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A2 Tests [English]

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Page 2: A2 Tests [English]

Student's copy Name Form Date


Task I. You will hear 3 short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will have to do four tasks 1, 2, 3, 4. In each task you will find four possible answers (a, b ,c ,d). Decide which one is the best to match the statement or question in the task. Circle the letter.

Conversation 1 1. The conversation takes piaca

a. at a disco party. b. in a restaurant. c. in a dining car. d. in a grocery

2. The person is a. buying food. b. ordering dinner. c. paying for his snack. d. buying tickets.

3. Why is he in a hurry?

Conversation 2 1. The conversation takes place

a. at a dressmaker's. b. in a green market. c. in a department store. d. at a chemist's.

2. The lady is a. trying a coat on. b. window-shopping. c. asking for advice. d. making compliments.

3. What do you understand from this

Conversation 3 1. The conversation takes place

a. in a department store. b. in a florist's. c. at a birthday party. d. in a grocery.

2. The person is a. choosing flowers. b. planting flowers. c. asking advice about gardening. d. making compliments about flowers.

3. You understand from this a. He doesn't want to miss his- conversation? conversation that

bus. a. The lady can't decide what to a. one of the speakers is interested in b. Otherwise he will be late for choose. growing flowers.

his train. b. The lady isn't going to buy b. the flowers are very rare and can't c. He is having an important anything. stay fresh for a long time.

meeting in an hour. c. The lady is going to buy the coat c. the person won't buy these flowers. d. He was late for his bus. she liked. d. the person will probably buy these This is a talk between d. The person she's talking to is flowers. a. a waiter and a client. rude and impolite. 4. The person needs flowers b. a cashier and a buyer. 4. The lady is talking to a. to dry them. c. a bank clerk and a manager. a. a barman. b. to decorate the house. d. a shop assistant and a buyer. b. a dressmaker. c. to give them as a present.

c. a shop assistant. d. to plant them in the garden. d. a cashier.

Task II. You will listen to the text "Where Have All the Eagles Gone?" do task 1, after the second reading, do tasks 2 and 3.

The teacher will read it twice. After the first reading,

1) False or true? 1. The bald eagle is a very big bird that lives in Latin America. 2. The bald eagle used to live in the mountains. 3. The number of bald eagles increases from year to year. 4. This bird could disappear soon. 5. The bald eagle is endangered because people go hunting. 6. The DDT is useful for insects and birds.

2) What is right according to the selection? 1. When fewer and fewer eagle eggs hatched each year, bird

watchers knew that the bald eagle had become animal. a. an endangered b. a dangerous c. a plentiful

2. The eagles left their nests when a. the baby eagles were hatched. b. people passed laws against eagles' living in trees. c. people began to cut down trees where eagles lived.

3. Fewer eagle eggs were hatching because a. mother eagles were not laying as many eggs. b. the DDT was killing the baby eagles. c. the DDT made the shell of the eagle egg very thin.

3) Summarise the main facts about the bald eagle in the correct order.

7. Because of the wind the DDT can be carried over large territories and poison the water and soil.

8. Mother eagles often ate poisoned fish and this led to fewer birds.

9. To save the bald eagle people have to take care of them.

4. The law against using the DDT is a good law because a. the DDT kills bugs and insects that are harmful. b. the DDT endangers birds, fish, and other animals. c. the DDT made the eagles bald.

