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Above Ground: Issue #1

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Welcome to the premiere issue of Above Ground, a new Goldcorp publication that will regularly update you on our worldwide good work from the ground up. We pride ourselves on a mandate we call “sustainable prosperity,” which means working to conduct our business in a way that ensures lasting social progress and economic growth for individuals, families, communities, partners and the future of our Company.
Popular Tags:
Our World of Community Responsibility ISSUE 01 // SUMMER 2010 p4 ABC’s of Ending Illiteracy p7 Eco-Secret: Molasses p8 Carving a Future Uplifting lives & livelihoods MEXICAN PRESIDENT WELCOMES PROGRESS p2
Page 1: Above Ground: Issue #1

Our World of Community Responsibility

issue 01 // summeR 2010

p4 ABC’s of ending illiteracy p7 eco-secret: molasses p8 Carving a Future

uplifting lives & livelihoodsmexiCAn pResident WelCOmes pROgRess p2

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To achieve this, we focus on six strategic pillars: three top-of-

mind social pillars and three bottom-line business elements.

This structure serves as a catalyst for positive change where we

work, operate, live and associate. Like local residents, our mine

sites become home to Goldcorp, and we accept personal and

professional accountability as stewards of the land, cultures and

people. It’s our responsibility and we do it with integrity.

I’ve been in the mining business for over 25 years and I’m

pleased with the evolution in our industry towards greater

efforts to protect the environment and enhance socio-economic

development. But our ambitions are high. I’ve made it a priority

for Goldcorp to be the benchmark and continually raise the bar in

these areas. We’re leaders now but we must push our potential

even further. When I look back at how far we’ve come, I see a

world of future strides to make. We’ll keep you updated on the

progressive steps we take in each coming issue.

Whether we’re attacking illiteracy in Mexico, helping farmers

feed their families in Honduras or providing vital medical care

for kids in Guatemala, Goldcorp will continue to blaze trails in

bringing sustainable prosperity to people and regions around

the globe. Our vision guides us. Our values ground us.

Chuck JeannesPresident & Chief Executive Officer

Welcome to the premiere issue of Above Ground, a new Goldcorp publication that will regularly update you on our worldwide good work from the ground up. We pride ourselves on a mandate I call “sustainable prosperity,” which means working to conduct our business in a way that ensures lasting social progress and economic growth for individuals, families, communities, partners and the future of our Company.

Beyond the surface

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the technical term for

the everyday integrity we have demonstrated since our founding

in 1994. At each of our sites, we have always had experts in

community relations, environment, and health and safety. The

difference today is that we have made a tangible commitment

to sustainability with a new global CSR policy that formalizes our

intention to become a leader worldwide.

To underscore this dedication, we have also created Goldcorp

policies on Environment and Sustainable Development,

Occupational Health and Safety, a Business Code of Conduct

and Ethics, as well as a Human Rights Policy now being

finalized. Leading initiatives such as these, as well as respected

affiliation with international organizations like the UN Global

Compact, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the

International Council on Mining and Metals support Goldcorp’s

strong CSR efforts.

Now Above Ground brings to life all the positive contributions

Goldcorp makes every day, everywhere. Here you will read

stories and statistics, see photos and faces and meet people

and places that personify true partnerships with citizens,

communities and governments.

If there’s one thing I hope you realize reading our magazine

it’s this: Goldcorp is mining a legacy of sustainable prosperity

around the globe. We hope you too will put in as much care and

commitment above ground as we do beneath the surface.

Dina Aloi Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility

Most of you know Goldcorp as a leading global gold mining company. Here you will see us as a leader in respecting and supporting the lives and livelihoods of employees, communities and countries where we work.

