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Abruptio placenta

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Page 1: Abruptio placenta
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Vaginal Bleeding in

Late Pregnancy

Presented ByNirsuba Gurung Master in nursing

Women health and development

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Obstetric Haemorrhage

Ranks as the First cause of maternal mortality accounting for 25 – 50 % of maternal deaths

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APH: Epidemiology & Causes Magnitude: 4% of women may

develop APH. Causes:

placenta previa (1/200) placental abruption (1/100) uterine rupture (<1% in scarred uterus) vasa previa (1/2000-3000) Local causes

Cervical polyp Bloody show Cervicitis or cervical ectropion Cervical cancer

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Vasa Previa

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Velamentous Insertion of the umbilical cord

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Early separation of the normally implanted placenta after 28/40 and before the end of second stage of labour

Recurrence: The risk of recurrent abruption in a

subsequent pregnancy is high.

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Epidemiology of Abruption Occurs in 1-2% of pregnancies

20% of all third-trimester bleeders

Recurrence risk 10% in first pregnancy 25% in second pregnancy

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Epidemiology of Abruption It is a significant cause of

perinatal mortality – 15-20%

Maternal mortality- 2-5%

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Risk factors

Prevalence is high in Smoking or substance abuse (e.g.

cocaine) History of previous abruption High birth order Advancing maternal age Poor-socioeconomic condition Malnutrition Placental insufficiency

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Risk factors

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Etiology Hypertension in pregnancy

•Spasm of utero-placental blood vessels

•Anoxic endothelial damage

•Rupture of vessels or•Extravasations' of blood in decidual basalis

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Trauma External cephalic version RTA Needle puncture during


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Sudden uterine decompression

Delivery of first twins Sudden escape of liquor amnii in

hydraminous Premature rupture of membrane

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Short cord Supine hypotension syndrome Placental anomaly Sick placenta Folic acid deficiency Uterine anomaly Thrombophilias

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Umbilical artery (UA)Umbilical vein (UV)

Uterine arteries

Uterine veins


Archer TL 2006 unpublished

Placental abruption: fetal asphyxiation (O2 supply is cut off).

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Placental abruption with trauma

Elastic myometrium

Liquid placenta

Placenta shears off

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Miller’s Anesthesia chap. 58

Occult hemorrhage in abruption

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Features of retroplacental clots Depression found in maternal

surface of placenta

Area of infraction with varying degree of organization

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Abruptio placenta: Classifications

Are based on1.Extent of separation: Partial vs

complete 2.Location of separation: Marginal Vs

central 3.Clinical presentation: Revealed,

concealed and mixed4.Clinical Severity: Mild, Moderate and


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Grade 1 Mildest form: approx 40 of all cases.

• No vaginal bleeding to mild vaginal bleeding

• Slightly tender uterus

• Normal maternal BP and heart rate

• No coagulopathy (clotting problems)

• No fetal distress

Clinical Severity

Grade 2: moderate -approx

45% of all cases. • No vaginal bleeding to

moderate vaginal bleeding• Moderate-to-severe uterine

tenderness with possible tetanic contractions

• Maternal tachycardia with orthostatic changes in BP and heart rate

• Fetal distress or even death • Low fibrinogen levels present

(causing clotting problems)

Grade 0: no clinical features• Diagnosis made after placental exmaninatio

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Grade 3: Severe form: Approx 15% of all cases.

• No vaginal bleeding to heavy vaginal bleeding• Very painful tetanic uterus• Maternal shock• Coagulopathy• Fetal death

Clinical Severity

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Abruptio Placenta: Features

Pain and tenderness Initially localized then becomes

generalized due to endometrial injury – extravasations of blood

Vaginal bleeding Maternal distress Often I.U.F.D

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Clinical manifestation of hemorrhage Concealed type: blood

accumulates behind placenta Revealed type: blood dissect

downwards between membranes and uterine wall and ultimately escape out through the cervix or may be kep concealed by the pressure of fetal head on the lower uterine segment

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Clinical manifestation of hemorrhage Blood may gain access to the

amniotic cavity after rupturing the membrane

Couvelaire uterus : blood may percolate through the layer of myometrium

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Couvelaire uterus Naked eye features

Dark port wine color:patchy and diffused

Sub peritoneal petechial hemorrhage

Free blood may be present in peritoneal cavity

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Couvelaire uterus Microscopic appearance:

Necrosed uterine muscles in the affected part

Blood infiltration between the muscle bundle

Blood vessels may show acute degenerative changes

Muscular dissociation occurs in middle and outer muscle layer

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Clinical features

Revealed Mixed(Concealed features predominate)