5. The bald eagle got its name because a. from a distance, the snow-white feathers make its

head look bald. b. the DDT made the feathers on its head fall off. c. eagles do not have feathers on their heads.

a. The chemical poisoned rivers and lakes. b. People used the DDT against insects. c. According to the law special areas are set aside for eagles

to live safely. d. The bird is in danger of disappearing.

e. Mother eagles ate poisoned fish. f. That's why fewer and fewer eggs hatched. g. The bald eagle is a beautiful bird, which has become

rare lately. h People had to pass a law against using poisonous


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)_ _8)_


Page 3: A2 Tests [English]


Task I. You have bought some medicine and would like to know how to use it. Find the answers to your questions scanning information in the box. Read the glossary first. Be sure you understand what the unknown words mean. Glossary: abrasions - scraped skin irritation - pain physician - doctor apply - put on minor - small, not serious prolonged - lasting a long time external - on the outside surface persist - keep on, continue treatment - care, help

Answer the questions scanning information in the box. 1. Efcamonus is a /

a. cut. b. medicine. c. pill.

2. Efcamonus will help you if a. you break your arm. b. you scrape your knee. c. you have a headache.

3. How often should Efcamonus be put on a cut? a. for a long time. b. every hour. c. one to three times daily.

4. Three times daily means a. three different times during the day. b. three different parts of the body. c. once a day for three days.

5. If pain persists means a. if your cut stops hurting. b. if you cut your hand again. c. if your cut keeps hurting.

6. If pain continues, you should a. use more Efcamonus. b. call a doctor. c. use other medicine.

If you cut your finger, you should put Efcamonus on a. your whole arm. b. your finger. c. your hands.

Which words in the directions tell you this?

8. Which words tell you that you should not drink Efcamonus? a. Do not use on large areas. b. For external use only. c. Not for prolonged use.

9. Which words tell you to use Efcamonus for only a few days at a time? a. For minor cuts. b. For external use only. c. Not for prolonged use.

10. Which is the best place for keeping Efcamonus'? a. on the kitchen table. b. in a drawer in the children's room. c. on the highest shelf in the bathroom closet.

Which words in the directions make you think so?

TINCTURE EFCAMONUS 1:1000 1 FL. OZ. Sodium Ethyl Mercuri Thiosalicylate (Thimerosal, Lilly) Alcohol - 50% by volume FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY A first aid Antiseptic

EFCAMONUS For first aid treatment of minor cuts and abrasions. Apply one to three times daily. Caution: If pain or irritation persists, consult your physician. Not for prolonged use or use on large areas. For external use only. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN!

Task II. Read the text, choose the correct answers and circle the letter that corresponds to each correct answer.

Isle of Capri With clear skies, enchanting scenery and a delightful climate, the Isle of Capri is only a short boat trip from the Italian

mainland. Once the home of Roman emperors and noblemen, you'll find a peaceful haven on this limestone rock, set in the Bay of Naples.

The first thing that strikes you is the lack of traffic. No vehicles run at the Capri town end of the island. Buses and trucks use the roads in neighbouring Anacapri, a short walk from Capri itself.

Climb to the highest points and enjoy some of the most breathtaking views found anywhere in the Mediterranean. Take a long winding coastal path.

The whole island is steeped in history. Be sure to pack your camera. Enjoy a meal at one of the open-air cafes in Plazzetta under the shade of Santo Stefano church.

1 This selection is taken from a. an encyclopedia. b. a textbook. c. a tourist reference. d. a professional magazine.

2. What is the reason for publishing? a. To advertise the rest in this place. b. To show the advantages and

disadvantages of travelling on the island.

c. To let people know about the way of life of its inhabitants.

d. To exchange opinions about travelling abroad.

3. In the first sentence of the last paragraph, the expression "is steeped in" means a. to be very high. b. to have a lot of some quality. c. to be similar with. d. to remind.

4. Why should you climb the highest points on the island? a. You won't find better scenery anywhere else in the Mediterranean. b. The air is very fresh there. c. You will enjoy the process of climbing. d. It will be a good training for your muscles.

5. You will get to the island a. by train. b. by car. c. by bus. d. by boat.

6. People who live on the Isle of Capri are a. very religious. b. emperors and noblemen. c. Italians. d. boatmen.

7. The most popular places of eating are a. Plazettas. b. peaceful havens. c. boat restaurants. d. cafes in the open air


Page 4: A2 Tests [English]

WRITING Task I. You are going to travel to the United States of America on a students' exchange program next year. The name of your partner school is Portland High School (Sandy Springs, state California). You will have to complete the application form. You will also have to answer the questions and write a letter to the family you will stay with.

