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++ Although there is no magic cure for the objection jitters, here are some guidelines, which will help you reduce your stress and be sure that each objection is handled to your satisfaction, as well as the doctor's. “BEST” is the BEST way to handle objections where each letter of the first word BEST indicates synergy of Basics, Essentials, Systems, and Tactics. In the pages ahead, we will understand the basics of approaching objections; know how to master essential product knowledge, design systems to handle objections, and tactics to convert our potential prescriber to a strong supporter. PAGE 1: HANDLING OBJECTIONS…THE “BEST” WAY B- BASICS Understanding the word ‘objection’ Let us now understand what an ‘objection’ is? The dictionary meaning of word ‘Objection’ is an expression or feeling of opposition or disapproval (Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006) An objection in pharmaceutical selling, is a kind of disapproval with the communication related to a product’s features or benefits, the disapproval which leads to a rejection to prescribe the product, the disapproval in a form of an question that needs to be answered, the disapproval projecting as a resistance that has to be overcome. The objections are satisfying confirmations that you had been heard with attention; nine times out of ten they are requests for more information, not rejections of your proposal. The right approach to look at the objections is: 1. Objections are buying signals. An objection is often your doctor saying, "I want to use your product, but I have some reservations because..." 2. Objections provide opportunities to better understand prescribers. Clues are often unveiled as to what physicians think, what their concerns are and where their priorities lie. These clues often lead us to stronger relationships and greater sales. 3. Objections come in many forms. An objection can be a simple request for more information or a test of how much you know (or don't know) about a product. It is your job to discover the real need or issue. 4. Objections help you move on. Effectively handling them leads you farther into the sales process. When you find yourself stuck, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate the time spent with that physician.
  • ++ Although there is no magic cure for the objection jitters, here are some guidelines, which will help you reduce your stress and be sure that each objection is handled to your satisfaction, as well as the doctor's. BEST is the BEST way to handle objections where each letter of the first word BEST indicates synergy of Basics, Essentials, Systems, and Tactics. In the pages ahead, we will understand the basics of approaching objections; know how to master essential product knowledge, design systems to handle objections, and tactics to convert our potential prescriber to a strong supporter. PAGE 1: HANDLING OBJECTIONSTHE BEST WAY B- BASICS Understanding the word objection Let us now understand what an objection is? The dictionary meaning of word Objection is an expression or feeling of opposition or disapproval (Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006) An objection in pharmaceutical selling, is a kind of disapproval with the communication related to a products features or benefits, the disapproval which leads to a rejection to prescribe the product, the disapproval in a form of an question that needs to be answered, the disapproval projecting as a resistance that has to be overcome.

    The objections are satisfying confirmations that you had been heard with attention; nine times out of ten they are requests for more information, not rejections of your proposal. The right approach to look at the objections is:

    1. Objections are buying signals. An objection is often your doctor saying, "I want to use your product, but I have some reservations because..."

    2. Objections provide opportunities to better understand prescribers. Clues are often unveiled as

    to what physicians think, what their concerns are and where their priorities lie. These clues often lead us to stronger relationships and greater sales.

    3. Objections come in many forms. An objection can be a simple request for more information or a

    test of how much you know (or don't know) about a product. It is your job to discover the real need or issue.

    4. Objections help you move on. Effectively handling them leads you farther into the sales process.

    When you find yourself stuck, perhaps it is time to re-evaluate the time spent with that physician.

  • E- ESSENTIALS Handling an objection takes more than just memorizing information. You must be knowledgeable about the concepts you are responding with beyond the list of scripted responses you may have to a known objection. It is easy to match an objection with a set of answers. If you want to respond to a new or out of your set objection, it is must to improve your knowledge and anticipate potential objections your physicians may have about your drug. There is no magic formula guaranteed to work every time, but charm and a light touch definitely go a long way. You can become more comfortable with your initial approach to objections by practicing your response in role-playing sessions with your manager, with your colleagues and even by yourself. While you may embrace or avoid role-playing, it helps you synthesize and apply the information you have learned. Role-playing your objection-handling techniques with a partner is better than practicing in front of your physician during a call, especially if your role-playing partner is comfortable going beyond the script to simulate a realistic situation. Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.

    Vincent Van Gogh Excellence is a learned behavior. To excel in selling, impact players Read everything they can get their hands on, regarding the area of their drugs Drive themselves obsessed with the fundamentals Talk to experts in the field Learn the lesson and commit to improvement Become their own toughest critics Welcome criticism, especially from an authority with the credentials and motives to improve

    their performance Set their standards often higher Study the competition and develop strategies to counteract moves made by all the game players Study the strengths and weaknesses of their major competitors; they capitalize on their

    competitors weaknesses A doctor who has been professionally trained in medicine will surely throw scientific objections regarding the product detailed and the medical representative should be able to formulate an equally scientific solution to resolve it. This is possible only if he/she constantly refines his/her knowledge. S-SYSTEMS Handling the objection stepwise Step one: Be an active and patient listener. Listening well is a skill that requires concentration and effort. When a doctor raises an objection, your first impulse is to jump in and defend yourself, your product or your company. However, if you really pay attention to what the doctor is saying, you'll stop thinking about how to contradict him or her and start thinking of the questions you need to ask to get to