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In This Issue:

p2 Forging Futures The opening of Peñasquito lays the groundwork for both progress and prosperity in Central Mexico.

p4 A World of goodFrom Guatemalan child care and adult literacy in Mexico to Honduran eco-tourism, Goldcorp is committed to the common good.

p6 safety depositsEmployee commitment to DELTA demonstrates that Goldcorp’s outstanding safety practices are no accident.

p7 second natureGoing above and beyond local environmental regulations and international guidelines is a natural occurrence at Goldcorp.

p8 in Your element A father and son perspective on the family’s decision to hot foot it from Durango, Mexico, to chill in Winnipeg, Canada.

issue 01 // summeR 2010

puBlisHeR: Above Ground is published bi-annually by Goldcorp Inc. This publication is also available in Spanish. // Reproduction in any manner in whole or part in any language is prohibited. All rights reserved worldwide.

editOR: Tanya Todd // WrITEr: Erin Smithson

ARt diReCtiOn & design: The Works www.worksdesign.com

pRinteR: C.J. Graphics Inc.

COntACt: Goldcorp Inc. Park Place, Suite 3400 – 666 Burrard Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2X8T: 604.696.3000 // F: 604.696.3001 // [email protected]

suBsCRiptiOns: T: 604.696.3000 // [email protected]

suBmissiOns: We’re mining for your stories! If you’ve got an idea, topic or photo ideal for Above Ground, we welcome your submissions for consideration in future issues. Send by e-mail or fax to: F: 604.696.3001 // [email protected]

1. Audience of employees, local residents and government officials at Peñasquito’s inauguration

2. School teachers at Cedros, Mexico3. San Dimas mine, Mexico4. Opapimiskan lake near Musselwhite mine





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FORging FutuRes

Mexican President Welcomes ProgressThe opening of Peñasquito lays the groundwork for both progress and prosperity in Central Mexico.

One might think the town had won the World Cup given the excitement and the presence of the President of Mexico. Yet the rejoicing by civic authorities and citizens in Mazapil, Mexico, a remote valley of 1,500 residents, is over job creation, community benefits, social programs and the economic prosperity that Goldcorp and the new Peñasquito mine bring to the province of Zacatecas in Central Mexico.

After three years of careful planning, preparation and construction, Goldcorp’s newest mine and largest project to date officially opened. Attending were over 700 international dignitaries, business partners, Goldcorp employees as well as Mexican President Felipe Calderon, on hand to celebrate the people and partnerships instrumental in building a bright future for this region.

The Mazapil district is the largest source of workers for Peñasquito, and Goldcorp provides men and women with career training, health benefits and ongoing education. In addition to an estimated 16,000 direct and indirect jobs, the Company has created medical clinics, schools, community amenities, a water purification plant, housing and training for teachers, and much more – all to leave a legacy of lasting opportunity and sustainability long after the mine lifecycle.

Making his first-ever visit to a Mexican mine, President Calderon praised Goldcorp’s $1.7 billion investment in the area’s economic growth, new infrastructure and steady employment for thousands of people. “So it is a good thing that here in Peñasquito...there is a path to progress that will benefit everyone and of course Mexican families that so need opportunities for progress.”

Amalia Garcia, Governor of Zacatecas state, echoed praise for the local and municipal benefits, and commended Goldcorp for building new roads, improving regional accessibility, attracting new families and conducting business with utmost respect for people and the environment.

1. Inauguration dinner, Zacatecas, Mexico2. Mexico’s President unveils the inaugural plaque at Peñasquito mine. Left to right: President Felipe Calderon;

Goldcorp President & CEO, Chuck Jeannes; Governor of Zacatecas, Amalia Garcia; and Goldcorp Vice President, Mexico, Salvador Garcia

3. Zacatecas Convention Centre



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FORging FutuRes

Goldcorp President and CEO Chuck Jeannes added, “Peñasquito mine will enable Mexico to join the ranks of the world’s leading metals producers, but providing jobs is just one of our goals. Helping families and communities become self-sufficient for the long term is our ultimate aim.”

