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Absolutely Essential Words

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  • 8/3/2019 Absolutely Essential Words


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    The words of the lessons 1 to

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    1 1 abandon 1 to leave, to quit,to desert2 1 keen 1 sharp, eager, intense, sensitive3 1 jealous 1 wanting what someone else has4 1 tact 1 to say right thing 5 1 oath 1 curse, a promise that sth is true 6 1 vacant 1 empty7 1 hardship 1 difficulty

    8 1 gallant 1 brave, showing respect to women9 1 data 1 facts, information10 1 unaccustomed 1 not used to sth 11 1 bachelor 1 single, a man has not be married12 1 qualify 1 to become fit13 1 buddy 0 pal14 1 knight 0 fighting man15 1 cloak 0 a kind of coat16 1 puddle 0 small pool17 1 good breeding 0 upbringing18 1 anecdote 0 short and amusing story19 1 gesture 0

    20 1 cot 0 bed21 1 couch 0 bed22 1 jury 0 the committee in the court who issues the final verdict23 1 desert 0 to leave,to quit24 1 curse 0 oath25 2 corpse 1 a dead body26 2 conceal 1 to hide27 2 dismal 1 dark and depressing28 2 frigid 1 very cold29 2 inhabit 1 to live in30 2 numb 1 without feelings, deadened31 2 peril 1 danger

    32 2 recline 1 to lie down,to lean back33 2 sherik 1 scream34 2 sinister 1 wicked, evil, frightening35 2 tempt 1 to invire, to test, to try to get sb to do sth36 2 wager 1 to bet37 2 coffin 0 a box in which the corpse is put38 2 revenge 0 39 2 slum 0 poor and dirty place to live40 2 maid 0 young lady41 2 fled from 0 to escape from42 2 bet 0 wager

    43 2 cemetery 0 a place to bury all deads44 2 grave 0 place of a corpse45 2 blanket 0 warm cover we use when sleeping46 2 tombstone 0 the sign above the grave47 2 deadened 0 without feelings48 2 shack 0 small and simple woody building49 2 closet 0 a small room is use to store cloths50 3 typical 1 usual, of a kind51 3 minimum 1 the lowest amount52 3 scarce 1 hard to get, rare53 3 annual 1 once a year 54 3 persuade 1 to win over to do or believe, to make willing

    55 3 essential 1 very important56 3 blend 1 mixture57 3 visible 1 able to seen58 3 expensive 1 costly, high priced59 3 talent 1 natural ability60 3 devise 1 to invent, to plan, to think out61 3 wholesale 1 in large quantity, less than price in retail62 3 convention 0 meeting63 3 rainbow 0 64 3 make up for sth 0 to compensate65 3 slaughter 0 killing66 3 dispute 0 brawl, quarrel

    67 3 dine 0 to eat in the evening68 3 quarrel 0 dispute69 3 do away with 0 to get rid of, to destroy70 3 roam 0 to move aimlessly, to wander 71 3 plain 0 large area of land72 3 precious 0 valuable73 3 exorbitent 0 much too large in price74 4 vapor 1 mist, moisture in the air 75 4 eliminate 1 to omit, to remove76 4 villain 1 a very wicked person

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    77 4 dense 1 thick, pack together 78 4 utilize 1 to use79 4 humid 1 dump, moist80 4 theory 1 explanation based on thought81 4 descend 1 to go down, to come down82 4 circulate 1 to go around83 4 enormous 1 huge, extremely large84 4 predict 1 to tell beforehand, to forecast85 4 vanish 1 to disappear suddenly86 4 mist 0 moist87 4 swamp 0 88 4 cellar 0 a room under the ground floor of a building89 4 row 0 to move through the river, lake, etc.90 4 weed 0 a kind of wild plants91 4 beautify 0 to make sth beautiful92 4 damp 0 moist93 4 batter 0 player in the baseball94 4 convince 0 to make sb certain95 4 beau 0 boyfriend96 4 staircase 0 97 4 crab 0 98 4 sword 0 99 4 barely 0 almost not, very small amount

