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  • 7/30/2019 a35 SIEMENS


    s sObserve general precautions for radio transmitters.

    Use is prohibited in aircraft, and other areas of interference risk.

    Please read your User Guide for complete, safe and effective

    operation of your product features and network services.

    Siemens provides a worldwide service hotline and internetsupport: http://www.my-siemens.com

    For more comfort and efficiency,use Siemens

    Original Accessories. They also ensure safe

    use while driving. Non original accessories

    can damage your phone.

    Issued byInformation and Communication mobileHaidenauplatz 1D-81667 Munich

    Siemens AG 2001All rights reserved.Subject to availability.Rights of modification reserved.

    Siemens Aktiengesellschaft


    Ref. No.: A31008-H4350-A101-3-7619

    Printed in Germany (01/01)

    A35 A3

    User Guide!

    l_A35_englisch_mit_Vibra 22.02.2001 9:32 Uhr Seite 1

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  • 7/30/2019 a35 SIEMENS



    Overview............................................. 2

    Safety................................................... 3

    Introduction........................................ 4Icons Used ....................................... 4Icons on the Display... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4

    Menu Control...................................... 5Getting Started................................... 6

    1. Insert SIM Card ............................ 62. Insert and Charge Battery .. .. .. .. .. .. 63. Switch Telephone O n... ... ... ... ... ... . 74. Em ergency Call ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... 75. Enter PIN ...................................... 76. Standby M ode.. ...... ...... ..... ....... .... 87. Switch Telephone O ff ...... ..... ...... . 8

    Making Calls........................................ 9

    D ialling with the Keypad.. ... ... ... ... ... .. 9Ending Calls.......... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... 9International Number... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9Redialling.. ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..... ..... 10A nswering Calls... ... .... .... ... ... ... ... ... . 10U nwanted Calls. ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... . 10Active Number ............................... 10

    Phonebook........................................ 11Saving Numbers..... ...... ...... ...... ..... . 11Calling from Phonebook ... ... ... ... ... .. 12

    Phonebook M enu........................... 12Saving the Tone Sequence... .. .. .. .. .. 13

    Fast access dialling.......................... 14

    During a Call...................................... 15Changing the Volume ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15Time/U nits...................................... 15Call W aiting .................................... 15A nswering Calls... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15R ejecting Calls......... ...... ..... ...... ..... . 15Conducting a Second Call.. .. .. ... .. .. .. 15

    Text Messages (SMS) ...................... 16R eading New M essages.... ...... ..... . 16Writing and Sending M essages .. .. . 17M essage Lists........ ...... ..... ....... ..... . 18R eplying to M essages.... ... ... ... ... ... . 19D isplaying Capacity .... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 19Setting the Service No. ... ... ... ... ... ... 19

    CB Cell Broadcast............................. 20CB Setup ........................................ 20ReadingCell Broadcast M essages.... .. .. .. .. .. . 20

    Voice Mail ......................................... 21

    Configuring Voice M ail ...... ..... ...... .. 21Hearing Voice M ail ...... ...... ...... ..... .. 22

    Applications...................................... 23

    Missed Calls...................................... 24

    Ringers/Melodies.............................. 25Switching the R inger O n/O ff ... ... ... . 25Setting the R inger Volume .... ... ... ... 25Setting the M elody..... ...... ..... ...... ... 25Switching Service Tones O n/O ff .. .. 25Switching CB Tones O n/O ff ...... ..... 25

    Key Sound ...................................... 25Switching A ll Tones O n/O ff. ... ... ... .. 26Switching the Silent(Vibrating) A lert O n/O ff...... ...... ..... .. 26

    Setup ................................................. 27Language..... ...... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... . 27Time ..... .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 27Charges.......................................... 27D ivert.............................................. 28Security ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ... 29

    G SM Services................................. 30Car Use........................................... 31

    Troubleshooting............................... 32

    Data.................................................... 34Licensing ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... . 34Technical Data. ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ... 34Care of Phone......... ...... ..... ...... ..... .. 34Care of Your SIM Card ................... 34

    Accessories....................................... 35

    GSM Network Control Codes.......... 37

    International ServiceNumbers (Hotline)............................ 38

    Index.................................................. 39

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  • 7/30/2019 a35 SIEMENS


    2 Overview



    abc def

    ghi jkl mno

    pqrs tuv wxyz

    B M17:35 [Menu]

    Reception strength

    Navigation keyScroll through menusand lists.O pen the Phonebook instandby.A djust volume during call.

    Call key

    A nswer calls.D ial displayed number orname.

    Correction key

    D elete characters orwords.

    Ringer On/OffHold down:Switch ringer on/off.

    Battery level


    Set the telephone andnetwork functions.

    SoftkeyExecute the functionshown on the display(see note below).

    On, Off, Disconnect key

    Long press:Switch telephone on/off (from standby).Skip back to standby.

    Short press:End call,R eturn to a highermenu level as far asstandby.

    International code(see p. 9)


    Note: Softkeys

    The function currently active is indicated by a text onthe display. In order to execute the function displayed,you must press the so-called softkeyAon the key-pad.

    To call up the M ain M enu in this example, pressA.



    17:35 [Menu]

    Key lock

    Hold down: Lock on/off.Protects the keys frombeing activated inadvert-ently.

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  • 7/30/2019 a35 SIEMENS



    A ll radio transmitters are subject torestrictions such as:

    Sw itch off in hospitals andin the vicinity of medicalelectronic devices, e.g.

    pacemakers or hearing aids.

    While driving:D o not hold the phone inyour hand(A ccessories, p. 35).

    M obile phones must beswitched off at all times inan aircraft. Prevent acciden-

    tial activation.

    Sw itch off near petrol sta-tions, fuel depots, chemicalplants or blasting opera-tions.

    M inor interference may af-fect TVs, radios, PCs, etc.

    The ring tone is reproducedthrough the earpiece. Firstaccept the call, then holdthe phone to the ear.

    SIM card may be removed.Caution! Sm all parts couldbe swallowed by children.

    P lease note:

    Package Contents A35 telephone

    U ser G uide

    N iM H battery


    Neither the phone nor thebattery may be opened un-der any circumstances.

    We recommend you useonly O riginal Siemens bat-teries and charging devices.O therwise considerablehealth risks and damage tothe product cannot be ex-cluded.

    D ispose of used batteries

    according to the legal regu-lations.

    We recommend you useonly O riginal Siemens ac-cessories to avoid possibledamage.

    Improper use invalidates thewarranty!

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  • 7/30/2019 a35 SIEMENS


    4 Introduction

    Icons UsedThe following icons appear in the UserG uide:

    I U se the keypad to write

    numbers or letters.

    - N avigation key

    Q To scroll, press the key atthe right or left as indicated.

    A U se the softkey for the func-tion displayed above.

    B Correction key:

    Press briefly to clear the lastcharacter, hold down toclear the word or thenumber.

    = Call key

    ; O n/O ff/D isconnect keyN etwork-dependent fea-ture. N ot available from allnetwork providers.

    [OK] Bold text indicatesa displayed functionwhich is executed usingthe corresponding key.

    Variable text

    O perating step performed

    by the user, e.g. scrollthrough the menu, select amenu item.


