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ABAP Testing Tools

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Extended Program Check The extended program check performs a complete check that includes the interfaces of external procedures called from your program, for example, checking whether the number and type of the interface parameters in an external procedure call is correct. The extended program check is also only a static check. It cannot eliminate all of the circumstances that could lead to exception situations or runtime errors. For example, any statements in which you specify arguments dynamically as the contents of fields, or in which you call procedures dynamically, cannot be checked statically. To start the extended program check - Go to transaction SLIN, specify the program name and click on . Select the relevant program in the object list and choose Check -> Extended Program Check from the Program menu.
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Extended Program Check

The extended program check performs a complete check that includes the interfaces of external procedures called from your program, for example, checking whether the number and type of the interface parameters in an external procedure call is correct. The extended program check is also only a static check. It cannot eliminate all of the circumstances that could lead to exception situations or runtime errors. For example, any statements in which you specify arguments dynamically as the contents of fields, or in which you call procedures dynamically, cannot be checked statically. To start the extended program check -

Go to transaction SLIN, specify the program name and click on . Select the relevant program in the object list and choose Check -> Extended Program

Check from the Program menu.

It is important to check all boxes (F6) to verify all possible problems, then choose run (F8).

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It will appear to you a screen like this:

Errors numbers are in red, warnings in yellow and messages in blue.

Pay attention to Errors, because there will be potential dump errors. Examples: comparing fields with different type, number of with parameters in a message, obligatory FM parameters not filled or with wrong type.

Warnings and messages are important too, but in minor impact, does not affect the performance at all. Example: variables declared but not used, text pool not created.

Do you think that you are an exceptional programmer? This screen can be revealing...  When we are writing code, is normal to forget some things, like to declare variables and use it, test and remove the code but forget to remove the declaration...

Some topics and what they do

1. Test enviroment - verify if the program is active. The Extended Check verify only active programs. 

2. Call Function interfaces - verify if the parameters' type is correct, the using of exceptions.3. Obsolete statements - Verify obsolete statements...4. Character strings - Verify if the used text pool was created5. Problematic Semantics - It shows to you better codes, like "WRITE TO can be replaced

by more efficient MOVE TO"

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6. Syntax check warnings - Pay attention to use conversion functions to compare fields. Or it will be listed in syntax check warnings' topic... and select statements are verified too.

7. Message - verify the number of with fields of message number

How to correct the errors/warnings/messages

Double click in the topic error, and you will see the full description:

In this example, the form f_validade  was declared but not called in the program. Sometimes, in interface programs (BAPIs for example) you need to create forms that the BAPI will call it. This error message will appear, but you will not need to correct it, of course.

Double click in the message and you will be redirected to the code. Then, do the needed changes, active your program and do the Extended Check again! 


Remember to test your program when you finish the extended check.

Tip: If your program has a message error that you cant remove, use the "#EC NEEDED to hide the display, and insert a comment in your code to identify why you are using it.


So you are an ABAP developer and want to write more tests, if it was not too difficult and took too long. You would like to achieve higher quality of your programs, and are unsure of how to accomplish this. After all, you are looking for a way to improve your code without investing much additional effort.

The solution for these problems is ABAP Unit, which is available with ABAP 6.40. This tool brings the well-known benefits of unit testing into the ABAP world. With ABAP Unit, testing for developers has become comfortable and far less time consuming than testing is supposed to be.

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This tool is highly integrated both in the programming language and the development environment you are familiar with as an ABAP developer. Above all, it supports individual and mass testing equally well. So ABAP Unit reduces the testing effort during implementation in such a way that once you have understood the way it works you will enjoy testing.

Surely, you are primarily interested in going directly into the matter without much ado. So before giving you any further explanations, let us start by giving you an impression of what working with ABAP unit is like.

Getting Started - a Simplistic Example Program

With this tool you test small portions of code and write the test straight into the ABAP program you want to test. Let us start with a very simple program, for those who have always felt uncomfortable with percentages:

Our first ABAP Unit Test

Now we write a test which checks whether or not, for a given value, our little form does its job correctly:

REPORT percentages.PARAMETERS: price TYPE p.PERFORM minus_ten_percent CHANGING price.WRITE price.

