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Abldd Lecture 3 Web

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  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Why is bed shear stress important? Provides an index of fluid force per unit

    area on the stream bed, which has beenrelated to sediment mobilization andtransport in many theoretical and empiricaltreatments of sediment transport

    Calculation of Bed Shear Stress

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Various methods based on

    Reach-averaged relations

    Theoretical assumptions about structureof turbulence

    Direct measurements of turbulence

    Calculation of Bed Shear Stress

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Reach-Averaged Method

    Mean Bed Shear Stress

    - force per unit areaexerted by a block ofwater on the channelboundary as it moves


    F = WDXsin (N) [MLT-2)

    RS (N m-2)

    (downstream orientedcomponent of the weight ofthe block)

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web




    Advantages Serves as an index of the totalresistance by ALL frictionalinfluences on the flow (particle-,

    bedform-, bar-, and planform-scale effects)

    Relatively easy to measure


    Does not provide information on spatial variation in resistance atsub-reach scale

    Is not necessarily a good index of the competence of the stream

    to move sediment

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Law of the Wall Method

    Based on theassumption that thevelocity profile inthe lower portion(15-20%) of an openchannel flow has alogarithmicstructure:

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Law of the Wall Method

    u = mean velocity (in vertical), u* = shear velocity, = von Karmans

    constant, z = distance above bed, z0= roughness height (height above

    bed where velocity goes to zero)

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Law of the Wall Method

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Law of the Wall Method

    Measure mean velocities (u) at various heightsabove bed in lower 15-20% of the flow

    Regress the values of u against the logarithms

    of z to get estimates of m and b

    Calculate values of shear velocity, bed shearstress, and roughness height

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Law of the Wall Method

    AdvantagesProvides local measure of shear stress

    Can be used to map spatial patterns of shearstress and roughness height at subreach scale

    Standard error of estimate of regression canprovide an estimate of error in u*


    Flow must conform with logarithmic velocityprofile

    Errors in measurement of u and z can influence

    results (least precise of law of wall methods)

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Variants on Law of the Wall


    requires only a single near-bed velocity reading in lower 20% offlow for estimate of u*


    requires information on the grain-size distribution of bed material

    Applies to gravel-bed rivers only and assumes that empirical

    relation z0 = (adp/30) applies to all such rivers

    a = 3, p = 84 Whiting and Dietrich, 1990

    a = 2.85, p = 90 Wilcock et al. 1996

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Variants on Law of the Wall


    Has less variability than other law of the wall methods


    requires measurement of velocity profile to determine mean [couldperhaps be used with a single measure of U (6/10th depth)]

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Evaluation of Law of the WallPrecision (Wilcock, 1996)

    Lowest precision slopeof velocity profile

    Highest precision depth-averaged velocity

    Says nothing aboutaccuracy of the various


  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Direct Measurement:

    Near-bed ReynoldsShear Stress













  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Direct Measurement: Near-bedReynolds Shear Stress


    Direct measurement of turbulent shear stress nearthe bed

    DisadvantageHow close to the bed do you need to be? (seems todepend on roughness characteristics and purpose ofmeasurement)

    Many measurement devices cannot measure velocityfluctuations accurately close to the bed

    Need 2-D measurements of turbulent fluctuations

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Turbulent Kinetic Energy Method

    Alternative Formulation

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Turbulent Kinetic Energy Method


    No need to estimate roughness height

    Single near-bed reading of 3-D velocitiesDisadvantages

    How close to bed

    3-D velocity measurements

    Values of C1 and C2 not derived fromstreams or rivers (oceans)

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Is Bed Shear Stress the RightIndex?

    Some recent studies have questionedwhether looking at turbulence fluxes orvelocity profiles is the right approach forunderstanding sediment transport

    Instead look at actual sedimentmobilization and transport and relate itempirically to various velocity measures,

    including instantaneous velocities

    u = +u

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web



    Bauer, B. O., D. J. Sherman, and J. F. Wolcott (1992), Sources of uncertainty in shear stressand roughness length estimates derived from velocity profiles, The ProfessionalGeographer, 44, 453-464.