1) Application form

Ukrainian School

Name of Partner School Country's full name State

Student's name: last name first name patronymic

Gender (circle) Male Female

Age Date of birth: day / month ; year

Place of birth: city oblast country

Parents' names: Father


Home address: building/street/apartment city/village

oblast postal index country

Telephone number e-mail (if any)

2) Student information

1. What are your hobbies? How do you spend your free time?

2. What kind of music do you like? How often do you listen to music?

3 Do you play any sports? Which?

4. What other activities do you like?

5. What are your food preferences?

6. Have you got any pets? Which?

7. What are your favourite subjects at school? Why?

8. What subjects would you like to study in your partner school? Why?

3) Give short information about your family, school and country to your American host family. Explain why you would like to take part in the exchange program.

Task II. You are staying with your host family in the USA. You wake up later this day and find a note left by your host mother. Write down the complete message using missing forms (articles, prepositions, auxiliaries, etc.). Gone for work. Milk + butter + apricot jam + vegetables in refrigerator. Nancy called morning. Steve in library. See you later. Will be back evening. Mom.


Page 5: A2 Tests [English]

LANGUAGE/GRAMMAR Task I. Use prepositions where necessary. There are more prepositions than you will need.

for since during by in to before from till with after among

I live Manchester now. I have lived there I was born. I've got a brother, who's four years older than me. So I was born my brother. This is the reason he started school me. He has been a student at university

already three years. He studied at school 1991 2001. I have just entered a college. I like music. I play and sing the guitar and everybody likes listening to me. I began playing this instrument my stay in a scout camp. Since then I have always been popular my friends.

Task II. Choose the correct variant from the list on the right to complete the sentences in the conversation between the two friends. Write down the correct letter in the gap on the left.

Val: Hi, Alex. Nice to see you. (1) are things? Alex: Fine, thanks. (2) new? Val: You've heard about our victory in football, (3) ? Alex: (4) . (5) did you play with? Val: The team from School 15. You know the (6) turned to be strong and tough boys. Alex: So (7) did you manage to win then? Val: We have (8) trained a lot and our efforts weren't in vain. We managed (9) two goals. And this gave us the (10) to win.

1) a. What b. How c. How well d. How nice 2) a. It is b. What c. How's d. What's 3) a. didn't you b. haven't it c. haven't you d. have you 4) a. That's fine b. No, I don't c. Why not d. Sure 5) a. When b. Who c. What d. How 6) a. competitors b. members c. contests d. competitions 7) a. when b. how c. how well d. what else 8) a. never b. seldom c. always d. many times 9) a. to hit b. to strike c. to throw d. to score 10) a. reason b. opportunity c. purpose d. way

Task III. Read the text, choose the correct variant to complete each sentence by writing down the letter which corresponds to the correct variant.

Today over (1) people live in (2) North, Central, and South America. Yet forty thousand years ago, not even one person lived in these lands.

Archaeologists believe that people first came to the Americas (3) the Ice Age. They came here _(4) from Asia. If you look (5) a world map, you will see that the Americas (6) from Asia by a thin band of water (7) the Bering Strait. During the Ice Age, this strait appeared as dry land. It formed a bridge (8) the two continents. Scientists believe the first people (9) crossed this land bridge in search of wild animals about 30,000 B.C.

The first people in the Americas were (10). The life of early Americans depended only (11) the animals they (12). They used to (13) from place to place hunting animals for food. They used the skins and fur to make clothing.

The glaciers covering the Americas had melted (14) 8000 B.C. The Bering Strait again filled with water and the Asian people who (15) the Americas (16) from their home lands.

