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Abstain engage part1_9.18.16

Date post: 16-Apr-2017
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Page 1: Abstain engage part1_9.18.16
Page 2: Abstain engage part1_9.18.16

So these were the gifts that He gave. Some were to be apostles, others prophets, others evangelists, and others pastors, and teachers. Their job is to give God’s people the equipment they need for their work of service, and so to build up the King’s Body. The purpose of this is that we should all reach unity in our belief (in), and loyalty (to), and in knowing God’s Son (Jesus). Then we shall reach the stature of the mature Man (Jesus) measured by the standard’s of (His) the King’s fullness.



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THIS WEEKLearning tosay “yes”…

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SOUL TRAINING EXERCISES orSPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES…Bodily habits that help our heart, soul, mind, and strengthconnect with God; where we put ourselves in the positionto receive grace from God to do what we otherwise couldn’t,and be who we otherwise wouldn’t…

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DISCIPLINES of ABSTINENCETo strengthen spiritual “NOT-DOING” muscles(helpful when w/DOING something we DON’T want to do…)

DISCIPLINES of ENGAGEMENTTo strengthen spiritual “DOING” muscles

(helpful when struggling w/NOT DOING something...)

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SOUL TRAING by INTENTIONAL ACTION- WORSHIP & THE SACRAMENTS Praising God’s greatness, goodness, and beauty in words, music, ritual, or silence; marking myself as a follower of Jesus, and a part of His Covenant family through baptism, and commemorating His life, death, burial, and resurrection by regularly receiving communion

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FALL BAPTISM SERVICE{ Sunday, September 25 @ 10:30am }

Directions to Bloomington Beach & food instructions are online at


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SOUL TRAING by INTENTIONAL ACTION- BIBLE READING Trusting the Holy Spirit-inspired words of Scripture as the

authoritative story that gives context, guidance, strength & wisdom

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SOUL TRAING by INTENTIONAL ACTION- BIBLE READING Trusting the Holy Spirit-inspired words of Scripture as the

authoritative story that gives context, guidance, strength & wisdom

- CHARITY/GENEROSITY Being motivated by the love of Jesus to voluntarily

give of one’s available resources (time/talent/treasure)for the tangible benefit of others (family/church/world)

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PHASE I = August 14 – October 2, 2016(Roughly $2,000 more to establish the Kadaama family in Busete)

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SOUL TRAING by INTENTIONAL ACTION- SERVICE IN/TO THE COMMUNITY Serving others with humility, out of the overflow of God’s love, generosity, and compassion to you

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- SOUL FRIENDSHIP WITH OTHERS Engaging fellow disciples of Jesus (and others) in prayerful conversation, or other spiritual practices

(bible study, haverim, meditative prayer, missional community, etc.)

- SERVICE IN/TO THE COMMUNITY Serving others with humility, out of the overflow of God’s love, generosity, and compassion to you

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SOUL TRAING by INTENTIONAL ACTION- PERSONAL REFLECTION Paying attention to our inner self in order to grow in love for God, others, and self (addressing past/current issues through counseling, study, etc.)

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- PRAYER Conversing with God about what we’re experiencing,

and doing together; sharing our heart/thoughts with God;listening for God’s voice in silence; interceding

for the concerns/needs of others; resting in God’s presence to simply BE with God...

- PERSONAL REFLECTION Paying attention to our inner self in order to grow in love for God, others, and self (addressing past/current issues through counseling, study, etc.)

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Going without food (or something else) for a period of focused prayer — may be “complete,” or “partial”

* Coffee/desserts/soda* Computer/video games

* Social Media/TV (programs, or altogether)

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When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head, and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting,

but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

MATTHEW 6:16-18

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21-DAY FAST to PREPARE OUR HEARTSFOR the NOVEMBER ELECTION & BEYONDSunday, October 2nd (after lunch) toSunday, October 23rd (after service)

* Three weeks of focused prayer:- Lamenting (Oct 2 – 8; Mickey to Uganda)

- Repenting (Oct 9 – 16; FP week; Arlyn to Uganda)

- Celebrating (Oct 17 – 23; Arlyn returns)

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