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The Fourth Survey on Vessel Traffic Services in the World by Namio MIZUKI and Yahei FUJII Abstract VTS (vessel traffic services) system is a countermeasure to solve delay due to congestion and to decrease losses due to traffic accidents. Survey on VTSs in the world started in the Electronic Research institute (ENRI) in 1977 and 3 reports have been published based on answers to questionnaires in 3 consecutive surveys. This report presents the results from the 4th survey on VTSs. Twoinquiry formats are prepared in the 4th survey; FORMAT A (abbreviated format) and FORMAT B (with detailed information). The answers to FORMAT A and B yield List A and B respectively. These lists are given in APPENDIX 1.2 and 1.3 where List A involves some data of previous surveys which are not updated. List C is a short list of VTSs grouped in 5 types of VTS area, i.e., sea VTS, route VTS, integrated VTS, terminal VTS and protection VTS. The results are analyzed mainly with respect to the type of VTS area, type of authority, type of management, size of VTS area, cost to establish, number of staffs, number of surveillance radars and other equipments. Most of these variables are either countable or measurable. Frequency distributions of VTSs distribute in wide ranges of such variables. Therefore, logarithmic scales and cumulative relative frequency (CRF) distributions are em- ployed to analyze the results. Various tables thus obtained would, the authors hope, give considerably fair perspectives on the VTSs in the world at present. Comparison of the result of survey with those of previous surveys might indicate direction of the evolution. Appendix includes lists of VTSs as the direct result of the survey, and guide specifications for VTS design based on the study in the VTS Laboratory of ENRI. * Evaluation Division ** Advisor, the Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan (former Director General of ENRI)
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The Fourth Survey on VesselTraffic Services in the World


Namio MIZUKI and Yahei FUJII


VTS (vessel traffic services) system is a countermeasure to solve delay due to congestion and to decreaselosses due to traffic accidents. Survey on VTSs in the world started in the Electronic Research institute (ENRI)in 1977 and 3 reports have been published based on answers to questionnaires in 3 consecutive surveys. This reportpresents the results from the 4th survey on VTSs.

Twoinquiry formats are prepared in the 4th survey; FORMAT A (abbreviated format) and FORMAT B (withdetailed information). The answers to FORMAT A and B yield List A and B respectively. These lists are givenin APPENDIX 1.2 and 1.3 where List A involves some data of previous surveys which are not updated. List C isa short list of VTSs grouped in 5 types of VTS area, i.e., sea VTS, route VTS, integrated VTS, terminal VTS andprotection VTS.

The results are analyzed mainly with respect to the type of VTS area, type of authority, type of management,size of VTS area, cost to establish, number of staffs, number of surveillance radars and other equipments. Mostof these variables are either countable or measurable. Frequency distributions of VTSs distribute in wide rangesof such variables. Therefore, logarithmic scales and cumulative relative frequency (CRF) distributions are em-ployed to analyze the results.

Various tables thus obtained would, the authors hope, give considerably fair perspectives on the VTSs in theworld at present. Comparison of the result of survey with those of previous surveys might indicate direction of theevolution.

Appendix includes lists of VTSs as the direct result of the survey, and guide specifications for VTS designbased on the study in the VTS Laboratory of ENRI.

* Evaluation Division* * Advisor, the Shipbuilding Research Association of Japan

(former Director General of ENRI)

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Table of contents



2.1 Survey Method

2.2 Definitions and Abbreviations

2.3 Answers


3.1 Distribution of Locations

3.2 Type of Area and Authority

3.3 Management and Participant

3.4 Area Factors

3.5 Installation

3.6 Cost to Establish VTS

3.7 Staff


4.1 Summary of Survey Results à"à"

4.2 Considerations



APPENDIX 1 LISTS A1-1 List C (Short List) A1-2 List A (Based on Format A) A1-3 List B (Based on Format B)APPENDIX 2 GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR VTS DESIGN A2-1 Ship Separation, Lane Width and Traffic Capacit A2-2 Loss Due to Traffic Accidents

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The history of VTS with radar surveillance and VHF AM communication capabilities started at LiverpoolPort Operation Centre in 1948. After international adoption of VHF FM radio for maritime use, VTS with radarchain and VHF spread to countries around the North Sea in 1960's. Coast guards in North America also began toestablish VTSs along their coast and inland waters. These two areas are origins of VTS.

Our first survey on VTSs in the world was made in 1977-78 with particular interest on shore-based radars.The second survey report in 1983 introduced computerized system intensively where brief introduction to marinetraffic studies in theElectronic Navigation Resarch Institute (ENRI, of Ministry of Transport, Japan) is added. Weare very much obliged to quotations of our third survey reports (1989) in various publications, especially of thoseat International VTS Symposiums. The third report allows analysis on the effectiveness of VTS which has beenthe motivation of our survey from the beginning, though it is only the first step .

Young recently gave an instructive report on the topic with 65 references which are useful for VTS relatedstudies. The IALA-IAPH-IMPA World VTS Guide, started in 1989, uses a filing system and hence, it is veryadequate for continuous updating. It provides useful data with graphics, especially on operational features of VTS,though the number of VTSs in the Guide is considerably limited at present.

This 4th survey also aims to collect data necessary for cost-benefit analysis. The cost to establish a VTSsystem and total number of staffs in the system may allow rough estimation of its life-cycle cost. The benefit,consisting of losses due to vessel traffic accidents preventable with VTS has been studied in ENRI and is briefedin the Appendix. Other benefits due to decrease in congestion loss and prevention of damage to environment dueto tanker accidents may also be assesseed before planning a VTS. The survey may also offer worldwide data onVTSs which provide readers a perspective of present situation and the direction of VTS development.


2.1 Survey Method

Twosurvey formats, A and B, were sent at the end of 1994 to persons in our list who had participated in ourformer surveys and those who received our 3rd report and signed at the Vancouver VTS symposium in 1992.

Data on 5 VTSs can be described in one Format A, a double-letter size with 22 terms per VTS, while one sheetof Format B, also double letter size, is for single VTS and involves 25 terms with more quantitative representa-tions. We asked to fill FORMAT B for VTSs especially for those with one of following features.

-VTS with 3 or more shore-based radars and/or VTS with such service area as river, canal, strait, andcoastal area.

-VTS of information network type supervising/connecting 3 or more VTSs.-SAR VTS with AMVER-like services (probably with RCC/NAVTEX activities)-VTS with other distinctive features or with special trials, e.g., transponder system)Answers with filled Formats are rewritten in an interim report and sent back in March 1996 to cooperators

for revision. They are also distributed to participants in the Rotterdam VTS symposium with FORMATs in April1996. It is our regret that our final report is 2 years behind the original schedule.

2.2 Definitions and Abbreviations

2.2.1 Definition of vessel traffic serviceIMO has defined VTS as following : A VTS is any service by a competent authority, designed to improve

safety and effeciency and the protection of environment. It may range from the provision of simple informationmessages to extensive management of traffic within a port or waterway.

Therefore, VTS is understood in a wide sense as stated above in this report. It may be a combination of VTSand RCC (rescue coordination center defined in the GMDSS), e.g., Centro Regional de Coordinacion de Salvamento/VTS Las Plamas, Spain).

Grouping of VTS is tried in our 3rd report depending mainly on the type of VTS area, which is given asfollowing:

-Terminal VTS (abbreviated as Tml VTS, covering port or port with approaches/channels), including riverand canal within port).

-Route VTS (Rte VTS mainly for transiting vessels through river, canal, strait, off cape and other coastalarea) including attached port

-Integrated VTS=Terminal VTS(s)+Route VTS-Sea VTS covering coast and international waters whose principal task is serach and rescue (SAR) operation.-Protection VTS (Prtc VTS) covering comparatively small area (upto 20km) around bridge, offshore struc-

ture, range, fishing/cultivation, recreation zone, etc., for protection. Great Belt VTS in Denmark is an


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exceptional case with an area size of 50km grouped as Rte VTS in this report.Pilot stations are often equipped with shore-based radars to help their operation and may be included in the

IMO definition. However, the number of answers to our inquiries from such pilot organizations has been small,partly because they do not regard themselves as competent authority. The number of answers from Sea VTSwhose main task is SAR has been also small, partly because their activity situates on the margin of definition,"within port or waterway". Protection VTS is also a minor group in this survey.

NoteThe report involves some VTSs without radar surveillance or VTSs operated by pilot organizations. However,

a large number of such terminal VTSs have not been included in our surveys. Please note that the results of theanalysis are based on data of surveyed VTSs only. Please pay attention to the mother group of data, i.e., totalnumber of VTSs in the tables and figures.

A typical VTS has manned centre(s) with VHF communication and surveillance radar(s) operated by acompetent authority which is usually either governmental or public organization. Since main/direct objectives ofVTS are to reduce traffic accidents and delays, most of VTSs cover ports, routes, or both where most of trafficaccidents have occurred. Protection of environment is usually accomplished by reducing tanker accidents.2.2.2 AbbreviationsFollowing abbreviations, symbols and definitions are used in this report.(1) General abbreviations

V or Ves: vessel, Tr or Traf: traffic, S: service or system, Inf or INFO: information, r or rad: radar, s:station, TV : closed circuit television, DF : direction finder, k : 1000, M : 1000000, GRT/grt : gross ton,SAR : search and rescue, RCC: Rescue Coordination Centre, IALA: International Asociation of LighthouseAuthority, IAPA: International Asociation of Ports and Harbors, IMPA: International Mritime Pilot Asocia-tion, AMVER : Automated Mutual Assistance Vessel Rescue System, NAVTEX : Navigation Telex

(2) Data group•• : new/updated/revised data based on answer from/by VTS authority.•›: double circle in our previous survey(s).•ž : depends on the World VTS Guide or information from manufacturing company.•¢: from other sources.

G / PI /•\ : Registered in the IALA-IAPH-IMPA World VTS Guide /Registration being planned / Not registered

B /•\ : Data is also given in List B (based on FORMAT B)./not given.(3) Category of VTS authority CstGd: Coast Guard, MarAd: Maritime Administration, PortA: Port Pilt

Authority, WwayA: Waterway Authority which is generally related closely to maritime administration, Pilt:Pilot organization, BrgA: Bridge Authority which is generally closely related to Highway organization,OilCo : Oil company, Dfnc : Defence Authority, CnIA : Canal Authorty, Cmpn : Company

(4) Type of management Vmr or VMRS: vessel movement reporting system, Clr or VMCL: Vmr requiringclearance, Rpt : report and approval of entry/departure, Sgn or SGNL : Control with traffic signal, Mnt orMNTR: monitor traffic, Org : Traffic organization, Ass : assistance, Pit : pilot dependent management,Prtct: protect, Fsh: fishing field, Env: environment, Inf and/or Mnt is often omitted when there are manyitems. Clr usually includes Vmr.

(5) Type of traffic Regulation SpR : Speed regulation or limit, KpL : keep within traffic lane, NoOv : Noovertaking, NoX : No crossing, Esc: escort ship when required

(6) Type of VTS area Prt : port, App : approach, Bay : bay, Brg : bridge, Cnl : canal, Rvr : river, Str : strait,Chn : channel, Cst : Coast, Fsh : fishing field, Int/Intn : international water, Lak: lake, Rng : range Rcr :recreational area, Off : offshore structure

(7) Participant vessel over a certain size, e.g.,•†300GRT,•†50m,Dng : with dangerous/pollutant cargo, Frn: Foreign flag

(8) Cost of establishing a VTS in U. S. dollars, a continuous quantity. Scale index of VTS should be defined withseveral quantities, cost, diameter, number of staffs, etc. However, following simple definition of scale indexis used in this report.S:•…$0.1M,M:0.1-1M,L: 1-10M and LL:•† $10M.

(9) Area size : The longest diameter, D, is used as the size of VTS area in this report. When its shape is belt-like,the length is used.

(10) Hydro-meteo: Hydrographic and meteorological conditions, specially indicated when frequency of low visibil-ity exceeds 300 hours/year, or with 4 or more bends or current exceeding 4 knots, or tidal difference over 3

m(11) Traffic data C : cargo handled where M stands for million tons/year, G : Total gross tonnage entered or

passed where M stands for M GRT/year, S : number of ships entered, passed or handled where k stands for1000 ships or ship movements/year


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(12) Radar : number of stations and radars with type of radar data processing if any, e.g., 2s4r ARPA: 2 stationsand 4 radars with ARPA functions.RDP/Rdp : radar data processing, ARPA/Arp : Automated Radar Plotting Aid

(13) Data processing system IDP : Integrated Data Processing System, TOP : Traffic DPS, SDP : Ship DPS,Lnk : Data Link System. TDP or SDP is omitted when there is an IDP.

(14) VHF radio: Number of stations and zones, e.g., 3s2z(15) Other facilities for traffic surveillance and/or navigation aids excluding light facilities. VHF-DF, TV,

racon(radio beacon), LORAN-C, DECCA, DGPS(Differential GPS), berthing aids(BrtA), etc.(16) Remarks RdAc: Considerable reduction of accidents, RdCg: Considerable reduction of congestion, NoE :

No prominent effectNote : Abbreviations in List B(based on FORMAT B for detailed information) is tried to be less when space

allows.2.2.3 Variables and frequency distributions

There are several factors important to characterize a VTS. Majority of them are either measurable orcountable, i.e., continuous variables such as the diameter of VTS area (area size), amount of cargo handled in aport, and numbers of surveillance radars and staffs in a VTS. Others are not quantitative but qualitative, such astypes of VTS area, authority, and traffic management.

The results of the inquiry survey are analyzed and in our previous reports, given as frequency distributions ofVTSs, or in other words, as histograms or shares. Though about 200 VTSs are handled in the analysis, amount ofdata is not large enough to obtain beautiful bell-shaped distribution curves, i.e., the normal distribution. Therefore,cumulative relative frequency(CRF) distribution curves are prepared to yield 84-50-16 percentile values. Themedian value corresponding to a CRF of 50% is suitable as an representative value and most of VTSs, i.e.,68% ofVTSs are found between 84 and 16 percentile values.

In the analysis, variables usually distribute in a wide range and histograms in logarithmic scale often givesnormal distribution-like curves. In such case, the average value often cannot be the representative one but givesa considerably large value. Therefore, logarithmic scale and CRF distribution curves are often used in the analysisreported here.

For example, Table 1 is prepared to examine the relation of the number of surveillance radars in a VTS andthe number of staffs for VTS (not number of staffs at watch but that of all staffs directly working for the VTS).165 VTSs have given information on staff numbers.

CRF of "Total" in the Table 1 gives a median value, i.e., 50-percentile value, of 13.5 staffs (Log Ns=1.13).84- and 16-percentile values are 6.3 (Log6.3=0.80)and 36.3(Log36.3=1.56)respectively. When 84-50-16 per-centile values of CRF are given as 6.3-13.5-36.3, means that most(=68%) of VTSs have staffs ranging from 6.3to 36.3 and 13.5 is the median value. These 3 values allow good estimation of frequency distribution when thedistribution is well approximated with log-normal distribution.

Table 1 Distribution and CRF of the number of staffs, Nstf (••+•› only)N s t f

O v e r 9 r a d a r s

5 - 8 r a d a r s

3 - 4 r a d a r s

0 - 2 r a d a r s

0 - 2 3 - 5 6 - 1 0 1 1 - 2 0 2 1 - 5 0 5 1 - 1 0 0 1 0 1 - 4 3 1 1 2 5 3 - 7 1 7 1 1 2 1 6 1 3 4 0 3 4 1 1 4 - S u m


1 1

3 8

1 0 8

8 4 - 5 0 - 1 6

2 7 - 5 2 - 9 1

1 4 - 3 2 - 6 6

9 - 1 7 - 4 6

5 - 1 0 - 2 0

T o t a l 6 1 3 4 8 5 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 6 5

C u m u l . F r e q . 1 6 5 ← 1 5 9 ← 1 4 6 ← 9 8 ← 4 5 ← 1 4 ← 2 ←

C . R . F . ( % ) 1 0 0 9 6 8 8 5 9 2 7 8 1 6 . 3 - 1 3 . 5 - 3 6 . 3

The logarithm of the relative frequency distribution of Nstf is well approximated with following log normaldistribution function,

Log Nstf=1.13•}0.38

where•}0.38 means that 84- and 16-percentile values are 1/2.4 and 2.4 times of the median value respectively.4 other CRF curves give 27-52-91 or VTSs with 9 or more radars, 14-32-66, 9-17-46 and 5-10-20 for VTSs with5-8 radars, 3 or 4 radars and 0-2 radars, respectively. Median values indicate that 4(Nr+l) staffs are usuallyregarded to be necessary in a VTS with Nr radars. Most of VTSs has staffs ranging from 2(Nr+1) to 8(Nr+1).This example may show usefullness of CRF and 16-50-84 percentile values in the analysis.

2.3 Answers

We are very much obliged to continuous cooperation to our surveys, especially of governmental organizationsof Canada, Japan, Germany and U.S.A. from the first survey in 1978 for their well arranged answers to our inquiryand those of China and Finland from the third survey. A variety of organizations in U.K. have been contributing


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to our surveys from the beginning. New data from Spain has joined recently. However, data of France and CIShave not been updated and those of India, Indonesia, Korea, Mexico, and South Africa are still very limited.Information from manufacturing companies (with•ž mark) has helped us to cover this gap though, this informationis usually insufficient on VTS area and management.

Updating data is also difficult when systems in a country is being renewed. For example, Finnish MaritimeAdministration informed us of the situation of VTSs which is dramatically changing as following. High qualityVTS stations, a sort of centralized pilot station with very advanced VTS-features are being built which aresupported by a large centralized information system (maritime information network) already in operation, at thesame time when the number of independent pilot stations is reducing considerably. Radar coverage is going toextend over Finnish sea traffic area and their ultimate goal is to have the whole sea area of Finland under VTScontrol.

Table 2 gives the number of VTSs, Nv, and that of VTS radars, Nr, together with those in previous surveyswhere considerable increases in Nv and Nr are recognized. Nv and Nr in the world are estimated to be about 400and 800 respectively and this survey may cover two thirds, or at least more than half, of VTSs with radarsurveillance in the world. The IALA-IAPH-IMNPA World VTS Guide, started in1989, provides ample informationparticularly on operation side. However, the number of VTSs with G marks in-our survey, i.e., registered in theGuide, amounts to 43 and with PI (being planned) to 25.Therfore, this report, the authors wish, may provide aninformation source for the time being until the Guide covers most of VTSs in the world.

Table 2 The number of VTSs, Nv, and the number of surveillance radars, Nr, classified by datagroup in 3 previous surveys and present one

1 st s u r v e y

N v N r

2 n d s u r v e y

N v N r

3 r d s u r v e y

N v N r

4 th s u rv e y

N v N r

D a ta w it h ◎ m a r k

D a ta w ith ○ m a r k

6 8   1 4 5 1 0 4 2 2 2

2 5 2 5

16 1

4 2 3 4 1 6 2

1 4 9

9 1 3 8 8

1 6 2S u m 6 8 1 4 5 1 2 9 2 4 7 2 0 3 4 0 3 2 4 0 5 5 0

D a ta w it h ◇  o r  △ 1 5 0 1 5 9 1 5 1 1 5 1 9 4 10 4 7 6 9 1

T o t a l 2 1 8 3 1 4 2 8 0 3 9 8 2 9 7 5 0 7 3 1 6 6 4 1


3.1 Distribution of Locations

Table 3 gives geographical distribution of the number of VTSs, Nv, and the number of surveillance radars, Nr,in the world together with data group marks and size index grouped by the size of cost to establish VTS. The tablealso gives size distribution by size index (defined by the cost to establish VTS, not by area size). As stated in the3rd report, the answers from small VTSs often lack data on cost to establish VTS. Similar to the 3rd report, costdata for such VTS is estimated by that of VTS with similar conditions.

Approximate shares of continent in the world VTS are: Europe 57% (=141/240), Asia 20%, America 13% andOceania 8%. Present distribution of VTS reflects not only the necessity of traffic service but its history ofdevelopment as shown below.

Modern VTS was born in the United Kingdom with a radar installed by the Mersey Docks Harbour Company,a port authority, to have efficient and safe pilot operation. Such European style VTS spread along the coast of theNorth Sea in 1960's as countermeasure against traffic accident and congestion in port and its approach. Maritimeadministrations and port authorities soon after established VTSs for both routes and ports. Our previous andpresent surveys show the history of the development and propagation of such European style VTS. It spreadeastwards to the Baltic coast and westwards to the French Atlantic coast. Then, it reached Iberian coast in1990's and has entered the Mediterranean Sea. European style VTS has leapt to Oceania since 1960 and West Asiasince1980.

VTS of American style operated by coast guard originated in North America in 1970's. Japan followed a littlelater. VTS is rapidly spreading in China since 1980's and, toward the end of this century, in South Asia.Considerably long time may be required to have VTSs along African and South American coast.


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Table 3 Distribution of VTSs in the world in the 4th survey with thier number, Nv, and that of surveillance radars, Nr, groupedin their size.

◎+ ○ ◇+ △ T o t a l


N v N r


N v N r


N v N r S N v N r

S u m

N v   N r N v N r N v N r




B E L & N E T H

D N K + S W D + N O R + F I N

S P N + P R T G + I T L Y

I R E + G R C + S L V N

C I S + E S T + L A T + L T H

1 7 5 3 4 1 1 3 2 4 4

1 6

7 1 9 6 2 3 5 1 2

1 3 4 1 3 7 1 6

3 9

7 1 7

4 2

5 7

2 3

1 6 3 3

5 8 7 1 4

2 1

5 5

3 6 5 7

5 2

4 1

1 7 4 4

1 5 5 9

1 1 3 2

1 0 5 5

5 6 1 0 3

1 8 3 2

4 1

1 0 2 3

4 4

2 2

1 1

1 3 1 9

1 1

2 2

1 8 2 0

2 1 4 8

1 5 5 9

1 3 3 4

1 1 5 6

6 9 1 2 2

1 9 3 3

6 3

2 8 4 3

E U R O P E 1 0 1 0 4 3 3 9 5 4 6 8 4 5 2 6 6 1 4 1 3 4 9 4 1 4 9 1 8 2 3 9 8



S O U T H - E A S T A S I A


4 1 1 3 3 2

6 2 5

1 4 1 8

4 5

4 7

5 5

2 2

1 0

6 3

1 0 3 2

2 3 3 4 4 3 2

1 2 1 0

1 2 1 2

4 4

1 0 3 2

2 3 3 4

1 6 4 4

1 6 1 4

A S I A 7 4 3 2 4 4 8 1 1 1 4 7 3 4 9 1 0 8 1 6 1 6 6 5 1 2 4


U . S . A .

M X + P N + O T H E R S

1 5 3 1 3

1 8

9 1 5 4 1 0

2 4

3 1

2 1

2 1

3 2

1 5 2 2

1 2 2 6 3 1 2 3 5 4 1 3

1 5 2 2

1 5 3 1 7 2 5

A M E R I C A 5 2 6 1 5 2 9 5 2 5 3 3 0 6 0 7 1 8 3 7 7 8

O C E A N I A 2 4 5 7 1 1 8 1 8 1 9 3 3 2 1 2 2

A F R I C A 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 9 9 1 1 1 9

W O R L D 2 1 1 7 5 7 4 1 8 4 6 7 1 0 7 7 6 8 0 2 4 0 5 4 6 7 6 9 5 3 1 6 6 4 1

Note : Size distribution of Nv with•ž or•¢ mark, LL-1, L-9, M-10, S-56

3.2 Type of Area and Authority

Types of VTS area such as port, port and approach, strait, etc. are used to categorize VTSs into 5 groups, sea,route, integrated, terminal and protection. When a VTS area has canal/river as inner port passage, it is groupedas terminal VTS. A VTS covering a canal or a large river which connects seas/bays/ports, is regarded as routeVTS.

Table 4 gives geographical distribution of types of VTS and its authority. "Maritime Administration" inTable 4 includes "Waterway Administration". It shows that sea VTS and protection VTS form minority groupswhile terminal VTS occupies majority.

Type and size of VTS area, type of authority, and mode of management are closely connected. Table 5 showsrelation of area type and authority type. All Sea VTSs and Route VTSs are operated by coast guard, maritimeadministration or defence(navy or army) with one exception of Messina Strait operated by pilot organization.

Table 4 Geographical distribution of types of VTS and its authority.(Data :••+•›, 240VTSs)

T y p e o f V T S T y p e o f A u th o rity

S e a R t e It s T m l P r tc S u m D fn c C s tG M a r A C n lA P r tA B r g A P ilt C m p n

E u r o p e

A m e r ic a

A s ia

O c e a n ia

A fr ic a

3 3 1 1 6 9 1 - 3 5 1 5 7 - 1 5 8 3 0 5 - - 1 1 6 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 4 1

3 0

4 9

1 8


1 1 0 4 7 - 4 6 3 7 - 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 - - 1 5 1 4 - 1 3 5 - 2 - - 1 1 - 6 1 - - - - 1 1 - - -

T o ta l

S h a r e

7 4 2 4 0 1 4 5 6

3 % 1 8 % 1 7 % 6 0 % 2 %

2 4 0

1 0 0 %

4 4 7 7 3 3 6 7 5 3 9 2

2 % 2 0 % 3 0 % 1 % 2 8 % 2 % 1 6 % 1 %


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Integrated VTSs are operated by various organizations excluding pilot organization. Terminal VTS, the majoritygroup, are operated mainly by maritime administration, port authority or pilot organization with comparativelysmall share of coast guard.

Table 5 Frequency distribution of Nv with respect to area type and authority type.(Data :••+•›, 240VTSs)

D f n c C s t G M a r A C n l A P r t A B r d A P i lt C m p n S u m S h a r e

S e a V T S

R o u t e V T S

I n t e g r a t e d V T S

T e r m i n a l V T S

P r o t e c t i o n V T S

1 4 2 - - - - - 2 1 6 2 0 3 - - 1 - 1 1 5 1 0 - 1 4 - - - - 1 2 4 1 - 5 2 - 3 8 2 - - - - 1 5 - - 7

4 2

4 0

1 4 5


3 %

1 8 %

1 7 %

6 0 %

2 %

T o t a l 4 4 7 7 3 3 6 7 5 3 9 2 2 4 0 1 0 0 %

3.3 Management and Participant

Report of the 3rd survey indicates that the degree of control, i.e., the antonym of degree of freedom, is higherin America than in Europe. This may also be attributable to high share of coast guard in VTS authorities. Thoughthe degree of control is not a measurable quantity, type of management might be put in order of the degree ofcontrol. Let us see the relation among VTS area, authority and mode of management.

Traffic management in a wide sense may involve management in narrow sense (mainly by VTS), trafficregulation, and traffic rule. Traffic rule is independent on time or space, in general, and has commonprinciple evenin different modes of transport, i.e., air, vessel, road, and railway. Traffic regulation is generaly space-dependent,i.e., regulation changes from area to area, and time-independent, with some exceptions such as passage forbiddenat low tide, or passage to the direction of tidal current only. Route-setting, one of the most important factors fora VTS belongs to regulation in this sense. Rules and regulations are the same to individual vessels in principle,though some of them may different by ship size, kind and cargo.

Traffic management in narrow sense is "real time operation", i.e., time dependent, and individual vessel mayreceive different information. Modes of management have been categorized in our surveys and are put in order ofthe degree of control (level of severeness) as following where positive or active management gets high scores.

Clr(Vmr requiring clearance) > Vmr(vessel movementreporting system)> Sgn(signal control) > Org(Traffic organization)> Rpt(Report and approval of entry/depart.) > Plt(Pilot dependent management)> Ass(Traffic assistance) > Mnt(monitor traffic)> SAR(Search and rescue) > Inf(information service)

Table 6 gives relationship of type of VTS authority/type of area and mode of management where mode ofmanagement is defined with highest grade of management operated in a VTS, e.g., it is graded as Vmr when typeof management is written as VmrMntInf.

Table 6 Relationship of type of VTS authority or area and mode of management(Data :••+•›, 240VTSs)

M o d e o f m a n a g e m e n t C l r V m r S g n R p t P i t A s s M n t S A R I n f S u m


A u t h .

D e f e n c e

C o a s t G u a r d

M a r i t i m e A d m in .

C a n a l A u t o r it y

P o r t A u t h o r i t y

B r id g e A u t h o r l i t y

P i l o t O r g a n i z a t i o n

C o m p a n y

- 2 - - 1 - - - 1

2 0 1 3 6 1 - 1 5 1 - 4 5 1 - 3 6 2 6 1 - 1 1 - 1 - - - - - 2 2 1 2 1 4 2 0 1 7 - - - - 5 - - - - - - - 2 - 1 3 6 - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - -


4 7

7 3


6 7


3 9


S u m

S h a r e

2 7 9 0 1 3 2 0 6 4 4 1 9 2 1

1 1 % 3 8 % 5 % 8 % 2 7 % 2 % 8 % 1 % 0 %

2 4 0

1 0 0 %

A r e at y p e

S e a V T S

R o u t e V T S

I n t e g r a t e d V T S

T e r m i n a l V T S

P r o t e c t i o n V T S

2 2 - - - 1 1 1 - 7 2 6 - - 3 - 5 - 1

1 0 2 3 - 3 2 - 1 1 - 8 3 9 8 1 7 5 8 3 1 2 - - - - 5 - 1 - - - -


4 2

4 0

1 4 5


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Table 6 shows that Clr and Vmr occupies about half of VTSs where Clr belongs to Vmr family with highdegree of control, i.e., requiring clearance. As shown in Table 7,Vmr family has dominant share in route VTS orIntegrated VTS. Also, its share is large in VTS operated either by coast guard or maritime administration. Ahomology, a biological technical term, is recognized between maritime administration in Europe and coast guardin North America, in adaptive radiation to VTS areas covered by route VTS or integrated VTS.

Table 7 Shares of mode of management with respect to authority or area type(data from Table 6)

M o d e o f m a n a g e m e n t C lr + V m r S ig R e p P l t O th e rs (N v )


A u th o r it y

C o a s t G u a r d

M a r itim e A d m in is .

P o rt A u th o r it y

P ilo t O rg a n iz a t io n .

7 0 % 1 3 % 2 % - 1 5 % 7 5 % - 4 % 8 % 1 3 % 3 4 % 3 % 2 1 % 3 0 % 1 2 % 5 % - 3 % 9 2 % - (4 7 )

(7 3 )

(6 7 )

(3 9 )

A r e a t y p e

R o u te V T S

In te g r a te d V T S

T e r m in a l V T S

7 9 % 7 % 1 4 % 8 3 % - 7 % 5 % 5 % 3 2 % 6 % 1 2 % 4 0 % 1 0 % (4 2 )

(4 0 )

(1 4 5 )

Size of participating vessel under a certain management is also related to the degree of control. Whenmandatory participation is required to vessels, the degree is highest and it is lowest when participation is voluntary.Exceptinal cases of passenger boats or vessels with dangerous/pollutant cargo are excluded in this analysis.Answers to our inquiry from most of VTSs give ship size either in gross tonnage or in length over whichparticipation is required. Since gross tonnage is well approximated by L /250 where L is the ship lengthbetween perpendicutiars, they are easily scaled on the same logarithmic coordinate. Table 8 gives 84-50-16percentile values of ship size over which participation to VTS is required. Voluntary means that infinitesimallylarge vessels are required to participate obligately and the size corresponds to infinity,•‡. However, the result inTable 8 give relative frequency(=share) distribution curves far from bell-shaped ones.

Table 8 Nv and ship size over which participation is required.(Data :••+•›, 240 data, 36 VTSs operated by pilot organizationare included in Voluntary by referring similar VTSs)

S h i p s iz e

L p p

A ll 5 0 t 1 0 0 t 3 0 0 t 5 0 0 t S e a - 1 k t 5 k t 1 0 k t 3 0 k t V in t . 0m 2 0 m 3 0 m 4 0 m 5 0 m g o in g 7 0 m 1 2 0 m 1 5 0 m 2 0 0 m ∞ S u m 8 4 - 5 0 - 1 6

P e r c e n t il e

D e f e n c e

C o a s t G u a r d .

M a r i t . A d .

C a n a l A .

P o r t A .

B r id g e A

P il o t O r g .

