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Abailard, Peter (1079-1142)web.flu.cas.cz/scan/323544813.pdfClement of Alexandria (c. 150-215) -...

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CONTENTS Abailard, Peter (1079-1142) - liOn Sin" ................. _ ......... .. Abravanel, Isaac (1437-1508) lIThe Interrupted Work" ........................................................................................................ . Abravanel, Judah (c. 1460-1530) - IIKnowledge, Love and Desire" .............................................................. _ ................ . Acosta, Uriel (1590-1647) - IThe Human Soul" ........ . Adams, John (1735-1826) - lIOn Self-Delusion" ........ . Adler, Alfred (1870-1937) - IrThe Style of Life" ..... . Adler, Felix (1851-1933) - IIImmortality" ..................... ... Albertus Magnus (1193-1280) - IIAnalogy Between God and Man" .................................................................................. .. Alba, Joseph (c. 1380-1445) - IILaughter" ...................... .. Alcott, Amos Bronson (1799-1888) - tiT able Talk" .. . Alcuin, Flaccus Albinus (c. 735-804) - IIDialogue on the Virtues" ............................................................................................ . Alden, Joseph (1807-1885) - IIConceptions of the I fi . " n nlte ........................................................................................................ . Alexander, Samuel (1859-1938) - IIPhilosophy and Theology" .................................................................................................. . Al-Farabi (c. 870-950) - lIOn Concepts" ................. ,. ......... . Alghazzali, Abu Hamid Mohammed Ibn Ghazzali (1059-1111) - IThe Nature of Man" ......................... .. Al-Kindi (died 873 A. D.) - liOn the Subject of In- tellect" ........................................................................................................... . Allen, Ethan (1738-1789) - liT he Exercise of Reason" Al-Mukammas, David Ibn Merwan (died c. 937) - tiThe r hree Grades of Science" ......................................... . Anaxagoras (c. 500-428 B. C.) - IIFragments" .............. . Anaximander (610-c. 547 B. C.) - IIFragments" ........... . Anaximenes (c. 585-525 B. C.) - IIFragments" .............. . v 1 3 6 8 9 11 12 16 17 19 25 27 28 30 33 38 42 46 47 53 ." 54 "

    Abailard, Peter (1079-1142) - liOn Sin" ................. _ ......... .. Abravanel, Isaac (1437-1508) ~ lIThe Interrupted

    Work" ........................................................................................................ . Abravanel, Judah (c. 1460-1530) - IIKnowledge,

    Love and Desire" .............................................................. _ ................ . Acosta, Uriel (1590-1647) - IThe Human Soul" ........ . Adams, John (1735-1826) - lIOn Self-Delusion" ........ . Adler, Alfred (1870-1937) - IrThe Style of Life" ..... . Adler, Felix (1851-1933) - IIImmortality" ..................... ... Albertus Magnus (1193-1280) - IIAnalogy Between

    God and Man" .................................................................................. .. Alba, Joseph (c. 1380-1445) - IILaughter" ...................... .. Alcott, Amos Bronson (1799-1888) - tiT able Talk" .. . Alcuin, Flaccus Albinus (c. 735-804) - IIDialogue on

    the Virtues" ............................................................................................ . Alden, Joseph (1807-1885) - IIConceptions of the

    I fi . " n nlte ........................................................................................................ . Alexander, Samuel (1859-1938) - IIPhilosophy and

    Theology" .................................................................................................. . Al-Farabi (c. 870-950) - lIOn Concepts" ................. ,. ......... . Alghazzali, Abu Hamid Mohammed Ibn Ghazzali

    (1059-1111) - IThe Nature of Man" ......................... .. Al-Kindi (died 873 A. D.) - liOn the Subject of In-

    tellect" ........................................................................................................... . Allen, Ethan (1738-1789) - liT he Exercise of Reason" Al-Mukammas, David Ibn Merwan (died c. 937) -

    tiThe r hree Grades of Science" ......................................... . Anaxagoras (c. 500-428 B. C.) - IIFragments" .............. . Anaximander (610-c. 547 B. C.) - IIFragments" ........... . Anaximenes (c. 585-525 B. C.) - IIFragments" .............. .




    6 8 9

    11 12

    16 17 19



    28 30


    38 42

    46 47 53 ." 54 "

  • Anselm of Canterbury, Saint (1033-1109) - ttNo Gr B '" eater etng ......................................... _ ........................................ .

    Antisthenes (c. 445-365 B. C.) - UApophthegms" ..... . 2t\9uinas, Thomas (1225-1274) - ttWhether the In-

    telligible Species Are Derived by the Soul from C ·S F ')" ertaln eparate orms. . ...................... _ .......... _ ...................... .

    Arcesilaus (c. 315-240 B. C.) -- ttAssent and Suspen-sion" .................................................................................... _ ......................... .

    Ardigo, Roberto (1828-1920) _ UTruth and Reason" Aristippus (c. 435-366 B. C.) - ttPleasure and Pain" ...