    Icons on the DisplayThe most important display icons:



    Local netw ork area

    9 New text message, new voice mail,new missed call.8 All calls diverted.2 Ringer of fK Key lockJ Set up connectionL Connection set u p Incoming call Netw ork access barred Restricted netw ork connection -eme rgen cy calls OKC No encryption (netw ork-dependent)' Action successfully executed, On

    DAction not executed , Off

    / Active line (number)

    Menu Icons

    9 Event. SIM applications( Phonebook


    Text messagesS M issed calls) Voice mails@ Ringers/melodies! Extras

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  • 7/30/2019 a35 SIEMENS


    5Menu Control

    Example:Setting the Language in standbyStep 1: Open the menu


    Ato call up the


    Step 2: Scroll through menu

    U se the-key to scroll

    between the main menuitems (e.g. to Setup).

    Step 3: Confirm selection

    Select the Setup main menuitem by pressing theAkey.

    Step 4: Scroll through submenu

    Press- to scroll to Lan-guage submenu.

    X J

    11:35 [Menu]

    X JSetup


    X JLanguage


    Step 5: Confirm selection

    Select the Language sub-menu item with theAkey.

    Step 6: Open the menu

    Select the Language sub-menu item with theAkey.

    Step 7: Scroll through submenu

    Press- to scroll be-tween the menu items(e.g. to English).

    Step 8: Confirm selection

    Confirm your selection bypressing the


    Step 9: Back

    ; Holding this key downbrings you to standby mode.

    ; Pressing briefly takes youback one menu level.

    X JLanguage


    X J


    X JEnglish


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  • 7/30/2019 a35 SIEMENS


    6 Getting Started

    1. Insert SIM CardYour service provider will supply youwith a SIM card, which stores informa-tion regarding your connection and bill-ing details.

    "Care of Y our SIM Card", p. 34.

    If a credit card sized SIM was deliveredsnap the smaller section out.

    U nlock and remove the batterycover.

    Remove the SIM card holder.

    Insert the SIM card into the holder.Ensure that the angled corners andcontact surfaces are correctly posi-tioned.

    O lder SIM cards are only compatible ifthey are 3 V m ini SIM cards.Contact your service provider if youhave any questions or problems.

    Switch the phone off before removingthe battery.

    Turn the card and holder over (theSIM card contacts are face down)and insert into the device as indicat-ed by the arrow.

    2. Insert and ChargeBattery

    To Insert the Battery Insert the battery as indicated below

    (contacts on top end).

    Refit the cover, ensure the top endis flush before pressing it closed(until it clicks).

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    7Getting Started

    To Charge the Battery:Your new battery will not be fullycharged:

    Insert the plug ot the charger intothe socket in the phone(see illustration below).

    Plug the charging unit into the mainspower socket (first checking the rat-ed voltage of the charging unit).

    To release, squeeze the arrows onthe plug together and remove.



    The charging progress is shownon your display. You may useyour phone whilst charging.

    MCharging complete.Battery is fully charged.

    Charging TimeA llow at least 3 hours for your firstfew charges. 1.5 - 2 hours are enough

    after this.

    Usage TimeA full charge can provide from 60 to150 hours standby, or from 90 to 240minutes talk time (depending on useand network conditions).

    A beep sounds when the batteryneeds charging.












    3. Switch Telephone On; H old down to switch on.IfInsert SIM Card is displayed, checkthat the SIM card is correctly inserted

    ( p. 32).

    4. Emergency CallYou can contact the emergency servic-es at any time even without a SIMcard. S imply dial 112 (999 in the UK ).

    5. Enter PIN

    Your SIM card is provided with a P IN toprevent misuse:

    I Enter the P IN .The display is suppressed(Y ou can correct mistakesusing ?).

    PressA.It may take a few seconds to registeryour phone with the network.

    PINThe SIM card will be blocked after thethird incorrect P IN entry ( p. 32).

    To switch on/off P IN control or tochange your PIN number ( p. 29).


    JPlease enter PIN:

    **** [OK]

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    8 Getting Started

    6. Standby ModeIf the name of the network provider isdisplayed, the telephone is on standby:

    You can now make calls, answer callsand use the other telephone functions.

    If the Date/T ime function is on( p. 27), you will see the time dis-played.

    E Strong reception signal.G If the signal is weak, callquality or continuity may beimpaired.

    You can normally im prove reception bymoving to a window or open space.

    If you are outside your "home" network( p. 30) or abroad, your phone will au-

    tomatically select another G SM net-work ( p. 30). Y our network providermay restrict the selection of anothernetwork ( p. 30).

    Key LockA ctivating the key lock prevents keysbeing pressed inadvertently.

    Hold down.The key lock is activated. A ny key cannow be pressed without a function be-ing executed.

    D eactivating the key lock:

    Hold down.



    11:35 [Menu]

    7. Switch Telephone Off

    ; H old down(in standby mode).

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    9Making Calls

    Dialling with the KeypadThe telephone must be switched on(standby).

    IA lways enter the number

    with the area code (whereapplicable with the interna-tional code).

    You can use the

    ?key to correct any


    = Press. The number dis-played is dialled.

    You can use the [Save] function to storethe number in your Phonebook( p. 11).

    Ending Calls

    ; Press.Press this key even if theother party hangs up first.The call is ended.

    For easier, quicker, error-free use youcan:

    R edial numbers.

    U se the Phonebook ( p. 12).

    U se speed dialling ( p. 14). D ial numbers in messages

    ( p. 16).

    X J089987654321


    International NumberA n international number comprises theinternational prefix, the country code(e.g. 49 for Germany) and the nationalnumber (often without the first digit) :

    H old down until "+ " appears.I Enter the country code and


    = Press.

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    10 Making Calls

    RediallingThe last numbers dialled are stored(m ax. ten, depending on your SIMcard).

    = Press.A list is opened of the last numbersdialled.

    Q Scroll to the requirednumber.

    = Press. The number dis-played is dialled.

    Processing ListsYou can save an entry to a list or deletethe list.

    = Press.Q Scroll to the required entry.[Options] Press.

    Q Scroll to the required option.[Select] Press to save an entry to alist or delete the list.

    , Answering CallsIn certain cases, the callers name ornumber is displayed ( p. 11).

    = Press.

    Unwanted CallsYou can reject unwanted calls. I f youreceive a call:

    ; Press. The caller hears thebusy tone.


    [Busy] Press.

    Divert is on appears if call diversion isactivated ( p. 28).

    Active NumberW hen an alternative number is regis-tered for the telephone it is possible toswitch between numbers in standbymode:

    Press.Line / Press to switch the line.


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    You can enter frequently dialled num-bers along with the associated namesin the Phonebook, enabling you to dialquickly and without errors.

    If caller number transmission is activat-

    ed, the name of the caller is shown onthe display, providing there is a corre-sponding entry in the P honebook.

    Saving NumbersW hen you are in standby mode youcan make a new entry:

    I A lways enter the numberwith the area code.

    For frequent travel abroad,enter the international code( p. 9) .

    [Save] Save entry.

    I Enter the name that belongsto the number (see below).

    PressA to confirm yourentry.

    ; R eturn to standby mode toenter another number.


    = D ial the number.A number can consist of up to 20characters.

    U p to 250 Phonebook entries can bemade, depending on the SIM card.

    X J

    Ann Andrews[OK]

    Writing NamesPress the digit keys repeatedly untilthe character you want appears. Thecursor advances after a short delay.

    Press once briefly for A ,twice for B, etc.

    B Press briefly to erase thecharacter preceding the cur-sor, hold down to erase thewhole word.

    Press to switch betweenupper and lower case letters(only applies to the adjacentcharacter). The first charac-

    ter is written in upper caseas standard.

    Press to create a space.1/ Numbers and letters with

    accents appear after letters.