C o m p a n y

1    1    -     -    -   - - - - - 2 - 1 7 1 4

1 5 2 9


4 5

1 - - - - - 4

3 - - 3 6 2


4 7

7 3


6 7


3 9


2 0 - 3 0 - ∞ m

0 - 5 0 - ∞ m

0 - 0 - 5 0 m ∞- ∞ - ∞

S u m

S h a r e ( % )

C R F ( % )

2 6 1 8 1 0 8 7

1 0 0 7 1 . 2 6 0 . 4 5 7 . 5 5 0 . 0 4 6 . 3 4 2 . 9 4 0 . 4 3 9 . 6

2 4 0

2 4 0

0 - 5 0 - ∞ m

S e a V T S

R o u t e V T S

I n t e g . V T S

T e r m n . V T S

P r o t e c t n . V T S

2 - 1 6

1 2 1 2 3 -

4 9 l l 5 7

1 - - - - - - - - - 5


4 2

4 0

1 4 5


0 - 5 0 - ∞ m

0 - 2 0 - 7 0 m

0 - 4 0 - ∞ m

C lr

V m r

S g n + R p t

P l t

A s s + M n t

S A R + I n f

1 8

3 1 5 - 2 2

1 5

1 5 - - - - - - - 4 6 1 0 3

2 7

9 0

3 3

6 4

2 3


2 0 - 2 5 - 4 0 m

0 - 4 0 - ∞ m

0 - 1 0 - ∞ m

0 - ∞ - ∞

0 - 6 0 - ∞ m

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Table 8 indicates that participant is clearly defined in Clr mode where there is no voluntary participation. Onthe contrary, participation is voluntary in 71% of VTS operated in Plt mode. Relations of area type, type ofauthority, mode of management is discussed in 4.1 Considerations.

3.4 Area Factors

APPENDIX 2 indicates that most of traffic accidents occur at joints, bends and narrows and ports. VTSs havebeen generally established to cover such critical areas. 177 VTSs have data of the size of area in 240 data with••or•› mark. About a quarter of VTSs, 63, does not provide area size data of which 35 VTSs are operated by pilotorganizations. The diameter of area is taken as the size in general but, when its shape is like a belt, the length ofthe belt is used.3.4.1 •@Areasize, type of area and VTS authority

Frequency distributions of VTS in area size are given in Table 9 grouped either by area type and authoritytype together with 84-50-16 percentile values of their CRF distribution curves.

Table 9 Frequency distribution of VTS, Nv, with respect to the area size, grouped by the type of area or authority. Nv inthe column with ? is the number of VTSs without data of area size.

A r e a s iz e (k m ) 0 - 5 6 - 10 1 1 - 2 0 2 1 - 4 0 4 1 -80 8 1 -1 6 0 1 6 1 -3 2 0 3 2 1~S u m

84 - 5 0 - 1 6

P e r c. (km)? T o t a l

S e a V T S

R o u t e V T S

In t e g ra te d V T S

T e rm in a l V T S

P r o te c tio n V T S

-  -   -   -   -   -    2     5

1   1    3    8    9    6    4    3-  -  6   4   8   10   4   57  1 1   1 4   2 9   2 8   2   1   -

4   0   2   -   -   -   -   -


3 5

3 7

9 2


- 2 0 - 5 6 - 2 1 020-80-2 5 08- 2 7- 6 0 - - 7


5 3-


4 2

4 0

1 4 5


T o t a l

C R F(%)

1 2   1 2   2 5   4 1   4 5   18    1 1    1 3

1 0 0  9 3 .2 86 .4  7 2 .3  4 9 .1  2 3 .6   1 3 . 6  7 .3

1 7 7 1 2 - 4 0 - 1 5 0 6 3 2 4 0

D e fe n c e + C s tG d

M a r A d + C a n a lA

P o r tA

B r d g A + P ilt + C m p

1   1   5   9  8   7    3     1 13 4 9 1 4 2 4 8 7 24 7 8 1 4 1 3 3 1 -

4 0 3 4 - - - -

4 5

7 1

5 0

1 1

1 7 - 5 5 - 3 2 0

1 8 - 5 5 - 2 0 08- 3 1 - 6 5


1 1

1 1

3 5

5 1

8 2

6 1

4 6

(Open) Sea VTS usually covers coastal and international waters whose main task is search and rescue (SAR)and hence, its area size is large. On the contrary, protection VTSs cover areas of their interest, e.g., the vicinityof bridge or offshore structure. Therefore, they cover very limited waters. Protection VTSs in this survey with ••or •› mark are all for protection of bridges. Sea and protection VTS groups belong to minority. CRF distributionson area size of route VTS and that of integrated VTS overlap each other to considerable extent while that ofterminal VTS is shifted to smaller size. Terminal VTS is dominant for areas smaller than 40km and rare in areas

larger than 80km. Table 9 also shows CRF distributions of VTS authority. It shows that the CRF distribution of coast guard andthat of maritime administration overlap each other while that of port authority is considerably small. VTSoperated by port authority is dominant for areas smaller than 60km and rare in areas larger than 80km. 84-50-16percentile values of all VTS are given as 12-40-150km and it is slightly larger than previous values, 10-32-120kmin the 3rd survey and 7-28-100km in the 2nd survey. The relationship of type of VTS area and that of VTS authority indicates that sea VTSs and route VTSs areoperated mainly by MarAd or CstGd. Integrated VTS and terminal VTS are operated by PortA, MarAd or CstGd.Some VTSs are established by MarAd and operated by PortA or pilot organization.3.4.2 Width of main channel A little less than half of surveyed VTSs have data on the width of main channel. Table 10 gives frequency

distribution of channel width. APPENDIX 2 gives a guideline showing examples of the relation of route width, W, management and criticalship size. Survey on the distribution of shipsize of traffic on the main route, using the over all length, L, gives thecritical ship length, Lc. Lc should be determined so that ships with length over Lc has a small share, in between0% and 10%. Ships larger than PC should be specially managed. The guideline in APPENDIX 2 gives following

examples for Pc=100m. ‡@ W12.8Lc=1.38km : Twoway, 4 lanes, free passage ‡A 12.8Lc>W6.4Lc=0.64km : Twoway, 2 lanes, reasonable speed limit, no overtaking except when all navigating vessels are smaller than Lc/2. ‡B 6.4Lc>W3.2Lc=0.32km : Oneway, 1 lane, reasonable speed limit, Twoway with speed limit when all navigating vessels are smaller than Lc/2.

‡C 3.2Lc>W1.6Lc=0.16km : Oneway, 1 lane, rigorous speed limit,


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Table 10 Frequency distribution of route width. Oneway includes 1 lane-both directions. Data in? column gives thenumber of VTS with description of oneway or twoway, but without width data. (Data : with•• or•› mark, withdescription of oneway or twoway and/or data on the route width.)

R o u t e w id t h ( k m ) - 0 . 0 5 - 0 . 1 - 0 . 2 - 0 . 4 - 0 . 8 - 1 . 6 - 3 . 2 3 . 2 - S u m P e r c e n t i l e ?

R o u t e o n e w a y

V T S t w o w a y

1 5 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 2 1 5

1 0

0 . 0 6 - 0 . 1 2 - 0 . 1 8 0 . 9- 1 . 2 - 2 . 0 4 #


I n t e g r a t . o n e w a y

V T S t w o w a y

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 4 2 1 1

1 0 0 . 5 - 1 . 1 - 2 . 5



T e r m in a l o n e w a y

V T S t w o w a y

0 7 1 6 2 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 2 5 0 2 4 8

2 3

0 . 1 1 - 0 . 2 1 - 0 . 3 6

0 . 3 1 - 0 . 6 3 - 1 . 6

1 4


A l l o n e w a y

V T S t w o w a y

1 1 3 2 4 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 6 1 5 4 3 6 4

4 3

0 . 0 8 - 0 . 1 6 - 0 . 3 2

0 . 4 2 - 0 . 8 1 - 1 . 6

1 8


A l l V T S t o t a l 1 1 3 2 6 2 5 2 0 1 5 4 3 1 0 7 0 . 1 1 - 0 . 2 8 - 1 . 0 2 3

A ll , 3 r d s u r v e y 2 8 2 6 2 0 6 6 1 6 7 5 0 . 1 0 - 0 . 2 0 - 0 . 5 0

Note : # includes 3 VTSs with inland water route whose route width is extraordinary small, 10m-12m.

Twoway with speed limit when all navigating vessels are smaller than Lc/4‡D 1.6Lc>W : Oneway, 1 lane, rigorous speed limit, special management with traffic clearance is required.

Signal control for ships smaller than Lc/4 is recommended.Note: Lc value in between 100m and 200m is suggested.Table 10 shows that 63% of VTSs have narrow channels allowing only 1 lane, oneway passage which may

cause heavy traffic congestion. The share of oneway channel in terminal VTSs is very large, 70%. On the contrary,it is small, 9%, in integrated VTSs. VTS with oneway channel in route VTS has a share over half where most ofthem are, canals and rivers.

The median value of oneway channel width in terminal VTS, 210m, is almost equal to case (4) for 3,000 grtship. The median values for twoway channels in route VTS and integrated VTS clear case‡A, even for Lc=170m(15k grt).

Comparison with such values in our last (3rd) survey shows the trend of increasing channel width.3.4.3 Traffic

APPENDIX 2 indicates that 8L is necessary for minimum separation between ships in course direction.Therfore, traffic volume and size distribution are necessary to estimate the degree of congestion, i.e., the ratio ofthe traffic volume to the traffic capacity. More detailed data such as traffic density and ship track distribution isnecessary to estimate the loss due to accidents, an important factor in cost-benefit analysis of VTS. However, asstated before, such quantities cannot be obtained without radar-visual observation and traffic analysis. In theinquiry format, 3 quantities per year are used as indices for traffic:

Table 11 Traffic quantities in VTS areasN o . o f sh ip s - 3 0 0 - 1 k - 3 k - 1 0 k - 3 0 k - 1 0 0 k - 3 0 0 k 3 0 0 k - S u m P e r c e n t ile

In te g r a te d V T S

R o u te V T S

T e r m in a l V T S

T o ta l

- - - 6 7 1 0 3 2 - - 2 5 8 6 4 2 4 12 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 9 - 5 4 12 1 3 2 5 2 8 3 5 7 4 2 8

2 7

7 3

1 2 8

7 k - 3 5 k - 1 2 0 k

5 k - 2 7 k - 1 6 0 k

0 .6 k - 6 k - 6 0 k

1 .2 k - 1 4 k - 8 0 k

A m o u n t o f c a r g e- 0 .3 M - 1M - 3 M - 1 0 M - 3 0 M - 1 0 0 M - 3 0 0 M 3 0 0 M -

S u m

In te g r a te d V T S

R o u te V T S

T e r m in a l V T S

T o ta l

- - 1 2 3 1 2 3 - - - 3 - 2 3 1 1 1 6 8 1 5 2 0 1 7 6 - 1 6 1 2 1 7 2 5 3 2 1 0 1 2 1

1 0

7 3

1 0 4

1 0 M - 4 5 M - 9 0 M

2 M - 1 4 M -6 8 M

3 M - 2 0 M - 8 0 M

S u m o f g rt . - 0 .3 M - 1M - 3 M - 1 0 M - 3 0 M - 1 0 0 M - 3 0 0 M 3 0 0 M - S u m

In te g r a te d V T S

R o u te V T S

T e r m in a l V T S

T o ta l

- - - - 1 3 1 - - 1 - - 1 - - 1 - 1 3 6 9 5 6 1 - 2 3 6 1 1 8 7 2 5


3 1

3 9

4 M - 2 0 M - 1 6 0 M

4 M - 2 4 M - 1 6 0 M

Note : When frequency of integrated VTS and route VTS are added, percentile values are given as follows(a) 6k-30k-150k, (b) 8M-44M-100M and (c) 11M-44M-220M


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(a) the number of vessels entered or passed,(b) the amount of cargo handled and(c) sum of gross tonnage(=grt) entered or passed.

Some answers give 3 quantities, (a), (b) and (c). For example, Tokyo Bay VTS gives (a) 250k vessels passedUraga Strait(the entrance to Tokyo Bay, in and out), (b) 600M tons of cargo is handled in ports in Tokyo Bay(mostly import) and (c) by vessels of 450M grt. These figures give an average size of vessel, 3.6k grt. (=450M/125k) with 4.8k tons of cargo.

Canadian and German VTSs give (a) number of vessels entered and Chinese data give (a) and (b). Table 11 givessuch size distribution.

CRF distributions of integrated VTS and route VTS are very much alike. The average amount of cargocarried by a vessel at median value is 2.3k ton(=14M/6k)and 3.3k grt. When frequency of integrated VTS androute VTS are added, 2.9k ton(=44M/15k) for cargo and 2.9k grt. There may be a dispute to use 30k or 15k forthe denominator.

Above figures suggest that 3k grt vessel may be regarded as median size with a length of 100m, very easy tomemorize. Considering on the lower limit of participating vessel, 100 grt(30m)•`500 grt(50m), and 300 grt(40m)adopted by the GMDSS (global maritime distress and safety system), the distribution of the length of participatingvessel is represented roughly as 30m-100m-300m (100grt-3k grt-100k grt).

CRF distribution of the traffic volume (per year, both directions) is 1.2k-12k-120k for terminal VTS and 6k-30k-150k for integrated VTS and route VTS. Note that traffic volume over 300k/year, i.e., approximately 800vessels a day, is very seldom and is found in Japanese data, Bisan and Akashi with over-the-strait-bridges.Appendix 2 gives the basic traffic capacity per lane of 3k grt ship per lane at 12k not as 27.7ships/hour(=243k/year) and 300k/year on 2 lanes with a peak hour ratio of 2 gives 34.2 ships in "rush hours".3.4.4 Hydro-meteo condition

Data on hydro-meteo conditions are not ample. We regret that number of route junctions is not included in theformat. Table 12 gives such data. The CRF distribution of low visibility less than 1km is obtained as 60h-230h-650h in a year(8760hours), or 0.68%-2.6%-7.4%, where "frequent low visibility" is regarded as•…1000h/year


Table 12 Bydro-meteo factors Data is given only when format A is filled

B e n d s n o2

1 a n d 2 2 3 - 5


6 - 9


1 0 - M a n y

1 1

T o t a l2 0

V is ib i lt y ≦ 1 k m ( h o u r ) ≦ 3 0


≦ 1 0 0


≦ 3 0 0

1 5

≦ 1 0 0 0

1 2

> 1 0 0 0


F r e q , 1 . v . 2 T o t a l

3 8

M a x . C u r r e n t ( k n o t )

≦2 8≦ 4

9≦ 8

9≦ 1 0 T o t a l

2 6

M a x . T id e (m ) ≦ 2 m


≦ 4 m


≦ 6 m


≦ 8 m


≦ 1 0 m


T o t a l

2 0

3.5 Installation

3.5.1 Radar

Prevention of collision/grounding requires detection of accident candidates which is effectively accomplishedwith land-based surveillance radars. Radar data processing, RDP, and its simplified model, ARPA (automatedradar plotting aids), save burden of VTS staffs at watch and, furthermore, work as tenacious assistants bydetecting collision/grounding candidates automatically with alarm.

However, the coverage of land-based surveillance radar is imited, since the distance to radar horizon is 4km where H is the height of radar antenna in meter. Radar also cannot detect target in the shadow such as thoseof island, building and large vessel. The coverage of a VHF radio station is wider and more flexible to reach thanthat of radar since its antenna is small and light to allow installation at higher position, both on the shore and onboard.

There is another factor. The horizontal beam width of surveillance radar determines its resolution primarilyand it is between1ß (=l/60radian) and l/4ß(=1/240radian) which is very inferior to that of human eyes(1/5000,or10 times better with binoculars). A horizontal resolution of 200m at a distance of 12km is not satisfactory to detectaccident candidates. Therefore, high resolution radars at many stations are desirable for large VTS areas,especially in port VTS. The result of inquiry allows analysis of the relation of the number of radars, r, that of radarstations, s, and the size of VTS area. Which is more important for VTS, s or r? The number of station seems tobe more plausible.

Sea VTS generally cover large area, operated mainly for SAR (Search And Rescue), and they depend oncommunication. Therefore, 7 Sea VTSs are not provided with radars. Some route VTSs covering large area haveno radar or 1 or 2 radars, e.g., Tofino (Canada) and Deutsche Bucht (Germany) where radar covers only a part of


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VTS area. They show marked contrast to VTSs equipped with many radars, e.g., Rotterdam, Scheldmond, YantseRiver, Malacca Strait and Elbe.

On the contrary, protection VTSs cover small area, not larger than 20km and 5 out of 6 protection VTSs have1 or 2 radars each. One exception is the Tasman Bridge in Australia has no radar and covers a very small area,1km.

Each of following 20 VTSs has 5 or more radars :-Integrated VTS : Rotterdam 26s26r, Schdeldemond (Netherlands-Belgium) 18s18r, Malaysia 10s20r, Puget

Sound10s10r, Eastern Coast (Urguay) 8s8r, Vancouver 5s5r, Finistere (Spain) 3s6r, Thames 7s7r andShanghai 4s7r

-Route VTS : Elbe11s11r, Weser 8s8r, Kiel 5s5r, Lower Weser 7s7r, Cape Cod Canal (USA) 5s5r, YantseRiver10s11r and Suez Cana15s10r

-Terminal VTS : Hamburg10s10r, Le Havre 6s13r, Hong Kong 7s7r, and Singapore 7s7rThese VTSs are, in general, equipped well with high grade radars. CRF distribution curves of average areasize per radar and per radar station give following 84-50-16 percentile values for above 20 VTSs:

-Average area size in km 4-13-40 per radar station and 4-11-33 per radar,-Cost to establish in M US$ 1-4-7 per radar station and 1-3-5 per radar, and-Number of staff 2-6-12 per radar station and 3-6-10 per radar.When the spans between 84 and 16 percentile values are compared, they are smaller for "per radar" than those

per radar station. This suggests the number of radars may be more suitable in the analysis than that of radarstations.

Table 13 gives the the frequency distribution of VTSs with respect to the number of radars/radar stations andthe area size. There may be many terminal VTSs not equipped with surveillance radar and not covered by thissurvey. Therefore, VTS without radar are not included in the calculation of average number of radar stations/(radars per VTS). The number of VTSs with 3 or more usually provide size data as is seen on the column? wherenumber of VTSs without size data is shown.

The table shows not a few VTSs have 2 radars at a radar station, often combination of a 9GHz radar and a3GHz radar where the latter is for large coverage and/or for adverse weather. Though only the number of radarswas used in our previous survey reports, following table gives some analysis on the numbers of radar stations and

Table 13 Frequency distribution of the number of VTSs with respect to the number of radar stations/radarsand the size of VTS area.

(Data: VTSs with•• or•› mark. Nv, Ns and Nr: number of VTSs, radar stations, and radars respective-ly.?: without size data)

S iz e o f V T S

a r e a , A (k m )

0 ~ 1 1 ~ 2 1 ~ 4 1 ~ 8 1 ~ 1 6 1 ~ 3 2 1

1 0 2 0 4 0 8 0 1 6 0 3 2 0 ~S u m ? T o t a l

1 s 1 r 1s 2 r 1s 3 r

2 s 2 r

2 s 3 r + 4 r

3 s 3 r

3 s 4 r + 6 r

4 s 4 r + 7 r

5 n 5 r + 1 0 r

6 s 1 3 r + 7 s 7 r

8 s 8 r + 1 0 s 1 0 r

1 0 s 1 1 r + 1 0 s 2 0 r 1 1s 1 1 r + 1 8 s 1 8 r

2 6 s 2 6 r

8 1 0 1 7 5 2 3 - 7 3 6 1 2 4 - 1 - - 2 - - - -

2 2 7 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 4 + 1 - - - 4 2 9 2 1 - - - 1 - - + 1 - - 1 + 0 - 5 + 1 - - - - - 1 + 0 1 + 0 1 + 0 0 + 1 1 + 0 - - 0 + 1 1 + 1 0 + 1 - - - - 0 + 1 - 1 + 0 0 + 1 1 + 0 - - - - - - 1 + 1 - - - 0 + 1 0 + 1 - - - - - - 1 - -

4 5

3 3


1 7

8 + 1

1 8

2 + 1

6 + 1

4 + 1

1 + 3

2 + 2

1 + 1

0 + 2


2 5

1 -

2 5 -

2 - - - - - - - -

7 0

3 4


4 2


2 0









S u m , N v

S u m , N s

S u m , N r

1 8 2 2 3 9 4 2 1 7 8 6

2 1 s 3 7 s 7 2 s 1 1 6 s 7 8 s 2 6 s 3 6 s

2 9 r 4 2 r 8 4 r 1 4 2 r 8 5 r 3 4 r 4 8 r

1 5 2

3 8 6 s

4 6 4 r

5 3

8 2 s

8 2 r

2 0 5

4 6 8 s

5 4 6 r

N s / N v

N r / N v

N r / N s

1 . 1 7 1 . 6 8 1 . 8 5 2 . 7 6 4 . 5 9 3 . 2 5 6 . 0 0

1 . 6 1 1 . 9 1 2 . 1 5 3 . 3 8 5 . 0 0 4 . 2 5 8 . 0 0

1 . 3 8 1 . 1 4 1 . 1 6 1 . 2 2 1 . 0 9 1 . 3 1 1 . 3 3

2 . 5 4

3 . 0 5

1 . 2 0

2 . 2 8

2 . 6 6

1 . 1 7

0 s 0 r 6 3 2 2 2 3 7 2 5 1 0 3 5

T o t a l 2 4 2 5 4 1 4 4 1 9 1 1 1 3 1 7 7 6 3 2 4 0


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radars. The 50 percentile values of CRF distribution curves of area size divided by number of radar stations or ofradars, Ds or Dr, are calculated. Ds for1s (including1s1r,1s2r, and1s3r) is 28km per radar, and it is 32km, 17km,14km and 13km for 2s, 3s, 4s and 5s or more, respectively. Dr is 25km, 20km, 16km, 14km and 12km for1r, 2r,3r, 4r and 5r or more, respectively.

Though the number of radar stations seems to be more deeply concerned with the size of area than the numberof radars does, the dispersions for Dr is smaller than those for Ds. Furthermore, Dr decreases smoothly with thearea size while Ds has a hump at 2s. With these reasons, number of radars is hereafter used as one of mostimportant variables for analysis on VTS.

Next, the dependence of the number of radars on the type of VTS is examined. Table 14 gives 50 percentilevalues and average values where average values of the area size, A, are calculated from CRF distribution curves,approximating with log normal distribution curves.

Table 14 Avesrge size and average number of radars (Data with••or•›)S e a V T S R t e V T S I t g V T S T m l V T S P t c V T S T o t a l

N u m b e r o f V T S , N v

N u m b e r o f r a d a r s , N r

N o . o f V T S w it h r a d a r , N v '

7 4 2 4 0 1 4 5 6 0 1 1 7 1 6 6 2 5 6 7 0 3 6 3 6 1 2 8 5 2 4 0

5 4 6

2 0 5

N r / N v '

A v e r a g e a r e a s iz e , A

A / ( N r / N v ')

0 3 . 2 5 4 . 6 1 2 . 0 0 1 . 4 0 1 0 0 0 k m 7 8 k m 9 1 k m 3 4 k m 6 k m - 2 4 k m 2 0 k m 1 7 k m 4 k m 2 . 6 6

5 2 k m

2 0 k m

These data indicate that one radar per 20km may be necessary. When considerably enough surveillance isrequired, many VTS authorities install 1 radars per 10km and, 16 percentile value for VTS with 5 or more radarsis 4km per radar as shown before.

Table 15 gives frequency distributions of the number of radars for 5 types of VTS. It is obvious that largearea require more radars however, the correlation of the area size and the number of radars fail to give linearcorrelation, partly because of VTSs with radars covering only small part of area and partly of defficiency ofsample number.

Table 15 Frequency distribution of VTS and the number of radars in a VTS (Data with••or•›)N o . o f r a d a r s 0 1 2 3 4 5 & 6 7 & 8 9 & 1 0 1 1 ~ S u m 8 4 - 5 0 - 1 6 p c t l .

S e a V T S

R o u t e V T S

I n t e g r a t e d V T S

T e r m in a l V T S

P r o t e c t i o n V T S

7 - - - - - - - -6 9 8 7 4 2 2 1 3

4 8 9 7 3 2 3 1 3

1 7 5 0 5 7 1 5 2 1 1 2 -

1 3 2 - - - - - -


4 2

4 0

1 4 5


- 1 . 0 - 2 . 8 - 7 . 0

1 . 3 - 3 . 0 - 8 . 0

1 . 2 - 2 . 1 - 2 . 9 -

T o t a l 3 5 7 0 7 6 2 9 9 5 6 4 6 2 4 0 0 . 9 - 2 . 2 - 3 . 6

3.5.2 RDP and ARPA

Radar data processing was a topic in our 2nd survey. The share of VTS radars equipped with RDP or ARPAfunction has been increasing quite rapidly. In our 1st survey, 16 radars had data processing function, i.e., 16/145=11% in 1978,78/246=32% in the 2nd survey in 1984,198/279=71% in the 3rd survey in 1989 and now, VTS radarswith RDP or ARPA function have occupied about 80%. The shares in route or integrated VTS exceed 90% asshown in Table 15 while that in terminal VTS is about 2/3.

Table 16 Numbers and shares (in parentheses) of VTSs or radars with informationprocessing (Data: VTSs with•• or•› mark)

N v N v w it h

r a d a r

N v w ithR D P / A R P A

N r N r w ithR D P

N r w ithA R P A

S e a V T S

R o u te V T S

In te g r a te d V T S

T e rm in a l V T S

P r o te c t io n V T S


4 2

4 0

1 4 5



3 6

3 6

1 2 8


- 3 5 (9 7 % )

3 5 (8 8 % )

6 2 (4 8 % )

5 (1 0 0 % )

- 1 1 7

1 6 6

2 5 6


- 8 0 (6 8 % )

1 4 8 (8 9 % )

1 0 8 (4 2 % )

7 ( 10 0 % )

- 3 5 (3 0 % )

7 ( 4 % )

5 9 (2 3 % ) -

T o t a l 2 4 0 2 0 5 1 3 7 (6 7 % ) 5 4 6 3 4 3 (6 3 % ) 1 0 1 (1 8 % )


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3.5.3 Communication and information processingCommunication is the basic means of VTS. The importance of VHF radio telephone is well recognized and

VHF communication facilities have been installed in almost all VTSs(98%). HF, MF and satellite communicationsupplement long distance communication. Table 17 gives frequency distribution of the number of VHF stations ina VTS.

Since coverage of VHF radio teleophone is considerably wider than that of radar and antenna for VHFcommunication is small and light so that its installation at a high position has few problems. The average size perVHF station is examined and 84-50-16 percentile values for VTSs with 4 or more radars are 9-32-70km. Roughlyspeaking, 1 VHF station covers about 30km.

Table 17 Frequency distribution of the number of VHF stations in a VTS. (Data: VTSs with•• or•› mark)N o . o f V H Fs t a t io n s

0 1 2 3 4 , 5 6 - 8 9 o r m o r e S u m ?

N v (sh a r e , % ) 5 (2 % ) 1 3 0 (6 3 % ) 2 8 (1 3 % ) 1 2 (6 % ) 1 9 (9 % ) 6 (3 % ) 8 (4 % ) 2 0 8 3 2

P r e v io n s s u rv e y 4 (3 % ) 9 0 (5 7 % ) 2 7 (1 7 % ) 1 8 ( 1 1 % ) 8 (5 % ) 6 (3 % ) 7 (4 % ) 1 5 9

Advanced VTSs have equipped with integrated information processing system with data link to relatedorganizations. 5 categories are indicated for information processing in the VTS Survey Format B as following :Traffic Data Processing system (TDP), Ship Data Processing system (SDP), Integrated Data Processing system(IDP), Data Link (Lnk) and Other system. Since recent development in land radio communication for mobile useand information network is quite rapid, data processing in VTS may change greatly in the near future, connectingVTSs and related organizations.

Table 18 shows result of the 4th survey, which indicates that the shares of VTS with information processingfunction has increased from 33% in the last survey to 43% and data processing has spread in route VTS andintegrated VTS but not so much in terminal VTS.

Table 18 Number of VTSs with information processing system. Some VTSs with data processingsystem are accompanied with data link and their numbers are given in the parentheses.(Data: VTSs with•• or•› mark)

W ith d a ta p r o c e s sin gS D P T D P ID P S u m (sh a r e ) (T D P + L n k ID P + L n k )

W ith o u t

D PS u m

S e a V T S

R o u te V T S

In t e g ra te d V T S

P r o te c t V T S

T e rm in a l V T S

1 2 2 5 (7 1 % ) ( 1 1 ) 4 1 6 6 2 6 (6 2 % ) ( 5 1 ) 5 1 3 1 7 3 5 (8 8 % ) ( 1 8 ) - 3 - 3 (5 0 % ) ( - - )

1 0 1 2 1 3 3 5 (2 4 % ) ( 2 3 )


1 6



1 1 0


4 2

4 0


1 4 5

T o t a l 1 9 4 1 3 9 1 0 4 (4 3 % ) ( 1 5 8 ) 1 3 6 2 4 0

3.5.4 Direction finder and closed circuit TVVHF direction finders have been employed to identify a target on a radar scope communicating with a VTS

station. This identification is particularly important when vessels enter VTS area. Another mission is to identifya vessel continuing transmission of VHF carrier wave after necessary communication. Most of VTSs with VHFDFs are in Canada, China, France, Germany, Netherlands, Russia, Spain and U.K.

The number of VTS with VHF-DF has been increasing considerably. 7 DFs in 5 VTSs (share 5/58=9%) in thefirst survey, 19 DFs in 13 VTSs(13/129=10%) in the 2nd, 39 DFs in 22 VTSs(22/203=11%) in the 3rd and 79 DFsin 46 VTSs(46/239=19%) in this survey.

TV is effective to watch traffic as extended eyes and suitable for port entrance or canal lock. However, fogdisables such visual survey. Most of VTSs with TVs are in U.S.A and Japan. There are 189 TVs at 30 VTSs andits geographic distribution is very much localized, 102 TVs in Panama Canal VTS, 10 TVs in Cape Cod Canal VTSand11 TVs in St. Lawrence Seaway VTSs.

Table 19 gives frequency distribution of number of VTSs equipped with VHF-DF, TV, radar and VHF station.

Table 19 Frequency distributions of VTSs with equipments, VHF-DF, TV, radar and VHF station (Data: 240VTSs with•• or•› mark)

N u m b e r o f e q u ip m e n t s 1 2 3 4 5 , 6 7 , 8 9~ S u m S h a r e Z e r o ?

N v w i t h T V s

N v w it h V H F D F s

N v w it h r a d a r s

N v w it h V H F s t n .

1 3 4 3 2 1 4 3

2 8 1 0 3 3 2 - -

7 0 7 7 2 9 9 5 6 9

1 3 0 2 8 1 2 1 2 8 4 8

3 0 1 3 %

4 6 1 9 %

2 0 5 8 5 %

2 0 8 9 8 %

2 1 0

1 9 4

3 5

5 3 2


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3.5.5 Other Equipments and SystemsBesides installations for communication and surveillance, various navigation systems and equipments are used

in VTSs.(1) Navigation aids

Differential GPS has appeared in this survey, e.g., Liverpool and Dover, which is useful as low cost and highaccuracy navigation aid. Racon is installed widely. Navtex has adopted in some sea VTS, integrated VTS androute VTS as means of information service.

(2) Meteorological and hydrographical sensorsVarious weather hydro- and meteo- sensors including those for visibility, current, tide, etc. are installed.Readers may refer to APPENDIX 1 for these.

3.6 Cost to Establish VTS

Cost for a VTS depends mainly on the cost to establish and on the number of staffs operating the system. After15 to 20 years, considerable cost is required to reestablish VTS.

Cost to establish VTS includes cost to install surveillance, communication, data processing, informationnetwork and navigation aids together with construction of office and tower. However, there may be cases whereonly additional cost to install a surveillance radar at an existing building is written in the inquiry format.

Table 20 Frequency distribution of VTS to examine the dependence of the cost to eatablish VTS, Ce (Million U.S.$) on the area size, the number of radars and the type of VTS (Data: VTS with area size and•• or•›mark, Size?: without size data)

S i z e I n d e x

C e ( M $ )

M L L LS u m

8 4 - 5 0 - 1 6

p e r c e n t i le

S iz e?- 0 . 1

- 0 . 2 - 0 . 5 - 1 1 - 2 2 - 5 - 1 0- 2 0 - 5 0 5 0 -

U p t o 1 0 k m 1 1- 2 0 k m

2 1 - 4 0 k m

4 1 - 8 0 k m

8 1 - 1 6 0 k m

1 6 1 - 3 2 0 k m

3 2 1 k m -




2 -



2 7 3 1 6 4 2 9 5 - 1 1 6 - 2 2 - - 1 - 1 - 2 2 1 7 3 - 6 1 0 5 5 3 9 - 3 6 - 2 2 2 3 2

- - - - - - - 1 - 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 -

2 4

2 5

4 1

4 5

1 8 1 1

1 3

0 . 1 - 0 . 3 - 1 . 6

0 . 1 - 0 . 6 - 3 . 0

0 . 2 - 1 . 2 - 4 . 0

0 . 3 - 1 . 6 - 1 2

0 . 6 - 6 - 2 0

2 . 4 - 7 - 3 0

3 - 1 0 - 3 0

S u m 2 0 5 3 6 2 1 2 2 2 6 2 5 8 1 0 4 1 7 7 0 . 1 - 1 . 1 - 8 . 0 6 3

N o r a d a r

1 r a d a r

2 r a d a r s

3 r a d a r s

4 r a d a r s 5 o r m o r e

1 2


3 - - -

- 6 2 4 3 9 1 2 2 5 - 5 4 - - 1 - - - 2 1 1 7 9 6 6 4 9 4 8 4 2 2 2 1 2 3 - - 1 2 - - - - - - 3 - 2 - - 4 7 3 2 5

4 5

5 0

2 8


2 0

0 . 0 5 - 0 . 2 2 - 1 . 2

0 . 1 6 - 1 . 1 - 5 . 0

0 . 2 0 - 0 . 5 0 - 4 . 0

0 . 5 0 - 2 . 4 - 7 . 3

5 . 0 - 2 0 - 5 0

1 0

2 5

2 6

2 - -

S e a V T S

R o u t e V T S

I n t g . V T S

T m l. V T S

P r t c . V T S




1 2


- - - - 3 3 - 2 7 5 3 1 9 - - 2

2 - 1 3 5 1 1 4 6 8 1 2 1 3 5 1 2

- - - 3 3 2 3 4 2 2 3 - - - -


3 5

3 7

9 2


1 . 1 - 5 . 3 - 2 0

0 . 6 1 - 4 . 5 - 2 0

0 . 1 1 - 0 . 4 7 - 3 . 0



5 3 -

Table 20 shows the dependence of cost to establish VTS, Ce, on the area size, the number of radars and typeof VTS.