    ~¥\ristotle (384-322 B. C.) - tThe Process of Change" Aurelius Augustinus (Saint Augustine) (354-430) -

    ttw hat We Are to Believe" ................................... _ .... _ .......... . Aurelius, Marcus Antoninus (I21-180) - ftVanitas" .. . Aurobindo, Sri (1872-1950) - tThe Indian Concep-

    tion of Life" ......................................................................................... . Author of the Imitation of Christ, an Unknown Car-

    thusian Monk - tThe Thoughts of Death" .......... .. A venarius, Richard (1843-1896) - ttT he Two Axioms

    of Empirio-Criticism" .......................... _ ....................................... .. Avenpace (Ibn Badjdja) (End of 11th Century-1138)

    UO· H P f t' " - n uman er ec Ion .................................................... .. Averroes (Ibn Roshd) (1126-1198) - (tOn Meta-

    h·' " P ISles ........................................................... -.......................................... .. Avicenna (979-1037) - ttMental Essence" .......................... . Axelrod, Pavel Borissovich (1850-1928) - ttA Marx-

    ist's Idealism" ...................................................................................... . Baader, Francis Xavier von (1765-1841) - uGod

    and the W orld' , ................................................................................... . Baal Shem-Tov (1700-1760) - ttThe End-All of

    Knowledge" ........................................................................................... .. Bacon, Francis (1561-1626) - uldols Which Beset

    Man's Mind" ........................................................................................ .. Bacon, Roger (c. 1214-1294) - ttOn the Importance

    of Experience" ..................................................................................... .. Babya Ibn Pakuda (c. 1050) - ttAdmonitions of the

    Soul" ............................................................................................................. ..


    56 57


    63 64 65 65

    71 73





    90 93







  • Bakunin, Michael (1814-1876) - tlScience and Life"_. Barth, Karl (1886- ) - rrpaith As Knowledge" ..... . Beecher, Henry Ward (1813-1887) - tlSome Obser-

    • '1J vatlons ................................... _ ................................................... N ............ .. Benda, Julien (1867- ) - rrHumanitarianism" ....... M Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832) - rThe Pour Sources

    of Pleasure and Pain" ................................................................... .. Berachyah (c. 12th or 13th Century) - tiThe Com-

    d· " pen lum ....................... N ................ _ ....................................................... . Berdyaev, Nicholas (1874-1948) - IrOn Socialism" .... .. Bergson, Henri (1859-1941) - IIAnimal and Human

    Consciousness" ................................................................................... " .. . Berkeley, George (1685-1753) - tlObjects of Human

    Knowledge" ........................................................................................... .. Bernard cf Clairvaux, Saint (1091-1153) - IISome

    Exclamations" ........................................................................................ .. Boehme, Jacob (1575-1624) - IIGod Is All" .................... . Boethius (475-524) - IIEvery Man Has His Cross" ..... . Bolzano, Bernard (1781-1848) - lIOn Correct Think-

    ing" ................................................................................................................. . Bonaventura, Saint (1221-1274) - lIOn Prancis of

    Assisi" .......................................................................................................... .. Boole, George (1815-1864) - IThe Place of Mathe-

    matics in the System of Human Knowledge" .......... .. Bosanquet, Bernard (1848-1923) - tlOn the State" .... .. Boutroux, Emile (1845-1921) - IIAIl Beings Tend

    Toward God" ......................................................................................... . Bowne, Borden Parker (1847-1910) - tiThe Moral

    Life" .............................................................................................................. . Bradley, Francis Herbert (1846-1924) - lIThe Abso-

    lute" ............................................................................................................. .. Brandeis, Louis Dembitz (1856-1941) - tlLaw and

    Democ.racy" .............................................................................................. .. Brentano, Franz (1838-1917) - lIT he Three Classes

    of Psychic Phenomena" ................................................................. . Bridgman, P. W. (1882- ) - tlScientist and Social

    R 'b'I' " esponsl I Ity ..................................................................................... ..


    115 117

    123 129


    133 135



    152 155 158



    164 166







  • Bruno, Giordano (1548-1600) - "A Philosophy of the Infinite Universe" .................................................................... .

    Brunschwicg, Leon (1869-1944) - nOn God" ................. . Buber, Martin (1878- ) - "God and the Soul" ..... . Buddha, Gautama (c. 563-483 B. C) - "Some T each-

    ings" ............................................................................................................. .. Burckhardt, Jakob (1818-1897) - "On War" ................. . Burke, Edmund (1729-1797) - NOn Public Discon-

    tents" .............................................................................................................. . Burroughs, John (1837-1921) - nContradictions in

    Life" .............................................................................................................. . Butler, Samuel (1835-1902) - "Notes" ................................ . Calkins, Marcy Whiton (1863-1930) - "Egoism and

    Altruism" ................................................................................................. .. Campanella, Tommaso (1568-1639) - tlOn State Con-

    trolled Marriage" ............................................................................... .. Cardozo, Benjamin Nathan (1870-1938) - nLawand

    Liberty" ....................................................................................................... .. Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881) - tlHistory of the His-

    tory of Heroes" .................................................................................. .. Carneades (c. 214-129 B. C) - tiThe Fallacy of the

    rtterton 0 rut ......................................................................... .. C · . 'fT h" Carus, Paul (1852-1919) - "Monism" .................................. .. Cassirer, Ernst (1874-1945) - "Man, an Animal Sym-

    bolism" ........................................................................................................ . Chernyshevsky, Nicolai Gavrilovich (1828-1889) -

    tiT he Evolution of Language" ............................................... . Chrysippus (c. 280-207 B. C.) - tiThe Common Na-

    ture and Its Reason" ....................................................................... . Chuang Chou (c. 340-280 B. C) - tlExcursions into

    Freedom" ............................................................................................... .. Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106-43 B. C) - nOn Friend-

    h · "tlO I ." SIP, n ustlce ........................................................................ .. Cleanthes (310-232 B. C) - nHymn to Zeus" ................ .. Clemenceau, Georges (1841-1929) - nKnowledge

    and Emotion" .................................................................................. M .... .