    - Press briefly to move thecursor from character tocharacter. H old down tomove from word to word.

    Entering Other CharactersThese keys are used for punctuation,common icons and G reek characters.

    A vailable characters ( p. 17).

    You may enter a range of numbers forthe same person, e.g.:

    Ann O (O ffice)

    Ann H (Home)

    The entries are sorted alphabetically,however only the first six letters ofeach name are taken into account.

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    12 Phonebook

    Calling from PhonebookYou can access the Phonebook directlyfrom standby mode ( p. 5) :

    QPress to open the Phone-


    I/-Select a name by enteringthe first letter and/orscrolling.

    = Press.

    Phonebook Menu

    Own NumberThe first entry in the Phonebook is re-served for your own phone number.This means that you can display your

    own number at any time.You cannot dial this number. If yournumber is not already entered, you cando this as follows:

    [Menu] Phonebook

    [Set] Press.

    I Enter the number.[OK] Confirm entry.

    Alternative Line

    If your SIM provides an alternative line(Line), you can view or set the sec-ond number.

    X JAnn Andrews



    New Entry[Menu] Phonebook

    I A lways enter the numberwith the area code.

    For frequent travel abroad,enter the international code( p. 9) .

    [OK] Confirm entry.

    I Enter the name.[OK] Confirm entry.

    Edit Phonebook Entry

    Several options are available for eachdisplayed entry:

    [Menu] Phonebook [Options]

    View entry

    Edit entryThe number is displayed with a flash-ing cursor:

    B/I A lter the number.[OK] Confirm changes and repeat

    for entering the name.

    Delete entry

    Clear Phonebook

    CapacityThe memory available on the SIM card

    is displayed.

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    Saving the ToneSequenceYou can save your numbers in yourPhonebook together with tone se-

    quences (digits), e.g. for remote replyof an answering machine.

    I Enter the number. Hold down until a + ap-

    pears (pause during connec-tion setup).

    I Enter the digits.

    If necessary insert more

    pauses to ensure that thenumbers are processed se-curely on the receiver side.

    Sending a Tone SequenceA tone sequence can be entered man-ually after a connection has been setup:

    I Enter the numbers for thetone sequence.

    Service numbersYour service provider can equip yourSIM card with service numbers. If thiscase, you will see asan entry in your Phonebook.


    -Scroll to the required service


    = Press. The number is di-alled.


    Information NumbersYour service provider can equip yourSIM card with information numbers.These numbers can be stored togetherin directories (e.g. hotels, weather).

    The numbers or directories are auto-matically available as entries in thePhonebook.

    Ifappears beside an entry, it canonly be dialled in the local network.

    Dialling Information Numbers[Menu] Phonebook

    - Scroll to the requireddirectory.

    [Select] Press to open the directory.

    - Scroll to the required entry.= Press. The number is di-


    Active Line[Menu] Phonebook

    The line is active in the following exam-ple. Y ou can switch to Line.

    PressA to switch to[Line] in this example.



    X J


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    14 Fast access dialling

    To accelerate dialling, you can definespeed dialling numbers for the entriesin your Phonebook. You can use thedigit keys 2 - 9 for this purpose.

    Assigning Speed DiallingNumbersThis is how to allocate a speed diallingnumber (in this case 3):

    Press.[Set] Press to open the Phone-book.

    Q Scroll to the required entry.[Select] Confirm.

    The speed dialling number (in thiscase 3) is linked with the selectedPhonebook entry.

    Making Calls using SpeedDialling Numbers

    Enter the speed diallingnumber.

    The Phonebook entry corresponding tothe speed dialling number is displayed.

    = Press. The number is dialledand the connection is set up.

    O nly the first six characters of a namecan be displayed.

    The number for checking the mailbox

    is assigned to the digit key.

    X J3

    [Ann An...]

    Next Speed Dialling Number


    -Scroll to the required speeddialling number.

    = Press. T he number is dialledand the connection is set up.

    Changing Speed Dialling NumbersYou can change a speed diallingnumber.

    PressA.The Phonebook entry and correspond-ing speed dialling number are dis-played.

    Twice in succession:

    [Reset] Press.

    A ssign a new speed dialling number(see above).

    X J3

    [Ann An...]

    X JAnn Andrews

    < 3 > [Reset]

    X J

    3[Ann An...]

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  • 7/30/2019 a35 SIEMENS


    15During a Call

    Changing the VolumeYou can set the handset volume whilea call is in progress. There arefive volume settings.

    - Press to change the volume.


    The call duration or the units are dis-played during and after a call ( p. 27).

    Call WaitingIf someone calls you while you are on acall, you will hear a Call Waiting signal.

    Answering Calls= Press.The first call is placed on hold and thenew call is answered. You can nowtoggle back and forth between the two

    calls (swap).

    PressA to swap.

    If m ay be necessary to apply to yourservice provider to have this functionenable. To activate/deactivate CallWaiting or to check the status of thefunction ( p. 37).

    X J0172987654321

    L [Menu]



    X JL +491729876L [Swap]

    Rejecting CallsYou can reject a new call:

    ; Press.If you have activated D ivert to the mail-box, then the call is diverted.

    Conductinga Second CallYou are on a call and make a call to asecond subscriber.

    I Enter the number.or

    [Menu] Press and select entry fromPhonebook.

    = Press. The connection isset up.

    In both cases the current call is put onhold and the new call is set up. Y ou canswap between the two calls.

    PressA to swap.Ending a Connection

    ; Press.[OK] Confirm the prompt. You re-

    turn to the call on hold.


    X JL +491729876L [Swap]

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    16 Text Messages (SMS)

    Your phone can receive and send textmessages (Short M essage Service,SM S). Your service provider will adviseyou concerning service availability andoperation.

    Reading New MessagesA newtext message is indicated by thefollowing icon 6:

    To read the message:

    [Menu] Events New Message

    The display indicates the date and timeat which the message was received.

    Q Scroll to read the numberand the message.

    The end of the message is indicated by

    a mark.W hen you have read the message youwill be asked if you want to delete thismessage.Y ou should delete messagesregularly as the capacity of your SIMcard is limited (see below).

    Q O nce you have read themessage scroll to the nextone.

    = Press to dial a selectednumber in the text mes-sage (`08998765432_).

    X 6 J


    Options While ReadingYou can access the following functionswhen reading a m essage:

    [Options] Press.

    - Scroll to the required func-tion and then:[Select] Press to execute a function.

    Call active no.

    Save active no.Saves the number in your Phonebook.

    Reply to sender

    Sends a reply to the originator.

    Edit MessageEdits the received message.Can also be used to enter a new ad-dress.

    Delete Message

    [Delete] Press to confirm the securi-ty prompt.

    9 Flashes when the mes-sage mem ory is full. Y ou

    cannot receive any moremessages when thememory is full.

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    17Text Messages (SMS)

    Writing and SendingMessagesYou can create text message contain-ing up to 160 characters.

    To send a text message, this must firstbe forwarded to the Service Centre.The number of your Service Centre isusually preset. O therwise you mustenter this manually ( p. 19). TheService Centre number is availablefrom your service provider.

    [Menu] Messages Create Message

    IEnter the message text.(See the box below for writ-ing text).

    A fter entering the message text:

    [Options] Select.

    [Select] Confirm the prompt forsending the text message.

    I/( Enter the number or dialfrom the Phonebook.

    Send Message Confirm.


    = Press to send.You are advised when your messagehas been sent, then you can save i t.It will appear in your sent messagelist.