  • the doctor's real concerns. We think seven times faster than we speak. So while we are listening, our minds are racing ahead. This can be distracting if what we are thinking is not related to what is being said. Step two: Reduce tension by acknowledging the objection. A key step in handling an objection is to lower the tension it creates. One can reduce tension by acknowledging the objection and thanking the physician for the question. Step three: Ask the doctor to explain the objection. This indeed is an important step toward understanding an objection, is to clarify the question. Probing the question to reach and know the actual intention of the objection is required. Too often, representatives make assumptions about the physician's concerns and actually answer the wrong question. Step four: Set up the ground rules. Commit to an agreement. The fourth step involves seeking a common point where both sides agree. It can be an agreement to read a clinical reprint, conduct a product trial on new patient types or attend an educational forum. It may sound like this: "Doctor, now that the question has been resolved, would you agree to prescribe Drug X in your Y patients?" Step five: Answer the objection with benefits. Step six: Confirm the answer. Make sure you've answered the objection without any misunderstandings or reservations. Ask the doctor, "Is there anything I've left out that you need to know?" "Does that answer your question?" "Does that solve the problem?" or "Does that address your concern?" If the doctor hesitates or says, "Not really," then it's time to probe further. If the doctor says yes, you might respond, "Well, Doctor, you agreed that if I answered your main concern, you would prescribe (_______) for your (_______) patients. The aim of argument, or of discussion, should not be victory, but progress. T- TACTICS Understanding types of objections: Objections can be grossly classified in various virtues relating to various aspects of the product. Which are as follows: 1) Medical/Scientific: Various objections are related to formulation, ingredients, quantity of ingredients, indications, contraindications, efficacy, drug interactions, dose and durations, etc. For example:

    a) Your Extrammune tablet is not as effective as Septilin tablets b) My patients of male infertility, whom I prescribe your tablet Addyzoa cant wait for 90 days to

    know whether it improves his sperm count 2) Marketing: Objections related to price, packing, physical features, etc For example:

  • a) Your Tab. Hyponidd is very expensive compared to Metformin.

    The reasons why the standard stereotyped response of defences or justification falls flat on its face should now be obvious. There is a good-engineered tactic to merit an effective response. It requires no great skill to apply, but it does require self-confidence, a little bit of practice and a spoonful of courage. The directions are as follows, The skilled representative will pause slightly after offering each of the alternative

    reasons, wait for the physician to reply before saying anything else.

    These fifty words take all of thirty seconds to say at a natal conversational pace, but for all that they make a high impact.

    For one, the physician receives confirmation that his comment has been heard and taken seriously. For another, the representatives question demonstrates an intelligent consideration of possible alternatives and finally, and most importantly, the physicians reply gives the representative the opportunity to come to grips with the real concern.

    Offering the physician three alternatives from which to pick his reply keeps the proceedings in

    the comfort zone of both parties, and the chances are also high that one of the three reasons does indeed apply.

    In the event that the physicians real reason for saying the product is priced high is one of the

    less palatable ones (5 to 10,above), offering three of the more obvious alternatives is a face-saving advice.

    If his reason is one of the unflattering ones, and he therefore does not want to voice it, the

    physician can (and usually will) pick at random one of the three offered by you, and keep the transaction on a socially acceptable level.

    Even though the representative has probably heard the objection many times before, and has the respond instantly would be to devalue the physicians statement, to make it appear that the objection is so lightweight that it can be easily brushed aside. This is poor psychology. Instead, the representative should make it appear that he is thinking about the problem before he actually delivers the answer. This conveys to the physician that his words merited serious consideration.

    3) Sales promotion: Objections related to remembering product names, promotional schemes or gifts For example,

    a) You are not regular in your calls, therefore, I cant remember your products when I want to prescribe

    b) You have not given my gifts as you have earlier committed for my 50 prescriptions c) You are not giving any scheme, otherwise I would have prescribed your product like anything

  • 4) Distribution: Objections related to availability of prescribed medicines For example, I prescribe your Vomiteb, Extrammune, Spasma but most of the times my patients dont get them at right time. They have to search many chemists shops which costs more that the cost of the actual medicine. I am fed up of getting my prescriptions bounced. Summary Objections are really opportunities to move the sales call beyond what the physician sees as a barrier. They are the foundation upon which you can build a sale, because they give you insight into the needs and concerns of others. With that information, you can show the physician how your product can meet those needs. Combining the objection-handling model with your true knowledgeable personality will result in better dialogue and stronger customer relationships!



    COMMONLY RAISED OBJECTIONS A) I do not prescribe any medicines during pregnancy?

    Physicians concern: I am concerned about the safety of my patients. Opportunity: 1) Explain the safety of M2-Tone during pregnancy 2) Can extend the utility of M2-Tone Ideal response- Doctor I appreciate your concern about the safety of your patients. M2-Tone is a herbomineral composition and none of its ingredients have been found to be unsafe in pregnancy. But since no clinical trials have been conducted to prove the safety we recommend the administration of M2-Tone after the first trimester of pregnancy.