    187 190 194

    199 203


    209 211





    224 225





    235 238


  • Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-215) - "Exhortation to the Greeks" ...................................................................................... .

    Cohen, Hermann (1842-1918) - ttKant As the Founder of the Philosophy of Science" ......................... ..

    Cohen, Morris Raphael (1880-1947) - "Philosophy and Literature" .................................................................................. ..

    Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834) - ttprecision in the Use of Terms," "Inward Blindness," ttTypes of Readers," ttThe Love of Nature," 'fThe Worth and Price of Knowledge," ttIntroductory Apho-. " flsms .............................................................................................................. .

    X Comenius, Johann Amos (1592-1670) - "Last Decla-ration" .......................................................................................................... ..

    Comte, Auguste (1798-1857) - ttpositive Philosophy" Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de (171 5-1780) - ttT rea-

    tise on Sensations" ......................................................................... .. Confucius (556-479 B. C.) - ttThe Great Learning,"

    "The Doctrine of the Mean" .................................................. . Cook, Josephus Flavius (1838-1901) - "The Unity of

    Consciousness" ............................................... _ .................................... .. Cournot, Antoine Augustine (1801-1877) - "Exam-

    ples of the Creation and Destruction of Wealth" ... Cousin, Victor (1792-1867) - ttW hat Is Eclecticism,"

    "A I . fF A'" na YSls 0 'fee ctton ............................................... _ .......... . Creighton, James Edwin (1861-1924) - "Individual

    and Society" ........................................................................................... .. Crescas, Hasdai (1340-141O)-"On Time and Change" Croce, Benedetto (1866-1952) - "The Humanity of

    History" ..................................................................................................... . Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688) - "Sensation Cannot

    Rise to Knowledge" ...................................................................... .. Cusa, Nicholas of (1401-1464) - "The Vision of

    God" ............................................................................................................. .. D'Alembert, Jean Baptiste Le Rond (1717-1783) -

    "Anecdotes of Bossuet" .............................................................. . Darwin, Charles (1809-1882) - "Religion" ....................... .






    258 260






    284 287




    299 300

  • L

    De Broglie, Louis (1892- ) - ttThe March of Science" ..................................................................................................... .

    Dedekind, Richard (1831-1916) - ttyhe Nature and Meaning of Numbers" ................................................................. .

    Delmedigo, Joseph Solomon (1591-1655) - ttGood and Bad Books" ................................................................................... .

    Democritus of Abdera (c. 460-360 B. C.) - ttThe Sym'metry of Life" ......................................................................... ..

    De Morgan, Augustus (1806-1871) - ttIdeas" ................. . De Sanctis, Francesco (1817-1883) - ttThe Intellec-

    tual Future" ............................................................................................ . Descartes, Rene (1595-1650) - ttThe Nature of the

    Human Mind" ..................................................................................... ..

    !few~ o!;~~b~lc~;;,-~.~~.~? .... = .... :.:~.~ .... ~~.~ .... ~.~~ ..... ~~ ... ~.~.~ Diderot, Denis (1713-1784) - tt On Reason" .................... . Dilthey, Wilhelm (1833-1911) - ttStructural Coher-

    ence of the Psyche," ttPlan for a Critique of His-torical Reason" ................................................................................... .

    Driesch, Hans (1867-1941) - ttCausality" ......................... .. Diihring, Eugen (1833-1921) - ttpessimism" ................. . Duns Scotus, John (1270-1308) - ttUnderstanding

    d E . " an xpertence ................................................................................... . Durkheim, David Emile (1858-1917) - ttThe Healthy

    and Morbid" ........................................................................................ .. Eckhart, Johannes (c. 1260-1327) - ttSeclusion" ........... . Edwards, Jonathan (1703-1758) - ttGod and the Evil

    in the W orld" ..................................................................................... .. Einstein, Albert (1879- ) - ttReligion and Science" Eliot, George (1819-1880) - ttValue in Originality" ... Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)-ttSelf-Reliance" Empedocles (c. 490-435 B. C.) - ttpragments" .............. . Engels, Friedrich (1820-1895) - ttMorality Is Class ~.; I'" ·~ora tty .................................................................................................. . Epictetus (c. 60-110) - ttTo Those Who Pear Want" Epicurus (341-270 B. C.) - ttOn Pleasure" ....................... .





    309 313



    328 333

    335 338 340


    343 347

    349 354 359 360 366

    370 372 378

  • Erasmus, Desiderius (1466-1536) - trLiterary Educa-tion" ............................................................................................................. .