    Writing Text

    Press the digit keys repeatedly untilthe character you want appears. Thecursor advances after a short delay.

    Press once briefly for A , twicefor B, etc.

    B Press briefly to erase the char-acter preceding the cursor,hold down to erase the wholeword.

    Press to switch between up-per case and lower case let-ters. The first character is writ-ten in upper case as standard.

    Press to create a space.1/ Numbers and letters with ac-cents appear after letters.

    - Press briefly to move the cur-sor from character to charac-ter. Hold down to move fromword to word.

    Spa ce 1 T $

    Aa Bb Cc 2

    Dd Ee Ff 3 Gg Hh Ii 4 J j Kk Ll 5 M m Nn Oo 6 Pp Qq Rr Ss 7 Tt Uu Vv 8

    W w Xx Yy Zz 9

    A - a * / ( ) < = >%

    + 0 - . , : ? ! " ; _

    # @ &

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    18 Text Messages (SMS)

    Options While WritingW hen writing a message, other func-tions are available in addition to thesend function:

    Save messageSaves the message.

    Insert from:(O pens the Phonebook to select anumber.

    Insert new lineBegins a new paragraph.

    Discard message

    D elete the text input.

    [Options] Press.

    - Scroll to the required func-tion and then:

    [Select] Press to execute the re-quired function.


    If the message could not be sent, youare given the option of repeating theaction. If the send action fails again,check that your Service Centrenumber is correctly set ( p. 19).

    Note that M essage sent! meansthat the message has only been re-ceived by your Service Centre. It willthen try to send it on to the recipientwithin a certain period of time.

    Message ListsYour messages are saved in an incom-ing or outgoing list.

    InboxIn the incoming list, there are severaloptions when a message is displayed:

    New Message[Menu] Messages Incoming List

    Read Message

    Read new message.

    - Scroll through the message.For editing options when reading( p. 16).

    Old Messages[Menu] Messages Incoming List


    Read Message

    Read old message.

    - Scroll through the message.For editing options when reading( p. 16).

    Edit MessageFor information on procedure, see thesection on "O ptions While Writing", p. 18.

    Delete Message[Delete] Press.

    Confirm security prompt.

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    19Text Messages (SMS)

    OutboxIf you select a sent message in the out-going list, the text is displayed.

    If you select an unsent message whichcontains a number, the number is dis-played.

    The following options are available:

    [Menu] Messages Outgoing List [Options]

    Read Message

    R ead message.

    - Scroll through the message.Edit MessageFor information on procedure, see"O ptions While Writing" ( p. 18).

    Delete Message( p. 16)

    [Delete] Press.Confirm security prompt.

    You have the following options when

    reading a text message:

    [Options] Press.

    - Scroll to the required func-tion and then:

    [Select] Press to execute a function.

    Call active no.

    Save active no.

    Send Message

    Edit Message

    Delete Message

    Replying to MessagesA received message can be read as fol-lows:

    [Options] Press.

    Q Scroll to the Reply to senderoption.

    [Select] Press.

    H ere you can edit a message and thensend it ( p. 17).

    Displaying Capacity

    [Menu] Messages Capacity

    The amount of occupied and free stor-age space for messages on the SIMcard is displayed.

    Setting the Service No.This is where you enter the number ofthe Service Center. If this number isnot already contained on the SIM card,you can obtain it from your service pro-vider.

    [Menu] Messages Set Serv. Center

    I Enter the number.[OK] Confirm entry.

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    20 Cell BroadcastSome service providers offer informa-tion services for local areas (Cell Broad-cast, CB), e.g. display of the local areacode. Service availability depends onthe network where you are registered.

    If "Cell Broadcast" is activated, you willreceive cell broadcast messages. Formore information on this, contact yourservice provider.

    SetupOn/Off[Menu] MessagesSetup

    $Messages[Change] Press.

    Cell Broadcast is switchedon/off.

    N ote that operating times are reducedif Cell Broadcast is activated.

    Setting the CB ChannelThe numbers for the available CB chan-nels can be obtained from your serviceprovider. You can only set one CBchannel.

    [Menu] MessagesSetup

    [Change] Press.The last active channelnumber is displayed ifavailable.

    B/IWhere necessary, deletethe old channel number andenter the new C B channel.

    [OK] Confirm entry.

    Reading Cell BroadcastMessagesIn standby mode, a newmessage isindicated by an icon in the last display


    Reading New Broadcasts

    - Press to read the messageor scroll through it.Rereading Broadcasts[Menu] MessagesMessage List- Press to read messages.Scroll to read broadcasts (arranged inchronological order). If the message

    memory is full, the oldest messagesare overwritten.

    X J


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    21Voice Mail,

    The service provider can provide youwith an external answering machine(mailbox). Calls that you fail to answerbecause:

    your telephone is switched off

    you do not answer the call you are on another call

    can be forwarded to this mailbox. Thecaller can then leave you a voice mes-sage.

    The following descriptions may varysomewhat depending on the serviceprovider.

    Configuring Voice MailYour network provider will supply amailbox number as well as a numberfor call forwarding.

    Configuring a Mailbox NumberThis numbers is used in order to hearthe voice mail you have received.

    [Menu] VoiceMailMailbox Number[Set]

    I Enter the M ailbox number.[OK] Confirm.

    O n some SIM cards is automati-cally assigned the mailbox number

    when the mailbox is set up.

    If your SIM card does not have this

    function, you should assign asthe speed dial key for the mailbox( p. 14).

    Change Mailbox Number[Menu] VoiceMailMailbox Number


    B D elete old number.I Enter the new number.[OK] Confirm new number.

    Divert to MailboxU nanswered calls are diverted to thisService Center number (M ailbox) forrecording. This can be set as follows:

    [Menu] VoiceMail Divert[Check] Press. The current setting is

    checked (This option is onlyavailable once the SIM cardhas been inserted).

    [Change] Switch on divert(if switched off).

    The last divert number used is dis-played.

    B Press to delete the number.I Enter the new divertnumber.

    [OK] Confirm.

    Divert On appears after each call as areminder.

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    22 Voice Mail

    Hearing Voice MailA new voice mail is indicated by thefollowing icon 6:

    The Event menu indicates whether thecall in question is a voice mail. A textmessage or a call with an automaticannouncement can also indicate the ar-rival of a new voice mail (see below).

    [Menu] Events VoiceMailO ptions for hearing voice mails:

    [Menu] VoiceMail Call Mailboxor

    calling using the speed dial key:


    = Call the mailbox.

    X 6 J11:35 [Menu]

    Messages via SMSYou receive a text message (SM S) in-forming you that a new voice mail hasbeen received. The text message con-tains the mailbox number which is

    marked and which you can call directly( p. 16).

    Messages via automaticannouncementsYou receive a call with an automatic an-nouncement informing you that a newvoice mail has been received. You maybe connected to your mailbox auto-matically.



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    Your service provider can provide youwith additional services via the SIMcard, such as banking, stock marketnews, etc. (SIM Application). Suchservices are controlled by the SIMcard, so that your telephone has no

    control over the procedure.

    If you are registered for such a service,the service name will appear as thefirst entry in the main menu.

    SIM services enable any future addi-tions to the service provided by theservice provider, to be integrated toyour telephone.

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    24 Missed Calls

    This callback list stores the numbers ofthe last five calls that were not an-swered. This requires that the numberhas been identified.

    9D isplay when a new missed

    call has been stored.[Menu] Events Missed calls

    [Select] D isplay missed calls.