    B) Everybody says that his medicine is a comprehensive therapy in DUB

    Physicians concern: I doubt the claims made by you. Opportunity: Promote the scientific information on M2-Tone.

    Ideal response: Doctor M2-TONE is a comprehensive non-hormonal herbomineral formulation used for treatment of all types of menstrual irregularities. M2-TONE acts on H-P-O (hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian) axis and has selective action on estrogen levels in the body so it is effective in both scanty as well as excessive menstrual bleeding M2-TONE by its antispasmodic properties reduces excessive menstrual flow and spasmodic pain during menstruation. Being a haematinic it maintains nutritional balance. It improves the endometrial lining of the uterus. M2-TONE also relieves anxiety and tension experienced by some women during menstruation. Thus M2-Tone takes care of all the problems faced by the patient with DUB.

    C) I doubt the efficacy of M2-TONE in all types menstrual irregularities Physicians concern: I want some more information to confirm the efficacy of M2-Tone Opportunity: Promote the scientific information on M2-Tone.

    Ideal response- Doctor M2-TONE can be prescribed in DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding) and other menstrual irregularities. It corrects estrogenic insufficiency by correction of H-P-O axis and regularizes the menstrual cycle. M2-Tone has selective action on estrogen levels in the body; it is effective in both scanty as well as excessive menstrual bleeding. Due to its antispasmodic action it is effective in lower abdominal pain just before menstruation and during menstruation. Being a haematinic it maintains

  • nutritional balance. M2-TONE also relieves anxiety and tension experienced by some women during menstruation. Thus M2-TONE takes care of all types menstrual irregularities.

    D) Why should I prescribe M2-TONE when I am comfortable with Allopathic drugs?

    Physicians concern: I want to evaluate the efficacy of herbal formulations over modern medicines Opportunity: Explain the competitive advantage of M2-Tone over modern medicines Ideal response- Doctor M2-Tone definitely scores over the Allopathic medicines by taking care of their limitations. There is no modern medicine that takes care of DUB as well as unexplained infertility M2-Tone addresses both the problems. Modern medicine like oral contraceptives, NSAIDs and antispasmodics that are used for DUB have certain side effects. M2-Tone does not have any side effect and can safely be used for long term. Clomiphene citrate, which is used for ovulation induction, is known to cause hyper stimulation of ovaries leading to multiple pregnancies. M2-Tone does not cause such a problem. The modern medicines have drug interactions with other medicines used by the patient. M2-Tone does not have any drug interactions. E) I do not find any role of M2-Tone in my IUI / IVF patients? Physicians concern: I doubt the efficacy of M2-Tone in a specialized protocol Opportunity: Promote the scientific information on M2-Tone Ideal response- Doctor decreased endometrial receptivity can be the probable cause of unexplained infertility. Currently there is no conventional medicine for increasing the receptivity of the endometrium. M2-tone being a potent pro-estrogenic agent corrects the H-P-O axis and regularizes the menstrual cycle. By restoring the natural balance between hormones, emotions and nutrition it increases the vascularity of the endometrium. Healthy endometrium is more receptive for egg implantation. M2-Tone does not have any side effects. Hence M2-Tone can be prescribed to the infertile female patients for 3 months before going for IUI/IVF.


    Role of Livomyn in management of Liver disease Conventional treatment Livomyn offers Viral Hepatitis Antiviral agents: Take care of viral infiltration and the inflammation

    Antiviral property: takes care of viral infiltration

    Antioxidant: Reduces the oxidative stress and helps in the prevention of further damage and regeneration of liver

    Antioxidant property: Reduces the oxidative stress and helps in the prevention of further damage and regeneration of liver Hepatocyte protection

    Kupffer cell protection

    Anti-inflammatory, Immunomodulators property

    Cholerectic agents: Release the obstructed bile flow

    Cholerectic property: Releases the obstructed bile flow

    Alcoholic Hepatitis Complete abstinence from alcohol: allows natural regeneration of liver cells Immunomodulators: take care of inflammation

    Anti-inflammatory, Immunomodulators

    Antioxidant: Reduces the oxidative stress and helps in the prevention of further damage and regeneration of liver

    Antioxidant property: Reduces the oxidative stress and helps in the prevention of further damage and regeneration of liver

    Hepatocyte protection: restores integrity of hepatocytes that are ballooned due to fat accumulation

    Antifibrotic property: It prevents prefibrogenesis of liver and also reverses profibrogenic events

    Drug induced Hepatitis Stop the drug therapy Antioxidants: Reduces the oxidative stress due to the drug detoxification process and helps in the prevention of further damage and regeneration of liver

    Antioxidant property: Reduces the oxidative stress and helps in the prevention of further damage and regeneration of liver Hepatocyte protection

    Anti-inflammatory, Immunomodulators Cholerectic agents: Release the obstructed bile flow

    Cholerectic: Release the obstructed bile flow

  • COMMONLY FACED OBJECTIONS A) Why should I prescribe Livomyn if I am satisfied with Liv 52? Physicians concern: I do not want to lose my patients by prescribing the medicine whose efficacy is not known to me Opportunity: 1) Explain the efficacy of Livomyn

    2) Highlight the clinical trials conducted for Livomyn

    Ideal response: Doctor Livomyn is a hepatoprotector that offers antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties in liver disorders. It protects, regulates and rejuvenates the liver in viral, alcohol and drug-induced hepatitis. Various clinical trials have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Livomyn in liver disorders. Charak Pharma is known for its effective and safe phytomedicines. Doctor, you yourself may have used other products of Charak Pharma.Why dont you try Livomyn in just 1 or 2 patients and check for yourself.

