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ABC's of selling high Tom Starr Live Advisors

Date post: 18-Jul-2015
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“An investigation of what it takes to “An investigation of what it takes to develop preferred partnerships with develop preferred partnerships with major accounts for life.” major accounts for life.”
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“An investigation of what it takes to “An investigation of what it takes to develop preferred partnerships with develop preferred partnerships with major accounts for life.”major accounts for life.”

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AttitudeBig IdeaConcern

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To develop To develop PreferredPreferredVendorVendor StatusStatus in in

Large AccountsLarge Accounts(BHAG)(BHAG)

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No biddingNo biddingFaster salesFaster salesBetter pricingBetter pricingHigher win percentageHigher win percentageAnd more And more financialfinancialadvantagesadvantages

“Preferred Status means profit center leader “Preferred Status means profit center leader perceives you as best for perceives you as best for their longtheir long--term goalsterm goals.”.”

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"Become VITO's value partner and they will buy from you.”Solving their Personal & BusinessGoals

If you don't know, then make an intelligent speculation.“

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“If you get buy“If you get buy--in at the top, the in at the top, the sale is easier.”sale is easier.”

“Sales people “Sales people cancan make a sale without make a sale without going to the top, but it’s harder and going to the top, but it’s harder and the customer cajoles you on price.”the customer cajoles you on price.”

“At the top you get follow“At the top you get follow--up up and cross sales.”and cross sales.”

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Not realizing must get to top at some point

No relationships in the company to get top

Calling the exec’s assistant to get meeting

So nervous you end up just pitching exec

Going for order not to build relationship

Failing to maintain C-level relationship

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Feel need to discountFeel need to discountGaining access to appropriate Gaining access to appropriate executives to close dealexecutives to close dealChasing the wrong deals Chasing the wrong deals ––killing productivitykilling productivityDifficult differentiating from Difficult differentiating from competitioncompetitionNot selling breath of productsNot selling breath of products

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AttitudeBig IdeaConcern

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Rule 1:Rule 1:“It’s not about YOU!”“It’s not about YOU!”

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85% feel unnecessary to relate to top

95% don’t know how

99% intimidated by Executive Suite

85% accepted at top are escorted there

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Don’t know WHO it is

Gatekeepers & others block you

You’re uncomfortable or intimidated

Executive is busy and has no reason to see YOU.

Feel it’s unnecessary to meet executive

The is an embedded competitor

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1. Most powerful selling skills. • (ABC’s) Attitude, Big Idea, Concern

2. Top-level seeing you help meet theirfinancial goals.• Profit/ROI – Cost, Quality, TAT

3. Contact must be in charge profit and loss. • CEO, GM, Product Manager• Not CFO, Product Engineer, Purchasing “Sourcing”

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“Lots of people think ‘consultative sales’ means asking clever questions,”

“No, it means outthinking line managers, identifying with the business, and seeing the missed opportunities when management is mired in old ways.”

“They are interested in new ideas, and they do not want to know about the mundane things that have been done ten times before”

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Sound like a colleague, not a salesperson

Do not sound hopeful, saying you can see them anytime.

Top execs will see you as a “lightweight”

They book a month in a advance, so sound busy

Do not sound like a peon, sound like a busy person

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“Pick the brains of your network to learn what the exec is like and what his or her issues and landmines are.”

“Preparation develops confidence and confidence makes you believable.”

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“Pick the brains of your network to learn what the exec is like and what his or her issues and landmines are.”

“Preparation develops confidence and confidence makes you believable.”

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“New cocky “Kid on the Block”…pleaded ignorance; but did homework.”

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Think low-level contact will brag about YOU to the top?

WRONG!Works: They will take creditProblems: YOUR fault!

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Think your product/service too technical or insignificant for top people to be involved?

WRONG!Recession pushing all decisions up ladderYour job to make it important to VITO

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AttitudeBig IdeaConcern

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Rule 2:Rule 2:“Go BIG! Go Early!”“Go BIG! Go Early!”

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Timing is everything

See C-levels very early to define [your solution] match

Meet later ONLY IF you can bring NEW insights

Will listen IF you have a better approach

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“Salespeople have a broad view because they deal with competitors and the market.”

If they understand the business, they can be research resource [therefore are valuable] for their clients.“

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“The best people bring new fresh perspectives that generate:• Brand New Customers• Brand New Revenue Streams• At Higher Margins.”

Tom Starr, Tom Starr Live Advisors®

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“Today’s pros process information faster, keep their eyes and ears open and become trusted advisors at the enterprise level.”

Demonstrate you have paid the price of admission

Tell them you did your homework, then prove it by summarizing their core objectives for the next three to five years.

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“Monitor the prospect constantly, looking for gains, losses and market movements.”

“Individual reps often must do research; but, if a team account, there must be a formal schedule and delegation of responsibility for gathering information.”

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Industry ConsultantsIndustry NewslettersIndustry ConferencesIndustry Trade JournalsBecome Industry Thought LeaderWrite Articles, Blog (Video, Audio)LinkedIn, FaceBook, eblogger® Other?

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AttitudeBig IdeaConcern

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Rule 3:Rule 3:““Think and act like your Think and act like your client's customer's are client's customer's are youryour customers!”customers!”

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“Do you homework, internalize the “customer map”; understand what will makes your client’s customers ecstatic!”

“Continue to make your client’s customers happy and you will be a preferred partner for life.”

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People need a reason to changeThe product is in the mind of the buyerPeople make emotional buying decisions for logical reasonsThe correct use of power is keyYou can’t sell to someone who can’t buy.

#1 Rule: People Buy from People#1 Rule: People Buy from People

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Personal WinPersonal value of stakeholderOften Intangible, cannot be measured

“More time with family”“Recognition”“Keeping job”

Business WinDirectly tied to your product or serviceIts impact on stakeholder’s business issuesTangible, measurable and quantifiable

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Time to MarketFunding too lowResources too lowLack of peopleLack of knowledge base

Cost ManagementRedundant ProcessesManual ProcessesUnidentified variable cost contributors

Reliability & QualityLack of testingInadequate supply controlsExcessive complicity

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Remember:People are motivated by their own reasons to change;

They are not motivated by your reasons!

So, your objective is to findtheir reason to change.

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Right networkCEO Groups, blogs, newsletters“Ask for help! Don’t be shy!”

Right ContactCEO, CFO, COO, Profit Center LeaderWho has most to gain or lose?

Right Decision Process“Informal buying process always trumps the formal RFP-type processes.”

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“90% of C-level executives met with salesperson based on recommendation from respected contact inside company or in business network.”

“Get to know the people they rely on internally, perhaps three levels below who always stay, no matter the ebbs and flows.”

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“Peer referral shows you play at their level.”

“If they get a reference from their peers, they have to pay attention.”

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Between 42 to 57 minutes past hour

Succinct , persuasive message

Quick email follow up

Call again in three days

Keep detailed records

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Effective Questioning Models

Effective Selling Track

Matching Sales Cycle to Buying Cycle


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Tom StarrTom StarrTom Starr Live Advisors®Tom Starr Live Advisors®www.tomstarrlive.comwww.tomstarrlive.comtstarr@[email protected](513) 248(513) 248--46654665