(1) a. six hundreds million b. six hundred million c. six hundreds millions.

(2) a. the b. a c. - . (3) a. since b. during c. from. (4) a. on foot b. by foot c. at foot. (5) a. on b. to c. at. (6) a. separated b. are separated c. separate. (7) a. is called b. calling c. called. (8) a. between b. among c. over.

(9) a. never b. probably c. could. (10) a. fishermen b. farmers c. hunters. (11) a. from b. at c. on. (12) a. kill b. killed c. killing. (13) a. travelling b. travelled c. travel. (14) a. by b. at c. in. (15) a. already have inhabited b. already inhabited

c. had already inhabited. (16) a. cut off b. were cut off c. had cut off.

Task IV. One of the underlined words or phrases in each sentence is not correct. Find, which word or phrase should be changed to make the sentence correct. Circle the letter. 1.1 play tennis and volleyball good.

А В C 2.1 told her that I didn't know their.

А В C 3. I t j s so much snow that cars can't run.

А В C 4. The Baker Street is famous for its Sherlock Holmes museum.

А В C 5. My toothes ache when I eat hot meals.

А В C 6. How often do vou make the shopping in your family.

А В C 7. In the last month my friend invited me to stay with him.

А В C 8. I'm sure the Ukrainians are the most friendly people in the world.

А В C 9. This is such nice weather today.

А В C 10.1 Hed in the sun and got sunburned.

А В C 11. Everybody respected a friend of mine because he was a honest person and always told the truth.

А В C 12. It has been a long time since you talked to Linda, isn't it?


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Task I. Distinguishing places, their functions, people's intentions and relations between them. In this exercise you will test your students' ability to comprehend spoken English. You will read short conversations involving two speakers. On their answering sheets students will read four questions with four variants of answers following each conversation and choose the correct variant. They will get 2 points for each correct answer. Total number of points for this task is 24. Conversations 1. - Excuse me, sir. Can you give me the bill? I'm in a hurry. My bus is leaving in a couple of minutes. By the way, your fish and chips was wonderful, very tender and delicious. - Thank you, sir. Would you like to pay by cheque or in cash? - In cash, please. Unfortunately, I have left my cheque-book at home. - Three pounds twenty, sir. 2. - This coat is very becoming to you and fits you perfectly. I think it is much better than the blue one. It was a little tight on you. -1 agree with you. By the way, it goes well with my shoes. I think I will take this one. How much is it? - Two hundred pounds, madam. You can pay at the cash desk. 3. - How much are these flowers? They look so wonderful! I like them very much. - This bunch is three pounds fifty. -1 hope they'll last long. I need flowers for my friend's birthday party tonight. Will they remain as fresh as they are now? - Sure, madam.

Conversation 1 1. The conversation takes place

a. at a disco party. b. in a restaurant. c. in a dining car. d. in a grocery

2. The person is a. buying food. b. ordering dinner. c. paying for his snack. d. buying tickets. 3. Why is he in a hurry? a. He doesn't want to miss his

bus. b. Otherwise he will be late for his

train. c. He is having an important

meeting in an hour. d. He was late for his bus.

4. This is a talk between a. a waiter and a client. b. a cashier and a buyer. c. a bank clerk and a manager. d. a shop assistant and a buyer.

Conversation 2 1. The conversation takes place

a. at a dressmaker's. b. in a green market. c. in a department store. d. at a chemist's.

2. The lady is a. trying a coat on. b. window-shopping. c. asking for advice. d. making compliments.

3. What do you understand from this conversation? a. The lady can't decide what to

choose. b. The lady isn't going to buy

anything. c. The lady is going to buy the

coat she liked. d. The person she's talking to is

rude and impolite. 4. The lady is talking to

a. a barman. b. a dressmaker. c. a shop assistant. d. a cashier.

Conversation 3 1. The conversation takes place

a. in a department store. b. in a florist's. c. at a birthday party. d. in a grocery.