    100 4 wand 0 101 4 valve 0 102 4 hoop 0 the ring in basketball103 4 perceive 0 to see, to believe104 4 wipe out 0 to destroy105 4 aggravate 0 to make worse106 4 extravagent 0 doing more than necessary107 4 slip 0 to slide intensionally108 4 fortify 0 to strengthen109 4 schemer 0 sb who makes clever secret plan110 4 sleet 0 wet snow111 4 crumble 0 to break into small pieces112 4 vacate 0 to leave somewhere in order to make it ready for others113 5 tradition 1 beliefs, customs114 5 rural 1 in the country115 5 burden 1 what is carried, a load116 5 campus 1 grounds of colleges and schools

    117 5 majority 1 the larger number, greater part118 5 assemble 1 to gather together, to bring together 119 5 explore 1 to look into closely, to examine120 5 topic 1 subject that people think, talk and write about121 5 debate 1 a discussion in which reasons for and against sth are brought out122 5 evade 1 to get away from by cleverness123 5 probe 1 to explore, to investigate, to search into124 5 reform 1 to improve, to make better 125 5 stand 0 temproary small store126 5 bill 0 a formel statement of a planned new law127 5 rioter 0

    128 5 dragnet 0 129 5 correctional System 0 prison130 5 Lights-out Time 0 the time in 24-hour school where the lights are switched off 131 6 approach 1 to come near to132 6 detect 1 to find out, to discover 133 6 defect 1 fault134 6 employee 1 a person who works for a company135 6 neglect 1 to ignore, to give little attention to136 6 deceive 1 to mislead, to make sb believe as true sth that is false137 6 undoubtedly 1 certainly138 6 popular 1 liked by most people

    139 6 thorough 1 complete140 6 client 1 customer, a person for whom a lawyer acts141 6 comprehensive 1 covering completely, including much142 6 defraud 1 to take monet, rights, etc by cheating143 6 trial 0 court144 6 messy 0 untidy145 6 pilgrim 0 a traveler who goes to holy regions146 6 basement 0 the part of the building which is located below the ground147 6 go over 0 to examine, to look into148 6 limp 0 149 6 sarcasm 0

    150 6 appliance 0 an electrical device151 6 favoritism 0 152 6 barcelet 0 a jewelary which is worn around the wrist

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    153 6 along for the ride 0 just out of the interest154 6 livelihood 0 the way sb earns money155 6 defect (verb) 0 to quit, to leave156 RW1 chills up & down one's 0 extreme fear 157 RW1 plentiful 0 much158 RW1 dull 0 slow, boring

    159 RW1 convict 0 to say officially that sb is guilty160 RW1 deprive 0 to take sth (i.e. rights) away from sb161 RW1 expel 0 to force to quit162 RW1 complaint 0 a person who makes an official complain in the court163 RW1 dial 0 measuring device164 RW1 clearance sale 0 a sale with very low prices165 RW1 commence 0 to start166 RW1 enclose 0 to send167 RW1 entitle 0 to allow, to give title168 7 postpone 1 to delay169 7 consent 1 to agree, to give approve or permission

    170 7 massive 1 large and solid, bulky171 7 capsule 1 a small case or covering172 7 preserve 1 to keep safe, to protect173 7 denounce 1 to condemn, to criticize in public174 7 unique 1 having no like or equal175 7 torrent 1 flood, rushing stream176 7 resent 1 to feel injured and angered at177 7 molest 1 to interfere with, to disturb178 7 gloomy 1 dim, dark179 7 unforeseen 1 unexpected, not known beforehand180 7 due 0 salary