    B) Is Livomyn safe in pregnancy?

    Physicians concern: I doubt if Livomyn can cause any teratogenic effects in the fetus Opportunity: Explain the safety of Livomyn during pregnancy

    Ideal response: Doctor Livomyn is a complete herbal composition. None of its ingredients have been found to be unsafe in pregnancy. Therefore we recommend the administration of Livomyn after the first trimester of pregnancy.

    C) Everybody says that his hepatoprotector is Gold Standard? Physicians concern: I doubt efficacy of Livomyn as a hepatoprotector Opportunity: 1) Explain the efficacy of Livomyn

    2) Highlight the clinical trials conducted for Livomyn Ideal response: Doctor Livomyn is a hepatoprotector that offers antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties in liver disorders. It protects, regulates and rejuvenates the liver in viral, alcohol and drug-induced hepatitis. It restores the integrity of hepatocytes and has the unique property to reverse the hepatotoxininduced pre-fibrogenic events. Livomyn, the immunomodulators decreases the inflammatory response. And it also increases the production and excretion of bile.

  • The clinical trials have been conducted to prove the safety and efficacy of Livomyn. Various doctors have used Livomyn for quite a long time and no side effects have been reported as yet. Looking at the benefits and safety of Livomyn it is advisable to prescribe Livomyn as a hepatoprotector

    C) I doubt the efficacy of Livomyn in Hepatitis due to different etiologies?

    Physicians concern: I doubt efficacy of Livomyn as a hepatoprotector Opportunity: 1) Explain the efficacy of Livomyn

    2) Highlight the clinical trials conducted for Livomyn Ideal response: Doctor Livomyn protects, regulates and rejuvenates the liver in viral, alcohol and drug-induced hepatitis. In viral hepatitis Livomyn exhibits antiviral properties. In alcohol-induced hepatitis it restores the integrity of hepatocytes reverses the hepatotoxininduced pre-fibrogenic events. In drug-induced hepatitis Livomyn acts as an antioxidant, which takes care of the free radicals formed in the drug detoxification process. Thus Livomyn is effective in hepatitis due to different etiologies.

    D) Why should I prescribe Livomyn when I am comfortable with Allopathic drugs?

    Physicians concern: I doubt the efficacy of herbal formulations Opportunity: 1) Explain the efficacy of Livomyn

    2) Highlight the clinical trials conducted for Livomyn

    Ideal response: Doctor Livomyn definitely scores over the Allopathic medicines by taking care of their limitations. In modern medicine there is no hepatoprotective (liver protective) drug. Doctors depend only on wash out period after drug treatment with any modern medicine. The modern drugs that are prescribed for viral, alcohol and drug-induced hepatitis have side effects. Livomyn is an herbal hepatoprotector drug. It protects, regulates and rejuvenates the liver. It does not have any side effects neither are any adverse drug interactions reported as yet. Various clinical trials have been conducted to prove the safety and efficacy of Livomyn. Livomyn can be safely used as a co-prescription with any modern medicine. SS (AFTER PAGE HYP 4)

    Therapeutic dosage is believed to be 4gm/day but instead it is being given only 2gm/day, hence the claimed benefits with the sub-therapeutic dosage is questionable.

    * The bioavailability of MYO-INOSITOL in tablets (compressed form) is just close to 30% * In an altered inositol metabolism, where MYO-INOSITOL is not converted into DCI, external

    supplementation of MYO-INOSITOL is unreasonable HYPONIDD (PCOS)

  • Conventional treatment What does Hyponidd offer

    Metformin- It is an insulin sensitizers it decreases insulin resistance

    Insulin sensitization

    Clomiphene citrate- It is an antiestrogenic medicine and induces ovulation

    Ovulation induction

    Hypolipidemic, anti-obesity and antioxidants properties


    A) I have never heard of herbal medicine for PCOS? Physicians concern: I am doubtful about the efficacy of Hyponidd in PCOS Opportunity: 1. Explain the efficacy of Hyponidd 2. Highlight the clinical trials conducted for Hyponidd

    Ideal response: Doctor HYPONIDD is an effective herbomineral insulin sensitizer. In PCOS it improves ovulatory function and several metabolic derangements associated with insulin resistance. HYPONIDD increases insulin sensitivity and thereby corrects all the three axes namely metabolic, reproductive and steroidogenic. Hyponidd supplements D-chiro-inositol, which is necessary for correcting the insulin sensitivity. Hyponidd also has hypolipidemic, anti-obesity and antioxidants properties. The clinical trials have been conducted to prove the safety and efficacy of Hyponidd. Various doctors have used Hyponidd for quite a long time and no side effects have been reported as yet. Thus Hyponidd can be prescribed in PCOS as an herbal insulin sensitizer.