Table 20 gives rough estimate of cost to establish a VTS, $0.03 M per km of area diameter. Table 20 also givesfollowing cost estimation per radar : about $0.2M for VTS with 1 or 2 radars, $1M for VTS with 3 or 4 radarsand $3M for VTS with 5 or more radars. High cost to establish a VTS with many radars is caused by installationof sophisticated equipment and transmission/processing of radar data within the VTS. However, considerablereduction of cost may be expected thanks to recent development in information network in developed society.

3.7 Staff

Number of staff for VTS is the most important factor in the running cost of VTS, especially in the developedcountries where a million U.S.$ may be necessary per staff during 20 years. Table 21 indicates the dependence ofthe number of staffs for a VTS, Nstaff, on the area size, the number of radars and type of VTS.

Table 21 indicates that the number of staffs in most(84% or more) of VTSs is 5 or more which enables 24 hourwatch with at least 1 staff since 8760h/5 staffs is equal to 1752 hours/person-year. The 50 percentile value of thenumber of staffs is an increasing function of the number of radars and is approximated with Nstaff=3.5(Nr+2)•~


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Table 21 Frequency distribution of VTS to examine the dependence of the number of staffs, Nstaff,on the area size, D, the number of radars and the type of VTS (Data: VTS with area size and

•• or•› mark, Size?: without size data, Staff? without number of staffs)N u m b e r o f

s t a f f s

0 - 2 3 - 5 6 - 1 0 1 1 - 2 1 - 5 1 - 1 0 1 - 2 0 5 0 1 0 0 S u m

8 4 - 5 0 - 1 6

p e r c e n t i l e

S t a f f


S i z e


U p t o 1 0 k m 1 1- 2 0 k m

2 1 - 4 0 k m

4 1 - 8 0 k m

8 1 - 1 6 0 k m

1 6 1 - 3 2 0 k m

3 2 1 k m -

4 2 1 2 2 - - - - 2 1 1 7 3 1 - 1 4 1 1 1 3 7 - - - 2 6 1 7 1 2 3 - - - 2 4 5 3 1 - - 3 4 2 2 - 1 1 3 1 5 - - 2 0

2 4

3 6

4 0

1 5 1 1 1 1

2 . 5 - 7 . 3 - 1 0

6 . 3 - 9 . 7 - 2 1

6 . 0 - 1 2 - 2 5

9 . 0 - 1 7 - 4 0

1 3 - 2 8 - 7 0

7 - 1 5 - 6 0

7 - 1 8 - 3 5





3 -


S u m 6 1 1 4 8 4 8 3 4 9 1 1 5 7 6 . 3 - 1 2 - 3 7 2 0 6 3

N o r a d a r

1 r a d a r

2 r a d a r s

3 r a d a r s

4 r a d a r s

5 o r m o r e

1 4 9 4 2 - - 3 6 1 4 1 2 6 - - 2 1 1 4 1 7 8 - - - - 6 1 2 8 2 - - - 4 1 2 1 - - - 1 2 8 6 1 2 0

4 1

4 2

2 8


1 8

3 . 5 - 7 . 1 - 1 7

4 . 8 - 9 . 6 - 2 0

6 . 2 - 1 2 - 2 4

9 . 2 - 1 6 - 3 5

2 0 - 4 0 - 8 0







1 0

2 5

2 6

2 - -

S e a V T S

R o u t e V T S

I n t g . V T S

T m l . V T S

P r t c . V T S

1 1 3 - 1 - - - 1 1 1 1 0 6 4 - - 1 5 9 1 3 4 1 3 8 2 6 1 4 1 - - 2 - 3 - - - - 6

3 2

3 3

8 1


7 - 1 3 - 4 0

9 - 2 2 - 5 0

3 . 0 - 5 . 6 - 1 2

- 3

4 1 1





5 3 -

D. It should be emphasized that Nstaff in terminal VTS is rather small while that in route VTS and integratedVTS is large, i.e., two or three times larger.


4.1 Summary of Survey Results

The number of VTSs in the report of the 4th survey consisting of 149 VTSs with new or up-dated data and91 VTSs with non-updated data amounts to 240 showing a gradual increase from 68 in the first report in 1978, 129in 1984 and 203 in 1989. It should be mentioned here that 14 VTSs have been established in Spain recently andFinnish VTSs are being reorganized to an integrated system.

Though the number of VTSs in the world depends on the definition of VTS, present report covers almost allroute VTSs and integrated VTSs in the world. Many terminal VTSs without surveillance radars or pilot dependentVTS may not be listed though, more than half of terminal VTSs with radars might be included. However, the shareof surveyed VTSs in sea VTS or protection VTS is not clear since such VTSs may not be considered as VTS bymany people and organizations.

The results are summarized as following.(1) Geographical distribution

Europe still has been holding a large share of the number of VTS, Nv, and that of radar, Nr, in surveyed VTSs,i.e., with•• or•› mark, 57% in Nv and 64% in Nr, similar to the previous surveys. Asia has an increasing shareof 20% in Nv. The share of North America and Oceania have 13% and 8% in Nv, respectively.There are two styles of VTSs, European style operated mainly by port or water authorities and American typeby coast guard. Oceanean VTSs and Arabic VTSs belong to the former while Japanese VTSs to the latter.

(2) Type of VTSVTS may be grouped by type of VTS area, type of VTS authority, or type of management. Here, maincategorization is made with the type of VTS area. Sea VTS, Route VTS, Terminal VTS, Integrated VTS(combination of route and terminal VTS) and Protection VTS.Shares of Sea VTS and Protection VTS are small, 3% and 2% respectively, while those of Route, Integratedand Terminal VTSs are 18%, 17% and 60% respectively. Route and Integrated VTSs have many commonaspects but Terminal VTSs are considerably different with their peculiarities.For example, the share of Vmr (vessel movement reporting system) and Clr (Vmr requiring clearance) occupyabout 80% in the mode of management either Route VTS group or Integrated VTS group while that in


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Terminal VTS group is small, only 32%. This may be caused by the fact that Route or Integrated VTSs areoperated mainly by coast guard or water authority with high degree of control. Table 22 indicates shares ofsuch factors.

Table 22 Shares of VTS authority and mode of management,from Table 4 and 5 (240 VTSs with•• or•›,sumof shares may not be equal to 100%)

T y p e o f V T S A u th o r ity M o d e o f m a n a g e m e n t

D fn c C s tG M a r A P r tA C n lA P l t C lr V m r S g n R p t P it M n t

R te & I tg V T S 4 % 3 8 % 3 7 % 1 7 % 4 % 1 % 2 1 % 6 0 % - 4 % 6 % 7 %

T m l V T S - 1 % 2 8 % 3 6 % - 2 6 % 6 % 2 7 % 6 % 12 % 4 0 % 8 %

It may be agreed that the degree of control of Clr is the highest and Inf (information service) is the lowest.Shares of Clr and Vmr in the mode of management indicate that the degree of control is much higher(21%+60%)in Route and Integrated VTSs than that(6%+27%) in Terminal VTSs. Compulsory participation isanother factor to measure the degree of control and "All", i.e., vessels over Omin length is required to takepart, is the highest degree of control while "Voluntary", i.e., only infinitesimary large vessel is required, is thelowest. Though there is not much difference in Tml VTS versus Rte/Itg VTS in the distribution of the shipsize over which participation is required. However, the degree of control in terminal VTSs is comparativelylow compared with those in Rte/Itg VTS. Table 23 gives CRF distribution of the degree of control andparticipants.

Table 23 CRF distribution of the degree of control and ship size over which participation is required (240VTSs with•• or•›)

M o d e o f m a n a g e m e n t S h ip siz e o v e r w h ic h p a r tc p . re q .

C lr V m r S g n R p t P it M n t A ll 5 0 t 1 0 0 t 3 0 0 t 1 k t 1 0 k t V l n t

R t e & Itg V T S 1 0 0 % 8 7 % 1 7 % 1 7 % 1 3 % 7 % 1 0 0 % 7 8 % 5 5 % 5 2 % 3 5 % 2 9 % 2 4 %

T m l V T S 1 0 0 % 9 4 % 6 7 % 6 1 % 4 9 % 9 % 1 0 0 % 6 6 % 6 3 % 5 2 % 4 4 % 4 2 % 3 9 %

(3) Size of area, route width and other quantitiesMain service by sea VTSs is SAR (search and rescue) over are as including coastal and international waterswhich are usually very wide. The diameter or length of the area, A, of 7 surveyed VTSs range from 200kmto 4000km. Their service depend on communication, but not on radar.On the contrary, protection VTSs cover small areas. All of 6 surveyed VTSs are for protection of cross-routebridges and their size, A, range from 1km to 15km. 5 in 6 surveyed protection VTSs are equipped with 1 or2radars.CRF distribution curves of area size, A, route width, W, traffic quantities, Q, cost to establish, C, and numberof staffs, Nst, give 16-50-84 percentile values shown in Table 24.

Table 24. 16-50-84 percentile values of area size, route width, traffic quantities cost to establish andnumber of staffs

R o u t e V T S I n t e g r t d . V T S T e r m in a l V T S T o t a l

A r e a s i z e ( k m ) , A

L o g A

2 0 - 5 6 - 2 1 0

1 . 8 1 ± 0 . 5 1

2 0 - 8 0 - 2 5 0

1 . 8 5 ± 0 . 5 5

8 - 2 7 - 6 0

1 . 3 4 ± 0 . 4 4

1 2 - 4 0 - 1 5 0

0 . 6 3 ± 0 . 5 5

R o u t e

w id t h ( k m )

O n e w a y

T w o w a y , W

L o g W

0 . 0 6 - . 1 2 - . 1 8

0 . 9 - 1 . 2 - 2 . 0

0 . 1 2 + 0 . 1 8

0 . 5 - 1 . 1 - 2 . 5

0 .0 5 ± 0 . 3 5

0 . 1 1 - . 2 1 - .3 6

. 3 1 - . 6 3 - 1 . 6

- 0 . 1 5 ± 0 . 3 5

0 . 0 8 - . 1 6 - . 3 2

. 4 2 - . 8 1 - 1 . 60 . 0 9 ± 0 . 2 9

T r a f f ic (s h ip s / y e a r ) , Q

L o g Q

0 . 6 k - 6 k - 6 0 k

2 . 7 8 ±1 . 0 0

7 k - 3 5 k - 1 2 0 k

4 . 4 6 ± 0 . 6 2

5 k - 2 7 k - 1 6 0 k

4 . 4 5 ± 0 . 7 5

1 . 2 k - 1 4 k - 8 0 k

3 . 9 9 ± 0 . 9 1

C o s t t o e s t a b li s h (M $ )

L o g C e s (C e s i n M $ )

1 . 1 - 5 . 3 - 2 0

0 . 6 7 ± 0 . 6 3

0 . 6 - 4 . 5 - 2 0

0 . 5 4 ± 0 . 7 6

0 . 1 - 0 . 5 - 3 . 0

- 0 . 2 6 ± 0 . 7 4

0 . 1 - 1 . 1 - 8 . 0

5 . 9 5 ± 0 . 9 5

N u m b e r o f s t a f f s

L o g N s t f

7 - 1 3 - 2 0

1 . 0 7 + 0 . 2 3

9 - 2 2 - 5 0

1 . 3 3 + 0 . 3 7

3 - 6 - 1 2

0 . 7 8 ± 0 . 3 0

6 - 1 2 - 3 7

1 . 1 7 ± 0 . 4 0

N u m b e r o f r a d a r s

L o g N r

1 . 0 - 2 . 6 - 5 . 0

0 . 3 5 ± 0 . 3 5

1 . 3 - 3 . 0 - 8 . 0

0 . 5 0 ± 0 . 3 9

1 . 2 - 2 . 1 - 2 . 9

0 . 3 2 ± 0 . 1 9

1 . 2 - 2 . 6 - 3 . 7

0 . 3 0 ± 0 . 2 7


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The dispersion of data can be represented by the ratio of 84 and 16 percentile values. When the frequencydistribution is approximated with the Log normal distribution, standard deviations,•}0.3,•}0.7 or•}1.0means that 68% of such data are in between 1/2 and 2,1/5 and 5 or 1/10 and 10 times of the 50 percentile value,respectively.Table 24 shows that the dispersion of data is comparatively small for the route width and the number ofradars, medium for the number of staff and area size and large for the cost to establish and the traffic volume.

(4) Installation and cost98% of VTSs are equipped with VHF communication equipment and 85% with surveillance radars. The rateof installation of VHF DF, an effective and important device for ship identification, is 19% and that ofsurveillance TV is 13%.It is evident that surveillance over large area needs many VHF and radar stations. 63% of surveyed VTS have1VHF station per VTS while 29% have 1 radar each. The number of radars depends much on area size. Table14 gives the average size per radar of VTS with radar (VTS without radar is not included in this calculation)is 20km(24km for route VTS, 20km for integrated VTS and 17km for terminal VTS). These figures indicatethat 1 radar per 20km of area size gives rough estimate of the number of radars at present.Survey on the number of staffs gives that 3.5(Nr+2)is the median value and most of data are in between1/2 and 2 times of this value.Dispersion of the frequency disdtribution of VTSs on cost to establish is large and Table 24 gives followingmedian values: $5.3 M and 2.6 radars for route VTS, $4.5 M and 3.0 radars for integrated VTS, and $0.5Mand 2.1 radars for terminal VTS. These figures give cost per radar of terminal VTS is $0.24 M which isvery small compared with $2.0 M of route VTS and $1.5M of integrated VTS. Cost to establish a radar towerat a remote station with data link to VTS center is much higher than that to equip an ARPA at the top of VTSoffice. The median value of cost per radar of 20 VTSs with 5 or more radars is about $3M/radar.

4.2 Considerations

The sum of shares of three groups, route VTS(18%), integrated VTS(27%) and terminal VTS(60%) isdominant, 95% in the 240 surveyed VTSs. There are many aspects commonto route VTS and integrated VTS,while the difference between terminal VTS and route/integrated VTS is conspicuous.

Route VTS is operated by coast guard or maritime administration, and some by defence organization or canalauthority. The authorities are governmental or semi-governmental organization except Messina Strait VTS. Areaof route VTS is either river/canal type, mostly focusing narrow waters allowing oneway passage: 0.06-0.12-0. 18km as 84-50-16 percentile values, or strait/bay/semi-open sea type, allowing usually twoway passage withconsiderably large width; 0.9-1.2-2.0km. Some VTSs serve concurrently as sea VTS. 1.2km is almost satisfactorywide for twoway-4 lanes free passage of 100m long ships(3k grt).

Integrated VTSs may be subdivided to two. One is intrinsically a route VTS taking care of ports in its area,and may serve concurrently as sea VTS. These are operated by maritime administration or coast guard(1case : Eastern Coast VTS, Uruguay, by navy). The other is originally a terminal VTS and its traffic service isextended from port approach area to open sea. They are operated by port authority. Area characteristics ofintegrated VTS resemble to those of route VTS.

Terminal VTS is operated by various organizations, including port authority, maritime administration andpilot organization, each with a share of about one third. Traffic managenemnt in most of terminal VTSs is madeeither by VMRS or by Plt. Majority of terminal VTSs have narrow oneway passages; 0.08-0.16-0.32 km and1/3 of them have twoway passages ; 0.42-0.81-1.6km, where 0.8km is not wide enough for twoway-4 lanespassage of 3k grt ships.

Following gives a sketch of a typical VTS belonging to route or integrated VTS group. Traffic in most of suchVTSs (about 80%) is managed by VMRS, including VMCL and ships over 300 grt should participate. Typical sizeof VTS area is 80km and several (from 4 to 6) radars with RDP function, a few VHF stations and data link areinstalled and operated by 20-30 staffs. A VHF-DF may be installed for ship identification. Cost to establish VTSis about 10 million U.S.$. When the traffic is heavy or condition for navigation is in favorable, more radars and/or more staffs might be necessary.

Following gives a sketch of a typical terminal VTS. Traffic is managed either by VMRS or by Plt and all shipsshould participate. Typical size of VTS area is 30km and a few radars with ARPA function, a VHF station andtraffic data procrssing system are installed. 5 staffs operate the system allowing a staff at watch. Cost to establishVTS is about 1 million U.S.$.

Above statement may give sketchs of typical VTSs in 1990s. We do not dare to image VTSs in the near futuresince positionning system with high accuracy, i.e., DGPS or like, and rapid development of mobile telephone andinformation network may give revolutionally change, particularly in terminal VTSs. There is no doubt that thesecondary radar system will play very important role in future VTS. Authors wish that the result of this surveymay contribute to select new technology to vessel traffic management.


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Authors wish to represent our sincere gratitude to late Prof. Dr. Ing. Gerhard Wiedemann, +25.4. 1997, for hiscontinuous encouragement to our survey. They owes much to the cooperators who have given answers toquestionnaires, especially to Mr. S. Bellez (Canadian C.G.), Dr. Ing. U. Klinge, Mr. Lu De Fu (China MOT), and Mr.J. M. Uribe (Spanish SSM) in preparing their voluminous data.


1. Y. Fujii and H. Yamanouchi: A Semiquantitative Analysis on Marine Traffic Management Systems, Elec-tronic Navigation Research Institute (ENRI) Papers, No.20, Aug. 1978.

2. Y. Fujii, H. Yamanouchi, and T. Matsui : Survey on Vessel Traffic Management Systems and Brief Introduc-tion to Marine Traffic Studies, ENRI Papers, No.45, Apr. 1984.

3. N. Mizuki, H. Yamanouchi and Y. Fujii: The Result of the Third Survey on Vessel Traffic Services in theWorld, ENRI Papers, No.59, Jan. 1989.

4. N. Mizuki and Y. Fujii : Analysis for the Effectiveness of VTS, 7th International Symposium on VTS,Vancouver, Canada, June 1992. Also, ENRI Papers, No. 88, Nov. 1997.

5. W. Young : What Are Vessel Traffic Services, and What Can They Really Do?, NAVIGATION, Vol. 41,No. 1, Spring 1984.

6.O. D. Larsen: Ship Collision with Bridges, Structual Engineering Documents 4, IABSE, 1993.7.O. D. Larsen, Y. Fujii, D. Olsen, P. T. Pedersen and M. A. Knot : Ship Collisions with Bridges, IABSE

Symposium on Bridge, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1996


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APPENDIX 1 LISTSAPPENDIX 1.1 List C (Short list)

N a m e C a teg o ry T y p e A uth o - T y pe o f M an a g em en t P a rti- R a d ars/ G rp - S tf-D m tr-C ost rity S erv . A re a cip a nt D a ta pro ce ssing

S ea V T S

JA S R E P , J ap a n ◎ - 10 400 0k 1 0 M S e a C stG d C st In t S A R M n t In f V o ln t N o ra d ar S D P

S IS C O N T R A M , B r asil ○ -5 400 0k (2M ) S e a N av y C st In t S A R V m rM n t V oln t N o ra d ar

M a r . R eg . O p . C n . C a n ad a ◎ -50 20 00k 2 M S e a C stG d C st C lrM n tS A R P rc ≧ 20m N o ra d /Idp Ln k

Iq a lu it, C a n ad a ◎ 2 10 00k S S e a C stG d P rtA p p R ec C lrM n tS A R P rc ≧ 20m N o ra d /T dp Ln k

H elle nic R C C , G ree ce ◎ 6 00k m S S e a C stG d P rtC st In tn V m rS A R In f V oln t N o ra d a r/T d p

P alm a , S p a in ◎ -10 3 00k m S S e a M a rA d O p en sea S A R Inf V o ln t N o r ad a r/Id p

V a le nc ia , S p ain ◎ -10 2 00k m S S e a M arA d C stO p en sea A ssS A R In f V o ln t N o rad a r

R o ute V T S

L es E sco u m ins , C a n ad a ◎ -50 405 k m 5M R te C stG d R v r C lrM n tP rtc t ≧ 20 m 1 s2rR d p /Idp L nk

T ofin o, C a n ad a ◎ -20 362 k m 5M R te C s tG d C st In t C lrM n tP rtc t ≧ 20 m 2 s 2 r / I d p

Y an tse R ive r, C h in a ◎ -50 360 k m 1 0 M R te M arA d P rtR v rB rg V m rM nt In f V o lnt 1 0 s 1 1rR d p /S d p

S u e z C a na l, E g yp t ○ -100 195 k m 5M R te C an lA C nlP rt P ltM nt A ll 5s 1 0rR d p/ T d p S d p

C h an n el, U .K . ◎ -2 0 193 k m 1 0 M R te C stG d S trC st In t V m rM n t In f V o lnt 3s3r R dp /Id p

D e utsch e B u ch t, G erm a ny ◎ -2 0 165 k m 2 0M R te W tw y A C st V m O rS gM n S A R ≧ 5 0m D ng 1 s 1rR dp /T d p L n k

E l b e , G e r m a n y ◎ - 5 0 150 k m 1 0 0 M R te W tw y A R v rA p p V m O rg S g n M nt ≧ 5 0m D ng 1 1s 1 1rA rp /T d p L n k

K iel C an a l, G erm a n y ◎ -10 0 99 k m 2M R te W tw y A C n lA p p V m rO rg S g n M n A ll 5s5 rA rp

W e ser, G erm an y ◎ -2 0 9 4k m 50M R te W tw y A R v rA p p V m rO r S g M n S A R ≧5 0 m D n g 8s8 rR dp / T d p L n k

C R O S S M A O u e ss an t 0 9 0k m 1 0 M R te M a rA d S trA p p V m r M n t Inf V o ln t 1 s2 rR dp / T d p

P a n am a C an a l, P a na m a ◎ -10 0 8 4k m 10M R te M A d W w y C n lP rtB a y C lrP ltS g n R p t A ll 2s4 rA rp /Idp

C R O S S M A -G r isN ez ○ 8 0k m 1 0 M R te M a rA d S trA p p V m r M n t In f V o ln t 1 s2 rR d p/ T d p

E m s, G e rm an y ◎ - 10 70k m 1 0 M R te W tw y A P rtA pp R v r V m O rS g M n tS A R ≧ 50m D n g 4s4 rA rp /

T o k y o B a y , Ja pa n ◎ - 100 70k m 50M R te C stG d B ay A p p V m r M n t In f ≧ 200 m 3s3 rR d p/ T d p

Ja de , G erm a n y ◎ - 10 60k m 20M R te W tw y A B ay R v rA p p V m O rS g M n S A R ≧5 0 m D n g 4s 4rR d p /T d p L n kT a rifa , S pa in ◎ - 30 60k m (10M ) R te M a rA d S trA pp V m rM n tS A R A ss A ll 3s 3rR d p /Id p

G rea t B elt, D e nm a rk ◎ - 20 50k m 1 0 M R te N a v y S tr In f V o ln t 3 s3rA rp / S d p

O sa k a B a y , Ja p an ◎ -50 47k m 20 M R te C stG d B ay S tr V m rS g nM n tlnf ≧ 20 0m 1 s 1rR d p /T d p

B isa n S eto , Ja p an ◎ -50 45k m 50 M R te C stG d C stP rt V m rS g n M n t Inf ≧ 20 0m 3 s3rR d p /T d p

C R O S S M A -J ob o u rg ○ 40k m 1 0 M R te M a rA d S trA pp V m rM nt In f V oln t 1 s2rR d p /T d p

S a ssn itz , G erm a ny ◎ -10 37k m 1 M R te W tw yA B ay A pp V m rS g n M n tS A R ≧ 20 m D ng 2s2rA rp

R o sto k , G e rm an y ◎ -20 30k m 2 M R te W tw yA C n lB a y R v r V m rS g n M n tS A R ≧3 0 m D ng 1 s2rA rp

L ow er W eser , G erm a ny ◎ -20 28 k m 1 0 M R te W tw yA R vr V m rO rg M n tS A R ≧5 0 m D ng 7s7rR d p /T dp L nk

C ap e C od C a na l, U .S .A ◎ -10 35 k m 5M R te A rm y C n lA pp R ptM nt ≧ 65 ft 5s5r R d p /S d p

F edje, N o rw ay ◎ -20 28 k m 5M R te C stG d C st C lr In f ≧ 20 0g rt 3s4r R d p /T dp

V ig o , S p a in ◎ -10 28 k m S R te M arA d R v r A p p V m r In f A ll 1 s2r R d p /T dp

T r av em u n de , G erm a n y ◎ -1 0 20 k m 2M R te W tw y A R v rB a yA pp V m rS g n M n tS A R ≧ 6m W D n g 3s3r A rp

B rev ik , N orw a y ◎ -2 0 19 k m (1 M ) R te C stG d C s t C lr In f ≧ 50 g rt 1 s 1r R dp /T d p

A lge cira s, S pa in ◎ - 10 10 k m (1M ) R te M arA d B a y V m rM n tS A R In f V o ln t 1 s 1r R dp

K uru sh im a S trait ◎ - 10 4 k m 1 0 M R t e C stG d C st V m rS g n M nt In f ≧ 2 00m 2s2r R dp / T d p

S t. L aw ren ce Sea w ay ,U .S .A ◎ -2 0 200 k m 20 0M R te W w yA C n lR vrL a k B a y V m rS g n M nt A ll N o ra da r/Id p

S tra lsu nd , G e rm an y ◎ - 10 90 k m 0 .5 R te W tw y A B a y S trA p p V m rS g n M ntS A R ≧ 2 0m D ng N o ra da r

W olg a st, G erm an y ◎ -5 7 0k m 0 .5 R te W tw y A R v rA p p V m rS gn M ntS A R ≧ 7 0m D n g N o ra da rW ism ar, G e rm an y ◎ - 1 0 3 0k m 0 .5 R te W tw y A R v rA pp V m r S gn M ntS A R ≧ 70m D n g N o ra d ar

L o u isville, U .S .A ◎ - 10 2 0k m S R te C stG d P rtR v rA pp V m r S A R Inf V o ln t N o ra d ar

T ro ll, N o rw a y ◎ (5M ) R te C stG A d C st In t C lr In f (3r3s) R dp /T d p

M e ssin a, Italy ○ S R te P ilo t S tr P lt N o ra d ar

H aa m ste de , N eth e rlan d s ○ S R te C stG d C st M n t V o lu nt 1 s 1rA rp

D en H e lde r, N eth e rlan d s ○ S R te C stG d C st M n t V o lu n t 1 s 1rA rp

H uisd u in en , N ethe rla nd s ○ S R te C stG d C st M n t V olu n t 1 s 1rA rp

Sh ie rm on nik oog , N e th erla nds ○ S R te C stG d C st M n t V olu n t 1 s 1rA r p

B ra nd a ris, N eth erla n ds ○ S R te C stG d C st M n t V olu n t 1 s 1rA r p


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N ame Category T ype Autho- Type of M anagem ent Parti- Radars/ Grp-Stf-D mtr-Cost rity Serv. A rea cipant Data processing

Integrated VT S

Eastern Coast,U ruguay ○ 400km (50M ) Itg N avy CstPrtRvr V m rM ntSA R A ll 8s8rRdp/T dp

V ancouver,Canada ◎ -50 386km 20M Itg CstGd CstInt ClrM ntPrtct ≧ 20m 5s5rRdp/Idp Lnk

M alaysia,M alaysia ◎ -50 370km 50M Itg M arA d PrtStrApp ClrPltM ntFsh ≧ 50g28m 10 s20rRdp/Sdp

Finistere,Spain ◎ -30 300km (20M ) Itg M arA d CstInt Vm rM ntSA RAss V olnt 3s6rRdp/Idp

PugetSound,U .S.A ◎ -1 00 280km 50M Itg CstGd PrtBayStr Vm rM ntInf ≧ 300gr 10 s10rRdp/TdpLnk

Quebec,Canada ◎ - 50 241km 10 M Itg CstGd PrtRvr ClrM ntPrtct ≧ 20m 1 s1rRdp/Idp Lnk

A lm eria,Spain ◎ - 10 200km (1M ) Itg M arAd PrtA ppCst Vm rM ntA ssSAR V olnt 2s2rRdp/Idp

Saint John,Canada ◎ - 20 160km 10 M Itg CstGd PrtRvrCst ClrM ntPrtct ≧ 20m 2s2rRdp/Idp Lnk

M ontreal,Canada ◎ -50 160km 10 M Itg CstGd PrtRvr ClrM ntPrtct ≧ 20m 1 s2rRdp/Idp Lnk

Placentia,Canada ◎ -20 139km 5M Itg CstGd PrtBayApp ClrM ntInf ≧ 20m 3s3rRdp/Idp Lnk

San Francisco,U.S.A ◎ -50 130km 10 M Itg CstG d PrtBayRvr V mrA ncInf Volnt 1 s2rArp/IdpLnk

Canso,Canada ◎ -20 130km 1 M Itg CstG d PrtCnlCst ClrM ntPrtct ≧ 20m 1 s1r/Idp

Rouen,France ○ 1 20km (5M ) Itg PortA RvrPrtA pp V mrM ntPltAss All 3s4r

Oxelosund,Sweden ○ 110 km 0.5 Itg M arAd PrtStrA pp V m rM ntInf ≧ 300gr 2s2rRdp

H ouston-Galveston,U .S.A . ◎ -50 100km 10 M Itg CstG d PrtBayApp V m rM ntInf ≧300 gr 1 s1rRdp/Tdp

Tham es,U .K. ○ -100 100km 20M Itg PortA PrtRvrA pp V m rRptM ntInf ≧ 50gr 7s7rRdp/Tdp

Rotterdam ,Netherlands ◎ -200 90km 100 M Itg PortA PrtRivApp PltM ntA ssInf Seago 26s26rRdp/Idp

Scheldem ond,N etherlands ◎ -100 80km 100 M Itg M arAd PrtRivCst Vm rM ntAssGrd ≧1 kgrt 18s18rRdp/IdpLnkPrince Williams Sound,U.S.A ◎ -20 74km 10 M Itg CstGd PrtBayA pp V m rRptM ntInf ≧300 gr 2s2rRdp/Tdp

Port aux Basques,Canada ◎ -10 70km S Itg CstGd PrtAppCst ClrM ntPrct ≧ 20m 1 s1rRdp/IdpL nk

Shanghai Port,China ◎ -50 50km 10 M Itg M arA d PrtRivApp Vm rM ntInf ≧1 kgrt 4s7rRdp/Sdp

M arseille,France ○ 50km (10M ) Itg PortA PrtCnlRvr Vm rM ntAssIf A ll 2s2rRdp/Tdp

K anm on Strait,Japan ◎ -50 43km 20M Itg CstGd PrtStr Vm rSgnM ntInf V olnt 4s4rRdp/T dp

Gothenburg,Sweden ◎ -20 41km 5M Itg PortA PrtStrA pp RptM ntInf ≧ 300gr 3s3rRdp/IdpLnk

Bahrain,Bahrain ○ -5 45km (1M ) Itg PortA PrtCst Vm rRpt A ll 1 s1r Rdp/Tdp

T ees,U.K . ○ -20 30km 2M Itg PortA PrtRvrApp Vm rAssM nt A ll 3s3r

M elbourne,Australia ◎ -20 25km 5M Itg PortA PrtRvrApp Vm rRptM ntA ss A ll 3s3r Arp/Sdp

T arragona,Spain ◎ - 10 28km (1M ) Itg M arA d CstPrtA pp SA RInf V olnt 1 s1rRdp/Idp

Liverpool,U.K . ◎ -100 20km 2M Itg PortA PrtRvrBay Vm rM ntInf ≧ 82m 3s3rRdp/T dpSdp

Nakhodka,Russia ◎ -50 20km (5M ) Itg M arA d PrtBay PltM ntInf ≧ 50m 3s3rRdp/Sdp

D alian Dayaow an,China ◎ -20 20km 1 M Itg M arA d PrtBayApp M ntInf ≧ 300gr 1 s1rRdp/Sdp