    181 7 bulky 0 massive182 7 condemn 0 to criticize in public, to denounce183 7 district attorney 0 184 7 advocate 0 to speak in support of sb185 7 dim 0 dark, gloomy186 7 wreck 0 to damage sth, a damaged vehicle187 7 attic 0 188 8 exaggrate 1 to overstate, to make sth greater than it is189 8 amateur 1 not professional190 8 mediocre 1 ordinary, neither good nor bad191 8 variety 1 a number of different things192 8 valid 1 true193 8 survive 1 to continue to live, to remain alive after 194 8 weird 1 mysterious, unearthly195 8 promininet 1 very important, well-known196 8 security 1 freedom from danger 197 8 bulky 1 massive, large198 8 reluctant 1 unwilling199 8 obvious 1 clear to the eyes or mind200 8 overstate 0 to estimate sth more than it really is, exaggerate201 8 cross-country sports 0 the sports in which athletes passing through the whole countr

    202 8 foreman 0 head skillful worker 203 8 unearthly 0 mysterious, weired204 8 haunted house 0 a weired house205 8 plain 0 complete and clear 206 8 lumberjack 0 a person whose job is to cut the trees and wood207 8 clue 0 sign208 9 vicinity 1 urban209 9 century 1 100 year 210 9 rage 1 anger, violent wrath211 9 document 1 sth witten or printed which gives us information212 9 conclude 1 to finish, to decide, to reach the result

    213 9 undeniable 1 certain, can not be questioned214 9 resist 1 to stay against, to oppose, to srtive against215 9 lack 1 shortage216 9 ignore 1 disregards, paying no attention217 9 challenge 1 to call to fight218 9 miniature 1 tiny, represented on a small scale219 9 source 1 origin220 9 arouse a feeling 0 to cause sb to have a feeling221 9 a fit of feeling 0 a short feeling222 9 strive 0 to try hard to do sth223 9 poke fun at 0 to make fun rediculus by maknig joke of him

    224 9 touch 0 small amount225 9 disregard 0 to ignore, paying no attention226 9 poodle 0 knid of dog227 9 indeed 0 certainly228 9 boredom 0 being bored

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    229 9 banish 0 to send officially sb out of his city, country, etc.230 9 onlooker 0 231 10 excel 1 to be better than, to do better than232 10 feminine 1 related to woman, of woman233 10 mount 1 to get up on234 10 compete 1 to try hard to win a race235 10 dread 1 to fear greatly, to look forward with fear

    236 10 masculine 1 related to man, of man237 10 menace 1 threat, danger 238 10 tendency 1 leaning, movement in a certain direction239 10 underestimate 1 to estimate sth below than it really is, to set too low a value, a rate, etc240 10 victorious 1 conquring241 10 numerous 1 large number, very many242 10 flexible 1 easily bent243 10 pony 0 kind of dog244 10 rival 0 opponent245 10 jockey 0 horse rider 246 10 attitude 0 opinion247 10 modest 0 tending not to talk about your abilities

    248 10 pastime 0 a hobby249 11 evidence 1 sth that makes clear the truth or falseness of sth250 11 solitary 1 single, only, alone251 11 vision 1 the ability of seeing, sense of sight252 11 frequent 1 happening often253 11 glimpse 1 a quick look, a short view254 11 recent 1 done or made not so long ago255 11 decade 1 ten years256 11 hesitate 1 to waste, to be unable to decide, to stumble257 11 absurd 1 foolish258 11 conflict 1 direct opposition, disagreement259 11 minority 1 smaller number or part, less than half 260 11 fiction 1 sth that is not real, sth that is imagined261 11 binocular 0 262 11 shrub 0 263 11 proverb 0 264 11 flabby 0 thin, weak265 12 ignite 1 to set on fire266 12 abolish 1 to end sth officially, to do away completely267 12 urban 1 of cities or town268 12 population 1 the people of a city or country269 12 frank 1 free in expressing one's real toughts, opinions, etc.270 12 pollute 1 to make sth dirty

    271 12 reveal 1 to make known272 12 prohibit 1 to ban, to forbid by law273 12 urgent 1 demanding immediate action, important274 12 adequate 1 sufficient275 12 decrease 1 to make or become less276 12 audible 1 able to be heard277 12 treasurer 0 278 12 drill seargent 0 279 12 campfire 0 the fire you ignite in camping280 12 scout 0 6-8 years old child281 12 spectacular 0 unusually great282 12 mediaeval 0 of the middle ages