    Eriugena, Johannes Scotus (c. 815-877) - rrT he H u-man Mind" ................. _ ............................................................................ .

    Eucken, Rudolf (1846-1926) - rry he Problem of H . " ap plness .............................................. .-............................................. ..

    Euclid (c. 335-275 B. C.) - rrThe First Elements," rryhe Twelve Books of Euclid's Elements" ................ ..

    Fechner, Gustav Theodor (1801-1887) - trThe Spirits of Man" ..................................................................................................... .

    Feuerbach, Ludwig (1804-1872) - rrAbove Religion" Fichte, Johann Gottlieb (1762-1814) - rrThe Ego" ..... . Franklin, Benjamin (1706-1790) - rrWise Sayings" ..... . Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (1869-1948)

    rrHinduism" ........................................................... , ................................ . Gassendi, Pierre (1592-1655) - rrActive Happiness" .. . Gentile, Giovanni (1875-1944) - rrScience and Phi-

    losophy" ..................................................................................................... . George, Henry (1839-1897) - rrDemocracy's Danger" Gersonides (1288-1344) - irIs the Universe Created

    or External?" ......................................................................................... . Geulincx, Arnold (1624-1669) - rrThe Philosopher's

    View on Passion" ............................................................................. . Gilson, Etienne (1884- )-rrWill and Knowledge" Ginzberg, Asher (1856-1927) - rrpositive and Nega-

    tive" .............................................................................................................. . Gioberti, Vincenzo (1801-1852) - rryhe Two Hu-

    manities" ................................................................ .-................................. .. Gobineau, Joseph Arthur, Comte de (1816-1882) -

    rrTh M . f D ." e eantng 0 egeneratton ..... M ................................. .. Goede!, Kurt (1906- ) - rrAphorisms" .......................... . Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832) - trAc-

    tions and W ords" ............................................................................. .. Gorgias (c. 483-375 B. C.) - Irpragments" ........................ . Green, Thomas Hill (1836-1882) - rrUtilitarianism

    Evaluated" .................................................................................................. .






    390 394 401 409

    413 419 417 420


    425 427



    434 436

    437 439


  • Grotius, Hugo (Hugues de Groot) (1583-1645) -IrT he Rational Basis of International Law" ............... 445

    Haeberlin, Paul (1878- ) - lIThe Principles of Scientific Knowledge" ..................................................................... 455

    Halevi, Judah (c. 1080-1140) - /.tOn Revelation" ......... 457 Hamann, Johann Georg (1730-1788) - IINature and

    Reason" .................................................................................................. ~..... 459 Hamilton, Alexander (1757-1804) - liOn a Just Par-

    tition of Power" ................. ~.............................................................. 461 Han Fei (died 233 B. C.) - IIEssays" ........... ~.......................... 463 Harris, William Torrey (1835-1909) - lIThe Last

    Judgnlent" ................................................................................................ 466 Hartmann, Eduard von (1842-1906) - IIMysticismJ '... 469 Hartmann, Nicolai (1882-1950) - IIValue and Va-

    lidity" ............................................................................................................ 472 H~ Georg Wilhelm Friedrich (1770-1831) - lIOn

    the Nature of Spirit" ..................................................................... 474 Hehasid, Judah Ben Samuel of Regensburg (12th and

    13th Centuries) - IICertain Porms of Virtue Lead to Sin" ......................................................................................................... 483

    Heidegger, Martin (1889- ) - IINothingn.ess" ...... 486 Helmholtz, Hermann von (1821-1894) - liThe Inter-

    dependence of the Sciences" ...................................................... 488 Helvetius, Claude Adrien (1715-1771) - liOn the

    Errors Occasioned by Passion" ................................................ 492 Heraclitus (c. 540-480 B. C.) - Irpragments" .................. 494 Herbart, Johann Friedrich (1776-1841) - IrChief

    Classes of Interest" ........................................................................... 502 Herder, Johann Gottfried (1744-1803) - IIMan, a

    Link Between Two Worlds" ................................................... 510 ~ Moses (1812-1875) - IIOrganic Life" ..................... 514 Hiyya, Abraham Bar (c. 1065-1136) - Iry he Life of

    the Pious" ................................................................................................ 516 Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679) - IIState and Sover--" ergnty ......................................................................................................... 517 Hocking, William Ernest (1873- ) - IIAn Art Pe-

    culiar to Man" ....................................................................................... 531


  • Hodgson, Shadworth Hollway (1832-1912) - ttpaith" Hoffding, Harold (1843-1931) - ttPluralism and

    Monism" ..................................................................................................... . Holbach, Paul Henri Thiry Baron d' (1723-1789) -

    tty he Atheist" ...................................................................... ; ............... . Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Sr. (1809-1894) - rrWork-

    . f h U ." rng 0 t e nconscrous ............................................................. .. Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr. (1841-1935) - tryhe

    Ought of Natural Law" ............................................................. .. Hsun Ching (c. 298-238 B. C.) - ttHeaven and the

    Congenital Nature of Man" ..................................................... . Hui Shih (4th Century B. C.) - tty he Aphorisms" ..... . Huizinga, Johan (1872-1945) - ttBarbarism" ................ .. Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1767-1835) - rrSenses and

    ~on" ........................................................................................................ .