During the opening ceremonies, a Mexican-Canadian showcase symbolized the collaboration between the two countries, featuring the Zacatecas Symphony Orchestra, the Imperial Azteca Mariachi, opera soloists and the world-renowned Cirque de Soleil which dazzled everyone with a gold-themed spectacle. Guests enjoyed a champagne and fireworks reception at the new Zacatecas Convention Centre, as well as speeches from the Mexican Minister of Economic Development and the Canadian Ambassador to Mexico. At the mine site, visitors enjoyed tours of state-of-the-art facilities and were awestruck by the size of equipment and the immense scale of operations.

At street level, citizens from many surrounding areas gathered for a community fair to celebrate a future filled with opportunity. Over 2,300 people enjoyed carnival rides and games, circus performers, live concerts, dancing, food concessions and take-home souvenirs. Many corporate sponsors gave away school supplies and treats to the children.

Revellers came from many communities, including the town of Cedros, home to many Peñasquito workers. Years ago, families were forced to move away in search of work, education and opportunities. Today, thanks to Goldcorp’s investments in the area, families are returning, houses are being rebuilt, and empty schools are refilling.

A popular Goldcorp-sponsored program teaches single mothers, the elderly and disadvantaged individuals new skills to earn money and

start a business with seed money from micro-loans. A unique project spearheaded by our Peñasquito community relations team helped a group of women create a line of botanical hair and skin care products for commercial sale. Another group participated in a Goldcorp carving workshop, crafting cast-off mesquite wood into beautiful artistic pieces sold for family income. Earning money is life changing, especially for women. “I was a housewife before. It’s the first time I am making money. That is why I am so excited,” beamed Rosa Maria Garcia Rodriguez.

Such opportunities are revitalizing this region, melding rich traditions, architecture, culture and mining history dating back 400 years, with fresh career prospects, and social advances. From behind the counter of his shop, store owner Jose Luis Palomino Ruiz speaks for his fellow townspeople: “Six years ago, Mazapil was really depressed, but now there has been a complete transformation. The mine has brought a lot of new life. I think that there is a great future here.”

Goldcorp provided new uniforms for the Concepción Del Oro Little League baseball team in Mazapil district and funded travel to championship games.

Goldcorp helped Maria Reyna Azola González and friends market a line of personal care products to earn family income.

“ The mine has brought a lot of new life. I think that there is a great future here.” – Store owner Jose Luis Palomino Ruiz

Community Actions. Heartfelt Reactions.

“ We have been in a very deep economic crisis for ten years. Peñasquito’s arrival in this region has tremendously affected the economy. You have helped us a lot.”

Anastasio Maldonado Falcón, Mayor Concepción del Oro

“ Most of us [teachers] who came to this municipality were from outside the community. We had many problems, both with transportation to get here as well as finding a place to live. Having a house provided here is a huge help that Goldcorp is giving teachers.”

Rosario Lizeth Ruiz, Teacher

“ We are working in cooperation with the mine and with different authorities to improve conditions in all senses, especially social programs. I think that there will be a tremendous transformation in all areas, culturally, in terms of urban growth and all services.”

Gregorio Macias Zuñiga,Mayor of Mazapil

nOtABle nuggetsAt least 560 million ounces of silver will be produced over the life of the Peñasquito mine. Converted into one-ounce coins and stacked on edge, this would create a roll of silver 1,100 miles long.


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Creating OpportunitiesFrom Guatemalan child care and Honduran eco-tourism to adult literacy in Mexico and Canada’s collaboration with the Cree Nation, Goldcorp is committed to the common good.

sAn mARtin, HOnduRAs – Just over an hour from the capital city of Tegucigalpa, a small community is becoming an eco-tourism destination for global travellers and a popular retreat for local residents looking to enjoy nature and recreation in rustic comfort.

The pace at the San Martin Ecology Centre is rhythmic. The hot springs are therapeutic. And the inhabitants are captivating, especially the white-tailed deer. Hard to fathom that this serene setting with a quaint hotel was once a bustling gold mine, now closed and carefully replanted and regenerated.

“Fifteen hundred hectares of the former San Martin mine were donated by Goldcorp in 2008 to the San Martin Foundation (SMF), a not-for-profit organization created with the support of Goldcorp to provide Siria Valley citizens with lasting economic benefits and self-sufficiency,” says Christian Roldan, General Manager of San Martin mine.