    B) Why should I prescribe Hyponidd when I am comfortable with Allopathic Drugs? Physicians concern: I am doubtful about the efficacy of Hyponidd in PCOS Opportunity: 1. Explain the efficacy of Hyponidd 2. Highlight the clinical trials conducted for Hyponidd Ideal response: Doctor Hyponidd definitely scores over the Allopathic medicines by taking care of their limitations. Modern insulin sensitizers and have certain mild side effects like GI tract disturbances, some serious side effects like lactic acidosis and chronic treatment is associated with decreased Vit B12 absorption. Clomiphene citrate, which is prescribed to induce ovulation in PCOS, also has side effects like hyper ovarian stimulation. Modern insulin sensitizers do not address the abnormality completely (all the three axes). Hyponidd is not only an insulin sensitizer but also has hypolipidemic, anti-obesity and antioxidants properties; therefore it is effective in all the three axes.

  • HYPONIDD is an effective herbomineral insulin sensitizer. It corrects all the three axes namely metabolic, reproductive and steroidogenic. Hyponidd does not have any side effects; it is well tolerated by the patients.

    C) How does Hyponidd score over modern medicines the efficacy in hirsutism and acne?

    Physicians concern: I am doubtful about the efficacy of Hyponidd in hirsutism and acne Opportunity: Explain the efficacy of Hyponidd Ideal response: Doctor hirsutism and acne are the symptoms of disorder of steroidogenic axis (increased testosterone levels). Antiandrogenic drugs are used as a conventional treatment for excessive amount of testosterone production in the female. They have various side- effects like occasional vaginal bleeding, hepatitis and hyperkalemia. Hyponidd corrects hyperandrogenism by decreasing the insulin resistance. Hyponidd does not have any side effects

    D) What do you mean by saying Hyponidd has a D-chiro-inositol edge? Physicians concern: I want to know the exact mechanism of action of Hyponidd Opportunity: Promote the scientific information of Hyponidd Ideal response: Doctor Hyponidd is a herbomineral insulin sensitizer and it takes care of the insulin resistance, which is known to be the root cause of PCOS. Flavonoid constituents of Pterocarpus marsupium present in Hyponidd are insulinogenic because they influence D-chiro-inositol levels. A patient suffering from PCOS has reduced levels of D-chiro-inositol, which is an important component of the outer covering membrane of the cells. D-chiro-inositol is essential for many biological processes in the body and it supports a number of essential "signaling molecules" that instruct cells how to behave. D-chiro-inositol supplementation has proven to influence the action of insulin in women who have insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia E) I do not find any role of Hyponidd in my IUI / IVF patients? Physicians concern: I doubt the efficacy of Hyponidd in a specialized protocol Opportunity: Promote the scientific information of Hyponidd Ideal response: Doctor Hyponidd is a herbomineral insulin sensitizer and it takes care of the insulin resistance, which is known to be the root cause of PCOS. Hyponidd is effective for ovulation induction in PCOS.Clinical trials have been conducted to support this claim. For PCOS patients going for IUI/IVF for infertility Hyponidd can be prescribed for ovulation induction. It does not have any sideeffects nor does it have any drug interactions with modern medicines; so it can also be safely combined with Clomiphene citrate for ovulation induction

  • F) Can a PCOS patient not having diabetes be given Hyponidd? Physicians concern: I am doubtful about the efficacy of Hyponidd in PCOS Opportunity: Explain the mechanism of action of Hyponidd Ideal response Doctor insulin resistance is the root cause of PCOS. Initially the body tries to cope with the insulin resistance by increasing insulin production. Hence during this stage diabetes is not evident but later on diabetes manifests. But Hyponidd can be prescribed to such a patient for increasing insulin sensitivity.



    ROLE OF ADDYZOA IN MALE FUNCTIONAL INFERTILITY: Conventional therapy Addyzoa offers Clomiphene citrate (CC): Induces spermatogenesis in oligospermic and asthenospermic cases. CC is effective in patients in which pituitary glands & testes are responsive.

    Spermatogenesis: by regeneration of seminiferous tubules Sperm hyperactivation: improves sperm kinematics, eases sperm passage to ovum

    Antioxidant therapy like CoQ10, vit.E in teratospermia. ROS induced damage is generally responsible for teratospermia (abnormal sperm morphology). CoQ10 is a mitochondrial enzyme, which is involved in the chemical breakdown of glucose for energy production.