    . ume, avid (1711-1776) - ttOn the Origin of Our eaJ" ........................................................................................................... .

    Hunein Ibn Ishak (809-873) - rrA Philosophical Col-loquy" ........................................................................................................... .

    Husserl, Edmund (1859-1938) - ttConsciousness and Natural Reality the View of the tMan in the Street'" ........................................................................................................ .

    Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895)-ttYhe RelationJ of Man to the Lower Animals," ttprotoplasm in" Animals and Plants" ....................................................................... .

    Ibn Gabirol, Solomon (c. 1021-c. 1058) - rrSeek Wis-dom" .............................................................................................................. .

    Ibn Tufail (c. 1105-1185) - tryhe Improvement of HUfflan ReaJon" ................................................................................ .

    Inge, William Ralph (1860-1954) - ttMatter and Mind" ........................................................................................................... .

    Ingersoll, Robert Green (1833-1899) - ttYhe Damage R I ·· C " e rgron auses ................................................................................ .

    Isocrates (436-338 B. C.) - ttpanegyric of Athens" ..... . Israeli, Isaac (c. 850-950) - tt Man mid God" ................. . Isvarakrsna (Fifth Century A. D.)-ttSamkya Karika"







    545 549 550









    588 590 592 593

  • Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich (1743-1819) - "Christian-ity and Paganism" ............................................................................. .

    Jamblicus (c. 270-330) - "The Promises of Philoso-phy" ................................................................................................................. .

    James, Henry, Sr. (1811-1882)-I'Good and Evil Rela-tive" ................................................................................................................. .

    Bmes. William (1842-1910) - "Pragmatism" ............. .. Jaspers, Karl (1883- ) - "Reason" ................................... . Jeans, James Hopwood (1877-1946) - "Appearance

    and Reality" .............................................. 1. ........................................... .. Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826)-I'Character of Wash-

    ington," 'The Passage of the Potomac Through the Blue Ridge," lIThe Influence and Doom of Slavery" ........................................................................................................ .

    Joad, Cyril E. M. (1891-1953) - "The Power of Thought" .................................................................................................. .

    John of Salisbury (c. 1115-1180) - lIOn Dream Inter-pretation" ................................................................................................. ..

    Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784) - 'The Critic," 'The Universal Fallacy" ............................................................................ ..

    Jonson, Ben (1573-1637) - "The Dignity of Speech" Joubert, Joseph (1754-1824) - "Plato," 'The Use of

    Words" ........................................................................................................ . J!.!,ng. Carl Gustav (1875- ) - lIThe Human

    Psyche" ....................................................................................................... .. Justin Martyr (c. 110-165) - "The Eucharist" ................. . r Horace Mayer (1882- ) - 'T he Choice

    1\~;;,~£;i~~~~i~~i:f~~~~;;;ji~:r~i~;;;;:;;: Klages, Ludwig (1872- ) - 'T he Hysterical Per-

    son" ................................................................................................................. . Kropotkin, Prince Peter (1842-1921) - "Anarchism" Laird, John (1887-1946) - "Deism and Theism" ........ . Lalande, Andre (1867- ) - tlInvolution" .................... . Lamarck, Jean (1744-1829) - "Undeveloped Knowl-

    edge" .............................................................................................................. .




    600 602 609





    626 629


    632 635

    638 642 647

    649 652 655 657


  • Lamb, Charles (1775-1834) - ttMorality" .......................... 661 Lamennais, Robert Felicite de (1782-1854) - tt/us_

    tice and Liberti' ................................................................................. 662 Lamettrie, Julien Offray de (1709-1751) - ttFood and

    T e'tmper" ..................... :................................................................................ 664 Lange, Friedrich Albert (1828-1875) - trReality and

    the Ideal World" ................................................................................. 666 Laotse (Lao Tsu) (About 4th Century B. C.) - trTao

    Te Ching" ................................................................................................ 668 La Rochefoucauld, Franc;ois VI, Duke of (Prince de

    Marsillac) (1613-1680) - ttReflections" .................. 677 Lassalle, Ferdinand (1825-1864) - ttT he Law of

    W ages" ......................................................................................................... 680 Lavater, Johann Kaspar (1741-1801) - ttMaxims" ...... 682 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716) - trConcern-

    ing Divine Perfection" .................................................................. 685 Lenin, V. 1. (1870-1924) - tThe Three Sources of

    Marxism" ................................................................................................... 692 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729-1781) - trMan's

    Future Perfection" ............................................................................. 699 Leucippus (c. 460 B. C.) - tiOn Atomism" ........................ 701 Levy-Bruhl, Lucien (1857-1939) - rtThe Mind of the

    Primitive Man" ................................................................................... 703 Lewes, George Henry (1817-1878)-trphilosophy and

    Science" ......................................................................................................... 705 Lewis, Clarence Irving (1883- ) - trEvaluation"...... 707 Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph (1742-1799) - ttAll

    Kinds of Thoughts" ........................................................................ 711 Lincoln, Abraham (1809-1865) - trThe Perpetuity of

    the Union," tThe Emancipation Proclamation," trThe Gettysburg Address," ttMalice Toward None -Charity for All" .............................................................................. 712