2. The person is a. choosing flowers. b. planting flowers. c. asking advice about gardening. d. making compliments about flowers.

3. You understand from this conversation that a. one of the speakers is interested in

growing flowers. b. the flowers are very rare and can't

stay fresh for a long time. c. the person won't buy these flowers. d. the person will probably buy

these flowers. 4. The person needs flowers

a. to dry them b. to decorate the house c. to give them as a present d. to plant them in the garden

Task II. Overall understanding and detailed comprehension: understanding main ideas, supporting details, sequence, cause and effect, context, making inferences. In this task your students will listen to the text, choose the correct answers and circle the letter that corresponds to this correct answer tasks — 1, 2. In task 3 students will have to write the facts in the correct order. For each correct answer in task 1 and task 2 students will get 2 points and 1 point for each correct answer in task 3. Total number of points for this task is 36.

Where Have All the Eagles Gone? The bald eagle is a big, beautiful bird. It has a snow-white head. The eagle's wingspread is more than 2 metres. The bald eagle once lived near lakes and rivers in many parts of North America. But one year bird watchers found that fewer

and fewer eagle eggs were hatching. The bald eagle had become an endangered animal. It was in danger of disappearing. Why were these birds endangered? One reason is that people were cutting down many trees where eagles nested, or lived.

Also, people were using the chemical DDT to kill insects. The DDT was carried by the wind to lakes and rivers. When the mother eagle ate the fish from these waters, she also ate the DDT. This made the shells of her eggs so thin that they broke under her in the nest. Because of this, the eggs did not hatch.

Today, there is a law against using DDT. There are also laws that set aside places where animals can safely build their homes.

set aside — reserve Commentary: endangered — be in danger 1) False or true? 1. The bald eagle is a big bird that lives in Latin America. (-) 2. The bald eagle used to live in the mountains.(-) 3. The number of bald eagles increases from year to year.(-) 4. This bird could disappear soon.(+) 5. The bald eagle is endangered because people go hunting.(-) 6. The DDT is useful for insects and birds.(-) 7. Because of the wind the DDT can be carried over large territories and poison the water and soil.(+) 8. Mother eagles often ate poisoned fish and this led to fewer birds.(+) 9. To save the bald eagle people have to take care of them.(+)

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2) What is right according to the selection? Find the correct variant. 1. When fewer and fewer eagle eggs hatched each year, bird watchers

knew that the bald eagle had become animal. a. an endangered b. a dangerous c. a plentiful

2. The eagles left their nests when a. the baby eagles were hatched. b. people passed laws against eagles' living in trees. c. people began to cut down trees where eagles lived.

3. Fewer eagle eggs were hatching because a. mother eagles were not laying as many eggs. b. the DDT was killing the baby eagles. c. the DDT made the shell of the eagle egg very thin.

3) Summarise the main facts about the bald eagle in the correct order.

The law against using the DDT is a good law because a. the DDT kills bugs and insects that are

harmful. b. the DDT endangers birds, fish, and

other animals. c. the DDT made the eagles bald.

. The bald eagle got its name because a. from a distance, the snow-white feathers

make its head look bald. b. the DDT made the feathers on its head fall off. c. eagles do not have feathers on their


a. The chemical poisoned rivers and lakes. (4) b. People used the DDT against insects. (3) c. According to the law special areas are set aside

for eagles to live safely. (8) d. The bird is in danger of disappearing. (2)

e. Mother eagles ate poisoned fish. (5) f. That's why fewer and fewer eggs hatched. (6) g. The bald eagle is a beautiful bird, which has become rare lately. (1) h. People had to pass a law against using poisonous chemicals. (7)

LISTENING COMPREHENSION: TOTAL number is 60 points (24+36). Students will get mark 12 for 60 points. 60-59 = 12 49-45 = 9 32-28 = 6 15-10 = 3 58-55 = 11 44-39 = 8 27-22 = 5 9-5 = 2 54-50 = 10 38-33 = 7 21-16 = 4 4 - 1 = 1