    283 RW2 beat 0 to be winner in the match284 RW2 ponderous 0 being so slow because of being so heavy285 RW2 inference 0 286 RW2 sublime 0 extremely good287 RW2 bear 0 carry288 RW2 alien 0 stranger, foreign289 RW2 mitten 0 a type of glove290 RW2 loaf 0 avoid to work, hesitate291 RW2 endure 0 last, bear, continue to exist for long time292 RW2 surrender 0 to accept the defeat293 RW2 stumble 0 pausing for long time294 13 journalist 1 one who writes for magazines, newspaper,etc295 13 famine 1 starvation, great shortage296 13 revive 1 to bring back to life or consciousness297 13 commence 1 to start298 13 observant 1 watchful, good at noticing to things299 13 identify 1 to recognize300 13 migrate 1 to move from one place to another, travel completely to another country301 13 vessel 1 a ship, a hollow container 302 13 persist 1 to continue frimly, to refuse to stop303 13 hazy 1 misty, smoky, unclear 304 13 gleam 1 a beam of light

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    305 13 editor 1 person who corrects a manuscript or newspaper articles306 13 starvation 0 famine, shortage307 13 watchful 0 observator 308 13 hollow 0 empty309 13 burst a blood vessel 0 being so angry310 13 misty 0 unclear

    311 13 manuscript 0 the original copy of a bok before printing the final version312 13 commencement 0 an official ceremony in which the students get their degrees313 14 unruly 1 lawless, hard to rule or control314 14 rival 1 opponent315 14 violent 1 done with rough force316 14 brutal 1 cruel, coarse and savage317 14 opponent 1 rival318 14 brawl 1 noisy quarrel319 14 duplicate 1 to make a copy320 14 vicious 1 wicked, evil321 14 whirling 1 circulating322 14 underdog 1 one who expected to be the loser in a game, fight, etc.323 14 thrust 1 to push by force324 14 bewildered 1 baffled, confused completely, puzzled325 14 rough 0 hard, exact326 14 coarse 0 brute327 14 cruel 0 brutal328 14 pit bull 0 a kind of dog329 14 fingernail 0 330 15 expand 1 to swell, to be increased in size331 15 alter 1 to change, to revise

    332 15 mature 1 experienced enough, ripe, fully grownn or developed333 15 sacred 1 holy, worthy of respect334 15 revise 1 to change in order to improve, to alter 335 15 pledge 1 to promise336 15 casual 1 not planned before, happening by chance337 15 pursue 1 to follow, to proceed along338 15 unanimous 1 in complete agreement339 15 fortunate 1 lucky, having good chance340 15 pioneer 1 advanced in the front, one who goes first341 15 innovative 1 having new ideas, clever, fresh342 15 swell 0 to expand, to become large in size343 15 strip 0 a thin long piece of sth344 15 temple 0 a building used for doing one's prayers345 15 tear down 0 to destroy, to wipe out346 15 dig up 0 to search, to look into347 15 bartender 0 a man who serves beverages (drinks) in bar 348 15 come out 0 to finish349 15 pupil 0 a child student at primary school350 15 salute 0 to praise, to admire351 16 slender 1 thin and long, slight, narrow352 16 surpass 1 to excel, to do better than

    353 16 vast 1 enourmous, very great354 16 doubt 1 not being sure about sth, lack of certainty355 16 capacity 1 amount of room inside356 16 penetrate 1 to pierce, to get into through357 16 pierce 1 to penetrate, to go into358 16 accurate 1 exact, careful, exactly right359 16 microscope 1 instrument used for observing tiny paricles360 16 grateful 1 cheerful, thankful, feeling gratitude361 16 cautious 1 very careful, never taking chances362 16 confident 1 sure, frimly believing363 16 gratitude 0 the sense of being pleased, grateful364 16 retina 0 365 16 toothpick 0 366 16 lead 0 367 16 moisten 0 to make sth wet368 17 appeal 1 to interest, to attract, to desire, to advise, to urge369 17 addict 1 who can not break away from a habit370 17 wary 1 cautious371 17 aware 1 knowing, realizing372 17 misfortune 1 bad luck373 17 avoid 1 to keep away from