    Linnaeus, Carolus (1707-1778) - ttThe Study of Na-ture" ............................................................................................................... 717

    Lipps, Theodor (1851-1914) - ttThe Science of Aes-thetics" ......................................................................................................... 719

    .x(-0cke, John (1632-1704) - rrIdeas and Sens.es" ............... 722



  • Lombard, Peter (c. 1100-1160) - 'ryrinity" ....................... . Longinus, Cassius (Third Century A. D.) - "The

    Sublime in Homer and Moses" .......................................... .. Lotze, Rudolph Hermann (1817-1881) - "Soul-Life" Lovejoy, Arthur Oncken (1873- ) - "The Com-

    plexity of Isms" .................................................................................. .. Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus) (98-55 B. C.) -

    Atomic Materialism" ...................................................................... .. Lully, Raymond (Raymondus Lullus) (1235-1315) -

    "On Love" .............................................................................................. .. Lu Wang (Lu Hsiang-Shan) (1139-1192) - "On Hu-

    man Nature" ....................................................................................... .. Luzzatto, Moses Hayim (1707-1747) - "Understand-

    . dU 'h " lng an prIg tness .................................................................... . Mach, Ernst (1838-1916) - "Music Sensations" .......... .. Machi~, Niccolo (1469-1527) - "Promises and , P'hnces" ........................................................................................................ . Maeterlinck, Maurice (1862-1949)-"Look Over Your

    S houlder" ................................................................................................. .. Maimon, Salomon (1753-1800) - "On Jewish Reli-

    gion" ............................................................................................................. .. Maimonides (Moses Ben Maimon) (1135-1204)-"A

    Man Must Choose the Golden Mean" ............................. . Maine de Biran (Pierre Fran~ois Gonthier de Biran)

    (1766-1824) - "The Impressions Most Weak-db R ,." ene y e petItIon ......................................................................... ..

    Malebranche, Nicolas (1638-1715) - "On God's In-. "t'O M h'" terventlon, n etap YSlcs ............................................ .

    Maritain, Jacques (1882- ) - "The Divine Plan" ... ~arl (1818-1883) - "The Historical Tendency

    of Capitalist Accumulation" .................................................... .. Masaryk, Thomas Garrigue (1850-1937)-"Morality" Mazzini, Giuseppe (1805-1872) - "Interests and Prin-

    . I " CIP es ........................................................................................................... . McDougall, William (1871-1938) - "Individual and

    Groups" ........................................................................................................ .



    734 737





    755 760






    778 786

    789 794



  • Mead, George Herbert (1863-1931) - IISocial Psy-chology" ..................................................................................................... .

    Meinong, Alexius von (1853-1920) - lIThe Problem of Causality" ......................................................................................... .

    Melissos (Fifth Century B. C) - IIFragments" ............. .. Menasseh Ben Israel (1604-1657)- tlOn Human Life" Mencius (Meng Tzu) (372-289 B. C)-liOn Benevo-

    lence" ........................................................... _ .............................................. . Mendelssohn, Moses (1729-1786) - lIOn Progress" .. .

    I Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873) - I'Liberty of the In-dividual," liThe Triumph of Truth," IIIndividual and State," lIThe Purest of Wisdom," IIMan the Individual" .............................................................................................. ..

    Mohammed (570-632) - lIThe Exordium," IIConcern-ing Almsgiving," IIConcerning Usury," IIConcern-

    '. C " tng ontracts ..................................................................................... .. Montague, William Pepperell (1873-1953)-IIProme-

    thean Challenge to Religion" ......................................... _ .... . Montaigne, Michel D'Eyquem de (1533-1592) -

    IIHappiness Can Only Be Judged After Death" ...... Montesquieu, Charles de Second at (1689-1755) -

    lIThe Nature of Laws" ................................................................. . Moore, George Edward (1873- ) - IIWhat Is

    Good?" ........... _ .......................................................................................... .. More, Thomas (1478-1535) - IIMilitary Practice in

    U ." ~ topla ........................................................................................................ . Morgan, C Lloyd (1852-1936) - IIMan's Three-fold

    Nature" ............................................... -. ..................................................... .. Mo-Ti (c. 470-396 B. C) - liOn Standard Patterns" .. . Munk, Kaj (1898-1944) - IIMoses and Christ" .............. . Miinsterberg, Hugo (1863-1916) - "Relative and Ab-

    solute V alues" .................................................................... _ ................ . Natorp, Paul (1854-1924) - liOn Cognition" ..... _ .......... . Nicolai, Friedrich (1733-1811) - liOn Jewish Philos-

    ophy" ............................................................................................................. .. Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) - tlZarathustra" ..... . -



    804 806 805}

    811 814








    847 850 852

    854 857

    859 861

  • NOllY, Pierre Lecomte du (1883-1947) - "On Evolu-tion" .............................................................................................................. .

    Ockham, William of (1280-1348) - lIThe Individual and the Universal" .......................................................................... .