    Antioxidant: Flavonides are natural antioxidants. It is proven that multifold antioxidant defence has better effect compared to single antioxidant therapy

    COMMONLY RAISED OBJECTIONS: A) Your Addyzoa is not that effective. Physicians concern: I am little sceptical about the efficacy of Addyzoa. Opportunity: 1. Highlight the efficacy of Addyzoa wrt clinical trials. 2. Emphasize on completion of the course. Ideal Response: Doctor, like most of the drugs Addyzoa also needs to be taken in appropriate

    dose for the stipulated course of 90 days. Addyzoa is found to increase sperm count by 43.8% and sperm motility by 100.5% at the end of 90 days.

    B) I am finding CoQ10 is the best drug in male functional infertility. Physicians concern: I am afraid of shifting on to new product like Addyzoa. Whether it will be as

    effective as CoQ10? Opportunity: Inform him about the supportive clinical studies, to build his confidence in

    Addyzoa. Ideal Response: Doctor, we have studied Addyzoa vis--vis CoQ10. It has shown superior results

    compared to CoQ10, in terms of increasing sperm count and motility, and reduction in ROS mediated damage to the sperms leading to abnormal morphology

    C) ART specialist: When I perform ICSI, the sperm is immobilised. So this hyperactivated motility you are talking about is the feature not needed at all in ICSI. Physicians concern: What is the role of Addyzoa in ICSI patients? Opportunity: Describe the relation between sperm quality and its hyperactivation ability.

  • Ideal Response: Doctor, presently there is no fixed criterion to select a sperm to perform ICSI. Selection of better quality sperm will maximise the chances of fertilisation. Now it is proven that the functional parameters (like hyperactivation) decide the quality of the sperm and its ability of acrosome reaction and zona binding. Complete course of antioxidant therapy like Addyzoa followed by ICSI will certainly enhance the success rate of ICSI.




    Conventional therapy Gum Tone offers Chlorhexidine is the most effective and thus preferred chemical drug in periodontitis and gingivitis. Unfortunately, chlorhexidine shows many side effects like discoloration of teeth, unpleasant taste, loss of taste perception.

    Anti plaque activity Inhibits the growth of salivary

    bacteria and prevents the formation of cavities.

    Maintains oral hygiene: Thus Gum Tone has an effective role in the preventive dentistry.

    Astringent activity: Strengthens the gums and arrests bleeding.

    Anti-inflammatory and analgesic Long lasting natural fresh breath


    A) From Dental Surgeons / Periodontists:

    a) I prefer surgical therapy. Physicians concern: I am a dental surgeon. I do not want to lose my patients trying drug therapy. Opportunity: To find a place for Gum Tone in the line of management followed by the

    periodontist. Ideal Response: You are certainly right Doctor. We also do not expect you to replace the surgical

    therapy by our medicine. Our sincere request is that after scaling and cleaning dental pockets, generally you leave the pockets to heal naturally. At that stage Doctor, you may find Gum Tone useful for faster healing.

    b) I have tried similar products. But, I am happy with Chlorhexidine. Physicians concern: I do not afford to lose the patients in the experimentation. Opportunity: To promote the product on scientific foundation. Ideal Response: Doctor, we do not want to interfere in your routine prescriptions. Chlorhexidine

    is certainly the most effective and thus preferred drug of choice in periodontitis. Unfortunately, chlorhexidine shows many side effects like discoloration of teeth, unpleasant taste, loss of taste perception. Hence, though necessary, the periodontists discontinue chlorhexidine after the consistent use for 2-3 months.

  • Doctor, we cannot comment upon similar products of other companies; but Gum Tone is found to have antibacterial effect similar to chlorhexidine, without any side effect. (Explain him the trial of Dr Pradeep.)

    c) Dental powders however micro fine they may be, cause abrasions and worsen the dental pockets / spongy gums. You can not also wash / rinse them out completely.

    Physicians concern: I feel hesitated to try powders in such conditions. Opportunity: Promote Gum Tone gel. Ideal Response: Doctor, I agree with you. In such cases I request you to try Gum Tone gel. Most

    of the dentists prefer Gum Tone powder specifically to maintain oral hygiene in healthy patients or to prevent recurrence of the problem. We receive feedback from them that the powder gives better astringent effects.



    Role of Evanova in management of menopausal symptoms Pathogenesis Conventional treatment What does Evanova offer Estrogen deficiency Hormone replacement

    therapy Selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM)

    Psychological distress Sedative agents Herbal tranquillizers COMMONLY RAISED OBJECTIONS

    A) I generally prefer HRT for my patients

    Physicians concern: Explain the efficacy of Evanova Opportunity: Promote the scientific information on Evanova Ideal response: Doctor as you know that Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is the conventional treatment of menopausal symptoms but at the same time it has many side effects. EVANOVA is the non-hormonal approach to achieve best prophylaxis and for relief from postmenopausal symptoms without ill effects of HRT. It reduces the mental and physical distressing symptoms caused by menopause and also prevent the sequelae of menopause. The clinical trials have been conducted to prove the safety and efficacy of Evanova.Various

    doctors have used Evanova for quite a long time and no side effects have been reported as yet.

    Looking at the benefits and safety of Evanova it is advisable to prescribe Evanova for

    management of pre and postmenopausal symptoms.