Task I. Scanning. In this task students will read each question, scan information in the box to find the correct answer quickly. They will have to circle correct answers. Students will have to read the glossary first to understand what the unknown words mean. For each correct answer they will get 2 points. Total number of points for this task is 20. Glossary: abrasions - scraped skin persist - keep on, continue apply - put on physician - doctor external - on the outside surface prolonged - lasting a long time irritation - pain treatment - care, help minor - small, not serious

Answer the questions scanning information in the box 1. Efcamonus is a.

a. cut. b. medicine. c. pill.

2. Efcamonus will help you if. a. you break your arm. b. you scrape your knee. c. you have a headache.

3. How often should Efcamonus be put on a cut?. a. for a long time. b. every hour. c. one to three times daily.

4. Three times daily means. a. three different times during the day. b. three different parts of the body. c. once a day for three days.

5. If pain persists means. a. if your cut stops hurting. b. if you cut your hand again.

6. If pain continues, you should. a. use more Efcamonus. b. call a doctor. c. use other medicine, c. if your cut keeps hurting.

7. If you cut your finger, you should put Efcamonus on a. your whole arm b. your finger c. your hands. Which words in the directions tell you this? Not for use on large areas.

8. Which words tell you that you should not drink Efcamonus1? a. Do not use on large areas. b. For external use only. c. Not for prolonged use.

9. Which words tell you to use Efcamonus for only a few days at a time? a. For minor cuts. b. For external use only. c. Not for prolonged use.

10. Which is the best place for keeping Efcamonus? a. on the kitchen table. b. in a drawer in the children's room. c. on the highest shelf in the bathroom closet. Which words in the directions make you think so? Keep out of reach of children!

EFCAMONUS For first aid treatment of minor cuts and abrasions. Apply one to three times daily. Caution: If pain or irritation persists, consult your physician. Not for prolonged use or use on large areas. For external use only. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN!

Task II. In this task your students will read the text, choose the correct answers and circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. For each correct answer they will get 3 points. Total number of points for this task is 2 1 .

TINCTURE EFCAMONUS 1:1000 1FL.OZ,. Sodium Ethyl Mercuri Thiosalicylatc (Thimerosal, Lilly)

Alcohol - 50% by volume FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY A first aid Antiseptic

Page 8: A2 Tests [English]

Isle of Capri With clear skies, enchanting scenery and a delightful climate, the Isle of Capri is only a short boat trip from the Italian

mainland. Once the home of Roman emperors and noblemen, you'll find a peaceful haven on this limestone rock, set in the Bay of Naples.

The first thing that strikes you is the lack of traffic. No vehicles run at the Capri town end of the island. Buses and trucks use the roads in neighbouring Anacapri, a short walk from Capri itself.

Climb to the highest points and enjoy some of the most breathtaking views found anywhere in the Mediterranean. Take a long winding coastal path.

The whole island is steeped in history. Be sure to pack your camera. Enjoy a meal at one of the open-air cafes in Plazzetta under the shade of Santo Stefano church. 1. This selection is taken from

a. an encyclopedia b. a textbook c. a tourist reference d. a professional magazine

2. What is the reason for publishing? a. To advertise the rest in this place. b. To show the advantages and disadvantages of travelling on the island. c. To let people know about the way of life of its inhabitants. d. To exchange opinions about travelling abroad.

3. In the first sentence of the last paragraph, the expression "steeped in" means a. to be very high b. to have a lot of some quality c. to be similar with d. to remind

4. Why should you climb the highest points on the island? a. You won't find better scenery anywhere else in the Mediterranean. b. The air is very fresh there. c. You will enjoy the process of climbing. d. It will be a good training for your muscles.