FORM minus_ten_percent CHANGING fprice TYPE p. price = fprice * '0.9'.ENDFORM. "minus_ten_percent

CLASS test DEFINITION FOR TESTING. "#AU Risk_Level Harmless "#AU Duration Short PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS test_minus_ten_percent FOR TESTING.ENDCLASS. CLASS test IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD test_minus_ten_percent. DATA: testprice type p value 200. PERFORM minus_ten_percent CHANGING testprice. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( act = testprice exp = 180 msg = 'ninety percent not calculated correctly'). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.

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The tests are implemented in plain ABAP Objects as methods of local test classes. The test classes are part of the program under test (PUT). This can be an executable program, a module pool, a function group, or class pool. The PUT can contain many test classes, and a test class can contain many test methods. All unit tests belonging to one PUT are organized in a test task.

In our fairly basic example there is only one test class with one test method. Both have FOR TESTING added to the declaration. Never forget this specification. The test method should be declared in the private section, because normally it is only called automatically by the test driver of the framework, when the test is executed, but not explicitly by any other part of your code.

In our example the test method class="co">test_minus_ten_percent first calls the form class="co">minus_ten_percent and sets the change parameter to 200. We compare the result of this calculation with the value we expect (180), by passing them as the parameters class="co">act and class="co">exp respectively to the class="co">method assert_equals of the service class class="co">cl_aunit_assert.

It is this method supported by the framework which offers a great service. If there is an error, for example: if the value expected and the actual value differs, the error is shown in the ABAP Unit result view, after the test is executed. By pushing just one button, or rather selecting a menu entry (in our case it is the menu path: Program->Test->Unit Test in the ABAP Editor), all the tests belonging to one task are run, and the errors will be presented to you in a clear and concise display. In case of our example, in the result display you are easily lead to the form:

FORM minus_ten_percent CHANGING fprice TYPE p.price = fprice * '0.9'.

Obviously, we have mistaken the global data field class="co">price for the change parameter class="co">fprice. We change the line to: class="co">fprice = fprice * '0.9', and run the test again. This time, we get the information that the test was successfully processed, which means: There was no error.

You see, with ABAP Unit the original error we had in our program was easily detected and tracked down. I will treat the details of the result display in another weblog when your knowledge of the ABAP Unit has increased after reading some of my subsequent weblogs. For the time being, I would like to address an objection that seems pretty natural, looking at the simplistic test we have written.

The Strong Use Cases For ABAP Unit: an Outlook

You have now received a first impression of how easy it is to work with ABAP Unit, and you are perhaps convinced that this tool is easy to use. But you might still be a bit undecided and might harbor a slight suspicion: Of course, ABAP Unit is uncomplicated to handle, but what it does is very elementary indeed. Why should I bother to write ten lines of test code to check something I can see at a glance? Does it pay at all to write such simple tests?

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Regarding our frugal Percentages program with its minimal form, these objections do not seem utterly pointless. But, first you should remember that the Percentages-report containing the faulty form worked properly. It was only detected by the ABAP Unit test that the report yielded a correct output in the end only by accident and that the form itself was programmed incorrectly.

As a matter of fact, the real strong use cases for ABAP Unit tests are more complex programs, where you want to run a whole battery of small tests at the touch of one button after each modification. This way, you can easily detect side effects when minor changes in one part of a program affect another part which worked correctly so far. I will give you an example for this in part two of this spotlight on ABAP Unit.

In the last weblog I have shown you a simple example on how an ABAP Unit test is implemented within the production program. The trouble is only that the example is so easy that you might wonder if such a simple test is worth it at all.

In this weblog I will give you a more “real world” example (though, of course, still simplified) to show a more appropriate use case for ABAP Unit. This will prove that with ABAP Unit it is easy to discover side effects of program modifications, which might go unnoticed otherwise or might only be detected with much more effort.

Bound for Trouble – Almost a Real-World Example

A company has a flight booking system. Their employees can look for flights by inputting the flight-date, the location of departure and the destination into the program. As a result, the program presents a list of flights ordered by date, cityfrom and cityto. As the controlling department wants employees to book cheap flights, it asks the IT-department to sort the flights by price ascending in the list output.

