have you finished the exercises yet?

    O advrbio JUST e tambm usado com o Present Perfect para expressar uma ao que acabou de acontecer, (acabou de concluir.) Just colocado entre o sujeito e o verbo principal. Just significa: h pouco, agora mesmo. I have just finished the exercises. Have you finished the exercises yet? Yes, I have.

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    I have already finished the exercises. I have just finished the exercises. No I havent. I havent finished the exercises yet.

    SINCE and FOR with the Present Perfect Tense Since: desde For: por, durante Usamos since com o presente Perfect para mencionar desde quando a ao vem ocorrendo. I have worked here for a long time.