The former mining camp is now a 31 room hotel with a restaurant, swimming pool, sports courts, playing fields and other amenities, surrounded by forest, interpretive trails, bird-watching gazebos and wildlife habitat for deer, puma, roadrunners, lizards, iguanas, and more. At the duck pond, fisherman cast and canoeists glide.

From the hotel, you can embark on eco-adventures to the San Ignacio hot springs and steaming waterfall (113°F), the picturesque town of Cedros – the birthplace of Honduran democracy – as well as mine site tours to see where gold was quarried.

Several reclaimed hectares support agri-businesses today. “We hire people from the area and train them in successful chicken and hog farming, producing and selling lemons, oranges and mangos, and growing indigenous plants that are a source of biofuel the world can use as an alternative to oil and gas,” says Roldan.

The eco-enterprises employ about 20 people from local communities. Several independent farmers are also cultivating biofuel seed crops to widen the circle of sustainability for generations to come.

nOtABle nuggetsIn 2009, Goldcorp’s economic contribution from our operations totalled $ 1.4 billion, including wages and salaries, goods and services, taxes and royalties and support for community development and infrastructure.


sAn miguel, guAtemAlA – The first day the boy is churlish, refusing to share toys with classmates. Days later he happily invites others to colour with him. Yet another life-enhancing transformation here at the Marlin mine childcare centre, where kids play and learn in a healthy environment while parents work at Goldcorp.

“Communities here do not have preschool or kindergarten, so it’s a big step for children to go from home to grade one. We help ease them into the school setting and socializing,” says Evelyn Morales, Marlin Human Resources Manager, and daycare director.

The centre was built by Goldcorp for up to 40 children and assists more than 120 mothers working in and around the site. Kids aged three months to four years benefit from stimulation, education, exercises and games, personal hygiene, medical check-ups and daily snacks. Children bring their own lunches for diet

consistency, and mothers attend workshops on nutrition and breastfeeding. All is paid for by Goldcorp including wages for 12 local staff trained in childcare and first aid.

For Morales, the daycare is a dream come true. “My father always wished to help children but never had the money to do so. I carried his hope in my heart and Goldcorp gave me this opportunity, so a family dream is fulfilled.” The centre also empowers women with options to earn income while their kids benefit from early childhood development, friendship and fun. Recently, a little girl pleaded to attend despite her mother being on maternity leave with another child. “She said she must keep coming or her teacher and friends would miss her,” laughs Morales.

At graduation, children receive a diploma and special gifts, including Tonka 777 dump trucks just like parents drive at the mine.

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sAn dimAs, mexiCO – Most of us can’t imagine taking our children away from play and friends and putting them to work at age 6 to help feed the family. But this is reality for many in and around the town of Tayoltita, in Durango province, where a staggering 60% of adults never receive even elementary schooling.

Though the government has educational programs, a big backlog exists. To assist and speed learning opportunities, Goldcorp teamed up with Mexican authorities in 2006 and launched the Adult Education Program for workers, families and nearby residents. Goldcorp also partnered with a national institution to provide vocational training to employees and community members for lasting learning opportunities.

The government and the institution supply teachers, course materials and most equipment, the municipality provided the building and oversees maintenance, while Goldcorp renovated the facilities, donated computers and provides staff lecturers for specialized career training.

Education is free for those 15 and older, offering reading, writing and math skills for daily life and occupations, delivered at a pace suited to

each individual. While the program has been interrupted by changes in government and oversight lapses, Goldcorp keeps it going because people so appreciate the chance to learn and improve their situation. Adalberto Terrazaz, Director of Government and Community Relations for Goldcorp Mexico says, “We help people and seek new opportunities for them. We offer learning skills to enhance lives and brighten the future for children.”