As it happens, the developer of the program is on holiday. So the modifications to the program are accomplished easily by a student, who is not very experienced in business programming. He is happy that just by browsing over the program he recognizes what he considers to be changed. Running the program shows the expected result: The list is sorted by price.

So the modification is transported to the production system. Unfortunately for the employees and the programmer, the modification of the code has unexpected and unwanted effects: As soon as the new code is activated the program starts to behave in a strange way. Some new flights cannot be added, while adding already existing flights, which should be prevented by the program logic, is now sometimes possible.

What Has Gone Wrong – an Analysis

Let us look a bit deeper into the code to understand what has happened: The flights available are kept in an internal table IT_FLIGHTS which is part of a global service CL_TECHED04_AU_FLIGHTS. This class offers all the methods needed to add, delete or list flights, while the report zbgtest_flights handles the parameter input of the user and the output of the table in a list.

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The answer to the question why the internal table is not sorted by price at first is obvious when going into the code a bit: Its type is defined by the type CL_TECHED04_AU_flights=>Ty_sflight_it

which in turn is defined by:

types:Ty_sflight_it type sorted table of ty_my_sflight with unique key carrid connid fldate .

So our unhappy student felt seduced to change simply the table key in this definition and supposed that this way he would get the desired output types:

<="" p="">

Obviously, more experience with the pitfalls of internal table programming might have prevented a developer from modifying the program in this way. What has gone wrong? The original table had a unique composite key consisting of carrid, connid and fldate because these attributes identify a flight in a unique way. This reflects the fact that it makes no sense to keep the same flight in the table twice.

Of course, you may want to add to the table a new flight that incidentally has the same price as some flight which is already in the table. But since the price is the table key in the modified version, this adding is no longer possible. The situation gets worse by the fact that you can now add an already existing flight to the table if it has a different price, which might easily happen, if a digit is changed by accident.

Preventing the Trouble With ABAP Unit

With ABAP Unit, this trouble would not have happened. Using ABAP Unit would have prevented that the problematic code was transported to the production system. Covering all the methods with unit tests and running these tests after every modification on a regular basis would have shown that something has gone wrong. And this is all achieved without further analysis. The proper usage of ABAP Unit automatically detects mistakes like the one just shown.

As this is no more than a promise to you by now, l will show in some detail, in which way a pretty simple ABAP Unit test would have forestalled this unhappy course of events.

Some Test Code

Of course, we test a whole bunch of methods in the global class as only complete test coverage enables you to detect side effects with a decent probability:

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Let us have a look at the implementation of the first test method:

So much for the preparations for our test. Now the real test:

Surely, you have no trouble understanding what is happening in our test method: First, we define two variables for the expected and the actual number of flights in the internal table IT_Flights,

CLASS test_flights DEFINITION FOR TESTING. "#AU Risk_Level Harmless"#AU Duration Short PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: add_flight FOR TESTING, add_existing_flight FOR TESTING, del_flight FOR TESTING, get_planetype FOR TESTING, table_comparison FOR TESTING. ENDCLASS.

CLASS test_flights IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD add_flight. DATA: l_act TYPE i, l_exp TYPE i.cut TYPE REF TO cl_te4h_aunit_flights.* " some predefined flights: f light1 TYPE cl_te4h_aunit_flights=>ty_my_sflight.*** The other definition are omitted here.* predefine some flights: f light1-carrid = 'AA'. f light1-connid = '0017'. f light1-fldate = '20040101'. f light1-price = '1000'. f light2-carrid = 'UA'. f light2-connid = '0400'. f light2-fldate = '20040301'. f light2-price = '2000'. f light3-carrid = 'LH'. f light3-connid = '0017'. f light3-fldate = '20040101'.

*** add not existing f light 4 to the initial 3 f lights cut->add_flight( f light4 ). l_act = cut->get_count( ). l_exp = n_setup_flights + 1. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( act = l_act exp = l_exp msg = 'f light not added.' ).

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one variable for an instance of the class we want to test and four structures of the line type of IT_Flights. We fill these four structures, create an instance of the production class we test and add three structures to the internal table by using the method add_flight of this class.