Symptoms Abdominal bleeding and discomfort followed by bleeding

Acute, intense abdominal pain followed by slight bleeding

Character of bleeding Continuous dark color Continuous dark color or blood stained serous discharge

General condition Proportionate to the visible blood loss, shock is usually absent

Shock may be pronounced which is proportionate to the visible blood loss

Pallor Related with visible blood loss

Pallor is usually severe and out of proportion to the visible blood loss

Features of pre-eclampsia

May be absent Frequent association

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Revealed Mixed(Concealed features predominate)

Uterine height Proportionate to the POG

May be disproportionately enlarged and globular

Uterine feel Normal feel with localized tenderness, contractions frequent and local amplitude

Uterus is tense ,tender and rigid

Fetal parts Can be identified easily

Difficult to make out

FHS Usually present Usually absent

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Laboratory test Revealed Mixed(Concealed

features predominate) Hemoglobin Low value proportionate to

the blood loss Markedly lower than vi

Coagulation profile Usually unchanged Variable changes •Clotting time increased(>6min)•Fibrinogen level low(<150mg/dl)•Low platelet count•^ Partial thromboplastin time•^ FDP and D-dimer

Urine for protein Confusion in diagnosis

May be absent Usually present

Confusion in diagnosis Placenta previa Acute obstretrical-gynaecological –surgical complication

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Ultrasound - Abruption Abruption is a clinical diagnosis! Placental location and appearance

Retroplacental echolucencyAbnormal thickening of placenta“Torn” edge of placenta

Fetal lie Estimated fetal weight

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Large, extensive sonographic preplacental collection beneath the chorionic plate

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 Large, retroplacental sonographic abruption between the placenta and uterus.

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Sonographic blood collection at the placental margin

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Laboratory - Abruption Complete blood count Type and Rh Coagulation tests + “Clot test” Kleihauer-Betke not diagnostic, but

useful to determine Rhogam dose Preeclampsia labs, if indicated Consider urine drug screen

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Sher’s Classification - Abruption Grade I

Grade II

Grade III with fetal demise III A - without coagulopathy

(2/3) III B - with coagulopathy


mild, often retroplacental clot identified at delivery

tense, tender abdomen and live fetus

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Placental Abruption: Complications Shock Acute renal failure

Cause: ?seriously impaired renal perfusion 2° to ↓CO and intrarenal vasospasm as in preeclampsia

DIC Consumptive coagulopathy 2° to

hypofibrinogenemia along with elevated levels of fibrinogen–fibrin degradation products

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Placental Abruption: Complications Fetal distress/demise PPH Couvelaire Uterus:

Widespread extravasation of blood into the uterine musculature and beneath the uterine serosa.

Sheehan syndrome Puerperal sepsis

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Placental Abruption: Management Prevention : Aim

Elimination of the known factorsCorrection of anemia Prompt detection and institution

of the therapy to minimize complication

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Prevention of known factors Early detection and effective

therapy Needle puncture: USG guided Avoidance of trauma Avoid sudden decompression of

the uterus To avoid supine hypotension Routine administration of folic acid

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Placental Abruption: Management Management depends on:

fetal maturity, degree of severity, viability of the fetus/fetal distress

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Assessment of case Blood loss Maturity of fetus Whether patient is in labor or not Presence of complication Types and grade of abruption

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Emergency measures Sent blood for Hb and hematocrit,

coagulation profile, ABO and Rh grouping

Urine for detection of protein IV RL drip with wide bore cannula

and arrangement for BT Close monitoring of maternal and

fetal well being

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Treatment modalities

Expectant management of pregnancy

Definitive management Induction/augmentation of labor

Caesarean section

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If patient in labor Low Rupture of membrane Augmentation

Bed site clotting timeDone regularly

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Vaginal delivery Limited placental abruption Reassuring FHS Facilities of continous FHS

monitoring Prospect of vaginal delivery is soon Placental abruption with dead


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The patient not in labor Bleeding continues > grade 1 abruption

Delivery either by • Induction of labor• C/S

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Placental Abruption: General Management

1. Delivery Resuscitation

FFP, whole blood, IV fluids Monitor BP Catherization - monitor urine


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Placental Abruption: General Management

2. Caesarean Section Indications for Caesarean Section

salvageable baby, Severe vaginal bleeding,Poor progress,Transverse lie, inadequate pelvis

Post delivery -watch out for PPHMyometrial myofibrin loose contractilityFailure to clot

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Expectant management If bleeding stopped Grade 1 Fetus reactive and remote from


Goal : prolong pregnancy Meanwhile administer

betamethasone for fetal lung maturity

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