Goldcorp also offers scholarships to employee graduates of the secondary program who choose to go on to pursue university degrees. In addition, Goldcorp spearheads vital community initiatives such as improving educational facilities, supporting the construction of roads, providing farmers with tools to plant and tend crops, and creating nurseries so local residents have seedlings to grow vegetables. “Our to-do list is endless,” says Terrazaz, “but so is the potential of our people.”

Wemindji, QueBeC – When Goldcorp acquired the Éléonore project in the James Bay region, home to a significant Cree Nation, Chief Operating Officer Steve Reid knew two things: he wanted to work in full partnership with the Cree from the get-go, and he knew one man could make this a reality and represent all parties honourably. The man was Andy Baribeau. Trouble was, Baribeau was done with mining.

Working for competitors, Baribeau became disenchanted with promises of community benefits undelivered. So when he got a call from Goldcorp, he wasn’t interested. But Reid persisted, citing case studies and proof positive of Goldcorp’s outstanding track record. “I’d heard companies tout sustainability before but Goldcorp actually does it,” says Baribeau. “So I was convinced and joined the company as

Community Affairs Manager in 2007, several years before Éléonore mine will open.”

Part Cree, part French and schooled in English, Baribeau understands the priorities, mindsets and cultures of each group. He wants Éléonore to be innovative, creating diverse opportunities and empowering the local population, half of which are Cree Nation, mostly under 25. Already Baribeau has co-written the mine’s environmental and social-impact assessment with members of the Cree Nation – a breakthrough collaboration. “We are the first company to work side by side from the start. We’re a harbinger of progress and economical success beyond mining.”

This trailblazer has also made inroads for the ultimate benefactors of these efforts – youth. Escorting a group to Goldcorp’s Musselwhite mine, Baribeau broke tradition,

inviting not just elders and officials but young people too, showing them the scope of activities and career options. Recently speaking at a newly-created mining training program, he encouraged students to spread the word about future jobs and opportunities

at Éléonore that will require a variety of trade skills.

Thanks to Baribeau’s vision and determination, the youth of Wemindji and adjacent communities can become the next generation of Goldcorp leaders in social and sustainable progress.

Adult Education Program Statistics (Sept. 2006 to March 2010)



Students 31 11 42Graduates 29 10 39 81Note: Of the 39 graduates, 52% are women, 48% men & 25% are now Goldcorp employees.


Students 65 25 90

Graduates 82 15 97 187Note: Of the 97 graduates, 45% are women, 55% men & 15% are now Goldcorp employees.

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nOtABle nuggetsFor the fourth year in a row, Goldcorp’s Injury Frequency rate has dropped significantly.

sAFetY depOsits

W hat do Goldcorp workers and football teams have in common? Both wear hefty safety gear and work towards

a common goal. Both also group in a huddle to devise upcoming actions. But for Goldcorp employees, the huddle isn’t key to the play, it’s critical to safety.

Safety huddles at the start of shifts and projects are just one of the many crucial steps taken daily to ensure that our employees stay out of harm’s way. In 2008, Goldcorp launched DELTA safety training worldwide for all frontline workers, administered by supervisor graduates of the Safety Leadership Course. These programs are mandatory for employees and contractors on our sites.

DELTA covers five key safety values and reinforces leadership throughout the company by modelling high standards, inspiring a safety mindset, challenging convention, empowering others to act and acknowledging effort and success. All tenets that Goldcorp has long exemplified are now ingrained, according to Mark Langston, Safety Manager at Marigold mine in Nevada.

“Before each task, we do a job safety analysis,” says Langston. “Teams get together to discuss project steps, consider what could go wrong and how to avert it. We plan a fail safe strategy. As we progress, we often have safety huddles to recap what we’re doing and how best to do it.”

At the heart of every action is the Goldcorp safety vision: Safe Enough for Our Families. “We stress safety in personal terms,” says Langston. “I want to know that we would let our sons or daughters perform this work as long as they were properly trained and had the right attitude. I look at projects as tools and ask ‘Would I let my kid use this tool?’ If not, then we need to perfect it.”