5. You will get to the island a. by train. b. by car. c. by bus. d. by boat.

6. People who live on the Isle of Capri are a. very religious. b. emperors and noblemen. c. Italians. d. boatmen.

7. The most popular places of eating are a. Plazettas. b. peaceful havens. c. boat restaurants. d. cafes in the open air.

READING COMPREHENSION: TOTAL number is 41 points (20 + 21). Students will get mark 12 for 41 points.

41-40 = 12 31-28 = 9 21-18 = 6 9-6 = 3 39-36 = 11 27-25 = 8 17-14 = 5 5-3 = 2 35-32 = 10 24-22 = 7 13-10 = 4 2-1 = 1


Test in writing differs from tests in Reading and Listening because it is productive. Students write their own answers and a short essay of about 15 sentences. For this task students will get 1—80 points. Students will get 1-20 points for spelling, 1-20 points for lexis, 1- 30 points for grammar and 1-10 points for logic, cohesion, coherence, amount of written, and originality. Spelling 0 = 20 3-4 = 16/14 7-8= 10 10-11=6/5 14 = 2 1-2 = 18 5-6 = 12 9 = 8/7 12-13 = 4/3 15 and more = 1

Lexis 20-18 - high level of knowledge of the topic vocabulary 17-14 - good knowledge of the topic vocabulary 13-11 - average knowledge of the vocabulary 10-6 - satisfactory knowledge of the vocabulary 5-1 - bad knowledge of the vocabulary

Grammar/Punctuation 30-28 - no mistakes or 1-2 mistakes (wrong article, preposition, capitalisation) 27-22 - 1-3 mistakes (tense shift, word order, articles, question forms, subject-verb agreement, 3 r d person singular, -ing forms) 2 1 - 1 6 - 4 - 5 mistakes 1 5 - 1 0 - 6 - 7 mistakes 9-6 - 8-9 mistakes 5 - 3 - 1 0 - 1 2 mistakes 2-1 - more than 13 mistakes

Logic, cohesion, coherence, amount, originality 10-9 - excellent skills (expanded sentences, about 15 sentences, logically built, original ideas) 8-6 - good skills 5-3 - average skills 2-1 - bad skills

WRITING: TOTAL number is 80 points (20 + 20 + 30 + 10). Students will get mark 12 for 80-78 points 80-78 = 12 65-59 = 9 43-38 = 6 20-15 = 3 77-72 = 11 58-51 = 8 37-30 = 5 14-9 = 2 71-66 = 10 50-44 = 7 29-21 = 4 8-1 = 1

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Task 1. In this task students will have to fill out the blanks with correct prepositions. There are more prepositions than they will need. For each correct answer students will get 2 points. Total number of points for the task is 20.

for sinee during by in to before f rom til! with after among

I live in Manchester now. I have lived there since I was born. I've got a brother, who's four years older than me. So I was born after my brother. This is the reason he started school before me. He has been a student at university for already three years. He studied at school from 1991 till 2001.1 have just entered a college. I like music. I play and sing to the guitar and everybody likes listening to me. I began playing this instrument during my stay in a scout camp since then. ! have always been popular with my friends.

Task II. In this task students will have to complete the talk between the two friends by choosing the correct variant from the list on the right and filling out the gap on the left with the correct letter. For each correct answer students will get 2 points. Total number of points for the task is 20.

(1) a. What b. How c. How well d. How nice (2) a. It is b. What c. How's d. What's (3) a. didn't you b. haven't it c. haven't you d. have you (4) a. That's fine b. No, I don't c. Why not d. Sure (5) a. When b. Who c. What d. How (6) a. competitors b. members c. contests d. competitions (7) a. when b. how c. how well d. what else (8) a. never b. seldom c. always d. many times (9) a. to hit b. to strike c. to throw d, to score (10) a. reason b. opportunity c. purpose d. way

Task III. In this task students will have to read the text, choose the correct variant to complete the sentence and write down the letter which corresponds to the correct answer on the line. For each correct answer students will get 2 points. Total number of points for the task is 32.