In the same manner as in our first example we perform the test in the assert_equals method. In our example we add a fourth structure to the internal table and test if the number of lines in the table has increased by one as it should be if the portion of code under test worked properly. Remember that after the modification of the program it is no longer possible to add a flight with the same price as an already existing flight to the internal table. Flight number 4 has the same price as flight number 3, and so this flight will not be added to the internal table. If the assert condition is violated, an error is raised which is shown by the ABAP Unit Tool after the test is run.

Still Skeptic about ABAP Unit?

Again, the more skeptic-minded among you might not be really convinced. They might suppose a trick: Why did we test by sheer accident just the method which was affected by the side effect with just the right test data? Is this not a very improbable coincidence?

As I will show you in the next part of this flash light on ABAP Unit, it is of course not the mere writing of ABAP Unit tests that does the job all by itself. Obviously, tests have to be cleverly devised according to certain principles. This is what I will tell you next time: a little bit of theory on which tests with ABAP Unit should be based.

After you have seen how to implement simple ABAP Unit tests, let us now consider some concepts behind this tool.

Unit Tests versus Integration Tests

In contrast to functional or integration testing, the portion of code tested in a unit test is quite small, and it is tested during the implementation phase and not after the implementation is finished. A unit for unit testing is the smallest portion of a program, a class or function module which can be tested in isolation.

This means that the portion of code to be tested does not depend on any other portion of code and has an effect that can be verified: For instance, it moves a data field to the shared memory, it parses a string and writes the first three letters to a container, or adds an address to a database table.

Why Testing Small, Isolated Units?

At first sight, you might consider it to be quite trivial and useless to test such things. But testing small portions of code that have a perspicuous function has many advantages:

It is easy to locate the problem if anything goes wrong. The area where the error can be hidden is minimal.

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A mistake in one test cannot cause other mistakes in other tests of the program because of the isolation requirement.

You need less effort and brain to construct a simple test than to create a complex test scenario.

Another major advantage of unit tests stems from the fact that unit tests are written during implementation. When running out of time during implementation, you as a developer are strongly inclined to shorten or even cancel the test phase, if it is scheduled after the implementation phase. When testing is a regular part of implementation, things are different. Testing cannot be postponed or cancelled.

Systematic versus Ad Hoc Testing

In fact, developers who do not use unit tests tend to write small tests every now and then when writing production code. They create simple test cases and use the debugger or study traces. This way, a unit test is just a systematic extension of what you as a developer are used to anyway. Now using ABAP Unit, you write a lot of small unit tests in a structured way. Once they are written, the whole bunch of tests can be repeated time and again without further effort every time you start the automatic test execution of your unit test task.

During the pre-ABAP-Unit phase, you spend a lot of time working your way through the debugger, look for the line you need in tiring and never ending traces and, above all, your test coding is ad hoc, fragmentary and may get lost as soon as you have written it. With ABAP Unit things are completely different: No test case gets lost, the lines you are testing are in the focus of your attention after the test, and no fighting through the code is necessary. Viewed from this perspective, ABAP Unit is a tool which helps you to focus, store, and organize the tests you would have written anyway in a less structured way, and to run them after every modification of your code by just pressing one button.

Complete Test Coverage

What is important about unit testing is that you accomplish a complete unit test coverage of the program you test. What makes unit tests so mighty is the fact that with complete unit test coverage, you can detect side effects of modification as in our example. You change part A of your coding. The change seems to be successful, because the part you changed behaves the way you expected. But not intended and unforeseen by you, your modification of part A has an impact on another part B of the program which does no longer work properly now.

ABAP Unit Tests as Part of the Production Code

Unit tests are written as part of the production code of the program they test. This avoids a lot of problems which arise when test code is separated from the production code:

You need to keep subsequent versions of the program in sync with test code. You must make sure that your test code is transported with the production code.

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The test code allows only black box test from an outside perspective on the production code.

Since Unit tests are part of the production program they test, it is easy to take account of every change in the production code being reflected by a change in the test code, if it is necessary. Your production and your test code are always in sync without greater effort.

