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A2 Media Studies - Evaluation post 4

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Question four How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Question four

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

During the pre-production stages of my foundation media studies course, I had conducted various means of research into thriller film openings; as thriller was the genre that I had chosen. To achieve my research, I had used the various means of computers; having access to desktop and laptop based computers, enabled me to conduct research in almost any environment. Notably, my research was dependant on internet capabilities. Whereby, my research utilised social media platforms, that of YouTube. Which allowed me to access existing thriller film openings; YouTube was a video database as I understood. Similarly I had used the same methodology within my advanced portfolio, as it had seemed to successfully greaten my understanding of media texts within my foundation year; alternatively I investigated hip hop music videos. Furthermore, I had used webpages such as ‘art of the title’ to provide me with screenshots of film openings, which enabled me to understand the generic conventions of a film opening. From accessing videos and pictures of film openings, I could make an analysis of such media texts to found my initial ideas, which I could incorporate within my own production.


Within my advanced portfolio, I adapted a similar research methodology yet again, however the webpages I visited, developed my understanding of digipaks and magazine posters; which were my ancillary tasks of the course. Such webpage was that of Google images, which provided images of existing media texts; meaning I could analyse the media texts directly from the web page. In relation to my audience research tasks, I had incorporated the use of recording equipment(camera) to further conduct my research, by capturing people's thoughts digitally. This consisted of creating a VOX POP; an interview styled video. In the construction of the VOX POP, I had used various means of computers once again to merge my recorded clips into a video, by using the video-based application ‘Adobe After Effects’. As I understood, VOX POP’s were good mediums for obtaining opinionated answers; consisting of qualitative data. Similarly, I had used the same methodology within my advanced portfolio, as the VOX POP previously succeeded with obtaining information. However, within my advanced portfolio, I had introduced a secondary form of audience research through the means of a questionnaire. I decided to use a questionnaire to obtain quantitative data, so that I could visually represent data(using figures); which would show trending expectancies of generic media texts. To construct the questionnaire, I had used the word publishing application Microsoft Word. This enabled me to construct a well presented questionnaire, in comparison to hand-drawing them(enhancing clarity). Moreover, as I intended to obtain information from a reasonably sized sample frame; digital applications were more practical and time efficient, as they could produce copies of documents. In terms of the physicality of the questionnaire, I utilised a printer to create numerous copies of the document, in the form of handouts. Moreover, to present the data in a visual format, I had used Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application which enables users to create charts and diagrams that are in accordance to an array of data. My purpose of creating visual presentations of data, was to enhance the clarity of correlating data patterns.


During the production stages of my foundation media studies course, I had begun to capture my film opening and produce my institution logo, as the main productions of my foundation portfolio. Producing my institution logo, I had utilised a computing system that uses the Windows operating system. I had used a Windows configured system to allow reliable practicality, as the iMac’s that were available for use, were of lower specifications and previously caused applications to operate slowly and unexpectedly to crash. This meant that my productions would revert to older versions, as the projects were unable to be saved. I acknowledged that this was a hardware issue, discovering that this was due to the insufficient RAM of the system; that the application required, in order to render imagery efficiently. Hence my diversion of hardware choice to a Windows computer. In terms of my institution logo, I had utilised Adobe Photoshop; which is a program that specializes within graphic design. As a graphic-based application, enabled me to create imagery using the selection of tools that were provided. Moreover, I had interacted with applications with internet capabilities to discover images that I could incorporate into my logo; that of a computer generated image of a wolf. Using the ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ functionalities of computing, allowed me to insert the image into the design application; whereby I could manipulate the imagery using the suite of tools. Similarly, the production of my ancillary tasks for my advanced portfolio were created within the same application, Adobe Photoshop. This was due to becoming more familiar with the software; over the duration of my foundation portfolio. Inevitably, I had become able to integrate advanced techniques such as seamless blurring and blending into my productions; seeming my products to be professionally-alike. In addition, I had used the ‘print screen’ functionality of computing to obtain images based upon what was present on the monitors display. This feature was incorporated to obtain a specific image from my music video production; which proposed to be the central focus within my ancillary tasks. Once obtained, I could insert the image into the design application; whereby I could further manipulate the image using the suite of tools. Alternatively from my foundation portfolio, I did not depend upon user generated imagery; that I had previously sourced from internet platforms.


In relation to my film opening, during the production stages of my foundation portfolio. I had incorporated the use of digital cameras to capture my footage, as they provided modernised functionalities and the means of data transfer to other platforms of device. Based upon the dark environments we proposed to record in, a camera with a moderately high lighting sensitivity was best suited; to achieve a distinguishable visibility of scenes. However the cameras that we were provided with, did not have high lighting sensitivities and quality was only of a high-definition(1920 x 1080 pixel resolution); meaning our footage seemed dull and blurred to some extent. To overcome this issue, I had utilised a android operating smartphone that had qualities of a ultra-high-definition format(3840 x 2160 pixel resolution), and uses digital formats of data; which is easily accessible by other platforms of device. An android operating smartphone was used as Apple products did not feature ultra-high-qualities and better lighting sensitivities. Furthermore, the smartphone had optimizable settings for exposure; whereby increasing the exposure value enabled an enhanced footage clarity, seeming clear and visible. Similarly, the smartphone was used within my advanced portfolio, to capture the footage for my music video production. Unlike the film opening, the music video did not require dark environments to visualise the lyrics. Opposingly, it required vibrant scenes. As the device utilized ultra-high-definitions of quality, vibrancy and clarity was achieved within the footage. Moreover, the audience demand for quality was maintained; no newer qualities were introduced before filming my music video. Meanwhile, the implication of the technology was developed over the duration of my foundation portfolio(mostly developed within my preliminary task), whereby in regards to my advanced portfolio production. I was able to implement more complex camera movements and shots, to convey a desired illustration of the camera's focal point.