    Q Scroll to the required entry.The number or the name of the caller isdisplayed. I f T ime/D ate is activated( p. 27) then the time and date of thecall are displayed alternately.

    N ow press : to dial the number.

    Editing the ListYou can save a list entry or delete itfrom the list.

    [Menu] Missed Calls

    [Select] D isplay missed calls.

    Q Scroll to required entry.[Options] Press.

    Q Scroll to required option.[Select] Press to save list entry or to

    delete the list.

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    Switching the Ringer On/OffYou can switch the ringer on/off or seta short beep.

    [Menu] Ringer/Tones

    [Change] Press to switch the ringeron/off or to set a short beep.

    Setting the RingerVolume[Menu] Ringer/Tones Volume

    [Change] Start change.

    - Set volume at one offour levels.

    [OK] Confirm required volume.

    Setting the MelodyYou can set the ringer melody.

    [Menu] Ringer/Tones Melody

    Q Select ringer melody.[Change] Start change.

    - Choose from 15 melodies.[OK] Confirm selection.

    Switching Service TonesOn/OffYou can switch on/off the audible sig-nals for the following:

    Connection to the network.

    M essage/message. Connection set up.

    The "Low Battery" warning tone cannotbe deactivated.

    [Menu] Ringer/Tones Service Tones

    [Change] Press.The service tones are

    switched on/off.

    SwitchingTones On/OffYou can switch on/off the signal an-

    nouncing a new message.

    [Menu] Ringer/TonesTones[Change] Press to switchtones on/off.

    Key SoundYou can set the signal that sounds at akeystroke (off, click or tone).

    [Menu] Ringer/Tones Key Sound

    [Change] Press to switch the key

    sound or click on/off.

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    26 Ringers/Melodies

    Switching All Tones On/Off[Menu] Ringer/Tones All Tones

    [Change] Press to switch all tones on/off.

    or T o switch on/off in standbymode:

    Hold down./ appears in the first display line as areminder.

    Switching the Silent(Vibrating) Alert On/OffYou can use the silent alert to signal acall even when the ringer is switchedoff.

    [Menu] Ringer/Tones Silent alert

    [Change] Press to activate the silentalert vibrating function.

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    In the Setup menu, you can configure,for example, language, unit metering,call diversions and security. You can al-so enable G SM services for your tele-phone.

    LanguageYou can set the display language. T hesetting "A utomatic" sets the languagepredefined by your service provider.

    [Menu] Setup Language

    [Change] Press.

    -Select the required lan-

    guage or Automatic.


    Set Time/Date[Menu] Setup Clock

    Set Time & Date

    The time is entered in hh:mm format

    and the date in D D /M M /YYYY format.

    I Enter the time and date.[OK] Confirm your entry.

    D epending on the language selected,the date format can vary to readM M /DD/YYYY .

    The existing values are overwrittenwhen a new time or date is entered.

    Invalid entries are not accepted(e.g. 32 as the date value).

    Switch Time Display On/Off[Menu] Setup Clock

    Auto Display

    [Change] Press. T he time/date display

    is switched on/off.

    ChargesA unit lim it canbe set by the serviceprovider on so-called prepaid cards.

    A fter this limit has been reached thetelephone is locked to outgoing calls.

    You can check how many units havebeen used and how many are remain-ing.

    [Menu] Setup Charges

    The number of units used is displayed.

    [OK] Press.

    The number of units still remaining isdisplayed.

    D isplaying the time increases thepower consumption of the mobilephone.

    For more information on prepaid serv-ices, please contact your service pro-vider.


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    28 Setup

    DivertThis network feature diverts unan-swered calls to another phone or toyour mailbox.

    [Menu] Setup Divert

    For how to set a simple divert for unan-swered calls ( p. 21).

    For other ways to implement a divert( p. 37).

    Setting Divert[Menu] Setup Divert All unanswered

    [Check] Press; the current setting ischecked.


    [Change] Sw itch divert on/off.

    If a destination number is stored, thisis displayed.

    If you wish to retain the destinationnumber:

    [OK] Confirm.

    If you wish to enter a new destinationnumber:

    B D elete the old number.I/( Enter the new destination

    number or dial from thePhonebook.

    [OK] Confirm entry.

    Divert On appears after each call as areminder (dependent upon the serv-ice provider).

    , Clearing Divert[Menu] Setup Divert All unanswered

    [Check] Press (if offered). The cur-rent setting is checked.


    [Change] Switch Divert off.

    Check DivertD ivert network functions may not al-ways match your display(e.g. if you change the SIM card).

    [Menu] Setup Divert

    Check Status[Select] Press. The current network

    status is displayed.

    Clear all Diverts[Menu] Setup Divert

    Clear Diverts

    [Select] Press.

    Active Line:If the SIM card or service providersupports an alternative line, then sep-arate settings can be made for eachnumber (e.g. ringers, call divert, etc.).The relevant call number must be acti-vated for this purpose ( p. 10).

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    Security CodesU se of your SIM card is controlled by

    the PIN (Personal IdentificationNumber) you received from your serv-ice provider.

    A super pin (PU K ) is also provided forunlocking the SIM card after the thirdincorrect P IN entry.

    The phone is protected by thephone code (4 - 8 characters in length)which you enter with the first securitysetting.

    PIN SetupPIN ControlThe PIN must be entered each timethe phone is switched on. T his PINcontrol can be deactivated. T he SIMcard is then no longer protectedagainst misuse by unauthorized per-

    sons. A s a result, some SIM cards donot support P IN control deactivation.

    [Menu] Setup SecurityPIN Control

    It is important to keep thesecodes carefully. T he phone willbe locked after three incorrectentries (your network providermay charge for unlocking).

    SOSEm ergency 112 (999 in U K ) calls canalways be made.

    Change PIN

    You can change the current PIN to an-other 4 - 8 digit number that is easierto remember:

    [Menu] Setup Security

    Change PIN

    I Enter the current P IN .[OK] Confirm entry.

    I Enter the new P IN .[OK] Confirm entry.

    I R epeat new P IN .[OK] Confirm entry.

    Protection Against TheftThe telephone can be linked to yourSIM card using the phone code. If thisfeature is activated, the phone cannotbe operated with a different SIM card.If you lose your phone, your SIM cardcan be disabled and protected against

    misuse ( p. 34).

    Change Phone Code

    I Enter current phone code.The default is 0000.

    [OK] Confirm entry.

    I Enter the new phone code.[OK] Confirm entry.

    I R epeat new phone code.[OK] Confirm entry.

    The phone does not support servicesrequiring the use of P IN 2.

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    30 Setup

    GSM Services

    Network Info[Menu] Setup GSM Service

    Network Info

    A list of G SM service providers are dis-played.

    - Scroll through the list ofG SM service providers.

    Select New NetworkYou can manually switch service pro-viders when outside your home net-work. This setting only applies until thenext time the telephone is switchedoff.

    [Menu] Setup GSM ServiceChange Network

    If the Auto Network option is activated,the preferred network is now selectedautomatically ( p. 31).

    If the Auto Network option is deactivat-ed, the available networks are located.

    Q Scroll to the required serviceprovider.

    [Select] Press.

    The required service provider isselected.

    M arks the service provid-ers that are barred by yourSIM card.

    Auto NetworkA utomatic service provider selection isim plemented according to the se-quence of the "Preferred Networks"list.

    [Menu] Setup GSM Service Auto Network

    [Change] Press.A uto Network is switchedon/off.