Today over (1) six hundred million people live in (2) North, Central, and South America. Yet forty thousand years ago, not even one person lived in these lands.

Archaeologists believe that people first came to the Americas (3) during the Ice Age. They came here (4) on foot from Asia. If you look (5) at a world map, you will see that the Americas (6) are separated from Asia by a thin band of water (7) called the Bering Strait. During the Ice Age, this strait appeared as dry land. It formed a bridge (8) between the two continents. Scientists believe the first people (9) probably crossed this land bridge in search of wild animals about 30,000 B.C.

The first people in the Americas were (10) hunters. The life of early Americans depended only (11) on the animals they (12) killed. They used to (13) travel from place to place hunting animals for food. They used the skins and fur to make clothing.

The glaciers covering the Americas had melted (14) by 8000 B.C. The Bering Strait again filled with water and the Asian people who (15) had already inhabited the Americas (16) were cut off from their home lands.

KEYS: 1) b 2) c 3) b 4) a 5) c 6) b 7) c 8) a 9) b 10) c 11) c 12) b 13) c 14) a 15) c 16) b

(1) a. six hundreds million b. six hundred million c. six hundreds millions

(2) a. the b. a c. -(3) a. since b. during c. from (4) a. on foot b. by foot c. at foot (5) a. on b. to c. at (6) a. separated b. are separated c. separate (7) a. is called b. calling c. called (8) a. between b. among c. over

(9) a. never b. probably c. could (10) a. fishermen b. farmers c. hunters (11) a. from b. at c. on (12) a. ki l lb. killed c. killing (13) a. travelling b. travelled c. travel (14) a. by b. at c. in (15) a. already have inhabited b. already inhabited

c. had already inhabited (16) a. cut off b. were cut off c. had cut off

Task IV. One of the underlined words or phrases in each sentence is not correct. Students have to find, which word or phrase should be changed to make the sentence correct and circle the letter. For each correct answer students will get 2 points. Total number of points for the task is 24. 1.1 plav tennis and volleyball good.

А В C 2.1 told her that I didn't know their.

А В C 3.1Ш so much snow that cars can't run.

А В C 4. The Baker Street is famous for its Sherlock Holmes museum.

А В C 5. Mv toothes ache when I eat hot meals.

А В C 6. How often do vou make the shopping in vour family.


7. In the last month my friend invited me to stay with him. А В C

8. I'm sure the Ukrainians are the most friendly people in the world. А В C

9. This is such nice weather today. А В C

10.1 lied in the sun and got sunburned. А В C

11. Everybody respected a friend of mine because he was a honest person А В

and always told the truth. C

12. It has been a long time since you talked to Linda, isn't it? А В C

KEYS: 1. C well 2. C them 3. A There is 4. A no article with streets 5. A teeth 6. A do the shopping 7. A Last (without "in the". 8. В the friendliest 9. A It is 10. A lay (past simple from "lie". 11. В an ("h" isn't pronounced. 12. C hasn't it (present perfect in the first part) LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR: TOTAL number is 96 points (20 + 20 + 32 + 24). Students will get mark 12 for 96-94 points.

96-94 = 12 92-88 = 11 86-80 = 10

78-70 = 9 68-60 = 8 58-50 = 7

48-46 = 6 44-38 = 5 36-28 = 4

26-20 = 3 18-10 = 2 8-2 = 1

Val: Hi, Alex. Nice to see you. (1) are things? Alex: Fine, thanks. (2) new? Val: You've heard about our victory in football, (3) ? Alex: (4) . (5) did you play with? Val: The team from School 15. You know the (6) turned to be strong and tough boys. Alex: So (7) did you manage to win then? Val: We have (8) _ _ _ _ _ trained a lot and our efforts weren't in vain. We managed (9) two goals. And this gave us the (10) to win.