    Bergeron, N. E., and A. D. Abrahams (1992), Estimating shear velocity and roughnesslength from velocity profiles, Water Resources Research, 28, 2155-2158.

    Biron, P. M., S. N. Lane, A. G. Roy, K. F. Bradbrook, and K. S. Richards (1998), Sensitivity ofbed shear stress estimated from vertical velocity profiles: the problem of samplingresolution, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 23, 133-139.

    Biron, P. M., C. Robson, M. F. Lapointe, and S. J. Gaskin (2004), Comparing differentmethods of bed shear stress estimates in simple and complex flow fields, Earth Surface

    Processes and Landforms, 29, 1403-1415.

    Kim, S.-C., C. T. Friedrichs, J. P.-Y. Maa, and L. D. Wright (2000), Estimating bottomstresses in tidal boundary layer from acoustic doppler velocimeter data, Journal ofHydraulic Engineering, 126, 399-406.

    Wilcock, P. R. (1996), Estimating local bed shear stress from velocity observations, Water

    Resources Research, 32, 3361-3366.

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Turbulent boundary layer structure the influence of roughness

    Th i fl f h

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web



    velocity profiles

    (Bergstrom et

    al., 2002)

    The influence of roughnessa. Smooth

    b. Perforated plate

    c. Sand grain

    d. Wire screen

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web



    velocity profiles:

    scale by

    freestreamvelocity (outer-

    wall scaling)

    (Bergstrom et

    al., 2002)

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web



    velocity profiles:

    scale by inner-

    wall variables(Bergstrom et

    al., 2002)

    Still great debate on

    scaling (inner/outer) and

    also if roughness effects

    can be collapsed

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Nowell and Church, JGR, 1979

    The influence of roughness density

    (plan area of elements: total area)

    Region 1: TI decreases linearly to surface and

    u* is good to collapse profiles

    Region 2: TI approx. constant at approx. 2

    Region 3: roughness density influential

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    After Nowell and Church, JGR, 1979

    The influence of roughness density

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Grass, 1971

    The influence of roughness on turbulence intensity (Grass 1971)

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Grass, 1971

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Influence ofroughness on



    (Ligrani and

    Moffat 1986)

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Model of smooth wall TBL structure (Smith, 1996)


    Outer region

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Model of rough wall TBL structure (Smith, 1996)

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Links to Large-Scale-Motions (Falco, 1977) and seminars

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Links to Sediment Entrainment (Grass, 1971)

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web



    Bergstrom, D.J., Kotey, N.A. and Tachie, M.F. (2002) The effects

    of surface roughness on the mean velocity profile in a turbulent

    boundary layer, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 124, 664-670.

    Grass, A.J. (1971) Structural features of turbulent flow over

    smooth & rough boundaries, J. Fluid Mechanics, 50, 233-255.Ligrani, P.M. and Moffat, R.J. (1986) Structure of transitionally

    rough and fully rough turbulent boundary layers, J. FluidMechanics, 162, 69-98.Nowell, A.R.M. and Church, M. (1979) Flow in a depth-limited

    boundary layer, J. Geophysical Research, 84, 4816-4824.

    Smith, C.R. (1996) Coherent flow structures in smooth-wallturbulent boundary layers: Facts, mechanisms and speculation.

    in Coherent Flow Structures in open channelsedited by P.J.Ashworth, S.J. Bennett, J.L. Best, and S.J. McLelland, pp. 1-39,

    John Wiley and Sons.

  • 7/30/2019 Abldd Lecture 3 Web


    Research Projects

    The flow dynamics of idealized interacting gravel particles (x2)

    Turbulence in transitional flows: the influence of fine sediment on flows (x2)

    Mean flow and turbulence over a dune field in the Missouri River

    Flow over the ripple:dune transition turbulence and vorticity

    Flow separation at confluences (x2)

    The flow dynamics of bendway weirs (x2)Flow structure and turbulence within meander bends (x2)

    Your possible ideas for projects?...we are very keen to encourage projects

    with your own data or develop your own ideas for a topic, which can be

    worked into this format.....