    B) When I am happy with the other herbal formulations why should I switch over to Evanova?

    Physicians concern: Explain the efficacy of Evanova Opportunity: Promote the scientific information on Evanova Ideal response: Doctor there are various herbal formulations in the market. All of them differ in their constituents. Either they have different ingredients or similar ingredients in different combinations. Evanova is an intellectually and accurately planned formulation for management of menopausal symptoms. Soya the major ingredient of Evanova is the phytoestrogen with SERM activity. Other ingredients present in Evanova are responsible for its cardioprotective, hypolipidemic, anxiolytic relieving psychogenic postmenopausal symptoms and osteoporosis preventive properties. These are some of the plus points of Evanova, which make it score over other herbal formulations used for management of menopausal symptoms.

  • C) I do not want my patients to take any medicine for a long time? Physicians concern: Explain the efficacy of Evanova Opportunity: Promote the relevant information on Evanova Ideal response: Doctor Evanova is recommended for 6 months and can be continued after that until the symptoms persist but it need not be taken life long

    D) Within how many days are postmenopausal symptoms relieved after starting Evanova?

    Physicians concern: Explain the efficacy of Evanova Opportunity: Promote the scientific information on Evanova Ideal response: Doctor Evanova is prescribed in a dose of 1 capsule twice a day. EVANOVA can be continued as long as required because it has been specially formulated for long-term usage. The vasomotor symptoms will usually respond within a few weeks of commencement of therapy; thereafter EVANOVA therapy should be continued till all other symptoms disappear.




    Conventional therapy Calcury offers In modern medicine there is no lithotryptic drug. Only Hydrotherapy is recommended. For stones >8 mm in size, surgical interventions are prescribed.

    Lithotryptic action (stone-disintegration and crushing), facilitates the passage of calculi

    Pain killers like Diclofenac sodium or other suitable agent

    Anti-inflammatory and analgesic action in milder pains

    Suitable antibiotics if UTI is associated, but they themselves carry a lot of side effects

    Antibacterial activity without any side effect

    Increased fluid intake and the dietary controls, also diuretics like Frusemide (Lasix) or Milk of magnesia in order to prevent recurrence

    Diuresis and Improvement in urine metabolic parameters

    COMMONLY RAISED OBJECTIONS: A) By Urosurgeon: a) I prefer Shock wave lithotripsy or surgical therapy. Physicians concern: This is basically a surgical problem. Then why to rely upon the drug therapy? Opportunity: To find a place for Calcury in the line of management followed by the

    urosurgeon. Ideal Response: You are certainly right Doctor. We also do not want you to replace the surgical

    therapy by our medicine. Our sincere request is that if you come across any patient who is not willing to go for surgical treatment, or the individuals in whom surgery is contra-indicated, please do prescribe Calcury in such patients.

    Calcury prevents the recurrence of urine stones. So Doctor, after surgery or short wave lithotripsy, do prescribe Calcury for the betterment of your patients.

    b) Most of the stone-crushing drugs act as placebo. Actually results obtained are on account of increased water intake (Hydrotherapy). Physicians concern: I believe in scientific data which will prove that the results can be subscribed to

    your drug. Opportunity: Provide the scientific evidences to the physician.

  • Ideal Response: Doctor, we do not deny the importance of Hydrotherapy in the management of

    urine stones. But stones >5 mm do not respond to hydrotherapy when tried alone. In such patients, we have conducted some clinical trials, where Calcury improves clinical features of the disease as well as the metabolic parameters of the urine. These trials are conducted by well known Urosurgeons like. I request you to have a look at them.

    c) On what basis do you claim that Calcury will prevent the recurrence? Physicians concern: I believe in scientific evidences. Opportunity: To provide him scientific data. Ideal Response: Doctor, as you know better, low urine volume with acidic pH and excessive

    excretion of micronutrients like Ca, oxalate, lead to formation of urine stones. Calcury improves these metabolic parameters of urine like pH, urine Calcium, urine Oxalate, urine Uric acid, urine Phosphate. Thus Calcury attacks the causative factors of stone formation, which helps to prevent the recurrence.

    B) By GPs: a) I tried Calcury. It disintegrates the calculi, but not an effective painkiller. Physicians concern: I am comfortable with routine painkillers. Opportunity: To restore the positioning of product in the Physicians mind. Ideal Response: I agree with you Doctor. Calcury basically is useful in disintegration and safe

    passage of stone, and to prevent recurrence of the disease. It controls milder pains only. But Calcury is not as effective painkiller as Voveran or Tramadol. You can continue with a suitable painkiller if needed along with Calcury. Calcury does not interact with these painkillers.

    b) Restricted calcium diet is preferred in urine stone, whereas your product (Calcury) contains calcium supplement. So I dont write it to my patients. Physicians concern: Your formulation is not in tune with my medical knowledge. Opportunity: To rectify the Physicians assumptions with the scientific evidences. Ideal Response: Doctor, Medicine is an ever-changing science. In the 16th edition of Harrisons

    Manual of Medicine reprinted in 2005 and in many other recent books on medicines, approach to Ca restricted diet in urine stones has been changed. They mention that in contrast to prior assumptions, dietary calcium intake does not contribute to stone risk; rather, dietary calcium helps to reduce the oxalate absorption and reduce stone risk. Hazaral yahud pishti in CALCURY is a rich source of calcium that helps to reduce oxalate absorption and thus reduces stone risk.