    374 17 wretched 1 unhappy, miserable, very unsatisfactory375 17 keg 1 small barrel376 17 nourish 1 to feed377 17 harsh 1 rough to touch and taste, sharp378 17 quantity 1 amount of room inside379 17 opt 1 to select,to choose380 17 urge 0 to desire, to advise

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    381 17 swiftly 0 quickly382 17 barrel 0 a container larger that gallon383 17 carpenter 0 384 17 powder keg 0 a situation that could easily be dangerous385 17 inhale 0 breath386 17 cheerleader 0 a girl or woman who leads the fans of a sport team387 17 molasses 0 388 17 pep pill 0

    389 17 deduce 0 to reach (an answer) by thinking carefully390 18 tragedy 1 a very sad happening or story391 18 pedestrain 1 walker, a person who goes on foot392 18 glance 1 a quick look, to look quickly393 18 budget 1 amount of money which is dedicated to do some work, project, etc.394 18 nimble 1 quick, agile395 18 manipulate 1 to act and treat very skillfully396 18 reckless 1 careless397 18 horrid 1 terrible, frightful398 18 rave 1 talking about sth widely and foolishly399 18 economical 1 not wasted time or money400 18 lubricate 1 make machinary smooth by putting oil, grease, etc.

    401 18 ingenious 1 clever, astute, having great mentality402 18 foaming at the mouth 0 being so angry403 18 leap 0 to make a wide jump or sudden movement404 18 frightful 0 very bad and unpleasent, horrid405 18 fame 0 the state of being well-known406 18 pedant 0 a person who is too interested about social and formal rules407 RW3 pat sb on the back 0 to praise sb408 RW3 relieve 0 to make less, to reduce pain409 RW3 counsellor 0 the one who helps us with his/her advises410 RW3 basin 0 411 RW3 furnace 0 a kind of large oven412 RW3 clumsy 0 diffiult to move413 RW4 lunge 0 to thrust, to push414 19 harvest 1 to gather crops,grains, etc.415 19 abundant 1 very plentiful416 19 uneasy 1 restless, anxious, disturbed417 19 calculate 1 to find out by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing418 19 absorb 1 to take in, to suck up419 19 estimate 1 to guess420 19 morsel 1 moutful, a small bite421 19 quota 1 share of a total422 19 threat 1 menace, cause of possible harm or danger 423 19 ban 1 to prohibit, to forbid424 19 panic 1 great shock and fear 425 19 appropriate 1 fit, suitable, convenient

    426 19 abacus 0 427 19 sponge 0 428 19 mouthful 0 morsel, a small bite429 19 lobster 0 a kind of crab430 19 lieutenant 0 431 19 give out 0 to finish432 19 lawn 0 an area covered by grass esp near the houses or parks433 19 pesticide 0 chemical substance which is used to keep insects, worms, etc away from crops434 19 foul 0 extremely unpleasent435 20 emerge 1 tp come out, to come into view436 20 jagged 1 sth with non-smooth edges, unevenly cut or torn437 20 linger 1 to stay on, to be unwilling to go

    438 20 ambush 1 a trap in which soldiers hide to make a sudden attack439 20 crafty 1 sly, skillful in deceiving others, tricky440 20 defiant 1 the one who refuses to obey441 20 vigor 1 strengh, active force442 20 perish 1 to die, to be destroyed443 20 fragile 1 delicate, frail444 20 captive 1 prisoner 445 20 prosper 1 to be succeed446 20 devour 1 eat hungrily, to absorb greedly447 20 odor 0 a particular smell448 20 sly 0 crafty, tricky, skillful in deceiving others449 20 delicate 0 fragile,frail450 20 plywood 0