ABAP Unit Tests Not Compiled on the Production System

Wherever your program goes, the test code automatically follows. And last, but not least, in a production system the test code does not increase the program load: The compiler does not compile the test code in a production system. So there never is any test code on the stack in a production system. The fact that the test code is not compiled in a production system has one important consequence: Though test code can and must reference production code (how else could it test the production code), production code must never reference test code. Otherwise in a production environment when the test code has vanished, you would end up having empty references.

Finding the Right Test Data - an Important Task

Regarding the last more comprehensive test example, you might still feel that one reason why the ABAP Unit test was successful in the first place went uncommented so far: It was only because we had test data sets with the same price that in our unit test the additional flight could not be added to the internal table.

First, I admit that the example only worked so well because of the cleverly devised test data. But let us be honest, which examples or demo can do their job without some fiddling?

But what is more important than this:

The test data is a crucial aspect of every test, whether it is a unit test or an integration test. You should spend some time on finding good test data, which covers not only the bread-and-butter cases, but also some exotic cases which might happen every now and then.

With ABAP Unit it really pays to invest in searching good test data, because you can use the same test data time and again with the push of one button. In the next weblog I will tell you in some detail what exactly happens after you have pushed the button and run the test.

In this weblog I would like to tell you something more about the ABAP Unit result display. By showing the result display of the flight example from a former weblog, I will explain to you which information you can draw from this display. One way to start the test is the menu path: Class->Unit Test in the class builder.

The ABAP Unit Result View

Once we test our example program we get the following result: The left side presents a tree with hierarchical order of all the test classes and test methods in the test task of the program unit we

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test, which can be a function module, a global class or a report as in our example. Under the name of the program, are the test classes, and below each test class are the test methods belonging to this class. In our example we had one test class with five test methods. So the tree looks like this:

The red traffic lights indicate two critical errors in the global class cl_te4h_aunit_flights, two in the class TEST_Flights including one each in the methods add_flight and add_existing_flight. There are no exceptions, no runtime errors and no warnings. The level of the error is critical, because this is the default level, and we have not passed the optional parameter level to the method assert_equals.

The right side presents the total number of errors sorted by level (passed by the optional parameter LEVEL, which indicates how severe the error is: fatal, critical or tolerable). On the lower right you see the detail analysis pane.

Looking at the highlighted error, you realize at once: the information shown in the list at the top is the text we passed to the parameter msg of the method assert_equals of the test method add_flight of the class test_flights. The detail analysis pane below gives you more details about the error: the expected and actual value and the name of the method where the error occurred.

Keep in mind: Always pass a meaningful description of what went wrong to the msg-parameter of the method assert_equals. Otherwise, some days later, you will probably still agree that 180 does not equal 200, but you will not have the slightest idea of what this means and what the error is about.

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Tracking Down the Source of an Error

A double click on the line under the node named "Stack" will take you to the line in the code where the mistake originated from. It is the local test method add_flight which in turn calls the public method add_flight. The next step requires some analysis. You have to find out why this method could not add a flight. I have explained this in the first weblog: Because the internal table has the unique key price, you cannot add another flight with a price that is already stored in some line in the internal table.

But how can we get a list sorted by price while avoiding the error we have seen? We just use an internal table in the report for the display of the data and sort this table by price. We run the ABAP Unit test again, and this time we see

in the status bar of the program instead of the ABAP Unit result screen. Apparently, a test result without error is only displayed in the status bar.

A Glimpse of other useful ABAP Unit features

Apropos the internal table I just mentioned, let me present a nice and time saving feature of ABAP Unit for table comparison. If your assertion methods test the equality of two internal tables and the assertion fails, the detail pane does not stop at telling you that the two tables differ. It gives you comprehensive information about where and how the two tables are different. If you have ever compared two internal tables with about 100 lines in the debugger, you can appreciate how much time this feature can save.

Of course, there are far more features in ABAP Unit, more parameters in the method assert_equals and a whole bunch of service methods in the class cl_aunit_assert, which serve different purposes. To learn more about all these features and more interesting information on ABAP Unit you can attend the forthcoming article in the SAP Professional Journal on ABAP Unit which treats the topic in far more depth than I do here in these weblogs.