    Conventional therapy Extrammune offers Modern medicines offer no concrete solution for these conditions. They rely upon either vitamin / mineral supplements, or higher doses and newer versions of antibiotics and corticosteroids where NSAIDs fail to control inflammation.

    Antioxidant action: Herbs are the reservoir of flavonides (natural antioxidants). It is proven that multifold antioxidant defence has better effect compared to single antioxidant therapy Enhancement of immunity: If the host defence mechanisms are active and intact, a minimum inhibitory effect, such as that provided by bacteriostatic agents, may be sufficient. This helps in treating infections with commonly used antibiotics without the risk of adverse events that would occur with higher doses of powerful antibiotics.

    Immunomodulation: enhances bodys own anti-inflammatory response. This reduces the requirement of the steroids, which itself again helps to improve the host immunity.

    COMMONLY RAISED OBJECTIONS: A) Do you mean we should stop writing antibiotics and start prescribing Extrammune in the infections? Physicians concern: What is exact role of Extrammune in the infections? Is it capable of replacing

    antibiotics? Opportunity: To position Extrammune as a co-prescription with antibiotics.

    Ideal Response: Doctor, antibiotics are the blessings of modern medicines to the mankind, and we do not deny their importance in the medical prescriptions. But as you know efficacy of the antibiotics is vastly dependent on the immune response of the host. If we co-prescribe Extrammune, 1) we need lower doses of antibiotics. 2) We may not require powerful antibiotics for minor infections and thus can avoid drug-resistance to simpler antibiotics. 3) The body can cope up better with the side / adverse effects of the antibiotics. 4) Enhanced immunity with Extrammune will avoid frequent recurrence of the infections.

    B) I find Septilin has good results. I dont see any reason to switch over to any other medicine. Physicians concern: I do not afford to lose the patients in the experimentation. Opportunity: To promote the product on scientific foundation.

  • Ideal Response: Doctor, we do not want to interfere in your routine prescriptions. I would like to leave some of the physicians samples with you. You can try them in some of the patients who are unwilling to continue with Septilin. And I would like to have feedback from you, positive or negative may it be. Doctor, Extrammune is based on the famous Ayurvedic generic formulation Balchaturbhadra Rasa. This drug is a blend of antioxidant herbs. It is used in the children as well to improve their immunity, and is well appreciated by Ayurvedic physicians. Extrammune contains many of such antioxidant herbs (Guduchi, Manjishtha) in almost 2-3 times more in the qty as compared to their concentration in Septilin. Septilin does not contain some known immunomodulators like Turmeric (Haridra) and antioxidant spices like Trikatu, which are present in abundance in Extrammune.

    C) Most of your products are to be taken for longer duration. It is same with Extrammune. Physicians concern: I am not convinced on prolong use of these medicines. Opportunity: To promote the product as a radical treatment. Ideal Response: Doctor, as you know we are not in the business of killing the germs. We

    believe that better quality of host-immunity will not allow the germs to create diseased condition. Root cause of most of the infectious diseases is the poor immune response, and that is why amongst many individuals facing same risk, only a few of them fall prey to the infections. On the other hand, if the host defence mechanisms are active and intact, a minimum inhibitory effect, such as that provided by bacteriostatic agents, may be sufficient for stronger infections. This helps in treating severe infections with commonly used antibiotics without the risk of adverse events that would occur with higher doses of powerful antibiotics.

    Doctor, improvisation of the immune system is just like imparting training to the defense system and intelligence of the body as a whole. Certainly at this stage it takes little longer duration to improve the whole system; but that will help your patients to avoid many disease conditions in the future.

    D) Will Extrammune not interact with modern drugs if co-prescribed? Is it safe even in pregnant women? Physicians concern: I need assurance of your drug. Opportunity: To highlight safety profile of the drug. Ideal Response: Doctor, Extrammune contains the herbs, which are commonly used in patients

    of all age groups, in different conditions and along with therapies of other

  • streams. We have got no feedback on drug interactions or any side or adverse effects of Extrammune till now.

    Doctor, Extrammune syrup is based on the famous Ayurvedic generic formulation Balchaturbhadra Rasa. This drug is a blend of antioxidant herbs. It is used in the children as well to improve their immunity, and is well appreciated by Ayurvedic physicians for its safe and effective use in the kids. Thus it is very safe in younger patients and the pregnant women.


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    A breakthrough synergistic blend of phytomedicines & nutraceuticals Reduces exhaustion & fatigue with strong nutritional support Helps to bridge the nutritional gap in a restricted diet Helps to maintain glucose homeostasis Minimizes complications of diabetes (Macro and Micro complications) Maintains lipid levels and thereby prevents cardio-vascular complications Improves nerve function , immune function and attenuates complications developed in diabetic

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