    IfAuto Network is switched off, youmust select another network manually.

    Operator listA list of known G SM service providersis displayed.

    [Menu] Setup GSM Service Operator list

    - Scroll through the list ofservice providers.

    [Network Info]Press to obtain more infor-mation.

    Add New Network Provider

    - Scroll to the optionAdd new Network.

    [Select] Press.

    I/[OK] Enter the national (M CC)code and network (M NC)code as well as the name of

    the network provider.

    If the name is already in the list, it is au-tomatically displayed.

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    Processing the Preferred Netw.listThis list contains your preferred net-work providers after your home net-work provider. Y ou can delete entriesor add new ones.

    New Network Provider[Menu] Setup GSM Service

    Preferred Netw.

    Your home network provider is dis-played.

    [OK] Press.

    - Scroll to the required entryand confirm with

    [Set] service providers can bepreassigned, depending onthe SIM card.

    - Select the required entryfrom the list of network pro-viders.

    [Select] Confirm.

    Delete Network Provider[Menu] Setup GSM Service

    Preferred Netw.

    Your home network provider is dis-played.

    [OK] Press.

    - Scroll to the required entry.[Change] Press.

    [Delete] Confirm.

    Conc.ID/Incogn.[Menu] Setup GSM Service


    A ctivate Conc.ID/Incogn. to prevent yournumber being transmitted for all sub-sequent calls.

    Car Use[Menu] Setup Car Use

    Auto Answer

    Calls are answered after the third ringif the telephone is connected to the"Car K it P ortable", p. 35 or a "Head-set with PT T key (Talk key)", p. 36.


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    32 Troubleshooting

    Problem Possible Cause Possible Corrective Measures

    Unable to sw itchon phone

    Empty bat tery. Charge bat tery.Check charging indicat ion on display.

    Bat tery contacts dirty. Clean contacts carefully.Repeat sw itching on and off.

    Nocharge icon

    Ba tt ery dee ply discha rg ed . Con tinu e t o ch arg e d evice. Th e ch arg e icon a pp ea rsaft er max. 2 hours.

    Bat tery defect ive. Replace bat tery. Af ter several years average use agradual decline may be expected.

    Contact problem. Check pow er supply and connect ion to telephone.

    Charge iconis flashing

    Temperature exceeds0 C to + 45 C range.

    Ensure correct t emperature, allow time, then re-charge.

    SIM error SIM contacts dirty. Clean SIM contacts w ith a dry cloth.

    Damaged SIM card. M ake visual check.

    Return SIM card to your service provider.SIM card not correct ly or ientated. Ensure SIM is correct ly or ientated.

    Old SIM card. Only 3 volt SIM cards may be used. If you are usinga 5 volt SIM card, please contact your service pro-vider.

    PIN error 3 incorrect inputs. Enter super PIN (PUK) supplied w ith your SIM as in-struct ed. If your super PIN or PIN ar e lost, contactyour service provider.

    No connection tonetwork

    W eak signal. M ove to a higher locat ion, or to a w indow or openspace.

    Outside GSM netw ork. Check service provider coverage map.Check netw ork information for t he device.

    SIM not valid. Contact your service provider.

    N ew ne tw o rk n ot a uthorized . Try sele ct in g m an ually, o r t ry ot her netw o rk( p. 30).

    Phone loses net -work

    W eak signal. Reconnect ion, or connect ion to another service pro-vider is automat ic; AutoN etw ork ( p. 30).Sw itching off and on may accelerate this.

    Calls not possible Dialling error. Check the telephone number

    (correct int ernat ional and area code).New SIM f it ted. Check for new rest rict ions.

    Charge limit reached. Contact your netw ork provider.

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    Siemens Service

    W orldwide assistance is provided by Siemens Partners - a sim ple phone call away.See service numbers ( p. 38) or visit our Internet site.

    Internet: http://www.my-siemens.com

    If your phone appears faulty, first check the section "Troubleshooting", p. 32.If the problem persists contact your service provider or specialist dealer.Incorrect use will render the warranty invalid.

    Problem Possible Cause Possible Corrective Measures

    Cannot w rite inPhoneBook

    Call restrict ion set . Check PhoneBook rest rict ions.

    PhoneBook is full. Delete PhoneBook entries.

    Cannot find Phone-


    SIM has been changed. Ref it original SIM .

    Voice M ail not w ork-ing

    Divert not set . Set Divert ( p. 21).

    $ flashes continu-ously

    M essage store full. Delete a message to make room( p. 18).

    Cannot send a mes-sage

    Service provider does not support t his service. Contact your service provider.

    Service Centre not conf igured. Conf igure Service Centre ( p. 19).

    Destination does not have compatible phone. Check.

    Cannot set a func-tion Not supported by service provider orregistration required. Conta ct service provider ( p. 38).

    Network providerCODE error

    Not authorized for this service. Contact netw ork provider.


    Severe impactdamage

    Internal damage could result . Remove and ref it bat tery and SIMcard ( p. 6).Do not dismantle phone.

    Immersion in w ater Internal damage could result . Remove bat tery and SIM . Dry immedi-

    ately w ith a cloth, do not heat.Dry connector contacts t horoughly.Stand unit upright in airstream.Do not dismantle phone.

    Reset all phone settings to their original condition

    Enter *#9999# and press = . The phone code and the settings for the SIM card and the netw ork w ill not beaffected.


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    34 Data

    LicensingSiemens ICM D M P R D herebydeclares that the mobile A 35 is inconformity with the essential require-ments and other relevant provisions ofD irective 99/5/EC .

    A copy of the original declaration ofconformity can be found at the follow-ing Internet address:


    Complies with SA R values as perICNIRP.

    Technical Data G SM Class 4 (2 watts)

    Frequency range880 - 960 M H z

    G SM Class 1 (1 watt)Frequency range1710 - 1880 M H z

    Length x W idth x Thicknessapprox. 118 x 46 x 27 mm(without antenna)

    Weight: approx. 120 g

    Battery voltage: 3.6 V

    Charging voltage: 3.3 - 5.5 V

    M ax. power consumption withstandard charging unit: 500 mA

    Charging times: 3 h (first time),then 1.5 - 2 h

    Standby time: 60 h to 150 h

    Talk time: 90 mins to 240 mins

    Innovatron Patent

    Care of Phone Clean the phone with a damp cloth

    or an antistatic wipe. D o not usechemical cleaning agents.

    Protect your phone from impact andmoisture. D o not expose yourphone to direct sunlight.

    Care of Your SIM Card The SIM card must be treated with

    the same care as a bank card.

    D o not bend, scratch or expose tostatic electricity.

    Phone IdentificationThe following information is importantif you lose your phone or SIM card.P lease enter:

    No. of the SIM card (on the card)


    15-digit serial number of the

    phone (beneath the battery):.....................................................

    Service providers custom er servicenumber


    In the Event of LossIf your phone and/or SIM card are lostor stolen, call the service provider im-mediately to prevent misuse.

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    NiMh Battery 600 mAh

    L36880-N 4301-A 100

    Spare battery is ideal for frequent call-ers or when on the move(NiM H 600 mA h).

    Travel Charger

    L36880-N 4001-A 103 (EU )L36880-N 4001-A 104 (U K )

    This compact charger has a rapidcharge functionality with automaticmains voltage selection in the range100 - 240 V.