    Origen (185-253) - IThe Fire of Hell" ............................. . Ortega y Gasset, Jose (1883- )-IIBolshevism and

    Fascism" ..................................................................................................... . Owen, Robert (1771-1858) - IIIndividual Interest and

    Universal Good" ............................................................................... .. Paine, Thomas (1737-1809) - "The Rights of Man" Paracelsus (1493-1541) - IIWhy Nymphs, Sylphs,

    Etc., Exist" ........................................ _ ................................................... .. Pareto, Vilfredo (1848-1923) _ lIOn Cause and Ef-

    fect" .............................................................................................................. . Parmenides (c. 504-456 B. C)-lIThe Way of Truth" ~ Blaise (1623-1662) - IIThoughts on Mind and

    on Style" ............................... eJ .................................................................... . Pater, Walter Horatio (1839-1894) - IIThree Ways

    o rlt/Clsm ........................................................... _ ........................... .. f C .. , " Peano, Giuseppe (1858-1932) - lIOn Universal Lan-

    guage" .......................................................................................................... .. Peirce, Charles Saunders (1839-1914) - "Divisions of

    Science" ................. -. .................................................................................... . Penn, William (1644-1718) - "Religion and Society" Pericles (495-429 B. C) - lIT he Democratic Way of

    Life" ...................................................................................... : ....................... . Perry, Ralph Barton (1876- ) - IILove" ....................... . Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich (1746-1827) - IIWhat I

    Am As the Work of Myself" .................................................. . Philo Judaeus (c. 25 B. C-before 50 A. D.) - tlAlle-

    gorical Meaning of the Downfall of Mankind" ...... Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni (1463-1494) - tiThe

    Attributes of God and Human Conduct of Life" ..... . . Planck, Max (1858-1947) - IIScience and Faith" ........ . ;

  • Plekhanov, George (1857-1918) - tlBourgeois and Socialistic Art" ...................................................................................... .

    Pliny the Younger (62-113) - tI On Government" ........ . Plotinus (205-270) - tIThe One" ........... _ .................................. . Plutarch of Chaeronea (50-120) - IIWisdom and Pru-

    dence" ................................................................. _ ........................................ . Poincare, Henri (1854-1912) - uThe Choice of Facts

    in Science" ............................................................................................... . Pomponazzi, Pietro (1462-1524) - tlTruth" .................... . Porphyry (232-304) - IIVegetarianism" ................................ . Posidonius (c. 135-51 B. C.) - I'Man and the Gods" ... Proclus (411-485) - tlHymn to the Cultural Muses" Protagoras (c. 480-410 B. C.) - t'Fragments" ............... : .. Proudhon, Pierre Joseph (1809-1865) - tiThe Com- .

    plexity of Human Nature" ....................................................... .. Pythagoras (578?-510? B. C.) "Rules of Conduct" ........ . Ramsey, Frank Plumpton (1903-1930) - ttMy Out-

    look on the World" ...................................................................... .. Reichenbach, Hans (1891-1953) - tlLogic and Lan-

    guage" ..................................................................................................... _ .... . Ricardo, David (1772-1823) - tlOn Wages" .................... . Rickert, Heinrich (1863-1936) - tlNatural and Cul-

    tural Science" ......................................................................................... . Ridpath, John Clark (1840-1900) - tlLiterature" ....... .. Romains, Jules (1885- ) -, ttThe Adventure of

    Humanity" .............................................................................................. .. Romero, Francisco (1891- )-t'The March of Phi-

    losophy for Centuries" ................................................................ .. Roscellin (c. 1050-1120) - ttA Teacher's Defense'

    A . H' D' . I " galnst IS ISCIP e ................................................................... .. Rosenzweig, Franz (1886-1929) - t'The New Way of

    Thinking" .................................................................................................. . Rosmini-Serbati, Antonio (1797-1855) - tThe Func-

    tions of the Human Mind and Its Methods" ........... . fRoussea.u, Jean Jacques ,,(1712-1778) - ttThe General . WIll and the Law ......................................................................... ..

    Royce, Josiah (1855-1916) - tllmmortality" .................... .


    951 956 959


    965 968 970 972 973. 975

    976 979


    984 987

    992 994






    1006 101>

  • Rush, Benjamin (1745-1813) - "Attraction, Composi-. d D .. II tton an ecomposttton ..... _ .................................................... .

    ,Ruskin, John (1819-1900) - "True Books,lI "Man's Best Wisdom" ...................................................................................... .

    'Russell, Bertrand (1872.. )-'ryhe Limits of Philo-sophical Knowledgell ................................... _ ............................... .

    Saadia (892-942) - "On Abel's Death and on the Punishment of the Wicked Ones" ...................................... .

    : Saint-Simon, Claude Henri, Comte de (1760-1825) -. ,:"'Appeal to the Princes to Bring about Social Jus-

    tice" .................................................................................................................. . Santayana, George (1863-1952) - "Art in Instinct

    d'E . " an xpertence .................................................................................. .. ~Jean Paul (1905- )-/tReasons and Writingll

    Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von (1775 .. 1854) - "Transcendental Idealismll .............................................. ..

    Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott (1864-1917) -/tHow Is 'Exactness' Possible?" ............................................ .

    Schlegel, Friedrich von (1772-1829) - "Philosophy of Life" .............................................................................................................. .

    Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel (1768-1834) - "On the Gorgias" ............................................................................................ .

    Schlick, Moritz (1882-1936) - '7he Construction of Theories" ................................................................................................. ..

    Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860)-"Will and Ideall

    Schweitzer, Albert (1875- ) - /tIndividual and So-ciety" .............................................................................................................. .

    Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (4 B. C.-65 A. D.) - "On the ~appy Life" ............................................................................................ . :Sextus Empiricus (c. 200 A. D.) - "Ten Modes of

    Thought" .................................................................................................. . :Shankara (9th Century A. D.) - "The Knowledge of

    Soul" .............................................................................................................. . :Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900) - "Morality of Com-

    mon Sense" ............................................................................................... . : Simmel , Georg (1858-1918) - "Societyll ............................ .. ;Sirach, Jesus (c. 200 B. C.) - "Wise Men and Fools"


    1020 .





    1042 1054





    1080 1084





    1102 1105 1107


  • .-Soccates (470-399 B. C) - tr[ Am a Philosophical M'd 'f" 1 wt e ........................................................ n ................ n ..................... ..

    Soloviev, Vladimir (1835-1900) - trHumanity Before Nationality" ............................................................................................ .

    Sorel, Georges (1847-1922) - rrOptimism and Pessi-.. S 'ID I " mtsm In octa eve 0 pment ..... n ................................. " .... ..

    Spencsr..Herbert (1820-1903) _rrphilosophy Defined" .§.pinQza, Benedictus de (Baruch de) (1632-1677) -

    (r'o h I f h M' d" n t e mprovement 0 t em ................................ . Spir, African (1837-1890) - rrOn Individual Immor-

    tality" ........................................................................................................... . Steiner, Rudolf (1861-1925) - rrIntuition" ......................... .. Stern, William (1871-1938) - IIPlay" ...................................... . Stirner, Max (1806-1856) - lIThe Possessed" ................. . Strauss, David Friedrich (1808-1874) - IIPolytheism

    and Monotheism" ........ ;; ..................................................................... .. Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688-1772) - trOn Human

    Mind" .......................................................................................................... .. Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941) - llLove. As the

    Development of Life" .................................................................... . Telesio, Bernardino (1508-1588)-IIMan Has a Divine

    Soul" .............................................................................................................. . Temple, William (1881-1944) - lIThe Problem of

    Evil" ............................................................................................................. .. Tertullian (c. 165-220) - IrThe Parts of the Soul" ..... . Thales (c. 625-545 B. C) - rlPragments" .......................... .

    .lJtrueaua Henry David (1817-1862)-trHigher Laws" Tolstoy, Leo (1828-1910) - IIChurch and Heresy" ...... Tufts, James Hayden (1862-1942) - IIDe'mocracy at

    Trial" .......................................................................................................... .. Tyndall, John (1820-1893)-IIThe Position of Science" Tzu Ssu (c. 335-288 B. C)-lIThe Way of the Mean" Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de (1864-1936) - llLan_

    guage and Philosophers" .......................................................... .. Veblen, Thorstein (1857-1929) - Ityhe Place of

    Women and Pets in the Economic System" ................. . Vinci, Leonardo da (1452-1519) - lIOn Painting" ..... .




    1116 1120


    1139 1141 1143 1146





    1162 1164 1167 '\ 1169 1173

    1175 1179 1182


    1189 1196

  • Vivekananda, Swami (1862-1902) - ttSwami Viveka-nanda's W orks" ......................................... _ .......... _............................. 1203

    Voltaire, Fran~ois Marie Arouet de (1694-1778) -rtOn Tolerance" ................................................................. _ .......... _..... 1204

    Wahle, Richard (1857-1935) - ttTirm'e" ................................. 1209 Weber, Max (1864-1920) - ttThe Fate of Science"...... 1210 Wertheimer, Max (1880-1943) - ttGestalt Theory" .. h.. 1213. Whitehead, Alfred North (1861-1947) - ttSpecula-.

    tive Thought" ........... _.......................................................................... 1216 Whitman, Walt (1819-1892) - ttLiterature's Service" 1223 Wilson, Woodrow (1856-1924) - ttConditions of

    Social Life" .............................................................. _............................. 1226 Windelband, Wilhelm (1848-1915) - ttphilosophy"... 1228 Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889-1951) - ttBeginning of

    the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" ................................. 1231 Wolff, Christian (1679-1754) - ttDuties Toward

    Others" ........... _............................................................................................ 1233 Woodbridge, Frederick James Eugene (1867-1940) -

    ttW hat Is Personality" .................................................................. 1236 Wundt, Wilhelm (1832-1920) - ttGeneral Laws of ~chical Developments" ............................................................ 1238 Xenophanes (c. 580-485 B. C) - ttFragments" ............... 1242 Xirau Palau, Joaquin (1895- )_trThe Metaphysi-

    cal Background of the Crisis of Civilization" ............ 1243 Yajnavalkya (c. 600 B. C) - t(The Self" .............................. 1245 Yu-Lan Fung (1895- ) - rtphilosophy of Contem-

    porary China" .......................................................... _............................. 124T. Zeno of Elea (c. 490-430 B. C) - (tFragments" ............ 1254 Zeno the Stoic (c. 340-265 B.C) - (tFragments" ............ 1256 References ............................................ _................................................................. 1261 Index ........................................................................................................... _.............. 1273