    451 20 sheriff 0 452 20 barn 0 a large in building in farm in which grains are kept453 20 lamb 0 a young sheep454 20 ranch 0 a vast farm in which animals are kept455 20 bison 0 456 20 amuse 0 to enetertain

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    457 20 sturdy 0 physically strong458 20 shrewd 0 based on clear understanding459 20 unspoiled 0 remained undamaged460 20 vulgar 0 not suitable, very ordinary461 20 wither 0 to become weak and dry462 21 plea 1 ask, request, appeal463 21 weary 1 tired

    464 21 collide 1 to hit violently, come together with force465 21 confirm 1 to verify466 21 verify 1 to confirm, to prove sth to be true467 21 anticipate 1 to look forward to, to expect468 21 dilemma 1 a difficult choice469 21 detour 1 a roundabout way470 21 merit 1 goodness,worth471 21 transmit 1 to send over, to let through472 21 relieve 1 to make less, to reduce pain, to replace, to free473 21 baffle 1 be too hard to underestand, puzzled, confusing474 21 turn in 0 give475 21 sensible 0 wise to do

    476 21 collision 0 accident477 21 aviation 0 the act of raising up of an airplane478 22 warden 1 keeper, giuard, a person in charge of prison479 22 acknowledge 1 to confirm, to admit to be true480 22 justice 1 fair dealing481 22 delinquint 1 offender, behind time482 22 reject 1 to refuse483 22 deprive 1 to take away by force484 22 spouse 1 wife or husband485 22 vocation 1 profeession, trade, business486 22 unstable 1 not fixed, easily moved or overthrown487 22 homicide 1 a killing of human, murder

    488 22 penalize 1 set a penalty for 489 22 beneficiary 1 the person who recieves benefit490 22 niece 0 the duaghter of someone's brother or sister 491 22 inmate 0 a person who is kept in prison492 23 reptile 1 cold blooded animal like lizards, snakes, etc.493 23 rarely 1 seldom, not often494 23 forbid 1 to ban, to prohibit495 23 logical 1 reasonable496 23 exhibit 1 to show, to demonstrate, to display497 23 proceed 1 to go forward, to continue498 23 precaution 1 measures taken beforehand, foresight499 23 extract 1 to pull out, to draw out

    500 23 prior 1 coming before, earlier 501 23 embrace 1 to hug, to cuddle502 23 valiant 1 brave, courageous503 23 partial 1 not complete, not total504 23 creep 0 to move slowly with the body often close to the ground505 23 spitting 0 to force out saliva506 23 bride & gloom 0 507 23 foresight 0 measures taken beforehand, precaution508 23 slip (out) 0 to do quickly509 23 fang 0 a long sharp tooth (of snakes)510 23 splinter 0 small broken piece of wood, plastic, etc.511 24 fierce 1 savage, wild512 24 detest 1 to dislike, to hate513 24 sneer 1 to show scorn or contempt by looks or words, a scornful look514 24 scowl 1 to forwn, to look angry by lowering the eyeblows515 24 encourage 1 give courage to sb, to persuade, to increase the confidence516 24 consider 1 to regards, to contemplate517 24 vermin 1 small animals that are troublesome or destructive518 24 wail 1 to cry loudly because of greif or pain519 24 symbol 1 mark, sth that stands for sth else520 24 authorithy 1 the right to commad or enforce obedience, the power delegated to others521 24 neutral 1 impartial, on neither sde of a quarrel or war 522 24 trifle 1 a small amount, a little bit

    523 24 scorn 0 lack of respect524 24 contempt 0 a strong feeling of dislike along with lack of respect525 24 dime 0 10 cent coin526 24 frown 0 to scowl, to look angry by lowering eyebrows527 24 grief 0 great sadness528 24 jewish 0 529 24 obedience 0 530 24 monarch 0 the king or queen531 24 constitution 0 a set of political principles and laws532 24 stamp out 0 to destroy, to take away