I will restrict myself in a last forthcoming weblog in this series to answering some common objections to unit testing. There are always some reasons at hand why not to write tests. I will show that at second sight they are not convincing. So there will be no pretext to refrain from writing units tests on a large scale, once you have read the next weblog on ABAP Unit.

So you have learned now quite a lot about ABAP Unit: How and why to implement simple tests, what the ABAP Unit Result Display looks like, and some basics about the background of Unit Tests. But you might still oppose the idea that you as a developer should write unit tests. As this reservation towards Unit Testing might be pretty strong I would like to consider some of the main arguments against the proposal that developers benefit from using ABAP Unit extensively.

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Still No Time for Testing?

Though this is all quite impressive, you may feel convinced that you have still no time for testing. The answer to this is quite obvious: First of all, you write fragmented tests even without ABAP Unit. So why not systemize these tests with ABAP Unit?

Secondly and more importantly: Writing ABAP Unit test may cost you some more time. But in the long run, writing no tests will be quite more time consuming for you, because you will spend considerably more time looking for bugs.

It´s Not a True Developer's Job to Test?

You may believe that writing tests is a useful thing. But it is not your affair as a developer. This objection is based on an utterly wrong conception of what unit tests are good for. On the one hand, only white box tests as unit tests can really deliver results that clearly point to very small, delimited portions of code.

No quality manager knows your code well enough to write such white box tests that test your code on such a fine grained level. Writing good unit tests may even help you to get a better understanding of your own program: If it takes you a lot of time to think of a test method for a certain portion of your code, this may give you a hint, that you have no clear, explicit idea what the job of this portion of code is. And this of course, fosters error-prone code.

It might even be a good idea to write the unit tests before implementing the productive code: You can have a clear idea of what a certain part of the code should do and condense it in a test method, while you have still not found a good way to implement this portion of code. So write your test method and by using it find out, if the production code you write later does its job.

Why Spend Time to Write Trivial Unit Tests?

You may think that what you test in unit testing is so trivial that it is not worth the time to devise a unit test for it and write it down: "Of course, if I put 5 into the variable, there will be 5 in it." This objection also misses the point and ignores how many benefits you get for free when using ABAP Unit: Even if all unit tests in a program were as trivial as this example, you still might not be able to survey how all the different trivial parts of the program interact.

After all, every program consists just of a huge number of trivial commands. But many trivial commands may sum up to quite a complex behavior or quite a mess. It all depends on how well the code is controlled by the developer. The very fact that your unit tests offer a complete coverage of the program increases the probability that you may detect unexpected side effects of seemingly correct modifications.

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Testing With the Debugger or Running Through Traces is Easier?

You may feel more comfortable with testing in the debugger or running through traces. So you are probably the one who likes repeating things over and over again? Or you have not really grasped by now how much effort ABAP Unit saves you?

Imagine, you will run the same debugging sessions after every modification of your program. A dim prospect indeed. With ABAP Unit, you just press a button and a whole battery of tests is executed over and over again. You get the results presented in a perspicuous way with all the detail analyses of the errors described above.

Why not Focus on Integration Testing?

You may believe that only integration testing is the real testing. If there is good integration testing, unit test is not necessary. This objection gets the relationship of unit testing and integration testing wrong: They cannot substitute each other. If all the errors showed up only in the integration tests, there would be not a lot of time left to fix them, because these tests can only be run in a very late stage of the development.

Moreover, if an integration test fails, you need more fine grained tests, that is: unit test, to locate the source of the error. Of course, there may be errors due to bad integration of different programs that cannot be detected in unit tests. Taking these facts into account, it is a good and effective strategy to reserve the integration test for detecting those errors that cannot be found beforehand in unit tests.

Hopefully Determined to Write ABAP Unit Tests After All?

Taking all the benefits of ABAP Unit testing into account, I hope even the skeptic ones among you agree: A complete test coverage of your program with good unit tests diminishes mistakes in your program without much effort and, above all, the probability that unwanted side effects of modifications are detected. After a while you will run ABAP Unit tests after every modification of a program as regularly as you check the oil after fueling your car.