M ilford H aven,U .K. ○ -1 0 15km 2M Itg PortA PrtRvrApp Vm rRptA ssM nt A ll 4s4rRdp/Tdp

Harw ich,U .K . ◎ -50 12km 2M Itg PortA PrtRvrCst InV mrM ntInf ≧50 grt 3s3rRdp/Idp

Kolsky Sound,Russia ◯ -40 12km (1M ) Itg PortA PrtStrApp PltM ntInf All 2s2r

Sarnia,Canada ◎ -50 700km 0.5 Itg CstGd PrtB ayApp ClrM ntInf ≧ 20m No rad/Idp Lnk

Prince Rupert,Canada ◎ -20 466km 5M Itg CstGd PrtCstInt ClrM ntPrtct ≧ 20m N o rad/Idp Lnk

St.M arys River,U .S.A ◎ -10 21km 1M Itg CstGd PrtR ivLak V mrM ntInf ≧ 20m N o radar

Stockholm ,Sweden ◯ (0.5) Itg M arAd PrtStrA pp V mrInf ≧ 300gr N o radar/Tdp

Jebe lA li,U .A .E. ◯ -5 5M Itg PortA PrtCstInt RptA ssInf All 1 s2rArp/T dp

Abu Dhabi,U.A .E. ◯ -5 (1M ) Itg PortA PrtCstInt RptAssInf All 1 s1r

Protection V TS

Kurushima Strait,Japan ◎ -10 15km 5M Brg BrdgA BrgA pp SgnInf Volnt 1 s1rRdpTdp

T okyo Bay Bridge,Japan ◎ -10 15km 2M Brg BrdgA BrgApp SgnInf V olnt 1 s1rRdpTdp

A kashi,Japan ◎ -10 4km 5M Brg BrdgA BrgA pp SgnInf V olnt 1 s1rRdpTdp

Innoshim a,Japan ◎ 0 1km 1 M Brg BrdgA BrgApp SgnInf V olnt 1 s2rRdp

Om ishim a,Japan ◎ 0 1km 1 M Brg M rdgA BrgApp SgnInf V olnt 1 s2rRdp

T asm an Bridge, Angola ○ 1 km S Brg PortA PrtBrA pp PltGrd A ll No radar


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N am e Category Type A utho- T ype of M anagem ent Parti- Radars/ Grp-Stf-Dm tr-Cost rity Serv. Area cipant Data processing

Term inal V T S

Jubail,Sudi Arabia ○ -20 185km (5M ) T m l PortA PrtApp V m rM nt ≧ 150gr 1 s1rRdp/Tdp

H um ber Port,U.K . ◯ -10 130km (1M ) Tm l M arAd PrtRvrA pp V m rM ntRptSgn ≧50 grt 1 s2r

N ew Y ork,U .S.A ◎ -50 100km 20M T m l CstGd PrtApp Vm rM ntInf ≧ 300gr 3s3rArp/Idp

Beilun Port ◎ -50 70km 2M T m l M arA d PrtApp M ntInf ≧ 300gr 4s4rRdp/Sdp

Brisbane,Australia ◯ -20 60km (1M ) T m l M arA d PrtRvrApp RptAdvInf A ll 2s3r

V aasa,U.S.A ◎ -20 60km 0.5 T m l M arA d PrtApp PltInf V olnt 2s3rA rp

Berm uda,U.K . ○ -10 64km 1 M T m l M APtA PrtApp ClrM ntA ss A ll 2s3rRdp

Forth,U .K . ○ -10 60km 1M T m l PortA PrtRvrApp Vm rRptM ntA ss A ll 4s4rRdp

H ong Kong,China ◎ -50 60km 50M Tm l PortA PrtApp M nt ≧ 300gr 7s7rRdp/Idp

Southam pton,U.K. ◎ -50 56km 1M T m l PortA PrtApp ClrPltM ntInf ≧ 20m 3s3r

T enerife,Spain ◎ -10 56km (2M ) Tm l M arA d PrtApp AssSARInf V olnt 1 s1rRdp/Idp

Singapore,Singapore ◎ -1 00 56km 20M Tm l PortA PrtA pp M ntInf ≧300 gr 5s5rArp/T ,Sdp

M arjaniem i,Finland ◎ -10 50km 0.5 Tm l M arA d PrtApp PltInf V olnt 2s3rArp

G ironde Estuary,France ○ 50km (1M ) Tm l PortA PrtA pp Vm rM ntInf A ll 1 s2r

Le H avre,France ○ 50km (50M ) Tm l Por A PrtChn Vm rM ntSgnIf A ll 6s13rRdp/Sdp

Ajos,Finland ◎ -20 50km 0.5 Tm l M arAd PrtA pp PltInf V olnt 1 s2rArp

Ema salo,Finland  ◎  -20  50km   0.5  Tm l   M arAd  PrtA pp  PltInf V olnt 1 s2rArp

Ham ina,Finland ◎ -20 50km 0.5 Tm l M arAd PrtA pp PltInf Volnt 1 s2rArp

Helsinki,Finland ◎ -50 50km 0.5 Tm l M arAd PrtA pp PltInf Volnt 1 s2rArp

Nyham n,Finland ◎ -20 50km 0.5 Tm l M arAd PrtA pp PltInf Volnt 1 s2rArp

Orrengrund,Finland ◎ -20 50km 0.5 Tm l M arAd PrtA pp PltInf Volnt 1 s2rArp

Uto,Finland ◎ -20 50km 0.5 Tm l M arAd PrtA pp PltInf Volnt 1 s2rArp

Bilbao,Spain ◎ -20 50km (2M ) Tm l M arAd PrtApp V mrM ntAssSA R Volnt 1 s2rRdp/Idp

Gijon,Spain ◎ -20 50km (2M ) Tm l M arAd PrtA ppCst V m rM ntA ssSA R Volnt 1 s2rRdp/Idp

Las Palm as,Argentina ◎ -20 50km (2M ) Tm l M arA d PrtApp V m rM ntAssSA R V olnt 1 s2rRdp/Idp

Bandal Abbas,Iran ◎ -10 50km 10 M T m l M arA d PrtApp M nt A ll 1 s1rA rp

H alifax,Canada ◎ -20 48km 10 M Tm l CstGd PrtAppRec ClrM ntPrtct ≧ 20m 3s3rRdp/Idp Lnk

Ijmuiden,N etherlands ○ -50 45km (5M ) T m l M arA d PrtCnlA pp RptM ntInf Seago 3s3rRdp/T dpLnk

Sanct Petersburg,Russia ◎ -50 45km (5M ) Tm l PortA PrtApp PltM ntInf A ll 3s3rArp

M edway,U .K . ○ -10 40km 5M T m l PortA PrtRvrApp RptM ntInf ≧100 gr 1 s1rRdp/T dp

Lian Yun Gang,China ◎ -20 40km 5M T m l M arA d PrtApp V m rM ntInf ≧ 200gr 1 s1rRdp/Sdp

Dunquelque,France ◯ 40km (1M ) T m l PortA PrtChn Vm rM ntInf A ll 1s1r

Qingdao Port,China ◎ -50 40km 2M T m l M arA d PrtBayA pp V m rM ntInf ≧ 500gr 1 s2rRdp/Sdp

Barcelona,Spain ◎ -20 40km (5M ) T m l M arA d PrtApp Vm rM ntAssSAR Dng 1 s3rRdp/Idp

Coruna,Spain ◎ -10 40km (5M ) T m l M arA d PrtBayA pp Vm rM ntSA RAss A ll 1 s3rRdp/Idp

V enice,Itary ◎ -30 40km 0.5 T m l Pilot PrtAp p Pit A ll 2s2rA rp

Port Hedland,Australia ◎ -10 37km 1 M Tm l PortA PrtA pp RptM ntA ssInf A ll 1 s1r Arp

N ante-St N azaire,France ○ 35km (0.5) T m l PortA PrtChnApp M ntAss A ll 1 s1r

Scapa Flow ,U.K . ◎ -20 35km 0.5 Tm l PortA PrtA pp M ntInf All 2s2rA rp/Idp

T ianjin Port,China ◎ -50 32km 5M Tm l M arAd PrtApp ClrM ntInf ≧ 300gr 1 s1rR dp/Sdp

Istanbul,Turky ◯ 31km S Tm l PortA PrtStr PltM ntInf Seago 2s2rGenoa,Italy ◎ -30 30km 0.5 Tm l Pilot PrtA pp Plt All 2s2rA rp

Ham burg,Germ any ◎ -50 30km 50M Tm l PortA PrtA pp Vm rOrgM nt Seago 10 s10rRdp/T dpLnk

Tankar,Finland ◎ -20 30km 0.5 Tm l M arAd PrtA pp PltInf Volnt 2s3rArp

Dunquelque Quest,France ○ 30km (0.5) Tm l PortA PrtChn Vm rM ntInf All 1s2r

M utsuogaw ara,Japan ◎ 0 30km 2M Tm l Com pny PrtA pp Guard Volnt 1 s1rRdp

Berw ic k Bay,U .S.A ◎ -10 30km 0.2 Tm l CstGd PrtRvr ClrM ntRptBay ≧100 gr 1 s1rRdp/T dp

Frem antle,A ustralia ◯ -5 30km S Tm l PortA PrtA pp RptAdvInf All 1 s1r

O tago,NewZealand ◯ -5 28km (0.2) Tm l PiltA PrtA pp Vm rPltRptSA R All 1 s1r

Qinhuandao Port ,China ◎ -50 28km 2M Tm l M arAd PrtA pp ClrVm rM ntInf ≧500 grt 1 s1rRdp/Sdp

N agoya,Japan ◎ ≧ 50 28km 10 M Tm l CstG d PrtApp SgnM ntInf ≧ 5k D ng 1s1rRdp/Tdp

Sullom Voe,U.K . ◎ -18 26km 5M Tm l PortA Prt PltM ntInf All 2s2rArp/T dp

Kerch-Yenikale,R ussia ○ -10 26km (0.5) Tm l PortA PrtChnApp PltM ntInf Seago 1 s2r

Zhdanov,Russia ○ -10 24km (0.5) Tm l PortA PrtApp PltM ntInf All 2s2r

Kaw asaki,Japan ◎ -20 24km 5M Tm l CstG d PrtApp SgnM ntInf ≧1 kgrt 1 s1rRdp


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Tokyo Port,Japan ◎ -20 24km 10 M Tm l CstGd PrtA pp SgnM ntInf ≧ 5kgDng 1s1rRdp

Yokoham a,Japan ◎ -20 24km 2M Tm l CstGd PrtA pp SgnM ntAssInf ≧ 15kgDn 1s1rRdp

Chiba,Japan ◎ -10 24km 5M Tm l CstGd PrtApp SgnM ntInf ≧10 kg 1 s1rRdp

Raum a,Finland ◎ -20 20km 0.5 Tm l M arAd PrtA pp PltInf Volnt 2s3rArp

Brem en,Germ any ◎ -10 20km 5M Tm l PortA PrtA pp V m rOrgSgnM nt Dng 2s2rArp/Sdp

Kushiro,Japan ◎ -20 20km 5M Tm l CstGd PrtApp A ssInf V olnt 1 s2rRdp

Dalian Huanbaizui,China ◎ -10 20km 0.5 Tm l M arAd PrtA pp M ntInf ≧ 500gr 1 s2rRdp

Dam m am ,Saudi A rabia ◯ -1 0 20km (0.5) Tm l PortA PrtChnApp V m rRptSgnPlt A ll 1 s1rRdp

Adelaide,Australia ◎ -5 18km S Tm l M arAd PrtRvrA pp V m rM nt 100 grt 1 s1r

W akam atsu,Japan ◎ -20 16km 10 M Tm l CstGd PrtApp SgnM ntInf ≧ 300grt 1 s1rRdp/Tdp

Long Beach,U.S.A ◎ -5 16km S T m l M A-Pl PrtStr Vm rInf V olnt 1 s2rA rp

Scheveningen,Netherlands ○ -10 16km (0.2) Tm l PortA Prt RptM ntInf ≧ 6m 1 s1r

M antyluoto,Finland ◎ -10 15km 0.5 T m l M arA d PrtApp PltInf V olnt 2s3rA rp

Sydney H arbor,A ustralia ○ -20 15km S T m l M arA d PrtBayA PP Vm rRptM nt A ll 1 s1r

W ellington,NewZealand ○ 11 km 0.5 T m l PortA PrtApp Vm rPLT SgnSA R A ll 1 s1r

K askinen,Finland ◎ -10 10km 0.5 T m l M arA d PrtApp PltInf V olnt 1 s2rA rp

V entspils,Latvia ○ -10 10km (0.5) T m l PortA PrtApp M ntAss Seago 1 s2r

K laipeda,Lithuania ○ - 10 10km (0.5) T m l PortA PrtApp M ntAss Seago 1 s2r

Y an Tai Shan,China ◎ -20 10km 0.2 T m l M arA d PrtApp M ntInf ≧ 300gr 1 s2rA rp/Sdp

Osaka Harbor,Japan ◎ -20 10km 5M T m l CstGd PrtApp RptAssInf V olnt 1 s1rRdp

Botany Bay,Australia ◎ -5 10km 2M T m l M arA d PrtApp RptM ntAss A ll 1 s1r Arp/Idp

Calais,France ○ 10 km (0.2) Tm l PortA PrtA pp Vm rM ntSigIf A ll 1 s1r

Yuzhnuy,Russia ○ -10 8km (0.5) T m l PortA PrtApp PltM ntInf A ll 2s2r

Odessa,Russia ○ -10 6km (0.5) Tm l PortA PrtA pp PltM ntInf A ll 1 s2r

K am igoto,Japan ◎ 0 5km 2M Tm l Com pny PrtA pp PltInf Volnt 1 s1rRdp

D over H arbour,U.K . ◎ -10 5km 1M Tm l PortA Prt PltM ntSgnInf A ll 2s3rR dp/Sdp

Port Kem bla,A ustralia ◎ -5 4km 1 M Tm l M arAd PrtA pp Vm rRptM nt A ll 1 s1r

Plym outh,U.K. ○ -2 1km S Tm l PortA Prt SgnRptM nt A ll 1 s1rA rp

Launceston,Australia ○ 74km S Tm l PortA PrtRvrApp Vm rRptSig A ll N o radar

Clydeport,U .K . ○ -20 50km 0.5 Tm l PortA PrtRvrApp ClrInf All N o radar

Saint John's,Canada ◎ -20 20km 0.5 Tm l CstGd PrtA pp ClrM ntPrtct ≧ 20m N o rad/Idp Lnk

Kobe,Japan ◎ -10 15km 1 M Tm l CstGd PrtA pp SgnInf ≧ 15kgrt N o radar

Belfast,U .K . ◯ -5 10km S Tm l PortA Prt RptM ntInf All N o radar/T dp

D ublin,Ireland ◯ -5 10km S Tm l PortA Prt RptA ssInf A ll N o radar

Dar Es Salaam,Tanzania ◯ 5km S Tm l PortA Port Sgn All N o radar

N ew Castle,U.S.A ◯ 4km S Tm l M A RAd PrtRvrA pp V m rRptM nt All N o radar

H onolulu,U.S.A ◎ -10 3km S Tm l M arAd PrtA pp V mrInf ≧ 500gr N o radar

Antw erp,Belgium ◯ (1M ) Tm l PortA Prt M ntInf Seago 2s2rRdp/Idp

Shuaiba,Kuw ait ◯ (2M ) Tm l PortA PrtA pp M ntA ss All 1 s1rArp/T dp

Ilichevsk,Russia ◯ -20 (2M ) Tm l PortA PrtChnA pp PltM ntInf All 3s3rRdp/Sdp

Pirie 5 ports ◎ S Tm l M arAd PrtApp V m rM nt A ll 1 s1r

Finland 13 ports ◎ S Tm l Pilot PrtA pp PltInf Volnt 1 s1r

SW EDEN 4 ports ○ S T m l M arAd PrtRvrA pp V m rM ntInf ≧ 300gr 2s2r

SW EDEN 20 ports ◯ S T m l Pilot PrtApp Pit V olnt 2s2r

Lisbon,Portugal ◯ S T m l PortA PrtAppRvr Rpt 30kgr N o radar

Galw ay,Ireland ◯ S T m l PortA rtBayApp RptPltAssInf A ll No radar

Lim erick,Ireland ◯ S T m l Pilot rtRvrApp RptPlt A ll N o radar

Bankok Bar,Thailand ◯ S T m l M arA d rtRvrA pp Plt V olnt No radar/Tdp

Gizan,Saudi A rabia ◯ S T m l PortA PrtApp Vm rRptSgn A ll N o radar

Bandal Bushire,Iran ◯ S T m l PortA PrtChnApp RptInf A ll No radar

Bandal Chababar,Iran ◯ S Tm l PortA PrtChnApp RptInf A ll No radar

Bandal Khom einy,Iran ◯ S T m l PortA PrtChnApp RptInf A ll No radar


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APPENDIX 1.2 List A (Based on FORMAT A data, supplemented with data on the previous report)Ⅰ C ou n tr y N a m e o f V T S D a ta / L o c a tio n

Ⅱ N a m e o f V T S A u th o r ity A u th o r ity / M a n ag e m e n t / R e g u la tio n P a rtic ip a n t

Ⅲ S c a le / A re a T y p e / A re a S ize M a in c h a n n e l / H y d r o -M e te o c o n d it io n T ra ffic

Ⅳ Y e a r / C o st / S ta ffs R a d a r / D a ta P ro c ./ V H F / O th e r fa c ility R e m a r k s / M a n u fa c .

A U S T R A L IA A d e la id e -O u te r H a r b o r C o n tr o l ◎ - - / S 3 5 E 1 3 9

P or ts C o r p o r a tio n S o u th A u str a lia M a rA d / V m r M n t / S p R ≧100 G R T

S / P r t R v r A p p / 18 k m 1 - la n e , 18 k m×110 m -1 9 0 m C 8 M

19 6 0 / $ - / S ta ff : 3 - 5 1 s 1r / - / V H F : 1s 1z / B e a c o n R A C A L

A U S T R A L IA P or t C o n t .C en t.-P o r t o f B o ta n y B a y ◯ G - / S 3 4E 1 4 1

M a r in e S er v .B o a r d o f N e w S o u th W a le s M a rA d / R p t M n t A s s / N o O v A ll

L / P r t A p p / 9 .5 k m× 7 .5 k m 1 - 1a n e C 7M G 13 M

19 7 4 / $ 2 M / S ta ff : 3 - 5 1 s 1r A R P A / ID P / 1 s 1 r / 1T V B e a c o n A T L A S

A U S T R A L IA P o rt o f B risb a n e ◯ - - / S 2 7 E 15 6

D e p ar tm e n t o f H a rb o u r s a n d M a r in e M a r A d / R p t A d v In f / S p R A ll

M / P rt R v r A p p / 6 0 k m× 45k m 69 k× l .3k m S 12 0 0 C 1 3 M G 1 9 M

1 9 6 2/ 6 6 / $ - / S ta ff : 1 1- 2 0 2s 3 r / - / V H F : 3 s 2 z / B e a c o n R A C A L

A U S T R A L IA P o rt O p e ra tio n s , F r e m a n tle ○ - - / S 3 2 E 1 16

F re m a n tle P o rt A u th o rity P o rtA / R p t A d v In f A ll

S / P rt A n / 3 0 k m× 20k m A b o u t 5 0 0k㎡ C 16 M

1 9 5 3 /7 2 / $ - / S ta ff : 3 - 5 1 s 1r / - / V H F : 1s 1 z / B e a c o n R A C A L

A U S T R A L IA P o r t H e d la n d H a rb o u r ◎G-/ S 2 0 E 1 19

P o r t H e a d la n d P o rt A u th o rity P o r tA / R p t A ss M n t In f A ll

M / P o r t A p p / 3 7k m× 37k m 1 - 1a n e , 4 0 k m× 180 - 3 00 m S 7 10 C 3 7M G 2 1M

1 9 7 0 /8 7 /≦ $1 M / S ta ff : 6 1 s 1r A R P A / - / V H F : 1s 1z / B e a c o n A T L A S

A U S T R A L IA P o r t C o m m . C en tr e P o r t K e m b la H a rb o u r ◎ - - / S 3 4E 1 5 1

M a r . S e rv . B o a r d o f N e w S o u th W a le s M a rA d / V m r R p t M n t / K p L N o O v N o X A ll

M / P rt A p p / 4 k m×1 .5 k C 2 7 M S 6 4 0

1 9 7 4 / 7 8 /≦ $1M / S ta ff : 3 - 5 1 s 1r / - / V H F : 1s 1z K E L V IN -H U G H E S

A U S T R A L IA P o rt o f L a u n ce s to n / R iv e r T a m a r ○ - - / S 4 1 E 1 4 7

P o rt o f L a u n c e sto n A u th o rity P o rtA / V m r R p t S g n A ll

S / P r t R v r A p p / 4 0n m×1 nm 1 - la n e , 6 8 k m× 120 m / b e n d s S 50 9 C 5 M G 6 M

19 5 9 /≦ 0 .1 M / S ta ff - N o ra d a r / - / V H F : 1s 1 z / B e ac o n

A U S T R A L IA P o rt o f M e lb o u r n e ◎ G - / S 3 8E 1 4 5

P o rt o f M e lb o u r n e A u th o r ity P o rtA / V m r R p t A ss M n t A ll

L / P o r t R v r A p p / 2 5k m× 25k m 1- la n e , 2 4k m× 122 - 1 8 3 m C 19 M

19 6 2 / 8 7 / $ 2 -5 M / S ta ff : 1 1- 2 0 3 s 3r A R P A / S D P / V H F 2 s 2z / B e a c o n A T L A S

A U S T R A L IA P o rt C o m m .C e n tre , N e w C a stle H a r b o u r ○ - - / S 3 3 E 15 2

M a r .S e rv . B o a rd o f N e w S o u th W a les M a r A d / V m r R p t M n t A ll

S / P rt R v r A p p / 4 k m× 2k m C 14 M

1 97 4 / $ - / S ta ff : - N o r a d a r / - / V H F : 1s 1z

A U S T R A L IA S y d n e y H a rb o u r C on tro l ◯ G - / S 3 4 E 1 5 1

M a r . S e rv ic e s B . o f N e w S o u th W a le s M a r A d / V m r R p t M n t A ll

M / P o rt B a y A p p / 1 5 k m×10 k m C 2 2M

1 9 6 4/ 7 4 / $ - / S ta ff : 1 1- 2 0 1 s 1 r / - / V H F : 3 s 3 z / B e a c o n K E L V IN -H U G H E S

A U S T R A L IA S y d n e y M a ritim e ◇ G - / S 3 4 E 1 5 1

M a r. S e r v . B d . o f N e w S o u th W a le s M a r A d / R p t In f A ll

M / C o a s t / 4 0 0 k m× 90k m -1 9 7 4 / $ - / S ta ff : - N o r a d a r / - / 1 s 1 z

A U S T R A L IA N av ig a tio n , T a s m a n B r id g e ○ - - / S 4 3 E 14 7

M a rin e B o a r d o f H o b a r t P o r tA / P lt G rd / N o O v K p S A ll

S / P r t B rg A p p / 1k m× O .2 k m 1 k m× 73m S 18 6 C 1 .2 M G 1 .9 M

1 9 8 4 / $ - / S ta ff : - N o ra d a r / - / V H F : 1s 1 z


F o llow in g p o rts o f P O R T S C O R P in S o u th A u s tr a lia h a v e V T S : P o rt P ir ie , P o rt L in c o ln , T h e v e n a r d , W a lla ro o , W h y a lla


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / L ocation

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / Regulation P articipant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs Radar / D ata Proc./ V HF / Other facility Rem arks/M anufac.

BA H RA IN Bahrain Port C ontrol ◯- - / N 26E 51

B ahrain Port A uthority PortA / Rep V m r / SpR A ll

M / Prt Cst/ 44km×

1984/ $- / Staff : 3-5 1r1s R DP / TD P / V HF : 1s1z / racon RAYTHEON NORCON

BE LG IU M A ntw erp Coordination C entre ◯- - / N 51E04

A ntw erp Port A uthority PortA / Prt A ss Inf/ SeaG B arge

L / Prt S80k C100M

1970/88/ $- / Staff- 2s2r RD P / ID P / V HF : 2s1z RA CA L

Belgium and T he N etherlands V essel T raffic Service-Scheldem ond ◎G B / N 51E03

M in. V l.G em . (Bel.)+ M in. V er.(N eth.) M arA d / V m r M nt G rd Inf A ss/K pL ≧1140G RT

L L / Port Rvr Cst/ 80km× 3km 2-lane, 130km×300m / visibility≦1000hours/ year, Bends

1991/$ 50-100/ Staff : 51-100 18s18r R D P / ID P Lnk / V HF : 5s8z / 2 DF PH ILIPS

BR A ZIL SISCO N T RA M -Inf.S.on M aritim e C ontrol O - - / S23W 43

C OM CO N T RA M -N aval C ontrol of Ship Com m . N avy / SA R V m r Inf / A ntipolution V oluntary

L / Coast Internt./ 4000k×3000k

1983/ $ - / Staff : 3-5 N o radar / TD P / V HF : 4s4z / H F SA T CO M

C A N A DA C anso V T S ◎G B / N 46W 61

C anadian C oast G uard C stG d / Clr M nt Inf Protect(Fsh+ Env) A ll com m r.20m

M / P rtCnlStrCstFsh / km× km S19k

1993/$0 .5-1M / Staff : 11-20 1s1r/ ID P Lnk / V H F : 1s1z /1 D F R A CA L

CA N A D A H alifax (N ova Scotia) V T S ◎G B / N 45W 64

C anadian C oast G uard C stG d / Clr M nt Inf Protect(F sh+ Env) A ll com m r.20m

L / Prt A pp Rec / 48km× 35km 2-lane, 48km×1 km×2(m in.15m ) S47k

1972/85/ $6-10M / Staff : 11-20 3s3r RD P /ID P Lnk/V H F : 2s2z/l D F Racon N O RC O N

CA N A D A Iqaluit V T S (A rctic W aters-N O R D REG ) ◎G B / N 64W 69

Canadian Coast G uard CstG d / C lr M nt Inf SA R Prtc(Fsh+ E nv) A ll com m r.20m

S / Cst Intern./ 2000km× 1500km S2.3k

1977/94/≦ $0.1M/ Staff : 2 N o radar / TD P Lnk

CA N A D A Les Escoum ins V T S (St. Law rence W w y.) ◎G B / N 48W 49

Canadian Coast Guard CstG d / C lr M nt Inf Prt Fsh Env A ll com m r.20m

L / Rvr / 405km× 20km 2-lane700K m / T ide : 10m , Cur : 5kn, Ice S101k

1974/82/≦$ 2-5M / Staff : 21-50 1s2r R D P / ID P Lnk / V HF : 8s8z / LO R A N -C LEIG H

CA N A DA M aritim es Regional O perations Centre ◎- B / N 45W 63

C anadian Coast Guard CstG d / Clr M nt Inf SA R Prtc (F sh+ Env) A ll com m r.20m

L / Cst / 2000km× 200km S48k

1976/94/ $1-2M / Staff : 21-50 N o radar/ID P Lnk/M F H F V H F/R acon

C A N A DA M ontreal V T S i)- B / N 46W 73

C anadian C oast G uard C stGd/Clr M nt Prtc (F + E )/SpR N oOv N oX A ll com m r.20m

L/ Prt R vr / 160km× - km 160km , m in.w idth : 10.7m/ S56k

1967/91/ $6-10M / Staff : 21-50 1s2r RD P / ID P Lnk / V HF : 4s3z/

C A N A D A P lacentia Bay V T S ◎G B / N 47W 54

C anadian C oast G uard C stG d / Clr M nt Inf A ll com m r.20m

L / Prt Bay A pp / 139km x 83km 2-lane111km m in.w idth11m S4k

3-5M / Staff : ll-20 3s3r R DP /ID P Lnk/V H F : 4s2z/R acon R A C A L

CA N A D A Port aux Basques V T S ◎ G B / N 48W 59

Canadian Coast Guard CstG d/C lr M nt Prtct(F + E ) /N oOvN oX K pL A ll com m r.20m

S / Prt A pp Cst/ 70km× 20km 1 km× m in. 10m / Frequent low visivilty, Ice S8.7k

1978/78/≦ 0.1M / Staff : 6-10 1 s1r R D P/IDP Lnk/V H F : 1z/1 R acon RA CA L

CA N A DA Prince R upert V T S ◎ G B / N 54W 130

C anadian Coast Guard CstGd/C lr M nt Inf Protect (Fsh + Env) A ll com m r.20m

L / Prt Str Cst Intn / 466km× 169km S43k

1972/84/$ 2-5M / Staff : 11-20 ID P Link/V HF : 11s2z/3 D F 1 T V N A V T E X LR N C


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / L ocation

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation P articipant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs Radar / D ata Proc./ V HF / Other facility R em arks/M anufac.

C A N A DA Q uebec V T S ◎-B/ N 47W 71

C anadian C oast G uard C stG d/Clr M nt Inf Protect (Fsh+ Env) A ll com m r.20m

L / Prt R vr / 241km× 249km T w o w ay241km× 150m Cur.4-8kn. S66k

1972/84/ $6-10M / Staff : 21-50 1s1r R DP /ID P Lnk/V H F 5s3z/1D F R acon RA CA L

CA N A D A Sarnia V T S ◎-B/ N 43W 82

Canadian Coast G uard CstG d / C lr M nt Inf A ll com m r.20

M /Prt Rvr Lak App Recr/700km× 60km T w o w ay, 129km / 10 bends, Curr : 4.kn S13.6k

1973/ $0.3-0.5M / Staff : 21-50 N o radar/ ID P Lnk/

CA N A D A Saint John V T S (Bay of Fundy) ◎G B / N 45W 66

Canadian Coast Guard CstG d / C lr M nt Protect(Fsh+ Env) /K pL A ll com m r.20m

L / Prt Rvr / 160km× 90km T w o w ay, 18.5km S70k

1975/95/ $6-10M / Staff : 11-20 2s2r9/3G H z R D P/ID P Lnk/V H F5s3z RA CA L

CA N A D A St. John's V T S (N ew Foundland) ◎G B / N 48W 53

Canadian Coast Guard CstGd / Clr M nt Inf Protect (Fsh + Env) A ll com m r.20m

M / Prt A pp / 20km×10 km O ne w ay S20k

1975/$0 .3-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 N o r./ID P Lnk/2s1z/1T V N A V T E X R acon

CA N A DA T offino V T S ◎GB/ N 49W 125

Canadian Coast G uard CstGd / Clr M nt Inf Protect(Fsh+ Env) A ll com m r.20m

L / Cst Intn / 362km× 19km S18k

1978/$ 3-5M / Staff : 11-20 2s2r3G H z/IDP/V HF : 5slz/1DF NA VT EX LORA NC A IL

CA N A DA V ancouver V T S ◎G B / N 49W 123

C anadian C oast G uard CstG d / Clr M nt Inf Protect(Fsh+ Env) A ll com m r.20m

LL / Cst Intn / 386km× 56km Separeation route0.5N M× 2/ S340k

1974/ $10-20/ Staff : 21-50 5s5r RD P/ID P Lnk/V H F 12s4z/4 D F 1 T V A IL RA C A L

People's Republic of CH IN A Beilun Port V T S ◎ PIB / N 30E 122

N ingbo H arbour Superintendency M arA d / M nt Inf / K pL ≧300GR T

L / Prt A pp / 70km× 5km T w o w ay60km× 700m C 58M , S76k

1982/95/ $1-2M / Staff : 21-50 4s4rR D P / SD P / 4s4z / M F H F R acon RdAc/RACAL NORCN

People's Republic of C H IN A D alian Port D ayaow an V T S ◎ PIB / N 39E 122

Dalian H arbour Superintendency M arA d / M nt Inf / K pL ≧300 G RT

M/ Prt Bay A pp / 20km× 7km T w o w ay1 .4km× 160m C 2M S5.5k

1993/$0 .5-1M / Staff : 11-20 1s1r R DP / SD P /1 s1z / M F H F RdA c / R/D S

People's Republic of C H IN A D alian Port H uanbaizui V T S ◎ PIB / N 39E 122

D alian H arbour Superintendency M arA d / M nt Inf/ K pL SpR ≧500G RT ,50m

M/ Prt App / 20km×10 km T w o-w ay10km× 3700m C60M S77k

1988/$0 .2-0.5M / Staff : 6-10 1 s2r R D P / - /1 s1z/ IDF M F H F RdA c/ST N A T L A S

People's R epublic of C H IN A Lian Y un G ang V T S ◎PlB/N 35E1 19

Lian Y un G ang H arbour Superintendnc. M arA d / V m r M nt Inf/ K pL SpR ≧200G RT

L / Prt A pp / 40km×10 km O ne w ay10km×160 m C 15M S24k

1990/ $2-5M / Staff : 11-20 1 s1r RD P / SD P /1 s1z/1 D F 1 T V M F H F R dA c/N O R CO N

People's R epublic of C H IN A Q ingdao P ort V T S (T sing T ao) ◎ PlB / N 36E 120

Q ingdao H arbour Superintendency M arA d / V m r M nt Inf/ SpR K pL ≧500 G R T

L / Prt A pp / 40km× 20km T w o w ay34km× 560m C40M S28k

1990/95/ $1-2M / Staff : 21-50 1 s2r RD P / SD P /1 s1z / 1V H FD F M F H F RdAc/N ORCN A TLAS

People's Republic of CH IN A Q inhuangdao P ort V T S ◎ PlB / N 40E 120

Q inhuandao H arbour Superintendency M arA d / C lr V m r M nt Inf/ SpR K pL N oX ≧500G R T ,50m

L / Prt A pp / 28km× 20km O ne w ay17km× 120m C 80M S37k

1986/91/$1 -2M / Staff : 21-50 1 s1rRD P / - /1 s1z R dA c/O K I

People's Republic of C H IN A Shanghai Port V T S ◎ PlB / N 31E122

Shanghai H arbour Superintendency M arA d / V m r M nt Inf/ SpR K pL ≧1000 G R T

L / Prt Rvr A pp / 50km× 5km T w ow ay15km× 250m /Cur≦8kn T ide2m C 160M S215k

1994/ $5-10M / Staff : 21-50 4s7rR D P / SD P / 2s4z / 2 V H FD F RdA cCg/ST N A T LA S


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S Data / Location

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation Participant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs R adar / D ata Proc./ V HF / O ther facility R em arks/M anufac.