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    533 24 stiff 0 firm, hard, severe534 24 muddle through 0 to manage sth that is unknown535 24 claw 0 536 24 cuddle 0 to embrace537 24 impartial 0 neutral, not biased538 RW4 attain 0 to gain, to obtain

    539 RW4 perplex 0 baffle, confused540 RW4 inquiry 0 541 25 architect 1 a person who makes plan for building and other structures542 25 matrimony 1 married life, the ceremony of marriage543 25 baggage 1 suitcase544 25 squander 1 to spend foolishly, to waste545 25 abroad 1 outside one's conuntry546 25 fugitive 1 runaway547 25 calamity 1 a great misfotune, serious trouble548 25 pauper 1 a very poor person

    549 25 envy 1 jealousy, to feel jealous550 25 collapse 1 to fall in, to fail suddenly551 25 perosecute 1 to bring before a court, to follow up552 25 bigamy 1 having two wives or two husbands at the same time553 25 blessing 0 approval554 25 inheritance 0 555 25 acquaintance 0 the person who you don't know very well556 25 compartment 0 557 25 prom 0 party558 25 strain 0 pressure559 25 quintuplet 0 560 25 bloodhaund 0 a large dog with the ability of smelling561 26 possible 1562 26 compel 1563 26 awkward 1564 26 venture 1565 26 awesome 1566 26 guide 1567 26 quench 1568 26 betray 1569 26 utter 1

    570 26 pacify 1571 26 respond 1572 26 beckon 1573 26 clumsy 0574 26 embarassed 0575 26 fur 0576 26 drown 0577 26 put out 0578 26 fate 0579 26 hiss 0

    580 26 sepent 0581 26 pride 0582 26 plead 0583 26 begone 0584 26 heaven 0585 26 befall 0586 26 tyrrany 0587 26 jaywalking 0588 26 graceful 0589 26 mob 0590 27 despite 1

    591 27 disrupt 1592 27 rash 1593 27 rapid 1594 27 exhaust 1595 27 severity 1596 27 feeble 1597 27 unite 1598 27 cease 1599 27 thrifty 1600 27 miserly 1

    601 27 monarch 1602 27 shutout 0603 27 upset 0604 27 clowning 0605 27 take for granted 0606 27 hasty 0607 27 ivy 0608 27 carry out 0

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    609 27 use up 0610 27 thriving 0611 27 get along 0612 27 stingy 0613 27 contamination 0

    614 27 stake 0615 27 bout 0616 27 frugal 0617 28 outlaw 1618 28 promote 1

    619 28 undernourished 1620 28 illustrate 1621 28 disclose 1622 28 excessive 1623 28 disaster 1624 28 censor 1625 28 culprit 1626 28 juvenile 1627 28 bait 1

    628 28 insist 1629 28 exile 0630 28 outcast, cast out 0631 28 curtain 0632 28 torment 0

    633 28 trout 0634 28 pastry 0635 28 cereal 0636 28 sugar-coated 0637 28 cutout 0

    638 28 imprison 0639 28 lure 0640 29 toil 1641 29 blunder 1642 29 daze 1

    643 29 mourn 1644 29 subside 1645 29 maim 1646 29 comprehend 1647 29 commend 1648 29 final 1649 29 exempt 1650 29 vain 1651 29 repitition 1

    652 29 apology 0653 29 retreat 0654 29 sorrow 0655 29 cripple 0656 29 sonscience 0

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    685 31 idol 1686 31 jest 1687 31 patriotic 1688 31 dispute 1689 31 valor 1

    690 31 lunatic 1691 31 vein 1692 31 uneventful 1693 31 fertile 1694 31 take stock (of sth) 0

    695 31 ruins 0696 31 mockery 0697 31 bravery 0698 31 insane 0699 31 hatch 0700 32 refer 1701 32 distress 1702 32 diminish 1703 32 maximum 1

    704 32 flee 1705 32 vulnerable 1706 32 signify 1707 32 mythology 1708 32 provide 1