During the post-production stages of my foundation media studies course, I had begun to engage with the editing processes of my film opening. To edit my production, I had utilised a Windows computing system(as previously mentioned) as it had a higher specification in comparison to the provided computer, which was an iMac. Meaning, that there were to be less issues, in comparison to what I had intervened with, within the production stages. In relation to my production I had used the computer application Adobe After Effects, which is a video-effects-application; specializing in motion imagery(videos). Alike their Photoshop application, Adobe After Effects incorporates similar tools and workspaces within its application; this allowed me to recognise select features. Being unknowledgeable of the features within the application, I incorporated simple effects into my production; that of colour corrections and lens distortion. To include the sounds, that of instrumental music(non-diegetic) and unnatural sound effects. I had used the social media platform, YouTube; achieved through internet capabilities of the device. As I understood, YouTube was a database of all video types, that of sound effects and music. Upon finding the sounds I had chosen to incorporate within my film opening, I had used a platform of web page that converts file types into desired formats; in which I had converted the video(s)(.mp4) into audio files(.mp3). This seemed more practical within the editing application workspace, whereby was easy to identify each composition, in relation to its format. Through the simplistic editing techniques and minority of compositions I had incorporated, meant that my computing system could export the production into a video format successfully; enabling it to be viewed as a film opening.


Similarly, I utilised the Adobe After Effects application for my advanced portfolio production - a music video. This was due to becoming more familiar with the software; over the duration of my foundation portfolio. In which I had become able to incorporate advanced techniques such as audio synced flashing and audio synced image flickering into my production; seeming my music video production to be professionally-alike. Moreover, to obtain sounds, I had reused the same methodology to use web pages that convert files to desired formats, to allow ease of practicality within the application workspace. In addition, I also used the same platform, YouTube, to find the music track I was seeking for; as I had previously understood that YouTube is a database of all videos. Including music(videos). However, during the exportation process of the production. I had encountered the recurring hardware issue, relating to insufficient RAM. As I understood, the project within the application was very complex; consisting of many compositions in a ultra-high-definition quality, and has a playback of a high frame rate. As being acknowledged as a hardware fault from previous instances in my foundation portfolio, I had installed additional RAM into the computing unit. Notably, installing RAM maintained the productions desired outcome, whereby the exportation of the production was also successful in result.


In terms of presentation, I had adopted the use of blogging platforms from my foundation portfolio, for the same purpose of presenting my work within my advanced portfolio; specifically ‘Blogger’. This medium of social media is very formative, which my tasks attempt to inform viewers of my understanding. Moreover, blogs provide a clarified structure of tasks, enabling easy interpretation. Notably, this form of social media is diversely accessible from many means of device platforms also. In which, to upload my pre-production, production and post-production tasks, I had used a computing system. Whereby my files were already stored, and were uploaded through the internet capabilities of the device; suiting convenience. Inevitably, blogging is interactive and provides various ways of embedding content into documents, known as ‘posts’. In relation to embedding my tasks, I had predominantly used the format of a slideshow to present my tasks. Whereby, slideshows are interactive illustrations of information and are professional-like. Furthermore, their landscape orientated canvas encourages information to be positioned in simplistic layouts, enabling easy interpretation of information. To present my work as slideshows, I had used various word-publishment applications, within a computer environment. That of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpoint. My purpose of using Microsoft Word, was that of including all my content into a simplistic document, with no regards to interaction or visual appeal. To develop the appeal of my work, I had used Microsoft Powerpoint. Whereby, using the ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ functionalities of a computing system, enabled me to transfer information from a standardised document format, to a presentable format. Embedding the documents in my blog posts, required that the document was published as an online-document. Achieving this, I had used a slideshow orientated web page known as ‘Slideshare’; which required me to upload the document, using the devices internet capabilities. I was able to navigate to the web page via a internet based application, Internet Explorer. Most social media platforms like Slideshare, utilise embed codes to widen the accessibility of content within webpages. With this concept in mind, I had ‘copied’ and ‘pasted’ the code within the HTML regions of my blog posts; converting the code into the visual product, a slideshow. Inevitably, slideshows were the most suitable format of research; achieving the ability to inform viewers and prolonged viewing though the means of virtual engagement. This engagement is conducted via the navigational buttons of the slideshow.

Post-production and presentation

However, in regards to my video-based production. I had to chose to differentiate from the slideshow format of presentation as it was unnecessary. Being that a video does not require interaction; as it consists of dynamic imagery. I had utilised a computer system to upload the file(s), to a social media platform through the devices internet capability. This was a convenient choice of device, as my files were stored within internal storage. My choice of platform was YouTube, which is easy to use and further has a simplistic layout and design. Moreover, I had used this platform previously within my foundation portfolio, and so I was familiar with it’s functionality. Reusing the concept of embedding code within my foundation portfolio, I had used the ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ computing functionality, to present my video production within the blogging platform. In similarity of my other tasks.

Post-production and presentation