    Mobile Holder

    L36880-N 4301-A 101

    The mobile holder ensures that the tel-ephone is fitted securely in your car atall times. Can be used together withthe Car Charger, Car K it P ortable or theheadset. The installation of car acces-

    sories must not impede vehicle opera-tion (e.g. airbag).

    Car Charger

    L36880-N4001-A 108

    The telephone power supply, alsoused for rapid battery charging. T he ca-ble plugs into standard cigarette lighter

    sockets (12/24 Volt). For reasons ofsafety, we recommend using the CarCharger together with the M obileH older.

    Car Kit Portable

    L36880-N3015-A 117

    Enables convenient handsfree opera-tion w ith superior voice quality (rotata-ble loudspeaker, flexible microphone

    positioning). It simply plugs into astandard cigarette lighter socket ena-bling easy movement between vehi-cles. For reasons of safety, we recom-mend using this device together withthe M obile H older.

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    36 Accessories

    Leather Case

    L36880-N 4001-A 118

    Functional Case

    L36880-N 4001-A 119

    Shoulder BagL36880-N 4001-A 149

    Active BagL36880-N 4001-A 120

    Belt ClipL36880-N 4301-A 102

    W ith the belt clip your telephone is al-

    ways within reach and ready for use.The clip attaches securely and can beeasily removed.

    CLIPitL36880-N 4001-A 106

    Headset with PTT key(Talk key)L36880-N4001-A 123

    Enables maximum freedom of move-ment when conducting calls. The

    headset is equipped w ith a button foranswering and ending calls.

    Further informationContact your dealer for further informa-tion on other products or check out ourInternet page:http://www.siemens.com/mobiles

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    37GSM Network Control Codes

    You can implement functions via the G SM network using control codes.

    K ey to the following functions:

    I Numbert T ime (from 5 to 30 seconds) before diversion

    ts Teleservice (see below)

    Coding for teleservice ts:

    Function Setup Deactivation Status query

    Number displaySuppress num ber for next call #31# I = * 31# I = * #31# =

    DivertDivert w hen not available * * 62* I * ts # = ##62* ts # = * #62# =

    Divert if no reply * * 61* I * ts * t # = ##61* ts # = * #61# =

    Divert all calls * * 21* I * ts # = ##21* ts # = * #21# =

    Divert if busy * * 67* I * ts # = ##67* ts # = * #67# =

    All diverts(if available in the net w ork)

    ##002# =

    Restricted divert(if available in the net w ork) * *

    004* I * t s # = ##004* ts # = * #004# =

    Call W aiting * 43* ts # = #43* ts # = * #43# =

    Funct ionality All teleservices Language Data Fax SM S All except SM S

    ts 10 11 12 13 16 19



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    38 International Service Numbers (Hotline)

    Country Service Unit Number Country Service Unit Number

    Abu Dhabi SiemensService Center

    02713500 Latvia Siemens 7501114

    Australia Siemens 1800622414 Lebanon F.A. Ket taneh 01443043

    Austria Siemens 0517075004 Lithuania Siemens 822391555

    Bangladesh Siemens 017527447 Luxembourg Siemens 43843399

    Belgium Siemens 078152221 M alaysia Hello Service 032415993

    Brunei DST 02151 M aurit ius Ireland Blyth 2116213

    Bulgaria Omnitel 02739488 M orocco SETEL S.A. 2352409

    China Siemens 02150318149 Netherlands Siemens 0703333100

    Croat ia Siemens 016105381 Norw ay Siemens 22633314

    Czech Republic Siemens 0233032727 Oman SiemensService Center 791012

    Denmark Siemens 35258600 Pakistan Siemens 0215673565

    Dubai SiemensService Center

    04699720 Philippines Siemens 28149888

    Egypt Siemens 23313129 Poland Siemens 0800220990

    Finland Siemens 0922943700 Portugal Siemens 014178393

    France Siemens 0156384200 Russia Siemens 80957371801

    Germany Siemens 01805333226 Saudi Arabia Siemens 026655058

    Greece Siemens 016864389 Singapore Siemens 8454818

    Hong Kong Siemens 22583636 Slovak Republic Siemens 0759682266

    Hungary Siemens 0614712444 Slovenia Siemens 014746336

    Iceland Smith &Norland

    5113000 South Africa Siemens 0800114050

    India Siemens 116923988 Spain Siemens 902115061

    India Siemens 116925589(ISDN)

    Sw eden Siemens 087509911

    Indonesia Dian GrahaElektr.