People's Republic of CH IN A T ianjin Port V T S ◎ PlB / N 39E 118

T ianjin H arbour Superintendency M arA d/Clr V m r M nt/SpR K pL N oO v N oX ≧300 G R T

L / Prt A pp / 32km× 2km Tem p, onew ay : 24km× 150m / C46M S 11.5k

1995/ $2-5M / Staff : 21-50 1s1rR DP / SDP / V HF : 1s1z/1 V H F D F M F H F N O RC ON

People's Republic of C H IN A Y an T ai Shan V T S ◎ PlB / N 38E 121

Y antai H arbour Superintendency M arA d / M nt Inf / K pL ≧300 G R T

M/Prt App/ 10km× 5km one lane : 2.2km×100 m C11M S18k

1993/$0 .1-0.2M / Staff : 11-20 1s1r A R PA / SD P / V HF : 1s1z / M F HF F U RU N O

People's R epublic of C H IN A Y angtse River N anjing-L iuhekou V T S ◎ PlB / N 32E119

Changjiang D istrict harbour Superin. M arA d / V m r M nt Inf/ SpR K pL V oluntary

L L / Prt R vr B rg / 360km× 2km M any bends, C urrent≦8 knots C50M S 500k

1991/95/$ 6-10M / Staff21-50 10s11r RD P / SD P / 4s4z N O R CO N

D EN M A RK V essel T raffic Service G reat B elt ◎- B / N 55E11

A dm iral D anish F leet N avy / Inf V oluntary

L L / Str / 50km× 17km T w o lanes : 4.8k×0 .5kx2 S26k

1993/96/ $10M / Staff : 19 3s3r A R PA /SD P /V H F : 6s1z/2 D F, 4 T V , 1 Guard V s K R U PP -A T LA S


F ollow ing land-based stations are equipped w ith surveillance radar(s) :

H anstholm (N 57E09) w ith A T LA S A RPA , H irtshals(N 58E10) w ith A T LA S A R PA

A rab R epublic of EG Y PT A lexandria V essel T raffic M anagem ent System ◇- - / N 31E30

A lexandria Port A uthority P ortA/- -

M / Prt A pp - -

-/$/ staff 1s1r RD P/T D P/V H F : 1s1z JRC

A rab Republic of EG Y PT Suez Canal V essel T raffic Service ◎ - B / N 30E33

Suez C anal A uthority C anlA / Plt M nt A ll

LL / C nl Prt/ 195km×0 .3km T w ow ay : 68km , onew ay : 127km , 190m w ide M 364M S16k

1980/ $5M / Staff : 51-100 5s10r RD P/T D P SD P/V H F : 9s3z/LO RA N C EATON-M EGAPULSE

FIN LA N D A jos ◎--/ N 65E24

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

Prt A pp / 50km× 50km One lane40km S500C1 .4M

1986/$0 .2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 1s2r A R PA / V HF : 1s1z / D EC CA SE LESM A R

FIN LA N D Em asalo ◎ - - / N 60E26

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M/ Prt A pp / 50km× 20km One lane : 40km S2,400C10 .6M

1987/$0 .2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 1s2r A RPA / V HF : 1s1z / DE CCA SE LESM A R

F IN LA N D H am ina ◎- - / N 61E27

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M / Prt A pp / 50km× 20km O ne lane : 75km / bends S1.000C3.9M

1987/$0 .2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 1s2r A RP A / V HF : 1s1z / DE CCA SE LESM A R

FIN L A N D H elsinki ◎ - - / N 60E 25

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

Prt A pp / 50km× 50km O ne lane : 35km/ S4.500C65.2M

1986/$0 .2-0.5M / Staff : 21-50 1s2r A R PA / V HF : 1s1z / D ECC A SELE SM A R

FIN LA N D K askinen ◎ - - / N 62E21

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M / Prt A pp/10 km× 5km One lane : 9km / 3 bends S400C0 .2M G0 .8M

1986/$0 .2-0.5M / Staff : 6-10 1s2r A R PA / V HF : 1s1z / D EC CA SEL ESM A R

F IN LA N D M antyluoto & T ahkoluoto ◎ - - / N 62E21

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M/ Prt A pp / 15km×0 .2km One lane : 15km / 4 bends S1 .300C2.0M

1986/$0 .2-0.5M / Staff : 6-10 2s3r A RPA / V HF : 1s1z / DE CCA SE LESM A R


Page 29: Abstract - enri.go.jp

Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / L ocation

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / Regulation P articipant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs Radar / D ata Proc./ V HF / Other Facl. Rem arks/M anufac.

FIN LA N D M arjaniem i ◎--/ N 65E25

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M/Prt App/50km×20km One lane : 50km / 10 bends S250C0 .8M

1983/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 6-10 2s3r A RPA / V H F : 1s1z / DE CCA SE LESM A R

FIN LA N D N yham n ◎--/ N 60E 20

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M / Prt A pp / 50km× 50km O ne lane : 40km/ S2,400C10 .6M

1983/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 1s2r A RP A / V HF : 1s1z / D ECC A SELE SM A R

F IN LA N D O rrengrund ◎- - / N 60E26

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M / Prt A pp / 50km× 50km O ne lane : 8km S2,400C5.2M

1986/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 1s2r A R PA / V HF : 1s1z / D ECC A SELE SM A R

FIN LA N D Raum a ◎- - / N 61E21

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M / Prt A pp / 20km× lOkm O ne lane : 20km / 5 bends S1,800C 2.7M

1987/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 2s3r A R PA / V HF : 1s1z / D EC CA SE LESM A R

FIN LA N D T ankar ◎- - / N 64E23

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M / Prt A pp / 30km× 20km One lane : 20km / 6 bends S720C1 .5M

1987/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 2s3r A R PA / V HF : 1s1z / DE CCA SE LESM A R

FIN LA N D U to ◎- - / N 60E21

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M / Prt A pp / 50km× 50km O ne lane : 50km S 1,100

1987/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 1s2r A RP A / V H F : 1s1z / DE CCA SE LESM A R

F IN LA N D V aasa ◎- - / N 63E 21

M erenkulkuhallitus M arA d / Plt Inf V oluntary

M / Prt A pp / 60km× 20km O new ay : 60km / bends S500C 7.4M

1987/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 2s3r A RP A / V H F1s1z / D EC CA SELE SM A R


Follow ing 11 pilot stations are equipped w ith surveillance radars :

H anko, H alm aja, Isokari, K ylm apihlaja, M arienham , M askar, N orrskar, Porkala, R aahe, R onnskar, and Salgrund

FRA N C E Calais V essel T raffic Service ◯ - - / N 51EO2

Port of C alais PortA / Sgn M nt V m r Inf M andatory

M / Prt A pp /10 km× 19km S88k C 7M

1979/ $/ Staff 1s1r/ V H F : 1s1z RA Y T H EO N

FR A N CE T our de control du trafique ◯ - - / N 51E02

Port A utonom e de D unkerque PortA / M nt V m r Inf ≧30m

M / Prt Chn / 40km 33km×0 .6km and 15km×0 .2km C 27M

1960/81/$ / Staff 1 s1r/ V H F : 1s1z RA Y T H E O N

F RA N CE Capitaine de D unkerque Quest ◯ - - / N 51E02

P ort A utonom e de D unkerque PortA / M nt V m r Inf ≧30m

M / Prt Chn / 30km× 18km× O.6km and 30km× O.2km C11M

1960/81/ $/ Staff 1 s2r / V HF : 1s1z RA Y T H EO N

F RA N CE G ironde Estuary R adar System s ◯ - - / N 45W0 2

Port A utonom e de V erdon P ortA / Sen M nt V m r Inf ≧ 70m

M / R vr Prt A pp / 50km× 40km 40km1×0 .7km C0 .4M

1962/ $/ Staff 1 s2r / V HF : 2s1z PH ILIPS

FRA N C E V T S of C RO SSM A -G ris N ez ◯--/ N 51E01

A ffaires M aritim es M arA d / V m r M nt Inf A ll

L / Chn Intn / 80km× 30km SepR8km× 2km×2/ T ide : 7m S140k

1973/83/ $/ Staff 1 s2r RD P / T D P / V HF : 1s1z /1 D F R d-ac / T H O M SO N


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / Location

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation Participant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / C ost / Staffs R adar / D ata Proc./ V H F / O ther F ac. R em arks/M anufac.

F RA N CE V T S of C RO SSM A -Jobourg ◯- - / N 50W0 2

A ffaires M aritim es M arA d / V m r M nt Inf A ll

L / Chn Intn / 40km× 35km SepR 8km× 2km x2/ tide : 7m S70k

1973/83/$ / Staff 1s2r RD P / T D P / V HF : 1s1z /1 DF R d-ac / T H OM SO N

FRA N C E C entre de controle portulaire O G - / N 49EOO

Port A utonom e du H avre PortA / M nt V m r Sgn Inf ^ SOOGR T

LL / Prt Chn A nc / 50km× 50km 2-ln.20k×0 .5k &1-1n13km×0 .3km C 73M

1950/73/ $10M / Staff 5S 13r R D P / SD P / V HF : 3s5z / 2 DF T H O M SO N

FR A N CE Centre de controle de M arseille ◯ G - / N 43E05

Port A utonom e de M arseille PortA / M nt V m r A ss Inf A ll

L / Prt Cnl Rvr A pp / 50km× 35km 40km×0 .7km S7900C103M

1974/79/$/ Staff 2s2r : R DP / T O P / V HF : 1s1z/ T H OM SO N

F RA N CE Centre de controle de N ante-Saint N . ◯G-/ N 47W0 2

Capitainerie de Saint N azaire PortA / M nt A ss ≧75m

M / Prt Chn A nc A pp / 35km×10 km 1-/2-lane : 35km× 4k-0.3k / tide : 6m S1500C 12M

1980/81/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff 1s1r / - / V H F2s1z RA Y T H EO N

F RA N CE V T S of CR O SSM A -O uessant ◯- - / N 48W0 5

A ffaires M aritim es M arA d / V m r M nt Inf A ll

L / Chn Intn / 90km / tide7m S50k

1978/81/$ 6M / Staff 1s2r : R D P / T D P / V HF : 1s1z /1 D F T H O M SO N

F RA N CE Centre de controle de R ouen . ◯ G - / N 49E00

A ffaires M ar.-Port A utonom e de R ouen M arA d-P ortA / Plt V m r M nt A ss A ll

L / Rvr Prt A pp / 120km×10 km T ide : 7m C21M

1960/70/ $ / Staff 3s4r / - / V H F : 1s1z P H ILIPS

FRA N C E C entre de controle de Sette ◯ G - / N 43E04

Port A utonom e de Sette PortA / R pt Plt M nt A ll

M / Prt A pp / 25km× 25km

/$/ Staff 1s1r / - / V H F1s1z

GE RM A N Y V T S Brem en Port ◎ PlB / N 55E08

Brem en P ort A uthority PortA /V m rOrgSgnM ntA ss/SpR N oO vN oX Esc M andatory

L / Prt A pp / 20km× 250m Onew ay : 20km× 150m / v< 1000h, tide : 4m S12k C 14M

1977/88/ $2-5M / Staff6-10 2s2r A R PA / SD P Lnk / V HF : 1s3z RdCg / A T LA S

GE R M A N Y V T S Deutsche Bucht ◎ PlB / N 54E08

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t W ilhelm shaven W tw y A /V m rO rgSgnM ntSA R/SpR N oO vN oX K pL ≧50m D ng

LL / C st / 165km× 60km T w ow ay : 96km Separation/v< 1000h S68k

1983/84/ $10-20M / Staff : 11-20 1 s1r R D P/T D P SDP Lnk/V H F : 2s2z/1D F RdA cC g / D A SA

G ER M A N Y V T S Elbe ◎ PlB / N 54E09

W . S. Cuxhaven und H am burg W tw yA /Vm rOrgSgnM nt/SpR K pL N oOv N oX ≧50m Dng

L L / Rvr A pp / 150km× 4.6-0.2km Onew ay : 150km× 200m /v< 1000h, 4-8knots tide : 3m S68k

1960/94/&50-100 M / Staff : 21-50 11 s11r R D P/T D P SD P L nk/V H F : 2s12z/2 D F RdA cCg / D A SA

G ER M A N Y V T S Em s ◎ PlB / N 53E07

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t E m den W tw yA /V m rOrgSgnM ntSA R /SpR N oO vN oX K pL ≧50/40m D ng

L / Rvr A pp C st/ 70km×1 km O new ay60km× 200m / v< 1000h, tide : 3m S14k C1 .6M

1966/67/ $6-10M / Staff : 6-10 4s4r RD P / V HF : 2s3z / D ECC A RdA cCg / PH ILIPS

G E RM A N Y V T S H am burg Port ◎ PlB / N 54E10

H am burg P ort A uthority P ortA /V m r O rg M nt/SpR N oO v N oX Esc Seagoing ship

LL / Prt A pp / 30km O new ay : 30km× 60m / v< 1000h, bends S43k C 60M

1962/77/ $20-50M / Staff : 21-50 10 s10r RD P / TD P SD P Lnk / V HF : 1s6z R dCg/PH ILIPS D A SA

G ER M A N Y V T S Jade ◎ PlB / N 54E08

W asser- und Shiffahrtam t W ilhelm shaven W w yA /V m rOrgSgnM ntSA R /SpR N oOv N oX K pL ≧ 50m D ng

L L / Bay A pp / 60km×1 km Onew ay : 54km× 300m / v < 1000h, tide : 3.3m S6,500C33M

1974/79/ $10-20M / Staff : 6-10 4s4r R D P/T D P SD P Lnk/V H F : 1s2z/V H FD F5 RdA cC g / D A SA


Page 31: Abstract - enri.go.jp

Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / L ocation

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation P articipant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs Radar / D ata Proc./ V HF / Other Facl. R em arks/M anufac.

G E RM A N Y V T S K iel Canal ◎- B / N 54E10

W .S. B runsbuttel und K iel-H oltenau W tw yA / V m r O rg Sgn M nt/SpR N oO v N oX M andatory

L / Cnl A pp / 99km× 162m O new ay : 99km× 162m / v< 1000h, bends S39k

1950/70/ $1-2M / Staff : 51-100 5s5r A R PA / V HF : 2s2z / Sgn R dCg / R A CA L

G E RM A N Y V T S Low er W eser ◎ PlB / N 53E09

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t er B rem en W tw yA /V m r O rg M nt SA R/SpR N oOv N oX ≧50m D ng

L / R vr / 28km×0 .15-0.25km Onew ay : 28km× 150m / v< 1000h, bends S14k

1955/88/ $5-10M / Staff : 11-20 7s7r A R PA / SD P Lnk / V HF : 1s3z RdC g/A T L A S D A SA

G E RM A N Y V T S Rostok and W arnemu nde ◎PlB / N 54E12

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t Stralsund W tw yA /V m rSgnM ntSA R /SpR K pL N oO v N oX ≧30m , D ng

L / Cnl B ay Rvr A pp Cst/30km× 25km Onew ay : 11km× 80m / v< 300h S 19K C8.4M

1989/89/$1 -2M / Staff : 11-20 1s2r A RPA / V HF : 2s1z RdA cC g /

GE RM A N Y V T S Sassnitz und M ukran ◎P1B / N 55E14

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t Stralsund W tw yA /V m rSgnM ntSA R /SpR K pL N oO v N oX ≧20m , D ng

M / Bay A pp / 37km× 7km O new ay : 15km× 150m / v < 300h S29k

1989/89/&0 .5-1M / Staff : 6-10 2s2r / V H F1 s1z RdRdCg /

GE R M A N Y V T S Stralsund ◎PlB / N 54E13

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t Stralsund W tw yA / V m rSgnM ntSA R/SpR K pL N oO v N oX ≧20m , D ng

M / Bay Str A pp Cst/ 90km×10 km O new ay : 90k×50m / v< 300h, bends S10k1989/89/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 6-10 N o radar/ V HF : 1s1z N o prom .ef.

G ER M A N Y V T S T ravemu nde ◎PlB / N 54E11

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t Lu beck W tw yA / V m rSgnM ntSA R / SpR K pL N oOvN oX ≧6m (w idth) D ng

L / Riv Bay A pp / 20km×0 .15km Onew ay : 20km×100 m / v< 1000h, bends S21k C13M

1964/86/ $1-2M / Staff : 6-10 3s3r A RPA / V HF : 2s2z / Decca Rd-cg / A T LA S

GE R M A N Y V T S W eser ◎PlB / N 54E09

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t B rem erhaven W tw yA /V m rO rgSgnM ntSA R/SpR N oOO vN oX K pL ≧50m D ng

LL / Rvr A pp / 94km×0 .3km Onew ay : 94km× 150m /v< 1000h, tide : 3.9m S24k C35M

1960/85/ $20-50M / Staff : 11-20 8s8r R D P/T D P SD P Lnk/V H F : 2s7z/D ecca RdC g / D A SA

G ER M A N Y V T S W ism ar ◎PlB / N 54E11

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t Lubeck W tw yA / V m rSgnM ntSA R/SpR K pL N oO v N oX ≧70m D ng

M / Bay A pp / 30km×10 km Onew ay30km× 60m / v< 300h, bends S4K C 2M1983/89/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 6-10 N o radar / V H F2s1z N o prom .effect

G ER M A N Y V T S W olgast ◎PlB / N 54E14

W asser- und Schiffahrtam t Stralsund W tw yA / V m rSgnM ntSA R /SpR K pL N oO v N oX ≧70m , D ng

M / Rvr A pp / 70km×0 .07km Onew ay : 60k×40m / v < 300h, bends S6K

1989/89/$0. 2-0.5M / Staff : 3-5 N o radar/ V HF : 1s1z N o prom inent ef.G RE ECE H ellenic R escue Coordination Centre ◯- - / N 38E24

H ellenic C oast G uard CstG d / SA R V m r Inf V oluntaryS / Prt Cst Int / 600k×500km

1969/1994/ $/ Staff V H F1s1z M F H F

H O N G K ON G H ong K ong V T M S ◎G B / N 22E114

H ong K ong M arine Departm ent. PortA / V m rO rdM ntInf / SpR K pL E sc ≧300Grt

LL / Prt A pp / 60k×20k T w ow ay : 800m× 2/ B ends S31k C1 18M G 145M

1965/89/ $26M / Staff : 40-50 7s7r R D P / IDP / V HF : 4s2z / 4 DF , BerthA id RdC g / N orcon

IN DO N ESIA B ontan P ort Service ◇- - / N E

B ontan P ort A uthority PortA / M nt A ss V oluntary

M/ Prt A pp

/ $/ Staff 1s1r R D P / T D P / V HF : 1s1z JR C

IRA N Shahid R ajaei V T S (B andar A bbas) ◎- B / N 27E56

Ports and Shipping O rganization M arA d / M nt/ K pL N oOv N oX M andatoryL / P rt A pp / 50km× 30km T w ow ay / v≦300 h S780C10M1994/ $2-5M / Staff : 6-10 1s1r A R PA / - / V H F : 2s2z


Page 32: Abstract - enri.go.jp

Ⅰ C ountry N am e of V T S D ata / Location

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / Regulation Participant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / C ost / Staffs R adar / D ata Proc./ V HF / O ther Fac. Rem arks/M anufac.

IR A N Port O p.M arine A ff. Bandal B ushire ◯- - / N 29E 51

B andal B ushire P.S.O . Pilot Org./ R ep Inf M andatory

S / Prt A pp Chn / 20km T w ow ay : 13km×135m C0 .8M

1960 N o radar / - / V H F1s1z

IR A N Port Op.M ar.A ffairs Bandal C habahar ◯--Bandal Chabahar Port A uthority Port A ./ R ep Inf/ SpR N oO v N oX Esc. M andatory

S / Prt A pp Chn C0 .8M

1960 N o radar/ - / V HF : 1s1z

IR A N Port Op.M ar. A f. B andal K hom jeiny ◯--Port of K hom einy A uthority P ort A ./ R ep Inf/ N oOv K pL . M andatory

S / Prt A pp Chn C.3.5M

1960 N o radar/ - / V HF : 1s1z

IR ELA N D D ublin Port Radio ◯G - / N 53W0 6

Dublin Port and D ockes B oard P ortA / Rpt A ss Inf/ K pL N oO v N oX M andatory

S / Prt / 10km×0 .2km S3966C 7.6M

1986/$ / Staff : 5 V HF : 1s1z/

IRE LA N D G alw ay H arbour ◯- - / N 53W0 9

Galw ay H arbour Com m issioners PiltA / R pt Plt A ss Inf M andatory

S / Prt B ay A pp / 10km S200C0 .4M

1 960/$/ Staff N o radar / V HF : 1s1z

IRE LA N D L im erick H arbour (R iver Shannon) ◯- - / N 53W0 9

Lim erick H arbour C om m issioners PiltA / Rpt Plt/ K pL N oO v N oX M andatory

S / Prt R vr A pp / 50km S1500

1988/ N o radar / V HF : 1s1z/

IT A LY G enoa Pilot T raffic ◎- - / N 42E09

Genoa H arbour Pilots PiltA / Plt M andatory

M / Prt A pp / 30km× 30km C 48M

/$0 .5M / Staff : 30 2s2r A R PA / - / V HF : 2s2z/ SE LESM A R

IT A LY V enice Pilot T raffic ◯- - / N 45E 12

V enice H arbour P ilots PiltA / Plt/ M andatory

M / Prt Chn A pp / 40km× 40km 1 or 2-w ay : 40km / v≦1000 h C 28M S9370

1965/73/ $0.5M 1 s1r A R PA / - / V H F : 2s2z/ SE LESM A R

IT A LY Livorno V T S ◇- - /

Livorno Port A uthority Port A / Inf M nt M andatory

M/ Prt / 40km× 40km

1995/ Staff2-5 1 s1r A R PA / TD P / SE LESM A R

JA PA N A kashi Strait V . T . Signal Station ◎- - / N 35E 135

H onshu-Shikoku Bridge A uthority BrdgA / Inf Sgn V oluntary

L / Brg A pp / 3.6km× 3.7km 2 lanes : 1400m / Cur.≦8knots S400k

1990/ $2-5M / Staff : 6-10 1 s1r R D P / - / V H F : 1s1z JRC

JA PA N B isan Seto T raf.A dv.Service Center ◎ G - / N 34E 134

M aritim e Safety A gency CstG d / V m rM ntSgnInf / K pL SpR N oX Esc ≧200m

L L / Inland Sea & P ort/ 42km× 8km 1 or 2-w ay : 61km× 700m / Cur.≦8knots S500k

1987/89/$20-50M/ Staff21-50 3s3r RD P / TD P / V HF : 1s1z / Racons OK I

JA PA N Chiba Port T raffic C ontrol Center ◎- - / N 36E 140

M aritim e Safety A gency C stGd / Sgn M nt Inf/ SpR ≧10 kt Dng

L / Prt A pp / 24km× 24km 1 or 2w ay : 2 .4-4.0km× 250m , 500m 90k C 159M G 125M

1986/ $2-5M / Staff : 6-10 1 s1r RD P / - / V HF : 1s1z / 2T V O ki

JA PA N Innoshim a Bridge V .T .Signal Staton ◎- - / N 34E133

H onshu-Shikoku B ridge A uthority BrdgA / Inf Sgn V oluntary

M / Brg A pp / 0.3km×1.0 km T w ow ay : 1km× 300m S60k

1984/$0 .5-1/ Staff:0 2s2r RD P / V HF : 1s1z O K I


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / L ocation

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / Regulation Participant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs Radar / D ata Proc./ V HF / Other Fac. R em arks/M anufac.

JA PA N Japan Ship Reporting System (JA SR EP) ◎- - / N 36E 140

M aritim e Safety A gency CstG d / SA R M on Inf V oluntary

L / C st Intnl / 4000km× 4000km

1975/ $6-10M / Staff : 6-10 SDP / V HF : 19s19z/ M F H F SA T CO M

JA PA N K am igoto V essel T raffic Signal Station ◎--/ N 33E 129

K am igoto O il Storage Com pany Com pany / Inf Plt V oluntary

L / Off A pp / 5km× 5km

1988/ $1-2/ Staff : 0 1s1rRD P / V HF : 1s1z /1 D F, 2 T V O K I-A N RIT SU

JA PA N K anm on K aikyo T raffic A dvisary Service C enter ◎G - / N 34E 129

M aritim e Safety A gency C stGd / V m rM ntSgnInf / K pL Esc

LL / InlandSea Port / 43km× 5km 2 lane : 19km× 500m / Cur.≦8knots S300k C93M G 51M

1989/ $10-20/ Staff : 21-50 4s4r RD P / T D P / V HF : 1s1z / R acons D EC CA O K I

JA PA N K aw asaki Port T raffic Control C enter ◎-- / N 35E 140

M aritim e Safety A gency CstG d / Sgn M nt Inf / ≧1000 grt

L / Prt A pp / 24km× 24km 1or2-lane /11 km× 300m -500m S70k C100M G98M

1973/ $2-5M / Staff : 11-20 1s1r R DP / - / V HF : 1s1z / 7T V O K I

JA PA N K obe P ort T raffic Control C enter ◎ G - / N 35E 135

M aritim e Safety A gency CstG d / Sig Inf/ ≧15 kt D ng

M / Prt A pp / 12km× 6km 1 or 2-lane : 1.4km× 300m S100k C 169M G 302M

1984/ $0.5-1M / Staff : 6-10 N o radar/P ort Inf.P.S./V H F : 1s1z/1 T V

JA PA N K urushim a Strait V essel T raffic Signal Station ◎ Pl- / N 34E 133

H onshu-Shikoku Bridge A uthority B rdgA / Inf Sgn V oluntary

L / Brg A pp / 4.0km× 3.7km 2 lane : 700m× 2 S 300k

1990/$ 2-5M / Staff : 6-10 1s1r RD P / V HF : 1s1z JRC

JA P A N K urushim a K aikyo T raf.A dv.Ser. Cen. ◎G-/ N 34E 133

M aritim e Safety A gency CstGd / V m rM ntSgnInf / K pL K pS N oX E sc ≧200m

LL / Inland Sea / 42km× 22km 1 or 2 lane : 16km× 700m / Cur.≦8knots S500k

1987/98/ $- / Staff : 6-10 2s2r RD P / T DP /1 s1z / R acons O K I

JA PA N K ushiro H arbor V T S Station ◎-- / N 43E144

M aritim e Safety A gency C stG d / A ss Inf/ V oluntary

L / Prt A pp / 20km× 20km / S35000C 24M G 15M

1964/87/ $2-5M / Staff : 11-20 1s2r RD P / - / V H F : 1s1z O K I

JA PA N M-O . Single Point M ooring B uoy G uard System .◎-- / N 41E141

M utsu Ogaw ara Oil Storage C o. Ltd. Com pany / G rd (Single point m oor.b.) V oluntary

L / Prt A pp / 30km× 30km

1984/ $1-2M / Staff : 0 1 s1r R DP/ / V HF : 1s1z/ N EC

JA PA N N agoya T raf. A dvisory Service Center ◎--/ N 35E 137

M aritim e Safety A gency CstG d / Sgn M nt A ss Inf/ ≧5kt D ng

L / Prt A pp / 28km× 7km 1 or 2 lane : 10km× 400m S80k C134M G 204M

1994/ $6-10M / Staff : 21-50 1 s1r R D P / TD P / V HF : 1s1z/ OK I

JA PA N O m ishim a B ridge V essel T raffic Signal Station ◎-- / N 34E 132

H onshu-Shikoku Bridge A uthority BrdgA/ Inf Sgn V oluntary

M / Brg A pp / 0.3km×1.0 km 2 lanes : 400m S70k

1984/ $0.5-1/ Staff : 0 2s2r RD P / - / V H F : 1s1z N E C

JA P A N O saka W an T raffic A dvisary Service C enter ◎ P l- / N 34E 135

M aritim e Safety A gency C stGd / V m rM ntSgnInf / K pL K pS N oX Esc ≧ 200m

L L / B ay Str/ 47km× 5km 2 lanes : 6.7km× 750mx 2 S400k

1993/ $10-20M / Staff : 21-50 2s2r RD P / T DP / V HF : 1s1z / R acons O K I

JA PA N O saka H arbor V T S Station G - / N 35E135

M aritim e Safety A gency C stG d / R pt A ss Inf / V oluntary

L / Prt A pp / 10km×10 km 1.4-3.8km× 70m -300m S80k C 92M G 139M

1964/87/ $2-5M / Staff : 11-20 1 s1r R DP / - / V HF : 1s1z / 1T V O K I


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / L ocation

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation P articipant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs R adar / D ata Proc./ V HF / Other F acl. R em arks/M anufac.

JA PA N T okyo B ay B ridge V essel T raffic Signal Station. ◎- - / N 36E140

T okyo B ay B ridge A uthority BrdgA / Sgn Inf V oluntary

M / Brg A pp / 15km×10 km S250k C 600M G 450M

1989/$2-5/ Staff : 6-10 1s1r R DP / N o V HF JR C

JA PA N T okyo P ort T raffic Control C enter ◎- - / N 36E 140

M aritim e Safety A gency CstG d / Sgn M nt Inf / ≧5kt D ng

L / Prt A pp / 24km× 24km S65k C73M G1 17M

1980/ $6-10M / Staff : 11-20 1s1r R DP / T D P / V HF : 1s1z / 7 T V O K I

JA PA N T okyo W an T raf.A dv.Service Center ◎G- / N 35E 140

M aritim e Safety A gency CstG d / V m rM ntInf/ K pL SpR N oX E sc ≧200m

LL / Bay A pp / 70km x 12km 1or2lane25km× 700m x2 S250k

1977/83/$20 -50M / Staff : 51-100 3s3r R D P / TD P /1 s1z / R acons RdA c / O ki

JA PA N W akam atsu Port T raf. Control O ffice ◎- - / N 34E 131

M aritim e Safety A gency CstG d / Sen M nt A ss Inf / ≧300grt

L / Prt App / 16km×1 .5km O new ay : 12.5km× 250m S7400C 92M G82M

1984/≦ $10M / Staff : 11-20 1s1r RD P / T O P / V HF : 1s1z/ 3T V O K I

JA PA N Y okoham a Port T rafic Control O ffice ◎G-/ N 35E 140

M aritim e Safety A gency CstGd / Sgn M nt A ss Inf/ ≧15kt Dng

L / Prt A pp / 24km×24km 6.3km×400m S80k C 124M G265M

1974/≦ $2M / Staff : 11-20 1s1r / R DP / V H F1s1z / 4T V O K I A N R IT SU

Republic of K O RE A F ollow ing ports have V T Ss equipped w ith radars

Pohang (N 36E 129)w ith1s1r R D P

Pusan (N 35E 129) L in1987w ith1s1r/R D P/T D P (JRC )

U lsan (N 36E 129) L in1987w ith1s1r/R D P/T D P (JRC )

K U W A IT Shuaiba Port Service ◯- - / N 29E48

Shuaiba Port A uthority PortA / M nt A ss A ll

L / Prt A pp

/ $/ Staff 1s1r R D P / T O P / V HF : 1s1z JRC

K U W A IT Shuaiku P ort Service ◇- - / N 29E48

Shuaiku Port A uthority PortA / M nt A ss A ll

Prt A pp

/ $/ Staff 1s1r A R PA / TD P / V HF : 1s1z K ELV IN H U G H E S

LA T V IA V entspils V essel T raffic Service ○- - / N 57E 22

V entspils Port A uthority PortA / Plt M nt Inf Seago

M / Prt A pp / 10km x10 km

1972/82/$/ Staff : 6-10 1s2r/ - / V H F : 1s1z /1 D F Okean

L IT H UA N IA K laypeda V essel Traffic Service ◯- - / N 56E21

K laipeda Port A uthority PortA / Plt M nt Inf Seago

M / Prt A pp / 10km×10 km

1982/$/ Staff : 6-10 1s2r / - / V H F : 1s1z /1 D F

M A L A Y SIA M alaysia V T S ◎- B / N0 3E101

M aritim e A dm inistration M arA d / C lrP ltM ntF sh / SplN ovN oxK pl ≧50G28m

LL / Prt Str A pp / 200N M× 50N M T w ow ay : 200N M S32k C 34M

1997/$ 30-50M / Staff : 21-50 10s10r RD P / SD P / V HF : 10s5z/ L loyds D P

M A LA Y SIA Follow ing ports have V T Ss w ith surveillance radars

B intulu (N E )L , in 1982 w ith 1s1r/ R D P / T D P (N OR CO N )

T rengganu(N E )L, in 1983 w ith 1s1r/ RD P / T D P (N O RC ON )

M EX ICO Follow ing oil term inals/offshore structures are equipped with surveillance radars

C am neche LL/1982/O ilCo/O ffs./9s9r/R D P/T D P/V H F : 8s (N O R CO N )

C oatzacoalcos L/1982/O ilCo/O ffs./2s2r/RD P/T D P/V H F : 1s(N O RCO N )


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / Location

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation Participant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs R adar / D ata Proc./ V HF / O ther F acl. R em arks/M anufac.