Langston cites an example of the care and collaboration DELTA inspires. One day while trucks rolled into position nose to nose in the ready line, an employee noted workers darting between the front grills – a risky shortcut. In a huddle, a warning memo was suggested. Then someone proposed placing portable barriers between the trucks. A simple practice effective to this day.

Dave Cartner, Safety Manager at Wharf mine in South Dakota, goes beyond the call of duty to extend safety practices into employees’ homes. With the slogan “Safety doesn’t stop at the gate,” Cartner created a family challenge with safety checklists for kitchens, garages, electrical panels and appliances. Over 50% of employee families participated, winning fire extinguishers, first-aid kits and smoke detectors for their efforts. (For your own checklist, please visit: www.goldcorp.com/corporate_responsibility/health_safety.)

Kathy Walters, Accounting Technician at Marigold mine, also came up with a family campaign, inviting children of employees to make posters urging their parents to “Come home safe because...” The project was a hit – the kids received a prize for their artwork and Walters won a Goldcorp award for her initiative.

Bridging safety at work and home reinforces personal commitment and empowerment throughout the workforce, says Langston. “One of our employees took a first-aid class as part of his mine safety training. Weeks later he had to use what he learned to perform CPR on his daughter and save her life. So safety is more than precautionary, it’s paramount.”

It goes to show that you never know when a huddle will lead to cuddles from your child for years to come.

Bravo for DELTAEmployee commitment to DELTA demonstrates that Goldcorp’s outstanding safety practices are no accident.

deltA is built on five safety values:

1 dutY OF CAReemphasizes commitment, accountability and concern for fellow workers

2 entHusiAsm encourages analyzing conditions, challenging standard assumptions and suggesting improvements

3 leAding OtHeRsunderscores setting an example, acting with care and sharing safety tips and techniques

4 teAm WORkfocuses on collaboration, holding each other to account and setting common goals

5 ACknOWledgement promotes recognition and positive contributions

Poster contest submission by Mckenna Jones, age 10

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t he environmental work currently underway at Goldcorp’s Wharf mine in South Dakota is award-winning.

In operation for more than 25 years, several of the open pits have been mined out, so extensive reclamation initiatives began in 2006. Much of the effort centres around treating groundwater to lower the levels of nitrates.

The air in earth’s atmosphere contains nitrogen gas, so nitrates are typical in plants and water, and are used extensively as fertilizers. Naturally-occurring bacteria feed on nitrates, keeping levels in check in lakes and streams and other surface water. While ordinary amounts of nitrates in tap and well water are safe for adults, elevated levels can be harmful to babies, so the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets acceptable standards at 10 mg per litre.

Nitrates are also a by-product of the mining process, and spent ore water contains elevated amounts that Goldcorp takes great care to restore to EPA levels. In fact, thanks to Environmental Manager Ron Waterland and his team, Wharf mine’s water restoration often measures better than EPA standards.

Aptly named for his profession, Waterland works with fellow specialists to reduce Wharf water nitrate levels. After the mining process, he must inject new microbes into the groundwater. But these are not your average bacteria – they are heavy duty. “The bacteria we use are collected by our biologist, Jack Adams, from areas surrounding this site because they are acclimatized to the region already. Jack cultures and purifies the bacteria, then we add nutrients to enhance growth and vigour,” explains Waterland.

Not just your average nutrients either. Waterland uses a secret weapon to create super nitrate-eating bacteria. “Molasses contain a blend of trace nutrients that help bacteria thrive in the groundwater we place them in. It’s like the difference between white bread and whole grain – bacteria raised on molasses are more robust and have more lasting power to speed up the de-nitrification process.”

The proof is in the holding ponds. Water treated at the Wharf mine contains less than 1 mg per litre of nitrates, far below EPA-set levels, and measurements are taken regularly.

One site has been completely treated, others are well into the process, and all areas will be restored as they are mined out.