    0214615081 Sw itzerland Siemens 012120090

    Ireland Siemens 1850777277 Taiw an Siemens 0225186504

    Italy Siemens 0269893691 Thailand Siemens 26791777

    Jordan F.A. Ket taneh 079559663 Turkey SIM KO 02122528835

    Kuw ait NGEECO 4818749 United Kingdom Siemens 0990334411

    Vietnam Opt icom 090456789

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    AA ccessories

    active bag ..... ...... .... 36

    battery ....... ..... .... 7, 35

    belt clip ...... ...... ...... . 36

    car charger... .. ... .. .. .. 35

    car kit portable... .. .. . 35

    charging unit ... ... ... .... 7

    functional case .. ... .. 36

    handsfree headset.. 36

    handsfree kit... .... .... 35

    leather case ... ... .... .. 36

    shoulder bag. .. .. .. .. .. 36

    travel charger... .. ... .. 35A ctivating .................... 7

    A ctive bag ................. 36

    A ctive line......... ....... .. 13

    A lternative

    line........... ...... 10, 12, 13

    A nswering machine

    M ailbox

    A pplications

    SIM services...... ..... 23

    A udible signals

    Warning tones


    charging.. ...... ...... ...... 7

    charging time.. .. .. 7, 34

    inserting........ ...... ...... 6reserve battery .. ... .. 35

    standby..... ...... ...... .... 7

    standby time. .. ... . 7, 34

    talk time... ...... ..... 7, 34

    usage time.. ... .... . 7, 34

    warning tones... ... ... 25

    Belt clip ..................... 36

    CCall duration

    displaying ... ... ... .... ... 15

    Call key ........................ 2

    Call waiting

    second call .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15

    Callback ..................... 24


    answering ...... ...... ... 10


    a second call .. .. ... .. .. 15

    automatic answer .. . 31


    missed .................... 24rejecting ...... ...... ...... 15


    a second call .. .. ... .. .. 15

    second ...... ...... ...... .. 15

    unwanted ...... ...... .... 10

    Car charger ... ... .... .... .. 35

    Car kit portable ... .... ... 35

    Car use ...................... 31

    Care of ....................... 34

    SIM card..................34

    telephone .... .... .... ... . 34


    Information services

    Cell Broadcast

    Information services


    display... .... .... .... .... .. 27Charging time

    battery.................7, 34

    Charging unit

    connecting ... ... ... ... ... . 7


    Control codes

    G SM network.......... 37

    Correction key ... ... ... .... 2

    Country codes ... .... .... .. 9

    Customer service

    service provider... .. .. 34



    format ..................... 27


    D eactivating... ... .... ... 7, 8


    D ialling

    with the keypad ... ... ... .. 9

    D igit keys

    assigning.. ... ... ... .... .. 14

    D isplay

    features.......... ....... .... 2


    the language ... ... .... . 27


    activating.. ... ... ... ... ... 28

    alternative line.. .. ... .. 28checking..................28

    deactivating... ... ... ... . 28


    G SM code..... . . . . . .. . . . 37

    mailbox........ ...... ...... 21

    D TM F


    sending ...... ..... ...... .. 13

    D uring a call ... ... .... .... . 15

    EEmergency calls.. .. .. .. .. . 7

    FFunctional case.. .. .. .. .. 36


    loaded from www.Manualslib.commanuals search engine

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    40 Index

    GG etting started ....... ..... 6

    G SM


    network providers .. 30

    class ....................... 34


    control codes... .. ... .. 37

    operators ....... ....... .. 30

    services. ....... ...... .... 30

    HH andsfree kit....... ...... 35

    H eadset..................... 36Help

    technical (hotline) .. . 38

    H otline....................... 38

    IIcons on the display .. .. 4

    Icons used........ ....... .... 4


    text m essages... ... .. 18Incognito ................... 31

    Information numbers. 13

    Information services

    reading messages .. 20


    messages.. ...... ...... . 20

    setting the channel. 20

    setup ...................... 20

    International numbers . 9

    Introduction ...... ....... .... 4

    KK ey lock ....................... 2

    activating ....... ..... ...... 9

    deactivating ...... ...... .. 8

    K ey sounds ...... ..... .... 25

    K eypad ..... . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . 9


    call key......................2

    correction key ... ... ... .. 2

    key lock ...... ...... ....... .. 2

    navigation key ... ... ... .. 2

    on, off,

    disconnect key... .. .. .. . 2

    soft key.....................2


    date format ...... ....... 27

    display... .... .... .... .... .. 27


    Leather case ... .... ... ... . 36

    Licensing ....... ...... ...... 34


    active........... ..... ....... 13

    MM ailbox ...................... 21

    changing number .. .. 21

    checking... ... ... ... ... ... 22configuring .... .... ... ... 21

    configuring a divert . 21


    to contents... .. .. .. .. ... 14


    via automatic

    announcements .. .. .. 22

    messages via SM S . 22

    number ................... 21

    speed dial key.. .. .. .. . 21

    M aking calls..... ...... ...... 9


    dialling numbers.. .. .. 14

    M enus

    back .... . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .5

    scrolling.. ... .... .... ... ... .. 5

    M essage lists ....... ..... 18

    M issed calls

    calling back.. ... ... .. ... . 24

    displaying number.. . 24


    entering.. ... .... ... ... ... . 11

    Navigation key ...... ...... . 2



    network providers. .. 30

    automatic selection. 30


    network providers. .. 31

    information... ... ... ... .. 30

    list ........................... 30

    manual selection.. .. . 30

    preferred ... ... ... ... ... .. 31




    international ... ... .... .... 9missed calls ... ... .... .. 24


    transmission.. .. .. .. .. .. 31

    saving...... ....... ..... 9, 11

    second ... ... ... ... .. 10, 12

    suppressing the

    display (G SM code) . 37

    OO n, off,

    disconnect key.. ... .. .. .. .. 2

    O utbox

    text messages .. .. .. .. 19

    O wn number ............. 12

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    PPackage contents... .. ... 3

    Personal Identification

    Number PIN

    Phone code

    changing ....... ...... .... 29

    Phonebook ............ 9, 11

    allocating an entry .. 14

    calling from .... .... ... .. 12

    capacity ..... ...... ...... . 12

    changing speed

    dialling numbers .. .. . 14

    deleting speed

    dialling numbers .. .. . 14edit entry ....... ..... .... 12

    entering speed

    dialling numbers .. .. . 14


    numbers ................. 13

    new entry ...... ...... ... 12

    number of entries... 12

    own number ...... ..... 12


    a tone sequence.. .. . 13

    scrolling ...... ....... ..... 14


    a tone sequence.. .. . 13

    service numbers.. .. . 13

    speed dialling.. ... ... .. 14

    PIN .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 29

    changing ....... ...... .... 29entering .................... 7

    error........................ 32


    country codes.... ... .. .. 9


    against theft ... ... ... .... . 29

    PU K PIN

    RReception signal

    strength... .... .... .... .... .. 8

    Redial.....................9, 10


    text messages .. .. .. .. 19

    Ring Ringer


    activating.. ... ... ... ... ... 25

    changing..... ... ... ... .... 25

    deactivating.. ... .... .... 25

    setting the melody.. 25

    setting the volume .. 25

    silent(vibrating) alert .. .. .. .. 26

    SSafety .......................... 3





    submenus.................5Second call

    answering ...... ...... ... 15

    conducting ... ... .... .... 15

    rejecting ...... ...... ...... 15

    toggling ...... ...... ...... . 15


    a new network ... ... ... .. 30


    Serial number

    telephone .... .... .... ... . 34

    Service. ...... ...... ...... .... 33

    hotline ...... ....... ..... ... 38

    Service number

    hotline ...... ....... ..... ... 38

    Service Center ... ... .. 19

    Service numbers.... ... . 13

    Service tones

    Warning tones

    Setting the volume .. .. 15

    Short beep

    Warning tones

    Shoulder bag.. ... .. .. .. .. . 36

    Silent (vibrating) alert

    activating.. ... ... ... ... ... 26

    deactivating... ... ... ... . 26

    SIM card .... . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .34


    applications ... .... ... ... 23

    inserting ...... ....... ...... . 6memory capacity... .. 12

    number..... ....... ....... . 34

    service number .. .. .. . 19

    SM S

    new voice mail

    message ..... ....... ..... 22

    SM S Text messages

    Soft key ....................... 2

    Special characters

    text messages .. .. .. .. 17

    Speed dial key

    mailbox........ ...... ...... 21

    Speed dialling numbers

    assigning.. ... ... ... .... .. 14

    changing..... ... ... ... ... . 14


    entering.. ... .... .... ... ... 14scrolling.. ... .... .... .... .. 14


    back .......................... 5

    Standby mode ...... ..... .. 8

    Standby time ....... ...... 34


    scrolling.. .... ... ... ... ... ... 5

    loaded from www.Manualslib.commanuals search engine

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    42 IndexSuper PIN PIN


    hotline......... ....... ..... 38

    TTalk time...................... 7

    battery ....... ...... ...... . 34

    Technical data ... ... ... .. 34


    activating ....... ..... .. 7, 8

    care of .................... 34

    deactivating ...... ...... .. 7

    serial number... .. ... .. 34

    talk time.................. 34


    special characters... 11

    Text messages

    capacity ..... ...... ...... . 19

    deleting......... ...... .... 16

    editing......... ....... ..... 16

    end of message

    mark .... . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . 16

    inbox....................... 18message lists ... .... .. 18

    outbox .................... 19

    reading.......... ...... .... 16


    the next message... 16

    replying.. .... .... ... 16, 19

    saving ..................... 18

    sending... ....... ..... .... 17

    special characters... 17


    transmission... ... .... . 18

    time received...... ... . 16


    Time....................... 8, 15


    the display.. .. .. .. ... .. .. 27


    the display.. .. .. .. ... .. .. 27


    Time Call duration

    Toggling Second call

    Tone sequence

    saving..... ...... ....... .... 13

    sending ...... ...... ...... . 13

    Travel charger .. ... ... .. .. 35

    Troubleshooting. .. .. .. .. 32


    display... .... .... .... .... .. 27

    used ........................ 15

    U sage time



    Voice mail M ailbox

    WWarning tones


    the CB tone..... ...... .. 25

    connection set up .. . 25


    to the network ... ... .. 25


    all tones... ... .... .... .... . 26


    the CB tone..... ...... .. 25


    services... .... ... .... ... .. 25

    key sounds.. ... ... .. ... . 25low battery.... .... ... ... 25

    Writing names ...... ..... 11