T H E N ET H E RL A N D S Ijm uiden V T S ◯ G - / N 53E05

D irect.G en. of Shipping & M ar. A ff. M arA d / R pt M nt Inf/ SpR Esc Seagoing v.

L / Prt C nl Lock A nn / 45km× 30km T w o/onew ay : 50km×0 .5-2km / Fog C 60M G55M

1951/83/$ / Staff : 21-50 3s3r RD P /T DP Lnk/V H F : 2s4z/4D F/R acon D ecc P H ILIP S, N O RCO N

T H E N E T H E R LA N DS Rotterdam V essel T raffic M anagem ent ◯ G - / N 52E04

R ot. P ort A uth. & Dir. Gen. for S PrtA & M arA d / Plt M nt A ss Inf/ Seagoing v.

LL / Prt R iv A DD / 90km× 50km T w o/onew ay25km/ C 250M

1957/87/ $50-100/ Staff : 100-200 26s26r R D P/ID P/V H F : 12s12z/3 D F , 8 T V , D ecca H O LLA N D SIG N A L .

T H E N E T H ER LA N D S Scheveningen V T S ◯ -- / N 52E0 4

M unicipal D ep. of H arbor & M arkets PortA / R pt M nt Inf/ SpR Esc ≦6m

M / Prt/ 16km× 3.2km O new ay : 3km× 150m C1 .4M G 2.3M

/ $/ Staff : 6 1 s1r / V H F : 1s1z / 2 T V RA CA L

T H E N ET H ER LA N D S Follow ing stations are equipped w ith surv. radars

C oast G uard m onitors coast traffic w ith radars

Brandaris(1A R PA ) , H aam stede (1A RPA ) , D en H elder(1r) , H uisduinen(1r) , and Shierm nnikoog(1r)

N EW ZEA LA N D Port Otaso Ltd. ◯ - - / S46E 171

Port O tago Ltd PilotA / V m r Plt R pt SA R / Spl M andatory

M / Prt App / 28km× 3km O new ay : 26km× 180-90m / 7bends C1 .2M G5.2M

1960/88/ Staff : 5 1 s1r / 2s1z / 2 T V K O D EN

N E W ZEA LA N D W ellington H arbour Board ◯ - - / S41E 175

W ellington H arbour Board PortA / V m r Plt Sgn SA R/ M andatory

M / Prt App /11 km× 7km 7km / 60 days of w inds over 60knots C 5.8M G 18.8M

/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff 1 s1r / 2s1z FU R U N O

N OR W A Y Brevik V T S ◎ G B

N orw egian C oast D irectorate CstA d / Clr Inf/ Spl K pl ≧ 50G t,24m

M / Cst(inshore) / 10N M× 3N M T w o/O ne w ay/ G0 .9M

1978/ $N .A ./ Staff : 11 1 s1r R D P / TD P /1 s1z / T est DG P S

N OR W A Y Fedje V T S ◎ ー B /

N orw egian C oast D irectorate CstA d / C lr Inf/ Spl K pl ≧ 200G t,24m

L / Cst/ 15N M× 15N M T w ow ay : 22km×1 .2km / S4200C68M

1992/ $4.4M / Staff : 12 3s4r RD P / T D P / V HF : 1s1z / T est DG PS

N O RW A Y T roll V T S/Ship Reporting System ◎-- /

N orw egian Coast D irectorate T o be decided

M / Intern.w . O ffs./ T o be decid T o be decided

1995/ $/ Staff : 4 T o be decided (3s3r?) /T D P /T est D G PS

N O RW A Y G alfaks A /B/C ◇ - - /

O il Com pany C m p / G rd A ss V oluntary

M / O ff A pp /

1985/ - / - 3s3r RD P / - / V H F : 3s3z N O RC O N


10 ports/pilot stations are equipped w ith land-based radars

G alfaks offshore stations have 3s3r(A R PA ).

N OR W A Y and U . K . Statofiordfield ◇- - /

O il Com pany Cm p / G rd A ss V oluntary

M / Off App /

1985/ - / - 3s3r RD P/-/ V HF : 3s3z N OR CO N

R enublic of PA N A M A PC C M arine T raffic Control System ◎-B/ N0 9W 80

P anam a C . C om m ission T raf.M ang. Div. M arA -W w yA /V m rM ntO rgA ssPltA nc/SpR etc . M andatory

L / Prt Cnl Lak B ay / 83km×0 .2km 2 lanes : 83km×198m / T ide: 5m S13k C 168M

1914/86/ $10M / Staff : 64 2s4r A R PA / ID P / V H F 2s / T V / 102, R acon R aytheon


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / L ocation

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation P articipant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs R adar / D ata Proc./ V HF / Other Facl. R em arks/M anufac.

T H E PH ILIPPIN ES M anila Bay V T S △- - / N 15E121

Phillipine Coast Guard CstG d / M nt V oluntary

Prt B ay A pp/

1987/$0 .1-0.2M / Staff 1s1r/ A RPA / - / - SE LESM A R

PO R T U G A L Post de V igilancia do Porto de Lisbo a○ - - / N 38W 9

Com ando da D efesa M artim a N avy / M nt Rpt ≧30,000grt

S / Prt R vr A pp / 23km C .14M

N o radar

PO R T U G A L Leixoes ◇- -Leixoes Port A uthority PortA

1s1r A RPA K R U PP -A T LA S

R U SSIA K erch-Y enikale Channel R adar System N 46E 37

K erch Port A uthority P ortA / Plt M nt Inf/ Sea-go

M / Prt C hn A pp / 26km - / - /

1973/82/ $/ Staff : 6-10 1s2r / - / V H F : 1s1z /1 D F

RU SSIA K olsky Sound V T S (M urm ansk) ◯- - / N 69E33

M urm ansk Port A uthority PortA / Plt M nt Inf/ M andatory

M/ Prt A pp / 12km 12km×1 km

1966/80/ $/ Staff : 11-20 2s2r/ - / V H F : 3s1z / 2 D F R A SK A T

RU SSIA N akhodka B ay V essel T raffic Service ◎GB / N 43E 132

N O R FES Ltd/N akhodka M arine A dm nst. M arA d / P lt M nt Inf/ M andatory

L / Prt Bay / 20km×10 km 20km× 400m / Low v.1000h S12k

1979/92/ - / Staff : 20-50 3s3r R DP / SD P / V HF : 1s1z/ 3 D P O K I

R U SSIA Sanct Petersburg V T S ◎GB / N 43E132

Port A uth. of Sanct Petersburg PortA / Plt M nt Inf/ M andatory

L / P rt A pp / 45km× 15km 45km×100 m/ S16k G10M

1961/93/ - / Staff : 20-50 3s3r A R PA / - / V HF : 2s1z /1 D F

R U SSIA Y udzhnuy V essel T raffic Service ◯- - / N E

Y udzhnuy Port A uthority PortA / Plt M nt Inf/ M andatory

L / Prt A pp / 8km×

1965/84/ $/ Staff : 6-10 2s2r/ - / V H F : 2s1z /1 D F OK EA N

R U SSIA Zhdanov V essel T raffic Service ◯--/ N 47E37

Zhdanov Port A uthority PortA / Plt M nt Inf/ M andatory

M/ Prt A pp / 24km×

1965/84/ $/ Staff : 6-10 2s2r / - / V H F : 2s1z / 2 D F O K EA N

RU SSIA Follow ing 14 ports in Russia (or, CIS) are equipped w ith surveillance radars

radars and port authority operate pilot dependent m anagem ent. S /△ /1 s1r

A rkhangelsk, B aku, Belgorod Dni., Beringow ski, K avkas. K holm sk, K rasnogorsk, M urm ansk,

N ovorosysk, P oronaisk, R iga, T uapse, U glegorsk, U st K am chadka, V anino (2s2r)

K ingdom of SA U DI A R A B IA Dam m am Port C ontrol ◯- - / N 27E49

Saudi Port A uthority M arA d / V m r Rpt Plt Sgn/ M andatory

M / Prt Chn A nn / 20km×20km 20km× 400m S4,500C 13M

1950/$/ Staff:6-10 1 s1r R D P / V HF : 1s1z

K ingdom of SA U D I A RA B IA Jubail P ort Control ◯- - / N 27E 50

Saudi Port A uthority M arA d / V m r R pt Plt Sgn/ M andatory

L/Prt Chn App/ 50N M 50N M× 2N M S389C 2.4M

1983/ $9M / Staff : 11-20 1 s1r RD P / V HF : 8s2z/ T H O M SO N


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / Location

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation Participant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs Radar / D ata Proc./ V HF / Other F acl. R em arks/M anufac.

K ingdom of SA U DI A R A BIA G izan Port C ontrol ◯- - / N 27E38

Saudi P ort A uthority M arA d / V m r Rpt Plt Sgn / M andatory

S / Prt A pp / 90n.m .×0 .5n.m . G1l.7M

1979/ $/ Staff N o radar / - / V HF : 2s1z

K ingdom of SA U D I A R A B IA Y anbu Port C ontrol ◇- - / N 27E38

Saudi Port A uthority M arA d / V m r Rpt Plt Sgn / M andatory

L / Prt A pp /

1983/ $/ Staff 1s1r R D P / TD P / V H F : 1s1z JRC

K ingdom of SA U D I A RA BIA Ju'aym ar and Ras T anura have been reported to have surveillance radar.

SIN GA PO RE S'pore V essel T .Inform ation Service ◎-B/ N00 E10 4

P ort of Singapore A uthority P ortA / Inf M nt / K pL ≧300 G rt

L L / Prt A pp / 25N M× 4N M T w oW ay m in527m /v≦1000 h≦8knots tide : 3.5m C290M G 679M S101k

1990/ $20M / Staff : 51-100 5s5r A RP A / T -SD P Lnk / V HF:1s2z/2DF R dCg

SP A IN M aritim e R CC (Local) /V T S A lgeciras ◎--/ N 36W0 5

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r M nt SA R Inf V oluntary

M/ Bay / 10km× 8km 8km S1400

1996/ - / Staff : 9 1s1r RD P /- /V H F : 3s1z/1 D F, CC T V

SPA IN M ar. RCC (Regional) /V T S A lm eria ◎- - / N 37W0 2

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r M nt A ss SA R Inf ship for anchor

M / Prt A pp Cst / 43200sq.km

1994/96/ - / Staff : 10 2s2r R DP /ID P /V H F : 2s1z/1 D F

SPA IN M R CC (R egional) /V T S B arcelona ◎- - / N 41E02

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r M nt A ss SA R Inf D ng

L / Prt A pp / radius40km from port T w ow ays,4km×1 km S 15k Identified

1993/96/ - / Staff : 16 2s3rRD P/ID P/V H F : 1s1z/

SPA IN M RCC (Regional) /V T S B ilbao ◎- - / N 43W0 3

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r M nt A ss SA R Inf V oluntary

L / Prt A pp / 50km× 50km S3500

1994/96/ - / Staff : 12 1s2rRD P/ID P/V H F : 4s1z/1 D F

SPA IN M RC C (Regional) /V T S C oruna ◎-- / N 43W0 9

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r M nt A ss SA R Inf A ll

L / Prt B ay A pp / 40km× 22km T hree w ays S8k

1993/96/ - / Staff : 10 1s3r RD P/ID P/V H F : 6s1z/1 D F, N A V T E X

SPA IN M R CC (Zonal) /V T S Finisterre ◎-- / N 43W0 9

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r M nt A ss SA R Inf V oluntary

LL/Open Sea/5000square km 62×5.6 & 56×5.6km S14.4k Identified

1992/94/ - / Staff : 18-29 3s6r RD P /ID P/V H F : 4s1z/D F

SPA IN M R CC (R egional) /V T S G ijon ◎-- / N 44W0 6

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r M nt A ss SA R Inf V oluntary

L / Prt A pp Cst/ 50km× 30km T w o channels S2400 Identified

1993/96/ - / Staff : 9-12 1 s2r R D P/ID P/V H F : 1s1z/1 DF N O RC O N

SPA IN M R CC (Regional) /V T S L as Palm as ◎-- / N 28W 16

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r M nt A ss SA R Inf V oluntary

L / P rt A pp / 50km× 50km S15k Identified

1993/96/ - / Staff : 15 2s2r R D P/ID P/V H F : 4s1z/N A V T EX

SPA IN M RCC (Regional) /V T S Palm a ◎ - - / N 40E0 3

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / SA R Inf V oluntary

S / B alearic Sea / 90000sq.km S40k

1993/96/ - / Staff : 8-10 N o radar/ID P/V H F : 2s1z


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / L ocation

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation Participant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype/ A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Year / Cost / Staffs Radar / D ata P roc./ V HF / Other Facl. R em arks/M anufac.

SPA IN M R CC (Zonal) /V T S T arifa ◎G- / N 36W0 6

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r M nt A ss SA R Inf/K pL D ng

L / Str A pp / 60km×20km T w ow ay : 30km×8km/ S50k (identified)

1987/96/-/ Staff:18-27 3s3r R D P/ID P/V H F : 3s1z/1 DF N A V T EX

SPA IN M R CC (Local) /V T S T arragona ◎- - / N 41W01

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / SA R Inf V oluntary

M / Cst P rt A pp / 14km× 28km S2.5k G25M

1994/96/ - / Staff : 10 1s1r RD P/ID P/V H F : 2s2z

SPA IN M RCC (Regional) /V T S T enerife ◎- - / N 28W 17

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / A ss SA R Inf V oluntary

L / Prt A pp / 56km×56km T enerife-G ran C anaria Channel S15k (identified)

1993/96/ - / Staff : 10 1s1r RD P/ID P/V H F : 1s1z/1 D F

S PA IN M RC C (Regional) /V T S V alencia ◎- - / N 390

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / A ss SA R Inf V oluntary

S / C st Opn

1994/96/ - / Staff : 10 N o radar/- /V H F : 1s1z

SPA IN M R CC (Local)/V T S V igo ◎- - / N 42W0 9

M aritim e A dm inistration, Spain M arA d / V m r Inf C om pulsory

S / Firth A pp / 28km× 8km T w o channels S2k

1996/98/ - / Staff : 7-9 (radar & D F under constr.)/V HF : 1s1z

SW ED EN G othenburg V T S ◯ G- / N 58E12

Port of G othenburg A B PortA / Rpt M nt Inf/SpR Esc ≧300 Grt

L / Prt Rvr Str A pp / 41km×11 km T w ow ay20km× 200m / v≦1000 h S12k C 26M G 71M

1963/82/$ 2-5M / staff : 11-20 3s3r R DP / IDP Lnk / 2s1z N O RC O N

SW ED EN Oxelosund V T S ◯-- /

Sw edish A dm in. of Shipping and N av. M arA d / V m r M nt Inf/SpR E sc ≧300 Grt

M/Prt Rvr Str App/110Km× Tw ow ay : 100m -500m / S6000C9.5M

1980/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff 2s2r R D P / V HF : 2s1z RA C A L

SW ED E N Stockholm V T S ◯- - / N 59E 18

Sw edish A dm in. of Shipping and N av. M arA d / V m r/Spl Esc/ ≧300 Grt

S / Prt Str App/

1980/ N o radar/ T DP / V H F : 2s1z


T here are 4 m ore V T S stations along the Sw edish coast each w ith 2 surveillance radars :

Lurea, L ysekil, M alaren/Landsort, and M arstrand

Follow ing 21 pilot stations are also equipped w ith 2 surveillance radars each.

A hus, Bonan, Falkensburg, H elsingborg, H olm stad, H olm sund, K arm ar, K arlsham n.Ljusne

M alo Oskarsham n, Sandham n, Skagsunde, Skelleftea, Soderarm , Sodertaije,

Spikarna, Svartklubben, V arberg, V inga, and V isby

T H A ILA N D Bankok B ar ◯- - / N 13E100

Pilot D ivision, H arbor Dept. M arA d/Pi V oluntary

S / Prt Chn Rvr A pp/

N o radar/ V HF : 3s3z

T U RK E Y Istanbul Port M anagem ent ◯ - - / N 41E29

Istanbul Port A uthority PortA / Plt / SpR ≧300 GR T

S / Str Prt A pp / 31km×24km 600m w ide/ C0 .6M

1972/82/ / 2s2r// V HF : 3s3z/ RA CA L

U K RA IN E B lack Sea V T S (Ilichevsk) ◯ - - / N E

Ilichevsk Port A uthority PortA / Plt M nt Inf/ M andatory

L / Prt A pp / -

1981/$/ Staff : 11-20 3s3r RD P / SD P / V HF : 3s3z/ OK E A N K arat


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S Data / Location

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / Regulation Participant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs R adar / D ata Proc./ V H F / O ther F acl. Rem arks/M anufac.

U K RA IN E O dessa V T S ○- - / N 46E 31

O dessa Port A uthority P ortA / Plt M nt Inf / Seago

M / Prt A pp / 6km

1972/84/ $/ Staff : 6-10 1s2r / - / V H F : 1s1z /1 D F O K EA N

U nited A R A B E M IR A T ES P ort of A bu D habi V T S ○- - / N 24E52

Port of A bu D habi A uthority P ortA / Rpt A ss Inf A ll

M/ Prt A pp/

/ $/ Staff : 3-5 1s1r / V H F : 1s1z K E LV IN H U G H ES

U nited A RA B E M IR A T E S Port of Jebel A li V T S ○- - / N 25E55

Port of Jebel A li A uthority PortA / Rpt A ss Inf A ll

L / Prt A pp /

1981/ $2-5M / Staff : 3-5 1s2r A R PA / ID P Link / V HF : 1s1z SPE R RY

U N IT ED K IN G D OM Belfast Port R adio ◯- - / N 55E06

Belfast H arbour Com m issioners PortA / R pt Inf / SpR Esc A ll

S / Prt / 10km×1 km 1-lane : 152m w ide S4000C7M G 14M

1960/≦ $0.1M / Staff : 3-5 N o radar/ P DP / V HF : 1s1z

U N IT ED K IN G D OM Berm uda H arbour R adio ◯ G - / N 32W 65

M arine and P orts A uthority PortA + M arA d / C lr M nt A ss / A ll

M / Prt A pp / 64km× 48km Channels, 27km & 26km long, m in.150m S670

1970/1986/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 6 2s3r R D P / / V HF : 2s2z / racon RA CA L

U N IT ED K IN G D OM Clyde Port H arbour Control ◯- - / N 56E0 5

Clyde Port A uthority PortA / Clr Inf/ SpR K pL A ll

M / Prt R vr A pp Fsh / 50km× 50km 1-lane : 600m w ide / tide : 7.2m S10k C8M G 19M

1970/1983/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 11-20 N o radar/ - / V HF : 1s1z/

U N IT ED K IN GD O M D over Strait Channel N av. Inf. Serv. ◎ G B / N 51E01

D epartm ent of T ransport CstGd / V m r M nt Inf / K pL V oluntary

L / Str Cst Int/ 193km× 55km 193km× 9.5km×2/tide : 10m , Low v1000h S146k

1972/1993/ $6-10M / Staff : 11-20 3s3r RD P / ID P / 3s3z / 5DF 3T V R d-A c / R A CA L-H P

U N IT E D K IN GD O M D over Port C ontrol ◎ G B / N 51E01

D over H arbour B oard P ortA / Plt M nt Sgn Inf/ SpR Obliged for all

M/ Prt/ 4.8K m×0 .23km 2-w ay : 2.4km , m in.19m / tide : 7m S24k G 14M C0 .6M

1977/90/ $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 9 2s3r RD P/SD P/V H F : 4s1z/1 D F, 3 T V BrtA DG P S R dCg / T ER M A

U N IT E D K IN GD O M F orth Ports N avigation Service ◯ G - / N 56E0 3

Forth P ort A uthority PortA / V m r Rpt M nt A ss Inf/ SpR K pL A ll

M/ Prt Rvr A pp / 60km×10 km 1-/2-lane : 20N M×0 .3N M/ S4600C 28M

1964/1983/ $0.5-1M / Staff : 6-10 4s4r RD P / - / V HF : 1s1z / BrtA N ORCON RA YT H EO N

U N IT E D K IN GD O M H arw ich H arbour O perations ◎-- / N 52E01

H arw ich H aven A uthority W w ayA /V m r M nt Inf/SpR K pL N O vN ox Esc ≧50G R T

L / Prt Riv C st Int/ 12km× 2km T w o-w ay : 30km× 450m / T d4m S11k G 121M

1975/1984/ $1-2M / Staff : 21-50 3s3r RD P / ID P / V HF : 1s1z / 2 DF R dA c / M A R CO N I

U N IT ED K IN G DO M H um ber Port O peration and Inform ation Service ○ - - / N 54E00

British T ransport D ocks B oard M arA d / V m r Rpt Sig/ ≧50G R T

M/ Prt R iv A pp / 130km×10 km M C34M

1966/ $ M / Staff : 6-10 1s2r/ - / V H F : 1s1z / R dA cCg/RA C A L

U N IT ED K IN GD O M Liverpool V T S ◎ GB / N 53W0 3

M ersey D ocks H arbour Com pany PortA / V m r M nt Inf ≧82m

L / Prt Rvr Bay / 90km× 32km 2-lane : 33km× 900m / tide : 10m , V sF S7.4k G 45M C29M

1948/1993/$1 -2M / Staff : 11-20 3s3r R D P / T O P SDP / V HF : 2s2z / DG PS RdA cC g/RA C N O R

U N IT ED K IN G DO M M edw ay N avigation Service ◯ - - / N 51E01

M edw ay P orts A uthority PortA /PiltA / Rpt M nt / SpR Partly obliged

L / P rt Rvr A pp / 40km× 7km 1-lane : 10km× 250m/ S6k G23M C11M

1960/1976/ $2-5M / taff : 6-10 1 s1r R D P / TD P / V HF : 1s1z / Sgn RA C A L M A RC O N I


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Ⅰ C ountry N am e of V T S D ata / Location

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / Regulation P articipant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear/ C ost/ Staffs R adar / D ata Proc./ V HF / O ther Facl. Rem arks/M anufac.

U N IT ED K IN G D OM M ilford H aven Port A uthority V T S ◯- - / N 52W0 5

M ilford H aven Port A uthority PortA / V m r R pt A ss M nt/ SpR K pL E sc Obliged

L / Prt R vr A pp Rng / 15km× 2.4km 1-lane : 15km× 300m / tide : 8m M C 33M

1973/1987/$1 -2M / Staff : 6-10 4s4r RD P / T D P PDP / V HF : 4s4z/ SPER R Y

U N IT ED K IN G D O M M ilbay D ocks V T S (Plym outh) ◯- - / N 50W0 4

A ssociated British Ports P ortA / R pt Sgn Inf/ Obliged for all

S / Prt / 1km×1 km

1984/≦ $0 .1M / Staff : 1-2 1s1r A R PA / - / V H F : 1s1z/ R A Y T H EO N

U N IT E D K IN GD O M Scapa Flow and Pentland Firth V T S ◎- - / N 63W0 3

O rkney Island C ouncil-D ept.of H arbr. P ortA / M nt Inf / K pL A ll

M/ Prt A pp / 35km×10 km 2-lane : 11km× 400m x2 S400

1976/1987/ $0.4M /11 2s2r A R PA / ID P / V HF : 2s1z N O RCO N

U N IT ED K IN GD O M Southam pton Port Radio ◎- - / N 51W01

A ssociated B ritish Ports PortA / Clr Plt M nt Inf/ SpR N O vN oX ≧20m

M/ Prt A pp / 30N M× 14N M 1/2-lane : 12N M× 90m -1200m / tide : 4.7m S30k G 84M C 34M

1972/88/ $/ Staff : 21-50 3s3r/ - / V H F : 3s1z/1 T V RA CA L

U N IT ED K IN G DO M Sullom V oe H arbour Radio ◎ - - / N 60W01

Shetland Islands Council. PortA / Plt M nt Inf/SpR M andatory

L / Prt / 26km× 7km 1-lane : 20km× 150m w ide S400G 24M

1978/88/ $2-5M / 18 pilots 2s2r A RPA / T D P / V HF : 1s1z / B rtA RA C A L

U N IT ED K IN G D OM T ees and H artlepool V T S ○ G - / N 55W01

T ees and H artlepool Port A uthority PortA / V m r A ss M nt Inf/ A ll

L / Prt A pp Rvr / 30km× 15km 13km× 244m / v≦1000 h, tide : 5.6m C34M

1963/$1 -2M / Staff : 11-20 3s3r/ - / V H F : 1s1z/ RA C A L

U N IT ED K IN G D O M T ham es N avigation Service. ◯ G - / N 51E01

P ort of LN DO N A uthority PortA / V m r R pt M nt Inf/ SpR ≧50G RT

L L / Prt R vr A pp / 100km× 2-20km 94km×0 .3-3.6km / v≦1000 h, tide : 5.5m C48M C 34M

1959// $ M / Staff : 51-100 7s7r RD P / T D P Lnk / V HF : 4s2z/ R A CA L

U R UG U A Y E astern C oast R adar Chain System ◯ - - / S35W 55

N aval M arine T raffic Control N avy / V m r SA R A ll

LL / Cst Prt Rvr

1981/82/ - / 8s8r RD P / TD P / V HF : 6s3z / 2 DF R A Y T H EO N

U . S. A V essel T raffic Service Berw ick B ay ◎-- / N 30W 91

U .S.C oast G uard C stGd / Clr M nt R pt SA R / N oO v ≧100 G R T

M/ Prt Rvr/ 30km×0 .5km 1-lane : 14km×100 m / Current : 9kt S58k C 30M

1974/84/$0 .2M / staff : 6-10 1s1r RD P / T D P / V HF : 1s1z /1 T V R A Y T H EO N

U . S. A . Chesapeake Bay Pilot △ - - / N 37W 76

V irginia P.A s./A s. M ariland Pilots Pilot/Plt Inf V oluntary

M / Bay A pp

Staff : 6-10 1s2r/ V HF : 3s1z/

U . S. A . Cape C od Canal Centralized T raffic S ◎ - - / N 42W 70

U .S.A rm y C orps of E ngineers A rm y / Rpt M nt ≧ 65feet

L/Cnl App/ 35km×0 .2km 1 -lane / 35km× 140m -210m / Cr9kt C 16M

1971/84/ $2-5M / Staff : 6-10 5s5r R D P / SD P / V HF : 1s1z / 10LL LT V Raytheon A IL

U. S. A D elaw are Bay Pilot △ - - / N 39W 75

Port of Philadelphia/P.A . Delaw are M arA d/Pilot / V m r Inf V oluntary

M/ B ay R vr A nc P rt/

Staff6-10 1 s2r A RP A / V HF : 1s1z

U . S. A V essel T raffic Service H onolulu ◎ - - / N 21W 158

Dept. of T ransport M arA d / V m r Inf ≧500 G R T

S / Prt A pp / 3km x O.5km 1-lane : 275m× 185m / Current : 9kt S5k G 15M C8M

1963/ ^ $0.1M / Staff : 6-10 N o radar/ V H F : 1s1z �"

^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^EJa


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Ⅰ Country N am e of V T S D ata / L ocation

Ⅱ N am e of V T S A uthority A uthority / M anagem ent / R egulation Participant

Ⅲ Scale / A rea T ype / A rea Size M ain channel / H ydro-M eteo condition T raffic

Ⅳ Y ear / Cost / Staffs Radar / D ata Proc./ V HF / Other F acl. R em arks/M anufac.

U . S. A . V essel T raf.Serv.H ouston/G alveston ◎- - / N 30W 95

U .S.Coast G uard CstG d / V m r M nt Inf/ N oOv ≧300 G R T

L / Prt Bay A pp / 100km× 1-lane / 97km× 90-300m/ S99k C 180M

1977/$ 6-10/ Staff21-50 1s1r R D P / T D P /1 s1z / 1T V R A Y T H E O N

U . S. A . Los A ngeles-Long Beach V T IS ◯--/ N 34W1 18

D ept. of T ransport/Jacobsen Pilot S. M arA d/Pilot / V m r Inf V oluntary

S / Prt Str/ 16km× 7km 1-lane : 5km× 200m S14k (8k partcp.)

1983/≦ $0.1M / Staff3-5 1s2r A RPA / V HF : 1s1z

U . S. A . Louisville V essel M anagem ent System i)- - / N 38W 86

U .S.Coast Guard CstG d / V m r Inf SA R V oluntary

S / Prt R vr Brg A pp / 20km× 1-lane : 22km× 400m -900m/ S2k C8M

1973/84/≦ $0.1/ Staff6-10 N o radar/ - / V HF : 1s1z /1 T V

U . S. A . V essel T raf.Service N ew Y ork ◎ G B / N 41W 74

U .S.Coast Guard CstGd / V m r M nt Inf / ≧300 G RT

L L / Prt A PP /-- km× --km 1-lane : 17km× 610m / M any bends S4k C88M

1978/94/ $11-20/ Staff21-50 3s3r A R PA / IDP / V HF : 3s3z / 6 T V R A Y T H EO N

U . S. A . V essel T raf.S.Prince W illiam Sound ◎- - / N 61W 146

U .S .C oast G uard CstGd / V m r Rpt M nt Inf/ SpR K pL Esc ≧300G RT

L / Prt B ay A pp / 74km× 46km 1-lane : 110km× / H igh w inds S4k C94M

1977/85/ $6-10/ Staff11-20 2s2r RD P / T D P / V HF : 6s1z/ 1T V R A Y T H EO N

U . S. A . V essel T raffic Service Puget Sound ◎--/ N 48W 122

U .S.C oast G uard C stGd / V m r M nt Inf / SpR K pL N O Ov ≧300 G R T

LL / Prt Bay Str A pp Fsh / 28km× 14km 2-lane : 74km×1 N M x2/ v1000h, tide : 4.4m S207k C80M

1972/84/ $21-50/ staff51-100 10s10r RD P / TD P L ink / V HF : 11s3z / R acon A IL

U . S. A . V essel T . Control, S.Law rence Seaw ay ◎ - - / N 45W 75

Saint Law rnc.Seaw ay D evelopm . Corp. W w ayA / V m r Sig Drc / SpR K pS M andatory

LL / C nl Rvr L ak Bay / 200km 1/2-lane : 490km× 135m/ S5700C 40M

1954/78/ $100-200/ Staff11 N o radar / ID P Lnk / 4s2z /11 T V

U . S. A . St. M arys River V es. T raf. M anag. S. ◎--/ N 47W 84

U .S.C oast G uard C stGd / V m r M nt Inf A nc / SpR N Ov ≧20m

M / Prt Rvr LaK A pp / 21km× 9km 1-lane : 13km× 150m / Ice D ec-A pr S50k C 61M

1952/85/ $0.5-1/ Staff6-10 N o radar / - / V H F : 2s1z / LO R A N -C

U . S. A . V essel T raffic Service San Francisco ◎-- / N 38W 122

U .S.C oast G uard CstG d / V m r A nc Inf ≧300G R T

L / Prt Bay R vr Brg Fsh / 130k×33km 2-lane : 15km× 229m x2/ v≦300h, tide : 4.4m S83k C 71M

1968/87/≦ $10/≦ 50 2s3r R D P/ID P Link/V HF : 3s3z/R acon, L OR A N -C RA Y T H EO N


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Appendix 1.3 List B (List of VTS with edited data from FORMAT B. Refer to our third survey report in 1989 for VTSswith similar data when their data is not listed here.)