    709 32 colleague 1710 32 torment 1711 32 loyalty 1712 32 wrap 0713 32 pitch 0

    714 32 might, mighty 0715 32 bunk 0716 33 volunteer 1717 33 prejudice 1718 33 shrill 1

    719 33 jolly 1720 33 witty 1721 33 hinder 1722 33 lecture 1723 33 abuse 1724 33 mumble 1725 33 mute 1726 33 wad 1727 33 retain 1

    728 33 whistle 0729 33 insult 0730 33 merry 0731 33 pirate 0732 33 twinkle 0

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    761 35 elevate 1762 35 lottery 1763 35 finance 1764 35 obtain 1765 35 cinema 1

    766 35 event 1767 35 discard 1768 35 soar 1769 35 subsequent 1770 35 relate 1

    771 35 stationary 1772 35 boast 0773 35 throw aside 0774 35 aspire 0775 35 ambition 0776 35 entitle 0777 35 hostel 0778 36 prompt 1779 36 hasty 1

    780 36 scorch 1781 36 tempest 1782 36 soothe 1783 36 sympathetic 1784 36 redeem 1

    785 36 resume 1786 36 harmony 1787 36 refrain 1788 36 illegal 1789 36 narcotic 1

    790 36 brew 0791 36 comfort 0792 36 mortgage 0793 36 ransom 0794 36 intermission 0

    795 36 incident 0796 36 hum 0797 36 drowsiness 0798 36 house-hunting 0799 36 firearm 0800 RW6 erosion 0801 RW6 applause 0802 RW6 barren 0803 RW6 mild 0

    804 RW6 impulsive 0805 RW6 ransom 0806 RW6 hatred 0807 RW6 breeze 0808 RW6 subdue 0

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    837 37 hindrance 0838 38 biography 1839 38 drench 1840 38 swarm 1841 38 wobble 1

    842 38 tumult 1843 38 kneel 1844 38 dejected 1845 38 obedient 1846 38 recede 1

    847 38 tyrant 1848 38 charity 1849 38 verdict 1850 38 soak 0851 38 fraternity 0852 38 handful 0853 38 mosquito 0854 38 uproar 0855 38 chin 0

    856 38 hand 0857 38 peg 0858 38 rebel 0859 38 tide 0860 38 wade into 0

    861 38 fleet 0862 38 oddly enough 0863 38 overlook 0864 38 bail 0865 38 parasol 0

    866 38 lenient 0867 39 unearth 1868 39 depart 1869 39 coincide 1870 39 cancel 1

    871 39 debtor 1872 39 legible 1873 39 placard 1874 39 contagious 1875 39 clergy 1876 39 customery 1877 39 transparent 1878 39 scald 1879 39 vase 0

    880 39 cross out 0881 39 call off 0882 39 testify against 0883 39 blindfold 0884 39 get out of hand 0

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    913 41 rehabilitate 1914 41 parole 1915 41 vertical 1916 41 multitude 1917 41 nominate 1

    918 41 potential 1919 41 morgue 1920 41 preoccupied 1921 41 upholstery 1922 41 indifference 1

    923 41 porch 0924 41 lever 0925 41 cushion 0926 41 beset 0927 41 sentence 0928 41 poverty 0929 41 assertive 0930 41 designate 0931 42 maintain 1

    932 42 snub 1933 42 endure 1934 42 wrath 1935 42 expose 1936 42 legend 1

    937 42 ponder 1938 42 resign 1939 42 drastic 1940 42 wharf 1941 42 amend 1

    942 42 ballot 1943 42 uphold 0944 42 forgery 0945 42 starving 0946 42 afresh 0

    947 42 slay 0948 42 weakling 0949 42 deed 0950 42 guinea pig 0951 RW7 saturate 0952 RW7 stain 0953 RW7 henchman 0954 RW7 annihilation 0955 RW7 notourious 0

    956 RW7 torture 0957 RW7 kinsman 0958 RW7 myth 0