Waterland and his Wharf team were recently honoured with a prestigious award for Excellence in Maintaining Surface Water, a tribute to the mine’s exceptional advances in reducing nitrate levels and maintaining water quality, aquatic life and habitat.

nOtABle nuggetsOur Porcupine mine in Timmins, Ontario, received the Nova Award for Environmental Achievement in recognition of innovative reclamation using paper-mill biosolids to enhance re-vegetation.

seCOnd nAtuRe

Watershed AdvancesGoing above and beyond local environmental

regulations and international guidelines is a natural occurrence at Goldcorp.

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in YOuR element

Moving up A father and son perspective on the family’s decision to hot foot it from Durango, Mexico, to chill in Winnipeg, Canada.

s ergio Gonzalez began in human resources (Hr) at our Durango mine in Mexico, using Goldcorp professional growth opportunities and development programs to become Hr

manager. He immigrated to Canada in 2008, joining our Musselwhite team to launch the Systems, Applications & Products (SAP) system. Sergio was recently promoted again and today, as HrIS Specialist, he is in charge of all aspects of SAP as well as GPS, a succession planning and recruitment tool. His son, Sergio Jr., 18, is in charge of writing this story.

In Mexico, I woke up every day to the sun on my face. I’d have breakfast and leave for school. No need to check the weather forecast – it’s always hot. But that was about to change.

Let me introduce my family: Dad, otherwise known as Sergio, is the funniest and most serious man, depending on the situation. Mom, Monica, is a lawyer in the outside world but at home she turns cyclones into tidy zones, fixes delicious meals and still has time to read a book. My brother Francisco, 12, hums to his own music and loves to paint. Me? I like movies.

Dad interjects: We should clarify that Francisco has a mild form of Asberger’s Syndrome.

“One day we might move to Canada” came up as the talk at the dinner table. Dad was considering relocating with Goldcorp. “When would we go?” I asked. “About a year,” was the answer. When you’re 15 anything past Friday is an eternity, but Canada remained table talk for months, so my brother and I knew it really might happen. I wondered if we would like it.

Dad muses: I knew you would. Francisco wants to grow up to be a triceratops and you want to go back in time and have tea with George Harrison. These things are just as possible in Canada.

Anyways, I pictured Canada like a Christmas movie, all covered in snow. When we arrived in Winnipeg in August 2008, I realized I was wrong. Canada is amazingly beautiful and by the end of the first week, we had all we needed, from a new home to medical insurance to school supplies.

Today, life is great. I have lots of friends and things to do. Mom found a pottery studio where she creates masterpieces. My brother enjoys painting lessons and the indoor pool, just minutes away. And Dad can now test drive every kind of car he always wanted to try.

At Musselwhite, my dad is the SAP guru. He is home two weeks and at work two weeks, leaving home at night for a nine-hour bus ride to the Thunder Bay airport, and then flies one hour to the mine. He never complains because he loves his job.

Dad says: I have been in mining for 14 years. The process is about the same as it has been for centuries. But today the machinery is amazing and so is Goldcorp’s concern for safety and communities and the environment. Things that are important to my family are important to the Company. And Musselwhite is the safest in Canada because of our high standards. This is where I want to be when I’m not at home or test-driving cars.

Yes, my dad and I love to go to car lots where he teaches me things I use later to impress my friends. He also teaches me about integrity. Dad always does the right thing, in the right way, never taking short cuts or avoiding hard work. He is the most honest man I know, and I am proud to call him my dad.

1. Musselwhite mine2. Sergio Gonzales at his second home, Musselwhite mine



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“ I was a housewife before...It’s the first time I am making money. That is why I am so excited.” rosa Maria Garcia rodriguez

Mesquite is so rock hard that even using a chainsaw at full throttle, it takes about 10 minutes to cut through a three-inch thick branch. Yet with steely determination, women in Anáhuac, Mexico, take courses offered by Goldcorp, learning to carve this desert wood into works of art they sell to tourists and mine visitors to earn life-enhancing family income.


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Our World of Community ResponsibilityContact us at [email protected]

For more information on Goldcorp’s responsible mining initiatives, visit: www.goldcorp.com/corporate_responsibility