BELGIUM- NETHERLANDS SHELDEName: Vessel Traffic Service Scheldemond (VTS-SM)Authority: Ministerie Vlaamse Gemeenschaft (Belgium) and

Ministerie Verkeer & Waterstaat (The Netherlands)History: Established in 1991, registered in the World VTS GuideManned Centre : At Zeebrugge (51ß21'N3ß11'E) , Vlissingen (51ß26'N3ß35'E) ,

Terneuzen (51ß20'N3ß49'E) , Hansweert (51ß26'N4ß01'E) ,Zandvliet (5ß20'N4ß17'E)

Size of VTS : Very large VTS /Cost to establish : $50M-100M / Staffs : 101-200

Management : VMRS, MNTR,INFO, Protect fishing areaRegulation: Keep within traffic laneParticipant: Required for vessels•†1,140GRT and inland bargesPilotage : Mandatory

Area: Type : Port, river and coast, Size of area : 130km•~3kmMain channel: Two-way,130km•~300m, many bends,Meteo-hydro : Low visibility less than 1km 300-1000hours/year, tide max : 6mTraffic data : Cargo 82M tons in 1980VHF radio : 5 stations/8 zonesOther means : SATCOM, NAVTEXNavaids : 2VHF DFData process.: Integrated data processing system with data linkRadar : 18 stations /18 radars /9GHz PHILIPSRadar proces.: RDP (Daylight mixed display with automatic tracking)Identificatn. : 2 VHF-DFs linked to radars, 1TV

Remarks Evaluation of VTS is under survey


Type of waterSize od areaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

CANSOName: Canso (Northumberland Strait) Vessel Traffic Services CentreAuthority : Canadian Coast GuardHistory : Established in 1993,World VTS Guide registeredManned Centre : Canso Canal (45ß31'N,61ß14'W)Sizeof VTS : Medium / Cost to establish : $0.5-1M / Staffs :11-20

Management: VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaRegulation : Canada shipping ActParticipant: Mandatory for for commercial vessels•†20mPilotage : Voluntary

Port, canal, strait, coast and fishing area130km long2 sectors with traffic separation scheme

In 1994, 19k vessel movements recordedCommunication : VHF 1 station /1 zoneNavig. aids : buoys, light buoys, leading lightsData Process. : Integrated Data Processing System with data link

Radar 1 station /1 radar(9GHz), RACAL


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CANADANameAuthorityHistoryManned CentreSize of VTS


Halifax Vessel Traffic Services CentreCanadian Coast GuardEstablished in 1972, present system since 1985,World VTS Guide registeredAt Shannon Hill(44ß41'N,63ß31'W)Large / Cost to establish : $5-10M / Staffs :11-20


VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaKeep within traffic lane, no crossing or overtaking, Canada shipping ActMandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20mMandatory for vessel over 1500GRT

Type of waterSize od areaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

Port, river, coast and fishing area48km•~35km48km•~1km•~2, two lanes, minimum 15m, 3 bendsTide : 1.8m max., current : less than 2 knotsIn 1994, 47k vessel movements recorded

CommunicationNavig. aidsData Process.

VHF 2 stations /2 zones, other means : NAVTEXVHF-DF, racon, sign, mark, buoy, light buoy, lighthouse, leading lightIntegrated Data Processing System with data link

RadarRadar Proces.Identificatn.

3 stations /3 radars(9GHz) RACALRDP class, NORCON1 VHF DF linked to radar




NameAuthorityHistoryManned CentreS ize of VTS

Iqaluit Vessel Traffic Services CentreCanadian Coast GuardEstablished in 1977, present system since 1994,World VTS Guide registeredAt Iqaluit(63ß44'N,68ß32'W)Small/Cost to establish : less than 0.1M/Staffs : 1-2

ManagementRegulationParticipantP ilotage

VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaCanada shipping ActMandatory for commercial vessels•† 20mNot provided

AreaT raffic data

Type : Coast and International water, Size : 2000km•~1500kmIn 1994, 2.3k vessel movements recorded

VHF radioD ata Process.

1 station /1 zoneIntegrated data processing system with data link

No radar


NameAuthorityHistoryManned CentreSize of VTS

Les Escoumins Vessel Traffic Services Centre (Saint Lawrence Waterway)Canadian Coast GuardEstablished in 1974, present system since 1982,World VTS Guide registeredAt Les Escoumins, Quebec (48ß19'N,49ß25'W)Large/ Cost to establish : $2-5M / Staffs : 21-50


VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaKeep within traffic lane, no crossing or overtaking, Canada shipping ActMandatory for commercial vessels•† 20mMandatory for non-Canadian vessel over100feet

Type of waterMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

Port, river, coast and fishing area405km long, two lanes, 700m wideTide : 10m max., Max. current :5knots, ice in winterIn 1994, 100k vessel movements recorded

VHF radio: 8 stations /8 zonesNavig. aids: LORAN C, signal and other radio systems and optical aidsData Process.: Integrated Data Processing System with data linkRadar: 1 station /2 radars(9GHz) , RDP class, LEIGH


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NameAuthorityHistoryManned CentreSize of VTS

Maritimes Regional Operations CentreCanadian Coast GuardEstablished in 1976, present system since 1994Dartmouth (44ß40'N,63ß30'W)Large/ Cost to establish : $1-2M / Staffs : 21-50


VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaCanada shipping ActMandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20m

Type of waterSize of areaMain channelTraffic data

Coast2000km•~200km48km long, two lanes,1km•~2, minimum 15m, 3 bendsIn 1994,48k vessel movements recorded

VHF radioOther meansNavig. aidsData Process.

Through Canadian Coast Guard stationMF, HF, VHF

VHF DF, racon and optical aidsIntegrated Data Processing System

Radar No radar


NameAuthorityHistoryManned CentreSize of VTS

Montreal Vessel Traffic Services CentreCanadian Coast GuardEstablished in 1967, present system since 1991Longueuil, Quebec (45ß32'N,73ß29'W)Large /Cost to establish : $6-10M / Staffs : 21-50


VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaSpeed limit, no crossing or overtaking, Canada shipping ActMandatory for commercial vessels•† 20mMandatory

AreaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

Type of water : Port and river, Size of area : 160km long160km long, separation routeLow visibility less than 30hours/year, ice in winterIn 1994, 56k vessel movements recorded

VHF radioNavig. aidsData Process.

4 stations /3 zonesSign, mark, buoy, light buoy, lighthouse, leading lightIntegrated Data Processing System with radio link

Radar 1 station /2 radars(9GHz), RDP class, RACAL


NameAuthorityHistoryManned CentreSize of VTS

Placentia Bay Vessel Traffic Services CentreCanadian Coast GuardEstablished in 1974, present system since 1992,World VTS Guide registeredArgentia (47ß18'N,53ß59'W)Large/ Cost to establish : $3-5M /Staffs :11-20


VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaCanada shipping ActMandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20mMandatory for all in Area A, for vessels over 223m in Area B

AreaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

Type : Port, bay & approach. Size of area : 139km•~83km111km long,11km wide, separation, route and 926m wide oneway route

Frequent low visibility(45%), tide : max. 2.5mIn 1994, 4.1k vessel movements recorded

VHF radio: 4 stations /2 zonesNavig. aids: Buoy, light buoy, lighthouse, leading light, Loran C, RaconData Process.: Integrated Data Processing System with radio link

Radar: 3 stations /3 radars(9GHz) , Radar processing. : RDP class, RACAL


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NameAuthorityHistoryManned CentreSize of VTS

Port aux Basques Vessel Traffic Services CentreCanadian Coast GuardEstablished in 1978, present system since 1978,World VTS Guide registeredPort aux Baseques (47ß34'N,59ß08'W)Small/Cost to establish : less than 0.1M/Staffs : 6-10


VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaNo crossing or overtaking, keep traffic lane, Canada shipping ActMandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20mMandatory

AreaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

Type : Port and approach, Size of area : 70km•~20km1km long, 10m wide, one lane, a few bendsFrequent low visibility, ice in winterIn 1994, 8.7k vessel movements recorded

VHF radioNavig. aidsData Process.

Istation /1zoneBuoys, lights, leading lights, raconIntegrated Data Processing System with data link

Radar 1 station /1 radar(9GHz) RACAL


Name: Prince Rupert Vessel Traffic Services CentreAuthority: Canadian Coast GuardHistory: Established in 1972, present system since 1984,World VTS Guide registeredManned Centre Prince Rupert (54ß19'N,130ß16'W)Size of VTS: Large / Cost to establish : $2-5M / Staffs :11-20

Management: VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaRegulation Canada shipping ActParticipant: Mandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20m

Area: Type : Port, strait, coast and international water, Size : 466km•~ 169kmMain channel 466kmTraffic data In 1994, 43k vessel movements recorded

Communication VHF radio :11 stations /2 zones, Other means : NAVTEXNavig. aids: Loran C, VHF DF, racon and optical aidsData Process.: Integrated Data Processing System and data link

Radar: No radarIdentificatn.: 3VHF DFs1TV


Name Quebec Vessel Traffic Services CentreAuthorityHistoryManned CentreSize of VTS

Canadian Coast GuardEstablished in1967 , present system since1991Quebec City (46ß48'N,71ß12'W)Large / Cost to establish : $5-10M / Staffs : 21-50


VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaSpeed limit, keep within traffic lane, Canada shipping ActMandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20mMandatory for St. Lawrence River

AreaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

Type : Port, river, oast, and fishing area, Size of area : 241km•~24km241km long, two lanes, minimum 150mCurrent less than Sknots, low visibility less than 30hours/year, ice in winterIn 1994, 66k vessel movements recorded

VHF radio: 5 stations /3 zonesNavig. aids: VHF DP, racon, berthing aids and optical aidsData Process.: Integrated Data Processing System with radio linkRadar: 1 station /1 radar(9GHz) , Radar processing : RDP class RACALIdentificatn.


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CANADA SAINT JOHNName : Saint John (Bay of Fundy) Vessel Traffic Services CentreAuthority: Canadian Coast GuardHistory: Established in 1975, present system since 1995,World VTS Guide registeredManned Centre : Saint John, New Brunswick(45ß14'N,65ß59'W)Size of VTS : Large/Cost to establish : $5-10M/Staffs :11-20

Management: VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaRegulation : Keep within traffic lane, Canada shipping ActParticipant : Mandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20mPilotage: Mandatory for vessels in Port of Saint John, New Brunswick

Area : Type : Port, canal, bay, and coast, Size : 160km•~90kmMain channel : 60NM long, separated route, each 2NM wide and a 10NM long channelMeteo-hydro: Tide 8m max., 1 bendTraffic data : In 1994, 70k vessel movements recorded

Communication: VHF : 5 stations /3 zones, UHFNavig. aids : Buoy, light buoy, leading lights, VHF DFData process.: Integrated Data Processing System with data linkRadar : 2 stations/2 radars(9GHz and3GHz) , Radar procesing. : RDP class RACALIdentificatn. : 1 VHF DF


Name : Sarnia Vessel Traffic Services CentreAuthority: Canadian Coast GuardHistory: Established in 1973,present system since 1973Manned Centre : Sarnia (42ß59'N,82ß25'W)Size of VTS : Medium / Cost to establish : $0.2-0.5M / Staffs : 21-50

Management: VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaRegulation : Speed limit, no overtaking, Canada shipping ActParticipant : Mandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20mPilotage: Mandatory for vessels ocean or foreign going

Type of water : Port, river, lake, approach, international water and recreational areaSize : 700km•~60kmMain channel : 129km long, twoway, many bendsTraffic data: In 1994, 13.6k vessel movements recordedCommunication: VHF radio : 3 stations /2 zonesNavig. aids: Buoy, light buoy, leading lightsData Process.: Integrated Data Processing System with data link

Radar : No radar


Name: Saint John's Vessel Traffic Services CentreAuthority : Canadian Coast GuardHistory : Established in 1975, present system since 1995,World VTS Guide registeredManned Centre : Saint John's, New Foundland(47ß33'N,52ß42'W)Size of VTS : Medium/Cost to establish : $0.2-0.5M/Staffs :11-20

Management : VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaRegulation : Keep within traffic lane, Canada shipping ActParticipant : Mandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20mPilotage: Mandatory for specified vessels

Area: Type : Port and coast, Size : 20km•~20kmMain channel : Narrow entrance-oneway traffic dependent on vessel sizeTraffic data : In 1994, 20k vessel movements recordedCommunication: VHF : 2 stations /1 zones, NAVTEXNavig. aids : Buoy, light buoy, leading light, CCCTVData process. : Integrated Data Processing System with data link, ECAREG Data BaseSurveillance: 1 closed circuit TV and remote sensors


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CANADANameAuthorityHistoryManned CentreSize of VTS


Toffino Vessel Traffic Services CentreCanadian Coast GuardEstablished in 1978,World VTS Guide registeredAmphitrite Point, Vancouver Island (48ß57'N,125ß29'W)Large / Cost to establish : $2-5M / Staffs :11-20

Management: VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaRegulation: Canada shipping ActParticipant: Mandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20mPilotage: Mandatory for all vessels entering Canadian ports within zoneType of water: Strait, coast, international water and fishing zones, Size : 362km•~19kmTraffic data: In 1994, 18k vessel movements recordedCommunication: VHF radio : 5 stations/1 zone Other means : NAVTEXNavig. aids : VHF DF, racon, LORAN C and optical aidsData Process. : Integrated Data Processing SystemRadar : 2 stations /2 radars(3GHz), AILIdentificatn. : 1 VHF DF


Name: Vancouver Ves. Traffic Services CentreAuthority: Canadian Coast GuardHistory: Established in 1974 ,World VTS Guide registeredManned Centre: West Vancouver (49ß19'N,123ß07'W)Size of VTS: Large / Cost to establish : $10-20M / Staffs : 21-50

Management: VMCL, MNTR, INFO, protection of environment and fishing areaRegulation: Speed limit, keep traffic lanes, no overtaking, Canada shipping ActParticipant: Mandatory for for commercial vessels•† 20mPilotage: Mandatory for vessels within the Vancouver zone

Type of water: Port, river, strait, coast, inetrnational water and fishing zoneSize of area: 386km•~56kmMain channel: Two lanes, separated route, 0.5NM•~2Traffic data: In 1994, 340k vessel movements recorded

VHF radio: 12 stations /4 zonesNavig. aids: optical aidsData Process.: Integrated Data Processing System with radio linkRadar: 5 stations /5 radars(9GHz) , AIL-RACAL, Radar processing : RDP class LEIGHIdentificatn.: 4 VHF DF, 1 TV

PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA BEILUNName, history : Beilun Port Vessel Traffic ServiceAuthority: Ningbo Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)History : Established in 1982, present system since 1995Manned Centre : Beilun Shan (29ß56'N,121ß53'E)Size of VTS : Large / Cost to establish $1-2M / Staffs : 21-50

Management : MNTR, INFORegulation : Keep within traffic laneParticipant : Required for vessels•† 300GRT, voluntary for othersPilotage : Mandatory for foreign vessels

Area : Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 70km•~5kmMain channel: Two way, 60km long, min. width 700m, a few bendsMeteo-hydro : Low visibility•…300hours/year, max. current•…2knotsTraffic data : In 1994, cargo 58M tons handled, 76k ships entered

Communication : VHF 4 stations /4 zones, HF, MFData Process.: Ship data processing system

Radar 4 stations /4 radars(9GHz) , RDP class, RACAL-NORCON

Remarks Considerable reduction of accident


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Name: Dalian Port Dayaowan Vessel Traffic ServiceAuthority: Dalian Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)History : Established in 1993Manned Centre : Dayaowan (38ß59'N,121ß53'E)Size of VTS : Middle Cost to establish : $0.5-1M / Staffs :11-20

Management : MNTR, INFORegulation: Keep within traffic laneParticipan : Required for vessels•† 300GRT, voluntary for othersPilotage: Mandatory for foreign vessels

Area: Type : Port bay and approaches, Size : 20km•~7kmMain channel: Twoway, 1.4km long, min. width 160mMeteo Hydro: Low visibility•…300hours/year, max. current•…2knotsTraffic data: In 1994, cargo 2M tons handled, 5.5k ships entered

Radio : VHF 1 station/1 zone, HF, MFData Process.: Ship data processing systemRadar : 1 station/1 radar(9GHz), RDP class, R/DS

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident


Name,history: Dalian Port Huangbaizui Vessel Traffic Service, established in 1988Authority: Dalian Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)Manned Centre : Huan Bai Zui (38ß54'N,121ß42'E)Size of VTS : Middle, Cost to establish : $0.2-0.5M / Staffs : 6-10

Management : MNTR, INFORegulation : Keep within traffic lane, Speed limitParticipant: Required for vessels•† 500GRT or 50m, voluntary for othersPilotage: Mandatory for foreign vessels

Area: Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 20km•~10kmMain channel: Two way, 10km long, min. width 3700mMeteo-hydro: Low visibility•…100hours/year, max. current•…2knotsTraffic data: In 1994, cargo 60M tons handled, 77k ships entered

Radio : VHF 1 station/1 zone, HF, MF

Radar : 1 station/2 radars(9GHz), RDP class STN ATLASIdentificatn. : 1 VHF DF linked to radar

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident

PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA HONG KONGName : Hong Kong Vessel Traffic Management System (Registered in World VTS Guide)History : H.K. Port Comm./Control Centre founded in 1965. Present VTMS since 1989Authority : Hong Kong Marine Department(38 Pier Road, P.O.Box 4155)Manned Centre : At Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal(22ß18'N/114ß09'E)Size of VTS : Very large / Cost to establish : $26M / Staff : 40-50

Management: VMRS, MNTR, INFO, Traffic Organization to specific areaRegulation : Speed limit, Keep within traffic lane, Escort vessel when requiredParticipant: Required for vessels•†300GrtPilotage: Required for vessels•†5000Grt and v. with DG Cargo1000Grt

Area : Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 60km•~20kmMainchannel : Two-way,min. 800m wide, approach channel 22km, 70km in total, several bendsTraffic data : In 1993, cargo 118M tons handled, 31,000ships(145M NRT) entered

Communication : VHF radio : 4 stations /2 zones, MF and HFSpecial aids : Berthing aidsData process.: Integrated data processing systemRadar : 7 stns./7 radars/9GHz (RAYTHEON/PRONESTO/FARINON) RDP(VOC90 by NORCONTROL)Identificatn. : 4 VHF-DFs linked to radars

Remarks : Considerable reduction of congestion


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Name,history : Lian Yun Gang Vessel Traffic Service, established in 1990Authority : Lian Yun Gang Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)Manned Centre : Qi Tai Shan(34ß44'N,119ß28'E)Size of VTS : Large, Cost to establish : $2-5M / Staffs :11-20

Management : VMRS, MNTR, INFORegulation: Keep within traffic lane, speed limitParticipant : Required for vessels•† 200GRT, voluntary for othersPilotage: Mandatory for foreign vessels

Area: Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 40km•~10kmMain channel: One way, 10km long, min. width 160m, a few bendsMeteo-hydro : Low visibility•…100hours/year, max. current•…2knotsTraffic data: In 1994, cargo 15M tons handled, 24k ships enteredRadio : VHF 1 station /1 zone, HF, MFData Process.: Ship data processing systemRadar : 1 station /1 radar(9GHz), RDP class, NORCONIdentificatn. : 1 VHF DF linked to radar, 1 TV

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident


Name: Qingdao Port Vessel Traffic Service (Qingdao was known as Tsingtao)History: Established in 1990, present system since 1995Authority : Qingdao Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)Manned Centre : 4, Da-Gang Road(36ß04'N,120ß20'E)Size of VTS : Large, Cost to establish : $1-2M / Staffs : 21-50

Management : VMRS, MNTR, INFORegulation: Keep within traffic lane, Speed limitParticipant: Required for vessels•† 500GRT, voluntary for othersPilotage: Mandatory for foreign vessels

Area: Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 40km•~20kmMain channel: Two way, 34km long, min. width 560m wide, a few bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility•…300hours/year, max. current•…4knotsTraffic data: In 1994, cargo 40M tons handled, 28k ships entered

Communication : VHF 1 station /1 zone, HF, MFData Process.: Ship data processing system

Radar : 1 station /2 radars(9GHz), RDP class, STN ATLASIdentificatn. : 1 VHF DF linked to radar

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident


Name : Qinhuangdao Port Vessel Traffic ServiceHistory : Established in 1986, present system since 1991Authority : Qinhuangdao Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)Manned Centre : Don Shan Park(39ß54'N,119ß37'E)Size of VTS : Large, Cost to establish : $1-2M / Staffs : 21-50

Management : VMCL, VMRS, MNTR, INFORegulation : Keep within traffic lane, speed limit, no crossingParticipant: Required for vessels•† 500GRT or 50m, foreign vessels, voluntary for othersPilotage: Mandatory for foreign vessels

Area: Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 28km•~20kmMain channel: One way, 17km long, min. width 120m, a few bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility•…100hours/year, max. current•…2knotsTraffic data : In 1994, cargo 80M tons handled, 37k ships entered

Radio : VHF 1 station/1 zone, HF, MF

Radar : 1 station/1 radar(9GHz), RDP class, OKI

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident


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Name, history : Name : Shanghai Port Vessel Traffic Service, Established in 1994Authority : Shanghai Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)Manned Centre : 181 , Songpu Road(31ß22'N,121ß30'E)Size of VTS : Large, Cost to establish : $5-10M / Staffs : 21-50

Management : VMRS, MNTR, INFORegulation: Keep within traffic lane, Speed limitParticipant: Required for vessels•† 1000GRT, voluntary for othersPilotage : Mandatory for foreign vessels

Area: Type : Port, river and approaches, Size : 50km•~5kmMain channel : Two way, 15km long, min. width 250m, many bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility•…300hours/year, max. current•…8knots, tide : 2.1m (average)Traffic data: In 1994, cargo 160M tons handled, 215k ships entered

Radio: VHF 2 stations /4zonesData Process. : Ship data processing systemRadar : 4 stations /7 radars(9GHz), RDP class, STN ATLASIdentificatn. : 2VHF DFs linked to radar

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident and congestion


Name,history : Tianjin Port Vessel Traffic Service, established in 1995Authority : Tianjin Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)Manned Centre : East Pier of Tianjin port(38ß59'N,117ß42'E)Size of VTS : Large, Cost to establish : $2-5M / Staffs : 21-50

Management : VMCL, VMRS, MNTR, INFORegulation: Keep within traffic lane, speed limit, no overtaking and crossingParticipant : Required for vessels•† 300GRT, voluntary for othersPilotage: Mandatory for foreign vessels

Area: Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 32km•~2kmMain channel : 24km long, min. width150m, no bendMeteo Hydro : Low visibility•…300hours/year, max. current•…2knotsTraffic data: In 1994, cargo 46M tons handled,11.5k ships enteredCommunication : VHF 1 station/1 zone, HF, MFData Process.: Ship data processing systemRadar : 1 station/1 radar (9 GHz), RDP class, NORCONIdentificatn. : 1 VHF DF linked to radar

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident


Name : Yan Tai Shan Vessel Traffic ServiceHistorey: Established in 1993Authority : Yan Tai Shan Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)Manned Centre : East Yan Tai Shan(37ß32'N,121ß24'E)Size of VTS : Middle, Cost to establish : $0.1-0.2M / Staffs :11-20

Management : MNTR, INFORegulation : Keep within traffic laneParticipant : Required for vessels•† 300GRT, voluntary for othersPilotage : Mandatory for foreign vessels

Type of area : Port and its approachesSize : 10km•~5kmMain channel: 2.2km long, min. width : 100m, no bendMeteo-hydro : Low visibiliy•…100hours/year, max. current•…2knotsTraffic data : In 1994, cargo11M tons handled, 18k ships entered

Communication : VHF 1 station /1 zone, HF, MFData Process. : Ship data processing systemRadar : 1 station /1 radar(9GHz), ARPA class, FURUNO


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Name: Yangtze River Nanjing-Liuhekou VTSHistory : Estab. in 1991,present system since 1995Authority: Changjiang District Harbour Superintendency (a governmental organization)Manned Centre: Nanjing (32ß05'N,118ß45'E) , Zhenjiang, Zhangjiagang & NantongSize of VTS : Very Large, Cost to establish : $5-10M / Staffs : 21-50

Management : VMRS, MNTR, INFORegulation : Keep within traffic lane, Speed limitParticipant: VoluntaryPilotage: Mandatory for foreign vessels

Area: type : Port, river, bridge, Size: 360km•~2kmMain channel: Two way, 360km long, many bendsMeteo Hydro : Low visibility•…1000hours/year, max. current•…SknotsTraffic data: In 1994, cargo 50M tons handled, 500k ships passed

Radio: VHF 4 stations /4 zonesData Process. : Ship data processing systemRadar : 10 stations /11 radars(9GHz 10,3GHz 1) ,RDP class, NORCON

DENMARK STOREBAELTName, Author. : Name : VTS-Storebaelt (VTS-Great Belt) /Authority : Admiral Danish FleetHistory: Established in 1993, new VTS since 1996. Registered in World VTS GuideManned Centre : At Sprogoe (55ß20'N10ß53E')Size of VTS : Very large VTS / Cost to establish : $10M / Staffs : 19

Management: Information serviceRegulation : Speed limit, keep traffic lane, escort vessel when requiredParticipant : Voluntary in the international strait (eastern zone) ,

mandatory for vessels over 50GRT in the domestic strait (western zone)Pilotage : Voluntary, recommended for vessels with draft more than 13mArea : Type : Strait (bridges and their approaches), Size : 50km•~17kmMain channel: Two-lane, 4.8km•~500m•~2 in the eastern zoneMeteo-hydro: Low visibility•…1km : 300-1000hours/year, max. current : 4-8knots, IceTraffic data : 26,000 ships in 1994VHF radio : 6 stations /1 zoneNavaids : 2 VHF DFsData process. : Ship data processing system

Radar : 3 station /3 radars /9GHz, ARPA ATLASIdentificatn.: 2 VHF-DFslinked to radars, 4 TV cameras and 1 VTS guard vessel

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accidents. New and upgraded VTS since 1996

ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT SUEZ CANALName,history : Suez Canal VTS/established in 1980Authority: Suez Canal Authority (a governmental organization)Manned Centre : Ismailia (30ßN,32ßE)Size of VTS : Very large VTS, Cost to establish : $5M / Staffs : 51-100(10 per shift)

Management : PILT, MNTRParticipant: Required for all vesselsPilotage: Mandatory for all vesselsWater : Canal, lake, port 195km•~0.3km (Largest diameter 13km : lake)Main channel: Two way, 68km long, oneway 127km, 195m in total, width 190m, many bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility•…1000hours/year, max. current•…2knotsTraffic data: In 1994, cargo 364M tons, 16,370 ships passedRadio : VHF 9 stations /3 zonesData Process.: Integrated data processing systemRadar : 5 stations /10 radars(9GHz : 10,3GHz : 1), RDP class, EATON-MEGAPULSE


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Name, history: VTS Bremen Port/Established, in 1977, present system since 1988Authority : Bremen Port Authority (Port Authority)Manned Centre : At Bremen (55ß04N08ß48'E)Size of VTS : Large VTS / Cost to establish : $5-10M / Staff : 5-10

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, INFO, ASST, ORGN, Antipollution activitiesRegulation : Speed limit, No overtaking/crossing, Escort vessel when requiredParticipant: MandatoryPilotage: Required for vessels over 100GRT, vessels with dangerous cargo

Area: Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 20km, typical width 0.25kmMain channel: oneway, 20km•~200m, a few bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility: 300-1000hours/year current : 2-4knots, tidal difference : 4.1m max.Traffic data : 12,000 ships, Cargo 14M ton in 1993Radio, aids: VHF radio 1 station/3 zones, Navaids : Light, markData process.: Ship data processing system and data link, using sailing plans with ship dataRadar : 2 stations/2 radars/9GHz, ARPA class, Atlas ElektronikIdentificat.: Identification with VHF communication

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accidents and congestion

GERMANY DEUTSCHE BUCHTName,history: VTS Deutsche Bucht/Established in 1983 , present system since 1984Authority : Wasser-und Schiffahrtsamter Wilhelmshaven (Waterway Authority)Manned Centre : At Wilhelmshaven (53ß31'N08ß08'E))Size of VTS : Very large VTS /Cost to establish : $10-20M / Staff : 10-20

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNAL, INFO, ORGN, SAR, Antipollution Ac., Monitoring navaidsRegulation: Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossing, Keep within traffic laneParticipant: Required for vessels over 50m, vessels with dangerous cargoPilotage : Required for vessels over 220m/300m, vessels with dangerous cargo

Area: Type : Coast and international waters, Size : 165km•~60kmMain channel : 2-lane, 96km long separation routeMeteo-hydro: Low visibility : 300-1000hours/yearTraffic data : 68,000 vessels passed

Radio, aids : VHF 1 station/1 zone Navaids : Light aids, DECCA, VHF DF, SYLEDISData process.: Traffic- and ship data processing system with data linkRadar: 2 stations/2 radars/9GHz, RDP class, DASA (Daimler-Benz Aerospace)Identificat. : VHF DF linked to radar

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident and congestion


Name, history : Vessel Traffic Service Elbe/Established in 1960,present system since 1994Authority: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamter Cuxhaven und Hamburg (Waterway Authority)Manned Centre : At Cuxhaven (53ß52'N08ß42'E) and Brunsbuttel (53ß53'N09ß08'E)Size of VTS : Very large VTS / Cost to establish : $50-100M / Staffs : 20-50

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, INFO, ORGN, ASST, Antipol., Monitor navaidsRegulation : Speed limit No overtaking No crossing Keep traffic laneParticipant: Required for vessels over 50mPilotage: Required for vessels over 90m/130m, vessels with dangerous cargo

Area: Type : River and its approaches, Size : 150km•~4.6-0.2kmMain channel : 1-lane, 150km•~200m, many bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility : 300-1000hours/year, current : 4-8knots, tidal difference : 3mTraffic data : 68,000 ships in 1993Radio, aids : VHF radio : 2 stations/12 zones Navaids : Light buoy/house/vessel, VHF DFData process.: Traffic and ship data processing system with data link

Radar :11 stations/11 radars/9GHz, RDP class DASAIdentificat. : 2 VHF DFs linked to radars

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accidents and congestion


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GERMANY EMSName, history : Vessel Traffic Service Ems/Established in 1966, present system since 1967Authority: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Emden (Waterway Authority)Manned Centre : At Emden (53ß20N07ß01'E)Size of VTS : Very large VTS / Cost to establish : $5-10M / Staffs : 5-10

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGML, INFO, ORGN, ASST, Antipol., Monitor navaidsRegulation: Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossing, Keep traffic laneParticipant: Required for vessels over 50m/40mPilotage: Required for vessels over 90m/130m, vessels with dangerous cargo

Area: Type of water : River and its approaches and coast, Size : 60kmMain channel: 1-lane, 65km•~200m, few bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility : 300-1000hours/year, current : 4-8knots, tidal difference : 3mTraffic data : 14,000 ships, Cargo1.5Mton in 1993Radio, aids : VHF : 2 stations/3 zones, Navaids : Light aids, SYLEDISData process.: Sailing plan with ship dataRadar : 4 stations/4 radars/9GHz, RDP class PHILIPSIdentificat. : Identification with VHF communication

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accidents and congestion

GERMANY HAMBURGName, history : VTS Hamburg Port/Established in 1962, present system since 1977Authority: Hamburg Port AuthorityManned Centre : At Hamburg Seemanshoeft (53ß32'N 09ß52'E)Size of VTS : Very large VTS / Cost to establish : $20-50M / Staffs : 20-50

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, MNTR, ORGN, ASSTRegulation: Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossing, Escort vessel when requiedParticipant: Mandatory for all seagoing vesselsPilotage : Required for vessels over 100GRT

Area: Type : Port and its approaches, Size : Largest diameter30kmMain channel: 1-laneMeteo-hydro: Low visibility : 300-1000hours/yearTraffic data : 43,000ships in 1993, Cargo 60M ton in 1992

Radio, aids: VHF : 1 station/6 zones Navaids : Traffic signal, light aidsData process.: Traffic and ship data processing system with data linkRadar : 10 stations /10 radars /9GHz, RDP class, PHILIPS/DASAIdentificat.: Identification with VHF comm.