Of course, no amount of unit tests can guarantee you that your program is error free. You may still have overlooked some far off case for which you have made no provision in your program and your tests. But though no absolute certainty is possible, good unit tests surely enhance the quality of your programs, save your time and money and contribute to a stable development progress.

The more errors are found and removed before integration testing, the smoother and faster the different parts of a component will interact in the component they belong to. So writing Unit tests is not a matter of taste, but an indispensable ingredient in the process of writing high quality software. And above all, don't forget: It is also fun to use ABAP Unit.

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Code Inspector

Features The Code Inspector is a tool for checking static ABAP coding and DDIC objects (i.e. generally all objects of the Object Repository) under aspects of functional correctness, performance, security, reliability, and statistical information.

It helps developers to adhere to programming standards and guidelines by creating messages on less-than-optimal coding. The Code Inspector offers various possibilities to define object sets and to combine multiple single checks in so-called "check variants". These functions, and the tool's parallel processing framework, make the Code Inspector a flexible and effective development assistant. The Code Inspector can be used in various scenarios with different types of checks, thus providing insights into the code quality from various angles.

Usage scenarios

1. Single object checks from the Development WorkbenchYou can check a single object with the Code Inspector from the ABAP Editor (transaction SE38), the Function Builder (transaction SE37), the Class Builder (transaction SE24), or the ABAP Data Dictionary (transaction SE16). To do this, choose <object> > Check > Code Inspector from the menu, where <object> can be a program, function module, class, or table. The respective single objects are then checked with a default check variant.

2. Checks on transport objects from the Transport OrganizerYou can invoke the Code Inspector from within the Transport Organizer (transaction SE09) to check objects in a transport request. To do this, choose Request/Task > Complete Check > Objects (Syntax Check).

3. Checks on sets of objects from transaction SCIThe Code Inspector (transaction SCI) itself enables you to create a wide range of object sets using standard selections via package, software and application component, source system, transport layer, responsible, object type, object name and so on.In addition, special object collectors are available that allow you to read objects from a file, for example.An object set can be combined with a check variant to a so-called "inspection" that can be executed in a single process or in parallel. For a more details see Code Inspector User Manual

Types of checks and check variants

Below is a short extract of the types of checks and functions that are offered by Code Inspector. New checks can be implemented if required, see for example Code Inspector - How to create a new check.

SyntaxSyntax check; extended program check

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PerformanceAnalysis of WHERE clauses for SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE; SELECT statements that bypass the table buffer; Low performance operations on internal tables ; table attributes check

SecurityUsage of critical statements; dynamic and cross-client database accesses; use of ADBC-interface

RobustnessCheck of SY-SUBRC handling; suspect conversions; activation check for DDIC objects

Programming ConventionsNaming conventions

Search FunctionsSearch of ABAP tokens; search ABAP statement patterns; search for ABAP statements with regular expressions

Metrics and StatisticsProgram complexity test; statement statistics

You can combine any of these single checks into so-called "check variants", for example to check for the adherence to given programming guidelines.

Best Practices

Developers can use the Code Inspector to support their everyday work. For example, the search functions or metric checks of the tool can be a great help when restructuring the code.

The Code Inspector allows developers to define which objects are to be checked and which quality aspect of the code is to be inspected (e.g. performance, security).

It is also possible to define global check variants as general programming guidelines, to ensure standardized programming within a development community. Check variants can prescribe for example naming conventions or other rules. The global check variants 'DEFAULT' and 'TRANSPORT' inspect objects in the development workbench and in transport requests, respectively. These check variants contain SAP-defined settings, but can be modified as needed.

Another global check variant delivered with every SAP system is 'PERFORMANCE_CHECKLIST' which helps to detect less-than-optimal coding with regard to application performance.

Related tools

Syntax checks: standard syntax check is integrated into the ABAP editor. Extended syntax check (transaction SLIN)

Dynamic performance checks: performance trace (transaction ST05) for SQL(database access)/Enqueue/RFC trace analysis, ABAP runtime trace (transaction SE30) for application code

Performance in a system landscape: global performance analysis (transaction ST30)

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