Remarks: Considerable reduction of congestion

GERMANY JADEName, history : Vessel Traffic Service Jade/Established in 1974, present system since 1979Authority: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Wilhelmshaven (Waterway Authority)Manned Centre : At Wilhelmshaven (53ß31'N 08ß08'E)Size of VTS : Very large VTS / Cost to establish : $10-20M / Staffs : 5-10

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, MNTR, ORGN, ASST, SAR, Antipol.Regulation : Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossing, Keep within traffic laneParticipant: Required for vessels over 50m or vessel with dangerous cargoPilotage: Required for vessels over 90/130m. or vessel withg dangerous cargo

Area: Type : Bay and its approaches, Size : Largest diameter 60km, width1kmMain channel : 1-lane, 54km•~300mMeteo-hydro: Low visibility : 300-1000hours/year, Tide : max. 3.3mTraffic data : 6,500 ships in 1993, Cargo 33Mt in 1993Radio, aids : VHF : 1 station/2 zones Navaids : Traffic signal, light aids, DECCA, SYLEDISData process.: Traffic and ship data processing system with data link

Radar : 4 stations /4 radars /9GHz, RDP class, DASAIdentificatn. : 5 VHF DFs linked to radars

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident and congestion


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GERMANY KIEL CANALName: Vessel Traffic Service Kiel CanalAuthority : Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamter Brunsbuttel und Kiel-Holtenau (Canal authority)History: Established in 1950, present system since 1970Manned Centre : At Kiel Holtenau(54ß22'N10ß08'E) , Brunsbuttel(53ß53'N9ß08'E)Size of VTS : Large VTS / Cost to establish : $1-2M / Staffs : 50-100

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, INFO, ORGN, SAR, Antipollution activitiesRegulation : Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossingParticipant: MandatoryPilotage: Mandatory

Area: Type : Canal and its approaches, Size : 100kmMain channel: 1-lane, 99km•~162m, several bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility less than 1km : 300-1000hours/yearTraffic data : 39,000 ships in 1993VHF radio : 2 stations /2 zones Navaids : Traffic signal (manned)Data process.: Navigation strip system, sailing plan with ship data

Radar : 5 stations /5 radars /9GHz, ARPA class, RACALIdentificat. : Identification with VHF communication, 2 TVs

Remarks: Considerable reduction of congestion


Name: Vessel Traffic Service Rostok- WarnemundeAuthority: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Stralsund (Waterway Authority)History: Established in 1989Manned Centre: At Rostok-Warnemunde (54ß10'N12ß06'E)Size of VTS: Large VTS /Cost to establish : $1-2M / Staffs :11-20

Management: VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, MNTR, SARRegulation: Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossing, Keep traffic lane, Escort ves.Participant: Required for vessels over 30m or vessel with dangerous cargoPilotage: Required for vessels over 55/90m or vessel with dangerous cargo

Area: Type : Canal, bay, river and approaches, coast, Size : 30km•~25kmMain channel: 1-lane,11km•~80mMeteo-hydro: Low visibility : 100-300hours/year, Current : 2-4knotsTraffic data: 19,000 ships Cargo 8.4Mt in 1992

VHF radio: 2 stations /1 zoneNavaids: Buoy, leading lightRadar: 1 station /2 radars /9GHz &3GHz, ARPA

Rpmarks: Considerablereductionof accidentandcongestion


Name: Vessel Traffic Service Sassnitz and MukranAuthority: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Stralsund (Waterway Authority)History: Established in 1989Manned Centre: At Sassnitz (54ß31'N13ß39'E)Size of VTS: Medium VTS / Cost to establish : $0.5-1M / Staffs : 6-10

Management: VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, MNTR, SARRegulation: Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossing, Keep traffic laneParticipant: Required for vessels over 20m or vessel with dangerous cargoPilotage: Required for vessels over 70m or vessel with dangerous cargo

Type of water: Bay and its approachesSize of area: 37km•~7kmMain channel:1-lane, 15km•~150m, a few bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility :100-300hours/year, Current : 2-4knotsTraffic data: 29,000 ships in 1993VHF radio: 1 station /1 zone Navaids : Buoy, leading light

Radar : 2 stations /2 radars /9GHz

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident and congestion


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Name: Vessel Traffic Service StralsundAuthority: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Stralsund (Waterway Authority)History : Established in 1989Manned Centre : At Rostok- Warnemunde (54ß10'N12ß06'E)Size of VTS : Medium VTS / Cost to establish : $0.2-0.5M / Staffs : 6-10

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, MNTR, SARRegulation: Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossingParticipant: Required for vessels over 20m or vessel with dangerous cargoPilotage: Required for vessels over 55/70m or vessel with dangerous cargo

Area: Type : Bay, strait and approaches, coast Size : 90km•~10kmMain channel: 1-lane, 90km•~50m, many bendsMeteo-hydro : Low visibility : 100-300hours/year, Current : 2-4knotsTraffic data : 10,000 ships in 1992

VHF radio: 2 stations /1 zone Navaids : Buoy, leading light

Radar: No radar

Remarks: Noprominent effect


Name: Vessel Traffic Service TravemundeAuthority : Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Lubeck (Waterway Authority)History : Established in 1964, present system since 1986Manned Centre : At Travemunde (53ß57'N10ß53'E)Size of VTS : Large VTS / Cost to establish : $1-2M / Staffs : 6-10

Management: VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, MNTR, SAR, traffic organization, antipol.Regulation : Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossing, Keep traffic laneParticipant : Required for ves. with dangerous cargo, vessel with width over 6mPilotage : Required for vessels over 300GRT or vessel with dangerous cargo

Area: Type : River, bay and approaches, Size : 20km•~0.15kmMain channel : 1-lane, 20km•~100m, many bendsMeteo-hydro : Low visibility : 300-1000hours/year, Current : 0-2knotsTraffic data : 21,000 ships, cargo 13M ton in 1993

VHF radio: 2 station /2 zone Navaids : Buoy, leading light, DeccaRadar : 3 stations /3 radars /9GHz, ARPA class, ATLAS

Remarks: Considerable reduction of congestion


Name: Vessel Traffic Service Lower WeserAuthority : Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamter Bremen (Waterway Authority)History: Established in 1955,present system since 1988Manned Centre : At Bremen (53ß04'N08ß48'E)Size of VTS : Large VTS/ Cost to establish : $1M / Staffs : 2

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNAL, INFO, Traffic organization, SAR, AntipollutionRegulation : Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossing, Keep traffic laneParticipant: Required for vessels over 50m, vessels with dangerous cargoPilotage: Required for vessels over 90m/130m, vessels with dangerous cargo

Area: Type : River and its approaches, Size : 28km•~250-150mMain channel : 1-lane, 28km•~150m, many bendsMeteo-hydro : Low visibility : 300-1000hours/year, tidal difference : 4.1mTraffic data : 14,000 vessels and cargo 20M tons in 1993VHF radio : 1 station /3 zones Navaids : Light buoy/houseData process.: Traffic and ship data processing system with data link

Radar : 7 stations/7 radars/9GHz, ARPA class, ATLAS/DASAIdentificat.: With VHF communication

Remarks : Considerable reduction of congestion


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Name: Vessel Traffic Service WeserAuthority : Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Bremerhaven (Waterway authority)History: Established in 1960, present system since 1985Manned Centre : At Bremerhaven (53ß32'N08ß34'E)Size of VTS : Very large VTS / Cost to establish : $20-50M / Staff : 10-20

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, INFO, Traffic Orgnization, SAR, Antipol. Monitor navaidsRegulation: Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossing, Keep within traffic laneParticipant : Required for vessel over 50m, or vessels with dangerous cargoPilotage: Required for vessels over 90/130m, or vessels with dangerous cargo

Area: Type : River and its approaches, Size : 94km•~0.3km,Main channel: 1-lane, 94km•~150m, many bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility less than 1km :300-1000hours/yearTraffic data : 24,000 ships, cargo 35M tons in 1993

VHF radio: 2 stations /1 zone, Navaids : Light buoys/house, Decca, SyledisData process.: Traffic/ship data proc. system, data link, sailing plan with ship data

Radar : 8 stations /8 radars /9GHz, RDP class, DASA

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accidewnt and congestion


Name: Vessel Traffic Service WismarAuthority : Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Lubeck (Waterway Authority)History : Established in 1983, present system since 1989Manned Centre : At Wismar (53ß54'N11ß28'E)Size of VTS : Medium VTS /Cost to establish : $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 6-10

Management: VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, MNTR, SARRegulation : Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossingParticipant : Required for vessels over 17m or vessel with dangerous cargoPilotage : Required for vessels over 70m or vessel with dangerous cargo

Type of water: Bay and its approachesSize of area : 30km•~10kmMain channel : 1-lane, 30km•~60m, many bendsMeteo-hydro : Low visibility : 100-300hours/year, Current : 2-4knotsTraffic data : 4,000 ships, cargo 2M tons in 1993

VHF radio: 2 stations /1 zone, Navaids : Buoy, leading light

Remarks: No prominent effect


Name: Vessel Traffic Service WolgastAuthority: Wasser- und Schiffahrtsamt Stralsund (Waterway Authority)History : Established in 1989Manned Centre : At Wolgast(54ß03'N13ß47'E)Size of VTS : Medium VTS / Cost to establish : $0.2-0.5M / Staff : 3-5

Management : VMRS, MNTR, SGNL, MNTR, SAR, traffic organization, antipol.Regulation: Speed limit, No overtaking, No crossingParticipant : Required for vessels over 70m or vessel with dangerous cargoPilotage: Required for vessel over 300GRT/70m or vessel with dangerous cargo

Type of water: River and its approachesSize of area: 70km•~0.07kmMain channel: 1-lane, 60km•~40m, many bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility : 100-300hours/year, Current : 0-2knotsTraffic data : 6,000 ships in 1993

VHF radio: 1 station /1 zone Navaids : Buoy, leading lightRemarks : No prominent effect


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Name: Shahid Rajaei Vessel Traffic ServiceHistory : Established in 1994Authority: Ports and Shipping OrganizationManned Centre : 27ß06.2'N/56ß04.4'ESize of VTS : Large VTS / Cost to establish : $2-5M/ Staffs : 5-10

Management : Monitor trafficRegulation : Speed limit, Keep within traffic lane, No overtaking or crossingParticipant : MandatoryPilotage : Required for vessels•†1000GRT

Area: Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 50km•~30kmMain channel : Two way separation route, 1NM wide 12NM long lanesMeteo-hydro: frequency of low visibilty less than 1km : 100-300hours/year, max. current<2knotsTraffic data: In 1994, cargo 10M tons handled, 780 ships entered

Communication : VHF radio : 2 stations /2 zones, MF, HF and UHFRadar : 1 station /1 radar, ARPA

Remarks: Evaluation of VTS is under survey


Name: Osaka Wan Vessel Traffic Advisory Service CenterAuthority: Maritime Safety AgencyHistory : Established in 1993Manned Centre : Matsuhosaki, Awaji Island, 34ß36'N,135ß00'ESize of VTS : Very large /Cost to establish : $10-20M / Staffs : 21-54

Management : VMRS, MNTR INFORegulation: Keep traffic lane, keep separation, no crossing, escort vessel when requiredParticipant: Obliged for vessels•† 200mPilotage : Compulsory for vessels•† 10000GRT

Area : Type Bay and strait, Size : 47km•~5kmMain channel : Two lanes, 6.7km•~750m•~2Meteo-hydro : Low visibility : 100-300hours/year, max. current•…8knotsTraffic data : In 1994, Ship 400k

Communication: VHF radio : 1 station/1 zoneOther means : RaconsData Process. : Traffic Data Processing System

Radar: 2 stations /2 radars /214GHz radars, RDP class (OKI)Remarks : Akashi Strait Vessel Traffic Signal Station operates until 1998

JAPAN KURUSHIMA STRAITName, history : Kurushima Kaikyo Traffic Advisory Service CenterAuthority : Maritime Safety AgencyManned Centre : Ohama, Imabari city, 34ß05' N,133ß00' ESize of VTS : Very large/Cost to establish : $ 30-50M/Staffs : 49

Management: VMRS, MNTR INFORegulation : Speed limit, keep traffic lane, keep separation, no crossing, escort vesselParticipant : Obliged for vessels•† 200mPilotage : Compulsory for vessels•† 10000GRT

Area: Type : Bay and strait, Size : 47km•~5kmMain channel : Separated routes, 16km•~700m•~2Meteo-hydro : Low visibility : 100-300hours/year, max. current•…10knotsTraffic data : In 1994, Ship 200k

VHF radio: 1 station /1 zoneAids tonav. : Racons, Signal stations for tide currentsData Process. : Traffic Data Processing System

Radar : 2 stations/2 radars /214GHz radars, RDP class (OKI)

Remarks : Kurushima Strait Vessel Traffic Signal Station operates until 1998


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Name, history: Malaysian Vessel Traffic Service, will be established in 1997Authority : Marine Department, Ministry of Transport, Malaysia (Maritime administration)Manned Centre : Lumut(04ß14'N100ß38'E) , Johore (Tanjung Piai,01ß17'N103ß31'E),

Klang (03ß00'N101ß24'E) , Langkawi (06ß18'N99ß48'E)Size of VTS : Very large/Cost to establish : $30-50M/Staff : 50

Management : VMCL, VMRS, MNTR, INFO, PILT, Protection of fishing areaRegulation : Speed limit/Keep lane/No overtaking or crossingParticipant: Required to enter local harbours for vessels•† 200Grt or 20mPilotage: Required to enter local harbours for vessels•†50Grt or 28mArea : Type : Port, strait and approaches : Size : 200NM•~50NM (strait 35km•~35km)Main channel : 320km long, typical width : 35km, 35m or deeperMeteo-hydro: Low visibility : not frequentTraffic data : In 1994, cargo 33.6million tons handled/32,000 ships(72.2GRT) entered

Communication: VHF radio : 10 stations /5 zones, MF and HFData process.: Ship data processing system (LLOYDS)

Radar : 10 stations/109GHz and 103GHz radars, RDP class


Name, history : Fedje Vessel Traffic Service, Present system established in 1992Authority: Norwegian Coast Directorate (Coast administration)Manned Centre : Fedje(60ß47'N /4ß42'E)Size of VTS : Large/Cost to establish : $2-5M/Staffs :11

Management : VMCL,VMRS, Protection of fishing areaRegulation: Speed limit, Keep traffic lane, Escort vessel when requiredParticipant : Required to enter local harbours for vessels•† 200GRT or 24mPilotage: Compulsory for vessels•† 4000GRT carrying dangerous or pollutant cargo

Type of water : Coast and approaches, inshore and oil terminals depending on fairwaySize of area : 15NM•~15NMMain channel: 22-42km long, min. width : 1200m, temporary oneway, several bendsMeteo-hydro: Low visibility : 100-300 hours/yearTraffic data: In1994, petroleum products : 68M tons handled/4200 tankers entered

Communication: VHF radio : 1 station /1 zone, Aeronautical VHFSpecial aids: Norwegian Coast Directorate Differential GPSData Process.: Traffic Data Processing System, Pilot dispatchs system data base

Radar: 3 stations /4 radars/39GHz radars and a 3GHz radar, RDP class


Name, history: Panama Canal Com., Marine Traffic Control System, established in 1914. Present system in 1986Authority: Panama Canal Commission Traffic Management Division (Waterway Authority)Manned Centre : Balboa (8ß57'N 79ß34'W) and Pacific Signal Station at Flamenco (Cristbal)Size of VTS : Very large VTS/Cost to establish : $10M/Staff : 64

Management : VMRS, SGNL, MNTR, INFO, Canal operationRegulation : Speed limit/regulation, Keep within traffic laneParticipant : All vessels in Canal Operating Waters and intending to transit canal

Area : Type : Canal, anchrorage and approaches, Size : 83km•~0.2kmMain channel : 83km long, min.width : 198m, two way, partly oneway, several bendsMeteo-hydro : Fog in Gaillard Cut : 8-9months/year, 3.8m tide at Pacific entranceTraffic data : In 1996(project), 217MGRT transitted, 13.7k ships

Commumnication : VHF 2s about 40 other supporting stations. CH12 and 18 monitoredSpecial aids : Racon at Atlantic EntranceData Process. : Integrated Processing System, Ship Data Processing System, Data Link

Surveillance : 2s/2(9GHz)+2(3GHz), ARPA (RAYTHEON RAYCAS)and 102 TVs

Remarks : Enhanced VTMS incorporating GPS and DGPS monitoring and more integrateddata processing system planned by 1999.


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Name, historyAuthorityManned CentreSize of VTS

: Vessel Surveil. System for the gulf of Nakhodka, established in 1979, renewed in 1992: NORFES ltd., 8 Norwegian-Russian joint venture) under Maritime Administration supervision: 42ß45'N 133ßE)

: Large / Cost to establish•…10M / Staff : 21-50Manag./Reglt.: MNTR / Speed limit, no overtaking-crossing, keep traffic lane, escortParticipant: Mandatory for vessels•† 20GrtPilotage: Compulsory for inner harbor vessels

AreaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

: Type : Bay, Size : 20km•~10km: Two-way, 20km long, min. width : 400m, no bend: Low visibility•†1000hours/year, current<4knots, ice, wind: In 1995, 12,000 vessels entered

Communication: VHF radio : 2 stations /2 zonesData process. : Integrated data processing system, NORCON VOC 5000Radar : 2 stations/2 radars/9GHz, RDP class, NORCONIdentificatn : VHF-DF in 1997

SINGAPORE SINGAPOREName, history : Singapore Vessel Traffic Information Service (VTIS) , Established in 1990Authority : Port of Singapore Authority (Port Authority)Manned Centre : At Port Operation Centre (01ß16'N103ß51'E)Size of VTS : Very large VTS / Cost to establish : $10-20M / Staff : 51-100

Management: INFO, MNTR Regulation : Keep within traffic laneParticipant : Mandatory for vessels•† 300GRT and passenger vessels entering portPilotage: Compulsory for vessel•† 300GRT, liquefied gas/chemical carriersType of water: Port, strait and approachesSize of area: 30NM•~3-8NM, Port limit of Singapore surrounding Singapore IslandMain channel: Two-way, 166km long, min. width : 527mMeteo-hydro: Low visibility(<1km) : 300-1000hours/year, Current : 4-8knots, Tide : 3.5mTraffic data: In 1993, cargo 273million tons handled/92,700 ships(623MGRT) entered

Communication : VHF radio : 1 station/2 zonesData process. : Traffic/ship data processing system and data linkRadar : 5 stations/5 radars/9GHz ARPA class)Identificatn.: 2 VHF-DFs linked to radars

Remarks : Considerable reduction of congestion


Name, historyAuthorityManned CentreSize of VTS

: Dover Port Control, established in 1977, present system since 1990: Dover Harbour Board (Public corporation): Eastern Docks, Dover (51ß07'N,01ß21'E): Large/ Cost to establish : $0.2-0.4M / Staffs : 9

Management : MNTR, INFO, PILT SGNL Regulation : Speed limitParticipant : MandatoryPilotage: Compulsory for vessels : L.O.A.80m or above

AreaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

: Type : Port,coast Size : 4.8km•~0.23km: 2.4km long, two way, minimum width : 19m: Current less than8knots, low visibility•…30hours/year, tidal different : up to7m

In 1994,24k vessels,14M CRT entered, cargo : 0.6M tons handled

CommunicationNavig. aidsD ata Process.

: VHF radio : 4 stations/1 zone, UHF NAVTEX: Berthing aids, DGPS, Rader enhanced image of piers and entrances: Ship Data Processing System


: 2 stations /3 radars (one 9GHz, two 3GHz), RDP class: 1 VHF DF linked to radar, 3TVs(infrared facility): Considerable reduction of congestion

Agreement between principle port users for establishing entry/departure times


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Name, historyAuthorityManned CentreSize of VTS

Liverpool VTS, established in 1948, present system since 1993Mersey Docks and Harbour Company (Port Authority)Maritime Centre Liverpool (53ß28'N,03ß02'W)Large / Cost to establish : $1-2M / Staffs :11-20


MNTR, INFO, PILT, VMRSMersey Channel Collision RulesMandatory for vessels•† 82mMandatory for vessels•† 82m, vessels with hazardous cargo, vessels with defects

AreaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic dataVHF radioData Process.

Type Port, river and bay Size : 90km•~32km33km long, two way, minimum width : 900m, 1-3 bendsCurrent less than 4 knots, tidal difference : 10m rangeIn 1994, 7k vessels, 45M CRT, entered, cargo : 29M tons handled2 stations /2 zonesTraffic and Ship Data Processing System

Radar 2 stations /2 radars, RDP class

Remarks Considerable reduction of accident and congestion


Name, historyAuthorityManned CentreSize of VTS

Southampton VTS, established in 1972, present system since 1988Associated British Ports (Port authority)Southampton (50ß53'N,01ß24'E)Large /Cost to establish : $ M /Staffs : 21-50


VMCL VMRS MNTR, INFO, PILTSpeed limit, escort vessel when requiredRequired for vessels•† 20mRequired for vessels•† 61m and gas tankers

AreaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

Type : Port and its approaches, Size : 30NM•~14NM12NM long, two way (temporary oneway), minimum width : 90mCurrent less than 4knots, tidal difference : 4.7mIn 1994,30k vessels, 84M CRT entered, cargo 34M tons handled

VHF radio 3 stations/1 zoneRadarIdentificatn.

3 stations/3 radars (9GHz, RACAL DECCA)1TV


Name, historyAuthorityManned CentreSize of VTS

Harwich Harbour Operations, established in 1975, present system since 1984Harwich Haven Authority51ß57'N,01ß18'E)

Large/ Cost to establish : $1-2M / Staffs :11-20



Speed limit, Escort when requestMandatory for vessels•† 50GRTMandatory for vessels•† 50m

AreaMain channelMeteo-hydroTraffic data

Type : Port, river coast and international water Size : 24NM•~6NM15NM long, two way, minimum width 360m, 4 bendsCurrent less than 4knots, tidal difference : 4m rangeIn 1994, 12k vessels, 121M CRT, entered

VHF radio: 1 station/1 zonesData Process.: Traffic and Ship Data Processing System

Radar: 3 stations /3 radars, ARPA classIdentificatn. : 2 VHF-DFs linked to radars

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident


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Name: Dover Strait Channel Navigation Information ServiceAuthority: Department of TransportHistory: Established in 1972, present system since 1993Manned Centre : Dover (51ß08'N,01ß21'E)Size of VTS : Large /Cost to establish : $6-10M / Staffs :11-20

Management : VMRS MNTR, INFORegulation : Keep within traffic lane, COLREG(1972) , Rule 10Participant: Required for vessels•† 300GRTPilotage: Voluntary

Type of water: Strait, coast, and international waters, recreational areaSize of area: 193km•~55kmMain channel: 193km long, separation route, 9.5km•~2, Meteo-hydro : Tidal difference 10mTraffic data: In 1994, 146k vessels passedCommunication: VHF radio : 3 stations /3 zones, MF, VHF, SATCOM, NAVTEXData Processz: Integrated Data Processing SystemRadar: 3 stations/3 radars (9GHz)Identificatn.: 5 VHF DFs linked to radars, 3 TVs, fixed wing aircraft

Remarks: Considerable reduction of accident : 30 collisions/year before 1970 to 4 per year after 1972


Name, history: Vessel Traffic Service New York, established in 1978, present system since 1994Authority: United States Coast GuardManned Centre : Governors Island (40ß41'N,74ß01'W)Size of VTS : Very large / Cost to establish : $10-20M / Staffs : 21-50

Management : VMRS, MNTR, INFOParticipant: MandatoryPilotage: MandatoryArea : Type : Port Size : N.A.Main channel: Two way, 17km long, min. width : 610m, many bendsMeteo-hydro : Frequency of low visibility less than 100 hours/year, current•…4knotsTraffic data : In 1988, cargo 88M tons handled

VHF radio: 3 stations/3 zonesData Process. : Integrated Data Processing SystemRadar : 3 stations /3 radars(9GHz) , ARPA (RAYTHEON)Identificatn.: 6 TVs,

Remarks: Evaluation under survey


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A field of marine traffic studies, the marine traffic engineering introduced by Fujii et al has given dataon ship separation and method to estimate loss due to traffic accidents which are necessary for design of VTS.

AP 2-1 Ship Separation, Lane Width and Traffic CapacityShip masters try to keep distance to other ships. Radar observations on ship pairs proceeding in the same

direction showed the existence of the ship domain around a ship into which other ships avoid to enter. When shipsare going in the same direction with an average speed roughly equal to the navigation speed, the size of ship domainis 8.0Lpp in course direction and 3.2Lpp in side direction where Lpp is the length between perpendiculars. Thisindicates that the size of ship domain is approximately proportional to the ship length and hence a proceeding shiprequires an area approximately proportional to the square of its length.

Further study on the ship separation including head-on and crossing encounters gave the bumper models asshown in in Fig. AP-1. Bumper model (A) can be widely used can be used in traffic simulation in various watersso long as it is not too narrow, to estimate the capacity of a ship and the time delay due to congestion in a routesystem, i.e., in a VTS area. When there is a ship with high speed, say over 20knot, be careful to use model (A) sinceno data on such case has been reported.

(A) Bumper model at navigation speed

(B) Reduced bumper model at harbor speed

Fig. AP-1 Bumper model for the traffic simulation

The bumper model (B) in narrow water is for reduced speed which may be called "harbor speed", usually inbetween 4 and 8knot. Note that extraordinary behaviors such as whistling, crush astern, or large deceleration wereobserved when bumper models of type (B) touch each other.

Based on these data, following mimimum separations are given as guideline for design of VTS where W is thewidth of route. Lc, the critical length of ship in a VTS area where most of traffic, 90% or 95%, has ship lengthsmaller than Lc should be determined. Usage of Loa, the overall length in place of Lpp is suggested for safety sakeand rewrite Loa as L hereafter. L is a little larger than Lpp, 10% for small ships and 5% for large ones. Table AP-1 gives approximate values of GRT, L(=Loa) and navigation speed.GRT is roughly estimated by (L /300)where the overall length should be measured in m. DWT is generally in between 1.5 and 2 times of GRT.

Table AP-1 Approximate values of GRT, L (= Loa) and navigation speed.L (L o a ), m 1 6 2 2 2 8 4 5 5 6 7 0 1 0 0 1 5 0 2 0 0 2 5 0 3 1 0

G r o s s t o n n a g e , to n 2 0 5 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 5 0 0 1 k 3 k 1 0 k 2 5k 5 0 k 1 0 0 k

N a v ig a t io n s p e e d , k n o t 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 5 1 5 1 6 1 6

N a v ig a t io n s p e e d , k m / h 1 3 1 5 1 7 1 9 2 0 2 2 2 4 2 8 2 8 2 9 3 0

The minimum time separation to following ship on the same lane is 8L/V for navigation speed and 6L/V forharbor speed. The basic traffic capacity of a lane is given as the inverse of time separation. Introduction of 10Lin place of 8L or 6L may give sufficiently high safety factor. Traffic separation zone as centerline is recommended


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in twoway passage area. Bumper models allow to categorize route and traffic management for ordinary navigation condition asfollowing.Case 1. When W•†12.8Lc, twoway free passage on 4 lanes is possible at navigation speed. -Overtaking is not allowed for ships larger than Lc.Case 2. When 12.8Lc>W•†6.4Lc, twoway passage on 2 lanes is possible at navigation speed. -Overtaking is not allowed for ships larger than Lc/2. -Special management such as VMRS is necessary for passage of ships over Lc.Case 3. When 6.4Lc>W•†3.2Lc, oneway passage, 1 lane, is possible at navigation speed. -Special management is necessary for passage of ships over Lc/2. -Twoway passage is allowed when all traffic is smaller than Lc/4.However, overtaling is not allowed.Case 4. When 3.2Lc>W•†1.6Lc, oneway passage at harbor speed is possible. -Special management is necessary for passage of ships over Lc/4. -Two way passage at navigation speed is allowed when all traffic is smaller than Lc/8. However, overtaking is not allowed. When Lc is assumed to be 100m as an example, following indicates numerical values of the route width, W,and the basic traffic capacity, Cb, of route. Case (1) W= 1.3km, speed 22km/h, 4 lanes, Cb=110 ships/hour Case (2) W=0.7km, speed 22km/h, 2 lanes, Cb=55 ships/hour Case (3) W=0.32km, speed 22km/h, 1 lane, Cb=27 ships/hour Case (4) W=0.16km, speed 11km/h, 1 lane, Cb=18 ships/hour When the traffic volume is to be compared to the traffic capacity, use L -converted traffic volume. Forexample, when Lc is 100m, multiply 9, to the traffic volume of vessels over 300m in length, 4, for that in between100m and 200m, 1/4 for that in between 25m and 50m and so on. When the width of a straight route becomesnarrow, traffic congestion usually begins at a traffic equal to 60% of the basic traffic capacity for case (1). Note that traffic capacity is very much smaller than above values in Case 3 and Case 4 when the length ofnarrow passage is large and the route is used as alternative oneway.

AP 2-2 Loss Due to Traffic Accidents Loss due to ship-ship collision can be estimated with the integration(=summation) over the VTS area andtime length of following term. (Price of ship and cargo) •~ (Heinrich function, H, distribution function of the degree of damage)•~ (hydro-meteo factor, M, larger than 1 which corresponds to normal weather) •~ (Causation probabily, PC, human error rate to prevent accidents) •~ (Geometrical collision candidates, Ng) These approximations, together with empirical values of H, M, and PC, allow estimation of accident loss.Usually, the loss is very much localized at crossings, forks, joints, bends and narrows in the route system.Calculation to estimate delays also shows that traffic jam starts at traffic junctions, crossings and narrows sincethe number of encounter, Ne, is almost proportional to Ng. The mathematical representation of Ng of ship-ship collision is given by Fujii as

Ng= (ƒÏ /2){(L+L')/2} V-V'dt dS dL dL' dV dV'

with examples of practical calculation where t, S, L, V ,and ƒÏ are the time, area, ship length, velocity (vector) andship density rexpectively. Matsui et al. also gave following values in 1985 : Pc =1/10,000(logPc=-3.96•}0.36) M =10km/visible length or 1 when visibility is over 10km The Heinrich function is roughly proportional to the square root of the grt ratio (=grt of other ship/grt of ownship) and use following values : H=0.01(grt ratio) for H•…0.1 or 0.1 when above value exceeds 0.1 for harbor area (reduced speed area)and for other area, H=0.03(grt ratio) for H•…0.3 or 0.3 when above value exceeds 0.3 Estimation of the loss due to grounding or collision to object such as bridge pier is possible with followingformula similar to inetrship collision: (Price of ship and cargo) •~ (Heinrich function, H, distribution function of the degree of damage) •~ (hydro-meteo factor, M, larger than1which corresponds to normal weather) •~ (Causation probabily, PC, human error rate to prevent accidents) •~ (Geometrical collision/grounding candidates, Ng)


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Ng is much simpler than that of intership collision and is given as

Ng=ƒ° (ƒÏ‡X) {collision/grounding diameter} dt dL d‡X

where summation ƒ° is made over target of collision or grounding in and along route. M is almost the same as that of intership collision. When a target is in or along route, use 1.6/10,000 for Pc(refer to Matsui et al and

O.D. Larsen , logPc=-3.8•}0.4). When it is on the extended line of course before a bent, Fujii introduced Pc= (1.6/10,000) •~exp(-D/6L) basedon Shoji's data on ship-bridge pier collision where D is the distance from the turning point to the target. Thismeans that the longer the distance to the target, the higher the chance for shipmaster to be aware of wrong course.H for intership collision may be applied to collision with object. H for grounding has not been well studied. Useaverage values, 0.04 in harbor area and 0.08 in other area for H.

AP 2-3 Various Notes(1) Collisions and grounding concentrate at bends, crossing of routes and narrow route. Such area with consider- able traffic should be covered with surveillance radar on the shore.(2) Setting of separated lanes is of fundamental importance. When there is an object of collision or grounding, set lane so as to keep distance from bent to the object, 6Lc or more, when possible.(3) Estimation of loss due to traffic accidents is possible with AP 2-2. However, its accuracy is not so high with a standard deviation of •}0.5 in logarithmic scale, i.e., most of the values lie in between 3 and 1/3 of the calculated value. According to our survey on the effect of VTS with radar surveillance, 2/3 of loss or more has been saved. This will enable rough cost-benefit analysis of planned VTS.(4) When a VTS with surveillance radar(s) is established, accumulation of data on ship separation is recommend- ed. A programmed photograph of radar scope with a digital camera or a video camera is suggested. Typical exposure pattern is, 1 exposure for one rotation of antenna per minute over 4,6 or 10 minutes, skipping an exposure before the last, e.g.,.•œ--•œ--•œ--•œ--•›--•œ--where •› means no exposure. Then, the direction of ship movement is easily identified. This may catch the behavior of ship before an accident.

References (continued) 8. Y. Fujii & K. Tanaka: Traffic Capacity-Marine Traffic Engineering, J. of Navigation, Vol. 24, No. 4, Oct. 1971 9. Y. Fujii: The behavior of Ships in limited Waters, 24 Intern. Navigation Congress (PIANC), SI-3, Leningrad (1977)10. T. Matsui, Y. Fujii & H. Yamanouchi: Risk and Probability of Marine Traffic Accidents, ENRI Papers No. 50,198511. K. Shoji: On the Design of Waterways Passing through Bridges in View of Analysis on Ship Collision, J. of the Tokyo Mercantile Marine. No.36. 1985



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